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"Colorless" Edition


▶Official News:
Bloomburrow Prerelease Guide

Bloomburrow Commander Decklists (GOSH DANGIT ISN'T THIS A STANDARD SET??)

Where and How to Play Bloomburrow

▶Something that happened over a year ago that people still put in the OP for some reason(?):
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


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What card or type of card feels WRONG?
Planeswalker cards always left a little "off" to me. It's like stapling a minigame to the larger game of mtg.
It's more of a flavour problem. It I'm summoning it, it should be a creature with abilities and loyalty makes no sense. If I'm inviting real planeswalkers, then there should not be any duplicates (as it was initially).
Reanimating a creature that has been milled/discarded instead of killed feels wrong. Unless the process of a Planeswalker having spells ripped from their mind also generates corpses next to the battlefield.
I like battles but I don't think I like the siege sub-type, hope they try something different the next time battles show up
I think there is space for attackable permanents. But by their nature they should have been printed very sparsely from the beginning. The mistake was to creatively associate them with characters that are the face of the game, because of that there has been too many in volume.

Plus, there was another creative element that would have made much more sense for this kind of cards: buildings. Right now they are arbitrarily split between artifacts and lands.

The game would've been in a better place if buildings were the 'attackable permanent' card type and planeswalkers were just a creature subtype.
Some building as lands make sense but there certainly could be more clarity/consistency around the topic
I understand the logic for Planeswalkers being an attackable thing. In the sort of vague conceit of the game, the player is a Planeswalker, so other Planeswalkers should be attackable too, etc. I personally don't mind the card type much myself, it gives Magic something immediately distinct that other card games don't really have, and they're not THAT messy to understand.
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A lot of wraths feel like they should be black instead of white. Like pic related, indiscriminately murdering everyone in the area to cover up a crime. It's almost exactly the same flavor as Deadly Cover-Up, but for color pie reasons the effect has to be white.
White having wrath effects works well enough when it's, like, a holy cleansing, but No Witnesses is just... An explosion.
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The new card type Battles...whatever happened there?
Probably returning with Tarkir
They explicitly held off on them after MOM to ensure they were well-received (largely they were) and Magic works about two years ahead, so it'll be return to Tarkir at the EARLIEST that we see them.
Imo with battles they just set the numbers too high. Gobakahn and Zendikar notably see play and only have 3 defense, which is pretty achievable. Once you go beyond 3 you need to seriously commit to attacking the battle, and none of the payoffs really save Alara (which gets flipped by a combo rather than combat) are worth the commitment.
We don't even know if they'll come back as Sieges next time. The only real defined characteristics of Battles are permanents that can be attacked. You might even have to defend the next ones they make.
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Yet another reason Tarkir is the perfect place for them to come back
>Imo with companions they just set the restrictions too high
Shut UP.
In theory I do like the Sieges though. It can be seen with planeswalkers that permanents your opponents must attack to remove can be finicky to balance because some percentage of the time your opponent just does not have the offensive capabilities to keep these types of cards in check. Sieges that you need to attack yourself are nice because attacking can be part of your strategy at the deckbuilding stage.
They aren't likely to return purely on the basis that they were awful for new players to parse. They already have a hard enough time teaching players when its "ok" to attack, adding another layer of "do you attack A or B" is too much.
Why are you comparing battles to companions?
It's not about battles, it's about the mentality of
>"They should've just lowered the costs!"
when literally every broken thing ever in Magic happened because the costs were too low.
If you can Bolt a siege and end it, then how can you really call it a "siege"? It would be like saying, "Hey, we're defending the castle and WHOOPS someone throw a big rock at us with a catapult, guess we lost." The real problem is the aesthetics of invasions in the context they were printed. How does it make any gosh dang sense that your opponent is defending the invasion, when in all of the artwork, the one's defending and overcoming are people of their local planes? If I cast Invasion of Kamigawa and my opponent is playing Gruul, how is "Gruul defending Kamigawa" making any sense? If they had printed battles as something you cast on yourself and serves as a distraction from your life total, not unlike how planeswalkers and creatures function as distractions for your life, then it would make sense. If you "lose" the invasion--your opponent reduces it to 0 before you can fulfill some conditional text on it--then they get the flipped card effects. That's a high-risk, high-reward card that would suddenly make creature battle much more interesting (apart from the obvious cheated Atraxa bullshit).
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What's the archetype to force at the prerelease?
>hey, we're defending the castle and someone threw some diseased corpses at us with a catapult, I don't think we lost the sie-
I would much prefer they hit low on the powerlevel like battles rather than way too high like companions, I agree. I was simply offering my opinion on where this initial rendition of the mechanic failed. If we were to see a return of the type I would hope they'd be costed more appropriately.
Low to the ground aggro with mice or lizards.
>anime art
>David Peterson art
I honestly think Petersens art is the best one out of all the Seedmisers but good god you paedophiles can't control yourself. Look at how you inflate the price of a card just because of your infatuation with chink toons.
>Lorcana is little by little killing Magic
>Every anime TCG is in a better spot
How we respond without sounding mad, sis?
Paper magic is dead. Physical cards are just collectibles for a now primarily digital game.
>If you "lose" the invasion--your opponent reduces it to 0 before you can fulfill some conditional text on it--then they get the flipped card effects.
>Invasion of Zendikar "if you have 10 or more lands flip this card"
>Invasion of Gobakhan "put 3 or more of your opponent's cards into exile in 1 turn"
>Invasion of Kaldheim "cast 3 or more cards from exile in 1 turn"
Battles failed because they're mechanically stupid. Why does it enter on its controller's side of the field? So I can attack something I control? How is my opponent supposed to represent blocks?
Design has been moving away from cards that might potentially backfire on you. Battles being "all upside" is intentional.

