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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93356526
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Roll dice+1d10

Nothing happens
You make a good friend who gives good advice and doesn't fudge dice
Your good friend has a hot sister
Your good friend is a hot tomboy
You gain lucid dreaming
You return your physical age to 20
Time is rewound to when you were 20, but with all the cyoa benefits here.
You gain a minor superpower (e.g. resilience, halved aging, enhanced stamina)
You gain a major superpower and 10 minor powers (majors include heat vision, flight, etc.)
You gain a second allotment of all your other gains from this cyoa.

You may donate your roll to a homie, if so, your sacrifice means he may roll two more dice, keeping the best result.

Regardless, you get the benefit from your roll and all lesser benefits.

(You may also increase your result by one, but only if you do the same to another player. If they then do the same, you gain a benefit I'll write in based on one of the benefits you pick)
>if they also do the same
To clarify, this must be to a third player.
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Fine sissy i will play ball.
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Shit sucks, another anon can have it.
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I want a burger now
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The T*kposter fears the KOT.
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It's sad how a quarter of this is irrelevant anymore
More like everything is. Tok does not have a defense force and cumeaters can only scream ''shitposter'
Clean Italics, Tok
Replace celt with aromage and it still works
Needs an EA defense force
Exotic Painter (Regalia, Legacy)

Silver Gap: With Legacy, I can die and revive to freely travel between any timelines I've been to.
Torrential Abyss: Infinite energy, completely solving the Exotic Painter's biggest problem.
Violet Window: Makes it easy to grasp onto Opportunities and improves Paintings.

>Landing Spot:
Alien Compound

Which one I pick doesn't really matting since I can go back in time to pick another one, but the Alien Compound is the best starting out because they are nice and I can provide infinite Celestial Affinity for them in exchange for their technology.

Travel across timelines to master all power systems in Wanderworld, starting with ACM and ending with the Wonderland rules.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

A good friend is always good.

I'll buff you up by 1. 1 major and 10 minor powers should be good enough.
Rolled 4 (1d10)

>Defend Yourself: Warrior
As mentioned in the previous thread, Warrior has the best staying power and concept manipulation is OP.

>Progession: Plan
Since my main effects are with states, anything augmenting them is invaluable.
>Death: Deathstate
Being flat out immune to death is awesome.

>Flickering Point
Gives me bonuses I can't access otherwise. Fancy trinkets give States; States are power.
>Silver Gap
Save point.
>Erupting Core
Buffs my class. I imagine I'll take one that specializes in manipulating the states of others.

>A Way Out: Headless State
Plenty of goodies to play with here, and a chaotic land means little organized resistance to battle me. Truly an adventurer's paradise.
How do 7 and 10 work when you only get one roll?
You can do ANOTHER redo at another time.
Not what I want (7 or 10), but better than nothing I guess.
Rolled 6 (1d10)

check this 1
Where the fuck is my dlc? Fucking frauds
Someone asked for evidence that I'm working on my WIP so here it is.
pastebin.com /J1vmGbua
Here is Jian as an example of a living weapon.
I would like to hear feedback on her mostly about balance or if the way I'm conveying her personality and relationship with you is good enough.
I'm satisfied with her as she is but I can patch her up before release
Have another two dice on me. I won't roll so you can.
cute terrorist dog
go back to the mines italics
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Thank you kindly, but I'll pass one on to the next guy.
I'm Husanon...
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I'll say that qualifies you for this part of the game:

>(You may also increase your result by one, but only if you do the same to another player. If they then do the same, you gain a benefit I'll write in based on one of the benefits you pick)

So increase your result to 9
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Made it into one page.
is this recent OC? haven't seen it before
Nope, original is https://www.reddit.com/r/makeyourchoice/comments/w9xsa9/magical_hunter/
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Was cleaning out my pc when I discovered this absolutely ancient bit of oc I made. It isn't particularly structured as-is, so for those wanting to spread out their night let's say that there's a 4 hour minimum with each one you wish to spend time with
I wanted to extend this before working on my 2nd build page, but I'm stuck on what to put in these two slots. Any ideas would be helpful
Bro this is embarassing now, stop it
>Two Star
>Three Star
no star is correct
Shut the fuck up
Continue doing whatever is making the other guy seethe
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>Kind of Hunter:

I'm staying transformed forever.

Speed/Reflex, Stamina/Energy

>Intrinsic Magic:

Sword (Light, Telekinesis, Form Shift) x4

One stays with me for defense, three flies off for attack.


Aim for the Heart, Search for Answers

Find "ways to safely harness demonic energies", then Aim for the Heart. Takin the Witch-Empress' energy will surely provide great benefits.

The Expedition
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Banshee and picrel.
banshee was a good idea, but puzzle skeletons are too alike to bone golems for me to put them in. Banshee's got the 1,000 cost slot, so just 10 cost left. 10 is the level of normal vampires, death knights and death mages
>Type: Trigger
>Enhancements: Strength, Stamina
I'm a power and toughness kind of guy.
>Intrinsic: Teleportation, Time Dilation, Phase Shift, Second Awakening
Teleportation and Time Dilation compensates for my merely human speed. Phase Shift is an invincible defense and offense. Second Awakening is a power boost for really tough fights.
>Outfit: Casual (Phase Shift)
Being permanently intangible is a great counter to being sneak attacked. I can keep it on forever, since I have yuge stamina.
>Goal: Redeem the Fallen, Keep the Peace
Well, someone's got to help the brothers and sisters who have been captured.
>Faction: Watchers in the Night
I'm going to champion a less lethal way of dealing with the fallen, even if it puts me at odds with 09.

