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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93384255
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Cyoas for this feel?
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>Cats CYOA
Catposter CHADs, we're winning.
Chad obviously
It's choose your FIGHTER, nothing besides fighting matters
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That one's outdated.
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Chet brings a fucking tank to the fight.
He should make a Dogs cyoa.
It takes place in the early 2000s, after the zombie apocalypse, civilization has returned in force, but there's still chaos and zombies in the less populated areas of the world.
You are biker ganger, gang banger, or irishman.
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Then its the question of if Kyle could beat Chad, who fucked Kyle's mom
He could if he was bloodlusted and had downed his energy drink.
Then Tanner wins since Chad jobs to a Wendigo
LOSES, not jobs. Stop using job for fucking everything.
Don't job him like that bro
Anon, I think people keep posting the original for a reason. The 'update' seems to just be a less interesting, less succinct, more confusing CYOA with worse options.
Its over for authorsissies and their cumeaters. A new age is about to begin.
We've been in the Age of Drought for a while though.
How are we supposed to get OC if there are no authors to make them
Create your own adventure.
Okay, i create an adventure where you are an author that makes OC.
Already done my part.
Again, there is nothing stopping you from creating OC during the long quiet.
What did you do?
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I posted Lewd the Legends >>93386086 last thread in order to bitch about it and then someone posted League of Your Own >>93386111. Are there any other League of Legends cyoas out there? The allsync is always so useless to find things.
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The age of cyoas is over. The time of gatto has come.
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A few OCs like this one. What I've done isn't important compared to what you COULD do.
not the goal
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>Kill the monstergirls
Tough on Terror, Dragon, Angel-Infused Sword, Earth
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Magi Case.

The strongest mage in the setting for over 500 years even says that strength is for the retarded and doesn't understand why powerlevelfags are tripping over themselves trying to obtain it since they have no life or reason beyond wanking themselves unlike her.
>strength is for the retarded
easy to say for the strongest
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I'm going to use my power to beat you up every time you post such garbage ideas
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The age of copium is over, the time of The Great Reckoning has come.
There was a pretty looking wip(?) with lots of small profiles of eldritch gods arranged in arcs, white text over black bg; anyone have that? Who made that?
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This? Too long to post. By Akumakami64, look in allsync.
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No, a 1 page wip
post the rest cowar
>Too long to post
It also becomes extremely nsfw at the end.
Lovedritch by the same author, maybe? NSFW.
It has no name because it's not even the first page, just a companion page. I know what you are talking about, sadly I have no idea how to find it other than blind luck.
>strongest saying strength is retarded
Just like rich people saying money does not matter.
>Kill monstergirls
Fuck these bitches, torturing and killing for fun. Time to end their reign of terror.
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How about joining their reign of terror so that you can torture and kill for fun?
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>Mental State:

Eye of the Beholder, Memory Insurance, Final Form, Time/Space Anomaly, Fragmented

Everything is fine and I can do magic. Just gotta wade through 3 months.
t. Would lose

If you can't understand her message, you were never made to become strong.
I pick symbiote and blood prize, with his guidance you would know what blood and how much you should drink for maximum power, plus i also pick regeneration and and carapace to make surviving these encounters easier, after all no creature is going to give you their blood for free, and i sure i would be fine with 65% sanity.
You could not even understand what the topic was even about, retard. Here is a clue for your smooth brain. It is not about becoming strong.
>World: Universal Century

Latent Newtype
High Charisma
Super Cute

Powerful Strikes
Overwhelming Force
Hazard Resistant
Towering Frame
Psycommu System

>Upgrade: Prototype Psychoframe

Dangerous Rival
Hostile Contact
Inner Hatred
Pilot Palette
Battle Junkie
Patron Saint

