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Not Stock Art edition

Previous >>93353624

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>BT16 Beginning Observer questionnaire

>EX06 Infernal Ascension questionnaire

Banlist, Errata:

New and Upcoming Releases:

Digimon Liberator:
Latest web comic chapter is Episode 4 Part 1! Next chapter scheduled for July 25th
Latest web novel chapter is Debug 2-2! Next set of chapters sometime in August?

EX06 Infernal Ascension is out now everywhere!

BT17 Secret Crisis is out now in JP, EN release scheduled for August 9th

ST18 Guardian Vortex & ST19 Fable Waltz are out now in JP, EN release scheduled for September 13th

EX07 Digimon Liberator is out now in JP, EN release scheduled for September 13th

BT18 Element Successor is out now in JP. Part of SB 2.0 in EN

BT19 Xros Evolution is scheduled to be released September 27th in JP. Split across SB 2.0 and SB 2.5 in EN

Special Booster 2.0 is scheduled to be released November 1st in EN, compiles BT18 and BT19

EX08 Chains of Liberation is scheduled to be released in November in JP, EN release scheduled for January 10th

Special Limited Set is scheduled to be released December 13th in EN, compiles LM02 through LM04

Special Booster 2.5 is scheduled to be released February 2025 in EN, compiles BT19 and BT20

What do you think of the alt art reprints we're getting in the Special Limited Set?
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I thought the green guy from Liberators counted as a Nature Spirits tamer

Swap Green with Yellow

/dcg/ mostly play on DCGO, so they usually play against decks built full of SR cards.

I rather pay that extra money for the better version.

>new formats
I have been tinkering with budget sub 100$ decks. Really fun trying to build stuff with that restriction. There is also Digi-cube but I haven't seen people play it outside of Digimoncard.io 'cord.
I'm looking forward to running Paladin Mode ACE so I can use it to deck out less often
May you be cursed to only play against graveyard decks for the rest of your days.
What decks go well into 7DL’s? Tyrant is practically an auto lose.
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I want to play Lilith Rave Hybrid.
Decking out with imperial is kino tho
Fuck someone else figured this out too? I was hoping to keep my secret asshole deck secret til I played it in regionals.
Mine does have a couple changes though so it’s good to see other cheeky shits prepping for fun.
So use the new Lilith and Lilith X to get value off of ravemon's self deletion and hybrids to more easily get a second stack going?
That and generally just play Keenan a bunch with Duskmon inherit because his on play is a bitch and a half to deal with and his opp turn effect punishes people for using the BT17 tamers. Also with all the ways to replay level 4's from trash you can go pretty wide while also being a nuisance by recolouring the opponent's board.
Tyrant is difficult but with a little tweaking to your build and play style you can beat them.
If they have multiple security bombs there's not much you can do about that, but if you try to follow a few guidelines you can make it easier for yourself.

>Sandwhich your level 5s with a suspended Tyrant/Herc and a level 3 so Levia and Creepymon get minimal value
>try to keep yourself over 16k so you don't die to Ogudo in security
>avoid suspending anything higher than level 3 unless it's unaffected, so they don't get free value off of Belphemon
>if you have a level 5 out, try to suspend a level 3 for the same reason
>get sec+1 where you can, but be wary of leaving a GranKuwagamon unattended so it doesn't get btfo'd by Levia
>in the early game, if you can manage to clear the first 2 bodies they play out you can buy yourself a good amount of time
>try to attack over Demon Lords when you can, and to that end, try to have piercing so you can still keep doing damage

And the matchup will get easier in BT17 once we get promo MegaKabuterimon.
Lilith doesn't trigger on your turn, only Lilith X does. Still, pestering your opponent with Keenan or digging through your deck with Koichi until you find Lilith X seems legit.
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Does anyone still play the old Digi-Battle game? Managed to get my hands on a starter box for cheap and I'm thinking of trying to collect a deck built around this chad. I'd greatly appreciate any pointers or advice.
I think /acg/ or the /vg/ digimon general has resources for it.
the funniest thing is that the dedigivolve takes place before the battle
its hilarious when it happens vs imperial and they swing in with a paildramon, dedigi their pail, they lose jamming since the exvee is the one with it and hes right under, then it dies to the battle, no partition, no nothing
just an absolutely get fucked card
and if you hit the veemon on board its such a fucking blow out of a card and you can pick your targets so you can setup the strip and bounce with the dedigivolve as well.
No one really plays the western version, its a little janky. The OG japanese version looks fun to play, I might pick it up. I saw Aero Veedramon Zero from hyper colloseium on ebay for like 1500 today gd
so fucking annoying
will never forget the time I lost the game by hitting both a promo Davis and this as the last two security
the fact that its a good card in its own right AND has a powerful security bomb just makes it such a crazy card
it feels like it doesn't sacrifice anything for that powerful security effect
Veemon card game :^)

Wish I had that luck. When my opponents hit my magnamon in security, it just lets them mirage burst mode a second time for enough extra memory for game
Some Imperial decks tech it as a level 4 instead of a blue/green armor form because of all it does. It's tempting.
If you are playing Magnamon you don't need luck you need to be quarantined

