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Previous Thread: >>93417116
I, failed novelist (power word), won!
Stray thought, but didn't we have an author that wrote a book?
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You are nothing before the might of {Gok}.
>Into the Starving Realm
I'm already in /cyoag/ though.
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Regen croc 2.0 over here.
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Posting a quick imagebuild
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tokmaballs, retard
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Lone Observer, IIRC. Someone wroge about it being shit especially since the female protagonist is a Mary Sue (Shocker)
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Italics is making a CYOA into a game, it's over.
No, I am not.
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Yes. You are. You even confirmed it and learning C.
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Slop general. Make a new one without tok
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You want us to abandon our bestest author?
The Invincible,Fearless, Sensual, Mysterious, Enchanting, Vigorous, Diligent, Overwhelming, Gorgeous, Passionate, Terrifying, Beautiful, Powerful, Grey Prince Tok?
Why does Tok soam the same shit CYOA? It's been nearly 3 years. Where is Magic thr Awakening? Wasn't that hyped as the magic CYOA with real spells and better than Shitalics Mage Case?
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>Eternal Ordeal CYOA, but it's all Zynthias
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the best for survival would be fate or body right?
Imagination looks like a possible late game power, but early on is not that useful
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Why are so many of the waifu options ugly, used goods, or both?
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Because tok likes turbo sluts and westernshit.
What a shame the best one (aelia) probably would kill the others if she was part of a harem. Is husanon here to say if she would antagonize the rest without the green eyed drawback?
If the waifu is good someone else will be attracted to it.
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You can get all of the domains, so the choice is really between which curse is least bad (imagination's).
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Its which drawback is the least bad and which power is the best at the start. Because the rest of powers start really weak, practically useless.

I consider obsession, a drawback that can be resisted, doesnt have to be bad visions but could be and happens from time to time better than a spiral of suffering because of negative thoughts that also taints your powers.

And in starting powers, I consider seeing a few seconds into the feature better than bad illusions
Manneris or Consequence, leaning towards Manneris. Defiant Flame seems like a trap.
A domain's starting strength really doesn't need to be considered. Options like Agathe, divine panoply, holy implement, ring of the planeswalker, servants, etc. can easily carry you through the early game regardless of your domain(s).
Its not, its inmortality and gaining resistances-inmunities-essence from time to time. It would be the slowest path to "win" but the safest one.

Consequence looks like a trap
only for jobbers like you
>make companions cost points
>make semi-attractive companions have bad personalities/be used goods
>make companions with attractive personalities ugly/used goods
Genuinely what goes through his head
She likely would but it won't likely escalate into violence and with time she might come to like them as sisters.
Harems are normal for Gods and their descendants.
But she won't like it if you go for someone outside your wives.
Why are you posting nsfw images on a sfw board?
Are you crazy or high?
Bimbofags are all rotten
Each of those pages had nsfw images. I don't like lazy censors. Either do it right, or keep yourself to /trash/.
>gaining resistances-inmunities-essence from time to time
I wonder how optimal it would be to find a way to get yourself killed just before reviving.
That's how you're supposed to use it.
Tok once posted a picture of his computer table. It was mad crusty and dusty, junk everywhere, a plate of food, and his disgusting onahole sex toy was just out on the table touching the desk surface.

The man is sick.
How can you be sure it's his and not just a random pic he found?
Defiant Flame

Destroy everything and get out. So easy.
Tok is dumb enough to admit to openly shitposting and get caught samefagging twice. He is dumb and has no shame.
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Similar cyoas?
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it's over
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It has just begun
Attentionwhore keeps attentionwhoring. I remember when he "leaked" his social media to try and get traffic there. Did nothing.
I came here about a month ago looking for a particular CYOA.
I found it today. In case anyone was curious what I was talking about, here it is.
>Shitposters gonna shitpost