I'm not sure there is good way to make them make sense in the context of a Planeswalker duel. They are kind of like enchantments/Sagas in that the caster is evoking the magic surrounding this historical event to produce an effect, I guess? But then what exactly are your summoned creatures attacking, and why does that then cause another instance of magic to happen (casting the back side)? Obviously there are going to be game mechanics in a game, but IMO Battles/Sieges are just too abstracted.
>Design has been moving away from cards that might potentially backfire on you
I think this mentality is the real problem with R&D. Your own cards backfiring on you makes for a funny story more often than not. Back around 2013 my LGS used to have a wall of shame that kept tally of how many times regulars lost an EDH game because they forgot to pay their Pact. People started making reminder cards to put on top of their library so they couldn't forget, at which point quickly whipping it off the top when they were looking became the goal. But all of this shit just made for funny stories to look back on. Nobody looks back on that time they did a thing and drew a card.

I don't see the point of cards being all upside because the person with the bigger upside will win just the same. Not having the biggest upside is effectively a toxic positive-flavoured downside.
In my headcanon there are typical planeswalkers duels, where you and another planeswalker (your opponent) are vying to morph an unshaped space to your respective whims, which is why you draw on certain color(s) and creatures to help fill that space. A siege that you play on yourself would be analogical to you already being in a plane that exists, and you're drawing on similar colors to help protect it. A battle that you play on your opponent would be analogical to you invading another plane that another planeswalker is trying to prevent.
so glad i live in an mtg dominant community, this looks grim
I mean there's a reason they're doing 10 anime arts a set from Duskmourn onward. They're just obscenely popular with certain crowds.
Eh, the flavour of Magic's gameplay was never THAT good, and it hasn't been a focal thing for ages. They tried to lean into it a bit with some of the video games, but it was never that strong.
Flavorfully it seems like what's going on is you're competing with your opponent over some area or resource during a battle. Attacking fighting over the back side or its place of origin, which then allows you to utilize it. If you win the fight over Tarkir, you win the allegiance of its dragons, represented by one of them fighting for you.
I believe the flavour, for the Invasions specifically, is more like you're helping fight off the Phyrexians, and you get what the plane used to most strongly fight back against them (or at least some core component, like Ikoria just has 'bigger monsters', Ravnica has something that's representative of the Guildpact to showcase how in times of crisis they ALL fight together to keep their plane safe, Amonkhet shows that Lazotep somewhat nulls the effects of compleation, Theros shows Ephara hanging on while the rest of the plane breaks down, etc.). The opponent defending it is largely just a mechanical thing, but I guess the idea is they're the 'enemy'.
if you play commander you are part of the problem.
I think the pendulum has swung back to downsides on cards even just a little bit with stuff like Chancellor of the Dross and Mistbind Elder. If they do this in small doses it satisfies the desire for these kinds of high rate drawback creatures but doesn't overwhelm new players with cards that are difficult to figure out.
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BLB has, I'd say, ONE real 'downside' on a card, and that's Sunspine Lynx. But they generally keep downsides like that symmetrical at least, so it's more just a guide to help you build the deck for it.
I think this dude might be a lot scarier than he looks, specially when you consider how many cards with cmc 4 or higher can get their costs reduced, so you just play a bunch of them from the top.
I specifically called out Mistbind Elder from Bloomburrow because it is a very rreal downside despite also being potentially advantageous in the right scenario. Lynx is another good example though, I certainly don't look forward to casting that against aggro when I have two nonbasics in play.
There's definitely still downsides on cards lol. Archfiend of the Dross is another in standard.
Oh right, that guy. That's a weird one where it is a downside, but they've minimised how much of a downside it is. Especially in limited where the frogs ALL love to be bounced anyway.
He looks pretty good in early access, Courser+ with a filtering mechanic built-in. Only real concern seems to be the tricky mana cost.
If anything it's much more of a downside in limited, where you'll likely struggle to find cards worth bouncing in exchange for the tempo loss.
Downsides you can turn into upsides are pretty fun, though. It's like playing Rotting Regisaur in a deck that wants to discard.
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You see here the downside of Mistbind Elder is it's tricked you into playing modern.
Limited? Okay, Constructed? Shit
The art and mechanics and general vibe actually pushed me to play physical MTG for the first time. And then I got sick so I can't go to pre-release anyway lol
Yeah anon that card totally has a downside if you ignore that everything in its tribe is dripping in ETBs.
return to bloomburrow in 2028
trust the plan
>Enables ETBs
>Enables cast triggers
>Enables LTBs
>Bounce pumps the frog
>No other target clause is a may
Yeah... Downside...
>Being forced to bounce your own creature would never, ever backfire on you.
Does Juzam Djinn not have a downside because I can put Healing Salve in my deck?
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Which of those ETBs is worth the cost to replay? It's not worth shit unless you have other synergy, and pretty much every card with a downside can do that.
Now if only it has actually playable cards and not draft chaft tier slops...
Low powerlevel is a good thing. Low powerlevel will save Standard and allow it rise from the ashes of Commanderslop.
Sure, I'll build a deck around garbage cards for the amazing payoff of... paying 4 to draw 2 at sorcery speed.
Those two cards meeting in limited is basically a game win.
Going to prerelease tonight
First time playing magic in a decade
First time playing limited
Please advise
24 hours before the event, do not consume foods that your digestive tract finds irritating. Drink plenty of fluids to keep your colon lubricated, and keep your legs and groin flexed with regular stretching throughout the day. Taking an ibuprofen 1 hour before will help alleviate most pain, and always bring extra condoms just in case.
Hope you get Mice or Lizards in your packs.
this is made worse by mtgo and arena putting battles on your opponent's board
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no guns btw.
I don't see a single piece of technology in that image, goy.
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>Anime is obscenely popular with certain crowds.
Everyone. Anime is popular with everyone. Both normies and basement dwellers alike prefer anime. Poors and whales all like anime. Dark Horse Comics have stated manga is 1% of their output but 66% of their sales.

