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Daemonhunter Edition

>Agents of The Imperium Codex Coming Soon:

>Boarding Actions Coming Soon:

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
What are your thoughts on the Imperial Agents announcement?
>What are your thoughts on the Imperial Agents announcement?
I can't get over how shit the new model looks.
Don't give a shit about the imperium
Show me the new codex roadmap GW you hacks
If this doesn't allow me to take a single unit of Deathwatch of Grey Knights in an army like it always should have been it's a waste of time effort attention and lmao fat grandpa inquisitor.
Grey Knights come in the box so I'm imagining you can use them.
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>>Thread Question:
>What are your thoughts on the Imperial Agents announcement?
Coteaz was done dirty.
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Refresh never
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What if Votann, but good
I'm really excited and it's pretty much what I was hoping for. Though I would have preferred 25% of your army can be requisitioned units instead of 2 requisitioned units at 2000 points.
I'm mostly confused that out of all the Imperial armies in this game it's somehow only SoB and Knights that consistently get cool model releases. The others are very hit or miss.
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kys detailsfag, that shit is killing the painting side of this hobby.
He needs to look older. His old face was better
I can't fathom the decision to accompany the announcement with a fuckugly named character remake instead of a multi-build generic inquisitor
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>anime pic
>garbage opinion
It all checks out
Furina model when
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I'm really hoping that this will mean Crusader blobs will technically return to Imperial Guard Armies with one ministorum preacher to give them an extra attack.
New Coteaz might be the worst downgrade GW has ever made possibly only surpassed by Repentia
I already kitbashed an inquisitor and his retinue, so I guess it might bring some attention back to my imperial armies if they new rules to be included (cadian themed imperial guard and custodes). Maybe including some deathwatch with them could be cool too, so I don't really have to buy much other than that.
The actually full inquisitorial force looks too eclectic, I'd prefer if they basis of their army could be more uniform like if they were tempestus or something rather than random rogue traders, navy people, and ploce forces working together for some reason
Have you considered becoming a better painter
Cry me a river you paintlet
That's a lot of words to type when you could've just said "I'm bad at painting"
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>While billions of Guardsmen and [redacted] Space Marines fight the Imperium’s wars on the front lines

Why did they say redacted? Aren't there like only a million marines in the entire galaxy?

Are they gonna finally retcon the Space Marine's retardedly small numbers now?
I swear to god there better be an inquisitorial version of kasrkin (or scions) to use as stormtroopers, there seems to be an inquisitorial chimera in the book so its a possiblity

if they do, it will be a great book as its listbuilding seems to emulate the 4th ed witchhunters/daemonhunters books
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I'm really not trying to be hyperbolic here, it's got to be the worst 40k model in at least the last ten years
Do they even still sell crusaders?
I expected it to be a fucking lazy cashgrab, but jesus christ GW just keeps stooping so low
>What are your thoughts on the Imperial Agents announcement?

IDGAF about the Coteaz model, I'm just overjoyed I can do an army in the style of the old Codex: Witchhunters
You'll get the listbuilding without the listbuilding, imagine that.
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He's not even that clutterd, its just enough detail in the edit.
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Serious question:

Can Furina beat a Primarch?
Yes they are online only, and temporarily out of stock.
Maybe a model refresh is in order?
Luv me melee blobs
Won't use abhumans like ogryns
Simple as.
Looks fine to me
Why are you crying so hard over this?
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You can bring 4 with any sisters character leading them in a rhino or immolator. Not a blob though.

If Requisitioned Units gain the Agents of the Imperium keyword then the way this is written you can take 1 of any unit that can be requisitioned in any Imperial Army, which is honestly perfect for fluffy lists that just want to bring 1 cool thing for style points. It could honestly help space marines represent chapter serfs and knights represent feudal serfs forces.
oof and people say obliterators have big diapers
>That'll be $85 plus tax please :)

>My HQ model doesn't look bland enough
They retconned that ages ago. At least at the start of 8th when they introduced pr*maris.
Repentia at least have a few decent bits for kitbashing. There's no merit here whatsoever.
I hope that will change with the Agents of The Imperium Codex is released. After all crusader blobs mean more money for GW in the end.
It was slightly under a million at the end of 40k, and when cawl crawled out of his hole, he magically pulled another million out of his butt. Since then, who knows.
Still shitting your little diaper over Primaris, nonny?
How sad.
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>worst 40k model in the last ten years
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I'm just glad Deathwatch Vets aren't squatted yet. That Combat Patrol with basic Marine units was a disgrace and honestly had me worried DW would become a generic Chapter
Because putting an exact or estimated figure causes the same reaction from you retarded autists as putting [REDACTED]. You'd sperg out about the numbers being changed in any way, so it's better to have no numbers and have your autism fit be short lived
Nundams can be fixed by adding a full "helmet" and cutting off the exposed arms of the sister.
A dieselpunk aesthetic would have fit more into 40k than whatever the fuck Votann are supposed to be
>You can bring 4 with any sisters character leading them
Where does it say you can bring characters
I have a soft spot for the recon dreadnaught thing. I hate what it represents, but in a vacuum I think it's actually pretty cool and I have to admit I like it. Still hate primaris in general though.
>the worst 40k model in at least the last ten years

Votann design is fine. They fit in with the 40k aesthetic as much as any other xenos faction.
Wtf lol
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I'm hopeful that my scion army will be playable in this faction, because it's sure not playable as guard.

Here take truck
Why is he 25% diaper?
You're an idiot?
Why taurox on there? It's adorable.
Are there any plastic wolf-shaped helmets for SW or is it all resin?
Is this the end of Deathwatch?
It's just felt that GW hasn't really known what to do with Deathwatch since 8th.
Their specialist Kill Teams are made using models from multiple kits, which you'd THINK GW would want to encourage. But no. It seems they think their average player is too stupid to handle weapon options, much less unit-building options.
And the sad thing is, they're often right in that regard.
Its been a long case
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Reminder that GW isn't going to roll deathwatch, sisters, and grey knights into one book for the Daemonhunters codex, just make a few new kits (think WE release), grandfather in a bunch more, and add detachment rules for allying in units from the above armies
I fucking love this elongated mf like you would not believe. Look at the dumbass dangling donger exhaust and his fucking stupid face. Fucking yes.
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You can bring 2 characters and attach them as normal. Crusaders special rule says they can have any leader that can be attached to BSS, so you could attach a palatine if you wanted.

Also the article implies that transports are free and dont count against your unit count as long as you start the battle with the unit embarked in it. So you can bring 2x 1 unit, 1 character and 1 transport in a 2k army. So you could bring 2 rhinos/immolators with 4 crusaders and a preacher each.
Deathwatch are kind of a shit idea for a full army, tbqh
It's pretty bad to paint, it's why you'll never see it fully painted.
>You can bring 2 characters
I'm asking where it says that
This is a question about the worst looking model, not a paintlet filter model.
Why did bird hit a tactical beam. Is bird not able to fly? I hope he's ok
>Also the article implies that transports are free
No anon, you are not getting free Immolators in every imperium army. Please stop being stupid.
Why is the new model so fat
You'll never seen any 40k models fully painted except basic bitch marines because 90% of the people who get into this hobby bite off more than they can chew and don't want to learn to improve
Black Spear Taskforce is pretty cool honestly, just overcosted. They have some amazing combos, specifically Agressors with Captain in Gravis armor and free ammo strat every turn, as well as deathwatch veterans are just an amazing unit baseline. The whole army overall has the same problems as vanilla space marines though, and is really reliant on deepstriking units and the units they want to deepstrike are termies which are dogshit this edition. It wouldn't take that much work to make them stronger but their baselines are pretty fun, having played them a bit.
primarchtroons mad
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can't unsee now
>what if dwarves - artisans of fantasy - had WORSE tech than almost all other factions?
see here >>93403271
Its literally how the index functioned as well. They can bring 2 retinue, 2 characters and 1 requisitioned unit (which is the new thing that lets them pull from other imperial armies).
His left head is blind
Looks like a fucking stormcast

