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Playing with f(r)iends edition

>2024 PHB spoilers

>2024 UA



The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous Thread >>93370959

TQ: Have you checked the 2024 changes to races (now species)? How do you feel about them?
Why has the popularity of other planetouched races never come remotely close to that of tieflings?
edginess, and being core PHB races.
Devil people are cooler
Kids with stable homes and families want to feel persecuted, or the current day thing of queer people who have never actually had to deal with dangerous bigotry wanting to say they're persecuted and hated. Also sexy devil ladies.
The 4th edition Tiefling design is hot as fuck and they were made a core PHB race, despite retards online pretending nobody cares about 4th edition, the Tieflings-as-core change was incredibly well received and that endures even now.
>Kids with stable homes and families want to feel persecuted, or the current day thing of queer people who have never actually had to deal with dangerous bigotry
your post is cringe
being "oppressed minority" just makes for cheap yet effective drama, people from all types of ideologies do it.
The mental gymnastics people go through to "justify" tieflings popularity are always so funny. Occam's razor: the answer was always that they had stellar design and origin.
Because none of the others have distinctive, striking appearances. Aasimar are just slightly glowy people, while genasi are just primary colored humans. Tieflings have tails and horns, which sets them apart more.
can slimes be cultivated
>The mental gymnastics
you're replying to the wrong person.
I do agree with the Occam's razor take.
The "little guy vs the world" is not common only to tieflings, but also to drows, to classes like rogue, and to cliched backstories such as "monsters killed my hero dad and destroyed my village".
my point was just that the fag tried to pass it as "only for lgbt kids who don't know TRUE oppression".
Tiefling Cleric, Elven Barbarian, or Goliath Rogue?
God Tieflings are just the worst.
4e made a mistake making them a core race. It was a precursor to rainbow gays plaguing the hobby today.
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What is the reasoning behind the Sorcerer Class?
Like on some level I understand it - it is the third Arcane class and is the only one that is inherently magic. My understanding is that Wizards are smart spellcasters that can manipulate the magical energy that permeates the planes to produce spells, a Warlock is foolish enough or brave enough to barter their soul to the tentacled horrors beyond space or a manifestation of sin pulled from the Nine Hells. Either way the magic is "borrowed" from their Patron. Sorcerers just ~are~ magical, mostly because somewhere on your family tree an ancestor of yours slept with say one of those tentacled horrors... Or a dragon. And now their descendants are magic.

Sounds cool but the class doesn't seem to live up to the hype.
I don't get why USians love those toothy smiles.
They've always creeped me out in drawings, and they seem to be everywhere in the new books.
Showing teeth is a sign of aggression, it's ok for characters who are about to kill someone.
>What is the reasoning behind the Sorcerer Class?
Wanting to be a Mary Sue without being a Paladin.
>Either way the magic is "borrowed" from their Patron.
Nah, warlocks learn their magic.
You're thinking of clerics.
Oh, boy, we're starting this argument again, a mere sixteen posts into the new thread.
It's not an argument, it's a correction.
I'm not taking a stance on whether you're right or wrong, I just know what tends to happen in these threads when people start comparing warlock and cleric.
Junior, you dare?! YOU ARE COURTING OOZE!
>Aasimar is core
>all Humans are Variants
>three Tieflings instead of a million
>Gnomes are fast
>Dragonqueers fly now
>Orcs playable (expected to be good/neutral)

Weird that they streamlined a bunch of races then gave Goliaths subraces
No plane has the same aura as HELL
>erm my Aasimar had a nice dad from the celestial plane
Ok? Who cares unless the dad helps us in some way
>My dad is a DEMON who I want to fucking KILL and everyone wants to kill ME because I look like a demon

It’s that simple
The goliath thing makes sense for two distinct reasons. The race as it stood was kind of barebones, and nobody really cared about genasi. Giant subraces as part of goliath gives the race more of a mechanical identity while also consolidating the "elemental-themed race" role into the same slot.
Art and customization.
Aasimar are just pretty people with glowing eyes and halos. Sometimes wings. They're very one note when it comes to design. Like Goliaths just being big white people. Tieflings offer a lot of extras to design and play around with. Much like Genasi.
5E is the perfect game for black trans differently abled folx like me. Roll for initiative hehe
>>gnomes are a race of earth elementals that long ago migrated to the material plane.
>their bodies are made of hollow ceramic that houses the elemental spirit inside.
Ah. I see you came in from stupid town.

>gnomes are halflings, dwarves, and goblins infected from birth with a parasitic feywild form of psilocybin mushrooms which make them manic and stunt their growth
If they aren't a playable race, I think this is fine. Scratch out the halfling and goblin bits tho, infected dwarves is enough.
D&D was always perfect escapism for freaks.
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Honestly, if they can mimic the smell as well I might allow it.

Okay, we're getting into deepest lore territory, so you may be sorry you asked in a moment.

Ko is a holdover from a previous universe that was discarded by my main god, Aile.
Actually so is that sentient planet I mentioned earlier, except the planet was on purpose, Ko was a mistake.
So Ko is coming from a universe that had a different set of physical laws, and one of these was that willpower is literal power.
Long story short, Ko was an actual infant, being born at the literal instant the universe was being scrapped, and his infant will to live was basically maximum, as such things are measured.
Aile, faced with the choice of killing a child directly couldn't bring himself to do it.

Ko is operating on will-based magic, and his intent drives his effect on the world.
elven barbarian. currently playing one myself.
could one... you know... put slime in a mold of some kind? just a hypothetical.
Goliaths are also technicolour now
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Huh. I've never seen goliaths that weren't gray or tan/flesh colored.
Yea, the new ones are just "dragonborn for giants"

Which sucks, because the old ones had some flavor and "could" be the weak offspring of stone and frost giants (because they share a similar habitat as well as racial features denoting each of them)

I'd rather they not ruin Goliaths and just call the new rainbows giants "Giantkin" which isn't more stupid than Dragonborn.
>What is the reasoning behind the Sorcerer Class?
To explain the third way someone would have access to magic: Pure happenstance. It doesn't have to be that your grandma slept with Zarthrax The Malevolent and now you are a Dragon Sorc, you could've fallen into a vat of Draconic Essence or something.
Wizards learn magic
Warlocks are granted magic
Sorcerers have magic thrust upon them
You are a pissbaby so people shouldn't take your views into consideration, on any topic
Anyone got ideas for Lair actions/ideas for a Beholder?
It's both. The invocations are granted by the Patron, the magic is learned.
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From a quick look, even with the nerfs to wildshape moon druids seem alright in tier1 thanks to the AC bump and keeping early access to multi attack but their only saving grace in tier2, soaking HP damage, once their damage starts to lag behind is gone.

Did they hint at new CR2 beasts to help them?
Am I missing something?
>The invocations are granted by the Patron
Factually wrong, Invocations are the only clear cut part of the Warlock. It's 100% study of the occult.
You won't be able to find any text saying otherwise, and this goes for both the 2014 and 2024 versions.
What nerf? Did they state how much the temp HP was going to be?

Being able to maintain your wild shape even after you lose your wild shape HP should be a huge benefit. It also allows you to heal any humanoid HP lose while in wild shape
>nerfs to wildshape
2nd level nerf to moon druid was needed, but aside from that wildshape is better than before.
I wish they had tried more with the templates, it could've been cool had they added some more options.
>temp HP
IIRC druid level for base druid, three times level for moon. Should be on the beyond article.
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Why do you think warlocks get access to specific spells they normally don't from certain subclasses, but there is no subclass specific invocations?
>In your study of occult lore, you have unearthed eldritch invocations, fragments of forbidden knowledge that imbue you with an abiding magical ability.
lmao you're a retard

indeed, good to find more people who aren't as retarded as that other anon
>three times your Druid level in Temporary Hit Points
While regular druids only get 1 temp hp per level

2nd level was op as shit but they could have reduced it to 1/2CR and bump it to 1 at level 4 or something instead.
>aside from that wildshape is better than before
Missing all that HP from old wildshape and having less charges than before paint a bleak picture.

Do we know how wild resurgence works?
If you can dump level1 slots it's a huge buff but we'll probably get scaling costs
I missed primal strike, 1d8 per turn sounds great but I don't get why its a lvl7 feature
No weapon mastery spoilers?
>The 4th edition Tiefling design is hot as fuck
the horn-eyebrows look literally retarded and ugly. the tieflings are popular despite their desing, not because of it
warlocks who are "imbued with their patron's power" / "siphon power from their patron" should just count as sorcerers, since magic is part of their body.
> hurr but that'd make some classic "deal with the devil" warlocks be sorcerers instead!
indeed, but why the fuck should it matter?
d&d wizards are not wise, d&d druids aren't the same as nature clerics, d&d wizards and sorcerers have arbitrary distinctions even if they're the same in other media, popular characters that are associated with specific d&d classes don't really match said classes all that well (such as Gandalf or Conan), d&d paladins aren't charlemagne's knights and aren't retainers of a roman emperor. Also, all classes fight even if there's only one of them that's called fighter.
It's all dumb and arbitrary anyway, but at least it should have -inner- consistency.
Jebus christ that's so fucking bad. Was it strictly a multiclass nerf?

>Wild shape
Double your druid level HP + 5 and an extra 5 every time you gain access to more wild shape forms (4th and 8th)
>Moon shape
Quadruple your druid level in HP + 25

There, a band-aid fix, but I think a decent one in thought up in 3 minutes. Clerics have better armor and druids usually get by with their added durability from wild shape at the cost of spellcasting.

