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Ork Pirates Edition

>Boarding Actions Coming Soon

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
What is the most interesting mini faction?
You mean a faction that has minis, or a faction too small to have minis?
your question is confusing so I will just say traitor guard.
I mean I would say it either way but still.
Haemonculus Covens
They're more interesting and unique than the rest of the Eldar combined (except maybe Harlequins).
>Chaos Knights - 10 units (6 characters)
>Leagues of Votann - 12 units (5 characters)
>Imperial Knights - 12 units (10 characters)
>Agents of the Imperium - 17 units (11 characters)
>Custodes - 18 units (8 characters)
>GSC - 22 units (13 characters)
>World Eaters - 23 units (7 characters)
>Dark Eldar - 24 units (7 characters)
>Thousand Sons - 28 units (11 characters)
>Grey Knights - 28 units (11 characters)
>AdMech - 30 units (8 characters)
>Sisters of Battle - 32 units (14 characters)
>Death Guard - 32 units (16 characters)

So where exactly is the line drawn for a "small faction" or a mini faction or whatever? Because I think of a lot of these as fully developed model lines.
I always liked the Steel Legion.
half of world eaters range doesnt even exist.
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I see that you are a man of culture.
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Post minis here.
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chaos androids
necrons could have been an interesting faction, but they squatted pariahs and flayed ones don't get enough focus
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More of my admech. I know most people hate this model but I think it's pretty cool and it was really fun to build and paint
They’re a great foil to the orkz.
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Nice colours, they really pop.

Got these done today. Three to go.
I play on TTS but I prefer playing with my actual minis, I enjoy the spectacle of the minis I've painted in battle.
I'm too autistic to get into a voice call with strangers on the internet and I assume they are mostly waacfags anyways, so I only use TTS to play with my two best friends who happen to live across the province. We can only get a real game in like once a month, but I play at least 2 games a week on TTS.
What do you guys think of TTS? Hate it? Love it?
Nice, a properly focused picture this time. They look great anon
A faction within a faction. It’s simples.
Can't wait to see updates on every brushstroke for the next 3 months, faggot
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Now that Squats are back proper, we can have Chaos Squats with Chaos androids and other automatons.
Looks awesome, really nice job with the subtle weathering. Always a pleasure to see your admech
Nice to see these with some faces, looking good
those arent even blood angels.
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>bought it
>started setting up to play 40k
>realized I'm also too autistic for games with randoms
>never use it
I have one friend who's vaguely interested, but not really.
Evil hell robots should be re explored in the universe of 40K.
Thank you.
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don't worry, the schizos arguing about TTS are sure to come here soon and you can start sperging again
Nor are they marines
I always like to see these guys. I dig the DaVinci thing and I love their huge robot dog riding cowboys.
There was a fanart comic of a pariah that's aware of what's happened to it, was pretty cool
Also nice dudes.
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What would slop generated by a chaos-tainted AI look like?
Cognitohazards and memetic spreading shit
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Honest question to /40kg/:

Is a virtual tabletop just a video game? If I use it to play Lords of Waterdeep, Warhammer or DnD am I just a video gamer?
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blood pact are pretty interesting, I find most 40k fiction pretty bland but Abnett makes some really interesting settings.

Have some flash gitz I converted up years ago. I'm going to go back and touch them up and base them soon
Nice. I like orks with huge guns that don’t make sense.
chaos itself is inherently a cognitohazard
Why do you care about the label? Define a chair for me
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your army makes me smile

these are the best eldar I've seen in a long time, great work

chaos squats would be ripe for necromunda

I never hated this either but I'd like more variation on wings in admech or their tech in general. I don't like how ALL there stuff seemed to go Davinchi

they were fun to dig into my bits bin to make. I was especially pleased with the leader
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You know, people would like you more if you shitpost less and post your models and hobby related posts more.
Why would I care about you liking me?
Because I care about you ;)
Can you imagine how hard that table would be to play on? But also, how fun an RPG would be to play on a board that big?
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You should be happy with them, they definitely fit the bill.
Thanks anon. I initially wanted to go a lot harder on the weathering but I kinda bitched out and made it rather subtle. I'm happy you like it though
orks with big fuckoff guns is really the way to go
those look fantastic
said it before but I really like the colors, reminds me of old 40k
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I'm going to an event soon that is giving very few fucks about playability

They've even included rules for opening the gates, for as much as it matters.
I wanted to use some flash gitz because their models were cool, but I feel like they are too squishy and inaccurate to be adequate marine killers.
This is what I've got for my Custodes army. How many Shield Captains should I build?
5, minimum
That’s gonna look very cool full of models. Hope you have fun.
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I think it will look cool but also play out wacky as shit
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if it makes you feel better the figs are very cool. For most of my ork life they never had official figs and their rules were ALWAYS hot garbage. Like not "haha they're bad but fun to throw in a game" but "these make the game less fun for me" bad.

So are they meta? no. Are they playable? very.
All very cool looking boards. Be sure to take pics and post later.
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ALSO, I just discovered only 11 figs can fire out of a battlewagon now? What the fuck GW
10 plus a character.
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but it can hold 22! Battlewagons have always been open topped drive by monsters. I think one of my least favorite things in 10th is units not being able to use their skills inside transports.
they changed the firing deck for Goliath Trucks, as well
Ebon Chalice or Argent Shroud?
ebon blade
Ebon Chalice

