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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93375374

>Thread Question
Best CYOA with little or no supernatural elements in it?
>Best CYOA with little or no supernatural elements in it?
A Life Chronicle
post uhhh
the other bold cyoa. you know, the other one. the second most recent
Where do I get pictures like this for my CYOA? Is there a western art booru that exists somewhere?
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I think OP's the second most recond. The most recent was this iirc
I have no idea how the fuck such a typo was even possible
DeviantArt and artstation both take some more effort, but they're bigger than any booru.
what the hell is this
i mean the one where you're a slaver, didnt even see this cyoa lol
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That's the third most recent!
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When did CYOAs with lower powerlevels and settings become synonymous with jobbing and jobbers?
They didn't.
I know this is a shitpost but for the millionth time nobody gives a shit about low power level cyoas in fact some are very popular. What people care about is being a shitter relative to everyone else. A cyoa about getting great magical powers means nothing if it puts you at the average power level of the world's inhabitants at best. People don't need to be the strongest they just want to be special enough relative to others.
>A cyoa about getting great magical powers means nothing if it puts you at the average power level of the world's inhabitants at best
>NOOOOO I'm a shitter because I actually have to work to win and to stand at the top of my long adventure just like all the other people in the CYOA world.
We didn't come here to grind like IRL.
At least give me the tools to do it then. If you put me in as a literal who with no advantages don't even bother with lore or quests since they're irrelevant to my situation.
lamentationfags in SHAMBLES
Because you can't interact meaningfully with the setting if you're a nobody. All the lore and history is irrelevant to whatever little adventures you can have. It sometimes works for small, comfy, vague cyoas but not with anything bigger than that.
I know the thread is dead, but this is going too far.
>Do you like waifus?
>How many waifus/companions should a CYOA have?
>Which form of magic do you think is most powerful?
God magic
>How long is a piece of string, really?
5 dm
>What resolution should I do?
>JPG or PNG?
>How do I wipe my own ass?
Efficiently yet parsimoniously
>What colors to use?
Light text on dark bg is probably better, because worthwhile bg images tend to look better on the darker side
Noted and appreciated
I use pinterest, but ive also been collecting undead and monster art there for almost a decade
18 pages is literally nothing.
Especially since it's one of those rare CYOAs where you only read the paths that are relevant to your build, increasing replayability.
Back in my day a thread was considered dead if nobody posted a CYOA at least 10 pages long. You fucking newfags don't even have the attention span to post a one-pager, let alone JRPG Traitor
No I just don't like shit cyoas like jrpg traitor
>5 dm
This puzzles, confuses, and enrages the American.
Entropiss lost.
More like italics lost by himself declaring how he ruined yet another WIP with his terrible ideas of how cyoas should be.
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You can just ask for it to be posted you know.
fuck off sand
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You've got to learn to let go celt. It's been years.
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He isn't here anymore. He's been put on a list and his sister filed a restraining order.
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Can't believe italics would pull the" I have cancer, please pity me" card online. On 4chan of all places.
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Bloom is the tranny option. The author is gay.
Bloom is whatever you want her to be.
He wants her to be a tranny, obviously
This impresses me in a way I can't yet put to words.
Are the tank descriptions and details accurate to life, maybe?
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As far as I know, yeah. Tank autists really know their stuff.
There's this one too for planes.
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Posting this just to bitch about it since its one of the few LoL cyoas around and is somewhat half decent.

I hate when picking waifus in a waifu picker cyoa I have to decide what waifus I actually want and what waifus I should pick in order to get the actual abilities I want. I hate in this cyoa and I hate it in every other cyoa that does this shit. Especially since there are some abilities that are clearly far superior to others.

I'm assuming that unofficial skins count for the skin combos otherwise the skin combos shouldn't even bother existing considering how many skin lines have so few members which is compounded by this being a waifu picker so the male champions aren't around.
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Your cyoa's issues had been noted long ago tok, you don't need to sockpuppet an excuse to repost it

Nah i'm not tok I've just been in a LoL mood this past week and when i found this cyoa I spent way too much time on the LoL wiki looking at skins that i felt entitled to bitch about this cyoa.
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That's a short sissy's work. Behold the G I R T H of a true League of Legends cyoa!
Thanks, mate. I'll save them, even just for some education
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>I hate this great and awesome cyoa but it has one minor gripe that will set the stage for my tripfagging self to dump all over the thread with
Get better material, you've done this a million times by now it's not even funny anymore.
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boring old excuse to post your shit, tok
I go to the looking for cyoa megathread on plebbit to get some ideas for what cyoa I should replay again. I see people looking for cyoas with no responses, and I usually know what they are, but I don't tell them! MUHUHAHAHA
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You are flying a helicopter at high altitude over enemy territory. Suddenly, 3 helicopter parts vanish from existence (the space they were formerly occupied by is now vacuum). How screwed are you?