It's a process.
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TankSHITsta, my beloved
>Starter Boon: Satiety
For endurance and staying power, this is important.
>1st Trial: Goblin
Killing a child with a pointy stick is cake.
>2nd Trial: Training / TK Machete
As mentioned the last time this CYOA was chosen, TK weaponry is OP
>3rd Trial: Village
Nothing says I have to kill the villagers and the author even mentions letting them die of old age, so assuming I don't age, I'll spend 50 years training and conditioning myself for my future endeavors.
>Godly Boons: Greed x2
Do zombies twice. A TK Buster sword and Satiety means I can spend all my time killing zombies and hunting humans for weapons with maximum efficiency, and assuming the entire population of a major city converges on me (conservative estimate 20 million x2 = 40 million, my strength will increase by 50% + (40m x 0.2%) = 8000100%, or 80000 times. And if it's multiplicative, it's more like 6.4 billion times.
>4th Trial: Use my satiety and machete to ambush them, gaining the invisibility field.
>Teammates: Lee Ho Jae, Josephine
Pretend to be a weak simp and feed Ho Jae's ego, then when we finally kill the dragon, rip his head off, go invisible, and donut Josephine before stealing all their stuff and raping her corpse.
True Potential x2 (Excellence, Fate)
Divine Panoply
Holy Implement (Whip)
Ring of the Planeswalker
Rogue Sun
Last Titan
Lost Children

I will use veil to learn to control my powers, and get a connection with Agathe. It's my hope that even when my eternal depression becomes too much and I feel as though I cannot do anything, she will help me gain some semblance of focus just as I will help her through her worst moments. Through training my abilities of oblivion, prescience, and excellence I will become an unstoppable force, and coming to learn of the plights of the rest of the multiverse, I will rid this place of the gods who use everything under them as playthings with no regard. Obviously, we're going to betray the gods and not going to do their missions (aside from Veil)
Photographic Memory
Mind Reading II

Late Bloomer
>stay in the Village forever
Will this get me smited by the gods?
Only if you troon out
can Agathe even love you? if she can love does she accept the rest of harem members if you got more wives?
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Post the goddamn cyoa.
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Why did the builds not link to it and how come this is not a duplicate file?
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Hey anons, who you guys picking as your life partner for Demigod?
>can Agathe even love you?
I hope so, but even if she cannot, I'll still love her
None of them. I need dem points.
none of those
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Make the life partner free.
>No one is picking anything except for the fags
Get bent arobitch, should have made prettier waifus.
Why don't i make everything free, anon?

No such thing as prettier waifus. These waifus were cooked in a lab to appeal to the widest range of anons.
I loathe inconsistent art in CYOAs. Especially those that mix 3d realistic art with 2d anime art for characters.

I don't know why.
>can Agathe even love you?
Yes. It will not be instant and you have to earn it but I see no reason why she would not be able too. She is not the easiest, that's probably poison girl, but she should not be impossible. As for harem members I feel like she would be ok but competitive.
In a discord reddit lab I assume.
>not picking anything
No i'm just taking Medusa instead of any of those
Put this bitch in his place, aro. Show him how the medusa in your cyoa looks like!
What's depressionigga's chance you think
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catchads OWN toksissies!
Companions can never win against personal power. They must have their own separate point pool or have some points that specifically can only be spent on them.
True. Too bad both aro and italics can not understand this.
Personal power can never win against an army of companions. They must have their own separate point pool or have some points that specifically can only be spent on them.
He chose the wrong wife for emotional support, she will fall in love slower than the depression gets worse I think. It's not impossible, but it's inefficient. Maybe his love on his side can let him go on for enough that she starts reciprcating.
Nah, it totally can. All these jobbers are not worth any points.
I'm sorry anon, you will always be the jobber.
Physcopaths almost never can love someone else, they are rare cases. Thats why the doubt, would be good if Husanon confirmed it or not
Nope, that is Sociopaths.
>would be good if Husanon confirmed it or not
My beautiful and kind husband Persea, of course.
HUZZANON, my beloved
>the only thing stopping depressionigga from going off the deep end is him having sanji moments everytime he see's agathe
Peak fiction
Peak simping
Based, thank you.
There, you got your scraps. No leave
Aw, i can't leave? Okay :(
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But Aro-chan, the life partners still lack descriptions of their interactions with you. I was looking forward to this.
>Costs points
No can do buckaroo
Sorry, that would require aro to understand what would be appealing to a man. Please andastand.
Wouldn't pick any, but it were free, I would pick Kari.
>no flaws
>high status
Damn, forgot about that. I'll do that now, thanks.
This is not me, btw.
This is me, please listen to her.
>World: Faustlord
>Divine Partitions: Elemental Magic, Evolving Body, Regeneration, Arcane Mastery, Summoning, Divine Countenance.
>Items: Sphere of Resurrection, Bag of Wonders, Scrollholder (used for Space Magic)
>Companions: None
>Drawbacks: Lone Adventure, Broken Distance, Hunger.
>Main Quest: Defeat the Impostor.

