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Highborn in low places edition

>Previous thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

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Tell us about a match you played in which you lost but still had fun!
Almost every game of Warcry
I need some help with building a venator gang for my first campaign. I want to make a group of abhuman bounty hunters that found some alien weapons.
So far i used 905 points

>Hunt Leader 4
Plasma pistol, hip shooter
>Hunt Champion 4
Grenade launcher, Munitioneer
>Hunt Champion 4
Necrotic beamer, fixer
>Hunter 4
Rak'gol razor gun
>Hunter 4
Rak'gol razor gun
>Hunter 2
Sawed-off shotgun
>Hunter 3
Xenarch death arc
Stop trying to be the esoteric weird guy and learn the basic rules for starters. Your gangers can take TP items up to R8, even if you guys houserule it so that illegal equilevants are fine for outlaw gangs, Razor guns and death arcs are out of the rarity rating anyway. As is the Beamer for the champ.
Venator can only buy common and rare equipment, unless house rule for them to get illegal item.

The rating of the illegal weapon exceeded their allowance.
okay i missed the rarity part
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Hot elf twunk, and also tactics talk.

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Ignoring the illegal part and just caring about rating you can do dumb shit.
Outside of random scenarios I doubt this gang in particular would be good or fun in a campaign setting
>We know that a former Lord Helmawr retrieved those suits from somewhere offworld, but we don’t know where. This unknown nature allowed us to explore new concepts: to be able to fit into this armour, the body has to be adapted. Limbs are stretched, broken, and reknitted to fit into it, while the spine is twisted and reinforced. There’s amputation too. That allowed us two things: to highlight the inhuman – perhaps even insectoid – nature of the suits, and to make the mutilations and augmentations a badge of honour. If you spend time in those suits, you retain the augmentics once you are removed and you have scars particular to each suit.
a rare grimderp moment?
Just play the fucking game for a bit, stop theory crafting,
Venators are a bad choice for a first gang. I see new players go for them a lot bc they basically want to play Eldar or Tau or something that seems more Kill Team than Necromunda, which is really not what the game is about. Starting the game like this is doing yourself a disservice if you ask me.

I recommend picking one of the six house gangs, learning the rules a bit, and then trying out one of the more finicky gang rulesets. You might even find that whichever gang you start out with is more interesting than your original concept.
>I recommend picking one of the six house gangs, learning the rules a bit, and then trying out one of the more finicky gang rulesets
NTA but would the new Spyre's be an okay starting point if none of the 6 house gangs do it for me? I genuinely have 0 interest in the flavor of any of the default gangs and the extremely elite nature of Spyre's appeals to me. I briefly tried to get into Necromunda with Enforcers but they ended up feeling more like NPC's (which I guess is somewhat implicit, I'd definitely use them as such if I ever arbitrate a campaign).
Thb, probably not. From what we've seen of their rules, they aren't invulnerable enough to be easy to use in a new player's hands, and that very low model count is going to make anything objective-based difficult.

You aren't wrong about Enforcers feeling a bit like NPCs, its part of how they were designed, being almost better as an arbitrator tool. However, if you are interested in the core identity still, Badzzone Enforcers are an alternate ruleset for them that make them play more like a normal gang. Gives them a lot more options and less of the restrictions their default variant has.
Spyrer are fixed loadout gang that stripped huge apsect of Necromunda : building models and economy management, another "flavor of the seaon" type of gang.