ROLL dice+3d174 to determine the parts!
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Take your low-effort rollshit back to /b/ faggot
Rolled 71, 85, 150 = 306 (3d174)

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>71 Bearingless articulated hubs
This causes the blade of the main rotor to come off. The chopper spins out of control, the end
/b/ doesn't have dice
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They use post numbers, the original rolling format, babbyfags.
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Right, so I can't roll d174
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Look mom, I posted old cyoas for everyone to ignore again!
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they aren't the good old cyoas so yea
I miss it
Dlc when?
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Gonna post this again

Thanks for the build. Making the street arabs your successors and buffing them with the clansman archetype's a neat combo. Gives you seven 5 trait goons for the sum cost of $25 G, and then you can buff them with a surplus warehouse to 6 traits. Also like his angle of being a backwater saint trying to get by. Will probably add him as a big cat in the next update.
I'm guessing you had him in mind as a cajun rather than a chinaman?
>chasing bugbears
Never heard of this term before. What's it mean?
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Rolled 139, 146, 56 = 341 (3d174)

%174 ez
Is it true that you lost to a pill picker?
Everyone loses to pill pickers, even entropist
Time to cook.
Sounds like a bunch of excuses and crying for a lack of personal skill. You were never going to make it "tools" or not.

The ones that reach the top and take full control of their adventure starting from nothing are those that have that dog in them.

You don't have that dog, you shouldn't be making your character and choosing your own adventure.
It's true, if you don't have an overwhelming drive you're never going to get anywhere. At best, you'll be like one of those Isekai cucks in Entropist: spoiled fodder for the first real threat to come along.
That's pretty clearly wrong though. If you have enough power/innate advantages you can more than make up for a lack of drive.
So now we get to the true thing. It's just powerfags wanting to auto-win because they have mo drive.
You're changing the subject. The point is that
> You were never going to make it "tools" or not.
> It's true, if you don't have an overwhelming drive you're never going to get anywhere.
is wrong, as should be obvious really.
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Submerged Tunnels
Glowing Veins
Flesh Caves

Soft Landing
The Jaws That Bite

Spore Jungle
Biological Project "LGM"
Watcher In The Dark
Towards the Light

Become one With The Flesh
Math is Reason.
Physics is Reason.
Logic is Reason.
Bloom is the Perfect Prince's self insert. You have no idea just how horny it makes it.
I've got a small protrusion of bone about three inches behind my right ear that makes a dense knot and renders my skull subtly asymmetrical. I don't like it and I'm not sure if the knot itself is hollow or bone throughout, otherwise I would've tried to sand it down so I can have a smooth skull. Do you have any Choose Your Own Adventures for this feel?
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>I would've tried to sand it down so I can have a smooth skull.
If Bloom is my perfect woman, and also The Perfect Prince, then she would acquiesce her position and make me the new Perfect Prince. This is an absolute win.
Take heed fellow sons. This is how you end up permeantly imprisoned in the Perfect Prince's inner most wank sanctum suffering a fate worse(?) than death.
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Your skull may be lumpy, but your brain is perfectly smooth.
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>fate worse(?) than death.
>garunteed immortality
just another reason the Perfect Prince is better than The Father
Anyone got the high quality pngs? I only found https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/49818259/#q49820433 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8zll64VUyohdFVnUU8wRWVSc28 and the link is dead.
I never bothered saving anything by spacefuture. He's a faggot.
>don't worry about the payment

No, I think I will worry about the payment
no u
>Basic Beauty Package
>Grace and Poise
>Hot Blood
>Empowered Eyes
>Strength Beyond
>Within Your Grasp
>Monster's Energy
>Though Processing
>Refined Digestion
>Divine The Secrets
>The Fountain of Youth
>Structural Enhancement
>Rebindable Flesh
>Thunderburst Speed
>Stay The Devourer
>Silvered Tongue

After they operate on me and tell me I gotta do their weird ass experiment shit, I tell them that I can pay for the surgery. I get up, reach for my wallet, and blind the surgeon with my pocketed sand, then run away at super speeds.

>Do you like waifus?
i'm picky about 'em
>How many waifus/companions should a CYOA have?
>Which form of magic do you think is most powerful?
whichever one lets me punch things really really hard
>How long is a piece of string, really?
>What resolution should I do?
depends on how long it is but yeah 1600 by 10000 is probably good
>JPG or PNG?
png and its not even close
>How do I wipe my own ass?
thoroughly i hope
>What colors to use?
dark mode colors
this nigga will be used as a test subject for all eternity
Nuh-uh. I ran away, and now I must evade the crazy interdimensional surgeons in this author's next CYOA.
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We can run the ones, right now. So step up.
I really enjoy CYOAs that are based on 4chan itself and use the same fonts, palette, etc. .. they aren't the best by any means but they look nice in the thread and I think they actually affect the dynamics of the general by framing it in a different way - same as "gamifying" boring tasks in everyday life
go kick rocks dipshit, this classic is allowed to be posted at least once a month
Thank you! this may be my vote for best CYOA of all time. It doesn't have some of the more fantastical elements I prefer but its breadth is really something special. I'll try to post a build later when I'm not busy!
>he is trying his hardest to justify the posting of shit everyone ignores every thread
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Have you checked it on a doctor? It might be bone cancer.
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This CYOA always kind of annoyed me. It's admittedly stylish but it's only a CYOA until you learn its' gimmick, which isn't even a surprise because it's obvious as fuck. And then it just turns from 'choose some cool and slightly weird body modfications' to 'Hey, hey, hey, hey, i want you to read my list of gross body horror shit. Hey, pay attention to me. Aren't I a spooky writer? Gosh I got you didn't I? Incidentally the only way i could figure out how to make people read this shit is if it was in a CYOA first. Could you tell? My mom's creative writing club told me to stop showing up...'.

