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"No One's Ever Truly Gone" Edition


▶Official News:
Bloomburrow Prerelease Guide

Bloomburrow Commander Decklists (GOSH DANGIT ISN'T THIS A STANDARD SET??)

Where and How to Play Bloomburrow

▶Something that happened over a year ago that people still put in the OP for some reason(?):
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


▶Current meta, complete with deck lists
▶Build and share casual decks

▶Build and share Cubes

▶Search engines
▶Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
▶Play online for free

▶What is E D H?


What is the LEAST HONEST deck you've ever played against?
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Post your favorite card without commentary.
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Just a reminder that this weekend (friday and saturday) you can get two in-real-life booster boxes of OTJ for $30

Provided, of course, you can win 6 games of best-of-one sealed format. But that's just a formality. You ARE good at this game, right?
Sounds like a desperate ploy by WoTC to burn through excess inventory of OTJ.
Probably, previous versions of this event only awarded 1 box. 2 is quite hefty, they must be swimming in these things, but that's only good for us surely
>sealed from the dogshit cowboy hat set
>prize is 2 boxes of said dogshit cowboy hat set
I'll pass thanks.
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sorry i'm going to be too busy playing bloomburrow pre-release in person like a real human instead of grinding the most miserable form of magic (arena limited)
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I don't play 3 color decks because I'm not paying $20 for 1 land (of which I need at least 12 or so of that price range).
Too bad because the cards look cool. All gold with like 3 keywords and an ability and 3/4.
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3 color mana bases are pretty manageable with colored artifact ramp or mono green land ramp. No need for the $20 lands unless you're going cedh.

Nice to see the Killer Rabbit.
I feel like I'm going crazy when all these people keep going on about how "amazing" of a limited format MH3 is. Most the time it comes down to whoever gets the most chrysalis/ eldeazi wins. Otherwise you have to pray you get enough synergy for energy or modified to have it be functional otherwise you end up with a jank pile that gets ran other by all the big boy eldeazi
man i remember when i got excited about secret lairs because it meant we'd be seeing eternal staples outside of masters releases. what the fuck happened
I wanna play with critters this weekend, not cowboys.
I also dislike MH3 as a limited format, but I really hate how strong some of the rares and mythics are. Who could have guessed that mixing eternal-format powercreep with draft chaff would make for an unbalanced and overpriced limited experience? The amount of synergy you had to watch out for is obnoxious as well.

Since the hook sunk in, now the cash grab happens.
I really like bats and otters in Bloomburrow i think both tribals or at least some of the signature cards remain playable
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How do you practice drafting?
> You ARE good at this game, right?
What does being good matter for? You know that once you get 4 wins you'll be matched against someone who can curve perfectly into bonny pall.
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I love the French bit
draft simulator: see how the odds are for forcing archetypes -or- how easy it is to fit in an archetype.
You do it enough time and you get a taste of how frequently key cards from archetypes appear.
ask your friends to draft on good clients (not arena) or like, proxy a bunch
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any Nexus of Fate pile
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Pauper cycle storm.

>Dominaria was 6 years ago
Time, please, stop...
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I wish Rottenmouth Viper has a payoff in Standard.
Little disappointed to not see the Holy Hand Grenade but I guess that might be an issue with real-world religious imagery or something.
Isn't it itself the pay-off. A 6/6 that forces stacking discard/sacrifice/life loss isn't 'enough' anymore?
Unfortunately it really badly suffers from "dies to removal". More often than not it's just a discard or a 4 dmg to face and then it goes bye bye. So you give up 5 resources in exchange for 1 of your opponent's.
I suppose that's fair. There are ways to protect it but nothing that protects it that thoroughly.
or with the word "grenade"
you never know with wotc today
Confident WoTC will never print biggus dickus either.
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>Infinite Gyre
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grenade was fine in 2022, should be fine nowadays
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God, I miss using these two.
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>no biggus dickus card
fuck, I wanted that

Legacy Belcher in like 2010 (never played it seriously but I had the cards and it was good for a laugh)
dammit, Jackie, I spent two days hauling scrap metal and construction waste, I deserve a break today
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We already showed this. >>93430350
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just this once anon
Speaking of.
Should I always be running Llanowar Elves in mono green stompy?
Steel Leaf Champion is the most expensive card in the deck and the only 3 drop but I'm wondering if it's worth adding Llanowar over any other stompy creature.
Technically Llanowar lets me get Steal Leaf Champion down on turn 2. Of course I have to fight my instinct to play pelt collector first.
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How do you respond without sounding mad?
This just means they're gonna try to make more D&D games and then act surprised when none of them do as well as BG3.
thanks, I can already feel my aching joints getting better
>mtg is dying they said
Magic has been dead for over a decade now, this game they have in place of it right now isn't Magic, it's a skinwalker wearing its skin.
I fucking hated bfz ulamog for the art and me just not liking the card.
I'm glad his new card has returned to having both very good art and a fun mechanic.
I wouldn't mind if they do more Baldur's Gate 3 games (but they ditched the company responsible for it and fired all the people who work side by side with it)
or if they did a new Shandalar like game with lite-magic as the combat.
They aren't doing that, they just want to invest more in arena and the dnd virtual table thing.

So much wasted potential.
>Have to do crossover sets every year
>Have to print commander shit every set
>Have to make modern horizons and forcibly rotate things and fucking up their costumer-company relationship by not banning things
I don't think those are signs of it doing well.
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mentally, I'm still here

