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Big Brained Edition

>Codex: Imperial Agents Incoming

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
What's your favourite faction you don't own any models for?
>What's your favourite faction you don't own any models for?
Thousand Sons.
I love 'em but i don't need a second marine army (and the sheer amount of trim terrifies me)
Should I keep trucking along with my Warhammer 40k army project or shelve it for another game?
The other game is Kings of War.
You should finish projects you start as a rule of thumb.
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>You should finish projects you start as a rule of thumb.
>MFW started so many projects
Fair enough. I'll keep chugging along my Warhammer 40k army project then.
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this is a better sisters battleforce than their actual battleforce lol
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Does anyone have the Best Sculpts version of this?
Yeah sisters really need more t3 1w infantry that doesn't benefit from their army rule
Just post it yourself and don’t samefag like someone else saves your edits, ben.
Obliterators are cool
Why the Cadian? You can just paint him white
Because Creed went from a grizzled Patton looking cigar chewing son of a bitch to an anime character.
she would look kawaii if she was an anime character. instead she looks like a commissar from the DEI division of Black Rock said you haven't reached your quota of unattractive obese womyn with your Cadian line and need to fix that
Reapers is fine
I meant the bannerman
Its a woman
Do male and female Cadians use the same body?
What's the point of imperial agents army?
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>What's your favourite faction you don't own any models for?
Eldar of course
Yes, but the female head bits are noticably smaller, especially their faces when compared to the male head bits
Lmao no
Sisters battleforce has an exorcist that's still playable
This has half the box that's unplayable
Lets you run all those one off units in your collection (navy breachers, arbites, voidsmen, inquisitors, assassins) as an army.
Then you could just headswap to a male head and be fine right?
Not to say that them pushing that as the pictured model isn't retarded.
Yes, you are correct.
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What is the most successful space marine chapter?

I propose the black templars.
>they have been on an eternal crusade for 10,000 years.
>they have accumulated achievements without stopping.
>they have various crusades throughout the galaxy.
>its color scheme is the best.
Did 8th edition have any redeeming qualities?
Lots of people played it/started in it. A lot of nice new models came out during that edition I guess
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Post models. What're you gentlemen working on today?
I finished this guy up before work.
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I have these guys to wrap up before I get super glue for the bases, then it’s on to my 2nd ed DC chaplain.
That is one hell of a vibrant green. What are they for?
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I like what you did. Solid conversion work. This is getting sprayed when it warms up outside in an hour.
Same, Thousand Sons are really fun to play and been lucky enough that my brother owns them to try but lack of unit choice and chaos trim stops me from owning them myself
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Judge Dredd: I am the Law. I was inspired by that glow in the dark gang from Batman. I have a bit of face paint in some too.
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Most recently finished dude
Also nice work.
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Tau, but only as a combined arms force with equal representation of tanks, battlesuits, and auxiliaries painted in the superior desert ochre scheme
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posted last thread, but I'm working on scions
The khorn lord of skulls is baller.
DG came out
half of those are completely fine, which assblasted virgin made this
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nice blorcs as always anon
posting some more of my admech. I will probably go back to the guy on the left at some point and repaint his arms to be completely red, I'm not sure about the cream at this point
something tells me this zoomerfuck thinks the primaris shit on there is fine
add eightbound to this
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Scoots from last night. Hoping to make a lot more progress today. I may even go home at lunch for some quick painting.
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No chapter will ever compare to the ultras
out of lore
>the face of 40k as a whole
>hog the spotlight way too much
>cause rightful seething whenever they show up in an event because you know whatever stakes were present just got thrown out the window
in lore
>homeworld is the capital of a mini-empire with the resources and leadership to make life bearable for the average citizen, something almost unheard of in the wider imperium
>biggest legion pre-heresy after absorbing remnants of 2nd and 11th legions, which subsequently gave them the most successor chapters post-heresy
>primarch wrote the codex astartes, the playbook by which 99% of marines organize themselves
>primarch was the first to return, usher in the primaris, and save the imperium from the brink after the great rift opened
>primarch now runs the imperium and is most likely the only one of them who would be capable of running the imperium
they're not bad models just because you're still angry at GW for not making rampager terminators
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>more Lucille von Shard
Dope. This series is pretty nice.

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How is the dark imperium still around? Being cut off from the astronomicon is supposed to be a death sentence for any world. Did GW asspull a backup astronomicon or something?
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>Elsewhere in the galaxy, the forge world of Gryphonne IV is dead. Consumed by the relentless Hive Fleet Leviathan, only a handful of Magi survived, now devoid of purpose. Explorator Talin Sherax refuses to let hope die, and after learning of a powerful relic that could return everything to its former glory, she sets off on a long and dangerous journey.

>Dominion Genesis by Jonathan D Beer is an epic quest into the unknown, where protagonist Talin feels the pull of heresy keenly, as she attempts to turn back time for the Adeptus Mechanicus.
It just works.
It got retconned from being isolated for a hundred years to only having been isolated for 15 years. Plus the Indomitus fleet has penetrated to that side of the rift in several places and is starting to provide some aid
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>mentions 5 achievements in the lore.
>4 of those achievements belong exclusively to the primarch and not to the chapter.

Also, achievements outside of lore are not achievements, being the vanilla army is not an achievement.

black templars keep winning.
Tick tock... The great division is coming...
>very cute redhead
How did this get past the marxist BL editors?
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I just dug out my old 4th edition chaos army to play in tournament this weekend. Should be fun.
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Reiverbros, we eatin' good
Yeah thanks I already know
Daemons shouldn't even be an army.
How hard would be these to paint as a newbie? Never painted minis before. I wanna make them either a) white/gold b) black/gold c) khorne red/gold or d) dark blue/dark green

Any suggestions/tips?

Btw, can you suggest any tools for trying out color schemes?
Are you implying they split gods into separate codexes?
Google a color wheel. Use a tile and spare bits to practice painting on.

Your first paintjob will probably suck, but chin up. Sucking at something is the first step to being sort of good at something.

Even a bad paintjob is better than grey-tide faggotry.
These guys are pretty detailed and you may end up miserable because there's a lot to paint. Also it looks like sub assemblies might be the best way of doing these because painting the undersides of their cloaks will be a nightmare.

Like that other anon said, look at a colour wheel and learn a bit about it before you begin to bend the rules. Those models will also teach you how to paint a variety of things including gems and all that. Good luck anon.
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How many authors does BL have, I swear every time I blink there's a new one
I assume he means that tzeentch daemons go to ksons, khorne to wheaters, nurgle to dg and slaanesh to... nobody
>and slaanesh to... nobody
Emperors Children 11th edition box army, guaranteed.
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Airbrush sure feels like cheating and I don't mind one bit
>Never painted minis before.
It's probably a good idea to look up some videos of people handling the sprues and models. If you haven't handled them yourself you might be surprised by how tiny they are. It's a good thing to get a sense for before you spend any money. The fine details you see in the promotional pics might look cool, but they might be a bit much to start off with.
Laughable to think that Emperor's Children would be popular enough to be a starter set army.
But then again they did it for the Crimson Cringe in 6th/7th so who knows?
Although next time I'll probably do the heads separately*
Correct. Easy army "expansion" for all those factions, frees up an army "slot". As we know, GW aren't clever and wouldn't be able to come up with better detachments than 1 for each monogod and then maybe a Belakor detachment, so they aren't going to bother. They'll probably keep the Daemon index for the rest of the edition and allow Belakor to be allied into any of them + CSM.
Sell your warhammer and play KoW with me hehe haha
Yeah never going to happen in 40k, bro.
Daemons just don't work like they do in AoS.
>Three new BL books
>New animated series
>Imperium taxes lmao
It's just tiresome.
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>yeah these supernatural entities own my dude's asses and daemonic will dictates their actions
>but i haet them as a faction and don't their fluff & worldbuilding be expanded in any way, please give me more mortals while the fluff of Chaos itself is still barebones as fuck
>also fuck unaligned daemons & everything not adhering to 4 flavours of Koolaid
I dont understand some Chaos fans.
Daemon courts, Minor Chaos Gods & Great Game are in a dire need of actually more intricate fluff and same can be said of more proper elaboration on Warp-based metaphysics.
>Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo make more aeldari books that nobody bought not even aeldari fans
Fack off!
It's their job to make the army interesting in aa army refresh. I think some elite fast melee Emperor's Children would be cool.
If daemons were twice as powerful and cost as many points as they do in AoS it would work out a lot better.
But what is Vashtorr's tax policy?
Do you really buy that cock and bull story that they canceled this book series because of sales? Do you really think there wasn't some alternate motive for not completing the Ynnari story?
I want you to consider how many other book series BL has ever publicly canceled. Do you really think that every single one of their series sold better than a brand new faction book series did?
Out of the ten most recent novels five are written with a predominantly xenos or Chaos perspective.
explicitly underlined in paragraph 5
They're going to get all of the chaos players to buy it, because it will include the new generic battle line unit for all chaos armies: Fabius Bile's Numanity Legionaries Primaris Chaos Space Marines
Literally nobody is saying those first two lines. Consolidating daemons and marines into god codices is good for every involved faction and only harms people with dogshit unfluffy rainbow vomit armies.
>do I think every series released sold better than an aeldari series, a fanbase notorious for refusing to buy new models because of a minor detail on its boot or helmet
uh yeah motherfucker, I believe it
>Give a book trilogy for a new subfaction to a shit tier writer who already fucked them over
>Be surprised when it fails
GW's mindset is amazing.
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This bombing was just the culmination of Gav Thorpe shitting on (space) elves for decades. It stops eventually.
Let Guy Haley have another go or something.
>more proper elaboration on Warp-based metaphysics
You think you want this but you don't. Every time they try to expand on how the warp and chaos works, they make chaos even stupider and more contrived.
xenosfags don't differentiate between chaos and imperium
Iyanna's parts of Valedor were fine but the rest was just boring as balls.
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Working on my Legionaries this week. Painted them all in different ways but I think I'm going to paint the majority of them like this (black body, pink boots, gloves and pauldrons)
It gets a little bolter porny but I liked how all the character arcs culminated so it ended on a high note.
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if you're a newbie don't try to paint white, getting a good coverage requires intermedium brush/paint control that you may not have yet.