>Spark: The Rival

>Goal: Space Unfolded
no that cyoa is very old
what "feel" is that image supposed to represent?
we have tons of cyoas for this feel
Being based and right about everything.
Name 3 examples.
oh shit the thread is dying, masterbaiter, shitposting cyoa
i wanted actual examples, not for you to throw insults at me
>almost a coherent sentence
that was almost funny
they've real
I can't tell if you are joking or not but just to be sure. Those are the actual titles of 3 shitpost inspired cyoas. Nta by the way.
>t. shitposters
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>World: Alternate Timeline
I like SEED, personally.
>Traits: Latent Newtype, Rising Operator
Hey, it's a Gundam show, gotta have newtypes. Rising Operator is meaningful everywhere.
>Features: Overwhelming Firepower, Always Learning, Psycommu System, Advanced Dodge
The ZGMF-X111A Eidolon Gundam is an testbed mobile suit featuring a trio of experimental technologies: the Total Integration Tactical Awareness Network, an AI-assisted learning computer allowing for tremendous battlefield awareness (at the risk of overloading one's mind with information), a psycommu system to control its components and weapons, and the signature Eidolon System, which hides the suit and projects holographic duplicates to distract the enemy and give the impression that it can teleport. Or maybe it CAN teleport.

In addition, the TITAN system is linked to the Hekatonkhire Psycoframe noted below.
>Upgrade: Prototype Psycoframe
More than just controlling its own weaponry, the prototype psycoframe can dominate others. The Hekatonkhire can hijack and subvert up to a hundred enemy units at a time, although skilled pilots and units with advanced software upgrades will be able to resist its effects.

>Trouble: Dangerous Rival, Hardened Ace, Hostile Contact, Cyber Newtype, Pilot Palette, Patron Saint
The Ediolon needs to be totally badass looking but in eyerapingly-bright pastel colors. Dangerous Rival and Hardened Ace is so I can slowly build up a cast of enemies/rivals with whom we can team up to face the real bad guys, etc. Hostile COntact is "interesting times", Cyber Newtype is a hint that my faction isn't exactly wholesome either (I'm thinking of a split personality like (H)Allelujah, personally.

>Spark: The Rival
Yes, I'm a sucker for Aina in 08th MS Team.

>Goal: Space Renaissance/Legacy
With all the turning-enemies-into-friends and former foes becoming rivals becoming partners, I kind of see the aim of the setting as erasing strife so we can all go forward together.
I also forgot High Charisma as a feature.
Nice pro trans gunpla, anon-kun.
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Type: Light
Upgrades: Magboots (Adhesive), Servos, Battery, Thruster Pack (Jetpack), Energy Shield, Environment Control, Advanced Targeting, Cyber Warfare Suite, Adaptive Camouflage (Active Cloaking)

X-2 "Hellion", X-6 "Microwave"

>Areas of Operation:

Be a guardian of peace and justice by only accepting "nice" jobs and try to deal with targets non lethally to get a good reputation.
I just painted it the most garish shades I could. Trannies have the right to be crushed under my bootheel.
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So this is what a jobber looks like, huh? Not bad...
Yes, you would indeed lose. You don't even know how to use meme arrows properly.
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Dead hobby~
Fuck off, satan.
Low quality posters have ruined these threads.
low quality posts have long since taken over, we're more worried about these threads taking over low quality posts these days
>t. low quality shitposter
stop shitposting
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Yes, anon. You should stop shitposting THIS INSTANT
Every cat post you make, I go find a cat out roaming around and kill it.
Based anon, saving the birds.
>Method of Getting the Letter:
Friends in High Places

Hull: Frigate
Subsystems: Ion Thrusters, Stirling RTG, Extended Cargo Bay, Improved Life Support, Advanced Sensors, E-Warfare Systems, Drone Bay, Heavy Armor, Weapon Mounts, Magnetic Shielding
Weapons: HE Missiles, Swarm Missiles, Particle Lance

Drones and Missiles take care of small targets and the Particle Lance takes care of big targets.
The Ship excels in all areas except stealth and has almost no weaknesses. Nothing except a capital ship, overwhelming numbers, or a Particle Lance can beat it.

Repair/Maintenance Robot, Oskar Elmer, Dave Geier, Lord Wolfgangus Felix Adolphus, Carey Gwerder

All areas are well covered.

