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Imperial Agents Edition

>Agents of The Imperium Codex Coming Soon:

>Boarding Actions Coming Soon:

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Whats your favorite Inquisition Ordo and why?
Harlequins have less
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wait did you use the same fucking picture

Harlequins deserve to lose more tbf
Explain to me how the inquisition detachments work? I build an army of infantry squads from different kill team boxes?
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>warhammer status: shit
>new mister warhammer mini status: shit
You’re a bad OP.
choose a major ordo and thatll determine what you soup with
Where in the article does it say that?
That space marine got right back up and kicked so many orks in the shins.
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He doesn't look like a stormcast
>...three new Battleforce boxes will get you started with a diverse array of units suitable for the Ordo Xenos, Ordo Malleus, and Ordo Hereticus. They’re great ways to start out with one of the thematic Detachments in Codex: Imperial Agents
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Is this to scale? Cause good lord those grey knight TERMIES look silly next to nu-coteaz
Reddit hates this model so I think it's amazing ludokino.
You're not reddit, are you, anon?
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Somehow he looks worse.
me on the left
>28mm? what's that? - GW sculptors
Reddit hates it? Shit then I love it. Reddit doesn't understand 40k.
thats a nice combat patrol
Radical Ordo Malleus who try to do good and fuck it up really bad.
They kind of tried with liberators, they just fully gave up with coteaz
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I am Ben. You got Ben'd
Goddamn, are you guys like ever happy with anything, ever?
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We're really happy about Horus Heresy Admech but really unhappy that we cant use it.
I think everyone everywhere is in agreement that the model sucks
I dont give a fuck about anything related to horus heresy
who asked?
I liked the Malstrain genestealer, but the dev team saying they are taking inspiration from Kill Team does not sound great in the long run
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Everyone is shitting on the model but I think the alternate build is pretty neat.
Even a broken clock is right two times a day.
Glad to see Tango's genetic lineage made it to the 41st millennium
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Tango is eternal
who asked for more admech shit? its all ass.
(you) tried
Kill Team is much better than 10e though
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Damn. My boys.
I knew it was going to happen, I'm not surprised but it kinda still hurts.
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Sucks but they didn't really do enough to deserve a codex of their own
say what you want, but no one is buying that shit whenever it gets released. 40k rules or not.
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I'm happy.
I love green tides, dread mobs, and kults of speed (though I don't have this portion of the army finished). All 3 of those playstyles got rules to support them.
As long as I have a fun opponent to throw dice against I'm as happy as can be. I enjoy this hobby.
>>hose with full Deathwatch Space Marine armies needn’t worry – they can add the Deathwatch-specific units to a Space Marine army of black-clad units like Intercessors and Terminators, melding the strong foundations and Detachments of Codex: Space Marines with themed specialists from Codex: Imperial Agents.
Isnt the same as now?
that applies for so many space marine chapters.
That's not saying much
Hardly a challenge to be better than 10th.
But I was talking about Necromunda, not 10th.
NTA but.. no? Deathwatch souped in aren't going to be getting army/faction rules, strats, enhancements..

As opposed to an actual DW army with all of that
Yes. Marines and CSM should have 1 codex each.
GK, Custodes, and SoB should be rolled into the Agents Codex
I recently won an Eldar warwalker for $3.50 on eBay. It was missing the weapons and I have a bunch of spares, although it may have to be armed with something other than brightlances.
I'm pretty happy.
I also got 2 sets of windriders, I'm probably going to convert one set into an autarch, a warlock, and a farsight. I'll have to put my sculpting skills to the test for billowing robes but autarch should be really easy with the bits from the new kit.
It's probably not, these images are edited and GW often just pulls photos of the minis that are different sizes and basically drag n drops them into the scene, they aren't all to scale.
man there's never any good deals like that in my country's ebay unless the shipping is like 40 bucks
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I think the libbies are actually closer to Coteaz's old mini design in some ways than the new Coteaz is. You see the shape of their gorget, the sculpted abs and pecs, the segmented plating on the feet, the more accentuated rivets, and the crotch capes. You can identify common elements between them and the old Coteaz to get a more detailed understanding of where the new Coteaz differs.

The two Coteaz models resemble each other more than either of them resembles the Stormcast. But if you're to compare the Stormcast to one of the two, I think it'd be the old one.
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I found some cool killa kan conversions on Etsy.
My LGS is pretty good about proxying as long as it makes sense and effort is put in, so I'm looking forward to getting paint on them.
There's something funny about bringing back a character only grogs care about and then fucking it up so bad no grog would ever want it
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I bought one to turn into a little warrior priest guy for my stormcast
Imagine if they brought back Karamazov? I love that guy I just wish he wasnt in resin. Im realizing now that no matter what there will never be a Karamazov model that I want because whatever they make it will be shitty.
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A character nobody cared about, ever.
It'll be some dumb shit like his daughter or some random woman we've never seen taking his mobility scooter and mantle
The highlight being that sweet two headed eagle mini.
What a downgrade.
Michelin man with diapers
These charts stopped being funny 15 years ago
Warhammer is for everyone, chud.
She'll be fat and ugly too.
its kinda like old models, if you just found out about it today, it seems new and novel.
funny that eh?
>CWE not firmly in Authoritarian Right
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>t. started seven years ago and pretends to be a grog
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More models should have team killing.
If I miss a rocket I should have a chance of blowing up my own terminators.
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>steals ur pose
He's too fat. That's the problem here. There's too much armor. Primarily on the arms and legs.
Are more detailed moulds more expensive or some shit? Everything is getting less and less flair as the years go on
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>Khorne let alone any chaos faction being auth right.
Reducing the legs and downsizing the diaper would make it much better
It is the lower half
there are certain limitations to plastic unless you make really fiddly kits with tons of tiny bits like FW does now
>Everything is getting less and less flair as the years go on
Negro I see the complaint that new models are too busy and too covered in detail all the time
I reckon its some Age of Sigmar designer being shifted over to cover a 40K release, unfamiliar with the style.
Just adding a tabard would sort the diaper out. They've a great bit of artwork to go off so I'm not sure what happened there.
Really? I'm seeing the opposite. First thing that comes to mind is people complaining about the old death company being more interesting
Is this the new grey knight dreadnaught?
Poor bastard must have been putting in work since 9th edition.
you're talking about complaints from 6 years ago
Please papa GW, let my scions be playable in this new book, instead of unplayable in guard.

