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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
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Previous Thread: >>93350300
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Roll dice+1d10

Nothing happens
You make a good friend who gives good advice and doesn't fudge dice
Your good friend has a hot sister
Your good friend is a hot tomboy
You gain lucid dreaming
You return your physical age to 20
Time is rewound to when you were 20, but with all the cyoa benefits here.
You gain a minor superpower (e.g. resilience, halved aging, enhanced stamina)
You gain a major superpower and 10 minor powers (majors include heat vision, flight, etc.)
You gain a second allotment of all your gains from this cyoa.

You may donate your roll to a homie, if so, your sacrifice means he may roll two more dice, keeping the best result.

Regardless, you get the benefit from your roll and all lesser benefits.
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Leave this ryoashit in the dying one.
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DLC anon... *cough*... p-please... I need androidussy... *cough*
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only 2 more years pls I have crippling perfectionism
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3.0 sisters....
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I was informed that I should post some older Material by a confidant I trust in greatly. It shall be so.
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This one's for the bros who rolled bad in the previous one.
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what's this and why is urine in the title twice
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Good. More things to ignore.
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>Starting Location:
Temple of Forgotten Gods

As an Illusionist, I bet I can easily wrestle away the control over the animals. The curses can be cured by Anchorites.



Waystones: I'm assuming my mind slaves can use them too.
Book: Knowing the psychology of creatures will help greatly in manipulating them.

Travelling Merchants, Anchorites

>Hostile Natives:
Terror Beasts

Not intelligent, meaning good for manipulation.

Temple of Forgotten Gods -> Forge of the Final Battle -> Goblin Sewers -> Fungal Bloom -> Prison of the Ancients

1. Stay in the Temple of Forgotten Gods to study magic, become strong, and enslave everything.
2. Go to the Forge of the Final Battle with specters to stealthily enslave a demons little by little until I can overrun the rest.
3. Bring my army of mind slaves to mass mind control everything in the Goblin Sewers.
4. At this point, I can steamroll the Fungal Bloom, but just to be safe, I'll use specters to scout first.
5. Spend time making equipment that can resist psychic echoes. After that is done, the Prison of the Ancients can be steamrolled.
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You're courting death, slap yourself 5000 times and you might save your clan some face.
>xianxia bugman
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February... never
how do you know it wasn't wuxia
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upgraded version
My OC has been cancelled.
I'm sorry.
>*click click bzzzt
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What was the original
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never ever
>Killing ivan makes boghilda useless
Are you stupid?
>tripfag diarrheas all over the thread
who is your oc?
Probably just a samefag of ASCII tripfag. They are both just as useless.
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I like ASCII tripfag and Bold
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>Why does Cyrus-sama no longer reply when I ask him about his cyoa?
What did you need, friend? I haven't given up on it, if that's what you were wondering.

It's been a couple days since I was able to check the general.
Got a new/better job and been focused on not losing it. Also thanks to changes my phone carrier made, I'm back to being region-rangebanned, so no phoneposting
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I just wanted to know if the cyoa was still alive. I am still beating that loli, Cyrus-sama
>Tfw you realize a cool power could be used to invalidate drawbacks.
Kill me...

How can this be avoided?
The power allows you to self hypnotize yourself to ignore distractions but that could be used to ignore drawbacks.
I think maybe it should come with a downside like needing to have a clear objective in mind and being unable to leave that estate until you accomplish it?
Giving you tunnel vision.
I simply cant wait one month for aro to post her redux.

Cyrus sama save me
Simply go for absolute drawback supremacy.
I got denied a buff by aro and then she told me to just pick god form to destroy a mountain. Except even with godform you can't do that. With level 3 you are barely strong enough to lift a naval vessel of respectable size. Meanwhile weatherfags are already summoning tornados at level 2. Its over for musclesissies...
thank you for your continued interest in my work. But after I lost my previous job a couple months back, I've had some difficulties to get through, so no progress made on my own projects, except some notes jotted down here and there.
This not the least of reasons why I gave no hard deadlines...
So I could just clarify that it doesn't work on drawbacks?
Yes, this is a common practice even.
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necromancy is apparently being buffed so im eating good
You better find a new job and soon, cyoag cant afford to lose another good author.
>good author
PoV: You stare at Shitalics next flop.
>good opinion
Readlets always win
Eh. Might as well.
Rolled 8 (1d10)

>extremely underpicked power
>makes it worse
>the only power consistency
discussed as a trap option
>meanwhile powerword
He should have just fixed it
I'm bored. Link me a cyoa and I'll make a build as long as it's not too long.
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Changelog (off the top of my head)
>Tightened and resized text to be more readable with less gaps
>Clarified you could only take one of the free goons from the City section
>Clarified some rules like Risk not going below 5% unless the option explicitly says it does
>You can drop an Archetype to get two more Asset slots
>Added Emilia Rochefort as a big cat (sorry Steve but I'll need a thematic pic)
>Added some more flavortext to some options as requested
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And now I sleep.
See y'all in a few hours.
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Main: Imagination
Sub: all

Create anything with a thought is op and the Curse is easily manageable.