Primary: Piracy
Secondary: Hunting Pirates, Skirmishing

I expect most cargo ships to surrender immediately upon encountering a Frigate.
As best I can determine impotent bitching about being on the wrong end of a power imbalance, probably by someone who would gladly abuse a power imbalance which was in their favor.
0^0's entire gimmick.
basically italics
>basically italics
Are you going to elaborate? What in the fuck do you mean?
the one in the far left looks like a ganster
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It's meant to represent an extreme hatred for monster girls and a desire to genocide them all.
I don't know why exactly but i think the modular missiles are so fucking cool
>Tok still jealous of Italics
Strength is extremely useful and purposeful for doing her duty though. If she were a lower rung on the powerlevel fag scale she would she would be a wanker too.
>You want to be strong?
She is asking a question anon. She is asking (You) why do you seek strength not why would you ever seek strength.
Because I need strength enough to build a home, time enough to hold a child, and love enough to break a heart.
She's basically lobotomized so I don't care if she understands or not
she is not lobotomized just autistic
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She's brainwashed, which is as good as being lobotomized.
Luck, Submission, Youth

I rule the world as god emperor.
>Empedocles is driven by her want to protect her Clan and friends
Lol wouldn't it be funny if you led vast attacks against her people just to fuck with her? Lmao imagine silently kidnapping and assassinating entire families of Drac magi and the Dracs hovering around her have to tell Empedocles that her people are disappearing left and right and they don't know why. Imagine the worry she would feel for those left, imagine the reproach at failing to protect her people, imagine the anger at whatever is attacking her clan, imagine the resolve to stop you once and for all before you hurt more.

Of course, if you truly want to send a message to her, you have to hit her where it really hurts. Choma, Nightingale, Ostane; the loss of them would cause anguish only comparable to losing her clan in its entirety. IF ONLY, she used her power, her STRENGTH, more proactively then maybe their deaths could have been avoided. But she wouldn't! She couldn't! She foolishly believed that her halfhearted service to them would be enough, that her halcyon days would last forever, and now she pays for her complacency, her sloth. THAT would be the height of comedy, tormenting the strongest Magi herself.
How can one little girl cause so much seethe every time?
that's why anons CANNOT be trusted with power
>Try to hit where it hurts
>Get obliterated
You explicitly are trying to do the ONE thing that would make her do something
Only retards want power in a lame as fuck setting
Because anon is retarded and misinterpreted the wording.
tok will save the thread
There will be no female Tok build to save you this time.
M'yes. With his druid CYOA. That no one is looking forwards to.
Perhaps it could give a world for a Meta Druid build but that's it.
If she couldn't anticipate getting stabbed in the throat then she wouldn't anticipate her dear friends getting slaughtered. She is never active, only reactive. She has the power to anticipate everything, to never be caught off-guard again, but her lazy ass never uses it since she thinks Elemancy can solve all her problems. What a fool. Don't you think it's high time she's punished for that foolishness? Don't you want to spite and torment the Mother Grimoire herself?
What's the point? How she leads her life isn't relevant to (You).
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>What's the point?
Her reaction (heh) would be funny. Come on anon I know you want to dab on her. You like doing hilarious things right? Think of the look on her face! It'll be pure schadenfreude, I promise.
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calm down greve. you gonna end up worn down to nothing if you keep seething like that.
Tok will rope after Redux eclipses his Druid cyoa.
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What Druid cyoa?
What's it about?
Is it gonna be nsfw?
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>What's it about?
Do both sexes get heterosexual shapeshifter encounters or does it favor only the women?
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>Armor Type
>Armor Upgrades
Battery + Capacitor
Energy Shield + Heavy Shield
Environment Control + Environmental Shielding
Grenade Satchel (High Explosive)
Advanced Targeting
Cyber Warfare Suite + Unshackled AI
Small Arms: M-6 Magnum
Rifles: M-8 Banshee
>Area of Operation
Join the side of the civil war I like the most, and end the war as quick as possible by any means necessary. I'm in it for the longterm, to build up a reputation and grow some connections. I don't want to be stuck doing piss ant jobs for the rest of my life, I want to lead a mercenary organization of my own making.
fug I forgot a name
uhhhhh lets see...
There we go, nice and edgy
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Haven't decided what CYOA I will make after I'm done with my lewd 1 pager. It will either be a Druid CYOA, pocket dimension CYOA, lewd isekai CTOA or an Avatar CYOA, pic realted
Tok CYOAs do better than Italics CYOAd on average even to the point Reddit agrees.
Who cares what Reddit thinks about anything? No authors and shit taste
>lewd isekai CTOA
Choose Tok's own adventure?
Pill pickers do better than virtually anything else.
>Type: Light
Magboots (free)
Battery (2k)
Thruster Pack + Jetpack (7k)
Environmental Control/Shielding (4k)
Advanced Targeting + Auto Targeting (5k)
Adaptive Camo + Active Cloak (6k)

