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>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here:http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

>Errata for Third Edition

>Other Ex3 Resources

>Resources for Older Editions

>Current Quixalted Extended QE Version (Fanmade Supplement)

>Optional Quixalted Exalts

>4thchan Edition (4.2E)

>Exalted Demake/Black Vault (Now with updates):

>collection of Exalted Hacks

>stuff that might be interesting

Last thread: >>93366609

TQ: Have you ever used or made a servant race in game? If you haven't, how would go about this in your current game?
>TQ: Have you ever used or made a servant race in game? If you haven't, how would go about this in your current game?
no I'm not a weirdo
Anon, there is nothing wrong with demon summoning.

Even Mnemon uses it
>Have you ever used or made a servant race in game?

>If you haven't, how would go about this in your current game?
I play an Infernal
I have demons
Yes, Exalted art is pretty shitty, but do you even know what you posted there?
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After playing through Nine Sols, I unironically think this is better than half of exalted's list of recommended media in terms of both fun and how well it thematically fits exalted.
>Nine Sols.
>Nine Suns.
Is it based on Hou Yi?
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Where the fuck is the Sidereal's book OPP? I need it for various unique purposes.
Onyx Path cannot sustain its supplement treadmill.

Despite not having access to WoD anymore, they are throwing on the wall to see what sticks.
It was never posted in this thread nor the PDF share thread. If anyone's got it, share it.
>Foxbinder caused a resurgence of Lunar posting.
>Gambler was about his valid, and how he is a shitty Sidereal.
>Masks preemptively caused one involving solars and artifacts.
I wonder what will happen in the next update.
Main character gets his name from hou yi yep.
About the recommendation media, it is because it is too new.

1e was written when access to East Asian culture was hard.
2e was toonani generation.
Since the decade of the 3e kickstarter launched, China, Korea and Taiwan began to export their culture.
It seems like a lot of the autism in this thread centers around the idea that Exalted types can't share abilities or powers, which is strange considering how most charms in each edition are just mechanical variations on the base Solar charms.
It's less sharing abilities or powers being bad, because that's good in moderation. It's about the extent that it's gone to being far too extreme. When one type of Exalt can fully encompass another type within it's abilities, it's gone too far.

Imagine if there was a Yozi who's domain was shapeshifting animal kingdom stuff, and suddenly any Akuma or Infernal could do anything a Lunar could but better because they'd also have access to all their other stuff. Or if Solar charms built on Craft: Fate copy/pasted the entire Sidereal set. Or if Abyssals could learn the entire Solar charmset because they're a mirro- oh wait, they did do that in 2e, and it was lambasted for being awful. Going too far with shared abilities reduces the uniqueness of a wide swathe of characters without adding anything good to justify it.
I'm not talking about people not sharing it - I think one guy already said he's not sharing it out of spite -, I mean having the actual Sidereal book for sale which I'll then share. They're taking so fucking long with it.
It seems a few posters don't really understand that making a very niche Exalt type that does all the cool things you want a larger Exalt type to be able to, and now they definitely are discouraged from it in community discourse because "but that invalidates Exigents of X/Why not just play this Exigent", isn't something that everyone is automatically going to be on board with. It's quite weird that people pretend these sorts of complaints only happen with Exigents when people have been complaining that Solars have been cribbing unique stuff from other Exalts before 3e core even came out.
Nta, and it may be early, but I'm struggling to parse what you're saying, it feels like each sentence in the first half of your post is missing half a sentence
nta translation services

>It seems a few posters don't really understand

>making a very niche Exalt type that does all the cool things you want a larger Exalt type to be able to...
>...isn't something that everyone is automatically going to be on board with.
"Opinions on niche Exalted are divided."

>and now they definitely are discouraged from it in community discourse because "but that invalidates Exigents of X/Why not just play this Exigent"
"Exalted with niche themes make it hard to expand other Exalted into those niches because of community pushback."

