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>mfw seeing the bounty of slop /cyoag/ will surely lay out before me ITT

Get on with it then.
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>TFW spent the afternoon writing.
Good night bros.
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Why don't you just leave already, you pretentious faggot. You don't like CYOAs and just avatarspam .
Is that you italics? Were you writing catasalami? Is it to my specifications? What diseases do you have?

I want my milf waifu picker italics don't screw it up.
>You don't like CYOAs

I did.


lol no
I will usurp demon man,What type of stuff are you including setting wise, like what minions can I expect to lord over or hot monstergirls to romance
Ick I hope it's not all gay looking monstergirls.
I want some kino dark and edgy forces to command.
What side are you on /cyoag/?
Empire or Stormcloaks?
Best Power Sources and Specials to take? I think the obvious standouts are False Wizardry and Forgotten Tower.
The setting itself is bizarre but there's several dimensions where campaigns are being fought in. Minions are similarly eclectic but there'll be at least twelve varieties. Think less the opposition in DOOM, more schizo-kami and panflute bacchanalia from hell. Anyone with a sane mind would look at your shit and assume it is evil incarnate. I don't know about romance as the scale's off, but that'll be a factor.

There'll be dark and edgy forces in spades, as well as some more esoteric stuff. Multiple themes are going to be possible but as a whole, it's a disjointed clusterfuck, as it was put together through blunt opportunism and hideous misuse of sorcery. (You) aren't part of an established faction, just one of the several commanders under an ambitious monster in his attempt to carve one out.
>Think less the opposition in DOOM, more schizo-kami and panflute bacchanalia from hell.
It's over. I wanted generic goyslop forces :(
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obviously they gotta be edgy but I cant come home from a day of lording over stinky goblins to some hot Wife(Wives) what was the point of becoming an evil overlord in the first place
>Think less the opposition in DOOM, more schizo-kami and panflute bacchanalia from hell.
I don't even know what this is supposed to imply so frankly I agree
Night bro
Rare martial > mage.
How good at mundane combat can one get in magi case?
I'm an asexual BBEG myself, it's impossible for me to get corrupted by love and simple pleasures.
The only way to take me out is through violence, preferably through a long drawn out war with millions of casualties.
why yes I have the ZELO death slot how did you know
>I'm an asexual BBEG myself,
the kind that jobs first
>why yes I have the ZELO death slot how did you know
that feels like OR faggotry, gross
>that feels like OR faggotry, gross
That's because it is!
metafags is a cancer for the thread
whats a metafag
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True. We should all use numbers and only numbers from now on.
Meta... is based
based on what
the conventions of the medium
Holy fuck how new are you. Based just means something like "cool" and "aligned with our side".
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The Apex of Adventures.
The Blessing of Bones.
The Colossus of /cyoag/.
The Destroyer of Demiurges.
The Emperor of Entropy.
The Father of Freedom.
The Grandest of Giants.
The Hound of Hell.
The Intelligence of Iron.
The Jarl of Justice.
The King of Knights.
The Lord of Liches.
The Master of Mortality.
The Naysayer of Nights.
The Overlord of Oblivion.
The Prince of Perfection.
The Que-hagen of Quixote.
The Ruler of Ruination.
The Strongest of Sons.
The Taskmaster of Troubles.
The Undertaker of Ubiquity.
The Voice of Vampires.
The Writer of Waifus.
The Xenophobe of Xenogeny.
The Yardmaster of Yesteryear.
The Zhar of Zoroastrianism.

I don't think that anti-Tanks understand it either, but I think that it has something to do with obviously superior options in his content. Some examples:
Blood Magic: Play as Martyr or Seeker for the most spells that you can get, then beeline for Conventional magic.
Time of Troubles: Marry Kaguya so that she can be your Bogatyr.
Outer Reincarnation: Choose Buki or Vedi depending on your quest, take all the mercy letters that you can get, plus your deity's unique death letter, and choose Iotated letters for anyone you can't 'save'.
thanks for describing my build
This is me. I'm the canon son.
Based on my aunt.
im still missing one slot, I can't think of anything to put there
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>The Hound of Hell.
I fucking love being called a dog bros, the Hound of Conquest is literally me.
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Is this the Entropist dlc?
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no its for my build, i've put a list of minions i'd make in there, and im missing 1 100k cost slot
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Blood Guard Dracolich hybrid.
super ghost
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Skinwalker Slenderman Supreme Sorcerer of Fear
It's like the Stygian Colossus but instead of corpses it's a bunch of souls
Just make a big mummy or egyptian based one. Like a big Osiris.
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Divine Transcendance has almost no ceiling for groth.
those are already 100K, so I don't know how i'd do that properly since those two creatures are already the current scale of 100K, plus its gotta be undead. I considered crypt lords (Warcraft 3), Morghast Harbingers (Warhammer fantasy), or something like an 'Overlord' creature to be a psuedo ruler over everything else, but I figured that might be too far and overriding the already ruler figures. I really like picrel, but both of these already seem like death lord pictures
I've considered these, but I don't know how i'd go past 'Wraith' 10K is the 'Lord' category atm, with death lords, vampire lords, liches, and black dragons holding the spot. 100k seems like the oddball/superweapon category. Something like "reaper" feels too on the nose when the plan for soul devourers is to be mobile soul powerhouses.
I appreciate all the ideas and feedback
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How long until Entropist's pony reveal?
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Lonely Goddess is the closest thing to true immortality in that one.
are we dying?
The condition is too harsh. My heart is cold as ice and unwavering as stone - love is impossible.
I appreciate the ideas, i'll have to think on these. The 3 rows aren't meant to be specific categories and in the info page i'm making now since I was asked too i'll explain what I'd expect each minion type to do. This isn't for DLC or anything, its just me fiddling with the stuff for my build, i'm trying to keep them roughly in line with the minions we've got already in the respective categories
In a cosmic kind of sense, yes.
How about in a terrestrial kind of sense
No. Most people stop posting on the internet while they are in a critically injured or diseased state.
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Ghostly Willow
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I had a dream that I picked an unnaturally sized booger out of the right side of my nose.
It was like the size of a crayon.
Very spoopy.
Metafag is someone who explicitly talks about the "meta" of CYOA and writing in general, not just picking the superior options as everybody does. Think Satre, meta CYOA supplements, and all that shit. Tankista's problem is that his CYOAs have too many superior options that just btfo everything else.
emi no contest
>decent personality
Emi. The others simply cannot compete.
Akiko for sex (I'm not really into the sex)
Emi for everything else

Powers: Soul Drain, Necromancy, Bone Golem, Experts, Rejuvenate, Soul Magic, Alter Soul, Seance, Architecture, Spirit Chains, Weight, Seal, Create Phylactery, Reinforce, Link, Power Word, Diminish, Kill, Essence Enchant, Stillness, Aligned Magnificence, Echoed Roar, Booming, Rallying, Perish Song, March, Golden Truth, Elder Ink, Entropic Imbue, Anti Magic, ES: Water, ES: Fire, ES: Ice, ES: Metal, Arcane Magic, Ascension, Immortality, Divine Promotion, Walk Blessed

Perks: Void Adaptation, Talented, Commander
Minions: Create Undead, Spirit Warriors, Death Mage, Lich, Black Wyvern, Dracolich, Nephilim Bannermen, Spirit Roosts

Gifts: Ectos

Oaths: None

Drawbacks: Disloyalty, Lonely, Suicide, Hunted, True Son, Single Root, Homogenous Existence

Events: Fate Untangled, Governments Intervention, Mythical Era, Lesser Demiurge, Draconic Conquistador

Build Details: Mission statement for this was to make an ultimate smith type son, taking inspiration mostly from Sauron.

Early game plan is to work with the wizard to safeguard earth, hopefully picking up his magic system. Even if I can’t I’ll be studying with Ectos. Next step is to begin using Arcane Magic, Essence Imbue, Elder Ink, Soul Magic, Metal Magic, and Power Word to create artifacts built to defend concepts I believe to be worth defending. Talented and Stillness will be used to help understand the properties of the materials created with Soul Magic. Elder ink will do the same for enchantments. If I can Entropic Imbue objects and Enchantments as I make them, I’ll do so to give them extra oomph.

