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Dwarven Mountain Holders Edition

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

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>Warhammer Wikis:

>Alternative Models:

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>Thread Question:
What is your favourite Dwarven Hold?.
the one that rightfully belongs to the Greenskins. Which is all of them.
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boy i sure do love being forced to take a dragon every game
Why are you averse to running anything that isn't meta?
Because it's not an issue for any army to have to run a unit.
Glad you love it. Dragons are great.
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A shelf just fell on my head, what army should I start with my new found brain damage
>Historical miniature companies make better WHFB miniatures that GW
Historical chads, we can't stop winning
>having to spend 25% of your points on a single character just to have a functional army isnt an issue
the absolute state of towddlers
Why do WAACfags persist? How do we convince them to compete in killing themselves the fastest?
The only thing that belongs to the greenskins are the mass graves that they're put in.
>if you want a functional army list you are a waacfag
least retarded towddler
>if I don't take the strong unit i'm bitching about that means my army isn't functional
Running any army with dragons as an options means you're not running any of the actually weak armies.
>Victrix sells these superiorly crafted knights, $45 for 18 knights
>Meanwhile, GW™ sells these pic related cartoon characters, $60 for 3 (THREE LMAO)
Historical players simply can't lose. I don't understand why GW paypiggies keep doing it to themselves
>Historical players
Are apparently incapable of posting in their own general.
Looks like our first coping paypiggy has arrived

Play at lower points levels then. Like 1250 is low enough that any attempt at a dragonlord is severely gimped isn't it?
I say this as a 15 year warhammrr fan, I want to keep defending gw but seeing pics like this side by side makes it really hard
they have a 36% win rate. the list is basically not functional even with the dragon.
Not defending GW's jewry, but aren't these usually a decent bit smaller?
What are these from? They're very nice.
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No. Before the NuHammer scale creep, Warhammer was actually 28mm as advertised. WHFB minis are mostly 28mm just like historicals. But that's a non argument anyways, considering how mismatched the scale is between GWs own miniatures , pic related
Victrix medieval cavalry, they releasing a "fantasy" head swap
>I have a win rate within 10% of all but the strongest armies this means it's unplayable
>based on tournament meta running scream and viletide lists
lmao yeah definitely not a waacfag.
>n-nooo acktually ur list is functional b-because it just i-is! o-okay?!
not an argument, drooling towddler retard.
Go back to posting perries and pretending to play Empire. It was less retarded.
take you meds before posting here lil bro
So which dorf units are good?
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>pic related
Height increase is just a natural benefit gained from the mastery of necromancy
Yes anon, having 20% WR lower than the stronger armies is BAD.

45-55 is the acceptable range.
>imagine caring about tournament winrates
>WAAC fags running meta-lists should be the balancing factor of a game
I have zero interest in any argument leading to absolute drek like modern 40K.
If you can't deal with your army not being in the top 10% results from tournaments you don't play in anyway then run another army.
>if you cant deal with not having a functional army just play a different army
t. least retarded towddler

DElves are basically overcosted everywhere. They actually do have good stuff in their list, like the Dragon and the Sorceress Familiar that strait up adds 12" to their casting range, but... their rank and file and elites are all like two to three points per model too expensive.

Does this list include Armies of Infamy in their factions? Because if so, I can see Dwarves jumping up at least a few percentage points with the new book. Engineer Armies could very easily be cancer if someone finds that extreme configuration. I'm personally thinking all gunline and at least 6 Scout Gyro's, preferably 12. But I'm just theorycrafting here.

Royal Guard isn't going to do much, as people will probably just overload on runes. The real question I have is what about an Ungrim list where half the entire list literally gives no points out if you kill them? A meme? Or could this actually work?
Functional herein defined as "not in the top 10% winrates of tournaments you don't play in". Then again I doubt you're actually playing anything if you're bitching about dragons since a level 4 Wiz is enough to stop it.
With the new large target rules they're much easier to counter so I don't see the issue.
im bitching about being forced to take a dragon since the rest of the list is complete garbage you illiterate fucking RETARD

It IS the balancing factor of the game. GW have repeatedly said so. Although luckily most Specialist Games tend not to get hit that often with FAQ rebalances, aside from KT and Blood Bowl. Poor bastards.
That said, the latest patch... sorry "FAQ" is probably going to see Night Goblin armies drop a bit with the changes to Fanatics, including the clarification about Bretonnian Stakes, and with both the new book and the clarification about Deathblow now getting the Slayer rule (I say clarification, it's basically a ruling that's the exact opposite of how the rule is worded to work, but whatever GW, you do you.) Dwarves should get a bump in percentage points as well.
>muh dragon
>every single point wasted by a lvl 4 wiz locking it up half the game
>muh lvl 4 locks it up all game eventhough i get dispelled 50% of the time
ok nogames
>Enemy takes a dragon
>Your 30 skeleton bowmen all shoot and wound him twice
>Do it again next turn
Again they're not a problem anymore
are all towddlers illiterate?
Check the latest FAQ B)
my argument is that my army list doesnt function without taking a dragon and barely functions even with one, you fucking morons.

Dwarf player here. Tell me how. PLEASE.
>sculpts look worse
>paint job looks worse
>price is 10x worse (literally)
Sincerely, what is the allure that draws so many people to Warhammer? Is it because it's the entry doorway game that the majority of people never move past?
dwarf king to scare them away, cannons with engineers or new royal clan stuff last I heard.

It's better than 40k, and pushing big squares of troops about makes monkey neuron go brrrrr.
Presumably because by playing warhammer you don't have to become that sad person who goes into other threads to whine about people not playing the games you want with the sculpts you want.
I'm referring to Warhammer in general, not just fantasy

I play WHFB
I really like chaos warriors.
But that's literally on you. You were only obligated to take a dragon because dragons were the main anti-dragon. Now they're not.
This is like walking into a burger shop, grabbing ketchup, saying "I can ONLY use ketchup" while ignoring the staff trying to hand you mustard.
The only one requiring it is yourself.
How fight ogres
>You were only obligated to take a dragon because dragons were the main anti-dragon.
no, we are obligated to take a dragon because the rest of our list is fucking terrible, hence why we have a 36% win rate even including a dragon.
Very carefully.
That was when dragons ruled the day, anon.
Those days are past!
Semi-related, is the dragon slaying sword as good as it looks? I wanted to give it to an aspiring champion of slaanesh, so he wouldn't flee when fighting any dragons.
>That was when dragons ruled the day, anon.
no. those were post nerf.
>Those days are past!
no they arent. also they are still the only thing list in our list that isnt terrible.
its garbage unless your character is also on a dragon.
well that's sad
I wrote that my sorcerer lord doesn't like dragons, so I'll never use one
Shoot them. Or just be faster than them.
>no. those were post nerf
The stats you posted were from June. Dragon nerf was last week. Check the dates, senpai!
>Dragon nerf was last week
if you think that an extra rank of garbage missile units, who can barely hit and wound on 6's is scary to a dragon who has a 2+5++ or better, you are delusional. the vast majority of missile units are garbage and the good ones were being ran in 1 rank anyway so it changes nothing.
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I'm fairly certain my local GW is having a diorama/epic duel category for armies on parade this year

unironically, because i'm lazy and don't want to paint models, should I do pic related, just with a bretonnian knight?
Ogres are fast, not many armies are outrunning them. 6" move infantry, 8" move cav and monsters and a ton of vanguard, scouts, and ambusher.
Yes, that sounds like a great idea.
If you want to take it a step further, you could make the windmill be half a windmill (reality) and half a giant (his delusion).
>Extra rank
My brother it is every member of the unit.
30 shots is definitely getting through 2+5++. Two or three turns and that nigga DEAD
just dont let them charge you, shoot them, bog them down with cheap shit and abuse challenges to reduce their killing power
they're honestly not that good unless the guy is spamming all monsters or something gay like that
>My brother it is every member of the unit.
yeah, so nothing of value.
>30 shots is definitely getting through 2+5++.
lmao. 30 shots hitting on 5's wounding on 6's does nothing to a 2+.
>Two or three turns and that nigga DEAD
more like 2 of 3 turns and he took 1 wound, but you wont get 3 turns because its fast as fuck and flying and do whatever it wants.

i hope you waste points on blocks of 30 garbage missile troops, just makes my dragon MORE cost effective when i only eat 1 round of ineffective mediocre shooting before being locked in combat all game.
or just be insistent to everyone who questions it that the diorama I made is a knight vs a giant
that's an even better idea
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Just DEW the maths and you'll come to understand
i did the maths, you do 0.2 wounds. its a nerf to slow monsters with bad armor saves, it doesnt hurt dragons at all.
>on most missions start at least 24" away
>you get one turn of partial fire, maybe one full volley
>30 shots from skeletons have a 68% chance of failing to wound a 3+/5+ dragon
The large target change will essentially only matter for irondrakes. Maybe if you go deep on ushabti with bows or lead belchers for some awful reason.
>The large target change will essentially only matter for irondrakes
not even, because they were in 1 rank anyway.
although an empire knight on a plain horse might fit it better? (based on the story)

but it might look a little plain, when compared to a bretonnian
Most things are good.
Miners suck, most War machines suck, thunderers suck outside of expeditionary Force. Doom seekers, dragon slayers, demon slayers can all be good but slayers themselves are hot garbage.
Gyrobombers are unfortunately just the strictly worst version of gyrocopters.
Those look great, shame they only really have stuff that works for Bretonnia.
One of my friends that plays dwarves ran a 14 or 15 man unit. Can't say I really know much about dwarves though.
Your maths is a bit lacking, my friend. But consider a 30pt amulet of the serpent and poisoned attacks on 30 B)
Bye-bye, dragon!
hed have been better of splitting them into 3x 5x and hed still be better off doing so. the damage comes from the champions torpedo, a 15x man unit has basically the same damage output as a 5x unit. they are stupidly designed
>Your maths is a bit lacking, my friend.
the actual maths was 0.185 but you can keep coping.
Do the Spider Riders sold by GW right now still come with the sprue of their special rectangle bases?
>But consider a 30pt amulet of the serpent and poisoned attacks on 30 B)
woah... that does 0.5 wounds... really scary stuff. lmao
You didn't DEW the maths correctly. And now you won't even acknowledge 30 poisoned archers...
>And now you won't even acknowledge 30 poisoned archers...
i already did
its bad.
Wow, by turning your 150 point unit into an a 235+ one, you average one wound onto a 3+/5+ dragon with a full volley.
It does 2.25 on average. But please, call everyone a Timmy so you get banned for another 90 days
>It does 2.25 on average.
>schizophrenic retard cant do basic math
>30 shots is definitely getting through 2+5++. Two or three turns and that nigga DEAD
It's isn't though.
1/3 to it 1/6 to wound 1/6 through armor 2/3 through ward/Regen
You're looking at ~162 shots to wound once. Your 30 skeletons will have to shoot all game to get a single wound.

