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Cute Crossover Edition

>Codex: Imperial Agents Incoming

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Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
What's your favourite thing about 40k that isn't fluff related?
being able to customize your models however you want
>What's your favourite thing about 40k that isn't fluff related?
Nothing. The setting is all 40k is good for.
having a conduit to be with the bros. I dont give a fuck about the setting, and the game is dogshit. I'd say the models are decent, but honestly they are way to overpriced.
Not if I have anything to say about it.
modeling, one day ill be a good enough painter to have them look as cool as they should
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Leaving them as greytide would have been better.
post your models
can you please edge highlight them with steel, please?
They're probably not even his
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Why do the space marines kidnap kids to turn into astartes? Why not ask their parents?
Infinity is getting a movie (albeit one that looks like a hodgepodge of Dune/Halo/Arcane)

So is that 40k Amazon series in developmental hell?
Or am I just being impatient? (probably the latter since the project has AFAIK only been underway for around 1-2 years)
they don't, you're thinking of halo again
It varies from planet to planet but usually it's a great honor to have your child become an astartes. Most chapters have some sort of trial or competition that the aspirants choose to be a part of.
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>helltaker 40k Crossover OP image
Might as well post the rest.
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Why do the Drukhari kidnap Adepta Sororitas to turn into chairs? Why not steal their chairs?
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But you didn't customize shit? You didn't even paint them.
still waiting on you to post your models
God, Rogue trader is absolute shit.
Chaos marines get shredded by an un-augmented human running up to him with a non-powered primitive sword and tearing him apart like an anus on slannesh prayer night.

Everything about lore is utterly fucked in this game.
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looks bad
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LuL wut.
Post Armies to wash this out of your eyes.
noice necrons anon
what made you decide on blue and purple over the usual GREEN?
Why not spend that time actually painting your minis instead?
I like the green on the vehicles. You should base your dudes to tie the whole thing together. I'm not sure what would look best though....
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Thanks dude.
I liked the idea of purple with some gold trim, but didn't think green would fit with it. So I painted the tubes white then blue.
where is my release schedule information you FUCKS
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That looks good anon, I hope someday that my models will look that good

colour scheme is rad
Feels good to look at.
anon, just fucking thin your paints. its not that hard.
40k show dying a slow death in the backstages is the best outcome. There is no way in hell amazon doesn't totally screw it up. We're all better off not having them touch shit.
I'm just giga new to the hobby, lad, only just today I primed my first dudes
>nta but
>its not that hard
What is hard is making sure that when thinning your paints you don't accidentally turn them into glazes. I'm still trying to figure this out on my DIY wet palette.
Why do people even want a 40k show? Why does everything need a show or a movie, other than to make money?
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Blessed picture.
Ignore the haters. They would tell DaVinci to thin his paints.
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Paying almost half of what models would cost by buying 30k plastic models
no more that 1 drop of water for every 2 drops of paint is basically my ratio
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Anyways, posted last thread. GW has a major problem with actual cheaters winning/getting far as fuck in expensive tournaments. The Tacoma one is pretty heinous, would be pissed if I paid to attend only to lose to a guy that’s cheating his ass off, he gets caught, and they don’t even DQ the guy.
...there are adapters for rounds?
I just know they are going to fuck it up. I hope I'm wrong, but comeonnow...
Theoretically, a properly done high budget 40k movie would have been amazing. Look at Astartes and imagine a full feature film at that level of quality.
Is there a mega for the audio dramas? Needing something to listen at my boring job
I'll keep this in mind. Thanks anon!
Seems like every GT has something like this happening. Competitive 40K seems to be utter dogshit but it’s what’s draws so many to play oddly enough.
It really doesn't, it just gets talked about when it does
Is that skari?
Ignore anyone who tries to give you hard rules. All paint brands are slightly different. Even within the same brand different paint lines (think citadel layer/base/metallic paints) require slightly different amounts of water to thin properly.
You get the hang of the correct paint consistency through practice. By seeing what paint behavior on the palet and the brush results in what kind of coverage. Watch this video. It gives a reasonable explanation of what you should be shooting for.
can someone spoonfeed or give a link to this Tacoma bullshit?
Can I get a QRD?
Nice. My buddy has a nice IW army but I don't have the photos on this device.
>diy wet palette
is probably making it harder for you, frankly. I went thru quite a few diy versions before I just said fuck it and bought a legit one. It was always either:
A) use paper towels, which don't really distribute the water evenly, or wick the way you'd want thru the parchment paper
B) use a cellulose pad intended for cleaning, which seem to always have some sort of textured surface, which prevents the parchment paper from making good contact and thus not wicking correctly
I got a stawet at michaels for like 20 bucks, use it with parchment paper (the stuff it comes with is intended more for heavier/thicker paint, we need thinner for mini paints), and it's so much more consistent than anything I was able to diy. Either way, try it like this:
>swish brush in water
>lick for tip + perfect saturation
>sweep up/poke paint blob to collect some paint (just on the outside of the brush)
>roll paint off of brush onto thinning area adjacent to main blob
>stir paint around to acquire water from the palette/work paint into the belly of the brush
>wick off excess on paper towel/hand/palette whatever you prefer
>test on hand, paint, and repeat
Generally, poking a brush about 1/4-/1/3 of the way into the blob gathers the amount of paint I'm looking for.
So true xister we could have good models like THIS
A high budget 40k movie or show wouldn’t be made by fans, it’d be made by MBAs and their pet showrunners with contempt for the fans who want to fill the show with DEI and only care about money
I feel like Amazon would be pissy if the protagonists aren't wholesome chungus 9000.

Which is kind of hard to do when I doubt we'd get anything centered non-Imperium characters
Hence, "theoretically" and "properly done" qualifiers. I am well aware of the state of things in the real world.
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Got some time to paint today, it's a little messy but I hope it becomes less obvious as I paint more details
They're in development for Stargate as well, I heard.
I think people like the idea more than the practical reality. Movies are just a medium for storytelling. The setting has potential for the background of a story, but how you're going to condense that into a 90 minute format is beyond me.