so much so, that I've been tempted to redo and improve the starter decks for each guild using only standard legal cards from that period
>Have to
No, they don't have to to continue existing, but Hasbro's line must go up forever.
The line can't go up forever though, infinite growth isn't possible.
Do you think they'll learn from Bloomburrow and make more sets that actually feel like Magic in the future?
Shareholders don't care about what's 'possible' or what 'exists in reality', the number MUST GO UP.
Short-term profits always take priority over long-term gains. This is basic economics. No one has ever made a profit through investing their own capital. They have always made a profit by using someone else's capital, making them the goat once the investment collapses, and then moving on to bilk some other schmuck out of their dough.
to wotc, it doesn't matter what bloomburrow feels like, it matters how much it is going to sell
if people don't buy it, they're not gonna bother doing it again, it's that simple
Only depends on how it sells.
I genuinely think it'll be their best seller (excluding LOTR lottery tickets) in at least the past 8 years. I also think they'll be too dumb to understand WHY it sells so well.
In what future? It's all planned years ahead.
I think it'll sell well because it's magic but cute animals wearing armor.
You can't make a game like that from the start and expect it to become huge but magic is already magic so I think they could even shift entirely into animals fighting and it would be cool, not that it will or should happen.
It's fun to make a deck a little army of rats.
Am I right?
Tacit admission that paper magic is dead
There's a lot of companies that basically make no profit because all their money goes into reinvesting into growth. It's basically how every tech company works.
Dark Horse is gonna be publishing new D&D and Magic comics.
If they're even in the same ballpark as the Boom! comics I'll be okay with that, I guess.
No because it would require those sets to have no human characters. Every set that comes with humans or even humanoids is doomed to be turned into a social commentary on yet another Ameridumb racial civil war.
you mean weak and unplayable outside standard?
Yes. That is unironically a good thing. Plus the aesthetic is great thanks to avoiding DEI shit.
Yeah, relentless rats. With coat of arms and soul foundry.
And ashcoat.
Oh yeah. Jank and fun.
Why isn't it possible?
Limited numbers of money, time, audience, along with competition and laws.
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to the surprise of absolutely no one, the thing we all suspected would happen, will happen.
lol at that one guy here that gets anally assblasted about wording templating.
Diminishing returns. The reason Legacy, Modern, and now Pioneer exist is specifically because, eventually, customers don't want to keep paying for more product, especially when the product they already have is serviceable. Eventually there comes a time where there are not enough players to keep tapping into each fiscal year, which prevents NUMBER GO UP. So, to make NUMBER GO UP, the current business executives are forcing rotations in Modern NOT by banning cards (which would then force Modern players to draw on more cards from the Standard pool), but by saturating Modern's legal card list with Secret Lairs and Modern Horizons, which usually contain format-defining cards. This creates the illusion of growth for investors as competitors purchase the new, overpowered cards, and sets a precedent to the company that this behavior is tenable. However, at no point did the game get new players, which means that those that be treated a SYMPTOM, and not the DISEASE, and by their actions have actually made the disease WORSE.
Update my computer? Update my resume? Update my wardrobe? How dare wotc use ambiguous wording, it is literally killing me.
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>lol at that one guy here that gets anally assblasted about wording templating.
This is EVEN WORSE. It's just another FUCKING example of total failure. Adjust one thing, but learn later from consumers that the change is fucking retarded and breaks your systems, so instead of admitting it's a bad idea and undoing it, you just roll it out like a bunch of stubborn, uneducated fucks by encrusting deprecated garbage into your project's style.
I honestly suspect whoever is in charge of editing and templating at WotC has no actual experience or education in the field.

I get that a lot of you aren't into the deep, esoteric field of technical proofing and editing, but these are HUGE errors that you would be laughed out of the industry for. A company so large, and with such massive resources at its disposal, exhibiting such incompetence is beyond words. This shit is simply unacceptable, and if they had a SINGLE proper editor managing these projects then none of this would happen.

All I'm saying is that, I know you don't care because "you understand it", but technical failures, in the language itself and in the assembly of it, being so consistent and SO egregious is an indicator of just how little care WotC has for its own products. No self-respecting editor would put their name on a project so disastrous. If you put "Worked at WotC" on your resume and tried to get a place that takes itself seriously, the hiring manager would call the authorities and have you arrested for charged for fraud.
lol at (You)
Laugh all you want.
I'm right and happy to entertain. Editing failures are not the only problem. Have you SEEN a card from Bloomburrow? The print quality is beyond rock bottom.
>Short-term profits always take priority over long-term gains. This is basic economics
What utter nonsense. Which is better, making $10billion this year then going bust, or making $5billion every year?
making 10 billion this year then going bust because i'm only going be ceo for the next 4 weeks and then it's someone else's problem. That's the reality of how companies work these days.
You don't know what economics means, do you.
>Which is better, making $10billion this year then going bust, or making $5billion every year?
I get my dividends, a huge year end bonus, corner office and a top parking spot for the year I made YUGE profits. Then, move to a different company, leave the fiscal apocalypse for someone else, and slap "Octoquadrupled profits during my tenure" onto my resume to snag the new, fancier position somewhere else.

I suspect you don't know how business works, my man.
my economics > your economics.

While you're trying to economics your way to long-term solutions, I've pocketed 10 billion and left you with the bill. Enjoy it, retard.
I was replying to a post claiming to be talking about economics, which is the study of supply and demand and not the study of personal enrichment. You're all just angry faggots shitting out buzzwords that cause you feel a way.
You're really annoyed that you got exposed as a retard lol
>I was replying to a post claiming to be talking about economics, which is the study of supply and demand and not the study of personal enrichment.
lmao get a load of this loser with this idealistic view of economics
Sure sounds like a sucker I can exploit. I have this great deal on scrap metal in France...
I'm the one who pointed out the word templating and it sickens me that you and I are forced to share an entire general... no, an entire game... with a bunch of non-whites who cannot appreciate the aesthetics of a properly formatted text. They probably think the business card scene from Psycho was for laughs, and not pornography.
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>I'm the one who pointed out the word templating and it sickens me that you and I are forced to share an entire general... no, an entire game... with a bunch of non-whites who cannot appreciate the aesthetics of a properly formatted text. They probably think the business card scene from Psycho was for laughs, and not pornography.
At least we can be in good company, in the sea of plebeians.
Laissez-faire economics isn't the only type of economics, you midwit. One of the cornerstones of capitalism in all forms is the exploitation of markets, which includes the exploitation of investments. Short-term profits is a viable economic philosophy for some individuals. Is it morally reprehensible? Absolutely, but it is still economics.
Just call them Primary and Secondary main phases, and those beyond them Extra Main Phases, to avoid the issue with ordinal numbers already being in use.
This is NOT difficult to figure out.
Are buy a box promos always foiled or are there also normal versions? Just wondering because some BaB are marked as foil and some not
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I just wanna say Nadu data will justify him not being banned, the bird will survive
it doesn't matter, nobody cares about modern anon
>100% play rate
>50% win rate
50% win rate is within acceptable margins.
but those words are harder for pajeets to understand
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>playing a draft on mtga
>opponent and I are both in the top 20 mythic
>he still times out when he's about to lose like a child
"no changes" "we are monitoring the formats"
"decks have tools to deal with problematic cards" i'm full ready.
The only 100% totally justifiable ban-worthy card in Modern is Grief.
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when are the spoilers for the new set expected to begin?
I'm getting bored already
>Only Grief
Da fuck? And Froggy? And fucking Ring? The bird literally destroyed PT anon, how could you say the only ban-worthy card is Grief?
Modern is so shit I barely play it any more, and Grief is part of the reason why. Even if it isn't unbalanced, and I think it is, the play pattern is pure misery. It should be banned for that reason alone
Being outside of punching range will mean this is always a problem.
>the play pattern is pure misery. It should be banned for that reason alone
When Pod didn't actually get Pod, or Twin didn't actually draw a Twin, games got very unusual. The decks would just be confusing hodgepodges of sub-optimal pieces that they'd just have to play, and do their best with, hoping to get their core pieces eventually.
This resulted in games with quite some variety. Even the most broken combos sometimes sputtered out, and had to make do and pull off a win with the trash support pieces they brought. It was fun. The play patterns were interesting. Sometimes you'd get obliterated, yeah, but a lot of the time you were just facing a clown show hodgepodge of puzzle pieces that don't fit together.

