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Space Wizards Edition

>Codex: Imperial Agents Incoming

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Which faction has your favourite psykers?
Sisters of Silence
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post your favourite paints, /40kg/
Genestealer Cults
also please respond
>My friend and I are having our first 40kg, we've painted up 1000 points each. What size board do we play on? I forget the exact size but the 6x4 seems way too big for this level, do we go 4x4?
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huh guess I never noticed, just thought they were plain lolly red coloured with a horned skull emblem
>Which faction has your favourite psykers?
Any faction with weird alien looking pyskers doing weird alien shit
Probably wraithbone as it's the only paint from GW I'm still using. No one makes an exact match for it.
Something about Averland Sunset just makes me love it. Though I've switched to a vallejo equivalent.
the answer is as always the Orks
My group officially has 7 players now.
>Me - Sisters of Battle and CSM
> Grey Knights and Tau
>Tyranids and Necron
>Eldar (Wraith constructs focus)
>Black Templars
I think another month of regular games and then we'll start a Tyrannic War Crusade.
What's more fun for crusades; Sisters or CSM? I love the idea of a Chaos Lord working to ascend to Daemonhood but making a living Saint sounds awesome too (even if they die alot)
>favourite psykers
Tzeentch daemons.
I like the bubblegum monsters
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t. Kyle Katarn
>of all the darktide classes, Vets EASILY became the coolest
how did it happen bros? Still waiting from them to add hotshot lasgun for players tho
god i miss the psychic phase bros...
I miss it too homie. Was it 6th edition that had all the psychic disciplines that all payments has access to? Loved running librarian dreadnoughts and having them fly across the board and using biomancy to juice up librarian melee.
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genestealer purple and xerus purple
>buy Thanquol and Boneripper from a recaster
>Worried because people said any model before AoS era is made with shot resin
>It comes completely shit. Extremely brittle, warped torso that's impossible to work with, multiple broken bits
>Take pictures and complain to the recaster
>They apologize and give me a discount equal to the Thanquol
Why can't IG bring Sisters Hospitaller the way they can bring Enginseers?
Enginseers are attached to the guard
Sisters Hospitallers are not.
Yes they are.
kino good paints lad
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Post orky things
Oh, I guess. If you're gonna twist my arm...
whatever size you have that you both agree on.
Is it the scheme or because they're zoomer marines?
It's that weird ass shade of pastel purple
is there an audio books mega?
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Star dragon painted, how did i do?

Also post models
Cute Ultramarine 2nd company.
You need to base him and work more on the metallics. Otherwise I'd say he's pretty cute.
Why didn't the Emperor just offer refuge to the Eldar so the Imperium could eventually have cross-breed giga psykers?
dunno, go ask /hhg/
half the model is out of focus
>What's more fun for crusades
Black Templars
by consulting the warp i will predict your group's army composition(s)

repentia & battle sister spam. lots of penitent engines
IW mech infantry + daemon engines
>GK & Tau
Strike squad spam and baby carriers + battlesuits
>tyranids and necrons
combined arms swarm, good melee, good shorting, mild horde support + hypercrypt monolith and immortal spam
heavy forgeworld. might even run some hipster shit like the powerfist terminators and sagittarum
gay or trans
vulkan hestan w/ infernus marines in a land raider redeemer
>black templars
sword bros
Warplock Bronze. Armor base for my sisters.
It's so dark and rich I get cravings for chocolate every time I open the pot.
Regal blue and sunburst yellow.
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Even the fucking artwork looks worse. Jesus christ.
And yet, it'll still be more popular than any xenos book.
gw corporate is forcing their sweatshop art majors to use AI in their production lmao
Kinda perfectly sums up what we lost in 8e with the switch to primaris slop and clean aesthetics
40K is fucking dead.
You started after primaris were already a thing, newfag.
It's so over
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Fair. I like it though.
if i dont want all the extra crap in the starter sets (like the tyranids?) but i was still looking at trying 40k with space marines what should i do?
This is the cover for an upcoming black library book. They're using the old art for the new codex lmao.
Wrong! My first 40K purchase was actually blood angels during 7th or so.
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Hope this is a bit better
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what were they thinking?
Either sell the nids (people are always looking to buy them online) or if you don't care about the money you can always just chop them up and use them as base decorations. You can also just build them and do a quick paint job on them, keep them for showing a friend how to play.
Why cant they use the old and good art for the book also?
It would be more realistic to cross breed with trees because at least they have some dna in common with humans.
do xenos lifeforms even have DNA
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Tomorrow im having a 1000 point game as a necron player vs The Grey Knights, what are they like, are they op or not? Tips and tricks against them?
It's not dead, the model is widely hated by the community, not just here. It won't sell.
Xenology shows the Eldar have triple-helix DNA
In all likelihood the new art was designed for the new codex, but the one, lone person with sanity in GW knocked it back.
Prepare for lots of movement shenanigans if he knows how to play them.
I don't believe it because that looks exactly like other BL slop covers.
>The Grey Knights
I'd refuse to play on principle.
>what are they like
entirely dependant upon their composition, but for the most part they have some very strong, reliable movement and can throw a spanner in the works of some of your best strategies. they're also no slouches in melee

at 1000 points unless your opponent doesn't bring dreadknights you will absolutely beat them on board control alone. they simply cant output enough damage at that points level AND still be able to outscore you
>In all likelihood
No. Don't be retarded.
>Kinda perfectly sums up what we lost in 8e with the switch to primaris slop
Primaris look like old marines now.
Don't be a retard.
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>Primaris look like old marines now
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>Primaris look like old marines now
What do eldar eat

What do eldar smell like

Can eldar have sex without being raped by slaanesh

How large is the exodite population compared to craftworlds

What are the eldar relations with tau and votann like

Does the imperium still hate the eldar even though they helped bring back Guilliman
I'm sick of this shit
You're right, marines look like the god awful firstborn.
Like humans
Yeah but it can't get too kinky
Probably hostile probably indifferent
>mfw imperial guard infantry squads are still the only battleline unit in the game capable of ranged anti-tank
i feel like a lascannon is a waste of 60 points when i could've just used a mortar or autocannon or something
>What do eldar eat

>What do eldar smell like

>Can eldar have sex without being raped by slaanesh

>How large is the exodite population compared to craftworlds
As big as it is.

>What are the eldar relations with tau and votann like
The Eldar are not related to the Tau or the Votann.