It's not a nerf to Dragons it's a nerf to Giants.
First you don't even read the FAQ, now this...
Yeah except use this >>93427576
Instead of the shitty GW knight
does your schizophrenia medication cause brain damage or is it just a separate medical problem you suffer from?
If all you can do is resort to insults, idk what to tell ya
just answer the question.
You'll just keep getting madder and get banned again, so I'll save you the suffering
its tragic what the medical community/your genetics have done to you, lil bro. i pity you.
Is the best counter to dragons simply having a discussion with your opponent and agreeing not to play with one?
yes but fuck you i will take my dragon every game because the DE list is so bad they literally cant function without a dragon.
Would the comp system from 8th edition compensate for that? Or is it a 6th edition Dark Elves-tier imbalance? I only play Chaos so I haven't read any of the other army rules yet.
its arguably worse than 6th since infantry in general is even worse now. we basically autolose vs brets without a dragon.
It's simply a case of GW being GW, id est, the rules are dogshit
only thing wrong with the previewed heads there's too many lame movie Teutonic knight heads and not only 1 heraldic one
seems pretty retarded when the number one use will be Bret proxies
Shouldn't Poisoned Attacks ignore armor instead of ignoring Toughness
Shouldn't higher Toughness help you against poison than armor
The people that are bitching and moaning about balance and just want to play for fun need to be playing 6th, not the mental illness world or age of trannymar. 7th is when power creep started to rape the game. Switch to 6th and all your problems will float away like dust from the furnaces used in the holocaust.
based 6thchad
The rules are literally free and the base is so much bettter in every single way, the only thing you should change is use the 7th rules for magic and for bsb’s as it lets you use your bsb for every kind of leadership check.
The thing was after Heresy 2.0 basically being an improved version of 7th, I was expecting ToW to be similar- a revamp of an old edition that ironed out some of the bigger issues to make for a better and more fun game overall.
... instead what we got was the 'it's not a bug, it's a feature!' route where a massive amount of clunkiness was preserved because they felt the to keep retarded mechanics because nostalgia.
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>game starts as Lizardmen are chasing down my Skaven where they are stopped by dangerous river crossing
>Skaven have their backs against the river holding off a deadly assault of cold ones and saurus
>manage to break free but are then assaulted by skirmishers hiding in a nearby rampart firing down at them with javelins
>many clan rats and plague monks are forced into the river, drowning
>rat ogres are slain by an onslaught of magic spells from skink priests
>a single clan rat unit remains and runs away successfully
Another strategic skaven victory...
It's the best counter to any rules or balance problem. Just don't be a garbage human and don't associate with garbage humans.
Can we please have pictures of anons actual armies for the thread image rather than these stock images. GW barely supports this game it’s anons that keep it alive
Post yours anon and if I make the next one it can be the OP, I like armies.
Are Black Orcs really not a unit in the Orcs and Goblin armybook for The Old World? Why?
Ok I'm retarded, I see them in Ravaging Hordes but not in the Arcane Journal for Greenskins, am I retarded or am I missing something (aka, retarded?)
Arcane journal introduces specific lists and a few additional units. The Ravaging hordes one is the main list.
Orcs and goblins. Brain damage doesn't matter. Your dudes are gonna do what they want anyway.
If I stab a knight with my poisoned dagger, his armour might deflect the blow entirely. However if I pierce his armour, it doesn't matter how sturdy he is, it's not going to help against the poison.
Troll Horde, turn your stupidity into +2 movement.
Is there any official model for the Dwarf Cannon? Or any equivalent in the AOS line? I only found the Flame Cannon in GW's online store.
That makes sense for a human knight, but not so much for a Giant
It's a dual kit with the Organ Gun. Hasn't been re-released yet. Dwarfs are only on wave 1
Oh, nice. I'm still new to TOW so I'm not sure how these releases work, or at the very least worked up until now.
There are tons of historical cannons you can just slap some icons on
Speak for yourself. I run Treemen on my Hobos
cozy pic
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You'er wrong about the last sentence, and I'd say that GW images are alright. They serve both as an example of what a Dwarvish army can look like, and and incentive for new players to try and build one.
They're also great pics on themselves.
they're on gay nu-bases though, and they fucked up the hair on the slayers
>karaz a karak
Man dwarf schemes really are just whatever you feel like huh
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Also a random Norn unit they pulled out of storage
I don't get that. Surely the whole slayer thing goes back many centuries.
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Same thing with the Dragonslayer. Seems like the same one as shown in the WD issue.
The people who play for fun aren't bitching.
Note that the guy who is upset is citing WAAC tourneys as to why his army sucks, he doesn't actually say anything about his units or army beyond "I must take a dragon because tourney players do".
Yes and dwarfs are long lived creatures of tradition and habit. Why would the slayers not have dyed orange hair? The tradition goes back way, way longer in the timeline than when "The Old World™" is set, the whole point is they're making themselves physically resemble Grimnir. The only reason they're not doing that is he's an AOS character now, and Fyerslaeyres are the only ones allowed to look like that.
I honestly think the new bases are better
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Which is silly because Fyreslayers have many alternate schemes they could make posterboys instead
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>wow these other minis from no names are so MUCH cheaper!
reminder that GW only produces in the UK and not in chinese sweatshops, if you don't support GW you are killing industry in the UK, who am I kidding the average consooomer doesn't give a fuck...
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So is Thorgrim getting a model?
I feel like they would have announced it already
ah yes the chinese sweatshops of wisbech in cambridgeshire province
kys shill
also warlord games, so called because a chinese warlord has annexed lenton south of the rail line

It's Chatteris actually. Where the people have been breeding for global warming to bring back the fens for over four hundred years. Not an unwebbed hand or foot for MILES.
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I bet you feel pretty silly, now don't you?
>What is your favourite Dwarven Hold?
Barak Varr and Karak Eight Peaks
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Honestly factions like the Empire and Brets are lucky because they have new(old) characters to work with. How do you cope with your characters ending up absolutely ruined in the End Times?
It's insane how much damage that shit has done to the setting.
Can't believe it took this long for GW to realize there was absolutely nothing wrong with the old models. Especially Marauder era dwarfs in 2024 promo pics is pretty doozy.
Also I've always drooled for that 7th edition miners box, might have to get it now. Hopefully it comes with the mine cart.
Good, fuck bongs
Yeah like I said, whatever you feel like.
Guess that makes painting easier as I don't have to feel restricted by Hold colors.
Don't those fuckers apply UK taxes to their prices when outside the UK you don't actually have to pay those or something?
Nevermind that other currenies already pay more.
Or that time they switched from Pounds to regional currencies on FW and everything became more expensive across the world.
Fuck them.
he really stands out compared to every other slayer model that GW has every produced even the new Ungrim model fits in more than him
Uh could it be because he's the only slayer with modern dwarf proportions?
he also the only plastic slayer model
It's the visible legs
why what did the old model look like? can't find it easily on image search
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Played with alts at my local GW and they did not notice.
>30 skeleton bowmen
10 hits (arrows of asaph)
2 wounds (rounding up)
>3+ (or 2+ if its HE) armor, -1 for armorbane
>5+ ward
>5+ regen
>also has 9+ wounds
Should I be stuffing a bannerman and musician in every unit or is it safe to cut corners in some cases, like archers.
Only a WAACfag would ask this question
Banners look cool. Everyone should bannermax

Maybe not small units of archers. But anything bigger than 10 and you probably should, and all of your combat units should.
Dwarf Thunderers and Quarellers always should because with Shields they're basically other armies heavy/medium infantry, but with ranged. Plus, Dwarf combats tend to be won by small margins anyway.
What the fuck happened to the new Orc Shaman?
the troll one?
It has not been released yet, not sure if it's the only O&G models that GW is planning to release that has not been released so far.
Thanks for the confirmation, I suspected as much that this is the way to go.

You better believe I'm freehanding all my banners for maximum shab.
I guess they're holding stuff back for future releases. See: >>93430959
Kinda weird considering the glacial pace they're working at
Cant wait for new wood elf models
Hopefully bundled with savage orcs, that'd explain a delay ig
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I really wish we knew more about the retarded office politics going on at GW. They're even hiding 30K and TOW behind extra clicks. Also Maybe this is really petty but when they announced the dwarf pre orders they got second billing after Necromunda.
Either that or even the shop staff have stopped caring.
>They're even hiding 30K and TOW behind extra clicks
This is just because they're specialist games, which is a good thing. Can you imagine how shitty the new releases would be if it was still a main game? Compare the new dwarf characters to the Coteaz update, it's like two different companies
tbf the New Necromunda release is a new starter set with brand-new plastic models it makes sense why Gw would push a new starter box before what is mostly a rerelease of older models
Necromunda has a new starter every other month
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Are you enjoying your TOW blanket?
There is a podcast with some ex GW employees. They claim its because the different offices have to outcompete each other so the shareholders don‘t shaft them. There is sometjing called „BCG-Matrix“ in economics that categorizes products within a company according to what is planned for them.

40k is in between a „Rising Star“ and a „Cashcow“. It finances all other projects that GW has.

AOS has been a „?“ with hopes of turning it into a unicorn, meaning that they shell out tons of money to make it big. Just look at all the stuff they are getting and the amount of new editions. Sometimes it feels like it is their main game.

Now The Old World. It is made by specialist games because it was expected to be a dead dog or a lean Cashcow. Instead it is probably more in between a rising star and „?“ meaning that the AOS offices is doing it‘s best to prevent further growth to save their asses.
a cursory view of the internet tells me you can get a custom blanket from a chinaman with whatever map you want

I also guess it could be one idea to get a cheap custom battlemat
Podcast name and episode?
Any good / funny lore reasons why a Black Orc Bigboss would follow a Night Goblin Warboss? All I can think of is that my Goblin used his Wallopa to beat the previous orc boss into paste and the other orcs just kind of submittied to his leadership because they had nothing better to do.

I want to come up with some funny and outlandish lore for my goblin warband. I'm gonna pour my heart and soul into this game.
This is, of course, disingenuous bullshit. Warhammer was 28mm to-the-eye with "heroic" proportions, while historicals were usually shorter and less heroic. And those models are produced decades apart for two completely different systems.

Historicals look like shit next to Warhammer minis unless you're the kind of tastelet retard who views the models as basically just counters and so doesn't care if he has a mix of short femboys and bodybuilders with gigantism of the head, hands, and feet, the former wielding dainty weapons and the latter wielding oversized toys. The fact is historicalfags are just fighting a desperate rearguard against their own irrelevance in the face of 3D printing, which lets you have an army of consistently-scaled, consistently-proportioned models with actual Warhammer stylings *and is even cheaper than buying historical minis*, so they don't even have "muh cheaper tho" to fall back to anymore.

Perry plastics are lovely, I have some, I use them to play what they're made for: historical games. As Warhammer proxies they're shit.
>Biggest and strongest includes the Night Goblins pet troll to which the Night Goblin is perceived as just its mouth piece.
>Brutally cunning > Cunningly brutal
>The headmashing came with a dream in which Gork (or Mork) straight out told the Blorc leader to go along with whatever the Night Goblin said.
>The Blorcs are kept in a constant state of drunken bliss using strong mushroom intoxicants and regular fighting.
the Honest Wargamer and Painting phase.
not to be flippant but anybody who's worked at operational level in a corporation that has to report to a board knew this from the moment the core vs legacy armies were announced. I mentioned it at the time (and got called a schizo who doesn't understand how companies work lol).
>when they announced the dwarf pre orders they got second billing after Necromunda
dwarf releases will pay for themselves in no time because the R&D, artwork, moulds, etc all made their money back like 10+ years ago. Necromunda releases are brand new so there is much greater need to recoup their investment to make them cashflow positive. Pretty much what >>93431458 said.

agreed. even the new TOW character models aren't too bad. (I say character models because foot knights)
>I'm not sure how these releases work
don't worry anon, neither are GW!
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>hello and welcome to Square Bassed, lmao get it? based?
>my partner is Louise Sugden btw, u jelly?
>Age of Sigmar is better than Fantasy Battle in every way
>all Fantasy Battle fans are closeted racists
>self proclaimed "ally" to commies and faggots on twitter
>shoe-horns in 'tory voters are scum' every 10 minutes
>constantly bad mouths other content creators like Valrak
>only making Old World content for clicks despite hating the player base
>"Warhammer is hard™, guys"
>"Fantasy is mostly based on Europe, so there is a lot about fantasy that's problematic"
>"We want to make Warhammer more inclusive because we're very square-BASED like that"
Are you actually trying to make that argument using only a few months of data for a new competitive scene?
Haffelfinger is based.
i look like this and say this
>most dragon lords don' have 5+ wards or regens
At least half of those things are your headcanon
Or projections
>only making Old World content for clicks despite hating the player base
Under the umbrella of The Honest Wargamer Group™ no less, as if his youtube channels with like 30k subs between them need a group lmao
lel. My racism is anything but closeted.
>tfw no Louise
What's the best way to mitigate troll stupidity in a regular O&G army list?
He's just biding his time, seeing where the gobbo takes them and will seize control if when the gobbo bites off more than he can chew.
I like it.
Woops, meant to quote >>93431635 and not myself.
Funniest I can think of is that the goblin managed to convince the orcs he's the messenger/mouthpiece of some truly powerful warboss currently stationed in some distant land and that all they have to do is follow him so they can meet him in person at the rendezvous, eventually, after a few stops along the way, unless we get lost, logistics notwithstanding, if the big boss doesn't change the meeting point midway, he's a busy boss after all

the goblin is scared shitless at every twist and turn and every outlandish lie and bluff he has to keep up is in the air, but his waaagh just keeps escalating and orcs keep buying what he says
You don't even need that background to sniff out the corporate bullshit behind that core v legacy announcement, you just need to not be retarded. Unfortunately 4chan is full of retards, pretend or not.