Now, every game is just the same. It's not just combos, it's turbocombo. Every card in the deck is designed to either initiate the combo, to brute force it through interaction, or to recur it if it fails. Amalia and Phoenix in Pioneer are prime examples of this: Those decks to LITERALLY NOTHING except repeatedly brute force their primary strategy until it works. It is very boring sitting across from a deck, and knowing exactly how the game is going to go, for every single list in the entire format.
Nadu isn't nearly as format-defining as you doomposters think. If it were really as bad as you want the rest of us to believe, then it would be doing much, much more than helping fatties yell, "I'M GONNA PLOOOOOOOOOOOOS!!!" Ring is even less of an issue because it's a winmoar card and is only used once someone already has a clear advantage because their opponent dead drew or misplayed.
And I just wanna remind everybody that's Sephiroth is coming in 10 months to rotate the format yet again.
Yeah or just must kill or you lose threats. Modern is unfun and has been for awhile. I will probably get hate for saying this here but Historic is unironically better. Standard too. TBF Historic might turn into modern if it was played more competitively more often, I'm not sure how much of the format being good comes from it being unsolved.
>Ring is even less of an issue because it's a winmoar card and is only used once someone already has a clear advantage because their opponent dead drew or misplayed.
This is bait.
Phoenix is pretty "fair." It has its strategy but it is vulnerable to disruption and it isn't an infinite combo. I wouldn't put it in the same category as Amalia. There is also a mindgame element with whether you sideboard out your Phoenixes for non-gy threats etc.
>Ancestral Recall and Time Walk on a stick is an overrated winmore card bro
my son started playing and im going to drop this Shasta McNasty on him today when he comes over.
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>Some faggots are defending bird pic related
Literally we are doomed. It's so joever.
I don't believe you.
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>pic related
>didnt attach
as you can see from my deck, my IQ is in the high double digits
>Phoenix is pretty "fair." It has its strategy but it is vulnerable to disruption and it isn't an infinite combo
It's not the fairness that I'm really talking about here, it's the play pattern. Phoenix does literally one thing ever. It has zero variety. It can be the most fair deck in the universe, and still be miserably linear.

It's not the same as Amalia in a lot of important metrics, but the metric I'm talking about, linearity, it's almost identical. Find wincon, play wincon, brute force it again and again if there's interaction. Every game, every time, no exceptions, no deviations.

I don't mind Phoenix as a deck though. I prefer its existence to Amalia's tenfold over. Cruise needs to be banned though, desperately.
i know
>simian spirit guide
>braid of fire
>blah blah blah
I hate Phoenix and Amalia like every white straight man but it's not even that bad to face in Pioneer. At least not on the level of other horrible combos.
Eh, maybe I feel differently because I've played it but there are a lot of decisions in phoenix. How to sequence, what to discard, etc. I don't really think the games feel the same. I even sideboard how my Phoenixes more than half the time.
I often want to believe that this is simply because users are on their phone or tablet and they just get distracted doing something else / have to finish going to the bathroom / etc but we all know that in the end it is just the salt factor and the tiny, infinitesimal hope that they still might win if they "make you" quit first by waiting.
Ring is and always will be an insane card anon, you screaming about it does nothing is just your delusional mind, pro players, casuals, even sane people here can see the Ring and every effect it has is not in any way fair.
What I think is interesting about this is that
1. The deck costs are overall lower
2. Decks that are top tier here were high tier prior to WAR - such as scapeshift, humans and jund - implying that standard set FIRE design hasn't rotated Modern but MH sets have
3. The best performing decks - amulet titan, mill - in this event vaguely exist in official modern, but aren't top tier

>The decks would just be confusing hodgepodges of sub-optimal pieces that they'd just have to play, and do their best with, hoping to get their core pieces eventually.
These are my favourite types of games. I played a match of Creative Technique vs Oops all spells a few months ago and it's probably the best match I've played all year. I lost 1-2 to Spirit Guides and an undercity informer attacking me
I genuinely don't see how someone being taxed for a bunch of life each turn is not fair. In Commander its kind of busted since we have 40 life but I doublechecked and Modern only uses 20. Whats the issue with you morons?
The One Ring?
Meet Oblivion Ring.
>Eh, maybe I feel differently because I've played it but there are a lot of decisions in phoenix.
I'm not talking about the pilot gameplay itself, I'm talking to the actual on-board results of it.
You can make a million decisions with Phoenix and all it ever results in is "Phoenix attacks."
'Tis the very definition of linear. And it's very boring to have decks like that in the meta, as its game-state presence is always identical.
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>These are my favourite types of games. I played a match of Creative Technique vs Oops all spells a few months ago and it's probably the best match I've played all year. I lost 1-2 to Spirit Guides and an undercity informer attacking me
For me? It was Owling Mine vs Lantern Control. A game where nothing made sense and nobody did anything, but every decision mattered for who would deck out first.
What's interesting to me about magic is the gameplay and decision-making we just disagree about what is good. You are wrong though, again sideboarding out Phoenixes is common.
>You are wrong though, again sideboarding out Phoenixes is common.
Turning a turbolinear deck from "Phoenix attacks" to "Drake attacks' isn't a noticeable difference.
Phoenix is a very, very boring and monotonous deck to sit across the table from.
Have you considered that maybe you're overthinking how fun your deck is to play against? That perhaps the people who play Phoenix think you're pretty darn boring to have to deal with? And they get annoyed having to waste time kicking your ass and then hearing you bitch and moan about it? No offense, of course.
No I have not because that is a ridiculous assertion.
My deck can be the most boring thing in the universe, and that does not at all negate how linear Phoenix is.
>they still might win if they "make you" quit first by waiting.
This is irelevant. They're just wasting your time. They've alt-tabbed already.
Historic was great but like everything else it became mh3 block constructed. We’ll see if the nerfs do anything.
24 Snow-Covered Plains
2 Extraplanar Lens
3 Privileged Position
3 Phyrexian Unlife
4 Pariah
2 Idyllic Tutor
3 Solemnity
3 Greater Auramancy
1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
2 Stuffy Doll
4 Darksteel Myr
2 Kitchen Finks
4 True Believer
1 Platinum Angel
4 Oblivion Ring

