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Previous Thread: >>93407648

>Thread Question:
Do you skip cyoa sections that you won't use in your build?
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Not using = skipping. Wtf is this question?
Do you skip reading them?
Only if the section bores me and has nothing useful, which requires reading it in the first place, so it's at most a partial skip.
>replicator attendant (PICKED)
physically safe, fairly necessary job, requires some skill so I'm not likely to be replaced
>signal steward
physically safe, but the job might be declared obsolete at any time when people reconsider the utility of it
>ice ripper
dangerous and even without accidents might degrade health in the long term
>token generator
physically safe, but the job might be declared obsolete at any time when people reconsider the utility of it

the rifle can be stolen. I need to sleep now and then, I can't keep watch over it even in all my waking hours
drugs fuck you up in the long term
cool but there's no obvious immediate use
>function (PICKED)
explicitly more useful than the rest, come on, why even have the rest

>linus trent
outcast, gives me a bad look by association
>charlotte lund (PICKED)
charismatic, quickwitted and authoritative, enhances my position by association
>ina khan
>malin khan
>roland machejek (PICKED)
authoritative, enhances my position by association
>anni berg
holds a useless job that some may look down upon, might give me a bad look by association wrt the more practically minded people

>expansion (PICKED)
luxury and retreat can be achieved in the long term anyway if the industry expands
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>Enhanced intelligence
>Illusion magic
>Portal to a fantasy world

I considered Elemental, but it's too uncertain a choice, it's not clear how much of human functionality it has (speech? sense of touch? need to sleep?).
Angel can get stronger just by getting a relevant job (customer service) and joining volunteer organizations, easy.
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Such is the way of /cyoag/.
The only viable races are Naga, Elemental, and Succubus/Incubus. The non immortal races are not to be considered, Lich goes insane, and Angel can't defend itself.

>Angel can get stronger
It says "replenishes".
Oh. Still, the only option that doesn't have to sleep.
Succubus/Incubus + Partner is infinite energy, you can just stay with your waifu and vaguely do couple things.
No one worries about food problems.
They should when The Void is the consequence for ignoring it. There are other methods and the powers you get are suited to feed easily but you still have to put in some effort, and if for some reason you don't want to go to the fantasy world you are going to need new sources constantly, succubus waifu is immortal, random human is not. It's not the best combo in the cyoa but it covers a very comfy niche.
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ONE(1) genius who you sense has an IQ of 160


FIVE(5) morons who you sense have an IQ of 50-70 apiece.
The morons because that directly reduces the amount of shitposters here
Kill the genius. The legal liability for killing 1 person is surely smaller than the legal liability for killing 5 people
You'll realistically never run out of food. Brothels exist. Also, you're not limited to feeding on humans. You can get a pet for the long term and terrorize the local wildlife a bit if you're in a hurry.

Taking care of something like a pet dog is less work than procuring normal food, so there really isn't anything to be said about effort.

All that being said, I do agree that taking the partner option is pretty good for inc/suc, just not for food reasons.
Daily reminder that the gato poster has provided more for this general than most of (You) just by making his stupid gato dlc for entropiss.
>Brothels exist
Which are not an option for everyone, some people do not want to engage with that. Also having a dog is in no way related to romance or sex, unless you are into bestiality, which most people are not.
None of the choices benefit me so i don't care. If he's such a genius i'm sure he can find a way out himself.
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>partner (home cooking)
>brothel (restaurant)
>pet dog (canned food)
>wild life (worst case scenario)
>having a dog is in no way related to romance or sex, unless you are into bestiality, which most people are not.
I'm just saying, the option is there and it's easy.
>is there and it's easy.
Rewiring your entire brain functions to gain a new fetish is not easy.
You don't have to like something to eat it.
deliberate until the trolley makes the choice for me
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How can you sense intelligences?
You're a wizard anon.
When what you eat is sex and romance yes you do. Animals cannot percieve romance, so for you to feed on that you would need to be the one feeling it, and that is arguing that romance does not need to be reciprocated. And for sex you need to be into it or it does not count, otherwise it would be masturbation.
Holy shit.
Anyways i kill the retards by doing nothing.
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>for sex you need to be into it or it does not count, otherwise it would be masturbation
It's the "prettiest" of the playable options with no lifespan limits and allows for the most normal life.
We help each other out.
Endlessly useful
I'm a social person, this is essential.
Wow, you are a retard

You can only feed off romantic/sexual relationships, and Fido is for hug, not fug.
The closest profession to that in Star Runners is Tamer, but that has more to do with going around and capturing alien wildlife (Sentient or Not) for personal study or selling them on the market to buyers. There are only 12 Professions appearing in the CYOA.

A limited amount of pictures on the internet to use and hard to have them easily match in a semi-consistent manner for a CYOA project. Easier to use what you can get a hold of quickly.