Is anyone seriously going to sit down and debate whether simulated radiation poisoning or acid saliva or wandering anuses or whatever else nonsensically gross is worth having wi-fi implanted in your head? No. So really the 'point' of this CYOA is to be a creative writing exercise pretending to be a CYOA and wasting everyone's time. And isn't that this place constantly bitches at authors for?

Anyways, that's enough bitching. I haven't seen Hatchling posted for a while so I'm posting that. Everyone tell me what kind of dragon you think is cool and what you would do as one. Eastern dragons appeal to me but I have a hard time really getting why, especially when in this CYOA they cost points without giving any advantages for some reason.
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I'd probably take Eastern Dragon and Chameleon scales. Breathing myst is very eastern dragon themed, and the ability to just camouflage myself as a fuck off big dragon sounds fun.
Lazy summer days sleeping in a lake, blending into the bottom while humans swim around above me none the wiser.
>Is anyone seriously going to sit down and debate whether simulated radiation poisoning or acid saliva or wandering anuses or whatever else nonsensically gross is worth having wi-fi implanted in your head? No. So really the 'point' of this CYOA is to be a creative writing exercise pretending to be a CYOA and wasting everyone's time.
Most of them are too niche but one of the upgrades is eternal youth my dude
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Though when I think on it fire breath seems kind of mandatory if I like my food cooked. I barely know how to make a campfire, how do I BBQ a cow without fire breath?

Yeah, but the wifi brain option is still a choice. Except its not because no one will pick it. The CYOA is constructed in such a way that no one would play it, and anyone stubborn enough to try would never pick 90% of the options. Just pointless.
>especially when in this CYOA they cost points without giving any advantages for some reason.
They're explicitly smarter and better at magic as well as not needing wings to fly. Those are pretty clear advantages.
My indomitable will is beyond your feeble comprehension. Even in this fragile corpus, my veins are overflowing with vril! Only a few more incarnations on this earth and my soul will ascend to a higher dimension. I have some memories of an earlier life as an earthworm and that was better than this in some ways, but worst in most. Consciousness advanced enough to reflect on itself is a wonderful privilege to have. I'm grateful for it every day.

This one was always decent. This anon >>93389287 is just unwilling to suffer for seeking power beyond his means. That's why his underlying consciousness is weak and will be left behind when this eschaton is said and done.

I appreciate that anon, I seriously do.

It is not cancer, I know that. I've had it from birth as far as I can tell, although as my skull's grown over the years it's become smaller in relative terms. When I was young, it was noticeable. Now, it's barely even there, but it annoys me. The human inability to dictate his own corporeal form is one of the direst limitations to the human experience, but I think it's worth it, because troons suffer in their sex-simulation-addiction-induced mania more than either of us ever will.
god you are such a whiny little faggot. when we isekai im killing you first
Honestly i discounted that as flavour text - the faerie dragon is good at magic but has an actual tangible benefit related to magic casting after all and its not like you get more magic points - but yeah that makes sense. I'll be happy with being slighty smarter and maybe better with magic for so little points.

I guess not needing wings is a benefit too. TThe eastern dragon body plan of basically being a big noodle appealed anyway, but i didnt consider that wings are an actual weak spot on normal dragons.

Anon, when the CYOA fairy descends and grants the ability to pick a CYOA to make real, you are welcome to this one. I'll happily take one of the eleventy billion forms of CYOA immortality that don't involve shitting out my internal organs while a brain parasite controls my mind for a century.
Yeah it's not an ideal trade for power but taken in a vacuum, it's worth the trade for power. My personal favourite CYOA is Night Ride. I don't care very much about power in CYOAs, I want interesting circumstances to find myself in. That's the appeal of them for me, mostly.
What one?
>but I think it's worth it, because troons suffer in their sex-simulation-addiction-induced mania more than either of us ever will.
Crab bucket mentality desu
>Entrusted by a Goddess
Seiren's Call & Will of Iron, Spark of Genius & Scientific Rigor, Mystical Manipulation & Magical Insight

>The Fleshweavers Clinic
Monster's Energy, Thought Processing, Divine the Secrets, The Fountain of Youth, Rebindable Flesh

>Experimental Procedures:
Burrowing Larvae, Delve Too Deep, Robbed of Pleasure

These Experimental Procedures are nothing. Kill the Burrowing Larvae. Delve Too Deep? More like not deep enough with my magical senses augmentations. Robbed of Pleasure is irrelevant, I am beyond pleasures of the flesh.