She likes hunting, so hunt we shall.

True Potential x5, Ring of the Planeswalker, Old Skull, Ancient Capital

Love, Spurned (all), Worst Case Scenario, Games of Divinity x2, World Specific Challenge (Lurra)

This is a LOT of hunting to be done.

>Great Labor:
Lost Children

I assume I'm forced to complete this. The Lost Children are the weakest of the options, so dismantling them is better than sealing the Rogue Sun or killing the Last Titan. I'm also not forced to kill or capture them.

Knowledge from the Old Skull and control over the Ancient Capital should allow me to trivialize Worst Case Scenario, win the Games of Divinity, and conquer Lurra, which will complete the Lurra's World Specific Challenge. While I control the Ancient Capital and battle in the open, Agathe will take care of covert matters.

With so much power, the Love, Spurned girls are not a problem at all. I'll probably have to hunt them down because my overwhelming might will likely prompt them to go into hiding. The hunting will unfortunately have to be done after my conquest of Lurra, which will give them time to develop, but that is alright as my own development will surpass them by leaps and bounds.

While doing all that, I'll secretly work on subverting the gods with the Rogue Sun and the Last Titan and dismantle the Lost Children while leaving a way out for them. Maybe we'll pull a Gods 2.0 and replace them as the new overlords of reality - with me at the top of course.
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You're very kind, but there are plenty more successful than I, and deservedly so.
I am glad for any actual friends I have here, and it is good to see the general continue. I pray all of us get through these interesting times with minimal casualties
Why is 10 quest options considered small for a CYOA?
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Altered the 'ol Ticket CYOA somewhat more after consulting with my right hand about the proper way to finish yourself off.

That reminds me to ask. Do you want to see more Bold CYOAs?
>Do you want to see more Bold CYOAs?
Yes, but make something new, don't make something of the same template again.
Rolled 5 (1d10)

fuck it
The loli hunter...
Also good taste in waifu.
I will have to buff the love spurred drawback as it is too easy imo at the moment as everyone seems to get it and assume it will be easy to deal with.
I find the gifts in Entropist to be rather boring. They don't really have backstories or goals, also some of the art for them is ass.
I like a lot about this one but why the fuck are all the wives kids?
Agreed but their nature makes it difficult for the author to give them a history and even goals as they are practically your puppets.
He still could choose better art tho.
Because when I started working on it there were rising agression against lolis in CYOAs. Originally it was going to have all kinds of different waifus but moralfags pissed me off so much that I made them all lolis
The author is the one(1) solitary pedo to make a CYOA in reaction to the moralfag vs pedofag three year-long skubwar.
Well I understand the motives, (thanks for sharing) but you could show this to a lot more people with far less judgement if you swapped that art out for something less inflammatory.
>The loli hunter...

>good taste in waifu
Love me a murderous waifu to compliment my murderous plans.

>I will have to buff the love spurred drawback as it is too easy imo at the moment as everyone seems to get it and assume it will be easy to deal with.
The main issue I see is that the player can buff himself up a LOT while the waifus seem weak.

I suggest adding a few sentences about the waifus' assets and powers in their descriptions and make it explicit that if you take the drawback multiple times, they will work together against you.

Good decision. The cyoa is much more memorable because of the lolis.
Thanks and yeah you are right but I don't want to change it I like it as it is I will likely make a 2.0 version in the future but that aspect will stay.
But I'm working on a new CYOA that does have more widely appealing waifus and it is similar to GH.

Yeah the buff would be to clarify that they will work as a team and that the gods will train them before letting them go to hunt you down.
Instead of having to figure out things on their own like you.
And I plan to give more details on both your and their domains at different stages of development to give you a clearer idea of what kind of capabilities you can expect.
Fos/tema for example.
What a terribly impractical blade.
Why do you like lolitas?
What if I marry all three?
I don't know?
As far as anime go I like alot of different female character archetypes like tomboys, milfs, monstergirls, etc.
Just wanted to let you know I wish you the best for your work and I'm looking forward to it since I think you're a great author. Good luck.
I have never read a cyoa where a backstory made a romance option more appealing so if anything I'm glad for once my time wasn't wasted on superfluous storytelling.
We will never know. The account has been suspended.
>but I don't want to change it

Then I shall make a cyoa with no underage marriage options.
Thank you.
I really look forward to releasing Luminary.
I've been having problems with balance and I doubt people would help me if I posted the WIP so I'll try to relax and hear the feedback once the 1.0 version is done and then use it to fix it.
Do it, more CYOAs are always welcomed.
It has to have been something really short. ASM? PHP? No real language's name is as short as that in English.
I agree with the buffs to that drawback but you should probably add other ways to get points or additional drawbacks to account for the expansion. It also makes for more varied adventures.
Based. Thanks for adding in Emilia. Really cool of you. It makes me feel proud of my build
I rolled a 10 and then a 9...
>Come up with 22 powers to gain
Yeah, I'm thinking too much effort.
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Post one page CYOA's or fuck off.
Reddit has tons of those. You should go back there.
Which OC are you.
You better not be the one I was thinking about.
Goodbye Ivan, I'd prefer to play on hardmode than keep you around
I have literally never posted on reddit. But since you seem to be the expert on what is and is not posted there why don't you take your own advice and beat it.
You said you wanted one pagers. They love and make them. Seems like you belong there.
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>They love and make them.