>What even is Ecclesiastes?
It's a fantasy JRPG world where man has overthrown nature / divinity that takes on the form of gigantic beasts and their countless tribal children to build their civilization that is now reaching near-contemporary times. It's something I've been sitting on for awhile, but never did anything with until recently.

>What do the waifu options look like outside of those 3 hags?
Practically speaking, almost all of the real wife options in the CYOA are in their 30s to 40s along with being your direct subordinates. A few of them being add-on content (Extra material) are directly from a city-state called Parthia where you go off to unravel the mystery behind immortality and the olden throne held by the Emperor there.

It'll probably get a negative response, but because there is no item section in the CYOA, getting automatically married is now a trait you have to take, otherwise it's a long-hard hurdle to romance. You can only get one trait as well since they're suppose to be something special and impactful for you as a Marshal Lord in your life.
Sex is sex.
>oh shit I fucked up but I can't admit it, better spew bullshit with absolute confidence
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OC by Reincarnated Onion. https://www.reddit.com/r/makeyourchoice/comments/1eagfic/on_a_magical_journey/

I am not the author.
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The morons are statistically likely to be non-westerners.
Those guys are always dropping like flies.
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Yes, you did spew bullshit, anon.
This CYOA reeks of reddit
>I am not the author
Sure, fag
wtf is TAAM
Lich, Enhanced intelligence, Illusion magic, Portal to a fantasy world
I go to the fantasy world and find a macguffin that fixes my mental degredation. Then I work to gain infinite power and thrust both worlds into an age of death.
>t. dies in the fantasy world like the jobber he is
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>7 male companions
>2 female companions
Huh. Surprisingly jarring, this wouldn't fly in a /tg/ CYOA. Waifufags demand at least a 1:1 ratio of male and female companions or else they meltdown.
I have a phylactery anon. And my zombies and skeletons will protect me just fine.
Truly the lowest of the low
Because that cyoa was made by a faggot or a woman.
Angel, Enhanced Intelligence, Appearance Change, Portal To a Fantasy World

Immortal, all I have to do is not be a dick.
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>linking directly to reddit
You are just the WEAKEST lich in that fantasy world. Real liches laugh at you and regular adventurers kill you in a boring Monday.
>a woman
Statistically improbable.

You'd have to be braindead to think not having waifus ruins something.
Well, I went looking and this was in their profile. So as I said, either a faggot or a woman made that cyoa.
I've been distracted for . . .oh, two-three weeks. Other than Tuesday Moon, did I miss anything?
you missed the public flaying of tok
You missed italics begging for attention again with one his WIPs
New cyoa dropped from sand, roaring twenties gangster.
Nothing of worth
>New cyoa dropped from sand, roaring twenties gangster.
Oh? What's the name?
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Wtf, i have to waste my one trait on a marriage? Wtf italics dont do this. The waifus are the selling point here.
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Give me courage to finish my OC anons....
Cats >>93418646
OC is no longer appreciated jere for some reason. Personally nothing has been to my tastes.

But you will feel good to finish a project and contributing to the community we both love, even in this stagnating age.
It depends, who are you?
Thank you
It would be nice if you finished your OC anon.
Pls do.
Don't bother
It'll get mercilessly shit on
Rolled 116 (1d125)

>Personal Boons
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Toughness
Enhanced Mental
Enhanced Senses
Resist Weakness
Weapon Mastery (Cutlass, Three Sword Style, Gun Style, Wing Chun)
Iron Stomach
Spirit Walk
Final Form (Ever-Changing)
>Personal Items
Clear Thought Gem
Explorer's Spyglass
Jack's Compass
Poseidon's Trident
Dragon's Chest
Devil Fruit
>Otherwise it's a long-hard hurdle to romance.
You can still marry without the trait?
>getting automatically married is now a trait you have to take
>You can only get one trait
>pitting a waifu against personal power
Italics, you really think you can pull this off better than Entropist?
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Is there any news on Aromage's remake of Demigod? Or Tankista's new version of Magocratic Convention?
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Just finished up companions, working on writing down their builds and then im gonna go onto quests and probably clean up powers a bit.
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Will you read builds this time?
Hi sandy. I will read your build and laugh at it.
Demigod or Magocratic Convention?
Who are you, faggot?
I'm you from the future.

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>pitting a waifu against personal power
>Italics, you really think you can pull this off
I don't see why not considering when the CYOA starts you are already at the apex of humanity in the Contemporary Era, hence why your Synthesis Techniques are broken in comparison to your party members and most others in-universe. Only a few can match you in a direct battle and the ones that want the smoke are the Catastrophes looking to overturn the world's order and see you as a threat to their ambitions. You'll be picking one of the seven to put into a pack as your main antagonist.

So I see people taking a marriage trait since you're already so high-up on the food chain.
Yeah, I am not picking marriage lmao. You are out of your mind. Kind of like when you did the item section in magi case.
I will kill every aro in every reality.
I dub thee Punished Aro
Gotcha. Good luck!
>Yeah, I am not picking marriage lmao.
Sorry, your build did. It's a canon event.
Very excited to marry my husband. Waiting eagerly.
>I see people taking a marriage trait since you're already so high-up on the food chain.
You do not understand people.
Let me guess. The femboy slut
>You don't understand people.
Nah, I just know anons here aren't going to go Vergil "I need more power" autismfest and make nornal builds and find a waifu.