As >>93409699 mentioned, I play it in imperial because st magnamon is 3 times more useful than running a color fixing armor.
Thanks, I’ll have to practice the matchup more.
That Lucemon is just obnoxious, the removal or recover is annoying but getting to float off of any removal is just dumb.
Just let them have your little guy and build in raising next turn so the float doesn't do anything.
>Sanzomon and co can't smash three to reduce play costs to 1
Fuck you, Bandai. Where the fuck am I getting 5 cost every turn?
if devas can do it so can you :^)
>Devas have a gameplan which leads up to a reasonable set of boss monsters which lead further into a much better boss monster in Fanglongmon
>Shakamon is a shit Level 7 and always costs at least 8 if you want the Digixross goodness, otherwise you can have a nerfed version of him for 6
This deck better get the world's greatest option cards.
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Can't wait to play this in Royal Base.
i'm pretty surprised with this LM batch. its pretty generous of bandai. but i know they'll split them all up as box toppers or something stupid.
we already saw this, the english version even, its in our event pack 7, got announced a while ago
Unforeseen horrors now that we're getting global releases: promo and LM distribution might get even more fucked up outside of Japan as the regions are synced up for core sets with no specifc plans any time a new promo releases, leading to a scenario where card legality becomes this indecipherable mess where Japan has access to certain cards months before the rest of the world, and in completely different formats.

Ha ha
isn't the point of this LM box in December to specifically bring us up to JP's level? because JP doesn't have LM04 yet and this box will have LM04
either they have something planned, will figure something out, or we will get it in the same way as JP.

For example, JP recently had evo cups with the alternate art starter zephagamon among them, we are getting the same evo cups.... except we are getting them before the starter deck even releases.....
so clearly they are trying to make sure there is time to introduce everything and have it all play out to bring us up to standard with JP even if it means some things are a bit weird.

Like us getting certain alt art promos from tournament event packs might seem shitty, but LM03 is tournament exclusive in JP, its not new, JP has a lot of tournament exclusive CARDS, not just art.
Great set god damn.
Hope to see bt7 dorumon making it in as well.
now a good time to get into the game?
I don't think the top meta decks have ever been so expensive and annoying
But at least there's a buggy fansim to play at no cost
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>Bandai now juggling 3 (soon to be 4) card games at te same time
>extremely expensive due to the low prints and scalpers
>meta is power creep up the alley to counter other power creeps

If it wasn't for my undying love for Digimon and collecting cards I would have dropped it by now.
Depends on how you wanna play. If your locals are meta only than no. If you plan on playing online only than definetly no.
My locals have an unwritten agreement that dont play the top 2 meta decks so we are fine.
level 5s with taunt effects are the gayest shit ever
What other card game are they adding this time?
The Jujutsu Kaisen one
what Paildramon would you guys recommend in BT17 as my secondary level 5
Starter deck removes shit that can ace (not Etemon) so probably that
yea I was kinda leaning more to that anyways because of the double swings too
Yeah I got in last week and I'm having a blast. I've been lurking this game for a long time and people have been doom posting from the jump, just like with runeterra. I enjoy the higher power level and archetypes getting their second or third set of support as opposed to being entirely new. This is a tough game to learn so I reccomend the sim
people doom posting is basically just them saying “I’m not having fun with the game therefore no one else is either”
Mildly curious since it doesn't look like another reskin of DCG
Im definetly not DOOMposting mind you since i mentioned my locals earlier.
Im still having a fucking blast playing the game and i made diaboro/3ga( the one i found the most fun so far) and im almost done making overpriced to hell maste. I just hate the two retarded decks.
And ultraman.
Doomposting is justified because it is Bandai we are talking about and also because it's Digimon, which Bandai has a history of killing off to favor other franchises (Vita-bracelets as the most recent example)
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Don't care, still love mono black blocker deck
people doom posting is just purple/black players in their element

I honestly wish the OPTCG was more like digimon so that we could have like, a unversal anime card game where I can shit on mexican dbz fags with idramon
What percentage of all cards that have been printed see play currently, roughly? Is it less than 10%?
The only currently played (and viable at levels above kitchen table play) cards are
>strong generic yellow cards
>Veemon cards
We're going to the moon fellas, hope you're all strapped in for bt17.
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For tournaments, around 8~7%
Somehow I'm glad I got mine at $15USD. This is absurd
Gonna build Ragna
Should have bought them on release day like I did.
My friend is having a blast with him. It dies to a well timed dedigi but oh man when it pops off it goes hard.
Mega Digimon Assembly Examon is fun.
>every decklist throws an ACE of some sort
I'm well and truly fucked if I don't run them, aren't I?
Possibly. What are you running?
I'm just speaking generalities mostly. I've not invested in buying any for my older decks like D-Brigade or something like Etemon/Sukamon, but it seems like the popular thing now is to put in ACEs - though I can see why that's the case, too.
Depends on what deck. Easiest way to prevent an ace is dedigivolve/popping on attack. If they hardplay it than you can respond but using options or popping effect.
I have had no issues with them when it isnt a numemon.
By numemon i meant a numemon deck since they can just go lol fu valk when youre already having a train ran on you.
The biggest problem with Aces is how they all allow for free evolutions generically as long as you meet the color requirement
Valkyrimon would be a wet fart if only Silphymon.dek could blast into it
D-brig is a great fit for Aces though and Vikemon and Megagargo don't break the bank and are pretty useful.

