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Previous Thread: >>93351268

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Thread Question: What are some of the worst fates your characters have been condemned to? Not necessarily deaths.
Never being played due to scheduling and life being a fuck
What kind of characters would people play if they weren't perpetually running games / no games?
So why are you here?
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I like 40k.
Just offering this:
Wrath & Glory: Wretches of the Writ
Wretches of the Writ is a standalone .pdf release that expands upon the Chaos Lord Maloquence and his vile presence within the Gilead System. Featuring detailed background information on the Dark Apostle and his dark retinue Wretches of the Writ introduces several new Chaos NPC’s and Plot Hooks that can easily be incorporated into your existing Wrath & Glory campaigns or work as standalone adventures for both Chaos and Imperial aligned players.
My inquisitor "retired" with a bottle of booze and a bolt pistol. It was the only way.
My transmechanic made some bad corruption rolls while trying to contain a demon infested warp core on our ship, ended up heavily mutated and unstuck in time slightly. Imagine a high power radio receiver and transmitter in your head, and hearing calls from past, present, and possible futures. Went quite mad.
I'm planning on doing a only war campaign where the main antagonists are the craftworld eldar, but there aren't any rulebooks for onlywar that have statlines for craftworld eldar. Is it ok if I just use the eldar from other ffg books ?
2e enemies without has eldar. Eldar are also pretty high on the "fuck this enemy type" list due to high agility, high dodge, and sometimes having two dodges per reaction.
DH 2e has eldar in Core Rulebook too, Enemies Without provides additional. They're pretty well armored too
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Trying to get a handle on what protective gear/power armor from the Dark Age of Technology would look like. I know in theory it's not too dissimilar from what the modern Imperium uses, because they've been copying the STC schematics for millennia, but even stripped of the gothic styling, something should have changed, right? I also know about how it was based on protective mining gear, but soldiers wouldn't suit up in mining armor to go fight. Even just the little details like the power backpack being gone and shit.
Adding to this actually, obviously the new Votann stuff is a place to look, and I'm trying to poke around archaoetech like some of the Necromunda gear and Mechanicus stuff.
>What are some of the worst fates your characters have been condemned to?
In our Rogue Trader campaign the Explorator is now MIA having become an Acolyte of Abraxis and then proceeded to unknowingly shove a DAoT Survey Probe AI into his brain. He was last seen being pulled into the warp during a mishap on Zayth and a character looking very similar to him was reported leading a terrorist assault that blew up a major manufactorum belonging to Belasco Deathworks.
DAoT Humanity was effectively Necron Lite in terms of techno-sorcery, most of their war gear seems to deal with the manipulation of fundamental forces to achieve desired results. Entropic blowguns that flash-age anything pointed at it, satellite constellations which decouple atomic bonds, and tons of tech which cause targets to shudder backwards or forwards by a millisecond, causing the displaced mass to collapse on itself in a violent explosion.

Things like the Baneblade, Knights and Terminator armor were thus regarded as civilian tech. The throughline for all of them is a focus on more conventional size, toughness and material hardening. Dark Age of Technology militaries don’t protect themselves with just nano-crystalline composites, they wreath themselves in a temporal pocket where any bullet hitting them disappears entirely from the timeline. A true suit of DAoT wargear would look downright fantastical, far closer to light robes or strange suits of thin armor than big, bulky armored hulks.
>they've been copying the STC schematics for millennia, but even stripped of the gothic styling,
Basically the same but less decorative is an option, but not the only one. I generally like the idea that the remaining "Dark Age" tech is just the dumbed down stuff that humans were still able to make during and after the AI rebellion. The things made before that might have been different enough to seem like magic by comparison, but also might require AI to manufacture and possibly also to operate correctly. The modern Imperium would have a hard time recognizing and accepting this distinction because it contradicts a lot of Mechanicus doctrine about the relationship between AI and advanced tech.
Just realized this but the FFG map maker link is the wrong one. This is the correct one:
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Basically all the same reasons to fear genestealers, except instead of power armour rending claws, they have weapons. 1e weapons with full auto would kick you in the nuts, tho.
Describing the Dark Age as being so advanced their civilian hardware is what persists because it's so easy to make, and is still routinely either mistaken for or adapted into military hardware thousands of years later is legitimately something that never occurred to me before. What a great way of looking at it.