It happens all the time. It's cyclic at this point, desu.
More like they may do it since you are forcing them to do so to get a waifu.
Since you made it like this, i will just have to take the long route and do quests like the young lads do. And snag myself a hag.

No way am i wasting a trait on a marriage when i can get one anyway. Kind of a waste imo.
>Kind of a waste
Like using your points in magi case to get a fucking walkie-talkie lmao. Italics has no idea of how much things are worth.
Why is sira so much better than everyone else
>I don't see why not considering when the CYOA starts you are already at the apex of humanity in the Contemporary Era, hence why your Synthesis Techniques are broken in comparison to your party members and most others in-universe. Only a few can match you in a direct battle and the ones that want the smoke are the Catastrophes looking to overturn the world's order and see you as a threat to their ambitions. You'll be picking one of the seven to put into a pack as your main antagonist.
Which cyoa is this?
I know the feel. Been so busy lately, and when I get home I just feel so tired.
Gonna try taking a nap when I get home, clear my mind of tiresome/frustrating life stuff so I can focus on my project, at least a couple hours a day
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I've never posted before.
>I've never posted before.
Welcome to the thread!
You are a kind anon.
>Why is sira so much better than everyone else
What catches your eye about her (in Royal Guardian)?
Sexo and easely susceptible to manipulation
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oh my god where did the pixels go
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Best T7 girl?

https://imgchest.com/p/bp458g93v45 for high res.
>Best T7 girl?
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>no Gazer
this is bullshit
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i walk away from the situation without anything happening because i'm clearly hallucinating some bullshit about sensing IQ
I tried to read/understand it, but I guess I'm not smart enough
>Best T7 girl?
Seraph. She has good powers and you can eliminate the Evangelizer Drawback by taking the Pretend to not have seen anything Reaction.

Leviathan would be my second choice if she had immortality (why does she not have immortality???????).
this is a neat one
always liked it
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So about the personal power vs waifus.
I'm working on a CYOA with that dynamic.
One solution I've come up with is that you and the waifus have extremely different capabilities so you will have to depend on themif you want to have access to certain powers.
hell naw, let me an urban conman wizard like constatine and we can talk
>One solution I've come up with is that you and the waifus have extremely different capabilities so you will have to depend on themif you want to have access to certain powers.
Basically: make the waifus worth a bit more than powers. It works... sometimes. There is a delicate line between the waifus being worth a bit more than powers, being worth too much more than powers (which makes the player too weak compared to the waifus), and being actually not worth more than powers (in which case the waifus will not be picked). Entropist is the greatest success of this method.
What did he do to make it work?
He made them cute, very strong, and fairly easy to get. You'll end up gathering 2-3 Gifts if going along minion section normally, and they'll grow with you so the choice is made between what you want and which gift has the best capabilities potentially.

Since he posted Constatine, you'll probably be entering a pact with girls to gain access to their power.
>Damn, who is the smartest one where?
>The guy wearing a classy suit and monocle reciting pi from memory while reading Atlas Shrugged in his mind palace
>or the five guys with massive dents in their heads groaning and gurgling about something called "CYOAs"
>There's something telling me it's that one guy... Hmm... oh well! Must have been the wind!
Funnily enough.
That's another way that I tought it can be done.
To have a way for the waifus to sharetheir powers with you.
Yeah, I think personal power that you can access at any time vs waifus with powers you get through a pact that have some limitations would be an okayish balance.
I think someone is already making somethig like that.
With the waifus being magical weapons
>waifus share their powers with you
This has a major problem of waifus likely being treated as mere extensions of the player, as in, people will see them as personal powers with extra steps (because they are). This can result in important factors like personality being ignored (up to a certain degree) if the powers they give are good enough.
No. The Miquella expy.
>No. The femboy slut.
I don't think that would be a problem because the player has to learn to deal with someone they potentially dislike.
It can make for an interesting part of a story.
>The Miquella expy.
the femboy mindrapist who deliberately turned himself into an emotionless psychopath?
Author confirmed you are a wizard so it makes sense
Is he ok?
>Wearing shoes
Take them off
Yeah that's my husband.
If you keep calling him a slut I'll have to kill you, anon. Why do that when we can be friends and cooperate?
He means the other boy
Only if she hovers around like beholders.

I mean, I like him too...
Gazers tend to do that yes
>mind palace
Have you been reading "Nightmare Realm Summoner"?
>if she hovers around like beholders
A non hovering beholder would be funny.
If you want to see a flawed, but promising, take on that idea, look at Warlock's Civen and Planeslord Initiation. Both by Troy X, and both NSFW
>Coins x8 (8k)
I keep a lot of coins on me.
>Keys x14 (14k)
I have lots of keys for stuff.
>Weapons x1 (2m)
I suppose I could part with my box cutter and pocket knife, since I still have the baton.