>Last sold $45

This will hit $50 easily. Especially being tier 1 during BT17.
bottom of tier 1
>tfw more excited for the BT17 promos than the set itself.

The only deck I really want to build is Dexdoru, but otherwise the promos are all gas which is annoying that they aren't 1 of each in the pack like the trainings were given how useful they are for their decks
Part of me wants to laugh a little at people getting into Imperial this late, but really I'm just blown away by how expensive this is now as an SR that you need 4 of for the deck.
barely tier 1. More like High Tier 2
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so fucking glad I picked these up when I did
>last sold $72
newest listings are $74. This is just silly
congrats on making it. remember us on your yacht
Everytime you post that same pic, it increases more in price.
Bro, what the fuck, Paildramon is 2 fucking sets old. I love this game, but the secondary market for it is cancerous. Imperial costed like $100 to build in BT8 when I really got into the game, and it was a top 3 deck at the time.
Ive only posted it twice so anyone else who posted it wasn’t me. Once when I first completed the set and then now.
the game is just that good.
bt16 was short printed so prices were already bad. Imperial becomes better, but not really by as much as people think, in bt17 so I guess demand is up again for people jumping on the bandband wagon. Which is still weird because I think >>93416165 is right and people are over hyping Paladin ACE.
The ace is cool and all but the cutscene card is really what makes this deck go brr.
Ive been playtesting BT17 Imperial and I never feel like I get a good chance to use the new option card. When Am I suppose to use it? Paildramon into Imperial?
Game is starting to approach real (read: shit) CCG prices
Can't wait.
use it when you want to make your enemy watch a cutscene
Fucking how? I've had two out of the four LGSs in my area that were hosting DTCG drop support this year because of lack of interest.
numebros, how do you win against an imperial that isn't bricked
minus DP goes around partition

>minus DP goes around partition

no, it doesn't. Partition will trigger off any removal that isn't battle or self owned.


>When Am I suppose to use it?

Level 4 to level 5. When your opponent tries to remove pail, crack it for imperial. Even though it wasn't DNA'd, pail for 2 pretty good.
Im probobly getting my head melted by blanket effects
try to minus security their main stack and they might deck out
Aggro hard, memory choke them early if you can and don't be afraid to hit their early pieces with the dp negs to slow them down. Chuumon helps too, you can also play quartz to lock them down for a turn or 2 if the game drags out a bit.
>Aggro hard
from all the games i've played this never works because they always have a tamer in security
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then it is time to stop playing the chud poop deck and play the chad poop deck instead
union arena isn't a new card game anon, its a crossover card game, basically a bunch of different IP's to play against each other, each set is a new IP and they bring along their own unique mechanics and shit.
as an imperial player, Etemon is what screws me over the most because of that taunt effect into Valkyremon is basically a full turn skip against Imperial
Still surprised there is no good blue/black deck using blue's removing evolutions from bottom and black's de-digivolve combo.
Wouldn’t both effects kinda conflict with each other since you can’t de-digievolve stuff that doesn’t have a source
>hand stays the same
This happens way too often on both sims
Just play Venusmon and you lock your opponent out of the game every turn you attack.
>first hand
>kinda bad, relies on what is drawn off of rookie
>same hand but no rookie
It’s to the point where I keep bad hands if I get at least one level 3
hey newer player here, did DP reduction always kill a digimon when it got to 0 or was that something added? I ask cause it feels like something added after the rest of the game was designed before the game came out in an attempt to buff DP reduction or something. Feels weird how in other card games, cards can have 0 stats and be fine
>Feels weird how in other card games, cards can have 0 stats and be fine

Cards get destroyed in MtG and PTCG when their thoughness/HP fall to 0. But yes it was always part of the game.
Nightclaw/Lightfang is super fun, I just wish we had a second set of 4s to play.
well in those games it makes sense cause that’s their health bar you have to chip away at that to kill them but Im more so referring to how in Digimon DP acts like an attacking stat like in One Piece or Yugioh. When you attack another card, the higher number wins the exchange. You’re not trying to reduce a heath bar of the card. In Yugioh and OP both can cards with 0 stats
It's more akin to MtG where, after a combat, everyone just go back to their full health if it wins. Only diference is DCG use the same for both Power and Toughness so there is no way for ties.
It's wild that the Omnimon ACE deck has 0 ways to search Melga.
It's a rule inherited from Duel Masters, which in turn was based on how reducing toughness works in Magic.
no it doesn't unless it's a blanket -DP. Partition triggers off anything outside of battle.