If they lose that, then they're just bad wizards
What's your favourite redwall/mouse guard/cute animals supplement?
You no longer use the beast AC, now it's 13+wisdom bonus.
Your AC is no longer dogshit, just average.
>Missing all that HP from old wildshape
old 2nd-5th level wildshape HP: 34 (brown bear for multiattack) or 45 (giant hyena for pure hp buffer), twice per short rest
new 3rd-5th level wildshape temp HP: 9-15 (any form) + druid HP, twice per long rest (recovers 1 on short rest)
Clear cut nerf, but it was necessary. Having an extra 90 HP each short rest at the level when a 16 CON Barbarian had 25 max HP was a bit too much.
At higher levels, assuming you actually wanted to wildshape into a beast, you're better off with the new rules. With the old rules you could barely keep up until the elemental forms and then you had no reason to use animals as your shape of choice.
>Do we know how wild resurgence works?
>>Starting at level 5, you can use Wild Resurgence to restore a use by expending a spell slot. You may also expend one use of Wild Shape to restore a level 1 spell slot per Long Rest.
>I missed primal strike
It's still there, just changed like all the other "bypass weapon resistance" features to deal a different kind of damage, radiant in this case.
>1d8 per turn sounds great but I don't get why its a lvl7 feature
Because they're retards and wanted to fill every "empty" level with a feature on the class chart.
Yeah I saw that but it doesn't mention spell level.
I think it's going to scale with level to 1/3 druid level or something otherwise is a nonissue in tier2
He shoots a prism in the middle of the room with one of his rays, diluting the effect a little but making it room-wide
>Yeah I saw that but it doesn't mention spell level.
Because it's likely to be any spell level, so all your low level slots become wild shape uses if you wish.
This way moon druid gets effectively a 3xlevel temp hp heal for a bonus action and 1st level slot, starting when you get the option this is 15 HP which already beats the buffed Cure Wounds both in healing and action economy.
honestly? wait for wotc to come out with a bloomburrow splat
The one I made.
That's above average tho
I don't get why everyone was bitching about rangers and hunters mark
Now that dualwield doesn't take you bonus action you can finally play melee ranger without being a burden.

You're going to need to find a way to not lose concentration though since you'll be a tasty target in melee
Half is retards, and some it's because it's lame as hell.
And yes, it was lame before too, that's not the point.
Because Spike Growth is still better so I'm not using any of those features unless I'm straight out of 2nd level slots or the encounter is baby easy.
Because so much of the ranger spell list is concentration, meaning you have to choose between using your class features and actually contributing meaningfully. It’s bad design.
But then, if he’s lonely, and his intent drives his effect on the world, why is he a murder machine? Wouldn’t it be more likely that people were drawn to him so he wasn’t alone anymore?
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-not using hunter's mark means you don't get class features
-bonus action is stuck moving hunter's mark, instead of many subclass features
-The mountain of better ranger spells they could be concentrating on rather than hunter's mark, one spell of note being summon beast

>a body you can move around
>its own attack
>takes its turn right after you
>no action required by you

Hunter's mark dependency isn't weak, but it's poorly designed, which at this point I guess is actually a design choice for the ranger.
If the fire giant racial works with strike of the giants you'll see some absurd level 1 crits.
Tieflings fit that niche of playing a Devil-but-not-really perfectly
Meanwhile every other Planetouch race is lame in execution and design, maybe if Aasimars were given designs that were more than just Dude with kinda elvish qualities then they wouldn't have to ride off the success of Tieflings by being their polar opposite Cousin
It's a buff for twf for sure actually it's not, weapon mastery is the buff and hunter's mark just benefits from it, and given the opportunity I'll play it, but outside of pure DPR it's worthless.
Probably this. Genasi should be more like how Pillars of Eternity did the godlikes. Earth genasi having a huge clump of stone for a head would be cool.
>Genasi should be more like how Pillars of Eternity did the godlikes.
Without the fantasy racism they wouldn't feel the same.
I've always tried to take tieflings in a more "Half-monster guy who fights monsters" direction and make it more about an internal struggle than everyone being big meanies to them because of the horns. More Blade and Hellboy, less Nightcrawler.
>internal struggle
sure, but that's still a "woe is me" cliche that's thematically and functionally kind of the same
not that you should steer away from it just because it's a cliche
>>Wild shape
>Double your druid level HP + 5 and an extra 5 every time you gain access to more wild shape forms (4th and 8th)
>>Moon shape
>Quadruple your druid level in HP + 25
Lair actions as defined are always magical in nature. They are essentially the lair acting of its own accord always at the top of the initiative (count of 20).
Each action typically cannot be used until all actions are used, and any lasting effects usually reset at the top of the count.
>Difficult Terrain
Make an area within the lair difficult terrain until the top of the next round.
>Obscure Sight
Make an area within the lair obscured until the top of the next round.
Objects appear that ensnare creatures within the lair (or on hostile action). Dex save to avoid, Str (Athl) / Dex (Acro) to break free.
The lair shakes or does something that knocks characters prone if they fail a Dex save.
>Light Changing
Magical darkness or light that can block normal and darkvision, etc.
>Heal Dampening
Stop a target, or targets from healing for the round.
>Spell Dampening
Make spell effects act as if targets have advantage on saves, or resistance to the damage type.
>Effect on Enter/Exit
Perform a single action, ability, or spell effect on entrance or exit of the lair.
>Free Action, Ability, or Spell Effect
A single attack, action, ability, or spell effect on a target creature. This could be a charm, sleep, damage, environmental effect (fire, acid, cold, etc).

That's a lot of ideas of things you can do. Monsters with lair actions are detailed in the MM.
>Warlocks are granted magic
I will follow up on this anons comment- a Sorcerer CAN have their magic 'granted' to them some examples from new one dnd's subclass descriptions:
>Perhaps an ancient dragon facing death bequeathed some of its magical power to you or your ancestor.
>Perhaps you were blessed by a fey being or marked by a demon.
>The touch of a dragon, the blessing of a dryad at a baby’s birth...might spark a Sorcerer’s gift. So too might the gift of a deity, exposure to the strange magic of another plane of existence, or a glimpse into the inner workings of reality.
So you can be gifted, bequeathed, or granted magic from some outside entity. I find the difference between Sorcerers and Warlocks to be the Patron itself actively being a major continual part of the Warlock's power hunt and also that they're more "forbidden magics" types.
>I find the difference between Sorcerers and Warlocks to be the Patron itself actively being a major continual part of the Warlock's power hunt
Warlock =/= Cleric
Warlock is like a Wizard who had an Otherworldly tutor, making deals to learn magic at a price.
Having warlocks, sorcerers and wizards is fucking redundant flavor-wise.
Warlocks' default flavor does make them mostly just wizards but with more unconventional ways of learning. And if you interpret them as becoming magical thanks to the patron: congrats, you've got a sorcerer.
Even bard flavor is pretty redundant now. Whatever they do, they're still learning the spells either by practice, attunement to their surroundings, or some innate connection to magic, making them pretty sorcerer-like. Or they're literally experimenting except in a way different to how wizards experiment by default, which would still make them just wizards since they're figuring things out with their brains, even if it's "different areas" of the brain.

Druids and clerics most definitely siphon magic from nature/deities, so they cannot be read as sorcerer-like or wizard-like in the same straightforward manner.
Common retard d&d takes:
>"warlocks are brainless sugar babies who can only do magic because they're actually using their patron's powers"
>"Artificers only fit in steampunk or futuristic settings, they don't fit in settings like Forgotten Realms or Dragonlance".
Warlock is halfway between a wizard and a cleric, some learned magic with some granted punctuated with unique spell slots that lets them cast at maximum power. This is why I like warlock as a class.

Then you have sorcerer. Their non-subclass features just call their own magic innate, and allows them to freely mold them. Not at all like wizard because their magic isn't learned. Like a cleric? Sometimes it's granted, but other times it's just inherit. By and large, sorcerers are just mutants where are the leftover magic user ideas were shoved into.
Really, the important thing is that warlocks ARE and SHOULD BE Charisma-based.
imo, they should be INT or CHA. It should be an option that demonstrates both their will power and their studious nature.
>between a wizard and a cleric, some learned magic with some granted
They feel cleric-like due to their creepy cultist theme, but they work more like (some) sorcerers than clerics.
No caster should be CHA based.
It's fucking stupid.
>They feel cleric-like due to their creepy cultist theme
That and how they draw their power from or learn magic from another being by choice, much like clerics.

>but they work more like (some) sorcerers than clerics

The problem is that this description is inconstant. It's more fair to say that some sorcerers work more like warlocks, but not all sorcerers work like warlocks.
>they draw their power from

>or learn magic from another being
Clerics don't do that
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>nobody who wields magic, an exertion of the individual's will on the world around them, should be based on the stat that represents force of will
Fascinating. Do go on. I've always wanted to study retards.
Charisma should remain a social stat.
Making it a "willpower" stat was always fucking stupid.
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>high elves can swap their wizard cantrip on a longrest
>wood elves get druid craft
>can they swap it for any druid cantrip?