>Kai (25k)
I like shoggoths, and I'm sure she'd be a great maid/intruder squisher. Also sex,
>Vapora (9k)
For sex sex sex.
>Zib-Nogera (40k)
For cuddling and sex.
>Lonosu (9k)
For guarding my dreams, and sex.
>Lou-Gori (16k)
For gaming and sex.
>Toa (16k)
For gaming and sex.
>Nameless (25k)
For hugging, ship maintenance, and sex.
>Myuneku (16k)
For navigation, singing nad sex.
>Strai (36k)
For cuddling, general management and sex.
>Smartphone (Drone/Android/Mecha/Ship) (3k+10k+100k+1m)
For companionship, transport and sex.

>Space Mead x10 (1k)
>Shub Milk x10 (1k)

Food and Lodging
>Shoggoth's Delights (gratis)

Mars Places
>Ruined Human Settlement
Smartphone and Nameless will help me to take over the robots and fight off the zombies.
>Depths of Mars
Myuneku and I will grab ores, since she's a diplomat.
>New Pnakotus Library
No Name and I will search the place for books, since I have a hard hat for work.

I'll go with plan 2.
>Crashed Ship
Gardeniggurath for sex.
>Yithian Possession
I'm already searching for stuff in the Pnakotus library and Starai can help me cast the ritual. In case she's the one who's possessed, Vapora can do it.

>Deus Ex Machina
Probably the one I approve of most.

So the strategy is to go searching the library for tomes and the other places for cash to support us. I've got lots of human food at home, hopefully it will be enough to cure Zib. I'll do my best to bang everyone in their true forms because they're my wives and I love them for who they are.
Lazes around in bed or on the couch all day and demands to be carried, on the plus side she loves the lotus position.
Erlking Tok.
Erkling tok would be killing himself in every reality retard
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You can do it anon! Don't you ever give up!
Ship: Trireme [-80]

Enchantments [-50]:
Spider Silk Sails [Free]
Reinforced Hull

Crew [-80]:
Skeleton Crew [x20]

Ship Items:
Crew Uniforms

Race: Demon

Personal Boons [-390]:
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Toughness
Enhanced Mental
Enhanced Senses
Resist Weakness
Weapon Mastery [Trident]
Final Form
Stolen Power [Clockwork Robot]

Personal Items [-155]:
Magic Shield
Clear Thought Gem
Explorer’s Spyglass
Jack’s Compass
Poseidon’s Trident
Dragon’s Chest
Devil Fruit [Goro Goro No Mi]

Ship Roles [-135]:
Quartermaster: Theodore
Sailing Master: Mushu
Master Gunner: Atuma
Chef/Surgeon: Tibbult
Shipwright: Jill
Cabin Boy: Zynthia