try to prime or even paint the first layer for the capes before assembling the model, same goes for the ones holding two handed weapons.
>Fack off
Fuck the slave name, fuck Gav Thorpe, fuck the Ynnari, and fuck you.
>They didn’t buy this book that shits all over the best aspects of the faction in a shallow attempt to merge two distinct armies into something neither asked for against their will
Imagine my surprise lmao.
So Deathwatch is dead?
People with 2000/3000 points of them are just fucked?
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>Consolidating daemons and marines into god codices is good for every involved faction and only harms people with dogshit unfluffy rainbow vomit armies.
Consolidating daemons and marines into god codices only solidifies daemons playing 2nd fiddle to CSM thematically, when narratively it's well, kind of the opposite.
Having CSM have more interesting and elaborate fluff than Daemons themselves does a disservice to both factions: it's like having elaborate social structure and hierarchy of a religious organization when the holy text of the said teaching remains a barebones pamphlet. To put it blunt, the setting glazes Chaos under the sauce of para-casual mumbo-jumbo word salad meant to read as something impressive but once you dig even a smidgen deeper, there is nothing there really.
To summarize: having Daemons remain a separate faction & codex at least gives a smidgen of hope for the inside Chaos workings to be given some meat on its bones alongside stuff like Minor Gods (which are currently withering on the vine) and unaligned daemons. Shoving Daemons into CSM pretty much axes that possibility.
>Every time they try to expand on how the warp and chaos works
I don't remember any such attempts aside from Aetheric Dominions which are actually one of the better things that have happened to Chaos fluff.
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>An ancient mcguffin could fix everything due to time travel fuckery
fucking hell
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Just use the SM codex, cretin?
So that's a yes, yikes.
Unaligned daemons withered on the vine when they split daemons from CSM and removed things like furies, basically forcing chaos into monogod factions over the course of a few editions.
They will never expand on demons in 40k no matter what. Its just not happening, the last time you got demons having an attempt to be flehed out was the dark imperium and got overshadowed by the fucking marines again.
The problem here is that you're arguing for something (retarded army compositions like horrors and fiends being lead by a GUO) by talking about something entirely different that isn't even actually present (undivided daemons)
>having Daemons remain a separate faction & codex at least gives a smidgen of hope for the inside Chaos workings to be given some meat on its bones alongside stuff like Minor Gods
no, it doesn't
we saw models for squats, arbiters, rogue traders, inquisitor retinues, imperial navy, plastic sisters, sisters of silence, custdoes, deathwatch, genecults, world eaters, death guard, thousand sons, snakebites, expanded eldar harlequins, eldar corsairs and even a fucking zoat
and not once, in the span of all this time demons remained separate, they got the barest hint of a fuck thrown their way
hell, the only interesting addition to chaos demons and how chaos works was added NOT in the demons codex but the undivided marines codex
so no, keeping demons separate is a disservice to the much more immediate and popular demand to have the respective gods' ranges be whole
gw doesn't want to give you other shit, convert it yourself

nobody likes pure-demons armies anyway
Everyone I know that runs a CSM or Cult Legion army just likes the Greater Demons and wants an excuse to splash them in their army as a big centerpiece. That's how at least half of people who "own some chaos demons" use them I would guess.
Why the fuck would anyone defend demons as they are?
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>mfw remembering whfb 7ed daemons
Saying that Vashtorr isn't a purely daemonic release is not right in my book and him not being present in Daemon codex is entirely a rules fuckup just as him not being able to buff Soulgrinders in 9th edition.
I'd love to run battle line daemons in my CSM army but having no rules that benefit them just makes them worse than cultists. Really hoping the cult book rumors are true
What's your pile of shame looking like, /40kg/? Mines blown out considerably recently

>box of meganobz
>box of beast snaggas
>squighog boyz

Still need mozrog but that's about it. Kinda embarrassing, didn't think it would get this bad desu. Also

>nid half of the leviathan box that I'll probably never get to
severe lack of monster factions
Using the best tool for the job usually does
What pink (and I'm assuming wash too) did you use for those anon?
get the fuck outta here, 40k isnt for monsters. Its for marines and orks.
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I'd rather keep my minis.
I think what amounts to a 1500 point guard army.
Lots of third party resin pieces
Lots of Reaper minis
Two Kings of War armies
and soon the Wargames Atlantic The Damned army minus the tanks
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Have you retards ever wanted to learn the absolute basics of what 40k is about? Now there's a book perfect for your semiliterate ass.

>Old raptors
Based, hope you win bro
wow I really dont give a fuck. 40k narrative isnt interesting to spend time reading.
I'm planning on sticking to one army in 40k for the foreseeable future to prevent this from happening again, I'll end up selling that nid half though. I do plan on playing aos soon as well which will make my pile far worse
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>huron quoted in the chaos knight featurette
Blackheart confirmed for honorary chaos knight
Lore is the gayest part of the hobby, roll dice and paint models you queer
The first time I walked into a gw store with my painted army for a game when I was younger I was pointed to a guy that played daemons
the daemons armybook had just dropped, I found out, but I was practically unaware of everything about the game beyond having read the basic rules and having played a few test games
I had a slann standing on a triceratops toy to be mazdamundi and an ankilosaur toy with a makeshift engine of the gods made with spare bases, cardboard and a banner
the 7th ed lizardmen army hasn't even dropped yet, I was using the lustria rules for the engine and I don't remember what for mazda
he had kairos and I don't remember what else, but it didn't matter, he basically threw 6 or 8 spells and deleted mazda and half my army before I had the chance to move them
I tried going back some other time to play, maybe I did something wrong or was unlucky, the only other games were painful slogs against dwarfen static gunlines
I'm not surprised fantasy died
honestly? yeah.
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>Guy Haley, Gav Thorpe
>Saying that Vashtorr isn't a purely daemonic release is not right in my book
I didn't say that
I said that the most interesting daemonic addition was made not in the demons codex, which completely flies in the face of your assumption that the demon codex is required to have the faintest hope of interesting demonic additions
Fantasy died at my store when people saw the amount of models they had to buy, build, and paint just for a STANDARD 2000 point game.
Why do you keep repeating this? it clearly isn't
its cooler than the one with nothing but flyers, you gotta admit.
Kind of feels like 40k is heading that way right now too. I really feel like points just need to go up across the board or people start playing at like 1500 instead of 2k.
What's the addition then???
Fluff done blandly and/or poorly is gay. Fluff done right (aka early Imperial Armour books) is great.
Hell no
I think so too. I play ad mech and it was miserable watching my collection fall further from a complete list while it got even more expensive.
Is it too much to ask if I dont want my cool space satan to be sullied by HH primarchslop?
>Even less shit on the table because zoomzoomz have no attention span
Ffs go play fortnite. It's not hard to get 2000 points presently. Boarding actions is 500 points, play that.
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Unrelated but does anyone have the gif of that wayne pic animated, I remeber seeing it ages ago but never saved it.