>It's quite weird that people pretend these sorts of complaints only happen with Exigents when people have been complaining that Solars have been cribbing unique stuff from other Exalts before 3e core even came out.
"This problem is not specific to Exigents, as it was in discourse prior."
In fairness, the community - or even just a minority of individuals in a larger group - shitting on you or your work when you go about writing something is fairly discouraging. People shitting on your ideas ahead of time makes it less tempting to go forward with them, too. When it comes to public homebrew, community perception of what's being tackled really does matter.
Yes, there's a difference between exalts sharing bread and butter abilities, and "Solar painted green" or "literally mirror mask".
community discourse unironically affects and has already affected the trajectory of the game.

2e and 3e have entire additions that are directly in response to the actions of like three individuals on the White Wolf Forums or three posters on Discord.
>2e and 3e have entire additions that are directly in response to the actions of like three individuals on the White Wolf Forums or three posters on Discord.
I'm more interested in the effects on 2e, but... what sort of effects have they had?
Anon is talking about niche protection, and how they are taking away from the other Exalted like how the latter masquerade clans took away from the earlier ones.

Exalted examples: how they removed body horror from the Abyssals to make Liminals, or the fact they gave illusions to other unfinished splats, despite the fanbase begging Luna to have illusions for 20 years at this point.

In my opinion Exigents disincentive people from doing out of the box character concepts.

For example: want to play a fox spirit? Lunars aren't it, you have to use an unfinished charmset, and be constantly reminded that your character is a copy of another.

Progenitive Essence was made in response to the rape camps shitposting, and to kill the male reproduction advantage.
>despite the fanbase begging Luna to have illusions for 20 years at this point.
I'm usually ambivalent on the whole muh illusions complaining here, but it's not because you guys are wrong about it - and anyone who buys Grabowski's bullshit about how illusionists was used in the colloquial sense can read the books to see he's wrong - it just gets talked about way too much. There are lots of things about Lunars that could use improvements, but it just gets talked about too much. Surely some people here actually like some parts of Lunar lore and wants to talk about it right?
>despite the fanbase begging Luna to have illusions for 20 years at this point.
Not "the fanbase", but a part of the fanbase. Or do all the people who're fine with Lunars not having illusions not count?
>do the people who don't mind either way not count
I don't remember an equal or even a quarter strong amount of discourse about Lunars NOT having illusions apart from Morke. I don't even think the devs or writers of the current line have ever given opinions about it either.
It is because of how many problems 1e Lunars had*; even if you address the most glaring ones, like ExVsWoD did, Lunars will still stay anemic.
The Dream-Souled demonstrated a niche outside of "silver X"

*exp costs, screwed up structure, DBT taking up all the power budget, Solar charm but worse, lack of appearance charms and anemic social.
>Surely some people here actually like some parts of Lunar lore and wants to talk about it right?
I liked their 1e lore. I think honorable barbarian warlordism being presented as virtuous over civilized backstabbing was a cool aesthetic that made the ongoing conflict between the Lunars and the Realm an ideological one instead of one based pretty much purely on vengeance, and that it didn't feel like they were sour grapes-ing or just malding in the corner the way they are in 2e or 3e. Their charms could've done with a lot of work but their lore felt pretty decent to me. I don't often talk about the parts of Lunars I like because nobody else likes what I like.
>and that it didn't feel like they were sour grapes-ing or just malding in the corner the way they are in 2e or 3e.
Depends on the Lunar and the passage of the book; some are more spiritual, others were full "xaxaxa dumb Americans made a million dollar pen, we just used pencils".

