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Stone Lion edition

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Cat clans are coolest clans
They're all dead, so that's clearly correct.
If you bring an entire force of 4/5s you are a tryhard, it's less fun too
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I'm partial to monkeys and snakes.
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Got my weapon dice ready for the game
Working on Instant Action v4 some more. Updating some scenarios. If anyone has any thoughts on specific scenarios, now's the time.
Which mechs do you tend to use more often than others?
Locust and flea as cheap list fillers
Malice as a cheap fast assault with lots of armor and range
Blade XS for fast cheap firepower
Sun cobra for cheap long range firepower
Kheper for a good all round trooper
Enforcer 3 6ma for a cheap versatile trooper, 3 tons of ammo (30 shots) means you can take plenty of specialist ammunition, usually precision
More biome and weather variation.
I'm surprised how often I reach for a Highlander 733
>assault w/ JJs and good reach
Despite that it is frustratingly slow and the armament never feels as heavy as it should be.
Never used a highlander, it seems decent but the firepower is on par with medium mechs like the grim reaper.

And 3/5 fucking sucks especially in later eras, someone correct me if i'm wrong but 4/6 is the same BV since its based off TMMs?
Funnily enough, that was in version 2 and then I removed it because nobody cared about it. It's coming back though - one of the new features is Conditions, things you can apply to the whole battlefield, some of which are weather. They'll be less obnoxious than the versions in the BMM or TacOps, too.
Power creep is real.
T. borisslav yersimov when his t-62 gets blown up by a challenger II in ukraine
I don't really think it counts as power creep if the mechs improving over time in universe is intentional though. Combat vehicles are improved over time with later iterations, upgrade kits, and full on replacements over time. That's just reality. It'd be like if you got mad that no one used A7Vs past WW1, it's silly.
You're correct. Highlanders are pretty garbage. In intro play, an assault Mech that barely deals 25 damage outside of 9 hexes is garbage almost all the time, with a specific exemption made for the Awesome.

And in modern play, an assault Mech that can't even deal at least half its weight in damage at medium ranges is garbage ALL the time. A Dire Wolf can throw 80 damage without trying hard, so any 3/5 needs to be in that ballpark.
If a mech is displaced by a DFA from level 3 to 2 and falls as a result of the DFA, is that a one level fall or two?
Griffin goes in all fields.
>. A Dire Wolf can throw 80 damage without trying hard, so any 3/5 needs to be in that ballpark.

It's not fair to expect most assaults to approach what was the deadliest Mech in the game for IRL decades.

Compare this instead to the Awesome. Can you put 40 damage out consistently at medium range?
How many Introtech assault mechs reliably put out more than 25 damage outside of 9 hexes? I can only think maybe the Longbow, but what else? The heavy hitters mostly like to be at 9 or closer.
So, just the one, maybe two? Sounds like >>93402019 is an irrational standard.
I don't use assault mechs so idk.
I don’t think it’s a fair assessment to grade every other mech against S-grade mechs and claim that if they don’t match up they’re trash. Not every mech can (or should) be a Hellstar or Fire Moth P or Turkina Z.
that dudes either nogames a retard or a troll
That's the only assault mech I know that can do 25+ outside of 9 hexes. There's nothing with like 2x ac/10 and 1-2xLL?
ac10 is shooting at long range at 11 hexes and anon said reliable
10 hexes is 9+
well any assault isn't going to be able to dictate the range
I wish it was possible to edit mech quirks in Megamek. So damn frustrating when it has them wrong and there's no way to fix the damn thing.
Almost every other assault that can do 25+ damage has 3/6/9 guns. So they can't "reliably" do that damage outside of 6 hexes.
retconned devastator?
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Anon, love what you did there with the Hextech buildings and roads. What did you use for the snow?
if we're including retarded retcons, there's the Thunder Hawk
The three-man digging machine from last thread made me wonder, are there even superheavy industrialmech rules? The TMDM is the only example that I've been able to find, and it never had rules to begin with, and its original description doesn't line up with the way units are generally made now.
what mechs are these?
You can make them under standard construction rules, but the aren't any canon examples, and Lord Bagger 288 works better as a mobile structure anyway.
Two chadgers and a firestarter.
The one loosing an arm is a Firestarter. The other two are Chargers -1A5, a Crapellan mod that is pretty cool, even in the CI era. 4/6, 15tn armor, 13 SHS, AC/20, 2xSRM/6, 1ML and 1SL.
ESL, you little bitch. bite me.
5 archer team is fucking hilarious. Holy shit. Princess just ate so many missiles and crits. 10clrm20 aint nothing to joke about.
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>ATM 9 firing HE rounds
>Roll max missiles
>so much damage
holy shit i love these now
For me its the savage coyote and savage wolf a
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>Stoned Lion
Did the game has rules for Necrosia or any drug usage in battle?
Why are these retarded retcons?
They're part of a series of retcons that proliferate advanced technology in the pre-invasion era, making the impact of the clan technological advantage laughable and the fluff of previously rare, top-dog mechs into a grim joke.
Doesn't sound like an Archer to me.
>inb4 Archer C is best Archer spam
Archer C, 2xCLRM/20, 4 ERML and 20 SHS.
You can in the latest version of mechlab.
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>spamming optimized clan mechs is broken
Yeah, no shit.
So what do we know about the upcoming new edition so far? There was an interview on Sarna a few months ago which said it was going forward and some guy I've never heard of had been placed in charge of it, but it was pretty light on detail other than it's coming and I'm wondering if any other news of it has come out.
Poor bait.
People wanted to play with star league toys in 3025
From my understanding it was in response to realizing that Clantech was overpowered bullshit, so they made "new" Star League-era mechs that spammed the only weapon that bridged the technological gap of the time, the Gauss Rifle?
Dont look at me, look at the tube babies refitting any old Archer with clantech LRMs.
Eh I just booted up a pdf editor and fixed it after exporting the sheet. It works.
I feel like a lot of them could have been justified in universe with that same reason and it would've fit better
Pretty much. Rather than doing the sensible thing and introducing new designs which were made as part of a modern arms race as the inner sphere tried to close the gap with the clans, they retconned the arms race of IS v Clans into the star league era and fucked everything up.
It is.
But you have to load the mech in megamek proper, not lab, and mess with the quirks there and then save to chassis/model
Not an Archer thats available to the IS. Unless your bringing a 2nd line or Solhama Star in which case you might have 1, plus a hodge podge mix of other 2nd line and captured IS chassis that the Clan logistics have dumped on you because they are not wanted elsewhere.
Now be a good boy and pick a real Archer loadout. Or ill reach for the Krakens. Again.
I played Bombing Run yesterday and maybe it needs to be tweaked a bit? I'll post the battle report later but essentially, my opponent felt like he couldn't move faster than 4 or 5 hexes a turn without seriously risking his mechs, so I was able to take him apart piecemeal. I understand the point is to prevent a whole bunch of Jump 7 or run 14+ mechs trivialize the scenario, but maybe adjust the movement limits before setting off bombs a bit?
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Centurion. Even if my luck with them is crap due to ammo explosions, they usually hold the line long enough for me to accomplish my objectives.
NTA but I like the ARC-9K. Light PPCs and MMLs work well together and if they try and bumrush you, 20 SRMs kick people in the teeth. And all for less than 1400 BV.
And who the fuck care for the IS? Unless you are playing Era and faction locked games, it doesnt matter.
>Plays a future historical miniatures game
>Doesn't play with era- or faction-appropriate units

Lol, lmao. Bane-anon is fucking right. Here let me play my Death Commandos with Society tech then if that's the game we're playing.
Nigga, you are playing Battletech. By default everything is era and, to an extent, faction locked. Don't try turning up with 2 Grand Dragons, a Hunchback, and a Panther and claim your running a 3030 Davion Lance.
Adder E has 2 of ‘em on a 35 ton light. That thing absolutely rips if you can get it close enough.

Okay but which snake is coolest?

And if you count the Dragoons and WiE, plus Wolf and Coyote, which dog clan is coolest?
but it's also slow and squishy
Planning to run an introtech grinder to introduce a couple new players to the game. I'm thinking Capellans, Kuritans, Steiner, and Davion forces, but I want to stick to mechs I have that are unpainted or painted in appropriate house colors. I haven't checked the BVs, but do these forces seem roughly fair?

rougly yeah.

best to worse i think is

all the snakes are cool imo

cool mech, nice bodyguard/brawler
Hence the “if”. Apparently the Vulture Mk IV D is a seriously good ATM boat, 2x ATM12s and 2x iHMLs is a fuckload of damage and it has Ferro-Lam armor and a decent movement profile. Really want to run one of those sometime.
It's so good that it takes the fun out of the game.
Normally, i would agree. Fuck, almost all of my games are Era and Faction locked. But again, we also have "everything goes" games. We even allow customs in those.
it has two micro pulses as well, ferro lam is really strong and all the mad dog mark ivs are strong
nice blog
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>he doesn’t know
I enjoy the Shadow Hawk for my IS Mediums, and the Warhammer for my IS Heavy. Lights I default to the Commando and for Assaults I go to the Charger.
Mongoose for lights, Griffin for mediums, Thud and Archer for heavies, and probably Awesomes for assaults
I know partial cover from 1-level hills does not apply when the enemy is shooting downhill at you, but if you drop prone behind that same hill, does it break LoS? Rules say LoS is broken if there’s adjacent intervening terrain at equal height, and since you’re only 1 level high when prone, I would think that you could use that to dodge shots even though you normally could get hit in the legs.
We fixed it for you freebirth for being such a good bondsman
pp.26 of BMM. "Prone ’Mechs: Prone ’Mechs cannot receive partial cover"

Cover and LoS rules are one of the least realistic parts of this game.
>Clanners capture you and your prized Axman
>you diligently do whatever bullshit they ask you to because you've been told it's the fastest way to escape their captivity
>even munch that bitch star commander's box on command
>slowly integrate, gain their trust and confidence
>finally get word they might release you
>they're so pleased with your work, especially as a disgusting Spheroid, they've refitted your Axman
>"Since you are now so schooled in our ways we have removed that dezgra melee weapon and primitive AC/20"
>cry yourself to sleep knowing you've been denied your nature
Yes, the prone mech would be obscured as it is directly adjacent to a level 1 terrain feature.

They don’t receive partial because line of sight is broken entirely.
>Not claiming it's all salvaged
>Not claiming it's a spec-ops infiltration lance
>Stunting creativity like this
Back to 40k faggot.
>everyone I disagree with is a 40k player
Rent free
Out of all the Clanner special Battle Armor, which do you find the most fun to play with?

The flamer warcrimes of the Salamander? The bombing runs of the Sylph? The area-of-fuck-off of the Corona? The thiccness of the Gnome?
That’s what I was thinking, thanks. I will have to make more use of that in the future, I haven’t ever intentionally dropped prone before so that could be useful for dodging shots while closing distance on short range mechs.

No, but every 40k player is someone I disagree with. Because they play 40k.
They all have niches; excluding Elemental pattern armor the Stormbird is my go-to. The JF variant with AP Gauss and 4 shots of SRM3 is awesome
The Elemental.
You putting together a group of random mechs and claiming you have any sort of theme is not creative.
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You can't beat the OG.
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damn, guess i won't be able to paint a skull face on the torso. disappointed.
The laser ports and the other bits on the torso make a sad hammerhead shark face though
>damn, guess i won't be able to paint a skull face on the torso. disappointed.
Well not with that attitude you wont
It literally is, as opposed to putting together whatever is the Ultramarines-equivalent of Battletech and writing zero lore for them.
sorry son jade falcon dumpstered your autocannon
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i mean, compare that with the metal one, you can see what i mean by the skull face
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I still just see the funny hammerhead. Perhaps a weird lizard?
>sad hammerhead shark face
Or ...
ARC C, ARC C2 and ARC (Wolf) feature a piar of clrm20 each.