>Small Arms: M-57A Storm (4k)
>Rifle: M-66 Railgun (12k)

>AO: Vavatch Orbital (10k)

Going for a light, highly mobile sniper type. Jetpack and cloaking lets me run and hide effectively while I can use the enviro systems to hide on the outside of vessels.
For a CYOA project, I've been trying to make a power system outside of traditional magic (Elements/Spirits), more on the scientific-side. This is what I got, thoughts?

Motion = Time / Space
Entropy = Decay / Volaitility
Energy = Kinetic / Heat
Existence = Biology / Living Organisms
Material = Inanimate Objects
Sensory = Mind / Senses
>nonliving things don't exist
say what
Existence - the fact or state of living.
How the fuck is entropy not time? For things to increase or decrease at all requires movement.
That is not what that word means.
Science doesn't categorize things neatly like this, since it's more inward and outward.

Consider that psychology is applied biology is applied chemistry is applied physics is applied metaphysics

Math is also just quantification, and impossible to remove. In a state of abject nothing, that nothing becomes a one.
no way fag
Yes, fag.
>Avatar cyoa
you better have blue lolis on that one in good supply.
Yes, I am sure a cyoa about a movie that most people here do not care about will not flop. Not at all.
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Appreciate OC first, avatarfag
dumb gatto
I'll never post OC after seeing everyone cruelly ignore OC lately.
post the latest oc
go ahead
do it
It's already been posted sillyhead
nope dont see it
I'm sorry to tell you this anon, but the thread is full of OC. You just can't see it because you're a retard.
i accept your concession
You see concessions where there are none and are blind to OC where it is plentiful. Now I understand a little more about how a shitposter's mind works. Thanks.
NTA but everything ITT has been posted before.
>nta but
Shut up, samefag
Why don't you apply physics and kill yourself physicsfag shitposter.
Beggars can be choosers in cyoag :)
Whats the best magic cyoa?
Bracku Magicku
Did you mean to type "can't" instead of "can", or did you mistake what you posted for OC?
>Avatar cyoa
That shit would flop harder than even MtG fucking lmao forgot they even released a new movie of that trash.
How much maths is too much maths in cyoa?
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shut up and eat your slop
Retard, can't even screw that shitposter right. You had to give him a (You) while seething to make yourself look more stupid. This is why shitposters always win.
No thanks, I already ate.
Magi Case, just because it has such an open magic system compared to most CYOAs that try to twist themselves to try and work. With Magi Case you have True Magic to work with and very few limitations, so you pick a topic and make spells work in that system the way you want.
>t. cumeater
How powerful are Magi Case mages compared to otherverses? Or are they all jobbers?
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Blood Magic.
So much shit, stale bait. This general sucks. Same 6 baits every thread.
"This is cyoag culture".
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Love, Luck and Youth.

With this i can live life to the fullest, as all three most likely know how to let loose. I have both the luck and charm to get out of dangerous situations. As well as the money to enjoy luxurious living. Should the money start to dry up, back to the gambling den it is. Money is not a problem for an immortal anyway.

My only need for seduction is to keep the three spirits happy as they are the source of my powers. There is also no need for any other women, as these three are already old and experienced enough for me.
Honestly, in a non-adversarial scenario, I feel prosperity can be more fulfilling than luck.
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no offense bro, i´m immortal and i need luck. I also need love cause my charm and charisma is -10.