What is this elven racism?
Wood elves probably still get their extra movement speed.
CHA is truly the best stat.
INT only measures how much you can memorize. It doesn't include creativity, logic, common sense or anything like that, just how much you can repeat from what someone else taught you. You know all the mad wizards and mad scientist types would be represented by high INT, even if they're dumb as shit in thejr stories when you think about it more than 10 seconds.
WIS is the cuck NPC stat for clerics and druids that are fucking useless on their own, so they need something external (or instinct) to actually make them useful individuals and give them hints that the retarded characters themselves don't even understand, they just "know".
CHAds are liked by everyone, are brave, can do what they want.
Characters with low CHA don't even make sense as adventurers, they should just stay hiding somewhere being irrelevant.
i don't even use mental stats in my game
all that stuff gets defaulted to constitution or dexterity, and spells are cast from hit points instead of spell slots
You playing Fight! or something?
So every character you make is a shonen protagonist-tier dumbass?
clerics, wizards, and cleric's powers can be any mix of gifted/channeled through/studied depending on what makes sense for the character and world and doesn't completely overtake the concept of another class, because I dont let the handful of flavor lines in a book limit my games.
Every character should be a protagonist, yes.

INT and WIS don't represent irl intelligence, that's on you as the player.
Same. Only grognards say clerics need to worship a god. It's just flavor, who gives a fuck.
Pretending to be retarded isn't an argument.
>clerics, wizards, and cleric's

>and doesn't completely overtake the concept of another class
Just let it, most of the time it won't do any harm.
"Classes" are stupid anyway and should just be treated as a set of mechanics.
Flavor comes mostly from the character concept
>That's on you as the player
So every character you make is a shonen protagonist-tier dumbass?
You seem really obsessed with children's cartoons.
because it forces you to use hunters mark instead of the other bonus action and/or concentration spells that rangers have
Going by your argument CHA is irrelevant and should be removed. After all, if every character has to have it high why even bother tracking it?
will saves existed before
how would you say resisting banishment works if it isnt resisting the will of the other caster?
warlocks shouldnt be int or wis based casters because you are insanely stupid for seeking powers beyond
Yes, willpower as a save makes sense. Charisma as a source of magic power is stupid
INT/WIS/CHA saves are really fucking arbitrary, with WIS making the most sense for all of them, with few INT and CHA ones there thrown for the sake of balance. Anything that forces one of these saves could also be perfectly explained by using a different save.
> INT: you figure a way out/you realize logically that the illusion or so on doesn't make sense
> WIS: you perceived how things really are, you ground yourself.
> CHA: you intimidate the fucker

>Existed before
Irrelevant, I don't give a shit
>because you are insanely stupid for seeking powers beyond
CHA isn't anti-INT, you can easily have a character with both (in my last campaign there was a warlock with at least 14 INT).
Plus, haven't you seen the shit that wizards do? Liches have high INT, you are insanely stupid to become a lich on purpose.
>every character should be a protagonist
by definition only one character can be the protagonist, so i don't know what sort of "own" you think this was
ttrpgs aren't "a story", and multiple protagonists isn't a new concept.
>Charisma as a source of magic power is stupid
d&d seems to use charisma to mean something like "force of self" (though this is somehow different from "willpower" which is considered wisdom), so charisma magic is like shota anime powers that come out of nowhere (gear 2, super saiyan 2, spiral power, etc.)
your table doesn't have a story?
what do you do all day, just have combat encounters in an arena over and over?
if so, can i join?
>so charisma magic is like shota anime powers that come out of nowhere


>Charisma as a source of magic power is stupid

also, i'm very certain you meant to say shonen.

Can you source that definition? Because any story told from multiple points of view can have more than one protagonist.
>shota anime powers
Interesting freudian slip.
My campaign already finished.
>your table doesn't have a story?
Not really, it was more of a framework or playground (at least the "overarching story"). DM presented it clearly as an excuse for the characters to be together at that specific moment hopping between micro worlds.
In that sense, it's as much of a story as "there are goblins, roll initiative, goblin 1 attacks you (etc etc) you have defeated the goblins"

>what do you do all day, just have combat encounters in an arena over and over?
Nah, it was mostly finding weird/silly/creepy shit and either solving a mystery or making an NPC stop fucking around, or figuring out ways to survive.
>The problem is that this description is inconstant. It's more fair to say that some sorcerers work more like warlocks, but not all sorcerers work like warlocks.
Nobody said that all sorcerers work like warlocks.
Having some sorcerers work like warlock = warlock doesn't need to be it's own class and could just be a flavor for some sorcerers.
>warlock doesn't need to be it's own class and could just be a flavor for some sorcerers
Warlock is a type of Wizard, if anything.
True for RAW warlock, but that conversation specifically was about the non RAW warlock that lots of people seem to prefer, the one that gets imbued with magic by their patron.
>Nobody said that all sorcerers work like warlocks.
Yes, that is what I said. Not all sorcerers work like warlocks.

But warlocks are a more developed class mechanically and thematically. Warlocks study occult magic and lore to gain more power. They often make pacts and deals with greater beings for authority or knowledge. But all of this is something they choose to be.

They are far more similar to a wizard in their study of magic, or a cleric in their establishing connection with a greater being.
>Design and origin
They fit the edgy trope.
As 4e devs said when making them core
>Drow are popular, we don't like drow
>So what if we make race that is also default evil, but also make them look more evil so they get more attention?
To me that's not very stellar. But I also acknowledge not everything has to be made for me.
I don't like tieflings and generally feel that this whole LGBT focus for d&d is absurd.
I do like dragonborns and I'm completely indifferent to "Draconians and half dragons were already a thing!".
Also, tieflingmelissa is everything I hate about this stupid hobby.
>remove all subclasses

magicrafter that seeks rare materials
strong brute and savage
Magic-user channeling magic through music, song, and art
Magic-user Imbued with power by god
Magic-user Imbued with power by nature
Learned combatant, mostly knights
Mystical warrior, seeks enlightenment
Warrior of justice and righteousness
Keeper of the balance between man and wild
Street fighter and skilled expert
Magic-user, studying witchcraft and other esoteric magic
Magic-user studies magic formulae

Just call them mages.
Magic is esoteric by definition, and witchcraft is just another name for magic.
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Magic-user, who's very being is magic.

Its a creature who's got magic flowing through their very blood and soul.
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But wizards specifically study magic formulae, and warlock do just about anything else but that.

Mage usually stems from study, and not all magic-users do that.
Everyone wishes they'd go back to the Alpha where Mearls said they're only including classes that are significantly different from other classes.
The fact people cried and pissed their pants about that to the point that WotC had to walk it back will forever be a stain on what could have been a far more interesting edition of D&D.
You're actually only brave with high WIS, barbarians are cowards
Could a wizard be a warlock patron?

Not like super wizards like Tasha or Elminster but like, more normal wizards.
4e is cringe btw
>warlock do just about anything else but that.

>Warlocks quest for knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. They make pacts with mysterious beings of supernatural power, unlocking magical effects as they pry into the secrets and mysteries of reality. Drawing on the ancient knowledge of beings such as angels, archfey, demons, devils, hags, and alien entities of the Far Realm, Warlocks piece together arcane secrets to bolster their own power. Warlocks are defined by pacts with otherworldly beings. Most Warlocks begin their search for magical power by delving into tomes of forbidden lore, dabbling in invocations meant to attract the power of extraplanar beings, or seeking out places of power where the influence of these beings can be felt. In no time, each Warlock is drawn into a binding pact with a powerful patron. In contrast to Clerics, who are devout servants of the gods they serve, Warlocks view their patrons as resources, as means to the end of achieving magical power.


>Wizards are supreme magic-users, defined by their careful and exhaustive study of magic’s inner workings. Drawing on the subtle weave of magic that permeates the cosmos, Wizards cast spells of explosive fire, arcing lightning, subtle deception, and spectacular transformations. Their magic conjures monsters from other planes of existence, glimpses the future, or turns slain foes into zombies. Their mightiest spells change one substance into another, call meteors from the sky, or open portals to other worlds. Beyond the sheer power of the spells they cast, though, Wizards share an approach to magic that is scholarly and exacting. Wizards understand magic at a fundamental level, giving them a precise mastery of their spells
>Mage usually stems from study
D&D doesn't give a fuck about usual definitions. Clerics don't need to actually be clergy, Wizards don't need to be wise.
Either way, "mage" has multiple definitions, the most commonly understood one is just someone who does magic.
>quest for knowledge
>Warlocks piece together arcane secrets
>delving into tomes of forbidden lore
Warlocks truly are masters of "not studying".
That sounds like what I said.
>magic user in the definition fo wizard

>Either way, "mage" has multiple definitions, the most commonly understood one is just someone who does magic.
So does magic-user. It's in the name, just like fighter, or healer.
Magic-user that sets people's balls on fire through intuition.
>So does magic-user. It's in the name, just like fighter, or healer.
Yeah, but magic-user is way clunkier than saying mage.
Healer is not a class.
>Magic-user channeling magic through music, song, and art
It's performance, bards have no advantage when it comes to art forms such as painting, sculpting, or writing stuff that isn't meant to be performed.
/5eg/, how does this feat sound?

>elemental spirit
>prerequisites: 8th+ level; Gnome
>you've awakened the abilities of your elemental heritage, granting you the following benefits.
>>your type changes to elemental
>>you gain tremorsense out to 30 feet. this does not count as a form of sight
>>you can cast meld into stone at will. int is ypur spellcasting ability
mage doest mean wizard, it means arcane magic user (actually, it means zoroastrian priest, but i digress)
>arcane magic user
That's just d&d shit. Cleric and druids are also mages.
>>>your type changes to elemental
creature type?
>>>you gain tremorsense out to 30 feet. this does not count as a form of sight
be more specific. This is so vague that you could have left it out.
>>>you can cast meld into stone at will. int is ypur spellcasting ability

I'd probably never take it unless I was playing a blind swordsman type character.
>forgot it was 8th level
Never mind, I'd probably never take it.
Thank you for proving my point. Mage means different things to different people. Magic-suer is universally understood as someone who uses magic.

man, I can't have shit.
>Magic-suer is universally understood as someone who uses magic.
A magic-suer could be fun to see.
>Mage means different things to different people.
Many of the current class names also have multiple definitions outside d&d.