These I’ll trade to other sons for heroic souls, or even to daughters who would have an interest in gaining such artifacts for the defense of their worlds. Using Soul Chains I hope to keep these artifacts linked to me so if they find their way into the hands of unclaimed hero’s, i could claim them.

The Magnum opus: once I have sufficient skill with Power Word and Golden Truth, will be a set of three rings linked to three concepts. My Perish song will serve as part of the blueprints for what I’ll be attempting. Each verse describes and invokes the one of the concepts and will be sung over the creation of the physical rings and woven into the enchantments. The rings will be made from many heroic souls aligned with the corresponding concept. Essence Imbue will serve as the base enchantment using the most powerful souls, with Elder Ink, Arcane Magic, and Metal Magic used to fine tune things. As the physical rings are enchanted I’ll sing the full Perish song in Gold, even if doing so will kill me, to reinforce them with the full weight of Knowledge, Free will, and Hope.
I would have thought of a powergamer as being more meta. Someone focusing on other people's choices and what's strongest from an outside perspective rather than making in character choices.

But yes broken options are bad.
Why would he rant about how others are playing CYOAs? It's not like their actions are impacting him.
These do not cancel each other out but if people want to talk about powergaming, they'll talk exactly about that. Metafag has different connotations here.
In all honesty, Tankista's more balanced CYOA was his Worm update, and that's because he bothered to add scenarios that have different requirements for shit you wanna do.
Everybody here rants about random shit like old senile men. Catposter avatarspams and pretends to be an oldfag, people shitpost about identity death and metashit, cumeaters continue defending Italics when he cannot finish a page of Magi Case in a good time window. Focus on enjoying CYOAs than trying to pinpoint the general opinion of a thread as diverse as this, or you might run into retarded authors or retarded posters.
>more balanced CYOA was his Worm
You've got to be kidding.
Balanced in comparison to his other CYOAs. In it's own merits, it's another one of the "farm inconsequential drawbacks to get powers that solo the setting".
Two cakes. Also while I prefer this one the more intricate crunch of Cats is an interesting contrast.

>New Orleans 900G
>Docks, Trainyard 500G
>Clansman, Real McCoy 500G
>Land Fleet, Train, Saintly 370G
>Vets, Boat, Chaff, Hobos, Locals, Street Arabs (family), Hoods, Gang, Maroons 370G
>Locals x4, Showmen x2, Boffins, Master Craftsman, Boat 170G
>Cool 2, Fat 2

>Docks, Exotic Goods (10G +88% 15L/20S)
>Showmen, Master Craftsman, Boat
>Docks, Smuggling (80G +143% 15L/10S)
>Showmen, Hoods, Boat
>Train: Pleasure Ride (10G +20% 5L/5S)
>(Gang) Chinatown: Bookkeeping

Sweltering Cajun patriarch build, starting out I'm relying heavily on generational mastery of the Bayou's byways. Compounding doubled profits at only moderate should give me the cash needed to expand into Chinatown Bookkeeping and make further reinvestment more efficient (all my Gangs will be Fat Cat 1 money launderers).

Though not the Coolest Cat around my ethnic working class background should allow me to benefit from the Maroons at less cost, though the Arabs, Hoods and Vets will be involved in Trainyard robberies eventually at first I can get them onside with "free" schooling and therapy. My last and most influential gang will my "godson" Arab raised to a Mean yet mostly Fat chief bookkeeper. Don't want the little rascal getting impatient as designated successors often do so delegating the growing printing press + dirigible media empire ought to keep him busy and gesture towards a more sustainably profitable semi-legitimate future.

New Orleans lives and dies by the river but the fucking thing's silting up. The government's too busy chasing bugbears or drowning in kickbacks to do anything about it so once's revenue's barely a concern it'll be up to us, the people of the land, to save it. Yes, I do sound like a Maroon but that's a distant dream. The dirty business of surviving and thriving occupies me for now.
Coming back to this before I go to bed, I like the idea of Morghasts a lot, big imposing undead angel monsters that serve as guards or heralds, but that kinda defeats the purpose of blood guard, doesn't it?
Blood guard has no purpose to begin with lmao. 6 times slower than death lord while costing 10 times more, what a joke.
by that logic they're also twice as strong and nearly 8x more durable, with raging momentum and all the vampire lords abilities on top. I fail to see how they aren't worth it
Consider taking Devotion and using it to pick up Ester for better early game protection and more enchanting help.
>Change: Comfort [+1 SP]

>Location: None [+1 SP]

>Power Sources:
>Stellar Pacts [-32 CP]
Gate Of Heavens
Ties That Bind
>Divine Transcendence [-40 CP]
Light Within
Emergent Order
Separation Of Self
Many Faces
The World Your Stage
>Unbeing [-28 CP]
Nothing Immovable
Hearts Aligned
Flow Like Sand
Eternal Grasp
>The World [Free]
Peace Offering

Lonely Goddess
Infinite Sun
Ancient Evil

Dreams Of Victory
Assault By Armies
Assault By Infection
Assault By Antagonist

>Mechanical Purposes:
Home Free
Beyond Limit

Would it be better to go with Divine Transcendence Location for the points? I think 2x power from Ancient Evil is worth it. Taking only half the perks of one of the power sources isn't really worth it. Better to specialize, and the ones I didn't take are mostly useless. Upgrades might have been nice to have perhaps.
does taking seance from soul magic mean you can also absorb those souls from long ago since you can talk to recent souls you can absorb or is it just communicating?
I just kind of assumed you could take them because summoning souls and not being able to claim them is retarded. You'd have to know who you're summoning though and they'd have to not be in the possession of any other soul collector or what have you
Strength is useless if it can't hit, durability without speed only serves to play turtle, and vampire lords abilities are just blood magic and some psychic powers that do not help with speed. Raging momentum is good, but it's only buffing its preexisting abilities. None of these can make up for a 6 times speed difference.