Votann are not dwarves. No beards.
I mean as a concept they're just Marine Army #7
They don't have an interesting enough gimmick to be a full fledged faction.
Not free points wise, the transports don't count towards the allied unit cap as long as the requisitioned units start the battle embarked. It says so in the article, which is why each of the battleforce boxes comes with a requisitioned transport.
I think special ammo and using alien wargear and kill teams with 10 different units in them is a cool gimmick, I simply disagree.
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Have you ever seen a fight break out over 40k?
Oh so its just an assumption that you can bring any sisters character when the article specifies Battle Sisters Squad by name as a requisitioned unit, and you're just extrapolating
I'm kinda hyped actually for expanded potential for my knight army that I abandoned to be a bit less skew.
At 2k I'll be able to add in 3 units (2 retinue and 1 requisition unit) of little guys? Plus transports?
Maybe 2 squads of deathwatch with rhinos and a 20 blob of Kriegers is what I'm imagining, although they probably get no rules support from their host army.
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stop insulting stormcast. They look better
It should be. You should be able to requisition 1 Scion unit and get the transport along with them (you still have to pay the points cost but they don't count against your total requisitioned units), You can also get characters for them.
>stop insulting soicast
Go back
Why does 40K keep dropping the ball with these new models? Why are we constantly getting mogged by AoS these days?
No and I hope to never see a physical fight break out over 40k at the LGS.
And I really hope I don't lose my marbles during a 40k match and start one. It is one of the reasons I refuse to play a public game out of fear of losing composure.
It's nice when something I give 0 shits about comes out. Means I have more time to paint what I have
Nah he has a point, it has too much shit going on and has no design impetus
Wings are sick, gas mask is cool
The pistol is honestly not really fitting
The scythe chainsaw fucking tip is absolutely ass and horrible
and then there are the hecking nurglings which bring down the mood of the model immensely
We have to see the Requisition rules specifically. But the table is meant to work for both allying in and allying out, so yes I am assuming that they can ally in 2 characters (though they might need to be retinue characters, not requisitioned characters which would prevent that)
If a new army is coming out with only a single updated model then there is no hope for my small range army to get the expansion it needs. I think I'm just gonna shelf 40k.
Plenty of dwarves in media have short beards, moustaches and sideburns as opposed to full bears. Not an argument.
40k is the dumping ground.
The worst thing about a physical fight in a 40k space would be some innocent models getting hurt
I don't care about the people
They look like shit, unless you convert them to the point they don't resemble the original design anymore.
Especially the "women" stormcasts with small tits.
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Genuinely embarrassing.
This is unforgiveable, 20 years ago if you submitted this as part of your sculpting resume for GW they'd have sent you fucking packing.
Because they come in waves. We got like 4 new kroot models just a few months ago. Im sure well get a 40k release wave after all the AoS stuff falls off.
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At least 40k still has better rules.
Even the dogshit that is 10th is miles better than the slop smegmarkids slurp up.
God that model is awful but at least I'm not playing smegmar
Yeah yeah
They still look better than your new 40Ksloppa
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>Orks win GW's 438 player event going 8-0
>Was carded multiple times for cheating
>But allowed to continue anyway
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Based Genshin nonce laying down the hard truths
>Good rules
This is bait
I just noticed the seals, how the fuck are they stuck to the fur ?
His waist band is so high he looks like he has a diaper on
The armor is overly plain, I know people talk about over design, but this is overly under designed.
The bird is so stupid, why isn't it launching off of something, the wing being attached to the pole looks like it's slamming into it, but flying poses generally suck anyway
Unironically, yes
You may not like the core idea of nundams or Nerf marines
But this new coteaz no only looks like complete shit by itself, it's supposed to be a remake of and already great looking miniature.
That gives it extra suck points
>anon can't read
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>posts cats
Checks out.
This is just straight up primaris tacticus armor on a smaller scale. It’s so bland, especially compared to his previous model.
>Have you ever seen a fight break out over 40k?
I saw two metal heads in the early 00s throw fists at each other over cheating back in Games Workshop Croydon, blood everywhere, brutal.
In 2019 I saw two fags slap fight each other over cheating and they both burst into tears by the end.

Surprisingly no models were damaged in either incident. (although they ended up falling onto stock hanging on the walls in Croydon)
When both sets of your models are equally vulnerable to destruction during a fist fight MAD means you won't damage his and he won't damage yours.
Because the current GW favors AoS despite 40k being the game their audience likes and what keeps the lights on. I also get the feeling that the 40k team straight up does not enjoy working on 40k.
That's what the power diaper was reminding me of
remove the hair, get him some wrinkles and change the nose
uh oh containment breaking shitmartroon melty
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As an inquisitor lord I suppose Torq's equivalent would be this guy.
Christ even fatcasts are better
Sigmarines unironically look better
I'm not sure how 40kg will recover from this
Fucking hell he's actually the worst looking thing in that pic
Stormcasts never looked bad and I'm tired of pretending they did.
A griffin without wings just looks retarded
Fuck off.
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I assume they're going to further the plot, Coteaz was almost at the end of his life, couldn't rejuv anymore. He was musing over bargaining with a Daemon to extend his life, something he could easily do. Looks like he may have gone ahead and done it.
although this model is fucking ASS
The armour around his feet is thicker than the armour at his thighs, or even his waist... it's absurd.
It's a dog. Dogs aren't supposed to have wings. That wouldn't make any sense.
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>wake up
>see this
christ fucking jesus CHRIST
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can I just get a navis imperialis box without diaperman and marineslop please?
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>Stormcasts never looked bad and I'm tired of pretending they did.
You have retarded opinions, but in this one singular instance yes it does look kinda meh.
dilate. pseudo-xenosfag
Couldn't help myself and went to check what the consensus on reddit is. Even they hate this new model.
Fuck off back there and fucking stay there.
you fucking asshole faggots finally got what youve been parrotting since goddamn 7th edition