What I'm going for is a suit of genuine Dark Age power armor - or at least what they would consider equivalent - that's been kept as a relic by the Mechanicus for over ten thousand years, but at some point there was a bad mixup, and it's wound up in the care of the Ecclesiarchy under the assumption that it was a blessed relic. So it's mostly intact with a few modifications by the admech and some easily shed Imperial Cult trappings.

>but also might require AI to manufacture and possibly also to operate correctly
Potentially sparks an idea about an onboard 'oracle' that the Mechanicus and Ecclesiarchy sought for 'visions' that they don't understand the source of. Something like it's so advanced it doesn't need something like interface plugs or the black carapace, but the neural interface is partially based on AI.
OP image reminds me of that sci-fi story where humans are extinct but every so often a random alien population will be attacked by autonomous weapons humanity launched against the race that wiped them out
>Describing the Dark Age as being so advanced their civilian hardware is what persists because it's so easy to make, and is still routinely either mistaken for or adapted into military hardware thousands of years later is legitimately something that never occurred to me before. What a great way of looking at it.
We've seen military-grade DAoT before and it's horrifying. Devices that can snuff out stars, nano-swarms that devour entire planets into gray silvery oceans, even lance batteries that strike a target and kill them before they were even born. As anon said before, the stuff the military and higher echelons of Humanity had during the Dark Age are indescribable to the average person. Knights and Terminators are comparatively very easy to manufacture and explain because, ultimately, they're "just" big blocky suits of ceramite, adamantine and servos.

In that regard, a true military-grade suit of armor from the Dark Age shouldn't operate in any way that makes sense. Maybe it's a skintight sheath of golden material that allows you to become empowered like Superman from exposure to solar radiation. Maybe it's a belt that makes the Harlequin flip-belts look like toys, allowing them to manipulate gravity in a visceral sense. Maybe it's not even a thing you put on at all, but an injection that puts the armor directly into your DNA.
Also Rogue Trader has stats for most Eldar units
>legitimately something that never occurred to me before.
I wouldn't call it civilian model, but it is mostly tech for the frontier. Tough, simple, runs efficiently, and repairs with scrap.