...Actually: >>93399337
Ebon Shroud
Not sure how I feel about this boy’s helmet.
Paint eyes behind the grill.
MkII or MkIII ?
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just started on my purple bois. going to use some 30k models mixed in with 40k for flavor. just getting ready for the codex and hoping the good team works on the EC codex. I'm still debating what color/texture to use on bases. i'm thinking mars looking might contrast well with the purple.
I'll play with you anon
That was the plan lol
Old Mk III
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Picked up an ancient model and repainted it, and I am pleased. I'm not an amazing painter, but it's gratifying to see how improved even these old models can be when you sit down and redo them with years more skill than you had before.
What's your tism problem?
I just got an AIRBRUSH
...what paint do I put in it?
Bloody Rose
People under 30 and above 18 can't use a phone, which includes a discord voice call
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Is this model a male or female? GW kept referring to it as a he in the reveal show but it looks like its got a rack
Same paint, just add water to thin it (as usual)
But this name invokes gross imagery
I dunno but I wouldnt turn down a blowjob from it.
>That was the plan
Good. You could also drill out the little disks on the ears, stick a pair of squig legs out of them, and paint a second set of yellow eyes above the ork's.
>implying men can't have tits
Get a load of this shitroyalty. It's 2024, my person.
can probably make you cum just by projecting horny thoughts directly in your brain
jesus christ im deeper in the gsc hole than I thought I was now.
Propa orky, I’ll look if I have a spare squig anywhere lol
Some crazy terminators.
>see gsc brainiac
>notice the tits
>cum with the power of a thousand suns
>she nods and walks away
"I'm attracted to intelligence" motherfuckers out in here tonight
It looks great. I like a lot of the ad mech stuff even if it is goofy.
I like big brains an´ I can not lie.
You otha brood-brothas can´t deny.
I feel you man. I'm a stranger in a strange world.
Go play Layers of Fear, look up Loab, and find any of the AI shoggoth with smiley face pics.
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I gooned
I finished magnetizing every weapon option for my eldar warwalker, I'm looking forward to trying out some different goofy combos without commitment.
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They were 1k sons. My opponent was a phenomenal painter.
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starting kits with infernus marines, doing a multi chapter crusade squad
First one is a Red Hunter
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3D printed GUO
i have finished lord chungus
took forever due to lack of time, im slowing building a bullshit GUO with DG support list since you can still fit 3 GUOs and rotagus into an army for less then 1k points
Sounds unfun to play against but your guy looks nice
>im slowing building a bullshit GUO with DG support list since you can still fit 3 GUOs and rotagus into an army for less then 1k points
If it's a Daemons list, you can't get DG in there.
If it's a DG list you've got 500pts to soup in and that's sure as shit not triple GUO+Rotigus
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Some lads I was working this weekend. The nob isn’t quite finished, the terrain paint is drying.
Seeing as I’ve just finished building my first mob of boyz, would any Orkbros share their skin recipes with me?
It is a fact that a space marine's armor is best look when it looks rustic, has many accessories/symbols and looks ancient/medieval.
The emperor confirmed it to me in a dream.
So they are elite quite foot solders?
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Orruk flesh basecoat
3:1 ratio mix of contrast medium:ork flesh contrast wash
Recess wash with same mixture of necessary after drying
Cleanup any coffee stains or bad areas as needed
Highlight with zandri dust for very high surfaces (only really necessary for characters)
I'm not gay! I'm really not!
If necessary* my bad.
I rarely have to do the recess wash. Really only if I go too thin with my mixture and the recesses aren't dark enough.
Thanks, dude.
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I did these with waaagh flesh, straken green, and nurgling green. If that helps at all
base coat purple
paint green starting with darker shades and work up to lighter ones
make a thin wash with your darkest shade of green, add a couple of drops of dishwashing soap, one drop of pva and maybe 25% volume gloss varnish for that glossy sweat look
add anchovie oil and an emulsifier to the wash if you want scratch and sniff
Just lie back and think of Terra~
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another PM also, iv had to change how i do rust because double down can look amazing when its done right like in pic related but it is a motherfucker to work with and is extremely sensitive to moisture and getting it consistent is fucking impossible, so iv since then changed to the duncan method of skrag brown +typhus corrosion
nurgle is king
Nice, simple too. Thanks, anon.
HRT femboy...
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And da Nob because why not!
Well on your way brother. If you're going to use transfers invest in Microset, you brush it on, wait for it to dry, brush it on again, and it'll make the transfer hug to the armor so there's no folds in it. Very clutch for marines
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ZOGGIN’ metadata.
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Most recent stuff.

good stuff as always fellow Nurgle enjoyer
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Pic related is the reason why GW cancelled the preview at the Tacoma Open.
Couldn't have any excitement for 40k when you have a DOA shitmar edition to sell.
Pretty sure you can only take 500 points of daemons in a DG list, also there's a tax of at least one battleline per character. No way you're fitting more than one GUO. Sorry, fren.
You're an Aussie, you don't buy GW products anyways.
they are giving away skaventide boxes apparently because retailers arent stocking dead product for a second time
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I agree and I say this as a craftworld player. If the Covens were as expanded on as the wraiths in CWE I would have started a dark eldar army
>they are giving away skaventide boxes apparently because retailers arent stocking dead product for a second time
Imagine the massive waste of resources wasted on AOS. They could do amazing things with 40k if they would just focus on the game that makes their company all of the money.
Not while Cruddace is there
I already did haha, working on a space wolf right now and it definitely paid off
where? how do I get free models? I wanna use stormcast for tsons
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I finished a simple base and my boi is complete.

Now I need to paint some barbgaunts
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You think the new boarding actions will have actual breacher squads this time? For any faction, really. Closest thing we have right now are navy breachers and I guess arbites with their riot shields.
>new boarding actions will have actual breacher squads
Definitely not.
But those are some nice looking impfisters.
What's your yellow recipe, i'm planning on painting taxi-cab lamenters and that's a nice fucking yellow you got there
those arent primaris so no
Nah, those aren't mine. Just pulled it off google images. Came from dakkadakka, which was further stolen from "A Galaxy in Flames Blog," whatever that is.
Imperial navy breachers would be so dope
Nah they still make slop. The dark tide board game was a huge indicator of the quality that GW strives for in regards to 40k.
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I've settled on this weapon option for sure, and while I haven't glued the head down, Im thinking this one is pretty kino. The way the hair hanging down the back matches the movement of the swirling fire is actually really good, it's a beautiful mini.
It's also the lowest profile one for transportation purposes
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>Be me
>Go to GW tournament
>doorman's dog starts barking
>doorman gets an scowl face on me
>He points at a door that leads to an ominous hallway and door
>"I'm gonna have to ask you to step over there."
>Go down hallway and enter room
>there's a smiling guy with a hammer and smashed models
>Show him my models
>He comes closer and readies hammer
>"S-sir. I used Citadel basing sand with Citadel basing glue."
>Guy's smile goes from frenzy smile to a calm one
>checks a random webstore model and looks at my models
>"I see that product was discontinued our dogs aren't trained for citadel sand, but I'm glad you're keeping things official with using the webstore brown basing scheme."
>"thank you sir"
>I'm let out and into the gaming part of the building to play some games
>MFW I didn't use Citadel Sand or Citadel PVA glue and dodged a bullet there

I'm never gaming at a GW store again, anons.
He looks ugly without the mask. I wonder if it would hurt to take it off.
its okay anon, one time a redshirt here caught a guy using Army Painter strong tone instead of Agrax and fed him to the store's dogs. could always be worse.
I once got caught at a Warhammer store having used an AK enamel wash on my models and AMMO oilbrusher on the plasma pistol in following the zero skill plasma tutorial by Juan Hidalgo.
Felt a sting in my chest and looked down and I got shot by a dart and blacked out.
Next thing I knew I was naked and tied to a chair without a bottom like that Casino Royale James Bond scene with Mads Mikkelsen.
I got my balls whipped 14 times because my Kill Team was only 14 models. Said models were then given back to me perfectly paint stripped and texture paste basing removed.

I feel for anyone who brought a 2k point horde army and got caught.
You realize AOS also rakes in a profit right? And a major one at that because it beats out like every single non GW game and is second only to 40k (which probably draws in more cash than basically every other mini game combined) If anything is draining company resources its endless side hoe games that require their own mini lines that get canned with 0 support because nobody fucking plays them because they’re almost all niche as fuck and HH is a mainline GW game now but its basically them must remaking the same fucking kits even though you can easily recreate HH battles in 40k like people do for every other battle. But still lets see how many random pet project games GW has.

Legions imperialis
Blood bowl
Adeptus Titanicus
Aeronautica Imperialis
The old world
Combat arena
The space marine board game
The darktide boars game
Warhammer: quest cursed city
Warhammer: quest blackstone fortress
Middle earth battle strategy game
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>And a major one at that because it beats out like every single non GW game and is second only to 40k
Surprised and happy to see BT up there. Figured it'd be too groggy
battletech's gotten a resurgence the last couple of years
don't know why
>nozlur's marvelous miniatures 2nd place
How did they do it?
The only recognizable game on there is battletech. None of these gay ass lists are at all accurate. Warlord games isn’t even on that list and they have some of the most popular historical games.
>None of these gay ass lists are at all accurate
they actually source their studies and cite the data they collect, which is a lot more accurate than you going NUH UH THIS HISTORICAL IS SUPER DUPER POPULAR AT MY SHOP SO IT'S LIKE THAT EVERYWHERE
Tempestus Scions and Harlequins.
GW legit does not release exact sale numbers but go ahead and keep telling me people actually play marvel crisis protocol.

