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Multiverse edition

>2024 PHB spoilers

>2024 UA



The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous Thread >>93401151

TQ: How much planar (or multiverse) stuff goes on in your games?
Terrible OP pic
Where the fuck is the druid breakdown? No, not moon druid and wildshape. Fuck that garbage. Remember when druids were casters? Fucking flanderized world of warcraft furry shit.
they didn't publish any, for some dumb reason
when I made the OP for a previous thread, I just wrote something like "no druid post" but someone said to put the wildshape one.
Don't laugh anon, it fucking garbage. High effort, but low value

t. historically accurate medieval combat simulator OP
So did they ever explain why they just decided to make Ranger and Paladin the same but worse?
wildshape is the only thing that changed on Druid, other than the Casty vs Fighty decision at level 1 and adding wis to nature checks, basically identical to the same changes but for cleric.

it's otherwise identically the exact same class. unless you just really want to know about the new sea domain I guess. but they go over that in the video too.
No problem, it's not your fault anon. NuDruids are still dumb though.
Counter question
>unless you just really want to know about the new sea domain I guess.
I mean they went over all kinds of shit for (ofc) moon druid. Why not the rest of the subclasses?
>but they go over that in the video too.
I'm not watching 30 minutes of cringe for 30 seconds worth of information.
Because saving throws scale like shit in core 5e when you're not proficient? Have you ever played?
Working on a homebrew setting and I'm looking for some feedback.

If you were born as a Variant Human in a world that's basically Eberron, but you could only pick the Magic Initiate or Ritual Caster feat, which one would you go with and what spells would you learn?

I figure Magic Initiate with Find Familiar, Prestidigitation, and either Mage Hand or maybe a damage cantrip would be most popular, and also work best narratively for allowing the whole population to perform a wide array of misc. magic BS. But I wanted to get other people's opinions to build off of.
What is the gayest dungeon and the dragon?
what >>93419507 said.
ShitDMs couldn't wrap their heads around more than one smite per turn. Don't give a fuck about rangers shouldn't even be a class to begin with.
+3 is rather insignificant is it not?
Graz'zzt probably has the gayest sex dungeon in the forgotten realms somewhere. Dragon-wise? Nathair
+3 is a pretty big bonus at any level
but if you're smiting that many times during a combat encounter surely the Paladin is making a conscious decision to devote his extremely precious and extremely limited resources to protect his party from further harm, right? Isn't that, generally what a Paladin is supposed to do in a fight?
>High effort
>saving a picture
Ranger is at worst a sidegrade, because swapping to prep casting from being the least spells known in the game even behind eldritch knight is a huge boost.

As for what it lost, it's a couple uses a day of nature's veil and tireless going from prof to wis mod, Land's Stride, and Vanish.
What it got in its stead is 2 more expertises, the ability to cast Hunter's Mark for free 2-6 times a day (its equivalent to smite) and never drop it eventually with advantage to attacks and d10s, Weapon Masteries, Roving is upgraded to +10 move which is barbarian and early monk tier speed, and feral senses upgraded to full blindsight.
that's a feature not a bug. no, we're not giving you all good saves ya fucking munchkin. if you want that go suffer playing a monk.
>If you were born as a Variant Human
it's always funny when people talk about variant human as if it were a separate race from humans lol
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Paladin: reduced its damage output to increase utility (lay on hands BA, weapon mastery, twice as many channel divinities per short rest along with more power pushed into subclasses

Ranger: they ran out of dev time and pushed out Tasha's ranger instead. Ranger damage is fine, it always has been, but its utility and functionality have been dropped into the gutter now that they are over reliant on hunter's mark and everything ranger wants to do is crowded onetheir their bonus action. Again.
>Why not the rest of the subclasses?
Because Stars and Land literally aren't changing.
As for Sea, all the brand new (or wholly gutted) subclasses seem to be slowly getting their own articles. might be a different team.
Moon, Dance, Wildmagic, and 4 Elem have all gotten articles.
World Tree and Sea Druid are the only two left. I'd expect them probably in that order tbqh.
cool, your barbarian gets hit with fear. he runs away pissing and shitting himself and crying like a widdle baby. Also, his rage is gone. now you're out for the day
>they ran out of dev time and pushed out Tasha's ranger instead.
it has been tashas ranger the entire time through the playtest. if you had issues with that, you should have said so in the surveys.
i maintain my rage as a bonus action, then close my eyes to break my line of sight to get a save at the end of my turn.
>not making a new thread despite old thread having over 300 replies
>complaining when someone else does make the thread
next time I'll make one with a picture of that gay dragonborn oc
>if you want that go suffer playing a monk.
No, genius. It's huddle around the paladin for his saves aura. Compelling gameplay.
>+3 is rather insignificant is it not?
No. It makes some saves even possible at all. Look at the DCs of higher CR enemies. No, a NAT 20!!! is not an automatic save. If you don't have the modifier, you will never save.
>then close my eyes to break my line of sight to get a save at the end of my turn.
That you'll fail again. And again. And again. Because modifiers vs DC math breaks apart even at middle levels.
>Ranger damage is fine, it always has been
Ranger's damage was mid for something that tries to play martial, and that possible largely only though the completely rebuilt ergo no longer applicable sharpshooter and crossbow expert feats. Now it can keep up with fighter without being two feats deep.

>its utility and functionality have been dropped into the gutter
it literally has more spells. not just on its list but in hand ready to use. Old ranger had 7, count em SEVEN spells know at 11th level. New ranger has 10. Imagine if Primal Awareness wasn't pre-chosen highly niche utilities but you could pick anything, and even swap them out, and then add one more spell to boot.
>That you'll fail again. And again. And again. Because modifiers vs DC math breaks apart even at middle levels.
it's literally a coinflip. gitgud, crymoar.
How is this at all related to building a setting?

From context I'm forced to assume all people would have magic initiate. In which case the spells you chose are unlikely.
Almost no one is taking a damaging cantrip.
Assuming a Wizard spell list:
For cantrips they *might* take prestidigitation to warm and flavor food and clean stuff.
They also might take mage hand.
Almost 100% of people will take mending.
As for their 1 spell, they'd probably go Unseen Servant, Charm Person, Detect Magic, Comprehend Languages before having some useless rat running around.

More likely, if given the option, they'd take Bard or Cleric for healing or create water or other tangibly useful things
or next time you wait until page 9 and don't make a shit OP
>whole population
>PC building rules
>shit op
>thread immediately devolves into shitflinging
it's been largely shitflinging for the last like 3 weeks. it's either that or dead.

i think 5.24 killed all hype for the game. everybody left and moved on to other games.
i guess that's fair.

hitting that natty 20 on your lower save and actually saving because the sum is high enough finally is better than not saving at all.
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>next you're going to tell me martials have to declare all the targets of their Attack Action before they roll any of them.

>Of course they do! That's how the game works!
>Yeah, weird how that works.

