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Kobold thread, dragonwrought edition. Death to gnomes!
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I love Races of the Dragon. One of my favorite splatbooks
I like the dog kobolds from Dwarf Fortress.
These aren't kobolds. Those are midget scalies.

You have ruined DnD with your furfaggotry.
I can get the pic with tits not being kobolds, but how is the OP not a kobold? Looks straight out of D&D
Sir that's a dragon. Kobooooooooooold.
A Dragonwrought Kobold fucks a Dragonborn, what happens?
I wish Kobolds had been lewded instead of goblins a few years ago ngl
>Looks straight out of D&D
It looks like some scally faggot's OC donut.
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Alright bro, what's your idea of a kobold?
A short dog person. Not scaly faggotry.
If you can't see the difference what YOU posted now and what OP posted then I don't think I can be any clearer.
Those haven't been relevant in 30 years. Fuck off gramps.
...Probably nothing interesting, given the Dragonborn in the edition with Dragonwrought are the "of Bahamut" originals that are other humanoids transformed by a ritual. Usually tapped for ability score distensions.

They've always been scaled, though, pure dog-'bolds are external to D&D. Apparently with the Wizardry series of vidya, embedded in Japan forevermore by Record of Lodoss War. And the dragon relationship started up during the partially-furred days.
Zoom-Zooms don't get to define dnd.
At least those look like monsters not some furfag's idea of something fuckable.
I have doubts about any zoomers being able to read when the 3e monster manual came out.
you underestimate my powers, id fuck both.
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You have ruined D&D with your daughter.
Should Kobolds need clothes? Yes or no?
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>At least those look like monsters not some furfag's idea of something fuckable.
Man, furries are so obnoxious.
/tg/ used to be a monsterchad board
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Sir this is a kobold thread
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need? no
want? probably
Still would
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Anon, the whole point of DND is to be able to build and play your own donut steels.
The hole point of D&D is to be able to steel your donut.
those torsos and legs are completely human except for being technicolor.
I don't understand, is it just an extreme dislike for human faces?
those things have way uglier faces than humanoid drawings anyway
furfags would absolutely fuck dog looking kobolds.
And 5e kobolds are cool
Low tier coomers require their fap bait to look like human women except for a few parts.
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Rate my 3.5e Kobold Cavalier riding a big chicken
soft konut
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Man, I miss when captcha wasn't such a pain in the ass.
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Kobolds don't normally have wings
Man, I miss kobold ass
Kobold boobs are good too
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Sadly many left when /wst/ was erased
Thoughts on Pathfinder 2e Kobolds
That's not even remotely comparable, kobold ass is perfectly natural and makes sense for lizardbolds and dogbolds alike, anything walking at least partially uprighy gotta thicken that gluteus maximus for proper locomotion. And storing some fat around it for insulation and/or energy reserve won't hurt either. Meanwhile, kobold boobs are conjuration of pure fetishism. It makes no sense for lizardbold, because they aren't fucking mammals, and it makes no sense for dogbolds either because those should really have several pairs of nipples with not much boobage behind any of them like a canine bitch they are.
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Not in my presence.
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I am of the belief that every playable race should appear fuckable unless they are unable to fuck. Then they should, at the very least, look appealing, even in an ugly way. Too many sci-fi TRPGs make the playable aliens as unappealing to look at as fucking possible
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Kobolds have retractable teeth in my setting.
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>Death to gnomes!

Yeah buddy, keep makin' threats Eh
Well sure you're all talk
But I've been beaverin' away on a barricade for months or so, like

Idk why but Gnomes are from Newfoundland and they just try and build intractable pine and stone obstacles to keep Dragonmen and kobolds out because they don't care for fighting.

Dragonmen, being very martial and seeking glory oversee Kobolds like Centurions, with drawn up battle plans and inspiring speeches (and the occeasional threat). In spite of their occasional cold blooded cruelty they lead by example and always happily enter the fray, war being a form of prayer.
snake dicks or dog knot
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double the dongs for double the fun
>uwu pedobait shit

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