You would know, so you can go back to where you came from. I'll stay here and keep bitching until I get what I want and you can't stop me.
Weird that you're getting so pressed. They have the same taste as you.
I get the point bro you're intimately familiar with what reddit likes because you've spent so much time there but I'll just have to take your word for it.
>healing -> concept of healing 6
I cure my lack of omnipotence. The other 9 points are donated to charities to feed starving mermaids.
Yup, I know enough that you would love being there. They have all the one pagers you like so much.
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There's a lot of unhinged aggression against catposting in here, I'm expecting the next version to have many cats in it.
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Truth. Just look at this hot piece of cat MILF. Absolutely bangable.
There's no shame in acknowledging that you've started to stagnate and get moldy. It's time to let new authors with fresh ideas to take over, be proud of your role as their stepping stone. All two of your fans will miss you, Italics.
Who are you?
Ayyy nice
please do
>Origin: Family Connection

>Loyal Servant: Imp

>Signature Item:
Magical Weapon
Sacred Vestments

>Magical Skills:

>Drawback: Wild Magic

>Threat: Hot-Blooded Rival
Wonder if you can combine Cybermancy & Enchantment.
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Big cyoas get all the discussion.
You lost way back in 2012 with the release of Stardust.
This is the latest version. Too large to post. https://imgchest.com/p/9p4nlkdkb7n
>kill yourself: the cyoa
no thanks
Okay i guess.
Heart, Brain, Skin

Immortality, psychic powers, and eternal free stay on a pleasure planet.
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Peace, nigga
Hey, that's just my regular day
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Nta but those are claws, they follow her fingers. The other one has claw boots.
Rolled 10 (1d10)

I have been rereading older cyoas lately and I just realized how popular the concept of the "little sister" was back then. Not the idea of having a young sibiling, the strange character that is not actually your sister but that has powers to make everyone believe she is, sometimes not even being aware of it. This "fake" sister character is in at least 3-4 cyoas from about the same time period. I wonder if something started it or if the stars simply aligned.
**Rolled 10 (1d10)**

So, my rewards for the roll is back to 2015 with 1 major superpower and 11 minor superpower, have a good and hot tomboy friend with her hot sister. Also I have lucid dreaming now.
Is that correct?
>the strange character that is not actually your sister but that has powers to make everyone believe she is, sometimes not even being aware of it
Creepy ass mind controlling eldritch entity.

I take it every time.
You messed up the formatting buddy, we can see that's not a roll.
>**Rolled 10 (1d10)**
>newfag thought he could cheat
Makes me wonder how many I missed, I found 2 for sure, but I know there are more. One is from "Home intruder" cyoa, the other is from the original version of Gifted, but I am pretty sure BTG kept her in the new one too. It is a bit creepy but most of the time they just need protection, or feel lonely, I also always pick them, the fact you are usually at least resistant to them does help in my choice.
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>home intruder
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Let's see...
If this was legit you would actually get double that. So it would be 2 major powers, 22 minor, 2 hot tomboy friends with 2 sisters each for a total of 6 girls, and I guess you can give lucid dreaming and the time travel back to one person. It does say "allotment" so you can give the second copy of any of the results to someone else, or to yourself doubling down on them.

I'm actually a newfag, and I actually don't know how 4chan formatting work, is there a guide for it or everyone here just instantly know?
Your attempt at cheating was pretty funny, but you put dice into the option field. Next time we're cracking your skull with hammers.
Welcome. It's rather simple, there is basically no formatting outside of
>exactly what's on the tin
and to actually roll you put dice+1d10 in the options field top right, only works on /tg/ though. There is also (spoiler)in square brackets(/spoiler). Also, you don't need to press enter twice like that. Next time we're crying reddit spacing.
pca just had sex
he lost his wizarding powers
i hate women so fucking much its unreal
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You whippersnappers need an intro
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I hate men instead. All men should die and all women should love me very much, except old or ugly ones, who should die also. And all women should get plastic surgery to make their eyes larger so they look more anime
Rolled 3 (1d10)

>no funny other tabs in the header
One fucking job

40 points
>2D Pill
>Gold Pill
>Out of Place
>Passion Inducement
>User was banned for this title
>A mans best friend
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Now I know how it's done. I will start again.
Rolled 3 (1d10)

>Your good friend has a hot sister
Who likes me, I hope?
She's hot with fever. She's seriously ill and you should leave the hospital. This is not the time.
Primordial cyoa cannot be beat
There's a newer version of this, I think.