>Magic-suer is universally understood as someone who uses magic.
Funny typo aside, early d&d had magic-user and cleric as separate classes while you made the cleric a magic-user.
So it's obviously not "universal".
Being a non-sensical class with no real class concept that varies between magical x-men mutant to race-as-class the class.

It's the same kind of non-sense that has people going "Warlock is not like a cleric...Because they're not okay? They are wizards with magical sugar daddy/mommas!" or how Druids are totally not clerics because nature and shit.
Yea, almost 40+ years ago.
The "universal" claim is still dumb.
>40 years ago? I wasn't even BORN back then!
Not an argument.
Final Fantasy has called their clerics "white mages" just fine.
"White magic user" is just clumsy.
>"White magic user" is just clumsy.
Yeah, "Aryan Magic User" sounds better.
So how's the skill monkey situation for 2024?
I couldn't find much for rogues other than reliable talent being moved from level 11 to 7, but do they still have the same number of expertise as bards, who are also full casters and now get the full wizard spell list?
They actually get both their expertise a level earlier than before (2nd and 9th instead of 3rd and 10th)
no these anime are definitely made for shota, and the mcs are usually shota also
It's relatively worse than before for the Rogue.
More classes and subclasses get extra skills and/or expertise, and while it does make sense not much was done to help Rogues a bit on that front.
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I don't think we've been given any intel on how skills in general may be changing in onednd. If skills are expanded on that change to Reliable Talent being moved to 7th level could be HUGE for rogues. Never rolling below a 16-20 on an expertise skill is nice!
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>shota anime powers
What's his class? I think he'd have to be Charisma-based.
Can they use their briefcase as a spellcasting focus?
I think he meant Shonen. also, you posted otokonoko.
They are not mutually exclusive. Lolis who are say futanari do not cease to become lolis.
>people from all types of ideologies do it
No, only abrahamic ideologies and their secular offspring need to constantly invent persecution as justification for their crimes. The kvetchiest wheel gets the grease.
You don't hear Nietzscheans or Shintoists invent oppression to justify their will to power.
>as justification for their crimes
Nobody talked about justifying crimes.
Go take your pills, retarded schizo.
>Could be worship for a being that's not a god
worship doesn't actually do anything directly for non-gods.

Final Fantasy was stealing from Dragonlance.
Black, White, Red.

quality classic 4chan discussion.
since when are gnomes earth elementals?

if anything, isn't it dwarves?
Weeb shit. gnomes are treated as earth faeries in anime and jap RPGs
if you're going to break out etymology and dictionary definitions, technically Mage/Magi/Magus/Magician are Zoroastrian Priests.

Tasha explicitly can. She has become an archfey named Zybilna.

But a normal wizard, not. Not strong enough also pretty sure warlock patrons have to be Outsiders, otherwise Dragons would definitely be an option, but Dragons are explicitly Material creatures.
Sorcerer is magic in the way that monsters are magic. if it wasn't a balance issue, they should be casting with Con.
>since when are gnomes earth elementals?
Since the 16th century.
>According to Paracelsus and his subsequent followers, there are four categories of elementals, which are gnomes, undines, sylphs, and salamanders.
So are undead.
eh, I guess i tried too hard to rein it in. how's this?

>Presides Over Solids
>Prerequisites: 4th+ level Gnome
>Your creature type changes to Elemental, instead of Humanoid
>You have Tremorsense out to a range of 30 feet, allowing you to see creatures and objects within that radius even while Blinded, provided they are in contact with the same solid surface as yourself.
>As a bonus action you can imbue yourself with earth magic for 1 minute. For the duration, you gain a burrowing speed equal to your walking speed, and can move through unworked earth and stone without disturbing the material. while burrowing, you are blinded, deafened, and have total cover against effects. if you're burrowing when this effect ends you are immediately shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and take 1d10 force damage. Once you use this bonus action, you cant do so again until you finish a long rest.
Ah. so it's probably a mystara thing then, since that's where japan got all their wstern medieval fantasy stuff.

makes sense, that's where like dogbolds and porcs are from too.

undead CAN be shadowfell native. I think all of them have at least some connection, at least the mindless ones, not sure about vampires and liches.
My mental gymnastics for Dhampir and Kalashtar: I am a power gamer
Does this mean that Athasian Defilers are ripping the ki out of creatures and the landscape to fuel their spells since there's no more ambient magic left?
I kind of get it for warlocks since they are going old school vancian all their magic is a negotiation with something nasty kinda vibe. Otherwise yeah I agree.
in what way are warlocks vancian magic?
Aside from Rhialto the Marvelous all the magic users I can recall from his books are just tricking or dominating a demon into doing magic for them. Which is a high stakes negotiation / deception type situation when it occurs. The demons are sometimes somewhat passive but generally pretty aggravated by the whole situation

^This^ Then they gated improvements to hunters mark behind high class level improvements and made them terrible.
They don't know what the rangers identity is.
Largely because exploration is an undeveloped pillar of play.

The simple fix is to remove concentration from hunters mark and make its damage level like a cantrips.
But then you have to come up with new class features for 13th and 20th levels.

I honestly think a beast companion should come standard for rangers and the beast master getting buffs to it similar to druid and wildshape.
vancian magic is memorizing math, then it disappears from your mind when you cast it.
The even simpler fix is to just give ranger something other than Hunter's Mark. I remember seeing something someone did that gave them inverse Bardic Inspiration, where they applied a negative die to enemies they hit and could then apply it as a penalty to attacks/checks/saves to make them fail.
>I honestly think a beast companion should come standard for rangers
that's what spells are for.
level 1 you use Animal Friendship (this is why it lasts 24 hours. it's not a combat ender it's a pet obtainer that can also end combats)

then at level 5 you get summon beast.
>then at level 5 you get summon beast
Which you can't have up with Hunter's Mark because both take concentration.
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>Other reborn are marvels of magic or science, being stitched together from disparate beings or bearing mysterious minds in manufactured bodies
>You awoke in an abandoned laboratory alongside complex designs for clockwork organs.

So what you're saying is, I could play a ghost in a machine or a cyborg with the Reborn, instead of something more undead adjacent?
That is how it works in exactly one (1) of his short stories yes. The whole demonhost type magic also occurs in that short story.

If we are saying Vancian as in magic in the works of Jack Vance, both are present and only one character in the whole corpus uses spell preparation to memorize a formula which violates causality. Every other individual uses bound demons except for cantrips.

If you mean it in how does WOTC view it, idk. Their magic isn't really like that in Dying Earth, Eyes of the Overworld, any of it. Heroquest actually has the closest system to Rhialto the Marvelous since he didn't really have spell slots he could just memorize a spell formula, then cast it once and it was gone till he relearned it.

I can see why they sort of mixed and matched because The Dying Earth saga is science fiction, not really fantasy.
His "reality-bending" is limited to what he can physically interact with.
His reaction to most things that move is violence. Including things like cows. However you can only smash so many things without retaliation before you figure out they aren't dangerous.
Not so with humanoids. Humanoids can tell each other that "Hey that homeless guy over is fucking crazy and will rip you apart." And in so doing reinforce a reciprocal cycle of violence.
While physical harm is out of the question, Ko has been subject to harassment campaigns as an attempt to get him to leave. So he has more reason to expect antagonism from humanoids than domestic animals.
adding new class features that make Hunter's Mark actually worth casting simetimes over something like Entangle, Spike Growth, or Conjure Woodland Beings, does not make Ranger worse in any capacity.

the only things that have made Ranger worse is taking away Vanish, and swapping from prof bonus uses of the tashas features to wisdom mod.
Why would you ever use Hunter's Mark except as a last resort because nothing else you have prepped is better and you have a spell slot burning a hole in your pocket?
>That is how it works in exactly one (1) of his short stories yes.
the one D&D wizardry is heavily based on, yes.

>If you mean it in how does WOTC view it, idk. Their magic isn't really like that in Dying Earth, Eyes of the Overworld, any of it. Heroquest actually has the closest system to Rhialto the Marvelous since he didn't really have spell slots he could just memorize a spell formula, then cast it once and it was gone till he relearned it.
That's how it worked in every edition before 4th.
Rhialto couldn't memorize the same spell multiple times.
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>the only things that have made Ranger worse is taking away Vanish, and swapping from prof bonus uses of the tashas features to wisdom mod.

And a few other nerfs. Foe Slayer still being bad makes me sad..
I've never seen anyone mention how poorly thought out the monsters are
>the hit into no save grapple/restrained a lot of them have
>the badly implemented resistance/vulnerability system
>legendary Resistances in general
>nonsense immunities
>CR being innacurate more often than not
>most monsters have no real difference other than their HP and how much damage they deal with the same attack
The whole compendium needs a rework
Ironically, if you as a DM actually make people react to Tieflings the way that they should to literal devil spawn (immediately summoning the Inquisition or setting equivalent on sight), the players get upset.

They like the idea of being persecuted, but not actually being persecuted.

