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Flesh Change edition

Previous thread: >>93409299

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements
>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)

『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Do your guys perform as well as you want them to or are you subtly disappointed with how your games go?
Repostan my arquitor
Apparently I am unable to complete simple tasks
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Just about finished I think. I'll have to go a bit brighter with the base armor on the next batch of test models, the oils darkened things down more than I anticipated.

Fuck that was fun.
So there are people in my local discord raging out about putting Tarantulas in transports and saying that they wouldn't play against someone as cheesy as that. It's not even good, what gives?
How can Tarantulas embark? They don't have a Movement trait.
Unless they were White Scars, I guess :^)
I was thinking about embarking a Rapier in a Land Raider >:^)
Do you need a movement start to start the game embarked?
I wish I could have even a modicum of this much excitement for painting.
Guess not. Idk if they can disembark. And then re embark.
Eh maybe the crew helps lay the turrets idk
Since they can’t take a dedicated transport, you’d have to be able to take rhinos separately to be able to start them embarked in one. You could take land raiders or Spartans and put them in those. Why would you want this either way? Even if they were able to start embarked, and if you interpret the disembarkation rules as allowing you to disembark with a model with no movement characteristic (which reading the rules it doesn’t seem to disallow), you’ve got at most, six heavy bolters or lascannons with T4 and 3+ save, shooting at BS2 that can only shoot the closest enemy unit to them.

I’d be inclined to say do it, I guess tarantulas have to get in place somehow, and frankly, you’d be better taking HSS in a rhino.
>Why would you want this either way?
It's funny to imagine some dude rolling up, chucking a bunch of tarantulas out the side, and then screaming at the driver to gtfo while someone gets missed at by a bunch of heavy bolts.
Tarantulas should have Line and you can't deny this.
Eh it's just to say that it is possible, not that it is a good idea.
Tbh I'm not all sure what Tarantulas are actually for. Eh, potshots and area denial.
You know, I’m going to be buying a bunch of new transports (I’ve got to get seven rhinos and a land raider - rip wallet-kun) and I’m now thinking I may get an extra with the old internal details kit (or maybe even a mars pattern or two) and make some engineering vehicles that carry tarantulas…
Nah tarantulas are way too big. The turret alone is 40mm the base would eat 60mm and even with the legs folded you couldn't convincingly sit one in a land raider.
It's a bit basic so far but here's a stormbird for my LI force
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For a force that relies mainly on despoilers, a melee castra ferrum, and crimson paladins I do pretty well.
Thanks for reminding me I was going to put laser destroyer rapiers in a spartan. Shame I don't play DG, because then I'd also put laser destroyers on the spartan.
My Exodus has rolled an outrageous amount of oned on the wound roll so far. When it comes to shooting vehicles he is really showing up however, so maybe I should reconsider the kind of target that Exodus should focus.
Really? Oh yea, they’re razorback turrets aren’t they?

Damn. I was thinking that I might be able to fit three with the legs folded and on their side in an open topped back half a rhino, but I’m not sure. I’ll have to do some measurements.
Oh no, you'd need to print something half the size before you could decorate a land raider, for a rhino you'd need something unbearably small.
Fridge thoughts: There should be a generic Legion Hereticus trait so any legion can run a generic version of "X legion on the full Chaos Koolaid"
There should also be some generic Hereticus only RoW's and watered down possessed marines that are Hereticus exclusive.
No, that's wrong.
Put a crane on the rhino and put the tarantulas in a trailer behind it
Yes, that's correct.
Maybe, that's a maybe
Alright who let the Eldar in? Get out Cabalfags you hacks.

Rhinos can't carry things with Bulky, you need something bigger to carry Tarantulas.
Tarantulas should be dropped from thunderhawks or stormbirds
Anyone picked up the command upgrade? I've seen some folks saying the banners are pretty big, but I haven't seen any specific pics
Size wise the banner itself is a bit bigger than the 40k ones, idk about the FW ones. The pole is longer tho, and the giant topper also adds to the height so the do look significantly bigger
Man, remember when fluff and rules lines up? Me neither.
You still need someone to assemble it.

Could've sworn I read somewhere they are sometimes teleported onto the battlefield, but can't find where I read it nor any rules ever giving them Deep Strike (outside of editions where Immobile units in reserves entered play via Deep Strike, giving us shit like deep striking orbital laser defence platforms).
I would call that pretty big yeah
I remember Tarantulas could get Concealed deployment (5+ cover until they first fired), Forward deployment (Scout [but no Outflank]), and Drop Capsules (Deep strike)
Hefty. I guess the other banner's about the same?
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Anons, would you be able to help me find a specific White Dwarf article? The one im looking for had a double-page feature of MkVII marines painted up as all of the different legions in their older schemes. It would've been before 30k got any official support as a game, but I recall it being what initially got me into Death Guard and marines in general. I've looked through the Index Astartes and Chapter Approved articles, but haven't been able to find it so far. Any help would be appreciated.
He has the mkVI set in another video but since its a standard it's not as wide but about the same height
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Are you thinking of this? This is from Collected Visions.
No, specifically a white dwarf article of painted models, not art. That colour scheme for them though.
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Wednesday night and time again for another OC heresy art dump to mark another week of classes on the books
>Part 29: Rogue Trader Era Renegades Edition
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Why is he laughing what does he know
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Last pic
Indeed he is loving life. Inspired by silly times when space marines were made out of pewter/lead and hand-sculpted by stoner Brits
>There should be a generic Legion Hereticus trait
No, but every Traitor Legion should have one with decent rules. Legion Hereticus options should be 0-1, like Daemon engines, for Traitor forces unless you use Legion Hereticus rules were you follow the normal Force org chart.
>There should also be some generic Hereticus only RoW's and watered down possessed marines that are Hereticus exclusive.
yes, because they decided that Legion Hereticus units can't use generic RoW's or specific specific gear due to "balance".
I can't believe they had magazines go all the way in front of the supporting hand. What were they thinking?
>A forward magazine acts like a handguard in close combat, which marines do often end up in
>Bolts being too forward isn't so bad, as they are gyrojets anyways
Legion Hereticus rules are what inductii should've been. Rather than a single unit, it should be the entire warband that's watered-down and corrupted near the end of the war.
>What were they thinking?
Gott, Kaiser und Vaterland.
based Edward Sawhands.
Good shit, DrawAnon.
>Inspired by silly times
I've got one of pic related coming in the mail to be used as a techmarine. I'm debating if I should give it a packpack servo arm or if I should just count the wrench as one and slap a holstered blade on it and call it a day.
I've got another metal techmarine coming in but I might use it as a regular marine instead and give its servo arm to the rogue trader mini.
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Wish anon doing all the funky AT titans made a Reaver carrying a cage with some animals in it.
Imagine being a princeps of a reaver god machine and still being a wagie.
Nah man. He's out shopping in his Robot pants. Gucci flex has nothing on that guy
Isn’t that a knight? I may see about making this as a knight.
That's more of a knight but those must be some pretty tiny cows to fit in a box the size of a car.
There's no escape from the wagie life.
>15 minutes into the siege of terra
>all your bros have disappeared
>auspex gave up
>magazine has slid to the front of your bolter
>eyes start bleeding
still winning
Save for the carapace, a lot of the design elements fit the Reaver.
looks fresh
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Some WIP HQ options working hard on total word bearer death, the one on the right is actually an older model I stripped thats from the same batch as the model depicted in the OP sketch. On a related note, how do I get big cracks with agrellan earth because im barely getting a cracked texture when using it
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UK 298-302 didn't have it, but I did come across some other stuff.
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It's a tough call. Backpack with servo arm might distract from the other fun stuff going on with that sculpt. Try it out and post pics. Either way here's an EC sending the thread some good vibes
Sagittarum Guard should be troops. Normal custodian guard literally already have access to adarsite Spears, there's no reason a combi-version of one is justified being in heavy support and more expensive.