Everyone likes anime. If you're WotC what would you do?
You still going to buy it
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Now that every single classic element of fantasy has been stripped from MTG: Where do we go from here?
Detectives, Cowboys, Furry animals, Ghostbusters, ANIME (from weeb art style to FUCKING HATSUNE MIKU).
WotC, just nuke it all and go full weiss schwarz already. Otaku/Weeb whale have way more disposable income since they don't spend on HRT and SRS.
This looks so so bad after Bloomburrow. Genuinely have no idea what they were thinking. Was it purely just trying to cash in on Stranger Things?
>If you're WotC what would you do?
Find ways to inject niggers into anime.
>Everyone likes anime
This smell so fake i can't even understand how someone can have the balls to post it.
i'm willing to bet real money you will see in year more cards from duskmourn than from bloomburrow in actual decks, anon, you better learn to love it.
Look at how many posts per minute are on /a/, now compare with /co/
I havent followed bloomburrow at all.
Whats the ragavan of the set?
There's not really a clear 'absolute best card'. A few role-players, for sure. Pic-related might be something in Standard, but it is 'just' a 1 mana 1/1 and Swiftspear's still around.
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If anything the 2 mana haste prowess mouse is the strongest red beater of the set.
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Why isn't the name centered? It's a token.
>This smell so fake i can't even understand how someone can have the balls to post it.
You are posting on an anime site, anon.
Forgot about that one. There's a few good things for Standard at least, especially post-rotation, but nothing really for other formats, seemingly. I think Ygra MIGHT start a combo deck in Pioneer, but it's unclear how well that combo will work out.
>each opponent
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What has being a token got to do with it?
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Token names are centered.
See >>93443597 where the token's name is centred.
Also see >>93443626 where the card's real name is centred when it ordinarily shouldn't be as it's not a token but for some reason you haven't complained about it.
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>commander precon league
Unironically based.
Alternate names have always had the real name centered beneath. Token names (the one at the top) have been centered regardless. Black Beast breaks that.
So what you're really arguing is that the top name is the token's name? Can you show me in the comp rules where that's the case?
>Blacked beast of -ACK!
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I want to see everyone's
It doesn't help how hard they continued to warp the game until WAR happened and WotC finally realized people don't like permanents that have like 5 different benefits, then MH1 showed WotC people don't want that shit even in eternal formats.
>Get bigger every turn off +loyalty
>Do something immediately the turn they come down
>-loyalty is usually something big that they can use immediately
>Can't ignore them because they usually have an ult that wins the game stapled on
>Swinging at them means they just effectively ate any damage that would have gone to your opponent's face, along with making most combat damage triggers vanish
>Can basically only be removed in combat, which is the worst way to try removing a permanent, for most colors, because they're MaRo's special card type and most removal literally couldn't target them until recently
>Oh yeah and they now have static abilities that have warped every format and become universally-hated
It's honestly baffling how these retards started at "Free Brainstorm every turn" and thought things had to keep ramping up. Pretty sure Mind Sculptor printed in WAR would have had that as a +1 and his actual + as a triggered ability on your upkeep.
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>posting from japan
apologize for anime
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my lgses only have commander and pioneer...
i'm here to talk about western stuff not some shitty asian cartoons.
Then you should be posting on Reddit.
leave, tourist.
And that's a good thing. Imagine playing Grief format or Scamdard
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pulls from 2 pre-release boxes
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That Lizard is Bonkers
prize packs were shit but i must say that next-level magic and next-level deckbuilding were great books, i noticeably improved after reading them
Been working on this mill deck for a while, any suggestions? It's just geared toward getting instant mill as fast as possible. I get turn 4 wins often enough already but if I can make it eleven shittier to play against I'd like to. Also, try this out if you like mill and haven't.