Pretty standard magic build with some physical defenses. Elemental Magic let's me bypass magic immune holy warriors since Earth projectiles aren't dispelled or nullified when launched. I need to get rid of the Impostor before he leaves the continent but it shouldn't be too difficult since the ritual is very conspicuous. I didn't take Side Quests because none of the rewards interest me.
This is tok, please listen to italics
that is what medusa looks like though
Persia, clearly.

>tfw no qtptoot femboy wife to cuddle and snuggle

Why even live bros. . .
whoever's got the biggest tits
>t. tok
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Builds that aren't linked properly don't work.
The local cute cashier near me since she mogs every single one of these ugly ass bitches and doesn't cost points either. Or any passable woman really you won't catch me spending a single point on uggos.
saki then, those are big magumbos
that girl costs more points then you have, bro. I'm sorry.
cringe and meta
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Gazer my beloved
That's an intended feature probably
I dont care about waifu's as much as I care about you making it so allah isn't just 100% of the time the best parent choice
My tastes are not appropiate for this selection sorry
You wake up in the future without any of your memories of what transpired?
You crash land on a distant planet in the far-future after the destruction of your home?
Doesn't matter, you won't read my answer.
I simply won't play, it's boring.
Second one is a much more engaging premise.
Why would anyone want your answer, sandy?
>cardboard characters
>no interactions
>cost points
They should instead be paying me points to take these ugly no personality used goods as life partners
why are they cardboard
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Rolled 7, 1, 10, 10, 10, 9, 6 = 53 (7d12)

Rolled 2, 12, 7, 6, 5, 10, 6 = 48 (7d12)

While I think the naming scheme for powers is retarded I'll just give it a go.
Not until you apologize!
I'm sorry?
Will you be doing it again?
Fuck off then
2, 12, 7, 6, 5, 10, 6
>Shaker, Stranger, Blaster
So I'm a stealth nuker.
>Power levels 6, 5, 10
AoE is average, stealth is meh, but ranged attacks are strong.
>Mutancy 6
So I assume I'm a light manipulator who can fire deadly laser beams and optically cloak myself.
Rolled 6, 10, 9, 7, 5, 5, 2 = 44 (7d12)

They all look kinda shit desu. Have you tried making characters that aren't just your favorite fetish tropes with an excuse backstory?
Rolled 8, 10, 12, 1, 9, 7, 6 = 53 (7d12)

Here's for max powers
I thought you were done using franchise characters. I counted three at least.
Sounds like you're a misanthrope.

were they really franchise characters or did they just use their art and some slight aspects of their character?
>Karol doesn't have a ukrainian flag and keep muttering "slava ukrania"
Who radicalized you sweaty?
Tinker (7), Changer (5), Striker (5), Human

Tinker of biology and I can change into living beings I have touched.
Holy shit you made akane horribly ugly
You might as well have just transplanted them in directly instead of crudely filing away the plates
That is probably the ugliest non-nosferatu vampire I've ever seen, which is saying something. And that's before we get into the basic bitch "rebellious and sarcastic punk vampire girl XD" shit that's been overdone long before you were in diapers.
Also it's "humorous".
Sorry, fedora kids. Your parents were right. Your cringe asses were wrong. God is based. Atheist are cringe.
Kai, Daisy, Akane are all still ugly, Mavis is ugly now, Saki became more whoreish, Desnadanth is now both black on the right image and white on the right for some reason while still being unattractive. Nobody but you will choose the twinks.
God is based but there's like 30 other gods and I don't want to be shoehorned into the authors favorite because they made him the strongest
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>Man throws out whole argument by claiming that this image is of a black woman
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>disagree with the author's fetishes and ask them to make something slightly original
>"why do you hate humanity?"
If you had any semblance of intelligence you would reread what I said, relook at the aromages image and then slap yourself for being so utterly retarded
Kaska, Kitsune and Dragon girl look fine though.
You need to go back to school and re-learn your left and right, because you said right twice.
Slap yourself
Which side, my right or my right?

