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Evil Space Elves Edition

>Codex: Imperial Agents Incoming

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
What initially got you into warhammer 40k?
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Bring Storm Troopers back. Then Imperial Agents will be complete.
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Do dark eldar like/approve being raped?
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Let's see those models pussy lmao
Raping for me, but not for thee
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>What initially got you into warhammer 40k?
My trans gf, she told me i had to leave my cis gf or start an army and i chose the lesser of two evils
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Hahahahaha is this a real fucking helmet holy fuck that's retarded lmao
Off to a bang-up start I see.
dawn of war 1 trailers and the warhammer online trailer with the warrior priest fighting chaos warriors in the woods
I didn't understand they were different settings until I could afford dawn of war years later
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from fun and cool to shitty and gay it goes
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Are checkerboard motifs only for harlequins? Would they be out of place on my drukhari?
Most un-based.
>it's the DE discord tranny
Nothing is "only" for since this is a game of "your dudes."
But certainly it might raise some questions and you might want to think about that ahead of time. Pretty reasonable other factions and eldar might think they are lapring as harlequins.
Clean yo camera nigga
Your models are some of the worst posted on 40kg, where do you get off pretending your shit doesn't stink lmaoo
Yes, it's real. I really like it
post yours :)
Scions are literally the stormtrooper corps from 2nd edition with a slight lore revamp, expansion and image change. Instead of one massive 10,000 man stormtrooper regiment, it's a bunch of small regiments and they have the copyrightum names. Their lore is entirely the same otherwise.
The 'federal' stormtrooper spook is the Tempestus Scion, while the homegrown stormtrooper is the Fagrkin, Krieg Engineer, etc.
They use hot-shot weapons just like the hot-shor power packs, etc.
when everyone at the LGS fields grey tide you'd be surprised how much praise thease boats get
Man people seem to be shtting on tenth edition alot.
Post models you stinky disgusting aidsridden bitch

Disgusting ass ugly ass nigga, dont you ever reply to my minis again unless you post your own
Blind ass mark ass bitch
i want the bases to always match the terrain
Scions aren't in the new codex and don't look like storm troopers.
>Their lore is entirely the same otherwise.
They were also moved under the Administratum, rather than Munitorum.
You see the sky is green because it's a green tide and the sky is kind of like water. It's poetry.
lets see your models then
Maybe your dudes think Harlequins are really cool and mimic them like overly enthusiatic fans
>no basing
>1cm wide "highlights"
>sails are straight basecoats
>black flight stands
>Lore + artwork worse than painting or playing
Do secondaries really....
Absolutely abysmal taste
>follow a tutorial online
>it requires 18 citadel paints
>immediately have buyers remorse after painting my first mini
I was hoping someone would do this last thread and you delivered, anon.
I know you're new and excited to use buzzwords but you aren't a secondary if you own models and play the game, tourist
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I saw the Battle for Maccrage box as a child and never turned back
nahs its kitbashing, paintin, the company you get to interact with when gayming are the only good aspects of the wargame. The actual game itself, the lore, and stories for 40k are utter dogshit when you try to look at the full picture.
you cant expect to judge people withought posting your own models
also this army was my first time ever painting somthing
How do most deldar feel about harlequins?
look up paint conversions instead of buying overpriced paints in inferior pots next time
Oddly enough, which models actually ARE the worst posted here? Not like the silly meme stuff but the ones genuinely posted.
>this army was my first time ever painting somthing
We can tell lmaoo
hate them because they found a way to be cool dudes and not get damned eternally that didn't involve being sodomites
>building and painting inquisitors cause I think they look cool
>new codex announced with new coteaz sculpt
>it looks terrible.
>try to get the resin model online
>its sold out
Post yours

>no basing
Im poor
>1cm wide "highlights"
My smallest brush is a size 1
>sails are straight basecoat
Washes dont work on flat surfaces
>black flight stands
I bet you complain when base rims arent black
>lore + artwork worse than painting or player
>18 Citadel paints
Rookie numbers.
But all you technically need are R/B/Y/W/B.
>worst posted here
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I have some that im currently painting to take alongside my drukhari, gonna do veiled path masque
This couldn't be more out of wack, but you're entitled to your poor taste. Also base your models you animal
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>Scions aren't in the new codex
Take them as a Guard detachment.
>don't look like storm troopers
Neither do >>93424569
How do you make cool grey and the browns
they look fine but your camerawork is dogshit
wow rude, are you like this in real life dude?
also i still don't see any models little secondary
Just look for 3d prints, inquisitors have some really nice models going around
>imagine larping that you're black
Por que
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First spacemarines almost done, rate my cunts
The battleshock ship is so worth it
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Where's this new guard codex?
I haven't seen anything lately. Nor have I seen a unit list for the Imp. Agents book. If they aren't included, they'll be soupable easily enough with the provided rules.
Eh, hyperbole. Doesn't change the minging
Yep, those are Space Marines.
Im a white urban
Born and raised in southside blud
You'd have to play an IG army with Agents allies which means you get to bring an inquisitor and not much else. Those are the storm troopers from the original 3ed inquisiton codexes.
>cool grey
black/white to tone
blue to hue
black/white to tone
red and yellow to hue
Did you guys not pay attention in art class?
White could use some sort of wash but they're pretty neat for first dudes, good shit anon
not terrible especially for a first attempt
the white was definitely overthinned but that's better than clumpy and thick, something to work on as you get a feel for paint thinning
otherwise it's pretty smooth and you kept your colors within the lines for the most part, good stuff anon keep at it
Unironically the salamander one
>imagine larping that you're black
Like this?
Older brother's friend's dad had some minis, gave them a couple Ork minis to paint and I was invited to build orky terrain with them (Ork watchtower out of popsicle sticks). This must've been like 2002, I was just a kid. DoW1 not too much later further cementing the hype. Never had my own models until I was 18 but got to play along the way with borrowed models
Scions are in the IG codex and the article makes no mention of being able to use IG units like you can do with SoB and GK so you can't bring them natively.
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Sally anon is based and comfy pilled try again
Hey man, light skinned black gay guys have it rough, okay?
Yeah im still working on getting the pate thinning right.
Do you guys have any tips for getting a smooth finish when painting base colours like armour with brush? If I see where the brush strokes where when its dried does it mean I should use thinner layers or different brush?
Not really into 10th, looking into playing probably 3rd edition, but I have limited space. What would be a good points cost to learn the game and that could fit on a 3x3 table?
The saurus shields look like boobs
Mine. I must do better.
Yeh here it is. Can’t believe an entire thread went by before someone helped anon out. Shameful.
Shit taste lmao
buy retributor for the aquila I can tell your cheap ass used the balthazar in the starter paint kit. your whites are applied too thin on the left mini, use a thin coat of wash like nuln oil on the cruxes to make them look better after fixing the white. put a wash on the purity seals so they look less flat. As a bonus use the thunderhawk blue to do highlights on the armor if you feel up for it.