Wait, holy fuck, are you guys serious? Is that actually how that works????
Are you being serious? Cause it's a new thread and I can't tell.
No. You declare each weapon or "weapon" attack target as you make the attack. Melti-attack roll spells like EB you fire them all simultaneously.
You need to declare what you're targeting with EB, anon. That's how attack rolls work.
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>it has been tashas ranger the entire time through the playtest.
That's absolutely false. Aside from the no hunter's mark concentration from one of the earlier play tests (I played this ranger in a phandelver campaign, it was OP at low level) I loved being able to ritual cast spells like augury, and having easy access to guidance and healing word, along with entangle and barkskin WHILE using hunters mark (again, it was pretty op, so I can definitely see this being a 7th or 9th level feature) The primal list was wonky but it had a lot of cool stuff in itthe UA barkskin was a really good spell that saved our fighter's life a few times

>if you had issues with that, you should have said so in the surveys.
I did.

>it literally has more spells. not just on its list but in hand ready to use. Old ranger had 7, count em SEVEN spells know at 11th level. New ranger has 10. Imagine if Primal Awareness wasn't pre-chosen highly niche utilities but you could pick anything, and even swap them out, and then add one more spell to boot.

This is the one thing that I still don't know about. What knew spells did they get? Did any of their old spells get buffed? Removed concentration?
Writing up pregens for a one shot I'm doing this weekend, it's a wilderness adventure where they have to take an old elf priest back to his temple and protect him from the evil elves who's desecrated it.

Right now I'm rocking a Barbarian, a Fighter, a Paladin, and a Ranger. I tend towards martial classes for one shots because they're easier to play(it's possible I'll have players who have never touched 5e or any RPG before), but I do want to add in a single mage. I was thinking a Sorcerer, do you think that'd balance out the group a bit?
Shitflinging is the only thing keeping these threads alive.
That's why OP pictures should be selected in a way that they trigger autists.
Bard could be a good choice too.
That group is only good with players who know what they are doing. Are you players new or veteran?
>That group is only good
Optimiser retard, opinion discarded.
Yeah, I know. I thought the "declare a target" part went without saying.
>it's literally a coinflip. gitgud, crymoar.
What are you talking about? Do you even know the rules? Do you know how to play? What is this nonsense.
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>Dance Bard
>use weapons until level 3
>then finally switch to unarmed
>you aren't even playing your character concept until level 3
Anyone else think this is clunky as hell? Other subclasses build on what you can already start playing from Level 1. Dance Bard just suddenly up and changes your entire character. If you want to play kung fu bard, you can't until you unlock it. It's so weird.
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What sites do you guys use for making tokens, not like turning an existing image into a token but making that original image in the first place? The one I used to use https://tokens.dougrich.net/editor isn't working atm
DMs of /5eg/, I'm stuck.

Where do I go after this point?

The party's town just got raided by dragonborn with the intent to sacrifice them to Tiamat (and generate new dragonborn.) The party pursued the raiders into a forest where a juiced up bodytaker plant has taken root and is converting anything hapless enough to fall prey to it or its thralls. Also on the battlemap is a Treant that is slowly being converted into a thrall, which the party is likely to discover. If saved from this fate he'll lead the party to a Unicorn's grove which is the main bastion against the plant. I have a backup if they don't save the Treant, but I feel like I've written myself into a corner here. The thrall army is probably too big for the party at this point - there's 7 players they will all be 6th level after this combat - but I don't have a great answer as to why they wouldn't stomp on the plant. It's undying; like a Lich it will return after a few months to the forest, but is that enough to dissuade them?

For reference, the thrall army:
>48 kobolds
>6 random adventurer NPCs, no greater than 2nd level
>6 cave bears
>14 brown bears
>3 treants
>up to 3 homebrew dragonborn who are fairly dangerous
well the conjure spells are now all spirit weapon, shroud, or guardians clones with different CC effects.

and jump can now multitarget. thats all i know for absolutely sure.

but honestly ranger doesn't really even need NEW spells if it's getting the whole druid list now.

>That's absolutely false.
The one you're posting still has the expertise from Deft Explorer (though trades the two languages for terrain-based conditional advantage on two skills), Roving, Tireless, Nature's Veil, and free casts of Hunter's Mark.
That's literally Tashas Ranger. It had extra features on top, for instance having Volley and Barrage always prepped, but it's still literally Tasha Ranger.
And honestly, I would expect Ranger to be updated the least, because it got multiple revision UAs DURING 2014, leading up to the release of Tashas ranger. In essence, it got all of its development ahead of time.
>Level 20 Capstone is +1d6 from Hunter's Mark changing to +1d10
>Still a single die btw
Seven players, geeze... Honestly I'd just give them enough room to be "strategic" about the fight and make it clear that a direct confrontation is a fool's errand. Perhaps the denizens of the grove can be convinced to act as a "distraction" and divert a large portion of the forces away from the plan and make the encounter more bearable, maybe this conversion process has a flaw that can, if not "free" them, at least give them an exploitable weakness, like a fear effect on flames that can be used to keep most of them at bay (the grove probably has whatever can help ward off the thralls quite prominent to give them an idea of what they can use).
Alternatively, maybe the raiders they were chasing have gotten caught up dealing with the plant themselves and done some damage before fleeing, could even tie this to their current objective by having one of those dragonborns having been captured by the plan and is also in the process of being enthralled, could be worth interrogating.
But as far as dissuading them, well what are the PCs like?
I guess "add wis mod" ended up being too busted somehow, even for level 20.

I will point out that that's +1d10 PER HIT, meaning the increase is multiplicative based on how many attacks you make in a turn. So it's not as bad as you're making it out to be. But I will admit it's rather underwhelming for a level20 feature. But then again, so is a warlock going from regaining half their spell slots, a literally level 2 feature, to all of them, once per long rest. 2 slots to 4.
+2 extra damage, on average, per hit, while maintaining concentration on a 1st level spell, as a character who has access to 5th level spells, after you have used a bonus action to cast or activate the 1st level spell, is a fucking awful capstone.
We've got:
>First time player playing a Ranger doing the whole "my family is deeeead" backstory
>Fellow DM who is playing a Hexblade Warlock with a cool hook on his weapon. Pretty quick on the uptake and de facto party leader
>Giant path Barbarian who just likes the combat but isn't a bad roleplayer as long as he can cause trouble doing it
>Newbie Paladin guy who has trouble getting into roleplaying
>Fellow DM's wife who somehow plays an edgy cinnamon roll in every game; currently a peace cleric
>Rogue who cannot play or roleplay all that well because he is not competent at tabletop RPGs despite playing them for 5+ years
>Party Wizard who is mostly into astronomy/astrology. Decent roleplayer and good at fireballing problems away