>Does the imperium still hate the eldar even though they helped bring back Guilliman
Imperium doesn't like aliens.
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>What do eldar smell like
We clearly need an bioware forums level analysis
Are there any apps/websites where I can try out how color scheme would look on a miniature?
eldar liked the tau for their zero warp presence but then grew to hate them after they slaughtered a bunch of eldar following a botched dark eldar exchange
>What do eldar eat
Really good food
>What do eldar smell like
Like mint and fresh cut grass
>Can eldar have sex without being raped by slaanesh
Yes, or they'd already be extinct
>How large is the exodite population compared to craftworlds
>What are the eldar relations with tau and votann like
>Does the imperium still hate the eldar even though they helped bring back Guilliman
Yes they are retarded
Wtf, is this real?
>Can eldar have sex without being raped by slaanesh

Absolutely and a lot

>The lower levels of the Tower of Eternal Welcomes gave a second meaning to the name. It was amongst these twilight corridors that the eldar of Alaitoc made fresh liaisons, most of a temporary nature. Starship crews from other craftworlds mingled with pleasure-seeking Alaitocii, while the young and the naive moved from drinking establishment to eateries to apartments seeking congress with like-minded spirits.


>He longed to know more about the life of the outcast, but Athelennil grew tired. To his surprise, she invited him back to her quarters.

>To his further surprise, Aradryan accepted.

Path of the Outcast

>inb4 Thorpeslop

Frak off, story is subpar to bad, but the lore is good and Outcast is the best book in trilogy
Grug sisters.... 40k and GW are once again TOTALLY DEAD... the FINAL TRUE DEATH... is here at last... we should RISE UP... and make our own 40k....
Yes Ben, and you haven’t stopped talking about it for days.
>Neophyte Hybrids with Mining Laser
>Tactical Squad with Lascannon
>Legionaries with Lascannon
>BSS with Multi-Melta / Melta
>Skitarii with Arc-rifle
>Armigers and Wardogs
>Voidreavers with Wraithcannon
>Guardians with Bright Lance
>Kabalites with Dark Lance / Blaster
>Hearthkyn with Magna-rail

Bro you didn't even fucking try
>The imperium are retarded for hating the eldar.
The eldar basically fucked the galaxy when they birthed slannesh, bringing one primarch back doesn't exactly make up for that.
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Looking good anon. I finished my morkanaut recently.
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Is it normal for Army Painter spray primer to fucking smell overwhelming and terrible?
I usually use Tamiya/vallejo but I came across two cans for super cheap.
The cultural group of Eldar who did that are dead. Any Eldar currently alive are deliberately pursuing civilizational plans to oppose chaos as much as possible.
Kinda close to being done with these guys
Buy a fucking airbrush to prime your shit. Rattlecans are a meme.
You forgot that Plague Marine squads can be equipped with Meltas or Plasma Guns.
I have an airbrush and prefer to rattlecan prime, as do plenty of very very good painters
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Is there a good explanation of how bolt rounds work?
They are not that big (maybe gw weapon retardation), but in my head the way they would make sense to be as effective as they are is them being like a dual purpose explosive round, having a fuse that makes it explode when penetrating soft targets and behaving like a shape charge when hitting armour thay stops it.
I don't really know shit about guns, but it would be great if someone has an opinion on this or some source.
So? People keep blaming Anglo Americans for slavery even though the people responsible are all dead.
>They are not that big
Dude what. They're massive
And you think those people aren't retarded?
Head reminds me of some ganger for CP2077 that replaced the top part of his head for compound optics
Only because they're sculpted stupidly. A magazine is supposed to hold like 30 of them
They are a self propelled mass reactive round explosive projectile. Basically they are supposed to penetrate armour and explode inside the target.
A 40 mm round if I'm not mistaken, only bigger infantry one is the heavy bolter (65mm I think?)
They are massive but not that big compared to the bullshit of 40k
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>Is there a good explanation of how bolt rounds work?
Yeah it gets explained every so often. TL;DR they're gyro-jet rounds (rocket-propelled bullets) with explosive tips (most of the time). Just google it and I'm sure you'll find a wiki page on it.

>They are not that big
They are massive. .75 calibre is standard for Bolter rounds.
When I see some screenshots of games, I often see that models are faced in absolutely haphazard angles and not facing towards the enemy. Is there an incentive to do what? Is going for more "cinematic" facing a hinderance?
No, but the imperium is made up of those types of people so there's your answer.
>90 pts
>140 pts
>90 pts pts
>115 pts
>85 pts
>150 pts
>70 pts
>110 pts
>100 pts
at least guard still do it cheapest
also 100 pts for guardians
Right, retards, that's what I'm saying
If you had to autistically line up every mini towards their target during the firing phase the game would probably go twice as long.
24 for human versions and CSM legionary one as per FFG TTRPGs. In Darktide bolter has 15

Tbf, they may vary in size both on sculpts and artwork
I feel like Bolter rounds in video games never feel like they're rocket propelled grenades, just regular bullets
But that's the thing, marines specially go against enemies in heavy armour.
If you are crushing some minor xeno planet, a rebellion or whatever, sure they might not have heavy armour and the little they have might be massive tanks that are the task of heavy weapons teams.
But I refuse to believe bolters bece useless against armour.
No I am not asking for it to be mandatory or anything, just aesthetically that sounds more pleasing.
For example seeing a melee unit surround their targets but then all models in the unit are facing random directions looks kinda weird & "inauthentic" to me, but then again so far I'm only painting/convertingr nogames.
I cannot get into the mindset of whoever looked at this, and was happy with the result
>Hearthkyn with magna-rail
>Capable of ranged anti-tank
Good one.
As capable as an infantry squad hitting on 5s with a lascannon
They're explicitly armor piercing weapons so they probably shoot so fast you wouldn't be able to tell the difference
Fair enough.
The Darktide bolter is a Locke pattern, which is made for regular humans to be able to use. In the Dark Heresy RPG it only has four shots in a clip lmao
GW is controlled by soitrannies similar to the "people" who made rings of power. They are not fully sentient and are essentially sterile committees chosen with ideology and generic corporate standards rather than artistic ability. The only way to save 40k is to develop new technology that allows decentralized networks of warhammer fans to create feature-length films as well as AAA level videogames without interference from GW (namely AI). The 3D printing tech is already there but you faggots keep funding GW slop.
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They ALWAYS omit it from games. It's extremely annoying. It's in Boltgun, though, and that game is fucking great. Shows both the explosion and the burst of viscera it can cause.
I tend to try with my smaller units like my plague marines or blightlords to keep them facing in a coherent direction but with my blob of 20 poxwalkers it's a bit much.
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> but you faggots keep funding GW slop.
Why yes I do buy miniatures
how to improve Votann's range.
>A squad of lightly armed and armored scouts who can mark enemies to kill easier
>Tech-savvy dorfs who can place turrets to defend points or block chokeholds
>Heavily armed units who are good at clearing chaff enemies
>Specialized units who can ignore terrain for ambushes and deep strikes
>Large robot to put all their rocks and stones into
Darktide one is Locke MKIIb meant for Arbites, Dark Heresy one is just Astartes Locke retrofitted for humans
Ahh, is there a movement penalty to keep them facing? I could be wrong but some edition had you pay movement points to rotate the model right? Or am I just thinking vehicles?
Anyways cool to hear that! Sounds more flavourful
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>gnome psykers
>we need AIslop to save 40k
What they never get right is the sound.
The bolter is both a conventional weapon and a psychological one.
Bolters should be loud, booming and scary, and any faster variant a roar.
Darktide is good enough.
Wait, I got it wrong. Retrofitted is a different one. TTRPG Locke is from Rogue Trader and has 24 ammo capacity
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Darktide bolter sounds and looks incredible. I love how difficult it looks to reload
not you, EC
Wait a minute...
Drg meme aside these wouldn't be too bad for additions to the army. I also feel like GW should take a page from drgs book on the mining aesthetic. Votann don't feel enough like miners.
Neat anon.
Gotta finish my arbites squad one of these days.
I'm making them like Dredd judges
>I love how difficult it looks to reload
It really isn't, you reload it like any normal gun.
>make your own space opera
I mean maybe? Problem is 40k was alot of copyright theft and a vibe of the time. What vibe could you use from 2000 to now? Unless you go contrarian and make a pronatalist setting.
The reload animation makes it look cumbersome and slow for a normal human to operate
Dorfs should have a "drop pod" that's a boaring machine coming out of tje ground for deep strike.
Bolters still shouldn't really penetrate tank armour unless you're talking heavy bolters, and even then you would think Tau crisis suits should he able to shrug off a bolter round. Even terminator armour canonically can withstand light tank fire and the crux terminatus contains a sliver of the emperors armour which also provides magical bullshittery. From a game design perspective though you still need infantry to have the ability to "wound" vehicles or everyone would just take vehicles.
Locke isn't present in Dark Heresy, the one you're talking about is likely Angelus Bolt Carbine and it has 3 shots
More than difficult it looks cumbersome and heavy, not made for normal humans without power armour of any kinds.
Thanks, I did a Judge Dredd one too. I am gonna get another box soon enough and some of the Green Stuff World Dredd Heads they have and do it properly.
Samefag less.
That's why I think of the double purpose round as I said before.
Normal behaviour is the mass reactive round, good enough for most shit.
But when the armour is tough, if it behaves like a shaped charge on impact you can justify a squad of marines taking down heavier stuff with coordination.
Dawn of war
Nice. These remind me of Battletoads crossed with Predator.
fuck i wish that game wasn't so unstable. clicking on it just causes it to instantly crash and all modern troubleshooting is in cyrillic and i cba to translate it all
I like this a lot.