They are peak archers.
Arc c2 is an especially vicious bastard because close in not only does the enemy have to contend with the lrms with no minimum range..but the 2 cmplas and 2cssrm4 come int play.
Meanwhile the (wolf) archer is an obscene total clan build of the kurita archer. 2cerllas, 2clrm20 and on its but, 2csplas just in case.

The ARC C is the odd duck out, as it it a salvage rebuild, a mix tech, of taking is archers and giving them clan weapons instead of totally brand new archer builds right from the factory. It suffers from no case.
It's not, it's just you attaching some stupid bullshit to your random mechs when your real explanation is "I wanted to use these mechs".
You don't believe it's reasonable or makes sense, you're just putting a negligible amount of effort into fabricating some stupid, outlandish explanation that is supposed to justify it making sense in the context of the scenario.
Then people like you claim anyone pointing this out is a 40kfag, but you could just as easily do something like this with 40k, it's not like anyone's going to stop you.
C2 or wolf. Arc c is mixtech and suffers for it.
The rules say we balance by BV and not being a cunt.
Archers are for fun. They're hero mechs. So go get F'd with your retarded 'hurr durr my hellstar lance is totally era compliant so it fine' rules lawyer faggotry.
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>hatchet and talons
>not only does the enemy have to contend with the lrms with no minimum range
Yes, Clantech is a huge crutch...
Wrong. The game is only balanced by BV and the rules. None of which includes your house rule nonsense.
If you turn up to games and start trying to enforce nonsensical era this and faction that after the fact. You are a rules lawyer cunt trying to assfuck the scenario so you win before the match starts.

And ergo, you automatically concede and lose.
Pheonix Hawk. There isn't a lot of mechs that fill the role of anti-scout/striker for as cheap as it does. I tend to use it almost all the time in earlier eras.

More niche question, but what's your favorite "turret" BA? Like the Kanazuchi or Gnome? BA that can't swarm but can provide some area control. Which do you think is the strongest?
Wrong. Its simple parity. If my opponent wants yo bring clantech, then I shall use my glorious Is mechs, but theor clantech versions.
I wont be using is medium spam to activation kill them etc
I like the upgraded Undine, they‘re pretty much an LRM15 turret.
PXH, -1D if I get the chance, else plain -1. Stay the fuck away from -1K or any other variant which removes jump jets.

This little bugger might not seem like much, but the mobility and protection it has means its way more durable than any medium 'Mech of its era has a right to be. And if you ignore it, prepare for it to jump into your back, unleash laser hell, then kick your legs from under you for good measure while whispering "Nothing personal, kid..."
This is plainly retarded. Era and faction restrictions are fine, they just need to be agreed upon the same way you would agree on “anything goes”, it simply cannot be assumed. Loudly crying restrictions of any kind aren’t in the spirit of the game is blatant WAAC faggotry
>I shall use my glorious Is mechs
Anyone know a good LGS in the Portland ME area?
Buff shoulder muscles, look like raided. Head face recessed.
> paint it like l4d2 tank?
>mech painted to be mech sized flesh monster
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wait a minute. this is just adam driver.
What's the most unfun rule in BT? Only being able to use one melee weapon per turn? LAM construction restrictions?
A Clantech peak Archer would have 60-80 LRMs instead of just 40.
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It's non Oded Fehr from the Brendan Fraser Mummy movies?
DHS can be used as engine heatsinks.
I mean, yeah, but for what purpose?
Based. Once someone has played 40k, or even bought a single 40k mini, they are forever unclean and shouldn't be allowed in Battletech spaces ever again. Shun everyone who has ever interacted with 40k on every level. They don't deserve to play games.
jumping on heads and slashing and to be funny
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Heat inflicted from weapons being capped at 15 is probably for the best, but it definitely feels unfun that one time when you take a bunch of Firestarters and Inferno infantry and then your opponent tells you that no, you did not permanently stun-lock his Stalker.
The rules say balance by whatever means you and your opponent amicably agree to, or else whatever your group GM says. And speaking as your opponent, I will NEVER agree to a game with anyone which isn't governed by ALL of the following: BV, faction availability, era or year, common sense eyeball test

The one who is trying to make things work like 40k is you, claiming that the fluff literally doesn't matter except for point value. You're the guy who spams the most efficient unit in your codex and bypasses your required units to the maximum degree possible because you don't care about the fluff, only what's "legal in point costs". You're the guy who runs 2 5 man Tac Marine squads with no upgrades in a 3000 point game and maxes out fast attack and heavy support and HQ choices. Fuck you and kys.
>like lyran commonwealth
>like the 3rd succ war (continuous low intensity inconclusive conflict and raiding)
>all their good stuffs only come out after 3025, after the war is over
>Brendan Fraser Mummy movies
You mean Tom Cruise, right? The Tom Cruise Mummy movie is the only Mummy film I'm familiar with, except for some ancient black and white crap my mum watches on the old movie channels.
If you go out if your way to build a lance of inferno chuckers and firestarters, I feel like you deserve to be able to stunlock a stalker
wtf is the lore justification for kicking getting a -2 while punching gets a +0? And 1 DMG for every 5 T instead of 1 DMG for every 10 T?
How does kick do more damage then a punch?
Which is stronger, your legs or your arms?
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Punch damage is deliberately nerfed so as to cause fewer head caps. It's not about realism, it's about game balance.
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>here's my lance guys
>what do you mean it doesn't make sense for a 3025 fedsun lance?
>found them in a cache or salvage or something idk lol
As long as you're within the BV limit, I see no problem with that. That's how a war game works.
That is explicitly, not how a wargame works. Wargames are intended to simulate war, something which only happens within a particular social, political, and historical context.

This is the equivalent of showing up with an army of british Mk IV tanks to refight Waterloo.
You are thinking of historical wargames. Let's skip the argument part and just state what you would call wargames like Infinity, 40k or Bolt Action for example.
>This is the equivalent of showing up with an army of british Mk IV tanks to refight Waterloo.

That sounds like fun.
>You can punch twice in one turn
>punches have considerable odds to hit the head
>missing a punch doesn’t risk falling

It’s situational, but there are reasons to punch instead of kick.
Battletech is a historical wargame. The history is just fictional.
>what you would call wargames like Infinity, 40k or Bolt Action for example.
Not him, but I'd call all of those an MBA-powered drain on your wallet, especially with the constant rulebook churn.
In all fairness, the Infinity rules are free.
Can any mechs punch a head off? I forget how damage is calculated for that attack
Do you suppose all the other players that were expecting to play a battle with period appropriate models will agree?
>Battletech is a historical wargame
Lol, this is cope. It's not a historical game. It's a Sci-Fi miniatures war game, and if they wanted to include rules about how you could only be retarded and take units locked by faction or era, they would have put those rules in the rulebooks. They didn't, so I can take whatever I want and you can't stop me. Seethe, dilate, and kill yourself.
Punch is 1 damage for every 10 tons, rounding up. 100-tonners would punch for 10, so you *could* roll a crit on the internal structure pip and take out the cockpit, but without weapons I don’t think you can get there. I know there’s an Atlas variant with TSM that lets you throw 20-damage punches, which sounds pretty silly.
How many historical wargames have rules saying you can't have models in your army that are appropriate to the setting?
Does that mean that any historical wargame lacking such a rule isn't actually a historical wargame?
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The axman, as shit as it is, continues to be the premier melee mech. How has nobody topped it?
nightsky is better
A Dragon of some sort.
I like his little snoot.
but the axman isn't a good melee mech and many better melee mechs have been made
Uh, where are you getting that assessment from? There's PLENTY of better mech variants with things like TSM, Talons and other, better melee weapons.
The only "melee mech" I'm aware of that's worse than the Axman is the Hatchetman.
You know, reading this thread, I had a thought.

IRL, there is an understood phenomenon - of which I don't know the actual name - where people will live unhappily under a genuinely, honestly, oppressive state or regime for years, even decades. And then, for whatever reason, they *finally* work up the courage to leave that oppressive regime and move themselves and their families somewhere better. Somewhere where they have more freedom, somewhere where they have a better chance to be happy.

And yet, the phenomena in question describes what happens when they get there, and they choose to re-create exactly the same sort of behaviors and society that they fled their old home to escape. They *choose* to re-create the repression and hatefulness of their old home, in their new home, even though they don't have to. And while not all refugees do this - not even slightly all of them - a not-insignificant minority chooses to do this. And then, nearly as often, they start complaining after a few years how their move to a freer and less oppressive home was supposed to make their lives better. They never seem to realize how angry and frustrated that makes the people already living in that free place, to not only see them act churlish and ungrateful, but also that they are normalizing miserable conditions, and new people who *could* have been born free in that new place are now being born miserable and oppressed in the hellscape that *the refugees created*. And in the end, the free place would be actually freer and better-off if the refugees, who aren't comfortable with anything but the oppression of their homeland, had never come there and ruined parts of their new home with their presence.

Anyway, I don't know what the name of that phenomena is. It just came to mind, for no apparent reason, I'm sure.

This post isn't actually about IRL immigrants.
You don't talk with your friends about eras or factions? It's so easy to justify taking a wacky mech or two. It's fun to create a backstory for your dudes.

To ignore all that and create a WAAC list seems....not Battletech-y.
That is fine and dandy but the original statement was about what a wargame is, not if battletech ishistorical or not.
I could've name incountry recon too but no one knows what that is, so the statemens is moot.
>can't chop heads off
TSM Scarabus.

You're welcome.
Infantry with M4 carbines can core locust sitting in heavy building without suffering heavy casualties, or even knockout heavy mech with lucky dice. All infantry is bullshit, but balanced enough, but lore wise this is bullshit. Losing initiative for 10 turns out of 12 is total unfunfare
>Losing initiative for 10 turns out of 12 is total unfunfare
It's a dice game. If you can't handle streaks of dice luck or unluck, don't play.
Riiiiiiiiight. Totally not about IRL immigrants.
Exactly. Is designs are clearly superior to all clan designs. Ergo, they must sinply be iterated upon until they have achieved their final form of maximised with clan build, without sacrifocing the mech's schtick.
Yes. It is plainly retarded for you to impose and demand constrainsts that are not there.
Without prior agreement the only fucking rules are the rules and BV.

You are fucking retarded for demanding there be extra fuckery after the fact. Adding in constraints that are not there.
Now I want to see a Shad with endo and/or ferro, LTE, LB-5x, variable speed medium pulse, MMLs, and whatever other new age gizmos and widgets, with the aim of preserving the classic Sun Dougram armament.

I suspect it'd still be shit.
Then it isnt an archer anymore. Now its a yeoman/longbow. Stop being silly.

Id say the phenomenon is closest to learned helplessness. Its most prevalent in those who were lifted out of their suffering, the greater the adversity to escape the stronger the adoption of the new homes culture and values.
Considering i am not a 40 k faggot and dont know what any of that is.. and you apparently do. Congratulations on outing YOURSELF as the 40 k meta gaming faggot.
Go be a rules lawyering fuck elsewhere. The only rules that exist are the ones in the fucking book. YOU dont get to invent more rules.
Clantech Longbow
You agreed to a 3025 game first.
You disingenuous strawmanning cunt.

If you ONLY agreed to an X k bv point game, some faggot doesnt get to look at your unit and go 'nuh uh you cant have that it doesnt exist yet' like a rules lawyering little fucking schmuck.

The BASIC form of the game is to agree to a rules LEVEL and a point limit. That is it. Anything EXTRA has to be ahreed BEFOREHAND.
You, like all the other MUH ERA MUH FACTION cunts are being 40k losers trying to add that shit in after the fact.