1e Lunars was really tropey
>Exalted examples: how they removed body horror from the Abyssals to make Liminals
Such as? I'm not seeing anything in the 1e book that relates to body horror that does not also show up in 3e; stigmata still has the potential to melt your flesh off, there's still the charms that grant you Hideous (either on demand or permanently), Necrotic Graft Technique still exists, etc.
I'm sorry but Infernals shouldn't exist because Lunars already encompass shapeshifting, dancing, and being resilient.
So this is the real reason for the lack of Malfeas' dancing charms?!?! Turns out the devs were just doing niche protection!!!
Yes, but sadly the devs did not do enough; the Infernals infringe upon shadows (a theme shared by Solars, Lunars, and Abyssals), have Fire Aspect powers but tinted green, Air Aspect powers, being made of metal (Alchemicals), and more. It is truly SICKENING how much the niches of every splat have been INFRINGED UPON by them.
>shadows (a theme shared by Solars, Lunars, and Abyssals)
Outside of 3e, did Lunars have a notorious shadow power?
>Outside of 3e, did Lunars have a notorious shadow power?
none that I recall, to be fair I only read 1e and they had fuck all besides shape shifting.
Thanks, I heard they had zombies in 2e, but it isn't the same thing.
Lunars are better than Solars by virtue of having shape shifting, which is a better gimmick than Solars throwing more dice at problems.
They are more interesting but that is to be expected given their premises. What sounds more interesting Not!Apollo or Not!Typhon?

"Shooting plagues around" and "killing a giant snake" is more fun than "being trapped under a mountain" or "having nearly all of your children killed".
>I'm sorry but Lunars can't have a Territory on a ship because that's a Pakpao charm
Lunars having territory charms was a mistake since it remove focus from their shapeshifting werewolf themes. it is a joke
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Sorry, phone poster.
Lunar territory charms are a great idea and have some cool charms associated with them, but waaaay too many charms are just obviously trying to pad out the idea by giving lackluster shit. Like the mirror dimension demesne charm for a territory - the use cases on that are so narrow that you might as well have made three more interesting charms with that wordcount. Also, I feel Territories need a widget to make you able to temporarily declare somewhere a territory in an easier manner to make it so a lot of the Territory specific charms aren't completely wasted wordcount if you're not doing a defend-my-tribe game.
Sounds fair enough, you could have the foundational territory charm claim an area and challenge enemies within it.
Talking about them, Territory charms are actually from before 3e, by the way people talked about them, I thought they were introduced in it.

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I like 3e Lunars but its in that early period of 3e where the new devs were finding their footing in regards to what to even do with the line, so its not as good as the material that came out after it. I still have no idea why Rich Thomas doesn't allow for errata other than just stinginess.
We've heard from multiple sources that it's 100% stinginess
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I am not sure it would change anything.

Thr problem of 3e Lunars seems to be "true barbarism was never implemented".

>Thr problem of 3e Lunars seems to be "true barbarism was never implemented".
How did you come to this conclusion from this article? It seems to be entirely about how the D&D conception of "barbarism" as an ideology against civilization didn't exist historically and they don't want to do the dumb 1e shit everyone made fun of again.
It is the same shirt with a new name, see subtitle "fangs against the gate", it isn't even about lunars, but about the Realm.

And they kept the pulp tropes, like Raksi being a baby eater, which became nonsensical outside of the original "savage queen" archetype.
Yeah, the article even outright states that
>No more barbarians, stewards, or social engineers
when talking about 3E Lunars.

It takes some really biased reading to see that article as being the same as 1E Lunars. And yeah, it's in part about the Realm, because the Realm is relevant in a discussion about the use and meaning of the word 'barbarian' in the context of Creation.
Lunars still are barbarians, but instead of pulpy ones they will be "from civilizations declared as barbarians by the colonial power" ones.

Which doesn't change much.
>Lunars still are barbarians, but instead of pulpy ones they will be "from civilizations declared as barbarians by the colonial power" ones.
All that means is that the Realm still calls Lunars, and a lot of Threshold-dwellers in general, barbarians. Sure, that's true. The Realm's still got a sense of cultural superiority. Do you think the Realm should be all egalitarian and tolerant instead, anon? Because the whole point of that article in regards to barbarism was that barbarism isn't really a trait of the cultures labelled as barbaric but a descriptor used by a dominant power to express its disdain to other cultures.

>Which doesn't change much.
The Realm calling Lunars mean names seems pretty different to me from Lunars losing their Exaltation if they dare to live in a city. They seem different enough, in fact, that I'd like you to explain in more depth why you don't find these things that different.
I meant that Lunars are difined by the Realm, but the Realm itself doesn't care that much for Lunars.