I think a lot of people getting into Enforcer because they got the wrong impression of them being "Judge Dredd da super cop" and "kill kill kill", if that what you were thinking then Spyrer is the gang for you, because all you will be doing is kill and they're the "supercop".
This screams Im an unfun cunt do much. Especialy with pointa instead of creds
Not that guy, but Badzone Enforcer should have been the rules for the Regular Enforcers. At least for the equipment wise.
I really dislike that you need a subjugator to run a shield or a GL
Thanks anons. Fixed loadouts do sound kinda lame.
(not fixed per se in Newcromunda, but definitely less flexible and varied than what other gangs can get)
I'm putting together some plastic Dead of Dunharrow and while building the models I realized that i have no idea which models to put the shields on.
Seems like there is just enough in the box to give everyone but the spear guys shields, which would kind of makes sense in theory since they can fight in second rank. Does actually that makes sense in game terms though? GW seems have the shields glued on random models in the store and I can't really find a lot of good information on it.
>blood bowl mentioned
I do recommend looking into Badzone Enforcers though, might be more the Enforcer experience you were originally looking for. Plus getting deputied scum is a lot of fun.
Legit the only Necromunda group that I hate. These models are awful
Then your wallet is saved for the entire season, same reason I never buy any of the vehicle shit and terrains because lame + overpriced.
Orlock bikes are cool
Any tips for a new player getting into necromunda with hive secundus? Looking to arbitrate with my friend who is also new.
Hive Secundus is pretty self-contained, the options are extremely limited, so you can't really go wrong, just build and play.
Seems to be made for just that. Nice little way to experience Necromunda with one friend. Not fully indicative of the entire Necromunda experience, but a nice primer for the upcoming Secundus campaign.
I really really REALLY didn't like the Spyre Hunters at first but after learning the lore I kinda want a gang to use as an arbitrator to insert randomly at times to fuck shit up for me and my friends.
I started a cawdor gang. Already made the first set. Went a little over board and bought another base set and the fantasy flagellants. How many realistically will I field at once and how many should I have on the roster? Also does pic related look better with black or white eyes?
Number of fighter deployed are scenario based, most are about 6-9, some used everything you have, Cawdor with devout mass you're looking at about 12-15 in your gang.
Anyone got a pdf of necromunda: hive secundus, now that its been released?
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Try again.
I'm new to necromunda, i bought:
-the core rulebook
-house of faith book
-house of shadow book
-cawdor gang
-gang delaque
i bought two gangs because i'm trying to get a friend into it.
what else do i need to start playing? are the necromunda dice necessary?
To those who have played them in Warcry, are the Pyregheists a fun warband?
The dice can be converted to D6 but it's more convenient to have the symbol one.

You can a basic 2 player campaign with those.

As for kits:

1. Cawdor with 4 buss and heavy crossbow are okay. Although you will be a bit lacking on number because Cawdor "devout mass" rules, they also could use some good high tier weapon, which they lack, Redemptionist do have some decent high tier weapon. Cawdor upgrade kit are... meh.
2.Delaque kits are full of pistol, the complete lack of basic weapon like las or autogun is a major setback. Their upgrade kit give lasgun, plasmagun, and plasma pistol, which are pretty decent.

Recommendation : weapon bits for your dude, whatever they lack : lasgun, grenalde launcher, plasma,.... Cawdor can only get most high tier weapon from the Trading post. A box of Redemptionists is a decent choice (you still need to find the grenade launcher bit that is available in their gang list but not in the kit). As for Delaque pick up the upgrade kit, and if you have some cash to spare, get their Natch-ghul kit, Natch-ghul is a very strong fighter, but then spending 50 buck for 2 fighters is kinda....wasteful.
The Dice are not technically necessary- you can płot their result on a d6(except the scatter Dice), but i would advice you to buy them. They give game charm and speed IT up.

You will also need a set of standard GW templates(5 inch blast, 3 inch blast and flamer "teardrop"). Some counters will also be nice but those you can print yourself- pdf is at Warhammer community. There is also a nice underhive discord i can invite you too- it Has channels where you can Ask further and questions.
NTA, but for the redemptionist grenade launcher, I was thinking of taking the scion grenade launcher hand, it should slot over the redemptionist arm nicely or I can just shade the grenade launcher off the hand.

Spamming blunderbuss is probably going to be seen as cheesy. You can also get a long rifle for cawdor which is pretty versatile.
My nigga what else would you supposed to build 10 dude from 1 box of cawdor? flail? stub gun? autopole? 2 heavy crossbow? buying the upgrade kit for 2 long rifle is deffo not worth it. Terrible fucking kit.
I dunno man, I think it might be a little too much for a pair of new players but that's just me. If anything, you need a box of redemptionists to get a good variety. At the very least if that anon has some bits they might be able to come up with a decent kitbash so they don't have to spend money on the upgrade kit (Especially if they just want a couple of weapons off it).
Is there a repository of Soulforge/Godforge STL files for Battlefleet Gothic proxies? I am searching for SM fleets especially
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Most players will advise you to give shields to anyone that can have them. The battle lines will get disrupted quickly and you'll be outnumbered so the shield guys won't be fighting safely from the 2nd rank for long.

You could make press-molds to clone your shields or get some printed ones on Etsy.
>Most players will advise you to give shields to anyone that can have them. The battle lines will get disrupted quickly and you'll be outnumbered so the shield guys won't be fighting safely from the 2nd rank for long.
Thank you for the reply. That does make sense.
I'll dig through some other historical and fantasy bits and see if I find something that works with the minis to equip all of them with shields then.
at a lower level of thinkin' shields on everyone except dudes with bows.
at a higher level if thinkin' shields on odd number D because the even numbers change the wound rolls.
D3 into D4 is the best change most of the time as most S values in the game get affected by this change. not the case all the time so maybe it matters maybe not.