The man calling himself Aion is a new addition to the Watchers, infamous for his ability to come and go at a moment's notice, as well as being intangible or invulnerable at will. For the most part, he does not go out of his way to strike at the demons, instead choosing to safeguard the cities where humans and Hunters lift. That said, demons who mistake his passivity for weakness tend to explode messily, either from his monstrously powerful fists or when he telefrags them with his phase shifting abilities.
you can pick another enhancement
I went for Strength/Resilence and Stamina/Energy though.
didnt notice you didnt write in full, mb
>Cyrus Quests
>Enormous page-long dilemmas that demand a carefully planned approach
In eg the spooky waifu cyoa it all fell flat since the quests were guaranteed to succeed and they wouldn't matter anyway, in the end only the decisions to be made were
1. the choice of waifu
2. whether you stay on earth or move to pocket universe
I don't dislike Cyrus's cyoas, the visual design is absolutely excellent, but the quests are not one of the more well executed parts.
>Husanon Quests
To my mind, these are Beri quests, they reminded me a lot of the quests in Beri cyoas.

But in abstract, both are good? The elaborate and specific quests are a more ambitious take on part of the author; if well done, they are more engaging; if screwed up, they will feel too railroady.
But Cyrus is really middle-of-the-road on that axis. The truly elaborate quests are the ones that form the entire premise of the cyoa, Zugzwang's Witch's Game is an absolutely great one.
Does one more ability for the witch give both a Mansion Upgrade and a Reward or only one of either?
The cyoa that broke the general.

The strongest.
The way it is stated, it should be only one of the two. The cost of an extra upgrade is one extra witch power, the cost of an extra reward is also one extra witch power.
Awesome. Well, 9's the result I wanted most, best of luck to whoever's after me.
cyoag was dead and broken way before redditropist dropped
Broke sounds prejorative. I think one cyoa dominating the general for many weeks (OR, Dragonfall, Entropist, kinda Magi Case, kinda Ludus Naturae) is a good thing. As long as it's the exception and not something that happens most of the time. Highest engagement we ever get.
Can I have more than 1 Companion?
I feel sorry for the witch for some reason. I want to win, then command her to live freely and ignore all further commands from me before letting her go.
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>Ideal Body:
Peak Human

Anything less is pure stupidity.

>The Witch's Abilities:
Restoration, Clone, Charm, Time Perception, Voodoo Doll

>Mansion Upgrades:
Companion (peak human with undying loyalty to me)

Ninja Suit


Gather as many of the possible weapons in the mansion in one, preferably hidden, room to deprive the witch of weapons. When she's not here, we'll explore the mansion and barricade entrances. When she's here, we'll hunt her down.

I refuse to believe two unarmed women can possibly defeat 3 armed peak humans.
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Posting Otherwise CYOA's clarification shit since I didn't notice the old thread was dying. (Just woke up, forgive me senpais).

Anon, don't listen to them, it hurt my brain too. Ironically the author actually wrote up explanations on Questionable Questing that does basically an infinitely better job of explaining what the fuck is going on than their CYOA, and for me at least once I'd read through I had a much better idea of how this CYOA worked and could enjoy things.
Which is fucking bonkers that a CYOA could be so badly written i had to basically do homework; and yet interesting enough in design and ideas that I *wanted* to do that (it's essentially one of my favourite CYOAs somehow). It's the exact fucking reverse of *some* authors I could name who write a book, then forget to put a CYOA in it.


The author's notes can be found on QQ, but while I never had a problem some people have mentioned before they can't get an account? So I've copy-pasted to pastebin:


It answered like 99% of my questions. If I was going to ask for anything more than these notes I'd ask for like three examples of State Striver and Exotic Painter using their powers since just making it up myself feels weird. Like, EP, you defeat a bog standard bandit, what kind of paint and how much do I get? How specific is it? Do I get the paint of 'beating up outlaws' and thats that, or can I reduce that into 'paint of physical violence' or reduce furthr into 'paint of physical'. State Striver is worse, the warrior is by far the most complicated option, but that's part of this weird shit's charm.
Lets me post the first but the second is a dupe somehow. Oh well its here >>93362304.
Your companion, per text, has to be what you are most attracted to; are you gay?
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I have trouble figuring which of the images are AI and which are not. Some are obvious but on such low resolution some of the images are really hard to tell.
You gave the witch 2 extra abilities without taking any extra mansion upgrades.
1 of the witch powers went to an extra companion (hence 3 gigachads, not 2). I think he forgot the other?
1 of his gigachads is a clone (lmao) from the ninja suit.
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Experimented a little with how well the Wojak AI captures our queen of seethe.
>charlotte, god empress of the ecumene, goddess of causality, genocidal towards elves and drakonids and demon people, instituting capitalism and other modernist ideas in a medieval fantasy universe, replacing the god-script with mathmagic
Oh. That's what I get for not rereading the whole thing.
State strivers are playing cultist simulator.
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Something more modern.
>The Son, undead sorceror, family values, eats souls, interdimensional traveller, wives called 'gifts'
I don't think that it had a good understanding of how "mockery" works when it did this one.
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More GigaChads!

>Ideal Body:
Peak Human

Anything less is pure stupidity.

>The Witch's Abilities:
Restoration, Clone, Charm, Time Perception, Voodoo Doll

>Mansion Upgrades:
Companion (peak human with undying loyalty to me) x3

Ninja Suit


Gather as many of the possible weapons in the mansion in one, preferably hidden, room to deprive the witch of weapons. When she's not here, we'll explore the mansion and barricade entrances. When she's here, we'll hunt her down.

I refuse to believe two unarmed women can possibly defeat 5 armed peak humans.
Thanks anon. I still don't understand something. Do Paintings have to be used immediately or can you stockpile them to use later on? Paint can be kept indefinitely but I don't remember seeing anything about storing Paintings.
Thank you my guy, will think of something and post later.
No prob anon. I'm not sure anywhere its specifically stated, but paintings are definitely meant to be stockpiled yeah.
You're meant to be a paint-themed vancian wizard. You create your spells/paintings, store them, use them when necessary and the painting is gone until a new one is prepared (without use of your cloak anyway).