Compare to the other subtitles.
What fire has wrought is about the Dragon-Blooded story.
Sworn to the grave, defines Abyssals as being about chivalry.
Charting fate's course, is about the Sidereals job.
Exigents' is about their origin.
That's a genuine problem, but not one that has that much to do with whether Lunars are barbarians or not.
Yes, they fixed the portrayal of "barbarian" cultures, but Lunars' themselves weren't.

In fact, 3e Lunars seem to use these cultures a cannon fodder.
Fangs at the gate is about lunars being "barbarians" against the Realm.

3e devs thought the problem was how the "barbarian" cultures were portrayed, but it is in the lunars themselves.
>Fangs at the gate is about lunars being "barbarians" against the Realm.
This literally means nothing. Just how are you even using the word "barbarian" here, anon?

>3e devs thought the problem was how the "barbarian" cultures were portrayed, but it is in the lunars themselves.
In the sense that a splat being so defined in terms of another splat is a problem, sure, That still has nothing to do with barbarism, though.
>This literally means nothing. Just how are you even using the word "barbarian" here, anon?
1e Lunars were champions of barbarian people against the Realm, 3e fixed the portrayal of "barbarism" I.e cultures outside of the Realm.

>In the sense that a splat being so defined in terms of another splat is a problem, sure, That still has nothing to do with barbarism, though.
It is when Lunars come with in-born hatred.
>It is when Lunars come with in-born hatred.
No, that's still just a problem with a spat being defined in the terms of another splat.
>No, that's still just a problem with a spat being defined in the terms of another splat.
The in-born hatred is part of barbarian tropes, the tropes weren't fully exorcized.
The in-born hatred is dumb, but it's not there because of barbarian tropes, it's there to explain why there is a shared Lunar agenda instead of most Lunars just doing their own thing.
It keeps Lunars as the same kind of barbarians as 1e, despite 3e changing the kind of barbarians Lunars were supposed to represent.
I feel like this is going in circles. Lunars aren't the same kinds of barbarians as they were in 3E, anon. They can live in cities if they want to, they don't rage against the weakness and decadence of civilization, they don't glorify a simple and primal lifestyle. These are pretty significant differences, you know? If being opposed to the Realm is enough to count as same kind of barbarian as 1E Lunars, then a whole lot of Solars, including both the current and previous signature Circle, are 1E Lunar tier, too.
>Lunars aren't the same kinds of barbarians as they were in 3E
*as they were in 1E
>These are pretty significant differences, you know? If being opposed to the Realm is enough to count as same kind of barbarian as 1E Lunars, then a whole lot of Solars, including both the current and previous signature Circle, are 1E Lunar tier, too.
It is when the essence fever forces them to be ragetards.
Dude, repeating that isn't going to make the obvious differences between 1E and 3E Lunars go away. Not losing your Exaltation if you live in a city is a big deal. Not being opposed to the very concept of civilization, merely one specific civilization, is a big deal, too.
Yes, they changed a lot, but without changing anything.

The great Lunar story is to try to conquer the caul.

>Not losing your Exaltation if you live in a city is a big deal.
This one stopped being a thing ages ago.
The thing I don't understand is who they're talking from the perspective of when they say that far-flung cultures aren't 'barbarians'.

It's not the Dragonblood, because to them they are uncivilized brutes, barbarians in truth. It's not the Solars, because to them everybody in the Age of Sorrows is a barbarian. It's not the Lunars either, because they're worldly wanderers with a diverse understanding of many cultures sufficient that they're also generally going to think of the less powerful cultures as barbaric - useful barbarians who they're engendering useful traits in, but still. Lunars consider Realmites barbaric too. PCs are elevated above instead of being engaged in the culture in the way that breeds respect through familiarity.
>Find shit I like
>enjoy it
>It's conveying the experience of what 1e and 2e gave the impression Exalted would be like better than any edition of Exalted
Man I'm going to end up using this thread as a rec for better media, I just haven't seen anything that can actually get me interested in Exalted again in a long time. Like some things in Abyssals weren't as bad as I feared and a few like the Grand Maw necromantic initiation or the Heron being for (you) were amusing, but whatever trick of writing gaslit me into enjoying this setting from previous editions is just gone.