OBVIOUSLY of someone brings a unit that is

ARC (Wolf)

As long as it is within the bv limit, then it is fine.

If, BEFORE the game, it is agree the game is taking place at the battle of luthien in the clan onvasion, THEN obviously no one would bring such a fucking list. You obnoxious dumb fucking strawmanning cunt tard.
Good thing that it is exactly how BT works in all standard play. Since outside of set scenarios and campaigns that is exactly what the rules fucking say.
Saying you're using a succession wars lance or a FWL lance itself introduces restrictions. Because a "succession wars lance" means you didn't just grab four ares, a "FWL lance" isn't five pariahs.
A force having a theme of some sort is itself a restriction on what should or should not be in it.
I will be greatly pissed if the new berserker sculpt doesn't have that style of axe hand. Shimmy already fucked up my favorite the nightsky but a man can dream
Hes also wrong. Its like bringing a bunch of Churchills and centurions etc to fight your buddies shermans.
My dude is having an insane meltdown, reminds me of the guy screaming about the definition of custom mech.
A lot of these comments look like people who don't actually play.
I'd start by finding a group. Then you can bring your clan bullshit lance.
My 1939 french army is six IS-7s and a bunch of panzergrenadiers.
Not being a waac faggot is implicit. Clown. No one who isnt a fucking cunt needs to be told not to waac faggot. And the fact you think fluffy lances of mechs someone likes that are their best versions so they are at their coolest makes it obvious you are a no fun allowed minmaxxing tard
I'm sorry, I thought we were playing the Rorke's Drift scenario. I'll just put away my comanches and samurai then.
It isnt supposed to. Nightsky is supposed to run or jump behind some big lumbering stompy and axe it right in the ass. Kill the engine and kill the mech mostly intact.
There is a mixtech shadowhawk C but its a bit of a crapshoot. Still way bettwr than basic shad. Iirc it hasnt got case.
>If, BEFORE the game, it is agree the game is taking place at the battle of luthien in the clan onvasion, THEN obviously no one would bring such a fucking list
Yeah? Show me the rule saying I can't.

Player A is going 'ok here is my X k bv lance'.

And then you are coming along and going 'nope nope nope that is from 3067 and its only 3030 so cant have, you lose I win'

Whilst player A is getting angry and telling you "you're a fucking dumbass, no one said shit about no succ wars."
You think saying you're using a themed force has no bearing on what should or should not be in that force?
No point discussing this further.
As long as they're within the point limit, then yes, that's fine. You don't get to tell me how to construct my army list.
The fact it was agreed by both players BEFOREHAND.

Its only when one player makes up rules AFTER that it becomes retarded fuckery.
You know what, I always took it for granted that I already knew how to set the game up since I don't play with a bunch of nonces, so I'm looking for the actual "how to set up a game" rules in Total Warfare. Just flipping through, the only thing I can find are scenario rules that are explicitly not part of "standard" rules. But I'm not seeing the actual standard rules. It references BV in relation to the Tech Manual, but that's for determining how expensive a unit is before you decide if you're taking it to the game. I'm not seeing anything for deciding things like what rules level or tech level is allowed or how many points the game will be or how to set up the maps. In fact, the only distinction I'm even seeing for rules level is that the rules listed in the book are tournament unless it says otherwise and everything not in the book is in one big blob labelled non-tournament.
Where is our hypothetical agreement in the rule book? Is there a rule saying I need to abide by personal agreements with other players?
O am using a themed list.
Here are my archers.
There are my hunchbacks.
And over here are like ten different /mydudes/ units. Out of which i can make a whole bunch of different X k BV lists depending on what I feel like.

You agreeing to an X k BV match and then demanding it be 3025 only AFTER i already have my goddam unit ready is just you being a faggot and cunt.
Does anyone know any contract lawyers I can speak to before setting up a game of BattleTech? Asking for a friend.
Is this about north korean escapees?
You don't play with the rule that you get a bonus to your initiative equal to every turn in a row you've lost? So if you lose 5 turns in a row your next roll has a +5.
The problem, for a few reasons, would be you calling five screamers a 3025 fedsun lance.
I'm so glad I wasn't born an autistic fuckwit.
No, these are just people who grew up in the city. Something about it just turns men into snakes.
I'm autistic as fuck but even I know that these fuckers are retarded.
I was told "The game is only balanced by BV and the rules" and "I can take whever I want".
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can i offer you a box of handheld LRMs in these trying times?
Someone was lying to you.
timber wolf lances, stars, regiments and battalions.
I have tried 40k, didn't like it. Actually the only game I've played longer than Battletech is Warhammer Fantasy, so maybe YOU should return, munchkin kun, seeing as your so knowledgeable on 40k.

3030. Grand Dragons are not in production until 3050, you spoon. And that's a classic Drac lance.

Stuff like that is cool, anon.

Okay Timmy, let's get this straight: this is a sci-fi historical game. It has an established timeline, unit availability (sort of) and production by era. So if someone is running a 3030 IS game, you cannot show up with Archer C's or Hunchback C's. Likewise, mono lances/stars are rare, so you turning up with 4 or 5 identical chassis will raise eyebrows, especially when they are heavily optimised/minmaxed. And if you show up to a game with you mechs being both out of era, out of faction, and also minmaxed, people will tell you to gtfo.
Or would. If you actually had friends to play with.
But again, I will see your archers and raise you an equal BV of Krakens. Standard and 3's
So far I have played 2 games where I didn't use an enforcer.
The OG grand dragon is 3024.
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Clanners sure do love their Oops! All missiles! configs.
That is definitely not true.
It's more reasonable when their LRMs don't have minimum range.
It is a really strange pattern I've noticed. Missiles never seemed reliable enough to me to have them as your ONLY weapon.
City slickers man
looking for a show to watch while i paint and stuff. is the 08th MS Team somewhat resembles bt?
It's the hatchetman
It's really good, one of the best. But it lacks stopping power
It's a light with all the inherit problems and the TSM variant is a bitch to get running right
Underarmed for an assault and it will get focused down
Marik slop
Doesn't use a hatchet. Disqualified from discussion
What do you call a company of Wasps and Stingers?
A hornets nest.
>I'm too autistic for metaphors: the post
Do you have any particular things you're interested in? I have a dozen recommendations but you need to be specific with what you want
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Living in the city will turn me into a Drac? Sweet.

That does explain all those Drac regiments speccing in urban combat I guess.


Do you consider 40k players real?
Battletech Cartoon
Building out a Solahma death-star; I already have a Hunchback 2C, what other shitty 'we know you're gonna die but at least it will be glorious' clan mechs should I add?
Okay. I'm going to bring my Panzer Grenadiers with accompanying armour, air support, and artillery, against your 1066 Norman's. This is fair and as intended because the rules do not say you cannot.
4 more hunchback IIcs
NEA, mate, the influx of newfags and ex-40k players may as well be migrants doing exactly as you described.
I miss when Battletech was obscure and unknown. These threads were nicer.
blame the chudtubers who tried to shill battletech after 40k went 'woke'.
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This is in the second edition Citytech box. Definitely not an ON1-M, but I can't figure out if it even depicts any model correctly? It has an LRM-15 like the base version but no right torso gun, and I guess that's supposed to be an SRM-4 in the left arm? Looks like a TBolt-4

It's weird that people say Tiktok and Twitter are the most influential media platforms, because I can think of nothing more utterly damaging to hobbies than Youtube.
>big, tanky mechs make the game a boring slog
>smaller mechs make the game lean more towards luck (mainly initiative rolls and hitting with powerful weapons)
what's a good middle ground?
Splitting hairs, but that's technically a hybrid, or a precursor. It's an OG Dragon with a PPC and a 3rd Medium Laser, not a true Grand Dragon.

Chudtubers? English, please, because to my eyes it was the popularity boost with Catalyst seeing a chance to relaunch an IP they owned, combined with a successful kickstarter that let new product be produced for the first time in decades, and shipped en-masse to retailers, combined with yet another GW fuckup that saw Battletech become popular and then attract the terminally politically brain rotted twitter mob who latched onto it like ticks to an uncovered calf

Nothing in the city itself that I know of. Crossroad games is in Standish, about 30 minutes away, an older game store that carries BattleTech packs and has a decent number of tables. A bit run down, but LG's up here don't exactly print money. An hour north up rt 95 you have Greenhouse games, they also carry some BattleTech stuff and a rather dedicated crew. I see better painted models up there.

As far as Im aware neither store has a dedicated CBT crew, they both run alpha strike days once a month.
they really should have made the 1st somerset strikers 2 forcepack with the summoner, hunchback iic, vulture and the banshee aerospace fighter in it
well, perferably 'real' robot show (as opposed to 'super' robots like mazinger and stuffs) made after 90s? and not macross. or anything that's good to watch while waiting for the paint to dry
that reminds me. suppose i want to make a pirates based on cima garahau. which faction would most likely order them to use poison gas/biochem weapon that's forbidden by the ares convocation (not telling them what exactly they're using), disregarding civillian casualty, and then deny ordering them and blaim them for the mass murder, abandoning them? the dracs?
>It's an OG Dragon with a PPC and a 3rd Medium Laser
So is every grand dragon until 3072, it’s built on the same chassis. Then they throw an XL power plant in in 3050, it isn’t until after Luthien is nuked that they rework the chassis into something unique.
Be the change you want see. My CBT group has about 10 players and 3-6 show up every Saturday. It all started because 1 old head stubbornly showed up to the gamestore every saturday and setup demo games, introduced new people to the game and showed the other isolated and longer time BT players there was actually other people who wanted to play. I'm about to move, but I have already reached out via some online communities to where I'm moving to and found several scattered groups of Alpha Strike players who are curious about Classic; I'm more than willing to teach.

For all the gate-keep, gate-keep, gate-keep! shit that's posted here, none of those people actually play the game in person with any kind of regularity. It was well reflected in the thread poll.
Is there anything more south, like in New Hampshire? I'm in MA and trying to set up a game with some Mainers.
Does anyone ever actually use the force size modifier rule?
Ehhh, I would argue that the Grand Dragon doesnt really become the Grand Dragon until the 3050 upgrade slaps that XL under the hood and lets it hit 6/9 and the heatsinks are switched to Doubles. Its a net performance increase above and beyond what the 1G had to offer.
>NEA, mate, the influx of newfags and ex-40k players may as well be migrants doing exactly as you described.
Yes you absolute lamppost, that was entirely his point.
What rule is that?
It hasn't been a legal rule in over 10 years. Nobody should be using it at all.
>Underarmed for an assault and it will get focused down

The Berserker is actually amazing as a fire magnet. It grabs everyone's fire and max armor + ECM + running 8 every turn makes it surprisingly survivable.

The only problem is that it's way too expensive to use solely as a fire magnet, and as you say, it's undergunned for what it is. An ERPPC and 2 ISLPLs are a good armament...for a heavy; hell, that's basically a Royal Black Knight without the piddly shit.
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>Doesn't use a hatchet. Disqualified from discussion

Making separate rules for swords was a mistake.
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If you just want an armor brick that forces your opponents attention, isn't a charger just a straight better option due to cost?
What book is that? I just tried to look it up but couldn't find it in BMR or StratOps.
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>the dracs?
Tech Manual, where the BV rules are.

Diversions puzzles and games in Portsmouth. Not an LGS but they do have small tables. Dont know if they'd be ok with a crew setting up and not spending money on like puzzles or board games. Chromatic Dragon in Somersworth on the border of NH/Maine. There was once a board game cafe in Portsmouth that was open to any board/tabletop games, very nice place to meet up with buddies and hang out for an afternoon, covid killed it unfortunately.
I'll check out Chromatic Dragon, thanks.