for a first attempt these aren’t bad, be proud of your work and dont be afraid of doing more.
Samefag less.
>discount lictors
>best sculpts
These are trash.
>If I see where the brush strokes where when its dried does it mean I should use thinner layers or different brush
No that's okay, it just means you need to do another layer. Brushstrokes show up when the undercoat shows through the top layer of paint. You just need to hit it again with another coat of the same consistency and it should disappear. Painting white over a dark blue like that will always show brushstrokes easier so just take your time and do as many thin coats as you need to get a solid coverage
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It's a mix of respect and wariness. Eldar generally respect those clowns and love their performances
Balthazar looks more tealistic
brush slow and evenly, thin paints, good rule of thumb is test a stroke on your hand, the paint should show skin texture clearly without showing too much skin color through it
wait for paint to fully dry before putting down another coat or you risk lifting and clumping it, when acrylic paint is properly thinned with water it'll dry pretty quickly when spread over a model, 5-7 minutes even in a cool damp room is usually enough
and for whites not to shill paint but look into pro acryl's bold titanium white, it's pretty thin out of the bottle with good coverage and very smooth compared to most other white paints out there
>The saurus shields look like boobs
What are you gay or something. Boobs are great
Drop a light blue wash into the crevices on the white
>I didn’t make the meme
>you are wrong
shake the everloving fuck out of the white paint before using and just test stroke on the pallette or your hand before use. citadel white is dogshit so be prepared for suffering.
>eldar vehicles
good bait
>test a stroke on your hand, the paint should show skin texture clearly without showing too much skin color through it
I'm Black.
>blue scribes
>multiple tyranids
This has to be taking the piss
my bad I forgot blacks had smooth skin like dolphins
Oof you got me. Thanks for the (you) kind stranger.
Paint it on your white friend
Use your palms then retard
Hey if its for style then go for it.
bleach some of your arm for this then
Paint your palm
just so you know i used Balthazar gold on thease dudes >>93424614 it comes out a very copper color
You can highlight in retributor if you like balthazar
As of right now it looks too flat
maybe its the lighting but your right one, which I’m guessing is more recent, looks like near perfect basecoat work. good job
>wait for paint to fully dry before putting down another coat or you risk lifting and clumping it
This is the most important thing anon. Most of the time when people say the thing your paints meme its actually cause of this.
np, but yea def check out some brighter golds like >>93424939
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Sound like I should use them more then.
>Captain Turtleman
>Thread Question:
>What initially got you into warhammer 40k?

My older brother allowed (and few times forced, it varied) me to watch him play Dawn of War
>Eh, hyperbole.
6e codex says they're a sub-faction of the Administratum while 5e IG codex places them under Munitorum. Did the author of that image forget that Departmento Munitorum exists?
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Yeah, and >>93424585 are your stormtroopers from 6e onward.
Nekopara but 40k OwO
>My older brother allowed (and few times forced, it varied)
Total war warhammer 3
I didn't realize this was a universal experience
>2am elementary school night
>"I'm tired I wanna go to bed"
>"Go rinse your face with water, this next part looks really cool"
is the battleshock tied to a specific gun or is it an ability?
I'm glad you're coming to terms with your abuse but we don't need to hear about you washing your brothers cum off your face
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Ive been called bad before, but then he didnt post models so Im better than that fag
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Ability, the voidweaver can battleshock any unit by hitting it with any gun
The smoke looks cool and its a clean basecoat and wash. The pose is very space wolves too. Its pretty memorable dont know why he said it was bad
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I don't think I'm that good, but I also don't think I'm the worst.. hopefully not anyway.
Orange and teal slopmarines are the worst by far
Sounds like free pain tokens, i guess the anti infantry gun is ideal on it then?
>What initially got you into warhammer 40k?
Dawn of War is the sole reason I ever got into tabletop
TWW and Vermintide got me interested in WHFB
T. Porn addict only child
>Ab plating
That's a male
The prismatic cannon is great if you want to do both
Your paintjobs are far from bad but I gotta say your camera quality is definitely the worst. Rivaled by the dark eldar posted above and it's close.
T. Only child brainrot