Free Mode
>Fetish Removal II (Blacked)
>Motivational Sadness
>Moral Clarity
>How to be Normal III
>Sick Burns
>Just Be Yourself
>Passion Inducement (Drawing, CYOA making, trolling, business)
>FBI, Open Up
>Implying I Put Thought Into These Titles
>Dox Box
>Super Effective Bait
>User Was Banned For This Post
>A Man's Best Friend

I'll simply try to live a better life with what's given to me, and spend my free time picking up hobbies and trolling jannies. Might even leak their discord to the FBI to stop our modern day nightmare.
Actually, this is the time, when she can't resist. Just not the hour. Wait until night comes.
Post it
>Robot Test: 45 (+30)
I have a comfy life but I'm still kind of messed up.
>Bonus Points: Originalfag (+50)

>Pills: Whitepill (-10)
I want to stop hating everything and being an asshole.

Pls Rember Happy Day (-2)
It occurs to me I have never ever had a single day that I have truly considered perfect.
>Sick Burns (-5)
A true (keyboard) warrior can murder with words; the flashing blade is a mere formality!
>Afterlife (-30)
I wish to be isekaied, yes.
>Just Be Yourself (-15)
Good luck is always good.

>4chan Powers:
>Dox Box (-6)
I've always wanted to reply to a shill with his exact name, address, place of work and boss and tell him to fuck all the way off.
>User Was Banned For This Title (-4)
Same as the above, fuck shills.

Robot GF III (-12)
Degenerate GF II (-6)
The thing with the love spurned drawback is that you can have more wives than enemies and I assume that all domains are more or less equal in potential (some better at some thing than other like agathe's murder). Yourself potentially having more than one and having a lot of experience fighting demigods if you participate in the games of divinity make love spurned not too threatening. Vita and Aelia looking like they will come after you if you don't pick them anyway also make them an easy pick and it's not like you will not make enemies ever, you might as well get some points out it.
Fine fine i'll buff strength a bit, and add on super vertical leaping to strength.
I'm not into bestiality.
Maybe if we were talking about catgirls things would be different.
I think that the accelerated training by the Gods can help with that power gap.
You have to figure out your powers and how to improve while they will get all the help they need.
Maybe they only come at you after they attain their peak?
And the drawback clarifies that it will take them a fraction of the time it will likely take you?
Stand proud, Italics. You were strong.
Shitalics-kun, your age is... OVER
I'm Husanon.
It's over.
Isn't the peak full godhood ? That would make that drawback a death sentence (for you or them), a speedrun to divinity that by the sounds of it they are guarantee to win. That is far too harsh. A guarantee that they would team up with each would rise the difficulty enough.
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Man, why the fuck not? Have a Matrix OC!

Roll a dice+1d5, and roll an additional dice+1d3 unless told otherwise.

>Your place in Matrix
1. Bottom-feeder, most likely a hobo with no chance of a good future. You're guaranteed to be given at least one chance to turn your life around.
2. Wageslave tier, most likely working as McDonalds and having to share an apartment with some dirty motherfuckers. Poor, but life isn't that boring.
3. Middle class, you must be some office drone or what else, owning an actual apartment and other amenities like a car. Life is monotonous for you, and it won't get any more interesting.
4. You're someone rich, with the ability to live out your most lavish fantasies without an impact on your finances. However, you'll remain a Bluepill permanently due to your innate desire to protect your favourable status within the Matrix.

>Your potential (1d3)
1. You're a bluepill. It's unlikely anyone will ever think about pulling you out of the Matrix, and if that happens, you'll hardly accumulate to the cold and harsh life of the real world.
2. You're a redpill. There's a high likelihood of some Zion crew pulling you out of the Matrix due to your inherent ability to spot inconsistencies within the Matrix. You'll never be able to go back to your old life, but you'll live this one full of freedom.
3. You're the One, the one prophesized to free humanity from the oppressive grip of the Machines. You're near-guaranteed to be found by Zion, and with time, training and experimentation, Matrix will bend to your will as the ultimate anomaly within its code. Your powers may even extend into the real world as well.
We finally reached reddit levels of slop...
Fuck, I meant 1d4. This is an ultimate fail, I am killing myself.
Most competent ryoa """author"""
What CYOAs did you make? I don't see you on the allsync.
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You get 2 djinn (and a wish for good luck from their dad, you'll need it)
You also don't see your GOD tok in there, don't you, boy? Only the most PEAK authors make it into the SECRET allsync.
look at the thing anon, does it look like cyoag was in the training data for it? lol
I thought Tok was the only author speshul enough to not be included on the allsync?
Well godly husbandry, a one pager waifu picker and once-in-a-lifetime a waifu picker made with images poster here.
And yeah I don't think I have a folder there but GH is in, if I remember correctly, the waifu picker folder.
Tok isn't in the archive because he kept throwing a bitchfit at AechiveAnon (Real MVP of the hobby) and reporting the archive until his stuff got delisted.