I don't want to make a good modern deck, I just want this to be... idk... better?
You're forgetting all the ways to mitigate the life loss.
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Announcement Date: August 26, 2024

No changes in all formats.

The next banned and restricted announcement will be in October. View the list of all banned and restricted cards by format.

As we announced previously, there will be no changes to Modern in anticipation of Pro Tour Duskmorne. So far, Duskmorne is having a sizable impact on the format that we expect to see reflected at the upcoming Pro Tour.

We are still very early into this new metagame. Although Nadu, Winged Wisdom has raised some early concerns, it appears the Modern format has proven it has tools to fight it, with its results over Modern Leagues and Challenges starting to stabilize over the last few days as the format continues to adapt. Due to the low playrate of Nadu decks in Modern Leagues and Challenges, we have determined the deck and card are both balanced and we will not be banning for the foreseeable future.
The life loss is often negligible for the amount of value you're getting and worst case you can play a new ring to reset the counters and get another dose of protection.
Lifeloss doesn't fucking matter unless you can kill them because of it.
Master Transmuter is fun with the ring too.
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This is so realistic it's making me angry
>Alchemy polluted format
>Fun or great
I don't think so lads, you must remember real Magic because you are losing perspective.
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This sounds so fucking real i'm willing to believe it if you said is a leak. In fact i think the B&R announcement will be like this and it makes me so fucking mad...
Real Magic is piss, it has no value.
>all these subhumans hyperfocused on one birb in a meme format
>no one cares that Pioneer, the apex MTG format, needs six (6) cards banned to be good
I should have known that old fogies would end up ruining this game and all discourse related to it...
>no one cares that Pioneer, the apex MTG format, needs six (6) cards banned to be good
Everyone says this all the time. Fuck off.
>Six cards
>Mind breaking faggot by some birds and some combos
Worst Pioneer player and shit opinion.
>Non canon shit
easy pass.

It really surprises me how wotc can be so tone death with their ip. Why not let them make a comic based off on old mirrodin, maybe taking a character with a dormant spark trying to survive Memnarch or some other closed arc plane like khans of tarkir, maybe do a comic about the khans hunting down the last of the dragons, etc.
Gaywatch shit is literally killing magic and they will force them once again.

I mean, good that they at least will keep some old cards working as they used to. I had a combo with Neheb on my cube (aggravated assault), at least it still works. (not that they should update wording on that)

Next week or the week after. The prerelease is in like august 20th or something. (They will probably dump lots of spoilers during gencon)
>No Nadu because they time out before winning 2 games
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i just wanna see dead race set because i loved kaladesh and i think that set will have a lot from it.
Kaladesh is almost certainly one of the three planes for it. The other two are a bit more unclear, though Vryn is probably the one for "plane we know of but haven't had a set for".
Dark Depths, a card I play in Legacy, got a Monty Python printing.
..and the art isn't good enough for me to want to run it.
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Free her.
please share with the class: which six cards?
WotC has never given a fuck about Pioneer. Every time they get around to banning something in Pioneer, it's an afterthought that's 6+ months late.
they banned geological appraiser, undercity informer and balustrade spy pretty fast though
You could actually brew interesting shit in historic for a long while, and to me that made it fun. I apologize for nothing.
1. Fable
2. Bloodtithe
3. Sorin
4. Vein Ripper
5. Amalia
6. Mutavault
>No Cruise
Get the hell out of here.
>No Cruise
found the Phoenixfag
>1. Fable
>2. Bloodtithe
>3. Sorin
>4. Vein Ripper

You could narrow this down to just Fable and Sorin. Fable should've been banned for ages now and banning Sorin makes Vein Ripper essentially unplayable and reduces Bloodtithe to just an overtuned 2-drop.

>5. Amalia
Probably fair, especially with that stupid triple reanimation spell coming soon.

>6. Mutavault
>No Cruise
>Ripper instead of Nykthos
Anon, you are retarded.
Cruise dies to Counterspell.
>Spell dies to counterspell
>Creature dies to removal
Nice argument for balance faggot.
Thanks, I thought of it myself. Oh, wait, no, I didn't, that's how the game's been for 30 years, newfag.
>look up vein ripper
>6 mana beatdown with flying
This is considered ban worthy in pioneer?
sorin is the problem, it cheats it out on turn 3
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It costs 3 mana
How would you feel about Havoc Month, where immediately after the World Championship every card that is legal in each format is unbanned for 30 days? I for one think it would be phenomenal and would scare the shit out of shitters.
>retarded newfag thinks the "dies to removal" meme is a serious argument and not a joke
>retardeder newerfag thinks core mechanics of a game she plays are simply "jokes"
>playing vs nadu
>enemy starts comboing off
>f5+go microwave some food
>come back and see that I won
>nadu player decked himself because he didnt leave UU up for thoracle
Which once again proves my theory that players who lose against Nadu are more retarded than paypiggy netdeckers, and their opinions should not only be discarded, but stifled from polluting the public discourse.
>They probably think the business card scene from Psycho was for laughs, and not pornography.
Yo, wrong movie.
I don't know that, so shut the frick up.
You strike me as the sort of person who fell for the install gentoo and buy a nugget memes.
Hatred of digital only cards is pretty lame desu. It is a bit annoying that it separates paper from digital, but lots of the digital only cards are fun and the format itself is enjoyable. I enjoy it a helluva lot more than Modern in its current state, that's for sure.