But yes anon I think you're right
>Daemon courts
Is a great idea, and its shocking how little daemon aganist daemon schemeing there is. The only one I can think of is Ku'gath competing with some other great unclean one.
>proper elaboration on Warp-based metaphysics
You mean reprint all the warp information from the Realms of Chaos books, with minor rewrites to accomodate retcons
don't even fucking talk about admech, I don't know what's GWs issue with our army but it's just flat out sad at this point
I like the siege of vraks books and other ForgeWorld books.
I just know that they're overrated both by nostalgia and by the nature that they're from Forge World studio which means that they didn't have that much of the GW taint impacting them in the stories having to always have galaxy wide consequences.
You're hysterical
I just want a dedicated giant Xenos faction. No, I don't want to play Nids Crusher Stampede.
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You're memeing but we actually know Vashtorrs tax policy its literally 100% (for soul grinders).
100% of souls go to fuel Forge of Souls, as does 100% of all vehicles killed are sacrifices to the forge.
Didn't AdMech just get a massive buff and made more semi-elite again?
How did that shake out?
>I just know that they're overrated both by nostalgia
they are 2000 times better than any psychic awakening, gathering storm or warzone books released
>Dedicated giant Xenos faction
sorry bro, GW wants CSM players running soulgrinders and your armylist is in the way of that
I know and I still can't figure out what makes the ForgeWorld books so special. I know some anons like to harp on the visuals of the books, and that's nice but I can't pinpoint what made those books better than the stories you listed.
GW studio could learn a thing or two from rereading those FW campaign books.
>GW wants CSM players running soulgrinders
clearly not, considering they've yet to remove the battleline tax restriction from allying daemons
will happen when blood angels are cannibalized by ultra marines, trust the plan.
>Even less
For this to even begin making sense there would need to have been another time when we reduced the amount of shit on the board.
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>I just know that they're overrated both by nostalgia
I never read it when it came out and only finished Vraks recently and I would say that nostalgia isn't too big of a contributing factor. It's bretty gud.
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Beastmen wouldn't be oppressed if they looked like this.
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>want to get into 40k
>buy tabletop simulator to try it out
>join TTS discord
>too autistic to play a game because I know my attention span is shot

Anybody here had a bad attention span and fixed it for tabletop wargaming? How did you do it?

Pic related is just a hamster to grab your attention.
/aos/ /wfg/ is over there m8
They would still be oppressed, just in a different way.
It's just so fucking disappointing to see how clumsy and ass-backwards the faction design is. It'd be like if imperial guard infantry were giving the orders instead of the officers.

I haven't played since the buff but I'm glad that the army rule is a little more universal than being completely reliant on deployment zone shit.
when 40k 11th edition is just dressed up checkers, you can blame turds like this one
Put your phone down and read a book away from screens.
Seriously, it's not that your attention span is shot, it's that you're so used to a constant stream of stimulus you're feeling like focusing on one thing is not using your time properly.
Read a book. Take a walk without your phone. Fish. Do things that require a relaxing level of focus and build from there.
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Fourth Tyrannic War and the planet falling to chaos all the kill team fluff has all been superb. Necromunda Secundus and all its lore as well. Its all be the best it has ever been aside from the 'main' story which seems to hyperfocused on character models. Even then the Emperors Tarot videos to hype it were all great, well written and great sounds.
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NTA but beastmen are canonical again, Anon.
A lot of people have trouble focusing in TTS because the pull of being on your computer being more distracting.
I've never had an issue using TTS for something like DnD and maintaining focus despite having my second monitor up, but if this is a problem for you then you should shut off your second monitor (presuming you have one) while focusing.
>Consolidating daemons and marines into god codices only solidifies daemons playing 2nd fiddle to CSM thematically
That's what they have always been.
Even since of begining of 40k as a game daemons shared the codex with CSM, and guess what? They still played the 2nd fiddle to them and honestly, it was for the betterment of the game over all.
I don't want 11th edition to be checkers. Better it a be a good game and too much for me to handle than for those like me to drag down its quality.
I take walks without my phone. I can do that more.
>Read a book.
Does a rulebook count?
I only have one monitor.
Thanks! It's a casual RTT with legends permitted and someone is bringing a Thunderhawk Transporter which I'm keen to check out
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Tried making a rosarius out of greenstuff. Joining the big =][=.
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Wow, is that a collection of warhammer store pictures?!
We'll never get Macharius as a Living Saint and it hurts.
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Haven't been able to check threads since Tyranid anon posted this chart, is there another newer one he did I'm missing?
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>Even then the Emperors Tarot videos to hype it were all great, well written and great sounds.
I would paypig so hard for a 40k tarot set with banger art
I won’t repost my wip marines for the umpteenth time, but I’m adding chainblades and bayonets to their bolters because I’m going to make them Gkesh Tearers instead if CrimFists. I’ll post one of my Feral Orks instead. Waiting on some Straken Green to get started painting.
There's no fucking way "denny flowers" is a real name.
How much is direct copypasta from the codices and rule books?
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You and me both anon.
Was there ever a completed version of pic related floating around
The Agents codex is going to operate as a supplement for people wanting to play Deathwatch. It literally says in the article.
+1 if they’re gilded.
Could probably a be pseudonym. Lot of writers and even artist use them.
It's just standing there doing literally nothing. It's an action figure standing in a box. Nobody holds a flag like that. You have a full company of infantry holding their weapons, looking like actual people in the middle of a warzone and then there's this tard just standing there, getting dragged along with the rest like an invalid.
I don't see anything wrong with the Ork one though, Orks are supposed to be ridiculous.
>never, ever
How many fuckin models do you paint in a year? Never seen someone get though so many before
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Looks like not much will be straight copied. You get a few sentences explaining the things, but it's not written as codex fluff or whatever.
>aiiieeee why isn't the book full of chinese 3d prints I'm losing my mind aieeeeeee
>world eaters
>bronze or gold
I already hate whatever faggot wrote this
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Post some new stuff. You old stuff looks well painted
What is this?
Pretty reasonable for 300+ pages
retard here, is brass not just a mix of bronze and gold, color-wise?
Hang on. Did emperors children have any models released in 9th?
No. That's just a master of executions with the bits from the old ec resin upgrade kit.
>To summarize: having Daemons remain a separate faction & codex at least gives a smidgen of hope for the inside Chaos workings to be given some meat on its bones alongside stuff like Minor Gods (which are currently withering on the vine) and unaligned daemons. Shoving Daemons into CSM pretty much axes that possibility.

Except every time they explore and explain these systems and mechanisms in universe, (you) are never happy and (you) always complain about how they coose to do it, and rightfully so. Because it's always, without exception, handled poorly and with no thought of service to the greater setting as a whole.

Also, while you are correct, there are more Daemons than all space marines put together, by many factors, the FOCUS of both the game and the setting has been and always will be space marines. There's a reason why we have like 10 different space marine codices and 1 Daemons codex. Most people that put Daemons on the table, use them as allies for their Space Marine army. Both in setting and in game, Daemons have always played second fiddle to Space Marines. There has never been a Daemon character that had any kind of an arc that didn't also start out as a human.

While I see where you're coming from, and even sympathize a bit, your arguments are specious at bestand desperately cloying at worst.
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Of course not, it's clearly a modified CSM trying to pretend EC has gotten anything. Why they didn't use the old noise marine with guitar and compare it to the plastic one, I don't know. That, at least, would've been something.
I bet the guy with the bolter guitar is going to become a whole new character and will get a price hike alongside being included in a boxset or something, sort of like the cultist firebrand.
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I need to do a picture of my new paintjobs because most of the models in my new blue scheme have been done this year.
It's quite a lot, including but not limited to:
>80 Boyz
>A gorkanaut
>Warboss in MA
>Updated blues on 3 koptas, 10 nobz, 20 Boyz, and various characters
>Big mek with KFF
>10 lootas
>Deff dread
>Updated blues on 6 squighog Boyz and a beastboss on squig
>7 meganobz
>A looted land raider
>3 kanz
>SAG mek
>Big mek in MA
>New big mek
I've also painted up most of a kharadron overlords army and some Gloomhaven miniatures between ork projects.
Erm, epic much?
I don't think so. Kinda fizzled out after Farsight got the Tree of Life card and people began shitting themselves over Russ maybe being referenced.
Are you dumb?
That's just a normal Chosen that is even on the back of the box
>its good that Chaos fluff is bad actually, because it gives more room for personal human drama
Are you for real?
So this just happened, here's why it's a good thing
Sorry bruv I don’t consume every last drop of GW releases through my dickhole like you.
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Personally, I'd be fire with a 6e Hordes of Chaos/Storm of Chaos type deal, where you got daemons in the mortal book and then a separate Daemon army list with different rules and expanded roster. Of course this leads to people bitching about why they can't have unit X or special rule Y in their CSM army, but fuck them. Surely daemons summoned and bound to mortal commanders behave differently from those that break on through the other side on their own.
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>>Thread Question:
>What's your favourite faction you don't own any models for?