A better idea is just a good sci-fi/horror/action movie that can stand on it's own and merely has 40k elements in the background.
>90 minute action scene
I doubt it could be done. Closest film I've seen to that recently, that was good, was 'Soldier' which was about a brainwashed soldier set in the Blade Runner universe. Kurt Russel speaks only a few dozen words during the entire film. A good example of 'show don't tell.' Doesn't require knowledge of Blade Runner to enjoy the film.
>A better idea is just a good sci-fi/horror/action movie that can stand on it's own and merely has 40k elements in the background.
Soo Event Horizon?
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Working post what models you're on
>Set in blade runner universe
Wtf I never realized this, and I love both of those films
Where's my Death Guard codex GW???
Can somebody post an Norn Emissary size comparison? Somebody that actually owns the model?
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the uncut version, which doesn't exist any more thanks to executive meddling

you need someone with fuck you money, a cargo plane full of the good cocaine and a passion for excellence
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blogpost inc
>2020, pandemic hits, classes go remote, job lays me off
>flgs is struggling, puts an indomitus box up for $150
>decide now's the time to pull the trigger and buy it
>like necrons, build and paint those, figure i'll sell the marines or give them to a friend to have someone to play with
>flgs survives the pandemic
>want to support them
>cheapest way to get more necrons is the starter sets
>buy some starter sets, figure i'll sell or gift all the marines
>try to get friends into 40k over the years with my marines but they don't want the hobby, don't want marines, agree to buy but back out
>get gf
>gf likes the hobby part, gifts me a few cron models
>eventually decides to try it
>pitch space marines
>she wants tyranids ofc
>10e launches
>buy a leviathan box
>she loves it, has so much fun building her bugs, begs me for more
>buy some starter boxes and a few other minis
>mfw i have over 2k points of space marines
what the fuck do i do with all these space marines. is dark angels cool?
Wait what was in the uncut version? Actual "warp" demons?
much more fucked up imagery to the point that test audiences were having issues after watching it
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Updating the paintjobs on old stormtroopers, 5 models to go
I despise the look of the models that wear coats like a cape
Wear it properly or not at all. /mydude/ is not a fucking coat rack.
Ultramarines are cool, keep em around as a starter army your friends can use to play or learn the game
Painting is a very rewarding and calming feeling.
Oop found some still shots thanks to Reddit. This is a blueboard so I'll play it safe and just drop the link instead of chancing it even if I obscure the nips


That shit is pretty grody, especially if you just threw it onto moviegoers coming into theaters thinking "Oh, its just going to be Sci-Fi horror"

Definitely get Drukhari vibes
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Shit take. Coat cape is a kino aesthetic.
I am always impressed by shots of this army
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Very cool nids.

This is sprayed black now. Hoping to start it properly tomorrow.
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Books about space marines always start cool then about 60 percent of the way through it just all becomes gay as hell.
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You say post armies but then post army, singular. Curious.
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Thanks, it's been a lifelong project.
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kind of an army pic I guess, far from everything for /myguys/ tho
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Hell yeah dude.
Very nice, while I'm not a big fan of the vehicles, I do like the infantry.
Nice plasma bro. I took like orange, I just wish I did the over glow like you have.
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I need to get one with better lighting some time.
These aren't even that bad
Testing a post. 4chan is telling my PC that my IP is range banned. Anyone run into this issue? Just started .

Also, I am rebasing boys
Brospect, great looking army and maybe the first ad mech I've seen on grass.
Daym boy he thick
Cool. That war dog...orwhatevertheyarecalled...looks like a menace.
Woah, it only blocks if I try to post an image
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Ya man, id like to see your whole legion. I'd have to post from another device to show my full salamander battle force.
Good. Tourney-Fags deserve to suffer.
>nooo!! I cannot abide a bad product releasing under the same ip as things I like
Never understood this logic. Who cares if a bad product gets made? If there’s even a small chance Cavill makes something worth watching I’ll gladly roll the dice.
These are all popping up

I feel like as long as Cavill gets the creative reins it'll be fine. Sure his vision of a 40k show may differ from other people's, but its at least the vision of a fan rather than some hack producer who sees a product and decides to run with it.
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Trying to make this more visually interesting
I still want to know what happened.
Bad products bomb and reduce the probability of a good product being made afterwards, as the brand is tarnished.
Look at the GoT and the way last season of that show has murdered a social phenomenon level of popularity and an entire industry of merch.
You don't want bad shows in your IP.
It comes from military history. Officers often wore their coats like that.
I can't post with images. How strange. I even went to the trouble of grabbing a pass
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I hope it's so irredeemably shit that all normies lose interest in 40k entirely
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Based and accelerationismpilled. I agree.
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>paying for 4chan
>normie friend getting into 40k
>decides to read BL books
>he doesn't think they're pozzed trash shit for retards
>is excited for the mythos and future 40k releases
how do I even begin to tell him how wrong he is?
I took a table pic once a while ago. I’ll do it again sometime soon.
He'll learn. Or he's stupid.
a bad product that gets made got the funding and time that a good product could have had. it's zero sum.
knights with those gigantic seams at the hips will always annoy me
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Updated my army shot since I've painted a lot since my last one. My Waaagh! grows stronger every day.
So he read something, called it trash, then was excited for more?
it looks stupid
did these historical officers wear their coats over carapace armor?
I blew it up if that's any consultation.
lrn2read, nigger
Seek help.
Always great to see them.
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I'd love to play against your army
go back to /v/
And they don't stop coming.
And they don't stop coming.
And they don't stop coming.
I think my favorite model is the rhino with the homies poking out the top :)
Do a tesselation pattern of darker and lighter red within the band.
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I looked it up.
>known cheater
>banned in canada (this is actually a good thing)
>has lied to his opponent about rules while reading from a rulebook, on stream
>gets to tacoma
>plays orks
>repeatedly lies about what toughness orcs are
>not every opponent has paid for the app in order to check the stats
>gets carded twice
>head judge wants to ban him
>head judge overruled by GW, dude given win