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why are they just dropping the ball so hard on some models?
Dogs don't have beaks
Poor reading comprehension. I had to go out of my way to go there so clearly I don't belong there.
if you scale their powerlevel back a bit nids could have been a cool addition to AoS, a species of ever-evolving bugs linked by a psychic hivemind with unknown motives and unsure origins (theories range from being actual aliens to being dormant beneath the realm of *realm name her* before being awoken by *event*)
>t. owns several poorly painted khorne aos models
Yes, they did, cmon now, they were a mistake on numerous levels, armour proportions and pauldron design being the first of them
I've no idea as to why anyone believe GW would be based enough to combine 3 armies into 1 book, the plan was always going to be to make you buy a whole codex just to run a few good units in other armies.
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>surely that's not much worse than the origi-
Damn, that's grim
so you're saying space marines are mistakes on numerous levels as well?
The fact you went there once ever taints you forever.
When the fuck did it ever become acceptable to go there?
Fucking newfaggots.
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>10th Edition utterly anemic compared to AoS 3rd or 4th
>40k requires more models for standard games than AoS
>Latest 40k models (like today's masterpiece) are downright embarrassing while Fatcast are completely redone and now look half decent
See you guys at the Wolftime and the eventual Age of Primarchs.
I hope Arbites are battline. An army of space judges led by an inquisitor would be fun.
you don't genuinely think the original looks better do you? LMAO
AoI is a trick by GW to get people to double dip into additional armies since they can go "oh well I already have like 1/3 of what I need to field an agents army, I guess I could buy some GK/DW/SoB...."
but enough about you
He really needs the loincloth to hide his shameful bits. Weird decision from GW since they are quite generous providing any model from any race with some kind of taparrabos.
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'Eavy Metal is really fucking shitting the bed lately, especially when painting faces.
nids reference and are made of scifi tropes, they do not look at home in a fantasy setting
Standard bearer would've been fine if he wasn't just standing there like a retard.
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you fucking ruined the model with that helmet you fuckgijhn an tfyguooldyde.
Curious. What does it represent?
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Should have been an Iwo Jima style pose with a few guardsmen raising the flag
That’s a sexy blood angel.
Old good, new bad.
it's not bad?
It's not much better either.
Honestly I think tenth wouldn't be that bad if the game was balanced around less models on the table.
Checked + Do you have the best sculpts version?
>seals on top of the fire
Outside of that, it's not a bad model.
yeah marineslop instead of something like stormtroopers was a great choice
Ah it's always just manlet cope, they can't see anything past that
Yep! Cortez -2.0 is by FAR worse than any model on that list, including Granny creed
not as bad as some tranny calling a model shit because they don't like the weapon
Correct, because it'll actually sell that way :^)
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>the sorry ass excuse for Coteaz
>no updated Deathwatch models
>kinda garbage rules
I love the Inquisition so much was prepared to literally drop $1000 on this release if it was good. Now I'm getting nothing. Fuck this gay earth.
>pic rel, some kitbashed agents I did for fun
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the old granny doesn't seem that bad
outside of the FUCKING TILTED FEET
it's even on the new coteaz
It's more so that all the details are wrong for no reason and they try to distract you with a fuck ugly fire effect
>all the details are wrong
like what :)
Deathwatch models are literally just regular marines in black with a different shoulder colour
Use your eyes? Not wasting my time.
How would an agents army even play? All of their current datasheets are ass and you can't win with just an entire army of objective monkeys
>no actual point to make
LMAO every time, thanks for conceding early at least
>Can't point out a single "wrong" detail
I accept your concession :)
>model stylized iliac crest onto the top of the leg armour
>do it again
Where the fuck is GW finding these retards? They have so many shit sculptors nowadays it's unreal.
It's a mixed breed
You don't need me to play spot the difference for you. The picture is ITT, have fun.
Of course you're just shitposting.
ill get you breeded and mixxed.
there's next to no differences other than the new model having some extra chains and a reliquary
I accept your constellation * 2
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outside of the seals placed on top of the fire, the model is fine
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Yeah because it would be over quicker, giving you the chance to be able to play something else that's more fun
Didn't say it was egregiously bad. Just that it's a bad attempt at remaking an old character since pretty much none of the finer details were kept intact.
Thats your stock line any time GW releases something new, faggot
I dont like 3 hour games man, thats all I can say in retort.
So when do we get the Agents of Chaos and Agent of Xenos codex announcements?
Bro just stop its embarrassing. We aren't gonna play stinkmar with you
Haha, wtf.
He looks like a lego figure or something.
Is this a ploy to make paypigs panic buy the old model before they replace it
They only take 3 hours if you don't know your rules
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in a number of ways, I would say so, but that's my personal opinion talking, but in more objective terms you can compare a fatcast with a primaris and see the fundamental differences between the two in those aspects: marine pauldrons work mainly vertically, the horizontal component in the silhouette follows the frame of the arms to the head and backpack, while a fatcast's pauldrons are comparatively flat and jut out of the silhouette drastically or flatten the figure in a way that makes the head sticks out, and not in a good way, so much so that they end up REQUIRING a big halo, either on the head itself or on a backpack/reliquary
compare that to how thunderstrike made the pauldrons smaller, more curved and with a more upward edge towards the head, accompanying the eye better towards the verticality of the head
in terms of the chestpiece, the compromises the stormcasts kits make in order to make them very modular also make the armour pieces sit 'too far' from one another or need to hide the junction at the chest and side behind flaring trims that make the model look way wider than it is
again, compare that to how the chestpiece of a thunderstrike stormcast of a primaris hugs the torso and the flanks
>you can't win with just an entire army of objective monkeys
I'm pretty sure someone actually won a GT playing an AoI army because it was absurdly good at scoring primary and secondary but couldn't kill anything.
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can't believe they didn't just re-release this guy instead of that fucking banana diaper sculpt
I dont quit my games anon, I see them through.
What was this guy released for again? Some kind of event?
Imagine making cool stuff and then just not selling it.
I don't play Sigmar and never have. I will wait for 11th edition before I return to 40k because 9th burned me out and 10th was a dumpster fire.
rent free
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>Bro just stop its embarrassing. We aren't gonna play stinkmar with you
idk but I just bought one on ebay for what they'll probably sell Coteaz for on his own lmfao.
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Tried to do a paint over to see how little was needed to make him less off-putting, honestly the cock cloak makes a huge difference
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Anyone else getting major Deja Vu?
jesus christ
Great stuff, anon. Looks just like codex illustration artwork. Very nice
anon was right about you
whats he called again?
Erasmus Cartavolnus
I don't think the bald head is particularly needed, but the loincloth definitely is
I think it was the store anniversary mini that year?
>make heavy armored frontline hoplite custodes leader
>put him in the light armor configuration meant for mobility
many thanks
the 'cord didn't like that one kek
frent 'ree
Cool? I didn't say you should.
So let me get this straight, for the Agents of Imperium faction you can either choose to include a certain number of units to your Imperium faction army like you used to, or pick one of the Major Ordos. You get to include Adepta Sororitas for Hereticus, Deathwatch for Xenos and Grey Knights for Malleus.
Got to be the same sculptor as new Coteaz
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yknow what's most funny about the Coteaz model to me? the codex cover depicts him and they didn't even attempt to model him right lmfao

I forgot to delete the quote on the post I used to open quick reply, I have no idea what you're on about.
Yes and no, those are just themed boxes you imbecile.
Imagine releasing space marines with johnny 5 rocket launchers, seeing the ridicule they got, then releasing this. Does Darren Latham have absolutely zero influence as Head of Product Development? His sculpts are generally really good so you'd think he would shitcan this and send the sculptor back to his desk in shame.
The miniature is literally sculpted over a primaris marine model, might as well put a primaris helmet on it as well
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>everyone shitting on new codex without even seeing 1/10 of the rules
>I think it looks really fun and cant wait to see the strats
>I love henchmen and cant wait to have 3 fat units of them and build fluffy armies.