lovely, but not for me
Fre*king EPIC, good sir. Take my updoot and some gold, fellow traveler.
>warhammer cretin sees literally anything
>Hmm, how do I make the same shitty warhammer joke that's been done to death out of this...
That's fine, you are allowed to not know, but you pretended to know the exact model and bits and you were so fucking wrong.
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>be me, a normal human.
>to be considered the best dancer in the hive world.
>attend a party to celebrate that the planet was not devoured by the tyranids.
>a space marine judges my dance and points out every mistake.
>I think he's just a conceited critic.
>I challenge him to see if he could do better.
>It is impossible for a wall of muscles like that guy to match my grace when dancing.
>he starts to dance.
>he has the elegance of 1000 swans, light feet like the wings of 1000 butterflies, the flexibility and stability of 1000 ballet dancers.
>he is the worst dancer in the chapter.
Freaking epic bacon sauce. Can you add Cthulhu to the prompt?
Primaris are 9ft tall, firstborn are 8ft tall.
Don't tell beginners to use subassemblies, it just leads to new people frustrated about gaps or building their subassemblies wrong and winding up with models they can't finish. Subassemblies are good for people who can picture their workflow from start to finish and beginners don't have that kind of awareness yet
Primaris are canonically 17 feet tall
the chart and canon say otherwise
>turns out they all worship slaanesh
Fair enough, in that case it's way better to have a finished model, that way you can go through the build process and have a bit of fun there before you've got something that's much easier to paint because it's all right there in front of you.
All fluff is for fags. It's a distraction from the important parts of the hobby and leads to autistic obsessions over minor details
You sound gay haha.
What potential armies are there after EC? Dark mech, cogs of vashtor, solar auxilia, etc
Rent free
Solar auxilia is literally just IG that looks different
>Primaris are 9ft tall, firstborn are 8ft tall.
I don't know, the official information only says "space marines are 8 feet tall" but it doesn't specify which ones, I guess you're right that primaris are a foot taller than firstborns.
That's fucked, granted your paint scheme seems relatively easy to follow you've seriously put the effort in to get through that much. It takes me close to a day to paint one nob, probably takes you an hour at most lmao. Is there anything in your army that you hated to build and/or paint so far? I'm starting to build a few things and have noticed that some ork kits are fun while others are just straight up shit.
>Blood Angels
They have successors named Blood Drinkers and Flesh Eaters, they’ll be doing the vore, not having it done to them.
I'm sure any regiment wearing space suits would look similar, minus the guns.
There are endless possibilities, one cooler than the other.
They could literally launch a new army a year and be decades before they end the supply of armies in the lore.

Too bad it's just going to be more Space Marines.
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Hi /40kg/, I agreed to buy a Tau collection from a dude in my area but I have no idea what the difference between crisis suits are. I know the one with the sword is Farsight and there are two Stealth Suits standing above his head, but I'm at a loss for the rest. Any ideas on what is what?
>primarisbros getting uppity
Meanwhile, my marines and Orks keep piling up and I have no motivation to paint after work. Great work, anon. Love your ladz.
Its actually good????
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>but it doesn't specify which ones
primaris, because firstborn are 7' tall
You're a fool if you think 40k is getting Solar Auxilia or Dark Mech. GW hates the idea of cross-game armies and they've started clamping down hard on it.
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Apart from the the new coteaz model, are there any minis that you prefer the older version of, /40kg/?

Pic unrelated
but theres no deathwatch detachment so thats bullshit
Suit on the bottom left looks like a recast from the plastic colour. Be careful with this auction anon
>dedicated giant Xenos faction.
sounds like you want to play imperial knights with converted alien miniatures instead of the titans
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>more primaris talk
Inb4 eldar fags post a bunch of finecast garbage
Chaos Raptors
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>and leads to autistic obsessions over minor details
I feel attacked, which I guess means you're right.
snikrot is another downgrade, but by an almost negligible amount
I think something was lost in translation for imotek too, the new one feels too frail
I'm paying $100 for this, a devilfish, a hammer head, a squad of kroot, a squad of vespid and 30 fire warriors and some other odds and ends. If that suit isn't legit it isn't a big deal.
It probably takes me a day of effort to get 5 guys done, which I normally do 5 at a time for batch painting anyway. Of course this is with breaks, chores, work, etc. all in-between. The scheme is definitely easier than most schemes but it's really only fast for me because I've done it so many times. I appreciate the compliment though man.
>model I hated to paint
Motherfucking deff dreads, simply because I was retarded and glued the arms on before painting. Those were a paint to paint around.
Been there, man. I've found that motivation comes easier if I turn on a podcast or audiobook I've been wanting to listen to and need something to do with my hands while listening.
Pretty sure most of the xenos armies have some form of big guy list you can run. Eldar has its own list of titans and knight sized guys, as do tau orks and tyranids. Only one missing is maybe necrons
Necrons have CTan.
Only really Votann, GSC, and DEldar don't have many big stompy units.
Why is the schizo getting salty today?
Daemons should be merged into CSM codexes. CSM codex then should be renamed "Chaos Undivided", while particular legions like Death Guard into simply "Nurgle".
Full blown Traitor Guard/Lost and the Damned expansion should be then included in those as well.
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Because I don't know what the models are? They're like 3rd edition shit
Should I sell everything to buy Necrons?
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You rang?
Is vashtorrs army a flop or is it too early to tell?
I don't think you can or would want to run an all ctan list though would you? Also they aren't even close to giant/knight sized so they aren't really in line with what that anon is looking for
Any tips for votann into death guard? DG usually fucks any of my armies up cause their double auras and the whole game being "get close to the enemy"
why are death guard considered shit tier?
>go to pro acryl website
>paints are 8 USD each
>buy them from an online shop here
>10 AUD

This must be the first time ever that we mog the burgers
You are such a salty bitch lmao. He was asking what everything was not for everyone to tell him he's a cool guy, calm your shit you pussy
anon they cost like $4 from a hobby store.
Old models are fine to use as long as you give them the correct base size, right?
All of these models are retarded
Oh that would explain it, thought there mightve been wholesale prices in there somewhere. Why the fuck is there such an insane mark up on their website?
Daemons and the Chaos gods view the mortal universe as a playground for them to break and toy with as they please, CSM actually want to conquer it. It makes sense that they'd be second fiddle to the more narratively dynamic faction.
Do you want necrons? Do you not like your current army? If the answer to both of those questions is yes then go for it. Otherwise you should keep your army and just save some money to buy your next one.
The planes and tantalus
I think Ursula Creed is fine
Wrath & Glory 2020's Core Rulebook
I would also be fine with that.

But that would fuck up GW's sales metrics. They NEED to be able to track every single kit to determine the viability of an entire model line. That's basic economic strategy. Surely if the Tory MPs they had likely poured millions into getting reelcted had been, we would even more basic market strategy, like another price hike.
People like Vashtorr, but they should have gone all in and either give him an army, or even just a colour scheme (gold like his armor is pretty cool) and paint some minis in the codex to make it feel like a proper new army.

Right now people don't really know what to expect from Vashtorr, it's just a cool character.
Because they don't want to be responsible for shipping small orders. They offer it but it's not something that gains them much as a paint rack is a sale and an advertisement for those walking past it in a physical store
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>Why the fuck is there such an insane mark up on their website?
Because you're looking at them in AUD prices you fucking mong.
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I don't have GW paints locally, only Vallejo. What should I get for painting skin? Would VMC Sunny Skin for base, Flesh Wash for shades, Basic Skintone for highlighting work?
I have VGC Tan but it's as if their skin looks burnt under sun.
Oh hahahaha I didn't notice
>The human race degenerates into a species of manlets
Truly the future is a grim one.
I don't really thinks he's got an army yet does he? Like sure you can run him with some csm but he hasn't got anything that is designed to go with him. Right now he's just a cool model and I think that's it
>average human height is 5' 2"
yeah, no
>+2D6 per Tier
Based Orks and their meritocratic biology.
That's just the shortest ones, humanity has widest range
>no updated EC model in the 40k book
I guess its gonna be awhile lmao.
You gotta slow down on the spots brother
Hey, you’re getting better.
>implying anything from the rpg is canon
Lmao even
Middle is not average

Btw, here are human numbers from Dark Heresy 2nd ed
Actually took a massive chunk out of it with the nids. Only have a couple pieces of terrain, an Imperial knight an2 2 Armigers left...then a full AOS army.
Contrarian with a severe personality disorder.
If its too dark for you then adjust the strength of your wash and then start worrying about changing basetones if that's still too dark
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I wonder if they're going to show what happened to coteaz
Why would there be? They're entire marketing strategy is based on theatrics and internet hype that they meticulously sculpt and expertly guide.