Always nice dudes. Don't listen to retards that are just trying to get attention from you.

Not bad, but out of focus.
I fucking wish I could make proper 40k AI slop. Any prompt that even approaches something 40k related starts generating Marines.
Maybe one of those dedicated models might work.
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>namely AI
Fag lmao.
i wish they rerelease dawn of war 1
How do you make those scratches?
Darker line and then highlight line on top?
Well traditionally a tactical squad could be kitted out with a rocket launcher or las Canon which would provide anti-vehicle but primaris kinda did away with that. In game your typical primaris intercessors armed with a bolt rifle are wounding heavy infantry/vehicles on a 5+.

They went from mixed squads to specialised squads which is a bit stupid really. You now have to rely on hellblasters/desolation squads for infantry anti-tank unless you bring first born devastator squads.
What would be the actual difference between Shuriken Catapult and Shuriken Rifle from Voidscarred Kill Team? I refuse to believe it's the rifle because 1) it's stupid 2)Ranger Long RIFLE is a laser weapon (and in some versions like an imperial Needle weapon (laser+toxic crystal)) and existance of Bolt Rifle (Primaris) would imply that regulat Bolters are not rifled, which is beyond stupid

Also, why isn't Shuriken Rifle in Lexicanum?
its mostly stupid because imperium was the mixed squad guys and eldar were the specialist squad guys
That looks like shit. Can't wait for you to post them every thread for the rest of the summer.
It's just meant to be a thematic cross between a Splinter Rifle and a Shuriken Catapult. They did not think about it beyond that, and it obviously makes no sense.
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Game wise, how are devastators and tactical squads nowadays?
Going to start a marine army soon and I'm biased towards those squads over intercessor and specialist primaris squads.
I'm doing it with HH models, the big box and upgrade boxes for weapons, I'd like to avoid another spergout like other times I've said this
It's extra stupid because Corsairs should just use tech and weapons from both sides of the Eldar, not have their own unique hybrid tech. They're scavengers and opportunists, not arms manufacturers.
It doesn't seem to have notable "wings" present on sides of Shuriken Catapults and Pistol. Corsair shuriken pistols doesn't seem to have them either. I thought they were require for propulsion, but I guess drukhari use the same tech for splinter weapons and don't have "wings"
Gee, bonesingers how come you never realized longer barrels make our shuriken catapults more powerful?
I know elfs are elitists, but wouldn't they also use other races stuff when needed?
overcosted but functional
I mean, we don't know the origins if that Shuriken Rifle tech, and besides it Corsair ARE armed with weapons from both sides (and Felarch even has Harlequin pistol)
I might not use them and stick to the primaris squads just to squeeze an axtuay complete army out of that box
And also avoid having to magnetise. I hate doing it.
Eldar armors look so attractive to me, literally hotter than without armor. Very fuckable
Wtf did I have a stroke writing that?
That's because they're repurposed Ynnari models
I'm collecting Iyanden but I'm thinking of just sneakily painting my rangers as Alaitoic. Not like it seems out of place and starstriders are cool.
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So if Eldar have las, grav, melta, plasma, chainswords, power weapons, and power claws/fists who invented what?
My headcannon is that the only ones truly invented by only one side where autoguns and shuriken weaponry, and everything else was build in a period of the dark age where humans and eldar were way more buddy buddy than everyone likes to admit.
It's possible for multiple groups of people to invent the same or very similar things without contact. It happened historically
You wouldn't take a devastator squad over a hellblaster squad because they're ridiculously priced. A squad of 10 hellblasters firing on a tank that's OOM and if your running gladius pop storm of fire on them. Strength 7 AP -2 goes to AP -3 ignores cover with hit rerolls. You then attach a lieutenant to the squad with fire discipline and you get sustained hits 5 so every 5 you roll you get an extra attack and it changes your crit rolls to 5. Now you overcharge your hellblasters and you have 10 shots at strength 8 AP -3 damage 2 with ignores cover, crits on 5+ with sustained hits 1.