I think that's my broader problem with the campaign: it feels like I am very often doing non-combat stuff with 1 to 2.5 people, out of seven.
3rd level: HM becomes on-hit.
6th level: HM no longer requires concentration.
9th level: is d8
13th level: is d10
17th level: is d12
20th level: Once per turn you can turn a successful hit against a creature marked by your Hunter's Mark feature into a critical hit.
would it be considered rude for a ranger's animal companion to be a goat
>well the conjure spells are now all spirit weapon, shroud, or guardians clones with different CC effects

I'm out of the loop, did they make the Conjure spells better or shittier
>druid let another party member die because they didn't want to break wildshape
I don't think they even know they can cast spells
rude how? a mountain goat could be a cool and useful companion
thanks to this suggestion, i joined a "one shot" 5e game on roll20 just now. was about 6 hours (supposed to be 3). compared to 3.5e, 5e seems quite good for rp.
i had fun, and thought the roll20 software was pretty good.

for guys who play on that website. how can i tell which campaigns will be good? are there any red flags to check about the DM and other players?
I need haunting music for a lich fight. Any recommendations?
is this core?
I don't get how could it be considered rude unless you do something such as making it talk and declare itself the "greatest of all time".
Idk, would be best if you gave a bit more background for the lich
I got u

Reminder that spells require you to declare all targets/points of origin+area at the moment of casting :^)
thoughts on XGtE?
The funny part is that they changed warlock pacts exactly to avoid that, specifically pact of the blade.
And yes, it is fucking weird.
It really feels like they adopted the "might s well start at 3rd level" philosophy (Crawfish might even have said so in a video).
treat it as a core book
Fucking stop posting your shitbrew.
>Terrible OP pic
It's iconic to modern DnD, why is it terrible.
>It really feels like they adopted the "might s well start at 3rd level" philosophy
Makes sense, most classes don't even get core elements of their identity until level 2 (cunning action, smite, wildshape etc)
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>stationed near a drow settlement
>bunch of male drow invade the camp in the middle of a long rest
>they aren't violent
>Vhaerun worshippers who want to overthrow the ruling lolthite priesthood
>they want the help of us experienced adventurers
>we agree to help for pay
>their warcry is "Glory to the Patriarchy!"
you can't make this shit up
let anon pretend 5e is "cool".
pics like OP remind him it's shit
in fact, OP pic is great at depicting how shit 5e is
>words depict how shit 5e is
Or you know any actual pic from the new book.
Looking at the art really makes me curious about how many of the current dev team are former theater kids.
strixhaven and the spelljammer """rule"""book shows that it is almost all of them
Circling the drain love to see this gay edition die a slow painful death :)
Lots. It's pretty typical for me to suggest that there's stuff happening in the wider multiverse beyond the Prime Material in all of my campaigns. For example, when I ran Out of the Abyss, I dropped a few references to the idea that the modrons had only recently finished rebuilding Primus and thus only recently begun spreading outwards from the One and the Prime and retaking Mechanus from the Inevitables and Formians who had tried to replace them.

Basically the implication was that the modrons had only lost so many cogs to the Formians and the Inevitables because they had never even been fighting them in the first place, they were just single-mindedly obsessed with rebuilding Primus. Once that was done and they actually started fighting back, it became a one-sided slaughter, with the modrons having reclaimed all their lost territory within just a single Mechanus cycle (17 days), pushed the Formians back to Arborea, and taken over all Inevitable factories and turned them into their servants.

Oh, if you're curious, this came up in OotA because of the Maze Engine's use resulting in the PCs time traveling, which attracted the attention of a qarut inevitable (the ones that guard the spacetime continuum). Who for some reason I voiced like Werner Herzog.
>Pic is apparently supposed to make me mad
Why? I mean it doesn't look good but what's the issue with the word "multiverse?"
>>Pic is apparently supposed to make me mad
no, it was posted in a previous thread as a reply to some anon saying that only the new 2024 PHB is pushing for the use of a "multiverse" in-game.
Ah, got it. Sorry, I dip into and out of /5eg/ on an irregular basis.
I'm currently interviewing in my LGS and I realize while I can get a good idea about the players based on the questions, I don't really give them a whole lot in terms of what they can expect from me in the game. I cover the essentials like:
>hey I'm really more of a dungeon crawling straightforward combat guy
>if you wanna use UA or homebrew stuff generally I'm good with x, y z
>my house rules are this and that
Other DMs do you have advice for what would be essential info for players looking to join a game?
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Reposting for feedback
I'm thinking of reworking natural explorer (PHB ranger favored terrain) and decided to split the benefits into two features at 1st and 3rd level. kept primeval awareness's name because I think it sounds cool.

What do you think of natural explorer?

>you don't need to take the outlander feature
>part of land's stride and you can't get lost unless your DM needs you to for plot reasons
>you can be an effective scout in your natural terrain
>advantage on core ranger skills

And you can swap out a terrain on a long rest.

primeval awareness has a lot of the meat stuck behind 3rd level to prevent easy level 1 dips.

took your suggestion to heart
I don't really want only ribbons, I want a class identity
>When you have a Ranger in the party you zoom around the map
I like the idea of faster travel.
so, I was thinking of a system to replace my shitty "dedication" idea

>once per long rest when you use your background feature, you gain inspiration
>every time you talk down to a peasant you get inspiration
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That's a crappy band-aid on a terrible system.

>visit towngaurd or local shady person
>get inspiration

A perfect example of why it's so terrible, better than mine. Kudos.
That's funny.

Seems you play with munchkins.

Rather than rewarding players for using their background feature, it'd probably be more fun to do something less gamey. Such as rewarding whenever the player brings up their background in particularly clever, funny or cool ways.
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>Such as rewarding whenever the player brings up their background in particularly clever, funny or cool ways.

That's already how inspiration works, except it's not limited to just background features.

You have created nothing.
My last DM only gave inspiration like twice during a 40+ sessions campaign, and both times were when players made things harder for themselves.
First one was when some guy intentionally walking to a monster who caused damaged by just standing near it, the second one was when the party was split (not by a huge distance, but still) one group got into battle, one player noted why it'd be unlikely for the other group to even realize what was going on.
I know how's it like in the rules. I didn't claim to be original, but my post was still different to what's in the rules and your image. Rules leave it very vague and don't link it to background specifically but to all "soft" character creation traits. "Playing up" those traits is also very vague, while "cool, clever of funny" is more clear (yet, obviously, is subjective).
Imho the way it's written in the rules annoys me because it feels like it'd lead to "it's what my character would do" in the bad way, as well as to possibly repetitive cringe.

(Btw I'm not >>93424283).
RAW, there is zero guidance on when you declare targets for spells. The only info is about Extra Attack, and that targeting happens before the attack rolls are made. Not a peep about multitarget attack spells.
Logically, you SHOULD have to declare the targets when you cast, and not choose sequentially.
However, according to the Sage Advice Compendium, you DO get to choose targets sequentially. ie fire one scorching ray, see if you kill it, then choose whether or not to shoot something else.
Kind of dumb desu, but whatever.

Also, before someone asks, you still can't move or use bonus actions during a cast of EB or Scorching Ray. That's specifically a feature of Extra Attack.