Not everything is like game of thrones bro
word, ill def pick one of those up, funny all i need is that and a solitaire and ill have every harlequin model even though DE are my main faction heh
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I admit my Brutalis was a bit of a miss. But I enjoyed the OC it spawned.
my phone is 6 years old and was garbage when I got it.. someday I'll take the time to just buy an actual camera. I hate phones, if I could just have a landline I would.
I bought double the number of Jakhals I needed so I didn't have to use any stupid female bodies.
>That's a male
The lack of boob plate didn't tip you off?
>What initially got you into warhammer 40k?
I couldn't find anyone to play Mordheim with
based af
Don’t worry bud, I’m sure you’ll never use a female body.
Her head is too big for the helmet
Eldar women are naturally flat. The true deciding factor is the stomach.
The lack of dick plate didn't either.
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my friend got 3rd edition starter set for his birthday
rest of our friends with their little brothers followed years later with dawn of war 1
It's bigger on the inside.
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>naturally flat
I reject this modernity and embrace tradition.
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>Eldar women are naturally flat.
>Black sclera, yellow irises
Ask a white friend for help.
All fake padding. Eldar women are unfeminine and androgynous by Human standards.
You dont like high octane sexos? Fucking fag
Use a wet palette then.
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Sorry Mike Brooks I'm not gay
All this time I had looked at her cute tummy, but she's actually got a cool sword.
Or him. You never know with these Banshee people
Same! I just rather play them in d eldar than eldar
This picture perplexes me.
The guy with the ugly EC and arbites
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Same. Wtf why did Lelith kill Kagome from Inuyasha??
Y nut
are you me mayhaps because i saw kagome at first clance too
Man you sure showed us
Yrliet in Rogue Trader is also specifically described as being unsightly and borderline foul to look upon.
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Any primaris painted in anything but ultramarines
>All fake padding.
If eldar women had no breasts, they would not have a need to sculpt it onto their armor at all.
The reason why SoB have boob armor is specifically because they have boobs.
I'm glad I am finally getting representation in warhammer
Eldar can be androgynous without having small boobs
>If eldar women had no breasts, they would not have a need to sculpt it onto their armor at all
They are a lewd race, their every though a coomer's thought
They birthed Slaanesh, you know?
Anon I don’t know if you’ve ever seen body armour on a woman but unless they have truly enormous gazongas it tends to make them look flat. If tits are sculpted into the armour it’s for effect, not Cus it’s necessary.
That's not xenos. That's just hapas with weird ears.
i wish eldar were more lanky and weird, they act way too human too often
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Ask a white friend for help
Test your chaos black for coverage on his face
Tell him to go outside to test how long it dries

Also give him an eldari sign that says Ihateniggeryusani
Those are great looking anon. Can you tell me what colors you used to get that green?
>lanky and weird
If GW wants to learn I can show them how it's done.
I don't recall seeing this melanated urbanite vernacular until recently, are you new here?
Got a pic of these?
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my niggas
But I, for one, like both
>nobody mentioned me
Hell yea
I am not new no.
But worry not, for i am whiter than you.
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Orange and tealfag
Is this the rogue trader game? Can I play as Eldar?
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she is kinda icky
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Where the FUCK is jagathai?
this is a female dark eldar. Thoughts on her? She has a good sense of humor.
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let's switch it around now, which models that were posted here were actually THE BEST ones
the black legion guy who's term captain got LAMP'd
Nah, governor on Janus just describes her as gaunt, unfeminine (which us subjective) and tall. No one call her foul for her looks. And there is even dyke in RT crew who wanted to bang Yrliet, but Yrliet overreacted by killing her
Not me lmaoooo
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Not mine
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no you play as a rouge trader, you can recruit a eldar and a drukhari tho
Well, you can have 2 playable eldar companions. Does that count?

There should be more xenos in Rogue Trader anyway. I mean, look at what one Inquisitor almost got away with. I bet Rogue Trader can be half as xenoloving and get away with it
No, but you can befriend Eldar
It's not rape if they can't say no.
They can't say no if they have no tongue.
They can't have a tongue if they have a surgically attached suck-worm implanted.
Ergo, can't be rape.
>Yrliet in Rogue Trader is also specifically described as being unsightly and borderline foul
Imperials are xenophobic, they'd never acknowledge that eldar look attractive even if they feel attraction towards them (they do, all humans find eldar attractive)
At the time the person in question doesn't know she's an Eldar, and figures she's just some local strain of odd mutant.
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Which green?
>DG green spray
>heavy overbrush of pro acryl olive flesh
>wash with GW athonian camoshade
>highlight in a couple places with pro acryl faded green and GW nurgling green
>DG green spray
>place a dollop of pro acryl yellow green in the middle of a flat area and feather it out not hitting details or edges
>wash with camoshade here
>use a very old wispy brush to very lightly drybrush pro acryl faded green to detailed areas/edges
overall I'll only ever use a combination of those, plus agrax and AK streaking grime occasionally
Thou dost proclaim thyself more anglo than I, yet thy speech echoes the dark vernacular, forsaking our shared anglo tongue. By what measure then, dost thou claim such superiority? Nay, 'tis I who cling to our common threads, while thou hast strayed from the path of civilization.
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PSA: eldar can detect changes in human mood by smell