Victrix are usually on the bigger side, these should be fine.
keep them glued to the general's butt
That's a stupid post lacking any nuance or understanding and I can only assume your "disingenuous bullshit" is projection and deflection.
The anon you're replying to is using two exaggerated examples but just about all ranges through time suffer from scale creep, but Warhammer also has had significant changes in art direction with time too, and being an early adopter of plastics has seen some fairly crude monopose plastics and plastic kits released alongside some at times finely sculpted metals even in the same range and the same edition. Hell, even metals sculpted by different sculptors.

Take the 6th ed plastic Empire State Troops and compare them to the 6th ed greatswords, now this sort of thing particularly makes me wonder why you seem so determined to be a fucking stupid cunt. I own both and while I have no interest in reviving my multipart state troops, the greatswords are lovely. I am not going to be able to fill out the unit however with the 7th ed plastics as they are vastly different in size and style. Same for many characters: much to my regret I used a 6th warrior priest for a henchman conversion, I must track down a second hand one or recast. Greatswords and state troops, many metals are similar in size and proportions, in fact there's many that are courser than the sleight 6th greatswords. Artizan scale well with the spearmen I still have left from the starter, and the Warlord Plastics are course enough in proportions they blend in well with 3d prints intended as Empire proxies, I'm yet to get some of those as I don't have a printer myself and ordering prints is a fuckaround. Steel fist are gorgeous and a little chunky, which suits GW stuff.

I couldn't care less about this "desperate rearguard" "irrelevance blah blah game of rockem sockem robots going on in your head, I want good models.

TLDR GW stuff isn't often compatible with itself, historicals are diverse in sizing and proportions, and you're an absolute fuckwit
I have no horse in this race, but models from different eras can go together well to represent veterans and new blood, so to speak. Like old school chaos warriors being used for chosen and newer ones (1997 and 2004... so not really new, but you get my point) representing regular warriors. It's probably not the same for the empire models, but if they're painted in an appropriate scheme they shouldn't stand out too much, right? So long as it's consistent within the regiment? Same thing with historicals or alternate models. If it looks good as an army, it's A-OK in my book.
As if AoS needs to do any work to crash TOW. Its doing fine on that front on its own; the bigger issue is the fact that its a specialist game and thus has as much support as Horus Heresy. Which is to say; not a lot.
I should have used an excessive amount of quotation marks around """"incompatible""""
this is what I was afraid of. Are they basically tied to the general (and his unit) at all times if I don't want them to be stupid?
Chaos lords? 5+ ward innate, 5+ regen conditional
HE? 5+ regen common magic item, myriad of ways to get 5+ ward, 2+ armor via helmet
Greenskins? 2+ armor and 5+ regen via trousers, myriad of ways to get 5+ ward
bretonnia? 2+ armor (rerolling 1s) via GGH and innate ward
VC? innate regen and myriad of ways to get ward, can heal wounds
Dark Elves? myriad of ways to get 5+ ward
TK? Built in regen, myriad of ways to get 5+ ward, forces rerolls on wounds
WE? myriad of ways to get 5+ ward

Every faction with access to a dragon has access to the 35ppm magic item which gives a 5+ ward save, many factions have better options on top of that.
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My bad, anon.
Here's a cool diorama from the collecting citadel miniatures wiki as a peace offering.
The biggest variable for dragon durability is armor, with HE having the best and WE and TK having the worst (maybe VC).
note: while bretonnia and orcs dont actually have a dragon, they possess equivalent characters which fill the same role and end up functioning largely the same.
Have your general by a black orc warboss on wyvern, or take a troll magic spellcaster. Depends on heavy you go on trolls, but there's honestly a decent selection of spells.

The VC dragon is statwise the worse one, isn't it? I think even the cheaper HElf option is still better right?
To the point where the Terrorgheist isn't that bad an option by comparison if you wanted to go down that route. Especially with all the Ld debuffs in the Necromancy Lore to synergise with it's Terror and Wailing Dirge rules.
TK do have armour of the ages though, which is still solid.
The VC dragon is kida ass iirc yes. It only has heavy armor as opposed to plate and has weak combat stats relative to its cost.
They also give their dragon -1 to hit with shooting which is nice.

But the best their armor save gets is 4+, which was my point. The armor save of dragons varies a fair bit between factions, but ever faction fielding a dragon will have the option to give it a 5+ ward save if not better.
>There's a 30 point 5+ ward save item in the core rulebook
Genuinely only reason a dragon wouldn't have a ward or regen is if your opponent is retarded.
4+ if you really feel like it.
can you take troll magic in a grand army list? I've not looked at any arcane journals yet.
I also like the looks of a character on wyvern (in fact it was one of the first models I painted as a kid in 5th), but prefer playing with a range of units, which an expensive char on wyvern just to babysit some trolls would kinda preclude. Appreciate the ideas though, keep em coming!
>Troll magic
There's a 25 point magic item to let your orc or goblin wizards be troll lore.
Or they want to use a different talisman

And if you're going to bring in upgrades to the conversation you also have to acknowledge ways you can upgrade/imporve th archers. You can't assume one unit is just a base strength while providing the other with whatever upgrades and buffs you want.
>Every faction with access to a dragon has access to the 35ppm magic item which gives a 5+ ward save, many factions have better options on top of that.

So you're going to acknowledge that you can similarly buff other units in the game and not just dragon lords right?
I like this one, too. Kinda fits the idea I had for my Goblin warboss being cartoonishly deceitful and greedy.
People have done the math if you chuck poison on them, they still do dogshit against 3+/5++, much less if they have a 2+ armour, or a regen, etc. You also have to buy a character and an item vs just an item. Trying to buff the archers is less points efficient as well.
Similar amount of points spent on a elementalism priest + serpent amulet and equal points in archers get you on average

2+/5+: 4.86 wounds a turn
3+/5+/5+: 6.48 wounds a turn

That's pretty fucking good for something that's not even meant to be used against dragon lords.
Need to give this to a goblin shaman so he can babysit my trolls.
Are terrorgheists OP and gay to play against casually?
File deleted.
You're still wrong. Here's what you get from 40 skeleton archers, and a level 4 elementalism wizard with the poison item, if you manage to get all 40 of your archers in range, and get plague of rust off, against a 3+/5++ (regen or ward but not both). That is 430 counting lore familiar to make sure you can actually get plague of rust.
A high priest at level 4 is 170pts, with the serpent amulet its 200 and with the lore familiar its 230.
A dragon is 500~ points (HE one is anyways)
500-230 = 270
270/5 = 54 archers
54 shots = 9 poison wounds + 9 hits
9 hits wounding on 6s = 1.5 wounds
10.5 wounds (round up to 11 why not) into 4+ armor (plague of rust) then a 5+ ward and then a 5+ regen gives you around 2 wounds (2.4 but whos counting). The dragon has 9.
A warbow has a range of 24", you will get maybe 2 shots at the dragon before it reaches you (it can even deny stand and shoot by being within its movement on the charge fairly trivially).

Skeleton archers are not a good choice for killing dragons
Probably not worth it.
You can use Big Smarts to reroll Stupid checks, but if they're outside of the general's range they are still probably falling on a 4/5 Leadership.
Uuuuuoooo vampire mommyyy
this general feels like a /v/ one but with plastic and resin so much uneeded anger and hostility
It's a shame hatred is only combat, I think reroll hits from a necrotec might actually push that monstrosity into having an okay chance at killing 2 save dragons.
If you have more than 2 screams total you're being a fag.
the general? Its the entire fucking board.
Raw scream count seems like less of an issue than stacking leadership debuffs before you do. I'd rather take 4 -2 screams than 2 at -5 no inspiring presence.
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How many chaos warriors would you guys include in a single regiment?
I have an opportunity to get 30 more 1997 chaos warriors for a reasonable price, but I'm not sure if I'd want to paint them like the 10-man (planned to be 20-man) regiment I already have painted & expand it, or start another regiment. As it stands I have 20 1997 chaos warriors and ~30 2004 chaos warriors.
it doesnt help im pretty sure the biggest anti modern warhammer shitposters ACTUALLY play ToW and brought the mentality to TOW
That's just 4chan since 2016
The guy who obsesses over petty office drama here , and Louise's barefeet is so fucking annoying.
Classic would be 5x5, but 6-7 wide is probably decent for chaos warriors right now (30-35).
he has a particular phenotype
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I think there's something anatomically funny going on with the Night Goblin mob sprue. One of the spear arms attaches to the (Goblins) left arm, and the thumb points downward. Tried searching online and it seems like even the original release had this same situation. Either way I'm not sure who I can give this arm to apart from the Banner holder. Any ideas?
>these extra outdated goblins have better spear sculpts than TK skellies
now that's fucking grim
It doesn't need to be strategically worth it as long as it's funny. Being able to babysit trolls is just a bonus, the real value for me is in turning my enemies into idiots who are covered in shit.
I think they are more recent than the TK skeleton sculpts
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Thanks, I think I have some reading to do!
So you're telling me Night Goblins alone got TWO updates while TK languished?
14 in smaller games. 21-28 in larger. 35 if I want a blob.
O&G sold more models anon
Just clip the thumb off, greenstuff a new one on top (or even stick the old one on there). Or paint the hand black like it's a glove and just don't highlight the thumb to draw attention to it.
>Skeleton archers are not a good choice for killing dragons
To be fair, I don't think that anything is a good choice for killing dragons. Except maybe another pimped out lord with an ogre blade. Monster Slayer is possible, but you have to trust it to luck
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The site was way more relaxed before then. Combative, certainly, but the weirdly intense seething was absent or affected for humor. Now it's just standard to present yourself as mentally ill as possible
Interesting. I'll finish painting all my warriors first before expanding the unit. I would like a big block of 30+ warriors eventually, but there's no rush & I'm going to be playing smaller games for a while longer. I'll make 35 my end goal and aim for 25 for whenever I get to play games at 2000 points. Thank you, anons.
I think it has outperformed heresy so far. HH2 sold plastic leviathans and other vehicles to 40k players and died after gw rugpulled the new kits. At least we can be confident TOW sales are their own.
What’s “functional”? I think you can just not be a total autist and have a gentleman’s agreement with your opponent to not go cutthroat in games. You DO talk with your opponent and discus the game you want before you play right?
Screams are anti everything.
>unironically checking win rates
Just go play 40k or something man. Nobody wants to deal with this autistic arms race in our games.
>To be fair, I don't think that anything is a good choice for killing dragons
Im sure theres a VC list hat could do it, also some combat stuff. But yea, dragons are with some few exceptions king shit of dick mountain. A good dragon can make an otherwise weak list very hard to beat.

I hate it.
Come on anon, these are space marines we're talking about.
Which edition?
In 8th I ran 18 or 24 for unit sizes, in TOW I would MAYBE run 12 max.
Outside of particular spam lists, if you and your opponent both aren't taking dragons, dark elves are mid. Probably the worst of the elves, but wood elves and high elves both have some ridiculous bullshit.
Sorry, I should have specified. I mostly play 6th and TOW right now, but I would like to play 3rd and 8th too.
For 6th I used a 10 man unit as a sort of "moral tax" because playing WOC without them felt wrong, but I think you dont want to run big units (or any if possible).
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Yeah the thumb is easy to fix. The bigger issue here is that, like I said, it's also a left arm, whereas all the other weapon arms are on the right. I can make a goblin dual wield spears (might do this with one model). There are a few "free" right arms pointing forward, so I'm just gonna make a bunch of left handed goblins.