The actual problem with Alchemy and Alchemy cards has always been the horrible economy on MTGA, not the concept of digital cards per se.
Joke's on you, the only nuggets I buy are from the Burger King and I only use the gentoo wiki to help make my Firefox experience better.
'tis a 3 mana 7/6 with lifelink in Pioneer, my man
Sorin/ripper combo saw regular play in Legacy prior to Manmade Horrors 3.
Still waiting on the crafting mechanic to turn 2 commons into 1 uncommon, 2 uncommons into 1 rare, and 2 rares into 1 mythic...
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The deck is really getting tuned now, but I'm still fiddling.
I sense that manlands are going to be better defensive tools than Ifnir Deadlands. Sure, they can just get removed and you don't get the block, but the potential of walling something for several turns outweighs that methinks.

I've chosen to lean into Faceless Havens, with only one Hive. Having zero risk of entering tapped is big, and the 4 power can threaten Preachers, Bankbuster, Old-Growth Troll and a few other X/4s that float around. It can punch through a Shredder with one trigger under its belt, which is non-trivial. Vigilance on it means, in the late game, it can punch through threats while also doing double duty on defence. 'Tis a potent manland, and the "sacrifice" of having to run Snow-Covered over regular Swamps is... well, barely even a change at all.

Another reason for Faceless over just keeping it clean and running more Hives, is... how kino is a deck that runs 13 snow-covered swamps? I mean, come on.
>Boros Energy is a problem, we're going to nerf some of the key pieces to see what happens

>Fuck you. No bans, we're aren't angering our paypigs. You get a punch in the face.
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Going the Manland over Deadlands route also gives us an extra alternate wincon. Faceless being 4 power over Hive means it is a 5-hit clock instead of 7-hit, which is a titanic difference. 4 power is just so much more threatening a clock than 3. It only costing 3 to man up instead of 4 like Hive, and having Vigilance, also matters a lot for slinging instant speed interaction behind it.

I dig it. Very good card honestly.
This reminds me of how annoyed I was at the Bloomburrow Winter lands not being Snow lands
I, too, found that to be extremely lame and stupid.
I'm gonna make a pioneer shitpile around this, any recommendations?
Sounds like a fun brew. Tough to ramp up with devotion in 3c though.
Awaken the Woods is cheeky. Slap in some Growth Spirals, make it a control deck with Wealth as the finisher. Could work.
Had fun looking at bloomburrow spoilers but I'm already burned out purely from the idea of coming back to magic and having to drag myself to fnm to draft
>opponent plays the most random card you've literally never seen in play before to beat you
Worst feeling in magic by FAR
Honestly I love that feeling. It's sick to see schizo brews.
It's never schizo brews though. It's just a meta deck that suddenly has some ridiculous "deal exactly 13 damage" type spell in it.
How can you even have four "The One Ring" in a deck? It's called the ONE ring
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With Prion Black being so successful, I've spent a lot of my brewing time refining it, but that doesn't mean I've given up on other brews. I have about ~20ish brews going at any given time (I'm a schizo retarded, fite me) and only ever post the more successful or ridiculous ones.

This one, I feel, has some potential. Repudiate gets us maindeck counters for Sorin -3, Amalia combo to some extent, but especially Aetherflux 50 dome. We can get some very big bodies very fast, and we get a lot of them too alongside a heaping helping of chump blockers to gum up the field. Figuring out the core interactive pieces is the next step. I feel like this setup has potential.
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I love playing draft on mtg arena, but I can't afford constant buy ins and I don't have the time to grind the coins. Is there anywhere good to play draft for free? I have cockatrice but never played online with it, only with friends who prefer commander anyway.
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Repudiate // Replicate + Three Steps Ahead makes for a perfect Fractal package. Interactive, but doubling as dude copiers if needed.
Obviously the numbers are going to need tweaking and more interactive pieces (Hard to find good ones in GU) will need to come in, but for now I think this is at least a modestly functional idea.
Functional because, mostly, the main copy pieces of Replicate and Steps do double duty as interaction.
untap.in is the only free place i know of, unless you have tabletop simulator, but untap is more streamlined.
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may I suggest a mono b stronghold, in bo1 on
Galvanic Bombardment is better than Bolt by far
Bloomburrow Prerelease tomorrow I'm so goddamn hype
Imagine if Bolt did 4 damage.
That’s Galvanic Bombardment.
I signed up for mine today cause the store I went to is small and has a hard cap of how many people can attend to not overfill their parking lot.
I literally have no idea what people are talking about when they refer to a deck as "fair" or "honest"
My deck = fair and honest.
Your deck = broken and banworthy.
Unfair basically just means uninteractive combo. Fair Magic is just your traditional creatures + interactive spells trying to make your opponent dead the old fashioned way. "Fair" decks can still be a big load of old horseshit sometimes.
Fair=casts spells at printed mana cost / trades 1:1
Unfair=casts spells below printed mana cost / trades more than 1:1

Midrange and tempo decks are -hypothetically- the most fair decks because they're playing and trading exactly as expected, while combo decks are almost always the most unfair decks because they're using bullshit to "cheat" out high-mana spells, or 1 spell shits out X creatures (think Living End). The problem is that FIRE is awful at card design. Using midrange as an example, whereas Junk/Jund/Rock decks used to be full of disjointed shit that just worked, we now have One Ring and Necrodominance working in conjunction with Sheoldred to keep shitting out Soul Spikes / Griefs / Thoughtseizes with no downsides. In other words, you're confused because FIRE has unequivocally broken the game by not understanding the trade-offs between speed, reaction, and bullshittery.
>Unfair=casts spells below printed mana cost / trades more than 1:1
I was thinking more like Sorin into Vein Ripper, or Psychic Frog with Goryo's Vengenace + Ephemerate into Atraxa, but whatever example helps clarify the idea for you is fine too, I suppose?
Am I a scumbag if my friend was shocked by buylist prices when he was trying to sell his cards and I offered to buy them off him immediately afterwards?
He got offered 40% prices and I offered him 60% prices
If you have to ask, then the answer is yes. No one has a guilty conscience from doing the right thing, only from doing something shitty. Unless, of course, they're a psychopath... but if you were a psycho, you wouldn't be asking that question, either.
naw you're cool, he could have sold them for 100% price if he wasn't lazy, but he was so he deserves to take some loss
>tempo decks are -hypothetically- the most fair decks because they're playing and trading exactly as expected
FoW, Daze, and Wasteland all break this rule and have nothing to do with FIRE.
they put a cap on how much money they can make because of parking space?