While painting doesnt seem that hard, its still something you need to do ahead of time. Author talks about how painting on the fly wouldnt work unless it's really simple, though you could just use the paint directly in a pinch which would presumably be wasteful & might not work well ('paint of flame' might be okay, but 'paint of strength' might benefit your attacker.

He mentions in the note also that you can take a painting out of the cloak and put it back in later again if you change your mind (though there is still a cooldown), so you can swap out your reusable painting basically, which wouldnt make any sense if you aren't allowed to store these.
Oh, and the next anon beneath me gets another roll, if thats how it works.
Okay thank god you weren't the one who abandoned their WIP.
House arany are those of the intro right?
Love these quest solving cyoas. You got any more good ones?
Thanks again anon. I wish some things were better explained or the lore better developed because it's a great setting. Brass Gate seems mandatory as the only form of multiversal travel but the rest seems well balanced enough, though I personally think most people like me will take A Flake of Royalty since it's the most intuitive system available.
>Brass Gate seems mandatory as the only form of multiversal travel
Silver Gap is arguably a limited form of multiversal travel and you will get multiversal travel eventually since plenty of things traveled to the Wanderworld.

>most people like me will take A Flake of Royalty since it's the most intuitive system available
That is not the reason. The reason is that it is the strongest and most versatile choice due to Torrential Abyss completely negating its biggest limitation.
Nta but add the core to that and I am pretty sure you can planeswalk by your own power. Just do a couple quests for Alice or wonderland and you should get the right paint for it.
Happy to share enthusiasm for it honestly anon. Really the author seems happy to comment too, these notes seem to be questions othr people on QQ asked he collected together. There''s even some alternative templates other users have designed for the Erupting Core trinket (which enhances/changes your class) to add, and the implication he'd like more. You could probably just make a QQ account and ask him and he'd be happy to answer.

Speaking of trinkets. I think it does a great job of providing a lot of great options. Personally ive never cared for multiverse shit myself so Id forgo that. Crackling Disk (steal anything from anyone; weapon from hand or shit from bankvaults) I think I'd even avoid for being too powerful to be fun.
I would definitely go for Exotic Painter too as Im a sucker for the wizard option.
Trinket-wise I'd probably want the Violet Window despite it being understated (I like the idea of having a supporting AI feeding me info), then the Eerie Beacon and Entrancing Sphere.
Former lets you craft new trinkets which seems both strong but also interesting, latter is just a useful general item that'd let me practice combat and which combos well.

Definitely not optimal at all, as >>93368715 points out the torrential abyss takes out the biggest weakness of EP (though it seems like after a few opportunities that'd matter less). Silver Gap is a literal reset button Undertale style and the Flickering Point is absurdly useful and would basically mean you'd enter into the world without care for money, and would allow it's own opportunities entirely without any need for build up (as is day one is gonna suck for the basic painter, until you get the resources to scratch together your first paintings youre kinda fucked). If I was going for an OP build I'd probably take those three instead, but my personal taste points me to the other three, with maybe Entrancing Sphere being the only one I'd consider swapping out.
You don't need the core. Templates can grow, so it is only a matter of time.
>Be State striver
>Get killed
>Delay it with a bit
>Shank the bastard with your Bone
>Transfer your death to it
>Violet Window despite it being understated (I like the idea of having a supporting AI feeding me info)
You're underestimating it. It is omniscient in an area around yourself. It works anything, even Templates and Trinkets, so you can know (though not be able to) how to replicate them day 1. Violet Window is the most op thing in the entire cyoa.
But the core makes it faster, and could give you a specialized subclass for it.
Just because you have a book on advanced physics it doesn't mean you can easily apply the knowledge on it anon.
Why are you repeating what I said?
I did?
>you can know (though not be able to)
Not exactly sure if you can easily grasp the information some things you can get from it.
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Huh. I guess it is stronger than i was giving it credit for. Honestly i just wanted something that'd help me remember peoples names. I've always had a bad memory.I had this horrible idea that id be the equivalent of Gandalf or whatever showing up for some ceremony with a hundred nobles and being like 'Oh, and you are...?' 'M-My lord mage! We've met many times! You saved my kingdom from the dreaded Bralgrag and dated my daughter for several years!' 'Oh, Oh yes. Um. Remind me the name of the kingdom?'. Just embarassing.

Well that means i'm happier with my choice! Though on second looks the Flickering Point really is looking like a good choice over one of the other two. Just being able to enter one day one and not care at all about supplies, money etc. is great. You really are gonna be washing dishes until you get your first painting off first otherwise. Then as it goes on you could use it for paint or unique treasures or other interesting stuff.
"You could make yourself the apex of local humans" as per the author, so your IQ can be sky high. That combined with the best possible instruction manual, I think grasping the information will be easy.
i must say, until now this year has been quite disappointing for cyoas, the only good cyoa I've seen from the start of the year has been the 2.0 of the entropist, and that's just an update.
>Silver Gap
>back to their birth
Which birth? Your irl birth or birth in Wanderworld?
im sorry you missed magi case
>Silver Gap
where is that?
Nta but I would just roll with it, just adds to your charm.
4th Trinket.
you meant to link >>93368179
Even italicks wasn't happy with that one, or he wouldn't have started making redux so soon after release.
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Very kind of you anon, but I feel like the point where you have world-bending astronomical magical power is the point where you need to start putting people at ease by not acting like you have Alzheimers.
Though honestly taking what is apparently an omniscient AI knowledge support system and wanting it primarily for ensuring you remember people's names at parties probably says all that needs to be said about my suitability for overwhelming magical power.