The battleforce boxes are honestly really cool, they have awesome models like the immolator and blackstar and all I'm asking for is a 45% win rate fluffy army. I already have most of the stuff in the boxes so they aren't for me but this is literally what I wanted. I don't understand the instant dooming.
The stinkcord is really working overtime. I guess stinkmar 4.0 isn't saving the game like they hoped
Designed by same guy who did the Custodes Captain with Melts spear?
Updates to the datasheets for the agents units to get them ready for a codex might also make them worth a damn for taking in more imperium armies. I certainly wouldn't say no to having a reason to take some more agents for my sisters.
>The battleforce boxes are honestly really cool,
what the fuck are you on about, its the lamest shit they have released since the kroot, This shit is gonna bomb even if they only have 5 boxes to distribute.
Welcome to 40kg. Nothing is allowed to be well-regarded.
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oh don't get me wrong, I love the army and expect the rules will be fine. I'm just shitting on Coteaz with his Number 2 Toughness (TM) armor.

still hoping for scions/stormtroopers to be a thing for them.
>You shouldn't be negative about the codex, you haven't seen any of it
>Now I will proceed to call it really fun without having seen any of it

How would you have felt if you hadn't eaten breakfast yesterday morning?
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That looks cool but how do painting styles like this look from another angle?
Like does the artificial shading look weird?
>since the kroot
Wasn't around at the time. just how hard did they bomb?
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Inquisition codex made me think of a GSC Detachment, similar to Broodbros one but with Tyranids instead as both armies have the same Great Devourer keyword.
-A quarter of your army can be Tyranids
-When GSC & Tyranid units are within 12" of each other, roll a leadership test for both units.
-GSC units get the benefit of synaps and some other shit if successful, battleshock otherwise.
-Tyranids if fail the roll move towards GSC units that aren't Patriarch/Purestrains/Metamorphs (mutated with the coming of the Hivefleet) and devour D3 units.
Hire me James Workshop. Tell me why it's an awful idea gameplay-wise.
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Sharing my custom halberd avatar.
This guy must be a prime target for inquisitor forces, he is both a XENOS and a DAEMON.
you can still find the army box, and the savings arent that bad when you consider how fucking overpriced the models are.
it's not fair that imperium get agents while xenos get nothing.
Why are 14 year olds so obsessed with gas masks
That's cool, the problem with the axe is that it doesn't have much of a profile since he holds it so close to his body
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>write shit rules for new krroot models
>nobody buys your early access codex box with kroot model tax
fuck off traitor guard shoul have been made a thing
Kroot fans always struck me as a vocal minority. A very small minority. I'm not surprised one bit.
Genuinely horrible model, 40k's had some rough releases the past few years but this is one of the worst I've seen
Wait so.. Ordo Hereticus goes after chaos cults.. and Ordo Malleus goes after.. chaos?
Kroot got decent rules, they did well even at a competitive level. Just killed with Pariah but that was long after the box went out
factionlets don't matter. this game is now purely for HFY redditniggers and they will consistently dab on chaosweenies and xenos faggots like GW intended.
Dead franchise walking
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I don't see anyone dooming on the rules, just the new model which is objective dogshit.

However - it is a highly problematic codex. Building an army around it is pure risk, almost worse than building Ynnari. Chances are a year and a bit from now it'll be half illegal again.

There's also the problem that it introduces balancing issues due to soup availability, and GW tends to just see a problem and hit it with the largest hammer they can afford rather than tweaking things intelligently.
while I do think it's a cool conversion I like the original a lot more
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How the fuck do you release this hot off of the fucking Nerfgun Marines?
Has quality control just gone out the window or has the 40k team given up entirely knowing they'll still make bank?
Interns are forced to work on 40k, while all the experienced guys and real artists work on passion projects for AoS because it gives them more creative freedom. it is known.
Traitors, which tend to be chaos aligned, and the other one banishes literal daemons
Warhammer enjoyers are bottomfeeding scum that don't care about quality in any aspect
I mean every inquisitor goes after every thing
The original? The spear or the axe
>hot off of the fucking Nerfgun Marines?
Buddy.. Desolators were a year and a half ago
they get Ynnari
the faction rule allows Genestealer Cult to take Agents, as well, so long as they only field shit with the Imperium keyword, such as brood brothers and only brood brothers
Sculpt your own models from scratch if you don't like the new ones.
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Or this original
he looks so goofy (derogatory)
I wanted Amberly :(
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You can't build a GSC army like that
Daemonhunters go after Chaos cults and daemons and other phenomena that pertain to Chaos. Witch hunters have a broader mission in a sense since they police all sorts of things they find objectionable. That includes thoughtcrime, political sedition, mundane sorts of corruption, dissent, religious schism, miscellaneous wrongthink, etc. Obviously if an inquisitor runs into an issue that's not completely within the purview of their respective ordo they're still likely to stick their nose in it. For example: Eisenhorn and Ravenor were officially alien hunters but overwhelmingly spent their career running around after various heretics, witches, and daemons.
Should have been Ravenor
I'm getting nervous about EC
Weren't complaints directed at the fact a lot of models looked too "busy" in their design?
you always should have been
you shouldn't, because they're not getting anything lmao
You should have been nervous after Thousand Tzaangors and World Eaters
hereticus goes after heresy, malleus goes after chaos

heresy could be anything from political bullshit, to unsanctioned psykers, to illegal tech, to underground cults. In practice means they could chase down why they think is an unsanctioned psyker and end up crossing paths with GSC, which is the domain of Ordo Xenos, or other wierd shit.
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You can get Infiltrators as a part of a Spectrus Kill Team in any Imperium army now, thats kinda funny
>World Eaters
Don't remind me lmao. Red butchers? Nah lol. New unit that looks retarded as fuck? Hell yeah!
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>We're going to spend the rest of the edition guessing whether the new Noise Marines will be a kino & faithful refresh like TSons or a complete downgrade like Death Guard and World Eaters
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Why so blue?
sure you can, all you need is the right keywords, specifically, every member of the army must have the Imperial keyword, which brood brothers have
you'll be playing a nerfed imperial guard, but your faction will be GSC
Tsons would have been better if they werent faithful. Those sculpts are awful.
Your Warlord can't be a Brood Brother unit, and that won't have the Imperium keyword.
Oh boy, I can't wait to spend $70 to get the rules to use my one assassin. Fuck off GW
We have Coteaz at home.
>He still has hope for a good EC release
Anon, World Eaters got like a third of an actual codex.
EC is gonna get Noise Marines, a fodder unit that no one wanted, a Lucius update and maybe a plastic Fulgrim.
nu plague marines and nuzerkers ARE faithful, tertiary
Because blue Orks are the best Orks, silly.
Yeah I'm sure they'd do a great job with that
Unless you're a Nidfag or the one Krootfag on earth it's just been a bad edition for models
The best Space Marine release was the terminators because they didn't change them too much
The GW design team are probably going to refuse to make plastic Bullgrim because of the fucking beauty that was his Daemon Form in HH 2.0. That sculptor is god tier (Will Ferrell Dorn face notwithstanding)
Those hammers are gonna swing down and hit him in the gooch lol
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I hope the EC release is tiny like world eaters so I can just buy a couple kits and use my csm
>Inquisitor Fridge
Nu zerkers can't even fucking dual wield in their kit, so no it's not a good kit.
Yeah, it's unique and interesting compared to generic inquisitor dude/girl that already exists across multiple minis
>it's this autist again
it's all so tiresome
>metal shoes bending
It's not unique or interesting it's a fucking floating box
They were way too fucking fat. They were so bad GW fucking squatted them and re-released them.
It's the most basic fucking thing they could have done and they didn't even do it. Fuck you.
Far more interesting than 'guy in armor' or 'coomer model' like you're desperately praying for.
Paladins were great but libs are shit
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So Death Watch bros, what’s your reaction on this news?
Keep the body swap the face back
Just give your dudes two weapons, anon.
Don't let GW's rules ruin the aesthetic of your guys.
Ok retard.
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TIL wracks weren't always a plastic kit
Sorry you can't just rattle can and then dunk in agrax your entire army.
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Nuzerkers? Maybe.
Nu Plague Marines? Sanded down PG trash. Nothing "Plague" about them.
sorry you're a hobbylet that can't kitbash
>posting the forgeworld plague marines
opinion discarded
Not at all, not even 40k cretins would buy that shit
>What are your thoughts on the Imperial Agents announcement?
Remember 8th edition soup?
Welcome back.
I'll see you guys in 11th.
>Ermmm doesn't count!!!
Concession accepted
pro hobby tip
take the sprue of the inquisitor you don't like and melt it into a vaguely cube shaped cast and you've got your trash model you so badly want
>the coolest Killteam conceptually getting plug-n'-play ability
I like it
Nice samefagging :)
it doesn't, the nu plaguemarines look far more like the original jes plaguemarines than those resin slop piles
That face looks kind of generic too but it could be the paint job.
>Anybody that doesn't think a floating dumpster is epic is just a troll hating me!
>everybody who doesn't want my obscure inquisitor joke model is the same person
>convert one to just be a normal sized skitari holing his gun up high on a periscope.
I love this mini, and its sad that you dont get a squad of them.