It was worth a shot, but there's still some refinement to do. right now, I'm just tossing around ideas to create a system that grants inspiration under clear defined roleplay conditions

another idea I was considering was using Bonds, Flaws, Personality Traits and ideals to grant inspiration. That said, all four of them can result in problems at the game table
>ideals can result in players refusing to go along with party shenanigans
>flaws can encourage murderhoboing
>personality traits can easily fall into the same issues of flaws or ideals
>bonds stop working if the party leaves the area where the bond lives
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>another idea I was considering was using Bonds, Flaws, Personality Traits and ideals to grant inspiration.
Pic related.

>>ideals can result in players refusing to go along with party shenanigans
Realistically they should. If your character doesn't act according to their ideals because it doesn't suit them at the time, why have them?
>flaws can encourage murderhoboing
or they can encourage a other role play scenarios
>Fisher flaws
-I am judgmental, especially of those I deem homebodies or otherwise lazy.
-I become depressed and anxious if I'm away from the sea too long.
-I have lived a hard life and find it difficult to empathize with others.
-I am inclined to tell long-winded stories at inopportune times.
it really depends
>personality traits can easily fall into the same issues of flaws or ideals
Yea, that's what makes them great. They can also not even have options for inspiration
>Fish personality traits
-I am unmoved by the wrath of nature.
-My friends are my crew; we sink or float together.
-I need long stretches of quiet to clear my head.
-Rich folk don't know the satisfaction of hard work.
>bonds stop working if the party leaves the area where the bond lives
>Fisher bonds
-I lost something important in the deep sea, and I intend to find it.
-Someone else's greed destroyed my livelihood, and I will be compensated.
-I will fish the many famous waters of this land.
-The gods saved me during a terrible storm, and I will honor their gift.
-My destiny awaits me at the bottom of a particular pond in the Feywild.
-I must repay my village's debt.

I think Bonds are beyond the scope of inspiration as a reward, they can be entire personal quests that player, or they can just greatly influence what a player does, for example
>I must repay my village's debt.
Maybe a noble offered to rebuild his village after a terrible storm and now that he's come to collect, the fisher sends 10% of all his earnings every month just to pay off the interest.
>another idea I was considering was using Bonds, Flaws, Personality Traits and ideals to grant inspiration. That said, all four of them can result in problems at the game table
That's just RAW
And yeah, it's shit
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>it's always funny when people talk about variant human as if it were a separate race from humans lol
It might as well be with the retarded race rules.
But with the new SJW race rules fromm Tasha's book, everyone can be a variant human.

>bastions are a cool rule now
We're never gonna get usable boat rules, huh? All I want is good spelljammer.
>>bastions are a cool rule now
Are we sure of that? I thought the last time they were mentioned was in the UA, and for sure lots of UA things ends not making it into the books.

>SJW race rules
Ok we got it, you're a braindead boomer.
It was mentioned quickly in one of the YouTube videos. It's a new feature. Also, I meant core, not cool.
They mentioned bastions in one of the videos, I forget which one. They use "bastion turns", whatever that means.
>are there any red flags to check about the DM and other players?
one more idea
Based on how I havent seen any channels that got the book early tear into Ranger, other than saying the capstone is a stinker, Im hoping theres something that changed with how hunters mark actually works now they have not shown, but we will see
Which attack from the strike of the giants feat is best for a rune knight? Thematically stone would fit my character best but it doesn’t sound as good as some of the others
stone strike if you're ranged, or cloud strike otherwise
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Obviously the corresponding one you plan on taking at 4th/6th/8th level

Cloud. It targets wisdom and makes you invisible. Great for walking away without any opportunity attacks or giving your next attack advantage.
Frost and Storm. Frost locks down enemies and Storm makes all their attacks at disadvantage for a turn, but they're con saves. Bleh
Hill and Stone. Hill is pretty great, honestly. STR save or prone can knock down fliers or set up you and your allies for advantage on melee attacks. Stone is marginal, but sometimes a push is enough to kill someone.
Fire. Best saved for crits or killing blows.

However, this is all turned on its head when you factor in the "of the giant" feats

>top tier
Cloud and Fire. misty step as a reaction + damage resistance? That's crazy good. Fire comes out on top too, dex save for an AoE blind? and it doesn't have friendly fire either. And it doesn't take up your whole action, just a single attack. AND it does damage and saves for half. Don't forget free fire resistance.
>mid tier
Frost, stone, Hill
A reaction counter-attack that reduces speed to 0. Nice, also cold resistance. Stone is dark vision or + 60ft darkvision and you can throw a rock as a bonus action that can knock people prone, pretty cool. hill is a bit underrated. all other giants have limited uses on their features, but bulwark is as many times as you want, and iron stomach just lets you heal more
>low tier
storm gives is just ok. you get an aura of "all attacks have disadvantage" against and people are slowed for one round. If they fail a save. you also get resistance to thunder and lightning! but only for as long as the aura is up (one round), unlike frost and fire.
>you can't make this shit up
Circumstances would seem to disagree.
Divine inspiration or whatever it's called
Thanks, that was pretty much my view on it. I wanted fire at first due to big number but cloud sounds like the best one all around. I wish the rock throw from stone added str mod to damage.
Working on high tier magic weapons, currently had an idea for a legendary
>sword of the first emperor
>+3 shortsword, has heavy property
>when attacking, user can make another attack using bonus action
The idea is that through having heavy property it can be used with gwm while also benefiting from a shield and potentially dueling fighting style for solid damage, with the extra attack letting them get off even more hits.
shouldn't you describe the flavor/concept first then we can discuss what mechanics might fit? or are we playing a different game
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Adding PB to damage is only really a one point less than strength usually and it's pretty consistent, especially for anyone else who doesn't plan on using STR.