So like LGBTQ+ etc. in real life. Hence the popularity.
It's because Americans have preventative dental care, so their teeth aren't usually a rotten horror show like people from other parts of the world.
I don't really get the point you're arguing here. I said warlocks are the only class that it makes since to cast using Charisma since they are practicing the common vancian trope of having some sort of arrangement with a creature that can violate casuality which is mediated by skills that fall under Charisma in 5e.

They liked Rhialto the Marvelous (great fast short story) so made it the mechanics for magic users with some changes (major ones, not being able to recast gyrator is a pretty major emotional moment for our wizard) Okay, sure. I don't see what that has to do with my point at all.
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>I've DMed in the past, but don't currently play
>Made a friend who is currently DMing
>He likes to bounce ideas off me and take suggestions
>I'm slowly coming to realize he's a turborailroader, and he likes fucking over his players at the end of the campaign with "clever" endings that are always shitty for the character
I don't disagree, but, if that's the approach one takes, there's no justifying the amount of design that revolves around the assumption that you're casting Hunter's Mark.
Why did they have to get rid of Primal Awareness? I liked the free casting and preps of Speak With Animals and Speak With Plants... also Land Stride and Vanish leaving is stupid too.
Fair call, they do help.
Another reason to remove concentration from hunters mark.
I like the idea of using plants for aid via your suggestions here too.

Hunters mark does provide advantage at lvl 17 which is far too late. It's already kinda done by lvl 14 with hunters veil. Unless I'm mistaken the Invisibility for this isn't broken by attacking as it's worded to stay up until your next turn.

I think they should have given it an OoC effect of Vanish as well. It's not exactly overpowered.

With that said, what class features would you guys give at level 13, 17 and 20?
What level would you introduce advantage to hunters mark?
yeah, reborn is by design a catch-all rather than a strict frankenstein race
>Another reason to remove concentration from hunters mark.
I think they could have done this at ranger level 6 or 7, maybe even 5. This can't be done too early like the first Expert Ranger Playtest which gave it to them at level 1- it'd be too dippable and would cause problems with upcasting it. We still don't know how Hunter' s Mark works still- it could be like the old 2014 version or its Playtest 6 counterpart or something different.

It'd be neat if the spell worked like Bestow Curse, where if you cast it at a certain level the spell stops requiring concentration. Like if you cast Hunter's Mark as a 2nd or 3rd level spell it would no longer require concentration.
>TQ: Have you checked the 2024 changes to races (now species)? How do you feel about them?
Does Goliath, Orc, and Aasimar being in the PHB mean that MMPM is quasi-valid legacy content rather than designed to be forward compatible?
And the same for Dragonborn and Fizbans?

Is ANYthing printed before PHB 24 5.5 legal?

>akshually you're still allowed to use the old...
Okay poindexter, but you can't mix them on the same character, at least not officially. Which means for people using the 2024 rules, they've only got the 10 races and 45 non-epic feats in the PHB
>land stride
oh fuck i didn't even notice that was gone.
not that i've ever once had it become relevant on the two and a half rangers i've played.
monk age-immunity tier ribbon feature, really.
If you're doing this, brownies could be your wood gnomes (maybe a few tweaks and a neat racial feat for treestride or something). Could be a fun premise. I dig your style, anon.
I don't understand why wotc is so bad at understanding 5e's balance. Even some of the dumbest players in the game still have a better grasp of their content than they do
Just tell him
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Yeah, but its thematic and they already removed Natural Explorer and Primeval Awareness which mind you aren't good features but they were fitting for the class identity.
The way they're doing it now is making Rangers more skill focused and hoping that the spells can cover the missing ground- which is why its so strange to me that they got rid of Primal Awareness. Primal Awareness gave these guys spells that let them do the whole "I can sense the terrain" thing via Beast Sense, Locate Creature, and Commune With Nature without needing to limit their total options. Skills wise the extra two Expertise help, though I personally think the 'iconic' Ranger would have expertise in: Stealth, Survival, Perception, and 1 INT Skill related to a creature type or thing, so they're still one expertise short imo.
/5eg/, I tried revising stuff like ball bearings, caltrops, and hunting traps to be more useful, as well as adding an item category called Booby Traps. Can I post it without you guys being mean?
Oh I hadn't considered multiclass dips abusing it. I'd make it like Eldritch Blast is now, a class feature, not on any other spell list. Can't be picked up through feats.

Yeah an upcast feature to remove concentration or provide advantage would be neat.

I think Nerd Immersion plans on putting together a ranger fix once he's covered all the 2024 content. Looking foward to seeing what he does.
No, but don't let that stop you.
i wonder if someone tried a setting where the default race is tiefling and 95& of the population. I bet none of the PCs would choose that race.
Personally I just really love their aesthetic and their racial abilities. Especially Winged Tieflings, flight + fire resistance + darkvision nullifies so many problem in 5e.

I also like to reflavor my Tiefling characters as Half-Dragons, because I prefer dragon lore and aesthetic way more than the devil stuff.
why is hunter's mark a spell
why is smite a spell
why is action surge a spell
why do wotcuck keep making class features into spells when they shouldn't be
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>Primeval Awareness
Ya know what- while on the subject of this feature- its terrible. Like why is it designed this way bad? You have to burn a spell slot to get very little to possibly unhelpful knowledge of specific creatures within 5,280 ft or 31,680 ft.
If you're tracking a Dragon you've likely been pointed in the direction of the dragon already, you know there's a dragon around- you don't know exactly where it is nor if it has friends, this feature doesn't tell you any of that.
If you don't know the direction the Dragon went this still might not help you as you'd have to start looking around the 1 mile radius to guess where it went. This is also not including the edge case where you use this in your Favored Terrain and because the radius is so massive you could accidentally ping off things confusing the situation more
>"Yeah you know there's dragons, elementals, fey, and fiends within 6 miles of you. No clue on how many or there locations."
I've seen some people say you could use it to parse out a shapeshifter like a Fey but how do you know you're not picking on some other Fey within 1 or 6 miles of you? What if you have a party member who's a fey- WHAT IF YOU'RE A FEY?!

term definitions:
>Standard Action: the new name for an Action. Action now refers to all three types of actions
>Disarm action: as a standard action you can attempt to disarm a trap that isn't hidden from you by making a sleight of hand or thieve's tools check. you must have thieves tools regardless of which you use
>Escape action: as a standard action you can attempt to escape the grappled or restrained condition using athletics or sleight of hand
>Search action: as a bonus action you can search a 30-foot cube for hidden creatures or objects. this uses perception for creatures or investigation for objects.
>Salvage activity: a 10-minute activity you can also take as part of a short or long rest. You scour a 100-foot cube after a battle, recovering 50% of fired ammunition, 100% of thrown weapons, and any loot on corpses in the area. ammunition not recovered is destroyed
>Immobilized: your speed is 0 and can't be increased.
>I prefer dragon lore and aesthetic way more than the devil stuff.
I've been a fan of just homebrewing an actual dragon species. We got Kobolds and Dragonborn throw in Wyrmfolk or something. Make 'em especially Dragon looking.

>why is hunter's mark a spell
because wotc refuses to give martials maneuvers

>why is smite a spell
because wotc refuses to give martials maneuvers

>why is action surge a spell
it's not

>why do wotcuck keep making class features into spells when they shouldn't be
it's led by some of the dumbest fucking people america has to offer
I'd be more of a fan if they were more like demonspawns from dcss, with crazy mutations. Radiant doesn't do anything extra to tieflings like it does to demonspawns, which I think is a missed opportunity to make a more versatile race with that kind of drawback.
>led by some of the dumbest fucking people
to be fair it's also played by some of the dumbest people >>93391033. Apparently having a pet requires a spell.
>We got Kobolds and Dragonborn throw in Wyrmfolk or something. Make 'em especially Dragon looking.
That's basically the Dragonkin from Starfinder. I think most DMs would be ok letting you play one in D&D, or at least RPing as one with an existing race.
Different picture that makes them look a bit less cartoony.

>I'd be more of a fan if they were more like demonspawns from dcss, with crazy mutations.
I swear that was a thing in 4e or 3e. You could actually roll or pick a wide variety of nonhuman traits from a chart.
I'm not sure about the areas but I like where your head's at
having a pet should just be a background option or something
>Urchin: Equipment: A small knife, a map of the city you grew up in,*** a pet mouse***, a token to remember your parents by, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp
You can buy one with your starting gold, or just learn Find Familiar at level 1. It's not that hard.
If you mean something that can fight, you're talking about Sidekicks from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
>To join the adventurers, the sidekick must be the friend of at least one of them. This friendship might be connected to a character's backstory or to events that have transpired in play. For example, a sidekick could be a childhood friend or***pet***...
You could have a Warrior Pet traveling with you when you start up. This would require DM approval as Sidekicks are more DM facing then given to players.