These are far better proportions for male power armor. Space marine or not. also this >>93406632

Seems like a good conversion project
Yeah and we're still on it
You mean Death Company Ints? They're just an upgrade sprue for a unit nobody gives a single fuck about. The indom stuff is heavy on bling if thats what you're after.
I haven't seen anything that says Black Spear Task Force is going away.
which is retarded because models have been getting flashier and flashier since 9th ed
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Rate my Great Devourer Detachment for GSC
-A quarter of your army can be Tyranids
-When GSC & Tyranid units are within 12" of each other, roll a leadership test for the units. Monster Units reduces 1 from the result.
-GSC units get the benefit of synapse and some other buff if successful, battleshock otherwise.
-Tyranids devour D3 GSC models if fail the leadership roll that aren't Patriarch/Purestrains/Metamorphs (mutated with the coming of the Star Children)
GSC now have access to bigger models/monsters, and feels more like a vanguard force for the Tyranids in this one.
You know, the same people that are complaining about the new model being too simple are also the people who complain when a detail model comes out because it's "too busy" or "over designed."

Grow up anons, this board isn't for children.
I don't care that it's too simple, it just looks like shit
I was the one who predicted that grey knights would get rolled into inquisition as a detachment and I was half-right. Either way, im eager to see if they round out the current grey knight roster more or not. Maybe a refresh in 11th?
Scions are meta in guard right now..
Sounds fabricated and homosexual. I'm in.
Does anyone have the pie chart showing which 40K factions are most popular?
What the fuck is this battleforce lmao. Nothing makes sense, how are you supposed to play the game with those models.
how hard do chimeras hit? does that battleforce have any antitank?
> how are you supposed to play the game with those models
I like it. And it would be great for my dudes who still think the purestrains and the patriarch on their ship are spooky stow-aways rather than kin.
Imo, just buy a Stormcast dude and convert him into Cotez.
It'd look pretty cool.
Correction, GW doesn't like white scars
Now all we need to do is roll all space marines into IG as a detachment and we are set.
>Maybe a refresh in 11th?
My guy if you're getting rolled into another faction that's code for GW not wanting to go further with you....
they're probably one of the most popular non-primary chapters
definitely beat out raven guard and iron hands and imp fists
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>Is this to scale? Cause good lord those grey knight TERMIES look silly next to nu-coteaz
Coteaz is secretly a primaris marine.
Source: my ass
White Scars are cool. Everyone likes them. Except for the retards running the show in bongland
Lots of people like white scars (myself included) but GW wants the detachment to be mount-based. So what do they do? Make it so only two units in the game are “mounted”. Did you know stormspeeders aren’t classified as mounted? Also our named character doesn’t have a bike or jump pack so no one takes him, lmao.
I'm gonna be honest, marines outside of tanks (and the tanks look like shit) look goofy as hell in a vehicle. White scars should find a way to capitalize on reavers or whatever the primaris marines with skull helmets are called, and scouts.
Nigga, you gonna catch these hands.
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The resemblance is uncanny
At this point I don't see the reason why they don't just give them hoverbikes like what Custodes have. They already gave primaris hovertanks so who cares anymore.
>and imp fists
That's just a lie. For some ungodly reason secondaries love them
>My guy if you're getting rolled into another faction that's code for GW not wanting to go further with you....
Grey Knights are confirmed to be getting a 10th edition codex.
nope, they like black templars
I'd start to like marines and white scars if they got actual good looking bikes like the ones in nechromunda in addition to that.
that's being a contrarian, cunt, don't go full retard
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Well, yeah but reivers are shit and even then they rely on deep striking and ganking, which feels thematically Raven Guard. They need more AP on their knives or something before I’d take them.
Yeah, well scouts are already a guarantee, most lists are taking them because of their up-and-down abilities and their low costs. Not really a way to differentiate them

To be honest, I wish the mounted units got the primaries treatment and became grav-bikes, with a couple special ones like a heavy grav bike with one guy on the back wielding some sort of heavy weapon, and another one where the gimmick is that the bike is weaker but it can shoot and then make a scout move. Something like that. Mimic the mongol horse tactics
OI Wot uz saying bout dem ite scaas orite? Newbody ceers about em. Deys racis in currn ear ya see? Now dem dahk anguls det roight der will meke us LOADSA MONEY! Releze anotha prima from de celler!

Nah Sut ya trap wanka and boy or product! I gut to ficks me tea and de Americans steel havn't paid me back afta loist toim!
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Is it too edgy to paint every DE model with their little tabard as flayed skin?
I don't want to show up to a game night and have people say my tiny toy dudes are cringe.
Dude lots of people who actually play like imperial fists. It’s just that they play HH. Also Tor Garadon is great to attach to a squad of eradicators.
Bare minimum effort. Expect little next edition.
Just make sure it's brown skin
IF should be the default marines so UM can get even more roman
What compels artists to draw like this?
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>definitely beat out imp fists.
I'm not the grey knight anon, I was just informing you
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How is that a dude who lives in a war torn country is able to make better and more accurate sculpts than GW? Is there something about the sculpting process that I don’t understand?
deldar are supposed to be try hard edgy and cringe, that's their whole identity
go ham with it
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That went from 0 to 100 really fast
>the one primarch too boring and autistic for khorne to want
Thats what it is though..
He's more attractive to nurgle
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Why are Harlequins like this?
god forbid we support a faction with a motif of ethnic homogeneity.
why no le mustache?!
>Grey Knights are confirmed to be getting a 10th edition codex.
Where and when?
I think it's opposite since GW went out of its way to add the old GK termies into the Ordo Malleus box.
Same with the Ordo Xenos box which has the terrible looking mk8 veterans.