The only use I can see for them is surrounding someone completely as meat shields.
you retards never cease to make me laugh
Don't worry, he has infinite speed. He'll win because he can punch with infinite mass.
>the bodyguard units use is being a bodyguard
astounding observation, retard-kun
>cannot harm attackers
>can only buy time
Greaaat bodyguards.
I accept your concession.
Raging Momentum means that if you aren't able to cut through their ridiculous defence in time you just lose.
im sure you do, retard-kun
Lose? No, at best a stalemate. And their defense has nothing against space magic and a even "wall" of them will have gaps, so any teleportation or fast remote controlled projectiles can bypass them to attack whatever they're protecting.
You're fighting imaginary battles with a speedfag, he's going to ignore everything you say and insist him being faster means he wins no matter what
>ignore everything you say
Like you're doing now? Lmao.
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>I'm bigger and that means I wi-AIIEEE
How exactly do you stalemate if the bloodguard just keeps getting stronger?
and for every one of those clips there's 10 of hte little dudes getting ohko'd, there's a reason there's weight divisions
Having way higher speed means whether to engage is completely in your hand. There is no way for the bloodguard to chase. You can disengage and wait for its Raging Momentum to reset, then go back to fight it. Repeat to drain its resources until it can't heal anymore, at which point you can kill it. Ironic that the longer things go on, the better it is for the faster one and not the bloodguard.
can we have a timeframe for how long it will take or you just started?
You don't
6 times isn't that much higher. Plus that's also going to drain the Death Lords resources, and the bloodguard can fly after them (and likely keep Raging Momentum going that way), or replenish their own resources while the enemy is gone.
>Holy Empire of Turin, New-Blood, Bloody Waves of Nepis
As a rule war's bad for business unless you're among the oligarchs who instigated it, regrettably my pedigree's too fresh to have entered said circles so I'm stuck wading knee deep into a sea of blood if I hope to make a profit.
>Strategy 5, Combat Riding
Which I very much do and without getting myself all that dirty if I can manage it. I've always had a knack for galloping away from trouble and more vitally a foresight which enabled me to casually trot away long before desperate flight became a necessity.
>Dracomorphosis, Beseech, Commune
A little leveraged information here and there seldom goes amiss for that matter, the dead have debts to pay after all and there's rarely such a thing as too much oversight. The dragonflesh dance is a thornier art but we'll come to that in due time...
>Yethais Lisenor, Diniya Al-Mamr, Yiorg Valtson
While I might wish to avail myself of the Pale Man's services (if only to outbid contracts against me) I doubt his agents could dispatch the mighty Entente commanders I'm up against. Darnath especially is a juicy prize, while Diniya's comission could be considerable splitting the carcass between Aeneas and Yethais ought to buy favour and loyalty. Perhaps Yiorg will be satisfied to see an old foe slain, always slower than the Northerners his secretive giant-roads give us the edge we need: compensation of a sort is in order.
>Stalkers (hunter), War Engineers (hunter), Haprechii Longbows+ (hunter), Paladins of the Scale, Faith Militant
Martial liability that I am strategy shall be our sharpest sword, one which I intend to exploit to the hilt. Stalkers and Longbows form the core of our "hit and run" force, sprinting about the Giantpaths to decapitate "Big Game" units before disappearing into the gloom. Any foolish enough to attempt flushing us out in force will find their Hordes assaulting Paladins and their Faithful. Once enough cash and manpower has been accrued the Engineers are to build a fleet of galleys, their ballistae are admirable ship-sinkers but I'd hope to manoeuvre crews into boarding and surrender where possible.
>Mental Affliction, Crippled, Ill Repute
You see while I've always adored money (who doesn't?) of late its merry clinking has grown into a seductive chorus. I'd taken it as a sign of our New blood becoming Old until a rampaging Drake's fire taught me otherwise. It'd ravaged the camp followers in search of food and incidentally torched a strongbox, I was entranced by the molten wonder seeping from its edges and lost a hand by reaching out to caress it. Had I not intuitively dracomorphed away the burns there and then I'd doubtless have lost far more.
>Lucky, Good Looking, Don Juan
Ever since the virility of filthy lucre has polished my existing virtues to a shine. Yes, I am yet more unfit for battle than I already was but at the ramshackle courts of commanders' pavilions I gleam like the sun.
>Youthful, Disease Resistance
There are... other boons. I feel a fire in my veins gently roasting me from the inside out, a delightful agony! Day by day I am burned away one mortal frailty at a time.
>Yourself, Blood of Ancient Kings, Glory of the Free-Realms
I know now that my goal is not merely wealth but a Hoard. I spit on the Paladins' sublimation of self into the Ur-Dragon but will ape their ways long enough to attain fuller dracomorphosis of my own sort.
I don't think anyone would be mad, if you think they're cool go for it
>6 times isn't that much higher.
Lmao, what? 6 times is at the level of blitzing. The bloodguard can't even react to what the death lord does.

>also going to drain the Death Lords resources
Doesn't matter, the death lord can't be killed by the bloodguard. Even if it does matter, the death lord can replenish, faster than the bloodguard can at that.

>bloodguard can fly after them
Too slow to chase.

>replenish their own resources while the enemy is gone
The death lord can clear out living beings in whichever direction the bloodguard goes, which also has the effect of replenishing the death lord's own resources. Their battle will also scare off living beings, so it's a long trip for the bloodguard to get to reach any, which leaves time for the death lord to steal its kills.
Reminder >>93376487
That's now how you deal with avatarfags and tripfags anon
Fair enough.
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>One With The Mysteries
>Strategy II (0PP)
>Glimpse The Beyond (40SP), Purge (30SP), Commune (20SP), Beseech The Damned (10SP), Eyes of Akasha (0SP), Haunt (-10SP), Whirlwind of Maws (-20SP), Cloak of Mists (-30SP)
>Frinya Ulfveyr, It That Came (Sleibthe), Viorg Valtson, Fyedr Arachnov
>Vedyma x2 (30RP), Shield Bearers x2 (0RP)
>Cursed (-20SP), Hideous (-15SP), Ill Repute (-10SP). Crippled (Left Arm, 0SP)
>Magic Detection
>The Swamps of Sgael
>Wealth, Touched By The Spirits
Leper Caster build. Does Beseech The Damned literally only let me hear the dead's last words or can I question their lingering echoes? If the latter I'll use this ability to learn about foreign magic and other useful info from slain enemies, as magic seems like the only ways my Cursed or Crippled problems can theoretically be solved.
Combat wise my unit is best suited for hit-and-run tactics and recon. Use the Eyes of Akasha familiar to scout, then get close enough to Haunt the targets, and wait for their morale to trickle down. Use the Giantpaths to sneak up on them, Cloak of Mists to obscure their vision and throw them into disarray, and Whirlwind of Maws to take advantage of their panic. Vedyma may be able to summon more Whirlwinds of Maws like I can, so we could quickly ambush enemies with a shitton of mist and spirits, and bounce without ever coming into much danger. Or scout with the familiar and report info via Commune. Shield Bearers are there to protect us squishy spellcasters if we have to fight close-quarters.
With Sgael taken care of by me and Sleibthe's defense being weakened by It That Came's secondary ability, we should be able to hold off the Empire's assault on all easily accessible entrances to the North. Then the Drakehold will be truly surrounded and they'll fall, eventually. I get rewarded with first choice of loot (anything that can teach me more magic) and a spirit blessing (which, as shown by Frinya, can straight up give immortality and other shit).
One drawback compared to blood guards is that they require powerful (and more rare) souls to create, while blood guards can be created with any dime a dozen souls. Also I assume that created undead aren't any smarter than what necromancy experts modifier could give you, so they're pretty much npcs.
What does this mean? It's only half a sentence, it's not a real sentence, it doesn't seem to mean anything by itself
Autist-kun, it's a meme.
It's a meme from before you were born about a series of public announcements that used that as a logo.
Here is my take on the speed vs strength debate. You kinda need both, and will lose if one of those stats lag behind either of your opponents stats too much, that goes for both speed and strength but especially for strength. Strength is king if both fighters are low of skill or have 0 martial art training. But when those stats within similar levels I believe speed is way more important than strength. You cannot win against an opponent that you cannot hit, videos very much realted:

Okay but why did they use such a broken sentence that doesn't actually say anything because it's incomplete?
"The more you know the better"
Having more strength leads to having more speed too, because muscles move you.
This is easy. Death lords can't win and eventually would lose to Raging momentum which would eventually level up the speed enough. The bloody guard has better physical defense plus blood armor plus regeneration plus better defensive techniques. The death lord simply can't kill it.

Which means the only way the death lord can survive is by running away and that is only feasible if the death lord is the guy attacking and doesnt really care if the other guy is alive (and buffed because of him).
If the death lord is defending a position, he is fucked because he has to kill the blood guard and he just can't. I still think on the long run death lords are better but the speed autistic is too much autistic
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Why is this spelled wrong? Cats can't talk, this is so unrealistic! And why would it want a cheese hamburger anyway?
Only up to a point. Having less mass to move means you can move faster with less muscles. Strongmen aren't winning any footraces anytime soon.
I wish every single mindless drone that says this to burn in hell for eternity.
That's another thing, the skinny fast guy has to move at full speed all the time to fully leverage his advantage, while the bulky strong guy can wait him out. Mountain vs Oberyn Martell is a pretty good example of strength vs speed. Oberyn can't do any damage to Mountain and has to let the poison do all the work, and the moment he gets careless he gets caught and headcrushed.