4 Bruvac the Grandiloquent (JMP) 10
4 Terisian Mindbreaker (BRO) 83
4 Thirst for Knowledge (NEO) 85
4 The Modern Age (NEO) 66
4 Opt (STA) 19
4 Three Steps Ahead (OTJ) 75
4 Curate (BRO) 44
4 Consider (MID) 44
20 Snow-Covered Island (KHM) 278
4 Maddening Cacophony (ZNR) 67
4 The Stone Brain (BRO) 247
Do you have autism? If unconfirmed, you may want to see a dictor about getting tested. It could help you navigate life easier.
Nah, that card is a meme. 2 MV prowess has always been "deck has no room for this" tier in the past and impulse drawing a card doesn't move the needle.

Heartfire Hero is the real deal.
The haste is what matters, both Bloodthirsty Adversary and Feldon see frequent play in mono red, a haste bear with upside has an established track record.
I would honestly run Cunning Coyote over the BLB 2 MV haste / prowess. Even triggers Valiant if that matters.
I could see Coyote ending up as the replacement for Adversary too, it certainly plays better with the one drop mouse.
Another reason I hear a lot of buzz over the prowess guy though is that it fits into more archetypes than just monored, such as the out-of-the-box mouse deck, RG with Questing Druid, or a UR prowess build with some of the new otter cards. Several of these potential builds would like the card advantage on top of the prowess.
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>Me realizing Winds of Rebuke both bounces a 20/20 Amalia and mills their Aetherflux at the same time
Turbomill is FUN.
Blue, in general, feels "wrong" but that's primarily just because blue makes me salty. Blue can be and is very cool when it's a multicolored spell and/or isn't just some "overpowered" counterspell. I'm not saying blue shouldn't be part of the game. I'm saying certain blue cards/decks/players make me want to bang my head against the nearest wall until I fall unconscious. That being said, some of my favorite "flavor cards" are blue (primarily multicolored spells/creatures) and blue certainly does have it's rightful place in the game. Just keep me away from (most) cEDH blue players and I'll be fine.
So what's your opinion of this then?
Could it be more annoying somehow?
I was thinking on this as well. I feel like Manifold Mouse is almost too good not to play but it requires a critical mass of meeces, but I am strongly considering green as the support color instead of white.
I feel like this card could be good in standard after rotation. There is already going to be a prowess/spell heavy deck and there are a lot of cantrips. You don't need other zombies. Geralf and his team of otter buddies....
>1 pre-release code per arena account
lmao they're milking that cow DRY
Disagree with the lot of cantrips, which ones do you have in mind? There's Sleight of Hand but after that there's not very many good ones iirc.
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There's also a cube group that plays at the store every second Sunday and every Thursday.
Take the Fall, Picklock Prankster, Chart a Course. With Sleight of Hand and Take The Fall you have 8 1 mana cantrips and you can play some number of other effects, maybe Proft's Eidectic Memory etc in smaller numbers. Picklock Prankster is 2 mana but is clearly top tier as well.
>Geralf is a rat
>Gisa is a squirrel
>Oko is a frog

Oko would be so pissed, serve the bastard right
People don't have to match up exactly with the existing animals. Liliana is a squirrel but she's never been green, Jace is a fox which we don't even have a color for. Tamiyo is a rabbit because moonfolk, not because she's WG.
Tamiyo's form isn't canon but thematically rat and squirrel fit best. The squirrels are literally corpse obsessed necromancers from Gisa's color. She's not gonna be anything else. Same with Liliana, her defining trait is being a black necromancer. That's why she would be a squirrel although technically that isn't canon either.

The Bloomburrow story hints at Vraska being a lizard and not a snake as seen in her imagine critters or whatever you call it card
The problem with cards that have downsides is that a lot of the time they end up unplayable. It's hard to justify running a card that has big stats but makes you discard something
When they're playable it's because the downside is so easy to circumvent it's pointless, the downside is actually an upside and has a lot of synergy points, or the card is so fundamentally broken that you win on the spot as soon as it's resolved
Cards with downsides sre basically only usable in limited or for meme commander decks
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path to exile
>path to exile
Largely unplayable in 60 card formats
The downside basically doesn't exist
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>the downside is actually an upside
The whole point of those cards is to try and build around the downsides to make it not hurt as much, or even to help you. No shit people wouldn't run cards that are just bad no matter what.
Anyone else not feeling bloomburrow? Every body is so delighted that they're getting their "real fantasy" set... outlaws was way more interesting aesthetically to me. This set seems kind of generic or bland. Idk. The cards seem kind of weak too. Not even going to a prerelease tonight. Probably will Sunday though
Describe what you found more aesthetically pleasing about OTJ without using the term "wild west theme".
>The cards seem kind of weak too
This is the main reason why i feel any investement in BLB is not worth, disagree with everything else you said though, the deck art and theme is miles away from everything of 2024 and i would say 2023 and 2022 too.