>combat ensues
>"Haha! How do you like that, pathetic mon-keigh?"
>"Eldar art of combat is..."
>sniff sniff
>Rouge trader
Is this like a pigment merchant? I guess it makes sense since most factions put really high value on painting their armor
Might have to second the black legion dude. Love his possessed
Tis for the reason that I, a dweller of the Dark City known in the Common tongue as Toronto, have come to live among the dark ones in a manner unbeknownst to them. and so in uttering black-speech i show that i indeed am fighting the fight in the deadliest of trenches on behalf of the Anglo-Nordic world
Yeah but they are for effect to emphasize something the already have.
Like cod pieces on guys.
the ones I got from google and pretended were mine
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Rogue Trader is a good rpg. Would recommend.
Sallymandias. He lacks technical ability but he clearly loves his dudes and puts his whole heart into it.
yea like a deep burgundy trader sorta
nobody asked, troon
Based wrong poster
I think my models are the best ones here. I am better than all of you.
He got me banned for a month for asking vax status
I was just curious
>And there is even dyke in RT crew who wanted to bang Yrliet, but Yrliet overreacted by killing her
>Execute a LGBT faggot
Why eldar are such based?
Fair. Are you using the green I recommended by the way?
I have never seen a non-white play 40k
they aren't and nobody's falling for it
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How do you know he’s the one who got you banned for asking an off topic question?
He was talking about covid related complications to his health and i just asked a followup question
On the Harlequins? Im using Warpstone glow and moot green along with Vulkan Green for darker areas
There's a black guy at my LGS that plays AoS.
You got what you deserved for asking stupid questions. He’s clearly an onion chugger. He’s probably gotten his boosters too.
You seem to have me mixed up with someone else. I’m a smoker and don’t talk about my health on 4chan of all places.
Theres an asian guy at my LGS that has like 5000 points of Ultramarines hes pretty cool
Fella at my LGS played for a while but he's lost interest and just paints now
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Why are there so few Necron books? I don't think they've made a 'bad' Necron book yet. Why don't they make more
There’s several Indian guys, Asian dudes. And precisely two black guys I’ve seen playing 40K in my area. But is vastly more often to be a skinny fat white guy.
What armies?
This. They shouldn't look so human that it'd make sense shagging them.
This isn't Mass Effect
Tau and Iron hands for the black guys, whatever is WAAC at the moment for the browns. Asian guys have weirdly well painted sisters and knights respectively.
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Many thanks anon!
The asian dudes at my shop play sisters too
Are they just pedos????
Naw, it’s the anime/ K-pop idol army.
>Are they just pedos????
No, they want a large muscular woman to pick them up and carry them off into the sunset (and to bed)
How does being a Sisters enjoyer connect to pedos in your mind?
I'm literally black
I know some Italian that plays. It's pretty big in Spain, too.
i have seen maybe 6 non-whites during my whole 40 year life if you dont count gypsies
t. finland
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Yes. But that's on them for being asian
I think he played lizardmen while his buddy played the sky dwarves.
Italians are white, or at least assimilated into whiteness you fucking mongoloid.
They have an underaged hairstyle and theyre based on catholic school girls
>Italians and Spaniards aren't white
>Only Anglo-Saxons and Scandinavians are white. Not even Slavs
Based (you didn't actually say any of this, I just read whatever I wanted to assume)
oh so you're just a pedo and projecting
Why are these threads suddenly so fast
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GW put out 40k news after nonstop AoS "content" for the past month.
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>underaged hairstyle
A hairstyle cannot do these things to me, I swear...
>underaged hairstyle
Seek help.
People are acrually discussing models and fluff.
>Italians are white
Yeah whatever argentianian
Name one adult woman with that fuck ass bob
We have a black guy here that plays orks and paints them yknow, like him, makes the white liberals at the store really uncomfortable and is hilarious.
U saying you dont find right sexier?
News came out and it's no longer a drought of age of sigmarines bullshit
People love arguing about Internet personalities. You know who I mean.
Do they have fros? Hair picks? Zoggin weed baggies?
olivia wilde
nothing like that, they're just brown orks
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I usually find all the "for the emperor" and "the emperor protects" stuff cringe and played out, but the black templars somehow make it work. Somehow they're the coolest chapter of loyalist space marines.
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>Tfw no one gets worked up over revitiligo marines but brown orks are a step too far.
What is this guy's pose in the background meant to imply?
>40k news
>An army nobody really plays is getting a model that's a colossal downgrade
>Three new Black Library books of random crap
>An animated series about Imperial taxation
>And a new 'Guide' book of retcons and things people already know
Sexooooo. Bodysuit acted niave and playful sexooooo
Nigga I fucking work with people wearing that hairstyle.
>What are their names?
I may argue on a Filipino wood whittling forum, but I'm not that retarded.
Its the groomer pose
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>agrees with notion that Eldar should not be sexy but weird and creepy
>but you should also find them sexy
trans dont count
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Name one biological woman with that fuck ass bob
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Alright Anons,
If you could Modify your D6s that you use in Game to have any Faces you want without exceeding 21 Total, What would you do?
Personally, I go with 2x 6's, 1x 5, 1x 2, and 2x 1's
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creepy aliens are sexy
not every one here is a degenerate faggot like you
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This. Big time. With daft punk music.
I put 5s on 4 sides, 1 on one side and nothing on the 6th.
Math for my faction means I don't need to roll over 5 to beat the shit out of everyone. If I can do that 66% of the time I'm way ahead.
>WOAW these sisters of battle are HOT!
>the sisters of battle:
Orange and teal anon*
*If that fuckass ever actually finished models
based monsterfucker
why'd daft punk have to split up
it still hurts
Gents. Please. I can only get so erect.
alright im out of beer for this evening
good night /40kg/ see you tomorrow evening, stay classy
Will thr new Agents book allow me to take Battle Sisters and GK Terminators in the same list?
Should yeah
Yes. Do Matt Ward proud.
>Captcha: DAWWG
Every faggot who likes Black Templars says this.