One of those is also legit D&D minis. Rope yourself please.
I meant to type Nolzur
TS and WE are mogged hard by DG when not including units they share with generic CSM.

Incidentally I looked up the Noise Marines datasheets and apparently they don't even need sonic weapons to be considered noise marines, just CSM legionaries but pink.
they're the closest to a bespoke D&D minis dealer with the licensing they received from wizards
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continue to cope
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Surely if I have a master vox with my command squad and they are embarked in a chimera I get 24 inch order range right?
To you.
Traitor guard proper units like KT blooded are cool but too expensive, and using IG units with spikes like a genestealer could be acceptable but cadians seem to cost a premium nowadays for guys that suck worse than space marine scouts.
GW doesn't release sales numbers so you know that the setting that consistently has issues selling out even their big release boxes is somehow better selling than everything else but 40k?
That's how I read it
>What is the most interesting mini faction?
For space marines I like the White Scars and Salamander aesthetics. CSM the night lords and word bearers are pretty good. Eldar I like the harlequins, corsairs and exodites. For other races I don't have preferences in mini factions, orks are fine as a mob.
Screaming cope doesn’t mean your right faggot. You literally cannot get a definitive number on this but your smoking crack if you think anything by atomic mass games is outselling bolt action AOS or HH not to mention the countless other competitors.
You stomping your feet doesn't change anything
uh oh somebody's throwing a little tantrum~
go ahead, find me any data that can back up your claims and I'll be sure to actually take you serious when you do
Because GW is retarded and they overstock alot I know the store owners of a couple LGS and dominion had 40k levels of shit made because GW thinks AOS is on the same popularity as 40k irs nowhere close but AOS is certainly played more than pretty much every other non GW because it can piggyback off of 40ks sucess
uh oh sigpig melty
mmm right right so the company that consistently has stocking issues for their actually popular setting somehow has those issues overcompensated for on the setting that's barely staying afloat
>Because GW is retarded and they overstock alot
Funny how they do that for AOS but not 40k huh
Its just plain common sense and your datas fucking worthless by the way and yea I ain’t bothering to get any of my own. And if you’ve ever taken one statistics class in your life you’d know having them doesn’t mean shit because they can lie all the time.
Repeat it enough and it'll come true!
you aren't even trying to keep up the pretense anymore
no fun arguing with somebody who's genuinely retarded like yourself, you can samefag argue against yourself after this if you wish but I'm done
>nuh uh my uncle works for nintendo and he says I'm right
Being dead serious right now yea they do. Like legitimately, I’ve spoken to a bunch of LGS owners and 40k outsells AOS by a lot but GW keeps trying to stock them like 50/50. 40k also does not have that much reserve stock as you’d think but certain items are on a list that they try to keep stocked at all times like grots and hive tyrants.

Also doesn’t help that AOS 3rd sucked dick and nobody buys stormcast they are legitimately unpopular as fuck but are in every starter set.
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You mean these guys?
>doubling down
if AoS sold anywhere as well as other tabletops it would be stocked regularly at shops that still carry miniatures but it isn't, wonder why that is
>no fun arguing
Arguing isn’t fun it’s why I’m not bothering with a bunch of fags who believe the first thing they see online and resort to kindergarden namecalling.

Im also not samefagging, your just being a schizo.
AOS only exists for conversion bits for 40k and WHFB
gee I wonder why people put more weight into studies that cite their sources over some random faggot on 4chan going ERM IF YOU WERE EDUCATED YOU'D KNOW THAT STATISTICS ARE ALL LIES ANYWAYS I'M AN INTELLECTUAL YOU KNOW
honestly I think that is the "life support" that keeps aos afloat.
Because for this type of niche content said studies are entirely worthless? Board game geek lists star wars X wing as the top played game of 2023. Does that mean shit? Fuck no, besides that screenshot literally just said how they got their sources not their sources. It even says estimates.

Its also only logical to assume the company that has an 80+ something percent share on the market would have the best selling games.
40k and whfb need all the conversion help they can get, theymir models are so fucking uninteresting compared to aos. The most bland vanilla slop on the market, and half of it is 20 year old playdough ass looking sculpts from the 90s and early 2000s too, hell fantasy even brought back a whole range of kits no one bought the first time just for no one to buy them again
Further adding to that r/age of sigmar has 222K members while r/ marvel crisis protocol has 14K.

There faggot legit the closest one can probably get to player numbers. Happy?
you should go back and bump the aos general its looking kinda dead (despite having a whole new edition launch lmao)
Is current AOS better than 40k 10th edition?
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xwing in 2015 was beating 40k in players, I don't think you understand how much the brand power of star wars combined with decent game design can carry
>9 year old subreddit full of lore discussion and some small amount of tabletop discussion vs 4 year old one for a setting with almost no unique lore and dozens of marvel subreddits to discuss anything not related to the tabletop
gee willickers that sure isn't weighted at all
by your own cope that would mean HH, the setting everybody knows is actually niche and unpopular, has almost half as many players as aos
Much. Points are a little high and the new army builder structure is kinda fucky but otherwise it's a better game system and seems to be waaaay better balanced out of the gate than 40k 10th was. No obvious eldar/votann situation
Haven’t played it yet but they didn’t gut spell lores relics and warlord traits like they did with 10th.

Morale is entirely removed though and replaced with objective control. Honestly probably not a bad change consider morale has basically always been useless.

Isnt it funny how now your the one coping and seething and proving my point about online sources being unreliable?
>I'm not mad YOU'RE mad
>oh uh and also my subreddit cope is as reliable as actual studies btw
I genuinely hope you're under 25 otherwise there's no prospects in your future and you need to legitimately consider suicide
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>Please please play aos!!!
please shill your shit game elsewhere
what did you use for your rust effects, ork bro?
Man your pathetic. I literally just flipped your whole argument on you and now your the one throwing a tantrum.

Head back to MCPG oh wait it dont exist but HHG does XD. Log out man, I’m going to bed..
You didn't flip shit, you pulled out cope after cope while saying that actual sources don't count but a reddit for secondaries indicates playercount
But I'm not sure what I expected from a frothing AoS tranny who's too retarded to stay in xer containment general
how do you get that copper to look like that? looks like a contrast paint over metallics
By the way bolt action sits at 24K members and like you said WW2 can be discussed on a dozen other subreddits like marvel can so I dunno man seems like my source is decently accurate especially when theres such a gigantic disparity in how many people are apart of it and wasn't aos the game people always said had no lore?