>I wanted fire at first due to big number
Rune knight (fire rune) with strike of fire and ember of the fire giant makes for a VERY cool fire themed martial. If you want to go for a very un optimal build, you roll with a dragonborn to have more fire options for your turn.
this is actually a character I want to try to play
It's like in the Barbie movie!
The lore is
>sword of the first human emperor, previously a tribal chief who united humans with elves to rebel against dragon overlords. The sword is similar in design to a spatha but noticeably thicker and made out of a unique dense metal that is considerably heavier than normal steel. It is well crafted and carved with ancient runes, and when held by those found worthy imparts the skills of the first emperor to the wielder.
Pretty sure the damage on the stone throw is only a d10, I don’t think you get to add prof bonus to it’s damage
Making it a heavy shortsword is dumb. At least make it a longsword or battleaxe
Ah, you're right.
nobody remember that fotm bro
Well the idea is that the humans in the setting are fantasy romans, the sword itself is based of a roman sword that was definitely not a longsword, and it’s also a sword not an axe. The heavy trait reflects that it is made out of special super dense star metal, while also enabling gwm +10 damage to work with a one handed weapon.
>Some spells are so subtle that you might not know you
were ever under their effects.
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What would you build for The Nameless King?
One-armed Half-orc champion fighter (2024).
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How tall can orcs be?
If I remember right, in GURPS, anything from 5'3 to 7'5 is considered the same size category as a human, so sometimes I use that as a rule of thumb for medium-sized creatures.
Can you be a good DM if you're naturally nervous/anxious and might even have social anxiety?
I'm trying but I feel like this is just not meant for me.
I'm not going to lie to you, you're looking at something of an uphill battle.
Goliaths get up to 8ft and are medium sized so that seems fine
Why did I choose to DM. I feel like my players can tell I'm horrible, but they're still content enough because they have chemistry with each other while roleplaying and have some fun doing that. But I feel like I'm holding the group back basically.
>Can you be a good DM if you're naturally nervous/anxious and might even have social anxiety?
That only works if you are playing alone, you will have to make an effort, because you will have to talk to at least 4 people.
I feel like I just don't have any charisma lol. The players are all loud adhd types, and they constantly talk over me. But I definitely know they aren't doing it on purpose, it's just my lack of charisma and perhaps not having a projecting voice. And sadly I can also tell they get bored with my NPC's since I'm bad with NPC's.
But yeah this probably just isn't for me. If I don't improve during this campaign it's done for me and going back to player most likely
Goliath Rune Knight?
There are a bunch of examples of xenos purged for being threats, but are there any examples of humans purged for being threats?
>I don't really want only ribbons, I want a class identity
Well, your pic is entirely ribbons. If you want a class identity, you want something that can be relevant every session, not one in ten.
Titan A.E.
>ask players for backstory
>none of them respond

It's joever isn't it.
Everyone has their weaknesses, and if your players are decent they'll accept that one aspect of the DM's many jobs won't be a superstar experience. Ideally you'll be able to find something you can do well and focus on that.
You don't necessarily need to be able to act out multiple characters convincingly; it's fine to use third-person narration and be like, "The captain pauses to consider your offer, and eventually accepts. He offers to shake your hand." I'd say some level of improvisation ability is pretty much mandatory for a satisfying social pillar experience though.
It's also possible though that DMing just isn't a great fit for you in the end, and there's no shame in that.
'fraid so
Which are the most futacoded races or monsters
Orcs are obvious
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Well there you go, according to Sage Advice I stand corrected. I agree with your takes on logic and "seems kind of dumbです"
I don't understand. Even some people who are good players and enjoy engaging with backstory elements just don't seem to have the drive to get it done. When I'm a player I jump to make sure the DM's not waiting on me to get things moving even if I'm not especially amped to spend time and effort on it.
maybe since it lacks a social aspect? i dunno but its something ive noticed too
Thanks anon. I do third person mostly and I guess it sometimes throws off the players since they all do voices and first person, but I just can't do it. But I feel like at least my improvisation is decently good. Delivery is bad though, I feel unconfident in the moment lol. But I hope I improve at least a bit.
It was a running meta plot within Star Trek : TNG
i get awkward in person/social events but when it comes to work meetings etc I am very confident, so my campaign is the same just like a work meeting, a place where im in charge and know everything and people pay attention to me. In fact dming is an attempt to have socialization time under these very stacked circumstances where people are forced to give me attention and listen to what I have to say. Maybe if you see it that way as well you can feel better about it
what kind of equipment would you let a new party of level 7 characters have
Any advice on playing an Eldritch Knight? I want to do something other than Shadow Blade + Attack + Shield, but the only alternatives I see are finding an actual combat use for Weapon Bond or using cantrips with War Magic. The former is unreliable and DM-dependent, and the problem with the latter is that we'll be fighting fiends, meaning Booming Blade is my only option. Am I missing something?
specifically NOT magical weapons so that they can engage with the mechanic of some monsters resisting their attacks (as long as not all monsters in a fight have resistance) and so that once they find a magical weapon it feels like a turning point
why have this mechanic in the first place
Hey so I have a question. I'm DM'ng a session with my group for the first time in a few days, and one of my players wants to play a Human Cleric.

I was like "Ok cool", but I'm not entirely sure about his concept.

Basically, he wants to play as a Cleric of Corellon, who is you know...the head of the Elf racial pantheon. His character's backstory is essentially that he was found and adopted by a family of Wood Elves when he was a baby, and therefore his character overall was brought up with elven values.

Does this seem remotely viable to any of you? Would Corellon grant spells to such a Cleric? I'm admittedly not entirely sure how the racial pantheons generally view people outside their chosen race worshiping them.
>Artificer, Ranger, Cleric, Fighter, Barbarian
i'm the sixth. what would you guys recommend? campaign is mostly tactical combat maps
Eh, nonmagical resistance has always felt like a cheap-ass way to try and enforce challenge. Later monsters don't even account for it and have it as a free "ooh so scary" detail. Yes it makes a "gating" between magic weapon tiers but a 7th level character should have at least one magic weapon.
>according to what
Ki=Empowered Strikes and the kensei equivalent for their weapons is at 6th level, a beastmaster's companion gains magical weapon damage at 7th, and the spell Magic Weapon is available at the absolute latest at 7th level for EK and AT. If other classes have access to it, that's the system saying that at that tier, those things shouldn't be problems anymore. These features exist for the areas that aren't going to regularly get covered by their base class experience. Besides, the Extra Attack bump is the real gating for feeling strong, not arbitrarily dealing half damage to certain enemies until you get a new sword. That's dogass.
>Does this seem remotely viable to any of you?
Lemme let you in on the most important thing to know about canon of almost any TTRPG:
It doesn't fucking matter. It's fun if the players know the lore and can make your infodumping job easier, sure. Having everyone bought-into a setting is great too. But the sanctity of what anyone else wrote for why X does Y in the make-believe setting you play in is not more valuable than one second of enjoyment your table has at its expense. Do whatever you wanna do, fuck 5e "canon." They want to play a human that thinks elves are dope? Fuck yeah, now they'll buy into the first elf NPC they encounter and have instant rapport. A human raised by wood elves being chosen by their god is a huge boon for those elves as well, it implies an amount of trust and rewarding for their deeds that can be carried through the character. Any other player finds a lore issue with it, rule 0 them to shut the fuck up.
Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
You absolutely need a magic blaster of some kind
sorlock or wizard
we're level 3
I mean you need ranged magic dog.