I want to have an army of Mechanized bolter custodes with Grav tanks and Terminators in support goddammit.
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counterpoint: fuck cuckstodes
Yeah I didn't find it either, but man was it fun looking through all those old issues. The Chapter Master articles were especially cool, with all the inspiration on coming up with your own dudes.
>bashing down the walls
lysander confirmed IW geneseed
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I liked the Angry Marines.
Sisters of Silence should be troops, all Custodes should be Elites, Fast Attack, or Heavy Support.
Just checked my hard copy, it's US WD 300, not in the table of contents but attached to the article about Dave Taylor's Custodes army.

Still trying to find where that was in the UK WD chronology.
That's in #322, but no HH marines.
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Different Custodes army. Dave's dreads are chunkier and less meme-worthy.

I haven't been able to find a scan of US300, but I'll take a couple pics tomorrow if nobody else turns it up.
Uhm hold up, remember Mount Ararat?
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>remember Mount Ararat?
It was over 30 years ago, but yes.
Looked through 280-300 in the MEGA, but I couldn't find it. Were there articles that only ran in some regional versions of White Dwarf?
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Believe so. For example, don't think the Laius Rift campaign was in any other than the Australian WD.
I never read the article in WD but it was sort of featured on the website in 2007. Someone on reddit took a few screen shots of it.
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Built some characters, two Chaplains and a champion for my Blackshields.
>world eater
>with an imperialis
>test model
Damn, that was a good campaign. Shame it'll be harder to find.

Amazing, thank you very much Anon.
Nta but why did you use one of the upgrade heads on it if you aren't going to field it? Seems kind of a waste to me.
I don't know why they did that, maybe to practice painting that helmet
It's a print.
Gonna try ordering some recasts before I cave and buy overpriced GW resin.
oof those casts are nasty, is most casting of newer stuff this bad? I don't know if perhaps they are forced to use the actual models rather than the moulds as was the case for most of the FW range before 2019
I got some recasts and they didn't come out that well at all desu. The bunny ears were misaligned and very thin, and the undercuts and panels weren't well aligned either. I don't want to promote James in this, but I got Sarum heads from like 3 different places and none came out well.
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Been a while since I posted the WIP of this chap, life comes at you fast. Got him all wrapped up though, looking forward to being angry at the enemy soon.
Cool stuff anon, is he supposed to be a chaplain or a champion?
Chaplain. The shield's mostly decorative - I was trying to decide how to theme it, and ended up at a sort of memorial-for-the-fallen style dude.
Sagittarum Guard should be Troops, in fact they should be the most common kind of Custodian in 30K both because literally every army of superhumans the Emperor made followed the same basic pattern of bunch of shooty guys backed up by various smaller specialist and elite formations - and in Unification/Crusade eras the Custodes *were* an army - and because they're supposed to be the guardians of the outer walls of the palace which is, you know, the size of an entire country so probably needs quite a few guards. Also, they're cool.
Man i miss the old WD…
When do you guys think we are getting the mech box?
Two more weeks?
Two weeks is the minimum, hard to say for sure.
On that note should Custodes also have Armoury Thralls in the game in some manner? Like an optional squad attachment who upgrades the squad's shooting if they use Guardian weapons and maybe something else. Though the fluff on them is pretty light.
Gonna be busy soon and won’t be able to or have the time to build and paint stuff for a good while…
Damm you GW and your retarded release schedules…
Honestly narik dreygur is just very old and probably a result of a worn out mold. The very new stuff like the carsoran axe and the Champion body were kind of alright, although I had to carve out the bit connecting waist to torso because the flash was unsalvageable, and the sword was horrid. The techmarine axe I ordered was pretty bad two, it snapped upon being pulled out of the soapy water bath, which is why one guy has a 3d print axe.
When do you think we'll get the Martian Civil War book?
Alongside the mech box or directly after it.
Also does anyone have good sources or ideas for mechanicum-like techy bits or material?
Already aware of the GW kits obviously.
Last two were about 2 months from reveal to release.
I wish we had access to more different types of combat servitors.
Feels so boring that the only options we have for them are adsecularis when a majority of the battle forces of the mechanicum are supposed to be different types of servitors.
You could arguably consider thallax and secutarii to be servitors from a certain point of view but they just feel more like cyborgs.
The mechanicum list is a woefully thin slice of what the faction has to offer.
TQ: I get my ass kicked reliably, so a bit disappointed.
I'm trying a radically new list this coming weekend, so hopefully I'll do at least ok, but I'm expecting to get tabled a lot, especially as it's a bit of a gimmick list.
Take militia allies with Cyber-augmetics traits and fashion them as servitors. It gives a fait bit more variety and they are sworn brothers to mecanicum
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Just need to do some more washes, tidy up, apply transfers, base and weather. Then these House Devine armigers will be ready to roll
Tech-thralls aren't servitors and neither are servo-automata but the latter shared the same rules with servitors. In 1.0 you can have servitor tanks and planes.
Militia with Cyber-Augmetics and Armoury of Old Night make for real good stand-ins for gun-equipped Combat Servitors.
>Also does anyone have good sources or ideas for mechanicum-like techy bits or material?
I feel like I've had this conversation like 3 times over the last month, but no, not really. You'd think that someone like North Star would for Stargrave since you can take a whole crew of robots, or WGA would do an upgrade sprue of them, but nope. The only source for a lot of that stuff is GW, especially if you want it in hard plastic.