Everyone's talking about coteaz being shit, and I agree, it's shit. But that order malleus box is baffling. Two sets of the same character type models just doesn't make sense to me.
You seem a little upset :)
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But seriouly, my GW negroes, why do you go bonkers with detail for your rank and file troops that are a chore to paint, and when you have a good, proper gothic canvas, you give him the middest armor.
And don't make me speak about that lovely dove. Absolute ass.
I can hear the sweat landing on your phone screen
His iPhone*
We know who it is.
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Im with you anon. Im fucking hyped
fyi I stopped replying after posting the fan art
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That is one of the og plague marines, all the FW ones had mark ii armor.
Nigga you have no idea, Genestealer Acolytes and Metamorphs have maybe 5x the detail on Cortez 2.0 and they're cheap as fuck rank and file troops and it's maddening
We're talking about model releases, not fluff
Just use greyfax and call her amberly
>Build fluffy armies
But there's no listbuilding?
what doesn't make sense to me is how limiting it is.. like look at the Inquisitorial Henchmen killteam rules, they can take:
>Sisters of Silence
>Veteran Guardsmen (Krieg)
>and use my csm
About that...
>Every faction in the game besides TSons is wildly fluctuating in winrate due to how fucked balancing is right now
>Let's REALLY complicate that with a new soup-reliant faction that'll turn this shit into honors-level calculus
As long as black spear taskforce stays as a detachment, I'm very happy for a new fluffy way to play them. It makes more sense for Gray Knights and Deathwatch both to have Inquisition style armies.
8th soup was good until tourneyfags ruined it. Every army gets a BA captain and a knight. Wew.
Yup. The biggest dark Eldar update since 5th edition. Replacing 3 good looking finecast characters with mediocre plastic ones, adding a flyer a whole edition late, and updating Wracks to plastic.
Probably in the book you doofus
>kitbash to fix a piece of trash
I'd rather kitbash to add flavour and individuality to something that's already cool, GW simp.
Didnt people run tzeench flamers in death guard
>>Every faction in the game besides TSons is wildly fluctuating in winrate
Let me guess, you're giving a shit about meta monday and stats based on a dozen players

Also - you know basically all data on 40k games is completely poisoned right?
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While I hate counts as fags shitting on anything getting cool immersive rules, the Imperial Henchmen datasheet is very flexible and generic and you can model them as pretty much anything you want. You could very easily model your henchmen as Jin Roh style stormtroopers or scions. You can also just put sisters models in there. Its a kill team unit at heart, so its meant to be really diverse in the modeling so even WSIWYG fags cant complain.
kill yourself hobbylet
>Chances are a year and a bit from now it'll be half illegal again.
This is the biggest issue for me, I'd love to build a Witchhunters army, but not if it's gonna last 3 months before it becomes useless.
>GW simp
You're free to do what you like but you should think about maybe don't enter a thread for a game made by GW if you hate them so much.
The zerkers suck with or without dual wielding and adding dual wielding would not make them look less awful.
name a single reason why they're bad that isn't crying about no dualwielding then, faggot
Meh. Im gonna do it anyway. I'd rather enjoy it while it lasts.
NEW = GOOD OLD = BAD fags real quiet right now
I agree, they weren't an ideal army or anything, but they weren't this bad.
I simply don't have the space.
How many of those do we even have here? Like I legit only think the new (D)Eldar have looked good at all in the last couple years and everything else has been safe and phoned in with some wonky proportions.
on god you better not be talkin shit bout my boy boofus
God I love berserkers. Khorne mortals across the board are awesome but god do I hate all of his daemons
Where are the fucking assassins James??
Have you considered maybe there's a subset of people that can both dislike some new things and like some old things while also liking some new things and disliking some old things
Who cares they're fucking stupid
More importantly, where are the death cult assassins.
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the Ashes of War box had such kino art for so many random ass things
ashes of faith.. man I'm retarded today
Based on brood brothers in GSC and how agents worked in the past I actually trust them to keep soup bad. I'm expecting the army to not be very good but fun to model and play. They have actively nerfed every single unit or character in agents that saw widespread play so you know they are super afraid of soup meta.
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These battleforce boxes seem fun for bits
They REALLY don't want a repeat of the obligatory knight meta. So yeah they will keep them fluffy but shit.
I love my sisters but yea that's new corteaz is stinky.
So, now you'll be able to take sisters, GK and stuff like that as allies or that's only for an agents army?
Don't have time to read it now
Callidus is still good.

But its no longer the case of just being little additions, if agents were bad people just played their normal army without them. but now Agents are an army - they have a WR that GW will try and push to 50%. How do you make sure GK Termies, Battle Sisters and Deathwatch KTs are all shit enough not to be worthy inclusions but also solid enough not to be an embarassment as a genuine army?
lurk more newfag
Soup meta is unironically bad for GW sales.

You'd think if everyone had to buy new units from multiple armies, that people would buy more. But actually what happens is that all Imperial armies homogenise into one or two best lists, and instead of selling 6 armies, they only sell 1.
I believe a standard battle sister squad can be taken as a "requisitioned" unit.
Though, at their price without their army rule, not sure why you would want a Battle Sister Squad.
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Fixed the pose on this kitbash and primed him. Plaguecaster for my DG.
Why is GW obsessed with shoving sidegame shit into the main games with zero thought or effort to make it work well, this shit is way too individualistic/ unique to be a generic thing you take
4th edition AoS model count is not a selling point. It's unironically at "can't take your cool stuff even at 2000 points" level.
Its not a generic thing. Its two things, the five unique sculpts are a character-unit while the more plain voids-men-at-arms are a generic.
>10th starts
>Battlewagon is a whole lot more expensive due to forced wargear costs
>Shelf my wagon
>One day bring it out for a game
>Does fantastically during said game. way better than I ever expected and was the MVP all game
Wagonbros it's not over
It is for me, I love it when my army isnt a hassle to transport.
Bro did you read the article? The detachments will be Xenos, Malleus, Hereticus and imperial navy. There will be nothing DW specific and they will just get 4 datasheets.
You make them an embarrassment, but a fun embarrassment
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the best ones are

death to nuhammer

that's not the forgeworld ones you casual.