As an aside, I didnt *get* Glint Dancer at all until it was pointed out on QQ its basically just Devil May Cry as a class. Now I get it completely and it'd be my second pick. Warrior... I never liked Cultist Simulator. A billion timing down notifications is nightmarish for me.
What's Cultist Simulator like?
>Trinket-wise I'd probably want the Violet Window despite it being understated
A JRPG status window is actually immensely useful when stuck in a confusing dangerous and nonintuitive universe.
pretty much what I'd do too, getting shot by bullets creates the wounded and recoiling state. Well I separate the recoil from the wound and apply it to my forward motion and when I suddenly appear in the guy's face I apply wounded to his face.
One the face of it it's interesting. You combine different cards to get different outcomes while looking for cultist lore, spells, that sort of shit which all represent what your character is doing.
But the constant timing down of things just irritates me and you can't set automatic actions even!
One card for example will be your job, so you have another card for effort to put into your job, and then there's a timer while you work out of which will come money and maybe some other cards like promotion options or whatever. But if you forget to put in your effort card when it has timed down enough then suddenly youve missed your job and gotten fired for not paying attention. So you are continuously monitoring and putting effort back into a card which represents a mundane job youre doing, as an example of the worst offender.

You also die or fail quite easily, so you can be building up the same repeatable card interactions a lot. Failure comes in the form of slowly building up timing down cards for negative effects like madness or illness or whatever.

I'm sure it's good and im the person who has the bad opinion and what i saw of the writing was very interesting, but it's not a game I want to play and the idea of many many timers all counting down around me makes me want to get any other superpower.
I say that mostly because I am also like that. But generally the key is to let the others know why you don't remember them, or bullshit your way through it. Honestly I would remember the names of people close to me or important to me in some way but no amount of extra help will make me remember the people I don't care about, so I guess I am worse. The fact I don't remember them does not mean I will be a danger to them, and it actually helps with giving a certain feel "I don't care about your titles, I am above that". You don't need to remember names to be a good person, you just need to not abuse your power, and I doubt that is something you can just forget.

My preferred class is also painter, and glint dancer does seem cool, but I would rather have it as a subclass. I aggree on warrior, Cultist Simulator is a mess, but it does have ways to be more reliable, you can pause states at higher levels, it's still a lot more stressful than painter, especially with the abyss, but I could work with it if not given the choice.

Imagine a card game, each card means something, be it your inteligence or sanity or how much money you have. then there are squares on the board, each with a timer, they are actions or events, you need to use the appropiate card on the events to resolve them, this takes up the card for the duration and either consumes it once done or puts it on cooldown. Now imagine this with like 15 different timers all starting and ending at different times, random events that take your cards by themselves, and something like 5 different fail states managed in the same way that could happen at any moment and that take 5 different resources to avoid, that's Cultist simulator. It's a mess, but it's fun once you learn it, I would be able to manage it but I would never choose it over any alternative.
Nta, but are you sure you guys are not porting too much of the game into the state striver? The cyoa description doesn't seems nearly this bad.
>can't set automatic actions even!
It's a bit worse than that, bad events like investigations will take the relevant card by themselves, be it good or bad. This can be good as if you have the counter it can take it automatically and solve itself, but it also means that if you wanted to use that counter for something else now you cannot. The lore is very cool and the main reason to put up with the rest, but it's very dark souls in the fact that you have to dig very deep to get there. I guess we should also clarify that it's a roguelike, so failure is expected and you do get some permanent upgrades from one run to the next. You can change job for exeample, or you can abbandon it if you find some alternate income, which is possible by the way. A different job is better mainly because it uses a different attribute to do, like the basic one uses Reason there is phisical labour that uses Healt, I am pretty sure there is even a job that uses Insight but that is pretty bad considering all the things it's already useful for.
As I said here>>93369127 the cyoa does make it more manageable than the game, but for some people that kind of circumstance is too anxiety inducing regardless of how much you make it easier. I have less of a problem with it and I aggree that it's much better than just Cultist Simulator.
can't see it
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Oh im definitely *hard* projecting based on a funny comparison some anon made earlier in the thread. Cultist Simulator is way worse. But yeah I just dislike the idea of managing multiple spinning plates like that. It does seem that pausing states isnt possible, at best you can dial them down to the point where they degrade very slowly, but utlimately the 'persist' class has nothing that is permanent and everything will drain away.

You'd be building states to build other states that do what you want. Exercise a bunch to have a strength state that you then compress into a super-strength state that you augment to keep around longer but which ultimately you have only for the next X amount of time; that does give me strong cultist simulator vibes.

Meanwhile Exotic Painter once ive got a painting ive got it forever until i use it, or i can put it in the cloak (so if you could make a sufficiently wide-use painting you could have a one-use fits most with an admittedly long cooldown).
That's a fair cop, and I agree that the resource-based classes are probably way nastier with Torrential Abyss to help, I was just thinking "nah I'd win" when considering state manipulation. I should go look at the other two.
Just buy states with fracture point whenever you need them.
What is?
>It does seem that pausing states isnt possible
Pausing temporary states is not possible but there should be ways to get actual permanet states. Even in Cultist sim you have permanent uprades.
That sounds interesting the more about the setting the better but I just wished he had picked more/clearer images to represent the cyoa. The setting is a bit harder to imagine having it condensed to a single page with like 6 vague images. On my side Entrancing Sphere and make it into a comfy pocket dimension where I can paint in peace, but Erupting Core and Brass Gate are too busted to not have, and Flickering Point is a comfort pick I don't really want to part ways with. I love being able to purchase boons and comfort items freely. Seriously people underestimate how useful being comfortable and having your utilities covered is.
The shop is unstable and always changing.
You can trade intensity for duration, so you can fall down a flight of stairs, stretch out the duration of the experienced kinetic energy to hours and the intensity to millionths of the original, then just have them all stuck on your fist and when you punch someone, with your staircase fist states, you reverse the process to mutiply the intensity by millions and reduce the duration over which it is applied to milliseconds.