Alternatively, in 2024 PHB You can start off with the feat Magic Initiate [Wizard] as a background feat and get Find Familiar.
Find familiar is dumb.
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>Fighting an old Primordial former Forest Garden within my characters brain while the other PCs fight the physical manifestion of it in the Material Plane
>The things made of fire so I set up Investiture of flame and Wildshape into an Earth Elemental to be a fire resistent tank
>Turns out I didn't need to do anything else because the other PCs melted the shit out of this guy really quickly
>Take control of this entities soul and gain a new Wildshape ability
>I can now turn into any Monstrosity at the appropriate CR level but I'm also on fire so everything catches on fire near me

I have now joined the ranks of the Cleric and Paladin as being mildly more busted than everyone else

Our Cleric became the handpicked Chosen one by her Goddess and the Paladin won some cool armour that gives him some extra ability
Gale getting his Tressym was less about him being a powerful mage and more about Mystra wanting to groom him.
>It's the same kind of non-sense that has people going "Warlock is not like a cleric...Because they're not okay?
of course they're not ok, they made deals with terrible entities kek

>"Warlock is not like a cleric...Because they're not, okay?"
Fighter is not like a druid, ranger is not like an artificer, wizard is not like a rogue, etc etc.
no reason to pair warlock and cleric other than both something having cultist flavor.
Maybe... or maybe Gale taught her how to talk or she got a magic item that lets her do that?
Mystra wanting to goon him.
how the fuck is the tressym's ability to talk in any way relevant to the statement you're replying to?
was shitical role the worst thing ever to happen to d&d
wotc almost two decades before
You guys watch campaigns? I try sometimes but god most of them are so insufferable
>Final Fantasy was stealing from Dragonlance.
>Black, White, Red.
Dragonlance White Robes Wizards cannot cast healing magic.
your term definitions seem to be rules for things most DM's arbitrate on/ actions already part of rules as written. Not actual definitions.

Disarm is something a player can already attempt, with thieves tools providing +proficiency bonus if you are proficient with them.

Escape from grapple or restraint is already a contested athletics or dexterity check, you've just narrowed the dex check to slight of hand.

Salvage is something most players will want to do on their own as part of looting and recovery of ammunition is only important if your table tracks ammo. Most instances I rule it's reclaimed unless a Nat 1 destroyed it in combat.

In any case, what your need is a glossary of terms/ table reference, copied straight out of the phb and listed as part of the pdf with pg numbers for cross reference.

As for the pdf itself.

I do like your Trap save DC calculation, maybe minus the int option.
Bear in mind it's already suggested to make an Int check, then a dex check to disarm.

What your really looking to do is set 1 DC for npc's/ enemy pc's to notice the players set trap and 1 for disarming it.

I agree with anon here, your areas are off.
Hunting trap in particular is just set somewhere in a 5ft space and a creature entering that space needs to make a dex check 13 to avoid standing on it and getting trapped.

Making it a 10 ft area would either be one huge and obvious trap or 1 small trap each 5ft space (which should require 4 separate checks.

If you plan on having a calculation for a trap save the language of the trap should indicate the save DC is possible.

For example the Alarm trap, "first time a creature passes through a trapped face on a turn it triggers the trap"

Should be "Anytime a creature passes through the trapped space they make a Trap Save DC = ? or the trap is triggered. A DC investigation check reveals the presence of the trap and a DC ? dex check disables it."

Basing those DC's on the rolls of the player who set it.

This does involve alot more notekeeping due to every trap having a different detection and disarm DC. Which highlights why the hunting trap in the PHB has a set DC of 13.

I think it's a good thought experiment to come up with your own methods and traps though.

I recommend reading what the DMG? already says about them; https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Hunting%20Trap#content

And perhaps this pdf.

I've also seen a very well illustrated one of deadly traps from old-school dungeons. Pit traps hidden under trap floors after a obvious pit trap that encourages leaping, with an in-obvious locking mechanism to shut off the trap floor for example.

It might have been a kickstarter awhile back, I don't recall it's name and don't have it if any other anon's know what I'm referring to?
>your term definitions seem to be rules for things most DM's arbitrate on/ actions already part of rules as written. Not actual definitions.

I'm revising the ruleset and creating named actions and rules for these things. It makes them easier to build features around.

>For example the Alarm trap, "first time a creature passes through a trapped face on a turn it triggers the trap"

the alarm isn't supposed to have a saving throw. It's triggered automatically

that said, I probably should refine the language to be a bit clearer. maybe I should use the format from xanathars
Any Wizard can get a Tressym familiar- a talking one on the other hand is exceptional.
The exceptional part was that he managed to summon one when he was a kid, as a reaction to his parents not allowing him to get a cat.
Found it.

Paths Peculiar made a bunch of deadly traps.
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>Sword+board champion and Marshal archetype receive significant buffs immediately after I finish a years-long, six-part AP as a sword+board champion with the Marshal archetype.
everything got significant buffs
Why force that upon yourself in the first place anon, surely spear and shield has the same vibes, that's way less suffering.

thanks for the tips anon. I made some updates.
That's a lot cleaner.
Easier to understand.
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i gotcha, from the old planeswalker's handbook
>23 + 92 + 75
>Rerolls from the 92 ended up being 72 & 86
Ok, wow. I somehow ended up with a telepathic Na'vi.
is starting and/or running a school a good motivation for an adventurer
What type of school?
Because it sounds more like a good motivation for an adventurer to retire and settle down in some towm.
> drawing little portraits of potential NPC faces in tcg sized cards, to choose and show a suitable one whenever the players meet a new NPC.
is it cringe?
one must risk being cringe in order to be based
why would that be cringe?
>make people react to Tieflings the way that they should
Even 20 years ago people didn't react to tieflings the way you describe, no-games retard.
>Marshal archetype
it does sound very cringe for an adult to go around showing little drawings, especially if they're not fantastic at drawing.
>to go around
But he won’t be going around doing anything, it’ll just be part of the game.
well, to bring. To put that extra effort into something "childish".
Also, I am the "he".
No anon it's not cringe, and you are actually the only one responsible for your insecurities, if it's childish, why do you keep on playing the game , ,with other CHILDISH people
Get a grip anon, draw your portrait, and show us some of them
Where will all you posers and trendchasing tourists go when pop culture turns on dnd 5e? Like seriously, what will be the next thing?

Comics was already given the mainstream fake geek culture treatment in the late 00s and early 2010s and vidya gamez are fully gay corporate investment properties now. Will it be ham radio?
Question on Out of the Abyss:
Are the encounters in the first Chapters designed with the starting NPCs in mind or do I need to tweak the difficulty if they fight alongside the PCs?
Name one mechanic worse than concentration
>cast spell
>stub your toe taking 1 damage
>spell slot stolen
>t. Casters being bullied by a kobold with a sling
Initiative is fine

Concentration as a way to restrict spells is good.
But the mechanics for breaking concentration are awkward.
Could be fun if it wasn't always a CON save, that way resilient: CON stops being as mandatory, yet casters still do get a deserved nerf.

Legendary resistances are absolute shit, clunky mechanics.
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They aren't really designed with them in mind, but none of them are particularly strong and the ones that are will also probably self-correct by getting killed off to show how serious the situation is.

- Derendil is, sooner or later, going to fly into a rage and try and kill people, probably needing to be put down.
- Buppido is a serial killer. He WILL try to kill someone in their sleep. If he succeeds then that's potentially two NPCs down.
- Sarith is living with a time limit and there are two locations where he, specifically, will die horribly. Like Derendil he's also prone to fits of violent madness.
- Ront is a typical orc who thinks he should be in charge. Sooner or later he's going to start a fight or rush into a battle he can't win to prove how tough he is, and die horribly.

Eldeth, Stool, Shuushar, Jimjar, and Topsy & Turvy are the ones who won't actively try and kill the party, but Stool is a liability (slow as fuck with terrible stats) unless he's literally carried by someone (though those rapport spores are very, very useful), and Shuushar only slightly less so due to his absolute refusal to fight anything in any way. Jimjar and Eldeth are decent enough people but not particularly powerful.

The real potential problem are the twins Topsy and Turvy. Since they're wererats, they're flat immune to physical damage that isn't silvered, meaning that for example a hook horror can whale on them all day and be no closer to killing them. Worse still, given the situation that the PCs are in, letting themselves be infected by the twins and becoming wererats is a VERY good idea, especially since there are ways to cure lycanthropy later so it doesn't even have to be permanent. They are the major problem that needs to be dealt with encounter-wise.

Second post incoming with my recommendations based on how I ran them...
Okay, going down the list, this is how I handled them. Keep in mind that it's probably presumed that at least a few of them will die in Velkynvelve (this almost certainly needs to happen), but in my particular campaign the PCs managed to get everyone out.

Right off the bat as soon as there's some distance between Velkynvelve and the party, Ront is going to want to be in charge. He will almost certainly be challenged for this by Eldeth (who doesn't want to be in charge but doesn't want to follow an orc) and Sarith (who as a drow just assumes he's in charge automatically). Ront will absolutely fight them or any PCs to the death. Eldeth or Sarith will kill him if they fight him and win. If the PCs only knock him out then when he comes to he'll follow them, but he won't consider it a "real" win unless it was a one-on-one, no magic fight. In that case he'll knuckle down and actually be completely loyal to the person who beat him and back them p as the guy in charge.

With that out of the way:
- At the start of every stressful situation (including all combat), on Derendil's turn, have him make a DC 10 Charisma save. On a failure, he rages and attacks the nearest creature as his main enemy, not coming to his senses until that creature is downed. On a natural 1, the quaggoth personality takes over completely and he runs off afterwards, never to be seen again except perhaps as a corpse.
- After escaping Velkynvelve, 2d4 nights later, Buppido will try and kill a random PC or NPC in their sleep.
- Eldeth is Lawful Good. This is a major liability in the Underdark because it means she wants to help people even at her own expense. Sooner or later it will get her killed.
- Jimjar won't risk his neck for anyone if he can avoid it. The first thing he does in any combat is hide. In any situation that he thinks bargaining will get him a better deal than what he has with the party, he will take it, selling them out if need be.

Wow, thanks man.
This is more good advice than I hoped for.

And it makes sense how you've played them. I will certainly use that.