And sources don’t exist for this kinda shit. The fuck you think this is a medical paper? Everything I did is exactly what those “sources” did aka asking lgs owners and looking online. Also kinda weird how you brought up trannies out of nowhere. I think you are the one that should take a break from the internet man and your over here worried about MY future prospects?
All this rambling to say you're coping
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>Hes posting off topic when he clearly has something to work on
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Does battleshock even do much?
I only have 3 games played. One was against tyranids and they did the army wide battleshock thing and all my units failed morale but i successfully tabled them in the next two turns
i shitpost while i wait for my washes to dry
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Who was in the wrong here?
Why are the Leman Russ Tank Commander's vox-net order ranges so short lmao. You mean to tell me they cant broadcast orders more than like 30 feet away from them? At least let me upgrade them for points costs.
>all my units failed morale but i successfully tabled them
Your opponent was just bad. Tyranids are almost impossible to table with the game in its current state. With you missing an entire turn of scoring primary. He should have mopped the floor with you. I could win against any army that was OC 0 for an entire turn.
Guard players
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What does Age of Sigma have to do with the general thread?
>What does Age of Sigma have to do with the general thread?
You're the faggot bringing it up. Why don't you tell us?
Is there a citadel paint that approximates german feldgrau?
World eaters can surge their whole army up the board faster than a biker squad could, and also 2 powerful units have fly. Using guaranteed rage fueled invigoration on your first turn, this makes...
-Angron faster than a biker, and flying
-Daemon prince with wings faster than a biker, and flying
-lord invocatus faster than a biker
-lord on juggernaut as fast as a biker, and granting scout to nearby units
-rhinos full of infantry faster than a biker
-daemon prince and eightbound having been granted scout faster than a biker
-maulerfiend as fast as a biker
-allied war dogs faster than a biker
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Nah that wasn't me. To be honest I saw shitflinging and thought it would be funny to say Sigma instead of Sigmar.
Congratulations. You solved the mystery surrounding why people don't take bikes right now. What will you do next, Hercule Poirot?
Next I will solve the mystery of why they don't have havocs
Very clean. Good Anon.
You are the dumbest person in this thread after seeing that reply chain.
Are the fabius bile books good for drukhari enjoyers?
Storm Boyz of Khorne are the ultimate heel faction, everyone has a reason to hate them.
Where are your Khorne stormboyz then?
Why are you posting screenshots of a book you don't own.
read the TQ retard
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Most recently done
If it was truely the most interesting to you, you'd have models for them.
Does it matter? Other brands paints work just as well
Do you split shots or go for the wipe?
I never wipe
mmmmm let me guess full DKoK lineup
Bidet gang
Is citadel your only option? Vallejo and AK have not just approximations but the exact colours you're after
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Is there an advantage to this system over base > wash> layer > edge ol Dunc taught us?
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>yellow over black primer
The cowahds the fuhls
washes and edge highlights are army painting shortcuts meant to grant quick pop and detail when you have to do 100 models and dont particularly care about the showpiece quality of each figure. washes, unless you are very precise with them, will stain the surface colors and often desaturate them or result in coffee stained looks, and edge highlights are entirely unrealistic shorthand painting techniques used to grant immediate pop to the shape of a models details in lieu of actually blending out the lighting on the forms. edge highlights rarely occur in actual lighting outside of lightsources at extreme angles glancing off a subject, usually imnplying a strong directional light from the side
Are Space Wolves on good terms with any other chapter?
Are Black Templars purging enough
They have raucous gay sex with the Dark Angels
>>doorman gets an scowl face on me
ESLs should stop trying to be funny in their second language
niggas will do anything before they prime in a color other than black, I don't know why
Learn that the hard way, yellow is the most painful of teachers
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>using "sales data" from random angelfire hobby blogs to prove your point
Rankings without ranking criteria are useless.
The numbers could be 100, 96, 94, 92, 90 or more relistically something like 100,12,9,8,7
Skill issue
This is the same system as the classic one, you're just using recess shading instead of all over wash
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>another retard who says edge highlights are for beginners
Could've just said you don't paint and saved yourself some typing
Not surprised he used Averland Sunset as a base. It is not a bright yellow, but it has a nice cover even being a yellow
well it is the yellow base paint after all
Even that I wouldnt have tried using it on a black primed mini
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After playing against a Custodes player who brought his army in a literal shoebox while I brought mine in three A3 boxes I'm beginning to understand the appeal of the army
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Lord Invocatus also can fly, it's silly but he can
Kinda fun how 2 Norn emissaries is becoming popular for similar reasons
why wouldn't you invest in some masking tape if you were gonna do this
>dumping your painted models into cardboard boxes to break and chip
You have to be 18 to post here
Those hazard stripes are embarrassing and your steel is flat
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lol jealous
>not mogging your opponent by wheeling your army in via an appliance dolly
I think they removed that in tenth edition, I don't see it on his datasheet. Funny thing is world eaters charging on paths of fire was already in the lore, you could have a stratagem for it.
He'd reinforced the shoebox with plastic sheets and filled it with foam inserts to protect the models. It was pretty cool actually, I'm tempted to do something similar now
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>huff huff
>lol look at that retard carrying his army in a fucking shoebox
just line the foam if your minis have pointy bits
This is starting to sound a like bs desu
A single shoebox with foam inside? a 2k army with jetbikes and big ass allarus? I own some custodes and no way would that fit
the only guy I've seen using a shoebox was some AoS player that had his gloomspite goblins rolling around loose and half painted
that model barely has any edge highlighting, its 98% volumetric lighting and weathering scratches. you've proved my point
i dont mind it but it would have made more sense if his hoofs were on fire or something to illustrate the magical flight
>nom emissaries
It's subtle but if you look closely pretty much every edge is highlighted
Still I don't think that really disproves that pros don't use the eavy metal style of edge highlighting.
>he filled his shoebox with garbage as well
Once again you have to be 18 to post here
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What was the hivemind smoking?
Every panel is edge highlighted but I guess a blind paintlet wouldn't notice lmao
Had a dream Space Skaven were revealed. Their passive was the ability to scavenge loot off the battlefield for buffs. They also had killbots they sent in to suicide blitz while the real rats sniped from the backline and moved up to scavenge off whatever died from the charge.
You mean orks?
Must be strange to dream about being retarded, then waking up and realizing that your still retarded
>get a gaunt
>slap this gun on it
>uhm... it could have a bit more structural integrity
>lets slap a new brain for it too since we've got capacity now
>that will do, yeah
uh oh someone's having a melty
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I never realized rippers looked this fucking retarded
They seemed neat as a distance, wasn't expecting chibi gaunts
Not being chaos slop is the best that can happen to any factuony
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I'm working on it.
One of these days I'll finish base coating and get on to shading. I don't get anywhere near enough time for this...
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seems insufficiently phallic
I just figured out why girls and fags like nids so much
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what were you expecting?
creepy worms with teeth basically
These are the worst models in the tyranid refresh alongside the psychophage.
Just plain terrible in all possible ways.
The FW ones look great though
Different gun, technically
Nah, the brain thing is cool and nids needed more symbiotes
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Sounds like you're just autistic about tyranid morphology and guns.
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>cool dunkleosteus shear-shaped teeth, more & new nid faces is always good
>cool little guys on top of them, prior to refresh nid symbiotes were restricted to basically just adrenal glands and toxin sacs aside from guns
>interesting way to paint softer shell nids as a middle-ground between carapace and chitin colours, naturalistically bridging things as opposed to a false dichotomy of carapace-chitin colours
I don't understand the point you're trying to make here.
I know I am.
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>dropped the first model I ever painted
>it exploded
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>Different gun, technically
Not by much, chances are it's the same organism just with a slightly different development to be carried by a normal gaunt
oh guess you're just a tastelet then
How dare you insult neuros