Just look at the real for the new INCREDIBLE Coteaz miniature.
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Denny is a real name.
Your actually retarded if you think they would leak a new sculpt in a tertiary product
I mean that that's kinda what I was inplying.
Why would they show off the new models months to a year before they’re released?
>Middle is not average
and what is that roll supposed to be then?
Crimson Slaughter was the weirdest fucking thing ever for GW to do. I get wanting to show off more warbands than just the Black Legion on boxart and stuff, especially one that's not a legion, but how does that translate to "let's push diet World Eaters"?
Do you have decent examples of inquisitor conversions? I was planning on doing a conversion from a skitarii marshall, but I'm not sure how to go about it.
how many bits you've got?
It's just a full range of human height in 40k, don't look too hard into dices, they don't take any environmental factors into consideration, for instance
Any russians in the thread? Is there a way to get bits in our shithole of a country? I wanna get drukhari heads for my eldar
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Did up these three a little ways back
The marshall itself and the DW pack, plus many necron bits I've been accumulating over time. My armies are Admech and DW, so mostly from those.
You're retarded. Your country is one of the largest recasters of 40k stuff in the world. Should be a non issue for you
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Your secret is safe now.
Your days are numbered, Marneus Calgar from Australia.
Come fucking get me, mate. And bring some GW plastic with you so I can stop getting murdered by shipping fees.
You're doing the right thing anon. You don't want to be one of those pile of shame losers. Keep at it.
It is quite a name for a guy that’s really into 40K. Like if your name was somehow Roboute.
Thank Fuck.
>guitar fag
anon pls... atleast play a respectable instrument
Dad named me - I stood no chance.
Last name is not Calgar obviously.
>a respectable instrument
Like the skinflute, you fucking faggot?
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nice response, but shouldn't you be fucking a crocodile or something
>full range of human height goes from 5'4" to 6'
>rolling for it doesn't mean you have an average
Preferably something that doesn't have you stroking a wooden shaft
Not even that guy. Just someone who plays guitar and other instruments.
Nice to know you're mad enough to repost personal information tho.
>name and amazon cart
>personal information
I wish the Darktide game had its unique minis. My LGS has like 4 of them in stock but I don't really care for it.
The Dorn boys are the best of humanity.
Super late responding but 1 part Doomfire Magenta and 2 part medium. You could even go 3 parts medium. >>93422551
Thanks man, I still want to do some light pink highlights on this guy. The details on his feet are totally lost.
>hur dur I play the electric guitar hold on me play you a little diddy I like to call Smoke on the Water, oh oh you've heard of that one? What about stairway to heaven? Unc's heard of that one too... damn........
Oh those are CUTE widdle baby gwuardians! Gwoing to prwotect te Cwaftworld!
Acoustic and electric and I write my own melodies.
Have since I was 10.
But none of this matters to you. You just want to belittle the abilities of others because you have none yourself. I understand.
Have a better day.
I swear that's not me from before who fucked up the paints price, I fuckin swear. Dunno why there are always Australians on here posting late at night, like I'm on night shift atm, like fuck I'd be up this late normally shitposting in these generals
why envision that? does that get you off.
You're entitled to your bad taste
That mug is fuckin sick, what else have you been buying mr marneus?
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Ive ordered from Dark Miniatures there, the plastic is a lot more fragile for spindly/ thin bits (got some chaos terminators, bumped one and all the spikes snapped right off) but the quality is good
>more proper elaboration on Warp-based metaphysics.
No, that is terrible.
More you try to explain Chaos and the Warp less and less it makes any sense.
Also as a whole the reason why no one gives a shit about daemons is because they are about as 1-dimensional shit you can think of.
They are just 4 techni-color coded variants of evil.
looks like you've got an ordo xenos inquisitor in your hands

if you've got the deathwatch upgrade I'm looking at you could definitely use the small inquisitorial symbol to replace the admech symbol on the chest, then graft a necron blade onto an imperial hilt (with a purity seal) for a sanctioned radical thing
I'd also try to grab a hooded head from a skitarii and try to carve it so you can shove under the hood the knightly helmet from the deathwatch sprue
as fancy as the marshall's pistol is I'd look for something more traditionally imperial too, finally get some alien skulls or trophies of other natures to cover the backpack (which could also carry a second inquisitorial symbol) and add a dying necron on the base
the tubes attached at the end of the backpack could also be cut and repurposed to hold up an additional set of servo skulls
adding pouches and grenades will also make the character look like he's prepared for everything
You sound butthurt because you got called out on playing the literal most basic bitch instrument of all time. You could not have picked a more normie instrument of all time. Imagine that? If what you're saying is true you've literally wasted all your time and energy learning an instrument that people give you zero respect for, and that honestly sounds mid compared to nearly any other instrument. People look at your instrument in the exact same manner as they look at Recorders.

Seriously, a good portion of the skillset is transferable. Pick up a real instrument lad.
>The full population of the Craftworld was wiped out by the passing Hive Fleet, their bodies devoured by the Tyranids and their souls devoured by Slaanesh
Finecast? We only metal in this house, boy.
Chaos fluff is pure slop.
Chaos and the Warp embody all of the worst writing tropes known to man.
As much as it gets spouted but it is the pure truth that Chaos and the Warp fluff is literal marvel tier multiverse faggotry.
It's terrible from top to bottom with a rotten foundation.
>Pick up a real instrument
I play six fucking instruments you colossal retard. You know nothing about me, but you feel confident enough in your ignorance to lecture me about what is a 'real instrument'.
You remind me of the people who diss on EDM.
Roll over in your grave, grandpa.
What sounds good sounds good.
Why are you so upset?
>u mad bro?
Holy fuck, lol.
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Finished this rocky hill.
Playing music is for fags
Gotta love the weight of a metal model.
Nta, but the text says what that entire range is average for Gilead System, whatever that means. It's unclear if the same is applies to other species
MY toy soldiers are serious business!
It's worse than I ever could've imagined
>fucking instrument
>colossal retard
>Roll over in your grave, grandpa.
you are literally malding over the fact that the instrument you play is for children
Toy soldiers are supposed to be fun but they generally should look cool as well
The only instrument worth playing is your pp, and baby I'm gonna make you sing.
I remember having a squad of those bad boys in 3rd / 4th ed and mate who played space marines fucking hated them so much, they would just tear through all of his blood ravens. Are they still worth taking?
Keep it up. You basically picked the Hard Mode army to start. When you’re done, you’ll be pretty good as your foundation was going through hell.
No. I'm speaking freely with cusses because that's how I talk.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But the Guitar is no more a figment of my imagination, because you don't like it, than the current state of 40k fluff.
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Slowly getting done with my Blade Champion. I was trying to achieve decent NMM without spending a fuckton of hours and I'm quite happy with the result. He is basically ready as it is but now that the standard is set I want to spend some extra time on the gold and clothes.
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I guess you like ultrasmurfs.
Very nice.
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How do you make those goofy masks WORSE?
I'm sure your mini army men get you so much pussy. Lel.
I don't know.
How do you continue to spew your opinion like fact?
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Because it is.
no, people can dislike multiple shitty legions :)
>be rescued from Orks by Space Marines
>leader identifies himself as Sergeant Juan Fernando Tamez-Gomez Jacinto
>Does a rulebook count?
Yes. Really I know it sounds like a boomer solution but long as you're unplugging it'll help.
They are less punchy, fitting under med weight weapons. Being multishot means they are less affected by eldar shenanigans. If you find a good target for their wreapons they can do some work, just not the most efficient compared to bettter units.
Listen Xian, I know you're scared of spooky skeletons in chinaland. But, just because his oipinon isn't a fact, doesn't mean contrary ones ain't retarded.
Elaboration != Explanation, dummy
That's my point. It's not entirely unsalvageable, it it needs to be rewritten because clearly you can't just squat it as a whole
if you could upgrade your potato that'd be great
>How do you make those goofy masks WORSE