Hellblasters also have For The Chapter! Which allows them to fire on death at the unit they are targeting or who shot them. So if you fail hazardous and your dude blows up, he gets to fire again.
Basically will delete most tanks in one round of firing unless they're in the toughness 12 band.
combine eldar and d eldar into one book
>Neophyte Hybrids with Mining Laser
>Take 2 mining lasers every 20 models, a single +5 shot strength 10 D6+1 damage
Genestealers don't have reliable antitank, casino lasers aren't reliable.
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Love this goofy fantail goldfish lookin ass
A couple of times, sure, I'm pretty sure incas had halberds, and macahuitls are basically obsidian swords, but all of those at the same time?
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Fuq thought I cropped that one already
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I love tacticals for the aesthetic of the mixed squad but for game purposes I'll just eat shit and proxy primaris units.
I really, REALLY hate that the marines, supposed to be the generalist that can adapt to any situation are forced to be split into specialist squads just for money milking purposes.
Eldar were around a long, long time, are much smarter than humans, and had a huge head start from the Old Ones.
>300pt combo that actually barely kills a Rhino if they pop smoke
You are living in a 10e launch meta
I hereby declare it was all the krorks and eldar copied it and then it just spread.
For gaming purposes it makes it a bit easier to manage rolls actually. Having a squad with one weapon profile makes resolving attacks so fucking easy. I play death guard also and my 10 man plague marine unit has 3 different melee weapon profiles and 3 different ranged weapon profiles. The squads look cool though compared to marine squads, so much character.
>just for money milking purposes
It more or less reflects how you played them though, two devastator squads of mixed units are less efficient than an anti tank one and an anti horde one. Just assume the guys themselves are generalists and they simply organize themselves into slightly more coherent squads to match the need.
What do Infantry squad Lascannons hit on, anon?
It does have a thematic purpose. Primaris marines under Guilliman are meant to be a return to the more enlightened pre-Heresy Imperium, hence the specialist squads, Mk.IV helmets, grav tanks etc. Don't get me wrong, I think they're shit, but that part of them is interesting
It's funny because orks generally don't have this problem and use their own brand of stuff, shootas nothwistanding, and even when the orks have something sort of equivalent it still is mostly distinct, like blasta weaponry.
and 2 more STR which hits a lot of important breakpoints.

If you're including buffs we can get completely silly with it and the list expands even further. So quit being retarded anytime.
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>. They are not fully sentient and are essentially sterile committees
> The only way to save 40k is... AI
Image a sect of tech priest that create tech children by passing down old augments to build up new kids.
It's a free buff that doesn't cost CP or points, that's why I'm only counting it.
GSC only hace SH1 on deep strike which is vastly inferior.
A 10 man squad is only 230 points if you don't include a lieutenant/character. They're also pretty good into heavy infantry except I tend to lean more towards aggressors. They're not as good as they were at the start of 10th though you're right. I play ultras with a land raider redeemer that if I can't kill something in one round of shooting from the LR I'll use the hellblasters to mop up. I don't typically play a very meta marine build though.
AI is a tool. A semi decent artist can take AI Pictures and easily use then as a scaffolding for better pics/go through drafts faster. Betters tools=more opportunities for true fans to create work.
>It's a free buff
Its not at all free, you explicitly pay for officers. Its also an opportunity cost for other buffs you would prefer to give infantry squads.
>GSC only hace SH1 on deep strike which is vastly inferior.
Plenty of +1 to hit and other buffs in that book.

You are autistic. I won't read further replies.
>a unit without the character + enhancement I listed is cheaper
wow, looking into this
They were short sighted
Which Army rule would they all get?
I don't have access to my book at the moment, when a character joins a unit does that then attach the "character" keyword to the unit he joined?

I ask because if you then have a model that says "reroll hits and wounds on characters" you'd get to bash the unit up good?
Units gain all keywords of the models in a unit
Models only have their keywords

If you rule is "reroll hits/wounds against character units" then yes.
They probably can't experiment. If a bonesinger is caught making unique weapons then their bones are replaced with wraithbone as punishment.
No, only on the attached character model.
I'll qualify. If the rule says "character unit" then it applies to all models on the unit. If your rule only says "character" then it is only the character model.
>AI is a tool. A semi decent artist can take AI Pictures and easily use then as a scaffolding for
AI shit is only slop.
at the beginning of their turn all their models have gay homo sex with each other then you get D6 mortal wounds to symbolize removing the models that got an STD
>Anon discovers that modern human imagination is overrated.
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>says GW is made up of soulless *non-sentient* retards and subhumans
>that's why we need soulless AI shlock to fix 40k
The absolute sate of /40kg/.
>but muh decentralized fans
This was tried, very recently too, it was what /fourk/ was.
And that shit is dead.
Anon I want you to write some fanfiction for 40k and upload here so I can compare it to the fluff GW makes, or design a mini and 3d print it and pose it to see how it compares to GW sculptors work. Make your art work even.
>>Thread Question:
>Which faction has your favourite psykers?
You'd need a strong leader to kickstart a project like that spending a lot of their own time and technical expertise and project management experience to gain momentum and build a community that also wouldn't fold when offered a fat envelope and a from GW.
You can do it anon! I believe in you.
accidentally a couple words
*and a tight contract
>nooooo!! This company made a product I didn’t want to consooom!! They are evil! They are less than human! They are soi…*seethe* *seethe* *seethe*. There is no morality, only my consumer preferences!
I get that mini painting/collecting is more prone to consumerism than other hobbies, but sometimes you faggots go completely off the rails.
>the hobby isn’t warhammer
Being a consoomer of a corporately owned IP is not a personality trait, let alone a hobby. An IP is a thing to be owned to make money, nothing more or less. It isn’t the associated art you can like or not like at will. It isn’t the products you can purchase or not. It isn’t the time you spend making something, or fun you have playing the game with buddies. Stop making the IP part of your identity and you’ll feel a lot better, I promise.
So basically Trench Crusade?
Last I heard it's doing okay supposedly, not sure how it is now.
I’m starting Necrons, so I imagine I’m going to learn to love Iron Hands Steel and Vallejo Fluorescent Green.
Don't use fluo green. It doesn't look good.
Scorpene green is great tho.
Why doesn’t it look good, out of curiosity?
My beloved...
Ok but any decent attempt to wrestle 40K's direction away from GW's hands would result in corporate sabotage, global shitflinging and clashes of egos so great it is hard to see it succeed.
Not saying it can't be done, but you would need the perfect people done right. A decentralised movement would end in disaster.
Does anyone have a good recipe for blood splatter with only normal acrylics?
>this hammer is shit, all the screws keep falling out.
>armored train
>detachable drill pods that hold 1-3 guys, able to tunnel underground and pop up X distance from main transport
>built in balance, counter play option since they’ll have disadvantage against units with hover/jump/flight ability
Yea, that would be sick. So many cool ways they could take Votann in the lore and game… but sadly I think they just don’t sell enough to get more than the occasional update. Likely they’ll end up like Eldar, everyone complains there isn’t more stuff for them, nobody buys it.
>Space Wizards Edition
Not anymore, psychic phase got cancelled remember?
Consistency is weird and it's not what you'd expect.
I don't know how to describe it, it's been a long time
Maybe if it's with an airbrush might look better, I don't know.
Neat. So eldar and IG are the only factions getting laid.
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Nta, but generally the issues people have with fluorescent colours is that they aren't applying them over a bright undercoat. They really need a white basecoat under them for them to work as they are really transparent
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nu-40K can't do anything right. : (
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Absolutely love pic related. So much easier to work with than any other black I’ve tried. I plan on trying out brushing with the Vallejo air line just to see how well it works since this has been such a success
The emperor and horus brought about chaos as a whole. Then st one point it was the emperium (deatwartch) that stoped the elssr from killing if slaneesh. Sound kinda dumb on your part.
Thanks, anon. That’s the kind of green I’m looking for, was planning on painting it over flat white.
At 1000pts Grey Knights can be very frustrating to deal with. You don't have the units to deal with them on a 6x4 board. He'll have an action monkey unit and use the rest to wipe out any unit of yours that is isolated across the big ass board. My buddy only has a 1000 point army of Grey Knights and I loathe fighting them unless I'm running a vehicle heavy list to at least have 12 inch movement and long range weapons.
I really like the look of trench crusade, but have never met a single other person who has even heard of it. Wish it were bigger, maybe it’ll grow for a few years and break through
Humanity manifested the other 3. Ya might wanna take your head out ya hypocritical ass.
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Blood for the blood God is very nice mixed with a bit of black wash. If you're allergic to citadel then the new ap fanatic fresh blood is pretty sweet too
Maybe also this.
I used fluo over bit bigger areas and maybe over greys, I was kinda retarded and learning by failing
>Humanity manifested the other 3. Ya might wanna take your head out ya hypocritical ass.
No, humanity manisfested them all.
Blame Dan Abnett and the End and the Death part 3.
Proponents of AI art tend to view the human element as a problem to be solved. The process of creating things holds no meaning. It's just human labor that, to the greatest extent possible, should be technologically effectivized to present a product more quickly and with less human involvement. Being able to paint, write, code, build, play or compose music are not valuable skills no matter how developed they are. Entrusting a human to exercise their learned skills to actually make something, no matter what that is, is an inconvenience that is only tolerated until there is a speedier, cheaper, depersonalized alternative.
Kill the faggots who are responsible for the travesty of coteaz
Rob Zombies movies are so fucking cringe.
Wehmmer For dee kay
The sad fate of all who engage too deeply in consumerism.
How does that make me a hypocrite? Did you respond to the wrong post?
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mephiston red or evil sunz scarlet depending on if it's old/new (base pants leave thicker splatters for 3d effect)
use a toothpick to splatter it
I can, and it's very easy: "My deadline is coming up, and I haven't done jack shit."
Sid Haig, gone too soon. Best part of that movie.
>mephiston red or evil sunz scarlet
This would be a great recipe if you're trying to replicate a model splattered in San marzanos but otherwise it is too orange to replicate blood of any sort
>eldar can't have nuthin'
Even before HH, there was fluff about how Khorne awoke during the crusades, Nurgle during the plague, and Tzeentch during the renaissance no?
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Not advocating for the ass new coteaz designs but these seem like two different characters. Left has long hair and is balding and the other has a fully shaved head
Three of the powers that would become the warp gods came into existence during the War in Heaven because the Old Ones just spammed creating new psychic species to fight the C’tan and Necrons, then Slaanesh was birthed by the fall of the Eldar, making it the youngest despite predating humanity by millions of years.
>Even before HH, there was fluff about how Khorne awoke during the crusades, Nurgle during the plague, and Tzeentch during the renaissance no?
During the medieval age, but all of that is irrelevant.
Emperor fighting against Horus at the end of the Heresy and all the emotions sparked during the conflict is what created Chaos.

