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Cats from the crafting video edition

>2024 PHB spoilers

>2024 UA



The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous Thread >>93385067

TQ: What are your opinions on spells and class features that provide companions? What do you think is the best approach for giving companions to the party (or to specific PCs)?
Bounded accuracy sucks fat cocks.
TQ: familiars and ranger companions are classic and usually completely fine additions to a team, either going unmentioned until they're relevant or being a beloved team mascot. In a Dark Souls-themed game I played with some first-time players, I had a Crystal Lizard appear early on so the Druid could have a little friend.
If someone started using a lot of summons/pets in combat specifically, I'd want to work with them on finding solutions that will prevent their swarm from slowing the game down to a crawl (don't have any specifics as this hasn't happened to me yet)
Do what Pathfinder 2e does and add +level to all checks and DCs.
>get a +30
>still need to roll a 15 to hit the dragon
Lol. Lmao even. Only the sweatiest tryhards enjoy the autism of mathfinder and 3.5e, where if you make one sub-optimal choice your character is unplayable.
Bounded accuracy is the best change d20 has ever gotten. Horizontal growth is always more fun than vertical growth.

Go play that game instead if you like slop so much.
europoor shitposting hours
>Horizontal growth is always more fun than vertical growth
Nooo you have to follow my skinner box loot treadmill to be able to hit a Goblin (Forma Rojo)
This video felt very Artificer.
That type of armour seemed like either a construct or what an artificer armorer would wear.
And look at that white cat.
>Making familiars a bit harder to kill (maybe they share the caster's AC or protective effects).
>If they DO get killed, caster must roll a save or gain a point of exhaustion.
>Establish that, if the familiar gets killed, the one that you summon afterwards can be the same one, since they're all spirits playing pretend anyway.
Maybe Pact of the Chain could have advantage on the save or something like that, but this could help nerf some of the most OP uses of the familiar, such as having it help in combat and flyby, or sending them as spies.
Yeah, it'd still be possibly, but exhaustion is a much heavier penalty than "oh well, I'll have to spend 10g of materials again".
Circling the drain. Gotta love it.
Itt fags will discuss
>how to make small number into big number
>how to tell stinky player to go away

And that’s it. 5E isn’t a game of imaginary adventures, it’s a product whose consumers try to sling epeens and catwalk their outrageously retarded character builds and literal fetish fanart. Oh me? You’re looking for something to say about me? Look in the mirror. I’m sober you.
>Bounded accuracy is the best change d20 has ever gotten. Horizontal growth is always more fun than vertical growth.
Except it's not really "bounded accuracy." It's just limited growth. You grow in things you can do and how much HP you have and how much you can chip at once, but a CR1 enemy has nearly as much chance to hit you at level 20 as at 1. PF2E actually scales enemies, so a boss at level 2 is a challenging encounter at 4, a common mook at 6, and trivial at 10.

5E's challenge almost entirely lies in how much HP enemies have and what extra abilities/resistances they have to stymie you taking chunks out of it. PF2E thinks more about how the players are tactically working to flank, debuff, and stun, as well as maintaining aggro on the high AC frontliners, because the degrees of success system means that 5 points difference in AC can mean the difference between reliably getting just hit and getting critted.
Could somebody please help with a tech support question?

I'm in a game that uses Foundry VTT and I can't for the life of me figure out how to switch my eldritch invocation manually. I can import the invocation to my sheet, but it ends up in Other Features section instead of Warlock Features.
You can be uncreative and a coomer in any system.
5e is popular, so it has more of everything, but retards and coomers are always the loudest.
What are some interesting lore reasons as to why humans can breed with elves and orcs ?
Cool, you can go play that then
In Mass Effect aliens see humans as genetically diverse species. That's a good excuse even in s fantasy setting.
>session today
>will be crafting as artificer
>making plans for half-plate robe
>transcend into a pseudo-nazgul wraith
will trade in most of my materials for this, its going to be a wild, fun ride
i cant wait
I know some self fulfillment types have done this but have you ever had a gay couple use a spell or item to have kids together? I know some progressive romance games do this quite often.
You're describing older versions of the spell. Well, but missing the "you have to wait a week/month to resummon"
No one creative or original plays 5e. If you don’t think so, just look at reality for like 30 seconds
Okay, I looked at reality. Saw some creative and original people playing 5E. Sure, they’re the minority of players, but pretending they don’t exist at all is absurd in the extreme.
Kill yourself, retard.
weren't the older versions stupidly punishing? as in, your stats go down permanently?
Thoughts on a demilich? I need a big bad undead for 5 level 10 adventurers to square off with. Demilich looked fine, but the howl looks a bit cheesy and not fun.
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Knights should not be loved by the people, they should be feared and respected.
When a knight comes to town the mothers should hide their children and the children should hide their mothers.
tryhard cringe
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if DnD was realistic.
Battlemaster vs Samurai.
We unironically need to bring back the rule that losing your familiar makes you permanently lose a level.
Why even post?
What are the best ways to get an entire party of strangers with unique backgrounds to buy into a campaign's plot hooks?
at that point, better to avoid the bloat and remove the familiars altogether
make them decide how they know at least one of the others.
or have some event like a festival, wedding or funeral that they all attend, and players must come up with some reason for why they're there.
This is good advice but I think how they meet and why they embark on the adventure of the campaign can be the same or different questions
>give them no choice like in OoTA, they start the plot in medias res and they either react or die. Once they're out of immediate danger, revenge against those who have wronged them is a good motivator for most
>tell the players the broad strokes and ask them to decide on their own motivation. This might sound lazy, but it's actually good because you're giving them the freedom and agency to decide their own place in the plot. And you're doing enough as the DM already without coming up with motivation for the PCs
Actually, I think D&D worlds generally wouldn't have ANY nudity taboo.

Nudity taboo is largely an abrahamic invention, just like the taboo against homosexuality.
Egypt, japan, greece, pre-christian rome, pre-christian Gaul, damn near anywhere in the americas, pre-islamic africa including even now areas of industrialized South Africa. Generally speaking, globally clothes have been more about practical needs to handle the weather and showing off social status than covering naughty parts, especially breasts a ton of cultures even the nobles dressed to the nines used to keep their milkers on display.

The only example I can think of nudity taboo developing that weren't due to christian influence is China, and that's because 1. one's human-ness had to be earned by behaving humanly and that included wearing clothes, and 2. a woman exposing her pussy was believed to have powerful magical properties, capable of cursing and repelling curses by counter-cursing the bad mojo.

And even a lot of christian cultures had no issues with things like nude swimming or public bathing until the 1970s or so, as long as there was gender segregation. The first swimming pools were made to keep working class men from swimming nude in rivers where women might see.

Though some like the Greeks had a thing about specifically displaying one's unsheathed glans in public. So I suppose that's still some form of nudity taboo, it's just the bodily areas that's too sexualized for public display are limited to exactly one part that's basically only ever visible when used for sexual acts or at the very least thoroughly aroused.
Which I guess would probably answer your questions about beast races, anything whose dick retracts internally would have that sort of feeling, barring extenuating hangups like china's curse beliefs.

As for Yuan-ti purebloods, they USED to be humans. So even though their mammaries are purely decorative now, they'd probably still have leftover baggage IF humans do.
>can be the same or different questions
sure, but that's more specific to what kind of campaign does anon want to run, so it's harder to give advice that'd be useful.
it determines how heavy a creature you can push, drag around or lift while grappling.

also, max carry capacity (15xStr, modified by size) isn't an optional rule, just adding encumbrance (penalties at 5x and 10x) to replace armor str prerequisites.
>Nudity taboo is largely an abrahamic invention, just like the taboo against homosexuality.
Neither of these is true.
for most pagan cultures, homosexuality isn't a sin, you're just less of a man if you participate in it, and even then sometimes only as the bottom, fuckers of holes are manly regardless of whose holes they fuck.
>homosexuality isn't a sin
The very concept of "sins" is abrahamic to begin with, so obviously. It was still taboo across most cultures throughout human history.
It wasn’t taboo. It could be emasculating, but one would be, at worst, looked down on for it. I don’t think you understand what “taboo” actually means.
Everyone's moms are called Martha.
>tfw my mother is named Martha
depends on the era and location, even from village to village. What was just emasculating 100 years ago could be considered inhuman in the "present"
If homosexuality is not a disease, then how could my cleric cure a princess of her homosexuality with a healing spell?
I did it, the princess was cured, I saw it with my eyes!
You can't deny the facts!
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Definitely agree with >>93403953. I think most elves in particular wouldn't really care about public nudity, hell they literally have a goddess who's all about that shit.

There are countless IRL human cultures, both past & present, who practice public nudity for a variety of reasons.

Warforged, Autognomes, Plasmoids, and Reborn don't need to wear clothes at all.

Planestouched races like Genasi, Aasimar, & Tieflings, as well as near-humans like Dwarves, Orcs, & Half-Elves, would all mostly fall under the same justifications as humans.

Tortles, Lizardfolk, Locathah, and Grung all have canonical nude art. Tabaxi have some canon nude art as well but it's all from 1st and 2nd edition.

Aarakocra, Kenku, Thri-kreen, and Kobolds shouldn't need clothes, despite almost all their art showing them in various outfits.

Yuan-ti and Dragonborn have had so many different appearances throughout the decades that they honestly just depend on how you wanna write your world/character.

Minotaurs, Satyrs, Centaurs, Merfolk, and Nagas would likely need clothes in public but not give enough of a fuck to ever wear them.