The skeleton crew. Rattle em' boys!
>your build
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Is there context here or are these late night schizo ramblings?
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Honestly, I picked those girls based on the powers they gave (half of them were incestous twin daughters because the author has no self control)
But i like power. Can i marry power?
I am going mad seeing how there are so many themed sets of art that have no connection to any of each other.
So ascending the Tower and Divine Blessings are an obvious trap? The demigods couldn't do shit to save Wizardtown the first time, what's the point of that power if it fails you when you need it the most? Or when your fickle and incomprehensible patrons just turn off the tap for whatever asinine reason? The Wraiths are right, if you want true power you can't rely on the Tower or Paradise or any other True Gods.
hey RETARD is this a cyoa for ants or what???
I would marry power
>come find me
She lost to WHOREru. Don't settle for losers.
Well we don't know why Wizardtown was destroyed the first time, it's entirely possible the disaster would've been even worse without the demigods. And the True Gods seem entirely too inhuman to just decide to take back their powers on a whim.
>seem entirely too inhuman to just decide to take back their powers on a whim
>when the Storm exists
If the Storm will force you to do something "immoral, anti-social, or even incomprehensible" for amusement alone then it taking back its gifts just for fun is on the table. I wouldn't inexorably tie my soul to beings so detached. It just seems like a bad idea, no matter how much power you gain from it.
>The storm will take back your powers
Just keep your OATH you retard.
>storm forces you to eat a live rat as a joke
>next it forces you to kill 13 people for giggles
>after that it forces you to rape a fat ugly child of your own gender for laughs
>finally it takes away its gifts and laughs at you dealing with the aftermath of its tomfoolery
Never ever make deals with creatures that only act for their own amusement.
>There is 0 mentions in lore of the storm ever pulling off that nonsense
>It is enshrined publicly in the main district instead of being in some random ass corner only worshipped by desperate retards that will take the deal even if they could take it away at any moment
Look if you don't wanna make a pact with this fey-ass motherfucker then don't but don't make it sound as if it won't keep its end of the bargain.
What did you not understand, anon?
>The other four are stranger yet, and more terrible. They seldom receive prayers; they are seldom even discussed; they are too fearful for that.
>more terrible
>too fearful
>anon thinks they're described like this for no reason
I'm sure they're actually very harmless and chill and the mages are just overreacting, right? I'm sure these very brave mages would have the balls to move a True God's altar to the ghetto even if it fucked over someone it blessed. Or maybe they have reason to fear beyond "they're strong and that makes me scared"?
Also nobody saw that
You will never be a real Lich, you have no magical power, you have no knowledge of the necromancy, you have no lair. You are a mortal twisted by a wizard into a crude mockery of undeath.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back skeletons mock you. Your parents that you left behind are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “minions” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Cultists are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed cultists to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even Liches who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a cultist. Your impotent mien is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk cultist to agree to worship you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your pathetic excuse for a deathly aura.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll build a pyre, climb on top, light the flame, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your minions will find you, emotionless but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment of having a weak master. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your true name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a mortal is buried there. Your burial urn will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy are ashes that are unmistakably non-magical.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
Shitty argument between aromage and sandni**er in regards to whether builds should or shouldn't be read by authors.
Maybe because their deals are harsh?
>Garden: You must heal ANYONE who asks you no matter what
>River: A seventh of your memory must be constantly erased for as long as you live
>Storm: You must do the funny for the storm (NOTE THAT IF HE SUDDENLY DROPS YOUR BLESSING YOU HAVE NO REASON TO KEEP DOING THE FUNNIES HE SO MUCH LOVES) also the blessing itself is a potential noita tier hazard to yourself
>The night: You have to die.
>No real headpats
These are all Oaths that primarily affect one (uno) person (and something like the Garden's Oath of charity is hardly any reason to consider it a "terrible" and "fearful" being). Those that don't affiliate with Gods would have no reason to fear these Oaths (besides a deranged Storm-blessed doing deranged deeds). Yet the people are so scared of the True Gods that even talking about them is taboo. There's clearly more going on here. Divine Blessings are a trap and the wise wouldn't affiliate with the True Gods at all.
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Contrast arocuck's behavior with CHAD entropist anon, who not only read all your shitty builds, but gave custom powers too.
Textbook woman behavior. Highlander does this too.
nu-chainsawman has been nothing but a tremendous let down for everyone so far, it'd take a lot to salvage it now
I read builds but i am not good at putting it together in my head well enough to give good or interesting feedback, and i feel like if i don't, it's practically the same as not reading it.

Forgive me anons, i am weak and smoothbrained
So you do read them, you just can't into words.
pretty much, it's my greatest shame.
This is so stupid. If you're humanity's top guy you don't need to trade power for pussy. That shit will come to you naturally. I'm not gonna lose out on power I need to fight super monsters for pussy when I could scoop a harem of princesses by merely existing. Why can't you learn from someone like Husanon or other authors who can write waifus into their work more naturally?
Could be worse
Where is this?
Reddit discord
>could scoop a harem of princesses by merely existing
incredible faggotry
Aromage is a woman (supposedly) so no matter what she does cucks will always simp for her no matter what. It's why she makes bottoms of the barrel slop and still has an ardent defense force.
> Aspiration
I'm not nearly suicidal enough to throw myself against the tower (seriously, even back when mages were way stronger most people failed), I don't like to travel, and I'm certainly not going to ignore/downplay fucking magic, so thrive it is.
> Gifts
Arcane Enlightenment
Prophetic Dreams
Guardian Angel
Knowing is half the battle after all, especially when magic is involved. I'm probably going to spend a bunch of time in the ruins uncovering old magic, so Arcane Enlightenment and Mindsight are extra important. Precognition has obvious incredible general utility, and having a literal angel on my shoulder will go a long way in getting me to actually do stuff and reach my potential.
> Soul Weapon
While I'm not a fan of combat I would like some self defence ability. The Staff fits my personality best and also conveniently boosts almost all of my gifts.
> Wraith Pact
The Man in the Black Coat
I am very curious about the 'higher arcane mysteries' and the 'conceptual plane', and I want to become immortal without risking the tower or relying upon the much less certain immortality of the river.
> Allies
Tyler Fitzroy
Xenophon Harrowthorn Bryce
They both seem like fun people who can also get me basically anything if I ask nicely enough.
> Rival
Melissa Wong
She's a dick, and she's going up the tower so one way or another she won't be my problem for long.
Someone post actual big pages already ffs
None of these gifts, weapons, blessings, or allies except Flash Step could protect you from a bullet.
River or Garden can heal the wound (assuming it isn't instantly lethal). The elemental affinities gained from familiars could make a shield, or you may be able to pull some wuxia shit off and block it with the soul weapon. These are all just your starting powers anyway so you can just learn a shield spell later if it's an issue.
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BIG page 3
I'm laughing so hard
¡Muchas gracias!