Fun isn't it?
>Emperor fighting against Horus at the end of the Heresy and all the emotions sparked during the conflict is what created Chaos.
How could that create Chaos when the Word Bearers were already worshipping Chaos?
>>Emperor fighting against Horus at the end of the Heresy and all the emotions sparked during the conflict is what created Chaos
It is what happened.
The fighting was so intense it shattered space, time and even reality itself.
>It is what happened.
Why are you turning this thread into a general of lies?
I can see that. Left in your image also has fully white eyebrows whereas right has dark eyebrows
Gay lorelet lmao
That is retarded, all of the traitor primarchs were already having interactions with the chaos gods before the emperor fell
That is what happened in End and the Death part 3.
Abnett is a masterful writer, isn't he?
Abnett is also a gay lorelet.
Nah, he's the one that has actually created and expanded upon most of the 40k mythos and lore at this point.
GOLDEN High Flow Acrylics, Titan Buff
Post the page(s) where this happens
It's implied in TEATDpt3 that they went back in time after the emperor fell and caused chaos to bloom in parts of history that had already past. You can't just pick random bits and pieces of the lore while ignoring others and use that to prove your point
I'm not believing in your fanfiction. The war in heaven caused the Warp to go crazy, Eldar and humans seeded the primal emotions for the 4. The krook de-evolved and the ork field created gork and mork. Ever other xenos race creates their own gods. The 4 are just stables of biological life. End.
>inb4 your fanfiction
I am right because I am the one with the bigger penis and bigger IQ.
I was there when they wrote them.
Why do you keep lying?
nah zealot mogs the shit out of them, especially with the rework giving them incendiaries and a relic that stuns enemies and buffs your team
This baby right here. it's a lot more blue irl though, I don't know why it looks so green in all online pictures I could find
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reminder this is supposed to be artificer armor and it looks more bland than most power armor
Strange that he got a fundamental basic of the origins of warp entities wrong then. I reiterate that he’s a gay lorelet and so are you.
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You painted it. So you did good.

Here's a pair of chaos knights I did for my DG
Rolled 3, 5, 6, 6 = 20 (4d6)

I shoot anon for suspected heresy.
4 attacks on a 2+ to hit
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PA green oxide is exactly the same tone I've been mixing for my orange and teal dudes and I love it for helping streamline little bit more
Cringe maymay.
The reason I don't like your models is because they look sloppy. The reason I don't like you is because you're responsible for most of the shitposting here.
Rolled 6, 2, 6, 4 = 18 (4d6)