For Changelings I think it would just depend on their upbringing since they could easily spend their whole lives looking like Rebecca Romijn's Mystique.

Yes I have thought way too much about this. Yes public nudity is a very common thing in my homebrew world.
>It wasn’t taboo.
It was.
>one would be, at worst, looked down on for it
Or be forced to leave the village. Or killed and his body hidden away in a bog. Or put to death if had tried to enter into politics while hiding his faggotry.
But I'm sure those are better than having your feelings hurt, fag.
Yes, the princess is doubtlessly cured. It is no wonder that, out of gratitude for such a miracle, she and the high priestess have been spending so much time together behind closed doors. Truly, we are blessed to have such a faithful and devout princess to lead us!
In fact, she thanked me by allowing me to get her pregnant (the initial problem was that she could not have an heir to the throne due to her homosexuality.)
isn't that just a -20/30% fertility debuff? I think you were just impotent, dude
The party and me met the princess that same day and I got her pregnant that night, how can that be impotence?
What percentage of encounters should include Undead/Fiends to not make Paladins feel neglected for their extra Smite damage class feature or Clerics for their turn undead?
If you think about it, all cities and kingdoms were built on top of cemeteries and there are a lot of corpses in the rest of the world.
If I think about it, I make most undead take 1.5× damage from bludgeoning, so the clerics don't feel useless.
It's so nice that this is the obvious answer if nothing else, but it's so overused that nearly anything else practical would be better
A baseline of 0%, increasing proportionally to how much sense it makes to include those creature types in your campaign. Clerics and Pallys both have plenty of toys to play with even if no undead/fiend encounters ever happen. Smite works on everything regardless of type, and clerics get additional Channel Divinity options for exactly this reason.
>wtf, I'm playing the Protagonist class why am I not getting the Protagonist moment where I solve the situation without effort and everyone claps?
What class is supposed to be the protagonist class? Isn't that all of them?
>The Universe is fucked if we don't do this
>Big money.
>There's a guy who fucked with us all one time too many
>We gotta get out of this place, If it's the last thing we ever do~
The absolute tone deafness of making aasimar a base PHB race instead of goblins still amazes me
>quirky little guy who’s not evil I promise
Just play gnome
Bounded accuracy is the worst change and 5E doesn't have horizontal growth for shit unless you're a spellcaster.
I wish to be the quirky little guy who IS evil
Don't respond to that guy, he's been trying to force a meme for several threads now
>the posters I dislike are all the same guy
Sure, schizo
But I want to be evil. With orcs neutered, what evil player races are there left? Drow and maybe black dragonborn?
For me it's hobgoblins.
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>Hey DM, I'd like to ask if my characters background can be one of an extremely wealthy adventurer. Someone with already a lot of money to spend, whose out exploring the world because there's some things that money cannot buy and stores do not sell and a bit of boredom
>He might have a large estate back home with someone to run it, or a very large business giving him a very large wallet to call upon, and decided to go on adventure to advance his skills
>Obviously not every problem can be solved with money, but whenever there's something involving it like asking for room at an inn, showing up to a shop for healing potions or getting horses and wagons, buying publicly available magic items from a shopkeeper, and even buying a plot of land for a ritual site I'd like my character to say 'don't worry guys, I've got this' and not have to worry too much about cash, within reason.
>No adjustment to levels or anything else. He's still the same level as the rest of the party.

Is this an acceptable thing to ask for?
No, if you want to play someone from a wealthy estate play the noble background. You need to earn your gold ingame past that
Elves, because they too are a very mutable race (wood, sea, air, etc.) You can't mix a two bricks, or a wad of clay and a brick, but you can mix two ways of clay. Especially if the ways they're mutable are different but complimentary; elves are externally adaptively divergent but internally fairly uniform, humans are largely externally uniform, but internally very unstabley divergent. The end result is basically no two half-elves should ever be alike, which to Corellon is almost like Elves are returning to their original mercurial nature mirroring ximself.

Orcs, because there's no god of humans for the Orc god to have a beef with, making them uniquely the only race he'd ever allow them to ally with instead of killing to the man, though obviously only the Orciest ones, gotta still raid and slaughter the Halflingier and Elfier humans. Meanwhile his other command besides reconquest is to breed as many orcs and as strong an orc population as they can. Adding a dash of human does that just as much as adding a dash of ogre.
The noble background is fine. It's just sometimes in some games the "You understand wealth, power, and privilege. You carry a noble title, and your family owns land, collects taxes, and wields significant political influence." is skipped and the only thing that becomes mechanically relevant is the 25gp purse, the titles and land and family you might have had is skipped or handwaved as 'you left it all behind, all you have is the 25gp purse'

And then an NPC noble comes around and smacks their fat sacks of gold in your face. Which starts to make you feel a lot less like a noble, and more like a hobo.

Would you permit a PC to actually *be* someone of wealth power and privilege both fluff wise and in terms of game mechanics?
It'd be a very unusual DM that is basically willing to handwave all monetary transactions for an entire campaign. Valuable treasure is a large reason adventurers do what they do, and even assuming your Uncle Pennybags PC has another reason to risk their neck in this career field, it begs the question of what motivation the party as a whole now has to take any jobs or risks where the reward is solely going to be coin or things to sell. At a minimum you're probably asking the DM to completely change the pacing of the adventure for the sake of a special player background which is too much of an ask imo
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I love them but, find familiar got my group cheesed at me.
>Tabaxi chronourgist in a Dragon heist game
>we find out about a gem we need hidden by jarlaxle
>Go on a scouting mission with the rogue. He poses as a fisherman in a rowboat not far away
>I use water breathing to swim closer to his ship, and encounter the sub by accident, also a brass dragon
>having sussed out the invisible sub, I use the ability find familiar gives me to send my companion (a finger tip sized glass frog in this instance) inside the sub (doesn't require seeing where they show up, just that it's unoccupied)
>see through its eyes with my action, have it scout out the layout with a few lucky stealth rolls, even get to the captain's quarters
>tell them I could keep going unless they want me to save slots and turn back
>table says to keep going
>Use my bonus action to misty step inside within 30 feet
>DM is kinda flabbergasted, looks for a reason it wouldn't work, and neither of us can find a rules reason it wouldn't
>allows it, teleports inside, and steal the keys to the vault we were missing and an item belonging to the brass dragon before using the same trick to leave
>dragon scoots me to shore at high speed, do kinda leave the rogue with water breathing alone in the boat, has a run in with jarlaxle's men but manages to escape
>had a sitdown later, party frustrated that I basically did a whole scenario alone and left the rogue, but was also accepting they told me to continue and I did give the rogue the water breathing that put him out of bullet range.
>Tell the dm not to worry about hitting me with a 'No' if I'm doing some hinky rules shit that technically works but he doesn't feel comfortable with.

Alls well that ends well.
My understanding is that at a certain point, it doesn't matter how rich you are, shops just are going to have a limit to the sort of gear they sell. The reason common and uncommon things are called the way they are, and why nobles aren't walking around with powerful magic items.
Shops just flat out might not even have rare, very rare and certainly not legendary items. So even if someone has a lot of gold to their name, there's still a trove of lost and hidden things out there to search for.

The jobs would revolve less around 'a group of poor/hardworking adventurers seeking a livlihoood' to 'a group of well funded adventurers in search of glory or personal reasons'.

I guess ultimately, is it expected that monetary gain should be the main motivator of the majority of D&D parties?
Adding to this, the 25gp start from the Noble background is presumed to be what's left of the personal wealth they're able to bring with them after spending the rest on their starting equipment. To have ambiguous thousands of gp on them begs several questions that would have to be satisfyingly answered to even start thinking about allowing this:
>where does it come from and what responsibilities is it supposed to be used for? (if you're landed gentry, that's tax money you're supposed to be reinvesting into your land, your people, and the security of your house against those that would take it from you. If you're a merchant heir, you're supposed to reinvest that to keep the money in circulation and keep your business empire healthy) how are you getting away with not using it for that purpose and running off for it for yourself? If it's an ongoing allowance from a parent, for what reason are they funding you and how are you re-upping with them regularly?
>how are you carrying that much value around safely? Nobody calculates coin encumbrance anyway so we won't waste time on that, but word is gonna get out pretty quick about how rich you are for a newbie adventurer and you should be prepared to be threatened accordingly because of that
>what form is it in? your wealth likely wasn't all in coin because per the PHB, coin isn't used for large transactions. Your wealth is realistically mostly in land deeds, livestock, trade goods, and (most charitably) heavy-ass bullion from the royal vault rather than a Scrooge McDuck pile of coin for you to dip into whenever you want. All of these would be inefficient to transport and impossible to liquidate with anyone who isn't at least a very well-established merchant guild.
>what motivation the party as a whole now has to take any jobs or risks where the reward is solely going to be coin or things to sell
Surely this needn't be the only motivator of a party. Or that jobs and adventurers become less interesting when there's no monetary gain needed. Lots of video games make players want to progress through missions for the narrative, even if they dont actually need the cash reward anymore. Doesn't lost mines of phandelver open up with a poor woman who has lost her husband and cant offer much but the party might still choose to investigate it?
No, that's just dumb

>100 gold for 2 potions
I got this fellas
>300 gold in horse
no problem

no anon, this is stupid.
Well, an example I can think of:
>He is a landed noble, who does indeed have to pay taxes and such. He currently has someone to manage it for him as he ventures afar, much like a Knight or a King going on a crusade to the holy land
>If he were traveling alone, he would normally hire bodyguards via the hirelings mechanic. As it stands he has confidence in the party as appropriate bodyguards, and even feels the need to offer them payment. Its very true that travel is dangerous for someone of great wealth, but if every merchant of substantial wealth feared going out to be rob the world wouldnt have any merchants at all.
>He would ask about the status of banks in the world. Given that at least in forgotten realm we have a few examples of banks and IRL when a wealthy noble from Genoa goes to France or England they are reasonably able to prove their identity and make use of the banking system. So rather than carrying around large sacks of gold, they would mostly get what they think they might need from a bank in a large town. It might be that the money might run out anyway in small towns far away from banks, but that's an acceptable risk and reasonable thing to happen. Credit cards dont exist yet.