real thinkin' put shields on dudes who look cooler with shields and font put shields on dudes who look cooler without shields
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I'm most in it for the modeling aspect, so the finer points of listbuilding are probably lost on me. I'm smol brain.
>real thinkin' put shields on dudes who look cooler with shields and font put shields on dudes who look cooler without shields
That is a completely fair way to decide that with miniature games, imo. I've been thinking if you slap a shield on every mini in the army anyway WYSIWYG is not that important. But I already put these together and will at least try what they look like slung on some models' backs.
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Even the scatter dice.
Just use the 1 for the direction that is pointing and add a dot on the side of the 6 and 1 to mark the direction in a hit dice.
pic related 10000 hours in paint example. Red dot on 6 and 1, while the 1 point direction for the non hit result
Cawdor get 2-4 extra gangers than your opponent per scenario, so anywhere from around 7-10 depending on scenario limits..
Of course in total your gang could reach 20 by the end of the campaign.
I have a feeling that will be more their use outside Secundus.
They already said a spyrer gang have 4 dudes, In secundus there can be only 1 spyrer per gang.
the spyrers box is going to suck, assuming it doesnt include the orrus.
High Elf chariot rodeo in Warmaster. Yea or nay?

I know chariots get fucked by most every terrain feature, but the idea of going full old kingdom Egyptian on someone just sounds amusing.
Honestly, just as much soul as the metals they replace. Very nice sculpts.
grimderp how? Human bodies not fitting xeno power armour/mech suits seems logical, and the Imperium is very able to twist and contort the human body in horrfic ways to perfrom specific functions, only the deldar surpass the Imperium in this regard
Grimderp would be the scion lore
>train all your life with the same guys
>form the perfect squad that can read each other every move
>kill your friend for graduation wasting years of training
This new lore for necromunda is at worst out of place, but then again Necromunda is a mini 40k setting where thing happen. Something GW forgets when trying to "move the story"
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The abilities look janky.

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What's the most popular gang in Necromunda? I feel like I've met more Escher players than anything else since I got into it.
Escher's been in two of the more popular starter sets in Underhive and Gang War. Enforcers are also very popular, likely more popular than the more fringe house gangs like Delaque.
Eschers do have the edge of being in the starter box and Delaques are, and no offense intended to any Delaque loyalists, fucking boring aesthetically.
Saying that, my local scene has a lot of Orlocks.
>not faction locked
Ooh baby
tomb kings are fucking awesome mostly because of chariots, so why not
Anyone know any good options for MESBG recasting? GW doesn't have what i want in stock and the usual ebay and marketplace searches are turning up nothing

They're fine, a couple units make a good addition when brigaded with Reavers. The main thing is that they are not a replacement for Silver Helms, they're something different.
The terrain limits are fairly overrated, and they're nicely cheaper. Just put them on the flanks to bully something with your Reavers and don't use it as an excuse to cheap out on your Helms.
4 Helms, 2 Chariots and 2 Reavers are a solid set of units and are very affordable within a 2k list.
There’s lotrbay but I haven’t ordered from them.
LOTRbay dont seem to be responding to my orders i know they are ukranian so they maybe having some issues. and wartable doesn't have what i want
I think Orlocks and Van saar.
>Orlocks or van saar
Is this what you see? I see the most cawdor, delaque, and Escher on Instagram and in stores. Surprised every time I see a palanite enforcer gang for some reason.
ive gotten stuff from lotr bay. no pictures available on mobile.
almost all weapons were thin and broken and needed fixing. there was some slop near mold line positions on some infantry with capes/cloaks but otherwise all details came out clean.
every single melee weapon needed replacing or swapping from what i bought which was uruk hai scouts, mordor uruks, the 9infantry nazgul set, the fellowship, thirins co, uruk hai berzerkers, feral uruk hai and a pair of dol goldur castellans.
forgot to add, from placing order to recieving items took about a month.

cheap n fast also has lotr selection and responds with about the same speed and quality.
used to be a few planets more in system he could have got it from archelogy or trade with aliens. ancient warp gates that linked six systems so that dozens of planets or more that were compleatly erased by the same aliens that he stole or traded the tech from most likley had an interest in the area. actually maybe that's what the delaque are or were should i say hmm?
Does anyone have the titanicus books?
Loyalists and traitor legios
Well my group has tripple orlocks, double van saar (with a third guy that swapped so as not to double), esher, nomads, goliath, chaos helots, enforcers and delaque. All that with 6 people in the group.So yeah
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Bonerboys preview. Both profiles seem decent-ish. The leader is a little light on wounds for his cost but he makes up for it with his fantastic threat range IMO. The bonedog is alright, though 80pts for 10W/T4 is a tad on the low side. I guess they're paying for 2/4 damage on a chaff model. The warbands gimmick of spending wild dice as part of abilities seems interesting but a pretty underwhelming use of resources? I feel like they were being a tad too conservative with it.
Fucking love Spryers, hope we get the Matriarch and Patriarch soon.
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Nomad nap time
They're never releasing another big box warcry are they. Why does GW make these amazing skirmish games and then just let them die. Kill team was blowing up and now it's been relegated to the backline. Warcry has had success for years now but now they're just doing these really expensive two army boxes nobody needs. Their new starter box sucked and was way too expensive.