It's okay to just admit you like that stuff
I mean at the very least SoB / Grey Knights armies can, but if you meant any Imperium army not unless you're playing at 3000pts+
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>drinking in 2024
Who fucking asked? No one cares about your alcohol habit, you worthless degenerate. Take a long walk off a short pier.
I don't. The imperial guard and the sisters of battle are my least favorite factions. The loyalist space marines barring the templars are only slightly better.
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Ork memes than maybe possibly LCB. Sucker for interspecies relationships in Sci-Fi
>Saving fart porn and calling my habit the degenerate one
Millions of people drink
>great art doesn't include the sock
Can somebody explain the difference to me between Retinue units and Agent units?
100% of people who drink will die.
>millions of people drink
And millions eat scat too, your point?
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>eldar women are naturally flashy
>crowd does thing therefor it's okay
They're all just as vile as you.
Yeah i bet james bond is vile
I bet arnold swatzenigger is vile
I bet donald j trump is vile

Get a clue, chads drink, virgins stink
Uh yeah, I do think 3 confirmed pedophiles are vile.
>james bond
fictional character
assisted california in becoming what it is today, a degenerate of the highest order
doesn't drink, on account of the loss of his alcoholic brother
Try again, drunken sod. You're a disgrace.
I don't enjoy playing either of my armies right now and am considering starting a third one.
Which one of these would be most based?
1. Thousand Sons
2. Chaos Space Marines
3. World Eaters
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>different settings for heretics, mutants, and aliens
Trump doesnt drink his brother died from being an achly which you are on your way to too. I hope they write deadbeat daydrinker on your tombstone i hope its shaped like an IPA
It's not a woman, its an Eldar. If the females of the race had no boobs, they wouldn't sculpt tits anyway. Plus, it's a skin-tight bodyglove they got on under flexible pshychoplastic.
make one for your friend so you get a new playing friend and at the same time something to do for a year
What are your armies?

How do i get a praxeles gf. Serious question. Im really fucking lonely bros
You're lonely because you don't like yourself. Having somebody sitting next to you won't make you less miserable than you are right now if you're still the same person.
>defending pedos
You are either a smart fella, or a fart smella.
I like myself
It should be creepy and weird how sexy you find them
Death Guard and Eldar
Death Guard is kinda just slow and boring and flops over vs good players unless I am matched against like orks or something where my army rule just counters them. Yawn.
Eldar is strong but I have a similar problem where my stuff just occasionally will flop over and die because I don't have the profiles to deal with what my enemy has. There are some really strong Ynnari builds but I really CBA painting Drukhari despite loving their lore.
Im pretty sure someone i can share smiles with will help with loneliness. Im lonely not unhappy and miserable
What's a good recess shade to use for yellow?
All tutorials are contrast sloppa now and it's mildly infuriating
I started death guard and hated the playstyle. I felt too predictable and the game is more about attrition than decision making

Eldar has the same problem as worldeaters. Worldeaters lack profiles for antivehicle. You literally just have angron and exalted
you're obviously looking for something that you don't already own so just use contrasts you hipster faggot
Orange red thinned down
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My eldar routinely have a hard time vs my bud's DG. He likes deepstriking the max number of deathshroud and termies while moving crawlers/haulers/drones up the board.

Everything in the Agents codex is retinue
you can attach a limited number to other Imperium armies
Some units are requisition. They're in another codex. You can also add them to an Imperium army. Examples given are battle sisters, grey knights terminators
DJT was friends with Epstein and Maxwell. Multiple photos of him kiss and fondling young children. Convicted Rapist. Atleast 2 extremely credible allegations of child rape. Went to Epstein island several times.

Stop defending pedos, its fucking gross.
Uh aren't you supposed to purge after?
I'm not an shit snacker myself but in some of the fetish circles I'm in people have talked about it.

Though there was that furry who allegedly developed an iron gut from chomping that colon chocolate.
What is your fetish coven truekin?
Does CBT count as torture to the Drukhari? Asking for a friend.
>not making drukhari act nice so they feel the anguish of soul degradation
bunch of posers
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Think I'll give Seraphim Sepia a try
It's actually a really hard match up for eldar because of indirect, especially because most of our antitank (d-cannons, bikes, voidweavers) has a scuffed 4+ save.
Just use your mobility though, Death Guard is slow and you just keep chipping at them, exploiting mistakes and overcommitments you can go for a secret mission and the end of the game. Death Guard really has issues with some of the Pariah secondaries/missions and there are some maps where it's almost impossible to take a no mans land objective as DG since they don't have infiltrators with OC.
I don't know what kind of list you're running but death guard also has total trash antitank. If you run like 2 fire prisms or a bunch of war walkers that becomes a huge issue since they have no way of reaching them and you just brick all of their scuffed short range vehicles.
I get the speed aspect, but man 6 termie squads touching down and charging with a reroll means 3-4 of them connect turn two regardless of speed. Whatever squad my fsrseer is in does indeed get obliterated by indirect. I'll try more tanks tho. Thanks for thrle info.
those last 3 steps are pointless its already yellow
NTA but just space your units out so he can't deepstrike.
Bright lances and fire dragons (especially support by a falcon and maybe feugan) should make quick work of his shitter elite skew list. Also since you're faster and he's just trying to table you, use your flying and speedy units to get into his deployment and score your secondary points.
A block of wraithguard will fuck up terminators too, they deal so much damage he can't possibly make all those FNP saves.
Use rangers or scorpions as sacrifices if you need to slow the advance of the crawlers and stuff, though the drones can just fly over them.
Wht does 40k take 3 fucking hours for 4 turns? I feel like i barely made any decisions
More like which

Also real ones know that the kino femdom gf isn't drukhari or slaaneshi (though I suppose a cultist/demon could probably make your holdups go away), but probably either an inquisitor or sororitas gf, depending on how much of that nun rp can stomach.

>Verification not required
I had shit get in my eye while working on my car, so I had to go to urgent care, and it turns out my temperature sensor is the problem and you have to take off some shit underneath the engine to access

Basically I no longer have money for models
They can only arrive on turn two at the earliest even with rapid ingress. You can have guardians in the back with a warlock screening, and have him use restrain so deepstrikers need to roll 11 to make a charge
I hate working on cars bro
So much crap is made out of plastic and they engineered it in a way where you have to tear out your engine to change a spark plug its insane
I wonder how mechanics dont have a higher suicide rate
6 termie squads is like 1000 points of deep strike, just literally move all your shit up the table, now he can have fun getting a 9'' charge to a squad of rangers and a squad of striking scorpions while the rest of the board is screened out.
Also, PBCs are indeed scary but it should take them a few turns to chew through the guardians covering the farseer. You can always just fate dice one of them t1 and now it's like oh, your 540 points of indirect killed like 7 guardians.
>why don’t mechanics have a higher suicide rate
Well, for one, they get paid by the hour.