Oh there is Pint and Pawn in Biddeford, ME. You have to pay for the table, they serve beer, its free of anyone under 21. About 30 minutes up 95 from the NH border. Easy enough access, lots of good places to grab dinner in Biddeford as well.
I agree. I have been trying to put together a custom black knight for my kuritans and let me tell you, it has been an exercise in masochism trying to fit a sword, TSM (because without it will do less than 10 damage) and a C3M
Except..once again. WE are not running a 3030 game.

Anyone who actually plays quick games follows the actual rules. Which is bv limit. And not being a cunt.
Again you are inventing imaginary, made up retardation constraints no one actually PLAYING agreed to at all.
>(which does not and never ever will include you you giant fucking autismic fucko demanding wveryone else play YOUR fucking way after the fact)
are playing a 8 k bv game.
Or a 12 k. And the game is CBT. As per BMM.
I was looking at the pictures of the interior, it didn't really seem like a place where you could set up a 2x2 map sheet and spread your record sheets. Do they have larger tables?
Hellbringers. Since their armour is paper thin. Jade falcons love their all gun, no armour mechs.
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Why do any of you bother thinking at all about the larger community or whatever in battletech? It is so rare in our current tt/vidya times to have something that is as universal as this game, you can do everything in the game with stuff from the 90s, and also do quite a lot of whatever you want inside the base rules. Who the fuck cares who is currently in charge of the ip or who the new players are, who in this thread in the next year is actually going to go to a store, meet some 20 year old new player and play a serious game? Just keep playing with your friends on Friday night in your living room with whatever mechs and house rules you like and never think about the rest of it ever again
Actually, most of my groups pickup games have both a BV limit and an era, and we've never specifically had to explain what we mean by that because we aren't dinguses. Nobody shows up to the 3025 pickup games with star league unicorns and LAMs, for example, and I've never one single time seen anyone try to time travel with units from the future.
Special games with weird shit outside of the norm are arranged separately and beforehand.
And after the dracs get enough looks inside broken omnimechs to figure out they'd been building the dragon wrong all along and now with the grand dragon, could finally build the gyro right, giving the grand dragon the extra torso twist quirk.
I think you're missing the point; the ClanBuster BK's "sword" is actually a "sword-shaped hatchet". It uses the OG hatchet rules and not the sword rules from...I wanna say MaxTech or FM:DC.
You're huffing glue and don't actually play the game if you think people just assemble lists based on BV alone in actual practice. It's well known that BV is a pretty shit balancing factor anyways; later variants gain more utility from later technology than they do in Battle Value to that point that even with a multi-thousand point advantage an introtech force will get absolutely hammered by a smaller ilClan force given each is commanded by competent individuals.
The ultimate point being, you don't play games without established restrictions mutually agreed upon by both parties. It is CUSTOMARY, not explicitly written but CUSTOMARY for forces to be of a similar era if not also fairly faction accurate though the latter to lesser extent. Just like it is also CUSTOMARY not to field a custom mech or custom variant without explicit permission.
Your house rules mean nothing.
As per the actual fucking game, basic play is to follow the fucking rules and stay within the bv limit.

You adding extra limits on top has nothing to do with the fucking discussion.
First. There is a TSM Nightsk, and regardless the base model is one of the best mechs in the game.

Second. There are more melee mechs than the ones you listed. Yes, non-hatchets count.

Third. The Axeman is armoured like a medium, too slow to get into melee with anything, and an overall shitpile of a mech. A Banshee is a better melee mech than an Axeman, and all it has is fists.

Fourth. Stop being a retard.
Again. Pure nonsense. Not being a cunt os a given. Your assumption of cuntery not in evidence and over reliance on beong a rules lawyering cunt inventing extra rules just outs yourself as the cunt.

Anyone with a fucking brain can just play the fucking game with bv and the rules.
>having friends to play with
dasher II
dasher C
loki B
It does, because if WE were playing, you'd have signed up to one of our era specific games with both a BV and year limit, and if you were even invited into the group in the first place, you'd be the kind of person to abide by it.
Sarath. 50t quad that has a tsm and talons version. And its guns are in a turret. Its a sraight up fucking zoids liger. And it has compact quirk so you can stuff 8 into a leopard. 24 into a union.
And again you fucking sanctimonious fuck, WE are not playing. Ever.

Because you are obviously a rules lawyering fuckhead who will abuse all sorts of extra rules that SOUND reasonable to your opponent but guarantee they lose the match before t 1.
Your insistence on extra shit that is unecessary between players not being cunts means you mist be a cunt. Especially since its not in the rules.
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For me, it's the Crab-27sl. The best medium mech. I even ask for extra lasers and the techs are so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for pulse lasers and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly tech laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the techs greet me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three pulse lasers. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local Star League garrison, I go there at least 3 times a week for saving the Periphery from their isolation, 1-2 times for war crimes on the weekend, and maybe once for a massacre when I'm in a rush but want to use a great mech that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily lasering needs.

I even put a medium laser in the head, it's the best! What a great mech.
You don't play and you sound like a cunt. I bet you don't even paint your mechs well either.
Then why was your hypothetical that WE were playing?
Anything goes is way easier to abuse. You don't even want to limit customs. I hope whoever tries to bring a succession wars force against your gausszilla kicks you out of the store.
Post em.
would dfa been used more often if either you could still shoot with penalty or the damage wasn't clustered?
>within the bv limit
>exists in the time period
>isn't top to bottom unicorn
>guaranteed loss
Are you admitting that you need ridiculous broken shit to have a chance to win against someone bringing a RAT legal force?
I DFA at least once every other game. I don't give a shit.
It wasnt. That was your nonsensical response. We aint playing shit.
I say what the fucking rules are based on the actual fucking rules in the book.

Bv limit
Whoch ruleset you are using, BMM, Tw etc
That is it. Thats the only fucking limits on a game dumbfuck.

Everything else is made up shit YOU added.
Strawman harder, faggot.
>not being a cunt
Is rule 1 of any game ever. You giant asshole. The fact you need a massive extra set of rules to stop you from being a cunt is a YOU problem.
Yeah, you're just trying to justify bringing busted customs. Have fun with your mlas and gauss boats I guess. Nobody I know would play with you.
Bloody hell they're still going.

I believe they have larger options. They do run 40k there, check the calander to make sure they arent running any major game night.
Nope. Customs would AGAIN, be something agreed to beforehand.

The game says the basic setup is bv limit and ruleset.

YOU are the one insisting on extra rules AFTER the fact.
You want to argue about something? I'll let you pick the topic.
The lack of self awareness is truly inspiring.
The only rules I mentioned were BV and era limits, and a vague understanding that we're only using normal units for the era.
Your swear filled rant really isn't filling me with confidence. If those rules are so onerous to you, that can only mean you're trying to be an angle shooter who wants to bring broken nonsense.
>Nope. Customs would AGAIN, be something agreed to beforehand.
That's an arbitrary distinction beyond BV. You aren't a hypocrite, are you?
Dont worry yourselves. Nuln has admitted in the past that he does not play with other people and the only games he has are against himself, be they on the board or megamek. Given his attitude I can see why. He reminds me of that one guy who used to frequent Harlies whom would run 40K and 30K units in the same army, cherrypicking the best and using 30K units in those formation thingies they had at the time "because the rules dont say I cant". Eventually everyone just stopped playing with him, and last I heard he sits alone at home with his mom, churning* minis and playing games against himself. Even the really nice guy we both knew got fed up with his shit in the end and stopped inviting him round for games and pizza.
*Man builds armies, gets bored, sells them, then starts again

Can you run me through how a normal game happens in your world? Like, are you showing up to a random LGS with an XXXXBV list and looking for challengers? Every game I've played I set it up in advance with the person I'm going to be playing with, we agree on rules, BV, era, what faction, and usually swap lists with each other a few days ahead of time. When we get to the LGS the only thing we need to figure out is what map sheets we're using.
Yes. Because the shitposters, again, take a simple point, and add a bunch of faggotry retardation atop it to deliberately misrepresent the oroginalnpoint, necause they cannot actually 'win' against the original contention. /btg/ is full of such faggots who learnt to 'debate' never.
>We shouldn't have rules because everyone should already be following a non-explicit set of rules I've imagined in my head
>violating one of my imagined rules makes you a cunt
>setting explicit rules so there's a common understanding of expectations ALSO violates one of my internal rules
>which makes you a cunt

Schizo logic-loop.

DFA is sort of fine, the issue is the risk associated with it, not that it isn't rewarding enough.

Most pilots are 3/4 or 4/5 so the base target roll is already pretty high combined with the "if you fail a PSR in weapon attack phase, you automatically fail DFA and fall" dissuades most people. I think having it do damage in a single chunk as you suggested might make people attempt it more and make it more rewarding, but also less consistent if you actually hit since you're really just going for the head-hits in my experience maybe splitting it into groups of ten? Even then I'm sure most people wouldn't take the risk because the chance of just straight up doing nothing but damage to yourself is too high. It'd be used more if it had less of a chance of failure, but the point of the maneuver is that it's a desperate all or nothing maneuver unless executed by the ace-est of pilots.
Wanna argue about what's acceptable for /yourdudes/ and what's special snowflake mary sue shit? Take any position you like and I'll oppose it vehemently after I'm done with my game tonight.
Sure, ahem;
King Crabs are overhyped meme shit. Too fat, too slow, too short ranged, a waste of a 100 ton chassis, and so rare they may as well be extinct to boot.
3-for-free? We called you that because you're such a God damn weenie.
Thought it was cause he sucks off 3 techs at a time behind the mechbay and doesn't charge for it?
>Every game I've played I set it up in advance with the person I'm going to be playing with, we agree on rules, BV, era, what faction.

NTA but thats how games usually go and how I promote games except for exchanging sheets. I like to keep both parties stuff hidden until the game day.

Its pretty established with the core fanbase to set BV, Eras and tech level and semi limited to facitons.

I've had too many bad experience with "Anything goes" style of games where people where bringing customs that totally break not only the game but immersion of stuff.
Cry harder

Simple, agree to a bv limit and what kind of BT is going to be played, setup, play. Its not fucking rocket science.

all limits are discussed beforehand. And agreed mutually.

One player does not set down their lances only for the other player to then turn around and start wanting more limits than were discussed that fuck with the other player. That is called being a cunt. And breaks rule 1.

>Hey anon, want to do some CBT? Say 12 k?
>8? Ok sure.

Easy. The fact you losers insist on making ot retarded and stupid means you must be sweaty autistic fucks about this crap.
noob here
is there canonically any mech that ever mounted 4 LRM-20's? or is that ludicrous?
Save it for the next June anthology.
NTA but my group post a mission, BV, % of force that may be custom, era, highest TL available, and allowed factions: usually an all encompassing IS, Clans, or IS and Clans. We then make lists, show up on game day, pass them all around so everyone can see what everyone else has then pair off and play.
Mad Dog Mark 3 Prime.
You labour under a false premise.

The fuckwit shitposters are insisting that agreements beforehand are NOT reached in MY hypothetical whilst insisting they would then get to arbitrarily add all that in afterwards, allowing themselves to cheat via rules fuckery.

All because they cannot accept that the only ACTUAL limits are bv and ruleset. Everything else is optional.
thanks! only the one?
Viking is close 20s and 15s
No he takes three at a time.
Up his butt.
Uhh, not sure, I'd have to look through MegaMek Lab some more, that was just the first one I knew off the top of my head.
And for the record, approximately how many total games have you played under that format, and against how many individuals?
I've played with this group, with this format, every single saturday sans 2 for like 6 months or so?
>Can you run me through how a normal game happens in your world? Like, are you showing up to a random LGS with an XXXXBV list and looking for challengers?
Usually it goes like this:
>[user in group chat]
"Hey, im going to be down at the store tomorrow at XX time, anyone down for a game?"
>[Other user]
"Sure, what era/BV? And are there any restrictions you want in place (rules level, usually)
"Oh, say, 8K BV, Jihad... Im not too good with advanced stuff, so just TW?"
>[Other user]
"Sure, see you then"

Or someone will issue a basic call of "Im bringing X BV for this era/these eras/this era onwards, any takers?"