Just tell people they get a small discount if they don't use up a parking space, jesus they'll make so much more money
1 for 2; fair card
Potential 1 for 2 if returning an island, otherwise a straight 1 for 1; fair card
1 for 1; fair card

What would make them unfair is if they're being run in ramp/combo decks without breaking the momentum of building mana/collecting combo pieces, the latter of which is exactly what happens in legacy with Reanimator. THAT'S unfair bullshit.
>1 for 1; fair card
Not an argument, try again when you're not overly emotional like an un-fucked woman.
>Not an argument, try again when you're not overly emotional like an un-fucked woman.
Fair = mythic rares
Unfair = commons and uncommons
Free counterspells are universal answers that don't cost mana. The ceiling of them is 0 mana: Time Stop. They're insanely powerful cards and the loss of resources is a very small price to pay for the payoff.
>the latter of which is exactly what happens in legacy with Reanimator. THAT'S unfair bullshit.
Animate Dead > FoW your answer is a classic Legacy line older than Delver of Secrets the card.
I can see why someone would hold that kind of an opinion, and I can appreciate it. I take the perspective that a free cast is meaningless if you're already pressured by the clock, but that's not always the case.
>ban Mutavault
lol what kind of meme format do you tards play?
Please do not take that man seriously.
He is clearly a retard.
If anyone's trying to sell cards and doesn't desperately need the money right away just make a tcgplayer account and sell it there. I sold a bunch of shit a few years back and even including shipping costs I was still getting 80-90% of list value in the end.
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Don't worry we still have Duskmourn to destroy Magic.
4x Dragonlord Kolaghan
4x Stormbreath Dragon
4x Shaman of Forgotten Ways
4x Dragonlord's Servant
4x Assassin's Trophy
4x Ignoble Hierarch
2x Dragonlord Atarka
2x Domri Rade
2x Sarkhan Fireblood
2x Draconic Roar
2x Sylvan Caryatid
2x Dragonmaster Outcast
4x Cavern of Souls
4x Wooded Foothills
4x Overgrown Tomb
4x Stomping Ground
4x Forest
2x Llanowar Wastes
2x Grove of the Burnwillows
4x Rending Volley
4x Dreadbore
4x Kolaghan's Command
3x Crux of Fate

Thoughts or suggestions?
I haven't played in 20 years, is magic cheap to get into at a casual level? My daughter wants to play with me and I noticed the new set is Redwall, and she loves rabbits so I was gonna build us both a deck from that set if I could keep it under 100$

Not going to a LG's or anything, just kitchen table with her and I.
I don't believe your post and I don't believe you have a daughter.
You can get the starter kit with two decks to start out and upgrade with packs from the set if you decide to continue.
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One of the most popular formats now is Commander/EDH (Elder Dragon Highlander). 100 card format where you can only have one of each card aside from basic lands, and each deck is helmed by a legendary creature that starts outside the game and you always have access to. Preconstructed decks for that format are very functional, and fairly inexpensive by magic standards.

Otherwise if you prefer normal magic, a lot of chaff is very cheap these days because there's so many alt-arts and other chase rares that anything that isn't $10+ is $0.50 each if that.

Imagine if in limited formats everyone started with an Emblem unique to that limited environment. Would you play more limited or less? Is that a good idea?
That's great to hear! She'll be stoked, thanks anons
That sounds like a fantastic idea, anon.
Anything to play games/board games with your children.
It's time to reprint every single angel with 1 generic mana less to cast and give them all lifelink.
you mean like Vanguard?
Fair is using Llanowar Elves to shit out fat creatures.
Unfair is using any card that has an "X" in it to do some retarded shit.
MS. Bumbleflower's lack of access to black to punish those opponent draws makes me sad.

I don't understand how to make the creature good...
Just play Narset bro.
It would be hard to come up with emblems that are interesting and beneficial to the environment while also not being unbalanced. Arena sometimes does stuff like that, and 90% of the time it's just dumb shit.
No, I mean like everyone gets the same passive that is designed around the limited environment.
For example, what if companion wasn't a property of a card but a property of the Ikoria limited environment. So you could have major twists in the way the game plays without totally breaking constructed.
Oh yeah.
Mill is a real deck in Pioneer I can't believe nobody has brewed this shit yet.
It can win as fast as turn 4 lmfao.
Turn 4’s too slow for a turbo mill deck. If it can’t secure the lock by turn 3, then you’ve just given Phoenix so much fodder you basically gaped your asshole with a dildo in preparation for the loss.
>Turn 4’s too slow for a turbo mill deck. If it can’t secure the lock by turn 3, then you’ve just given Phoenix so much fodder you basically gaped your asshole with a dildo in preparation for the loss.
>phoenix swings for 12
>then dies
wow, impressive
>Phoenix did nothing the previous turns
Hey retard I think you got the wrong thread /mtga/ is a few boards down.
>Phoenix did nothing the previous turns
oh no a Shredder
oh noooo
it attacked for three damage oh noooooo
damn if only i had a higher starting life total than 15 :(
Less than 18 hours until Magic cards free of black and brown.
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>Turn 2 mill 8
>Turn 3 mill 8
>Turn 4 mill 46
>turn 5
>thanks for playing, never come here again
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>Turn 4 mill 46
I tell you what...
that does look mighty fun...
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We also play some 4x of the Deserts package.
Which includes 4 Scavenger Grounds, so your
>b-b-but muh phoenix
can take a dick, my man.
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How do we make Burn good in Legacy? I feel that DRC and baubles are needed at this point for the deck to keep up and have some form of card selection. Maybe the deck also needs to splash a color? But which one and for what cards?
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Apologize. Thunder junction is the best set of 2024.
>How do we make Burn good in Legacy?
Search target player's library for any number of nonbasic lands and exile them. ~ deals 2 damage to that player for each card exiled this way.
Nice quads. I did like the plant people. In an ideal world we would have gotten to see more of the setting and less of the excessively numerous familiar faces.
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sanic speed?
Faster than SSS?
As fast as SSS.
Absolutely not. Coleslaws of Dunder Klumpin will be forgotten faster than Hurdles at Pavlov Spammer.
Bunnyburrow will be the best set of ‘24
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"Fair" and "unfair" are not moral statements in Magic. The other anon is correct. They describe whether or not a deck wins conventionally. Playing creatures on curve, winning through combat damage, 1-for-1 removal, etc. Wasteland is absolutely a busted card, but it's "fair." Thousand Year Storm is unplayable trash, but it's also "unfair." This definition has been around for decades.