This was my initial thought / idea, but as you can see from my pic the elbow points backward instead of forward making it, again, anatomically weird. You can probably be able to get away with it if you hide the model within in the mass, however.

It's a strange thing that GW didn't go back and fix this. I wish I could find some pictures or videos of people assembling these old Night Goblin models so I could see what kind of interesting solutions they came up with.
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Eshin clanrats for a middlehammer army. What do you think?
>update model line
>they sell more
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they look the part and are well painted, but I hate those kits
Looking at the discords for the 2 lgs's I go to, the last person mentioning playing heresy was 10 months ago for one, 2 months for the other. For TOW, the last post about playing a game was 20 minutes ago for the former, Monday for the latter. We'll see how TOW is doing once it hits a year, but I've lived in 4 different towns since hh2's release date and a community hasn't stuck in any of them.
if only GW understood the causation between those two factors
>the chinese sweatshops of Victrix, from Sussex
lmao cry harder you fucking faggot
I will add that my answer is based purely on multiples of 7, no thought has been put into game mechanics!
tk always sold badly. cope. they got a bunch of new models in 8th and ended up squatted before 8th even ended just because they sold like shit
It does seem pretty dead despite a new army just dropping and another to release soon but I don't pay much attention to 30K discourse anymore.
Not him but I tried to make my arm do what that plastic arm does, and my arm doesn't go that way lel

>it's also a left arm
Ah sorry I missed that. How strange. If you have the spare arms that works, or I'm sure you could buy a few of these right arms on eBay for a few quid. Not ideal I know.
>leaves ancient ugly core units alone
>only updates or adds rarer choices or 1-per-army centerpieces
>army doesn't sell
Suppose launch box was the best way to get people to buy into them in TOW, they sold pretty well this time around.
>make new kit for TOW
>another centerpiece
>A good dragon can make an otherwise weak list very hard to beat.
Things the big things that you can beat a dragon without killing a dragon.
Almost nothing will kill a dragon for anything like the same point cost.
But a wizard half it's cost can shut it down for half the game.
tomb kings are just boring at their core. Vampire counts did the undead stuff better and was more dynamic than tomb kings could ever be.
and people still bought the old skeletons from the 90s
This is gonna sound like a skill issue but I REALLY fucking hate having to play against fanatics in NG armies now that you cant bait them out. My friend ONLY plays NG and theres 473783939033 of the fuckers flying around which makes it a pain in the arse as I cant play the nice tactical movement game I want to play with WHF. I either suck it up and leave it to chance to get raped by what are very unlikely to fail magic missles with ap-3 that can end up hitting multiple units and thats not mentioning other turns. Or I sit back bored and shoot the unit/do fuck all and mostly likely get hit anyway. I didnt mind before as you could bait them but I hate being forced to play around this so heavily it ruins the game somewhat for me.
The older they get the more retro acceptable they become. I think they have their charm, and the shields look nice.
Honestly I'm not too bothered, more concerned with the rest of my army standing out and looking nice.
different times, anon, whale paypigs didn't exist on the same level during the days of fantasy as they do in the age of TOW.
>they sold pretty well this time around.
because gw released them first, drip fed new armies and squatted VC
Pillar of fire can reliably remove them once they are out but yes they are one of the most bullshit things in the game and if your friend is spamming them he isn't being friendly.

Having them able to be popped out on your opponents phase and move through your units even though you charged them is nuts.
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More TK hate. It fuels my contrarianism.
Squat them again, I don't care, I have the models now!
>But a wizard half it's cost can shut it down for half the game.
Can. Most likely wont.

Miasmic mirage is a range 15 hex, reliably getting it off on the fastest unit in the game (or thereabouts) is not likely to happen. And thats even before you get to things like "you can dispell magic"
That's what I mean. I think brets would have sold decent either way but stapling tk to the edition launch as one of two factions was a good idea since it forced them to sell well. Wood elves probably also would be a pretty good choice, they'll probably be the least popular forces of fantasy army.
>Wood elves probably also would be a pretty good choice, they'll probably be the least popular forces of fantasy army.
nah empire will be least popular
It's because the sculptor didn't do too much work, he just took a normal arm, and glued the hand the other way.
nothing mysterious about it.
just laziness and early kits' compromises.
Eh, I'm not so bothered by it that I feel a need to buy additional spear hands, especially since I do have some options to play around with. I was just curious about this since I've not seen anyone else mention it.
I wouldnt mind if you could shoot/magic missile them. But you literally cant do anything. My friend's reasoning is 'theyre goblins, they fold when you get in' which fails to take into account that units are half dead by the time they get there and then you get fucked by nets and being double outnumbered.
Doesn't sound like a skill issue in this case anon, there are always going to be slight imbalances in a game this varied and as the other anon says it sounds like your friend is taking massive advantage of that, which is just not the gentlemanly way to play. Is he aware of the latest FAQ that has changed fanatics from 0-3 per unit, to 0-1 per 10 models to a max of 3?

Fwiw I preferred when they could be baited out, and I have a full O&G army including lots of night goblins. I also preferred animosity but that's a whole other kettle of fish.
Miasmic mirage and column of crystal individually don't have great odds, but illusion is a solid pick because you get two attempts to stop it.
They only have relatively narrow front arc which can waste their time by running out of arc if they're looking at cav or other fast units.
If they hit a unit with a champ they are going to spend a turn killing 1 model.
Dragons are very good but they still have some counterplay.
30k is whales: the fanbase, its a small community of guys who buy 10 of every kit, it outsells tow. most of the tow playerbase already owns armies from 20 years ago and some of the most popular factions have been squatted, including the most popular faction VC.
Yeah we played a game witht he FAQ, aty 1500pts there was still 6 flying around with all his units bunched up. It pretty much deletes any unit that goes to charge or position as youd naturally do vs any other army. And it still devolves into suck it up or chance with ranged which with WoC is just sorcerers. In 8th etc. I played VC and could bait them and even then it was annoying but fair. Id either like them to be baited, not be able to launch in opponents turn/be able to be shot. Or be a D3 (this is boring the other way).
People play Empire regardless of their strength.
No shot
nice head cannon.
They shouldn't do much against t6 I don't think.
they have shit rules and never sold well despite being the poster boys that were pushed in every box.
Yeah, it just so happened that everyone loved the same exact list containing only the OP units.
The majority of miniatures are make in the UK, especially historical minis, all of which are small local businesses instead of corporate Jews like GW
Its more annoying when it just deletes a T4 block warrior unit to the point is basically cant fight and if you have maruaders eat it at low pts then you have to be far enough back to the point of not doing anything to not get hit. I cant still win its just a fucking boring slog of 'that guy' vibe.

Admittingly its probably my fault for not playing chaos zoo but I want to play thematically.
Whichever you think looks cooler, WAAC fag cuck lmao
I have never needed bannermen or musicians in archers.
its funny how every empire players thinks demigryphs look gay and retarded yet they all run 6+ of them.
In the Square based 100 player online tourny in Warhall Empire had second highest players after Bretonnia (despite it being online on Warhall so they could have picked any army they want).


This only started a couple months ago so Empire was well into being considered shit tier but more people still wanted to play it. Matches what I've seen locally as well.
Looked at some empire lists from an 80 man tourney this morning and it was surprisingly diverse. Wizards, veteran state troops, and artillery were common. Demis and steam tanks less so.
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This is, of course, cope. By "Heroic" proportions you are basically just saying "shitty sculpting" in a polite manner.
Historicals and WHFB minis are largely the same height, the only difference is Warhammer minis are sculpted with cartoonish proportions because they're made to appeal to the senses of (man)children
>in (((square based)))'s online nogames tourny empire was kinda popular
means nothing lmao
Strangely chaos dwarves are either the most or second most popular army in my lgs. Bretonnia are the only close faction.
It's more than you've provided.
Tk drew me in because ive always been fascinated by ancient Egypt
It really scratches the itch
Lizard men also drew me in because of a childhood fascination with the Aztecs
>the Perry fig is clearly taller than the GW, despite GWs retarded hat and taller base
whys the shitty GW sculpt barefoot? lmao. perry chads mogging as usual
>all Fantasy Battle fans are closeted racists
>"Fantasy is mostly based on Europe, so there is a lot about fantasy that's problematic"
That actually views of his?
If so i'll stop watching. Not that they've been saying much beyond "canadian/bong tournament" and "i'm totally a narrative guy btw comp waac stuff is also narrative" the last few videos.
>That actually views of his?
yes. squarebased is some sigmarxism faggot.
The european aspects ARE in fact boring.
I really try to defend gw against the perry fags, but it's honestly getting hard to do when you see them side by side ....
In TOW I'm defaulting to 20 + a char for a nice 7x3 formation. If I need the points elsewhere I could go down to a formation of 6x3.
In 8th I went with the same as above for Halberdiers and 5x4 for Sword and Board.
Granted the 7x3 approach is like 50% due to playing Nurgle.
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Perry bros... We just can't lose.
>pic related, my substantial WHFB Empire force
Prove it.
Im going to shove your models up your ass if you show me a mini that has a bow with no string attached to it.
cool proxies
shame about those bases
Looks pretty cool desu, today games worshop models are unironically too expensive to have this many men on the table. What game do you use them for (besides WHFB obviously)
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Put some grass on them anon you're embarrassing us.
It's a WIP, fellow Perry bro
>he doesn't have a list of citations and archived clips for his pasta
Nice brets, didn't know you could play them in sigmar still.
You expect us to believe that?
You've been posting them for months
Alright. Might make a few swappies in case I ever feel a need or have the leftover points.
I know they can't be baited out rules-wise but are you doing much to bait your opponent into releasing them? He really only has control over their movement in their first turn. After that you can rely on the scatter dice to protect you a bit more.

Or try and get creative with how you neutralise their threat...
>Take wizard with daemonology in your favourite unit
>Unit starts in marching column
>In movement phase, rush the unit at the night goblins
>In shooting phase, cast magical vortex in front of your (narrow) unit, template covers most of the units frontage
>If NG player releases his fanatics and they hit the template, they die
>you've severely reduced the angles he can use to send his fanatics into you
>If he doesn't release his fanatics because he thinks it's too risky, great, cast magic missiles from behind your template at his goblins to soften them up/panic them
>Next turn, if he hasn't released the fanatics, dispel the vortex
>Move closer
>Cast vortex in front of your unit again when you're done moving
>His angles to send fanatics into you are reduced even further
>Keep doing this until you can charge (you'll be in marching column but they're night goblins fgs)
>Or, if/when he releases his fanatics...
>take whatever meagre damage they deal if they slip past your vortex
>then cast steed of shadows
>fly over & behind his unit, 12-36" away from fanatics entirely
>charge his unit, destroy it, let the fanatics party on the other side of the board

I'm sure there are other risky but interesting things you could do to gum up his plans.
Which historical miniature company makes some good historical lizardmen?
NTA but he banged on about it in a couple of hours square based podcasts. How European fantasy is inherently problematic. The Tory bashing thing is real too, again from the podcast.
That banner can't be hand painted, can it?
Double cope
>How European fantasy is inherently problematic
Good to know. I won't be giving the faggot more clicks then.
You can't cast a vortex after marching anon. You'd be crawling at 4'' across the table with this strategy.

Everything you just said sounds like a unit and now your mage spending multiple 3-4 turns trying to not die to a 170 point night goblin unit. (who is likely shooting you the whole time by the way with usually AP-1, rerolling1's to hit and -d3 to your toughness.)
Tories suck shit lol. Britain is a fucking dumpster fire in general.
I'll choose to believe you and have a scan for that later because if so fuck him.
Its more at low pts I dont have much to bait or shield with. Like sure the strat in the greentext works but its annoying to have to go to such lengths to avoid blatant bullshit. Its just not fun either way.
>I play WHFB
World History Field Battles, sure.
With daemonology or similar you can fly 12. But as WoC, I'd be using dogs and marauders to force them to either deploy or get smacked up.
I've been working on a force of less than 20 models for more than 6 months.
Wargames Atlantic makes good historical lizardmen.
Thanks for this idea anons, I've read the troll magic rules now, sounds like a fun thing to try!