Basically, he would operate not that different from a wealthy landed knight going on crusade, or a wealthy merchant needing to take a trip to a far off land. Neither of them will have access to their money at all times always, but they wont be without means everywhere in the world either. Especially near major population centers in civilized land.
It's rare for players to create characters with "I'm just in it for the money" as their main motivation simply because it's not that interesting, but for the most part I'd say accumulating wealth is at least the 2nd priority for 90%+ of adventurers, if not for its own sake then for the opportunities that being rich opens up (they can support people back home, they can give it as charity to the unfortunate, they can outfit themselves with gear and training to better battle against evil/good/whoever their personal enemies are). Adventuring is dangerous fucking work and someone who is content with incrementally accumulating a modest personal fortune over a lifetime of hard work would do that instead of risking their lives every day for the chance of finding a tomb full of treasure.
>Lost Mine of Phandelver
starts with the party being hired as mercenary escorts and implicitly as business partners in an ambiguous yet allegedly lucrative opportunity down the road. The hook is almost entirely financial, with the exception that the adventure recommends the party members be friends with the Dwarf who hires them so they have additional reasons to help him
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You mistake me. This isnt 'I have a magic bag of bottomless gold wherever I go I always have cash' its 'I travel and can afford things that any wealthy traveler in the time period can, within reason'. So if he needs a horse, he'd have to get one the same way any NPC noble would and would face the same limitations.
>>Adventuring is dangerous fucking work and someone who is content with incrementally accumulating a modest personal fortune over a lifetime of hard work would do that instead of risking their lives every day for the chance of finding a tomb full of treasure.
While true where personal motivators come in I feel.

The crusades had plenty of noble knights and landed elites who might well have stayed home and continued earning a fortune.

But a chance to find the lost tomb of Jesus christ from infidels thousands of miles away? That's one major motivator for them to get up and go and there are others conceivable. And thousands upon thousands went.
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So, you have the reputation to call upon normal folks to serve you when applicable and procure you necessities for travel, but you get no monetary benefit and still have to pay for anything out of pocket?

Everything but the magic items and potions seems fine, but It's not really a background ability. Anyone can do those things. Even the outlander background can fail when there is nothing to hunt/forage
Pathfinderfag plz go.

Also, it was to replace Ardling, the designated Anthro Sparkledog race, because the backlash was so hard they had to scrap it entirely. But they still wanted an upper plane counterpart to tieflings. Guardinals are celestial, Aasimar was the next closest fit.
Yeah basically. It's just asking that that pocket be reasonably deep like it would for any wealthy person and be comparable to other very wealthy persons in the world.

It kind of sucks when you're playing what you think is a wealthy traveler, but then it doesn't actually mechanically translate at all into the game when you ask to go go the bank or such for more funds. But you do see it translate to the NPCs to where they can show up to the bank, draw upon funds, and buy them and their retainers horses, or an inn, or such. Because they actually do have land and wealth to call upon, even if they are far away from home as much as you are.

So yeah that's my question. Would it be okay for a player to have means they can call upon. Instead of strictly being limited to that 25gp mechanically and all the rest is just fluff that for all intents and purposes wont be usable in game.
Is battlemaster better than samurai? I feel like advantage is way more useful along with the extra attack you get. Then again echo knight probably shits on both.
I commend how deeply you've thought it out, but your original question was whether it would be a "fair ask" for a DM to allow this and my answer is probably still no just for balancing reasons. Maybe if you talked to the DM long before he started planning the game, because he'd have to write the whole campaign around the party not having to do a lot of D&D things because of being supported by your PC's means. And that's rarely fun or fair to do for a team-based game. Your fellow players would also all have to be OK with the implications of this because after the novelty of immediately being gifted full plate and shit at first level wears off, I can easily see them getting bored or annoyed with the gimmick.
This anon describes imo a more reasonable version of what you want and is basically the Folk Hero background feature if you want to be able to cite specific mechanics for it. Any commoner's home becomes a free bed and breakfast if you're polite to them, but beyond that you have to work for it and make actual choices about how to spend your resources.
5e's economy for mundane costs of living is usually broken in half by Level 3 anyway so I have to wonder what you'd tangibly get out of this aside from handwaving the cost of lesser magic items
>It's just asking that that pocket be reasonably deep

You're sending mixed signals. are you asking for extra bonus gold that you can only spend on traveling necessities?

But THAT would be a no from me.

samurai need to spend its resources to be useful adn it can only do so a few times a day.

Battle master only spends its resources IF you miss (for precision).
>Then again echo knight probably shits on both.
if you're speaking about melee. battle master and samurai are better archers which is stronger than melee
This is anecdotal but I have never, ever played a game in any setting or system where a bank or banking mechanics was explicitly present or fabulously wealthy NPCs were commonly encountered (probably because players will immediately begin plotting to rob both if given half the opportunity)
>if you're speaking about melee
I was. So samurai is better for important encounters whilst battlemaster is more reliable across a day.
so, im almost done revising this system. my next goal is figuring out an exploration system
There are a few banks mentioned in Forgotten Realms.

so, im almost done revising this system. my next goal is figuring out an exploration system

>You must wait longer to delete this post
its been more than a minute you piece of shit website
>he fixed the functioning part of the system before the broken part
Goblins in other media and even other WorC properties tend to be quirky (and green) but D&D goblins aren't actually all that quirky (or green, they're like a dull saffron yellow). They're just little shithead slaver assholes that like pushing people around because it makes them feel bigger. The reason Nilbogs are such a Klingon/Tribble-tier nuisance is because Nilbogs ARE supremely quirky when the rest of goblinkind aren't and instead massively fed up with their shit but can't do anything about it because the thing has literal toonforce.

If you want quirky that's kobolds. You ever seen the Kobold Inventor stat block? Quirky as hell. Skunk in a cage? That's not a sane strategy, he doesn't even control the skunk it could spray him instead. Pretending to cower and beg for mercy so your buddy can slash their Achilles Tendon? Pretty evil quirky. Forming little mini-cults where you worship a dragon, or even just whichever one of you lucked into growing wings? Quirky. Stacking 3 high and wearing a trenchcoat trying to impersonate a very emaciated Dragonborn and try to steal supplies from Icewind Dale? Quirky.
>Battle master only spends its resources IF you miss (for precision).

Not technically true. It's not Focused Aim. You can indeed use it after you roll, but not after the DM declares it a miss. Still, often times you know just based on your roll whether it's going to hit or not.
>but a CR1 enemy has nearly as much chance to hit you at level 20 as at 1
Armor Class isn't a function of level so I don't know how you can say that with any degree of certainty.
>send my companion (a finger tip sized glass frog in this instance)
Familiars are Size Tiny. Cat-sized. No creature smaller than that gets a stat block anymore unless it's part of a swarm.
To be fair, I'm really short on ideas for fixing that part. I dont personally enjoy it so im not sure what people want
TPing something capable of actions into locked rooms, and line of sight shenanigans are explicitly features of Find Familiar, nay intended uses. why wouldn't doing both together?
For it to be enjoyable
tiny doesn't have a lower limit. The space it occupies on squares is separate from the actual space of the creature.
It can easily get cheesy.
>the initial problem was that she could not have an heir to the throne due to her homosexuality
that makes no sense, are you sure you're not referring to infertility instead?
yeah, that doesnt tell me shit. I dont even know what a proper exploration system supposed to fucking look like
I must agree with the other guy.
Except that Paladins aren't the only 'protagonist' class, all Charisma classes can be but it depends on the type of campaign.
Tell the players to create characters that care about the campaign's premise.
Just because you're a noble doesn't mean you're rich.
>You're sending mixed signals. are you asking for extra bonus gold that you can only spend on traveling necessities?
One of the... I wanna say SCAG?... backgrounds specifically let your noble family pay for your lifestyle expenses. But that's it, no adventuring gear or other useful shit beyond that.
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You still have Str and other shit. The frog can carry 7.5 lb. That's not finger sized. Finger sized frog wouldn't have a stat block.
carry weight is a poorly thought mess
you can cast enlarge/reduce on a rat or a cat to make them smaller and they still remain in the Tiny category.
They wake up in jail and their immediate hope for release is to do some bidding of the local nobility.
>Armor Class isn't a function of level
Correct, it doesn't increase with level in 5E. It does increase with Proficiency tiers, and if your dex/armor improves, with those as well. But if you're a sorcerer with dex +3, your base AC at 1 is 13, and at 20 is 13, so a CR 1/4 goblin only needs to roll a 9 to hit you at any level in play as the base design. The only real difference is that the level 1 character loses a larger percent of health when hit.