>What I'm going for is a suit of genuine Dark Age power armor
Think about the difference in mindset. True golden age tech has no need to be everything represented in intent with the design of power armour. Think about the computers used in nuclear missile silos, and then imagine saying "... yeah, but what if the same thing, but made by 2024 Apple?" You can superficially grasp the concept, but they're fundamentally different and incongruous.
I think I get what you're saying, but also that I might be missing something- you mean that something truly from the Dark Age wouldn't necessarily be beholden to the design of 'modern' Imperial armor, right? It doesn't need to be an enclosed suit of metal plates because the level they're operating at is completely different.
>Things like the Baneblade, Knights and Terminator armor were thus regarded as civilian tech.
Taking things to far and stretching the logic of the setting
>That super heavy tank with 11 barrels used to be a agriculture tactor
>Knights are just big suits for the lol, totally not for warfighting xenos
Doesn't make sense, if you however view it as something akin to an MBT for far flung human outposts, it makes more sense. Honestly all of the arcane super tech should be there, but obviously immensely rare and reserved for top of the line elite units and not widespread at all and be so rare after the DAoT that the mechanicum would sacrifice forgeworld in order to capture so technology.
Yeah. Like 41m powerfists are considered relatively powerful weapons of massive bulk and inconvenience, then there's archaeotech powerfists that barely look bulkier than a thick glove and sleeve, and then DAoT supertech has no need to do anything as crude as punch enemies to obliterate them because as >>93428806 so succinctly brought up they have so many horrific ways to wipe opposing forces from existence their real decision isn't closing to melee range but choosing between them.
So is this only art from Artstation? How is this website curated?
Sorry anon, didn't you get the memo? Your logic ends where his headcanon begins.
Are FFG systems comfortable for a TTRPG newbie? So far I've had 4 DnD session with 3 characters, but I want to RP in 40k, how do I succesfully enter FFG systems? What about W&G and Maledictum? Mechanically I'm more or less familiar with Dark Heresy, although not well versed in combat
They are not, but neither is D&D, so you can try them anyway.
>how do i enter
Decide on a specific system from those on offer. Blunder your way through the ruleset. If picking BC, WanG, or Maledictum, decide on what would the PCs be as a team. Find players, find or become a GM. Try playing/running with said players; if GMing, take note of gamebreaking bugs and try to fix them.
There is no royal road to learning.
(and also get the latest book versions and/or relevant errata+FAQ documents.)
Mate. It didn't have the guns on it when it was a tractor. Cogboys saw a suitable chassis and added the dakka in later.
Knights with chainsaw hands and grabby claws were used pretty much as-is to clear land on newly settled planets, though. Well, minus the superheavy armor. Cut down a giant xenotree, chop it into chunks, move it somewhere else. Really fancy logging equipment. Also pretty helpful if there's hostile megafauna.
I'm about to run a RT campaign, and was curios how compatible the other settings (OW, DH, DW) are with RT? Are the enemies, items and weapons interchangeable? I have the 40k RPG spreadsheet character creator and I noticed along with RT, it has items and weapons from the other settings, can I give this stuff to my characters or will it break stuff too much?
>Are the enemies, items and weapons interchangeable?
Formally interchangeable, but very likely to suffer from (un)documented ruleset changes (unnatural attributes and firing mode changes come to mind) and different statting (the same entity can be statted very differently across the games).
But thats wrong. Tanks like the baneblade, russ, and rhino were always tanks first. They were never tractors. And knights were always meant as exosuits to fight enemies of early colonies. Don't trick people with misinformation.
What makes you think it's a tractor when it looks nothing like a tractor but quite a lot like a (not very modern) real tank? What tractor has a fucking turret and seats the driver where they can barely see around them?
Do me a solid, show me a source that details the invention of the chassis and its intended use case, or otherwise a source that thoroughly disproves the concept.
I want you to follow me on a fun little thought experiment. Take a BelAZ 75710 superheavy dump truck. Now armor it and outfit it for war. Swap out the wheels for tank treads if you want. Maybe relocate the driver's seat to somewhere it's not going to be fucking obliterated by the first round that strikes it. What does it look like now, in your mind's eye? A bit like a fucking baneblade?
Quit being deliberately disingenuous. Do tractors have turrets, no, of course not, because they're tractors. That's why the turrets on a baneblade look like a fucking mess, because clueless techpriests welded them on after the fact, because they're not fucking engineers, they're a cargo cult.

Jesus fuck, guys, have an ounce of imagination. Their origins are essentially empty aside from 'old DAOT shit', don't get all pissy when people try to fill in the blanks with something that makes sense.
>superheavy dump truck
Is not a tractor.
>Maybe relocate the driver's seat
Is a huge redesign of the whole fucking thing. Where were you planning on putting it, inside the engine?
>What does it look like now, in your mind's eye? A bit like a fucking baneblade?
Not even remotely, no. It has a big flat front for a start, like a truck. Not a slope like the Baneblade. What similarities are you even seeing other than "big"?
Hell, the Land Raider is basically just a Mk IV while the Rhino is more or less an M113.
>(the same entity can be statted very differently across the games).
Is there some sort of hierarchy of power levels between the settings?
Give me a bit to try and find the source, but I do believe the Baneblade specifically is actually a former Dark Age light tank and not a tractor. You are however correct about the knight and the Guard has used converted tractors based on the Land Crawler before I believe. Something like the Leman Russ or other tanks may fundamentally be based on tractors, though, and if you use the lore where an STC is an automated design computer, then stuff like the Land Raider is probably made of the same stuff as a DA tractor while still being an APC.
I thought knights were created with both ideas in mind. Both a colony workhorse and a colony defense warhorse.
I believe they were designed as that, then the stupid throne mechanicum thing where the machine spirits alter the personalities of their pilots takes over and manipulates them into changing them into pure weapons of war. So a knight is probably a lot more upgunned than the original walker.
Hi! I put some effort creating a subsector with maps and some fluff.
Will /40krpg/ be interested in it? Should I post some? or is OC considered completely usless?
Post it. We had someone a couple of threads ago posting their custom sector too and OC stuff is always welcome.
Okay after some digging, it seems to be a claim from Epic Firepower Magazine, which is sort of an IA for Epic. It specifically pertains to the initial Land Raider designs, though, eventually it evolved into a true military vehicle- in other words, mirroring the development of modern tanks. Nothing on the Baneblade I can find, though.
Ok. Here is the main map.
What did you use to make it? I have my own oc donut steel sector I made in GIMP but it looks like ass lol
I also have this kind of starsystem maps.
Is in post-Great Rift. Also, kinda weird to see asteroid trail spaning to interstellar lengths, I thought they are a phenomenon confined to star systems