As far as I can tell, if I put a lone goblin shaman behind 3 trolls, he can still be targeted but the shooters would have -2 to hit. (Or if I add 2 more trolls he can't be targeted, but I don't have 5 trolls.)
Defintiely not, it's printed from a historical example on normal printing paper and then I use PVA to stick the two halves together and create the waviness.
Still sick af
Atlantic lizardmen are a bit lanky for WF lizardmen
>You can't cast a vortex after marching anon
Fair, I missed that then. Rest of the post sounds a bit defeatist, enjoy figuring out how to defeat the fanatics brother
>Tories suck shit lol
I don't disagree but I don't need to hear it from some virtue signalling hipster with a rat tail haircut while I'm listening to a podcast about Warhammer
The alternative is much worse is what I don't get. Yeah we have factions of cliches and tropes about the HRE and France. Do you want them to expand on the hobgoblin khanate, the savage backstabbing horde from the eastern steppes? Same with Cathay / Araby / Nippon. I guess at least Lizardmen don't have blood sacrifices as their central mechanic.
I defeat them with Pillars of Fire, as I said initially.
>>hello and welcome to Square Bassed, lmao get it? based?

>>my partner is Louise Sugden btw, u jelly?
Seeing who she chose as a partner, no I'm sure as fuck not jelly. Just absolutely bewildered.

>>self proclaimed "ally" to commies and faggots on twitter
Which is indeed based.

>>shoe-horns in 'tory voters are scum' every 10 minutes
He's right though.

>>constantly bad mouths other content creators like Valrak
Most content creators deserve way worse than badmouthing. Especially those "loremaster" wankers and their ilk.

>>only making Old World content for clicks despite hating the player base
>>"Warhammer is hard™, guys"
>>"Fantasy is mostly based on Europe, so there is a lot about fantasy that's problematic"
Well, he is still an absolute mornic wanker, even if he might be right with some things.
>they even painted slayer mohawks random colors now to match their beards
I guess orange is AoS-only.
Hairdye was invented after the reign of Magnus the pious by the brave engineers of Nuln.
the more recent photography for Dwarfs has Orange Mohawks but normal hair for beards
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Know your place!
Fucking lmao based Dave
Hahaha GW fags are so clueless they don't even know how to make miniature banners (a staple in historical gaming) unless GW hands them a banner made of hard plastic
I wish I bought that hoodie.
I actually wanted to ask a historicalfriend, how do you fellas make your banners? I've only made one so far and it was using plasticard, a brass rod and a plastic rod, but I'm curious about how you'd go about making more realistic banner shapes for whenever I want to do that, instead of just a big square with a cool painting idea like fire or a chainsaw or something.
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++ Characters [707 pts] ++
General of the Empire [353 pts]
(Hand weapon, Full plate armour, Shield, General, Imperial Griffon, Ogre Blade, The White Cloak)

Captain of the Empire [108 pts]
(Hand weapon, Lance (if appropriately mounted), Full plate armour, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Barded Warhorse, Shroud of Iron)

Priest of Ulric [81 pts]
(Hand weapon, Heavy armour, Shield, Barded Warhorse)

Wizard Lord [165 pts]
(Hand weapon, Level 4 Wizard, On foot, Earthing Rod, Elementalism)

++ Core Units [626 pts] ++
7 Empire Archers [61 pts]
(Hand weapons, Warbows, Scouts, Marksman (champion))

7 Empire Archers [56 pts]
(Hand weapons, Warbows, Scouts)

7 Empire Archers [56 pts]
(Hand weapons, Warbows, Scouts)

10 Empire Knights [293 pts]
(Hand weapons, Lances, Shields, Heavy armour, Drilled (0-1 unit per 1,000 points), Preceptor (champion) [Burning Blade + The Silver Horn], Standard bearer [War Banner], Musician)

10 State Missile Troops [80 pts]
(Hand weapons, Handguns, Detachment)

10 State Missile Troops [80 pts]
(Hand weapons, Handguns, Detachment)

++ Special Units [902 pts] ++
Great Cannon [125 pts]
(Great cannon, Hand weapons)

Great Cannon [125 pts]
(Great cannon, Hand weapons)

3 Demigryph Knights [189 pts]
(Lances, Shields, Full plate armour)

3 Demigryph Knights [189 pts]
(Lances, Shields, Full plate armour)

20 Empire Greatswords [274 pts]
(Great weapons, Full plate armour, Count's Champion (champion), Standard bearer [Razor Standard])

++ Rare Units [265 pts] ++
Steam Tank [265 pts]
(Steam Cannon, Steam gun)

Created with "Old World Builder"


Army for the tournament this weekend. What do you think? The idea is this: the demigryphs flank, the infantry acts as bait, while a detachment of heavy cavalry and the royal griffin strike.
>FAQ says every ranged model in a unit can attack a large target.
My 40 point 5x4 gnoblar unit just put 40 shots into a beastmaster on a manticore and I loved it. Thanks GW.
it's more interesting than just having the map plastered onto the back like the one you can currently buy
Find your historical banner of choice and print it https://fanatichris.wordpress.com/paper-flags-and-banners/

(There are shitloads so look around)

Print on white paper. Cut it out and fold it over the pole with pva in the middle. Curl it to wave it with your fingers or a straw. Then just spray it with varnish like normal.
I'm trying to find it now out of interest. Only listened to 9 minutes so far and they've already corrected themselves for calling orcs and goblins "greenskins" because that's "not very bassed".
So not only are they droning faggots with little real content but they're also performative offense-takers as well.
Christ to think I even gave these cunts the time of day.
does Warhammer Fantasy have any good content creators?
>in troubles in Tilea guy
except for that one
They are obviously round-based because he is proxying Cities of Sigmar.
there's a guy called nergling who I like a lot
that blaxill fella too, but he's not for everyone
>I guess at least Lizardmen don't have blood sacrifices as their central mechanic.
Mine do
>historical lizardmen
I fucking knew it. Perryfags actually believe that lizardmen existed in history.
dr blaxill is based
If your banner uses a colored background won't you get white edges this way?
How do you deal with glue leaks? I feel like they would ruin my attempts every time.
Ink or laser printer?
printing is kinda sad, but there's some good inspiration for freehanding there
Thank you anon
How much of a goof would it be to field a lvl 2 Bray-Shaman with the Hunter's Spear and Skin of Man to a game? Seems like it has the potential to actually be quite potent on a flank as long as you can quickly get it some support. Furthermore, what lore would be best on such a set-up? I'm leaning towards Elementalism but the other lores also seem useful.
Why is he riding that rat? It's clearly a bad mount given its deceased nature.
I feel like it would get picked off the board by ranged
T4 is nice, but not enough to save a wizard by their lonesome
to show his superiority over the Ratmen
>Ink or laser printer?
I use ink but honestly I'm not sure what's better.
>Glue leaks
Both sides are pressed firmly together, so as what little comes out just wipe it off with your thumb, it's drying clear anyway.
>If your banner uses a colored background won't you get white edges this way?
Just cut it just into the colour the tiniest bit and there will be no white border. Or exactly on the line if you're up for it.
Alright, PUNKS!
He's kinda obnoxious to me because he'll say dumb shit with the most self confidence possible. Granted I just watched his videos around the launch of TOW. Turns out running 30 chaos warriors in a line still means you're running 30 chaos warriors though.
Not him, but also looking to bring a Bray-Shaman or Great Bray-Shaman.
Who is he best attached to? I was thinking a Bestigor bodyguard would be good but I could throw him on a razorgor.
You can just try to paint match to the background of the border. You can also buy transfer paper to print on.
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I just realised by white edged you meant the top.

You can colour those but it isn't always necessary. This one I did nothing for colouring the edge and the paper is so close you can't tell, the next one in black I outline using a marker.
> it would get picked off the board by ranged
Yeah that's probably right. I could always give it the Pelt of Midnight to help against ranged but then that's beginning to be quite the investment in a solo model.

Given that Harpies have Scout it might be a good thing to throw in one or two small units of them with the Bray-Shaman an make it something of a forward-pushed flank.
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You put a tiny drop of PVA on your finger and manually rub it on the paper very thinly, it doesn't leak. I usually paint the borders so there is no white edge.
It's hilarious that you have to explain basic hobby skills to Warhammer babies like they're toddlers.
I like the notion of a Daemonology Shaman attached to a Bestigor block.

Personally I'm gonna be building two free-roaming shamans, one flying around on athe carpet with a supporting squad of 10 Harpies while the other rocks out on a chariot with the Hunter's Spear. The idea is to give the lvl 4 Elementalism (and the Hagtree Fetish) and the lvl 2 Dark Magic.
Get back in the bunker, doc!
We all start somewhere.
How can you expect people to be where you're at if you're not starting from where they're from?
Be nice, anon.
Nigga literally asked " how do I not make a mess with glue"
that could be a pretty fun modeling opportunity. The skin of man casts a magical illusion that makes the shaman look like a regular, but kinda odd looking human, right? You could make it so the harpies are chasing the glamour'd shaman.
That wasn't me. But if you have it, post the first model you built and painted.
they are called towddlers for a reason
One day you will learn to paint models beyond dunking them in contrast slop.
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Oh, good suggestion!
I really like Beastmen from a converting perspective. Been thinking about finding a way to add the skin of man to justify making a skin-changer but from a game perspective it seems better to use it for ranged harassment than a wargor annoying the backline.
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Meanwhile your minis look like this
>those round bases
oh no no
>round bases
I didnt know you also collected dwarfs faggot
>Everything 3d printed and home made movement trays

Based gamer giving GW nothing. I bet he never bought the rulebooks and has them on a tablet too.
Is there any consensus on how to interpret the rules for the magic armour-category regarding whether everyone with access to it can take one of the magic shields or not?
>Complaining about a fully painted army
I'd rather a full contrast slop army than my usual "10% of the army painted, rarely ever full squads" that permeates not just the LGS but the basement table games.
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To clarify my question the wording seems to suggest that only those with access to taking mundane shields can take a magical one.
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Them's some purdy knig-ht.
What army does the best running actual blocks of infantry in TOW? Dwarves? Chorfs? O&G?
Chaos sorcerers can take magic shields despite not being able to take mundane shields, 'cause they have chaos armor and can cast while wearing armor.
I think anyone can wear magic armor, they just can't cast while wearing it. So I guess you could give a wizard a magic shield, if thats what you're asking, but I don't know if they could cast while wearing it.
Is a shield armour? That's a good question.
>running actual blocks of infantry in TOW?
infantry fundamentally dont work in TOW
>hundreds of fully painted figures
Dwarfs I guess. Their units are super annoying to charge.
Orcs have some great value in theirs, so can also be good.

Vampire counts as well is something to consider, as Graveguard and lots of big blocks of skele's and zombies with necro's to back them up and bring them back are a nightmare too.
I think I'm in love with those movement trays.
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Beastmen look like a decent contender imo.
A unit of Bestigors with the Manbane Banner joined by a Beastlord armed with Slug-Skin, Mangelder, Pelt of the Dark Young, charmed Shield and Heavy Armour seems like a really solid unit.
So does a unit of Gors with Additional Hand Weapons and the Totem of Rust or Vitriolic Totem. For the latter you could always give it Ambush or use a BSB to double dip on the standards.
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>round bases on top of square bases
Nothing but chaos worshipping madmen here
The worst part is that there is nothing stopping you from just putting the fucking rounds in the tray anyway. Jesus christ.
If they're moving around to much, a magnetic movement tray would look nicer.
>fundamentally don't work
Please take the tourneyfag brainrot elsewhere
>Is a shield armour?
It's clearly not distinguished from chest armour in the wording of the rules for Magic Armour on page 340 in the Tripple B. The question I have is whether having access to mundane armour (as in light, heavy or plate) also qualifies one to taking a magic shield or vice versa.
Probably Orcs followed by Brets and Dwarves. Because Black Orcs and Night Goblins with Fanatics are very strong and can be the core of your army and Bretonnians can do similarly with their infantry, Dwarves are also good and WoC with Chaos Chosen. VC infantry is made good by their utility from Invocation of Nehek but I guess it's arguable if that's a good infantry unit or just a good undead unit. There's also Beastmen and Ogres but they're not as popular so I honestly don't know if their infantry is great or not.