>Daisy, Akane are all still ugly
Agreed for Akane. Daisy's left image is ok, but her right is ugly.

>Desnadanth is still unattractive
Agreed for the right image.

>Nobody but you will choose the twinks.
You underestimate faggotry.
Aromage your art choice is shit, you know what anons talking about
>spending points on companions
Your wrong :^)
I won't build for this reddit slop.
They are just the strongest. Zeus ain't got nothing on a guy that is omnipotent, omnipresent, and all knowing.
Aromage discord brigade going into full damage control the moment an anon makes a spelling mistake is a thing of beauty.
Probably the Russian. He'd defo side with me and tzar Putin in our glorious war to add to Russia's clay.
>guy that is omnipotent, omnipresent, and all knowing
None of the gods are nearly as powerful as the myths.
Imagine simping for this bitch, lmao.
Your threats can't stop aromage because he can't read!
The sleep paralysis demon
God the face tattoos just make her so ugly
Go away sandy you sexless loser.
Holy schitzoposter
Fucking cringe author defenders and for a discord tranny too.
>Falseflagging this hard
I'm sorry your kitty cyoa failed but you don't have to take it out on aromage like this. This seethe is pathetic.
Are they really a tranny or an actual woman
aromage is an actual woman, you can tell by the way she is
>those post timers
We got a samefag on our hands boys
Someone give me the rundown on the aromage/sand tsundere arc and how it came to be
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Go back to discord
Aro's shitty cyberpunk cyoa beat Sand's shitty cyberpunk cyoa in a reddit contest then mogged him in the reddit discord, he fled to the SDA discord, got locked in the gulag channel, and has seethed ever since.
The thread is reaching schitzo shitpost levels not seen for millennia
Good images.
Because it is a bunch of discordfaggots. As can be seen here >>93429316
>Aro's shitty cyberpunk cyoa beat Sand's shitty cyberpunk cyoa
Boring. I want juicy details, not this dindu nuffin slop.
Add multiplayer.
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Why is Akane's first name and last name reverse in the title but not the description?
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I'm realising that the first page will end up being a giant info dump.
A meme made for my CYOA...
Thank you!
She can love you don't worry.
Luminary is shaping up to be good cyoa.
It's over Italickeks. lmao.
I'm not gonna lie, I thought luminary was an italics cyoa up until now
Luminary is or was an Italics CYOA. But now a real author is making a Luminary to shit on shitalics.
Rackin' up the body count. Think I'll use a shotgun next.
Celestial Blooded, Axiom Mastery, Ascended

No idea about the setting, so I'm just gonna magicmaxx while avoiding restrictions and items.
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Simple pointers to boost potential popularity of your OC:
Fantasy with personal powers, for (you) can't be anything other than just another hog in the Machine in pure sci-fi or cyberpunk settings.
Separate point pools for powers, items and companions.
Adventure with some sort of central conflict. For comfy is dead in this age, and pure waifupickers aren't true cyoas in the first place.
Controversial, interesting and memorable characters, with descriptions that contain bits of lore and potential quest baits. No, raped goods and shit like that don't count. It simply produces disgust.
Don't make your setting feel too artificial and fake with game mechanics (unless you try to go for some sort of real-rpg in the first place), nonsensical rules or some different form of bullshit (like declaring that some sumpreme entity has total control over fate and (you) essentialy have no free will)
No memery death, don't be too stingy or too generous with points, don't go overboard with drawbacks, don't make options that feel absolutely superior to everything else. And add immortality/agelessness (either free, as a quest reward or cheap enough). Seriously, this might help.
>Fantasy with personal powers, for (you) can't be anything other than just another hog in the Machine in pure sci-fi or cyberpunk settings.
Related to this, what is up with scifi almost always having low personal power?
I came home with a plan to work on CYOA but got talked into watching Sainfeld with friends. I sorry. Will try again tomorrow
Genuine shitposting and retarded. Fuck off.
Rolled 1, 3, 2, 4, 12, 9, 1 = 32 (7d12)