You can run the alter-s agumon and gabumon
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I miss him...
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>patch DCGO
>fix xiangpeng
>bug Huankun so it's ESS won't trigger on non-aquatic cards

These devs are fucking retarded man

>tfw I sat too long on selling deck since I wasn't playing it and bloom prices tanked

I may as well just hang onto it at this point.
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>like 80 hours into digimon world 2 and finally just got the Big Revelation
Small aside, wasn't expecting Commander Damien to get that much screen time; if there's ever a DW2 set, then he's pretty much a shoe-in to get a Tamer card
Esteena Violet is cute, new obscure waifu acquired
the new Paladin Mode is really good but lacks any form of protection so it can be hard to find a good moment to use it without getting fucked by some removal. Basically you need to go for game asap after using it despite it fucking over purple decks it’s not the auto win card people make it out to be. Infact where the card shines is more against wide boards so you can restand a bunch of times
you got gaomon in this set and he is often a 0 cost evolution. Yes the deck gets screwed if you have no 4s, just mulligan for them and run the agumon to smooth things out. The only issue this deck really has is decking out. Try rowdy rocking in the deck at x2, its often a 0 mana +2 cards
an akira tamer who supports a vdramon to imperialdramon deck is the dream

paladin mode has a cutscene card for protection
cutscene card only protects it if the digimon can digievolve into an Imperial from. Paladin Mode can’t dedigievolve into anything. Thats why Paladin Mode is a big risk if you dont go for game with it
Something needs to be done about the foil card quality. Rapidmon X is a 25$ card and it looks like hot garbage in person I'd rather pay the same for a non-foil version and at least get the colors looking right.
>rapidmon x is a $25 card
Fuck you, you got my hopes up.
I just wanna complete my rapidmon deck.
I think he means the targeted source strip that all the new stuff does. If you strip the lvl 5 and 4 from a stack, a dedigivolve 1 becomes as good as dedigivolve 3.

Pretty much greyknightsmon's gimmick. Too bad he just cost so much memory.
New Tamers could always fix that.
How would you do digibeetles in this game?
Sure but don't.
I simply would not.
Shakkamon Venusmon is such an awful deck to play against. Once they get the combo going you better have the out or you basically lost on the spot.
>Once they get the combo going
That's a pretty big ONCE though. If your combo requires both a level 7 and a level 6 to work then you're relying pretty heavily on memory.
>Get the nice color birder Ajatar and AA Quantum after the deck is on ice for the time being.
Oh well. Might collect more AA’s while they’re cheap until the next dedicated plant support happens. They still need to redo Rafflesimon at some point.
Once venusmon is out the combo is basically free because you essentially skip 2 turns
Insofar as the opponent has nothing in breeding or option cards or on delete effects or main phase effects.
>nothing in breeding
the sec-1 eff is a blanket eff. things coming out of breeding get the debuff too. Shich Is why I said YOU BETTER HAVE THE OUT OR YOU LOSE
Yeah that one is on me. I've been playing Venusmon wrong this entire time. I apologize for being retarded.
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wait a fucking minute does partition still go off even when you use this card’s delay effect?
>other than by your effects
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Yea, so if you hit rivals barrage, you can partition out the level 4s then delay to save your stack.

That's some kind of plussing for hitting a bomb
in a franchise with partner bonds being featured prominently, what do you expect?
Hitting sec bombs and going +10 off of chaining multiple paildramons is fucking hilarious. I'm glad I chose Crowley's V back in 1998
veemon card game
holy shit I legit thought you could only do one or the other but yea it makes sense with how partition is worded.

My favorite is how this option lets paildra dodge the valkyrie ACE combo now.

>Taunt to ACE? Nah go fuck yourself
this is how etemon players are so they're getting their just deserts. I like how the card game gave us a variant fighter mode when the movie refused to give us a new form
Paladin Mode is not a new form
wait a minute can you play this card without needing to digievolve instead a free. Like say I have Pail on the board and I want to keep a Dragon Mode in hand, can I just play this option card just to have it in my battle area to give Pail protection for a later turn?

Yea, cause it says "may digivolve"

You can even drop it to choke memory with nothing in play, provided you have color in play.
I did not say he was a new form retard, I was refering to beam sword imperialdramon.

When omegamon and machinedramon both have Vmon's horns what do you expect?
okay now I see why that card is so busted. In my playtesting the card felt so situational compared to just normal DNA but now I’m seeing what’s so good about it. Cause I was thinking oh it’s just a way to go into Pail when you don’t have DNA and need to start swinging but now you can just place it on the board whenever that’s so fucking big
>leave raising with level 3
>evolve to 4
>use this card to evolve to 5
>now your stack have super protection for the rest of the game
Just be a Veemon fan, bro
Just pay 300+€ to be allowed to compete, bro

Yep, that's magnax in a nutshell.
nah nigga I’m a wormmon guy
I mean that’s a good play but you’re missing out on the dna effect, partition, and possibly jamming. Plus the protection wont be live until the next thrn. It’s nice when you don’t have dna pieces and need to start swinging tho. Definitely helps with the deck bottlenecking itself
If you were a Veemon fan, why are you this late to buy cards? Imperial was meta as soon as bt16 was released and bt16 paildramon was $16USD. What are you claiming?
They also had like a 5 fucking months headsup too for bt17.
Outside of coming into dcg late, theres no excuse unless theyre a meta sheep.
Even meta sheep would have jumped on during bt16, so I'm just more confused.

Benefit of the doubt: some people could have started playing a month or 2 ago so they have no idea what's good.

I know I've been seeing new faces popping into locals these past few months
the game has alot of appeal right now.
Zudomon Ace and Vikemon Ace are incredibly fucking gay
that is all
at least zudo gets to be relevant outside of hammer spark
hamma sparku
It was an example of worse case scenario still being very powerful.
The deck still gets outplayed by numemon though
God damn 7GDL is fucking fun. Also fuck whoever said Lilith was bad, I would play 2 and I am considering 3.