If they were going to update these kits, why not just do that?
Why not just remake the kits and release them during this Agents of the Imperium codex?
When it is pretty obvious that stuff like the DW will not receive their own codex anymore.
So why did this mf go from being old af and bald to being 45 with a fade
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He took the call
In the very article you claim to have read
>Literally have the art to use as a guide
>Still somehow fuck up the proportions
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I'm planning to sculpt in greenstuff flayed skin everywhere on my Deldar. Idea stolen from Manflayers from Fantasy
But I need to fucking finish my other projects first, before getting to this.
its fucking dark eldar my guy
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Have you tried reading the article"
thank god they didn't follow that shitty art for the proportions
I bet it will be Grey Knights versus Emperor's Children release wave.
Maybe it's supposed to actually fit in the range?
Ah but that ork content is solid gold.
Plus, Orks are great when others describe them. Like when the admech are confused why the Orks aren't falling into their traps that should've looked easier to attack, and are instead just marching forward directly into the "heavily" armed places.
I only skimmed through the article.
My bad.
Still though, this doesn't bode well for DW, GW only talks about the GK.
>Is there something about the sculpting process that I don’t understand?
The guy has to do a good job with his sculpts to justify people purchasing models from him and Warhammer fans to buy from him despite it being in resin because Warhammer fans are all scared of resin.
heroic scale means big head and hands. if they followed that artwork he wouldn't fit with any models GW produces.
However you feel about the art itself, the proportions are right for a baseline human wearing power armor
>Still though, this doesn't bode well for DW
Deathwatch, well yeah, they are 100% cooked. What remains to be seen is what units they get in the codex exactly.
It talks about DW. They're a part of the Agents codex

Read the artcle
that's not a baseline human and the artist is a hack
>why no le mustache?!
I don't know, I blame the warp.
Inquisitors are just blokes
How long do you think you can read cockney british accents and absolutely zero story consistency? Because that's what a full ork book would be.
that model is a red scorpion marine
Is the vox master a cybergoth?
I'm an abject retard and thought you were talking about coteaz, ignore me
Just your typical mechanicus
I know.
I'm talking about the fact that GW only mentions the GK getting a codex, not DW.

Read the artcle
Nah they usually just look like cancer patients
Cuck mentality
>I don't want to be the person experiencing it I want to be told about it
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Best thing that came out of TB are the not!Thunder Warrior miniatures.
>most recent one is an upgrade kit
At least he hasn't forgotten about them!
I still don't understand why a bolt gun would require plasma coils.
Even the official model for thunder warriors have them.
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I like their models but not their lore/general playstyle
Ordo Chronos. We can mess the records as much as we want and no one bats an eye lol.
Probably a stylistic choice at first in the artworks and then TB ran with them.
I'll just pretend that those plasma coils are cooling coils for their archaic boltguns generating a lot of heat to launch a boltgun shell.
>but not their lore
>Immediately goes to cuckoldry
Call it how I see it. Thought you'd appreciate how i see you.
We tend to recognize people's size by the scale of their head to their body. So things with large heads compared to their bodies tend to look smaller, more childlike. And on the other end of the spectrum, a smaller head will make the rest of the body look larger, even when there's no "normal" human next to them to serve as a point of reference.
It's just that lots of Space Marine artists take it to the extreme and it becomes yaoi manga levels of comical.
Their primarch is one of the few likeable ones because he told fulgrim to go kill himself and he knew the imperium was gonna turn into a fascist hellhole but didn’t want to weaken humanity so he protested it by walking into the webway and he hasn’t been seen since.
Really excited to see the new codex: We Have a Fuckton Of Kits Printed And Clogging Up A Warehouse That Have Extremely Little Cohesion, Please Buy
>white scar: you only love me for my appearance.
T'was the style at the time.
>all the arms are exposed when MkI is specifically suppose to have a powered upper body
It's all so tiresome.
I close my eyes and tell myself it's volkite.
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>yaoi manga
This is what I'm referring to by the way. If I have to see these abominations, so do you.
Cooling system i assume, for space combat
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Might fold and get pic related desu
Ok, I'm intrigued, what the hell is this?
It has to fit other bits they sell, and they use GW proportions for those
>tell myself it's volkite
Now I'm conflicted.
On one hand I want to do metallic coils because those models are a homage to an old era model from the time when coils were mostly metallic coloured and now on the other hand I want to do Duncan Rhodes' orange plasma coils.
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I swear that they had the specialist games sculptor that does the new garbage Lotr minis make Coteaz.
>Cooling system i assume, for space combat
Which makes no sense since Thunder Warriors weren't made for space combat.
Mk1 power armor specifically stands out because it isn't environmentally sealed like a space suit.
>Might fold and get pic related desu
I bought a load of those thunder warrior models because I have a feeling the shop won't be around for long for obvious current event reasons in the future.
I might do it again
Could've at least posted goo smut at least.
I just wish there was more in depth stuff for them, maybe there's a book I haven't read but compared to say the Path books for the Eldar or the Ragnar books for the SW the WS don't have anything that explores/showcases their culture aside from ''they go fast and dislike dreadnoughts''
It's something 40k/HHL has in spades which is sci-fi/futuristic armies designed with pre modern aesthetics, space romans/vikings/knights etc
Maybe then early bolters were just prone to overheating, so needed additional cooling, like maxim gun
Smut is too light a word to describe that level of degeneracy.
It's called Body Guard, by Kimiyoshi. As far as I know only the first chapter was ever translated. It only survives as a meme of bad anatomy.
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The new Coteaz model really has that "You pay me minimum wage, you will get minimum effort" feel to it.
Pic related how the sculptor probably felt during the creation process.
>goo smut
Shoo shoo nurgle
*little visual/aesthetic cohesion. Lorewise, their presence together is very much justified and a bunch of us have been waiting a long time for this to come round again.
New lotr minis have been great though?
>Mk1 power armor specifically stands out because it isn't environmentally sealed like a space suit.
Wonder if Marines wore a space suit in combination with their MkIs during the later stages of the Unification Wars, when they took Luna and Mars. After all, the MkII Crusade Armour was made for the Great Crusade, at which point marines had already fought off-world.
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Feels cozy, man

Also fuck me these things attract dust apparently
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I hope Guard just get a krieg HQ & specialist refresh in plastic. I can't think of much else they could get as a new/refreshed model and the battleline from Kill Team is plain solid.
you have three unpainted armies.
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>40k/HHL has in spades which is sci-fi/futuristic armies designed with pre modern aesthetics, space romans/vikings/knights etc
Knights are always the best in style.
>Also fuck me these things attract dust apparently
pad the gaps with foam or layered cloth
>I just wish there was more in depth stuff for them
Yeah, I do too. The worst part is that Khan and his legion are so averse to the concept of the current imperium but he’s not as diplomatic and refined as Guilliman so it could’ve been good drama.