Also I have a fucking hole in my exhaust and it’s tanking my gas mileage because it’s affecting the oxygen sensor. I’ve tried to do the water+soap thing but I can’t find it. Also my landlord is complaining about the noise when I pull away in the morning but I can’t stop it.
Does your car sound like its revving like crazy when you drive? I thought my transmission was fucked but it was an o2 sensor. Ford transit connect

Never buy a ford bros
Because either you, or your opponent, or both, don't know how to play and takes too long figuring out what you want to do instead of already knowing what you want or need to do and just doing it.
Bro they hadn't done anything in like a decade. The circle was completed, that's it
It does rev like crazy, and the error code says oxygen sensor so yeah that’s probably connected. Mine’s GM tho. All of these legacy manufacturers have no incentive to actually improve their quality outside of truck platforms, they know most SUVs and sedans get sold after 5 years anyways and it’s someone else’s problems. It sucks being poor.

I just wish that I didn’t pick an expensive army. I know it’s not guard or sisters, but holy fucking shit one hammerhead is $75 and 1 ghostkeel is $90
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Oi nice 5head lmao.
This only proves the superiority of hime and bob cuts
we were supposed to get two new versions of RAM and alive 2017 and they never got to it
Same i play drukhari and i have to cut back all my spending for a while because of this stupid O2 sensor problem. I had to change two of them because you cant really tell which one is busted until you drive and it shows up randomly

Cars are really god damn gay
We got a new version of Robot Rock. Did you like it?
Yeah me neither.
There's only one Alive 2017. There shall be only one Alive 2017. So it is.
we got alive 97 and 07, they broke their commitment for 17
simple as
Oh my fucking god yeah the guy at O reilleys says yeah it’s a two stage system so you don’t know which one is fucked lmao

God I wish I had a fucking Honda. Nothing ever goes wrong with a Honda.
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Did anything cool happen in the past 6 months. Seems like a blur.
>All of these legacy manufacturers have no incentive to actually improve their quality outside of truck platforms
Ive seen sharp decline in trucks too because they dont have to compete with superior foreign motors

TOW dwarfs dropped
YEP god i was furious
Sirs this is a warhammer thread, not tech support
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why do the japs make superior cars lads? I miss them so much.....
where the fuck is my future release schedule!
Well, yeah I was suspecting that but I didn’t want to claim it without evidence. Glad to know I’m not crazy
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Made another forest base. Once I have like 3-4 rocky pieces of various sizes, my DoW stuff and the old 2E display fortress done I think my table will be finished.
Google plaza accords

Also China is gonna be the next Japan when EVs take off. Tesla is lagging and the legacy manufacturers are putting all their old problems into new shit
>Google plaza accords
Its just some political shit
>China is gonna be the next Japan
literally fucking never. maybe in terms of raw output but chink quality will NEVER match jap quality
man I don't play tabletop but I'd really like to give it a go on your table
Plaza accords was some fucked up shit. Imagine being told to tank your economy just because
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Let me guess you need more?
>paid by the hour
And the hours they charge are maybe half of what it actually takes to do the job. Aside from brakes and some suspension shit mechanics make dogshit for what they have to do. Replace your own brakes and do your own oil changes but when it comes to other stuff have a licensed guy look at it if at all possible.

If you’re a dealer tech it’s even worse. 2 hours to replace a high pressure fuel pump that you have to disassemble half an engine to do. Shit like that is why I can totally understand the Admech deciding to just take over when they got the chance.

Though in their case the engineers are religious maniacs as well as assholes and run everything, as opposed to corporate nepo stooges.

Btw if you can’t find the leak have a friend plug the exhaust with their hand and a rag then feel around for air flow. That’ll tell you where the leak is.
Looking good! How do you make the bases for the terrain?
It already has. They won european design and taste awards
A couple of things brought me into the hobby at the same time: TTS and Arch Warhammer.
I certainly hope that's bait
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Should I send this over to a tattoo artist?
Yes also those gems are gonna hurt to put in
It doesn’t matter. Look how fucking cheap they are. 60% of the price of American cars. They also have better battery techology now.

Not to get too political but it was literally American imperialism, twisting their arm by exploiting security guarantees