Be a dragon sorcerer or something. Bitches love it when you have a red dragon for a grandpa.
cool, 2 levels in warlock 1 in sorcerer, or go 3 levels in wizard
bro your player came up with a concept
as long as it's not "im terminator who travelled too far in the past", ie it doesnt break immersion, then it's YOUR JOB to make it work
there are a million things you can take and run with it
maybe some elves are racist towards him and dont consider him a true cleric
maybe he thinks he's worshipping corellon but it's something else
etc etc etc
furthermore, unless you specifically say "we are playing in this setting" who the fuck cares about "canon"? it's your world not a published book, you can do whatever you want
>maybe he thinks he's worshipping corellon but it's something else
This is retarded bad DMing 99.9999% of the time, don't do this fucking trash.
why the 1 dip in sorc vs pure waralock
Goliath players are consistently the worst players on every game I've ever been in. Just an excuse to act retarded. Chaotic Neutral self appointed class clowns.
You're not dipping sorcerer, you're dipping warlock. Take a third level of warlock if you want pact of tome for rituals, which your party could definitely use, but the rest of the level go into sorcerer.
makes sense.
thematically, how should i role play this?
why would a sorcerer have a patron
More power? Plenty of reasons exist desu

Maybe they are hesitant to use magic tied to their heritage for whatever reason...(self hating Tiefling???), so they sought an alternative source. Struck a pact with a Celestial or something as a cope.

Or the opposite...maybe their Patron IS their ancestor? Maybe the sorcerer did a warlock pact with their demonic great grandpa after figuring out their identity?

However you want, sorlock lends itself to many different reason to make a pact. Are you a reluctant wild sorcerer who made a deal with a fiend to "help control" your magic? Are you a draconic sorcerer who stumbled up eldritch secrets while researching their heritage? Are you an abberant mind sorcerer who asked a celestial to "cure" them? Did you move to swamp to get away from people calling a witch, and found a genies lamp for some reason? I try to blend the two classes backstories together, but frankly it's your character. You could make a sorlock but call yourself a wizard because you have a tome of spells.
racist against corellon
Grummsh you are drunk again go home
>hi I saw your ad for the game I'm 19 working through college and thought it'd be fun to play on the weekends
>alright see you on sunday
>hi I saw your ad I'm 17 turning 18 and-
>sorry child, no underages allowed in my group
what causes this reaction
if you are dealing with legal minors, there's a whole battery of bullshit you need to keep in mind. it's just a headache that's better left out.
literally only a problem in pedomerica
im not playing with anyone under 30 sorry, you are just gonna bail or show up late or whatever
the students are getting more intelligent every year
that one anon's 17-year-old player is probably smarter than most 19-year-olds
i'm deep in my 20s and these kids make me feel like a fucking moron (which i am, but that's beside the point)
I don't think it's besides the point at all. In fact, it's the whole point of your post.
So, I have an idea for a character: mountain dwarf wizard. What spells should I pick?
Anon, gnolls are THE futa race! How do you not know this?
because there are no kids anywhere else, y'all forgot to form babby for 40 years
as they grow up, they learn to stay away from places with dumb people. so it makes sense that the smart guys you see are the ones who don't know any better.
>Bonds, Flaws, Personality Traits and ideals to grant inspiration.
I actually really hate systems like this, because they don't leave your character much room to form in play
Unless you only fill them out as your campaign progresses
what's shit about 5e
is it
>dwarven or dwarvish?
>elven or elvish?
which one did tolkein use
-en is species-related -ish is the language
It's got a lot of ribbons but some solid meat.

>1st level
advantage on stealth, survival, and nature checks based on favored terrain
>3rd level
for a spell slot, expertise on wisdom and nature skills you are proficient with and difficult terrain doesn't slow your movement. It lasts 24 hours.

a little awkward tho, not sure if it should just be passive or have a spell slot tax, but I wanted to prevent the second set of features from being a level 1 dip. Gonna pair this with my hunter's mark change I posted a few days ago.
For me it's thri-kreen.
Gonna play in a homebrew not!bloomburrow campaign but can't pick a race and class combination, do you have any suggestions?
If you aren't close friends with all the people playing, including the DM, no dnd is better than bad dnd.
No i meant I can't decide
A DM so autistic as to set four flavor boxes in stone for their purposes of handing out inspiration is too autistic to DM in a satisfying way to encourage those traits. A proper DM recognizes what a player's character is and rewards them for acting in character and making big moves with them.
nta but how do you figure
Why even bother when Deft Explorer is already way better?
The switch on long rest solves some of the old "mother may I" issues, but really Natural Explorer is bad design conceptually. It's mostly only good in campaigns that use travel as a challenge, and then it trivializes that to the point that it isn't a challenge anymore. It removes the fun of even paying attention to the details of the journey, so the DM isn't going to put effort into that pillar of his game because all the meat is stripped off the bone.
I don't know anon tell me more about your campaign's setting and style before you solicit for character advice out of the blue.
>Are you the type of player who can still be useful while picking mostly "thematic" spells?
>What kind of encounters does your DM normally pick? If we tell you to pick spells like Stone Shape or Meld to Stone do you realistically foresee your DM getting you into situations where that would be useful?
>Do you just want a wizard who is from a less commonly represented race-class combo or do you have a story reason for it i.e wimpy dwarf wizard who can't swing a pickaxe and instead learned how to navigate and strike the earth with magic
playing my first paid roll20 campaign
>starts on time
>people playing in character
>it's organized without having annoying hoops to jump through
>no obnoxious underage kids
but there's a woman
Oh no not a woman
Much like male players they come in spergier and less spergy varieties however
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Hi anons I need your help. I'm playing Druid of Symbiosis from MonkeyDM's Seinhardts and I want you to clarify something for me: It has Wickerbone Behemoth feature that allow you to use it for Wild Shape daily uses. It is designed to be melee druid w/o turning into bear.

It sates:
>whenever a creature damages you with an attack, your skin splinters and all creatures of your choice within 5 feet of you take 1d4 magical piercing damage. This damage increases to 2d4 at 10th level
and at level 10:
>In addition, when you use your Wickerbone Behemoth transformation, your size becomes Large,
>and whenever you damage a creature with bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage, you gain temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier.

It's worded "whenever", so if I'm swarmed by 4 creatures and one of them attack me, it splinter them for 2d4 dmg each, and give me temporary hp for every creature? so I roll four times 1d8+wis?
I would say you damage them all at the same time and roll your temp HP once. Is also less annoying to resolve. But if not, remember you can only get temp HP from one source at a time, so it'd be the best of the d8s you rolled, plus WIS.
oh you're right, I forgot about one source rule. I was afraid this feature could be a little too broken for our forgiving DM, but now it seem fine.
Thx anon. hope you will have great day
>we go over time by 15 minutes
>end combat right there, see you next week
well. i guess they are professionals and are paid per hour.
but it was pretty awkward to end on round 3 of the first combat. I've never been in a campaign that stopped in the middle of a fight. But I guess that's no problem with these online games that can save where everything is perfectly. Still. definitely I left unsatisfied.