There's plenty more Experimental Procedures I'm willing to take, but not enough good Services to warrant them.
I'm partial to either Metallic Jabberwocky w/ Meaningful Mein for maximum horrorDragon or a Mottled Kobold for the best underdog.
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Why settle for a regular hamburger when you can have an XXXL double cheese extra deluxe burger?
I meant Fountain of Youth of course; upon rereading it decreases aging by 10x instead of stopping it, still.
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>Why settle for a handcrafted gourmet burger when you can have twenty pounds of high-fructose goyslop from korea?
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In this case? Because the regular burger is a really, really good burger. And the XXXL burger you're offering me tastes like shit, is filled with shit, and i've interacted with the chef and he seems like the kind of guy who molests his little sister and then calls her a whore when she tells on him.

Honestly why even post this? If you want pointless overstuffed coomerbrain powerwankery there's that interactive dragon cyoa. If you want something good there's Hatchling. Dragonfall isn't even the best at being the low hanging fruit of dragon CYOA.
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>No strings attached whatsoever
The strings is the anon eventually seeing/being forced to partake in some fucked up shit with no way out. Stuff that will haunt you for the rest of your days.
Kino. I build a new dragon every time I see this CYOA posted.
>Species: Royal Dragon

>Scales: Rainbow

>Additional Boons:
Tough Cookie
Corded Muscles
Deep Breaths
Multiscale [Gray]

Humanoid Form

>Location: Shifting Island

>Guide: Ouroboros

Aura’s Pitcher [Free]
Searching Eye
Bone Tree
Claws of Fafnir

Delayed Development
Goblin Infestation

>Fate: King In Scales

Not sure what breath would have been best with Multiscale.
>He is samefagging builds again
I haven't looked at these threads in ages, does Holdfast have any chapters beyond the first yet?
This is the pinnacle of dragon cyoas

Western Dragon

Medium [-10]


>Breath Attack:

Muscles Tier 3 [-30]
Scales Tier 3 [-10]
Wings Tier 2 [-5]
Regeneration Tier 3 [-30]
Magic Resistance Tier 3 [-60]
Flight Tier 3 [-30]
Crawling Tier 3 [-25]
Brain Tier 3 [-40]
Lungs Tier 3 [-20]
Fertility Tier 3 [-30]

>Legendary Features:
Muscles Tier 4
Scales Tier 4
Magic Resistance Tier 4 [-40]
Crawling Tier 4 [-60]
Brain Tier 4 [-80]

>Rare Features:
Eyeless Sight [-15]
Symbiotic Plants [-10]
Adaptive Genitalia [-5]
Resurrection Egg [-10]

Meat [-3]
Plants [-2]

Elemental Weakness (Holy) [+25]
Elemental Weakness (Arcane) [+25]
Hoarder [+10]
Nightmare Visage [+20]
Whelp [+10]
Guardian [+15]
Breathless [+20]
Arrogant [+15]
Magic Dunce [+30]
Dragonite Weakness [+35]
Deep Sleep [+5]
Battle Musk [+15]

>Companions [+10]:
Tiana [-8]
Delathyn [-2]

Andea (Pact Tier 1)
Holy Radiance
Malgorath (Pact Tier 1)
The Vorpal Blade

Still so stupid you have to pay for diet.
back in my day we had AHS (Anime High School)
He posted a WIP for chapter two, barely a few pages, then went silent. This was a few years ago.
Neat. Yeah, Cajun makes more sense as I'd imagine Chinese settlement was mare a thing on the west coast or further north (I think of NO as being further plugged into Latin and African routes).
New Orleans has the Creoles and Cajuns, both of which are closer to french descent, yeah.
Got a name for him in mind, or would Father Aymond suffice?
>Author has obvious boomer taste for twenty-year old and older media.
What's their name CYOAG?
Cajuns/Creoles are based because they can cook and they are nothing like the accursed Q*ebecs that unironically need to be put into concentration camps. The Q*ebecians are Fr*nch in every matter and suck ass because they think are more pure Fr*nchoid than the fucking Fr*nch.

Unlike the Cajuns and Creoles, they also have a real culture unlike the Q*ebecians and are chill.
>he fell for the coomer trap option
does the master's ring in black magic empower your infernal summons too? if i summon a hound of hades will it be 15 times as strong as a human instead of 10 times?
>The Father looking on despondently as another son puts themselves in the Perfect Trap.
Cyoa where the world is besieged by otherworldly demons?
Can you really say that when demons are jobbers in that setting?
There was a really neat (old) cyoa posted about exactly that fairly recently but I have no idea how to refind it. It was about surviving in whatever location you picked. One of the locations was Vatican, which was heavily besieged by demons, and another was somewhere in Australia where it was fairly quiet. Anyone know the one?
i know it but i didnt save it
cope :^)
A name's as good as any other. Might try building New York's Fattest Cat later.
They are not jobbers. You just counter them which would be the same for any demon slaying focused cyoa.
So it wasn't old after all, it just looked like a lot of the old cyoas.
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Anon, that is actually what a jobber is. Any character countered by someone that is on a lower power scale is a jobber.
>commoner starts with 1 skill
>noble starts with 3
We aren't on a lower power scale
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>On the Nexus of Clockwork
>total control over electricity
The author does not understand the implications of this.
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Yawn. Lost to Entropist. Lost to Magi.
Yes but Commoners don't have to live with the shame of abandoning their status as heir.
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Do it yourself anon
That is not what a jobber is. What even is this eadcanon definition?
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Eastern -5


Chameleon 5
Multiscale 5: Blue / Water
Multiscale 5: Red / Fire


Deep Breaths 5
Tough 5
Corded Muscles 5

My first instinct on this sort of thing is to go full wizard and blow everything on spells. But here I've held off as the CYOA states spells are learnable. If so what I'm buying here is just easy/early access I guess (which is a little odd if you compare to how my breath weapons are appropriately scaled down for a hatchling when I think about it) and not my only chance to obtain them.