You could always make your own, I guess. Plasticard toobs, greenstoof, wires, and such.
Say, the AL Master of Lies let's you redeploy 3 units right before the First Turn.
This is, after deployment, then infiltration, then scout moves have happened.
My question is, if I redeploy Infiltrate + Scout units, can I infiltrate them again, or must I redeploy them as if they were regular units (restricted to my deployment zone)?
Takes me back, I used to kitbash like this back in the day before FW made kits. Making heresy minis was so hard to source bits.
Yeah I have WD310 and it has a LotR Balrog cover on it.
>if I redeploy Infiltrate + Scout units, can I infiltrate them again
Yes, but the thing is that they, just like secutarii, are an allied detachment and limit you in alot of ways, beyond the fact that many rules interactions don’t work as they should you can’t take them in ZM (which would be awesome with hoplites).

>inbf. Just house rule it
I’ve met people who don’t want you to houserule since that would be ”cheating the system”.
Which i kind of understand since i’ve run into people who want you to play with houserules just so they can handicap your army or allow for broken shit with their army.
Scout is just based on redeploying within a certain range based on your initial deployment?
I see no reason as to why you would only be able to redeploy within your own zone.
Damm I was hoping with the agents post earlier in the week we'd get something 30k today

Hope is the first step and all that
It's been pretty slow from GW in general.
But we're a month or so overdue on the melee weapons. Maybe someday...
>he thinks the melee weapons are coming
Secutarii aren't an allied detachment (they are an optional one) and cyber-aumentics make militia sworn brothers with mech. Please learn the basic game things before asking for additions or other things.
>Secutarii aren't an allied detachment (they are an optional one)
The basic allied detachment chart and the Titan maniple detachment chart are both optional detachments and work the same in practice except for the restrictictions in which mandatory units you have to take, which is why i didn’t feel the need to autisticly specify that they aren’t allied detachments but another type of detachment.

>cyber-aumentics make militia sworn brothers with mech
Even if they are sworn brothers they don’t count as the same detachment and have restrictions when it comes to rules interactions because they don’t have the mechanicum keyword, not that i mind the idea of using them to proxy servitors of different types, it’s just that it places annoying restrictions on the force and stops you from using them in certain ways because of that.

I was arguing about the fact that i can’t bring these detachments to ZM battles because they do not allow ”optional detachments” of any kind, which i have to make clear since you’re apparently too retarded to understand it if i don’t use the exact terms to describe things.

Maybe read my post and the rules properly in the future before acting like a smug holier-than-thou shiteater.
Where's dreygur from? I have him in my wtg cart but if the cast is that rough I dunno
Wtg yeah
Nice anon, love to see knights getting some love. I’m still fighting back the urge to grab a cerastus knight to back up my dudes
I'm reading through Prospero Burns now, and I'm not really into it. I really liked Legion from Abnett though, probably my favorite so far, but that also took some time for me to get into it. Is PB generally well-regarded or is it another 'Battle for the Abyss'?
>muh ZM restrictions
Again, you don't know what you are talking about, even without the no optional detachment restriction you can't even run militia in ZM outside of using the ogryn or the gren provenance in the first place and hoplites in ZM don't make any sense from a fluff perspective considering they are meant to guard titans and not be a stand-in for 40kiddies like you using their skitarii.
>muh Mechanicum keyword
Doesn't exist 40tard, you can't fit allies into transports which you won't run in ZM, that's it for restrictions. You are sworn brothers so you can target each others with buffs, you can battlesmith each others, the ICs from both factions can join etc... Point me towards some of the rules restrictions that you mentioned.
>Maybe read my post and the rules properly in the future before acting like a smug holier-than-thou shiteater.
Maybe read the rules before posting.
Thanks for ruining the discussion climate in the general btw (you) buzzword gurgling threadshitting retard.
Does anyone have the pdfs for Books 9 and 10 of the Black Books? I have the other 8.
>muh buzzwords
My points are pretty valid. Yours aren't. Read.
They ran out of steam and notes before the reached ten books. The 9th is like half of what it was supposed to be and the remaining half is so bad that one time when GW was talking about the black books post 1.0 they said 8 leather-bound books. Even GW memoryholes it. Here.
I'll do a think on it
Thanks anon
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kill every wall rat
Do you think the imperial commodities exchange collapsed in a horrific fashion when it became widely known that Horus had betrayed the Emperor?

Here's how I imagine the events of "black december" where it became known that the horus heresy had begun
>The month started on a historical high 2.2 trillion points, some ancient megabanks considering it a good sign for the coming terran year and a highest since the end of old night
>A 3 hour technical outage the next day tempered the markets a bit
>A merger between two mega media combines helped resurge the market on the Wednesday
>On the Wednesday of the week the well loved Omon bank currency Baron Fracer Gublen died in mysterious circumstances in his hive penthouse estate on Alba
>On Monday of the second week the Imperial Treasury adjusted rates
>On Tuesday a panic in the market was reported when a rumor was circulated that the system of Istvaan has rebelled, the key system rippled thoughout the market causing a 10% drop that day
>By thurday the black market media had established that Horus had betrayed the emperor, causing chaos in the markets but the institutional investors forcfully applied calm through the markets
>By friday it was established as fact, a ~150 billion point drop in the market caused a ripple effect
>The next day the institutional investors rallied the markets with the news that a counter force was being sent to apprehend horus and his allies
>10 days later after the news of the istvaan 5 massacre and the rebellion on mars coursed the market to tumble down a further drop of 750 billion points causing catastrophe across the imperial market, a rally was attempted but did not come to fruition
>There may be evidence of traitor traders and institution may have been prepared to spread uncertainty and sell stock strategically on key dates, however much of the data has been lost due to the ensuing banking wars
guy who I introduced to 40k in tenth grade and let borrow my magnifying glass to paint his first set of CSM just texted me out of the blue after our last contact being like 5 years ago to thank me for getting him into the hobby because its been a massive positive influence on his life and granted him a alley of artistic expression. Offered to print me some stuff for free as thanks and asked if I wanted to play some games sometime(I had gotten out of the hobby and only recently got back in with HH this year, and said yes as soon as I got my stuff assembled.)
just a reminder that showing people things you like is a good thing, and can have a real influence on others.
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>ensuing banking wars
I read once that there were queue wars on the endless pilgrimage likes on Terra. That there were people who were born, grew old and died, all of that formed in the line. And they warred with other lines.
I'd like to see warring Warhammer banking clans and mega corporations.
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>black december
Do we know exactly what day of what month the Heresy began? Only proper date I've seen mentioned is when the Siege of Terra began.
I dunno but I choose black December because it has a good ring to it, and I wanted to have the economic collapse last an entire month
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What are the logistics of running an interstellar megacorp in 30k/40k when communication and travel are so difficult? I would imagine most would be localized to segmentums and sectors.
I imagine it would be done the way large corporation have been run prior to the existence of railroads, etc. Local offices have decent autonomy but need to basically send tithes to their larger corpo superiors and their superiors send auditors every once in a while to make sure that the local offices do not cook the books.
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We shall die on the field of battle not behind a wall and when we do die we shall die laughing
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literally who
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>My captain
>It appears the white scars are charging us
It really is a iron warrior tsim fit when the White Scars just say fuck it and start charging.
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wall rats and throat singers get out
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who the fuck are these juggalos?
i am curious where the white scar= juggalo meme comes from.
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why is this juggalo putting a 2 liter bottle of off-brand soda up his ass?
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Why is this autist crying we arent playing his little siege exactly how he wants it?
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>siegebois don't season they assholes
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why are you inhailing computer duster?! this isnt how sieges are fought!