I wish I could've gotten a Familiar, but it just wasn't in budget.
¿No hablas frijol?

>The waifus are the selling point.
It'll be fine.

Magi Case previously had a currency system that was ripped out along with spells and spell upgrades.

You can enter into a deep-covenant (Basically marriage) with malevolent manifestation of power/a tulpa. But like, they are kind of crazy.

One loves humans unlike their other kin and doesn't want to see humans suffer, but instead struggle and strive from it. You are the one that it wants to see struggle the most and murder her when she resrores her divinity after she tries to takes everything away from you so you can give her all of your passion alone (anger, hate, sorrow, hope, happiness, all).

You also get an insane powerboost from them but like determing if it worth it is up to you since each one is insane in their own way.
>You also get an insane powerboost from them but like determing if it worth it is up to you since each one is insane in their own way.
If I play the cyoa i'll have to look at them each and decide which one I want if any then
One wants to devour you by turning your blood into a wine and cooking your meat. You also give her PTSD triggers since as a Marshal Lord you remind her of your ancient predecessor who gave her a violent death.

He ripped all her tails directly from her body, slit her stomach open, and then decapitated her. All because she ate the former Marshal's wife and hometown and told him to get over it since as divinity her actions is no different from a natural disaster happening.

She thought she would win.
if they're all horrible and antagonistic then I probably wont want any
>I can MARRY power
let's go
Disgusting woman behavior. Can't believe people shitted on EA when you have this.
I kind of want both Dabble and Thrive but I'm leaning more towards Thrive. I want to see if any of the knowledge or ideas prevalent in the material world can be combined with magic. More magic guns and arcane computers and cool magitech and FF:THAUMA transcension.
>Spirit Leech (10), Prophetic Dreams (8), Mage Door (6), Sanctuary (5), Arcane Enlightenment (4), Dimensional Trove (3), Eldritch Missiles (2)
Focusing almost all of my points on immediate gifts. No Spirit Weapon severely hampers my combat capability early on but Spirit Leech + Eldritch Missile at least lets me spam middling attacks. Mage Door lets me enter and exit Wizardtown anytime for smuggling stuff in and out, Arcane Enlightenment to better understand magic and multitask, Prophetic Dreams because foresight is a no-brainer, Sanctuary for comfy defensible homebases, and Dimensional Trove to lug around all my shit.
>The Forlorn Princess (0)
The Princesses Tutelage + Arcane Enlightenment = Ez treasure creation and replication. Treasures and other crafted things are going to be my means of leveling the playing field with more combat capable threats. With Dimensional Trove to carry my stuff with me at all times I could become quite powerful if I can amass enough treasures. Maybe make a homunculus or doll to protect me, Ender Magnolia/Eldritch Bloodlines style.
>Marie-Claude Varrivée, Everett of Highchapel
>Imani Leo
Being friends with the government has never ever hurt anyone, and Everett can give me the beginners instruction I need. Enemies with Imani because she's a leftist and I hate leftists.
Which kingdom is best to name myself Son of Mars and bring the glory of Rome to this godforsaken world?
They have their charms, but they are concepts of nature and primal desires in physical form so they have autism. So you have to be patient.
'Autism' is not trying to directly kill you or cause you unending suffering, that's antagonism and I don't want any of them if they're going to cause me nothing but misery and death
That is not how autism works.
Do not bother, italics has never changed anything based on feedback. He only says he does for good boy points, but never has.
>>have to be patient.
So i CAN make them work for humanity and change their ways?
the pictures were abstract, so even if it was in english, it'd still most likely be shit.
I have never played a good CYOA with images like that.
>He is unaware
>directly kill you
The one that wants to eat you doesn't want to eat you... consciously. It's just an impulse from her lizardbrain telling her she wants to eat you. You'll be fine, especially since she wants to eat everything but doesn't. All you really need to do is cook and feed her what she asks as part of your covenant.

Zan doesn't want to make you suffer. She just wants to make you the best you can be and for you to only give her all your passion and no one else. She wants to make you unparalled in development since she represents the concept of "Apotheosis" and that's her nature to make life struggle and become better. Even then the chance of them restoring their divinity is close to none because their bodies returning to the Planet after getting down/murdered by the previous Marshal Lords.

They all died very sad deaths that made a mockery of their nature/what they represent. So being near you after being humbled is quite nice + you are strong enough to kill them.
>One wants to devour you by turning your blood into a wine and cooking your meat.
>other, italics has never changed anything based on feedback
>Autism' is not trying to cause you unending suffering,
He doesn't know.
>I want a fay nature spirit wife.
"What the fuck? Why is it acting like a fay nature spirit?"
I wanna go eat powerful beasts with my very very hungry nature child wife
The obvious issue here is that if randomly losing your powers was a thing you had to worry about the author undoubtedly would've mentioned that.
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>child wife
it's just so tiresome
The genius is probably an asshole, so I'll kill him.
Kill the genius, one death is better than five.
Anon never said he wasn't a pedophile so your image is meaningless.
You are both right. He has changed things... in the opposite direction of what people wanted just to spite them.
They never admit to being pedos because it's suicide for them.
Well for the plebs anyways.
Retard. You failed. That anon even said child wife, not loli wife.
Put your trip back on faggot.
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>He is recycling stuff from his old cyoas
He is becoming troyx!!!
Does this CYOA has a world map?
I think Italics new CYOA will flop because the premise doesn't sound interesting and not like his previous stuff that everyone likes.

