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Rockin' Cock Edition

Previous: >>93343222

>Lorcana Official Website:

>Lorcana News, Guides and other Resources [Feel free to suggest more websites]:

>Card Database:


The next expansion, Shimmering Skies, releases on August 9, 2024
Pixelborn is officially dead and gone

>TQ: Will you change up your deck significantly, based on current set 5 spoilers?
Can someone give me a quick rundown on the mechanical identity of the different colors? The official write up is fluffy to the point of uselessness.
There's not perfect color identity, so it's not super easy to answer, but I'll take a stab:
>Ruby: Combat and hard removal, lore removal, "attack power matters" cards
>Emerald: Hand disruption, "draw/discard matters"
>Sapphire: ramp & "items matter"
>Amber: Small dudes, healing, "songs matter"
>Steel: direct damage, items & item removal, card selection (loot/rummage)
>Amethyst: Fast lore/aggro, "on play" and "leaving the battlefield" effects
You could do with updating the news, instead of using the one I made a long time ago and just removing the shit that passed.

>Bucky Errata takes place August 9th
>D23 Collection to be released at D23 and the Disney Parks on August 9th
>Toronto Challenge is August 24-25, Las Vegas is September 21-22, both sold out
>Lorcana Gateway new player set is now available
That's a huge help already anon, thanks.
I guess I want steel/amethyst.
I'll include in the next one, sorry for being mildly retarded.
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An interesting card. I wonder if maybe amber+amethyst royal ladies might be playable, soon.
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I don't think this is very good but maybe I'm wrong.
MTG player here.

What's the lorecana equivalent of a Rhystic study, and smothering tithe?
Why do you expect us to know what rhystic study and smothering tithe are?
Closest you've got so far is Prince John - Greediest of All and Diablo - Asshole Bird
>draw equal to what your opponent discards
That's such devastating advantage I wasn't sure that MtG even had that effect. I was wrong, but it looks like it's only a single card.
Why on earth would you print something so oppressive in Lorcana of all things?
Wait until you see diablo
Because there aren't that many discard effects and it's been proven to be perfectly balanced.
I think it's pretty good. 8 Willpower is hard to deal with and the +3 takes your characters out of almost any direct damage range and many will even be out of Maui range.
Subtle differences in the way Lorcana plays vs. Mtg make it less devastating than you'd think. For example, there's no maximum hand size in Lorcana, so the only reason you'd discard anything is when a card effect forces you to.
The only complaint I have about this one is that it seems strange that the tower that is notorious for being difficult to get in to only costs 1 to travel to. Seems like a bit of a flavor fail, but otherwise a very interesting card.
Do you pay the one?
I'm excited about Shimmering Skies. Tons of Wreck It Ralph and more Robin Hood? Fuck yes.
What is the best starter deck?
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Sapphire Steel from Ursulas Return.
Agreed with, >>93426754 , but I think the 7 Dwarves starter deserves special mention, because it's probably one of the easiest decks for a beginner to learn with while still being fairly solid, plus it looks like the Dwarves are getting a bunch of new Steel cards to work with in this new set.
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This seems really good
Are there any characters or items that trigger abilities from singing songs?
Steel Cinderella comes to mind.
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Yes, many. One of the green Ursulas and picrel are two highlights
It is crazy good.
>5 Lore
Might be tough to accomplish with all the removal out there.
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Set championship card this time and now top 8 get it, not just top 4. Expect your LGS to cut prizing accordingly - can't spend any of that entry money, giving out the (free for them) promos is enough.
That is true, I built a gimmick deck that did the same with Goofy, Robin Hood, and Flynn Ryder.
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Well this looks fucking broken
Interesting. Item removal isn't that hard, though.
It is on an empty hand. Easy to keep someone in top deck mode if they drop to 3 on turn 3.
How prevalent is stax in lorecana?
The fuck is a stax?
I think it's like, the Pringles version of Doritos or something.

It's an archetype that is designed to slow the game to a crawl for other players by deniying them resources, or making abilities cost more.
It's definitely a dangerous early card, but less so as the game continues on. It's fairly balanced since it doesn't activate until the end of the opponent's turn, so it gives them time to ink and play cards. It really doesn't discard as much as limit the opponent's hand size since it is a 3 drop. Mixed with other discard abilities from Green and Yellow might make it more potent. However, it is still an item and a lot of colors have ways to break items with Steel having the most variety that we know of. There may very well be new cards introduced to get rid of items for other colors we haven't seen yet.
Did you mean taxes?
Yes, but along these lines.

A Stax deck is a type of control deck that aims to restrict opponents' ability to play the game. It does this by denying resources, increasing costs, or hindering the use of resources. Essentially, a Stax deck creates a "prison" where opponents struggle to function while the Stax player slowly grinds them down.
Yeah but we don't know what a stax is.
There are some cards that steal opponents lore or exerts opponents characters to deny them from questing or attacking but I don't really know if you could build a proper deck with these playstyles.
The outgoing green steel deck was basically a prison deck that forced the opponent to top deck all game. But without instants you can't do true stax style prison, they'll always at least get one card to do something with.
>Maximus (Team Champion)
>Storyborn Ally
>A REWARD FIT FOR A KING At the end of your turn, if one of your characters has 5 or more, gain 2 Lore. If they have 10 or more, gain 5 Lore instead.
Seems fun for character heavy decks. (Like mine amt+amb that is mostly 1 cost characters.)

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