I spoonfed myself, like a big boy
And I yours. Your reports always seem like fun games.
I wish I hadn't painted it blood axes, honestly. Feels wrong to play deffskullz and my best looted work isn't a deffskullz model.
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The usual. I'm definitely long overdue for a new shot. I was thinking I'd wait until my big tank is painted to do one but I've got some other projects to do first so I don't expect that to be finished until closer to the end of the year.
but v thinks 40k is good because rogue trader was great and space marine 2 soon
>v thinks any game or setting is good
nice try, now go back to where you belong
I hope everything becomes pozzed and you kill yourself subhuman.
Color me jealous as always of your conversions. I kneel.
I love that beastboss on squigasaur to the right.
Sounds like a real winner....of sucking dick. Thanks anon. I make homies show me rules when they sound to strong.
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Damn that knight is fucking dirty. Is his whole army painted that way?
Soooo siiiick. Thunda Crunchaz is a cool name too. Brospect.
That Knight has been fighting for a looong time.
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Looks sick, finally something kinda unique for knights, at least I've never seen it before.
Moss, leafy vines and martian desert, huh?
>planets can only have 1 biome
You're in the wrong sci-fi setting, /swg/ is over there bro
I can't imagine spending thousands on an army and then just painting a contrast sloppa job in the worst possible colors like this
He's been marching for days and hasn't had time to clean his knight while passing through transitional environments from deciduous forest to iron laden desert
Do I buy a battleforce box or this? One will satiate my carnal needs and the other is a statue of a furry woman
You could just jerk off to the picture if you're not going to hotglue it.
>I am, of course, talking about the battleforce
It had the “mysterious guardian” enhancement so it just bounced around the table. Presumably it’s a ghost knight that teleports from battlefield to battlefield. Never able to repair, and always covered in debris.
name one thing cooler than the black Templars. Oh wait that's right you can't
Pssh yeah I can
black templars on motorbikes with bad to the bone riff as they crank their hogs and kill heretics
White Templars
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Evil Horus be like:
>I agree with the emperors plans and see no reason why I shouldn’t trust him.
I like the sound of this guy, he's got a good vibe
They cost the same?
>look up baneblade tank
>900 dollarydoos
how can this even be possible
Oh anon, those coomer statues can get WAY more expensive than a battleforce
One costs less actually.
It's easy to guess which one.
Does anyone actually enjoy the addition of the league of votann? Honestly, I don't think they added anything to the game of value.

Their units are literally just baby space marines without any notable difference besides having 1 wound instead of 2, their lore is boring as crap, and they don't add anything to the setting because its blindingly obvious they'd get a few million crusades declared against them for all the HERESY they're up to, necessitating them existing in almost a paralell "They exist but nobody actually aknowledges they exist" manner.

Its literally the pinkie and the brain "And larry!" episode except as a faction.
I assumed SOME would but more likely the big diorama sort of ones not the single basic-ish figures
But being nega-horus, the Emperor would hate him as much as he loved actual horus.
My only thoughts on them was that upon seeing them for the first time they were even smaller than I expected and Sagitaurs are cute
I like them. Their lore is interesting to me, with the only problem being the lack of it. Their models are cool.
Their rules are quite boring at the moment though. they'll be collecting dust until their codex for me.
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Chocolate lookin ass votann. Makin' me go scrumdidlyumpyious know what I'm sayin? League of Wonkatann type gear. Oompa loompa doopity doo I've got a grudge to settle with you.
dont know, ive never seen a votann army before
That's a hell na from me
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They remind me of the mid 2000s Lego Mars Mission sets :)
They're fine. Just give em time - they came out like a year ago, no shit they're not gonna have any lore made yet.
>Does anyone actually enjoy the addition of the league of votann? Honestly, I don't think they added anything to the game of value.

I love them. They are a "fantasy in space faction" but
are as well and they are welcome additions. What they need is some good old fashioned dwarfen tradition mixed in to really flesh themselves out which unfortunately can only be done so much in a scifi.

Im going to play the "Grog doesn't like new faction" card on this one. You pulled the same shit for tau.
I'm new to warhammer, so is it just a galaxy?
NTA but T'au at this point have been in the game longer than they weren't in the game
Indeed they aren't my best work. I'll have to make some changes to the style when I revisit them.
>clear base
With a parallel hell dimension and some extragalactic aliens.
Their lore is cool, but that's about it.
They're dogshit and anybody that likes them should be publically castrated and whipped with barbed wire while their loved ones are raped in front of them.

Fuck you all and burn in hell.
Aren't there pocket dimensions and stuff?
if getting eldar pussy is wrong call the inquisition because I've committed some serious HERESY
the pocket dimensions are full of elves and robots that want to wear meat
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Yes, you can go into funky space tears to go to alternate dimensions
this guy watches northernlion
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Just finnished my first Starweaver
NTA but theres a lot of shit, there's this page I look at from time to time that catalogs that type of thing and its long as fuck
Looks good anon
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naw you misunderstood, I think it's funny and you should double down on the chocolate theme. Have your leaders in purple and magenta gear and the other forces in more browns and whites. Make the vehicles look fucking EDIBLE.
The thing is, Orks and Eldar are very interesting in what they bring to the setting in ways that fantasy versions of them don't: Hell, 40k's orks were so popular that they started backporting stuff to make fantasy orks more like 40k orks.

Eldar's Slannesh lore is one of the most impactful parts of the setting's lore, and they have an enormous footprint regardless of anything else-- their units could be dogshit, and they'd STILL be a great addition for story purposes alone.

League so far... eh, they're just not doing it. Their Human ties minimize their ability to actually innovate or improve the setting in a way that couldn't be accomplished in a way that a rogue group of tech priests couldn't.
And the Tau beat them to the punch of being a higher tech species without the magical ancient baggage of Eldar or Necrons. Hell, the "Warp dimmed souls" thing was ALREADY done by Tau for that matter.