Will your cyoa have a Big Tade-esque character?
oh yes, absolutely

I will now play your cyoa
Ascended, Aspect Host, Celestial Blooded
From what I know of LoL, this seems like the safest
I hope you can save your enthusiasm for when it's even close to being done haha....
>Related to this, what is up with scifi almost always having low personal power?
No magic or supernatural might. But you'd think psionic, genemodding, alien artefacts and psionic would be more powerful.
>Aspect Host
Don't you become a slave of the aspect with this?
I remember when nobody cared about used goods or raped goods being in a CYOA. It's been over 10 years.
I think that changed because of pokemon personafied.2ggvt
Newfag. Haruhi used goods shitposting was here in 2008 when I first came to 4chan and it was already old by then. If anything boards have gotten more slut acceptant over time.
Gifted Genius, Iceborn, Elemental Mage (Shadow), Star Metal Artefact (Staff), Axiom Mastery

I wanted to be a master of magic, and this seems like the best way to do so. The staff makes my already monstrous magical abilities become focused into absolutely unheard of top tier potential, and i'll only keep learning.
What's this for?
Do better.
>t. slut
Either Daisy or Saki haven't decided.
Leaguechads, please tell me the optimal build.
Gifted Genius
Aspect Host (Magic)
>aspect host
he fell for it
Celestial Blooded is op. "Your power equals that of the Winged Sisters" means you're stronger than a typical Ascended or Aspect Host.

At least this is what I found from looking up wikis and finding Kayle, a Winged Sister.
I know shit about Runeterra.

Dragon (1)
Dragon Stance (1)
Aspect Host (Rape) (4)
Quasi-Spirit God (Rape) (4)

I am a double dragon rapegod.
honestly all the powers are relatively close and as long as you aren't retarded all the builds so far end up relatively the same except for gigadead anon here >>93430551
It's okay I'll just rape my opposition.
aspect host is a trap, you've been possessed and are now a servant and a vessel that can be taken over at any time
Rolled 5, 3, 5, 8, 5, 8, 8 = 42 (7d12)

Let's go.
Rolled 1, 4, 11, 10, 1, 2, 1 = 30 (7d12)

Shitty rolls gogogogo
>>93429993 is the strongest because it's basically double ascended and an aspect host, but aspect host is a trap, so it can't be optimal. >>93429587 is the second strongest because he's basically triple ascended, so it's the optimal build.
>>93429993 and >>93430434 are jobbers, >>93429587 is on par with >>93430068. Axiom Mastery doesn't really do anything for someone whose already ascended since its pretty much redundant so celestial and axiom match shadow + axiom + staff. Lux is like, ridiculously magically powerful and only hindered because she isn't allowed to use her magic and has no training and a staff that doubles magical power is stupid strong
*celestial and ascended match shadow + axiom + staff
Yeti Magic
Quasi-Spirit God (True Ice)

I am the Dragon-God of True Ice, so I'm off to find a nice cozy Alpine realm, to take over and rule, now bring on the women, mead, and meat.
now this is a based anon whose going to like fight anivia for followers or something
>Axiom Mastery doesn't really do anything for someone whose already ascended
Axiom mastery gives skill, ascended doesn't, so it's not redundant at all.
congrats they're both... almost completely equal except wizardnigga has more potential for growth due to being a genius
SO which of them lets me knock up as many bitches as possible
> >>93429993 is the strongest
> >>93429993 is a jobber
all aforementioned anons are roughly the same in power except aspect hosts have potential ego death and the forced job of being some aspects personal bitch
They're not almost completely equal. Elemental mage is weaker than celestial blooded (compare Lux and Kayle) and iceborn doesn't really matter because it doesn't give skill, so shadow magic overshadows (heh) it, and the true ice weapon is inferior to the star metal artifact staff.

Rape dragon >>93430551.
It doesn't really matter. With the slightest bit of optimization and not falling into traps, any build can steamroll everything except the absolute top dogs in the setting.
lux's magical potential is something so strong she woke up galio, she herself is held back because she has no formal training and has no idea how her magic works, potential wise she's definitely high end when it comes to magical power in demacia. Wizardnigga being a genius and using shadow (so think vex powers) means if he's intelligent he can beat doggodnigga
>lux's magical potential is something so strong she woke up galio
Galio is weaker than Kayle.

>potential wise she's definitely high end when it comes to magical power in demacia
And Kayle is among the top of the world.