Then buy shit beforehand. the shop's points auto replenish after all.
>Erupting Core and Brass Gate are too busted to not have
Silver Gap, Torrential Abyss, and Violet Window are so much more op.

>people underestimate how useful being comfortable and having your utilities covered is
Power begets all.
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State Striver would definitely have some ridiculous strengths dont get me wrong. Like, I cant even really conceive of how you would kill a State Striver. Glint Dancer could potentially be overwhelmed with consistent unrelenting combat. Exotic Painter can do anything but only with preparation, you could catch them by surprise. State Striver is so esoteric im really not sure, and on day one they're capable of doing things like negating gravity into antigravity, poking someone with the bone and sending them flying into the sky. I think? Is that a thing they could do?

Being just generally hard to conceive of is another reason i shied away from it. I know what combat would roughly look like for the other two classes, but state striver is still too abstract for me to really get.

I suspect in a one on one fight a sufficiently skilled State Striver would be the scariest one by far though (fitting for the warrior type).
As this anon said too using the shop to get states would potentially solve a lot of problems too. States seem like they wouldn't always be available, but they probably are *most* of the time according to the notes:

>Flickering Point.
>You can buy things fitting your local context >>(and you are always in your local context)<< so some of the things you can find here are things fitting for your template. Equipment, even a Weapon like the augment you can start with--fairly expensive though. Better yet though, you could buy consumable Focus capsules, a supply of Paint or even a pack of States. These can show up semi-regularly, but they're slightly more expensive than mundane supplies and tend to be lower end most of the time.

It is very weird that something so excellent could be so poorly gotten across, i think maybe the author actively enjoys impenetrable purple prose honestly.
I agree by the way anon. Id always go for moderate power and utility/comfort over just full power.
I want to kiss that witch. Like bend her backwards while holding her like that sailor on VJ-Day and becoming the poster child for EMUACH.
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>Even Italics wasn't happy with that one.
What? I'm very happy with the Magi Case. The fact that I was able to release the CYOA, others enjoying it, and I got to see many different builds and some with creative spells using the magic system. It's all nice and made me happy, especially since we don't have a lot of urban mage fiction these days outside the big franchises.

>or he wouldn't have started making redux so soon after release.
Almost all my CYOAs receive updated versions (I do apologize for PAG) after I get feedback on what worked, what didn't work, what should be included more or less. Redux is very much an enhanced version of the Magi Case with many new options, characters, and questlines to explore the hidden world of mages in the modern day.

On another note, now that the Magi Case is out. I do hope that one anon that said they had mage OC, but won't release it until after I release Magi Case finally does drop his OC.
>now that the Magi Case is out. I do hope that one anon that said they had mage OC, but won't release it until after I release Magi Case finally does drop his OC.
Why are half the authors unable to discern obvious trolls?
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Authors are big dumdums.
Gattofaggots are faggots
Incredible how italics has learned the marketing business. Just like how gachas change the name of currency so that their paypigs can not associate how much money they are losing on pngs. Italics too knows how to play cumeaters by changing the name to REDUX so that they are unable to see how he can pull a pokemon and release the same cyoa twice.
It will came out in ~10 years if at all. Who cares?
Can anyone post Laboratorium for me? My version is too big.
Yes, you are saved by their last heir.
And they give you the artifacts in exchange for your help.

There is a space between com and /J1, delete it.
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Curious, what would you choose and do?
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Wake me up when you release Star Runners and the updated Lamentations with playable comrades
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cyoas are fun
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His worst work
How likely are you to survive?
Nah, I'd die
Shut up physicsfag
Cyoas are not fun. I hate them, I would drop cyoas without a second thought if my mom and dad didn't make me play them. When my builds are bad, they beat me savagely with a poker until I can't stand up, and all the while they yell "faggot" and "redditor" at me, and then I have to redo the build until they are satisfied. "He's never going to be a true chimageur. I have no son," I hear my dad saying from the other room right now. I am crying yet I must persist, I thought that's why we're all here
the tok experience
The shitalics experience
>tfw learning about medieval history and realizing it was very different to how it is portrayed in media.
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Why did it fail?
Because it was just the same as his two previous cyoas except with a much boring premise.
>go to any setting
It doesn't sell the premise well enough, maybe? The actual meat of the cyoa is customization of a timeloop paradise, which takes a bit of buy-in.

Maybe if there was a reward for maxing out the number of loops that occur in total, or something.
tl;dr, but from what I understood, it's "customize your own universe in just about any way and play an absurdly powerful godfigure in it", which makes each choice feel inconsequential. Past some level of "cosmic huge abstract conceptual mega power that can do anything" it's difficult to care about things.
That, combined with how long it is meant I couldn't commit the required time and attention. I started on it but quit early on.
I liked that it had an actual narrative and adventure, rather than being a boring sandbox of powers.
>t. author
Honestly it's just extremely fiddly and complicated. I played it and enjoyed it (https://pastebin.com/NWs6Qc2C), but it's not the sort I'd make a second build for.
Forgot to reply to >>93370327
Let's see.
His other cyoas were the same. That is not the reason.
Really? I don't see Living God, Power Creator or Urban Phantom as being half as complex as this.
Would he really call his other cyoas boring tho?
I don't see why he'd engage in glowie diversionary shill tactics 101 just to promote his most recent cyoa.
I mean I could see Italics doing that I guess, but he's on a whole another level of autism.
what other authors would do that shit? Tok?
So this is where Bloom comes from
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What a nice guy. Don't mind taking the first oath then.
Out of curiosity what is the image of the core girl?
I think most people would rule against (since the other options are of the kind that can be picked only once, so by analogy the same should be expected of that one), but I'd say it could be interpreted either way.
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Which way are you going to go?
Are there any other options besides 4?
therianthropes come here. The only one with a clearly stated purpose. I may be banned shortly after however
>Are there any other options
do sartrefags really
I am clearly a newbie
>Wake me up when you release Star Runners
You do know what Star Runners is about, right?