With money i still would not enjoy life the same cause i would have problems connecting with people.

I can still invest on people i find interesting as the money i accumulate will mostly be for what i need at the moment anyway.
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You now remember when Italics dabbed on powerlevelfags and made a representation of them for Magi Case.

FordGods stay winning, though.
fordniggers can never compete with the true powerhouses of magi case...
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FordGod is the filter and what Mages can reach without cheating and relying on their own power. The true strongest character.
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>without cheating
>relying on their own power
>the cope of the weak
>t. based
Yes. Magi Case makes it explicitly clear that many of the Auctors are using Holy Relics to bypass natural laws and all their magical ppwer comes from the relics and the special abiloty of the relic. They are not doing anything.

It's like saying you are the strongest, a professional boxer tells you he wants to rune the ones with you and square up with fists, and then you pull out a gun or knife, kill him and go "I am the strongest."
These powers are abstract to the point of retardation. Cool tho.
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>implying you are strong
>Auctors don't care about you or you murdering their clan membera until you start terrorbombing their house
Is it autism?
Yes, not from them but from italics.
Elaborate further
No, it is the natural consequence of being able to do anything with a thought. Nothing except themselves being threatened has any effect.
This makes zero sense. Any sandbox game shows this is not true.
Logically the true strongest by that metric would be Helios.
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>Arguing about the shit writing of a failed novelist
Calling italics a failed novelist is an insult to failed novelists. Failed novelists at least have the balls to try and publish something. Meanwhile our little failure here is too scared and coping that he totally does not want to write a story and that is why he stays on cyoas!
>Coping and seethe posting
Nah. He cheated too and doesn't count. Flipping the board and going "Nuh-uh."
So you take the slime body, the farm and the restaurant and do an interdimensional farm to table thing, that sounds like an actual novel.

I died and reincarnated as a slime so I became the owner of a farm to table interdimensional restaurant
>No impact
Hagiasisters... she said we were important to her
Everything he's done should be replicable by a sufficiently skilled necromancer. If that still somehow counts as 'cheating' then the word has lost all meaning.
He's cheating though. Everything he did up to becoming a Lich is replicable. But the part where is now is not. And it's cheating because he basically glitched out of the system and should not exist. His ability to delere things is unnatural and a literal bug/exploit. The setting even says so because nothingness does not exist, there is only creation and defining what is in creation.

And he could only glitched out because he was getting buck broken by a loli.
Chet and Tanner are real strong.
While Chet can give me the security of having loads of money, Tanner can summon a fucking Wendigo and no money in the world can appease that creature.
Use money to secure sacrifices of human flesh
For me, it's the Battlemage vidya-like goyslop magic.
It's just really comfy to me.
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> But the part where is now is not.
Literally all you need to do to reach him is get strong enough and be really angry. Perfectly doable. Hell, even the anger thing may very well be unnecessary if you're skilled enough.
> . And it's cheating because he basically glitched out of the system and should not exist. His ability to delere things is unnatural and a literal bug/exploit.
Who cares? There's nothing in the definition of strength that says you have to play by the rules of Reason/Creation for it to count.
If Ascension didn't give omniscience and Demigod didn't give invincibility, what would be the best school of magic?
Gatto posters are such fucking entitled faggots
>There's nothing in the definition of strength that says you have to play by the rules of Reason/Creation for it to count.
Except it does, otherwise you don't exist anymore.

>need to reach him
Wrong. He was fighting the strongest mage in existence to do it. If being angry was enough there would be more mages on bis level.
For me, it's a Hybrid Magitech Musket + Staff with Vorpal for a Magic anti-material rifle.
> Except it does, otherwise you don't exist anymore.
'Not existing anymore' is literally what makes Helios so strong.
> He was fighting the strongest mage in existence to do it.
Because the strongest mage in existence made him really angry. There's nothing inherent to Drac that makes people glitch out, it's just that she pisses Helios off a lot.
> If being angry was enough there would be more mages on bis level.
Of course being angry alone isn't enough, as I already said you need strength too.
Who is our smartest cyoa author and why is it Gil
>Not existing anymore' is literally what makes Helios so strong.
And he can't do anything except float. Which is dog shit.