It's a surprisingly good deck. I'd suggest taking out Startled Awake for Tasha's Hideous Laughter. Startled Awake is just too slow I've found. Laughter can hit 15+ cards. It's especially good against Burn or Phoenix with their low curves. I think I got someone for like 25 once (like 20 one-drops and 5 lands).

Lastly, you want cheap interaction. 4x Spell Pierce is main deck worthy. Unsummon and its ilk are warranted, too. You want to be able to protect crabs while also BTFO'ing people at random moments. Jwari Disruption is similarly useful, especially since you never play a crab on turn one and can play a tap land.
Do sellers already have boxes of Bloomburrow? Because I see some already post pictures of cards
>I'd suggest taking out Startled Awake for Tasha's Hideous Laughter.
Tested already.
Tasha's is not mill. It may seem nice since it hits for about ~1-4 more cards than Startled, Startled actually being mill curving it off of Fraying Sanity is a literal instant kill.

Tasha's is definitely on the list of things to do though.

>Lastly, you want cheap interaction. 4x Spell Pierce is main deck worthy. Unsummon and its ilk are warranted, too.
See Winds of Rebuke. It protects Crabs, bounces and mills all in one card. Winds is one of my favorite cards in fact, glad it can have a home.

>You want to be able to protect crabs while also BTFO'ing people at random moments. Jwari Disruption is similarly useful, especially since you never play a crab on turn one and can play a tap land.
This is not a crab mill deck. This is a TURBO mill deck. Crab is in because it's good, but it can die and we don't have a problem with that. We're jamming it out turn 1 every time, its job here is to mill a few cards and block something so we don't die as fast as otherwise. Yes, the max power of milling 12+ cards off one crab is huge, but we don't need it. He's just a cute tempo blocker.

> since you never play a crab on turn one and can play a tap land.
This is a no tapland zone. We are speed incarnate. Taplands are suicide, our entire goal is for you to die before you can kill us.
Pierce is a good suggestion though, but I don't think it'll fit. We're not a deck that wants to go durdle around with counterspells, we just want to slaughter you and nothing else.
Yeah they should have product although I think technically they're not allowed to sell it until tomorrow.
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lmao @ every time I post a brew some fucking retard always chimes in with the
>duuuuuur but uhhh da phoenix tho!
>but u durrr u die to thotseize!
As if a turbo mill deck had anything to fear from a deck that fucking mills itself out lmao. Every damn time, out the woodwork they come.

My Turbomill list feels functional. Maybe not tier 1 or meta busting, but still truly potent and obscenely explosive. It shits on Phoenix too, btw, in case captain braindead was wondering.
I still remember that one guy spamming how this was the next delver of secrets that will bully the legacy format for the next 10 years and he invested into buying foils of them here
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How cool would it have been for Phyrexia to have won and, now with compleated Planeswalkers under their control, become a genuine menace to the multiverse...
New heroes take up the reigns as their planes are invaded. Some of them failing, other pushing back, until a new prodigy akin to Urza finds a way into the mix. But it's too late. New Phyrexia is just too powerful...

So as a last gasp of hope, the desperate heroes partake on a quest to revive Yawgmoth, hoping that the Old God both can and would be willing to fight what Phyrexia had become...

Ah, what could have been.
Disregard retards. I haven't been playing anything but Pauper lately, but the enthusiasm for budget brews in Pioneer is genuinely nice to see.
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>Disregard retards.
I do.
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What could have been, the Yawgmoth Returned does indeed take his rule back over Phyrexia. But that's not a good thing. One problem swapped for another.

But it gives the heroes some time, as Phyrexia wars with itself. They come up with plans. They scramble. They fail. They can't figure anything out. Phyrexia is just too great, except...

That Emrakul thing is trapped in the moon. And legends of the great dragon Bolas, who almost conquered the multiverse, prompt questions.

As Phyrexia resettles under the guidance of Yawgmoth, it's really the only hope anyone has. Release Bolas, release Emrakul, let the true titans fight it out in one insane apocalyptic Kaiju block, and hope to every God that exists across the planes that they'll weaken each other enough that you can defeat what remains when the dust settles.

Another timeline, perhaps...
In another universe...
>Product quality in perpetual downward spiral on every front for over 5 years now
>Every competitive format basically dead
>Fucking YuGiOh with no cash prizing has overtaken MtG events
>The only "alive" format is a casual shitshow that relies entirely on players to balance the game for WotC with "rule 0" like it's DnD because it has the worst banlist of any format
Why am I still suffering here? If I can't have a good game, I at-least want quick release.
Packed some candy to use as food gifts for today's prerelease...
...I hope it's not creepy.
I'm calling the store manager about some weirdo giving out candy
I must admit i would like to see Mill functional in every format, even the Modern one feels weaker than ever with the fucking MH3 block.
Everyone thinks Bolas is dead. It's not that "he vanished", it's that everyone saw him fucking disintegrate because Jace tricked them at Ugin's behest. Only Jace (now gone) would know he's alive in Ugin's sex dimension. Even when freed, he's still desparked with all his magic power torn out because of the shitty ending to that wet fart of a story.