The opinions of cardio bunnies who tone their asses for their boyfriends are irrelevant.
This sounds good in theory because "science" but that is not really how it works in practice. In reality when you throw a powerful punch you sacrifice speed for power and when you throw as fast punch you sacrifice power. That is simply how it is. But don't take my word for it, take this boxing coach who was a boxer who won a medal in Olympic boxing, video realted

In a fistfight? Sure. In a small arena like the video you posted? Sure.
In a real fight, you just use your spear to keep the strengthtard out of range and run each time he gets too close. With such heavy armor, he won't be chasing you far unless he's on a horse.
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Bring me Sons from Entropist. Every single one.
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Make your build and I'll make his rival
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God, I love this CYOA. I wish somebody make a real one for Kengan already, this thread wouldn't recover from all the fighting autism present there.
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>nooo- you cant just be a pagan mage- you will be prosecuted!
Priests are a bunch of word monopolizing faggots using magic by any other name, and the Catholic church was just as autistic in real life
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Heavy Punches
Quick Punches
God Fist
Flurry of Punches
Improbable Dodges
Parry Master
Not Done Yet
Training Addict
>Freakish Skills
Masterful Punches
Superhuman Reflexes
>In Ring Attitude
>Out of Ring Attitude
>Key Characters
Mentor: Underground Legend
Benefactor: Young Businessman
Rival: Dark Rival
Friend: Delinquent
Love Interest: Secret Fan
Family: Absent Father
Nemesis: Hitman
End Goal: Monster
>That's another thing, the skinny fast guy has to move at full speed all the time to fully leverage his advantage, while the bulky strong guy can wait him out.
False, dex fighters move only when they have to and usually at the last moment to conserve energy. The thing with dodging and attacking is that dodging an attack takes way less stamina than to attack. Because when you make an attack you need to put power behind the attack or it will do absolutly nothing if it connects, but dodging requires no power and you only need to move as minimal as it takes to safely avoid the attack, video realted

>Oberyn can't do any damage to Mountain and has to let the poison do all the work, and the moment he gets careless he gets caught and headcrushed.
Literally what?!?! He slices his hamstring and makes Clegane unable to stand. In armed combat strength is way less important than in unarmed combat because weapons are just that deadly. Like let's go with Clegane vs Oberyn again but they are unarmed. Oberyn could land 20 punches and that would not do very much damage to Clegane. However if they where armed and Oberyn wanted to kill the mountain 1 or 2 thrusts from a spear would be enough to end Clegane, no poison needed. The reason Oberyn gets his head crushed is because he is careless and has another objective in that fight, he wants Clegane to confess and he loses because his head and heart is not in the fight, it is in getting that confession.

>Mountain vs Oberyn Martell is a pretty good example of strength vs speed
No, because Oberyn lost because he didn't try to kill Gregor Clegane while Gregor Clegane tried to kill him. A better speed vs power battle would be Bron vs Ser Verdis, video realted
Reminder: According to one resident here. All of you, especially the authors are failures who can never produce anything of value like Stardew Valley.
>I'm sure to win because my speed is sup-ACK!
Nobody has cared before and nobody will care now.
Has anyone produced anything outside of a cyoa?
Do you got any real argument or do you only have memes? Speed is stronger than strength at the highest levels while strength is strongest at the lower levels (levels being martial art skill)

Anyone denying that speed is king is delusional. The evidence is there, you don't need to bother anymore.
speedvirgins job to any low-tier grapper thoughever
>can't even grapple them because they are too fast
What now, faggot?
>their speed cannot affect me whatsoever because entering my range means getting stuck in a hold
strikersissies, not even once
Speed is something that affects them, not you. Do you even know how speed works, anon-kun?

War of the Zodiac Bride became a visual novel demo. I don't think it's available anymore due to the link going bad from over the years.

One anon produced an entire novella inspired by the Magi Case. Then another made a short story using Pokemon Personified. Somw guy who was developing his own game engine used Pokemon Personified for some animation using the Kyogre character.

Stardust broke CYOA conventions and became a cross-forum builder and player from spacebattle to reddit to CYOAG with its own wiki and dedicated page.
Based. Authors will never make anything of value. Look at their previous attempts at making something more than a cyoa. Absolute failure.
it affects me, mainly my odds of victory, althoughbeit it's irrelevant because i grab and i rape
i have an even stronger technique than speed and grappling, it's called the gun
Heh, I was just making a grappler.

Grappler (1)
Awareness (1)
Improbable Dodges (2)
Fast Throws (2)
Redirection (2)
Bone Grip (2)
Lightning Locks (2)
Quick Holds (2)
Flawless Throws (4)

Although Axel Arriagas recently celebrated his 70th birthday and appears to be nothing more than a doddering old grandfather, the name Al Suelo is whispered in fear and respect throughout the underworld; every fighter he has laid his hands on has invariably ended up on the ground without even knowing how he ended up there.

>Freakish Skills
Superhuman Reflexes
Aiki Magic

Al Suelo is not strong. Al Suelo is not fast. But every attack thrown against him results in the man being slammed to the ground, with or without multiple broken joints and limbs. "It's magic", observers have said. Al Suelo simply says that he is the Artchimedean lever that can move the world.

Past Your Prime
Training Addict

Despite being well into the 70s, Al Suelo is still training vigorously, every single day. It certainly seems to work, since he can defeat multiple attackers less than a quarter his age with one finger.

>In-Ring Attitude

>Out-Ring Attitude

>Benefactor: Young Businessman
Al Suelo's adopted son, Jason Arriagas has provided his father with every luxury imaginable in the hopes that he will take better care of himself, but Al Suelo is still too active to take advantage of it.
>Love Interest: Femme Fatale
Lilith Succuboso is an on-and-off partner of Al Suelo. Despite her great age, she still looks like she's in her 20s.
>Family: Little Sister, Little Brother
Maria and Enrique are Al Suelo's grandchildren, whom he spoils rotten.

Living The Dream
Dojo Breaking
>Parry Master
>Survival Instinct
>Fast Throws
>Powerful Throws
>Exotic Moves
>Flawless Throw
>Imagination Power
>That's It?

>>Freakish Skills
>Superhuman Reflexes
>Aiki Magic

>Past Your Prime
>Training Addict

>>In The Ring Attitude: Cunt
>>Out Of The Ring Attitude: Loner

>>Key Characters
>Mentor: Old Master
>Benefactor: General
>Rival: Black Rival
>Friend: Little Kid
>Love Interest: Female Fighter
>Family: Grandfather
>Nemesis: Enigma
>Organization: The Club

>Underground Arena
>their previous attempts
Pretty sure the only one you can go off of is ZBGAnon. No others have tried to make something other than CYOAs? I think Italics said he was picking up programming or something but I have no clue why.
I like yours more, it has more attitude.
>speedvirgins job to any low-tier grapper thoughever
Not nessicarily. Grappling is very different from striking and a grappler of good skill is more likely to win against a striker of good skill given that the 2 fighters have 0 to little experience in their opponents art (grappler can't strike and striker cannot grapple). However, if both fighters have some experience in their opponents art then it's a question of who is the better fighter and that can end either way. Also here is a video of a high level striker with grappling experience vs a high level grappler with striking experience.

So a failed attempt at a game, some writing for fanfic dot net and a wiki? At least is something.
There's also that nsfw CYOA from /trash/ that's getting a whole Unity game.
The argument that authors from here don't produce anything falls flat because we don't even know their identities half the time, and they do a good job of hiding them. EntropistAnon might've left the general to go write in a game, and we'll never know. You need extreme autism to detect writing patterns.
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Mayhaps people just generally don't talk about their non-cyoa projects on a cyoa thread.
Oh the link's dead?
Here's a new one: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tKDQktpDqIL_1Sc-6YH_d9nm-UUPjA67/view?usp=drive_link
CYOA gods rise up.
Heavy Punches
Quick Punches
Powerful Kicks
Rapid Kicks
Dirty Fighter
Vital Spots Expert
Exotic Moves
Improbable Dodges
Parry Master
>Freakish Skills
Superhuman Reflexes
Chi Bullshit
Training Addict
>In Ring
>Out of Ring
Dojo Sensei
Mystery Man
Masked Rival
Intellectual, Cool Guy
>Love Interest
Female Fighter
>End Goal
Number 1
Living The Dream

Balanced build with heightened reflexes and chi autism, might be able to survive the Grappler and Muhammad Ali if he develops his Dim Mak techniques.
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Striker, Quick Punches, Flurry of Punches, Lightning Fists, Parry Master, Rapid Kicks, God Leg, Awareness, Exotic Moves

>Freakish Skills:
Superhuman Reflexes, Chi Bullshit

A soft style, relying on Chi Bullshit, speed, and parries. My touch uses chi to nullify force and flows chi into the target, piercing outer defenses to deal internal damage.