>There's nothing inherent to Drac that makes people glitch out,
Except it does. She is the strongest mage to control Magic and he could only become fhe ultimate form of death from fighting her alone to try and overcome her

Getting angry doesn't do shit.
Is he your patron deity
Do you sacrifice babies on an altar to him
Like Moloch?
> And he can't do anything except float. Which is dog shit.
He is explicitly the third most powerful auctor, only after 'create absolutely anything' and 'absolute authority over magic' themselves.
> Except it does. She is the strongest mage to control Magic and he could only become fhe ultimate form of death from fighting her alone to try and overcome her
Did you not actually read Helios's character entry or something? All that happened is that he got really angry and 'tore a hole in his Reason and Creation'. That's it. There's nothing in there about Drac somehow causing him to glitch out, hell she wasn't even USING her Relic at the time!
He glitched out from fighting Drac and using Necromancy to its extreme. If being le angry and strong made you broken everyone would be his level.
>the weak is still coping
>Using firearms before the late 19th century
> He glitched out from fighting Drac and using Necromancy to its extreme.
'Fighting Drac' is only relevant because she makes him angry. Again, read the damn cyoa. That doesn't even make sense anyway, literally how would she even make that happen?
> If being le angry and strong made you broken everyone would be his level.
Helios is likely one of if not the strongest necromancer ever, even without becoming Nothing, and he hates Drac enough that he invented an entirely new school of magic just to kill her. It's entirely reasonable to think no one else reached the heights he did in any of those categories.
The musketeer aesthetic is based. I just want to blow holes in fantasy monsters.
>literally how would she even make that happen?literally how would she even make that happen?
She's the magic system incarnate. Fighting her would naturally make you able to break the system .

>He's the greatest necromancer
>No no can match him
I doubt it. Nightingale is the only who can confirm revive people who no longer exist as matter in the world from the dead. She is the true necromancer.

Honestly the powerlevek thing seems off. Because a lot of auctors can't fight but they should be stronger magically than others.
The easiest way to beat Drac is to just sever her connection to the book.
> She's the magic system incarnate. Fighting her would naturally make you able to break the system .
Actual moon logic. It's like saying 'Well the king is the country incarnate, so logically if you fight him you should be able to break their laws'. Hell, he LOST to Drac, so if anything this should just make him unable to 'break the system'. Although I'll admit the idea that all you need to do to reach top 3 is pick a random fight with Drac is really funny, so kudos for that.
> I doubt it. Nightingale is the only who can confirm revive people who no longer exist as matter in the world from the dead. She is the true necromancer.
She doesn't use Death Magic so she by definition is not a necromancer.
> Honestly the powerlevek thing seems off.
It's Italics's own words, so it counts. I mean if we're discounting this then there's no reason to believe Ford is that strong.
Interactive cyoas
Probably the easiest thing to do would be to speedblitz her. Her passive defences don't seem great and if she dies enough times in rapid succession she dies for good, so if you accelerated fast enough you could likely kill her enough times to have it stick.
That's not TRUE! That's not TRUE, not TRUE, not TRUE! You can't just LIE to people, anon! There are consequences to LYING to people!
Scale of the Dragon. Recoil. Twin Meteors.
uh huh bet she wouldn't think like that if i molested her.
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Would she defend herself?
Nah, she'd win.
Nah, I'd win.
Magic in Magi Case literally wor oksn moon logic which results in it becoming true. Did you forget the part where one of the founders ate a lovecraftian creature and gained magic. Or Yggdrassil Clan basing their magic off something mages could naturally do? Or the entirety of the chink mages?

Once moon logoc works it become an attainable path whjch makes Reason sperg.

>She doesn't use death magic
Resurrecting someone that no longer has corpse is necromancy not healing.