You can grow through ASIs, feats, and spells and subclass features, but not really by much. The biggest factor is that you develop higher damage output as you go and have more health.

Meanwhile, as the CR levels climb, they do increase in their to-hit and AC levels, but not in ways that sync well with your proficiency tiers, and boss battles are just huge HP balloons.
Tell them they must, kill the first who objects.
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Idea: take a monster statblock and cut the HP by half, what are you giving it to make up for that?
Hardmode: no extra AC
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Make it a cute waifu.
legendary action that allows them to cast False life at a level that would give them half their original max hp as temp hp. Can only cast once per long rest.
Resistance to all damage types
Extra hard mode: no increasing its effective HP to the same number as before with resistances or temporary hp or what have you
nah, I won already.
Depends on the monster
>it comes back multiple times after "death"
>multiple illusory copies
>multiple non-illusory "copies"
>regeneration, a lot of it
>damage reduction
>special movement (i.e. burrow speed) or features and spell that would make it unreachable (i.e. Blink)
Permanent Invisibility (or maybe petrifying gaze but it's banshee wail effect) and then legendary resistances for when they try to target saves instead.

Alternately, 90ft fly, 90ft cone breath weapon, and access to Haste.
anon, do I need to explain to you where babies come from?
You're the one who seems to need that explanation.
Being homosexual means you're attracted to people of the same sex.
You don't need to be attracted to someone to have sex with them, and women don't even need to orgasm to get pregnant from sex.
anon, do I need to explain to you where rape babies come from?
Plus of course, a dude could just cum somewhere and have the lesbian just insert the cum in herself without having to touch the dude directly.
Surely a fantasy world could have several alternative methods for lesbian pregnancies too, remember FR is default d&d and greenwood is a perv
>get pregnant from sex
as opposed to...?
You faggots really are like battered spouses making excuses for why it's great that he only hits you when he's really angry.
Getting pregnant from insemination through tools and collected semen. Or getting pregnant from magical bullshit.
>sex with inanimate objects
>sex with magic
>as opposed to...?
Just getting the sex but not the pregnancy.
Your brain must be really smooth.
>I swear I'm not fucking this orc dildo, I'm just using it to insert this semen deep inside of my fertile elf womb
not as smooth as yours, magicfucker
clear proof that being a coomer makes you retarded.
Hey man, you're the one who started to talk about fucking himself with cum-covered dildos and tried to act like it wasn't magic realm. I agree, coomers like (You) are absolute retards. But please do go on about more ways for your elf waifu princess to get pregnant but still be a "virgin". Oh, a dragon covered her with his "magical fire"? A unicorn blessed her with his horn? Any more euphemisms you're going to try and cover up your fetish?
dildos are sex toys, anon.
masturbating isn't sex, but even then, the lesbian wouldn't use a dildo for it but something more like a syringe.
and "magical bullshit" can easily be just something such as a wizard teleporting a zygote from some other woman to the lesbian's uterus, or really just conjuring a baby inside her, not much "sex with magic" there.
I'm so sorry you had USA "education".
I'm so sorry gooning constantly fried your brain. Your magical realm is blatant and obvious, and all your players know what you're doing.
Or instead of your weird fetish bullshit, they would do what was historically done and marry a man, pop out a kid and live as a lesbian on the side.>>93407996
>Your magical realm is blatant and obvious, and all your players know what you're doing.
complete schizo, I'm not even a DM and my latest campaign ended few days ago.
I only replied that homosexuality does not imply lesbianism and you came up with a whole bunch of fetish stuff.
>Or instead of your weird fetish bullshit, they would do what was historically done and marry a man, pop out a kid and live as a lesbian on the side
yeah, I referenced that option too
artificial/magical insemination talk was just a reply to "get pregnant from sex / as opposed to... ?"
but at this point I bet your smooth brain already forgot most of this post.
>coomer desperately tries to explain how pregnant lesbian princess is totally not a fetish and is completely normal world building
suprised you managed to type that sperg out so quickly with just one hand
Now that's the effort I expected from somebody in the middle of a /5eg/ goon session
>goon session
didn't even know what this was until this post drove me to search for it.
Why are you guys randomly talking about cask wine?
That's boxed wine, though.
>Permanent Invisibility
Faerie Fire.
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mitosis, duh
You know it's stupid, cringe shit.
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Nah, Melissa's mostly just horny.
Just look at the trash you just posted.
Can't Silver Dragons just shapeshift as a racial feature? Or did the Tiefling knock-up the dragoness?
Any ideas for an encounter/puzzle using this Apparatus of the crab.
Was going to "add" more levels to make it useable/handwave most of it to make it useable
but I still want to use it besides my players throwing it like a Instant Fortress

>I thought of using for an underwater puzzle similar to ToA light laser room if anyone plays OSRS
pregnant boy
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r8 this banlist
explain each one
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Brimelle's centaur form is her shapeshift, she's also a bard. Melissa's an Alchemist who gave her a spell-storing item and bore the twins.

(Melissa is also the avatar of a Vtuber from Finland who does a ton of DnD stuff)
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I was gonna ask why their kids look like kobolds, but then I remembered that's how half-dragons appear by default in 5e.
At that point it's easier to go through a document fully replicating everything that IS in, rather than picking through multiple books.
Wait, if the one who inseminated the other was already a bard, why was a spell-storing item even required?
Alter Self isn't a bard spell. Artificer, Sorcerer, and Wizard only.
I'm retarded and misread the comic as
>But isn't that a bard spell
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If it's determined by mother's species then the kids should be tieflings.
They have tief traits, they're half tief, half dragon.
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>Mutliple tweet tirade about how wanting to have sex with a giant lizard isn't weird.
What a character.
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Yeah, normally people want to have sex with seven-foot-tall deer-legged women with pitch-black skin and sweeping antelope horns.
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Gross. Too short, wrong legs, too pale, wrong horns.
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Two legs or four?
is she?
the "ridiculously horny" crap feels like a brand, everyone shared that one "hehe couldn't find a kraken mini, I have to improvise".
She's the original source of that tweet.
the what?
I can't, it's not mine
It sounds like you're referencing someone or something very specific.
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They also made a comic about it.
Not particularly, that's just what us normal people want to fuck.
I've expected worse, this is quite tasteful.
That sounds fucking hot, I'd fuck the fuck out of that.
exactly, that's what I meant
she gets the attention she wants by acting as horny as possible online, with the tweet being an example
her shit isn't particularly funny or creative, but horny always gets attention
they are 12, you sick fuck
Notice I wrote "that SOUNDS hot", not "these twelve-year-olds that are that ARE hot".
I would fuck those twelve-year-old dragontiefs though.
these pretty much encapsulate everything I hate about certain loud groups of 5e players
Anons question seems to have been less about playing a noble and more about playing a rich person.

Is playing a rich person frowned upon in 5e?
The artist is the one drawing the kids in a sex charged comic and in sexual situations (finding porn, finding a dildo).
>Kids get into stuff they don't know they shouldn't
Not the same as sexualizing them.
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finding a dildo isn't inherently sexual
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>TQ: What are your opinions on spells and class features that provide companions? What do you think is the best approach for giving companions to the party (or to specific PCs)?
Companions have been a part of D&D since before D&D was even born.
That's not an opinion
Would ir feel too lazy or boring to start a campaign with PCs finding themselves amnesiac, with no belongings in an abandoned lab?
I don't want to loredump, or to have a railroady session to establish the setting and main story hooks, so amnesia could allow it all to be revealed gradually.
this was the plot of a very well known crpg
It's a cliche in movies, but in games it's a good mechanic for setting things up.

The best way to prevent loredumping is to make loredumping unnecessary, if you're setting things up so your players are railroaded they'd just attempt to find a way off the road. The only way to railroad effectively is to make them think they're making choices, TaleTell style.
It is frowned upon.
This might be a fantasy setting, but no, you cannot 'just' buy a house or a horse here. You have to struggle for months pr years on end to hope to afford that. Or give up and choose to live on someone's estate and pay rent if that's too hard.
Playing as a rich person is encouraged. Most player characters will become rich over the course of the game.
STARTING as a rich person with ready access to their wealth causes problems.
Amnesia is perfectly fine if you want to go that path way, but what this anon said >>93410217 is true. PCs have no idea what the story is. You can make it all up. So if you want to do amnesia because you like the set up, go for it, but you don't HAVE to do it if you are worried about having a shroud of mystery. They only know what you tell them. At the end of the day, this game is 4 grown men sitting around a table playing pretend in a 5th grown man's made up story with a thin veneer of guidelines to keep it from being completely playing pretend.
>Most player characters will become rich over the course of the game.
Anectodally, but out of dozens of games I've played this has only been true once. But a bunch of them said we would be and never delivered...
Why? Because I don't agree with your dumb dumb shit for brains homo opinions? Go lick a THATCO table you pencil necked queer
I agree with your point, but it is kinda funny in the world of fantasy, shooting lightning from your hands, going on crazy adventures, the one thing out of reach is the dream of starting life wealthy. Of course we know the mechanical reason of having money messes with the game, but it's funny to think about.
hot take: dash and disengage should be the same action. otherwise when you disengage you run 30 feet and then the monster catches up to you on your next turn. disengaging didn't make things any better except moving your personal hell 30 feet away
What's the hardest 3rd party module for 5e? If possible, one without haha le insta-death traps.