But is a truly weak compared to other sets and i doubt even a handful of cards see actual play in constructed formats.
he has a cowboy fetish rather than a furry fetish
that's fine
So, how's bloomburrow limited?
Does anybody have or know of a good cheat sheet for beginners? Looking for something to help a new player get used to MTG
Here's your cheat sheet:
Avoid this game at all costs.
It is a corporate price gouging scum bucket of scams and unethical business practices.
Find a different game.

Bot actually though,. I'd recommend picking up a starter deck for the rules pamphlet inside them but they discontinued those so you're shit out of luck.
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The theme that shall not be named, first of all, is not common in fantasy settings. Second of all, the color choices and themes they used really spoke to me. I enjoy almost all of the art from the set. Look at this sweet hydra made from gold pieces against these gigantic cactuses. So cool and inspired. They had been wanting to do this set for like over ten years and it had spent a lot of time baking visually. Its really really cool.
Isn't that literally every TCG ever made
What are you talking about, every good TCG always has a starter deck for--
Bloomburrow isn't a weak set, you are bad at magic if you think it is desu
The reason it shouldn't be named is because OTJ isn't a Wild West set. It's a cowboy set. They're different things.

If OTJ is 10 years worth of design, then whoever was involved should be fired. Putting a cowboy hat on everything is really fucking shit design.
>itt: furfags defending pooburrow
>What are you talking about, every good TCG always has a starter deck for--

>"Would you like a precon deck for this extremely complex 4-player singleton format where you'll have to learn what ~70 separate cards do just to engage with the game?
>Bro but how do I play the game?
>How about these packs of random cards you shuffle together!
>But I don't even know how to play...
>What about these ersatz competitive decks that nobody wants! You could get started in our most challenging and skill-testing format!

don't ask questions
just consume product then get excited for next product
>no DEI because animalfolk
>aesthetic based on Beatrix Potter and Redwall, harkening back to an idealized life in rural Europe

it's a White man's set, you wouldn't get it
>it's real
what the FUCK is the point of standard then??
I would love for you to explain the difference between a cowboy set and a wild west set and how OTJ is "cowboy" and not "wild west"
>you wont be able to because what you stated is nonsense
More like a set to bait little girls and cat ladies into buying magic
The Starter kits come with a cheat booklet. It explains all the colours, what a play area looks like, all the glossary terms you'd expect like Library, graveyard, exile, hand etc. Tapping, untapping, combat, how to read a card, the different phases and so on. It doesn't go into the finer details like "destroy vs sacrifice" and "target vs choose" but it's a good cheat sheet for getting started.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's a pdf somewhere online. If you can't find a PDF, I'll see about scanning the one I have lying around.

Where are the hookers? The dynamite? The guns? The injuns? The ambushes? The meeting of civilisation and nature? The extinction of animals? The theme of "civilised man vs the savages"? All of this shit is essential to the Wild West, but conspicuously absent from OTJ, in favour of just more hats.
White is all about being indiscriminate.
>print a Native American with red mana
>print Clint Eastwood with white mana
>print Blazing Saddles parody with black mana
>offices are immediately firebombed by peaceful Seminole tribes
It had to be avoided...
Said no one ever lmao.
I double dare you to point at the strong meta warping faggot.
>It had to be avoided
And thus died the Wild West theme.
>Where are the hookers?
Eriette the beguiler
>The dynamite?
Boom box and great train heist
>The guns?
There is quite obviously a magical version of them
>The injuns?
The cactus folk
>The ambushes?
Uhh there's definitely some ambushes quite a few
>The meeting of civilisation and nature?
Look at every desert land art
>The extinction of animals? The theme of "civilised man vs the savages"?
Neither of these are wild west themes, have you ever watched a western film?
You are just a blind hater simple as
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Huh? Did something happen to these?
Eriette is not a hooker.

Great Train Heist has no dynamite in its art.

!notguns are, funny enough, not guns.

The cactus folk wear cowboy hats, they are not injuns.

"umm I think there's ambushes"

Every single desert land features exclusively nature in the art.

>the fucking up of the bisons and the new settlers encountering the savage injuns aren't themes in Westerns
No, but the point is that WotC isn't advertising the 2023 Starter Kit on their own website. They're pushing new players to start with commander, random cards, or pioneer, instead of actual standard. That's an advertising failure.
I just scanned the AC Starter Kit booklet, let me compile it into one image or a PDF or something.
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I'll rephrase since you didn't get it.

Breeches is lighting dynamite.
>implying her look is not inspired by prostitutes of the time
>she's literally a gyatt rizzing up beta simps in the art with her Aura

Stop being dishonest
Go watch butch cassidy and the sundance kid
There are countless visual nods and references to classic westerns
>stop being dishonest
>it's a wild west theme because I recognised that one scene from that one western in that one piece of art
deary, deary me
>it's not a wild west theme because I didn't recognize that one scene from that one western in that one piece of art
Ok, you win. I concede. OTJ is not wild west themed. It is just themed around the wild west.
That's not what was said at all lol