Aside from that, the plot is extremely shallow and doesn't have much long-term follow-up. Either you:
>Introduce a bunch of new characters that immediately get sidelined once the jacestice league gets better (bad)
>Kill the jacestice league to focus on the new characters (very bad)
As shallow as the existing planeswalkers are, it's very unlikely you'll write new characters that are more compelling than all of them in one story arc. It's a very high risk of alienating your established audience for little reward.
I'm going to be completely honest with you instead of just trolling you like I normally do.
The problem has never been posting brews or receiving feedback. The problem has always been your spamming of threads, your incredibly gay douche nozzle way of communicating, and your defensive samefagging when you receive any pushback on your newest "greatest idea ever" that have still won 0 tournaments.
You haven't really brewed anything novel or original, you've basically just taken existing ideas or archetypes and ported them into the Pioneer card pool. You keep sucking yourself off in this thread, but you have yet to post anything that is either a true competitive deck worthy of being played, or a new novel original idea that is worthwhile due to attacking the meta from an unknown angle or being unique to pilot. You will continue to get shitpost replies as long as you keep up the charade of being cardboard Jesus. I mean come on buddy, do you really want a digital high five for making a mill deck?
Just post without all the grandiose posturing and fanfare. Or get some real fucking results and continue with your gay self fellating. Either way, it somehow gets more pathetic the longer you maintain your ego with 0 results.
I'm not that guy but I do have 100 of them. Card is sick in legacy.
It's truly sad when Delver has been powercrept out of its namesake deck. I refuse to put DRC or Murktide in my lists so I bought a playset of Russian Delvers recently.
Delver's just become a non-legacy card at this point, still feels viable in tempo archetypes elsewhere. Can understand murktide being boring, but what's wrong with darcy?
The bloomburrow prerelease was underwhelming, too many archetypes to make a coherent deck. I imagine the set will be fine to draft though. I went 2-1
Take the limited pill.
How many OTJ boxes have you won so far lads?
I didn't like OTJ, and matchmaking likes fucking you over.
Hasbro's "digital gaming" sector is moreso Monopoly than MTG. Monopoly GO has made them like 3 billion since its release a year ago.
Imagine playing such slop scam. And for a worthless even, lmao.
1. She's the card that pushes Delver out if there's only room for one
2. She's very clearly designed to provide fuel for Murktide delve cost
3. She firmly cements tempo's complimentary colour as R, in the same way Psychic Frog cements it in UB
4. Playing another copy of her later doesn't require you to set up to flip her again, she comes in already 'transformed'
5. She's from a MH set
I was too poor to play Legacy many years ago when Team America was THE Delver deck of choice and now it seems like that time will never come around again.
>want to play Magic
>want to play something besides limited so I can actually use a deck instead of trying to force whatever shit I pull
>constructed formats besides edh don't exist at any store nearby
>only real format Arena supports is standard and it still wants you to whale on packs for fake cards anyway
>MTGO has every format you want but is on a client so sluggish it makes internet explorer look like Quake
>also still need to spend god knows how much on tix for cards to be able to play modern or pioneer (much less so than arena to be fair)
>legacy is just seeing who's luckier with his $2k otk deck
>only remaining option is fucking edh which is a lawless wasteland of meme solitaire decks
At this point I'm pretty sure 95% of my knowledge of modern comes from mana logs videos and /tg/ shitposts, I have been into mtg for 3 years and have yet to actually find a good way to play modern or pioneer
One day I'd like to have a match with tarmogoyf or thoracle or mind sculptor or something in it
>+1/+1 not connected to anything
>Flying not connected to anything
>"this ability" not connected to anything
I've been out of the loop for a while. Are there any other cards in this set with such nonfunctional wording?
It's literally free money.
why is adding red as a requirement an issue? agree on the rest, although she does set up/filter later delvers. surveil skank also allows for card selection outside of blue which can be cool.
I wonder if Standard will ever be in a good state and popular again. I miss the old core + 3-set block design. Why does everything have to be so weird now.
Standard is too expensive to be popular. It's in the best state it's been in for like 8+ years and shows no signs of having a resurgence.
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>I want a whole year of OTJ
No. It's trash format and BLB is very weak anon
The OTJ Pro Tour was the most interesting Magic I've seen in years, from any format.
Maybe making a whole years worth of sets would force them to actually develop the setting beyond what kind of hats they're wearing.
Developing the setting would make it stop being a wild west world and become yet another generic fantasy land.
Can't do that. Focusing on one theme for a whole year is a huge risk, it's better to bring in as many customers as possible between radically different sets.
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>be me
>play Yugioh and MtG in High school
>get back into TCGs as an adult
>see this

Damn it really is a dying card game huh?
NEO and Bloomburrow were riskier ventures than any block since Lorwyn and they would have never happened as blocks.
stuff like this is fine, gets more people into the game, that's always good
NEO is awesome just like BLB but blocks would help remain and avoid slops like MKM or OTJ
No they just realized they can print money by collaborating with fucking everyone in the world. Hasbro graph go brrrrr
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kill it dead
>avoid slops like MKM or OTJ
WotC really expected MKM to succeed, Ravnica is the closest thing to a home plane Magic has right now. Frankly "Ravnica but murder mystery" is a super safe concept and would totally have gotten a whole three set block.
>For wotc each booster box costs $40
>Event is $30
>Just have OTJ boxes
Geez I wonder if OTJ really is selling like shit wotc is even leaking boxes for arena...
Why did OTJ failed so hard?
The wild west setting is boring as fuck when it's been neutered by DEI. The appeal comes from all the shit WOTC refuses to include, like the injuns and guns and all that.
Well, it's hard to calculate it like this.
We need to know how many players are playing for free because they just farm gems on drafts.
And we need to know the actual percentage of winners.
>gets more people into the game
>that's always good
Retard, it's not like there are more people to play with. LGSs are dead compared to 2015 even for commander.
Hasbro still expects paper to die in the early 30s. There is no reason not to extract every single penny possible.
...all tables at mine are always filled during fnm...
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>No Guns
>No bullet token
>No dynamite
>No gamble mechanic
>Plenty of boring legendaries
>Plenty of melanin enriched characters
Gee, i really wonder why the Wild Wild West set that hs nothing to do with actual Western set failed so hard????
What about the other days? I live in walking distance of 2 lgs and 3 more are within 30-45min via public transport. Back in the day they were filled with magic players every single night, nowadays magic is like 2 nights a week with the other nights having a couple commander pods in the corner.
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The most Wild West card I saw for OTJ was a random fanmade one that I think was posted to reddit. Went and found it.
The only thing that saved initial sales in my area was the artifact heavy subset (bitches love artifacts). After that craze died down people were more excited for fucking mkm draft than otj.
wild west was only the flavoring
What would a gamble mechanic look like without crossing a line into Hearthstone?
>black people ruined otj
dumb schizos
I actually specifically stated that a lack of a minority populace was one of the problems. Your racismo shield won't protect your shitty product this time.
Which is a white people problem. It was catering to them.
The only two black guys who play magic, and who I know, don't give a fuck either way.
what is this schizobabble
Which part needs to be elaborated upon?
all of it
"Minority representation" is not something black people playing MTG care about.
that's not true.
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You have to pay the cost of the copy for Chapter 3

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