I'm going to enjoy season 4 of Thunderbolt Fantasy while telling myself it's the Exalted campaign I enjoy.

Fuck Exigents, they deserve to be collectively invalidated.
>This one stopped being a thing ages ago.
Not in 1E, though. 2E Lunars were also pretty different from 1E Lunars.
>No, that's still just a problem with a spat being defined in the terms of another splat.
All the original splats define each other pretty well.
>it's there to explain why there is a shared Lunar agenda instead of most Lunars just doing their own thing.
I don't think Lunar essence fever is for that. The book itself says that most join the Silver Pact because they get targeted by the Wyld Hunt, which is fairly omnipresent in the world considering how the most populated parts of it are all owned by or near Dragon-blooded nations that hate the Lunars.
>I'm going to enjoy season 4 of Thunderbolt Fantasy while telling myself it's the Exalted campaign I enjoy.
If/when it comes out.
Well I'll be, I didn't know that. It's fair to say 3e expanded on them and made them proper categories in my defense.
Vance is saying that they aren't savages or degenerate peoples, just labeled as such by the Realm.

1e used barbarian for tribal or nomadic cultures.
3e "used" barbarian for "cultures colonized by the Realm".

>Solars and Dragon-Blooded.

>Also, keep in mind that most of "civilization" as the Dragon-Blooded and Solars would see it is a very narrow band around the Inner Sea, parhaps an inch (in map scale) back from the shore or from the major river valleys (in the Scavenger Lands). Out past that are crazy savages with stone and bronze weapons, their Lunar godkings, and the strongholds of the Fair Folk. In general, travellers will be moving along the shore, rather than into the interior.
From Grabowski.
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It hard a few expansions here and there.

I can't find the zombie making charm.
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Which edition has the best social mechanics for a campaign about international espionage?
Best in what way? 3e has the most competent social system. 2e has the strongest charms to negate entire systems at the drop of a hat. Social is spend willpower or die as exalts have mental control in all of their charms. 3e goes with trying to influence someone normally but using magic to force subtle influence on someone before going for mind control. Solars aren't fun in 3e for social stuff. The old devs were retards.
3e is better if you want your players to have to struggle while grappling with the social system - that is to say, if you don't want the social system to give out a free lunch, but do want your players to be able to use it to get functional results. It's got depth and it's got style and the advantages you can get in it are clear and powerful, but it's really hard to run roughtrod over and you can always be challenged by even basic bitch enemies. The meme about 1wp resisting all social influence is inaccurate because of retries and alternate influence, so it's more the fact that 1wp does put a hard stop to the initial social actions every time. It gets to be an absolute grind and it definitely isn't good for players who you want to be 'yes, and'ing because 3e's social system revolves around saying 'no, no, yes, no, no, okay, no, no, shit I can't stop you now'. This gets a bit worse with players who want to engage fully because those same players will want to stunt everything, so the 'no' will hit harder and actions will take longer.

2.5e's social system is great for if you want being better in-character to translate into more effective social actions, because of how threshold successes make it take more to resist. Beyond the social system itself taken in isolation though, charms in 2e will happily run roughtrod and be very clearly mind control in a way that the social system isn't set up to resist meaningfully - it quickly gets to the point where you need to resist with charms or you will fall to your knees and start sucking.

1e's social is basically just social feats like you see with the other abilities. 'difficulty 5 to take over the court, or turn the spy with a whisper' sort of thing, instead of having a subsystem. This might be better than a flawed subsystem for your purposes.