Or its an arranged campaign game.

Kraken 3 mounts 120 LRM tubes

>Cry harder
If you were a nicer person then you might actually get games instead of coping here
>"I set my own rules and anything that violates them, including the established traditions and unspoken conventions of the setting, game, and fanbase, are badwrong and invalid"
Yup. Timmy. Got to have all his cake and eat it too.
I'm gonna be honest stop acting like a secondary.

BV rulings are optional just like everything else in here. I've known groups who utilized different ways of building forces.
As far as unique individuals, off the top of my head: seven or eight.
Physically impossible. It's not about dilation, or penis size. It's a matter of hips. You can't physically accommodate three pelvises with attached legs and torsos back there.
They're pretty short on ammo, too. God I hate the ilclan one.
Where did someone say they could add restrictions after showing up to a game? Just quote the post. You won't, but I'll enjoy your cope.
I've lost count of how many games I've played that utilize the rules.

I would say probably around 200+ games with 40 unique individuals in the past 5 years.
Somebody posts that they want a game in X era and with Y BV and then someone else responds and they both show up with units that exist (generally in the inner sphere unless someone says otherwise) in that era and come in close to that BV count. Some people go a little over, but most are a bit under or equal. Nobody goes beyond the year limit, but also nobody gets too into the weeds on whether a recently made unit could have proliferated or whatever. Sometimes it'll be more like "we'll be playing X era, Y BV" and then we figure out who's playing against who when people actually show up.
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If *we* were playing, you would have signed up to one of our era-specific games with both a BV and an era or year limitation, unless we were playing one of our nonstandard events just for laughs without such things, with the understanding that these are unusual and nonstandard events and the expectation is to play *within* the limitations of the BattleTech universe, and not in spite of it.

Additionally, if you were invited into our group in the first place, you'd be the kind of person to abide by it.
All the responses. Which boil down to 'nuh uh, you cant, because uh... 3025' etc. As opposed to actually adressing the discussion at all, the responses have just been strawmans.
None of which is even in contention. Again, labouring under false premise.

The shitposting faggots are adding such constraints after the fact as opposed to answering the original fucking post.
I hate to burst your bubble, but I've seen videographic evidence to the contrary anon.

To keep this on topic, has anyone successful set up and played the either A Time of War or the Mechwarrior RPG? It looks fun and I have plenty of RPG experience I just think finding players would be really hard.
Somehow 3-for-Free made it work. It's remarkable, what a man can do for Pulse Lasers.
What the fuck even was your point then? Restate it for clarity because all you have done for the last 5 replies is viciously accuse everyone else, which is the majority of the thread, of straw manning you despite providing counter argument to the valid arguments made against you.
Hes gripping over the fact that if he agreed to playing in 3025 rules hes allowed to play with anything regardless because apparently the book doesn't say so.
Embrace your inner Steel Viper, and let the Lurm Love flow through you.
Which was addressed at length in previous posts as inherently leading to an unbalanced game, Quaneg?
I have my fun X unit. Which is fine, great fun.

Thats it. That was the entire OP.
Then all the shitposters came with 'nuh uh no you dont' for retarded made up reasons
First they said 3025 so no.
Then they started in on the MUH ERA. MUH AVAILABILITY REEE

Which is of course nonsensical.

Just because these fuckers cannot allow FUN to exist.
Could you answer this question here >>93408182
Wrong. I never 'agreed' to 3025 or anything else. Thats the strawman a shitposter created.
Then why the fuck are you so obstinately rejecting that the game is more fun and fairly balanced when you and your opponent have a parity of forces? Something which is not achievable by BV alone.
About 50 ish. Not many.
And thats with the constrainst of
>BV limit and ruleset.
>They're pretty short on ammo, too. God I hate the ilclan one.
Ah yes, the good old "50 seconds of ammo endurance is enough" loadout. Man, I love to hate it, those AC20's are so scary, but at the same time its a genuinely bad loadout.

As I said, hes a full on Timmy. He wants to bring all the best stuff all the time and never have to make do with anything even slightly less.

Please provide proofs

Just to add an addendum onto >>93408377, solo games do not count.

I used a drac lance with 3050 era mechs as a 3030 Davion lance, as an example of why "I can just bring what I like to when I like when I like" is a pretty stupid standpoint.
Because the faggot shitposters are lying fucks stramanning and being dickheads pretending gentleman's agreement would ever not be a thing, whilst ALL their responses are inserting extra limits AFTER the fucking fact. Instead of agreements BEFOREHAND.
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Alright, I'm bored. Here we go.
It started here: >>93403029
This led to "eww, clans" funposting and this post here: >>93403818
He seemed to take this very personally, and this reply here is what truly tripped his 'tism: >>93404260
For some reason this was interpreted as "I can go to the LGS and demand you change the rules once we arrive" instead of a simple comment on the generally accepted expectations of casual Battletech play which establish an era and tech level before play.
DESU in we where playing a 3025 game I would allow some extinct units, but 5?

What do you mean "after the fact", other anons simply stated that, conventionally, the game is played with additional restrictions which enhance the game play experience by promoting greater balance between forces and narrative play.

A 'gentlemen's agreement' means agreeing to some kind of rules, generally which are better enforced if both of you understand what the fuck they are: i.e. explicitly stating them. No one's straw manning you, you're just so pissed off your position was totally incomprehensible until now.
Because all of their fucking retard responses are acting under the faggoty pretending that thay hasnt already happened. Hence their 'nah get fucked we 3025 hurr durr' being a nonsensical response.
OBVIOUSLY if two players had agreed to a 3025 match, one would not bring clantech archers. Ots a fucking retard anti point they made JUST to be fucking dickheads.
CLEARLY of someone Is playong with clantech archers then the game is 'set' when they exist.

The shitposters are just be fucking obtuse retards in order to malign and misrepresent.
BV rules are also optional and you don't even need to use them either bud.
The shitposting retards are claiming you do NOT get those clantech archers, because the 'era' or 'availability' precludes it.
Which is them adding nonsensical idiocy AFTER the fact.

The game is over. The game is finished.

And here these faggots are trying to pretend NUH UH 'WE' AGREED TO X.
WE didnt agree to shit.
Buddy, your first few responses to people saying they play under year limits was screeching that their games don't count because the book doesn't say that.
No. It was them saying 'we' are doing X so I somehow have to agree to whatever they fucking demand.

In my game.
Which is already over and finished.

it was them making up fucking nonsense that had nothing to do with my point in ordwr to try and insert themselves retroactively and invalidate the original point.

Which remains
clantech archers fucking rock.
You do realize that if you communicate in a cogent and well reasoned manner rather than with explosive poorly spelled shit-flinging people will better understand your position and be less likely to, basically troll you, for 100 replies?
No I read the post, the guy is just being manic.
My original post was entirely cogent.

And i am of the opinion that 'stop being retarded that doesnt even mean anything' is a perfectly valid response to shitposting faggots.
Go on then you fuck. Explain how
>'Well we agreed to play 3025 so you cant use those'
has anything at all to do with
>ha ha clantech archers are awesome, princess ate sooooo many missiles.

It doesnt. Not even slightly.
Nova Cat has a configuration with 6xLRM15, and Bane has one with 8xLRM15. Not exactly answering your question, but I thought it would be close enough to interest you
No, the implied counter-argument was 5x clantech Archers is a stupid ass munchkin list no one would ever agree to play against without taking something equally powerful, which is probably not what Princess brought to the table.
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Princess had a bunch of clan omnimechs. Because a whole bunch of those are ALSO cool as shit.
Are you going to act like this when you get the response of "Era and Faction" in the unlikely event you get a real life pickup game?
Clans: Naga II, Night Gyr D, Mad Dog Mark III Prime, Phoenix Hawk IIC 2

IS: I can't find any in Megamek Lab
i vaguely remember reading about some dudes who were order to paint their mechs and walk across a water source, and unbeknownst to them that paint had some kind of poison or virus so they ended up killing thousands of civilians. anybody remember which unit was that?
Redpill me on Canopus catgirls, I see shitposting about it, where is the lore?

>inb4 freakshit doesn't belong in bt
I don't care, I'm curious.
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what the other guy said mad dog mkiii
Never. Because that is the normal course of agreements made first. Not AFTER. As all the shitposting trolls tried to do.
I have a pic for this.
They're mentioned/shown here. It's cosmetic/cybernetic surgery for the purpose of entertainment. Even then this is from an RPG sourcebook so it's canon-ish until something says otherwise.
So all of the other stuff is just shitposting then? It's an eccentricity used specifically for the purpose of entertaining a specific very wealthy elite, not some sort of common cultural practice?

Damn, that kinda sucks.
Well, anons here are telling you that's how a game is organised and your spazzing out at them
Canopus is decadent space vegas with good medical technology (note, this is not the same as having a good medical system), so they have whores and strippers with all sorts of cybernetics that are probably owned by their employer, likely with no clause requiring they be left in place or reasonably replaced with functional equivalents in the event they quit or are fired. It's a sleazy place that sells anything for the right price.
Yeah, it's shitposting based in a small fact like "le Steiner Atlas scout lances" and such.
No. They are pretending that in MY GAME it has happened and then instead of following agreements (they made up in their shitposts) I ignored 'them' and 'showed up' to the game with an illegal list. Which is a direct and personal insult.
So i am justly calling out their faggotry and bullshit on MAKING SHIT UP that didnt fucking happen.
The Orion had a dispute between it's art and sheet saying the srm was in different places. That mini follows the art that said it was in the left arm as opposed to the left torso.
Are you unironically actually red faced seething right now? Is spittle flying from your lips to stain the monitor as your mash your keys in impotent rage?
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I think I grew an extra chromosome just by reading this thread.
Speaking of the Role-playing games, has anyone here ever actually gotten a group together? I've been on a long time hiatus from playing tabletop in general and just kinda got back into it. I'm particularly curious about playing in the setting, obviously getting a group together is the hardest part. Any comments on how well either system works (Mechwarrior or A Time of War) or how well they dovetail into playing combat encounters out on the tabletop? Because that's the part of it that seems particularly interesting, I really enjoy CBT but it's missing a bit of the narrative stuff that I like about RPG's.
Give it back, I saw it first.
Any reason why you ranked them like that?
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It is more enjoyable to throw the shit than it is to clean it up, Star-Colonel.
One of the first guys to to tell you games are organised by "era/faction/BV" got told he's a "40k gaming faggot" and "rules lawyer" by yourself. They also don't care about the AtB game you played. Which you only started mentioning halfway through spazzing out as if it mattered what a past game played out as.
It is the best gundam has to offer and does hit the battletech mark fairly close IMO
Does anyone know where I can score some PDFs of the more recent Shrapnel issues? I'm specifically looking for 8.
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When the entire thread is telling you that you aren't communicating well, manic jr anon, then the problem isn't the rest of the thread. Absolutely everybody thought that you were trying to say that era and faction availability doesn't matter and that you would take whatever you wanted within the BV limit regardless of the circumstances of the game.

EVERYONE thought this.