I feel like ICP song lyrics can be said by a White Scar stormseer and people will say its deep
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>A White Scar legionary seen looking over the aftermath of the burning of Prospero
lmao question answered

>If magic is all we've ever know
>Then it's easy to miss what really goes on
>But I've seen miracles in every way
>And I see miracles everyday
>Oceans spanning beyond my sight
>And a million stars way above em at night

Damn Chris Wraight truly is the greatest Black Library author...
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Anyone here gotten a lucius warhound from Z?
Any comments on the quality?
The siege of Terra proper started on "the 13th of Secundus", and ended 55 days later, on the 10th of...Quatronius or some retarded name for May.
So, on Mother's Day, 014.M31.
The heresy lasted for 9 years, meaning it started on May 10th, 005.M31.
...That said, the last loyalist map available to us is dated 892.005.M31, which translates to 13:55 November 22nd of year 30,005.
Which silica animus tells me, will be a Wednesday my dudes.
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Wagon Wagon, dead bodies draggin
Are you down with the clown with clown luv, ride the...
Wagon Wagon, dead bodies draggin
Every dead fuck in the city comes and rides the...
Wagon Wagon, dead bodies draggin
these stupid fucking white scar memes make me wanna do my allied detachment to blood angels as WS instead of IW cause I love ICP so much.
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preorders announced this weekend, right?
Maybe. Though I can't help but feel this book and the Mechanicum releases won't be until Fall seeing as how we still have yet to see the melee weapons. Plus, AoS still has some additional releases for Stormcast and Skaven.
they said the new stuff for Skaven won't even be shown off until August 10th, and the new Stormcast stuff after that. It's going to be on shelves for at least a month
Even if you could Embark, they have a Movement of - .

Since you have to place them in base contact with the Transport's Access Point and they can't actually move, unless those Access Points leave the Tarantula unit separated by no more than 2" they're out of coherency and the Disembarkation is illegal ("At the end of the unit’s move, all models must be in unit coherency", p212).

But zero-level Characteristics in any case represent an absolute absence of ability in that area - they can't be modified (even by LA:WS, since there's nothing to modify)

>Some models have been given a 0 for certain Characteristics, which means that they have no ability whatsoever in that field (the same is also occasionally represented by a ‘-’). p148

It should be obvious from that statement that a Tarantula has no ability to Move and therefore no ability to Embark or Disembark: it's not explicitly stated as a form of Movement requiring a Movement Characteristic but, then, it firstly shouldn't have to be, and secondly the Disembarkation rules do state

>After Disembarking, models can make Shooting Attacks in their subsequent Shooting phase, counting as having moved that turn,

so it is considered a form of Movement and as a model with no Movement Characteristic can't therefore Embark or Disembark, the Tarantula cannot be Embarked onto a Transport (even while in Reserves).
Oh, interesting. Then maybe so. Unless we will see Martian Civil War and Mechanicum between now and then... or it'll just be the long-delayed plastic melee weapons, if that even still exists.
Quads for portent of plastic weapons. Sad....
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Don't put that evil on me, I didn't ask for any of this. Blame HiroshiMoot.
you. are. never. getting. melee. weapons.
>unless those Access Points leave the Tarantula unit separated by no more than 2" they're out of coherency and the Disembarkation is illegal
I mean, you could do that? Tarantulas are 60 mm bases no? Like a dead? You could deploy two in base contact with a Land Raider's front ramp
Or you could unload 3 from a Dreadclaw, as they are Bulky 4 Infantry(Automated Artillery), and Dreadclaws are 12 Transport capacity where the entire hull counts as an entry point
>Iron Warriors orbital drop
>The enemy intercepts the drop pods and surrounds them
>The doors open
>They disembark fucking turrets and Deathstorm Drop Pods
>It's Reverse Iron Cage Day
>failed to kill every wall rat
>twice, including when the wall rats arrived at his own walls
>The orks managed it, though.
>>The orks managed it, though.
Like how the orks also killed the Imperial Fists chapter?
Your own headcanon is better than whatever read in BL, anon
we killed every wall rat at the iron cage. no wall rats survived, d*rn is dead and the wall rats got replaced by geneseed from their successors who werent at the iron cage.
If there's two enemy vehicles side by side, separated by 2", can I have a mini move in between them? ->The mini wouldn't be able to move without getting closer than 1" to either enemy model...but vehicles don't get actually "locked" in combat; they can still shoot, be shot, and move away normally.
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Does anyone have experience running knights in a game? Was thinking of bringing an Acheron or a Lancer in my LoW slot but don’t really know what their “role” would be, are they just meant to go after vehicles or elite units?

Also going to be running traitors if that makes a difference
I don’t disagree with you, but you’re making absolute claims about general cases from very specific pieces of data. “After Disembarking, models can make Shooting Attacks in their subsequent Shooting phase, counting as having moved that turn,

so it is considered a form of Movement”

This is not a reasonable conclusion to draw from something that says “counting as”

Also, starting a paragraph with “it’s obvious” and then ending with “of course I’m right, and no one should ever have to question that even though the rules don’t say it” makes you look like the dumbest fucking retard on the planet. I don’t disagree with you conclusions, but you should actually feel ashamed of your inability to understand grammar or basic logic, but because of your ignorance itself, but because you seem convinced that you know exactly what you’re saying.
I brought my castigator to one of the few 2.0 games I’ve played and it worked pretty damn well. Knights are pretty worthless at fighting termis and dreads this edition, but the tear through medium and light infantry very fast. The castigator in particular being able to auto-hit everything in base contact can dish out some real damage to any unit with numbers. He ran up the side of the field and made short work of a 10 man termi squad (took a couple scary hits from a chain fist but survived), and then a 15 man tac squad, and finished off with a 10 man volkite HSS before getting felled by shooting.