Essence is okay when it works, but needs tweaks. You'll need to decide how hard bargain works yourself, and you need Fulminating Word at E3 or equivalent to do anything.
Bitch you lame
Would 3E's social system still work if the players are playing non-exalted characters, or does it need charms to work?
NTA but the base social system should work fine. I think the social Charms are pretty underwhelming, by and large, and don't add as much power as, say, combat Charms or crafting Charms do. Just remember, and remind your players, that you don't always have to do the whole routine where you instill new Intimacies and strengthen them and so on - sometimes just figuring out what someone already wants, fears, believes etc. and finding a way to make that work for you is enough.
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>3e social system.
what's up with this developer and flowchart systems?
It is a fan made one, neither set of nudevs is capable of making a ST section.

If you want to use 3e, you will need to search for fan supplements, such as charm cascades.
Essence is better if you're interacting with large organisations a lot, 3e is better if it's more individuals you parlay with.

This is because Essence has actual social influence v organisation frameworks (Ventures) and because 3e has way more fleshed out one to one social influence.
it depends on the exalt. The reason lunars and sidereals are much more socially powerful is because they can just inflict ties and/or strengthen them much more easily then solars. Solars seem to be designed without any consideration of how the system works now.
One complaint about 3e that I heard, was about how some stuff seemed to exist so the Solar charmset could ignore it.
What are some good homebrew errata/rewrites for Solars? I mostly know of Sandacts but are there any other good ones?
The splat nicknamed Lunars fangs because they are shapeshifters with an animalistic side.
In the splat itself the Lunar characters overthrow the local Realm garrison on behalf of a peasant uprising. Their motivation isn't "civilization is bad, humanity must return to nature".
2e question, you can't move or take other reflexive actions while you take a shape sorcery action, but could you have someone else carry you while you do so?
I have a dumb idea involving the party's Lunar and our Infernal who has the Miniscule mutation in his By Rage Recast library
>could you have someone else carry you while you do so?
Yes. People can still interact with you. You can be on a moving ship. Mounts can use their movement. You can even move around with a Cirrus Skiff or something, so long as it's not your own reflexive action.
I believe in Urobutcher's passion for Taiwanese puppetry. Even if he is apparently doing a new Madoka thing after fucking forever
It is because they are the animal exalted (fangs) that fight against the Realm (gate).
Fangs at the Gates is also reference to Hannibal Barka who was such a menace to Rome that even after his death, whenever Rome was struck with big disasters senators screamed "Hannibal at the Gates!" as expression of anxiety and distress. And becasue Romans considered Hannibal to be a barbarian. "Fangs at the Gates" could also be referring to Lunars as barbaric hordes.
It could also work with 3E devs' views on barbarism stated earlier ITT, considering that Carthage was an ancient, highly developed society that might've itself considered Romans a recklessly expanding upstart barbarian horde.
Aren't the Solar(oid) exalted the ones, in and out of universe, living rent free in the Realm's head? In 3e, Lunars are used as training dummies by the legions
Why would they be? Up until recently, Solars have been missing in action for over a millenium while Lunars have been active the whole time.
Solars live rent free in everythings head.
Lunars lack gravity.

With the exception of Alchemicals and Infernals.
They do, but that doesn't change the fact that they've been activce while Solars were missing.
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Vance fixed the portrayal of "the so called barbarian cultures", but didn't fix how Lunars interact with the setting.

Despite not being exiled anymore, Lunars are still written as exiled, and the Realm lives rent free in the Lunars' head, but not the contrary.
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Part two.