- As mentioned, Sarith is by his nature on a clock, with two specific points in the book detailing his demise (in Gracklestugh or Neverlight). Mind you, if the PCs learn about what's happening to him they can actually cure him with the right kind of magic. Sarith will be genuienly grateful, albeit in a haughty tsundere drow way.
- Stool is not the most likely target of Buppido (no blood or guts), but he is small, slow, weak and vulnerable. Stool is basically an escort mission for the party and the party may resent that. The best place for his death is probably Demogorgon's arrival at the kuo-toa village. He just can't keep up, falls behind, and is killed by the Prince of Demons.
- Shuushar is only slightly less of a load than Stool due to his refusal to do harm. It'll be very, very easy to have him brutally killed by pretty much anything. Demogorgon is probably the safest bet.
- Finally, Topsy and Turvy, the problem childs. My recommendation is that like Jimjar they never feel any loyalty to the party at all. As soon as the PCs reach either Gracklestugh or Blingdenstone (i.e., civilization), they'll leave the party unless the party has done VERY well by them somehow. They don't want to spread their were-rat curse and will flat refuse any attempts by the PCs to make them.

One final thing. The library of Gravenhollow? Play that entire thing out in Part 1. The main thing that kills Out of the Abyss campaigns is that once the PCs leave the Underdark, they have no reason whatsoever to want to go back down there. Having Gravenhollow occur in part 1 instead of part 2 should hopefully change that by both giving the PCs the stakes and by introducing Vizeran and his plan to deal with the demon princes early.
Alright, thanks again.
I will totally use that. Depending how my party reacts to the different NPCs ofc.
Oops, one MORE thing. Grab your copy of Out of the Abyss, open it to page 188, and read the entry for if you roll a 9 or a 10.

Read it again.


Even more than the enter/leave the Underdark thing, THIS will potentially kill an OotA campaign, since it's literally starting over from page 1. On the other hand...it's starting over with New Game+ with the PCs already knowing all the risks and problems and a lot more powerful besides. There's a few ways to handle this.

1) Eliminate that result, just treat it as "roll again twice" or something. This is the boring option, but it's there.
2) Have the transport-back-in-time thing be temporary, like it only lasts for 1 hour before the Pcs are snapped back. This is only slightly less boring, but it could perhaps be used to save some of the Velkynvelve NPCs whom the PCs wished hadn't died.
But finally, and my personal favorite.
3) Run it as is, but since the PCs are now so much more powerful then like everyone in Velkynvelve they can just go hog-wild on their drow captors. Kill Buppido right out of the gate. Cast restoration on Sarith, curing him. In my particular campaign's case, have Ront and Eldeth not get petrified so that their relationship can continue to grow (yes, I'm serious, they ended up together in my campaign, things just played out that way).

Then the PCs can basically cinema-scene rush to Gravenhollow and meet Vizeran before he's even completed studying the demon lords, tell him about his own spell, and help him make it. All the while fixing some of the terrible things that happened in the past that they encountered...and maybe making some whole new mistakes.

Oh, I remembered one MORE thing but I'm out of space...
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Okay, for real, my final post on Out of the Abyss. Thee are three additional NPCs who could theoretically join the party.

1) The gelatinous cube companion that can be encountered is obviously powerful but incredibly slow, so power-wise he's a wash.

2) If the PCs play their cards right (mine did), they could probably get Asha Vandree to betray Ilvara and potentially join the party. By the time this is possible (Gracklestugh in my campaign's case), she won't be particularly powerful.

3) Finally, the PCs also have an opportunity (if they do everything right in Gracklestugh and have the spare time) to incubate and hatch a red dragon egg, who will bond with the first character it sees. She was named Scrylia in my campaign and she bonded with, I'm not shitting you, Saarith. Between that, killing Ilvara, picking up Asha, and getting cured of his spores, Gracklestugh was GREAT for Saarith. Anyway the dragon is a red wyrmling (CR 4), which is reasonably powerful, but the main reason I bring it up at all is because of this weird rules interaction that happened in my game. See when the party got to Blingdenstone, they encountered ghosts. Ghosts have an attack action called Horrifying Vissage, which if you fail the save frightens you, and if you fail by 5 or more ages a character by 1d4 x 10 years.

Scrylia failed her save by 5 or more. So she was frightened...and aged 30 years. Which made her a Young red dragon (CR 10). Which made her the most powerful creature in Blingdenstone, by a country mile, while she was also still bonded to Saarith, seeing him as her dad.

Just a heads up as a weird rules interaction that is unlikely to happen...but could.
>open it to page 188, and read the entry for if you roll a 9 or a 10.

Cool story with the dragon girl though. That's actually awesome.
how would you rule interaction between levitate and high jump? assuming the jump available maxes the available movement (using jump and high str for the sake of argument)
I feel like raw, levitate does not affect jumping at all, but that's stupid so Im looking for a workable rule
What do you want to happen? Levitate at the end of a high jump for additional height?
>The target can move only by pushing or pulling against a fixed object or surface within reach (such as a wall or a ceiling)
A floor is just as viable as a wall or ceiling, so then it's just a matter of "can I use an already cast levitate spell to assend 20 more feet after a high jump"

and the spell says:
>You can change the target's altitude by up to 20 feet in either direction on your turn.
>If you are the target, you can move up or down as part of your move
Sounds like you can do it as part of your move at the end of your jump, since it also doesn't state it takes up your movement.

Less lenient DMs might say otherwise, but that's what I think.
I just think it'd be cute to jump and not fall, so I'd rule it that way.
>rewrite the spell
>the spell also grants the hover condition
>if the spell ends the spell grants the target the feather fall conition

5e could do with a lot more "key words"
then it would be 4e
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>When I cast Spirit Guardians, I conjure a set of eight spectral arms wielding weapons to strike and harry my foes.
>When I cast Spirit Guardians, a horde of floating spectral weapons attack my enemies.
Which is better to you? My character's powers got an asura/gilgamesh theme going on.
First one sounds cooler to me
>Levitate at the end of a high jump for additional height?
trying to define a consistent rule for when I give my players an item that grants self-only levitate and jump spells and they inevitably use both together expecting synergy (as is reasonable to expect)
however by RAW levitate is really not "absence of gravity" but "a force holding you at a certain height, and the height can be changed by the caster or climbed against"

the scenarios are then:
you high jump let's say 30ft and then cast levitate (+20) -> you are then 50 ft high, floating in the air. I think here that works consistently and there is no debate or limitations of RAW, and here both spells have synergy

but the problem is for the long jump
cast levitate from the ground (20ft). float back down. long jump from the ground. is the long jump improved at all? by raw, I dont believe so. I don't think jumps are breakable sections of movement that can be interrupted by casting a spell that would affect them, and also don't think there is any concept of momentum that can be either inferred from any rules or reasonably applied. I would love to come up with a logical and practical way in which long jumps and levitate could synergize, but I can't think of any, unless you introduce momentum (long jump that never hits ground due to levitate continues to float perpetually in horizontal motion?)
The fuck does any of that have to do with Gilgamesh?
Never heard of the first one, so it's cooler.
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I agree, I just wish there was an image or gif that could capture that visual...
Not that one.
googling "gilgamesh weapons" returns anime shit, so perhaps he's referring to that
oh just use some OP homebrew wiki bullshit if you're going to go full retard
holy shit weebs have terrible taste
Where can you get Devin Night tokens or similar for free?
Spell slots.

The sole reason why every other fantasy setting uses mana.
No. Why would I do that? Spirit Guardians does what I'm looking for just fine.
>posers and trendchasing tourists
Anon, I've been playing since 3.5. My group found that 5e fixed some of our complaints with that system, and so we made the jump.
>what will be the next thing?
I've already started aggressively bending 5e into the system that we actually want, bringing in some of the tamer aspects of 3.5 as well as some mechanics from other systems we've played.
>posers and trendchasing tourists
idk, I played some d100 based games in the 90s and only got back to rpgs (and to 5e in particular) because I found a group.
nobody seems to care about tieflings, critical role or baldur's gate 3
>Where will all you posers and trendchasing tourists
I've been playing D&D fo twenty-four years now, dude.
Quick ask, for a DnD lacking friend guy who wants to start learning is online viable? What's the go to place to play in? I keep getting spammed with Roll20 but that shit's expensive
for a quirky friend guy
Roll 20 is free. All you need is elbow grease and patients.

Wwith enough patients, you could use discord screen share.
Pirate Baldur's Gate 3.
If you need to Beyond's current map play setup is tolerably basic.

As someone whose RP group has completed both a normal and Honor playthrough, no. It's a really good CRPG, but it's not the same as playing a TTRPG.
There is not a single feature of Roll20 that is worth paying for. Unless you mean DMs selling game slots for a paid campaign in which case that's DEFINITELY not worth paying for.
Yeah, maybe on planet retard
interesting, I just was reading through Ironsworn and got an idea sort of inspired by it, though im not sure if it's useful:

im calling it a Strife Score. a strife score is a bonus ranging from 0 to +3 that gets added to a player's AC, DCs and D20 Rolls. A player's strife score increases when

>They are bloodied for the first time in a combat
>They succeed on a death saving throw
>They are the victim of a critical hit in combat
>They gain a harmful condition

a character's strife score decreases by 1 when they short rest or a harmful condition ends on them, and drops to 0 when they long rest
isn't that basically just meter from fgc games
from what?
like an fgc game, like street fighter, or tekken, or soul calibur, or guilty gear, or blazblue
>fighting game community games
it's like ultra in sf4 i guess
Is it easy to find non crazy leftist DM or player campaigns these days? Looking on other DnD gatherings spaces online it feels a bit suffocating how a lot of DMs want to screen you politically and value wise becasue of "chud infiltration".
ONE MORE THING, but in two parts.