Then a bunch of shitposters in here kept reporting archive anon.
It would depend on how ahead they are to you.
But I agree that at a certain point it is suicide.
Maybe they can come when they are somewhere halfway to the top?
He's not there because he kept reporting the mega until he was removed (he kept "updating" his cyoa every five minutes and got pissy when meganon stopped bothering which made the attentionwhore mald).
He's the reason we moved to allsync, which costs money (requiring us to take reddit donations), because they at least don't delete everything as soon as they get a copyright infringement report.
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>Add-on DLC for a CYOA is good enough to be it's own CYOA.
>Never happens
Italics... why?
I thought you were that anon that never made a cyoa before
I'm really looking forward to his OC
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I'm actually him.
I was lying.
Rolled 4, 9 = 13 (2d12)

>4. You're someone rich, with the ability to live out your most lavish fantasies without an impact on your finances. However, you'll remain a Bluepill permanently due to your innate desire to protect your favourable status within the Matrix.
>(no 2nd roll presumably)
best outcome.
Also, don't require multiple posts to make the rolls, silly.
Nobody likes that.
Maybe have them drop in your world a week to a month after you and with enough training to at least reliably use they domain like Agathe, would make them stronger than most of the wives but not too much above yourself and make taking the drawbacks more than once or twice really risky since they team up, they would be really problematic if you don't have Privacy.
I think the later they come the more one side the fight will be, either because they are too well trained or because you got good with multiple domain.
Are you for real? AIGUBRGFDXG.,FNGMFÑ´mgMF,ÑÑ´G M
AllsyncMegaman is such a based individual honestly. Keeping it all going during times of personal crisis and all.
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Let's see
Rolled 4 (1d5)

Not relevant
Rolled 1 (1d3)

I will test my luck here anyway (i can right?)
Better than nothing I suppose
RYOAs are bad.
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It's amazing how far and fast thread quality has dropped
Kelpie of the well still a best.
As if we had any left when people resorted to reviving Entropist just to have fun.
Crawl back to your hole and stay there.
What are the best ones that are just dumb fun and not 12 page stat autism?
None. 1pagers are all trash
I'll accept 3 pagers
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Harrumph, this could have been one page cyoa with small formatting change.
Why are cultivators and wizards separate when they’re more or less the same

(Disagree with me at your own peril)
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I didn't even insult Entropist, you sped.
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Why are cats with two different eye colors so fucking cool bros
>Why are cultivators and wizards separate
Because one is cringe and another is based.
This one really hurts my brain.

I wish the author told us what we could actually DO. Fuck.
>magic people are cringe but magic people are based
It's not actually that complex, I really like it.
Easy mistake, but i have my eyes on you bud.
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NTA, maybe one day anon will be capable of understanding nuance, but not today
Glint Dancer is Devil May Cry, you can use you style meter to fuel powers that make getting more style points easier and perform special moves. You don't loose style if no one is seeing you.
State Striver is metamanipulation of the buff and debuff on yourself. Everything about you is a buff or debuff. You can fuse and/or stack them.
Exotic Painter is an rpg, do quest/event and get crafting materials based on the quest/event, you can keep doing the same thing to get the same materials, use materials to cast spells. You can get titles that give a passive for yourself and a reusable adjective/modifiers you can apply to you spells for free.
go back
It's not my thing but I understand this is all just pretend and I'm fine with it, as long as I get my options
Speaking of which is there a link to more lewd cyoas or ones that have that romantic content as a significant portion?
So. Did Husanon shit the bed and gave up on his oc or not?
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I like builds being companions. Enriches the world better than if I tried making up my own.
>pca just had sex
No, he did not shit the bed and give up on his OC. You retard. You dumbdumb. You vacuous motherfucker.
>Real MVP of the hobby
When did he start? How can one man be so based?
>>Add-on DLC for a CYOA is good enough to be it's own CYOA.
Entropist had one
Prove it, faggot
>being this hypersensitive
It's a cyoa, not a religion
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Allsync anon been around for more than a decade. He's like Italics an Oldfag.
>>93363404 (me)
Sorry, I meant to say shitalics. My bad
>Crackling disk
Inventory system without a inventory space so now you can mark people with it and then use the disk to steal things from them
>Flickering point
Quest system broken in a way that makes it so it automatically completes the quests it is supposed to give you whenever they pop up so you get a passive income of points to use in a Shop system that refreshes its list often
>Eerie Beacon
Attract weird trash mobs scaled to at the very least be somewhat of a small nuisance that drop weird stuff you can use to upgrade weird things or try to make new weird things that should be in the style of the things here
>Silver Gap
You can use this to go back in time until the time of your birth or no further than the last time that you went back. Might or might not cause you to slide through a different timeline but it probably is barely noticeable.
>Entrancing sphere
Formerly a grindcave but the thing broke and has lost most of the supplementary systems that let it make grind worthy opponents so it's now a gay baby jail you can trap things in.
>Invisible line
''Tie'' this weird line thing to something even conceptual stuff or nothing to get an ability thing that grows overtime but the progress gets slower the more it grows. You can discard it at any moment if you find a concept with more potential and start over.
>Torrential Abyss
A fuck ton of merged (empty) magical resource pools. Plug it into a power system or introduce some magical resource to it (mana etc) so it makes weird droplets of that resource that never run out but can only output as much as you handled before the droplets help you get good at using that energy too
>Violet window
A bunch of Hud systems mashed together into an AI thing that scans EVERYTHING around you and catalogs the information for you to use
>Erupting core
Make your template thing (The first three choices) twice as good once and then it gives you a ''subtemplate'' associated with it the third choice you didn't picked on it or
Or you get a smaller weaker thingy that relates to the thing you chose so you can have more options)
>Brass gate
(You) make a guild with other two (You)s who picked the other two template things you didn't pick and 2 trinkets other than brass gate.
The reason is that the author vomited his word salad all over the cyoa. This cyoa could be explained in much simpler terms.
skill issue
Yes, we are aware (You) have it. That is why the author should have explained it better for anons like you~
Sorry that you have skill issue, kid. Don't worry, I can explain the cyoa to you. Just ask.
I wonder how powerful was the previous user of the machine if the broken templates/trinkets are that overpowered.
Obsessed. Seek help.
None of you comes out from this argument looking good
Skill issue.
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>author does essentially same cyoa again and again with slightly different packaging
Many such cases. Sad!
To be fair some are busted because they broke
>we have returned to nothing but shit cyoas being posted
Its so over
post entropist then
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I found this prehistoric thing after sifting through old archived threads, but I could've sworn there's a newer version that's way better formatted and designed. Anyone happen to have it?
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I'm fucking retarded, all I had to do was reverse image search. Somehow, the predator always stuck with me even after all these days.
As the writer:

Gonna say yeah. Also she's either a 10/10 in looks or an 8/10 who says 'retard' and 'retarded' with hard 't'.

I'll gift you two the two extra dice from giving up my roll, roll 1 each.
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Holy shit i miss these two, one of my first cyoas, wtf nostalgia maximus.

I always chose the immortal loli in the past, it might be the best one in the long run as you can guide humanity and be as an anchor for progress since you never die.

On the other one i chose evolved for the waifu mostly, but i think there might be an older version? Or my coombrain neglected the negative aspects of turning into a new endangered species on earth.
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I haven't but I'm at work.
Having a small lunch break.
Very good
How is that dlc going?
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Unacceptable. Have another two dice, take the higher result.
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failed authors need to rope themselv
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I dont care about dlc if it isnt official so no idea
It is going well.
Is a failed author someone who never finished his OC?
Braindead take.
Why did cursed dm's OC flop?
Why did magi case flop?
why did all my romantic relationships flop?
I ran over that failed novelist cyoa 'author' they call shitalics with my truck. Sadly, I only managed to get his leg.
>t. assmad fakelc author
They weren't Entropist.
Rolled 4 (1d10)

I hope you read them and end up loving them.
Shit is hilarious m8. Take a chill pill
Insufficiently consoomer friendly.
Insufficiently readlet/lolifag friendly.
you're so used to shitposting the thread that you shitposted them too
>he doesn't know
Has a CYOA ever flopped for having too much loli?
There was one dude in trash spamming his loli CYOA.
>t. didn't take talented
Might try and make a Gift for the DLC if there are still open slots. What ideas have been taken so far? And anyone have any suggestions?
3.0 xisters.....
lamia gift
we stay winning
A Daughter themed Gift?
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He tried to compete with a pillchad.
He releases OC, pillchad releases OC and nodiffs him.
He releases update, pillchad releases OC and ratios him.

If I were him I'd kms.
Great! Entries (of 8 max) are:
>Ymir, Elemental Giant crafter
>Maelis, Shapeshifter bugfu fleshcrafter
>Deep one Matriarch
>age shifting ouroboros based on corpsemaker snakes
>Some bitch related to the Hound of Conquest
Mentioned as ideas by people who might write them
>Feasting choir wife
>some sort of valkyrie
Keywords mentioned by people who didnt seem keen on writing
Cringe and won't ever be legitimate
I am extremely glad to have attracted your persistent ire. A badge of honor really.
I'm sure you're proud of eating shit too, but reality is that more than one person is averse to your cringe
I've decided that I would rather have more space for nuanced skills and powers, so I'll be folding melee and ranged weapon skill into a single shared 'Battle' skill, that can then be further specialized in one direction or the other. Much like how I'll be handling telekinesis and telepathy through 'Mentalism'.
You seem to be doing something similar to me.
But in my case I did keep the melee and ranged powers separated.
What I did is have the melee and general be a better warrior powers in one section while the ranged powers got mixed with divination and some fate manipulation.
whoever told me to add context for my image build fuck you now I have to make a whole second page
>this isn't trash.
Tell me your WB then. Same for anons that submitted OC
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I ended up agonizing and changing stuff a bunch because of all the entropist discussion and now I see the need to make a whole ass extra page. What should I explain on it. I'd like to make a list of the create undead minions and small descriptions of them, but should I put context for like every power I took or just a description of overall
I want to hear descriptions of your gifts, how you will deal with the events and other sons etc.
>DLCHADS are making shitposters seethe
Another win for Entropist. We just can't lose! Authors on suicidewatch
>What should I explain on it.
Anything you want. I like going section by section to see what I have to say on it (which is sometimes nothing).