Deck is super fun and I can see my missplays biting me 6 turns alter.

Lilith is god idk. She's the only one that can choose to remain in play under gate
Fellow leafs, I've not bought a booster box in a while is $190 standard for Observer?
u should be able to get one for like 120 cad
I play her at 3, she is a great stall card for the deck. Barbamon on the other hand is shit and not even worth a 1 of.

190USD? They go for ~130 online.
Got it, so where I'm looking has it inflated.
CAD. Converting 130 USD does hit about 180 CAD though, interesting.
I wouldn't say "inflated", that would be around the RRP (maybe a bit over?), but you should very easily be able to find it for under RRP, like even day of launch under RRP
Everytime I open this thread I have to see this fucking card.
I want it so much bros.
I am making my official prediction that Vi's Ghostmon will become Pumpkimon/NoblePumpkinmon (puppets, but they'll be rule traited as ghosts) and they'll have a shared deck by the end of Liberator
Not a bad prediction but that would be even further robbing candlemon
candlemon has yellow data/witchelny don't piss me off
candlemon has meramon
your little shit ghost is the witch
bend the knee
The digimoncard.com version of the chapter is missing a pretty long "page". What a blunder.

When are we getting more chapters of the novel?
faggot shinegrey player autoscooping to my deck beacuse they afraid of a challonge. Data Squad is the worst season.
so true magnasis
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my faves
limit ukkomon so i can play monzae again without seeming like a metafag
Not a magna enjoyer
Savers is the best, actually
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Opinions on the new Liberators chapter?
I liked it
Where can you read it?
Better than the first battle, since now it seemed like both knew how to play. Still paitiently waiting for Ruki 2.0 to show up.
I like it but I wish they would stop skimming over effects. They literally didn't even mention Cendrilmon killing Beelstar ace, she just suddenly went from -1 memory to 3 with no explanation.
Just go full yugioh with it and explain every card effect used, the fights are 80% of the fun.
Yokomon or Bukamon for Aegis/Xiangpengmon?
eat it fargo
They didn't skip that part. The page is missing from the official website release of the comic.
I checked the webtoon release and it had that page.
That's fucked, thanks.
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Out of curiosity, do people here say their DP entirely or do they cut the thousands part?
#K, most of the time.
either say XK or just cut the thousand
so I might say 14k or just 14

if I am counting I will usually be like 12 + 1 from X + 1 from Y + 3 from Z so 17 total
but if I am just giving the DP I will say 17k
I only say the full "thousand" when I want to intimidate with my impressive girth.
the k stands for kinobytes
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>"What's the power on your guy there?"
>"One hundred and twenty hundred"
I think we are past the point where the devs care and are gonna ban Ukko.
People say the same stuff about Gomamon, wait until the new movie market fades away
Can I delete my own digimon to prevent Lilith ex06 from leaving play due to gate?

A level 5 or lower, but yes.

Doesn't even have to be your own digimon either.

Same as >>93432814 >>93432876
I mean it for the timing as the other digi is also being deleted by the gate.
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Decks for this feel?

Yea, you can do that.
Buka in most cases. Yoko is only good at level 6+ and discounting your level 5 is usually better than Yoko giving you one body to spit out per turn. If you play Yoko, it should probably be in a 3-2 or 4-1 split in favor of Buka.
For people to stop pretending they love Numemon
And get off the current meta bandwagon
the deck is fun. I like high rolling with cooties kick
I unironically like Suka, Nume, and Raremon
Not particularly fond of Numemon NOT running Shinmonzae, in favour of PRETTY ladies, like valkyriemon, and venusmon
vile harlots parasites, leave my disgusting buddies alone
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How do you play around deletion/removal effects? Every deck seems to be able to delete on it's way up to lv6, but if you build up in breeding then they get to play unopposed and they often have something waiting for you the turn after it comes out. And there's always an ace in hand.
I started using pic related just because it's such a common problem.
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Fuck you, Numemon is based
>pretty lady
anon, I...
His point still stands even if it's a pretty boy instead
>Is a boy
not allowed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only V-related deck you're getting is V-mon.
Arisa is gonna turn out to be Judau from GX with her card game obssesion being a cope mechansm, isn't?
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I did it, /dcg/, I won my locals tournament.
How would Arkadimon play?
based black deck.

i'm going to my first prerelease Sunday after next. I fucking hate draft/sealed but i have the day off so might as well get some promos.
Attaches your opponent's cards to it as evolution cards, effects based on how many evolution cards it has, and maybe a little bit of the same-name gimmick in the vein of the newer Argomon cards.
So just reverse Ragnaloardmon?
this is a good strategy
this looks like a souped up starter deck
what types of decks did you beat?
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My LGS don't do those except for MtG and PTCG

Yes, it is a BT15 with a bunch of card traded from some regulars at my LGS and some bought online, like the extra BT15 cards. I played against Machinedramon/Analman and Red Hybrid deck. It was a friendly tournament so there wasn't any reward outside showing off.
so what is the difference between a black "xmon"and its normal color version?
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Virus version
so what if they where virus already but its now black? for example growlmon and black growlmon?
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It's not always an attribute shift, sometimes it's "Black Digitron" turning them black. BlackMachGaogamon is also Data, for example.