based old models
These ai are getting pretty good
Ordo Xenos is DW specific... they are the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Xenos
>Angels Fissile
Excuse me
you have no personality
BSS are going to go down, they're overcosted. Immolators are solid just by themselves and allow you to split a BSS into 2, then you've got 2 sticky objective mission play units and what, the immo Multi-Melta, squad Multi-Melta and standard Melta. It's not nothing
How come they have the one guy from the blackstone fortress game in there? Didn't those all come in a single sprue?
His pants still feel like they're riding up to his ribcage.
Haven't been a part of this debate, but the current death guard is dominated by ugly fucking sculpts regardless of your opinion on what sort of aesthetic they should have. If I collected them I'd probably shoot myself after painting my 50th clunky, poorly modeled bone spur mutation or unintelligible sfx cloud of poo gas
Yes but blackspear taskforce it's not. If you want to play pure DW you need to play vanilla marines with 2 DW veteran squads.
Now if only the guns it had were worth a damn. Make Zzzap Guns great (I can't say again because they never were).
No one here does
guys I think 40k has an issue with bloat.
agreed, he looks like a wandering downie
Very true. Most ork units could benefit from worthwhile shooting. The battlewagon suffers though because you're technically paying for the guns that do nothing. At least it's tough with some halfway decent melee.
And yes. Make zzap guns worth taking, GW. Please.
He is still worse than all of these. They all suck, but he is the worst.
Eisenhorn's Datasheet buffs daemonhosts but I can't seem to find any Daemonhost models.
You'll change your mind in a few days
Just noticed in the announcement for the new model: are they sincerely moving away from the "kill the mutant" part of the saying? It's not 'kill the daemon' in the past couple community mailings on my spam account and I wonder if it's just an oversight or if nu-GW is seriously trying to woke wash what a fucking mutant is in 40k.
Sister win rates are still pretty high so I doubt BSS is going down and if it does it will drop to 110. But you're right about how much the immolator improves them as a choice. No miracle dice still sucks though.
Inquisitorial Henchmen
Miracle dice are an anti-fun mechanic anyway. Im happy enough without it.
They are high, with one specific list and detachment that regularly forgoes taking any BSS in favour of Dominions at the exact same cost. I don't know if its actually a good choice to take them, just saying that the option exists now so if they were to cut their cost as an internal balance measure to make Sisters healthier there are downstream effects

wide soup just seems like a bad idea in general to me
I also don't think BSS will go down, but I would be happy to be wrong on this.
Your point on the immolator is valid.
And I have to remember how spoiled I am on my infantry vs. like a guard player. 3+ shooting (4+ on heavy weapons), 3+ saves definitely isn't nothing to sneeze at. I
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Does the hereticus battleforce come with the monopose sisters or the kit with all the wargear?
>not sure why you would want a Battle Sister Squad
Cause they look cool af fighting alongside IG or some marine chapters like BT
This image is a fucking travesty.
Well that's definitely true.
Miracle dice are run for me :)
ngl these boxes look like aborted combt patrols.
Yeah but there are like 2 images of BT and SoB fighting together in all the internet so it is what it is.
Whatever you say, spaz. You clearly know my mind and my tastes better than me.
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GW returning to the old ways.
>Coolsville SUCKS
These sisters are from the sister squad box, patrol doesn't have those.
I don't know man guaranteeing 8 damage anytime my melta shot gets through is pretty fun for me.
God I hope they do some internal balance, I love my repentia but 180 points plus 75 for the rhino they need is retarded.
what is anti fun about it? you can see them coming and plan around it. its interactive.
Bring down repentia points and make celesitan sacresants worth taking dammit, they look great and then you can have a classy sister unit for your combat units.
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And into the solution it goes. New old chaplain in a day or two.
Im sure they are if you're the sisters player.
Imagine a really tense engagement that comes down to one or two dice rolls and then instead of rolling it out the sisters player takes any chance out of the engagement and gets to just win automatically. It feels really shitty to be on the other end of that.
The audiodrama Our Martyred Lady features the SoB and BT fighting together
Pretty well done as well
I like that the sisters consider the astartes brutes and borderline heretics.
If one dice roll loses you an engagement you would have never won it to begin with.
Asking again. What's the Ork equivalent to a chaplain? What is a Chaplork?
That's the entire army rule which means you fell short with whatever your army was bringing.
Isn't he just the Librariork? Or does the weirdboy stand in for both?
>I think Coolsville must be PURGED
a snagga
I'm so tempted to buy these, yet the blood angels are around the corner
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>imperial agents meltdown is so huge thread is nearing the bump limit in just over 3 hours
why don't people just not buy the things they don't like
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a spiritual guide to orks? in fantasy it's a shaman, in 40k it's either a runtherder since he's generally an oldfag and takes on passing on the old stories and traditions to the boys, a particularly gifted warboss like ghazkhull, speaking for the gods
I don't think you know what a meltdown looks like if you think this is one. Its mostly perfectly rational discussion and making fun of a truly awful model
How DARE you mention that name
there's a meltdown? this was the most predictable codex yet.
that would require a functioning frontal lobe which most people posting here do not have
I'm not having a meltdown, I paint primarily so these kits being a soup doesn't bother me at all

I always liked deathwatch but never got to play them, this is an excuse to actually get off my arse and paint some deathwatch outside of using the bits from their combat patrol
No solid loafs!
Thats not true anon. You've never had a victory point or an objective rest on the fate of a roll? I don't think you've played many games

The army rule isn't fun to play against.
>Snagger iz *OUR* word, 'umie
>But you'ze alright, so I'z gonna tell the lads 's alright if you say Snagga 'round us.
because things being better benefits everyone, both the ones that buy them for themselves, the ones that were on the fence towards buying them and the ones who weren't going to buy them but will find them on the opposite side of the battlefield, and even the ones that are not going to play who will find that GW's revenues increasing means more chances for stuff they do actually like to get done as GW grows

bad models benefit no one
I really don't get why they decided all of a sudden that nurgle=tentacle mutations every where
None of the old miniature had that kind of details
Half of it is shitting on one model and the other half is hype.
>You've never had a victory point or an objective rest on the fate of a roll?

If you play Tyranids this is your fate, embrace it
just don't buy the bad models so they know that bad models don't sell
>You've never had a victory point or an objective rest on the fate of a roll?
Of course I have

and you're saying you got to that point when Sister's army rule was miracle dice. If they didn't have that they'd have something else, and you wouldn't be in the position to win in the first place. Getting it yet?
>You've never had a victory point or an objective rest on the fate of a roll?
The point is that since the entire army rule of sisters is miracle dice, then yes, if you couldn't pull out an advantage and it came down to the one thing sisters are good at, then you 100% fell short before that point.
Nice. The old dc chaplain is great.
It's more kid friendly to have belly mouths and tentacles everywhere than exposed entrails.
They become gross and goofy over grotesque and horrifying.
Enlighten me on how can I throw negative money at a screen
you guys were complaining about aos sloppa and now here you are complaining when you get a morsel of 40k sloppa. I dont think you guys like sloppa at all.
go out and kill everyone you know that buys bad models
I'm glad they didn't devote more time and resources to Codex Imperium's Sloppy Seconds. At least now that means they can put their limited sculptors and production facilities into making new stuff people actually care about like Age of Sigmar.
I think you misunderstand. I dont care that its strong, I care that it's not fun to play against.
Give them something else thats stronger, but make their army rule something besides "we get free dice just because". I don't want to lose because my opponent has some "I win" dice loaded up. I would rather lose because the sisters activated a strong stratagem giving them better invul saves or they get bonuses to their objective control
I threw away a bag of old dangels the other day because I didn't feel like stripping them
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For the older 40K players, do you guys like the templates or no?
must be tiring having so many people rely on your insights
Please James, let arco-flagellants be available as unit selections under the Agents rules so that I can field them with my ad-mech and have the drug-crazed melee servitors my army deserves

Thank you
stripping... Oh shit, my genestealers are still in the isopropyl pod
You seem to think fun is improved by a reduction of random chance and a having a game with more tactical choices based on perfect information. But many feel exactly the opposite and find the risk and reward style of tactics to be more engaging.
Kek. I doubt many will get it, but I had a hearty chuckle
this book has the potential to be so fucking aimless
They are the isopropyl pod now
meh. people labour over their unit positions enough as it is. vehicle wreckage however..
>I dont care that its strong, I care that it's not fun to play against.
You said you didn't like it because they'll use it to win in a fight that was so far 50/50 and close
It was only 50/50 and close because they had that ability and not something else

The reasoning for it being unfun isn't sound logic, try again.
>wow no way the thread gets a ton of activity after the first real 40k news in a significant amount of time how could this be
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>why don't people just not buy the things they don't like
Because they remove the good things to make room for the shit?
Is it that hard to understand why someone may not like that?
You have it backwards. Miracle dice reduce random chance and I think that's anti fun.