But for straight-up running blocks of infantry i'd look at the first three.
*It's clearly distinguished from
I would say yes.
>hurr I can no p2w my way to victory with blobs of infantry that means the game is bad
>hurr i can just brainlessly charge with my shitty old bret models to autowin so the game is le good
>WoC with Chaos Chosen
I'd throw in Forsaken there aswell. Even if you for whatever reason (looking at you Nurgle) choose to field them as a proper regiment rather than as msu they'll likely to do quite well given their relative high speed, potentially devastating dmg output and hardy defense.
But why then would they use the word 'equivalent'; Is it just me reading too much into the wording here?
Infantry look cool formed up
no! you just dont understand!! warhammer has always been about 5 cavalry and a dragon running over an entire army! this is le good!!
That's great if you're taking pictures for your blog because literally no one can fucking afford to run an army.
In any case infantry isn't weak. People (8th ed fags & Empire players) are just bitching that their 60 pts of Free Company Militia can't single-handedly remove a 600 pt dragon no questions asked and that they might actually have to get something that can't be 1:1 proxied by Victrix, Airfix or Revell for a fiver.
>no one can fucking afford to run an army.
poorfag tears
>In any case infantry isn't weak.
blatant lie from zoomie nogames, as usual.
>A solid Brettonian or Empire army costs like 99 bucks if you aren't retarded and actually use historicals
zoomie nogames refuse to buy 3rd party. zoomie nogames also struggle to glue models together and wonder why the sprue has extra bits on it.

they are also very happy that they only need 15 cavalry and a dragon to "play" a "standard" size game, since they are poor and retarded.
Great, you go have fun with your Empire & Bret mirror matches for all eternity when the other armies either cost full GW prices or 2/3rds GW prices from third parties.
Don't you have any archers or mages that can slap the goblins around?
I think you're reading too much in to it. Besides, it'd be kinda cool for a wizard to have a magic shield. I wouldn't have a problem with it.
Honestly, I like making bannermen, but mechanically they're only useful in melee, and if your archers are getting into melee you've got bigger problems.

I just took the bannermen and musicians and stuck them into other units.
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Wow... I always thought the crest was Ungrim's hair. Never would have guessed that it was actually part of the crown-helm. What is it made of then, horse hair?
>literally no one can fucking afford to run an army
speak for yourself
you shall henceforth be known as Strawmanon, Mover of Goalposts
>can't afford
3rd party, second hand, and unit fillers.
>60 points of fcm can't kill a dragon
The thing that shut dragons and other monsters out last edition was the way split profiles worked, and artillery being a lot stronger. Infantry wasn't an issue in that regard.
>can't find other manufacturers of dwarves, elves, orcs, etc
You might be kinda retarded.
>when the other armies either cost full GW prices or 2/3rds GW prices from third parties.
and? is $1000 a lot of money to you? if so you shouldnt be playing warhammer because youve got bigger problems.
I don't need to because you paypiggy retards are buying the big stuff so I can rape them with my lancers or blast them with cannons lmao

Sorry I don't play horde armies with no fucking ranged weapons, maybe you shouldn't do that, just a thought.
Cannon still shuts down dragons and that's on top of Empire having illusion wizards and monster slayer heroes.
The shooting phase is for sissies.
Unless you have a wizard, then it's cool and awesome.
>t. has never actually paid up for proxies that aren't historicals and thinks they don't charge out the ass
It is for anyone who cares about having players to play against.
Obviously if your main goal is to post pictures of your Perry proxies on round bases, or whining about games you evidently don't play, then that's not an issue.
1000 pts worth of greenskin cost me 2 days worth of pay. The only currency I need to think about is time.
>It is for anyone who cares about having players to play against.
id rather play against the same 5 people ive been playing against for decades, than play against new poorfag zoomie nogames retards like you.
If that's the case then post your army list.
If it isn't infantry-based then you're illiterate btw.
Sorry I couldn't hear you over your dragon and berserkers being obliterated by my cannoneers

Anyway my hangunners are gonna open up on your Chaos Hounds now. Make 16 armor saves at -1 please
>played the same 5 guys for decades and hates new players
>yet stills adopts the latest rules that he loathes instead of playing his preferred editions
lol legit single digit IQ
No, Strawmanon! You can't keep getting away with this!
Jesus dude stop making assumptions on behalf of other people and go make some money. If you think nobody can afford a Warhammer army it says more about you than it does about everyone else.
>finding players to play against
Play smaller games then
maybe if you get a job you could afford models, zoomie.
No ones talking about current army costs you illiterate retard. 8th Edition with it's army blobs where you spent thousands of dollars on monopose infantry, or picked the armies that could proxy historicals, is what ended up killing the game before GW went full retard and End Timed it.
I don't got chaos hounds or a dragon, but shooting my chaos warriors is a fool's errand. My battle-standard bearer is carrying aloft the Blasted Standard, which burns away your puny projectiles, allowing the regiment under his banner to reroll armour saves of 1 against shooting, and he has a shimmering aura around him from his diabolic splendor, a gift from his dark gods, which imposes a -1 penalty to all to hit rolls in the shooting phase.
What will your pathetic, cowardly archers and cannons do now, southling?
>8th Edition with it's army blobs where you spent thousands of dollars on monopose infantry
an 8th army costed less than $1000. you are just poor and retarded, zoomie nogames.
>Cannons shut down dragons
Not really. Most the time you'll need 3 wounds to kill. Assuming no misses, 40% of hits from a great cannon will convert to an unsaved wound against 2+/5++. Unless you're running 6 cannons they won't reliably kill a dragon before it gets a chance to charge, and that's if there's no line of sight blocking.
>The thing that shut dragons and other monsters out last edition
Last edition sucked with it's magic minigame bullshit and how heavy cavalry was crippled harder than infantry is now because faggots kept crying all throughout 6th.
I am so glad these people don't get their way anymore. Fuck 'em.
>nobody can afford a warhammer army
>yeah well nobody can afford a warhammer army that isn't made of historicals
>yeah well maybe you can afford a warhammer army that isn't made of historicals but nobody else can
>yeah well maybe you can afford a warhammer army that isn't made of historicals, and maybe others can too, but I bet none of you could IN 8TH EDITION
Genuinely the most pathetic shit I've seen in a long time.
>16 saves on hounds
> requires 24 hits
> requires 48 - 72 hand gunners
good job spending 384~576 points shooting at a 30 point unit, you literal tight-wearing mongoloid.
You don't need to kill a dragon to make it an utter waste of points. Running cannons is enough to be a deterrent.
he might as well just admit that hes poor and stupid and doesnt belong in the warhammer community.
>new players couldn't afford to run a new army in 8th because the infantry focus made it extremely fucking expensive to run anything that wasn't hist proxies
>[illiterate retard response]
>whining about poorfags who can't drop 10k on a single army while going on about how dumb anyone who doesn't use hist proxies are
Mcfucking kill yourself.
I'm the guy you replied to, I was in my mid 20s during 8th edition and at the end of the month had £1500 free and clear to spend on whatever I wanted, every month. You apparently sat online telling people they can't afford warhammer armies, lol.
Genuine dumbass. The entire starting point of the discussion was about 8th ed's infantry blobbing.
>s-soo what if the armies in 8th were less than $1000 maybe if i say they cost $10,000 people will stop calling me a poor nogames loser retard
an interesting strategy
10k on an army hahahaha, really earning the Strawmanon title here buddy
And i'm sure you enjoyed playing with you and the 5 other dudes who could paypig GW 1900 dollars each month.
From the stories I've been told by the grognards at my lgs the problem with 8th edition was that people didn't want to play smaller games, like at 1000 points or 1500 points, so newer players had to paint an entire 3000 point army to get a game. I can see how that would be discouraging, but also every game of 6th and TOW I've played was at 1500 points, so I don't think they're telling the whole story.
and 8th ed armies were very affordable, being less than $1000.
2 strawmen in one post, you're getting good at this!
If you were to run nothing but tomb guard without any upgrades and mortuary priest it would cost 1190usd to fill up a 3k army in 8th if you bought straight from GW's website at the current 85$/20. Shut the fuck up, there is no thousands of dollars.
And he used an example of a dragon being unkillable... In 8th edition. Proving he is a nogames. But we knew that already, because he wasn't able to drop $50k each week on an army.
The problem was 3k points infantry monopose at GW prices. Unless you shilled out for ugly costly hero like the griffon Karl Franz sculpt.
The infantry homos are longing for those days but they also refuse to actually play 8th and instead whine about the state of TOW for not letting them auto-win from paypigging.
>the problem is that im poor and retarded and cant afford $1000 so it might as well have cost $10,000.

standard game size in 8th was 2400 or 2500 points btw, zoomie nogames. you should get a job.
>standard game size in 8th was 2400 or 2500 points btw
Maybe at release. Certainly not by the time it died.
>Certainly not by the time it died.
how would you know? you clearly proven you are too poor to afford an army. lmao.
I walked into a GW once during the end times, having otherwise ordered my 40k stuff online for years and not played fantasy since 7th. There was a game going on and the infantry blocks on the table were ridiculous. So many minis on movement trays that people weren't even trying to keep them ranked up. Bases overlapping, minis fallen over in the ranks, it was genuinely disorienting to someone who hadn't seen whfb since 2010ish.
As a fan of heavily armoured battle mages I can't help but agree with that sentiment. Especially since a Sorcerer Lord only has an innate +5 AS I'd like to atleast bump it up a notch by throwing in a Charmed Shield.
Seems kinda OP to run single Dragon Ogre Shartaks with the same shield though.
Monsters and cav aren't as cucked as they were in 8th, artillery is in a reasonable spot. Now if most infantry got to make one rank of supporting attacks by default we'd be in a great spot. Probably make it a special rule so it can be selectively distributed.
If you aren't playing with randoms why are you even bitching about dragons? They're not an issue in friendly games.
I mean, you wouldn't have 3000 points of infantry though. You'd have 25% minimum on infantry, which did suck and I prefer how it worked in 6th, but you could fill out points by having really strong lords and heroes with a lot of magic items. It might not have been strong, or meta (a disgusting word if there ever was one), but you could do it and play a game. Besides, 25% of 3k is only 750. That's still a lot for horde armies, but it's achievable.
I have sorcerers as WoC it doesnt really alleviate the issue and its boring sitting back all game doing fuck all shooting blue fire of tzeentch or whatever at them.
>There was a game going on and the infantry blocks on the table were ridiculous.
the only 8th armies that had more than like 150 infantry at 2.5k would be skaven or some other gimmicky horde shit.
Counterpoint: currently the empire list I play in a league has one unit that it's worth bothering with a movement tray for and it's a 4 wide unit of demigryphs. Or wood elves lists I've seen where everything is either skirmish or a solo character / monster.
>Probably make it a special rule so it can be selectively distributed.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, supporting attacks and fight in X ranks are both special rules right? With most armies having some sort of infantry that can use them
>Now if most infantry got to make one rank of supporting attacks by default we'd be in a great spot. Probably make it a special rule so it can be selectively distributed.
I'd be in favour of pumping up the point cost of halberds in order to also give them Fight In Extra Ranks. That alone should make atleast one type of infantry quite good.
Spears still do that. But my point is a lot of infantry could gain a rank of supporting attacks without being ridiculous. Black orcs, maybe some dwarf stuff, and like swordmasters are all that come to mind that definitely shouldn't.
That honestly seems like a big games problem rather than an 8th edition problem. 3000, 4000 points, with how the army building rules are, you're kinda forced to have huge regiments. Steadfast & supporting attacks didn't help with that either, but in concept those rules were fine.
A healthy balance should be found.
I'm talking like units of probably 50-60 on both sides. It could have been some sort of special event game in fairness, I genuinely don't know. The table was completely full of people and they were all shouting and laughing so I couldn't get close enough to find out more.
Okay but what is the point of the tombstone besides decoration?
Squeezing out an extra model with some creative use of leftover bits.
what sprue was it even apart from
"I'm hello guise where is the tombstone profile on my warscroll?" kek
they were probably doing a massive apocalypse style game, that wasnt normal. kek
heres a normal 2400 point 8th empire horde army, its like 120 models or something. kek. shit probably costs like $700 with current gw prices (wouldve been more like $500 back then). the nogames crying about prices are just poor.
Yeah the high elf and dark elves with that have that weapon are great.
>shooting phase
LMAO I stopped playing GW slop ages ago so I forgot about the antiqued GW turn/activation system LMAO shooting in its own "phase" I can't believe that's still a thing
Think it was the zombie kit, could be mistaken
Infantry doesn't suck. Empire infantry does.
The 5th(?) edition skeletons. Might have been earlier, but 5th is around when the first plastic regiment started being made.
>Once Bitten vs Vince Venturella
It's pretty fun anon, you should give it another try. They removed the magic phase and spread it out across the whole turn, which is kinda sad, but warhammer fantasy is still fun.
probably just dwarf hair from previous slayer kings or Ungrim own hair
I've played too many other games at this point that there is no way I could enjoy a game where you have to sit and wait with your thumb in your ass while your opponent activates his entire army over the course of several phases.
Naw, it's not like that. You can talk to your opponent during his turn, ask questions about important stuff, roll your armor saves, dispel his spells, look at the models, take pictures (with permission), double check the rules, that kind of thing. It's a good time and turns go pretty fast, at least in my experience.
OB batreps are still the only good batreps on youtube 2bh. fuck watching some goofy GW endorsed "Influencer" roll dice for 2 hours with some shitty 4 color commissioned paint job.
It's barely a list since I just started. It'll be mostly black orcs and night goblin mobs.
I never get why people shill AA. It's not like it's any faster in practice.
What games do you play now, and (no hate just curious) what brings you back to this general then?
The hair of AoS Fireslayers™©
>Monsters and cav aren't as cucked as they were in 8th
Honestly I think this is what annoys me more about their whining than their calls for infantry to become OP bullshit again.
Just that they whine about "monsterhammer" whenever anything non-infantry is fielded and isn't as weaksauce as heavy cav was in 8th.
Elves have some great infantry.
Night goblins and black orcs are great.
Forsaken are pretty killer.
Dwarves have lots of great infantry.
VC has great infantry.
Even Bretonnia has good infantry.