TQ: I like them. There's always room for improvement but I'm not a designer.
They are the same species.
Elves and Orcs developed from human tribes that have been changed due to affiliation with a single specific god over a long period of time.
Because the wider human population worships a wider range of gods over time the influence of any single god is negligible.
all of the human-like races are just different ethnicities. The ones we'd actually recognize as humans are descended from a melting pot of different cultures, hence why they're slowly replacing the others
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Nu-/tg/ literally cannot comprehend monster fuckers wanting to fuck monsters that don't just look like anime girls with horns or some other casual shit
>be me
>level 12 wizard with tons of gear
>new player joins table
>totally new to tabletop
>DM starts him at our level as a rogue
>he rps like an edgy asshole to the party
>challenges me one day to a duel
>DM warns him thats a bad idea and even I tell him its not gonna be fair
>1st fight starts with me mental prisoning him and he goes down with his very low ho
>2nd fight starts i hold person him and then disintegrate (Dm has us in a non lethal magic arena) he goes down again
>3rd fight he still forces it and dm said I dont get my slots back for this one
>I curse him to have disadvantage to remove his sneak attacks
>wild goose chase ensues as I just kite him and mirror image myself as I spam toll the dead on him
>gets very pissed he lost to me even though I had no malice and whines im to powerful
Was I even in the wrong? Honestly hes such an ass he made our paladin get angry and leave for the day or berate us because we fail some checks
Are you using the oficial compedium or Plutonian one? In my eperience, use only one for the entire sheet, but both should do the job. Where the feature goes shouldn't matter much if it is being taken into account.
Meet them in the middle. Give them say, 1000 gold. Travel money, right? That is many lifetimes of gold for most commoners, so they'd need to be very careful about their use of it.
Then once they run out, maybe the custodian they left running their estate/business turned out to not be so trustworthy after all or there was a hostile takeover/invasion of fuckin kobolds or some shit idk, and their wealth is now inaccessible. and oh now look at that, you've got a nice quest arc to play through. that 1000 gold might seem like a lot but it is ultimately absolutely nothing. allowing them to act like billy big balls with shit like inns and food and other inconsequential things is literally fine.
sounds unironically autistic.
Thematic reactions and bonus actions.
Or some elemental/physical ressistance.

Anything that changes combat beyond using the big dice feature.
Everyone can, the "bard fucks the dragon" meme is older than you.
What people gets angry is at players trying to make any scene into horny stuff.
One player is really into campcraft. He made a level 1 fighter, took a starting kit with chainmail, and took a background kit that included a knife. Now he wants to go into the woods and make a bow since he lacks the money to buy one. What should I do?
If all demihumans are just variant humans, then what name should 'default' humans have?
They're clearly keeping their horny stuff in the comics. If not, they're most likely playing with people who are down for it.
I honestly hate monster fuckers of all stripes
Is he proficient in wood carvers? If not he has no knowledge of a way to make one. But I would allow him to craft a poorly made one which would break
No, bow making requires expert knowledge he wouldn't have.
If he's desperate for projectile weapon, let him make primitive javelins (1d4 piercing, ranges and weight as normal javelin, worthless).
Assuming he isn't using proper tools & proficiencies, I'd let him spend a long rest making a "handmade bow" that acts as a Shortbow with d4 damage and 20/60 foot range. That way he gets to fulfill his little fantasy but mechanically using it is strictly worse than using the Hand Axes or Light Crossbow that he got from the fighter starting equipment anyway.

If he actually has tools, I'd give him a check to allow him to craft his own Shortbow or Longbow, but he needs to either buy the materials per the rules or go out and find the right kind of wood and stuff (which is a good way to point the party toward somewhere you want them to go, have them find out that the local bowyers prefer to use wood from trees that grow near it or something)

I feel that in our desire to prevent legit power gaming we sometimes go too far in refusing to give people ultimately harmless ribbons that fulfill their autistic desires.
I honestly struggle to understand how some people mistake attempts to get nonmagical equipment in clever or inventive ways for “legit power gaming”. Wealth at the level of basic weapons and equipment pretty much never matters, with maybe full plate as the one exception.
>did not take a light xbow or bow
>dm did not allow him to replace one of the martial weapons for the gold value in arrows
just give it to him, why nerf him, he is level 1
what is the harm
Because many here are either nogaems that think being the hardcore dm is cool, or just bad dms that are too autistic to bend outside of the RAW without punishing them for it.
He lacks the money to buy the materials. He wants to use Survival to find them for free.
> dm did not allow
I will if it won’t lead to craziness. That’s what I’m afraid of.
Is there a way to give him what he wants without messing up the game?
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>if it won't lead to craziness.
>give him what he wants without messing up the game?
>he wants to use survival to get a basic item for free

are you baiting or just autistic and genuinely don't get it?
Feel free to provide examples from your own games.
Those characters look so repulsive. Only the centaur looks kind of decent.
not him but
>use survival to find decent materials for a bow
>use woodcarvers or even smiths tools prof to make a martial weapon
>use either prof to make arrows
all EXTREMELY basic shit, and the point of even having said proficiencies to begin with
Ok, I’ll try this, limiting him to woodcarving only until he gets a new proficiency and tools. Thanks.
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What example need be given? It is a worthless item that'll allow him to not be worthless himself the moment something can kite him or has some form of height. Martials are already the cucks of 5e, you don't need to add to it by putting his balls in a vice for a basic bow. Shit man, if you don't wanna go down the crafting route then just have him be accosted by some faggot bandit who happens to have a bow and take his shit. The entire situation is a complete nothing burger and the fact you're even asking for advice about it is extremely concerning for the rest of your game.
But what if he breaks the game by having a mundane longbow? That allows him to attack without being right in front of his enemy, you know. That's pretty OP.
Yeah and a longbow costs 50gp so you can't afford that until like, level 2 at least!
lol, are you aware you're using this term while defending a comic about a lesbian tiefling?
Like that other anon, I hate monster fuckers. But overt coomers in general are a pain in the hobby, especially the quirky normie types.
Does anyone else feel like 5e art has taken a turn for the worse? I can't quite put my finger on it but people look too clean, too shiny, too new. Like, I look at this art and wonder 'why on earth would anyone in this picture go on an adventure? They got it all here, shelter, education, clothes etc. they have no reason to go out into the wilderness or a dungeon.' I dunno, maybe I'm just bellyaching but it feels like DND art is becoming more softer then previous iterations.
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pretend I posted this the first time.
>Does anyone else feel like 5e art has taken a turn for the worse?
normies adore it
just go to leddit or youtube: normies are all gushing over the art of the new books
unlike literal nazis here, I'm ok with the diversity, but the art does look way too happy and safe to convey a sense of adventure to me.
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let him craft a "makeshift bow" it's an improvised weapon so he's not proficient with it (if he is proficient with improvised weapons, then he can use it as a short bow)

He literally had the option to start with a longbow, but didn't. That's on him for being retarded
>I look at this art and wonder 'why on earth would anyone in this picture go on an adventure? They got it all here, shelter, education, clothes etc. they have no reason to go out into the wilderness or a dungeon.
Don't many stories start with some enemy attacking these perfect safe places?
If anything, it's an old cliche for a hero to come from an idyllic destroyed hometown.
5 he art has been shit for a while, there was a small time where the art was being shared between D&D and MtG where it improved, but then it took a nose dive.
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>the one thing out of reach is the dream of starting life wealthy
As it should be.
That dream goes too far and too unrealistic. If people dream about starting life as bored wealthy adventurer traveling out of a sense of ennui, they will want to dream about it IRL. Like going on an expensive safari or a costly trip to mt Everest. Worse, they might even stop trusting the notion that hard work and merit will make them rich, instead of having a head start from generational wealth. The dream must be of being rich through grueling hard work from poor backgrounds. Notice at the end of all the adventure modules, none of them explicitly tell the DM the party is going to be richly rewarded for their efforts. They'll be lauded with praise for stopping Acerak, or come away with the knowledge they have survived Barovia. A thanks and praise is sufficient enough.

It must always be more realistic to shooting great balls of fire from ones fingertips and launch bolts of lightning than it is for them to ever be born rich. Not even in fantasy. The struggle and grind must exist and be appreciated even here.
so when might the new phb finally leak?
some people already got them, and they're also going to be sold at some event
so I doubt they'll only leak with the official release
>probably because players will immediately begin plotting to rob both if given half the opportunity
that's one of the many reasons to INCLUDE them. Heists are fun.

i think you're describing a turkey baster.
though there are also dildoes that eject fake cum, so if you had a supply of real cum there's nothing stopping you from swapping them out.

actually, since magic items exist, there's nothing stopping lesbians from owning something that's basically a strap-on, but it gives touch sensation of a cock and ejects semen that would be the wearers if they were male when you climax, straight out of a futa doujin.
Sounds like a funny way to end up birthing a wildmagic sorcerer actually.
There’s been an ongoing shift from “PCs are adventuring for the sake of acquiring wealth and making their way in the world” to “PCs are adventuring for a reason given by the DM in the first session” since the 90s at the latest. And it’s hardly without precedent: the Shire was peaceful and idyllic, and neither Bilbo nor Frodo sallied forth in search of material wealth.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the issue stems from seeing this artwork out of context. It would work well in a part of the book devoted to races and backgrounds, but would fail if placed any later.
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>Session 0
>DM bans Great Weapon Master and Sharpshooter
>Entire party goes on to make full casters
>i think you're describing a turkey baster.
>More often than not you do NOT actually use a turkey baster but instead, a disposable syringe.
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I think they're fun, Classes and spells that allow for Companions and similar roles are always my go-to right next to Conjuration spells like Galder's Tower and Unseen Servant
Right now I'm playing a Moon Druid but for my next game I'm either going Conjuration Wizard multiclassing into Shepherd I want to reach Conjuration Wizard level 10 to piss on Concentration or Artificer Battlesmith so I can RP the Steel Defender as a younger sister while my PC is a Warforged and then multiclass into Beastmaster Ranger for a "Family Pet"
How the hell am I supposed to advance my ambition to become a powerful wizard here? There's a reason you are called a 'journeyman'. Once schools and academies have taught you all they can, you gotta get out there and learn the weave by actually going out and following the weave.