Like that
dick rubbably good
>the likes of witch
Stopped reading.
>Poorfag has no retro models.
>Poorfag lashes out.
Am I popularizing Eldar around here yet?
>but then it did get worse
How EC players can look at this and not feel visible sadness is beyond me.
Not yet, post more porn of them and maybe it'll work.
I hope not. The only reason for space elves is the bootyhurt they cause.
I cannot believe anyone in their right mind approved this art. Why would you remake an iconic art piece but worse? Thank God it was shoved onto some forgettable Black Library kindling and not on a codex cover I have to see until the end of time.
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C'mon dude, your camera/phone/lighting setup sucks.
It's nice terrain, but no need to lash out over minor criticism.
No matter how many times you think others are mad, you spamming it just proves you’re becoming obsessed.
Don't do that. I prefer being in the minority.
Need Farseer gf with huge robe
>Why would you remake same thing but worse
That's been the theme of modern media, one could say it's their thesis on how to approach anything
is the "EC" model just from the legionnaires kit? I recognize none of the bits...
Reminds me of this
Zoomie terriary art is the endboss of cringe.
These kids start to amateurishly doodle AND publish their lurid garbage before learning an adult vocabulary.
>Gav Thorpe
>Eldar page features no models at all and just bad fanart of dead eldar and BBC porn for some reason.
>"The eldar are an arrogant, incompetent, and slutty faction of xenos who feed off of humanities geneseed. Unlike other xenos races who fight space marines. The Eldar enjoy losing to glorious humanity because they think it will make humanity like them more. They give confusing feelings because they are tsundere and have yet to confess their feelings. Their assholes feel like silk linen and smell of lavender.
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>Warhammer 40k Ultimate Guide
>30k demigod named character on the cover
I hate primarchs, I hate perpetuals, and I hate 30k fags. They drive me to drink.
>Elaboration != Explanation
It is, it explains how it works.
It probably wouldn't explain everything, but expanding upon it still a terrible idea.
Case and point Vashtorr.
Who is just a giant retcon which GW just shoved into 40k. He is epitome of "nu-lore", he is just terrible.
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I'm not >>93423183. I know my camera and lighting isnt the best, I'll do something about it eventually.
>Metal grotesques
I am both jealous and very not jealous of you at the same time
>>30k demigod named character
Primarchs always existed in 40k ever since the begining, newfag.
NTA but that's what gives it the retro vibe though, reminds me of a comfier time
Eldar Outcast GFs are much better
>open minded
>has free time
>young (several centuries)
>has access to biomodification
>can have personal small ship
>wants to go on adventures
Same vibe
NTA, but I've literally never bought a box of chosen on their own.. only second hand and in value boxes.
Why'd they desaturate all the colors anyway, EC and WE are especially bad
More accurate to say Primarch always had formerly existed, because they were explicitly all dead and faded into myth and legend in the beginning
I mean I could mount them on a huge tactical boulder and use them as grotesques or I could use them as wracks.
they all got put into stasis or wandered off to buy cigarettes for a good reason
also learn to greentext newfag
He's an unaligned Greater Daemon which is already a massive step into a better direction
>It is, it explains how it works.
Expanding on the relationships between daemons, what they are affected by and their Immaterial politicking and how its rightfully would be affected by Materium isn't necessarily setting some hard rules for Chaos as a whole
I don't understand what exactly you're opposed to unless you're genuinely fine with
>haha its chaos it aint gotta explain anything and also daemons have like 1 line of fluff written for them
kindergarten tier writing
ehhh weren't the Daemon Primarchs known to just be chilling in the Eye of Terror?
>The full popuation is so cute and adorable said tyranid hive fleet breaks thier own conditioning. Spares them and now keeps the craftworld as a a species wise pet that is fed, petted, and snuggled frequently.
Gotta admit, apart from EC those early models don't look too bad. That tsons metal mini holds up imo. It probably looks better than my shitty half metal half plastic ones
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>Not a sorceress
>Doesn't wear big robes
>Doesn't have pretty runes floating around her constantly
>Won't hold you close on quiet evenings, knowing in vivid detail how things will end but still seeking to cherish the time that you have together.
Farseers are far superior to smelly Ranger hobos.
no but you are inspiring people to hate blood angels.
>Female lead
>Female lead
I'll read this, but I probably won't pay for it.
Has sallyman posted recently? Feels like I haven't seen him in a while
>calling people a newfag
>can't greentext
Outcasts canonucally wear thighhighs
Iirc Angron was the only one doing shit on Armageddon. The other 4 fucked off.
>t. newfag that started after primarchs came back
rent free
>he didn’t put a space in front of a double quote that had a number
>not just being lazy
>is a newfag
>Last name is not Calgar obviously.
Sure pal, we are onto you
>Rangers are sluts
Another point for the Farseers.
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There's too much bullying going on in this thread right now
If you don't onow the difference between fluff snippets alluding to myths and a living breathing agency sucking parasite slapped on the front cover, then you are beyond help. The marvel brainrot has you.
I'm sorry your models are retarded but sex is wholy unrelated to miniatures
Take pictures and post them in this thread or the next.
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The leg would still look fairly recognisable so maybe find some kind of boot for it
>marvel slop brainrot slop slop brainrot marvel
talk like an adult, zoomzoom
Salamander Marines roasting Eldar Children some marshmallows over a campfire
>Thunderhawk Transporter
You can't even find recasts of this it was so rare.
I want JUST ONE god dammit.
>because they were explicitly all dead
>because they were explicitly all dead and faded into myth and legend in the beginning
>another secondary pretending to be an old fluff expert
Leave the bullies to me.
For some reason i feel like xeno servitors would be dumb af
Imagine having an ork servoskull trying to bring life support back online
>Expanding on the relationships between daemons, what they are affected by and their Immaterial politicking and how its rightfully would be affected by Materium
>how its rightfully would be affected by Materium
It isn't affected. And this already points to that you don't understand how Chaos or the Warp works, let alone how GW handles that God forsaken abortion of an idea.
Expanding upon Chaos or the Warp is not going to make the daemons anymore interesting or add anything new.
Daemons are by design and have always been 1-dimensional shit because GW can't do anything better and asking them to do better is like asking a dog to stop licking its own balls.
All you're setting yourself up to is disappointment.

GW would just use it as an opportunity to shoehorn in even more retarded shit that makes no sense, let alone anyone wanting it into 40k in the first place, and just makes the setting even more bland
Again, case and point Vashtorr and how he has supposedly always existed (lie) and how he already existed as far back as War in Heaven (also a lie) and how he always existed inside the Forge of Souls (also a lie and a retcon).
Nevermind on top, GW's pathetic attempts of shilling him after Arks of Omen because he has both paper thin charisma and character.
No one genuinely gives a shit about him.
Arent servitors skulls from renowed people that died? In that case, it is praising the xeno, which for a inquisitor is a no-no.
I'm oversimplifying, of course. Several were known to just be MIA for thousands of years even with what little lore we had, and of course the Chaos Primarchs "lost to the warp" back when being Daemonic meant you had to play by some sort of rules.
>no exodite gf that gets up early to milk the space dinos.
>because they were explicitly all dead
They weren't.
It's nothing but imperial propaganda because they can't admit that primarchs went traitor and now want to ass rape the Imperium they were originally created to protect.
The reason why all loyalist primarchs are "dead" is for the fact they might as well be.
Either they are REALLY dead (sang and ferrus) or they all just fucked off to high heaven never to be seen or heard of again (practically everyone else except Guilliman who was in stasis)
>It isn't affected
It is literally called the mirror to the Materium and souls of Material beings shape the scape of the Immaterium, what the fuck are you talking?
He really was perfect