Under that reasoning I've focused more on inherent abilities I can't learn. Chameleon scales just sound way too fun, but mist breath by itself seems less useful. Combining it with two powerful sources of attack would allow me to mask my position, then attack out of the mist. No real reason for water to be one; I wanted fire to cook food and water seemed a good counterpact, plus its purely physical force which to make a good contrast. Boons are to enhance breath and make-up for being a weaker eastern dragon.


Minor Illusion 5
Human Form: 10
Healing Breath 5
Beckon Rain 5
Secret Gateway 10

Forgoing the expensive ones, the spells I took I did mostly because they'd be useful to me, or help me interact peacefully with humans. Healing breath is amazingly good for so cheap; no reason I cant use it on myself and I doubt many humans would want to kill the serpent that vomits healing gas. Beckon Rain may sound underwhelming, but rain dances were a thing for a reason, plenty of farming communities would happily give me a free goat for causing rain. Thats easy work for a free meal.
Human form is just obvious. Hands are useful. Gateway is the most 'flashy' spell I picked and I did that because a pocket dimension is just too good to pass up. A home and storage I can access anytime I like? Honestly I could probably make good money as a merchant by just piling things in, flying somewhere, then pulling things out.
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Delayed Development +5
Powerful Instincts +10
Disability: Voice +5

Drawbacks are simple stuff. An extra year or so of growth is not an issue when it'll take 15 anyway. Instincts oddly specifies breed not scale colour, and my breeds instincts are 'be smart and magic'. Even if it did mean scale colour im hopeful having three should avoid overfocusing on red's downsides (the other two just double down on 'mysterious', and having some dragon attitude is probably gonna be beneficial if anything.
I didnt really need the points for disability, I could have found 5 somewhere, but I found the idea of trading away my voice so i was forced to get really good at minor illusion fast fit the build.


Kamaki Village - The obvious choice. Coins might be a bit free in this CYOA because it'd be worth three times this to have a starter location guaranteed peaceful and with humans who will be nice to you. I'll hang out in this village eating fish and practicing magic for 16 years then go out into the world.

Ouroboros - Companions confuse me in this CYOA. I have no idea how this guy works. Assume I was an idiot and picked a 'dangerous' location. How could I ever be in danger with someone like this duty-bound to help me? And how is he going to hang out in my tiny village while being a wanderer? I assume that I will meet him in my teenage years perhaps. Either way he teaches magic and will hopefully be willin to share the Phoenix spell.

Aura's Breath - Pitcher is very tempting for its teleportation. But I can fly! And fast travel ruins things in every game Ive ever played. Breath will mean i'll never have to worry if I find a human I like and dont know the Dragon Gift spell yet.

Items aren't that exciting and you get lots of coins. Probably take the ring so if I meet someone fun I can have a proper talk considering my disability. Super-Lavender sounds neat?

My desred fate. Learn all the magic, try not to eat too many annoying humans.
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I don't have the info packet, if someone else can post it that would be appreciated
No one gives a shit about Magi Case until the update is posted.
I care
You do not matter
none of us do
You do anon
He does anon? What a fagg
You do too
>Want to like Space settings
>Problem is that they take place on multiple planets
>Multiple planets are not as fleshed out as entire world or fictional settings on one world with its own history, culture, and things.
>Exact same problem with planeswalker settings
Bros, help me. How do I get over this.
What terrible ideas?
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It makes dragons feel as lame as possible
Cuteness, Be the Little Girl, Life, Memory, Freedom, Shapeshifting, Slime, Mass Change, Unchained, Teleport, Time Travel, Master Plan, All Knowing, Power, Fast, Flash

I win.
I love how one of the largest complaints was how little 300 points is since he over costed half the options and made diet cost points, only for him to add even bigger point sink options by adding the legendary feature shit (which he only added because he didn't like people making up what the legendary features did)
Would something like "This creature may fire attacks Eldritch Blasts with the Powerful Modifier without using souls, but must wait 5 minutes between blasts to recharge." Be something stupid for a 10 cost monster or should that be ok. Stuff like wyverns have psuedo breath weapons similar but less powerful
>>>>Mass Change
>>Be The Little Girl
>>>More Immortal
>>Infinite RAM

That's 16.

Any other connection/link chart or whatever you call these CYOAs?
Life, Memory, Freedom, Shapeshifting, Slime, Mass Change, Unchained, Teleport, Time Travel, Master Plan, All Knowing, Power, Apex, Fast, Flash

Fixed build.