It just seems like the league are grasping at stuff already claimed by other pre-existing groups without actually having much of their own.
I think you should shade in those panel lines on the front
Yes, although there's an elf-only subspace dimension and a hell plane you can go to that is itself connected to an unknown number of other realities.
Well, supposedly the Tyrannids are fleeing from ANOTHER galaxy with something even worse in it than literal AIDS demons and BDSM elves.
could you drop a link?
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sure its some genuine autism though

Fuck depp and fuck chalamet too, Wilder is the only mother fucker that can play wonka properly
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Yeah which is why he loved evil lorgar and made him the warmaster
(Also did the emperor hate angron or lorgar more?)
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y'all should read Chilli and The Chocolate factory. Amazing sequel.
Im a base and layer kinda guy
I dont think that big E hated angron, he just realized that he was going to be of extremely limited use, both in practical applicaiton and just straight limited by time until he became totally useless to E so he wasn't trying to waste time by being nice to angron
anon your camera has astigmatism
well then use a brush and a darker shade of green to color in the panel lines
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>Big angry guy called Angron who leads an army of angry guys called the World Eaters
>Turns evil
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>Version of the movie unfaithful to the books with a fucking asshole Wonka
>Version of the movie faithful to the books with an autistic tweaker Wonka but it's new so it's bad
Go fuck yourself. For real. Depp was a hilarious Wonka and you're just mad because you didn't get to try the Wonka Exceptionals when they were released.
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basing guys
NTA but there is a line where a world eaters legionnaire talks about how the world eaters were meant to burn down this world not live in the next that the sons of dorn and gulliman would be building
Rold Dahl was kiddie diddler I dont have any fucking respect for his works, so that doesn't fucking matter to me. Gene Wilder was THE wonka.
yeah thats pretty autistic, lots of sources though
Yes, there are tons of alternative dimensions outside of the Warp/Immaterium. The eldar webway, the realm mandrakes live in, the subspace necron flayed ones live in, the not-quite-warp in-between layer original Tau ftl drives used, etc.
Harlequins just do that sometimes
I'm going to say Lorgar because he actually did something to piss the emperor off. Angron really is a tragedy and everybody knew it especially the emperor.
hated angron more 100%
says no and instead of proving himself to him like every other primarch that refused he just teleports him onboard and makes him watch his adoptive family die without him
then when his techpriests tell him the nails are killing angron he just goes OH WELL and doesn't even bother looking into his own near omnipotent capabilities to see if there's any hope, he just takes their word for it
that's not their original purpose though
Big E didn't hate Angron, he did something much, much worse: he simply didn't CARE about Angron.

Lorgar pissed him off, but the fact that he actually took the time to try and crush the misconception out of his mind showed that he at least aknowledged that Lorgar had value. He never saw Angron as anything more than a throw away piece of garbage who'd inevitably die like a rabid dog. Angron didn't hold any emotional attachment or value to him: If he lived, he lived, if he died, oh well who wants chinese?
damn you're not just a cockrider you're the the fucking dicksuck general of the cock rider brigade. shut the fuck up. you don't know shit about good movies.
think about the legions he intentionally turned against him
He knew there was going to be a civil war, and so he picked the literal most dogshit legions and primarchs to turn against him, because he knew that there would be a 8.5-8.5 split between the legions.
WE were supposed to be relief forces, reinforcements able to integrate into a damaged structure perfectly and become a strong support to it due to the empathetic abilities of their primarch.
Unfortunately Erda had herself a woman moment and little angron landed on the lobotomy planet.
you're actually retarded
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I like ambots, I wish they were in the agents of the imperium book
if he actually knew there was going to be a civil war, he would have stopped it instead of, y'know, allowing a civil war to happen and him to get killed and attached to a torture device for a few thousand years.
The midget in the Depp one did all those dances individually, no CGI, just compositing. Got paid a million for it, too
Magnus fucking the webway up (which is 90% of the actual damage done during the heresy) wasn't planned
I forgor what the source material was, but Luetin09 talks about it in depth in his Emperor of Mankind series. Big E or Malcador at one point admits that the civil war was definitely intentional but it happened too soon/quickly and caught them off guard.
As he should have been. Dancing for hours in heavy makeup and costume, under hot as shit stage lights while having all the health issues that come with being a midget is hard fucking work. Dogshit movie, but the midget deserved every penny.
I have a slight astigmatism and this image fucked with my eyes so bad lol
Nulore ignore.
in the william king version or in visions there is a line where the emperor says it was worse than he expected, there is also a short story where malcador and the emperor play chess as the primarchs
What's the 0.5s? DAngels and Alpha Legion?
That slight blurriness is caused by the camera lens being dirty. Wipe your greasy fingerprints off it and it'll go away.
i imagine that's what its like to fight harlequins, you cant not hit them because they're fast, you cant hit them because they make you go fucking blind
Yeah I was accounting for Alpha Legion but I guess we can go full 9-9 with the inclusion of DAngels as well.
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The problem with that is that 40k is a universe where everyone is the villain, and its hard to make an audience care when everyone is an asshole.

Hence why 40k games tend to have their imperium characters be paragons of virtue and tolerance like Titus or Iconclast rogue traders, instead of a loyal and proper follower of the imperium who would murder people indiscriminately for suspicions of heresy.
arigato, lore master-sama
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The emperor is just pretending to have been taken by surprise by everything, when its all going according to plan:
He actually wanted to get murdered and put on life support, because now it means he gets fed thousands of souls everyday, growing ever more powerful psychically, until he can finally attain chaos god status as the 5th chaos God of order.
Its all just a long con meant to make him look incompetent and in trouble.
That's not true, especially in the modern canon the emperor did not expect magnus to do what he did nor did he actually have a recourse when magnus turned down his offer. By the end of the siege foresight doesn't even work anymore, the emperor quite literally couldn't see it coming
The only things that are canon are xenology and Siege of Vraks part 2
why part 2 of all things
your canon chart is not canon
It sounds funnier that way.
bro thought he could skip the painting step
this is what I believe as well
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>His whole plan is LITERALLY "I was just pretending to be retarded"
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what could "pretending to be retarded" achieve in the Emperor's grand plan? Sounds like cope for a bunch of corpse worshipping retards.
>inb4 chaosfag
they're also retards, true chads worship science and the big AI head that screams once every couple of weeks
now you know where Alpharius gets it from.
is this implying that Alpharius killed laura palmer?
>the big AI head that screams once every couple of weeks
Coop is Alpharius
>Hence why 40k games tend to have their imperium characters be paragons of virtue and tolerance like Titus or Iconclast rogue traders, instead of a loyal and proper follower of the imperium who would murder people indiscriminately for suspicions of heresy.