Training Addict

>In the Ring Attitude:

>Out of the Ring Attitude:

>Key Characters:
Mentor: Old Master
Benefactor: Mystery Man, General, Rich Tycoon
Friend: Intellectual
Family: Absent Father, Grandfather
End Goal: Grand Master

Training, Dojo
"Cuisinart" Rei, AKA the "Sword Leg", "One-Winged Crane" and "Abattoir", is the heritor of the South Star Waterbird Fist, infamous for only having one arm and being unbelievably lethal regardless.

Striker 1
Rapid Kicks 2
Slashing Technique 3
Precise Cut 2
Exotic Moves 1
Awareness 1
Survival Instinct 1
Parry Master 2
Aerial Fighter 1
God Leg 4

In the ring, Rei seems to soar through the air, landing in a pool of blood and limbs like a crane lighting on a lilypad.

>Freakish Skills
Superhuman Reflexes
Chi Bullshit

Such is Rei's skill that his kicks can chop down trees up to 20 meters away.

Old Wound (Missing Arm)
Training Addict

After losing his arm to the Grand Master, Rei trains tirelessly to make up for his weakness.

>In-Ring Attitude

>Out of Ring

>Mentor: Old Master
>Benefactor: Mystery Man
>Rival: Brutal Rival
>Friend: Intellectual
>Love Interest: Secret Fan
>Nemesis: Bastard
>Organization: Rogue Dojo
>End Goal: Grand Master

It's cheese burger, the person typing was probably esl.
Too "strong".
Not "there" "yet".
Is yet to "master the "principles" of "war".
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Updating to fix a mistake. I'm only supposed to have 1 Freakish Skill.

Striker, Quick Punches, Flurry of Punches, Lightning Fists, Parry Master, Rapid Kicks, God Leg, Awareness, Exotic Moves

>Freakish Skill:
Chi Bullshit

A soft style, relying on Chi Bullshit, speed, and parries. My touch uses chi to nullify force and flows chi into the target, piercing outer defenses to deal internal damage.

Training Addict

>In the Ring Attitude:

>Out of the Ring Attitude:

>Key Characters:
Mentor: Old Master
Benefactors: Mystery Man, General, Rich Tycoon
Friend: Intellectual
Family: Absent Father, Grandfather
End Goal: Grand Master

Training, Dojo
>take Fancy
>wear thick armor head to toe with no loss in speed and flexibility
Might as well wear a literal clown suit with EOD padding inside.
Jobs to any FP strike skill and chi bullshit
Elaborate further.
That would be worth something if everyone and their moms couldn't punch through walls like nothing one way or another.
Yeah, either they have cannon-like punches, surgically precise Nanto Suicho Ken, full-on chi bullshit or aiki magic. Armor is pretty much useless, Fancy is mainly there so you can look cool while fighting.
You don't need all of that, a guy with Dirty Fighter, Awareness or Improviser would easily beat an armoured opponent.
Multi-punch wonder. Also the only guy who can probably tank a blow so far, which doesn't mean much because one hit from him and anyone else is down for the count.

Great wrestler in the ring and outside it. Can break bones with the best of them. Give him enough attacks to lock, and you'll soon have no more limbs to fight with.

Lesser version of the above (can't into streetfighting). However, he's more teched towards not getting hit in the first place, baiting attacks, and turning them into a throw. Also got the OP Hanma imagination power.

Basic bitch. His chi bullshit will still likely let him one-hit KO anyone who's not also got superhuman reflexes (nobody so far). If he has a chance against anyone though, it'll be Muhammad Ali, since both grapplers will probably just throw him as soon as he touches them. If his chi fist can't be touched though, then the odds reverse and his only competition becomes Ali who can actually tank his hits long enough to punch his lights out.

Fodder filter, but only capable of really countering Ali. The others are either also chimaxxed or don't use any force that can be nullified in the first place. Also doesn't have superhuman reflexes so really, won't be able to react in time.

First guy who can potentially actually counter throws with Aerial Fighter and Survival Instinct. Which doesn't mean anything because he also no-sells them with his ranged attacks. Jobs to the offensemaxxer and gimmickmaxxer.
Seems like superhuman reflexes is pretty much mandatory Speed > all?
You don't need superhuman reflexes. Plenty of skills boost reflexes. >>93377672 is retarded.
As long as you'll mix it with striking ability of similar speed, you'll use it to it's fullest potential. Aiki Magic and Chi Bullshit might be aces in the hole, though.
>get all builds
anons are dum
Not necessarily. If you take Unbreakable, you can just tank anything anyone throws at you unless it's precise cut, vital spots expert, or strengthmaxxed joint lock/biting strength/masterful punch/kick spam.
Or take Imagination Power and imagine yourself being sonic lol.

Worf seething
Ali got his rivals in form of grapplers. He solos them because he doesn't believe in ching chong magic btw.
I did make Ali's rival though >>93377314
>Rival: Black Rival
Or did you think I was promising that for everyone?
I believe he means Project Harahel.
But I doubt the game will complete. The first thing the devs decided was the character creation (understandable, given its CYOA roots). That's putting a cart before the horse, you should get some fun gameplay in before you design and implement anything more peripheral, so I think it shows poor judgement. I think it's the kind of approach that might cripple development. Maybe. If it comes to something I'll definitely play it though.
I was actually building an Unbreakable counterpuncher.

The WALL does not believe in fancy moves or chi bullshit or whatnot. The WALL takes everything his enemies have to give him and floors them with a devastating hook.

When you come to it
And you can't go through it
And you can't knock it down
You know that you've found
The wall, the wall, the wall
No man on earth can make it fall

Striker 1
Heavy Punches 2
God Fist 4
Parry Master 2
Awareness 1
Survival Instinct 2
Just A Scratch 2
Imagination Power 1
Not Done Yet 2
That's It? 1

>Freakish Skills

Fighting Autism



Underground Arena
Clandestine Circles
Quints-sama is the main character.
I believe all authors can make something, especially from their CYOAs. I even believe in my hearts non-authors here can make something to.

You have the aptitude to do it. It doesn't matter how slow you go, juat cross the finish line. Stand proud.
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Nice quints. Guy won't go down for a while.
Only thing I can think of countering him is chi bullshit (if it hits), or sustained throws (one slip up and they're going down too).
>falling for the imagination power meme
Honestly I don;t think the first throw guy can hurt him (The WALL has Unbreakable so all his fancy locks and shit won't work), while the second guy doesn't have anything to deal with his defense. That said they both have reflexes and dodge/parry master so they can defend themselves too, at least until they run out of stamina..
Yeah I didn't say locks, I said throws. Striking the wall will cost you your bones, but throwing him with aiki magic barely costs any stamina. So it's more whether the wall cracks or their stamina runs out first.
Balanceman can potentially take him down with his combo of Vital Moves + Chi Bullshit. He's more well-rounded, but as a result, can't tank damage for shit and must dodge.
>thinking baki doesn't run on memes
>Pick imagination power
>Imagine myself as an omnipotent god
>Turn all fighters into hot girls
>not hot boys with boy wombs
While you imagined your boys with wombs, I imagined my girls with omnipotent powers and loving me.
I am more efficient.
The Wall doesn't have superhuman reflexes either, so most of the fast fighters will have the initiative. He just has to focus on his counterpunches.
desu, we need a baki + kengan cyoa, they have a ton of magic biology bullshit and have a level where relatively realistic MMA fights can occur
That's Kengan. Baki has no realism whatsoever, and the movie was shit.
Stop posting this retarded Twitter screencap, retard-kun
Give them Dark Wings
Speed doesn't even scale that way. It's in the notes
He's right though. It only stops being true at the extreme end of bloatmaxxing
Fallen angel is a based ability that most anons gloss over
The power stats say otherwise
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Elaine with aura of power and fallen angel...
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Is looks. or infatuation more important for a Partner?
Infatuation. Lust can only take you so far.
Infatuation. Only having looks makes the person nothing more than a pretty toy.
There's a v1.2, not sure what the changelog is though.
Striker [-1]
Heavy Punches [-2]
Quick Punches [-2]
God Fist [-4]
Flurry Of Punches [-2]
Lightning Fists [-3]
Just A Scratch [-2]
Not Done Yet [-2]