>That's 16.

>More Immortal
Pointless, Slime gives true immortality already.
>Pointless, Slime gives true immortality already.
I decided that was too OP so I Sartre'd it out.
Rolled 23, 8, 30, 56, 14 = 131 (5d65)

Time for Howling Abyss Mode.
Rolled 142, 133, 124 = 399 (3d174)

Rolled 38, 36, 14 = 88 (3d174)

knowing my luck, im kill
Barely read, don't care about whatever stats you're putting down, most of the abilities I don't really care for that much either, I'm just here for the characters because I think League characters are hot

Summoner's Rift:
Top: Poppy
Jungle: Briar
Mid: Vex
Bot: Tristana
Support: Lulu

Semi Permanent on all of them, Omni-binding on all of them. Is there supposed to be something else I'm supposed to spend points on? I still have like 15 points left
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Can you be the very best?
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Favorite CYOA of all time anons?
Dawn of a demon lord, the best gift I could get is a hardcore remake of it that expands every part
Living God or Power Creator, off the top of my head. There's probably ones that are made better, but I enjoy those the most.
great taste anon
i'm still sad at how Rise of the Dark Lord turned out, but even with that said I can't stop myself from trying to play it
Hard to say. I guess Universal War. Royal Guardian and In the Wake of the Dawn for short one's.
>Never heard of [chasing bugbears] before. What's it mean?
bugbears are nightmares/phantasms. Spooks of some description.
You know, in retrospect, it is kind of a waste. Italics authored an entire setting (History, Characters, and Conflicts) about his own interpretation of modern mages, their society, and activities. It's different from how majority of western-writers portray the urban-mage fantasy genre and elements, and the only close comparison (talked about) to it is Fate by Type-Moon. Yet, even then, it is still not hitting the mark outside of the anime influence and presentation.

He did this all just for a CYOA. It probably would have been more beneficial for him to take his writings and actually approach a publisher, editor, or someone to help him refine it into something more. Several of the sub-plots such as Elspeth's rise to power, the entire backstory of how the Ford mages became a magical dystopia and cyberpunk-land, Mircea's revenge against the Vampires, and so forth could be their own stories to a wider series. Just my two cents and observations.

Though, I will say. If he did that, he'll have to had remove some elements to make it more presentable to an audience. Removing the bigotry towards homosexuals, the marriage of the loli-characters to grown adult men, several of the loli-characters being moved to the background or removed entirely, and other shenanigans.
Good luck anon I couldn't do it, someone clearly put a lot of time in making it but every once of it feels so fallacious.
I understand that feeling. There are just such few minion builders out there. Entropist was hard carried by the minion options and that was only 2 pages of the entire cyoa.
Isn't there an anon literally making minion options for entropist dlc
Unironically Dragonfall.
I don't know but I sure hope so. They were my favorite part of the cyoa.
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Dawn of a Demon Lord
Either Dragonfall of Space Opera Refugee Adventure. I really wish that one would get an update.
MG Dugneon Crawler.
Pretty sure its this nigga thats been asking about stuff >>93391585
Whispers are 10 cost too and fire disintegrating rays even when weakened outside dreamworld, so I don't see why not.
>Demiurges try to avoid Sons, but Sons are largely invisible to them.
Wow that's brutal. Imagine being a god and getting giga raped by something you can't even sense.
such is the way of rock paper scissors
Black Magic.
On the good side constantly bashing your head against the rock paper scissors is probably your best call to get Tempered
>fountain of youth
>refined digestion

>and i must scream
>sensory swap
You're cooked
>t. a lifespanlet
Seriously though, get that checked out. You could have the phrenologic makings of a madman so better to even put that bump with a dent elsewhere.
Why did that post trigger you?
>twenty-year old and older media
So basically every franchise
I love Rise of the Dark Lord. It's one of those things where it feels like it was made specifically for me.
I too love the cyoa where most of your choice is taken away, you cannot be a monstrous mage, and the final sections demands a selection of strict nonsensical choices or you just lose.
>and the final sections demands a selection of strict nonsensical choices or you just lose.
>He got his soul locked away by the goddess
lol lmao even
>109 pages
>ugly as sin
Reaching for the high bar set by Anime High School I see
post rise of reddit now
>NOTHING you do outside of these powers and NO other minions or powers or strategy works.
>did you take harem master? no matter what you absolutely have a kid
>did you pick monstrous? lmao guess you cant do magic, and if you picked undead you cant be a martial
the illusion of choice is worse than having none at all
meant for
Sons get lowdiffed by True Goddess
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This filtered me.
Don't forget that apparently the dark one can take your powers away but also cant take powers away from other weaker people he's given them too for some reason.
He's the first thing going down after I get god slayer
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>It's been a year since he updated it.
Alright, reading this for the first time:
If you don't take Consume you're fucking retarded.
it will never ever be relevant
It's just skills tho.
You don't get any real power.
>Permanently gain the skills of whoever's heart you consume
>Literally everyone on the planet is your enemy
In what world would that never be relevant? Kill and eat a kickass mage and you become a kickass mage yourself. Have your minions deliver you the hearts of all slain enemies for your daily feasting and you will passively become supreme at literally everything.