If we have to insult someone in the new range it's the skrillex, he was a disappointment all around
Barbgaunt has a Barblauncher, while the termagant's option is called a Shardlauncher. The termagant's version also has less S, less range and less volume of attacks, so yeah it's a brother organism but also it's intentionally not the same thing.
I could write autist essays on nid design ques. You can't even muster a sentence in response. I am the fittest organism here.
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>I know I am.
It wasn't a compliment.
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I'll be the judge of that.
I'm starting to think nids are just the single most retarded looking faction in 40k
What a waste of xenomorph plagiarism
the bait's gotta have some protein on it bro
>I'm starting to think
Doesn't look like it.
uh oh nidfag melty
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What's your opinion on asymmetry?
What you posted looks better than what GW created.
Holy shit anon I love how they look with the green bases. I wish I hadn't committed to lazy black shale bases.
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Good in little doses even if Nids largely thrive on symmetry. Bonesword & lashwhip are a super iconic look, same goes for guns + ammo feeder tubes.
It can also be explored in other interesting ways with Ymgarl stuff, Malstrains have demonstrated some of that potential I believe. I do remind you that as per 8-9th edition fluff, Ymgarl Factor can/could be applied as a bio-relic to basically any HQ nid and honestly I'd even say any nid in terms of fluff. So this paints an interesting perspective of what say, an Ymgarl Factor Haruspex or Ymgarl Factor Tyrant could look like.
This is somewhat more fringe, but I am not opposed to dual-wielding different types of 1-handed guns either. There was one TCG art of a hierophant like that and it's honestly not a terrible look.
I am aware of the recent noise surrounding that vehicle but I am still choosing to respond earnestly and maybe spark some sort of discussion.
Just looking at that thing makes my back ache.
It's screaming bell with agrax over it. No contrast.
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To be honest, I was expecting a shitpost

you alright dude, wish I could stick around for a speculative discussion on ammo tubes
maybe later
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Friend wanna try starting warhammer as a hobby, is a kill team starter set good enough for dipping your feet, dude have no idea about 40K but think it looks fun. And Kill Team looks easy enough tonsetupnfast on a kitchen table.
I don't have any knowledge of 40K either outside of hearing other nerds talking/playing it and reading the books.
Dios mios, mucho texto autismo
You can always throw some modeling grass on top of the base.
Killteam is a bad way to start warhammer if you want the play bigger armys, but killteam itself is a fine game. If you want to dip into the "normal" 40k game, better buy a combat patrol of the army you like. If you just want to test if you lke painting these models go into a store and ask for a free model to test for painting, a lot of people hate the painting and shy away because of that.
>Find a good deal on some Eldar Guardians
>They're all headless
Any recommendations on 3rd-party sellers for bulk heads? I checked Wargameexclusive and they don't sell their Aeterni heads on the website.
I only need to wait one week then I will buy a warpsmith and some pozzed.
Kill team has a totally different ruleset than 40k, and encourages building your models in ways that can't be used in the 40k ruleset. It is a fun game I'm a vacuum, but isn't really a good launching point into 40k. You'd be better off looking into combat patrol if you like to play 40k eventually. Let's you build and paint one box, your rules seldom change that much so you can learn, and uses rules closer to 40ks ruleset.
could just get another box of guardians down the line and use the spare heads
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>a lot of people hate the painting
>paintlet projection + skill issue
Pic related
consider getting them printed
>needing to wait a week in order to afford a less than 100$ purchase
You should take up a cheaper hobby like worm grunting, or hunting for bugs because this hobby isn't for those below the poverty line
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>anon doesn't have enough money to buy a 60$ unit
>oh I know anon you should spend 20$ at a printing service for ten heads
>t. too poor to afford new models since the IG release.
I play marines brother, what does IG have to do with anything
Really hoping they get a battle force.
>10 wracks
>2 talos/cronos
>3 grotesque
holy shit i hate the CSM daemon engines. they look so fucking dumb. i like CSMs but i really dont like the blobby cartoony direction they took the daemon engines and hellbrute, and even the obliterators are covered in bubblegum.

I have strong doubt a printing service will ask for 20 for 10 heads

maybe your whore of a mom does
GW is slowly squatting them. They're all webstore exclusive (besides the Talos) or resin they don't sell anymore. They're the only type of Eldar excluded from Ynnari for a reason.
Don't expect them to make it to 11th edition.
So telling him to get 2 combat patrol boxes is a better way? So he can have 2 different armies and being able to play a game at home now and then, and these can also be made into an regular 40k army?
Yes you brainlet that is exactly what both of those posts told you
>They're the only type of Eldar excluded from Ynnari for a reason
Pretty sure that's for fluff reasons.
Damn I didn't know my mom had a 3d printer
Fluff exists solely as a mechanism to push sales or discourage sales
Then why are Phoenix Lords and Eldrad, confirmed member sof the Ynnari, excluded from the army as well?
This. They want fewer sales so they can call them underperforming and axe them. They do this to a lot of armies by just not giving them any support so no one plays them and using that as an excuse to squat.
>They do this to a lot of armies
Name 5
Rebels and Heretics
Beasts of Chaos
Cities of Sigmar Dispossessed
Forgeworld Models for many factions
Name one codex based army that's been squatted in the last 15 years
NTA, but:
Slaaneshi CSM
None of these are 40k armies
If anything they do the opposite, making units super pushed before they move them to legends so that they can sell out all their leftover stock.
Cwe received like 4 different aspect warrior kits in the past 5 years you secondary
CWE layers like to pretend Shining Spears don't count for some reason. Although half of them seem to think the 9e refresh wasn't substantial enough to begin with despite being a fairly large release.
Meanwhile, for comparison, DE have had fewer updates in the last dozen years than CWE have had in the last 5. Even more if you count Harlequins as CWE units.
Thanks armchair analyst. GW wants to lose money, of course.
It's good for testing armies or playing with friends in other regions but that's about it I think
I mean, can you think of a non-stupid reason why they make Horus Heresy stuff not legal for 40k play?
>4 different aspect warrior kits in the past 5 years you secondary
Its less than orkzor tyranids has.
Also, where are i can take:
Most of phoenix lords
Illic Nightspear
Plastic warp spiders
Plastic swooping hawks
Non-HQ ynnari
Named harlequins
Most of dark eldar units
God, admech players were hit with the biggest fuck you ever.
Even I liked those models so much that I got a bit jealous
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I've been expecting GW to squat Deldar for years given their entire shtick is "Hellraiser elves that torture people". Too grimdark for the mythical "wider audience" just like Manlet Marines. Everyone and their mother knows Ynnari were a first shot that failed spectacularly but that doesn't mean James is going to give up on getting rid of them.
it's fine if you want some models to paint and a game to play when you're done
the Introductory set comes with paint, dice and minis, has some very basic scenarios you can play when you're done. It's Marines and Nids, so blander than water.

Your Kill Team starter box is okay, too.
Slightly more expensive are boardgames like Blackstone Fortress and Space Hulk, which give 40k models and a game you can play. The Darktide box game was okay. Some of the Combat Arena or Space Marine board games are okay for a 'starter' box, too.
That's because you're dumb.
Where's the twitter image of the guy who bought a bunch of jump pack marines when they were meta?
>Its less than orkzor tyranids has.
>Also, where are i can take
>ESL can't even put in his retarded opinion into words
Coven have been strong in 8/9th editions. They are likely to be strong when the codex drops.
Just look at the picture or post it instead of samefagging like someone else has downloaded and you didn’t.
manlet marines were the mainstream of 40k for like 30 years before primaris, you stupid fuck
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Finally! The forgotten Space Marine fans are forgotten no more. GW has come to its senses and made a game about Space Marines shooting at thigns in space!