i was a little surprised when she wasn't especially annoying
>i was a little surprised when she wasn't especially annoying
you're spent too much time on 4chan
women players are just players
there's no women on 4chan, you dork.
thinking back, it was probably because she didn't talk too much.
the guy who did the best RP was the half orc who had a journal with crayon scribbles of the party holding hands
>women players are just players
i don't necessarily mind playing with women. or with underage kids. or with the bri*ish. but odds are good that i'd rather play with someone normal.
and you'd need some pretty hamfisted logic to pretend they're ackchually all the same.
>then close my eyes to break my line of sight
Doesn't work that way. You still have unbroken LoS to the creature that cast Fear from your position. You get to reroll your save once you are in a location where you don't. Also we're not in 5.5 yet so no maintaining your rage through anything but damage and attacking, fuckboi :^)
kill yourself retard
Yeah I don't think the intent is to stack them. I think I would just let the player roll once so that we don't dwell on it much, otherwise rolling 4 times and picking the highest could be a fair ruling.
1 rare item, 1-2 uncommon
average party level everyone starts walking around with boots of haste
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>Does this seem remotely viable to any of you? Would Corellon grant spells to such a Cleric?
Humans are absolutely allowed to worship the Seldarine. They're probably the most popular "racial" pantheon for people who aren't members to worship
This has always been the case. Even in AD&D "any intelligent race" could worship even niche deities like Eillistraee, who was never drow-exclusive. Ed Greenwood's horny elves don't discriminate on who is allowed to pray to them, as long as your alignment matches you're fine. There's several "elven" deities who are even pretty common amongst druids and rangers of all races due to their portfolio. Sehanine Moonbow used to literally just be the Elf name for Selune, that's no longer the case but non-elf illusionists and people who hate undead still worship her fine.
The real question with most racial pantheons is "WHY would a member of a different race worship this god?", not whether the god would accept the worship....but that's easy since the Seldarine are widespread in society, elves have huge cultural influence. Hell, the ENTIRE ORGANIZATION OF THE HARPERS exists to bring back the lost legacy of Myth Drannor, an Elven civilization that worshipped the Seldarine as their patron pantheon.

Corellon Larethian is worshipped by many Bards of all races because he's basically the biggest manwhore bard in existence. Pic related is from the 3.5 PHB.
>why would a sorcerer have a patron
easiest way is dragon/fiend with the patron and bloodline both tracing back to tiamat. you have a patron because unlike most sorcerers you actually write home to mommy and answer her calls instead of letting her rot in the old folks home known as the abyss
>why would a sorcerer have a patron
why not?
anyone from any class could get a patron, even in the non magical, non warlock sense, to aid with resources, guidance, support, etc.
gnolls are the obvious ones
Why would a sorcerer have a parent

83? 86? I forget what the number was
Fir Bolg
>I just want what every warrior wants, to retire to live in a field and marry my fox girlfriend.
please just see if your friends would be into you running a game for them, there are few things more cringe than saying youre paying to be in a group. maybe not showering and being a creep have it beat
>roll20 adventures cont.
hopped into yet another one-off. this one i found via a discord server for an earlier session (it was also listed on d20). level 1. third game today. so far in the i've played levels: 1,3,5,7,12.
dm this time was drinking and we all had a great time. except when the bard was talking. why are bard players annoying so often
the best one yet but the dm only does one offs on a whim with randos

if i had to rank them:
1. jolly drunk dm one shot
2. paid campaign
3. free campaign
4. other free one shots

by far my least favorite was when the dm insisted that we buy and keep track of material components. pointed out that we will need greater restoration (100g diamond dust). and then gave each player 50g to buy supplies.

i've been avoiding any of the campaigns that have a quiz or any nontrivial application process because i hate that kind of thing.
agreeing with this anon >>93432624
you're a lost cause
why would a sorcerer have a parrot
my group just disbanded and felt like playing
anywhere I can play a oneshot online?
>never been in a campaign that stopped in the middle of a fight
I've had that happen IRL and online, not really that notable honestly.
>surprised when she wasn't especially annoying
Why did you even mention her, then?
Why would a sorcerer have a passion
Why not? Everyone else gets a pet/familiar.
Bards should be 20% casters.
my sorcerer has a honduran white bat
So next sunday we're going to play something like a pvp oneshot (not just combat). It's going to be something like 2v2v2. What would be nice to play along side a warcaster wizard as a level 9?
you people become more retarded every single day that goes by
You're right. Bards should be 0% casters.
honestly I kinda like it. it's very OSR
Why would a sorcerer have a passionate night with the wizard's little sister
trips of truth
if there's grass on the field, play ball
What if she's an elf, and also 9 years old?
Do you clean between her legs?
well if there ain't any grass, you gotta play in the mud
whenever she has an accident
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>That's fine, I'm going to be crowned king and live in a castle and marry my fox girlfriend.
They should be about 20% caster.
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She was a young troubadour
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Honestly, my usual group looks like the community cast.
It's hard to see someone 17 or 18 lately, even more so with all that modern nonsense they want to bring to the table.
Anyone here tried using Mythic or other "tools to replace a DM" for solo 5e?
I know it'd be a completely different experience, but I just want to reuse characters (that didn't get to really explore their backstory or goals) and play in premade settings (my group only uses DM's homebrew settings).
players see a meteor accross the sky and it crashes in the distance
they find the crater and at the bottom an alien looking device
it's an escape pod with a foggy glass panel
peering through the glass they see either a mindflayer or a star spawn mangler
what other item do they see inside the pod that makes them tempted to open it?
Two of my players have a kid that old.
give AI another 2-3 years
>what causes this reaction
A Positive INT modifier

>>hi I saw your ad I'm 17 turning 18 and-
You are acknowledging that you know your age is a problem.
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Yiffing fury shit aside, I like the idea of adding playable gnolls without adding playable gnolls.

Making tieflings more than just "technicolor red devil" in appearance.
Cope, redditor.
Pedochad website, get over it.
>confirms he's a phoneposting redditor pedo
ok tranny
Anime website, get over it, cringe reddit moralist cuck
>confirms he's also a tranny
fuck man just say you're a nogames while you're at it>>93438021
Seethe harder, jew.
>tranny's still seething
don't be mad at me, nogames, i'm not the one who gave you a gash
Israel lost, jew. You're going to burn.
great thread
just excellent, fantastic post quality
i can really see why people consider 5e players to be intelligent and well-mannered
>still projecting
post nose
I was calling this thread shit since the firat post. Unfortunately it got even shittier once (You) showed up and shat it up even more
kys nogames