>many feel that risk and reward style of tactics to be more engaging
I wholeheartedly agree. Miracle dice remove the risk - there is only reward.
Arco flagelants need to be in mechanicus too
Fuck that shit. The only "positive" from those was cheesing to hit stuff you shouldn't be able to. Otherwise just more micromanagement.
So just buy some of the old things off ebay then
>try again
I dont think you're engaging with me in good faith. You've put no effort into trying to understand where I'm coming from so nah. Im done talking to you.
Yes, d3/d6 hits are fucking souless
I accept your retarded concession
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Two months in the dip and it didn't even fully strip, I think the isopropyl was too watered down.
No. They slow your game down too much.
Encouraging you to reevaluate the logic that led you to a position in the face of an argument that soundly refutes it isn't bad faith

try again
I swear, those are segments from existing Primaris and Stormcast 3D models they've just stretched horizontally in whatever sculpting program they use
Just use kitchen degreaser. The purple kind usually is best.
99% or bust
Im sure your ego needs that to be true.

I dont know how I could make it any clearer. "I win" dice are less fun to play against than game mechanics and special abilities.
>"I win" dice are less fun to play against than game mechanics and special abilities.
Because - in your own words - they auto win engagements that were otherwise close. But those engagments were only close because they had those abilities. You're just fooling yourself into thinking you'd win them.

Also good job not speaking to me again lol
>I dont know how I could make it any clearer. "I win" dice are less fun to play against than game mechanics and special abilities.
Faith dice are both of these things. You just don't like em, I get it, no issue there.
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of my position. You're right I should just drop it. My opinion is clearly in the minority here.

You're right. Faith dice are a special ability and I am shit at articulating why I don't like them. I just don't like them. Whenever I play against sisters i don't have fun because of the miracle dice. No other mechanic is as unfun to play against for me.
Miracle and fate dice are cool. When playing against them you should be mindful of their existence and limitations, it's not like the opponent is hiding them and just hits you with a "gotchya bitch" and auto wins an engagement.
I think it's a good way to make a couple armies more unique and play differently.
When using these dice it requires a level of tactical decision when to apply them and not get baited into wasting them
Yes, it's a fun part of the game, trying to figure out interesting ways to place it also encourages you to move it around and makes you consider other options; the extra step makes you think more, engages you more into the game, plus it helps with creating and visualizing the story unfolding.
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In other news, firing 9d6+9 str 5 flamers hots with dev wounds on 6s is just as fun as I thought it would be with Sisters Bringer of Flames Detach.
Smells like victory.
>all the hype for the secret codex
>it's just an extreme downgradd of a single character and the removal of dw as their own faction
epic troll james
Thats fair, I don't like playing Eldar but regardless of how I justify it. Objectively speaking they're probably not unfair but I don't like what they can do
people here have been asking for DW and GK to be folded into a codex for ages
DW was basically a dead faction anyway so all you did was gain units
Hopefully you and other such "humans" don't get Seraphim nerfed into the floor

Models are "forever" anon, just run the old one :^)
They're fun when no one is trying to be a tryhard. I miss them.
go to autozone. buy a jug of super clean. big purple jug. works like a charm.
>Hopefully you and other such "humans" don't get Seraphim nerfed into the floor
It's an expensive combo anon, they already inflated seraphim price to account for this:
>Jump canoness with Fire and Fury is 95 points by herself
>Full 10 man seraphim is another 170
>so 265 points + your free stratagem for the battle round
It's the obvious combo that they clearly intentionally setup with that enhancement, they wanted people to do this.
It might not even really be the best for actually winning matches, but it's damn good cooking.
Tastes great too
What does it taste like?
just a sip will turn you into a blanchitsu god
Gw knew what they were doing with 9 flamers in a unit. Of course they did.
>It might not even really be the best for actually winning matches
Its in basically every single sisters list nigga
>they already inflated seraphim price to account for this:
Yes cool, at the expense of running them in every other detachment, thats the problem
It also lets me field my dream inquisition army with it's own detachment instead of stapling an inquisitor to an existing faction and calling it done.
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>Gw knew what they were doing
What emotion is his face attempting to convey?
40k is all about ornate detail. Stop pretending it fucking isn't.

God I hate the dipshit that infest this fucking hobby now.
>Its in basically every single sisters list nigga
I didn't see this in the big tourney winning list. Of course lots of people are running it, it's cool and pretty good.
>at the cost of
Yeah and? That's how GW decided to balance things, it's not my fucking problem and me running the list as they intended isn't an issue. Also Serpahim are also costed for Army of Faith which also gets bonuses on them.
Be pissed at GW if you want to, no one is stopping you.
>replying to 4 hour old bait
I hate you even more
>it's not my fucking problem
30 goto 10, this is why I put quotations around "human".
Okay I get it anon, you just want to be pissy.
I want you to stop beating around the push and accepting you're a waacnigger
It was made with him in mind
I'm a waac supremacist
>bring the most obvious and fun and flavorful combo
go be gay somewhere else kek
samefag less
>entire point is that he doesn't use the sword's power and it has the same statline as a generic CCW
>model gets remade with retarded fire effects and now the sword has a special super statline
fuck I hated this
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There is genuinely one retard crying that someone is having fun with using flamethrowers on sisters
Make it less obvious next time
>fun and flavorful combo
omg the fucking flavour, +1 to torrent rolls I'm dying from the narrative explosion

oh wait no its in every list because its strong as fuck
Get wrecked scumbag
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>trying to discuss anything on 4chan in the year of our lord 2024
The entire draw and premise of Crowe is the Black Blade. Crowe is "the guy who has the Black Blade of Antwyr". I don't get why you're saying that so dismissively.
>when the flavorful rules are also strong
Idk what you're complaining about thats the best case scenario. Go perform sounding on yourself.
Yeah, the one on the right is better.
I guess it wouldn't be too hard to add all the small details, like the extra fur on the cloak, but it'd be tideus.
Best case scenario is something being fluffy (+1 to rolls, wowee) but of good but not excellent power level. That combo is, thats why its everywhere in the waac scene.
No use arguing. He probably got spanked by Sisters at his LGS and is seething hard.
This entire thread is just you samefagging you same fag. I need someone else to come in here I'm tired of watching you talk to yourself
Cope and sneed GW defense force. GW are about to release one of the worst models in its entire history and we're laughing at it and we're not going to buy it either. I know you dicklickers will but that's your MO.
i earnestly believe that these generals would be made better by the existence of poster id
we HAVE to do something about the schizos
This post and all the previous ones? All me.
Dead internet theory but instead of AI and bots its just one guy arguing with himself forever
The entire site could use thread ids at this point, especially after they killed the IP counter. Well maybe not pure shitposting boards, idk.
4chan George is an outlier
Shut up, me
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I’m happy for you. I just wish I could still do it too.
In general, because it's edgy. In this case, it fits, because whoever made that was clearly going for a mining aesthetic (where respirators are standard), so you're kinda complaining about nothing.
Every good post you've ever read on this site was made by me
>40k is all about ornate detail
It isn't.
Take your christmas tree shit elsewhere.
post your models :)
I don't look at any armies rules closely, how are salamander flamers nowadays.
post models with a timestamp
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just orange and red paints
You're mistaking (You) for me
>looted monolith anon
I swear one of these days I'm going to loot a monolith into a stompa.
Allies don't get access to their faction abilities, right?
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beep beep