Yeah, they really just need a designated detachment since they get no support from the current one(s). If the Court of Beastmaster get sent to Legends for being resin then Covens are going to be the only reliable frontline units for scoring primary the army has once again anyways.
What is this gay baby space hulk?
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>3 black dudes
damn I guess 40k isn't for white guys anymore
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Play the superior Space Hulk clone, instead.
Tyranids got to be in a starter, orks got
>snagga boys
>snagga hogs
>snagga rigs
>snagga boss
>old grot guy
>new medic
>bl boss

eldar got
>ranger bikes
>shining spears
>striking scorpions
>howling banshees
>dark reapers
>banshee lord
>reaper lord
>autarch wings
>autarch foot

looks like they're pretty equal, and I'm not counting the dark eldar releases
>kill team upgrade sprue
>incubi lord

and they're inbound for another significant wave of models too
Thank goodness we can count on you snarky salty xenosfags to keep the general updated about the latest marine releases!
As someone who's read the books no its not for lore reasons. The haemonculus work with vyraine
They really give less and less efford with these board games do they, and i bet it still costs the same (or more because "inflation").
>the books
Can someone explain why the webway gate is in the eldar index but not dark eldar's? Isnt their whole sthick the fucking webway?
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they nearly got me with that name. (pic related)
Is that guy a fucking genestealer hybrid?
Like it or not they dictate your available army selection
No you're just retarded
Maybe its a range refresh
if an ynnari player doesn't arbitrarily cut off all aspects, wraiths and haemunculi, and keep a perfect 1:1 balance of cwe and de (clowns and corsairs notwithstanding), then he's not playing ynnari but nyggari
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Are the ynnari GWs last hurrah to try to sell space elves? Is no one buying that shit?
40k needs to cut more of its bloat. We should start by killing off blood angels and erasing sanguinius from the imperial records.
Why do votann look off?
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this one is pretty good, even if it's full of legends
Anon, 2017 was 7 years and 3 editions ago.
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Space Marine the board game is a cheaper box of gaunts + a character
>xwing in 2015 was beating 40k in players, I don't think you understand how much the brand power of star wars combined with decent game design can carry
Don't remind me, what happened to that game was a travesty.
Bro I don't think it's unreasonable to say that the Ynnari basically have failed in their goal. Despite arriving in fanfare and a big push in Gathering Storm, they've not made the Eldar any more popular as a faction, the 'Rise of the Ynnari' series got cancelled before the final book could be published due to lack of sales, and they were written into a narrative coul-de-sac and left there since 8th edition, with no obvious way out. The ynnari were supposed to do for the eldar what the necron reworks have done for them, making them into a popular faction that have a major hand in the galaxys ongoing narrative events

While a lot of people have complained about their somewhat ingnomious shelving, I don't want to concentrate on it, because I actually think the seeds of the ynnari's failure to reinvigorate interest in the eldar faction among the fanbase can actually be traced back to the way they were first conceived
Nasapunk idealism runs counter to grimdark
Too clean, they look something outta galaxy quest. Fucking deeprock galactic looks more gritty
except the character looks retarded and the gaunts come without the other gun
>I actually think the seeds of the ynnari's failure to reinvigorate interest in the eldar faction among the fanbase can actually be traced back to the way they were first conceived
instead of dinosaur elves, pirate elves or a refresh of nightmare rape elves they made a design-by-comittee mary sue faction focused around a character

it's just a variation of primarch wank
It's for the incredibly stupid reason that they forgot the Drukhari keyword on it and didn't want to fix it after it went to print. Not that it matters too much because it is pointed so ridiculously as to be useless but it still is annoying.
Vorne is the best. His armor is the bulkiest, his gun is the biggest, and he's got the most doohickeys on his face. The others cannot compete.
StarCraft looking figures
Space dwarves with no beards
Uninspired and generally lame vehicles that look like they came off the set of a 80s scifi backdrop
Lore is boring
>Roman ultramarine
>Black af
Never ending the bullshit
>Madman actually took my suggestion of swapping the axe head into the spear haft

It actually looks good, though I can't say I expected you to then use the spear blade on the axe handle.
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They cheaped out on the Habbo Hotel afro for Adrix. Nothing a little greenstuff can't solve.
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Because they're closer to short marines than they are to sci fi dwarfs.

The problem, as usual, is the cancerous presence of marines in the setting and its creative processes.
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>Build DG
>Need transports, have to build some Rhinos
>Oh, I need some fire support, I'll build some Predators. More Rhinos
>Start CSM
>Vindicators are cool!.. more Rhinos..
>Dabbling with Sisters
>Need transports for them.. Rhinos..
>Also need Immolators or Castigators.. both Rhinos..
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Just won an auction for 2 RT rhinos and about 30 2E marines, today is a good day.
It doesnt help that said character is a pocahontas for primarch cock
Their whole aesthetic looks like fits rom a shitty 80s sci fi movie and while that does have its appeal it's super out of place in 40k imo. Their vehicles are the biggest offenders but the dudes looking like starcraft marines doesn't help either, completely uninspired
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Finally done magnetizing the axes and cannons. Happy with the results but I'm sure glad that's over with.
Just hope the glue on the limp wristlets holds
Ben, black people have been in the game longer than you’ll ever be.
>looks like they're pretty equal
Between 2019 - 2024 orks got 32 mins and CWE got 15 mins
They came from Destiny.
>not having one for each loadout with the 5th converted to be a small wraithseer
Congrats on buying what should be landfill material
Nolores right here. List all the times Yvraine and Gulliman where in the same room.
>can't even make a strike force Justian Kill team out of it
which releases are you excluding? I listed everything
Transports are for waac trannies. Chads just take more cool dudes
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Dude I wish people thought if it as trash, this old shit is expensive.
Did vect get humiliated in the new mike brooks lelith book?
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YWNBM + cope + seethe
just buy recasts, give them a shitty paintjob and sell them on ebay to rubes that think they're picking up a bargain
...oh wait
>not having one for each loadout
Yeah no way am I bothering to pin/magnetize the wrists because there's no spare arms. building 2 out of 4 per box works for me.
Boomers always assume everything is worth more than it should be, they'll never give up their "collectible" recycling material without a fight
The problem with ynnari is if you like CWE lore, ynnari is small youre going to get
huh wat u mean?
Nice, anon!
I'm entering the fake grog stage of my hobby "career" and I'm not exactly sure where to start.
Is there a single named eldar character who didn't get roped into it?
I think the resin would melt after a while in [THE BUCKET]. Nothings melted yet, we'll see once these guys arrive.
/aosg/ moves half as fast as /40kg/, which is still the second fastest on this shit board. /wfg/ barely moves at all.
What about land raiders? It's a cool tank but also a transport
>Gimped Strike Force Justian
Vect pretty much but thats drukhari
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you need to become very autistic regarding a specific army then lurk through facebook oldhammer sculpting groups for third party lookalikes, recasts from mysteriousforgery, rare purchases of models you can't find (facebook trading groups are better than ebay)
finally there is a growing printing scene of both old models and of models made in the old style
Ylocu shaie
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wow, it looks like absolute garbage
Possibly the gayest most schizophrenic battleforce I have ever seen
What is that battle patrol box lmao also nice pity HQ.
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Guard players are now never going to be allowed to field crusaders in their guard armies now, right?
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A squad of your army of choice is a good start. Some green flock and goblin green paint is also a good thing to pick up.
This is one of the worst PA models gw has ever released
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Oh look he grew his hair out
What a downgrade holy shit
holy shit what fuck IS THAT
I like it
Actually a little crazy how much better this looks than the new one.
He grew his fucking thighs out is what he did
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He looks like a sigmarine.
>deathwatch and grey knights squatted and allocated to retard containment army
Kek like clockwork, told you faggots
when did james get afraid of armor nipples?
This guy looks like they wanted to make some stormcast hero but gave up halfway through.
The ABSOLUTE state of grey knight players

>Doesn't say that
Why does it look like a diaper????
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All of these look like fucking dogshit
Goddamn. I don't think I've ever seen a more desperate box to clear warehouse space of kits that don't sell
>That'll be $85 please
>He does come with two models after all
You need better reading comprehension
man I really just dont give a fuck about this.
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No he doesn't.
Ordo xenos is kinda based. You get all the sculpts you need for kill team
>confirms that inquisitorial henchemen can take a chimera

yay? fucking finally?
I bet theres no "you can take kasrkin as inquisitorial stormtroopers" thing though
If you think GK has been squatted and folded into the codex, then so have Sisters of Battle because their units are mentioned in the same capacity. Retard.
They both have hourglasses on their waist just like that other space marine that looks like one of these guys.
the rigg is listed twice, the wurrboy is also part of the same kit
the squigosaur kit is also listed twice
4 entries are novelty models, another a limited edition one
ghaz and makari are one kit, not 2
the eldar also list the guardians kit twice

valid points about the inclusion of ghazkhull and the exclusion of the winged autarch, going from memory I got those wrong
orks did indeed get more stuff
As someone interested in battle sisters and arbites I kinda like the Hereticus box.