I was digging through my old files and came across this. When I ran OotA I had each of the Velkynvelve NPCs restatted as having PC class levels. They were level-locked to being 1 level behind the PCs at all times. At the time there were no Sidekick rules; if I was running OotA today I'd probably just have them be sidekicks. In fact I'd definitely do that.

I also had each OotA character have a little sidebar with their opinions of the other NPCs, and also each one had a personal magic item. When I ran OotA I determined whether or not the NPCs would tag along with the PCs depending on whether or not the PCs did three things while in Velkynvelve for them:
1) Pass a DC 13 Persuasion check
2) Retrieve their personal item for them (see blow)
3) Dammit I can't remember what the third thing was. I think it was do something particularly helpful for them.
But anyway, as long as they did the three things, the NPC would come along with them. My players, being completionists by nature, managed to get all of them.

I think my thought process was that the whole setup reminded me a little of Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 (3 not even being announced as under development yet), and I sort of imagined the whole setup as being where you pick up your initial party. And just like Baldur's Gate 2, I gave each NPC a unique and distinct minor magic item.
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And the items.

There. I'm actually done. All my remaining notes for OotA are handwritten from the actual game, and I'm not copying them all.
Yeah, pretty easy if you're not retarded. So you're in for a struggle. Good luck, and don't forget to put #MAGA in all your game applications.
Would an adult dragon using the optional spell rules and lair actions, with maximum health, and playing them smart instead of a grounded meat bag be fun enough of a campaign ending fight? I don't want to make the fight too complex because my players are kindof dumb, but I'm afraid I might overdo the simplicity and make the fight boring.
So not wanting every game I play to be a safe space for every mentail illness under the sun makes someone retarded? The fuck?
>blue dragonborn rune knight
>got a ring of scorching ray
I want to turn it into some other spell. I'm thinking a mix between a misty step / thunderwave. Anyone got some fun magic items they wanna share?
MCDM is doing it better.

Also, that means Sprite Familiar basically is a free +3 to all rolls for all party members as long as you wait for a few minutes at the start of every morning for it to shoot and successfully poison you for 1 minute 3 times each.
/pol/tard-tier schizo post
So im guessing you tag your games as a Safe Space then, Anon?
I'm saying it's easy to find those games if you're not a retard. If you find those games difficult to find, that's on (You).
If you can't figure out how to use Roll 20 for free, then you're not technically savvy for just about any other option I could name you either.

Instead, set up a webcam pointed down at a real life board on the kitchen table, and have the DM roll everybody's dice, keeping track of HP using MTG life counters, and slots using poker chips. Each person's pile of gubbins sitting at their spot around the table.
So you would say it's still easy to find normal sane groups?
Incredibly easy, because I'm not retarded. I'm also not the one posting on 4chan how hard it is to find a group on roll20.
I didn't mention roll20, I meant places like DnD centered discussion forums and the like.
oh, you're this retard again
Again? When again? I've never set foot in this thread before.
Don't engage with him, he's trolling. He does this every few threads now.
Damn, really? He's that sad? That was the last (You) I was gonna give him anyway. Last time he had a meltdown because I told him he was literally in the spot that he wanted but then he kept swapping from game, to forum, to community before asking for advice on how to find a game on roll20 then circling back to a place where he he can talk about dnd.
You lot must be paranoid. I'm not your personal muse. I've never interacted with this thread before.
Never said you were a muse. But you are my personal clown. Entertain me with a another reply, you clown.
All I said was it's a bit suffocating being a non leftist in DnD spaces these days, I don't see the big deal.
Yes, Pogo, yes. That's it. Now juggle my balls while riding a unicycle! Good clown!
Sir, will this help me become a better Bard?
i will make every character black and gay
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Sure, why not
That's fine, you're allowed to play a self-insert.
WOTC employee in this very thread? Wow, exciting!
Those screenings are just as valuable to you because it'll tell you that this is going to be someone you don't want to play with.
Also, if it's not that big a deal to you you can just lie and be the infiltrator. All they're really checking is to see if you're going to cause interpersonal problems during the game. If you can tolerate the cringe and bite your tongue, they'll never know.
I ended up cleaning up the system a bit and hopefully making it less exploitable
When you play a foreign setting (say, Spelljammer), do you prefer to use the opportunity to play a setting-specific race, or do you tend toward more mundane ones so you can have the newcomer/outsider perspective?
Sucks, but I guess you have to bite your tongue to enjoy many things nowadays.
personally i just would rather not have a guy at my table who makes hitler signs and says "the god damned n-worders" but that's just my opinion
the only reason i even have to vet my players is because unfortunately that type of person is more common nowadays than they used to be in the 90s
More Common, or have you gone farther left?
this guy has to be trolling
I'm glad you're finally putting representation for yourself in the campaign
>More Common, or have you gone farther left?
actually good joke +1
Only if you are an undesirable. You can just not be a bigot or edgy retard and things won't be such a struggle. Well, no, the world isn't that simple, sadly, but if you feel you need to bite your tongue and fake a persona to interact civilly with say queer people that's 100% a you problem.
im planning on playing a sort of biohacker themed artificer simic hybrid, any feat suggestions?
>t. queer person who goes be fae/faer
Telekinetic/Telepathic are always fun, but if you want to be like a "I have hacked my body" kind of biohacker, consult with your DM if it's appropriate for you to take racial feats of races whose biology you have studied and "acquired" samples of.
That's the thing, in the echo chambers they live in they've been conditioned to believe they're "normal." Hence why they say weird-ass shit like >>93400173
The both of you put too much stock in something that you did not choose, and it's really annoying. Find something to talk about that doesn't circle back to your race or sexuality, for once.
try to brainstorm a npc antagonist who serves evil fey
some kinda flamboyant arrogant evil duelist but also there's somethign about cold magic and maybe cards? or an eladrin that everytime they meet him again he's in a different mood/season
i have too many flavors someone give me some more concepts for inspiration
read harry dresden's summer knight for inspiration. the winter knight is a real piece of shit tho
I'm in pretty much every majority or privileged category of gender, race, etc. I've never needed or wanted a safe space or to ensure some facet of my identity is respected.
It is zero sweat off my balls to say "sure of course" when a place is designated to be inclusive because why would I ever want to be contributing towards uninclusiveness? At worst it has nothing to do with me because I don't secretly have the desire to bully or mock trans people or whatever. If you can't meet that bar, then, well, you know you wouldn't want to be part of such a group anyway.
I like this idea. It looks neat
Hmmm. Makes healing word yoyo-ing no longer optimal, since any failed death saves results in willpower loss.

Well, it makes 5.14 Berserker is more playable, since you can earn Inspirations to avoid penalties, and the penalties for going past 1 a day aren't as drastic even if you don't have inspiration. But you technically have fewer uses, not counting the recharges. A barb has to either start with a +2 or earn +2 in a day to still get off his highly inadvisable maximum of 5 frenzies.

you can fall over dead because an ally came back to life. That seems like a major glitch.
Maybe just have the +3 from a drop be temporary and go away when the ally is raised.
what about sword yo-yoing
/pol/tard-tier schizo post.

Thanks for the feedback. I did a revised version here.

eh weird is relative. Given how fucked the world is right now, a person being normal is actually kind of messed up in and of itself

Frankly, if someone bothers you just don't play with them. Simple as.
honestly still not sure why WotC hasn't added something like that. alchemist is starved for subclasses, and it's really obvious.

finishing move is stupid and easily gameable for oneshotting final bosses.
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>Orcs don't have powerful build anymore, only goliaths

that's not even an ork anymore, it's a grot.
yet another instance of wotc having no fucking idea what they're doing
So which races is it acceptable to walk around nude and which ones is it taboo?

Can tabaxis and harengon go fur-only looney tunes style?
What about Lizardfolk and Kobolds? At the very least can their women go topless because they don't have mammaries? There's hardly any art of them wearing shirts, surely not all of them are men.
Yuan-ti purebloods look like humans, but they're actually snake people. Would they keep their bitties covered around humans out of politeness but not care amongst themselves?
Are elves so androgynous that their women can go topless, or does it mean their men also need always wear shirts?
I know warforged for sure often go nude, though given they can have have integrated armor, how nude can they truly be?
Plasmoids and Thri-Kreen are for sure primarily nudists though.
Do centaurs and satyrs where banana hammocks or are they always freeballing it?
Do changelings bother wearing clothes, or do they just save up for a hat of disguise?

So many questions. So many possibilities.
Powerful Build only factors into encumbrance which nobody sane actually runs in 5e, who cares.
>push, drag, or lift
Have nothing to do with carry capacity and there are quite a few potential situations where it's useful for dungeoneering
A DM once ruled a PC with my halfling on their shoulders had disadvantage on some check/save and I was like, that's fair, bet Powerful Build would prevent that penalty.
In my session 0 checklist of house tweaks and rulings I mention that we don't bother with encumbrance but and go with more of a common sense gut-feeling thing, but that strength score and features like Powerful Build would influence what happens (like the example I just gave where I was a player).
fresh bread
Nah, it's ultimately just people like him making up people, imagining that they're real and common, and getting mad at their own imagination.
>Magic-suer is universally understood as someone who uses magic.
Like a fighter with a magic sword or a thief waving a stolen wand

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