Seriously the fuck are you trannies even doing here? This is the dungeon and dragons thread, take your offtopic bullshit back to /lgbtq/. Go ahead, reply with more off-topic shit and confirm you're a nogames tranny, just like the projecting jew.
based anon stating what everyone else was thinking
didn't ask
/tg/ is declining and 5tards killed it
better kys before you make the board worse than
Should I take piercer or crusher as my level 6 feat? Wait, don't know why I'm asking here, I'm the only non-nogames tranny posting right now.
>I'm the only non-nogames tranny posting right now
ah, so you're a tranny who actually plays the game
what race are you playing as?
tiefling of course!
Based and enbypilled.
so hecking valid and cute
Using a spear, because I miss my penis, and already have PAM and Spear Master. Piecer is mechanically better because I'm crit fishing like a pro, but crusher is just plain fun.
>nogames tranny stops replying when the thread actually gets back on-topic
Wow, who would have thought?!?!? Next time, just don't fucking post you retards. And just so you fucknuts know, I'm already level 7 and took piercer.
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What’s the best class for a midwit character that’s physically fit but a little below average size for their race?
Warlock. Probably a GOOlock for peak midwit, though fiend or genie would also work.
Talking about cutting one's penis, what could be some fun ways to depict a cult (about 40 people, including humans and elves of both genders) where all of them are 100% celibate?
I don't want it to be graphic or magical realmish, but more like suspicious weird-ass guys that are actually right in their beliefs.
They do have other weird traits and habits unrelated to sexuality, I just find the idea of a group of people living in isolation without even being able to kiss being evocative of how alien they're supposed to be.
Look up some real life cults. I think Aum Shinrikyo was celibate, Heaven's Gate was, and Mormonism is a big one for premarital sex.
For non-magic I was thinking Thief, Dex Monk or Dex Fighter
Thief, along with assassin, should be part of the base rogue class, so talk to your DM about not running a garbage version of rogue.
I feel like I should add the my group also run Drunken Master and Open hand as part of base Monk, andChampion and BattleMaster for Fighter. You just mentioned Thief first so I feel like you are leaning towards that.
>>93429656 (me)
Go search for a group through Facebook
What day (You) running?
Holy shit you're absolutely correct why didn't I think of it
Friday 3pm after I get a proper shower from the construction site
Time zone? Setting up my filters.
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I kinda wanted to do a physically unassuming master duelist concept, like he’s not a midget but people underestimate him because he’s a little on the short side kinda thing. Traveling from town to town challenging people for fame moreso than money but ultimately cynical because he knows his lifestyle is unsustainable
mountain time
dex battlemaster would be pretty cool for that idea, people can't see sup die
If you have a celibate cult, half of those members are t doing weird sex stuff on the DL that they'll either be self-loathing about or justifying their actions with loopholes, or temptation.
If it's celibate until marriage thing, there's secret weird sex stuff, AND a lot of early marriages.
>most of the origin feats are minor boons
>Magic Initiate: Wizard gives you the Shield spell and an extra free cast of it
Is WotC retarded? That is an absolutely gargantuan buff to Cleric's, Druids, Paladins, Rangers and Bards. It's so good that even Eldritch Knights and Sorcerers might take it for the extra cast and known spell.

New bread
Summon Spirit/Phantom Fox Army!
>hasn't even hit bump limit yet
spamming retard
What mountain? Everest? Kosciuszko? Fuji?
because he's a spamming retard
around 300 replies, it doesn't get bumped whenever someone posts.
also I'm going to sleep after this post, and people seem really reluctant to make new 5eg threads even when it's far past the 400 replies
It's 350 replies, you fucking tourist
it's not. look at the bottom of the page and hover over the post count, it already says "bump limit reached"
>If you have a celibate cult, half of those members are t doing weird sex stuff on the DL that they'll either be self-loathing about or justifying their actions with loopholes, or temptation.
yeah that's what I want to avoid, I want to make it clear that these guys truly aren't doing this type of stuff even when irl a community like that would absolutely be doing that.

>If it's celibate until marriage thing, there's secret weird sex stuff, AND a lot of early marriages.
No, members who feel the desire to have relationships are given resources and connections to build a new life outside the cult (but of course they get their memories modified thoroughly by the cult's leader before they leave).
>tourist doesn't even know what italicized numbers mean
...I hate hiroshimoot so much it's fucking unreal. Also wait til page 9. Nothing you're saying is helping you being called a tourist.
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nta, but threads under 300 replies just show "Replies" here.

>bringing up hiroshimoot
I mean I don't give a fuck about him other than how the ads fucking suck now. I didn't think I'd end up missing the j-list / j-box ads
Yeah, that's because that's the number of replies. When the number is italicized it mean the thread has hit bump limit. And Hiroshimoot is the gook I charge os this website. He's the one who changed the bump limit from 150 to 350. Except his incompetence internship fucked it up on /tg/ apparently and made it 305. And anytime you just get pissed at an ad, just attach it to a post. It's how I got the jerkoff machine ad on here removed, am the vacations were worth it .
>Yeah, that's because that's the number of replies. When the number is italicized it mean the thread has hit bump limit.
yeah we know that.
The point is that the bump limit is not 350 as claimed
more accurately, they've ceased to exist entirely, and all that's left is the name repurposed for entirely unrelated spell effects.

if you want to combat summon a creature, your only options now are the fizban/tashas summons getting ported, animate dead, giant insect, animate objects, and maybe tiny servant since a lot of XGE spells are getting in.
in short, specific stat blocks, no more blank checks. and no more mass minions ex nihilum, since giant insect, tiny servant, animate dead, and animate objects all require something to target and become sacrificial if the creature dies, requiring then more applicable objects.

Are you stupid, drunk, or just mentally diseased?
>You the shitposting, projecting jew from earlier that can't post on-topic?
the fuck is going on with your schizophrenia/depression/whatever thing you have.
my latest posts here have been
Oh, cool so you ARE the projecting redditor tranny who gets mad when the thread goes back to being on-topic.
I kind of wonder if it's the same schizo who thought WoD and 40K were real, since typically most of the schizos hang out on /pol/ and /x/, not /tg/. there can't be that many
I have to agree with this anon now

Are you stupid, drunk, or just mentally diseased?
you are the one actively derailing the thread. you're doing it at this very second.
I'm not the well-poisoning retard who can't talk about 5e
Says the off-topic dipshit who isn't talking 5e and is instead talking about how they aren't talking about 5e. But please do go on about how you aren't talking about 5e. I would love to read your reply about not 5e.
i think you're just butthurt about not knowing about the bump limit.
>you fucki g retard
my group just started the Icewind Dale AP, my character is a Fighter. narratively, he's a part of a somewhat religious knightly order. i was thinking about it, but would it good mechanically to multiclass into a paladin for a couple levels? figure i wouldn't do it until later in the campaign if i even do it so that i get the bulk of the Fighter stuff out of the way, but i'm curious as to how it'd look. I've only got 12 levels to work with, so i figure it'd look something like Fighter8/Paladin4, but this is the first time im playing 5e so i don't know if it'd be bad or not
some anon told me that you should multiclass early
but delaying double attack is bad, you should get it fighter 5 and then go to paladin, or the other way around
I'm already fighter 1, we finished the first session today so i can't start as paladin if that's what you're suggesting, so stay fighter to get extra attack then full steam for paladin?
Not that guy but the benefits you get from taking more Paladin levels usually outweigh the Fighter ones. Spellcasting is an obvious one, but Lay on Hands also gets improved and the lvl 6 aura is one of the strongest class features in the game. If you intend to favor Fighter regardless just grab Paladin 1 at either lvl 6 or 8 and stick to it for 2 to 3 levels.

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