It's themed around cowboys, not the wild west. The wild west is too un-pc for WOTC to make an actual wild west set.
I would imagine it's because Commander is definitely the most played officially recognized format. The majority of the biggest MTG content creators all play Commander so it makes sense that's what they push since that's how most new people probably got interested in the game to begin with. The pioneer decks make no sense though
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It's not particularly condensed into a sheet, but a quick read through it will get you started.
>swing out
>starfall invocation
>give gift
>return my thought-stalker warlock
So you get NOTHING!
you may not like it, but commander is what peak magic looks like.
I do like Commander though. I just hate cards designed specifically for Commander.
Commander is a shitty boring format. You can't change my mind.
The deckbuilding puzzle of Bob is "don't play bad cards."
Has anyone tried gruul landfall with pic rel yet? I have an odd fondness for that deck from znr standard
Out. Of. Here.
Because I wanna talk about lore, the Commander lore blurbs for Bloomburrow are a thing.
>The Ringtail Bard, the Trinketmaster, and most recently, the Omen-trotter. These are just a small sample of the monikers Bello has earned throughout his journeys. He’s traveled all corners of Bloomburrow and now beyond, collecting trinkets, braving the elements, and delighting in foreign cuisines. Bello has gained wisdom and confidence from his many harrowing adventures, but he won’t deny that unfamiliar worlds present a whole new level of danger. Thankfully, he scrapes by with his quick wit and silver tongue, often pilfering a souvenir in the process: Thran artifacts unearthed on Dominaria, crystals mined from the wilds of Ikoria, or filigree gears of a Ghirapur construct, to name a few. His crowning achievement, he’ll add with a grin, is a hedron plucked from the highest point of the Akoum Skyclave.
>Though adventure will always be a lure to Bello, he adores his home plane and often returns to spin tales to a rapt audience. His elemental magic brings the world around him to life, animating stories using his collection. Every artifact has a spirit, he’ll say, and his magic manifests that spirit in elemental form. Some are tame and friendly - a hearth’s spark, a pasture’s breeze - while others are the crack of an avalanche of the blaze of a wildfire. The only thing that eclipses the amount he’s collected is the amount that he’s lost. If ever an odd trinket is discovered in a bizarre, out-of-place location, it’s likely that Bello accidentally left it there.
>Graceful, gracious, and generous, Ms. Bumbleflower is the owner and proprietor of Three Tree City’s most popular inn and its signature pot of “never-ending stew.” This utterly massive cauldron sits on the hearth at all times, where guests are free to take from and add to as they see fit. Ms. Bumbleflower can be found tidying up the inn or striking up a friendly conversation on a grocery run. Even the most hardened of rambunctious guests dare not offend her, either because of her kind nature or the fear of offending everyone in town.
>Ms. Bumbleflower inherited the inn from her mother, a retired pirate who founded the establishment as a safe space for animalfolk to rest. To this day, Ms. Bumbleflower is frequently visited by her mother’s friends who regale her with adventurous stories of the past and even help out around the inn. It’s perhaps because of these burly and protective friends that Mr. Foxglove has a hard time courting her - not that Ms. Bumbleflower realizes he is.
>The Cachemaster Hazel’s name is one spoken only in whispers amongst the populace of Bloomburrow, a threat to lord over the heads of misbehaving children. She is the enigmatic leader of the Belladonna, a vicious and covert resistance faction in their bid to reclaim the world for nature. Once a mere cache worker for a humble farming commune, Hazel grew enraged by her community’s unsustainable practices and mistreatment of nature and swore to change them. She gained infamy through rousing speeches and powerful druidic magic, eventually seizing control of her commune after its old leader mysteriously passed. Though the cause of his death is yet unknown, some say it looked frighteningly similar to nightshade poisoning.
>Hazel is seldom seen nowadays, preferring to cloak herself in a shroud of mystique. When she does emerge, extraordinary feats of magic are sure to follow. She still closely monitors the food caches of her commune, her magic springing forth a feast’s bounty with little concern for those in its way. She once even bridled the Calamity Beast of Spring and used its extraordinary magic to entomb an entire village under a grove of berry bushes as tall as trees. Haughty and stern, Hazel is known for her hair-trigger temper and cold-burning anger. But those who know her well say she’s a secret softie, not to mention a fantastic boss.
And Zinnia:
>Zinnia’s history is a curiosity to all. Despite being an open book with their outgoing and bumbling demeanor, no one knows where Zinnia came from. They crashed into Three Tree City - literally - and have been delighting citizens with their lute ever since. Boasting a never-ending array of romantic ballads and a taste for adventure, Zinnia brings joy and laughter to any social gathering. It’s never clear where the nomadic stork will turn up next, but they can always be relied on for a song or a helping wing.
>Rumors say Zinnia is a noble from a far-off land, one of opulent birdfolk royalty and elite soldiers who guard them. This rumor intensified after the calamitous arrival of the Storm Hawk, where Zinnia revealed their prowess in graceful flight and combat. With sharp, dazzling moves befitting a veteran Plumecreed soldier, Zinnia led a dazzling rescue effort to move animalfolk living in a border village out of harm’s way, distracting the Storm Hawk and outracing it. From this triumph, Zinnia is lovingly nicknamed the “Sovereign of Life,” and it’s considered good luck to have Zinnia perform for ceremonies, such as weddings and baby showers.
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He's worth using just to fix your draws and fill your graveyard. I really like this guy.
sup faggots i'm thinking of getting into this game from yugioh. probably pauper or just drafting seems fun. i wanna know about mana curve. i made a python script using greedy optimization algorithm to find a discrete distribution such that the average CMC of the distribution minimizes the ratio of of expected lands in opening hand, which is how i'm assuming this pic related was found for 17 lands.