I think the castigator is probably the best knight this edition, but the long short of it is that they all work decently well if you use them how they’re supposed to be. If you just want to jam them straight up the centre, you’re going to have a shit day.
No model may end its move within one inch of an enemy model. If it’s unable to move without doing so, it may not move. If it’s forced to move and has no way of avoiding being placed within 1” of an enemy model, it’s removed as a casualty.
>you seem convinced that you know exactly what you’re saying.
The power of faith y.y
did you finish primary education

this isn't a flawed abductive set, it's something only a real human who's been outside can grasp

if they could Move, yes, but with a Movement of -, they're incapable of Disembarking, which is a form of Movement

we can prove that Disembarking is a form of Movement, thus requiring a positive Movement Characteristic, by understanding that in order for a thing to go from one place to another, that thing has to Move
If something "counts as having moved" then it's not an actual move, otherwise it wouldn't need to count as it. It would be it.
The same way Deepstrike isn't an actual move (and thus you can deploy M-" models like Drop Pods), also disembarking isn't an actual move. Even if it counts as such.

Thus, as long as you fulfill the restrictions (which deploying Tarantulas in base contact with a Dreaclaw does), you would be able to disembark M-" models
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Fair enough, the castigator does seem pretty solid, I’d be tempted to take it but a lot of my stuff is anti infantry so I feel like I would be doubling up too much in that department.
>Knights are pretty worthless at fighting termis and dreads this edition, but the tear through medium and light infantry very fast.
Is this just cause of their WS? If I gave something like the lancer one of those daemonic upgrades that can give it WS5 do you think they’d be alright for hunting and fighting elites and dreads, or do they still fall somewhat short in that department?
You can only take household/corrupted upgrades in a household Detachment.
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I think it’s only household upgrades that are like that aren’t they? The second line for the dark blessings upgrade stuff states it’s all good unless I’m somehow misinterpreting that
Just wanted to share this cause I am happy with the solution. I didnt want my sicaran pintle mount to be floppy, so I epoxied a magnet into it and one on the back. This pulls the weapon increasing the friction so its not so loose but still spins perfectly.
fuck loyalists
why are loyalists so fucking gay
the emperor is a gay retard so i makes sense those loyal to him would also be so.
Someone needs to make a version of that meme with Horus punching Sanguinius and the Emperor standing in the bottom right corner.
>they have a Movement of - .
They don't have to move, their transport will.
This and the mech box will be like fires of cyraxus 2.0
I think we will just have to accept that we are not getting melee weapons and that they lied.
This is the longest spring I ever had
Any interesting tactics you’ve used or run into recently?
Yeah that’s pretty cool anon.
Why are people trying to force Tarantulas into transports?
Is hitting on 5s not bad enough?
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>Hans, are we the Baddies?"

show models.
if you want to be optimistic then possibly they've rethought the melee sprue and will lean into a despoiler, saturnine and furibundus-like dread box.
What's your guy's opinion on armigers? I like my lil knights but I'm not sure how they'll perform on the tabletop
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model shown

praevian done to lead my vorax into battle

Armiger spam is more viable than fielding actual knights. They got dreadnought like stats and rules but with straight up Eternal Warrior instead of taking D3 wounds from instant death Their only downside is low leadership values. The move is to take 1 knight with the warlord trait that raises its WS to 5, then fill out the rest of your points with shooty armiger.
Did they ever explain how Mars got reconquered? It was entirely in Traitor hands relatively early on in the heresy
spit your truth my nigga
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>Armiger spam is more viable than fielding actual knights
New list, whaddya think?
Why take ranged armigers when melee armigers have almost the same fire power + a melee weapon for the same points?
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Have a pic of my command squad banner bearer for my WE I’m currently workshopping and building instead of finishing the test model WE in the back.

Still waiting for bits to come in the mail (bunny ear helmets, butcher nails heads, one handed bolters etc.) so I can decide what look I wanna go with but I’m liking the plastic command sprue a lot desu.
>those mirrored helmet crests
GW is taking the piss with with every new kit they release.
>cheap deimos Rhinos are coming back to ebay
Bro...nature is healing. Now if only GW would restock USA so I don't have 30 bucks in shipping.
Shit WS. Specially for large targets like amigers are, bring WS 5 or just don't bother.
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Man I feel like im a special snowflake, most White Scar armies I see around are just Chogorian Brotherhood.

Like I have a lot of bikes too but no one seems to run Saygan Mayzan, are the anti transport/Heavy support restrictions too strict for to be used?
Yea, it’s all down to the absolutely fucked 2.0 WS to hit chart. Dropping 2/3rds of your attacks means you just don’t have enough output to do well in melee. Add to that that virtually every dread or termi squad will have either brutal or armourbane (and potentially higher initiative than you) and you get your ass kicked real fast. Taking a household detachment so you can get the WS buff means a 300+ point tax of armigers (though armigers/moriax are actually pretty damn good). Even with it though, S10 AP2 with four attacks really doesn’t do much to a dread. With WS5, a contemptor with one melee weapon still outfights a knight lancer.

GW really fucked up moving dreads to MCs, especially when they knew how OP MCs with 2+, an invuln, and good melee stats were from mech in 1.0.
Because the special unit of Ebon Keshig doesnt make sense since their special rule doesnt work with the RoW since its the same shit and they are a melee only tartaros unit
Broski I got banned in outer circles fucking group for arguing this because maccas butt buddies got mad over it. The RoW is not meant to spam Ebon Keshig widely at most you stick them as troops. Your meant to make big fuck you blobs that are meant to die and then say fuck you to the opponent.

I got banned becasue some guys get angry if you pull it out in missions that have killing models score and Saygan Mayzan counters that completely. and I said its not the best RoW its just a gimmick and they said its a WAAC choice if you bring it.
Yep using a lot of Ebon Keshig is a trap. you should use mass blobs of fuck you units like 10 Cataphracti or 20 man despoilers. Also a way to get around the lack of heavy support is just use 3 sabre tanks they arent heavy support and are in fast attack.
For a facebook group those fucking aussies are bigger assholes than us
Monstrous creatures.
M(ac n) C(heese), a LC specialty.
Aahh, Gotcha
L(asagna eating) C(at)??
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Do you think we'll get any new knights or are they knighted out?
Now you're getting it.
>in missions that have killing models score and Saygan Mayzan counters that completely. and I said its not the best RoW its just a gimmick and they said its a WAAC choice if you bring it.
They deny kill VP, gain Fearless the first round of combat, and free Apothecaries. That is really good.
The downsides are no flyers (which few ever bring anyways), and no heavy support besides HSS. Preds & sicarans would be missed. Fair restrictions desu.
Land Raiders can still come as DT, but actual Ebon Keshig don't get them. Which I used to think it was a mistake but now it seems deliberate.
I dislike him. The Apothecarium invested dozens of hours onto bringing that guy back, and all they got is a dude with a bolter?
Anyone can do that.
I wish Praevians were not just sub-dreadnought cripples, but instead also tech enthusiasts like Techmarines, doting on their robot pets, eager to unleash them onto the foe.