>Ford isst rong
Ford is only "strong" because he invents bullshitology. His literal magic is "I made it the fuck up." And "It just works.". A normal person wouldn't be able to figure how to make a raygun mrchanics work and materialize it.
>Just kill her enough times and ahe'll die.
Um, Helios sisters what the fuck is this? We are the world's greatest necromancer and deathbringer? How did we lose if all we needed to do was kill her.
>Severe her connection
According to Italics, Drac once got stabbed in the throat by jobber mages from her royal guard in a coup and died

Killing her doesn't seem that hard. You guys sound desperate when even jobber guards can stab and kill her.
Another dead cat.
Just post cyoa's where you can make builds that can beat Drac.
magi case
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How can you defeat "Magic"?
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Jesus man, go to sleep or something, your spelling is horrendous.
> Magic in Magi Case literally wor oksn moon logic which results in it becoming true.
That doesn't mean literally any random illogical thing is going to happen. This is ultimately just something you made up. We've already been told how Helios ascended, and 'Drac having inexplicable person-glitching powers' is not a part of it.
> Resurrecting someone that no longer has corpse is necromancy not healing.
Not in this world it isn't. She literally, undeniably, does not have the Drac Clan's magic and thus is not a necromancer.
> Ford is only "strong" because he invents bullshitology.
I mean, by your own admission that's true for every mage ever. And Ford can only bend the laws of physics a limited amount. Compared to those like Evoco or Galileo who can perform basically arbitrary feats it's not all that.
I'm now reminded that all Clans can be wanked to omnipotence.
>How can you defeat "Magic"?
Any cyoa where you are basically the god.
>That doesn't mean literally any random illogical thing is going to happen.
You have one character who represents oblivion and soemone that can asspull anything from nothing like a literal God.

The CYOA even says Creation' endgame is for everything illogical to happen at once.
"I win" CYOAs aren't very fun.
Living God cyoa is very fun.
> You have one character who represents oblivion and soemone that can asspull anything from nothing like a literal God.
Yes, and none of those thing mean any random illogical thing is going to happen, especially when it hasn't been so much as hinted at in the actual text.
> The CYOA even says Creation' endgame is for everything illogical to happen at once.
Because Creation has not succeeded yet. Otherwise there wouldn't even be a cyoa.
You should post it.
They can be, as long as you make the victory lap cool enough.
Just don't post that shitty flop ouroboros cyoa he made
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Speak for yourself, faggot.
>t. failed author
the only abomination here are the text boxes
The trick isn't to kill her, its to keep her from coming back or otherwise truly neutralize her
Materialization is the most cucked magic. Any scientifically minded Yggdrasil can perform almost all of their tricks just as well.
Sounds like you are the one that is angry that it flopped, anon.
Universal is the most cucked magic. Any creatively minded Evoco can perform all of their tricks just as well.
>Drac once got stabbed in the throat by jobber mages from her royal guard in a coup and died
Uhh Dracsisters? I thought she was omnipotent and omniscient for all magic? Why didn't she just cast a healing spell to instantly fix herself? Is she stupid?
all jobs to FordGODS btw
Shitposting general
I wouldn't classify Living God, Cosmic God, or Ultimate God as "I win" CYOAs.
There's still plenty of room to grow and learn, to create and explore.
Being extremely OP in a small playground, now that's pointless.
Tok general
The Conjuration System can be used by anyone, kek. Evococucks can mess with summons of others, and this is the whole uniqueness of their magic.
Drac TANKED that btw
>cuck this, jobber that
This is the level of magi case ""discussion""
We shoud go back to Entropist. Or Dragonfall.
Jokes aside, when was the last threadkiller?
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>needs to 'win' by default or he cant compete
Point is you can kill Drac and the discussion ends.
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Conjuration can't. The familiar system however can be used by anyone
Except not. Yggdrassil is hard limited to basic shit. They are also an unnecessary clan that needs to be removed from the CYOA
But Object Materialization is basic shit, that's the point.
Nah. It's a technique not a spell. We know Ford can materialize giant railguns like Ace Combat and Rods of God. Yggniggers can't do that.
Source: trust me bro
> Spark: A Flicker of Revelation