anyway, this doesnt seem right to me because mtg seems much slower than yugioh-- so why put all this emphasis on opening hand land-to-nonland ratio when a player may reasonably expect to have at least 2 more draw phases?

i guess my question is how long is the average game? and shouldnt the mana curve take into account minimizing chance of drawing high CMC cards in the early game? like is a deck with 25 1CMC cards and 5 10CMC cards viable if it technically meets the requirement for these ratios? although even in my script i make stipulation for things like assuming that i want to play at least 4 counterspells or whatever else cards i know i want to play even if it is un-optimal.

i cant be the only person autistic enough to think of something like this????
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People only play it because they can't strategize well enough to make a 60 card deck.
so in 60 card formats you dont give a shit about mana curve?
>i guess my question is how long is the average game?
Depends on format.
3-5 turns for eternal formats.
4-9ish for Standard.
6-11 for limited.
I think this card is very good and has some potential for Pioneer. Obviously fighting Sheo for a mana slot is an uphill battle, but I would say that repeatable discard and snowball potential has its own value compared to Sheo's fast damage and life gain.

The Zombie and Discard synergy may push it higher in some lists, imo.
If it was 4/4, maybe.
>like is a deck with 25 1CMC cards and 5 10CMC cards viable if it technically meets the requirement for these ratios?
You'll get rekt by more efficient decks and decks that generate more value.
Aye. The 3 toughness is a big pain. Still, I think it's a very potent package of abilities that has a lot of potential.
Still do but it's easy if you have a brain
I hate that Sheoldred ruined black 4 drops for me.
Yeah it's pretty lame.
>why put all this emphasis on opening hand land-to-nonland ratio when a player may reasonably expect to have at least 2 more draw phases?
Since players are gated by mana, missing a land drop for your turn can set you back significantly. One of the big advantages of going first in Magic is that you're always going to be one land drop ahead of the other guy. Not having a land to put down on your turn effectively means your opponent gets that advantage. Doesn't mean you'll immediately lose the game, but it's certainly a disadvantage.
>shouldnt the mana curve take into account minimizing chance of drawing high CMC cards in the early game?
Yeah, but you'll obviously want to have enough to draw one before the game is over.
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rulespergs...we won
maybe in a different meta or against a specific matchup, pioneer in general is not about value at the moment, the most popular decks are consistently doing something broken as early as turn 3 and even if you disrupt them then, they try to brute force it on the following turns

the meta needs to slow down for cards like these to shine
Glory be!
Now judges can stop telling me that playing according to the rules is le bad.
Prion Black's maindeck is feeling damn good. It's consistent as kudzu on the highway, tough as nails, resilient to burn with all its life gain, and with a strong enough variety of wincons that it little room for counterplay.
For now, it's time to knuckle down on the sideboard. We have to solve a lot of problems, but Lotus Field is the biggest one.
It's a silver bullet. little to interact with, a wide shotgun of 1-of wincons, just a miserable experience for the ol' Prion.

Problem is also, that it's just not a very easy deck to SB against. Damping Sphere is a joke, they just Boseiju it. And as much as Braining their wincons helps, they have a wide enough variety of them that we struggle to clear them all. Even if we do, it's not like we win fast enough for any time we gain by doing so to matter much.

Current testing is for this little fucker. Amalia's main way to beat us is proving to recursive weenie aggro, it can essentially never get its combo against this list. Stopping the recursion while providing a fast body to dunk on their 1/1s is noteworthy. But, for the Field match, it's also just blazing fast.
Swings for 5 on turn five, 6 on turn four, and 7 on turn five. A single one of these on the board, I think, is the clock we need to make the time we gain by Braining their primary wincons to matter. Hopefully he works out.

No, Dusk's Shadow is not an option. Its pump is literally as efficient, and we don't care that Amalia gains life because it never gets to combo through all our interaction anyway.