This is also why I don't think adventurers necessarily have to be poor people who need to adventure like hobo's in search of jobs. They can also just be people to whom comfortable wealth and stability has reached the limits of their growth and have to search for things you aren't going to find on any in-character catalog. No one is going to sell you a legendary item even if you could afford it. Because there aren't any for sale.
RAW: Tell him Survival gets him the materials, but he needs woodcarvers kit and proficiency to make a functional bow.
Nigh-on half of tumblr wants to fuck werewolves, and the rest are moist for cannibal serial killers (so basically real life vampires) and mothman.
NDAs for the people with early PHBs ends at the start of August, and the books are being sold early during that same weekend. Best case scenario someone scans it after the con, but there should be something within the next 2 weeks.
Every spellcaster I play is a college graduate who is doing a final field placement study and thesis before he can finally graduate and he needs the adventurers to sign off on his Adventuring Hours.
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6 and 8 suck, everything else can be kino.
6 sounds great, but 8 is ok until the last part
is playing Descent into Avernus as a NE Tiefling Fiend Warlock a bad idea?

magic being commonplace means they likely learn it at school, so it makes sense kids would have spellbooks, even if they don't like magic
magic being commonplace leads to too much bullshit.
The only bad idea is playing Descent into Avernus as is; pretty sure the adventure has 16 different writers and it shows.
Common place could just as well mean it's available as a form of higher learning like college.
>pseudo medieval settings
then again, lots of people just play 5e as anything goes with a million of "cheeky" references to modern life and current events.
You disengage to hide behind other party members who still have HP.

Or to get past the enemy line and to their squishy wizard or whatever other fight-winning objective they're guarding.

If you want to kite like in an MMO, you have to be a monk or ride a mount. Only monks have enough move speed to outrun the enemy.
Though if you don't mind losing your action Rogue and Goblins, and Orcs a few times per day can pull it off too.

And move speed bonus races, feats, and (sub)classes can SOMETIMES pull it off, if the enemy has exactly 30.
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>>pseudo medieval settings

low-hanging fruit, but I'll bite
>then again, lots of people just play 5e as anything goes with a million of "cheeky" references to modern life and current events.
isn't that how WoTC does it anyway in various places?

Not to the same extent as say, Blizzard, but still.
>Bard Colleges
>The way of a bard is gregarious. Bards seek each other out to swap songs and stories, boast of their accomplishments, and share their knowledge. Bards form loose associations, which they call colleges, to facilitate their gatherings and preserve their traditions.
>isn't that how WoTC does it anyway in various places?
yeah, and it sucks
Bard colleges are explicitly not colleges in the modern sense.
Lore bards' class description even explicitly says that those bards meet in places such as "libraries and sometimes in actual colleges, complete with classrooms and dormitories". Ie actual colleges being associated with bards is an exception rather than the rule, and only linked to Lore bards rather than to all bards.
>anon btfo a couple retards

and in a setting where magic is common place and casters are a normal part of society, it makes far more sense for magic to be taught to adults rather than children

>6 sounds great, but 8 is ok until the last part
if it's taught in college and colleges are rare, that's closer to 5 than to 8.
If anything I feel like playing it as LE/NE (without going full retard and working with the party) can make for some interesting situations/roleplay. More specifically as a Fiend Warlock, the gm could humor you and have you meet your patron directly, that can be cool, maybe saving said patron or something like thzt
>What do you think is the best approach for giving companions to the party (or to specific PCs)?
TSR era had it right.
You hire them, they ask a daily fee and a cut of all loot, and you can only ever convince Charisma mod +3 number of guys to apply for the position unless they retire peacefully, because word of mouth people start to assume you're either killing them for their stuff, getting them in way too dangerous situations, treating them expendably, or just really bad luck.
I just make them not compatible with xbe and pam to encourage variety
>playing it as LE/NE (without going full retard and working with the party) can make for some interesting situations/roleplay
The character I'm imagining doesn't have any grand evil ambition, and they would probably cooperate with the party just for fun, if not for survival
>the gm could humor you and have you meet your patron directly
My patron would be a Yugoloth, so I don't think a direct meeting is likely, though they still might have tasks for me in hell
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Anyone know any good homebrew I can add to the 5etools item list? Specifically I want more melee and ranged weapons for my martial players to find while looting dungeons.
Plenty of Yugos in Avernus actually.
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So I'm a new player and our group just disbanded (tldr dm got tired of postponing games due to party members being busy, and had to wait for almost 3 weeks from the warlock and the warrior to give him at least their new work schedule).

so now that it's over at least for now I want to make some considerations.
Are warlock players usually like this? Besides him being short and fat, which is irrelevant

>esotic weird race that I can't even remember
>Path of Blade subclass
>His power comes from a cursed blade his family encountered in his backstory or some shit, can't understand what but I'm guessing it's the shadowfell thing
>AI generated fucking everything, from Henry Caville lookalike John McNobleguy to his purple magic sword
>HUGE powerplayer. every time we encounter an enemy he said shit like "guise let's fight/not fight this" based on his previous in game experience (not with our dm, but basically from the times he was dming solo for his friend) despite our DM constantly homebrewing shit in
>loot fucking everything as if it was skyrim
>all interactions with NPCs are either flee or attack on sight
>somehow a huge storyfag as well, "it's what my character would do"
>every time the group discussed how to handle a situation creatively (for example assaulting an orc fort) he screamed to us OOC to move our ass and leeroy jenkin the issue (got us almost TPK every time and only got saved by several nat 20s thrown in a row by the whole party)

maybe I'm seething just due to what happened but I think warlocks tend to be pretty gay and attracts faggots with the most comically unoriginal and stereotyped character ideas + gay powerplaying skyrim style that in my humble newfag opinion simply doesn't work with 5e
I want to add that the metagame bullshit he constantly did for every npc interaction made the gsme way less enjoyable for me because I fucking wanted the surprise of new monsters, traps or whatever as a first time plsyer

I wanted to react organically RPing as my character to situation, and so did our DM, I didn't want or need to know the CR of a manticore or whatever
warlocks can be fun and interesting like any other class, that guy is just an edgy faggot murderhobo
Yes I'm probably biased due to what happened. I just don't see how to make an interestint character out of a guy who can eldritch blast the shit out of everything ans take out a magic sword our of his ass. Guy's character was supposed to be of Good allignment btw
>>esotic weird race that I can't even remember
if you can't remember, it wasn't that weird.
>>Path of Blade subclass
>>His power comes from a cursed blade his family encountered in his backstory or some shit, can't understand what but I'm guessing it's the shadowfell thing
so was he a hexblade? This seems fine.
>>AI generated fucking everything, from Henry Caville lookalike John McNobleguy to his purple magic sword
nothing wrong with that
>>HUGE powerplayer. every time we encounter an enemy he said shit like "guise let's fight/not fight this" based on his previous in game experience (not with our dm, but basically from the times he was dming solo for his friend) despite our DM constantly homebrewing shit in
some people have a hard time splitting what they know from what their character knows.
>>loot fucking everything as if it was skyrim
everything like wooden forks and spoons, or everything like books and tapestry? Because if I could carry it, I'd totally take the latter. They could be rare books and certain tapestry might be considered art. At the very least, I'd ask to appraise it before looting it.
>>all interactions with NPCs are either flee or attack on sight
he's an idiot, but its not a sin.
>>somehow a huge storyfag as well, "it's what my character would do"
Those two things are not the same. Staying in character and doing something dicking because "that's what my character would do" are two different things.
>>every time the group discussed how to handle a situation creatively (for example assaulting an orc fort) he screamed to us OOC to move our ass and leeroy jenkin the issue (got us almost TPK every time and only got saved by several nat 20s thrown in a row by the whole party)
Press X to doubt

To answer your question, no. This is not something that all warlocks do. He could have played a fighter and done the exact same dumb shit.