Whether you meant it or not, when that many people cannot tell what you actually mean when you post, then the problem is you. YOU are the problem, manic jr anon. Your inability to communicate is the problem, and YOU need to not post again until you choose to fix it. Be better.
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It's mostly a horrible meme
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Since Canopus debauchery came up, can anyone help me ID what book this snippet is from? I know it's a longshot, but I'm curious.
Check the OP, cranston has dropped a ton of pdf's I think shrapnel is in there somewhere.
I think that's from one of the Periphery books but I'd have to check to be sure
I did but I didn't dig much, I'll go be thorough now.
Thanks, I'll start my search there.
>mad dog mkiii

Vulture Mk III. A lot of clan names got standardized to the IS versions after the invasion by the 3060's. It's like how Kuritans call the Debacle I did that on purpose the Mauler. The Mad Cat Mk II is only the Mad Cat Mk II. You don't get any pushback until the DA where stuff like the Mad Cat Mk IV is also called the Savage Wolf. Even then you have clanners using Black Hawk and Thor and so on. CGL has just been retarded about bringing back clan names the last few years because they probably didn't read that fluff.
Swap the hogs and the concies, as well as the pidgeons and the snakes and you got a deal.
IIRC cat features are also on a mutation table in the same book, implying they're not purely cybernetic.
Also, not too far from Canopian space, the Star League was researching human genetic engineering on Frobisher II, the labs for which were later plundered by pirates-- it's entirely plausible some of that equipment, knowledge, and expertise wound up in the Magistracy's hands.
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OG FASA 1629 The Periphery. It's one of the best fucking reads there is.
No. Everyone did NOT 'THINK' THAT. They pretended in order to shitpost. You gaslighting fuck.
I'm neither a grog nor do I have an account on the OF, but I'm solidly in the stay strong Davionman group.
You wouldn't also happen to have a problem with gang-stalking would you?
Their medical tech is tops, and other sources like >>93408801 and the insistence about REAL mermaids do show genetic engineering is used for this kind of purpose, but I would still assume (because who knows?) it's limited to BIG budget entertainers and not something you can pick up as a fashion statement. Either way it is an interesting tidbit, though. Those crazy Canopians crack me up.
Because someone who tries to impose rules after the fact is clearly a rules lawyering fuck attempting to screw people over with said rules lawyering fuckery. And deserves all due disdain.
I have all the Shrapnels in the trove. Its in the Battletech Novels in the Magazine folder.
What the hell even is that? No, scratch that i do not want to know.
Can someone suggest me an introtech heavy associated with the Fedsuns that isn't a Rifleman, Jaegermech, or Crusader?
NTA. I did.

Maybe you do have a paranoia problem anon.
Do you accept Davion varients of mechs they don't have a ton of but make very good use of?
>All my factions at the top of the ternary
This is home for sure.
I thought that, because of how you were telling anons that their games which don't involve you don't count because "everyone just does what the book says which is BV only".
>They pretended in order to shitpost
That is an assumption you are making. Your assumption, in my case, would be wrong.
The Crusader isn't a Davion mech.
They make Marauders in pretty good quantity.
>Everyone did NOT 'THINK' THAT
I thought it, because you were outright saying that era and faction didn't matter. Why wouldn't I think you meant what you fucking said? Maybe you should try choosing your words better, ESL anon.
What year? Because they get a lot more later on.
A Vindicator kept operational through a steady diet of other Vindicators, purely out of spite for Capellans.
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A followup to the "le fun times with centaur girls" blurb.
It's funny, but they actually kind of explained where the mermaids come from. During the star league, there was an experiment on Frobisher to create aquatic colonists, and it did work, although they needed constant genetic tweaking to stave off problems, but the succession wars put a stop to its funding. Many of the scientists from that project explicitly fled on the last jumpship out to Canopus, and what was left of the colony had to deal with constant mystery raids from unidentifiable pirates who seem to focus on stealing the star league scientific equipment that would enable, say, paperclipped star league scientists about a hundred light-years closer to civilization to continue their work on aquatic humans, perhaps at a smaller, more profit driven scale. You know, hypothetical like.
Alright, I must've just associated it with them because of Galen Cox
3025ish, introtech.
Heavy, I'd consider a cataphract but I don't have one.
Says the retard with no reading comprehension.
Nothing you do has anything to do with MY games, you dunce. You boob. You giant ignoramus. Because I play to the rules, BMM and BV limit. The only actual limits for standard play.
You can make up whatever fucking extra nonsense you like. For YOUR games.

But pretending it has any bearing on me, after the fact, is nonsensical faggotry that makes you a fucking cunt.
So, what you're saying is that, if two players agree beforehand to play in a specific era with specific factions at a certain BV/PV level then they are "rules lawyering fucks" trying to "screw each other over" and should be treated with "disdain". Is that right?
Lyrans should be dead center most people like them even if they're not their first choice.
>he's not mentally capable of admitting he fucked up and will insist to the heat death of the universe that everyone else is the problem
You'll fit in here fine after all, ESL anon
Of two players agree to play under X conditions, one player THEN deciding that X+Y is how they ACSHULLY agreed, so the other player isnt allowed to ____ is a rules lawyering fuck.
That's not what you said earlier about that exact situation.
It sounds to me like you're the actual "rules lawyering fuck" with all the times you've said "ItS nOt In ThE rUlEs" to those who've pointed out games are typically era/faction/bv
Why are you people trying to gaslight what I'm saying?

Those are all our favorite factions.
Are you ok? Are you having another episode? Do we need to call someone?
Not much a fan of CJF or FWL, or WoB
>Where does the Society and Clan Wolverine/Minessota tribe fall on that?

Thats actually more engaging ad interesting, then pozzed/progs make it to be, nice job.

what's a concie? Cappie?
NEA is a Canopus player and probably the best player in the world...

I'm new, but where would other clans like Diamond Shark and Steel Viper fall? Or the scorpions? Or are they just not played enough?
Concie is the pejorative for Taurian, same as Fedrat, Snake, Elsie, etc.

That's why Canopus is creeping out of Reddit towards /btg/
Homeworld Nobodies is bottom right corner. That they're not even on the chart is extra appropriate.
>Anyone who actually plays quick games follows the actual rules. Which is bv limit.
>And not being a cunt.
>Again you are inventing imaginary, made up retardation constraints no one actually PLAYING agreed to at all.

This extremely cuntish response was to someone saying that their games are BV and era specific. You spent many posts telling people that BV only, final destination is the only correct way to play. Because you're a dumb cunt.

I feel like comstar should be more central. Its a very popular faction in normie spheres, but its represented by people who at least paint their mechs.
You've said multiple times that BV is the only way to set up games. You even said >>93409039 that's what it says in the Battlemech Manual. How is stating what you said gaslighting you
It's circular schizo logic. He's convinced the entire thread is in some sort of conspiracy against him. Which it is against him because he's being obstinately retarded, but not why he thinks. Just ignore him.
I get paid $0.65 per post by a nameless organization to antagonize him online. I follow him around from thread to thread. I've made $30 already today! The real money is for the people who walk just a bit too closely behind him at the supermarket and the ones who break into his home when he's out to slightly rearrange his belongings.
Brcause ypu giant ass fucks are pretending that the limits set upon games BEFORE are the limits you nonsensically made up AFTERWARDS and tried to insert into a game that is alrwsy over and fucking done.
As a new guy I don't get this. I believe it, but I don't understand how someone can be considered to be that much better than everyone else. I've never seen title of "the best" applied to a wargame player.
Comstar are the bad guys for like 95% of the fluff and therefore can't be all that normie.
CLAN HARDER is very much on the OnlyFans.
You see there was a world tournament where every battletech player who passed the national qualifiers (after coming up through regionals) competed against each other with identical units on identical maps so the only variation was with tactics and luck. The person who won was NEA, and they've defended their championship every year since, that's how being best in the world works.
I admit I am a Jade Falcon player and probably slightly hornier than the average player or /btg/ resident.
I said it was dumb to say your lance has a theme and then just put random mechs in it, doing nothing to tie the lance to the theme. Giving your lance a theme requires you to construct it in such a way that it indicates the theme, otherwise your stated theme is a pointless lie. This would be a restriction not clearly specified by the rules.
It's like the anon a few threads ago saying his stars of clan mechs and protomechs was a WoB shadow division, then getting pissed when the entire thread pointed out that it made no sense.
Once again, nobody cares about your past game against Princess except you. Nobody wants to retroactively put an era and faction limit on the game, that's all in your head. I would suggest going out and touching grass, it is actually quite a nice day today. And you've been online for far too long
How many times have you jacked off today?
He's got consistent public wins for decades and has personally impacted the game rules just by playing well. The entire Cincinnati group has had a big impact on the game, but they also actually play it a ton and have some of the largest games ever under their belts.
A true Clanner is too busy having sex with whoever's convenient to jack off.
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>Thats actually more engaging ad interesting, then pozzed/progs make it to be, nice job.
Star League Medical Tech is actually more insane than that.
Some idiot who wants to write for Shadowrun parrots "Focht is TRANS" not realizing that was in-universe speculation on his original identity, but it does suggest it is entirely possible for Star League MedTech to completely flip ones gender.

...Plus, this is the same Tech that would allow Clan Hells Horses to engineer their titular totem animal, a demonic man-eating equine, supposedly ON ACCIDENT!

>That's why Canopus is creeping out of Reddit towards /btg/
Ok fair.

>I don't understand how someone can be considered to be that much better than everyone else.
NEA is part of the Cincinnati Battletech Group, a bunch of gonards with such system mastery that they've repeatedly schooled the Devs at events.

>The entire Cincinnati group has had a big impact on the game, but they also actually play it a ton and have some of the largest games ever under their belts.
They have a Nuke Template.
Ehhhh twice. But, I do have weird sexual proclivities emboldened by the content of Battletech. I would write BT smut if I wasn't busy writing other things and had the heart to actually commit to creating literary pornography.
We have an actual official championship?
There's basically 2 major events a year, Adepticon (used to be Origins) and Gencon. Gencon is the main one and where shit goes down every year.
No that was a joke
>only twice.
And you've been awake for how many HOURS?
I bet you're not even jacking off right now.
Yeah but is it more sinful to sexually gratify yourself or just to have unclean thoughts all the time. Masturbation is to combat the horny. Fantasy is to indulge it.
You make me sad. I got excited there for a moment.
Raping. Clanners are all scum. Mutant freaks. Soulless golems.
If you are jacking off twice a day you are very far gone.
It is where the old canonical events happened and they still do the bloodname trials which are a best of the best tournament.
Listen buddy, I can bang out two before I even start my day. Morning Wood? I've got this. Take a piss, wash my hands, brush my teeth, hop in the shower, make sure everything is thoroughly cleaned. Run the water a little longer to make sure the pipes stay clear. Then you're set for the rest of the day, bright eyed and clear of mind. Days I'm playing battletech? Once before the match, once after. Keeps you focused on what matters. Hit the gym, get home and let the swimmers swim, we're working all the muscle groups today. You dig? Date night? Time for a little relaxation beforehand, smooth and suave. Don't just be sitting in front of the computer all day jerking off in your cumcave, that's a waste.
Nah nothing that crazy, I work out 5 days a week and hold down a fulltime job. I am a functioning, contributing member of society.
Bloodname tournaments are not "Best of the best". They're "best of the first 32 people to sign up."
That's the bare minimum. How many kids do you have? I've got 4. You know what it takes to keep you running when you have 4 kids under 6 and you work 68 hours a week? Caffeine? Please. Amphetamines? Pfft. Dopamine? Now we're talking. I sleep 5 hours a night. I play battletech twice a month if I'm lucky. I'm a lucky guy, really. You'll make it someday as well, I believe in you.
can you guys recommend introtech level rulewise/~3030 timelinewise scenario packs?
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Jeez I was mostly shitposting but fine.
Fix the FWL logo, that's some vidya shot.
I still think that the Falcons should be closer to the official forum.
>Less autism

Nah, the boy did good.