There’s also the problem of them being based around biker units. For one, the dark angels and space wolves already have their own distinct mounted units that are straight up better. So are these biker units going to be on their level? Also the fact that white scars are codex compliant makes it impossible to balance. What happens if bikes are good? What stops Raven Guard or Salamanders from using them? If I’m being honest, we need to give all space marine chapters the space wolves treatment if they’re going to be viable and maintain their flavor. Also non-compliant chapters shouldn’t be allowed to use Gladius. Fuck off

Also the part of them disliking dreadnoughts is super funny because a lot of comp white scars lists use brutalis dreadnoughts for the charge and talons.
I have...
>a guard army
>A thunder warrior countas custodes army
>an incoming Wargames Atlantic The Damned Army
>A Kings of war Dwarfs and Undead army for WFB and KoW
>All unfinished.
>No orks
The sisters are unpainted but they're also not an army yet

Yeah, might be worth doing. The gaps are more apparent now that I've got the LEDs in there
I found Orks painfully unfun to play, regardless of how cool they are. I like playing primarily so thats not good
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Sucks that a fluffy list like this costs about $1600, of which 540 are just the mek gunz.
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Bummer. What was wrong with the playstyle?
Additionally, I need to LED my cabinet.
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Tell me about your mutter, Herr incelshmitt.
Yes, we know mek gunz have one of the worst points:dollars ratios in the game.

>fluffy list
>no warboss
>absolutely no Boyz

I'm not one of those fags who thinks every ork list needs to be greentide, but this just looks like a WAAC list from 8th, aside from some weirdness like Gitz.
The biggest issue imo is that all their niches have been filled by other more popular factions
>the fast aggressive shock troop marines? Blood Angels
>the free spirited/tribalistic but still loyal marines? Space Wolves
>the secretive and reclusive marines who dislike any authority that isn't their own? Dark Angels
Gotta agree with >>93407286 here. This screams tournyfag list to me, not fluffy ork list.
A fluffy dread mob list isn't even possible in 10th due to the 3 deff dread limit.
Why is everyone shitting on this league of votann model? It doesn’t look that different from the rest of the votann range?
How is three meks babysitting a bunch of mek gunz, a buncha grots and a ton of flash gitz and lootas working in a dakka cacophony not fluffy? The only thing that smells like tourneyfaggotry is the stormboyz for scoring, the rest is just a very dakka intensive warband.
I missed having effective shooting more than I thought I would, half the units in the codex that are obviously intended to be fire support just do fuck all, and the weapons that do approach good (but not great) like Rokkits cap at fairly low AP.

That and WAAAGH, I just didn't like it mechanically. Its no doubt fluffy but putting it all into a go turn that you had to warn your opponent about if you went 2nd ahead of their turn just felt like ass
Also forgot to say - like your Orks but I bet you don't find the buggies do much
>no clear leader for the band
>the HQs that are there, are all identical besides the one enhancement, which by itself is not enough to scream "this one is the leader"
>every mek gun is identical
>not enough lads to keep the grots in line
>you already mentioned the stormboy thing
Hey remember that time 95% of the Blood Angels chapter died on a Space Hulk? People love to laugh at how the Imperial Fists got wiped out during the War of the Beast but at least the Imperial Fists had the decency of being destroyed in the largest EVER Ork Waaagh. The Blood Angels meanwhile were destroyed by a random ass Space Hulk that literally doesn't even have a name.
Because the blood angels don’t eat their own shit.
Exoditefag, this is just getting pathetic.
Don't forget how the devastation of baal wiped out 99% of them and there's like a handful left who weren't ultramarine primaris pulled out of a freezer
Oh so that's why they squatted the tactical kit...
Blood angels are always on the verge of extinction.
Tyranids are the lore jannies.
I remember it. I also remember how, despite that incident and the devastation of Baal, those dumb fucks have done absolutely nothing to tailor their ways of war to suit this "great enemy" of theirs when they encounter them - like borrowing xenos-tailored ammunition from the deathwatch or taking veterans from tyrannic campaigns and having them form specialized units and train in anti-Tyranid tactics.
remember, they arent mary sues.
The entire blood angels history is them bouncing between
>devastated lost 95% of the chapter
It’s no wonder they have 0 veterans when most of their chapter dies every century
instead blood angels suck down other men's "life giving fluids"
>Blood angels are always on the verge of extinction.
Seriously, it's ridiculous how many times they are on the verge of annihilation, I understand that their gene-seed is the most accessible to any recruit, but their tests are as difficult as any other space marine chapter, these guys spend 99% of the time recruiting and 1% being space marines.
Dark angels also have better bikes, lmao.

I think the only way to fix them is as I said, make the army entirely biker based. Make them the fucking drukhari of space marines. Tons of fast units and transports to outflank and destroy the enemy.

So here’s my plan.
1. Make them a distinct chapter.
2a. Make it so codex compliant space marines can’t take bikes.
2b. Refresh bikes to have the primaris grav-plates
2. Give them 6 new types of bikes that only they can have:

-A bike that replaces outriders. Fast, free advance, light shooting, light charge, good for contesting objectives against light-to-medium infantry

-A speeder that replaces the Impulsor but it’s faster, cheaper, and less armored. It can carry 6 marines, but it doesn’t have the advance-disembark-shoot ability. What it does have is free fire overwatch if a non-jump pack tacticus unit within 6 inches gets attacked. This is meant for intercessor squads.

-A heavy bike with two guys. One guy drives and has a front-mounted melta, the other guy has a twin-linked heavy Bolter. This is meant to handle medium infantry and provide fire support

-A medium speeder with deep strike and a big ram. This is meant to take the role of terminators. It’s equipped with a storm Bolter for chaff, and the ram has t8 anti-vehicle 4+ DevWounds

-A heavy speeder. For all intents, this is a gladiator Lancer with a risk-reward element. It will have T12 but only 7 Wounds. (This is so a Guard player can’t fuck you over with Rogal Dorns) it should have a 14-inch move, the lancer laser-destroyer, and a heavy bolter. Also it should probably have some sort of shoot-and move ability.