I guess it's telling: only mentally ill marines would ditch their brothers :(
Man, Idk what the fuck the other anon is rambling about but knights do pretty well against terminators and fine against dreadnoughts.
He seems to be completely ignoring stomp attacks for whatever reason, which are 4+D3 extra S9 ap2 attacks per turn on top of your normal melee weapon.
Brutal doesn't work on things that don't have a toughness value and I haven't even seen a single chainfist on a terminator or dread this edition since everyone takes the Brutal option instead.
Sure, knights don't kill dreads particularly fast, nothing does, but dreads are even worse at killing knights. Dreads have 3 attacks, hit with 2 with their supreme all powerful WS5, and then only wound on 4s, which is a lot worse than hitting on 5s and wounding on 2s with 3 time the amount of attacks, like a knight does to them. The acheron even rerolls to wound.
WS5 terminators are not the basic building block of HH armies like /hhg/ seems to think. And even if they were, you have 9-11 S9+ ap2 attacks per turn and they wound you on 5s with the TH they usually have. Which is only 1 wound that has to go through your invulnerable save as well.
Knights don't kill units in one round of combat but you also don't get locked in combat and can walk away whenever you want. You can also have 18" movement. If you don't want to get in melee with something, you don't.
You can take any knight you want. The Acheron is particularly good against infantry bc S10 ap2 Deflagrate. But the lancer and Acheron also have a buttload of attacks that ID anything with T4
We still have to get plastic Acastus knights. Which will be after plastic 28mm-scale Warhounds.
Any lorefags know if DA had the watchers in the dark during the Great crusades? Want to use some with my basing if so.
That's what I was wondering if they'd do for a new knight. A new type of the big boys. I'm not sure why they can do other than something with fug huge volkites or something stupid like a gallant version.
In the old telling Mars fell when Horus' forces pushed through Sol. In the nuHeresy Mars was taken out early on and basically in a civil war while blockaded by Imperial forces. I imagine once Horus' forces withdrew, they took most of the traitors with them from Mars, along with their knowledge and tech. Ones left behind got purged and there were cullings to make sure their taint is permanently removed.
>their taint is permanently removed.
Loyalists were forced to not repair, but rather build new systems over the old ones. The corruption was that deep, that thorough.
Buried below the surface, evil still lurks within. That is how Arkhan died after all.
Pretty sure Mars' lower levels were already a hellhole before the Heresy.
I'd be surprised if we didn't get the Atrapos as part of the Mechanicum releases this year
Does anyone know if there's a specific Knight household associated with ultramar or that the UM fought with regularly?
Aside form the horse guys from 40k
House Vornherr exists.
They were. Filled with self-aware evil AI.
Then the heresy happened, and the catacombs got corrupted by a new layer of daemonic warp stuff.
cute blushy helmets, cute!
>Any interesting tactics you’ve used or run into recently?
Infiltration is made a waste of point if you simply buch up.
I had 2 Recons, 2 Headhunters and 1 Seeker squad, and their infiltration was wasted when the IF guy simply deployed his Rhinos in a V formation in his V-shaped Clash of the Line deployment zone.
Complex maneuver made pointless when the other guy deploys like a simpleton. His mind is too dull to grasp (you slide off).
All places left to infiltrate in...is right in front of him!
Looks cool as fuck bro
>The Stomp attacks are made in addition to the model’s normal attacks.

Fuck me that would have been good to know a few weeks back.
Horus was better than Sanguinius in just about everyway imaginable, why can't BAfags accept this. The Emperor Himself knew as such, that's why He made Horus the Warmaster and not the gay winged mutant.
yeah, thats why he beat sang to death like a dog.
Anon please contain your spergy autistic rage.
They are fictional characters, you don’t have to put them in a dickmeasuring contest.
>Horus starts to bludgeon him, beating him repeatedly like a disobedient dog. There is no art in this any more. No martial skill. No patience. Worldbreaker shreds armour and flesh. It pulverises both collarbones. It ruptures a lung. A fine drizzle of blood fumes the air around the two figures, the brutal, beating giant and his prey. >The sixth hammering impact twists Sanguinius’ head around, shattering his jaw, and transmitting such force that the skin on the left half of his face, from brow to chin, is flayed loose. It flutters, then drapes back like a slack mask.
canonically he was beaten to death like a dog
blood angels are the gayest chapter.
Ehhh… it’s IW<IF<BA if were going for gayest being worst, at least, their players are.