Mostly they're just long holdovers from the old card game that seems to randomly be Digimon's foundational text. Those cards pretty much dictate if the name is
>Digimon (Colour)
In Growlmon's case you get both, BlackGrowlmon and Growlmon (Orange), which is Data
so according to the website, black growlmon is a feral version of growlmon and has bigger predisposition to its virus attribute.
Whilst the red one is the one that came in contact with its tamer and was domesticated?
NTA, black growlmon and it's line are a purple/red. Virus Gabu/weregarumumon are purple as well
Wouldn't mind more black variants of Digimon! They at least could give us black Guilmon in TCG...
Fighter Mode Ace is a Rare.
What's the power gap in this game between top meta decks and everything else? For example in Pokemon I feel like I can kinda just throw shit together as long as it follows the general deckbuilding rules and still do okay against meta decks, whereas in YGO if I made my own deck out of cards I like I probably would lose 99 out of 100 matches against meta. Wondering where this falls on that scale.
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Nuke your own stack to establish dominance.
There are two or three truly oppressive decks and then a pretty wide band of decks that are relatively balanced against each other (to varying degrees)
Digimon is too archetype-based to just throw things together.
>There are two or three truly oppressive decks
Is that only the case at the moment or has the been the case throughout the game's life?
not that anon, but right now
there have been cases where there really weren't any oppressive decks, like last set in bt15 every tournament basically had completely different decks top and about 7 top meta decks.

Generally there is quite a few meta decks to play (as well as a chunk of stuff thats completely viable to play and win with) and as long as I have played there has never been a single "this is the best deck" tier 0 meta, but Japan did have one with apocalymon but it was restricted right as we got it, so its not out of the realm of possibility.
if you look at tournament results for BT16 and ex6 there are 6 different decks that have won serious events and a good few more who make top 8.
Basically now
There’s been instances of oppressive decks in the past but the game wasn’t as intense as it is now
As of today - before the new set drops in two weeks - it’s Nume/Magna competing for number 1 and then a split for 2 between a bunch of shit. Basically if you have a deck that beats Nume you lose to Magna and vice versa, so it’s kinda shit right now.
Just play what you like, that’s the key.
After winning a regionals I’ve realised I don’t wanna sweat anymore. Prizing isn’t worth not enjoying msyelf
JP had it during EX5 and BT15 and it ended up with them banning both an SR and SEC (Anubismon and Apocalymon) for the first time.
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>when she see your liberator
I don’t think Imperial is as overturned as people think. Like it dies to a lot of stuff and pretty much every tier 1 deck can play around everything they do. Yea their tamer and option card are powerful but it’s to fix a bad deck, not make an already good deck better
girl shut the hell up
so true veemonsis
if you lose to Imperial then you play a bad deck
if you lose to anything you should stop playing immediately because you're shit
I'm running x1 of the 'search top 4' v-mon for good luck and because I like his art. With 9 cards left in my deck I played him off my second daiken to get the last paildramon in my deck, strip 6 from ultimate chaos mon and purge 2 ophani aces, gigadeath his whole board ( two zwart defeats,a piedmon and ultimate chaos) and swing for game. Lucky boy, glad you're my deckcover.
lmao how are you not dead by turn 4
Good sec bombs and suppressive desperado fire
>consistently accounts for 25% to 30% of all tops
>Gets top 4 in regionals all the time
>Has even won a regional
Kill yourself
>t. mirage fag
>popular protag deck that is viable
>tops alot but rarely wins events
I didn’t say the deck wasn’t good, I said it wasn’t as overpowered as people claim it was. Yeah it has some great cards, but most tier 1 decks for the next few set shit on it
>Yeah it has some great cards, but most tier 1 decks for the next few set shit on it
That's obviously not the case as it had the most tops in the bt17 format.
>b-but japan
stfu, retards in this thread said the same about imperial in bt16 and thought it was gonna be a paper tiger overhyped by the nips, im fucking tired of the contrarians here who think somehow players on this side are special enough to somehow change the tide of the meta when in reality the west meta ends up pretty similar to the jp one when there aren't differences in banlist
nigger it does not have the most tops in bt17. Besides most of those “topping” lists are fucking locals where any fucking deck can top. If you actually looked at some of these lists you’d see they’re mid as fuck
what do you want to be done? Ban it from your locals? Hit a card? Never print V-mon again?
man you’re gonna love blue hybrid and dorumon next set
nigger it does not have the most tops in bt17.
Feel free to provide a source then. It has a slight lead in https://digimon-cg-guide
>Besides most of those “topping” lists are fucking locals where any fucking deck can top
e, and in Digimon Meta it is tied with Numemon with 12 tops each (there are 15 decks tagged Blue hybrid but 4 of those are alternative bases like marcus, ulforce and gabumon with AnGa top).