What can you tell me about aeldari living within asteroid trail there?
There can be, but whether this is actually the reason for different statups is debatable. In RT (IIRC), a Tzeentch screamer is an overloaded menace full of psychic powers, resistances, talents etc.; in BC, a Tzeentch screamer is a very short statblock with no psychic powers mentioned at all; but some also say that DW enemies are overtuned compared to their statups in other games, as to be mechanically threatening to marines.
*Is it post Great Rift?
Yes, it's post rift, the asteroids are debris left from closed warpstorms, in fact, eldars are investigating them to try to understand if they are dangerous or warp charged.
As someone who runs a bunch of Rogue Trader, more map makers need to actually draw their sector warp routes.
If you have templates please share them, both of these are very strong and pretty much go hand in hand with the slightly cleaner nu-40k aesthetic.
I'd vote DH2e to get new players in. OW is good but the comrade mechanic is a bit of extra bookkeeping you don't need to give a newbie. RT is thematically the easiest to do and has a similar power level and expectations as D&D but the pre-BC FFG games are a bit clunkier than the later games.
New players, especially D&D ones I've introduced to the FFG games, generally struggle with Degrees of Success (which was streamlined from BC onwards) and then the combat damage process of Damage-(Armour-Penetration)-Toughness=Wounds for the first few sessions.
The only real major problem is the open ended level up system of DH2e but I know for DH2e there are a couple of auto-calculating spreadsheets that do the math for you.
It wouldn't hurt to give them some recommended advances.
Stealth, Awareness, Dodge, Medicae, Inquiry, Charm/Deceive and Interrogation come up a fair amount.
If someone wants to go the no-combat-focus adept route then just remind them that a nerd with an uzi can still lay down suppressing fire.
There's no reason you can't have a Knight House on a Hive World, right? Like even if we take the somewhat silly lore that they were all initially agrarian worlds or whatever, surely over the past 10,000+ years a world could have urbanized into a hive world?
Hypothetically? Not entirely impossible, especially if we consider that planets and their societies/production aren't necessarily confined to being a singular type.
One interpretation/observation of hive worlds i've seen is that their defining feature is not that the worlds themselves are gigacities (hive world: world that is a hive), it's that these worlds /have/ gigacities on them (hive world: world that has hives); take Necromunda - it has hives, but outside of the hives it's all (or mostly) unhospitable wastelands. Perhaps said agriworld has, over the course of time, exhausted its capacity for producing enough exportable foodstuffs and had to be repurposed and reclassified?

(another noteworthy fact: in the sector/subsector creation subsystem for BFG (published in some WD, i think?), the type of a planet was influenced by the number of stable warp routes to other planets; worlds connected to more other worlds were likelier to get developed into hive worlds or forges, while poorly connected ones were mostly destined for resource extraction (mining, agri) or prison duty)
Gear and vehicles are mostly interchangeable without issue aside from some small terminology changes. Rogue Trader characters are arguably the most powerful from any system due mostly to their access to equipment and support. Take enemy stat blocks from higher power games generally - RT parties can take most things if they prepare well.

Loosely DH<OW<RT<BC<DW...but RT characters have tons of money and resources which throws things off, and comparisons can break down as characters accumulate gear and experience. I'd put mid-rank RT parties against anything that has stats without much concern.

>Perhaps said agriworld has, over the course of time, exhausted its capacity for producing enough exportable foodstuffs and had to be repurposed and reclassified?
Or make it the other way around. The world had big hive settlements from the beginning, but that's to concentrate population for defense and limit sprawl to all most of the surface to be used for agriculture. Hives just mean concentrated population, not necessarily overpopulation of the planet.
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Throne Mechanicum is what happens when you never turn off your computer. It's not a design feature of the original Knights, it's a consequence of never flushing the system.
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Heresy, anyone?

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