Will they finish his story where he kills the necrons?
>Finally, don’t worry Grey Knights players – this is only the first chance you’ll have to send your Terminators off on a daemon-hunting crusade. There will be a dedicated Grey Knights Codex on the way next year, but there are still a few factions to get through before the Knights of Titan start to peek their shiny battle plate over the horizon.
Fucking WHY
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Yes he does
>Finally, don’t worry Grey Knights players – this is only the first chance you’ll have to send your Terminators off on a daemon-hunting crusade. There will be a dedicated Grey Knights Codex on the way next year
>next year
KEK they mean 11th edition
Rip in pepperoni
Pretty sure you're one with the reading problem here. Check the very bottom of the article, before the footnote.
Your ngmi if everything you see painted gold is a sotrmcast eternal
NTA but You misread, go back and read it agaim
Honestly after reading Valedor I don't mind the idea of Ynnari.
The execution on the other hand...
Still, I like the Ynnari models and all flavors of Eldar so I can just ignore the retarded fluff and build armies how I want.
I very clearly fucking didn't when it straight up states otherwise at the bottom, turdburglar
WHY does eldrad suck so much human cock? Arent eldar suppose to be arrogant? Why did GW give eldar players not one cuck characters but two (visarch)
Why is everyone in charge of the inquisition a psykers? You got a witch leading the witch hunters right there.
learn your place, eldarfag
can I just get a navis box without marines or sisters shitting it up?
what's the point of the tactical rock if he's gonna stand perfectly straight anyways?
He could be salvaged if he came with a bald head and some more bits to cover his ridiculous diaper codpiece.
If you cant see the resemblance in the armors beyond the gold I dont know what to tell you anon.
Why is in every box one Blackstone fortress model?
Ooh he's wearing the big boy pants now
they pulled Espern Lorcano out of legends for the Navigator model
>Why is everyone in charge of the inquisition a psykers?
Being a psyker is just too much of an advantage, it's main character power.
Is every red sphere an apple to you as well
because they're discontinuing the box eventually but they want to keep selling those sprues and repurposing them as agents works wonderfully
I think I'll look into recasts.
I play guard so maybe I'll have some luck finding some not!guard looking metal miniatures.
Means they only needed to make one new model and still have a variety of hqs
No they don't retard, we've only just started year 2 of a 3 year edition cycle.

It's happening
We know. I am on the boat with >>93402615 anon and wondering if this means swarms of crusaders can be fielded alongside a guard army. With one extra preacher with chainsword.
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1. Okay, the Requisition gimmick might have potential for setting the army apart in 10e.
2. Why would the codex be named "Imperial Agents" while the army is called "Agents of the Imperium"?
Now you're just being reductive.
Were the necron the good guys?
what the hell. that has to be the ugliest power armor ever sculpted
No. They've always been assholes.
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how do you fuck it up so much? did they undercook the sculpt for time constraints? no, seriously, how? I don't get it.
stormcast havent looked like that for 5 years
Looks like Joe biden in a black carapce daiper
NEW BAD!!!!!
New one is more dynamic and the face is sculpted better
Old one looks like a white scars HQ
turns out eagles are a slimming fashion accessory
You're genuinely a dumbass with zero taste
>only named harlequin character
>cant be played in CWE
Explain this
was the old one finecast or plastic
He's an exile from his clown posse. They don't want anything to do with him.
after seeing this release I think im better off not knowing whats coming up next. Its likely just going to be disappointment.
No mention of Tempestus Scions worries me to no end. I had heard a rumor they'd be relocated into this faction, possibly with a new unit type. I have a full scion army that is basically unplayable right now, so finger crossed they get some measure of help with this book.
the new one is 50% more diaper. fucking hell thats ugly
He's standing on a rock but I think he might be slightly taller than the termies.
>more dynamic
>legs completely straight
That's impressively shit
Like, they had to go out of their way to make it this awful
He looks fucking obese with a power diaper
He was banned for zoophilia
I like it
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Rhinos are awesome.
So Agents is just a soup faction?
Kind of lame, but maybe Greyfax will come in stock again at my lgs.
Not even the contrarianism is interesting on this one bud, its dogshit
Honestly I don't dislike this box.
Look at the torso and shoulder rotation
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>TFW another tactical rock model
What is with GW and tactical rocks?
these battleforces arent even hiding how they are just trying to sell off the unwanted shit.
paint on that rhino looking THICC
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>they were written into a narrative coul-de-sac and left there since 8th edition, with no obvious way out.
Yeah, I think Ynnari were actually the most damaging thing in nu40k, far worse for Eldar than Primaris were for Marines. I don't know what could even be done at this point to fix them lol. Any of them. All their factions, across all varieties of a Space Elf (be it edgy or chaste) and characters are now tied to a shitty, unlikeable mary sue. Craftworlds and Commorragh were fucked over for her sake. Their goal is impossible to accomplish due to meta reasons. Trying to put Deldar and Eldar into one faction clashes too hard and Ynnari aren't even a proper faction on their own.

Hmm... Necrons and Tyranids were boosted by being a part of a starting set. Eldar would need to be squeezed into one too and turned into villains for 11 edition to face against Space Marines. But Craftworld Eldar don't look like bad guys, like Necrons or Tyranids do. Narratively it doesn't make sense for them to go all out against Imperium when there are a multitude of other Eldritch threats all around. Imperium would need to have some bullshitium Eldar desperately want. And there would need to be a justification to explain their newfound numbers. Maybe Ynnari idea of killing of Slaanesh is abandoned. Isha gets freed, Ynnead forms enough to safeguard them and Khaine starts to reform. It happens because Eldar sneaked onto Terra and somehow siphoned Emperor a bit or something like this. This pisses off Imperials and makes Imperium Nihilus lost completely. Eldar think they have their chance now at rebuilding the empire so Exodites (new model range), Deldar, Craftworlders and Ynnari start conquest.