-Final Bike Idea: a sort of Fire-Support bike. It’s cheap; fast, and dies faster. It can’t damage anything, but it can “mark” one unit per squad per turn, conveying one of 3 benefits. +1 to hit, re roll 1s to wound, or Sustained hits 2.

Also please give jump pack Kor’sarro
Ah so thats where the Lamenters got it from
In a Post Primaris, Post Female Custodes world, what justification could GW have for not just 'Primaris Rubiconning' any character they want to be taller?
That and each chapter has a small aspect of their Primarch and their Primarchs whole deal is dying tragically against unwinnable odds
The Lamenters are blood angels on salamander software, they got it way worse
And then it got worse is the best way to describe them
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How do you feel about this phenomenon?
>dying tragically against unwinnable odds
I don't get how Sanguinius is special for this though when this is literally 90% of 40k
>Make them the fucking drukhari of space marines
Ironic considering the fate of their Primarch
Yeah? Which specific squad does this accurately describe?
died against the arch traitor in direct defense of the emperor himself
Is Dante... a BAD chapter master? He seems to have a millenia of failure on his CV.
He's beautiful so it matters more when he dies than when an ugly peasant dies in a muddy trench
The Legionnaire box with the extra kill team sprue.
Based on the psyker part, probably Legionaries, but except for that I feel like it can apply to Hearthkyn warriors as well. Frankly though, it's a good thing, I think kitted out squads are much cooler than "here's five dudes that stand on objectives. they have bolters because that's the cheapest option"-
I miss being able to run a stripped down squad with just basic weapons without having to pay for heavy weapons I'm not using.
Tbf fighting tyranids is pretty difficult, even Calgar jobbed to them and the only reason the battle of macragge isn’t seen as a complete loss is because of deus ex machina battleship explosion.
I said accurately
well I mean it was under his watch that half the blood angels died in a civil war and then tried to rebuild their strength by turning to fabius fucking bile for help.
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What do you mean “fate”? He’s doing just fine ;)
which codex is the best reading material
Well in that instance you would take the heavy melee on the sarge + 1 dude, maybe a melta and plasma and rest as melee dudes. Is that really worth crying over
I don't mind options, but it does bog the game down when multiple squads are like this.
It'd be alright if maybe a side-sheet that was just 'the squad with basic guns' for less points existed.
bro can't recognize hyperbole
Oh you mean whining about made up scenarios?
2e-4e dexes, imo
Someone spoil Morvenn Vahl's big boxed book for me.
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I remember when you could make uniform weapon options and give them a purpose. Everything takes forever because there's always the different dude with a guninizor, and 2 with a gunilator, plus the pistolator deadweight. It feels like I'm spending more time rolling all my dice than strategizing my turn.
I am 100% okay with Deathwatch not getting a codex because Black Spear Task Force is enough. How do you make 4 detachments out of their fluff? Black Spear captures them perfectly, even if it isn't great. I do hope they buff Black Spear a bit and then just leave it as is.
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>>Thread Question:
>Whats your favorite Inquisition Ordo and why?
Xenos, they just have more fun
Not to mention that GW has basically shown that not even that static parts of 40k lore is safe. Gonna be honest I think some changes come dangerously close to making 40k lore pointless to learn if anything and everything can be retconned on a whim.
>inb4 Rogue Trader
It was whimsical and needed a shake up in its aesthetics and lore. It did its part and laid the foundations for modern 40k.
Careful, some no games a couple days ago had a full on meltdown when you said rolling for all the dumbass pistols pads out the game length too much.
How do you make 4 detachments out of Grey Knights? World Eaters?
he's trying his damn hardest to get himself and the whole chapter killed.
i've been trying to tell my DW friend he'll be alright. He has two rulesets to pick from now and one of them is very flexible (mreens)
dreads focus
terminator focus
mechanised focus
middle of the road
Ordo Chronos for Minor Ordo
Ordo Xenos for my favourite Major Ordo
honourable mention to the Ordo Astartes though for being an interesting concept
Of all things, Pistols?

The weapon type you would always have had anyway and a result would have rolled for in 9e anyway? The one which is mutually exclusive to other ranged options so you never roll it with anything else? and you're calling other people nogames
Needs a psychic detachment that has a smite mechanic and strats that target psyker models.
No, it wouldn't be, because then you just go back to the old problem of taking the cheapest shit to stand on points.
If he really was that big of a Mary Sue they'd be extinct already!
such vague and shitty detachments could be asspulled for deathwatch too

You already do this
Many characters only have the pistol, so your shooting it anyway. Also as a sister player having a S4 flamer, S5 flamer and S6 flamer that are otherwise identical just feels like bloat.
the specialist games are making a good model after the other

this one you can blame definitely on a diversity hire
>Guy at LGS malding about Deathwatch getting folded into Agents
>He has zero (0) DW models
lmao. lol.
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I always find it funny when a powerful character like Ahriman or Sanguinor are revered for their unique way of combat, only to use their dinky little pistol before making their move.
>Many characters only have the pistol, so your shooting it anyway.
>The weapon type you would always have had anyway
Huh maybe it really is pointless bloat...
I hope I can take commissars in this new agents book. My army would be perfect for this faction, but their Prefectors themed instead of inquisitorial.