>Wizardnigga being a genius and using shadow (so think vex powers) means if he's intelligent he can beat doggodnigga
Potentially, but I think doggodnigga wins more often than not because the power difference is big. Wizardnigga would need to be underestimated and lucky to win imo.
I don't know a lot about LoL lore. Would this build be any good?

Seems like the best bang for your buck
>True Ice
The endurance boost and cold immunity are nice but I'm mostly taking it because True Ice seems like the most bullshit way to get one shot.
Teleportation is really good+a bunch of passives.
I don't know how strong this is but it seems like a good source for healing and defensive magic
>Elemental Mage (Water, Ice, Wind)
The wording of some powers implies elemental magic can be used for things other than just creating and manipulating the element. With the 1 point discount it seemed good to pick it several times.
>True Ice
Fuck meant Iceborn. Got it mixed up.
>True Ice seems like the most bullshit way to get one shot
It one shots regular humans, not giga op builds.
again I dont think with the staff boosting him the gap is very large
>Would this build be any good?
Decent, you didn't pick any traps. Would be better if you got yeti magic since you're ice focused.

Let's agree to disagree then.
>Let's agree to disagree then.
Yea thats fine
Yeah I didn't pick Yeti Magic because I don't know too much about what it entails and didn't want to part ways with 4 points worth of powers. I'm happy with a blizzard dragon theme with good utility.
I'll change my aspect from Magic to Invention, that should work better with Genius.
Indeed, I suppose I'll upgrade to slut killing . Thin the herd as it were.
Who the fuck cares about redditor opinions? They don't make any good CYOAs, their taste in the CYOAs they repost from /tg/ is abysmal, and I'm fairly certain that community is smaller than ours as well.
Last Wanderer and Gloria
They have 60k members. That's a 40k and a half.
I have it on good authority that at least half of those are shadowbanned banned Tok alts.
That still leaves 30k, which is three quarters of 40k.
it's basically just a place for surnical to get glazed by people with low IQ
>then mogged him in the reddit discord
Post screencaps, this oughta be funny.
Followers of the Reddit are not necessarily active members of the community
Holy shit, Gloria is fucking terrible. Last Wanderer is at least decent.
How many active members does our community have?
Oh wait, it's all Anon. I wonder why he wants to compare meaningless "numbers" as if popularity were all of a sudden an indicator of quality.
Yeah sand chickened out from adding mo-
>Last Wanderer is at least decent
GTFO aro, the men are talking.
that reddit discord is literally just aro + orbiters tho
The original post did bring up quality as well as activity (which is unquestionably higher here than there).
And yet they can't make anything other than low quality pill cyoas.
I've seen tok sockpuppets less blatant than this shit
Even the most contemptible joke of a man is more competent than a w*man
Nonsense, they also make ten versions of demigod
Aro making trash for years because her orbiters will glaze every piece of shit she creates is something I find funny and sad at the same time. Imagine spending years wasting your time making garbage no one cares about for false compliments. Should've become an E-thot instead. Tok gets shat on and yet he stands above her in every possible way.
>Tok gets shat on and yet he stands above her in every possible way.
Naw tok is definitely sub-woman tier
Now let's not get ahead of ourselves here, at least around is appreciated somewhere, falsely or not.
isn't it odd that the two most obnoxious attention goblins around constantly try to deflect the same criticism at each other? I suppose at least aro is genuinely liked by the redditors with shit taste instead of just their own sockpuppets like tok
They fixed Entropist with the canon 3.0 version so it's not all bad.
>the good authors almost never interact with the thread/community recognisably except for briefly when when posting finished CYOAs
Makes you think...
no they didn't
What is aro's best cyoa?
What the fuck is going on in here
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>At least I'm not like the other guy
And other blatant sockpuppet attempts.
It's the opposite of what you think.
Almost all authors are dysfunctional members of society. Anyone who bothers making cyoa instead of a novel, a ttrpg, or a vidya is. The perception of an author being good is the default, until they start interacting with their audience and get to experience their dysfunction.
If you want likable authors, you probably shouldn't look for them on this hobby.
Good in terms of output does not equal a good and upstanding member of society
>Mfw I'm still not considered a good author
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>Almost all authors are dysfunctional members of society. Anyone who bothers making cyoa instead of a novel, a ttrpg, or a vidya is.
Tell me this is a joke and you don't actually believe this.
I am a retarded piece of shit who parasitizes on the goodwill of others and is incapable of returning anything of value. I constitute 100% of the authors whose circumstances I know in detail. Therefore, all authors are like me.
Post your stuff or I'll just assume you're a parasite.
I keep my author and shitposter personas seperate, sorry
I'm sorry you had to learn it this way aro
>Neurological Tissues
Improve my mental faculties, which improves my ability to improve my mental faculties. Combined with Dislocation, Essence and Zeitgeist I will build a hyperspace brain running at 20000x speed for myself linked to my 3-space body.
Space mastery and cheating physics.
Fate mastery.
Manipulate ephemeral forces like mana and so on.
Time mastery. Also replicates Flash Shift to some extent, since I can fuck with time.