Which is why the iron hands are actually the model space marines.
>Lets protect humanity by transcending humanity and later disregarding humanity as cold calculating monsters.
>Oh it seems you are .00000000000000001% percent mutated. Welp time to die.
>Oh you're sleep and food deprived. Sounds like a flesh issue frfr.
>admech you should be an abomination to everything we stand for, but your tech is cool so we cool.
>Tu'Shan shut the fuck up Im chopping this little boy's arm off to replace it with a plasma canon. Nobody asked for your opinion.
unfathomably based
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everyone knows the model space marines are the small plastic ones
How many deathskulls bros are there in these threads?
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I wish the Horus heresy books actually gave us answers instead of just being 64 books which are 90% filler
[SPOILER] Evil Horus heresy be like: The main plot will be resolved in eight books with actual plots with satisfying conclusion that aren’t just gay Primarch wank and ADB molesting the setting. (This is the last time I will make this joke I swear)[/spoiler]
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Missing a bunch of my stuff but it's the most recent pic I've got of most of my guys
the books do give answers if you read them, the issue is the retards who summarize them ignore half the plot points and pretend stuff isn't said
>Press ▣ to CARLOS
I wish the iron hands got more love, I like space marines with bionics and augmentations. One of my favorite pieces of art is the one of all the grizzled blood angels first company veterans who have a bunch of bionics and scars.
Who cares about iron hands when iron warriors exist
>Autists vs racists
Scroll or Storm Shield?
I'm going to remove his shins, make the cape longer so it drags on the ground and use the stupid eagle as a hood ornament on a transport. I'll use the old model if I want to run Coteaz.

Depends on what the relative discount on the battleforce is.
iron warriors are gays with inferiority complexes and they attract coldsteel the hedgehog fags going ERM ACKSHUALLY THEY'RE SO STRONG THEY RESISTED CHAOS FOR MILLENNIA
Scroll. Shield doesn't look like a shield to anyone familiar with what a rhino door looks like
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does it count as an army if your slow ass only has 13 models finished so far :^)
I like them because they are a cool foil to the imperial fists. It just sucks that their primarch sat around in his chaos castle playing with moon sand for 10 millennia.
No anon. It's the other way around. Traitor's don't get lore priority especially if they happen to be whiny betamales.
Who's who?
That's what he's been up to?
Warriors are autistic, Hands are racist
I thought he died like a bitch
Peter Turbo is still alive and a daemon prince, I don't believe he's been mentioned in anything for a while though. Hope we get a model soon.
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He got more than mentioned in Breed of Iron. He played wargames with Honsou and seems to have finally chilled out. Maybe some of that basement dwelling he engaged in was self reflection on his past.
He's too busy brooding and doing the one thing no one let him do, build.
I honestly don't see why everyone hates these. Nice World Eaters as well
What is the meme name people list not white scars 3D prints as
I see space mongols a lot
Why the change in blue on the front three?
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>every other daemon primarch is living in a hell of their own making and a slave to their eternal misery
>perty just gets to play with legos and paint minis all day
Honestly that's hilarious.
Him becoming a daemon prince is dumb in and of itself given him and his faction's view toward's demons as something to be used, not aspired towards.
I think it's because I asked for input on the scheme when I was first dummying it and ended up sticking with it when a bunch of anons said not to
and thanks, wish I had more patience for trim lmao
Wasn't sure if I was feeling the black and teal packs, experimenting with blue for battleline, teal for close support and yellow for fire support, maybe with grey for veterans
friend suggested it as something in the line of necropolis hawks having squad numbers on their power packs
The iron warriors probably got dealt the best hand post-heresy
>their primarch is still alive and leading them
>they are a strong unified legion and not a disparate group of war bands vying for power
>they aren’t gross ugly mutants or brainless berserkers
>they aren’t whiny turbo emos like the nightlords
>they get to spend all day building cool shit without the mechanicus fucking with it
>imperium can’t muster the resources to destroy them
The only other chaos groups who are doing as well as them are the word bearers and maybe the red corsairs
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Made a little more progress on baby’s first necron but waiting on paints for now. In the meantime a few questions.
-I was thinking of using a dark blue/purple for the back carapace like Stegadon scale green/Fang/naggaroth night or something between that area but now I’m wondering if it would be better to use another dark color instead. My plan is to make the orbs on the back have a fiery red glow to them so I’d like it to pop against whatever I’m putting on.
- How easy is drybrushing for a beginner? I watched multiple tutorials and styles for painting this dude and it seems like drybrushing is the most direct and effective way for me to kill two birds with one stone with the energy weapons and how their glow hits the body.
Mei Ree Siu's
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>cute little pet Nurglings
>gardens on every ship for both toxins and relaxation
>given a long leash by Morty but can still reform the legion if needed
>get higher up and be given your own garden palace on the plague planet
idk man, we might not be red corsairs levels of chill but DG have it pretty good compared to some. especially those jars of dust lmao, imagine turning to chaos then losing to a vacuum cleaner
If I was in charge of Perty's writing and he had to be a daemon prince (as it might as well be) I would have Perty sacrifice the Imperial Fist geneseed to the chaos gods and they would elevate him to daemonhood without Pert's permission and he would thrash about autistically reeeing. His elevation to daemonhood would probably only go half way so Perts should probably look the least unchanged from his Horus Heresy incarnation.
They're gonna do it eventually, and if they don't get real mechanical and dreadnoughty with it, it'll be a missed opportunity to do something even a little different
Guy who won apparently had Ghaz in a Battlewagon with the 'Ard Case upgrade and lied about how tough Ghaz and Snikrot was.
I think it would be funny if Perty was at a point where he couldn't even remember the Heresy and was just happily making little machines and every once in a while a Warrior would barge in, holler about some fist fellows, sometimes maniacally laughing, sometimes shaking and seething, and he just smiled and nodded at them, effectively oblivious to his chapter devolving into wrathful silver medalists. He finally gets to build, blissfully ignorant about the world beyond his workshop.
All this thought put in just for it to still look like shit
It's a good learning experience. People shit on my homebrew for a while because I asked too much too.