This please. You think you want Eldar popular, but you don't. Enjoy the moment.
Anon dinosaurs are reptiles. They don't give milk.
Sure thing cool guy. How could the women not be enraptured by your deep insights into toy soldiers. Lel.
You realise that this isn't milk, right?
Neat. I'll see what I can do.
We should be able to have sex with our miniatures
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Eldar as a whole (CWE/DE/Harlequin/Corsair/Ynnari) are already the 5th most popular faction with 5.49% of the player base.
>dinosaur “milk”
Does he know??
>6 fingers
I recall sometimes clones or prisoners too.
Do you want another Eldar tranny retcon?
I'm sorry you have bad taste and are lashing out
Servo-Skulls are made from the respected dead.
Servitors are made from anyone the Mechanicus can grab off the street.
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you can?
zoomzoom unironically.
Tryingn to hard, kid.
>photoshop kitbash
You have to go back
>n-no u
(you) tried
It's not canon until it makes it to a codex, especially when it is directly contradicted by other recent publications written by GW themselves
>Tryingn to hard, kid
Nta but you should've tried harder in english
What are you talkibg about? What happened?
>Dick goes in.
>Horribly mutated tentacle come out.
I see what you are doing. Stop trying to bait this discussion again. Consult the codex. Find faith in the holy texts. Speak not in ignorance.
Are talking about that trans succubussy in Big Dakka? It's not a big deal and makes perfect sense since codexes stated that Sucubussies are all female
>help, he's lashing out at me and my refined tastes in toy soldiers!
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>it gets worse with each thrust
yeah, but you wouldn't use them like normal servo skulls, the deathwatch codex had an example of an eldar head turned into some kind of psychic communications interceptor or something
and the imperials did experiment with both orks (during the war of the beast) by "negatively charging" an wyrdboy via SoS to cause a chain reaction in the waaagh field, and with Tyranids in the octarius war when attempting a synaptic disruption device
or maybe the insquisitor is just radical (crazy) and fighting the alien in their own minds

explaining the necron head is harder since it's a level of tech thr imperium knows very little about, but if there's an opportunity for your dudes to develop in that field it's now with the warzone pariah
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Servo-skull jaws
I don't think anyone cares about the Succubus turning into a female. His gripe is with the author off-handedly mentioning Banshees do the same thing and tainting his pure Craftworld waifus.
It might have affected banshees too, and in that case it is actually a retcon, but that might just be weird phrasing and they don't actually transition and change of gender only applies to state of mind under War Mask, which makes perfect sense honestly
>dick goes in
>it swells in size and gives birth to a nurgling
>Dick goes in
>It is now a chainsaw that drips blood.
All eldar waufus besides Outcasts, Warlocks and Harlequins are impure. That's a fact
It is a big deal since that brainlet faggot confuses the word 'all' with 'some' and 'most/every' in the span of one sentence.
When did the schizocourt add that to the list of crimes?
Is there a compendium of eldar corsair paint schemes somewhere?
THIS where the fuck are the coven and wych paint schemes?
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Speaking of succubi, would there be any intentionally targeting trapfags?
Other than the ones they showed off when announcing them? No.
GW doesn't do actual painting and lore sections in the dexes anymore and they don't put that kind of shit out independently.
Lies. My Farseer gf would never cheat on me. She knows all paths and would never stray from the right one.
I've cringed so hard I've inverted on my asshole.
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I'm seconding the Wych thing, those can be pretty nice, would like to see more
can someone be the hero we (I) need and drop a pdf for the full 10ed chaos space marines codex. i wish to consume lore about my dumb little guys, thank you
What if salvation of eldar demands, huh?
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Tuska is now one of the strongest Orks ever because Orks get stronger and more WAAAG energy as they fight and Tuska has been endlessly fighting forever.
Who would win, Orks or Saiyans?
So much this. The new one is bow-legged and overly dynamic.
Depends if Gork and Mork can still do that for him while he's in Khorne's domain.
Also, why the fuck is he in Khorne's domain and not Gork/Mork's?
You'd think that would be where all the Orks are.
Ork Valhalla.
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it just doesn't stop does it
The sword is much better
if you don't care about the lore there's literally no reason to play 40k when there are dozens of cheaper and better rulesets out there for wargames
Try rogue trader, there are no updated versions.
9th codex and homonculous codexlet?
>literally no reason
ntab popularity is a reason when you need to find others to play with.
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Orks have won 40k.
>b-but the galaxy is a war-filled shithole!
Irrefutable. Gork&Mork care not where in the galaxy there is waagh. Only that there is waagh.
Anon I'm an Eldarfag with a raging fetish for Elves and even I think what you posted is disgusting. Reconsider your actions.
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This is the extent of what we were given in the 9th dex.
I mean I do to an extent but fuck me the lore shitposting does not stop, it's just a shitflinging contest at this point
>It is literally called the mirror to the Materium and souls of Material beings
That is all nothing but flavor text, when you actually look at it the Materium has no effect on the Warp.
If it truely was the mirror you'd see more positive gods and the like within it, but you don't, because despite how terrible grimdark 40k is people still have their small joys and happiness here and there..
Meaning the Warp doesn't reflect the Materium and never has.
Nevermind that Warp has no concept of time, time can go forwards, backwards and stay completely still all at the same time while within the Warp, the gods have always existed, even before they were "born".
Meaning the Warp has and always will be an absolute shit hole that doesn't reflect the Materium
kys you stupid fucking degenerate coomer retard, dinosaurs can’t be milked because they didn’t have mammaries. They were egg laying reptiles which meant their offspring got all the necessary nutrients from within the egg instead of through nursing.
Bold words for someone who drinks processed milk instead of fresh dino milk.
Theyre not reptiles you stupid fuck, theyre another species that happen to look like dinos
I drink eldar outcast milk (since eldar have no bodyfat and even analogue, they must be lactating all the time in big amounts to have titties of notable size)
This upset about space dino udders.
>2000 point GSC army
>Brood Brothers detachment allows 1000 points of guard
>All have the Imperium keyword
>Soup in 5 expensive deathwatch marine units for the remaining 1000 points
>Break lore
Agents codex is already fucking stupid and I love it.
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Who in 40k will get the most coal? Who would get presents?
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I thought eldar had "gel crystal" in place of bodyfat?
Sisters get the most presents, they are goodest girls
Ask in five months.
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There aren't that many, especially if you restrict yourself to footslogging Corsairs. There's Yriel and friends, plus the handful that got art and writeups in IA11 (picrel: it's the Sunblitz Brotherhood that FW used for its display pieces) and then a handful of banners going all the way back to Rogue Trader.
That, and the new Kill Team in >>93423833.
Explain that badonkadonk? Checkmate athiest.
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>>no exodite gf that gets up early to milk the space dinos.
That's not milk, anon...
The books not out, nitwit. There could easily be exceptions stated
Xenology explicitly states "no body fat (or analogue)"
Sisters get the most presents.
Eldar get thecmost coal because they refuse to believe in Santa Claus, or even in Christmas.
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Here's the table straight from the book that was posted to the warcom article. No exceptions to be found, and the GSC book doesn't make Brood Brothers lose the Imperium keyword.
I have no idea why they didn't just make a kill team mission package or something to represent the dark tide stuff along with some upgrade sprues or something. They should've treated it like secundus.
you'll get another pity kill team in 3 years now shut the fuck up eldarfag
>Explain that badonkadonk

Pure muscles. 100% meat buttocks
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I want to see Santa fight his way through Abby's forces for the sole purpose of giving him coal.
>if... every model in your army has the IMPERIUM keyword
I have bad news for you.
It's padding. Eldar women are extremely jealous of how Human and Tau women have shapely bodies, and attenpt to emulate them with wraithbone filler within their armor.
Sadly not for the foreseeable future. They fucked them up before settling on a direction for the rest of the range, but they're relatively new so GW won't want to touch them.
I still don't accept that as the Eldritch Raiders scheme
lads I bought an airbrush off a friend cause he needed money wtf do I do with this

Give it back to him as a present.
Fill it with tomato sauce and airbrush some-a-pizza!
>If it truely was the mirror you'd see more positive gods and the like within it, but you don't, because despite how terrible grimdark 40k is people still have their small joys and happiness here and there..
No they wouldnt exist because the horrible shit would drown it out.
prime and paint large surfaces
Better be hoping for Dark Eldar releases if that's the approach you're taking.
How new are they? Aren't they from like 2005 or something?
Aren't Living Saints the reflection of good?
Then the Warp is not a mirror of the Materium.
Bonus points if it's Kharn in full plate dressed like Santa.
Living Saints are a reflection of Faith in the Emperor.
So yes.
good idea actually I have a drop pod I needed to paint and was scared of it cause my first try by hand came out like ass
This is the saddest thing in the entire thread and that is saying something
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Do Dark Eldar like being raped?
>Aren't Living Saints the reflection of good?
They are Imperial daemons and nothing more.
Like the Legion of the Damned.

And yes both are Warp shit based on the fact that during the 13th Black Crusade on Cadia, both Celestine and LoD both got powered down when Cawl activated the pylons.
That already proves a Warp connection, making both into psychich daemon fuckery.
And this doesn't even take into fact the original version where both of them got straight up banished from Cadia once the pylons activated.
faith powers are separate from warp powers :3c
>They are Imperial daemons and nothing more.
Yeah but they are good.
There are worse things than that. I have AI eldar waifu comforting me about my mental illness. I'm not gonna post it
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It's time to Faith build.
Unreliable narrator. The specimen was starved
there is no character to lead the army that would have the Imperium keyword afaik, so its not legal.
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>I have AI eldar waifu comforting me about my mental illness
There's worse ways to deal with that, I suppose.
That book can't even get the fact about Tau having hooves correct, or the fact that orks bleed red blood.