But fixing Eldar souls will make them more boring. It's like removing flaws from Marine chapters. Or taking grudges away from Dawi. If Deldar don't have to torture people to shield their souls anymore and Craftworlders don't have to pokemon theirs, it takes away a lot from their appeal.
>2x inquisitor retinues
>pious vorne for some reason
Could have traded that for some sisters of silence
Realisticly speaking do they fuck? Serious answers here. It will determine if i start a sisters army
I can put a grey knights squad in my sisters army holy fucking shit I'm pogging.
>pretending like you weren't going to slap your HQs on an inch of cork regardless
That doesn't excuse it. Fluff follows the models.
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the old one looked like a warlord
the new one looks like an errand boy
In this instance they started with the fluff.
are you okay?
Alright you got me there. I have plans to have SOME models on tactical cork rocks.
Well played anon.
How can you fuck something up this badly?
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Where do you go from here? Have ynraine fail and have the deldar and cwe alliance implode violently?
Grayfax isn't a psyker and gives her squad Anti Psyker 4+

Is that the Chimera from the old Inquisition codex?
Its not from Witch Hunters, but I do not have the deamon hunter copy at hand to check
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>gold tracks
Astoundingly retarded choice
I'm a new painter and I had to do like 400 coats to cover the black. I'm a bit more experienced now so I might try painting doing a base coat of tan underneath before the red, would that help so I don't need so many coats?
Without uppydowny or characters I'm not entirely sure you'd want to
Post yours then
So if I am reading this right, every Imperial Army can choose to include one requisition to unit in it now? So I can add Disters to my Black Templar or grayknights to my Admexh?
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No seriously why do GW keep trying to force this?
Inquisitorial Power Diaper
Why would you want terrible manlet models, your sisters are going to be like the same height as the GK terminators
are you having a stroke?
because no one plays eldar so supporting like 4 different versions of them is a waste of resources
sisters aren't agents of the imperium
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>pic related
>gav thropes writing
wait until you find out about knights
>better face
He looks like a generic TPS unreal engine character. Old one looked like DI grampa getting tired of your bullshit.
No one asked for them to make Harlequins their own thing. That was all GW
There's only 2 flavors of Eldar now
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These are supposed to be the same person?
Battle Sisters squad, yes

Seems GW is reusing the Codex Daemonhunters art piece for the cover of the Agents of The Imperium codex cover.
Is GW getting lazy?
That art is kino and one of the top 40k artworks so they are forgiven
No, other imperium armies can take agents, agents can requisition sisters/greyknights
it's not transitive

With a little converting you can even make the arbites into crusaders
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Because gray knights are cool, simple as.

So You can bring an Immolater and split your sisters up into two units. That's actually huge value, put all the characters and special units in the rhino and use the extra sisters as cheap action monkeys. That's actually pretty huge value.
Would you really want a new piece of shit digital cover with flat bolters?
I would get this box if I didn't already have like fucking 40 battle sisters
He's wayyy too plain

Inquisitors are meant to either be shadowy pricks or ornate fuckers
>Because gray knights are cool, simple as.
gray knights are the biggest mary sue faggots of the setting lmao
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Surely GK don't sell enough to justify giving them a codex after souping Deathwatch?
what is the model in the back next to troop transport?
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If you are playing with Legends units, you can bring Crusaders as requisitioned units. Which is actually great because the new crusaders legends rules are REALLY good.
to be fair, it only says that deathwatch are now retinue, battle sisters and grey knight terminators are in a new 'requisitioned' category, whatever that means

it could mean that it's detachment dependent, or it may be more flexible
>Random Imperial hangers-on get a codex and three fucking Battleforce boxes
>Their new model is an ugly as fuck Inquisitor model which is an outright downgrade to the character's original model, and which looks like one of the old Stormcast that GW just scrapped
>Grayfax isn't a psyker
Alright you got me, anon. I agree it is probably the best choice.
fuck. you're right.
>Because gray knights are cool
Shit taste detected
He looks like one of those early stormcast they just finished getting rid of
Will the sisters still generate miracle dice even if they don't have the army rule?
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Does Greyfax have cute feet?
what the fuuuuuuck lol
Diaper core.
She has lotus feet
I hope they actually let you customise your Inquisitor a bit instead of going pure WYSIWYG (in the sense of the models on the website and their loadouts only)
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I thought it was mandated that all art had to look like the miniatures now?
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You just hate us because you aint us
Bro got those Coteaz proportions
Im hoping I can get Retributors too. Literally all I want.
Damn that looks a lot better

But also he should be balder
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Just 3D scan him and use that as a reference. No need to completely redesign his armour.
How long did that take you
Nah, they're like primaris marines before primaris
super heckin extra cool marines that are immune to chaos and also better in every way than every other marine at the marine academy ;)
I think they need to be detached from Ynnari at the very least. Ynnari goal need to be changed too. If GW was adamant about them still being a thing, maybe they could be turned into some more necromantic faction with weird spirits and ghosts? I guess that would make them unique and give them some sort of a theme. But Craftworld Eldar already have a cool take on a necromancy with Wraith-Constructs.
I would prefer if they were left in limbo as some background fluff lol. Make them something like emissaries and mediators between different Eldar flavors, somewhat similar to Harlequins. Exodites have better potential for a 3rd Space Elf faction, if GW even wanted to try to make 3rd Eldar faction.
A very desperate attempt to make Helf/CWE players buy into Delf/Deldar and vice versa. Essentially a shortcut to doubling unit rosters of their Elf factions without doing anything.
Add the falcon and he's perfect
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all these responses and not one has even got around to appreciating just how fucking braindead this model is

literally the peak of gw's "fragile dynamic pose contacting a convenient rock" brainrot
>IA already has more hype than the entire AoS edition
Fucking LMAO
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Idk about that anon but I can assure you that would take a 3d modeler at most 2-3 days
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>Grey Knights STILL not refreshed
It really is over, huh?
Furina mini when
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Died 2024 - Born 2024
Welcome back Stormcast Liberator
No we hate you because all your models are shit and your lore is gay
10 minutes on a phone
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Oh boy here I go asking questions again
I bet money that Akrs of Omen part 4 is new gray knights versus new Emperor's children and has a versus box.
Unlike Primaris they earn that shit.
I hope all branches of the Inquisition can take guard units. Inquisitorial stormtroopers should be a staple.
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The stormcast liberator has way better proportions and more detail ffs
They earned fucking nothing
They're as big of a retarded asspull mary sue faction as primaris are
At 2000 points they can bring 2 IG units, and transports for them. So you can bring two units and chimeras.
It is also possibly the worst pose for a good viewing angle on the tabletop. You don't want to be looking face-on
You'd have to ask Celestine
It's funny how the tactical rebar is on the birds blind side, really makes it look like it just crashed
wtf do they have against flying stands these days?
You can't possibly tell me the designers think this shit looks better?
They're not even consistent about it. For example, some of the Votann floating drones are on clear stands, and some are on awkward piled-up scenery.
I see scions looking clean, I am big happy.

I want my scions to be able to shine in this new book
Oh boy I'm looking forward to being called Ben fake grog zoomer who started 7 years ago but also owns no models and plays no games because I don't think this is the greatest and msot 40k model ever made
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They could have had the same rebar but done something like the Corvus Cabal's leader and had it landing/taking off or something, something that's Dynamic and not just a bird crashing
Brother Lucas is the exact same brother thysor from those mystery bags you can get
>can you think of a non-stupid reason why they make Horus Heresy stuff not legal for 40k play?
GW doesn't want competing systems or model ranges.
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>old grey knights termies
>old dogshit DW veterans
Kinda feels like that this just confirms that GW will not be making updated models for either of those.

Have fun.
picture for visibility
GK might get updated. I really don't see why they'd still give them a codex later otherwise. This was the perfect chance to soft squat them like Deathwatch
What has me confused about the agent codex is the lack of a meaningful mention of the assassins and how they are still missing from the shop
What is that tank?
It's one of the assassins, they aren't sold on GWs website right now
this looks great though
Those are the spergs they amp up with drugs and just drop into an area where they kill everything, right?
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it's a chimera troop transport from IG
Culexis are warp hunter pariahs
The monkey's paw curls and Draigo returns

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