I would stay away from the dark blue though. It's too close to the teal. It makes it feel like a mistake rather than a choice based on role
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my night lord army is small right now but is growing
this box only came with 8 originally, so i plan to finish this as a squad of legionaries by adding a havoc with lascannon (giving him a NL head) and proxying a night lords hero as the Aspiring Champion
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I'd like to imagine that since time is distorted in the warp that Perty's time spent in his basement to his perception has been only an afternoon and so much has changed that he just stays in the basement now.

Or maybe he finally only came out of the basement to get his sons to shut up or get some shit done so he can go back to his basement activities.

Also the peach nectar meme has me wanting to try some. Not even joking. I'm not travelling down to Mexico to get some jumex though.
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I can get jumex from my local grocery store. To be fair I live in Southern California so it's easy to obtain
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its part of the fluff for /myguys/ and you cannot stop me :^)
>during the Battle of Iax the leader of the warband stole a banner from the Ultramarines
>following their shameful defeat he began wearing the banner as a personal mark of shame
>other members of the warband followed his example and wore blue cloth too
>its now just as much a part of their equipment as ceramite
I recently ordered the Lord of Contagion from Dark Imperium which will be my warband's leader, and borrowed a few ultramarine transfers that'll potentially be useful for it. Should be fun.
>That blue
>Similar to his teal/green
Not to be rude but you might be partially color blind
isn't there a set of proxy DG that are underwater themed? Anyone have a link to them?
think so but I have no idea, no interest in 3D printing.. outside of the chaos warlord titan a friend is printing me for Christmas
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My local grocery store sells Mexican imported products like sodas but no Jumex peach nectar.
I am a leaf.

I play guard and love hazard stripes.
Pic related some guard dudes I made a little while ago.
I think hazard stripes improve everything. Everyone at the LGS Discord keeps making Iron Warrior references because hazard stripes so I'm thinking about somehow incorporating Iron Warrior HH lore into their homebrew fluff.
>inb4 bad grass
I fixed it.
There is and they're on telegram. Search the big groups for "Dredge"
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>I am a leaf.
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It's 2 in the morning my time. Do you technically mean you're gonna do it today? And will you post it with Iron Warrior models?
oi lads im scared to do my first mini painting, i got all the paints and got my guys primed and ive watched videos but im gonna fuck it up bad i know
>but im gonna fuck it up bad i know
That is inevitable. Just keep your layers thin and try your best.
In all things perseverance, anon. Your second mini will be a little better, and the one after that a little better still.
>imagine turning to chaos then losing to a vacuum cleaner
Th-Thousand Sisters...Our rebuttal?
He's wearing our colorscheme. There's no need for one.
Toronto anons, we should get some sleep now
You poor soul
Going "uuwuuwuuu I'm afraid I'll fuck up so I'm not going to even try!" is far more pathetic than actually trying and fucking up.
thanks lads, the priming went better than I thought it would so I'm just going to try my best tomorrow when i sit down to do some painting
goodnight anon
kys yourself pussy-ass bitch nigger.
Similar in that they’re both obviously clash. One blue panel does not a rank make you fat as retard
Completely different cat.
>I'm just going to try my best tomorrow
Well if you're dead set on painting it tomorrow (I'd rather you do it today depending on your timezone) it couldn't hurt to at least be prepared for painting the miniature.

That said if you have time tomorrow before painting go to the artstore and pick up some sticky tack. That stuff allows you to turn ordinary household objects into painting handles. I use a rattlecan lid with sticky tack.

Also this video should be helpful to you as mistakes are bound to be made when painting miniatures: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=773iX2HmcuU
0:40 in the video is actually what I have found myself doing a lot. You can fix it when the paint is still wet provided you waited for the previous acrylic paint layer to dry first.
>but, muh dark gods muhfukka

Get styled on peepee poopoo worshipper.
It's 11pm for me, I just don't have any effort left in me today. Thanks for the tip on the stickytack, I was actually wanting some for when I was priming my dudes. Thanks also for the video.
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Its not about chaos, its about powered armor. A human running up to marine power armor is essentially trying to cut a tank apart with an axe. All it should take is a swat to snap the rogue trader's spine if he's not wearing powered armor too.
What's the deal with the psychic eldar cats, anyway? They just pets or do they do something?
Wtf I love IW now
no idea, also that one is from AoS lmao
did you find this image on reddit and alter it slightly so reverse image search doesn't work?
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They're psychic familiars. Bond with the owner and boost his psychic powers, can be used to observe things remotely through a psychic link or even fight for the owner if absolutely necessary.
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>What's your favourite thing about 40k that isn't fluff related?
playing warhammer is the only social interaction i get (outside immediate family) since i started working from home. all my close friends have moved interstate.
uh oh
Pack it up, lads. It's finally over, we can go outside.
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>He never saw Angron as anything more than a throw away piece of garbage who'd inevitably die like a rabid dog.
Because that is what Angron was when he met him.
He couldn't remove the nails because Angron would turn into a brain dead vegetable.
Then nevermind the other fact that the nails were making Angron worse and making him lose more of himself everyday and would've eventually become perpetually angry, rabid animal.
>He actually wanted to get murdered and put on life support, because now it means he gets fed thousands of souls everyday, growing ever more powerful psychically, until he can finally attain chaos god status as the 5th chaos God of order.
>Its all just a long con meant to make him look incompetent and in trouble.
This is blatantly wrong.
It has been just shown that Emperor literally rejected godhood in the End and the Death part 3.
Emperor was never a god and would never become one ever.
>Which is why the iron hands are actually the model space marines.
You are retarded.
>End and the Death part 3
Here's the part where 6 anons argue about canon for several hours
Freedom, at last.
>BL slop is actually the hard canon of what exaclty happended
anon even the bl authors themselves say that all the books are just one intreptation. Besides the Emperor might have rejected godhood but that doesn't include the God Emperor of Mankind being in the warp that is a seperate entity from the corpse on the chair
>>their primarch is still alive and leading them
>>they are a strong unified legion and not a disparate group of war bands vying for power
When Pert left the Siege of Terra since he knew it was a lost cause, as soon as he got into the Eye of Terror he literally had yet another autism moment which then shattered the legion and caused it to disband.
>>BL slop is actually the hard canon of what exaclty happended
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>Imperial Assassins have more gene enhancements and are more elite than astartes
Are there any have bio-enhanced people in the Imperium that surpass them, even custodians seems to be inferior to asassins as it seems the Imperium has more custodians than assassins
>even the bl authors themselves say that all the books are just one intreptation
That is nothing but a cope and the writers trying to cover their own ass because they wrote terrible dogshit and just use the "well, it's supposed to be differen xD" as an excuse.
>Besides the Emperor might have rejected godhood but that doesn't include the God Emperor of Mankind being in the warp that is a seperate entity from the corpse on the chair
It does, and the Emperor doesn't exist within the Warp at all.
We also have direct evidence of this when Guilliman went to talk with on Terra.
He is still completely bound to Real Space and that is where he will remain.