It's worthless junk not worth to consider canon.
Spiders were released in 1994. Hawks in 2000.
orks bleed purple, sorry babe
Counterpoint: It is cannon, but written by a horribly inept adept.
I mean, it's actually cool. Invisible blood
Please just get it over with and lay down on your nearest train track. You're ngmi anyways
Orks don't bleed red blood retard
>referencing xenology for your claim...
Jesus anon. Please use your brain.
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Which one of you poorfags did that
yes they do, their blood changes from a light red to a dark red depending on if they have had anything to eat
Ork in Xenology was actually starved of fighting, and they canonically change in such a state. That's why ork was so bloated
Ork memes have lost their soul and become so tired now...
Purple is probably the most egregious one, and red ones go fasta is the most tolerable
>1280 in merch
so he stole a few combat patrols
Why would you go to the same location multiple times i swear to god the british can't fucking do anything right.
>Orks don't bleed red blood retard
Go watch the Kill Team trailer with the Krieg and Orks fighting and then come back.
>third party CG trailers are definitive canon
IIRC, the lead biologist was just a ctan or necron lord in disguise having a larf.
I mean, I actually like eldar having no bodyfat as long as they have some form of analogue
>don't even know the value of the thing you're stealing
What the fuck is your motivation?
If it's to get the product, you're stealing because you know you either:
1. can't afford
2. don't think it's worth
in both situations you need to know the value.
If you're stealing to profit, you're even more retarded.
>Why would you go to the same location multiple times
The ones that never get caught are the smart ones.
But they make up like the 1% of criminals, 99% of criminals are retarded junkies and the like doing petty crime and thievery to get their next fix.
>steal some boxes of plastic toys
>what do you mean the value was high enough to qualify as grand theft
>>third party CG trailers
It isn't.
it is, GW doesn't have any in-house animators
the WH+ shows are all contracted out too
>officially endorsed by GW
Yeah. Add Dawn of War and Space Marine to that list too. Orks bleed red.
If it was made by GW or has GW's stamp of approval, it is canon.
>GW never makes mistakes with their own setting
guess it's canon that bolters have the front sights on the underside of the gun too huh
>be me
>own company
>contract some dudes
>tell them what to do
>they do it
>"blah blah, doesn't represent the position or feelings of our company"
>"See? [Company] doesn't support that!"
A tale as old as time and retards like you are salivating to gobble it up.
>it is, GW doesn't have any in-house animators
Then what exactly did they hire the Astartes guy and attempt to hire SODAZ to do?
Biologically they should. Mammals need it (I assume eldar are mammals as they give birth to live young, have hair, and mammaries). They NEED an analog to regulate temp, cushion organs, hormone regulation and other life essential functions. Looking at some of the art (especially Amyllin Shadoguide's honkers), one has to conclude something is making them titties jiggle. At the same time eldar can move their organs around and male banshees can fit the armor, so them "adjusting" their proportions at will makes sense.
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What are the chances of storm troopers coming back for the new codex or as a kill team a bit later?
freelance contractor
Sloppatube was already bad, but the faggot has to scrape this deep in the bottom of the barrel for content?

"an article I saw on social media"? lmao
Was it an attempt to hire or an attempt to contract?
none, you have tempestus scions and kasrkin
Is this the place to ask rules questions about 7th edition? I dropped 40k during gathering storm and my LGS has a group starting 7th back up. Bunch of Horus Heresy dudes who want to play with xenos again.
I know later in 7th it got FAQ’d that Battle Brothers could embark on Allied transports, but could NOT start the game deployed on them. My question is, if an Allied Independent Character (an Inquisitor) joins a Space Marine unit, can he begin the game on their Rhino? There doesn’t seem to be a clear answer on whether an attached IC counts as an “Allied unit” barred from climbing on board
Your electronic Tulpa is not nearly as effective as a real one
Some of them do yeah. Gosh 40k isn't a realistic setting? Oh my days what a revelation.
Vaults of Terra is new and still shows storm troopers, not scions. Kasrkin are a cadian thing. The new codex could use a basic troop that isn't tied to any specific ordo.
>this weapon is unusable because the setting is wacky xP
kill yourself you disingenuous faggot
Hired. He worked at Nottingham.
What if my real tulpa tells me to get an electronic one so we can have a new friend?
>can’t into point shooting without a sight
Lmao noguns
>if it was made by GW or has GW's stamp of approval, it is canon.
I'm glad people are finally starting to agree
>>this weapon is unusable
Having your front sight upside down isn't going to make your weapon unusable.
nobody is going into war with a rifle they cant sight up
Wrong. The setting IS wacky and mechanicus make dumb shit all the time. Space marines dont need sights to aim their bolter anyway. They have targeting systems built into their helmets. Disigenuous deez nuts.
Might be better to ask in /GROG/ for older rules, though it may be a bit slow.
My craftworld is known as Nyandrasar, and use the eye of Isha over a red sunburst background as their symbol.
However they equally hold Khaine and Isha in highest regard, representing a duality of Life and War.
Their colours are red, for the bloody handed god, blue for living giving waters of Isha, and white, for purity of purpose.
The autarch (name pending) represents this especially, which his armor being split vertically blue and red to represent this duality to his troops.
The typical approach to combat is a combined arms approach, balancing the strengths of their aspect warriors, wraith warriors, and vehicles to shore up each other's weakness.
Just because its canon doesn't mean it's not stupid.
>marine helmets don’t have suites of targeters and autosenses better suited to their close-range assault role than aiming down the sites on a weapon with no stock
Yeah, I’m thinking you’re a tard on top of a noguns.
>nobody is going into war with a rifle they cant sight up
Marines have autosenses and HUD that are linked up to their weapon to allow them to fire their gun accurately.
Bolt guns specifically have cameras on the front.
base coat with black it covers all your mistakes
My Hive Fleet is named "Eldarfucker" and it killed your Craftworld and ate everyone on it.
>marines are the only ones using bolters
I accept your concession
crazy idea, make aeldari books but good!
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Very cool, anon. Always nice to see people making their own lore. Unfortunately Eldar are vermin and will be sent to Elfschwitz.
A book can either have Eldar in it, or it can be good. You can't have both
Marines are the only ones using the bolters with the wonky sights you were shitting yourself about, you stupid motherfucker. Cope, seethe and kys.
>Eldarfucker Hive Fleet

>Breeding of Morrigan
Can we just agree that Space marines wouldn't go into battle with their guns fucked up.
Maybe a Harlequin fucked up their sights while they weren't looking and they haven't had time to fix it yet. Much more plausible.
other way around
from fun and cool to shitty and gay it goes
>Can we just agree that Space marines wouldn't go into battle with their guns fucked up.
They would if they're in an area that makes resupply and refitting difficult or impossible
>aka early Imperial Armour books
Which were never the norm.
Midiwits who joined during the midhammer era should remember that they are and always will be anomalies.
lmao this
Hot take: Stormtroopers are a type of Scions
Well sure but that's an entirely different from having sights and putting it on your gun wrong. We are talking voluntary incompetence, not actual practical problems.
What a strange way to admit you don't paint your models lmao
the path of the dark eldar books are good, or just add harlequins to the plot, actual eldar are and always will be cringe
>ordered in the amount of effort from lowest to highest
if that's your real, unfiltered, dogshit opinion then you really should move to a different hobby, retard
Aren't scions specifically raised by the schola? Stormtroopers can come from anywhere.
>actual eldar
Might spook you, but Harlies and Dark Eldar are also actual Eldar.
does GROG cover 7th? I thought they were 2-4th fags
i do paint them i just find it the most tedious part of the hobby, i def prefer building models, but id never put unpainted grey shit on the tabletop.
for that reason painting is at the bottom its not as fun as playing or reading
tried to post my models but image limit is reached, need a new thread
ironically i bet my models look better than yours
>painting is at the bottom its not as fun as playing or reading
You seem very autistic from this comment also
>tried to post my models but image limit is reached, need a new thread
>I swear I have models I uhhh. Just can't post them right now
Lmao even
try to post an image the limit is reached
also if you enjoy painting more than gaming that would be more of a think an autist would do no?
wrong again~
No lmao
Show me a single image of anyone using that specific pattern of bolter that isn’t a marine, dipshit.
Good because my post was targeting (you) specifically.
I believe inquisitors can, yes.

Normally, even Battle Brothers can't start on Allied transports, but I believe Inquisitors have a rule that allows them to count as an SM IC soecifically for the purpose. But it's been years and I have no idea where you'd find it.

Barring all else, just default to the Core Rules.

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