I’m always amazed that despite NL and RG both having literal edge lords as their primarchs, BA players are the biggest bunch of edgy teens out there.
if we are talking ACTUAL homosexuals, I've mostly seen them play RG and Salamanders. BA guys are mostly edgy or dads.
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Non shiny alpha legion livery looks great. Still WIP btw
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How are EC *not* the gayfag legion?
Hot topic goth femboys
Nice Sons of Horus, anon.
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>You are a pompous man.
Anon I think you're colourblind.
This. That's clearly a White Scar Stormbird.
They're masquerading, anon
EC are the legion of poncy elitists and show offs that appear effeminate and homosexual because they don’t display masculinity in a common, lowbrow fashion, but are the kind of rich cunts that are blowing rails off the tits of high class hookers, indulging in blood sports and married to 10/10 trophy wives when they’re not at parties talking about their new play or how absolutely fabulous the decor is.
Remember, Fulgrim is the only Primarch we know was canonically married to multiple women and wasn’t a virgin.
The fact they end up later being raging perverts that don’t care who still is what in where is just part of their corruption and fall from grace.
>anon has never been around old money or nobles
I envy you
Stop pulling anon's leg, being colourblind isn't something to joke about. It's clearly a Thousand Sons stormbird.
I envy anon too. I’ve never met an aristocrat who I didn’t want to murder within a minute of meeting. It’s fucking unreal to me (who grew up very poor) that the chick from 101 dalmatians is not only realistic, but on the pleasant end of the spectrum.
The knight can lose up to 4 of its 6 hullpoints to one hit with one penetrating hit rolling an explodes when the dreadnought hits. The dreadnought only ever loses one single wound for each hit the knight manages to land, and gets an invulnerable save too unlike the vast majority of knights.
I now want Juggalo Marines.
Proceeds to blast Faygo out of dual wielded Heavy Flamers at bone crushing force.
Perfectionists, anon.
Regardless of how poncy they are, their elitism and later vices, Emperor's Children were perfectionists.
Meaning they DEMANDED flawlessness. It was expected of everything and everyone, meaning anything less was met with scorn. It's an awful way of being, it brings you nothing but disappointment.
You stop taking things for what they are, and start judging them for what they *should* be (and are not).
EC believed there was no sphere of warfare they should excel in, and indeed that spurred them to be paragons across the Astartes. But it also bred hatred for those below them, and contempt for those above.
>The knight can lose up to 4 of its 6 hullpoints to one hit with one penetrating hit rolling an explodes when the dreadnought hits.
That's has a 1.5% chance of happening.
In a 1.24% chance the knight takes 4 wounds off the dreadnought
>EC believed there was no sphere of warfare they should'NT* excel in
Dishonor on me and my cow >.>
So a dreadnought has a better chance to slap a knight silly whilst also costing like half the points. But maybe my opinion is skewed because people here still use their power fist chainfist dual melee contemptors from HH 1.0, and let me tell you those just suplex knights like they're nothing.
Question about Flanking Assault. If the enemy simply parks his own units on top of the Flanking Assault marker... then that's it? The Outflank is over?
Pretty much yeah. You do get to move the marker 6" to either side, and the move on units from within 6" of that, so it is a pretty large area to cover when it comes to it. But covering 24" of a board edge isn't impossible.
>...Once the marker's final position has been determined, the units' controlling player may move the units onto the battlefield, MEASURING FROM THE POINT MARKED, one at a time...
But if the point marked falls inside an enemy unit, then the outflankers can NEVER enter the battlefield!
Especially if it is Disordered, and the enemy decides to deliberately set the marker right on top of a unit they have right on the field's edge (e.g. a Rhino).
Because at no point shall a unit get within 1" of another, no? So that's it. Outflank successfully blocked
Your opinion is skewed because, like most people here, you seem to think a 1.5% chance is something that happens all the time and not something half as likely to happen as fucking up a 2+ rerollable save.
But sure, you wanna be optimal, just spam dreadnoughts. I don't know why you would even bother playing anything else other than fury of the ancients.
>That's uncommon
Should it even be possible at all, though?
Nah I'm one of the assholes who has a land speeder squadron with two graviton guns each, which I use as a highly mobile dreadnought and vehicle rape squad.
I think it'd be fine if the vehicle damage table was considerably nerfed. The rules writers went way to far kneecaping vehicles with reactions already and squadron rules compared to other units like dreads.
If it was up to me I'd limit Explodes to a 7 with only ap1 weapons getting a bonus. And the damage table would otherwise be a 6 to cause snap shots and no movement next turn, and a 4-5 to cause -1BS and forced combat speed.

>land speeder squadron
That's a lot more expensive than a dreadnought and they die immediately if they get charged with a gravis chainfist. Why would you take that instead of a dreadnought that can also take grav guns?
Because the speeders are way too fast for any dreadnought to even get a chance to charge them, they got double their movement value. Also can just use Withdraw to be save, if the 18" range wasn't enough social distancing. And because a full squadron can easily delete one dreadnought each shooting phase. Since nobody brings demolisher cannon vindicators it's real easy to have the land speeders survive until the end of the game, and earn back two, four times their points cost.
>Because the speeders are way too fast for any dreadnought to even get a chance to charge them
That's also applies to knights. They move 18" if they want to. That's more than a land speeder
Knight also get easily one-tapped by a speeder squadron. Not to mention 16" movement and 18" range being a larger threat range than 18" movement and 12" charge - and that is assuming the knight always rolls at least a 9 on the charge and makes it thanks to the 3" movement nonus. And it's only the big knight pattern that has the flank speed rule, regular knights move only 12"
The mismatched guns are somewhat distracting, otherwise cool interpretation of a stormbird
I too have suffered a 6 on a Lascannon shot. Ouch. Even if Explodes was downgraded to just the loss of further 3HP, the Land Raider would've died still because the Dreadnought also had a grav gun.
But these things happen, you know? Twice in a row apparently. But it is a dice game.
That 3HP change does sound interesting though lol.
>if they get charged with a gravis chainfist
That won't happen, they won't catch them lol
Isn't their withdraw just a 4"? Since Reactions use the initiative characteristic rather than movement.
I like how heresy lore is full of awesome shit like this, but then the books focus primarily on daddy issues. Seriously, I don't dislike space marines, it's just, 50+ books, and is a single one written about the mechanicum or solar auxilia?
I liked Epic/Aeronautica Imperialis, especially the Xenos factions and using lots of big machines. I've been thinking about getting Legions Imperialis, but what are the chances of it getting any orks/tau/even mechanicus? Should I get some Solar Auxilia, or wait?
None, the game is dead, the people the game was made for hate it, and players of every other game system hate it for taking up release slots. You're better off trying to find someone trying to playing real epic nearby.
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He’s WIP, but magos reductor Fiston-the-Piston is telling you to kiss the ring.
Those factions don't get books because nobody gives a shit about them, rightfully so. NPC factions don't deserve their own stories.
Did somebody make fun of him for having twig arms back when he was some humble tech adept?
>How are EC *not* the gayfag legion?
Too obvious
>Tell a EC player they're gay, and they reply 'Yes, and?'
>Tell a DA player they're gay, and they start losing their shit
Almost sounds like a joker meme.
At what point in the crusade was mkIV Maximus made and introduced? What about Tartaros terminator armour?
Reminds me of Hellboy, nice
I think around Ullanor.
Aw that's a shame. My shop enjoys it, and I saw that Aeronautica Imperialis got wrapped into it.
So around mid to late crusade?
Yeah either before or a little after Ullanor. I remember Horus was directing a lot of fresh suits to his gang so the loyalists wouldn't get them. As for Tartaros I think they were still newish before Horus got corrupted by warp juice.
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My techmarines arrived, I'll take a peek at them tomorrow but I want to build a not-Armistos tomorrow
That makes sense. Yes I remember Horus taking dips to the mark for his guys.
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>>ensuing banking wars
>>I'd like to see warring Warhammer banking clans
Oy vey
I believe that exists already. There are trade cartels who have literal trade wars in the Imperium already.
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I wish to repost
Nice mini, anon. Could we see the sides? I'm so very interested in seeing that...plasma pistol?
I know it's cool, but did knights wear their capes during combat, or were they just a raincoat/heralrdy thing?
I can't imagine a puny human would want to wear an extra five or six pounds of loose cloth during a real fight.
What paint recipe did they use for the studio DG? I tried skeleton horde contrast over white but it came out too yellow
They usually advise to put skeleton horde over wraithbone, don't they?
If you want to use white as an undercoat perhaps seraphine sepia would work as well?
It's too bad Guilliman's mama raised a bitch.
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>t. never hidden their tanto behind their long billowy sleeves to confuse their enemy.