>Freakish Skills:
Masterful Punches

Training Addict

>In The Ring Attitude: Wild

>Out Of Ring Attitude: Chill

>Key Characters:
Mentor: Retired Champ
Benefactor: Young Businessman
Rival: Genius Rival
Friend: Intellectual
Love Interest: Female Fighter
Family: Little Sister
Nemesis: Madman
End Goal: Champion

High School

An upstart boxer with a mountain of muscle. He's got some fire in his eyes.
Seems cyoag is being normal today
the samefag is lying because his waifu is ugly like tok lmao
If CYOA authors were to make their stuff real. What one CYOA would guys like to see?
There'll be some more standard stuff, but most of it's going to be weird or off-kilter shit. It should be fun enough, if niche.

I think it'll be out in around a month, give or take. I started yesterday. The only real difficulty's in finding images and formatting them. The fluff is easy and just takes time.
>Become curious
>Come here
>CYOAs of various years being reposted and discussed.
>Go to Reddit
>Most upvoted CYOA of this week is a pill picker.
Why is there such a disparity in quality and discussion?
>He cannot comprehend more than one person would disagree with him.
People go to reddit to take a five minute break from work. NEETS go to 4chan to spend days autisming over the same set of arguments on a five month cycle.
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Is left boob or right boob more important in a partner?
>accuses others of samefagging while saying not everyone is the same person
The irony.
With all perks I think False Wizardry and Divine Transcendence are the best powers sources. And I like Unraveled Mind, the condition is relatively easy and straightforward, and it really help with using you power source to they full potential quickly and avoir lethal mistakes. It could help making optimal Faith reservoirs either for Faith storage or to enhance Faith manipulation, or not killing yourself with Unbeing.

I think taking Divine Transcendence Location would be good both for the points but mostly for the upgrade that stop your skills from getting rusty, that and the talent boost work really well with Light Within.
You have none, troon.
When a post on 4chan includes a picture of an anime girl, it does not mean the poster is pretending to be an anime girl.
With just a bit of lurking before posting you would've known this without me explaining it to you, redditor-kun.
He lurked on /v/.
>t. troon
Unironic newfag behavior
Right one (pov viewer ofc) because the heart is under it and its very romantic
Does this all place in the same world? Or is each option its own setting? If it’s all in the same setting, then I can’t play it. The logistics are too all over the place, if so.
Logistics this, logistics that. Shut the fuck up. Magic exists and you're here harping on fucking logistics. Kill yourself.
Same world
>When false wizards are invididually self sustaining all
I like self contained settings. Are these all self contained settings, or is it shared setting autism that makes no sense? All of these powers would be cooler within their own worlds. If they’re all in the same world, then I start to question why no one has started hybridizing to the point of a more alien, advanced frontier.
>Same world
Ah, so it’s ruined, then. See >>93379511

I dislike oil and water settings that don’t mesh properly.
FYI I wont respond to any Entropist-gift-imposting for a few weeks but I will make the pages after and pick up any more contributions if you get inspired in the meanwhile. Have fun
I highly doubt they are close enough to eachother to communicate often if at all.
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Kind of? It's one world.... on an infinite plane. You're just choosing to land in one place on it. But the inferred question (is it all on one world or on multiple worlds?) is basically meaningless because there's one world in its entire universe and it's infinite in size.
Or to put it another way. If the CYOA told you that each place was on it's own planet spread randomly in a universe like ours, would they each be separate worlds? They're in the same universe and they might be closer in physical space than the options here are. But they're different worlds because the local toporaphy is spheroid?

Here the options could be all kingdoms next door in a spot no bigger than europe, or each far enough away that you'd never reach them even at lightspeed. But are they all one world because theyre joined together?
Feelsbadman, how long is the dlc gonna take?
why are you abandonning us
>You are asked to not make a mess of our final project
>Then you are given ''peace offering'' for free
i don't know why this amuses me as much as it does
Wont be long after I am back around. Faster with more entries written of course. Writing is the slowest bit.

(I) am here forever, no abandoning. No way I wont see this through after the contributions that already came in.
Reposting from a prior thread:

Tomb Lord (Requires Mummy): Promote a Mummy into a Tomb Lord festooning them with ornaments and armor befitting their station, Tomb Lords are 8* as powerful as basic mummies and are resistant to all forms of magic. They gain access to Advanced Wind magic and Advanced Earth magic if you have them, and slowly upgrade the edifice that they are placed into, expanding it’s area and increasing the structures defenses. They also gain access to Apocalypse magic with all its modifiers while in their structures. They have a soul capacity of 1000 and can store additional souls within the structures. (3SP) ******
Rotten Ouroboros (Requires Tomb lord and Corpse Maker Serpent): These great beasts appear as natural disasters to any world in which they appear, possessing frightening physical strength and a variety of esoteric powers which make them formidable opponents. They can also take the form of snake girls, of course. When ascended from a tomb lord a naga stores its original structure within its new pocket realm and can send and retrieve anything within from its mouth. They gain access to a soul storage equal to the souls used consecrating their structure and grow in size and power as their structure develops. Their most dangerous factor is access to Time and Space warping magic, further amplified within their structure, and a permanent aura of Entropy Magnet which works for kilometers around them. (3SP) ********
Edifices of Decay: Build structures to amplify the effects of powers used within them. These structures are more resistant to harm and grant greater amplification per soulused to consecrate them, this also increases the area covered. *(Per 100% i.e. ** is a 3* reduction to cost) (3SP)

-Temple of Night: Consecrated structures extend an aura of perpetual night around them. This amplifies the abilities of vampires by 50% and causes structures to appear more castle-like. (1SP) ***

-Grand Mausoleum: Beings which die within the structures can be resurrected at half cost as a non-vampire undead minion, bones will be integrated into the structure. (1SP). ***

-Travelling: A structure travels can travel with you each time you Planeswalk. These structures also become mobile, either floating or moving in another way to travel with you (2SP). *

-Sands of Time (Requires Entropy Magnet): Grants a limited ability to control time within structures and makes them immune to entropy magnet, the power of entropy magnet outside the structure is massively increased, the structure gains a Kemetic aesthetic. (2SP). ***

-Habitat: Dedicate a structure to a specific minion line increasing their attributes by 50% while within it and proving them slow natural healing along with reducing summoning cost within by 20% (1SP). ***

Mummy (Requires Edifices of Decay): Taking the shape of cloth wrapped corpses mummies are remains specially prepared to act as guardians of resting grounds through magical means. Mummies are roughly 2* above base human normally, but when within the structure in which they were summoned they become 20* as strong and fast and 40* as tough. They have access to Wither and Blood Grounds for free and Earth and Wind Magic if you have access to them. Mummies are extremely protective of their home structures and excellent at using the terrain to their advantage. *** (1SP)
If the author didn’t intend on the parts of the world meeting, then they would have made that clear. Clearly they all exist on the same plane, and know of each other, and this is what ruins it for me. Everyone in real life is hybridizing to some degree, and it feels very forced and pie-sliced to just assume these regions would all be so unique from each other.
I will not roll a D20.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

20 and (You) die in your sleep tonight. 1 and it is I who shall perish this very night.
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I haven't finished reading this but is there any reason for not choosing Survival + False Wizardry + False Wizardry upgrade + all powers in False Wizardry?