>Besides most of those “topping” lists are fucking locals where any fucking deck can top
Feel free to filter by events and player count in any reputable source to prove it doesn't have a lead in big events then
Whats wrong with dorumon next set?
not that guy but after playing Imperialdramon the deck does feel kinda mid. I know I’m not some amazing player but it always feels like my opponents has answers for partition and that protection option card. I’m probably just bad tho idk
>G-guys imperial isn't that good anyway
>get called out
>Ok, fine its that good but what you gonna do about it?
Literally just limit BT12 Exvee and Sting. They let your stack keep turn when you dna which gives the deck too much flexibility instead of forcing you to set up a memory setter or memory boost before you can go off.
first dude didn’t say imperial wasn’t good, he said the deck wasn’t as busted as people act like it is.
dude so many decks fucking keep turn now. Or they’ll make some untouchable fuck off dude
NTA, you must be really bitter to be projecting this hard. Gaofurry much?
Eat a dick.
Busy playing 20 memory turns and chewing on my 19 year old wife ( I yelled at her for putting a skirt on her meramon in decode last night, though the poker visor was funny, made meramon look like hunter s thompson)
dumbass, you still need the setter if your opponent tries to memory starve you. Legit what shitty deck do you play that you think the bt12 cards are a problem?
>boooo hoooo it’s not fair that imperialdramon gets to keep turn
>ignore the fact my deck can otk and floodgate my opponent too!
Are you retarded? Let's say you start with 1 memory, veemon in raising, and dual tamer on board.
Veemon to battle area
Play BT16 Worm and evo into Stingmon or Exvee from trash for 1 memory putting you at 0
Evo into Exvee/Sting from hand onto the remaining level 3
End of turn dna into Paildramon gaining 3 memory (2 from champs 1 from tamer)
Swing twice with jamming and piercing
Evo into Imperial and unsuspend while threatening Fighter Ace

Or if you have no Veemon in raising you can do the same shit with Shadramon to free play a second veemon from trash and then dna and still keep turn.
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man they need to make a Terriermon with the ST effect but the EX4 inheritable because where the hell are you getting the memory to play 4 cost tamers that don't set/gain memory and both get blocked by the same floodgates

Wendigomon with Alliance and "When Digivolving, if you have 1 or less tamers, you may play one with [Lopmon] or [Beast] in its text without paying the cost" when
This fucking turn of events that you describe happens to me so often that it isnt funny anymore. I go out of my eay to snipe that goddamn tamer when i can.
I don't think a single high tier deck right now (English EX6) is particularly broken or degenerate enough that it shouldn't exist. They all have answers. That said, if there is a deck anyone should complain about, it's probably Numemon. It's still good even in the JP meta and has one of the highest floors of anything available.
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The big problem is that the movie option cards and 7 aces make existing decks even stronger. Like Imperial doesn't need this shit.
>he said the deck wasn’t as busted as people act like it is.
That's a meaningless statement then because no one is saying Imperial is tier 0 or even BDIF rn before bt17. It's very clear Numemon and Magna set the pace for the current format while Imperial is in 3rd or 4th place, but it still gatekeeps a lot of decks and people rightfully see it as overtuned cause you can't look at the new paildramon and Davis/ken and not think they deliberately printed some cards way ahead of the curve. Its clear they intended for these 3 decks to phase out most of the stuff before the set that could still cling to the meta
>damn I didn’t draw another level 4 for dna
>damn I didn’t draw the bt16 wormmon
>damn I don’t have Pail
>damn I don’t have a Fighter Mode in hand
nigger have you actually played the fucking deck? The deck requires multiple turns to set up it’s tamers and you can still lose to not having all your pieces fast enough. Even then some decks don’t fucking care. What if rhey have digimon emperor and you can’t promote your level 4 in the back? What if they have a floodgate that stops the tamer from playing something.
Yea the play you described just now does happen, but fucking MagnaX doesn’t give a fuck and Numemon with a level 5 on the board also doesn’t give a fuck. Blue Hybrid also wont give a fuck. Tyrant doesn’t give a fuck. Ragnalord doesn’t give a fuck. Any “busted” plays you can list off that Imperial can do, other decks can do the same in reverse.
lowkey the new ace is good but is a hute target for removal with no way to protect. If you dont go for game with it you’ll likely lose it. The option card is fucking cracked tho
sorry meant to say level 3 in the back
>Yea the play you described just now does happen, but fucking MagnaX doesn’t give a fuck and Numemon with a level 5 on the board also doesn’t give a fuck. Blue Hybrid also wont give a fuck. Tyrant doesn’t give a fuck. Ragnalord doesn’t give a fuck. Any “busted” plays you can list off that Imperial can do, other decks can do the same in reverse.
Lmao retard, tyrant and ragnaloard have a very poor Imperial matchup. Gigadeath is an autowin button vs tyrant and even if you dont see it you can strip the sources with Dav/ken and suspend izzy so they cant redirect. Ragna does a whole bunch of nothing if you have DM out to punish them for attempting a Blast jogress. You're legit bad if you think those have anything on Imperial
go play Imperial and go on a winning streak then faggot
people who don't have hero energy but wish they did get very bitter at people who do exude hero energy
I'd be fine with no v-mon shit for 3 or 4 sets. No more v-mon until we get v-tamer.
You're playing it wrong. The point is to have multiple rookies going off, gathering all your pieces and hitting a critical mass of making a paildra or two every turn while permastunning your opponent.
A Ragna player can Jogress proactively so their effects resolve before Dragon Mode's. Hoang's channel has an interview with the guy who won a regional describing how he plays that matchup. Tyrant can play the grind game against Imperial against anything except GigaDeath, which most list are only playing at 1 instead of 2. They have the redirect on a level 5 inherit that doubles as fodder to kill Tamers. Both decks happen to threaten removal of an Imperial stack by battle, which happens to be an out to Partition. Neither deck is favored, but "very poor" is a bit of a stretch. Current Imperial is really not all that hard to beat
I'm so tired of impmon crackheads hitting 3 or more deathslingers/wizarmons per turn
duftmon+devas is fun. I wonder if this deck will give duft a legacy of evolving off mihira
see that’s exactly what I try to do but sometimes I just don’t get my pieces fast enough, or I only get enough pieces to make one Pail. Often times I make a Pail, go into DM, then they always have an answer to my board and I can’t recover. Don’t get me wrong, I do try to set up tamers and play rookies again if my board gets wiped but sometimes I don’t get the pieces for DNA again. Like I def think the deck is good, but like barely good if that makes sense? It’s high roll as fuck when it does get everything, but any missing pieces can hurt bad
>A Ragna player can Jogress proactively so their effects resolve before Dragon Mode's
Which gives them a shitton of memory
>Hoang's channel has an interview with the guy who won a regional describing how he plays that matchup
The guy himself says it is a losing matchup and that only managed a tie cause the imperial player misplayed the first game
>I only needed to dodge Imperialdramon. I said before that I had answers for everything in the meta, but the answers for Imperialdramon were too inconsistent or too reliant on my opponent's miss plays.
>I couldn't dodge it, game 1 was to my advantage thanks to a lack of matchup knowledge from my opponent, but he quickly adapted during the match. The games were quite grindy so we had to finish at time with a draw.
>They have the redirect on a level 5 inherit that doubles as fodder to kill Tamers
and that inherit can be stripped by ken/davis since tyrant is only immune to digimon effects, not tamers
>Neither deck is favored, but "very poor" is a bit of a stretch
Any competent player i know that pilots those 2 knows that its a losing matchup and you mostly have to rely in your opp bricking or not knowing the matchup, Imperial just has the superior toolbox and efficiency
yeah modern imperial either draws what it needs or just dies. There is no room for a side plan or utility in the list. Its like playing wanderer in commander. They kill you before you get going or you just keep going and going.