Question. What if you're an MoC player but you don't think that BattleTech *must* be gay, only that BattleTech as originally envisioned is essentially post-identity politics, and a big appeal of the setting is that - with a few particularly notable exceptions which are precisely that, exceptions - literally nobody cares if you're black, white, yellow, male, female, in between, gay, straight, poly, ace, or *anything else*. All they care about is whether you can pilot a Mech and fight for your flag. And *that* should be the point of celebration people focus on. It means that humanity has actually evolved and has finally (again, mostly) moved past simple -isms. You aren't hated or celebrated because of your skin color or who you sleep with; you're simply justifiably hated because you're a filthy Taurian and are therefore sub-human.

Where does that fall on the chart?
Sounds pretty gay to me fampai.
People may not care if you're gay, but they do care if you have kids. That's a super important distinction. Otherwise, rock on brother. You got the notes.

>The failure of the DA fluff with mostly childless lords.
What are some good helicopters? I'm not too familiar with vees but helis are my jam so I wanted to try a few out
If anything it's classism that would be the firebrand's issue. It's the calls for revolution that get the boot.
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Yellow Jackets and Donars are monsters.
Why does /btg/ hate the Taurians so much?

Then the Canopians are half-gay. as reflected on the chart.

It literally explains right there.

But essentially, new players often don't buy into the fact that everyone in the setting is retarded, and demand that they need "good guys". They then determine the Taurians are those "good guys" and faction-fag to the extreme, and can often become delusional and brittle.

No joke, I saw someone on the OF having a mental breakdown because the Taurians are said to have extensive government spending on healthcare and education, because it shattered his view of the Taurians as the "good guy libertarians"
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We don't hate Taurians. We hate Taurian Texas memes and ancient transgressions by OF Taurian fans who were some of the most obnoxious on the planet for decades.

It's similar to how we don't hate Hogs but sure hate the retards that go on about vikings and the fight for independence like Teddy didn't hand it over on a silver platter for comstar toys.
...Wut? I mean shit man I'm not a fan of socialist shit and consider it to be a bad thing over all but most people would consider that a selling point for them.
The idea that no one in the inner sphere thinks about race or gender or sexual orientation in the way that we do is not borne out in the literal text of the novels or source books.

It is suspiciously similar to now somewhat outdated real world conservative arguments that those issues are "solved" and therefore anyone complaining about prejudice is fighting old battles/lying for attention.
I mean, generally that's my position. Where we may slightly differ is that I think that 'post' element creates interesting space to explore what life would be like for those currently marginalized people in a 'better in certain respects' world. Certainly shouldn't be the focus, that should always be titanic mech-powered struggles for power and dominance, but as an interesting potential addendum for the human stories. I know certain people are going to be offended by any depiction which doesn't perfectly reflect their really-existing political view but that shouldn't stop other people from developing it.

However, I think we'd agree that the prejudices that are inevitable for humans in the setting, especially those that are central and drive the plot, should be new ones that arise out of the context of the world those people inhabit. The clanner freeborn vs trueborn thing, Capellan citizen vs non-citizen, Periphery vs Inner-sphere. Shit like that is appropriate for the setting; we don't need to retred currently existing issues note for note and certainly not in hamfisted way certain authors do and I would much rather they make NEW stuff than retcon shit which is already established.

If there's one thing I REALLY hate, it's the incessant necessitate some motherfuckers have for there to be an objective 'good guy'. It's a setting about a bunch of greedy, power hungry, backstabbing noble families fighting over the ashes of their once great and unified empire, no one's hands are clean.
Are there any good army paint glazes out there? I want to seal in my paint right.
Solved? No, those issues hadn't been solved. To be entirely honest I don't think it is possible to quote "solve" those issues. However it is possible to minimize them and reduce their impact. The race baiting that we see currently does not improve the state of race relations. It just inflames the issue and increases antipathy from all sides. I don't dispute that there are legitimate grievances and that there should be steps taken to address them, I just don't believe that most of what the so called advocates and allies do are actually good faith efforts to improve the lives of minorities.
There's a difference between no one's hands being clean and the writers visibly getting mad and trying to drive people away form liking a particular faction.
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Then you are highly respectable.
I would agree with you, but that's sort of a symptom of the time in which the sourcebooks were written. They weren't intended in that way, but can be read as providing that freedom. It just doesn't come up because the early writers weren't thinking about it. The stuff we get now is just kind of a ham-fisted attempt at righting a perceived wrong. It's well intentioned, but poorly executed.

Forgive me if I'm a FAGGOT here, but I'm not opposed to reading about a gay mercenary MechWarrior romance done in say the spirit of Broke Back Mountain. It just needs to be well done. The "issue" is now certain people will say X is shit because it contains depictions of gays, lesbians, trans, ect. regardless of its actual artistic quality and other people will say X is good for the exact same reason, also regardless of its actual artistic quality.
Finally making some progress towards clearing my backlog.
Is there a version of Davion that we could stick on there that isn't Grog or OF? Cause I'm pretty much brand new, and I've never been on the OF, but Davion is very much my favorite faction and there are a number of guys I know from my local scene who I also know aren't grogs since they all got into the game in the last few years who are also Davion fans.
Drachads stay wining
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There is absolutely nothing wrong with being grog. You can be here and have the spirit of the grog flowing through you.

You have the power of the ancients with you, Davionman, madmen who would threaten to shoot the devs, and still draw power from the butthurt of the Cappies so long after. Be proud of your grog heritage.
I agree with you, it comes off to me as mid-to-poor quality writing.

As far as some stuff being written out of existence/relevance the setting should be able to advance and change; that's just my opinion. Like, what exactly were the homeworld clans doing at all? I'm sorry if you were a fan but like, when did they contribute?
Eh, I don't mind faggots in fiction I mind bad writing intended to try and push the political agenda associated with them. No problem with individual gays, no problem with seeing gays in media, its just really really ham fisted moralizing irritates the piss out of me. It's kind a like how I think Christian films from a few decades ago that were just incredibly poorly written and tried to shove things down your throat were all terrible despite the fact that I myself am Christian. Even though I agree with the message behind them the poor execution was offensive to me. I dislike the message behind the homo movement movies, but more than that they are just painful to watch.
But I have no claim to grogdom. I am wet behind the ears and shaky as a newborn faun. I know nothing of the deep lore and cannot fathom its sublime mysteries. I have no stories of the before times when the game was pure and unsullied. I can not in good conscious claim to be such a man.

not a homeworld fan, but actually I have the opposite view. I think the setting is too quick to wipe things out for drama, and not think about how such things would work.

Like, look at today. Tibet has been dead and gone for years, but there is still a thriving diaspora keeping the culture alive. There should be St. Ives units still active and seething in the Capellan March, and rich-ass Hogs making deals with the Devil-Drac if it means spiting the ghost bears.

With the Clans you can argue that they're trained to accept defeat... but the Wars of reaving broke all the rules. It's really weird any Clans were ever entirely wiped out. Like sure the final government of the homeworlds were pretty strict about putting the boot in, but its bizarre we didn't see more of the "dead clans" have members show up to make a deal with either the IS of the Scorpion Empire. Actually, the Scorps had the most realistic take on this, where the Ice Hellions still have representation.
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All you need to know is that Cappies must die, and you're good to go.
>There should be St. Ives units still active and seething in the Capellan Marc
There were until Duke Kai got them to behave.

>rich-ass Hogs making deals with the Devil-Drac if it means spiting the ghost bears.
That was the Alshain boys.
I'm fine with there being hold-out pockets. The setting is clearly big enough for that shit. Should they continue to exist as a pivotal force in the setting able to act unilaterally? Probably not.
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Why does /btg/ gravitate towards factions that historically got into major wars with the Lyrans?
>I have no stories of the before times when the game was pure and unsullied.

Not really, they waved the magic Xin Sheng wand and suddenly everyone in St. Ives had collective amnesia.

Then they waved the Bear fiat wand and every Hog forgot their bloody constant struggle for independence.
You know I actually visited Tibet about a decade ago? One of only two tour groups that were allowed in that year. Shit was wild man. You had military checkpoints every few blocks and flying patrols of six dudes with guns, man catchers, and of course big ass back mounted fire extinguishers to prevent monks from immolating themselves. It really was the only place that I went when I lived in China that felt like an authoritarian shithole. Frankly most of the rest of the country seemed mostly fine to me, if somewhat burdened by scummy business people. I'll never forget the last night. There was a cultural show. Hours of beautiful song and dance showcasing native Tibetan culture, and then it ends with a giant Chinese flag descending on the stage as the curtain call while the Chinese national anthem played. I felt that deep in my soul man. I can't really put into words how it felt watching that flag come down.
>wiped out clans are allowed to revive/zombified but the comstar, the wob, the society and the republic had to die for good because reasons
we are simply better
Well yes, that should be self evident to anyone with half a brain. The ascendency of the Capellen state is the single greatest sin in all of BattleTech. It isn't even a contest. I would give just about anything narratively speaking to see the Crappies brought low into the dirt and humbled.
krauts are cringe, the faction for the truly boring.
>giant Chinese flag descending on the stage as the curtain call while the Chinese national anthem played. I felt that deep in my soul man. I can't really put into words how it felt watching that flag come down.
You were filled with nationalist fervour and patriotism in the name of the Great Chinese State, right? Answer correctly. Your social credit score requires it.
seriously, CC and DC need internal fracture/independence movement like FLW and LC. DC had some political fracture potential but of course they killed Matsuhara Toranaga so nothing bad can happen to Yori
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>Blakist Factions that have existed for decades, a shit OC Mary Sue faction that was the defining part of an entire era, and a mad scientist boogie man created for one conflict that no one cares about because it involved factions 6 people ever cared about

yeah those society guys really got the short end of the stick
Jesus that's honestly depressing
Jesus are Donars OPhaxx. Protip: take the scout version; the SRMs are worthless, you should never be getting that close to the enemy.
Davion has a squishy rifleman and victor is inferior to battlemaster and awesome

Steiner has 4 solid designs
cyclops sucks. Liaos 3 heavy units are all good, the locust is the weakest but not by a huge margin
wish both the wob and the society come back, with the wob more focusing on drones, ai and automated robots and the society more focused on genetic weirdos and giants
WoB should just find the society refugees and murder them because theyre filthy clanners and create resident evil cyborg bioweapons
This man is right. PRAISE BLAKE!
The clans are unga bunga brained primitives who focus on genetics. As long as the genetics exist, so can the clan. Certain mercenaries share their same predilection for literal ancestry over all else.
wheres my republic of the sphere
>He doesn't know
republic is coming back in ilkhan eyes only
The whole trip to Tibet was depressing honestly. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I don't regret it, but I can honestly say that trip was not a happy memory. There was a lot of shit that happened.
They don't have a tasteless faggot axis. Otherwise it would be a diamond diagram and not a ternary.
Nah, it's gonna be some remnant mercs or some shit. Jack Ferrel is my bet.