You now have 800 years of natural lifespan + you age at 1 tenth of the normal rate so your lifespan is now 8000 years + you know all existing spells and can plan on which to learn in priority to reach the high level spells for increasing that lifespan further + you have the ability to create your own spells meaning that you'll develop a much more efficient way of gaining immortality than whatever the old archwizards are currently using and you'll probably do so long before you've even reached your first thousand years, and from that point you basically have infinite time to complete your learning of the 7 million spells, boom, you're now a living god of magic, then you choose the Forgotten Tower, now you can create your own worlds and you won't make me believe there isn't a spell among the 7 millions that doesn't allow you to delete your memory of these worlds (or at least the details) afterwards (and if there isn't, you can just create it), and now you have your own personal multiverse that has been attuned to your tastes in which you can adventure for as long as you want and it's not even boring since you've removed your knowledge of these worlds from your mind.
>I did.
so why didn't you also stop coming here then
Why reply to my question with these weird dlc options
Why are you even acknowledging him? Posts with cat pictures don't have anything interesting to read, ignore them and play CYOAs.
These are just autistically shitty enough to make me believe they could be official, bravo
These faggots are mind broken by catposters, now any sort of reaction images constitutes "avatarfagging". Meanwhile Tok actually pretending to be Hex Maniac (or "Zynthia" rather) is okay.
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I love catposters so much its unreal
Almost as much a I love Gil
Catposter. Roll 1d100. On a 100 you NEVER post a cat again. Anything else and you may continue.
Magi Case Redux?
tranny faggot retard idiot.
Rolled 45, 78, 67, 19, 56, 25, 62, 35, 44, 40, 33, 59, 18, 39, 4, 41, 93, 43, 2, 59, 76, 55, 15, 48, 70 = 1126 (25d100)

not catposter but:
Rolled 31 (1d100)

I'm not the only catposter but okay.
This is a cute post.
Rolled 6 (1d100)

I rarely post cats. >>93359481 was me though. I accept the roll, letsgo
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Rolled 98 (1d100)

I could always go back to posting smug anime girls.
>No one else haa gotten 100 to banish the faggot.
Yeah, I'd Win.
That's "faggots" anon. It's why you'll never be rid of us.
Rolled 68 (1d100)

Let me solo him
post smug gils instead, like ye olden times
Bruh, he just admitted to avatarfagging. Damn, he's dumb as Tok.
sda posted smug anime girls once
back when the mods wouldnt ban you for “wahhh avatar faggery WAAHHH”

it was a much better and safer time to be yourself…
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>Too afraid to smugpost
SDA contributed to this general and /tg/. Italics smug anime girl post all the time too. Maybe if you made some OC, you wouldn't get flagged for avatarposting you bell bottom hoe
Try doing it five times in a row. See what happens bitch.
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Or you faggots could post and/or discuss cyoa instead of low-effort posting the bare minimum text to technically be on-topic so you can shitpost your hours away
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Is posting cyoas cyoa fagging? Or spam? Shouldn’t it be a bannable offence?
Yes. They should glass us all from orbit, but they don’t, so… MORE CYOA.
I don't know if there is info about this but do we know which Patron came to be first?
Is it JNPL as expected?
Posting anime girls is not avatarfagging you mongoloid unless it's the same anime girl.
Nothing like trying to match a font except even with the same font and size it does not look the same, because the original has been shitted on by becoming a jpg.
for all we know the 3 are first
By that retard logic posting different pictures of cats isn't avatarfagging.
Uh, yeah. Exactly. Posting Pepes and Wojaks isn't avatarfagging either it's just annoying. But no one is pretending to be Pepe or Wojak or a cat. Real avatarfags choose a specific character to roleplay as.
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Do you guys remember when Tok made a multiverse cyoa where your immortal character is limited to three or four worlds and these worlds were small as fuck?
Tok owes me sex.

What meat should I get on my burrito bowl?

A) Beef
B) Chicken
C) Chirozo
D) Gross ass vegetarian option
Or the superhero cyoa where you weren't allowed to defeat anybody?
post this one, I've never seen it
super slut. it's unpostable because tok is retarded
Still beter than shitalics
What was the original question about if not posting shitty DLC ideas?
>If you kill your enemies, they win.
>But raping them is totally cool though.
>Is that you italics?

>Were you writing catasalami?
No, you also mean Catasterismi. 1/4th of it has already been finished writing, though.

>Is it to my specifications?
Probably not since it's monogamy and no harems and no godhood.

>I want my milf waifu picker italics don't screw it up.
To someone else, I already have screwed it up.

>I think Italics said he was picking up programming or something but I have no clue why.
I picked-up writing in C++ because I do want to make something related to the CYOAs I've made. But I'm just a lowly beginner and all I have now is inexperience and drafted design docs to use later when gauging which project would be the easiest to realistically achieve once I get to a good enough skill level.
read posts before you reply anon
still struggling to make a decision on this anyways, might be better to just make the overview then come back to it
Might be better to make an appointment with a medical professional to check yourself for autism.
If you're on 4chan, particularly cyoag, you have autism. No appointment necessary
>False Wizardry
Why would anyone pick the lamest option here? Every other Power Source has more flavour than diet DnD magic.
I swear, autism the way the word's used on 4chan has been diluted to the point where half the world population may well be autistic
>the way the word's used on 4chan
you mean the way the word's used in general nowadays. everyone is autistic or adhd or has some other mental illness. everyone and their dog is neurodivergent.
>t. autists coping
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Italics is sick we have to be nice to him.
>Probably not since it's monogamy and no harems and no godhood.

I don't want harems and I don't want godhood/immortality/whatever either because I'm not a dumbass like Tok who needs CYOA's to escape my crippling fear of death. I want a mommy gf waifu picker. Now don't you make it 30 pages of bullshit "lore" filler either, okay italics?
>I don't want harems
Good, a sensible man.
>I don't want godhood/immortality/whatever
I am going to start going around my neighborhood killing stray cats because of you.
Wouldn't it be better to just kill anon?
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>I'm not a dumbass like Tok who needs CYOA's to escape my crippling fear of death
>I want a mommy gf waifu picker to escape my abandonment single mother issues
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take the mommypill anon
Thanks but no thanks. I have a healthy relationship with my mother.
The only mommys that i will fuck have to be also lolis
>I want a mommy gf waifu picker to escape my abandonment single mother issues
Nta, but this sentence makes zero sense. You imply abandonment. Of who? of that anon? you are saying her mother ignored him? but then you follow that with "single mother". Single mothers are often more related to the opposite of abandonment, that being becoming too overprotective, leading to weaker men that lacked a father. Also, having a mother would make it really hard to have a mother fetish, just like how men with sisters are less likely to get into sistershit. A more appropriate insult would have been to call anon motherless or imply that he grew up with a single father which lead to his mother kink.
>I don't want harems and I don't want godhood/immortality/whatever
Harems I understand, the other one is weird. I don't think it's required like some autists here, but it's not like it'll hurt you
Then why are you projecting here? >>93382308
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I am implying that he was abandoned by his dad and his only possible source of positive attention during childhood was his mom, which was arid at the best of times, abusive on average, leading to a messed up sexual attraction to anything that resembles motherly affection.
Your pseudointellectual meandering does you no favors retard. Cease, desist, and fellate a cactus at your earliest convenience.
>I am implying that he was abandoned by his dad and his only possible source of positive attention during childhood was his mom, which was arid at the best of times, abusive on average, leading to a messed up sexual attraction to anything that resembles motherly affection.