>Package: Anomalous Natures
Playing outside of others' rules makes me an outside context problem. With this I can fully reinforce my corporeal form.
>I keep my Italics and Tok personas separate, sorry
Who cares where's the waifu dlc for entropist?
Enhanced version of this when
Likely never since the author's account is deleted (although their imgur account still exists).
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Could you define what it means to be a dysfunctional member of society?
If you ignore the traps and the need to look up wikis, this is not bad.
>he asks on 4chan
I recall someone remarking something like:
The statement "The only reason I haven't killed myself is because I keep browsing 4chan" must sound utterly insane to any normal person, but it sounds believable and even somewhat expected from an anon. I think he had r9k in mind, and cyoag isn't quite that, but it's something I remind myself of now and then when I think of who I interact with here.
I like Italics CYOAs.
I like meta CYOAs.
>The statement "The only reason I haven't killed myself is because I keep browsing 4chan" sounds believable and even somewhat expected from an anon
>I remind myself of now and then when I think of who I interact with here
Your perception is skewed. The average anon is not nearly as deranged in actuality. People just habitually say inane shit on 4chan because they can.
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I don't. Metaplots ruin the entire nature of a CYOA and force you to go one or several picked routes by the authir to rwach the end goal. By using constant media it also eliminates originality from the setting and most of the time you get a shitty Marvel-tier narrator.

It's why I don't like JRPG Traitor because muh not!Azathoth and you have to pick options to survive getting erased from existence just tovfloat next to dreamer man.

Then you have Outer Reincarnation. Can't enjoy reading shit in it.
Why do you feel forced to follow those routes?
Because you play CYOAs with the choices presented and taken.
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It got me thinking, though, because I might be dysfunctional in certain ways, but as a "member of society", it brought to mind a degree of dysfunction like being a net drain, such as a NEET, which I am not.

I work, I pay bills, I am one of many cogs keeping society going. But I'm not married, and I'm probably legitimately autistic, just haven't gone anywhere to get diagnosed.

Oftentimes I like to be alone, perhaps more than most people. I can't get any writing done unless I am alone in peace and quiet. Is that dysfunction?
Still, you aren't forced to pick Moon-somethiing-name-too-long in JRPG Traitor. Unless you want a specific result, but then it's not about being meta, it's your choice.
Objectively wrong. You auto die if you don't. If he didn't exist with that shitty metaplot the CYOA would be fine.
How strong are the Ten Kings and Void Champion options? Void Champion gives you 0 personal power so it feels like a trap but I want to serve my Void masters and drown the world in voidborne. Ten Kings is the kind of option I would take if the power it afforded you wasn't so vague.
Irrelevant. They're literally the biggest traps that no one has fallen into because they're very explicit about it, unlike aspect host.
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It clearly is relevant if this guy is potentially willing to take them.
Oh look, it's the brain dead, rubber lipped, nigger spamming his cat pics again...
Cry about it, shitposter
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The absolute mindbreak catfaggot is causing retards
Stop samefagging or shitposting.
They're the weird ones for reading posts with cat images in this thread.
>Someone else making Luminary too
The attempt on my oc has left it scarred and deformed.
T. Emperor Italics as he announces the first CYOAG Empire and board conquest.
i haven't been in this thread for like a year and the first thing I see when I come back is the people asking for more!!! this has revitalized my desire to make oc

prepare thyself /cyoag/
end it all
Thread Strikes Back
It was just happenstance


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