Take me back.
It was cheaper than the big box and it it's much cheaper than buying the team separately, which had a price increase since some of the are double kits, or kit with expensive HQs.

Terrains nowaday also are too fucking expensive it's not even worth buying any of them outside of the new starter or killzone/ravage land release.

GW shit had been overpriced for several years now, and you're just the latest frog from the boiling pot who can't no longer take the heat, lots of people already jumped once they moved the price post for big box from 150 to 200.
Huh? This generation of war cry had 4 ‘Heart of Ghur’ sized boxes this edition. Rumor is that they’re announcing the next version of war cry in august. I loved all the Ghur terrain in planning on collecting it all someday. I expect the new edition will have a similar pattern of releases but in a different realm.
Wake up grandpa, the last 3 war cry and kill team box are 2 team + 1 piece of terrain, the "battlefield" box are now sold separately. And Killteam boxes are complete new setting.
They said they were gonna do 4. I guess they switched strategies by the 4th one. You really think they’re not gonna do it again?
>Is jewdub gonna be generous instead of mor greedy?

You're new here?

Not that anon but yeah I'm pretty positive they're not gonna do a new huge box anytime soon. I came from kill team but always had my eye on the huge boxes warcry came up with and now that I'm into warcry they've shifted away from huge boxes for both games. Kill team was huge then they just kinda let it go.

I'm sure the next couple of sets are just gonna be two teams and one piece of terrain. Not sure if they're trying to offset costs but I've learned to not trust GW. I'll just 3d print some terrain instead of hoping for a new big box. Heart of Ghur is cool but I don't like either teams. Same with Sunder. Huanchi feel really gimmicky.
3 year cycle says next edition in a year
Ghur terrains are pretty shit compared to the ruin walls terrains with much more coverage. "Boarding action" is pretty much GW best terrain in recent year, hopefully warcry get the equivalent next edition.

Or just bring back the ruin walls terrain, the ruin wall from skaventide fucking sucks.
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Escher, Enforcers, smattering of Delaque. No one in my local store is based enough for Cawdor except me.
The fact that this new KT terrain isn't compatible with the old Sector Mechanicus is one of the most infuriating things they've done. Its also 4x shittier than the gallowdark stuff, which was at least interesting.
Bheta decima suck donkey balls and no one like playing it lmao. They probably tricked a few noobs into buying the killzone because they printed some of the walkway into the cardboard to make you think you get more terrains.
>hopefully warcry get the equivalent next edition.
Tunnel fighting would be cool.
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It's pretty obvious why they changed release models, people complained endlessly that there was meat trees in every box and I expect sales were poor because most people don't care about having a ton of extra redundant terrain (ditto for Kill Team - remember when they released 4 boxes in a row with the same fucking hallway terrain, that you only need one set of to play the game?). I know in my local scene at least lots of people bought Heart of Ghur because the forest terrain was novel at the time but barely anyone bought the follow-up boxes and instead just ebay'd the teams they wanted because they didn't want to pay for extra boards and trees.

IMO the current release model would actually be reasonably consumer-friendly (by GW standards, anyway) if:
>the "core" terrain set wasn't a limited run product
>the designated starter set didn't suck
Fix those two things and the current release model would be great, giving players an easy on-ramp into the game with an actually decent starter box and basically giving them the option of a "modular" full-sized box by combining the core terrain set with whatever duel box they like.
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It's a win- win for GW now they sell you a 150 this year, 175 next year and 200 the year after with no terrain.

Maybe GW should blame themselves because those box set came out during time where unemployment was at peak.
One of the selling points of the big quarterly boxes was to get a full board of AoS terrain by the end.
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Nomad hunting party to be shredded into pieces in the Underhells
Finally a setting where "Eye of the wasteland" is universally useful instead of being situational.
infiltrating webgun could be funny
Gallowdark is fantastic.
But yeah not loving the new idea of 2 teams + 1 piece vs big sets.
I found a reasonably priced Red Harvest which is great
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LMAO after 7 years they finally add faction passive for everyone and conceded that their "wargame for simpleton" approach to warcry is retarded.

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