This also has nothing to do with warlock player. Did you ask him to stop?
sorry pact of blade it's not homebrew. I'm just retarded and new and mistook the pact boom with the subclass, since he gained it at level 3
>are they always like this
Probably not, but it does attract more of those vermin than most classes just like wizard attracts obnoxious psueds, barbarian attracts people who suck at rp, and bard attracts degenerates
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>Are x players like this?
Could make generalization out of every classes desu, I can tell you that none of my warlocks (as a player myself who played different ones or as a DM/with warlock party members) were like a that. So you just had a stupid fuck as a fellow player, that's the most common issue. If you are really new, you'll come to see that paladins, rogue, bard, sorcerer, artificier and everything else will have it's brand of archetypal retard.
My personal warlock were
>Human pact of fiend who inherited his pact and was trying desperately to get out of it. Decent int score, and acted as a scholar and not!wizard for the group. Kinda wish he was based on int instead of Cha
>Revenant, parasite pact (from Grim hollow), whose village was butchered by bandits and thrown into a corpse pit. Awaken in the middle of it with vague memories and a tentacle horror in his brain (DM pulled out the Prototype twist where the Parasite was actually thinking that it was the living host. Was a pretty nice moment and changed how I roleplayed him)
>Earth Genasi, Dao Genke Pact. For a caravan/trading themed campaign, member of a family which had a long term agreement with a Dao Genie. Acted as a merchant/negotiator for the group.
Like I don't think any of these concepts are too bad, and mechanically, it was all fairly standard eldritch blasting and testing out the different pacts boons
Maybe, then
Do you think a 'Loth would want to meet directly, or would they try to limit the information their underling has about them to aid in later manipulation?
>how to make an interesting character
Stop thinking about the mechanics so much. Think about the motivations of the character. If I was to play a Warlock, I would go celestial. Have him be a prior criminal that begged forgiveness to save his sick daughter and now she is healed, but he must travel the land hunting evil for his patron.
Pact of the chain with a celestial sprite flavored as a diminutive angel who keeps tabs on him.
Then when he is RP you can have him struggle to overcome his cowardly, criminal nature and change over the course of the campaign. By the end he takes an oath of poverty and gives up all worldly possessions.
His eldritch blasts are javelins of divine light and his angel companion keeps enemies weakened with her magic arrows.

Warlock has plenty of avenues for interesting stories and characters. Stop getting so hung up on what they'd do in battle.
Has 5e art ever been good?
It has 90ft fly, doubled speed, and dash as a bonus action. If you catch up to it between strafing runs, and figure out where to target it, and it fails the save, good on you.
>Broom of flying, winged boots
No need to ban, just trade their rarities with Potion of Flying. Completely insane that it's a Very Rare when Wings and Ebony Fly are Rare

1. Have some common sense and clarify Revivify-curable circulatory death doesn't count as Widowing any more than getting the paddles. Your soul is still on the material plane attached to your mortal body, you need total brain death to invalidate a marriage. Also you lose the +2 if your partner does, obviously, you're no longer married. and 2. Start enforcing the lore implications. You and Thog are married now? Welp, it's not official until you consummate it, now who's fucking who in the ass so you get that week of +2 AC? Oh and don't forget, to king and country and all the gods, you just promised to be legally bound to each other the rest of your natural born life. Your assets are shared, one of the two your belongings to a house name is forfeit by marrying into the other family, gods who punish these things will be very prickly about spousal neglect or infidelity.

>Racial flight
Glide or fall at end of turn until 5th, easy

>Force Cage, Tiny Hut
1. Add concentration Or 2. Give them the HP of an equivalent dome/box made of adamantine. Wall of Force too. That said, Force Cage already has a hefty M equivalent to crafting like 5 uncommon items, or copying 30 levels of spells. If the ability to cast this spell isn't balanced by that gp cost, stop handing out so much damn gold

A ranger attacking turn 1 is not casting turn 1. Nor is 1 extra attack +1d8 per combat actually that impactful. Why is this bugbear fine but this not?

>Crossbow expert
Why bother? You already nerfed Sharpshooter

>Spirit Guardians duration change
It's concentration. Just hit the fucker. I've never seen a concentration spell last more than like 4 rounds of combat max

>Vicious Mockery buff
It's Frostbite with better damage type and save. No. This is why bard players shouldn't be allowed to dev
>I've never seen a concentration spell last more than like 4 rounds of combat max

Contrarian here. As a tier 4 EK with 20 con, I had bless last for 8 rounds. I will concede that the spell itself helps keep concentration checksand the bless spell is the reason the combat dragged on for so long
>It's Frostbite with better damage type and save. No. This is why bard players shouldn't be allowed to dev

Frostbite is widely available to multiple spell lists, mockery is strict a bard spell and tiefling and some other niche cases. This is precisely the situation you'd want to buff something as it doesn't affect the greater game. it's not like he's buffing firebolt to a d12 or frost ray to 120 ft range.
1. How'd you get Bless on an EK? Magic Initiate?
2. I have zero qualms about an EK actually casting something other than Absorb Elements or Shield for once. If maintaining unshakeable concentration on 1st level spells is their niche, at least they finally have one other than "can swap weapons easier" and "slightly better defenses 4-7 rounds a day"

Even then, 8 rounds is hardly 10 minutes. It's not even 1.
The only way a cleric is getting multiple combats out of a spirit guardians is if the things they're fighting don't know how spells work, or don't have ranged attacks or AoEs and the party is doing a hell of a job keeping them off the cleric. In which case, fuck it they've earned that second use, I wouldn't begrudge them a Hex, Fly, or Magic Weapon they got to last their full duration either.
>Welp, it's not official until you consummate it, now who's fucking who in the ass so you get that week of +2 AC?
Imagine playing a m*le.
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Fey touched: misty step and bless

Combined with pic related and arcane charge, haste, and taking slow instead of hypnotic pattern, I had a slight "time magic" theme going, havling so many sources of instant tranmission was fun.
Except that magic initiate exists, so if you make it an objectively better version of another spell, say firebolt to eldritch blast, suddenly everyone is stealing it.

THAT SAID, 5.24 makes Cleric, Wizard, and Druid the only lists you can steal from. No Sorcerer, Warlock, or Bard, for identity protection.

With that coming change in mind, I'll accept it, but counter that damage isn't the bard's job, AND they get martial weapon prof if they really want to try. If we're going to buff it, it should be in a way that emphasizes bard's support role.

Instead, taking a page from Silvery Barb's book, how about disadvantage to their first attack before end of their turn AND advantage on the first attack against them until end of their turn. And then as anon already is doing, delete silvery barbs itself entirely.

ALTERNATELY, leave vicious mockery exactly as it is, EXCEPT, its casting time is now Reaction instead of Action. You're sneaking in a sharp quip every so often, why would it have to be on your turn? Let's you wait until you see who's going to be the biggest threat to your allies before kneecapping them.
>Except that magic initiate exists, so if you make it an objectively better version of another spell, say firebolt to eldritch blast, suddenly everyone is stealing it.

People use those cantrips because they are the best cantrips. And it still uses Cha to cast, so the only person who gets worthwhile use of it is a sorcerer. and if the sorcerer wants to invest a feat over an ASI to take vicious mockery when he could just as easily use mind sliver for the same damage type and damage die but worse effect

>but worse effect
Mockery worse than sliver
Well, everybody knows lesbians are marriage ratum sed non consummatum. They can only use sex toys on each other or stuff like grinding, fingering, and oral. It's all extended foreplay and afterplay. They can't actually have SEX sex. So the marriage is never completed, they've just filed all the necessary paperwork to do so if they ever got the chance, so to speak.
>Welp, it's not official until you consummate it, now who's fucking who in the ass so you get that week of +2 AC?
That's not what the spell says.

DM has full authority to change the rules, but that anon is still retarded.
Just remove the spell or make the effects only happen when the couple is genuine. It is a divine spell, so the gods would know.
are there really games were people do things like ceremony marrying just for the mechanical benefits?
I refuse to believe it. Why don't these people just play videogames instead?
so, I was thinking of a social encounter system, but im not sure if its solid

social encounters involve two scores: conviction and standing. different encounters require a certain number of successes in one to win or a certain number of failures in one to loose. your RP can lead to advantage or, disadvantage in the combat, as can the actions you take

actions include
>lie (deception): roll twice. 2 successes: you win 1 standing and 1 conviction. 1 success: you win 1 standing and lose 1 conviction. 0 success: you lose 1 of each and the target's next accuse/interrogate has advantage
>negotiate (persuasion): on a success, you win 1 conviction
>request (persuasion): on a success, you gain 2 conviction. on a failure you lose 1 conviction
>prove (any knowledge): on a success you gain 1 standing or 1 conviction (your choice)
>interrogate (investigation): on a success, you gain 1 standing and advantage on your next prove. on a failure, you lose 1 standing
>accuse (intimidation): on a success you gain 1 standing and the target is frightened. on a failure, you lose 1 conviction and standing
>bait (deception): on a success, you gain 1 standing
Usually online games with randoms. Friends don't actually do that sort shitty min/maxing to each other, unless it's full wargame.
It's just funny to take these things to their logical conclusions
>magic initiate exists
yeah and like every feat it has a pretty big opportunity cost if you want it at low levels
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Sounds retarded. You could streamline this by following the rules.
t. man has a point
This is why the bible never actually calls out lesbianism as sinful. It always specifies men that "play the woman" and get fucked by other men, and the men doing that fucking. In some verses it even gets more specific and uses derogatory terms specific to tranny/non-binary/crossdressing male temple prostitutes and pederasts.

The closest anyone claims to a condemnation of lesbian sex in the original language texts is Romans 1:26, but that's only talking about woman forgoing natural sexual relations to do SOMEthing unnatural. Given that Paul is talking about idolatrous pagan ritual fornication in that passage, and I can't think of even one culture in the entire mediterranean that has ritual lesbian sex, I think it's a lot more likely he's talking about bestiality. Which IS also expressly forbidden in other locations, and was attested to occur in Egypt according to Herodotus, Plutarch, Strabo and Pindar, and other writings imply that romans may have staged sex acts between women and beasts as to reenact mythological scenes or as entertainment in the arena.
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>I think it's a lot more likely he's talking about bestiality. Which IS also expressly forbidden

Tell that to female rangers.
>implying male/lgbtq+++++ rangers aren't into bestiality
>Why don't these people just play videogames instead?
videogames don't typically let you roman through the countryside raping peasant women and killing children so you have zombies small enough to fit in a bag of holding's opening.