As someone who’s actually work a kimono with full sleeves during practice before, I will say: it’s a giant fucking pain in the ass.
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>LIgma gets models for laser destroyer sponsons but 30k doesn't
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Guilly was pretty successful, unlike the other primarchs lacking a peaceful nuclear family raising them.
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>new characters and upgrades
>new transfers show salamanders and iron warriors
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you've been deprived for so long brother perhaps it is time to share
If you charge a vehicle, the vehicle isn't actually locked in combat with you, and can move away normally next turn
If an infantry unit gets rammed, can they move away, as they aren't actually in combat with the vehicle? Do note they would "move within 1 inch at one point", since they start their movement phase in base contact.

Would the infantry unit be able to attack the vehicle in the vehicle's assault phase, despite not having charged (and not having used Death-or-Glory)?
also 40k BA and Kill-Team are slated for August/September.
Whoever designed the connection points for the porphyrion/asterius's leg paneling can gargle my balls
Surely tomorrow's sunday preview will be the mech box.
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I thought the Dark Angels were on top-secret missions to destroy enemies so terrible that you can't tell anyone about them. Why entrust such a task to the Space Wolves?
Emperors executioners and all that. Also Fenris being a death world with mega fauna.
Well have you considered they might be into that sorta thing
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What are some fun and decent ways to list build with SA? Want something other than marines for a change.
SA basically have to spam vanquisher cannon leman russ to even have a chance against marines. It's a shame they're such a one-dimensional army, their rules are really undercooked.
Have you tried skeleton horde over white or grey? It should look a fair bit less yellow.
Try diluting it with medium too and see if that helps
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>lost to farmers
>lost to a regular Astartes in void warfare despite having a 5 on 1 advantage
>lost the Siege of Terra despite having a 3 to 1 advantage + infinite armies of demons and warp bullshit
>failed at the Iron Cage despite having an advantage with which literally any other primarch, even a retard like Angron, would have obliterated the Fists to the last man, suffered losses so severe the IW legion is broken and never fights as a whole again
>got completely bamboozled by Fulgrim and would have died had loyalists not saved him lmao, needed to become a daemon prince to survive, completely shitting on the very few principles he had
>the greatest of his sons was a loyalist who beat the absolute shit out of his legion multiple times and died praising The Emperor

Seethe within, cope without.
pretty much every legion has that same lore tidbit
go fight most terrible entrenched foes and break them and we don't talk about it
go murderfuck worst foes and we don't talk about it
go commit warcrimes on worst foes and we don't talk about it
go combat the worst psychic foes and don't talk about it
go and burn the worst foes and endure their terrible weapons where no one else can, and don't talk about it
go and stealthily wipe out the worst tyrants and keep it secret
Then why do Dark Angels act like they're special?
Post examples.
I remember how the World Eaters killed the stones.
>why are a legion of faggots drama queens?
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Multiple writers. Space Wolves are supposed to be loud and noticeable, they are sent when Big E wants to make an example that will be remembered. DA are sent when he doesn't want even the memory of the foe to survive. DA were also the first and were basically guinea pigs to develop Astartes combat doctrine, which is why they have a bunch of specialized Wings that are amazing in a particular type of warfare, because they invented everything every other legion does. Big E also trusted Lion with a whole bunch of horrific Dark Age tech he wouldn't give anyone else. We're talking lobotomized Men of Iron and worse. So DA have the pride of being the first legion and the inventors of Astartes combat strategies and tactics as well as the most powerful Legion due to high numbers (second largest at one point), Lion's strategic genius and op dark age tech.
>invented everything every other legion does
except terminators and drop assaults
Then why send wolves after some monstrous enemies that no one but the Emperor and Russ should know about? And then also erase the memory of wolves? There are Dark Angels for that.
I think reactions should be resolved at BS -2 and vehicles should be able to react like any other unit
Sometimes you need a twink (DA) and sometimes you need a bear (SW).
It is and yet people still play those Legions, very cringe stuff.
just make it on 6s, it makes LS reactions that fire at BS more special and a one in six across 10-20 dice can still be seriously punishing and more than sufficient as a deterrent to charging/shooting at a 130pt HS support squad for instance.
If it was only hitting on 6s I think no one would bother doing overwatch or return fire desu
-1A to the charging enemy or a 5+++ is too good in comparison imo
exactly, they might have reason to choose other reactions thus creating some diversity. On a HSS it's 100% worth it to return fire on 6s at a vehicle for instance, possibly not worth an overwatch at charging tacticals though.
All units should have the same limitation as vehicles: weapons up to strength 6 can shoot normally, everything else is snap shots. I mean, the issue with return fire is the lascannon HSS, you don't hear people complaining about tactical squads shooting back with bolters at full BS.
>Legion of literal shiteating pissdrinking masochists
>Gets tricked into trying to anhero himself and all of them out of spite rather than obey Regent Rowboat, is so bad at war he can't even do that right
>Whole chapter gets wiped out and replaced wholesale to pretend they're not complete failures not once but twice
>Achievements of successors include accidentally blowing up their own fortress monastery

You can do this with any legion, pissfaggot, at least everyone else's legion has some redeeming qualities to go along with their comical fuckups.
true every legion but the IW has redeeming qualities
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Regarding vehicle squadrons. What would your anon's opinion be about having the active player that is attacking them allocate the hits instead of how it's done normally?
Any hits allocated to a destroyed vehicle are lost in the same way wound on a challenge don't spill over.
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>IW: no redeeming qualities
>Every other legion: at least they're not IW
>be shiteater, kings of the best 40k game as of right now
>get to live rent free in the minds of people too boring to play or paint more interesting legions

It’s like having a free hotel room anywhere you travel
>liber badab campaign resumes today
>nobody wants to play with the wood hammer faggot

We won, bros.

Also, I don’t know if you’re still here, but to the anon who rebalanced the Liber Badab project, my group has seriously enjoyed your balance changes in our test games. We’ll be using it pretty much unmodified for this second half of the campaign, some buffs to special units like Death Company are the only things we changed. Much love.
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His Palace? Shattered and broken.
His Legion? Had to be saved by Ultracucks.
His Primarch? Barely a handful of him left.
His Armour? Yellow to hide his piss-stains.
Vehicle squadrons are retarded and should not be a thing. Vehicles should separate into different units after deployment like dreads do. There's no fucking reason for tanks to stick together in coherency or share the same targets and woundpool. That's not how tanks work ffs
Letting the attacker choose the target would just make it easier to cripple the entire squadron in one round of shooting
>posts his primarch as a gay pedophile

Nobody can tell on iron warrior players harder than themselves lol
>The IWfag is a raging homosexual

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