Ok so they all hit. Anon is a pussy ass bitch so he has toughness 1. bolt pistol is Strength 4 so I'm rolling for 2+
How many have you painted?
Orange, and teal???
Oh no no no no you have got to be joking. I am going to post about your dudes nonstop for the next 6 months!
Roll his save now
Did GW discontinue the Sslyth? I can't find them on their site.
I hate your models because they are unimpressive and I am overexposed to them due to you posting them as wips for 4 months. If they were just unimpressive and posted once when they were done I would say, "wow cool painted models, anon" because it would be a new piece of media in a medium I enjoy.
only 16 so far
but I'm extremely lazy
Court of the Archon is all OOP
I'm not really sure if those are his but the ones I've posted here weren't even that bad, is this a meme that I've missed or something
I can't stand pink or non natural colours for tufts. Shit always reads in my brain as sea urchins or koosh balls and not as a plant. I like your knights tho anon
Dammit, I wanted one for my inquisitor's retinue.
He has no save. Anon takes 4 wounds to the back of the head.
You can still find them on the secondary market on occasion. They're a meta pick unit right now though so prices might be a bit gouged.
Some schizo latched onto anons marines and is insistent that they are contrast painted, which angers the schizo.
Nah, Ogryns are the most fun by a mile
Except the people using AI aren’t semi-decent artists. They barely understand how to express art, and lack the creativity to create original works. Often times there’s no “scaffolding” involved, because frankly the proponents of AI art don’t actually build anything significant on top of whatever is generated.
my new favorite for utility is black templar. I water it down and brush it on areas I want darker, grittier, or nuln oiled but without the gloss nuln oil gives
They're pretty bad dude
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>primaris psyker
Huh? Could someone explain to me what would make this psyker “primaris”? Also, I didn’t even realize the astra militarum generally used psykers… is that a common thing? Or is this a more “agents of the imperium” type unit where we assume maybe a rare situation happened and a navigator ended up in a battle?
They're mine but I appreciate that, and it's 4chan I wouldn't overthink it
Primaris is a classification of Psyker describing how powerful their psychic ability is. It predates the space marine variant. They both derive from the same pseudo-latin roots that make up most high gothic names meaning essentially "First Class".
Its not referring to space marine "Primaris".
>didn’t know IG uses psykers
>no understanding of “Witness your DOOOOOOOOOOM!”
I’m old
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>Also, I didn’t even realize the astra militarum generally used psykers…
Nope, 'guard use psykers all the time. Most of the time they go in larger units, as they're using the weaker, more common psykers. Primaris is a psyker that can work on the battlefield alone without a coven. Yes, it is very annoying that they re-used the term for space marines.
Same anon, they read to me as scrubbing sponges for dishes or something. I get that it’s supposed to be an alien world, but my brain just never sees it that way. Wish there was an easy way to create what reads as an alien environment. Or maybe you and I are just a small minority. The paint job is great though, not trying to dig at that anons work.
>They both derive from the same pseudo-latin roots that make up most high gothic names meaning essentially "First Class".

Does this make primaris space marines first class space marines?
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the ministry for telepathic interstellar communications has got a subdivision for battle psykers, and yes, they've been part of the imperial guard codex for a while, the primaris term here refers to a particular high rank/power
similarly to how tyranids have got both a trygon and a trygon prime
Am I retarded for buying models from different factions just to paint them? I'll never be able to complete a single army, I just wanna paint some cool varied stuff
Nah, I’m just new to the hobby, I’ve only been painting for a few months, read like 3-4 codexes at all, and 2 books. Thanks to all the anons who explained though. A psyker heavy guard army sounds pretty cool actually.
they were from before primaris marine faggotry. before then it was a psyker term that referred to a rank of militarum psyker that was very good by militarum standards. it also referred to the core power of psychic disciplines.
no, they’re sanctioned battle psykers. astropaths have their own model
It's crazy how iconic these lines are to this day
I can still hear them perfectly
If you don't care about playing tabletop it's imho the most based thing to do. Just buy models you like best and have a blast painting them
No you're just based.
lol, why does the one on the right really remind me of the Psi-corp from Babylon 5? He looks like Bester but after a good 20 extra years of being a complete dick.
You are the most enlightened of all.
Here anon, all you ever really needed to know about 40K:
Because your brain rotted away and what's left runs on pop references and tv easter eggs.
>I'm not believing in your fanfiction.
It's not fake, you don't need faith to believe it.
It's factual and real.
there are two kinds of psykers (3 counting astropaths) wyrdvane and primaris. wyrdvane are psykers in training and primaris is a psyker who've completed their training
Primaris Psykers are a special rank of Guard psyker, granted some degree of independance and authority. Here's their description from Dark Heresy Ascension
Yeah it was really chaotic, wasn't it? I would say that quiet a bit of chaos was created
>primaris is a psyker who've completed their training

>You cannot resist the Tau’va!
>Praise the Emperor and strike DOWN his foes!
>Glory to the first man to die, CHAAARGE!
Iconic. I should replay Dark Crusade.
Description seems to imply that Primaris Psyker exist not only within Guard
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primaris is not listed as one of the ranks a psyker can achieve, it's purely a sanctioned psyker who've completed their training
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Honestly if that's what you enjoy doing then that's what you should do. I have leagues more respect for people who do that than the ones who paint 120 models they hate just because the game says they're good. Painted pic related because I felt like doing some nurgle guys to paint but don't really want a full army right now. Painting random stuff is a great way for you to practice in a low stress way and may lead to you discovering a new painting technique or maybe even starting an army for the faction later down the line
I need to continue watching this. It's pretty good.
Dark Heresy Ascension page 40

It'a a special rank
Primaris psykers are basically psykers who have been determined by the Scholastica Psykana to be trustworthy enough to use their powers as they see fit. They usually hold very high positions in command retinue, governors household, or inquisitorial retinue. To become primaris one must have a certain baseline of power and the willpower to resist mental influence. While training to become sanctioned and be given primaris designation they are mentally tortured and have their minds read for years by experienced senior psykers, hoping both to reveal weakness of character and to draw out their highest potential. They learn discipline, the battle arts such as Smite, precognition, and telepathy. When they complete their final trials, which can even involve confronting demons directly in the warp, they undergo a months long surgery and mental conditioning process which alters the psykers brain to more resistant to possession and have arcane devices implanted that bleed away excess warp energy (which limits their power but makes them much safer and harder to see in the warp).

At the end of the process you have a truly powerful individual who is an asset to any influential enough to get them in their service. Those who fail in their training may be arranged in lesser psyker orders, who's power is quite low or uncontrolled, and used as canon fodder as they are taught to mind link and combine their powers into something greater than any can achieve on their own. Obviously, the survival rates of these lesser non sanctioned psykers is very, very low.
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that game really was something else
Nope. It's fake and made up. I say so.
I'm >>93432804 >>93432848
And I agree.
Abnett and GW have lost their touch.
I guess title would a more appropriate word than rank. Also, I think ranks from 1st edition are more arbitrary than 100% established lore
Every time someone makes fun of me ITT for liking gray knights I don't reply and just hear their voice lines in my head.
There is literally a picture of text explaining what Primaris Psykers are
Yes. Most. Benificent. One.
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It's also fantasy flight canon, they didn't always 100% jive with established lore. Black Library seems to go by it own rankings too.
Everything is fake and made up.
There's a world of difference between a few cool silver marines with halberds helping a chapter and the shitshow the table top army and fluff has become
yes and the picture agrees with what anon is saying. Primaris is a title you achieve, not a rank writing the organization. Becoming Primaris is like getting your name cleared as a criminal, you achieve some freedom and personhood you didn't have before
I was close to starting a grey knights army solely because of that voice acting. The only reason I didn't is because their combat patrol includes that fugly nemesis dread and I went with something else
Anon is saying Primaris is a psyker who completed their training. Any Sanctioned Psyker is a psyker who completed their training, training is part of sanctioning. Text is stating that Primaris are acomplished psykers who get additional special training and trials
>doesn't have negative rankings
dog shit chart
Im going by codex lore here because gw doesnt want to give power ratings to most of their psykers but alpha class psykers are employed by the imperium and I’m pretty sure chief librarians are typically alpha level.
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That is based beyond measure, anon. Also post some of them
Here's hoping they get a line revamp and maybe correct the dread knight abomination while they're at it.
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Why have these threads been completely taken over by autistic nomodels lorefags lately. What happened to cause such a phenomenon
>Cosplaying morathi at a 40k game when Morathi is fantasy.
dumb bitch.
God I want to have sex so bad
That's a man
no shes not you spastic
Is there an actual advantage to gyrojet ammunition? Like why not just have particularly large bullets in bolters
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Rent free
bolters were originally designed to be shock and awe weapons to horrify enemies when they see their comrades get shot and then a half second later explode into gore, not to be practical battlefield implements
less recoil, further distance travelled and higher velocity for the same payload.
>Dang those prices seem to be going up again.
>Dang this edition is terrible
>Dang people really don't want to talk to eachother anymore.
>Well at least the old lore is there.