>That's not what the spell says.
>"adult humanoids willing to be bonded together in marriage."
That includes the consummation.
>Bestiality is a paraphilia that's completely independent of your sexual or gender identity
but also, like some other sexual acts, there are people that engage in it for physical pleasure rather than out of attraction to the animal, just like others would use toys or rape grandmas or fellow immates
>being this pedantic about 1 damage
>thinking damage type and save aren't exactly the type of tiny buffs appropriate for class iconic spells

Who tf is getting magic initiate for EB? It's a tiny upgrade without agonizing blast and not even close to worth a feat. Only person who might want it is a Paladin to have an efficient ranged option.
You think anyone with access to frostbite is going to take Magic Initiate to get viscious mockery? You're trolling
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rangers and druids worship the Old Gods™. if anything, they encourage bestiality, nay actively participate in it, sometimes as the beast sometimes with the beast.

>inb4 "MODS! MOOOODS!"
Okay yes TECHNICALLY it's zoophilia art, but it's not like I posted a SFM webm of imp midna getting railed by a horse or something, it's a classical sculpture in a museum and blue board safe cause everything naughty is covered. Zucc allows it, and 4chan definitely has laxer rules than that.

>marrying random NPCs, murdering the spouse (or forcing them against their will into Player-tier combat, where CR0 peasant death is inevitable. Or with their will if you find enough stupid people to marry I guess), then dumping the body and marrying a new NPC, once every week
I mean, okay yeah that technically does sidestep the solution I gave, but also you're literally a serial killer for a mere +2 AC, that's got its own ramifications. You're going to need that +2 AC when paladins start showing up to smite your ass.

i mean, technically that's true, but holy hell there's a lot more lady dogfuckers, horsefuckers, monsterfuckers, you name it.

men don't usually lust for real life animals (not anthros, not cartoon feral), they rape them because they can or because they want to get their rocks off (sheep, goats, etc).
>taking magic inititiate as a paladin
just take a hexblade dip, you dip
fuck right picture but wrong picture.

well, probably for the best. imagine a lady being fucked by a swan facedown doggystyle, but it's made out of bronze.
>It's a tiny upgrade without agonizing blast
be able to deal excess damage to additional targets instead of all or nothing on a single target is always optimal.

all other damage being equal, you should always choose many small attacks over 1 big one, unless the goal is concentration breaking and you can nigh-guarantee doing over twice their max con save roll, thus guarantee a break rather than simply force it though statistical improbability.
Where do i go and meet groups to play tabletop with me?

i had a group in high school and in college but i'd like to play online now. Any advice?
>be able to deal excess damage to additional targets
EB does not have such a feature. All targets are chosen at the same time.
since when?
where did all your homies from highschool and college go? why are you a friendless loser now?
Since always. That's how the game works. You declare a target, in this case a target for each beam of EB, and make an attack roll against its AC. That's why after level 5 EB can't be twin cast, because it can be used against multiple targets.
next you're going to tell me martials have to declare all the targets of their Attack Action before they roll any of them.
Of course they do! That's how the game works!
Yeah, weird how that works. The Cleave optional does what anon is thinking of, but also clearly states it's melee attack only.
>When a melee attack reduces an undamaged creature to 0 hit points, any excess damage from that attack might carry over to another creature nearby. The attacker targets another creature within reach and, if the original attack roll can hit it, applies any remaining damage to it. If that creature was undamaged and is likewise reduced to 0 hit points, repeat this process, carrying over the remaining damage until there are no valid targets, or until the damage carried over fails to reduce an undamaged creature to 0 hit points.
i think he meant more like if you compare a flurry of blows and a sneak attack, if they both do the same amount of damage total, the flurry is better, because if you kill the target with only half the attacks, you can split the others off to a new target, where as the excess damage on the sneak attack goes completely to waste, unless you're using the Cleave Though rule you're talking about.

Except as >>93418592 says, EB (and Scorching Ray, Magic Missile, et al.) aren't sequential attacks, like all other spell effects, they fire off simultaneously. Magic missile even rolls the damage once and applies it to all targets, because it's not an attack spell that always hits, mechanically it's a save spell with no save.
>where did all your homies from highschool and college go?
moved away for work. got married, fell off the map. the usual.
>why are you a friendless loser now?
work, mostly.
the friends i've kept around, we mostly talk about girls and business. i'm not even sure if they play games at all. i don't exactly tell people i'm a nerd

thanks. this looks good
Who is getting magic initiate for ERP?
well if you're still on good terms, why didn't you keep in touch with any of them?
you can play D&D long distance you know. Age of the Internet and all that.
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I'm thinking of reworking natural explorer (PHB ranger favored terrain) giving it tiers. Spending 8 hours exploring a location gives the ranger additional benefits that can even aid in combat at higher tiers.
My idea is that it gives rangers something to track, sort of like a spell book in a sense.

>Rangers get 2 types of environments called favored terrain, and additional favored terrain at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th for a total of 6/8 of the possible environments types.
>The environment options: arctic, coastal, desert, forest, grassland, h̶i̶l̶l̶s, mountain, swamp, underdark.
hill is an environment type not for rangers or land druids but is for creatures, but only two kinds of creatures exclusively live on hills. Copper dragons (young, adult, and ancient but not wyrmlings) and hill giants. wtf?
>Special types of environments include: Underwater, skys, urban, and dungeons. These environments are too diverse to be chosen as favored terrain but a DM might rule that a triton, sea elf, or genasi (water) could choose underwater as a favored terrain.

This would replace canny (but not roving or tireless) and the other additional expertise that ranger 2024 gets
>wrote all this out
>come back after working on it a bit
>feel like my tism is too much

Very work in progress. If you are a ranger exploring in your favored terrain, you:
>You have advantage on any Wisdom (survival) check related to the terrain.
>You have advantage on any Intelligence (Nature) check related to the terrain.
>If you are traveling alone, you have advantage on any Wisdom (Stealth) check hide or remain hidden.
>When you forage, you find twice as much food as you normally would. originally this tier had "add your PB to your initative" but I swapped it out.

The 8 hours of exploring is a whole day worth of exploring. It takes 10 days to be fully versed as a ranger in a new location, 6 if it's favored terrain, 5 if you have a map. I kind of want an 11th tier.
It can be used on multiple targets regardless of whether the targets are selected preemptively or consecutively, though, that's a ridiculous argument. The extra beams are meant to keep on par with Extra Attack, so demanding they be assigned at the start when there is an opportunity cost to each just like a standard attack is silly. Magic missile, since they all have the same opportunity cost and damage, makes sense to direct before you roll.
Oh boy you managed to make the wordiest feature everyone ignores even worse.
what spells?
magehand for long distance groping? prestidigitation to flavoring cum?
message for whispering sweet nothings in ears?

unseen servant?
Disguise self?
mage armor for all day casual nudity?
silent image?
snare for instant surprise shibari?
charm person for a foot in the door?
>he didn't take magic initaite for the grease spell
Not degenerate enough, not gonna make it.
8 honestly sounds like a fun setting. only chuds hate 8
>why didn't you keep in touch
well, i just got busy with life and time passed. it's been years now.
Both me btw, EB doesn't follow through with extra damage.m and cleave is msrtials only. And yeah declaring the target of the attack is part of making an attack roll.
Better idea, just un-nerf it, and revert it back to the NEXT Playtest 10 version.
>You don't pick specific terrains, it applies in anywhere that's not civilization.
>Overland travel rate is doubled, period, not just negation of stealth, multitasking, or difficult terrain penalties.
>Can't become lost, period, including magical means.
>You scout twice as far.
>When you forage you reliably get yourself and 10 other people's worth of food, and all the mounts they're riding, unless there's simply no food to forage
>when tracking a creature, you do so automatically unless it's been more than a day, they specifically tried to cover their tracks, there's so many tracks it's hard to follow, or the terrain barely leaves tracks, in which case you STILL get to roll it, it's just not an auto-success, and when you track you you learn total number of creatures, size, when, direction, and how they were grouped.

Still a ribbon, but now a markedly powerful one. When you have a Ranger in the party you zoom around the map, and pretty much blank check never have to worry about navigation, food, or surprises in places you're heading, and if you're tailing something, you never lose them unless they're really trying to shake you and more than a day behind.
>1 level dip
I'm not a faggot. So I don't make characters like that

Oh, so you're telling me it's a tiny upgrade? Cool. Thanks for agreeing with me I suppose
If your level 20 sorcerer is getting hit by a goblin, you fucked up. How can you justify being a caster and having low level enemies alive anywhere near you. You have several nuclear options available on a daily basis if not often. Also, this is a team effort. Your frontliner is the one equipped to avoid damage.
>It can be used on multiple targets regardless of whether the targets are selected preemptively or consecutively
You cannot declared a new target after having already casted the spell. You declare all targets at the moment of casting the spell. Every single spell works like this unless SPECIFICALLY stated in the spell itself (such as MMM granting you a bonus action to throw additional projectiles on subsequent turns).
The frontliner's AC isn't that much higher and doesn't change much over time either, and mostly through equipment. The point is that in 5E, by design low level enemies remain a threat at all levels. Primarily by numbers rather than by you growing too tough. HP pools are the measure of threat at level.

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