They just decided Empire should suck for some reason.
heavy cav was fine in 8th, you had to flank with it like in real life. you are just a retard who thinks that charging cav headfirst into the front of infantry blocks should be an autowin for the cav.
>Elves have some great infantry.
you mean swordmasters. rest of all the elves melee infantry is garbage like all melee infantry.
Melee isn't the only kind of infantry.
And there are some other good infantry options between the three elf armies.
>Melee isn't the only kind of infantry.
its the only kind we are talking about when we are referring to blocks of infantry fighting in ranks.
>And there are some other good infantry options between the three elf armies.
name 5
Witch Elves
Phoenix Guard
Sea Guard
>heavy cav was fine in 8th
fucking lol yeah charge into infantry that never breaks and then get raped because of OP infantry damage.
Brets sucked hard in 8th solely because they actually were forced to field heavy cav.
Unironically this, even One Page Rules shite doesn't use IGOUGO
>Witch Elves
>Phoenix Guard
>Sea Guard
>Brets sucked hard in 8th solely because they actually were forced to field heavy cav.
shocking concept but maybe an army of all melee cav is totally fucking braindead and shouldnt be good in the game.
>fucking lol yeah charge into infantry that never breaks and then get raped because of OP infantry damage.
maybe dont charge them in the front like a fucking retard.
wait, is the "infantry bad" posters' position "my light infantry can't win combats therefore infantry bad"?
>shocking concept but maybe an army of all melee cav is totally fucking braindead and shouldnt be good in the game.
Yeah and then you could run it against other units that sucked shit and got raped by infantry like monster units or monster cav.
8th ed balancing was the worst state the game has ever been in.
Lol Stay mad.
If you can't win with those you're cucked.
maybe you should play the game before posting here lil bro
>Wych Aelves™
>Faenix Gyrd™
>Cae Gyrd™
Fixed that for you
I come here strictly to banter
>8th ed balancing was the worst state the game has ever been in.
why? because you couldnt frontal charge infantry hordes with your heavy cavalry and autowin like a braindead fucking retard? you are aware that historically cavalry wasnt used like this, right? lmao
ruby ring alone does like 800 points worth of damage to wardancers or witch elves in like 3 turns. they are trash
Seems like it.
Not that surprised t b h, they always give bad vibes of not playing. Same as those who complain about linehammer when no one actually has that issue in reality.
Because it was brainless.
Bring your horde and smash it over the other guy's while seeing who gets off purple sun first.
Why are you taking 800-point units of wardancers anon?
so infantry blocks fighting each other while cav is forced to flank and magic is impactful is braindead, but your retarded bret ass just frontal charging everything in the game and autowinning is a healthy game state. lmao
NTA but I note that you're not mentioning any of the other unit types.
Were they not being fielded in 8th?
what other unit types? artillery was better in 8th than now. missile infantry were better in 8th than tow. monsters sucked but monsters are gay age of shitmar slop anyway and if you like them you have brain damage.
>monster are aos
So 8th ed players are really braindead retards.
Monsters are fucking cool and ill shit in your closet for having the wrong opinions.
aos is the monstermash retarded child's game, yes. its why every shitmar army has some goofy monster model like that elf broad riding a dung beetle.
>Implying I need to kill them all to break them
It's like you don't even wargame
Really doubling down on the retardation huh.
Good to know I don't need to care about an 8th ed fags view ever again though.
I charge with my Greatswords and flank you with my Empire Knights
>Good to know I don't need to care about an 8th ed fags view ever again though.
you can't afford to play 8th anyway, since you act like $1000 is unattainable.
Boomer mentality. Hope your kids learned how to take care of the elderly or did you laugh at them for not knowing that right off the bat?
well now hang on just a second now
8th edition did some cool stuff, like lores of magic having special effects
the lore of tzeentch spells could either cause a unit to take extra wounds or get regeneration
that was pretty cool
storm of magic was a really cool expansion too, every lore of magic got new spells to play with in a specific game mode...
which wasn't so cool, but it was a good effort
Cmon anon don’t you like “running a list” and “trying out a new combo”?! Is that what we all dreamt of as young kids when looking at the art for Warhammer Fantasy Battles?
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Man, I sure do hate AOS garbage like pic related
Go play with your Space Marines in your containment zone, retard.
No, paste-eater, that's how many points of handgunners it takes to put 16 saves, a number you made up, on a unit of chaos warhounds.
w-what?! my giant man wearing a miniskirt is bad in 8th?!!? i cant afford this!
If you bother looking these people up on their discords it's almost always T9A fags.
>In my historical proxy wargame?
WAP > 8th > T9A > 6th > dogshit > TOW. this is simply the facts.
>running a list
I genuinely judge people who use "running" to describe something they've chosen to use in their hobby. This extends to my other hobbies too, cars for example. It implies a lack of attachment, transience, tourism. As over the top as this may sound I really think the word "running" has had a detrimental effect on the hobby. Sometimes if I'm watching a battle report and hear "running" in an American accent multiple times I have to turn it off lmao. Ok rant over.
Faggots who get their games banned from gencon for being too spergy for wargamers says what?
The historicals general is two threads down.
n-noooooo cannons shouldnt be able to kill my giant gay skirt man.
Wut? Cannons are dogshit at killing big stuff the fuck you guys on about. YEAH they can hit dragons and whatever else, but when they're typically attached to a character that gives them a 4+ invuln and a 5+ regen all those multiple wounds do jack fucking shit.
I haven't played in a month so correct me if an faq fixed this or something, but I assume it doesn't hence why Empire players are in hibernation until the journal.
>8th was too expensive (im poor and retarded)
>8th is a historical war game!
>8th had OP magic!
>cavalry should autowin vs infantry even if i just frontal charge is a drooling moron
not looking good for the towddlers
>what do you mean my peasant levy wearing nothing but shit and mud can't take a frontal charge from heavily armored mamluk-standins? why aren't they stepping up? REEEE
>uhhh my 12th century french knights should be able to charge a spearwall headfirst and win easily, actually
Very elaborate points being made here anon. Truly your intellect towers above our own.
yeah because i really need to elaborate on why an 11 point t3 unit with no save is bad....
MtG infecting other nerd hobbies.
You "run" removal in the blue deck you're "running".
They're replaceable parts of a card engine. Not part of your hobby.
It's more that they take cannons anyway because they're good and they can put in hurt against them. Obviously they're not as direct of an answer as a crystal column or miasmic mirage or a hero with monster slayer is. (all of which Empire has access to so any hibernation is just cope on their part)
I completely agree my good anon. I had someone turn 2 table me with guard with a very sweaty list and after the match he said “thanks for letting my run this new list against a melee army, needed to try it out for the tournament”. Genuinely felt used. Sorry for the 40k analogy but that shitty tournament tranny mentality is absolutely rampant in that game. That’s why I sold so much of my shit to buy old fantasy models.
NTA and it's been a few hours since I looked at a rulebook but IIRC there are a couple more stats to a model than just T and Sv.
Idk why you’re making this a pissing contest. Perhaps get some air and have a cold glass of water? You don’t have to talk down to “towdlers” , you can simply not engage with them. I don’t go into /aosg/ to piss up their threads (often)
Those are the only ones that matter!
Toughness 3 dies to fireball!
I mean Ruby Ring of Ruin!
He's not wrong to an extent. Have you seen what a modern game of AoS looks like? It's like someone got into a DnD simp's display case, pulled out his action figures & statues, and tried to make a game out of them.
Monsters are cool when used sparingly- if a list is just a shitton of monsters without normal looking troops to compare them to they quickly lose all their weight and sense of scale, feeling weak af
I don't think I play a single OP unit. I have not won with my empire army yet tho kek
Thank you, glad I'm not the only one who thinks it.
I think we should make a concerted effort to Gatekeep mtg players out of our hobby or at least have them act in a standard that we deem fit. They should genuinely be laughed out of the room and utterly beaten with the sweatiest liars until they kneel and beg mercy.
>why yes i collect the 12th century french cavalry army, hehe im quiet the history buff.
>what do you mean historically cavalry didnt just charge into infantry blocks headfirst like retards?
>what the fuck is a spear
Sweatiest lists**
i accept your /k/oncession.
that what TOW looks like too, but towddlers lack self awareness.
I miss the days when we used to bully the faggots who'd go to "tournaments" for a goddamn toy soldier game and tell them to go back to fucking their brother.
Hobby was better when we could call the gay retards out for being the stupid miserable faggots they are
Yeah well you're wrong. My mortis engine,zombie dragon, and varghulf are all cool on the same table no matter what.
>He's not wrong to an extent. Have you seen what a modern game of AoS looks like?
Yes, and that's why I play TOW and not AoS OR historicals running infantry vs infantry with some cav.
Cav that's far less useless than they were in 8th at that.
somewhat related, it makes me sad when people don't name their character models and their regiments
it's a lot cooler & easier to make a narrative when you give your general & his lieutenants names
instead of "my tomb king wounded the chaos lord 5 times in a challenge" it's "king seheretep screamed out a challenge to olaf the thrice-blessed and struck five mighty blows, each swifter and deadlier than the last, slipping between the chaos lord's ensorceled armour plates and slaying the wretch where he stood"
always name your boys, anons. it makes them stronger
Cavalry routinely broke spear infantry in frontal charges into the modern period and the rise of professional armies and pikes.
It's why knights became the foundational blocks of feudal society.
It's genuinely sad and pathetic to run a "list" instead of just making an army you think looks cool
What we need is more horde vs horde so I can simulate playing an actual historical game without actually having to learn about history or engaging with fantasy of any kind.
What a massive faggot you are.
>Cavalry routinely broke spear infantry in frontal charges
no they didnt, fucking retard.
damn is /awg/ really just THAT dead?
There’s such an extreme sense of fake positivity these days around the hobby. You can’t even expect to play a game with painted models (even if only 3 color min or whatever) without some fucking faggot being like “um dude what if like his entire family died in an industrial fire and he doesn’t have the time after raising all 18 of his cousins?? Huh????” Basically there’s toxic positivity meant to reinforce a lack of any standards or decency in the hobby. Just play the sloppa and if someone minmaxes with a greytide well chud that’s just how they engage the hobby and that’s valid! :)
>crystal column
A retarded strategy that shuts down the fun for the player with the monster which I'm not a fan of either
>miasmic mirage
Yeaaah, that shit usually isn't happening with the wizard hanging around/on the dragon
>a hero with monster slayer
>just roll a 6 and pray he doesn't make the invuln bro
Yeaaah, okay...
That's not because of fake positivity but because there is a resident huge retard here who responds to every single image of an actual game by pretending it's Warmachine-tier, no matter if it's a fully-fleshed table with scatter, trees, hills, buildings, rivers etc has a single unpainted model on it.
Usually followed up by him spamming the same old pictures of his round-based perry sculpts and demanding grindr photos from people.
They did. Read some books.
the books say you are a stupid fuck that doesnt know what a spear is.
>A retarded strategy that shuts down the fun for the player with the monster which I'm not a fan of either
You might not like it but let's not pretend it isn't a direct answer to dragon dominance shutting down almost every single point they spent on it.
>shuts down the fun for the player with the monster which I'm not a fan of either
Just feed the opponent your army piecemeal to maximize their fun.
Oh I wasn’t referring to this general. This is what I’ve seen personally irl. I have someone whose been sitting on 3k points of word bearers for 2 years and has barely primed and put one coat of paint on it. He’s played plenty of games though!
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Swiftstride work on Fire & Flee right?
On a very related note what are peeps thoughts on Marauder Horsemen? I like the notion of them with Flails, javelins and shields.
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Speaking of, I just finished painting "Cheese" the wyvern.
Greytide is cuntery I agree. Just sayin' there's a resident asshole who will respond to a nearly immaculate table with endless cuntish responses about how it's all shit because there is one model out of 3000 pts that isn't finished.
hmmm yes because it casts 100% of the time
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Why he Cheese?
That's what I'm doing. My army is going to name *everyone*. I might even compile an obituary, at least for the leader units. I care less about winning or losing and more about simulating "real" characters. I like campaign play because it makes your dudes less expendable and you are less prone to simply outlast your opponents by trading models. I get a deeper sense of attachment to their victories and failures.
I can tolerate greytide for a game or two with a given player. I can understand the excitement of wanting to play. But if I don’t see progress i get very jaded. Generally these greytiders are also notorious WAACfags. And that’s good to know I’ll have to keep an eye out.
I don't like 'em that much.
Oh so you only shut down half of his points for a fraction of the cost.
Stop pretending to be retarded because you don't like the answer. It invalidates a shitton of their value with one spell and that's assuming you aren't running multiple wizards.
Based. My characters and unit champions are named, the regiments are named, the giant is named, I'm just waiting until I have them fully painted to show them off. Planning to try some freehand on the banners that represents the regiments' names too.