> Mode of Transcendence: Godhood

> Goals: Conquest, Luxury, Adventure, Mastery, Benevolence, Freedom, Amaranth

> Spark Powers: All Free Powers, Anomaly, Causality

> Resources: Technology, Personal Plane

> Subordinates: All Subordinates

> Followers: Satheth The Seer, The High Priestess, The Seraph, Wayward Crusader,

> Peers: The Breathing Flame, The Thought, The World Dragon, Distortion Entity, Simulacrum

> Foes: The Basilisk, Ahndria, The Branded King, Nihil, Slan, Sadaf, Lady of New Dawn

> Leaderships: Your Followers

> Memberships: The Walkers Guild, The Sybarite Club, The Slave Rebels, The Versal Council

> Threats: The Grand Empire, The Egregores, The Hive, The Sycophant Duality

> Ventures: Ancient Wonders, Cosmic Events, Hijinks, Strange Worlds, Forgotten Lore, Romance, Journey

> Other Options: Humanity, Insurance, Thanks for Playing (+1)

> Multiplayer

Pretty nice power fantasy. With Anomaly and Causality together the only limit on what can or will happen is what I want to happen. I have a bunch of enemies, but with Meta-Immortality and Eternal Ascension it's literally just a matter of time until I crush them. While I'll take it easy and indulge in hedonism in the short term, in the grand scheme of things I plan on being an actually benevolent version of the Basilisk, pulling as many people as possible into my Pocket Plane where I can give them infinite pleasure. This won't be limited to currently existing people of course, I'll reach through time and space to gather everyone who's ever lived as soon as I'm strong enough.
How your OC coming authors? Is it close to release?
It exists as a design doc and a layout design, I'm procrastinating actually writing it and finding pictures because I overdid the scope again
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Trying out AI to make character images for one of my CYOA ideas.

>Is it close to release?
Ehh, it's lacking most of the actual writing and may still get dropped.
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she needs neither look at her writing or ponder her beauty blender orb. Quite the powerful young sage.
Romanian soundtrack
>Can't come up with things to do
Latest sloppingical slop
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I'm gonna job your mom
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Here you go, little guy. Make sure to thank Surinical after you finish eating.
She is using peripherial vision. Stronk.
surnical's latest AIslop releasing after people complain about no OC is a special /cyoag/ monkey's paw situation
>I thought she was omnipotent and omniscient for all magic?
She is... if she wants to be. She turned that off. Why? Dunno.

>Is she stupid?
Hating on surinical is a tired meme. OC is OC
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Cyoas like Stat Cancer?
This is art
Replicator Attendant
> Find
> Companions
Ini Khan
Nika Berg
> Focus
I come home from work, and I have to decide whether to spend time on making it or flop onto bed/veg out. Sad to say this past week has been the latter exclusively.
I have to wonder how actual novelists starting out were able to make the time/energy to do a nine-to-five/feed themselves *and* publish books. Was it cocainum, all along?
You could write a thousand words an hour if you weren't so afraid that it would be bad. Who gives a shit bro, just crank it out, it might be real good, we will still love you if not.
>how actual novelists starting out were able to make the time/energy to do a nine-to-five/feed themselves *and* publish books
Lots of them force themselves to write a certain amount/for a certain amount of time everyday.

>Was it cocainum, all along?
Some of them, yea.
Jokes on you, I love tacos and doomer music. I accept no improvements or friends and live in miserable drunk drudgery in the ice mines until I die of an aneurysm at 46.
Real novelists have a different mentality. They are stronger than cyoa authors.
What about failed novelists like italics?
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This new type of shitposters is especially insane. Bees against honey.
There is no escape

>page 4
Fuck you.
Power, Technique, Celerity + Bird of Prey can kill any other Class easily.
Soul Claimant stat superiority and Spirit say hi.
Jobber trap. They won't be able to focus under a hail of unblockable attacks.
10/10 dystopic-ish "no hope" vibes that still come across as comfycozy, cool

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