Hell, you don't even have to take any Magic or Trait options if you just Consume someone with those skills already. Need to be a master strategist? Find one and eat him. Want to see the future? Eat a seer. Want to craft macguffins to kill the hero with? Eat a grandmaster dwarven smith.

You'd have to be clinically retarded to not take such an OP ability. It's crazy that it's being presented as an equal to just having sharp claws, what the fuck?
>In what world would that never be relevant?
this one, your victory is already predetermined based on what skills/minions you take, consume ain't one
>Potentially strengthen your own
Eat enough people and you'll be cutting bullets in half
>It's crazy that it's being presented as an equal to just having sharp claws
oh you sweet summer child...
>did you pick monstrous? lmao guess you cant do magic
You will have more than 2 eyes.
and you will be happy.
That doesn't sound like an adventure.
Top 5 in no order: Dragonfall, Royal Guardian, Power Armor, Stardust (a complete unified build is best but if i gotta pick one its Apocalypse), and Witch Awakening
This probably took like 200+ hours and it's still ass. This is so painful to read. Cut this to a coherent 15 pager and it could've been good but otherwise it's a 100 page abomination that doesn't make sense.
*ignores the parts I don't like*
Heh, SartreSCHOLARS win again.
unironically I wouldn't blame you for sartreing this cyoa
Time-Stop Chill Zone
Stop being mean to the cyoas I like ;(
don't play if you're going to be a metesissy about it
>a single corpse is worth 1,000 DE if used with Necromancy
>a Dracolich requiring a party of high level adventurers to take down only needs 100,000 DE to summon
What was the author thinking when he made these conversion rates? That's basically a single village's population for a fucking dracolich.
Scratch that I just googled the average medieval village population, a single village of corpses could make TWO or more dracoliches.
Would you believe me if I said "Choose Your Own Zynthia"?
Your army doesn't matter as long as you have the right skills and vassals, there's only like 5 minion types relevant and its none of the undead. The only minions you need are fallen angels, devils, high devils and voidborne. Krakens, shapeshifters, deep ones are optional
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>Well you see the optimal strategy according to El Autor is...
I don't give a FUCK what about what arbitrary requirements the author made for the quests and ending. If a band of explorers stumbles upon my sanctum and tries to escape, my minions (half of which are capable of flight or ranged attacks) can hunt them down, I do NOT need to personally be present to intercept them no matter WHAT he says.
Welcome to why this cyoa has so much potential only to ultimately fall flat, I tried to tell you
this is the problem with some authors treating cyoas like video games where they need to have a 'programmed' response to every possible event. instead of leaving the solutions to a problem up to the readers imagination they unnecessarily limit the solutions and piss off readers
abyss diver was able to handle this problem wonderfully, why cant other authors do the same ?
You can't fight the author little man
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The CYOA is only theoretical future sight propaganda to hype you up for your job
When you actually do it irl, things become much more complicated.
You won't blow through everything in one week. It's gonna be a long drawn out global campaign that's going to last years. Victory is far from assured.
Cool sartre
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SartreGODS can explain away anything... I kneel...
Remember when bitchass elemancers were wanking themselves too hard so Italics had to step in and nerf them? Good times
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A "jobber" is a person whose job it is to lose, in order to build a storyline. The term was popularized by pro wrestling, where wrestlers with little chance of ever making it to the big time would be pitted against wrestlers deemed highly marketable (whether as heroes or villains). They'd "do the job", take the dive, and work on alternate personas in the hopes that they'd come up with one that might catch the boss's eye.
Why did authors start making cyoas be like videogames?
I don't think it's something that has become much more common recently. At least discounting icyoas.
You see, little Timmy. When you BLOAT a cyoa, most options become meaningless as they are nothing more than FILLER to make the cyoa bigger.

>Role: Bodyguard (12P 6L 5I)
>Ward: Bleuria - Princess Esther (+2P)

Superhuman Strength (1P)
Superhuman Agility (3P)
Enduring Lifeforce (3P)
Wherever Needed (3P)
Superhuman Durability (3P)
Aura of Intimidation (1P)

Uncanny Stealth (2I)
Uncanny Senses (2I)
Foreign Informants (1I)

Magical Education (1L)
Historic Education (1L)
Combat Veteran (1L)
Secret Hideout (1L)
Resurrection Stone (1L)

Fast, incredibly resilient and able to practically teleport; our hero is practically unnoticeable as he shadows her Majesty, cutting arrows out of the air, spotting traps and physically pulling her out of danger in truly dire situations. However, he inspires nothing but dread in all onlookers, especially his charge, and she hates and fears him. Nevertheless, he will keep her safe, even at the cost of his life.
Can't wait for Aromage to update her CYOA!
I also want to hold hands with her :)
Aro is one of the most royally stupid of our cyoa authors, though. She's very much the type who cannot take advice. I'm not talking about criticism either.
Finally got my working done for it.