To be technical, it wasn’t all America’s fault tho, the collapse was predicated by Japan running their economy irresponsibly hot
did your kid draw that?
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Yeah man that's sick
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Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely work on bubble wrapping while moving my units up the board turn 1.
>wow this chinamen prototype is amazing what wonderful quality and craftsmanship!
Yeah, totally, the country that is the country known for cheating, lying, cutting corners, and shit quality all around is definitely going to make that production scalable with the exact same quality. Yep. Can't wait.
Dude, BYD has better battery technology than Tesla. Look it up.
>chink quality will NEVER match jap quality
Does it need to, when Tesla trucks are full of bugs and snitch on you, Social Credit style?
Others are already buying Chinese cars, and they're not buying Teslas
No but the big gem I couldve tried harder on
is it because of colour of just the size?
I am happy to hear that opinion, also that gif was hotter than expected
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You chose the nerd craftworld. You exist to get bullied by jocks.
show your PROXIES off!
are you retarded or just pretending? I dont get it.
>aspect warriors have better statlines than warlocks despite warlocks being graduated aspect warriors
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paint thease gems blue its bugging me
you should give them an idea of the tone and texture of wraithbone
Oh my god, I was using as an example. Tesla has good battery tech. They managed to remove cobalt from you their battery cells. Now it’s only lithium and has less ethical concerns. For BYD to have battery technology that’s better than Tesla is indicative of higher quality in that department. Once BYD opens up an American factory and submits to NHTSA testing, they’ll genuinely threaten legacy manufacturing
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I used to use cardboard but I've started using thin wooden board, masonite I think? Its a bit sturdier but still easy to work with. Then I paint it green and cover it in flock.
>They managed to remove cobalt from you their battery cells
Many quality! Buy FOUYSHUING HEAVY ELECTRIC car immediate!
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PEAK how do we go back? What is the name for this 90s artstyle with huge quads and bursting tight musculature, lots of comics and wargames had it
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I thought predicting the future wouod cool. Didn't account for GW writting every single prediction in the fluff being wrong forever..
K, but I'm at work. Limited pics
I will... eventually...
They have better armor.
Uh yeah, sounds good bro. I think I'll skip the exploding chinesium cars and just wait for a toyota pickup, thanks.
that artstyle is fatphobic anon, be better
Eldar models are full of these things and most of them aren't gems or even painted a different color.
only on the invuln
these arent too bad. Its nice to actually see artelism painted in proper colours and angles
Yeah, you’re better off picking up a Euro then. Japanese are slow to adopt the EV trend.
i wouldn't be bothered if he hadent painted the gems on the other guns
the dire avenger is so good. Holding the gun like a sword. He looks like a noble knight.
I meant the aspects had better armor. Invul is from warlock shenanigans
Rest of the stats seem about the same
>Yeah, totally, the country that is the country known for cheating, lying, cutting corners, and shit quality all around is definitely going to make that production scalable with the exact same quality. Yep. Can't wait.
Rent free, next time go buy an american car and report back
Nobody in the place the West cares about EV other than Tesla's
>japanese EVs
Good luck with that one
Toyota had a shitton of safety recalls
Bellybutton plate UOOOOH
World of Warcraft style
Just buy a ford lightning bro
Why are we talking about chinese electric cars? Aren't they those meme cars that spontaneously burst into flame or explode?
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>Yeah, totally, the country that is the country known for cheating, lying, cutting corners, and shit quality all around is definitely going to make that production scalable with the exact same quality. Yep. Can't wait.
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In this case, he's right. I'm trying to paint all the bumps as gems in my minis. But I tend to jump around alotm8kdw
O yes our cars are rearry rearry safe
whats with the psyop itt? ya niggas are trying to get people to drive literal death machines
>lol let’s make their faces too fat for their helmets
Can’t believe gav got to design these model.
Joint venture with mercedes in europe so i doubt theyre gonna risk their reputation on exploding meme cars
im off to bed because I cant hold my autism in when thread talks about eldar
explain the electrocutions then dipshit >>93426905
china doesnt give a FUCK about their reputation, they are literally committing genocide and you think they're going to give a shit if a few amerisharts or yuropoors explode? no fucking way
Haven't touched anything warhammer in a few years but I liked reading black library stuff, what was the general consensus of the end of the siege of terra?

Any good books release in the last ~3 years? I really enjoyed all the Eisenhorn/Ravenor stuff, ADB's black legion, the first few gaunts ghosts, and Infinite & The Divine
Great wall is literally the Yugos of EV cars, of course its shit
You get what you paid for
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>enjoyed ADB's black legion
I own a BYD atto and havent been electrocuted
what does this mean anon, is it shit?
I know a native American who plays Necrons. I also follow a lot of Japanese people who play 40k on twitter - it's surprisingly popular over there apparently.
I’m fucking sorry for bringing up cars, I just wanted to explain why I wasn’t painting models rn…
Why isnt he playing raven guard? Is he a self hatier?
>I also follow a lot of Japanese people who play 40k on twitter
I see a lot of them painting, not any of them playing
yeah but you deserve to be
i have to do it on my harlequins and somewhat on drukhari so i know what its like, but honestly its really satisfying
Incredibly so. If you want something similar try the Fabius Bile series by Josh Reynolds.
I’ve never seen a native guy into 40K. A fair number of part native dudes but not from the reservation but I guess it makes more sense out west.
I live in Southern California. Literally everyone I play with is either Mexican, Asian, Black or otherwise non-white. The only white person I've ever seen play Warhammer at my LGS is the one friend I bring.
Im so sorry
>Why isn’t he playing Raven guard?
Because his entire culture got cucked by white people, he doesn’t want to see his army get cucked by some old white guy and a bunch of LARPing knights
California sounds like a shitty place to be.
what faction would a native american play?
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Don’t worry anon. I unironically enjoy the Souldrinkers books.
>Aren't they those meme cars that spontaneously burst into flame or explode?
Idk, I thought it was about the old Explodes! result on the Vehicle Damage Chart
I think I read the first Bile and didn't really like it much, but fair enough. Granted I read Black Legion before really starting to read actual SFF so it's possible I'll go back to it someday and realize it's shit
The tau beaky dudes
they're genuinely nicer than the all whitoid places I've been
There's a /v/ thread full of people claiming /tg/ is dead and 40k is now dead and pozzed
didn't come here lately but how untrue is this from 1 to 10 i don't trust /v/ anymore
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wdym? This is an old one
I dunno. People are people. I got into my dudes cus I worked in industrial stuff and enjoy medieval dramas too much. Depends on the guy’s lives experience. On the stereotype side, CWE or Necrons make sense. Tau might be a stretch.
I mean let's be real MAYBE 5% of black library is actually good literature, you don't read 40k if you're looking for high art, it's just dumb fun testosterone dumps
>/V/ said
Go back
Its true, the threads have really gone down hill the last year or so.
If they were in the game, Exodite Eldar
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If you're in California that's not a big surprise.
Huh? You're in the wrong thread this is /evg/, electric vehicles general
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oops wrong pic
>/v/ said it
Yeah, okay, how about you tell me? GW is still as profitable as ever, even with the price increases, and comp is waaaaay better than in 9th, so yeah, I’d say it’s in a good place. Believe it or not, but woman custodes didn’t completely annihilate western civilization
I've been to quite a few places outside of California, as it turns out.
You’re a good dude.
Same, every white shop i went to was full of "that guy" WAAC eldar and ctan necron players
The fuck is going on with the pauldrons?
What's ravenguard have to do with it? I thought dark angels had to OG navajo warrior style
I know a jew who plays Tau
To be fair it seems like everything has a solid chance of exploding in china, it's like they use tannerite as a component in every piece of industrial/farming equipment
I expected votann
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>gems on drukhari
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What is the universal army? The one that any kind of person could conceivably make sense for them to play.
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damn that's literally me
Not every tribe is into ravens jackass.
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They demand to be taken seriously.
Wow he's literally me. Also the answer is space marines.
And they won’t be. Because they’ll job if any proper force with named characters even looks at them.
Does anyone have that image of the 8th edition Imperial Fists SM codex supplement with the chapter-specific heraldry? I’m an autist trying to figure out the proper way to paint my shoulder trim
>Karate kid jacket
And elfcucks like these? lmao
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those books weren't even good, I don't understand the fan wank