Similar to your post, a personal "hobby ick" is when people comment on averages during the game. They could easily comment on luck, fortune, the gaze of the gods, but "huh, that's about the average" is what they come out with.
try playing the game before trying to give advice.
I'm sure I remember a white dwarf batrep where a lone dwarf slayer ended up either making a run for it or turning and facing an orc wyvern, and the player took on the wyvern and commented that it was the coolest option or something.
That's the way to be, anon. I should try naming every single one of my guys too, but so far I've stopped at regiments & characters. That kind of naming & book keeping would be really cool for an escalation league or the warband rules, too.
Are you running a scream list anon? What's your win rate? Is it above or below the Q3 2024 WR for VC?
>the literal standard answer tourneyfags have been using for months isn't real because I don't like it
the tourneyfag answer is taking their own dragon
Because that's what his master Roy Al calls him. His background is that he was one of several wyvern eggs given to Roy Al as tribute. Most made it into omelettes. Cheese is the only one to make it to adulthood. On the battle field Royal with Cheese is a fixer to be reckoned with.
There are other burger themed trolls. Like Big Mac and Whopper.
>toxic positivity meant to reinforce a lack of any standards or decency in the hobby
I think it's a mixture of a few bad actors realising that they can gain power over others by moralfagging, and then a bunch of low-IQ high-agreeble dolts who think they're doing a good deed by joining in with the moralfags. The end result being a lowering of standards. I work in a company that has the same issue. Things break, people turn up 40 minutes late for meetings, but nobody gets pulled up on any of it because we're a tolerant safe space and all that.
I love it. May Roy Al and Cheese find great success in their endeavors.
He doesn't have to.
It's a five-turn game. The dragon isn't going to engage in combat on turn 1.
If your 160 point wizard shuts down a 500-point dragonlord for a single turn, it is done its job.
How do you know I didn't roll particularly well?
NGL, that's pretty funny.
On the subject of the Mortis Engine, anyone know of any good proxies for that one?
I don't like how ornate the Heroes Infinite options are, likewise with the official GW one.
unfortunately vampire counts have been squatted, i suggest proxying them as brettonnians.
Very funny.
stop being poor.
>Mortis Engine
There is no good model for the mortis engine, GW's included. It is a silly concept and AoS can keep it as far as I'm concerned.
if you can scratch build a big chariot chassis, you could probably sculpt up some ghostly stuff, slap on a vampire or 2, paint it real spooky and it'd work
it's a bit of a huge model unfortunately, so I don't think there'll be many options for a proxy
im not joking. bret duke has a vampire lord statline
>so I don't think there'll be many options for a proxy
Yeah unfortunately that seems to be the case. Guess i'll just print one of the two from HI and cut off some of the more unsightly ornate parts.
And you now understand why I'm in hibernation- I have to choose between not having fun or forcing my opponent to not have fun. He should be able to stomp around and kill shit with his big monster while I try to whittle it down- this current situation of one player getting dumpstered on hard by poorly written, swingy rules is no fun.
Dragons themselves aren't really the big issue imo. It's when they're combined with a strong character and magic items you get the spells or bust situation.
do you have a picture of these HI models? I'm curious to see what they look like
Much easier and safer to cut them off digitally before printing. Honestly doesn't take much time to learn how to do, if you're interested.
While I can agree with the sentiment a little warhammer has never been about reenactment lol, before the competitive aspect became popular /yourguys/ was a major component and if the outcome of battles didn't matter, why was there a system to determine the victor?
When I get to vampire counts I am going to model it as a crypt with a chunk of graveyard floating through the air, on a flying base.
I may have some ghosts with chains pulling it if I'm feeling ambitious.
> He should be able to stomp around and kill shit with his big monster while I try to whittle it down

>this current situation of one player getting dumpstered on hard by poorly written, swingy rules is no fun.

Anon your suggestion is literally "you should just get dumpstered by the dragon"
If I understand it correctly, the mortis engine is basically just the carcass of a particularly powerful necromancer. If that is so then you could go with something like two zombified ogres (or perhaps crypt horrors) carrying the deceased in a palanquin like a giant mockery of a grail reliquae.
I also like the notion of having a gianr carrying the body around on some kind of platform on its back. You could also have the body strapped to the back of one of the bat-things from the Morbheg Knights-kit.
A spookier approach would be to have a whirl of ghost circling around and potential holding aloft the body as if they emanuate from it. If you want to be all fancy about it you could even replace the body with something else in which the necro's soul is bound into like a book, mirror or staff.
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oh, the one on the bottom there isn't too far off from the one GW made
the one to the top right is a bit odd, but I kinda like the one on the top left
Top left is the only half decent one, at a push
Bottom left is as goofy as the GW version
Right is fuckin wacky races tier
>stomp around and kill shit with his big monster while I try to whittle it down
That gave me an idea - do you think being able to shoot at large targets that are engaged in melee would fix this situation?
Yeah, the idea of it being carried by big monsters is pretty cool. Maybe i'll go with that if I can find some cool undead sculpts.
Yeah i'm leaning to the one with the tree since I like it the most even if the horses are a bit funky for my tastes. It also looks a bit more ornate in that picture than the actual model because the guy on the throne with his swirls isn't actually part of it.
New Thread?
these all really look like shit man.
A bit of misleading phrasing on my part. I know how, I actually digitally kitbashed a bunch of hero characters, monsters and some of the champion units I didn't like the regular versions of.
You can talk to your opponent.
A dragon with 3+ is easy raise to deal with that one with a 2+/5++/5+++.
No one is complaining about 275 point Dragon Mages.
At page 10
>Maybe i'll go with that if I can find some cool undead sculpts.
Don't be a wuss. Make it yourself from the basic bitch ogre kit.
That's why i'm asking for alternatives. Like I said i'm not that fond of them or the official GW one.
when it hits page 10
surprisingly fast thread today
I know this concept really breaks the GW fanboys mind, but some people can actually play and enjoy multiple games and still be Warhammer Fantasy fans
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I like them a lot. They're cheap skirmishers that can kill chaff and finish stuff off or go kill a back line. I run mine with flails and javelins with Mark of Slaanesh.
People love to complain and bitch about me whenever I am posting here, but really this thread is dead without me driving interactions.
Ah I can see it now. May your prints be successful m8.
It would help dwarves, empire, tomb kings, and ogres. Most shooting is very bad into ogres.
So nice to not have to deal with throoders for a change.
Bad against to dragons my bad.
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This is my accurate take.
the lowest IQ take possible
Nice models!
That's good to hear. I'm planning to (re-)make some using the pistolier-kit to add some sweet caracole-feel to my Merc Company-themed army.
Then maybe they should LEAVE their dogshit takes in their own games.
I'll allow it
Oh fudge, forgot to add that I love the basing anon!
Everyone (but the goblin) knows the black orc is in charge, but he makes them pretend that the goblin is because he finds it funny

Why doesn't gotrek just go to the chaos wastes and keep going north killing everything he sees?
I don't think he wants his doom as badly as he claims.
It's not page 10 yet.
If slayers didn't care about using their lives effectively they would run in without weapons too
I can start. A seed of rebirth + meteoric iron dragon mage never has an armour save worse than 5+, 6+ ward, and 5+ regen for 315 points. Seems like a very competent budget dragon.
Yeah, they fill a great role in the army and are a nice change of pace from your unga bunga Knights, Forsaken, and monsters.

Thanks! I'm very much the tabletop standard and go type, so slop on my contrast and texture paint over the base. Simple, effective, and gets me rolling dice sooner.
Slob on my knob like it's corn on the cob, fag boy. Now get over it
You roll like old people fuck, dry and tired.
>fag projecting his homolust
Fucking make me, bitch
That’s a much more accurate statement. Nefarious actors ruining it for everyone. That’s why I think pickup games are always slop, you have to eat shit or get black listed for being “toxic”. Sorry if I’m not utterly pleased at being blasted off the table by a fully unpainted WAAClist. I’ve seen 40k players just use empty bases to play.
>if the outcome didn’t matter why were there victory conditions
Holy fuck get a load of this retard. Just admit you want to bring netlists to your LGS and stop with the disingenuous arguments.
AoS called they want their sloppa back.
Fellow 5th edition Chad
>no pre measuring
>no hordeslop
>not appealing to fatass neckbeard faggots or grimdorks
Truly kino
Slob on my cat
Get it nice and wet
Check in wit me
Holla at La Chat

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