Meant for >>93444376
>the Realm lives rent free in the Lunars' head, but not the contrary.
Now that you mention it, at one point when first reading over Lunars I thought to myself "Why should I give a fuck about the Realm as a newly Exalted Lunar?" Obviously, the Realm harms many nations through colonialism and exploitation, but is that the sum total of Lunars? To fight this far away empire that may not even be directly involved in your life?
>With the exception of Alchemicals and Infernals.
Point of order, a good chunk of Alchemicals dream of the kingdom full of brilliant golden supergeniuses who can fix their dying god and any Infernal with the Past Life background literally has a Solar living rent free in their head
>but is that the sum total of Lunars? To fight this far away empire that may not even be directly involved in your life?
According to 3E? Yes
>Point of order, a good chunk of Alchemicals dream of the kingdom full of brilliant golden supergeniuses who can fix their dying god
This is more like hyperborea or those Indian dogmen described by ancient Greek physicians.
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>Now that you mention it, at one point when first reading over Lunars I thought to myself "Why should I give a fuck about the Realm as a newly Exalted Lunar?" Obviously, the Realm harms many nations through colonialism and exploitation, but is that the sum total of Lunars? To fight this far away empire that may not even be directly involved in your life?
Well, most Lunars met the Silver Pact after being targeted by the Wyld Hunt. It's not hard for the people rescuing you to make a pitch for joining a mutual self-defense pact and then get you hopped up on ideology. I'm sure if a Lunar Exalts somewhere really out of the way like the Far North or Far South where even the Realm can't treated, it'd be a harder pitch, but the thing about those places is that barely anyone lives that far out. This is an old pre-AT8D fan map but note just how many satrapies there are and the simple fact that the Realm is the world's unquestioned naval superpower, so anywhere near a coast is accessible to a Wyld Hunt.
>can't treated
can't tread*, oops
Funny how the two biggest non-realm empires are run by mortals and Dragon-Blooded.
>that big
>a rival to thousand fangs control zone
uhm...how the frick
It is actually far bigger.

The answer is that it is used as a prove that beastmen can be actually competent.
I wouldn't get too hung up on a fan's guesstimates.

Anyway, I still find it weird that so many people say that their characters would never be affected by the Wyld Hunt when everywhere interesting is either under the Realm, defended by Lookshy, or down in the Dreaming Sea by Prasad. I guess if you were setting a campaign all the way out in Dajaz, you'd never be pestered, but most campaigns I've seen are in those territories where the Hunt is a threat.
Exalted is a rpg, the Wyld Hunt is as much of an issue as the ST makes it to be.

The caste books are full of stories without it being involved.
This is also a case of material bloat and writers having no sense of scale. According to Grabowski in First Edition, everything past an inch of map scale from the coast is supposed to be nothing but bronze tools, Stone Age weapons and Lunar god-kings. By land area, Lunars actually control more of the world then the Dragonblooded do in First. But as write-ups accumulated and writers made things more interconnected then they’re supposed to be that kind of got whittled down. Honestly I prefer Creation to be full of empty space for Storytellers to add their own cultures and ideas rather then by hitting by “No you can’t do that, Fartland is 400 miles away and have 200 Terrestials with Stormwind Rider, your shitty kingdom would have to be their slaves’. Filling in all the blank space was a big mistake but fairly inevitable given it’s been three editions.
Yeah, despite all the complaints about the focus on other realms of existence, there's a reason I preferred shit like that being defined over more of the map of Creation being filled in
Defining the other realms gives you an idea of what sort of weird shit could come from there, keeping Creation's map vague lets you put your weird shit where you want. Plus most of the other realms are fuckhuge enough you can do the same with them if for whatever reason you need to focus on them
Ok but its still a motivating factor for many Lunars to get involved with the Silver Pact, in addition to the other perks of membership (mentoring, shared resources, contacts, etc.).
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So in our 2E game we got an abyssal, an infernal, and a lunar. The Lunar got 20 bonus xp at the start of the game and is using Solaroid mote-levels so she doesn't fall behind the rest of the group (which nobody wants cause she's our primary fighter). Is that sufficient?

We're also looking into the possibility of borrowing from Terrifying Argent Witches to help too if that helps.
>This is also a case of material bloat and writers having no sense of scale. According to Grabowski in First Edition, everything past an inch of map scale from the coast is supposed to be nothing but bronze tools, Stone Age weapons and Lunar god-kings. By land area, Lunars actually control more of the world then the Dragonblooded do in First.
No, that doesn't conflict. Everything past an inch of map scale is nothing but bronze age tools and Lunar god-kings locally, but that doesn't stop travellers, armies, slavers, or worse going through them, and usually being treated like gods or devils. While the civilized world was small, the Realm's Wyld Hunt did have the ability to range all across Creation in 1e, including the far East and frozen North. The only place they weren't was the shadowlands, the Wyld, and the Scavenger Lands (which have Lookshy's Wyld Hunt instead, operating under different rules). Even if a Lunar god-king had been ruling over a particular place for decades, or even centuries, the Wyld Hunt was able to conduct effective military campaigns against them. They talk explicitly about how they'd need to do this for Ma-Ha-Suchi or Raksi if they started gathering a horde, and had a close eye on them to warn if that did start happening.