How did you know?!
Wow, THAT was enough for you to throw around that buzzword? You must have trouble reading, anon.
It's not the words, cactus breath, it's the self-important self-aggrandizing unearned sense of superiority that you're stuffing your every post with. You're the one who failed to read my post properly, don't go trying to deflect your mom's piss poor tutoring onto me.
Can someone post that cyoa where you become a super mega god of the multiverse / omniverse with powers like "get total, absolute and conceptual control over souls", "become a total god of magic", etc? (and that's in the "weak powers" section)
living god? i aint posting that long shit use google
Are 16 or just a manchild? do you actually believe being edgy makes you look cool? Anyways, I am not wasting more time on you, kid. Have fun shitposting or whatever.
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Entropist has mommy gfs and also gives you a dad. Sadly it doesn't stop your m from being a retard who had sex with a bum and is now a single mom but hey you take what you can get.
thanks anon, I just needed the name

nice, thanks
Sorry to hear that anon but you are only getting young adults at best from me.
Post SDA as a catgirl getting served a fish in a bowl and not looking pleased about it
For 'Mercenary Forces' and 'Arcane Lore' where the cost is listed as 'X' and the gain is listed as 'X-5' does that mean I have to spend 15 in either to gain 10?

I assume this is the case and makes sense but I just wanted to make sure. Been a while since I made a build but I really liked this one.
>posting dementia diddler
NTA but being an adult is enjoying what you like without fear of what fangs say.
If he likes edginess then he should just enjoy it.
Like me.
I'm working on a really edgy CYOA where men enslave women.
Noice. Thanks friend.
No idea where he is, so the cats get it.
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How canI have adoptive daughteru's with young adults?
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According to this pic there are other entities as powerful as yourself and I really don't know how a battle between two entities like that would look like.
I guess that at some point, since no one can hurt the other, these versal gods become some sort of pokemon trainers but instead of pokemons they have a whole array of multiverses under their rule and they send their multiverses against the multiverses of the opponent, kinda like how the US and the USSR fought by proxy with third world nations.
And instead of teaching your pokemon new moves, you tweak and adjust various concepts in your pet multiverses to make them stronger or harder to destroy.

Must be fun.
>there are other entities as powerful as yourself
"like" yourself. They are vastly powerful, like the player, but not as much as the player.
You can have daughterwives tho
>continues with the pompous attitude
>"no u"
I bet you thought your chromosome count results were your IQ.

>I don't want harems
Harems are okay, but they shouldn't be forced.

>and I don't want godhood/immortality/whatever
Sensible. I honestly don't get the hang up on not having godhood or immortality some others have, the stuff should only be for certain CYOAs with certain characteristics.

> because I'm not a dumbass like Tok who needs CYOA's to escape my crippling fear of death
Damn, you put him on blast.

>I want a mommy gf waifu picker
You selecting a wife to be married to at the start of the CYOA is only a small sub-section of the CYOA. It's more a FFVI-inspired CYOA where you settle in a frontier town as the leader of its militia and your wife also makes a living in the town. Then you run around with her, your child, and some militia members as a JRPG party.

>Now don't you make it 30 pages of bullshit "lore" filler either
The CYOA is pretty straight forward. Unless I somehow expand the scope beyond it's basic premise.

Part of that list had to be thrown out and some reused as subordinates (Party Members). Chocos are still in for men with choco taste.
>Part of that list had to be thrown out and some reused as subordinates

Motherfucker you had better hope you didn't shitcan any of my favorites.
>bottom left redhead is gone
its so fucking over
Redheads have no soul. Nothing of value was loss.
What happened in MCYOAG for them to reach 1K posts?
I bet they started a new mp again. Trash fucking culture there. Every new mp that starts kills an old one. Learned that lesson the hard way when mps I were in were killed by new shit that I wasn't interested in. Never going back to mcyoag.
So in short
>not your own adventure
>no immortality
>no self insertion
>select your past as the only choices
>choose a pre-made family
>no harem
>jobber level powers

Yup an Italics cyoa
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it's unsalvageable
Good riddance.
Lots of shitposting and working on some OC in-thread with anons
I hope IRL afterlife is something like that where you're given free and total access to Fictionlands and can fuck around with an unlimited amount of powers for eternity.
Can't tell if shitposting or retarded.
I'll take any afterlife desu.
Keep hoping
>not your own adventure

>no immortality

>no self insertion

>select your past as the only choices

>choose a pre-made family

>no harem

>jobber level powers
Good, cry harder.
>I'll take any afterlife desu.
lmaaooooo this nigga doesn't know the danger of open ended wishes
Which is worse? Self-Insertfags or Powerlevelfags?
I hope there IS no afterlife. I want eternal rest. Better yet, I hope we all get the afterlives or lack thereof that we want.
You can rest in this cyoa, you have perfect control over your own mind so you can choose to remain in a state of permanent oblivion and nothingness if you so desire, but don't spoil the fun for the others who want an afterlife in the world of a harem manga.
Pretty much. I know what I want but I don't want to mess with others' fun.
my build could beat all other builds, just saying
me but in entropist and magi case
If I had godlike powers I'd give every human who has ever lived a custom paradise of their choose with a couple of pre-sets to get started. I'd also let them communicate and visit their loved ones (though trapping or hurting others would not be allowed). I'd just let them run whatever simulations they want for all of eternity or until they wish to cease to exist. I'd tell them they've become gods since they don't need to know they're running simulations.
If I had godlike powers I'd put this guy >>93383423 in a realistic dream thinking that he has godlike powers but his attempts to help people keep getting thwarted by the Adversary (my avatar in his dream) until everyone he helps is inevitably tortured forever by me and anon loses all hope
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>anon loses all hope
Not possible. With godlike powers, anon has absolute control over his own feelings and is thus conceptually impervious to things such as despair and other negative emotions.
my bad, he is merely in a simulation and does not truly have godlike powers. He is at your mercy and you can torment him as you wish.
The italics used dismantle WIP again.
It's so over
Hell just use Binding Content and CYOAG will clap for it.
that's why tok is beter
>Tok is better
lmao, no.
>Nooo heckin authrino can't make CYOA the way they want or match their vision.
>Heckin removing images when nothing about the CYOA was solidified.
From appearance alone, objectively speaking: 2 is best looking mother-daughter pair.

1 and 5 are very good runner-ups. Least favorite is going to be 3. Then 4 and 5 are overall alright.
This is *my* CYOA and italics is going to make it how *I* want it!
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I'm sorry to say but you are the ones who are the uniformed newfags here. That character is a well-known tranny avatar.
You can beat all the other builds and still not win.
If I beat auctors I win.
>t jealous of his success
Background: NewBlood
3 Allies
80 Req
30 Special
30 Personal

Combat Abilities:
- Combat Training I
- Combat Training II
- Strategy I
- Combat Riding
- Ranger
- Whirlwind

- Eyes of Akasha
- Cloak of Mists
- Breath of Winter

- Fianna McKuen
- Darnath Anaxilias
- Yiorg Valtson

- Vedyma (25)
M: Average
R: Very Difficult
N: 6
C: Weak
D: Good
Special: Blood of the Ice Witch

- Wild Hunters (25)
M: Fast
R: Very Difficult
N: 10
C: Very Strong
D: Very Good
Traits: Ranger, Stealthy, Mounted, Big Game Hunter

- Soldier Levy (10)
M: Average
R: Average
N: 20
C: Average
D: Average

- Knights of Turin (20)
M: Fast
R: Very Difficult
N: 10
C: Strong
D: Good
Special: Phyhrixium Armor
Traits: Armored, Mounted

Banes: Crippled (Non-dominant arm)

- Youthful Existence
- Lucky
- Magic Detection

Warzone: The Siege of Drakehold

Cause: Obligation

Spoils of War:
- Nuptials
- Boon of the Pale Lord
How can you be jealous of a manchild mocked everywhere?
Clean the bull, Tok
This sounds kinda gay even for you Tok.
Oh I see. I just googled for anime girl with question mark.
Why do people hate low powerlevel settings for CYOAs?
my life is already low powerlevel
You have no powerlevels in life, faggot.
imagine being a jobber in a cyoa
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Got a few ideas:
-Undead dragon of some sort
-Fext (probably would work better as 6 or 7 star though)
-Something like a hullathoin (big undead monster that looks like SCP-682 and shits out necromantic diseases and vampire spawn)
-Something like a Nightshade

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