>I'd like to make a list of the create undead minions and small descriptions of them
That's pretty cool. I think only 1 or 2 other builds have done something like that.

>should I put context for like every power I took or just a description of overall
Either is fine. I do the latter much more often because, a lot of times, I just don't anything to say about certain powers except the obvious that should be omitted like "I took alter soul to alter souls" or "I took x as a prerequisite to y".
>descriptions of gifts
Aren't they all mostly the same as what is their normal description and only adapt to your personality afterwards
>Erupting core
I think you actually got this wrong. It doubles your "class" powers, the 3 main ones, and gives you a "subclass" from several options, so it's not limited to one of the two you did not pick. It also gives the chance to "evolve" to your other options, the items, in small unpredictable ways, but those keep adding up. You get both of these effects, so overall it's pretty powerful, the main downside is that the evolutions are unpredictable, but double class power and a subclass that can possibly even be one of the other systems in the world you end up in make up for it.
Yeah but like your opinion on them like favourites and why you chose Sangra over say Falista. Or how they will serve in your armies etc
That was in no way related to the cyoa having lolis in it. The guy was unsufferable and had a persecution complex. He also made actual illegal content and kept ban evading.
I'm eyeing Silver Gap, Torrential Abyss, Violet Window, and Erupting Core. Time travel, infinite resources, supreme perception, and huge power boost. Which one to forgo?
Indian ravager...
Depends on your class I would say.
I'm taking State Striver (Plan, Deathstate). I dislike the constraints of the other templates.
So you are a jobber, huh?
Then Torrential Abyss is less useful to you, State Striver is a very resource light class. The Core makes you way stronger and gives you variety with a subclass, which may be a different class from the base 3. The Window gives you all the information you need to come up and modify your "states". Silver Gap gives retry points in case you fail. The Abyss is cool, but the painter gains a lot more from it.
Hey, if he manages to spend several years dumping every improvement he makes into temporary stacking buffs and gets into melee range, you're going to be sorry.
For me the Torrential Abyss and Violet Window are must have, and they work really well with the local power systems, I would go as far as to say that they would be enough together to thrive in that world.
Is entropic imbue just haki? I would think basically everything you did was already imbued with entropic energy considering the context of the cyoa
>they work really well with the local power systems
Which you cannot use unless you have the right subclass somehow. Most of those require you to be born with them, and you are not.
Silence, jobber-kun. If you want haki then read the notes at the end.
By the way, I think Silver gap is not that good in general, since all 3 classes already have good ways to cheat death pretty easily, so I would personally drop that. The drawback is also way too possibly devastating.
>Is entropic imbue just haki?
if you think its haki because it gets spells and body stronger and more effective against living beings, i guess? haki only makes the body harder and physical attacks stronger, and thats just one applicatioin. Idk, its like saying entropic imbue is nen or ki.

Not everything you do have entropic energy, you have non entropic powers that use mana and are neutral against beings like Tempered heroes. Entropic powers has it, some more than others, but one thing is that and the other is turning that up a notch, making everything stronger and debilitating enemies.
I can just use a meta cyoa~
iirc the witches are the only one with a powers that is really hard to get without being born with it (you would need the blue macguffin), and the droplets from the Torrential Abyss also give you some control over what they give off, so you could make a droplet that produce lighting or fire and use it to throw bolt.
Yes and? I don't see how that has anything to do with the current convesation.
true daughter spotted lmao
That is right. What are you going to do about it, true sissy?
calling uyo out until you go back
go back to where
If the Godking managed to learn all 'schools of magic' it should be possible for you too. The challenge is to convince the Witches & Messengers that you're not an asshole like him.
>t. headcanon
entropic imbue feels like something that should be a base power
I am pretty sure the Godking had some special way to steal powers, which arguably you could have too with some combos. I did check back on it because it's been a while tho, and the powers are less rooted than I remember, miracles are pretty easy to get and vigor is relatively accessible as well. I guess the main problem would be convincing all these cultures to allow you to get there, which I would assume would get harder as you get more becasue they would be less inclined to share. Wonderland powers are off limits tho, unless you want to get stuck there.
meta xister...
Sorry anon, if you don't take it you are incapable of the bare minimum entropic power manipulation and therefore a jobber
>got one of the strongest Walk Blessed's, even according to tierlisters
>still pity latecomers who missed that six month period with Entropist Anon
What does this mean?
That you are a newfag wanting to get a fake blessing and make it legal by falseflagging as someone that got a good blessing.
stop making me feel like I need to edit my build god damnit
Technically utility magic is making magic wisps instead of undead
Shut up, already. You are clearly paranoid about being a jobber. You know what is going to make you lose? not any of your choices but your loser mentality.
tok mad someone is getting more attention than him as usual
Does tok even know anything about jjk? lmao
Not enough troonbait for him to be interested. Although... imagine Tok trying to beg Mahito to turn him into a woman. Do you think he could do it? I think Mahito might, for a few seconds, then twist him into an ugly mass of phallic rotting meat so it's more painful than it would've been otherwise.
pretty sure he's used that exact same image or at least similar ones before
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>Exotic Painter
>Silver Gap
>die and revive to travel across any timelines you've been to
lol update us pls
>Defend Yourself: Warrior
Rogue and Wizard both rely on finite resources. Meanwhile the warrior needs to get really tricky with legalisms and manipulations but any system that allows you to convert shit around like the Warrior can is inherently gameable. In general, being able to offload things like being shot, being burned and so on into discrete packets that I can combine and distribute is going to be an OCP for most people I face.