Clearly salty anon just keeps watching his opp go +6 off of his security bombs, which is really fucking funny
exactly, I like the deck but I wasn’t sure if I was playing it correctly or not. The deck def goes hard when it gets it’s pieces but lowkey any deck with de-digievolve can deal with it easy. I really like partition buy I’m happy it has ways of dealing with it, even after it goes off, crimsons blaze or something will clear the field afterwards
my worst match ups are like, levimon gamers and for some sychroninstically lore accurate reason black wargreymon always gets me. I think thats just a funny glitch though
where to play online
The comfort of your own home.
the buggy sim where kids will go AFK until you surrender because there's no timer
Project Drasil, not automated, require joining their discord to play.

DCGO, automated, buggy as hell and doesn't have all the cards.

Playing via videocall, most reliable way but gotta know people before hand.
>require joining their discord to play.
No it doesn't, it's just a website, you don't even need an email.
Fair enough about Ragna, I forgot important. I've played a lot of Tyrant vs Imperial though and the only time it doesn't feel relatively even is when they high roll. Imperial is a more consistent deck and Davis & Ken is really violent against any stack with an Ace in it, but it also takes at least 2 turns to set up on the board. Tyrant can set up in raising and Imperial doesn't OTK easily, so I just try to make them play around every card. Fielding Davis & Ken? Hard play GranKuwaga Ace and see if they have Fighter Mode Ace. Getting ready to go into Paildramon? Suspend Kabuteri so MegaKabuteri Ace will kill the stack if they swing, they can't remove it, and going into Tyrant in response will let you start killing their shit. Make it so every board they set up has to start with promoting a rookie if possible. If you ever get to 2 established redirects per turn, the only way Imperial can come back is GigaDeath since their DP caps at like 17k. Honestly, the hardest part about that matchup in general is that Dragon Mode can put you in a bad situation if you need a Training to climb and don't have specifically MetallifeKuwaga to play off of Tyrant.
nice get. I'm pretty sure the crybaby anon just refuses to run floodgates
That's true too. Both of the green floodgates rookies are good in that matchup, essentially equalling a minimum of 1 turn bought for Tyrant via the extra memory your opponent has to spend to make the same plays and/or attacking over it
Delay option is the simplest answer, but I could possibly see them doing some weird sort of "place this under your tamer" and then having an inheritable effect to mimic piloting them
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They passed me like 7 memory on Turn 2
congrats on beating a deck that does literally nothing
with a deck that does nothing too
skipping level 5 and stunning the board with megagargo ace is totally nothing yes
okay but enough about bt8 rapidmon
I wonder if Boltboutamon and Aegisdramon will be blast DNA
Is the bt17 support any good? Other than the new decent level 5, it still isn't looking too well
How do I deal with Manga X?
Only support worth playing in bt17 is blue hybrid
Just have a blocker ready to go at all times.
>nyaromon inherit

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