Maybe the conquered warriors getting some special clan zoo assignment like they do with absorbed clans.
the developers have spoken about it. Jonah Levin is still alive, seychelles STONEHEARTS is a republic "mercenary group", Janella Lakewood and a bunch of knights and paladins are also still alive. Tucker Harwell is still alive and has the recording of Stone being murdered by Chance vickers and has been spamming out propaganda to Terrans. Wolfs can't demolish the republic infrastructure and government because they need it to keep running

What has been hinted at is that Wolf clan is in a desperate position and will be facing significant domestic opposition and will be forced to make concessions to the republic and in return get ex RAF to sign up to fight Liao as some kind of SLDF defence force. (and all RAF hate Liao the most of any faction). Could work if written well and they aren't just magically brainwashed cannon fodder for alaric.
Could this be the end of Clan Wolf? Not with a bang, but by being grind down under the relentless wheel of Terran bureaucracy?
Trouble is, so far everyone on his side has been letting Alaric grind his heels into their face and asking for more. The bears had to have a civil war because the majority of them who were diehard Alaric worshippers wasn't a big enough majority, and the survivors only love Alaric more. Sharkfoxes are ready to get fucking slammed by FWL forces that are already parked directly on their capital while their own military plays wolf in the area Alaric abandoned. Why should these Republic remnants be any different? So far the only allied faction that has taken offense to his continuous and ongoing cruelty are the 'goons, and if they hadn't been openly told they aren't getting anything, they might not have even turned on him after being used up and spit out.
why did alaric attack the republic anyway? had he had a valid reason/casus belli?
Stone fucking invited him, because reasons.
If they were going to do that it would have happened to all the invader clans the same year they tried to occupy worlds with tens of millions of people by stationing single garrison clusters on them. The pro ilclan bears also would have been instantly crushed by the spheroids who should outnumber them like ten to one.
He's a clanner and it's their destiny to conquer terra or whatever

also we are told in the flash forward that the office of exarch exists in 3250

sure but you need to have a rise before the fall and the developers are 100% aware that most fans actually want Alaric to lose. Also maybe i missed a bit but the sea foxes are doing really well atm, they blockaded the rebel Marik provinces for Jessica Marik/Nicol. And the remnant wolf empire is getting shit on and the guy in charge doesn't like alaric
Stone thought he was being clever and invited Alaric and Malvina to come settle their business on Terra and offered it as a reward to the victor. Im assuming he though theyd destroy each other and hed be the hero of the IS again but he got Dragoon Ex Machina'd and lost hard.
reasons that actually make sense, wall was about to go down and the plan was to beat the wolves 1v1 (would have worked) then absorb them and push out from the wall, it was a hail mary but best chance they had. He just didn't predict Alaric inviting the fade falcons, not trialling for the planet and JF and Wolf teaming up to take down the republic, or fiat meaning his elite special forces fidelis he had planned the defences around having and their warship would refuse to fight for him + he was holding back forces as there was no point winning Terra in a phyriic victory if they would be immediately crushed by the capellans afterwards
He only invited Alaric and we are told that the republic would have taken out Wolves if it was just them
The sharkfoxes are trying to play both sides, but the Wolves aren't giving them jack shit in return. Nicol put an entire assault weight elite regiment on their home planet "just in case the wolf clan tries to attack you for siding with us" and they still didn't take the hint and sent their military out to openly garrison wolf worlds and fight the oncoming FWLM. They've already taken traitorous actions and they haven't even gotten a pat on the back for it since Alaric has still not acknowledged a single thing going on in that part of space. He didn't ask for their help and hasn't thanked them for it, and they're risking the few worlds they have on the hopes that maybe one day he will.
1 level, a unit has to be displaced downwards by a number of levels they could not traverse (3 for mechs, 2 for vehicles etc) for them to actually fall that distance.
>wall was about to go down
Contrived as fuck. The Wall only loses power when people are dumb enough to try to jump through it and Levin thought it would last generations when he threw it up in 3135.

>it was a hail mary but best chance they had.
Could have literally called the number 1 Stone asskisser clan, the Bears instead with no fight

The whole thing was maximum retard, especially considering they had communication and transport outside the wall.
I wish instead of it being resolved in a single book, the ongoing ilClan trial had been the defining feature of the ilClan era - a multi year long war that raged across all of Earth and pretty much everyone got involved in in one way or another. Would've been much cooler as an ongoing war than as a one and done
Luv me crab. I bought three from IWM and a king crab, gonna make a crab lance.
>Contrived as fuck
What about the setting couldn't be described this way if someone just didn't like what was happening? Be specific.
>the Siege of Terra
>years long
>I was there, the day Alaric killed the Republic
my head hurts
He did invite the gb but they did what they do best, nothing
Anything that involves House Kurita winning is not contrived. Anything else is contrived. This is because all glory goes to the Combine.
Palmyra disaster and Caleb davion was a contrived way to nerf davion and delete 13 regiments I a single day
When someone says. "Our children will never see the outside of the Wall." vs. "The Wall is failing for reasons." Especially when it's not some continuous power thing that needs to be maintained but a set of jump cores that are cranked out by year. If nobody tries to jump through the Wall, guess how many drive cores you get from the O'Neill yards every year? Minimum of 5. That's 5 people that got to be stupid enough to try to jump through the Wall, and all that tapered off after the late-3130's. Levin certainly wasn't panicking in 3145. They couldn't write themselves out of that corner so just arbitrarily said it was breaking down. It's fucking pathetic and has zero consistency with the fluff presented previously.

Stone literally didn't use any of his defensive structures on purpose, because retared.

Wolves were the only ones who got an invite. Post the page if I'm misremembering.
St. Ives never really had a distinct culture, so I'm not surprised it vanished as quickly as it is. One of the sourcebooks has a Fedcom soldier's account of being stationed in St. Ives and he says that the people were for all intents Capellans (just with less of a police state): they look and act like Capellans, still had the caste system, and while they disliked the Chancellor in charge they didn't have anything against the Capellan people. Remember that St. Ives becoming independent wasn't the result of a local independence movement but the governor of the commonality jumping ship to Fedsuns side, so the average citizen wasn't particularly invested in the whole thing.
There are actually supposed to be quite a lot of expatriate Hogs living in the spinward Lyran space where they fled from the Clans. They're mentioned to vehemently hate anything related to the Clans. They're just not in the position to try reclaiming their homeland.
Stone used the redoubts but not the old castle Brian because they were old as fuck, needed large numbers of staff and would piss off the clanners and making them orbitally bombard. The redoubts were meant to do the same thing while being honourable targets
Wrong. Read ilClan. He literally didn't use the rebuilt and refurbished castles because he didn't want a protracted conflict. aka RETARD.
well, guess the dev wanted to get rid of the dark age and the fluff associated with it as soon as possible and by all asspulls necessary, so they can move on to the new era they have rights to change
Fuck you retard reread my post
Except they're the ones responsible for half the shit in the DA AND ilClan is basically just a DA continuation thus far.
>old castle Brian because they were old as fuck
Literally says they were rebuilt in the book so NEW

>The redoubts were meant to do the same thing while being honourable targets
They were built to be less effective than a real castle.

You are the retard here.
how is it even called the ilclan when alaric haven't annexed not even a majority of the clans?
It's beating a dead horse to say, but nothing about the Capellan resurgence makes sense. Not the trinity alliance, not Xin Sheng, not the insanely blunt false flag/peacekeeper stuff, not the way Sun Tzu simultaneously disavows the chemical weapons use and gains enormous advantage from it.
The original purpose of the invasion was for a clan to conquer Terra and that clan would be declared the ilClan. A clan has conquered Terra and declared themselves the ilClan...100 years late. We'll see how it plays out for them.
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I will never stop laughing about how the fucker was hunting pirates out in bumfuck for like a year right after Guerrero.
...Why? Why was this a thing? What was he doing?
Let me tell you a story...
Mermussy game too strong.
I have a scorpion and two Goliaths from the Kickstarter. I do not much care for these mechs, but I wanna make use of them. I had the idea that this might be a good opportunity to make a small force of some kind of Periphery nation, partially so I can paint and model them as ramshackle and beaten and festooned with stowage and camp bets and such.
What kind of Periphery nation would mix mechs with vees and infantry? I was thinking maybe a company with one Lance composed of the Scorpion and some mobile infantry, and the other two Lances composed of tanks and the Goliaths.
Either that, or I'll sell one of the Goliaths and find another mech I don't much care for to see if I can give new life to it on some scrappy periphery nation.
Canopus is infamous for its conventional 'integration', so if you want a mob of infantry and technicals supported by a lance of bad or just odd 'mechs, that's your go-to.
Aurigans are a decent choice, they're desperate and will take any mech they can get to back up their mechanized infantry and tanks.
Probably any of them, although the 1st Fronc Cuirassiers explicitly ditched larger formations by Ilclan and instead formed small independent units made of a mech, two tanks, one infantry platoon, and one aerospace fighter. These units got spread out all over their garrison worlds to quickly intercept any pirates.
The 2nd Cuirassiers keep all their mechs together in normal companies, but mixed up everything else and spread them out independently to cover ground and operate with their own initiative. The 3rd just does a normal regimental structure from top to bottom.
trinity alliance makes sense when you realise the magistrix is literally sun tzu/daoshens aunt/sister or whatever
Hells horses and capellans and after 3080 EVERYONE make heavy use of combined arms
Hey all, working on a new scenario for Instant Action where the Recon player has to plant beacons around the map. The following are valid beacon spots.

>The center of the map
>The highest elevation on the map
>The lowest elevation on the map(If any depths below 0 are present, including water)
>One “point of interest” on the map agreed on by both players (Such as an important building, unique terrain feature, or some other focal point of the map)
>The first location in which a unit first dies during the battle(this will obviously be identified during the battle itself)

I want at least one more. What's another option for a beacon spot?
what about ties of elevation
"In cases where multiple hexes are tied for highest and lowest elevation, players should agree on which hex should be treated as the highest and lowest. These should ideally be spread out from other points."
Midpoint of enemy starting edge.
Hidden location at least X hexes away from any other point, written down ahead of the game by the recon player and not revealed until it's redeemed.
Any hex next to a moving support vehicle that rolls forward 3 hexes per round and takes away a point for whoever blows it up.
>Midpoint of enemy starting edge
>Hidden location at least X hexes away...
I like this one, it's going in. Thanks.
>Hex next to a moving support vehicle...
That's a whole other scenario right there.
Hex (2d6+1)(2d6+2) of the map.
Neat idea, but the Hextech mats don't have hex numbers, and I plan on getting a lot of games in on those once they're out. FieldTech might not either.
But I can't play canopians, I'm not gay or a trans girl.
Funny you mention another scenario, my first thought was actually to get a unit with a remote sensor dispenser to saturate a line of them, which then changed into just slapping a beacon on a passing truck.
>Deep Scan(come up with a better title ASAP)
>Confront vs Recon
>[lore blurb]
>The Recon force has been sent to deploy artillery homing beacons to prepare for a later offensive, and wandered right into an unscheduled patrol from the Confront force. The Confront player’s goal is to force the Recon units to retreat or destroy them.
>The Confront player begins by setting up the battlefield. The Recon player chooses a home map edge, while the Confront player’s home is the opposite edge. Identify the following points on the map.
>The center of the map
>The highest elevation on the map
>The lowest elevation on the map(If any depths below 0 are present, including water)
>One “point of interest” on the map agreed on by both players (Such as an important building, unique terrain feature, or some other focal point of the map)
>The first location in which a unit is destroyed during the battle(this will obviously be identified during the battle itself)
>A secret location chosen by the recon player(who writes down the hex number or an unambiguous description of the location) - the Confront player doesn’t know this location until it’s used, but it must be at least ten hexes from the Recon player’s map edge.
>In cases where multiple hexes are tied for highest and lowest elevation, players should agree on which hex should be treated as the highest and lowest. These should ideally be spread out from other points.
>The Recon player uses the forced withdrawal rules. At the end of any turn, a Recon unit which is not withdrawing may plant a beacon in any of these points. Afterwards, Confront units may destroy these beacons by not moving while in them (this requires them to move into the hex, then hold still in the following turn). A Recon unit may later plant a replacement beacon in the same hex as a destroyed beacon.
>If a Recon unit is equipped with Remote Sensor Dispensers, it may drop a beacon at any time during its movement, rather than at the end of its movement. If a Recon unit is equipped with a NARC or iNARC launcher, its NARC beacons may be fired at the ground and count as sensor beacons for this purpose if they hit the target hexes.
>The game ends at the end of turn 7. If there are beacons in at least half of the hexes listed above, the Recon player wins. Otherwise, the Confront player wins.
That's fine, they're evil.
New thread


Choke points or clear paths of travel, perhaps? A canyon entrance or a paved road, maybe a bridge crossing a river would be good.

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