Think about it for more than 3 mins.
>secondary talking about the quality of the edition
loving every laugh
retarded coomers tranny blind from horniness
>rent free
Let's fix that.
That will be $900 miss.
Trannys are the first one to point out if another tranny isn't passing, you're just a schizophrenic virgin
>You need to invest and play the game to know the game is bad.

Nice try GW.
>overall shape
check your trannydar I’m not buying it
In what way? His dudes are better painted than 90% of the models posted ITT
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>Scouts in position
I love how the grey knights in DoW just tell everybody they're from Titan
If you find painting models for the sake of it and/or because your found the lore fun then what's the problem?
Better than a metafag getting a new army every 3 months and selling the old one
because autistic nomodels niggers shit on everything posted and if you talk shit back to them theres a solid chance they dox you and send the nigger word to your family and employer
they also have unused voice lines for morale break
>scouts, advance
>infiltrating enemy territory
I haven't played the fucking game in like 10 years but I remember so many of those lines
They'll just mindwipe/execute them after, no biggie
No one is gonna dox you for posting models anon, you are not special
That's a trick, they're actually stationed in uranus
lmao what, stop being paranoid anon I do agree with the first part of your post though, I think my models are above average but I'm still hesitant to post them here
Closest I came was someone seeing the filename on my picture and knowing what province I lived in. Too bad he was 2 hours away or he could have joined my game group.
we already had one weirdo reverse image searching some guy’s models and sending death threats to his family. I’m good on that, some fag cant follow one of the few unwritten rules of this site so I’m not gonna bother.
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>the Emperor's finest, reporting.
Same, haven't played dow in forever but I know the lines by heart
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lmao this dingaling likes gayknights!
Just don't post them anywhere else.
Why do that anyway? You want headboard that bad?
well if you're a dumb fucking nigger that posts the same image you posted on your fb/twitter/anything you have linked with your irl social media here then you fucking deserve to be doxed
Noone is able to dox you unless you're posting your models on accounts with your full personal information accessible to strangers. If you get doxxed by posting your models then you deserve to be doxxed because you aren't doing anything to protect yourself
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>grey knights in DoW
>gay knights lore
Simple as
Video games are for nomodels secondaries. Paint your models and roll dice, any other interaction with this hobby is for spergs
sure, post yours then
I think I dont like 40k
And yet here you are.
none of us do
I liked it the way it was a few years ago, not the wokefest it has become.
Okay asmongold whatever you say, get back to ignoring that you murdered your mother for views
Damn, how did you know it was me?
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Already did here >>93433323 and here>>93432600 and here>>93432213, but sure anon heres another group of them. Now post yours friend, you do have models don't you c:
Season 5 is a bit weaker than the rest, but its still worth watching!
post models schizos getting blown the fuck out by someone with actually decent minis will never stop being funny to me
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I consider it a service to the thread
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here's my most recent
>wash slop with overly sponged on chipping
Ladies, ladies. Please. Let's not forget why we are here. To post models and show off paint jobs and silence fools trying to start secondary witch hunts.
Imagine trying to be elitist about painting and posting models with two separate moldlines within a cm of each other lmaoo
You don't have room to talk when you don't drill your barrels or even paint them black
>edge highlighted space marine number #19237846
>the highlights are not even particularly neat
>uncleaned mould lines
that anons minis are leagues ahead of your termie, sorry
I dislike Primaris, but I absolutely love that quad lascannon dread. Very nice stuff, anon.
better than wash sloppa and undrilled barrels
hilarious cope
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>Mold line on the combigun and sprue damage left on the tusk
Trash model kill yourself
But seriously, really crisp looking model anon. Did you spray on the black? Looks super smooth. How long do you spend on a model? My dudes take like 2-3 hours each but I hate batch painting.
Pic rel, my current wip
>better than wash sloppa and undrilled barrels
no, not really
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You can not like the sponging as that's a subjective thing, but to be out here acting smug with one highlight over black like it's some unattainable status is a little weak friend. I do like your plasma effect and flame sword though
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Heres anons mini with the exposure unfucked so you can see their mistakes a bit better.
Reminder that there's nothing to disprove that the Imperial Guard rape Eldar and Tau prisoners before executing them.
Rape Of An Eldar is canon.
Anon’s Lamenters are gritty and cool. Menwhile, your termie looks like a unit from a shitty corpo mobile game.
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>painted some red scorpions terminators
>spent a bunch of time freehanding the chapter emblems on the shoulder pads
>mfw I just realized I painted the scorpion facing the wrong way
and yet here you are on an anonymous imageboard sperging out over the height of a nameless cosplayer in a photograph
Something tells me it isn't height that determines whether or not someone is trash
Just say it's their version of the crux terminates and only bad mfs get backwards scorpion icons
>anon is fat
say it represents the scorpions banner blowing in the wind as they advance
assign him to the rearguard
my friend posted that and got 3 day banned, lol.
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If the US army can put their flag patch on the right arm with the flag being back to front, and it be seen as the "correct" way of doing things, then you can paint your scorpion back to front anon. : )
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Very much this energy.
i like what you did with the sword, looks neat
not a whole lot of people can do a good heat sword
It is cannon that the corsairs make their own vehicles, like warp hunters.
I get that an entire exodite army isn't realistic but surely a kill team wild be good, no?
Old fluff was that say, for example, works had "boltguns" it was more that they had a weapon that was roughly equivalent in power
mass replying is against the rules faggot
Jannies probably only ban shit that gets reported, it says something that the rest of the shit goes unreported, except for yours.
But that still doesn't justify being an annoying faggot about stupid bullshit only you care about.
all races who have invented plasma weapons so far (except for t'au) have been a race created by the old ones so they obviously planted the idea of these weapons in their DNA for them to eventually invent for themselves
>jannies only ban shit that gets reported
this isnt true on any board
why would they make their own vehicles when the dark eldar raider is literally the perfect vehicle for space elf corsairs?
were you dropped on your head as a child?
Well, assuming 40k is our world 40000 years in the future mankind invented autoguns, knights (sent out with subftl colony ships), and missiles on their own at least. And certainly more. As another anon said, people independently evolved the same technologies and concepts independently. The real reason is the 90s sculptors thought certain things were cool and just made them without caring about the nitty gritty of but yet written war in heaven lore.
I dunno about you but I'd rather throw myself into a woodchipper than skim every post in /40kg/, much less all of /tg/
Not saying it isn't, I didn't make the post that was banned. But it was a funny post. It was definitely spam but multiple anons were having fun with it. 3 day isn't a big deal for a good joke.
Why'd James do chaos spawn so dirty? 0OC and no regen bites. The -1 to OC is cool but they really could have left them at 70 pts and add back regen and no one would be screaming about being OP
What an embarrassingly boring base lmaoo
>who invented what?
slann invented chain weapons and portal weapons
jokaeros invented las, melta and plasma weapons
krorks invented power field weapons and grav weapons
eldar invented monomolecular and psychic weapons
No fun allowed. Lol at the GSC codex.
have you posted here before? jannies are the pettiest niggers on the planet and they never shut down anything unless it personally displeases them. they do post here and they do ban you if you insult them theres a reason they’re so hated
>Skelehands typed this
Get some meat on your bones, boy
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I wanted my scouts to look like they were put through the ringer. I use them as objective markers so my marines are fighting to rescue their homies
>anon confirms he's fat
I saw you post these before, its a cool idea and I like them.
vallejo charcoal black's airbrushed on over vallejo rattlecan black
takes me around 3ish hours per model too
Thanks, it's a fun effect to paint up
Is that your IP address?
I've had posts deleted in less than two minutes, innocuously showing a Starcraft 1 cinematic when everyone was talking about tyranids and hydralisks.
Jannies don't wait for reports. They sit in threads seething and do it for free.
You pulled it off. They look like hell, in a good way.
What awful colours.
not mine, no.
The kit is pretty old/heavily used and probably doesn't run very nice on their machines anymore. I imagine as their molds get beat up they start weighing how much worth it is for them to throw out a bunch of plastic just to have a few good ones when it's not a super high selling kit
Post your models
Really? I like the black and bright ass pink. Wasn't sure about the bronze but I didn't want to do black trim since the entire center of the model is black already. I don't think silver would look any better either.
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Here are they.
those look way better than the awful mess of pink and green
>krorks invented power field weapons
this is the one that doesn't make much sense to me, power claws are hydraulic, what power field weapons do they even have?
Also forgot humanity, who invented bolters (we already have gyrojet) and volkite.
>power claws are hydraulic
Orks use power claws, not krorks, the high ends of ork tech are all about energy fields manipulation, be it for protective purposes, offensive purposes or even timespace manipulation, obviously they would be the ones applying it to melee weapons to make them deadlier in their prime
No, youre edge highlighted contrast sloppa that manages to drill be too thick isn't better than anything posted here
Maybe you should have spent 3 hours and 15 minutes each so you had time to remove your moldlines lmaoo
>Still melting about your un-highlighted wash sloppa getting insulted
Sorry people aren't standing and clapping for your base coats and nuln oil :(
Never reply to anybody on this site. Classic rookie mistake.
>edge highlights bad
>shading bad
Is your army only basecoats or something, I don't understand what you're so cheesed about
I haven't posted my models in this thread what are you on about schizo
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>Cool Paladin design
>Completely fucked over by some insanely, absurdly donut steel lore
Was this really necessary? Why even go so hard into this super elite, secret marines theme with them? They would be just fine as a dedicated psyker focused loyalist chapter - replacement of TSons. Didn't need bullshit like Emperor's geneseed and Kaldor Draigo and memory wipes and executions and other shit like this.
Uh oh hobbylet melty
If my 11 year old ass could handle multiple weapon profiles in a unit then there is no reasonable justification for needing to make it simpler.
There are some very angry anons in this thread. Remember that this is a little army men boardgame meant for 13 year old boys before you get too angry.
>Doesn't drill barrels
>Does nothing but base coats and shades
>Calls others hobbylets
I wasn't a big fan of GKs either but the novel The Emporers Gift really changed my opinion on them. They're just cool and hit that teenage idea of super duper secret elites just right.
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Finished trying out adding a "power weapon lightning" effect to a Tyranid bone sword, as the apparently have them in lore but I've never seen them depicted on models or art.
I'm not a good painter but I think it looks really nice and adds some extra fun details to nids
The Emperor's gift is ADB's worst work and that's saying something. What ever you're smoking I'd like some.
>still thinking it's all the same person
not a single person said he prefers your shitty termie over his minis, reread the thread buddy
Looks pretty good! The glow at the bottom looks great. Had no idea they had power weapons, always assumed they just had access to stupidly sharp bio swords
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Also doing highlights and trying to do a bit of osl with this void dragon.
Still needs work, it's very much a WIP, but looks kinda good already
Can someone explain the context of this? I missed the initial deployment.

