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Ayelén edition

>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

- Biel International Chess Festival | July 13th - 26th
- Champions Chess Tour: CrunchLabs Masters | July 17th - 24th
- Lichess 2024 Summer Marathon | August 3rd
- Sparkassen Chess Trophy - Internationale Dortmunder Schachtage | August 10th - 18th
- Grand Chess Tour: Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz | August 11th - 16th
- Women's Grand Prix | August 14th - 25th
- Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival | August 14th - 25th
- Grand Chess Tour: Sinquefield Cup | August 18th - 29th
- Chess.com Bughouse Championship | August 19th - 23rd
- Maia Chess Open | August 23rd - 31st
- 45th Chess Olympiad | September 10th - 23rd
- European Individual Chess Championship | November 7th - 20th
- 2024 World Chess Championship Match | November 20th - December 15th

>Previous thread:


Basically they want Dina to win. What a joke.
>CrunchLabs Masters
day 6:
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>Haven't been playing much this past year, been busy with life, new job, other hobbies
>When I do play I'm usually high or a little drunk, play blitz, get fucked every time
>Think about deleting my chess apps occasionally
>Go to ren faire this weekend
>There's a stall with monks playing two games at a time
>Wife wants me to play
>Demure for a little bit, don't want to lose also pretty worn out from the drive and all the lines
>The monks have won every game that I've seen so far
>One table opens up
>I say fuck it and sit down
>Noticed this monk attacks pretty hard, goes for lots of combinations
>Play kings Indian and take it slow and defensive
>Eventually get into a sharp position where he opens an attack on my queen
>But I've had a rook and knight combination ready for a bit
>Open a desperado attack on his queen and rooks
>Continually refuses to trade queens, eventually the exchange ends with me up a pawn with rook and queen, he has white bishop and queen
>I start grinding him down, pushing my passed pawn, offering queen trades that he keeps declining
>Monk tries to set up one last attack on my king
>Box him out completely, finally force him into a queen trade with a check
>He resigns
Now I can't stop playing, chess is on the mind like it hasn't been for years. Amazing what a good performance can do for you.
What a magnificent game
What's the gayest chess piece?
Pawn with its transgender promotion to a Queen.
pawns are feminine, aren't they?
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they are the infantry
that name is wrong, the anglo were confused by the elephant piece design in the early sets that arrived from the east
fuck chess I'm done with it
It's still gay nigga
>Biel International Chess Festival

Grischuk's day:
I was disconnected from chess for several years:
In a nice green text, can someone explain to me how Hikaru became number 2 in the world?
What a tremendous whore Ayelen and the entire argentine women's olympic team are, we all know about the orgies at the Divis house. In short, you have to eat and the argentine economy is not good at all, and chess only makes money for a few.
Also, someone explain to me what happened to the faggot Firouzja. It was supposed to be the big deal and it's a far cry from my hiki boy lol
all the others did worse than him
he got distracted by /fa/
see you next week
if chess doesn't evolve, it will very soon become extinct.
Chess is ok, the problem is FIDE.
Their "triathlon" format is too confusing.
The new version is already available: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Chess
day 8:
How do I determine my rating without suspecting people are cheating online? Do people on lichess/chess.com not cheat constantly?
They don't.
Hans registered a team? Is he rich or what? https://worldrapidblitzteams.fide.com/registered_teams_rapid
The king and queen don't have children, so there must be something wrong with them.
probably got a sponsor
It doesn't work, any alternative?
Speed Chess Championship day 1 of the round of 16:

They are doing ok with the viewers, and Pia is commenting Anna's games.
What do you think of chesscom bots? I feel they are way weaker than advertised. At the very least, Maria doesn't feel like a 1000, she is like half of that.
They are trash. Play real people or the 3 maia bots on lichess.
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Post pics you useless Chilean. .
It has evolved for centuries already1, and now it's perfect.
Irrelevant here. We have an "olympiad" in chess, and Argentine has a based 18yo girl in board 1.
cute girls that are good at chess tournament
Did they fug?
The only good girl in that screenshot is Anna-Maja.

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