I considered it, I've got stompas already though and I'd use more battlewagons more often
yep, they don't
Correct as a general rule.
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Now it's your turn.
Your name is dicklicker?
How else does one afford such a collection?
That is pretty impressive, anon. How long did it take you to amass all this?
Not great not terrible. Aggressors have d6+1 shots with twin linked at s5. Infernus are a flat 1d6 at s6. Weirdly stuff like lascannons and assault cannons seem to be more efficient in firestorm. On the one hand it’s risky running a repulsor within 12 inches but s13 is a very very handy breakpoint. We’ve got the durability to manage fine but have to lean hard on an eradicator blob with biologis. When it goes off you can drop like 30 damage on a single vehicle or monster. When it doesn’t you’re in big trouble.
>No orks
Twin linked is hot.
I would murder for something above S10. I mean, I guess we have HKs, but they are all single shot.
Orks are in cases, Ghazgkull is sharing a shelf above the chaos knights, I dropped him and he shattered, needs to be repaired.
too long
I've been called worse
>I've been called worse
I'm sure but its what you called yourself, anon..
Anon just got btfo lol
Hey I remember those shitty brown knights
Nomodels faggots SEETHING yet again!
>Still no models
Oh no no no no
Just make sure to never call the HK’s missiles and they might do something. To be fair retributors fuck pretty hard and the castigator can kill tanks in a pinch.
holy shit lmao I don't think you'll ever recover from this
please post models, you are embarrassing yourself now
>perfectly sane individual
nomodels melty
I was looking at inquisitors yesterday and they were all available. This is post model reveal lmao
No models posted. Forever btfo lmao
scalpers gonna scalp
>Model so bald it causes scalping of the old version
It’s retarded lmao
Don't get me wrong, HKs do put in work, but you only have as many as you do vehicles, it's not a reliable weapon you can build around, even for sisters, which is saying alot. But their HK is head and shoulders above everyone elses (easy 4 to 6 damage if it does land with miracle die).

Now that I think about it, Army of Faith HKs are absolutely cooked
>hit on 2s
>can miracle dice a 3 or 4 to guarantee the wound and still can miracle die the damage

Castigators are only S10 and have only 1 AP. They are not good armor killers, they are just okay vs. other light/medium tanks.
Retributors do fuck however, that's true. Just pricey and super fragile.
this happens with any models, even when the new ones are objectively better
fomofags are a cancer
>t. nomodels secondary
>589 posts
>1 Unique poster
so do you guys like the new model
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>589 posts
>0 Unique Posters
Imagine having such little going on in your life that you obsess over two anons arguing about whether or not one of them is lying about owning models
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But I do get a giggle at Deathwatch getting fucked over.
Why are you asking, you know nobody does
Why is his tabard made of denim?
There's no arguing, one asked for proof, got it and then closed the thread out of embarrassment and went to play Table Top Simulator with tears in his eyes.
I dont have to imagine. I am a sad man.
Because denim is a tough working material
All of you people are fucking embarrassing.
That’s a better answer than me just wanting to try something other than purple and red.
Salamanders are blue collar workers and craftsmen so it makes sense
Catagorically worse than the old one, in every aspect. It's not even aediquate. It doesn't even look like a warhammer model.
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Do I really need 18 of these fucking things?
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What a fat fuck
I salute your attempt to make them look not so retarded
and an invocatus, yes.Then you are free to pick whatever else you want to add.
Thank you, even if these goofy fucks look 12% less stupid than they do out of the box that's something.
are those new terminators or just the same models
do you have a guide on how to make the dripping blood effects? Trying to do the same thing but with oil.
Look the same to me
So how does full Inquisition detachment work? You play army full of arbites, navy dudes and rogue trader infantry squads? Where do vehicles and other muscle comes from?
>Almost twice as wide as tactical dreadnought armor
It's ogre.
He's that large so GK players will be able to better identify with their models
Why dont you like them? I think theyre dope
God it looks even worse when you show it like that
I guess the new character is small as fuck as well.
Gloss varnish, little bro, you can also use nuln oil gloss
>buy a regular paintbrush from a dollar store
>snip a couple of hairs from the top
>super glue to the model
>use Tamiya clear red and lightly apply to the area
>For the drip, just keep dabbing it on the end of the bristle until it forms a blob
Tamiya stuff dries fast so it's real quick
>complete asspull for a terminator equivalent when WE already had a terminator unit
>shounen anime villain-tier fluff
>overdesigned but at the same time less fucked up looking than normal possessed
they're a flop all around
It’s a decoy in case jeanstealers go after him.
Project more faggot, and please, stay mad! HAHAHAHAHAHHOHOHOj4tkrHHOHHAHA
I like them well enough but I frown when my army has like 8 codex choices and you need to utterly max one/two out in order to be even slightly competitive
Dang dood. Im sorry you dont like them
What is the point of this unit
How's it going dread saurian schizo
This is legitimate.
Why did World Eaters and Thousand Sons get so few units when Deathguard got bloatloads of new models? I cant believe they were truly that much more popular to warrant such overt favoritism
To be as ugly as ork players
read the article, each detachment can "requisition" some units from either guard, sisters or greyknights
To be tanky and do damage. He's a force multiplier.
WS 3+ drill
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deathguard was a starter army, with that being said World Eaters just kept the aspect of the csm range that they legitimately do not give a shit about.Another generic foot lord, a terminator captain, havocs, raptors would be better fits than any of the fucking demon engines or armor they kept.
11e staple, trust the plan.
Deathguard were new edition poster boys so they got a juicy range.

It's outrageous that World Eaters didn't even get Red Butchers in plastic and have to use the ugly doughy Chaos Terminator Kit.
I think they truly have the smallest model range in all of 40k, no?
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He looks cool but serves no purpose that the SAG doesn't serve already for cheaper.
Hope he's better in 11th.

for unique units they have:
eightbound and exalted
Heres the real new

are you literally retarded
>New with 606 posts
stop being retarded

anyways, here's the new thread
>I also get the feeling that the 40k team straight up does not enjoy working on 40k.
Well yeah of course. 40k will have lore autists on your case if a purity seal is on crooked or if something looks "too tacticool".

AoS is free range. You can design whatever the hell you want.
Where does it say anything about the guard?
>make whatever, intern. They always complain anyway
clean it up, janny
To be another thing pricing you out of the hobby.
Nevermind I saw the Chimera and assumed guard requisitions
Did you add extra shelves to those glass cases?
>hop onto 40kg, see my meme still going strong 3 years running
I feel quiet pride my shitpost has such a long shelf life.
Yes. Flame templates reward good positioning and punish bad. Also, rolling a 1 on a D6 of flamer shots is just fucking retarded. Flamers should be D6 at long range and D6+3 in half range.
Meltas should be flat D3+3 damage with increasing Strength in half range.

And on the Blast templates, GW hasn't been able to get Indirect Fire balanced since it got rid of templates. At least with scatter, you had a chance to avoid the worst of a blast template.
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yes, any shelf that has a bracket in the corner as opposed to the frame is an extra shelf made of perspex.
The extra shelves are great but they are... notoriously expensive from people selling them as kits (despite just being a handful of brackets and 4 pieces of clear perspex) . You could obviously make your own but what a ball ache.
What armies are possible after sex offender marines? Dark mech is only fraction as popular
He ain't worse than the baby carrier
i havent seen a model this eviscerated in a long time, i wonder if the artist is on hero watch
even the dumb stilt thing was funny, this diaper man is just sad
well update it with the new guy cuz he's the cream of the SLOP

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