I guess I could run them as inquisitors, but then how will I blame my own doods?
The only bloat is your posts complaining about having to roll for pistols that are mandatory choices and have been for multiple editions
I don't understand it. As long as Black Spear stays a detachment its just more options not less. And the Ordo Xenos detachment its probably more viable to run veterans than in Black Spear.
Shouldn't the Commissar be human since the commissars are always drawn from a planet different from the one their assigned regiment is from?
"Gee, I've been saved by fox. How swell."
The fact that they not only saw nothing wrong with this, but decided to make it even worse for genestealer neophytes tells me GW has never tried to actually stick to their timelimits.
It is impossible to shoot every neophyte weapon and complete a game under 2 hours.
Not only should they undo the neophyte loadout change, they should allow you to take one unit of all heavy weapons for each unit of only special weapons.
plague marines
That's a fair argument on all fronts. I wish shooting was better too. I'm glad I enjoy melee as much as I do. I'm willing to admit that if I hadn't started with Orks I probably would feel the same; that they're cool but not fun. However throughout 40k I've gotten used to bad shooting and 1 turn of being effective.
It's been a long time since I used a buggy. Hell, the paintjobs alone are ancient compared to my newer work. But after I'm done with my green tide I'm going back into the Kult of Speed. I have koptas and bikes lined up for the paintjng station, and plenty of plasticard for some Kustom buggies. It shall be one hell of a speedwaagh, even if it sucks in 10th.
Maybe he wanted to start a DW army and found out it would not be a smart choice now.
Where are these cabinets from?
But it literally has rules on making a deathwatch requisition so he could make a deathwatch army
Nobody in their right mind is taking 10 plague marines, 2 of each melee, 2 plasma, a melta, a spewer and 2 Blight launchers my man and if they do they deserve it
Fuck soup.
>died against the arch traitor in direct defense of the emperor himself
So like what Ollanius Pius did? You know, now that I think about it, its pretty funny how Sanguinius and Ollanius basically did the same thing but BAfags tend to see Sanguinius' death as a super sad tragedy while Guardfags see Ollanius Pius' death as super cool and awesome.
Looks like the MILSBO display cabinet from Ikea.
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Can they be reunited now?
ollanius isn't a guardsmen and all guards didnt get cursed to relive the moment of his death over and over
Agreed, soupfags get the rope.
chowdercucks out in full force tonight
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Someone must know who's personally responsible for these.
stiltman would be fine if they just gave him a digitigrade pose
Yes (but as Deathwatch Dark Angels, but still yes)
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>Someone must know who's personally responsible for these.
Do you really want to know?
I really just want a standard, non-mega gene-augmented human male in power armor. Is that too much to ask? We get diaper boy, and the previous Inquisitors in power armor are women and the power armor clearly shows this
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please dont let this guy touch any of the models or armies i like
I still think stiltboy is salvageable.
He needs a better pose and to lose the tail buttplug
Here's how to fix admech designs
1. Make a studio in the US
2. Use American knowledge to make Admech robocowboys
3. Give Cawl a big hat
From what we know, are immolators the best anti-tank option agents have?
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Things have gone too far.
Don't you fucking dare associate this shit model with wallace
Only 1 of those is a good idea
It's part of a GW initiative to give every SM character a new face that makes them look like they'd try to get a veterans discount without ever having been in the service. Same thing they did to Cypher, gave him a face that only a Ford F150 salesman could love.
Belisarius Yeehawl
Darkmech bros it's over....
replace stiltsman with solar
I may be schizophrenic but I see something in common in the ways the armours are shaped
Were you hoping the redacted codex was darkmech? Cause it's been essentially confirmed as Agents for months now
Yeah, you can never go wrong with big hats
so 40k is just the league of legends of warhammer?
Their main combat doctrine involves hurling themselves at the enemy in melee like World Eaters/Orks along with having a gene flaw that eventually sends them into a tard rage requiring execution after the battle because there's no safe way to deal with them.
You could always put them in a big box of some sort
What does that even mean? Or is it a good thing that I don't know?
So GK staying around kinda makes me wonder if they're getting a new or looking at a range refresh in the future.
The scaling on their two infantry kits is kinda wonky now...Although I'm also fucking terrified that they'll break up the kits.

That Strike Team kit is golden.
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Sabbathiel terminator model when
>Imperial Agents WILL include Arco-flagellants as an available unit
>I WILL be able to then include them in my ad mech army so I can have the drug crazed melee combat servitors I deserve
we deserved this.
shut the fuck up. I already hate this codex for being a thing.
The fact it's next year makes me think so.
Little buddy, if they were going to let Agents just have access to entire other codexes they would have said that, not specified 1 datasheet explicitly by full name
doesn't some random GK character blow her up
If it is, I can only hope they give them more infantry based Anti-tank as Monster/Tank Killing is a pain in the dick if you want to avoid the baby carrier.
That or watch them just make a single LT tier character in power armor and call it a day
A generic terminator inquisitor has big potential as a mini. They could give it good options. Bare male/female heads and a helmet, a few different weapons. Could be a fun kit if James wasn't allergic to potential
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Also, GW WILL produce a regular plastic servitor kit after blue balling me with all these one offs for 6 years.

Can't make your dreams into reality without believing them first.
can't you have of each melee per 5 tho? I thought it'd be more like 5x heavy incl the champ, 4x bubotic, and one leftover goober with a bolter. Shooty squads are a hot mess tho, no doubt
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I think around the beginning of this year when I found out that the Veletaris were going to get power axes, I sperged about how this might mean that the imperial guard would get to field melee blobs again like in eighth edition.

Maybe the Agents of The Imperium codex will allow for that again. If so I'll be a happy guy as I held off on putting multiple melee third party guardsmen on bullgryn sized bases.
I didn't even notice those are the same chassis until just now seeing them next to each-other
She got better
It might be an impression of the casting. Since undercuts aren't a thing when doing plastic injections it might feel like the models are missing a physical dimension of "depth" in some vague fashion.
Thats what I'm saying lad. Default loadout is basically all the melee you can take then a dude with a spewer.
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>Inquistors and Rogue Traders have the largest potential armory of any faction in the entirety of the Imperium
>The range of backgrounds, behaviors, beliefs, and relative wealth could allow for near limitless potential for models and wargear
>We will get a handful of monopose, monobuild models that all do one thing
I fucking hate GW. They don't deserve their own settings.
>all guards didnt get cursed to relive the moment of his death over and over
instead they're cursed with being guardsmen in 40k
>primaris multi-melta
>admech plasma cannon
>30k tigrus style heavy bolter
Those weapons are all over the place.
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No, they're from the same place, a forge world.
The Agents Of The Imperium announcement got more hype than the entire new edition of AoS
Holy fuck why does GW still support thay shit 'game'?
models still sell because people like painting silly little guys
>people like painting silly little guys
You don't know the half of it
I’ll take the bait. It’s because it’s a beer and pretzels dad game. Beautiful models, casual environment. Perfect for low-stakes hobbying.
which shit game are we talking about
I'm looking forward to souping in some deathwatch to my sisters
Yea, I follow you now. It bugs me more because I just fucking know they're going to turn around in a few years and bring back paying for wargear so all the noobs like me have to turn around and buy more boxes to build as basic bitch bolter bois. Though, I kinda wouldn't mind if they did something like
>plague marine unit (bolters only, except champ)
>bit cheaper than current points cost
>special weapons plague marines
>current points cost
Still pretty shrimple, but gives a bit more granularity. A nice midground, perhaps?
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How to get ayylmao gf bros?
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Was the emperor envious of Jesus of Nazareth?
That would explain his hatred of religion.
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>Beautiful models
Supposedly inside it's like the Aliens power loader. Stilts and hand controls
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>It bugs me more because I just fucking know they're going to turn around in a few years and bring back paying for wargear