>Chicargo [Locals [1], 2x factory/entertaintment modifiers.]
>Entertainment [Book keeping], Factory districts [Union]
>Protection racket [Union], Book keeping

>Litigator [Nullify Union risk], Real Mccoy [street arab [2]]

>Network [double archetype goons], Land fleet [+/-10% to book keeping, +/-5% to union]

10 street arabs, 1 hood.

__Total gang composed of__
Hood: 8 henchmen
Locals: 10 people
street arabs: 84 destitute children

Fat cat: 2
Bad cat:
Mean cat: 1
Cool cat: 1

>Union Assigned Factory district
Revenue: 145%
Risk: 60%
Base SR: 60
Base LR: 0
Effects: -10 risk from book keeping, +100% revenue from District in chacargo, +5% rev from litigator, -10% LR from litigator, +5% revenue and -5% from land fleet. +5 revenue from network with mitigated risk. [total -25% gets +25% revenue as racket feature.]

>Book keeping
Revenue: 115%
Risk: 20%
SR: 15%
LR: 5%
Effects: +100% from District in chicago, +5 rev from litigator, +10% and revenue -10% LR from land fleet.

The Tale of Donny "Uncle" Goodfella is that of a few immigrants, moving to the land of the rich and home of the industrious from that dismal dying empire. He was a studied man, knew the laws of the lands and when he got to new lands he learned them too.
And the Unions needed a lotta legal legwork, and he was working cheap. But it's here that he starts to get a bit different from the rest. Being a friend of the Union Head at the time, he was cooking the books to cover a few expenses that nobody had buisness knowing anyways, and his courier of choice between his partner was that union head's kid. He was fast, clean and tipped a good amount for the trouble, so the little squirt brought a few of his friends on to earn a little more moolah.
Welcome back from 2019, anon. How was your coma?
His Time in the union was coming to a close as a new head was getting ready to move in, and didn't take too kindly to Donny's presence, so he was expanding his services and that upped the need for 'mail squirts'. His offices were becoming a legitimate firm as he hired on a few more people.
But the big turning point was when one of his boys was jumped, some burly drunk who never knew what he'd picked up could put someone in the clink.

So he took his boys around, about 8 of em at the time, and when the youngest pointed em out, Donny went and spoke to the man, smiling, merry, offering him a free drink. . . then smashing his face into the wall when his guard lowered, and beat him till he collapsed in pain. And then the kids joined in.
Since then, the gang has grown, and while the target could be anything, Unionist, gangster, deadbeat, Uncle's Nephews have prowled the streets of the factory and entertainment districts with bloody crowbars and good sturdy bats in packs, running errands and messages and papers. All for the low cost of food, shelter, training and solidarity. And in recent months, learning how to drive.

And Uncle himself? He's kept to his tricks, cooking books and selling unions downstream or keeping them from being busted up as much as his paycheck allows. He's always happy for more clients, or to offer out his boys as couriers, drivers and guides. But Heaven help the fool who thinks the familial titles are just for show.
My mistake, should be 4 hoods, who are meant to be some of his original runners.

Anyway yeah, doubling down on the Street arab growth meta and offering out the services of the book keeping to other gangs and Cats. Not them most optimised for it, but self sufficient and still worthwhile organisational wise.

And as for the kids themselves, most of em are gonna go heavy on the mean/bad cat route, but a few, a very very few, I am going to groom for the fat cat tree.

lots of cost [12x5 = 60g a year] but it's managable.
did it go well?
>here's your timey wimey superpowers
>wow they're basically like magic
>what? no? it says timey wimey superpowers, not magic
>but it's absurd to the point of magic
>but i didn't call it magic, which is something else
>are you retarded or are you retarded?
>haha, okay chud, don't play my game

She has autism or something.
Are you talking about time-walker? The cyoa that literally says 'time and magic are the same thing and were originally indistinguishable'?
Well, then, she can't read her own cyoa, can she?
I feel like it's more likely that you're just retarded.
I had this conversation with her, sorry.
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>time and magic are the same thing and were originally indistinguishable
They still are indistinguishable if you can sidestep base understanding of spacetime which Aro clearly does not understand!
Captcha: GODXO
oh it's you
Who is on the photo?
You really don't want to know.
Sorry i just remembered an autist that argued a lot about space and time magics unable to be separate categories because spacetime
She should not have made a sequel to this one, or the story should have never mentioned the fifth wanderer, as it invalidates your choices.

The player character should always remain obscured in respect to the player.
It's not your fault, sand just broke her with his time god power abuse in ultimate god, so she now needs it on sight.
*nerfs it on sight
Damn autocorrect
I do not care. I managed to convince aro into buffing strength and that is all that matters to me.
Based strength chad.
It's the most important stat for martials.
I do
>convinced the gay muscle coomer that if it wanted its waifu to remain relevant it'd have to buff it
Wow what an achievement!
Thank you
You should try to get sandy to throw clowns into cats next. I bet you can't.
How about clowns into carts that then run over cats?
I cooked home made burgers.
New thread:
Shapeshifting^Slime^Mass Change
Basic Magick^Adept Magick^Master Magick^Double Dip
Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Metal, Technomancy, Mind Magick, Necromancy
Best companions to take in dragonfall? Except for the god empress?

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