Emperor is not a god, never was and never will be.
>>Imperial Assassins have more gene enhancements and are more elite than astartes
They don't and aren't.
Marines can go toe to toe with assassins easy.
>the Emperor doesn't exist within the Warp at all
Legion of the damned and living saints proves this idea wrong. Unless they've both been retconned out of excistence, I know legion of the damned seemed to have totally dissappeared after 8th
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Painting is neither of these things. I paint so I can post pictures of my models on 4chan to get (You)s and Im stressing out about it all the time.
Someone tell me I'm good, I'm breaking my brushes over here
>Legion of the damned and living saints proves this idea wrong.
Emperor when was alive literally summoned basically what was the Legion of the Damned during the webway war.
Saint shit is just Emperor bestowing a fraction of his power onto a person.
post models
>buying GW brushes
Lmao you're trash.
JUST, dont think ive seen a brush break like that before. did you aggressively stipple something, anon?
>W&N brushes are trash
Secondary fag
in his defence it couldve been out of one of those starter packs or something. ive got a gw brush from one of those but havent used it yet
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fellow ork bros, have any of you built a battlewagon since 10th came out? how did you manage to stick all of the war gear on the model?
Admittedly so, but it seems to be well understood that more time and work goes into creating an assassin than a marine
Painting, no contest. I got into this hobby mainly because of that and the fluff, obviously. It's relaxing most of the time and seeing your improvements on models feels really satisfying to me. I also enjoy the dopamine after being told my models are nice
post models

i do like painting although im pretty shit at it
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I know you're probably going to shit on them just to be a contrarian but here you go
it's online again, time to go back inside
Very nice weathering on the bottom of those coats
Why would I shit on them? You did a great job. I love the orange highlights on the cloaks, the plasma glow looks good (hard to tell from the blurry photo) and there's a lot of good weathering (chipped paint and dirt on treads). I'm not sure if you're baiting for compliments or just very insecure, but these are excellent looking models anon
Finally, it's hot as fuck outside.
Makes a change from you being hot as fuck inside
I'm not baiting, it's just usually when someone goes post models he wants to shit on the models posted though. I know they're not bad
Spending more time on something =/= it is better
Thank you anon.
Begone, slut!
Yeesh anon, why would you subject us to that? These models are so bad, I think I'll have to confiscate them for destruction.
You can polish shit for 10,000 years and it's still shit.
I mean, GW brushes aren't bad, but they are definitely overpriced
Are you mad because we laughed at the chicken?
That a fucking door?
That's why I hate big E being made a good guy
Let him be another warmongering imperialist (literally) despotic tyrant from old earth, who just got betrayed by lesser tyrants hungry for power, then we don't have to point out the hypocrisy of Big E since hypocrisy would be a main characteristic of a fucking tyrant.
Calm down ADB, he's not your real dad.
Their name wasn't world eaters at the start.
I don't read BL but I'm fairly sure ADB wants the opposite of what I want.
Nah, I know the model looks goofy as fuck and most people don't really like it so there's no way I'd get mad about it. You just can never be sure here if you're not replying to some schizo that will shit on anything you posted no matter what it is
forgot to say thank you, anons
I kinda want to keep them for now, anon : )
This removes the angle of humanity's last hope being stuck in a state of torturous undeath for ten millenia, which is the whole fucking point of the setting.
He is, and its very obvious. But plottwist: He somehow still kinda became a good of humanity, despite being a tyrant.
Its totally possible to have more than one side for a character.
>No Inspector Gadget
Not at the Black Library it isn't.
I reckon I could defeat the Emperor
yes it's from the old BT upgrade kit
>This removes the angle of humanity's last hope being stuck in a state of torturous undeath for ten millenia, which is the whole fucking point of the setting.
What are you on about?
The whole point of the setting is that there is no hope and growth, only war.
Did you forget about the GAoT/DAoT? The state of humanity afterwards is exactly that: shit's fucked now, and it's only getting worse.
that guy looks too dumb even to me, and I like the chicken so that's saying something
I think it's a bit of a shallow reading of the material to say that Big E is being made to be a good guy, even in the newer stuff. He was always a bad guy, he was always a fascist, he was always genocidal of even his own people, he was liar, he was manipulator. He was also the last best (read: strongest) hope for humanity. If you were the average citizen of say the 29th Millennia it probably wouldn't have been controversial to say "Yeah, I'd rather live in the Imperium of Mankind than be ruled by [Insert random xenos race]" or "Yes, my planet is much safer, despite having to tithe to Holy Terra, since we joined the Imperium of Mankind. Without them we would've been obliterated."