Sweet summer child, it's not coming back, because the plan is to get everyone on a rotating schedule of rebuying chunks of their army at a time as ranges 6-8 years old are just erased and replaced with slightly different things. Stormcast are the prototype.
Okay, bro, you got me, I can’t beat my dick to a Stormcast, now go ahead and tell me that IDK doesn’t have the most awesome cavalry models you’ve ever seen
damn those sister of battle models look great.
>Ravenwing can scouts 9 Black Knights
>18 D3 shots then charged by 9 Anti-Monster blenders
>If you kill them and survive you get arty'd for free
magic rots the soul
So now I can bring in a unit of sisters into any of my imperial armies to screen or camp on the home objective? I guess you could already do that with voidsmen or breachers but I wonder how this changes things
These looks like shit
>ranges 6-8 years old are just erased
So primaris will be getting squatted any day now then?
these look like a joy to paint tbqh. I'd probably mess around with the flight stands though.
No, just the basic MK.X stuff. There will be a newer, sleeker armor mark just like with Stormcast, it'll be a unit that replaces the Intercessor called the Extrapolator or something, maybe Cawl revives Volkite tech as their basic gun or something I don't fucking know, I can't get on GW's level of contrivance when it comes to those details.
>I can't get on GW's level of contrivance when it comes to those details
You don't have the dartboard they hang in their main boardroom
Doesn't count. Br*tonnians drink elf bath water
>what DEI does to a hobby
Nope. The model is kinda meh but you'll have the typical "RAHHH WARHAMMER IS DEAD PLAY [INSERT NOSTALGIA EDITION HERE] WITH 3D PRINTS" crowd that are perpetually unhappy.
What are you talking about? Agents of the Imperium Announcement was mogged by many AoS videos. Are you just a TOWfag that is so butthurt about his failed game that you try to get 40k involved?
when did sisters get their models
I doubt it would have been from jealousy. The Emperor in 40k is worshiped by more people than any other human deity ever after all.
Don't do it bro. It's a trap.
>ready model with flying stand
>Flimsy ass stand breaks in the car.
>Don't have a means of replacing part without buying completely new model.
>Now have to resign to placing the flying model on the ground cold and baseless.
the emperor was jesus
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Among many others.
use fishing wire to hang them from the ceiling.
none, most of the more minor human secondary factions i find boring
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post models
If you had the ability to sculpt any model you wanted, why wouldn't you make it aesthetic?
Why kind of monster thinks to themself "yeah, let's make this woman purposefully grotesque."
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>"yeah, let's make this woman purposefully grotesque."
Probably someone that has jacked off before looking at their models.
when you realize genshit is shit and cling to something more superior like Limbango cumpany.
Unless they get a massive points cut, not at all, they are hugely over priced without their army rule.
I jack off while looking at my models.
>aesthetic = porn
Uggo detected, opinion rejected.
based votann/blood angel bro.
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How do I get a warhammer GF?
You're gonna need rope and good timing
Poor deflection, no models, no games detected
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damn, where did you get this picture of me?
Is it safe to mix a metallic paint with a regular paint? would it keep it's metallic look?
Looking to mix grey knight steel with stegadon scale green specifically.
You'll be diluting the amount of flakes in a given amount of paint, so naturally its going to dull if not eventually become patchy. If you want to tint metallics its better to use a contrast or ink
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I have a bunch of old artificer tints, would that work?
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Whats the point of Agents of the Inquisition? I would like an Ordo Malleus faction but if the battleline is going to be acolytes that feels retarded.

I feel like they're going to get chimeras as a transportation and that's about it for vehicles. They're also going to have basically no troop options and the only thing they have to show off is a shit resculpt.

What's the point of the codex? I don't get it.
Gotta poop out a codex to sell that shitty coteaz model
Kill yourself.
The Shield Captain you build from the Custodian Guard kit and the Shield Captain you build from the Custodian Warden kit are the same datasheet, right? The only difference is that the Guard kit gives you the option to build it with sowrd and shield instead of spear, and the Warden kit gives you the option to build with an axe instead of spear?
That was their entire purpose, yeah
Can someone please explain how the Gladius “adept of the codex” enhancement works? That wording is some of the most confusing shit ever.
Hey that works out, I'm new to this and got handed a bunch of stuff so I had no idea what it was actually for.
Any idea how much I'd actually need to change a bottle's worth of paint?
Basically the Captain and his squad get a free use of the tactical doctrine, even if its already been activated.
>tells people not to worship him
>people do anyway
Muslim Jesus
>I feel like they're going to get chimeras as a transportation and that's about it for vehicles.
They can get sisters rhinos and immolators
So if I use the tactical doctrine on that captain can I still use it on the rest of the army in another turn? I’m asking ba use I want to use it deepstrike turn 1, shoot, charge, then fall back and shoot, charge.
he was also muhammed
Not that much at all. I'd go light, mix it up and just keep adding if you need it.
I would say yes, although someone may try to game you up by saying selecting the version that only works on his squad locks you out of picking it for the army.
Do keep in mind they'd need to be a giant prick to do that.
Yeah Imagine, that would be very grim.
Dark even.
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He is disappointed by his own appearance.
>Tells people to do something, is ignored
what a beta
Modern 40K isn’t heroic scale any more grandpa
1.Get a nerdy gf

Then you have 2 routes:
>The TTRPG route where through DnD you get her accustomed to minis

>Art route where you paint minis together as a cute couple thing (just do a kill team or something).