Echoes was sci-fi adventure using psychic powers to stop an alien invasion. Apocrypha was fighting Vampires in eternal night. Castitas is a canon wife trying not to get cucked by you. Etc.

His new thing doesn't have a unique hook and sounds like generic self-insert powerlevel slop that shitposters wank because they play on God Mode.
You do realize that Yog cyoas are all some version of recicled right? they also all happen in the same vague world most of the time so it kinda makes sense. Ironically you can get way stronger in some related cyoas than in the ones the original powers are from.
Guess i am?
Not like it matters much either way as all you have to do is not rape actual children. That's easy.
Not even powerfags will enjoy it as italics recently has become anti self-insert.
>they also all happen in the same vague world most of the time so it kinda makes sense
So did the cyoas from troyx and he still got shat on for recycling.
Don´t show your powerlevel in public and you'll be fine.
Yeah as i said it is easy.
>literal, unironic pedo posters
You all need to get gassed in the gas chambers
This is what happens when you play too many italic's cyoas
CYOAs have never been about self-insertion isekai.
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based pedo destroyer
Cyoas are not about anything specific, retard. They are about anything you want. Including self-interstation isekai
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>Too many Italics cyoas
Which cyoas? All of his stuff has legal age girls.
Quantum Disruptor Rifle
Medical Nanite Injection Kit
Rigid Reactive Undersuit
Talented (Raw, Refined)
Polymath (Researcher, Professor)
Educated (High School, Collegiate)
Innovator (Privately Sponsored, Government Granted)
Trained (Standard)
Heavy Gunship ACS-701
Gray Squad
Maj. Myla Novachev
Division Zero
Retake The Fortress
Search & Destroy
Argent Bunker 52
>Ending Scenario
Deployment of the Doomstopper