>and the updated Lamentations with playable comrades
Lamentations already has playable Comrades in the form of recruitable companions and you being able to make your own.
Newbies. That's where all the girlies are at
>You do know what Star Runners is about, right?
It's about anthros that fuck humans, and sometimes the anthros are bitchy and passive aggressive about it or something.
You can't resume everything with sex.
AmeriGOD Association of course
>he doesn't know
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>You do know what Star Runners is about, right?
Frog wife
>I got to see many different builds and some with creative spells using the magic system
What builds stood out to you that you liked
DLC-kun I...
Aromage another sneakpeak plz.
Choose my lunchtime adventure for me.

Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza?
Just about every pizza has cheese on it afaik
no ananas
This girl is the core.
cute core
Pepperoni pizza with only cheese on it.
Italics I must know, what does Asteris, Cynthia, Stacy and Jie wear to bed

Also what are some of the Qi magic cultivation paths?
BTW would you like someone to make another urban fantasy cyoa?
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Behold, the consequences of your consensus. Thank you anons.
Hope it's good anon!
Why is she sad?
She doesn't exist and can't escape her static void of purpose.
>It's about anthros that fuck humans
No. In fact, a good chunk of humanity got annihilated with the cradle of their species (Terra) in Star Runners with only those in outer space being the remnants of humanity. Their only allied species are Croaks (Amphibians/Frogs) and Anjaneya (Primates/Monkey). It's not going the way you think.

>What builds stood out to you that you liked
I generally liked all of them minus one. I even liked the joke Mickey build and the Ager simp that wants to kill Elspeth. But if I had to pick like five of them and a few bonuses, I guess I would say:

1. Edda Ulster - I especially liked the idea of spell cards using Rune Magic. I stole it.
2. Feng Meirin - I liked the art, how her magic is basically "I will adapt", and the whole ancient martial artist vibe.
3. Kiralia Edo - I like the connection to the Society of Good Men and the whole ingestion sub-magic the character uses.
4. Claire Lionheart - Straight forward character who would make a cool magus during the 19th century US.
5. Hel Yaga - I like how straight forward the character is as a person.
1. Maki Ford - A good intention reformist that does questionable things to get rid of corruption in a magical cyberpunk dystopia is nice. Sounds like a fun antagonist or street hero depending if you work for the government or part of the magical slums.
2. Versus Atman - I like the soul-splitting into other bodies and idea of being everything used an idea similar to it for another character appearing in Redux (Pic Related).

Yes. I always enjoy a good urban fantasy. Doesn't even have to take place in our world.
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Because she wants you all to herself but she knows you that are a slut need help from other relics and that makes her sad.
domains ruined this cyoa
Any good upcoming cyoa?
>>humanity got annihilated with the cradle of their species (Terra)
I will make a build specifically to rape the elves
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Still remember this build
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My build was not liked by italics
Demigod Redux
>MY build is on the list
Alright I like Italics now
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Its ok, he didn't like mine either
Don't think I'll bother. My hard work keeps getting ignored for slop. Might as well an hero and be done with it.
>I generally liked all of them minus one.
(You)r build is the minus one he's talking about btw
>My hard work keeps getting ignored for slop.
your cyoa was well received sandie. it even got builds. quit your whining
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What did you think of Agerlicht? It's still my favourite build.
Ganbatte sandnigger. Remember, across the street for attention, down the road for results.
Which cyoa, so I can ignore it even harder?
Damn, I was already doing that as hard as I could.
Then stop doing it
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I can say i liked your build anon, and all that came with it. May we all get a summon one day.
NTA, for me the prose ws too purple. Reminded me of how people would vomit a thesaurus onto text to appear smart.
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Post more magi memes
Mine, but I cancelled it last thread.
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A classic
I wonder if Italics makes his own memes...
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love this meme
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It would be a good strategy to boost engagement, but I doubt the author that takes 10 years to make a cyoa would make and then release a chopper edit in the time it takes for it to be relevant to a random talk.
Cyoas similar to Tin's (that aren't made by him)?

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Honestly summonfag was gold, I wish more people had done stupid shit like this
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I think they said they were inspired on this one by Savestate's CYOAs so they might be a good start? Pic related, and here's Chain of Isekai as I dont have it saved and can't be bothered posting it if I did.


Gosh hasn't this thread had a nice share of worthwhile CYOA discussion instead of pointless trolling, complaints and thinly disguised egoposting.
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Humble contribution to the memes
Will Italics ever explain why he made a Yakub build?
that's probably the one build he didn't like if we're being completely honest
Why summoning + Mana? Why not just summoning?
I only disliked the one who shall not be named build but I didn't want to mention the name specifically because he'll start shitposting.
Italics please.
Inquiring minds must know.
>>93373680 (me)
I meant to say shitalics, my bad.
He's referring to that dumb joke/goof build someone made using an image of Yakub a figure from a unironic "We Wuz Myth" by an African-American Muslim group.

TL:DR Yakub is a big brained African man from ancient times that invented white people to torment and enslave other blacks because he couldn't stand them being an advance civilization.
Iirc it was because he was using it to buff/alter summons. I distinctly remember him talking about using mana crystals to make stronger summons and something about pokemon mega evolution type shit
My favourite criticism is constructive criticism. Thank you
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More up to date version.
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Nah, I don't want to answer questions like that bro.