2.5. See if she likes any lore, even dumb memes like the Ork stuff.

3. Buy her a combat patrol box, help her (if she asks) build it.

Or at least, this is what has worked for me (in non-Warhammer stuff). Feel like the only faction which she'd like enough to dip her toes in would be Skaven.
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get that bitch a boofus. bitches love boofus. big belly goofy bois cuteness factor is too strong
So fucking insane that gw had an official "mix ur own paints man" stance at one point
>Mix your own paints
>Make your own models
>Write your own lore
crazy times indeed
I am now dreading how bad the new sculpt is going to be for my faction's pity character. Clearly they let the newer sculptors use those for practice.
You’re gonna complain about every release regardless of if it’s good or not or if you even actually like it or not.
Yeah, what's your point?
Stomp your feet about people not liking a shit model all you like little bro
You think they give housekeeping servitors french maid outfits?
I think the stuff that terra's aristocrats do to servitors in the depths of their palaces would make even slaanesh blush
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40K lost all it's good designers to TOW, HH, and Specialist Games. They at the point to recycling Stormcast models.
>They lost all the good designers to AOS
>Also this shit model is a recycle of AOS models
Nice cognitive dissonance bro
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Nice reading comprehension bro
I'm so glad TOW is a specialist game. It dodged so many bullets.
For good designers he listed every game BUT sigmar, anon
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I never said they lost their good designers to AOS. Nice reading comprehension, retard.
AOS is a specialist game, its got like 30 players what do you mean
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>AOS is a specialist game
Cope lmao.
How is it not? Sells like shit
god this fucking shit head doesnt sleep. Can jannies start banning people taking up half the thread to weep about AoS?
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What constitutes a Specialist Game isn't determined by sales.
Post models

Sounds arbitrary then. Given thats true, I have decided it is
Let me see your hands
New WE model pls pls james workshop
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still working on my bussy bois
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Here's your new World Eater, bro. Freshly designed, hot off the press after Coteaz.
where hims power pack
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I am enlightened hobbyist who can both like and dislike things. For example, I think this release is hogwash, but I think the gsc techpriest is kino.
What have you got to say to THAT smart guy.
This Wowrldeatar Hammyryr draws his powers directly from the Wyrp, no power pack needed!

It will still cost you the same as if one was included, though.
You're trying very hard to force this stormcast meme even though he doesn't look anything like a stormcast
>we have fulgrim at home
That whip is certainly, interesting
yea i started a 2nd from that morathi conversion. i still need to print some parts for it tho.
i'm mixing both 30k and 40k models in the units as well.

going to use Eilodon as a chaos lord (since jump pack lord sucks) and saul tarvitz as a master of executions.

if i am not runing the EC index/codex also using lucius as a MoP or MoE as well.
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Fresh leak
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>he doesn't look anything like a stormcast
>no pointless tactical rock
Just how stupid do you think I am?
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If you cover up the little purity seals and inquisitor icon this is practically indistinguishable from an Age of Sigmar Stormcast, wtf were they thinking. The kneepad skull even has the stormcast death mask appearance with the starburst around the head
>The kneepad skull even has the stormcast death mask appearance with the starburst around the head
You mean just like the original and the art?
how did GW make this mini and Cucktez in the same month?
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the old one's spikes are longer and more distantly spaced, the new one is much more similar to stormcast death masks for whatever reason
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I like the las tentacle. Reminds me of the old Spyrer Patriarch's las tentacle.
Maybe because its not a metal model with dwarfism
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If you think these are the same then you're a clown filled with AIDs.
Less cooks in the kitchen for specialist games.
That is far closer to actual stormcast iconography than the model is
Where's the striking scorpion autist? This argument needs some red lines
Guys, guys! I think Stormcast are just fantasy marines! I've cracked the code! Someone call the president!
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What's crazy is that they're keeping the original art on the codex.
So even the newest most out of touch player can see the discrepancy.
I hope whoever is in charge of blood angels can put out something on par with the new model. I fucking need it.
They have trained their audience well. They'll gobble it up like fresh lasagna.
God I wish it had the inquisitorial rosettes on the shins, that shit rocks
Nobody has praised this. Even plebbit is wholly rejecting it.
Anyone buying this crap has already drunk the koolaid and would defend Kirby's actual literal shit stuffed in a Warhammer branded box.
bro you cant just insult half the people in this thread like that.
Shame, I would've loved a fucked new cover. Have the guy that doesn't understand proportions and makes the bolters a centimeter thin make it
It's like the inverse of the BT codex, good models but the artwork was retarded and misproportioned.

GW QA really needs to get its shit together.
I'm not seeing anyone defend this or even say it's okay. In fact it is so universally disparaged that I expect people on 40k to start saying it's Soulful any day now
I wonder what it's gonna take for GW to apologize for a model, I feel like we're on that path
I don't think any 10th ed book has new cover art.
There's thousands of other models they should apologise for but haven't.
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>Whats your favorite Inquisition Ordo and why?
Hereticus because I play sisters.
just make it so all vehicles need to be on bases for gods sakes
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Is that a dildo whip?
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>The kneepad skull even has the stormcast death mask appearance
What the fuck are you talking about
Humiliation ritual
lol holy shit look at the disconnect between the art and the model
this has to be the biggest art vs model difference in the game
This will surely sell our new $40 rule book
don't ask don't tell.
you mean $60 plus tip.
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are you being purposefully disingenuous?
so they can trim 5 pages of pivot rules
news is leaking pivot is going to get an update again
You are fucked in the head
Having a base doesn't stop that. There are based models with pivot rules
It looks like an animated statue of Fulgrim instead of Fulgrim himself which is actually a pretty cool idea for an EC warband now that I think about it.
Did you know that a face has le skull inside it?
not circle bases

bros, should I do it? its so kino. ive never painted a model this old.
Was looking for music to paint my world eaters to, and I got this absolute gem in my feed. Just figured I would share it with you all.
New thread:
I love AoS's existence just to see it mindbreak people like you. Even if stormcast had skull masks, which they don't, it would still just be a fucking skull. Does every GW model with a skull on it look like a stormcast to you? The stormcast has a huge crest that the spikes are on which is completely absent from dumpy retard's knee skulls

Is the plan to put Rhinos on 140mm rounds?

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