>Weapon: Bone
Why is this so important? "The Weapon inherits any applicable States you allow it to". So I can offload all damage onto it, or imbue it with a ton of nasty status effects.

>Death: Deathstate
Fracture depletes you while Legacy requires preparation, but Deathstate not only allows you to continue acting beyond death but even leverage it to your advantage. I bet you could stick it on a Weapon and inflict the death dealt to you right back on your opponent. It's also the only one to explicitly give you immortality.

>Silver Gap
Save points.
>Violet Window
Stat Window. Also has synergy with Warrior, since I know exactly what conditions I'm suffering from.
>Flickering Point
Quest system and shop.
He ate a half and a bit =/
Nothing too bad
I worry about his heart, my poor chonker
>muh heckin' chonker
Redditors should not own cats
I didn't notice Erupting Core, I'll take that instead of Violet Window (since I assume I am fully aware of my own states).
Shut up. He is fat and happy.
>Rogue and Wizard both rely on finite resources
Not if you take Torrential Abyss.
He's not happy, he's at risk of diabetes and an early death. Food is not love, love is not food. I would tell you to kill yourself fatty but you're already doing it.
>overfeeds his fatshit cat
>surprised when it steals his burgers
You are killing your cat with American food
He is probably already killing himself that way too.
>American "food"
>crave burger
>eat burger
>regret eating it and it wasn't even good
>why the fuck did I eat this
Anyone else relate to this feeling
Honestly I used to do that in the past. I'd eat double or triple meals and that made me balloon up to 142 kilos,
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...Holy shit.

I will never understand why people would stretch this shitty template I made on the underside of 30 minutes literally years ago into including a gorillion options instead of just making their own CYOA with wholly original aesthetics. I'm not mad or anything. I just have to question why. Surely the effort that goes into extending the template would be better served just making a wholly new-looking CYOA from scratch, no?

Baffling, to be completely honest.
Me after I give into a taco bell craving
no because when I want to eat a burger I just make one and not eat some fast food shit
when you eat shit you feel shit
This just happen to me right now as I finished my hotdog. I feel like I am about to vomit. Why did I ate this trash?
I'm a great cook but burgers never seem worth the effort. You're not wrong though
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>142 kilos
Dark Sovereign...
Is having 10 quests considered too short?
It depends... are you husanon or cyrus-sama?
Why does it change anything if I'm one of them?
>Husanon Quests
Small, bite-sized fluff that primarily exist to add additional lore
>Cyrus Quests
Enormous page-long dilemmas that demand a carefully planned approach
New thread
Cute and funny
Funny and cute
Now that I think about it. what approach do you guys like more?
Italics it's about the size of the quests compared to the rest of the cyoa.
Their crunch wraps are okay, and I like the occasional fries supreme, idk.
All consuming slime
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Anon, don't listen to them, it hurt my brain too. Ironically the author actually wrote up explanations on Questionable Questing that does basically an infinitely better job of explaining what the fuck is going on than their CYOA, and for me at least once I'd read through I had a much better idea of how this CYOA worked and could enjoy things.
Which is fucking bonkers that a CYOA could be so badly written i had to basically do homework; and yet interesting enough in design and ideas that I *wanted* to do that (it's essentially one of my favourite CYOAs somehow). It's the exact fucking reverse of *some* authors I could name who write a book, then forget to put a CYOA in it.


The author's notes can be found on QQ, but while I never had a problem some people have mentioned before they can't get an account? So I've copy-pasted to pastebin:


It answered like 99% of my questions. If I was going to ask for anything more than these notes I'd ask for like three examples of State Striver and Exotic Painter using their powers since just making it up myself feels weird. Like, EP, you defeat a bog standard bandit, what kind of paint and how much do I get? How specific is it? Do I get the paint of 'beating up outlaws' and thats that, or can I reduce that into 'paint of physical violence' or reduce furthr into 'paint of physical'. State Striver is worse, the warrior is by far the most complicated option, but that's part of this weird shit's charm.
This is glorious thank you

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