>what are some of the Qi magic cultivation paths.
Talking about it will ruin Redux's materials.
Bro you wound me. At least tell me their favourite foods (I may take the cooking perk).

Fair. Jie does super speed sword qi stuff right? Like judgement cut?
What's everyone's favorite comfy adventure CYOAs?
I hate comfy.

Give me the most dangerous and grimdark adventure CYOAs.
Magi case. Love putting together builds in it even though I only change details. I like inventing stuff for it, love four (4) wife options in it, and the memes slap.
Easy ones like Divine Trials, Planeswalker Rising, or Outer Reincarnation
Being so good at optimizing arbitrary restrictions you can assemble an unholy monstrosity to challenge the gods themselves is the best form of comfort.
I'll take those too.
I like Magi Case a lot as well but unfortunately I've already decided what my life in that CYOA will be like so I'm looking for different CYOAs.
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Which clan do I need to join to use Zoltrak in Magi Case?
Overhyped shonenshit
>That one anon trying to get Italics to talk about fetish stuff
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>super generic blast that ignores the most forms of protective magic, but can be deflected with raw mana

Most likely Faber.
Sounds like drac to me.
>updated my build too late to make the list
Literally none of those are attractive. The desperation of summonibbas.
What's your troon name tok? tokina? tokine?
It's non-elemental. And Mana magic can tear through Reason.
i'd sex the bunyip and the slime



The Witch
Biological Immortality

I'll tie up all the cursed Dolls I find and kill the witch with the spellbinder dagger right until the end. Then, with the witch as my slave, I order her to live as she wills and to ignore all further orders from me.
gib gazer girl
And just by narrowing it down to two you're already less thirsty than a summ*ner.

Picrel is you (you're on the right)
anon if you like men you can just say that
I'm not into dogs, spiders, bulbous eyeballs and living hair gel.
Not into women apparently either
Deflect harder anon.
Just use the Lionheart Clan and use Defensive Magic's Warding Force.
yes cynthia you are very valid xir!
nah hes right you're a fag
Considering that image has Evoco who is a man and can still use a functioning penis, I would say the OP likes men and is gay. The body he is in is more like a working skin suit but at the core Evoco is still a man, especially if he leaves it and goes back to his monster form.
>and can still use a functioning penis
>source: my ass
We need a gift like Evoco in Entropiss. It needs more diversity and inclusion.
>Source: my ass
I'm Italics.
Zoltraak is a magic missile.
Pick the Faber Clan.
So am I, and I say you're a fag
But you are the one that wants a man like Evoco. I say that makes you a fag.
>Italics confirms it's a man

I win. Objectively female Malivent babes ftw.
I already said i'm italics and that she's a woman, that italics is just a fag
I want a woman like Evoco, you're the one that insists its a man because you're a raging homosexual
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Anon, how long can you cope about your tranny?
I don't have to cope, I don't like men and don't want my wife to be a man, unlike you
>I don't have to cope
Then why do you keep coping saying Evoco is not a tranny?
Why do you keep coping saying Evoco is a tranny?
BTW, what do you like about evoco?
Because evoco is either a male pretending to be female or a male who transitioned to female, depending on your point of view. Either way: trans.
All the generals I used to post on are dead, /cyoag/ is just as slow. I'm fine with slow boards but it's sad to see this site is dying outside the very worst boards
Evoco bodysnatched to be more exact. Calling them trans wouldn't technically be correct because you would have to transition.
Should've made OC
he looks like he has a huge cock >:)
Mid af imo. But the original character is female I'm sure so feel free to headcanon evoco that way.
No need to headcanon, its a woman in magi case as well
A man in a woman's body.
>using woman instead of female
I wonder why?
You act like a woman in a mans body so what's the difference
>calling women 'females'
>saying female instead of woman or girl
Incel behavior, i'm starting to think they're just jealous of summoners having harems
Silence kratos.
He is, but that should not stop you from dating her now.
She has a fully functioning womb so no
That has nothing to do with being a transexual or not.
if it looks like a woman, talks like a woman, acts like a woman and reproduces exactly like a biological woman I don't see why we're hung up on the idea of them being something other than a woman.
Fully functioning female reproductive system =/= tranny.
I don't know why you're so obsessed with trannies this much, its a woman
I can't follow this conversation. Someone define tranny for me.
>Someone define tranny for me.
this anon >>93374737
Pretty sure, I already stated this. Evoco as of now is a bodysnatcher, the original body is still intact and functions normally when outside and is male. He could pull those functions while in the snatched body, but generally doesn't. The currently snatched body is female. I wouldn't call bodysnatching transitioning, I guess? But calling him a tranny* is fine too.
>You Are:
Player (1C 1S)
Seems like an easy treadmill to power, in a form I easily understand.
>Beloved by the Almighty GM (1C 1S)
>Lesser Boon (Power): Future development x5
>Lesser Boon (Comfort): Gain plot armor
>Lesser Boon (Immortality): Lossless reincarnation upon death
>Greater Boon (Power): New universal progress method
>You Have:
>Change (1S)
For healing and customizing myself.
>Understanding (1S)
Always good to understand languages.
>Pockets (1S)
Adventurer's Inventory
>You Can: Fight (+1C)
Every adventurer needs a dungeon.
>You Can: Grow (+1C)
Cultivation worlds, the perfect chance to be a murderhobo!
We already know you aren't italics because Evoco was never once described as 'bodysnatcher' and thats not how Auspices work
>You Are:
You're gay
This is my entry, not yours.
Evoco is a body snatcher?
I want the snatch on Evoco's body.
I want to kill the malivent auctor and marry the malivent women!
The seething is unreal.
Italics would post a picture too if it was him and answer other questions
Trannylovers like you btfo by real womenlovers
Someone that changes their gender is a transexual. It does not matter if they used magic or science or whatever. Even if the end result has a womb, it is still a transexual because what makes a transexual is the changing of gender, not the end result.
A shapeshifter changing their sex doesn't make them a tranny, no matter how much you want them to be they aren't like you
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>We already know you aren't italics