That doesn't make Big E a "good guy", but I think it's easy to confuse that for being supposedly good. I also think it's pretty much my opinion on the state of the Imperium in 40k. Yeah, they're basically fucking evil, but if my choice is between them, the murder raping faction full of literal insane people who worship literal embodiments of evil, or be horribly murdered by ayylmaos. I know I'm picking the Imperium 10/10 times.
>The whole point of the setting is that there is no hope and growth, only war.
...because ten millenia ago the Emperor who tried to save humanity was betrayed by his sons and mortally wounded, yes. That's exactly what I'm saying.
>he became good
Miss me with that shit, I don't believe it one bit, they just tried to write a good guy but had to try and make him fit into fluff written for a deified bad guy.
Simple as.
My guy. You are aware that the horus heresy was a later addition to the fluff?
How can a later addition to the setting be the *point of it*?
And no, that's not "exactly what you're saying", things are shit and the emperor barely upped the bar; 99% of the tech he uses is leftovers from the DAoT, all he did was try and conquer the galaxy and unify *what's left of humanity after Old Night*

Even with your own logic it barely scratches the surfance of how bad things really are for humanity in 40k, you looked down to fixate on a tiny rock and missed the fucking mountain.
>shallow reading
I didn't read it
i dont know who that fucking is brother
me neither, I just watch majorkill videos
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Do Eldars have plasma pistols?
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Nope, their plasma only comes in heavy weapon variant.
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they're called starcannons
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Aeldari Starblasters aspect warriors when?
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His favorite weapon
But why?
Eldars used to have power fists and lasguns too
i miss 9th edition combat patrol so much bros
I swear to god based on the thumbnail I thought it was actually a bikini.
Too much fisting, spawned a god
It'd look like one on the tabletop then.
Just saying.
Okay, but what about the lasguns then?
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eldar have lasblasters which are stronger and more efficient than lasguns
Too much pew pew, spawned a regiment
Huh, neat.
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>hey should we give these new Ynn- I mean Corsairs their iconic lasblasters?
>Nah just give them some new made up bullshit
>uh shuriken RIFLE, go with that
Are there any Librarian chapter masters or is that forbidden?
Azariah Vidya
Azariah Kyras
>So my army is all ghosts, so I sprayed them white and slopped contrast all of them
>So my army are all statues come to live, so I sprayed them all gray, washed and dry brushed them all
>So my army live in the shadow realm, so I sprayed them all black and drybrushed them
It's fucking pathetic
you're mad that people are painting their models?
My friend and I are having our first 40kg, we've painted up 1000 points each. What size board do we play on? I forget the exact size but the 6x4 seems way too big for this level, do we go 4x4?
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You've been getting awfully upset about this thing throughout this entire thread.
drybrushing is a meme and a crutch for shitty painters
Grey tide is better than anything I just posted, so yes, I am mad when I look across the table at that shit.
>Do you like my black and white comic book themed army? It's sprayed white and washed with Nuln oil
Fuck you and fuck them
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Post models
Nah, you don't get to
>post models
Without first providing a time stamped picture of your own. Fuck off secondary retard.
They put his grav chutes on sideways
You know, as a joke
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>nooo you have to do a gorillion layers of glazing on every model or your painting isn't legitimate
The sad part is that you really do believe you’re interacting with all these different famous people on 4chan. You should see a doctor.
its not that bad anon jeez
I just know that I am good and don’t stress when I paint anything.
Called it
I like get a gorillion layers of glazing when I'm with your dad and his golf club friends.
>Exorcists have weird runes carved into their armour and on thier skin like Word Bearers
Very good design, is this fan art or has GW made actually progressed the aesthetics of an old chapter for the better for once?
prove you own a single model faggot with timestamp and I'll post a better painted model than you.
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>you post models

reeeeeeee stop it boyz
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It's a book cover illustration.
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I know for a fact I've had (you)s from Deadmau5 and a pro wrestler from Uganda
famous people do sometimes lurk

These look like they're from a Killzone mobile game. Votann's problem is that they don't look dwarfy enough. They should have just ported their aesthetics from WHFB with sci-fi technology and called it a day
Deadmau5 isn't real, Canada invented him as a tourist trap
>BLslop writers
>I know for a fact
I like how this got deleted as if it was a dox
they put a chapter like Exorcists into ph*bos armor so you now its GW and not a fan
This is boring.
>emperor was le evil all along and he wanted to attain ultimate power to rule over everyone
That's what they have written, Emperor is an evil bastard in the nu-HH shit, which is the most boring BBEG shit you can think of.
Which isn't surprising because BL writers are completely retarded DnD GMs/players with an amateur DnD group levels of skill in terms of story writing.

Priestley's original version of the Heresy is and always will be the best one out there.
Originally the Heresy was meant to be a tragedy.
All primarchs and marines would've been kept around and just rotated to peace time jobs, but if the time ever called for it marines could have been brought to war.
Over all Emp's plan was always just
>reunite as much of the old human empire as possible
>stabilize and bring peace to the planets within
>use his sons and the marines to run the imperium and defend it from external threats
>have humanity and Imperium prosper
This was the original idea behind the Imperium by Priestley
The Heresy is a tragedy because above thing never came to pass, once the Heresy started it sealed humanity's fate.
Imperium only got as far as it did because the Emperor existed and lead it, the tragedy then coming from the fact that one of his most favored sons was turned against him.
This is also the version where Emperor doesn't obliterate Horus' soul only because Emperor still loves him as a parent.

But nowadays it is not really tragedy anymore because BL has completely bent this story over and fucked it.
Now Emperor was secretly evil all along that wanted to rule over humanity with an iron fist like a god, it would have just been another dystopian 1984 shithole.
You can't really have a tragedy story when both options A and B fucking suck.
And also Horus' soul was not actually obliterated out of existance now, he just died at the end, meaning he can be revived and brought back.

There's a reason why nu-heresy sucks balls and why nu-Emperor is retarded.
it was also the version where Ollanius Pius was a badass human and not some random jobber perpetual
Acting like I bought a 69.99 box of three models to spite grogs.
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Least mindbroken gw paypiggy
Kek same shit here except it was after I got him into the game (been into lore for a bit).
Based. They can split hairs on what being a WAACfag means (because you know they’re TOTALLY not WAACfags) while paying hundreds to get fleeced by cheaters.
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Absolute irredeemable sloppa. I genuinely think less of anyone who thinks they look good or are an upgrade to the prior lore that existed.
>today I will remind them
Specialty games are just better overall. 40k rules are literal dogshit. An ESL could do better.
>smooth brain doesn’t realize rogue trader was the truth and the rest of the “canon” from later editions is imperium propaganda
Space marines are just like master chief!! They’re heckin heroic!!
How do you guys deal with players who grey tide? What’s “the line” for you all?
>t. Buddy has 2k points and has barely put 2 coats of paint on it
>it’s been over 2 years
Deldar have blast pistols, very similar
Yea and then not fonishing them

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