The Realm doesn't control the entire known world anymore, but it did at one point and still lays claim to literally everything outside the Scavenger Lands (and the Scavenger Lands as well, if they can get away with it). The local rulers only really accept those claims near the Inland Sea nowadays, less so since the Scarlet Empress disappeared. While there is a lot of blank space open for cultures and ideas, there do still exist setting-defining superpowers whose reach extends into those spaces. It's similar to how there's a lot of open space for whatever cultures you like in the Scavenger Lands, but Lookshy's still going to run roughtrod over local leadership to stomp on Solars who make too big a splash.
Is it just me misundersstanding the system or is looksmaxxing the way to go? There are some charms that raise appearance beyond five an dthe other two social stats don’t give any bonus dice.
It's really jarring how you honestly still overestimate the Wyld Hunt when Black Winter Boneyard, Mount Namas, Luthe and a bunch of other places do not experience Wyld Hunts - and if they do it's so insignificant that it's not mentioned-. Yes, if you are a Lunar in Great Forks or on the Blessed Isle or Realm satrapies you might get Wyld Hunted if you go too loud, but the book material does not support the omnipresent Wyld Hunt you think it does.

Like damn bro, Prasad doesn't even have a fucking lock down on the Dreaming Sea because of magicked up mortal polities and you honestly compared it to a similar situation to something like the Blessed Isle? Read the books.
it's a bit odd that the silver pact's headline is that it's an anti realm (rather than anti db hegemony) group but the silver pact don't really seem to communicate any big coordinated efforts against the realm? it's just like, if one guy happens to do it with his students, the rest of them jeer and say WTF you aren't meant to actually fight them bro, and im pretty sure in the history of the setting the last large scale co-operative thing they did was remove their castes at the end of the Usurpation.

i've ran a lunar game with my players and the silver pact buy in wasn't that strong beyond just getting tattoos - some of this might be because mentoring mechanics in Exalted are sort of ass -. idk how to solve this really. any time i brought this up in other communities i get told that the Silver Pact works how it actually totally worked like (Insert tailored description addressing all the problems my players had but never seemed to come across in the books). like i honestly feel like the fucking Guild seems to have more of a co-operative spirit and stronger outcomes as an organization than the Silver Pact and the former are ultra mercantilists who use letters, horse couriers and silver coins.

i'm not even opposed to the silver pact leftist in fighting angle but it seems like that's not how you're supposed to interpret it, but maybe that's just people PTSD responsing about any exalt NPC groups being listed as incompetent
It is because 1e Lunars were disparate tribes and nomads let by exiled insane monsters.

3e didn't break this mold.
Appearance is always the second social stat you raise. You always take Charisma or Manipulation first, because they always give +1 die per dot and are relevant for Excellency, while Appearance only gives +1 die per dot over the opponent's Resolve. You almost never roll Appearance directly, and when you do it's rarely as useful as a Charisma or Manipulation roll would have been.
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I've got Sids PDF. Where can I post it that works best for people?
I had to check if this was a real photo or not.
If it's been cleaned of watermarks, probably the PDF Share Thread. If it hasn't, the PDF Share Thread has a guide on how to do that IIRC.
It says roll any combination of social stats and social abilities. Thus as long as you can justify rolling appearance instead of charisma or manipulation you should be fine dumping them.
there's a fucking -3 penalty for communicating nonverbally

appearance shills fuck off
You don’t have to say a single word to instill fear, it has plenty of uses.

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