>The weapon is made of chitin and constantly crackles with powerful psychic energy that flows along embedded nerve tendrils to create a psychic field around the blade,
From the lexicanum article, source is apparently 5th ed codex for Tyranids.
It seems like it might have been, be more careful next time you choose to complain.
>blood angels
every time
I hope so. It’s certainly money on the table for GW.

Corsair relations with DE are tentative at best. Sure they interact more with them than craftwork’s eldar, but still. They are willing to make trade but are often hesitant to actually worth together. Also corsairs basically all have jet packs so they don’t need raiders so much. Their infantry are also not clones like kabilites, so loss of life is not something they can just ignore. For the most part they do not engage in real warfare and only make low risk moves of opportunity.
t. Casual Forgeworld Corsair enjoyer
>When they would need to have medium to big minis for the dinos
Never ever.
Your only chance is kroot type auxiliaries for CWE
uh oh janny melty
Corsairs do what they do for "adventure". Eldar being hyper emotional means they prefer custom pimped rides. Corsairs are more a motorcycle gang of teenagers.
Why is it that you faggots always complain about not seeing enough pretty girls anywhere, but then when you see the pretty girl you aren't content? What the fuck will ever make you miserable people happy when you always find an angle to bitch about when you get what you want?
>they should be generic space marine chapter #2725282
Fuck off. Ward was the best writer GW ever had the privilege to jerk off.
Eldar also sometimes have actual drukhari among them
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>Ward was the best writer GW ever had the privilege to jerk off.
>Really like several units within a faction
>another of the main units or meta picks is so ugly it puts you off the faction entirely
This happens way too often.
Does anyone have STLs for canis rex/ knight preceptor? I specifically just want the cockpit canopy. I want to see if I can print or have printed the cockpit cover is transparent plastic so you can actually see the pilot model within. I want to really go hard on the cockpit and kitbash my own pilot for it.

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