>my back hurts
Fuck man it sure does.
Also oc marine chapter #5000000
They're not gems per say but little metallic bumps, biy you paint em the same
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I lead.
Simple as.
He likes votann, but sticks to his subversive space tapirs.
You dont like the 80s? Then fucj YOU
You drank lead paint more like
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>every deldar character is written like this
How am i suppose to relate to these characters? The fuck
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Because to deldar life is a comedy
Actually that's more a Harlequin thing.
They still make the best of it.
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Would this look good for my EC kitbashed defiler?
Do you think commoragh just permenantly smells like old cum?
This will always look like an autarch wearing a turtle shell to me and I love it.


Posts like these are why GW doesn't want to make 40k models, let alone eldar.
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Heres the Firstborn models
It's probably one of the least offensive odors there
Reptoid phrenology
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Armies for this look? Hardmode no fantasy
>those lips
do it
Custodes circa 1990
Wow money really does fix everything
Why didnt gw keep them shirtless bro
guys I just figured out how to make 10th ed a better game
Are the fabius bile books actually good?
how so?
instead of rolling dice, you play rock paper scissors.
too much variance
how about a coin flip?
arm wrestles would be better
we should throw dice at the opponents models and whoever has the most models unbroken at the end wins
read the first one and wasn't fond of it
They're ok. I liked his little chaos apothecary club. The MC of the first one, Oleander, is pretty funny. He likes eating brains, smoking meth and being a smartass.
>smoking meth
Um... based??

>when fabius tells him to kick the habit and oleander just says okay boomer
makes me feel a little better not seeing mine get brought up
I think I also have to go with the BL guy; his models had a lot more detail he needed to paint on them and the made them look brilliant
Dude could probably compete for a GD if he wanted to
>Tacoma open won by blatant cheater

Very cool game they have here
too lazy to save his slop for you
>why wouldn't a Native American want to lead the whitest Marines there are?
not everyone's as into cuckoldry as you are, anon
>sun wheel
Damn GW was based back then
Why you gotta be weird, man?
Give the skinny
Anon, I'm pretty sure most of us don't really follow the competitive circuit. You're gonna need to give us a QRD or some shit.
Korea too it seems. No idea how they would play given how space is such a premium over there
NTA - Ork player that won going 8-0. Was yellow carded twice and the head judge wanted to fully DQ him from the event but was "overruled"

There's a whole long list, put Ghaz in a Battlewagon with an 'Ard Case for the first 6 games, claimed Warbosses + Snikrot were T6, measured distances wrong, directly read out a secondary objective from the card wrong to his opponent while on stream to his benefit..

He also had a massive meltdown on reddit then immediately stopped posting when someone posted the video of him cheating
God I fucking hate it when tourney players cheat. The only group I hate more than Guard fanboys
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took a break from my GUO to work on this kitbash a bit. early yet but at least everything is blocked in.

he also has a past history of cheating as well, he's a known scumbag and the TOs have gotta be his friends or some shit.
Wait - why wasnt he booted?
Probably because someone GW thought it would be more embarrassing to have to remove a top table player from an event? I can't think of any other reasons, he blatantly did it.
finished painting my GK army.

ghostly projections of knights from battles fought long ago
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I like it, good gimmick anon
Got a new contender: >>93427946
>finished painting my GK army
No you didn't.
>ghostly projections of knights from battles fought long ago

You mean like these?
Is there any way to run Marneus Calgar without the honor guard in 10th? I don’t want him to take up so many points cause it’s a 1k list
They're all the same datasheet, so no
Is he even worth running in a 2k game? It’s not exactly a monster unit for 1/10 of your points…
He's been taken to GT level events and done well. With BGV you can get a 4++ RR1s on the unit and still roll AP0 shit on the Victrix. Really hard to chew through and the melee on that blob with advance/fallback+charge is great.
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Dude, stop shitting up the thread. This is one of the worst primer jobs I’ve ever seen, including mine. And I’m too scared to post models on here.
not parade ready
>finished painting my GK army
You should post a pic of them because these certainly aren't finished
What's your biggest pet peeve when seeing models posted on here?

Mine is seeing unloreful colors on special legion armies like blue deathguard or pink space wolves.
Nobody even remembers anymore, do they?
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Fuck parade ready, this isnt even battle ready.
Words fail me, anon. This is lazyness incarnate. Disgraceful display.
Nice base coat. Now finish painting them.
>>93427946 is so bad it makes >>93424614 look like a golden demon award winner

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