>because Evoco was never once described as 'bodysnatcher'
You are right. I had to double check, I removed the entire paragraph about the bodysnatching from the character profile to make it shorter than it is. I had to do that for a lot of auctors. I will re-add it in Redux .
Why does changing gender matter if there are no drawbacks?
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You aren't getting any attention because your shit has been done long ago and better
>didn't show us actual WIP, just put it into editing software
Thank you for proving you're not italics and just a jealous author
Why are you so desperate to fake being italics? Its getting embarrassing if this is what Evoco haters stoop to
You need one more samefag to make it convincing. Like you did before.
Alright, strap up. You're not going to enjoy what I do to Echoes PSY.
I wasn't going to play echoes anyways so I don't care about what you (wont) do to it
>everyone against me is the same anon
Schitzotranny not like this
>Uses his the same deflection every time
You make a poor shitposter, anon. Oldfag shitposters would cry if they saw you.
Just prove it by releasing a remake of Magi Case quickly.
>trannyfag thinks babbling nonsense will make people like him more
Yeah but the good news is cyoas usually pick up later down the line. We usually see returning authors on autumn into winter so maybe we might get good content then.
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Tok? Is he gooning to his autogynephilia Zynthia fantasies again? And why the fuck foes he call Hex Maniac that anyway is he retarded.
Sometimes I envy just how much free time you people seem to have
Italics is there any CYOA of yours you regret having flopped?
Of course I have tons of free time. Do you honestly expect me to be a wageslave? lol lmao even.
All of them. Why do you think I keep releasing them all again?
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Why does every attempt to convert CYOAs to something more always fail? Do authors lack the autism?
We need true VR.
Thinking about it. I think it might be fun to do a narrowly-focused Warlord style CYOA to test the waters for my wider setting. It would be a mild spoiler but that's not a bad thing, I don't think.
Authors are just attentionwhores. They can barely manage to make a cyoa after months(sometimes years) of work. Doing one line of text every day they feel like it. Do you actually believe any of these lazy fucks could make anything else? In the 10 years italics took to make magi case, a real developer made stardew valley all by himself. That is the difference between authors and real developers.
>t. has never even attempted OC before
>I don't think
Yeah, I can tell

just kidding I like warlord CYOA's so best of luck to you haha
So are you dependent on your parents, or the government?
maybe I'll be Acheld
>I'm already Acheld
what about ZBG?
>I'm already ZBG
I'll be Tokhaar
>Nerf Tokhaar!
you're right so Aro
>I wanna be Aro
I guess I'll be Ordion
>I'm already Ordion
then I'll be Scottish
>I already chose scottish
I have and idea
>what's your idea?
you should make....
>I'm not gonna make OC

I answered the question. That is all. You can cope all you want. Authors will never make anything more with their projects. They lack the determination to do so.
KEK. Now I'm going to have to take a bid at it.
>confirms he's never made OC
What is it about
None of my stuff has flopped. But I wish Eternal Blue was more popular because I like it's setting the most out of my CYOAs. Just comfy.
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Doesn't matter either way. I'm not gonna work 10 hours a day for literal pennies to support a system that hates me and wants me dead.
>Real developer
Definitely parents
>system that hates me
Nah, it's indifferent to your existence.

>wants me dead
Nah, you need to be alive to work.
That sure is a lot of shit you are talking. So where is your OC? Where is your Stardew?
Ebert's fallacy. It doesn't take a master chef to tell a fancy dinner apart from a McDonald's happy meal. Authorfags are shit, their OC is shit. Stardew Valley is shit too by the way, but the dev is like Todd Howard in that he can get everyone to fix his game with mods for him for free.
>Do you actually believe any of these lazy fucks could make anything else? In the 10 years italics took to make magi case, a real developer made stardew valley all by himself.
You do know that I wasn't working on the Magi Case for ten years straight, right? The CYOA was rewritten multiple times and there was a bunch of life shenanigans I had along with dealing with diseases.
Post it.
Sorry you had to deal with that. Disease sucks. I like magi case.
What diseases do you have italics?
(You) are a commander under a rising demon-god's ragged banner. That's not what he is, metaphysically, but that's what it looks like and none of you care. He gives you a wide rein and doesn't care what you do as long as your horde gets results. On the contrary, he encourages extremes, but the opposition is even more extreme, your allies are spread thin at best, competing with you at worst, and you have little-to-no consistent resupply or overarching logistics. You're in incomprehensibly far over your head. Loot and kill or be looted and killed.
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>Nah, it's indifferent to your existence.
lol, the media and politics is filled to the brim with anti-western male sentiment
>Nah, you need to be alive to work.
There's billions of workers outside the west, they don't need natural born westerners anymore, they're too uppity and rebellious
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I had cancer and had to do two surgeries and things of radiation.
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fuck's sake bro how do you get cancer at however old you are, that's rough
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Fucking hell that's rough. You're in my prayers dude. I hope your best health is ahead of you. I recommend lying on the beach, grounding, breaks from blue light and lots of eating fatty meat.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I lost my mother to cancer last year.
But I hope you stay healthy.
Dont go dying on us now
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Heretics, because they have the highest IQ.
They're too similar to the bad guys irl.
It's the same reason why I dislike the Enclave from Fallout.
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Lol, i made that pasta
I love when Ordion gets remembered. I want him to come backs so bad.
the site is not dying at all (maybe the mods could kill it with a stupid decision or something, but it's not going to just fizzle out anytime soon) and these generals are still several times faster than they were back during the best days (attitudes of posters are more doomery now, like yours, but it's a huge difference either)

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