Polymath and Inventor will eventually help me master combat skills and upgrade my suit to destroy anything I want. I'll be unstoppable, and mankind will prove that they're the ultimate warriors.
I'd win.
>10000 year old legal loli!!!!!
lol, lmao even. Pedos are so funny.
A fourteen year old “groupie” had sex with David Bowie when he was in his twenties and she still brags about it to this day …
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I was making good progress, thinking I'd be able to finish it by the end of July at the latest. But the pace massively slowed down around a month ago when the amount of work IRL had increased.
The sections marked as "almost done" are all actually 99% done, I just don't count them as finished because I am yet to implement the changing expressions for the advisors - I'm leaving this for the last stretch.
Time to go find and kill another cat.
I will hunt down and marry every aro in every reality in order to protec her
Not sure what's that supposed to achieve anon.
Make that 2 cats....
If I was an author I wouldn't want to read a bunch of long boring speshul backstories/motivations either.
Especially if the character art for the build is in the anime style.
Three... damn gonna be some sad kiddies when kitty doesn't make it home.
Every time he spams the animal he loves as an offtopic image, which they all are, I go and kill a cat just for him.
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What's with the hatred of cat posters?
They didndu nothin
David Bowie when he was younger was an unironic bishounen character except real. Michael Jackson too. It's no surprise they had women and girls rizzed up
very based
luv toturing kots, their painful screechings are so fun to hear
Added another to the list I see. You're a goddamn shitposter and spamming faggot. That's all the reason needed.
I'm so tired of all the shitpostings
But that is a dog, anon. You can not kill a cat over that
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I no spammer :( I only joined in the conversation because I wanted dogs to be included too
Now that I'm free.
I'm working on Luminary.
My goal right now is to post the first page of the WIP here by friday.
And hopefully finish the rest of the CYOA as soon as possible.
is still supposed to be shitalics or hushitanon
Post it now shitalics or you are a fake
if eeclestates thingy is done, pls post it.
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R-word OC
too much effort.
It's a shitposter.
The first page to Luminary was already posted last year. It's just a shitposter.
I'm Husanon btw.
I might change the name because it is confusing people too much.
Racist OC? In this day and age?
Cats, dogs whatever. Plenty of dogs left off their leashes out here too.
>You may randomly encounter various things on your paths. These are just flavour and not meant to affect gameplay.
>The numbers are just the hex tile number and not some deeper mechanic
This is simultaneously high effort and low effort. Bravo Reddit
>age before beauty
>get hired as a prairie fire starter
>your literal job is to burn thousands of flowers to the ground once every few years
No, keep it. That is why you are doing the name in the first place.
>Calling husanon a shitposter
So this is the level of italic's cumeaters... Total author hate?
I remember Husanon stirring the pot back in 2021. Shitposter through and through
Good, I can't wait for my punchy wife.
>anime pic
Not off to a good start to your cyoa making career.
We don't need more weeb authors.
Clean your bull.
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oh wait nvm you can be a weeb if you make cyoas I like.
Dawn of a Demon Lord is good, despite it's weebiness.
>Italic's fans will attack every other author
As expected. The real shitposters that are killing this general.
Damn he did what?
3 years ago?
I think we should kill him
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Holy based. Husanon is my hero. Make all of you seethe.
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What's the story behind the ani-Italics poster making shit up about the author and "fans"?
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auhtors should be shipped off to tok's dungeon
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None. He's just really obssessed.
In my head, it's the guy ranting about the 3 auctors and going Paradox/Rebellion Auctor himself.
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>3 auctors
I still find it funny someone is obsessed about that. Literal NPCs that don't know you exist unless you directly go out of your way to interact with them in your own adventure.
None, italic's fans are literally calling another author a shitposter in this very thread. No need to make lies about it.
Helios-lite was fun to read, at least.
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There's one 3 posts above you anon.
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cyoas are not allowed here, gato.
Yeah, people basically always take personal power over companions when forced to pick. Love is easy to get once you have power, and power doesn't talk back to you.
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This feels... incomplete? Like as if a big chunk is missing.
A big chunk of you is missing
Make me a human
>get vaporized
Don't care. Died a human.
sounds like slop
I would kill thee five retards, and let the trolley finish off the genius (the other way would be less work, but it is possible that the first two or three moron would derail the trolley)
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Italics Kino.
used goods
Your used goods
years ago i also wanted to make a cyoa that required you to interact with it in paint or something, but i gave up
Nah, she had a harem of men before the mc arrives.
Aggressive. What the fuck!? That thing isn't human! There's nothing worse than some pretender species. For the good of all mankind, it must be purged like the Xeno filth it is. Blessed be Mother Earth and blessed be Humanity.
Scared. For good reason, I'm fully ready to slaughter anything I deem unpleasant, and if its not human, its unpleasant.
Servants of the Gods, I guess. Regardless I won't be treating them any differently than other evil creatures.
I don't get this option. It doesn't matter to me. Valkyrie, I guess.
Evangelizer and Men in Black. I'll work with the MiB and be fully cooperative - they'll also help protect me. Useful.
Heal (Free, pointless) Money (I stole it from her)
Dislike (Hopefully they'll be dead though)
No. She had a group of monsters.
Mounde isn't the one with a harem of simps. You are thinking of the Lumibitch or whatever her name is.
Crawler. She can make you a god.
But you're not an author, and you never will be.
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Working on the first page.
I'm not sure if this looks good enough.
Welp, tried this out by preferring right turns, but it started looping back so my self-imposed rule got confused.

>Heart of the Maze
>Ofelia's Escape
>Ariadne's String
>Nature Nurtured
Some rather useless powers, some situational, and few generally useful ones. Like, I don't think I'd even want to enter other people's dreams, mine are pretty horrid enough. Thinking boost from the Heart, fast travel from the String and illusions from Loki are decent. The final power is good fit for me, I already grow an amount of long-lasting plants that can be easily multiplied from cuttings, so replenishing those taking my damage and aging would be trivial.
Italics is making Eternal Blue into a game using PS1 Mega Man Legends graphics.

It's over.
I can feel the power coming out of it!
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Nothing ever truly ends

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How does this look?
much better
Background's too bright, might distract from the content.
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what about now?
Should be better. Can't say more until I see some content in front of it.
I'm happy with how it looks so I might be done with it by tomorrow or even tonight.
I just need to check the text one more time.
Demonic Features

Attack Power: 12
Special Power: 12
Combat Speed: 12
Travel Speed: 6
Health: 12
Toughness: 12 [-2 Debt Points]
Resistance: 12 [-3 Debt Points]

Combat Shifter
Elemental Magic
Illusion Magic
Magic Eye
Contract Magic
Unique Trait [Balroth]

>DPU Generation:
Lust [-3 Debt Points]

>Speciality: Fantasy

Elven Druid [-2 Point]
Succubus [-2 Point]
Royal Jelly

>Core Guardian:

>Demon Core Upgrades:
Enhanced Creation And Manipulation
Territory Enhancement
Teleport Well
Veil Of Privacy
Lesser Demon Core

Arrow Trap
Pitfall Trap
Gas Trap
False Demon Core

Dwarven Craftsmen
Danuki Merchant
Demon Scholar

Insubordination [+3 Points]

>Starting World: Polaris

>Title: Nax, Lord Of Patience
Imo lust is still the best passive form of generation here. If you're starting on Polaris you want as little interference as possible, and Lust provides that. It's a slow start sure, but contract magic helps. Insubordination is also fine, just a little annoying. Lesser Demon Core helps a little.

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