Also, to the salty boy in the last thread:
I'm literally brewing a totally novel deck right now.
You can enter any tournament you want with one of my brews if you want to prove me wrong.
I like brewing and playing with the bros, I'm not a sweaty tournament grinder.
Deal with it.
I judge formats by the viability of RDW. If I cannot mindlessly turn dudes sideways and kill you by turn 3 then the format is shit.
Cruelclaw's Heist is as good advertised.
Yup. Demonic Tutor stapled to a Thoughtseize is pretty fucking good, apparently.
It's not really remotely a Tutor?
I'dunno man, my opponent's hand has a lot of nice stuff to pick from.
Your opponent's hand is hardly "your deck". I dunno what the standard card for stealing an opponent's card is (Psychic Intrusion?), but it's that stapled to Thoughtseize.
Wait no it's just Psychic Intrusion but for two (if they draw a card).
Oh, Eluge, D-Eluge, I get it now
Why didn't they fix the other card with the sane problem?
The set isn't low power. It's inane how fast standard is going to become with this set. They want the Marvel Snap audience with 4 second attention spans as games are going to regularly end turn 4.
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they did, as well as Nyssa of Traken
ah, scryfall just hadn't updated it yet. my bad.
Frogs are nuts in sealed
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How did everyone do at pre-releae?
>went 1-0-2
>first series lost first game, won 2nd, 3rd game the other guy drew out past time
>second series lost first game when other guy dropped a Ygra and grew it massively, turns out the thing that beats a Ygra is another Ygra that can fly winning game 2 (pic related), game 3 ran out of time resulting in another draw
>last series won off Alania, Divergent Storm
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I did pretty well, 3-1-0. Insane removal suite carried me pretty hard.
3-1. I came so close to clinching it but I drew total ass in my last game.
I got my shit rocked off by a guy who somehow built mono red
>most removal literally couldn't target them until recently
RTR was over a decade ago, anon
How the fuck did he manage that? I had to go tri color just to get something.
Going tomorrow. Any tips?
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Play frogs trust frogs
Bats are busto. So many decks can't deal with flying creatures.
waiting till next week to do draft - 40 bucks is two drafts and id rather play two drafts then 1 sealed slot machine
Actually kinda like this lore. Would read a short story collection of Bello and some random human traveling the omenpaths.
My spirit has risen from the grave and everyone knows I was right
Christ, the broadcast quality of AC-6 is awful. Especially when you compare it to PTMH3
psychic frog has broken legacy so hard its insane. I never expected it the be THIS good
Did today's legacy challenge finish yet? Where are the lists
Expend is such a boring mechanic and even though my criticism is that it's boring, I think it would be better to have nothing than a focus on expend. 90% it's just an accidental trigger
What's the best Pioneer deck you got, bros?
Flying is really strong, but green has quite a few answers for it. But my suggestion is look at the archetypes and just roll with w/e your cards support. I drew otters so I played tri color blue, red, and a small splash of green.
if it ain't vampires i ain't showin' up
2-1 both days
Welp, just got back from prerelease. Went 0-2, 1-1, 0-2, 2-0, the last game being of course, a match against someone who also lost all their previous games. About what I expected from not having played in 8 or so years.

Goddamn everything's so complicated now. Most of my games went to time and the boardstate on both sides was like, a bunch of 2/3 critters with various walls of text, and tokens, oh my god endless tokens, and the first one who attacked would get assfucked because the defender would just stick blockers in an advantageous way.

And in the old days it was fine cause like, okay I have 4 creatures, you have 3 creatures, I'll still swing even if I lose one because it pressures and damages you.

But tonight was like, ok you have 10 creatures, I have 12 creatures, many of which are tokens with various abilities, and if I swing in you're just going to activate half those abilities then trade so favorably that I lose all my guys and you lose like 2.

So then it just ends up being a contest of who can put down more flyers, because nothing on the ground can swing advantageously.

Remember when sealed was like "turn 5, I put down my big 5/5 dude" and it had no abilities but it was still strong enough to need an answer.

I can't imagine a new player trying to get into constructed with 3 years' worth of sets that aren't even connected by a block theme anymore and trying to keep track of all the random shit.
I like sealed. It may be a slot machine, but I like not having to compete over cards.
Honestly the really shitty thing about prerelease is that nobody has the token cards for the tokens they're pumping out so it's always just "okay remember that this face-down card is an offspring of this one guy and this d6 is two Fish and this empty sleeve is a Food."
So much this. Next time I do one of these events I'm bringing a stack of post-it notes and a pen to just create tokens on the fly.
>old days
>8 or so years
newfag, I didn't play for 15 and I did fine when I returned.

Yes, some board stalls are shit but they are made shitter by dumb players, players who don't know when it's actually fine for them to trade off creatures and predict blocks, or just dumping their hand when they shouldn't.

Lots of my games today actually were just like "turn 5, I put down my big 5/5 dude", sure some complicated abilities latched on too unlike the old days but generally they just seem more complicated than they are due to having to word things accurately.

Sounds like even the players you were losing to were noobs. Protip for next time, take more removal (Commander players who come out to play mtg at prereleases always undervalue removal because they are forbidden to use it in their meme format), even if it doesn't win you the game, at least you will lose faster.
>Sounds like even the players you were losing to were noobs
Well yes, coincidentally, every person I played today was like "this is the first one of these I've been to in years and/or ever", it seems bloomburrow lured in a lot of people, which is great, but I also don't think a lot of people were having very much fun.
I hadn't been to a paper prerelease since I think War of the Spark but everyone seemed to be having a good time at mine. There were a lot of matches going to turns, though. Not mine because I had fliers so my matches took <25 minutes at the high end.
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how many furries were at your prereleases, bros?
Well there's no way to tell, not like they wore their fursuits.

I will say there were an awful lot of girlfriends there, several of which were uwuing over the critters.
>Goddamn everything's so complicated now. Most of my games went to time and the boardstate on both sides was like, a bunch of 2/3 critters with various walls of text, and tokens, oh my god endless tokens, and the first one who attacked would get assfucked because the defender would just stick blockers in an advantageous way.
I said this when it was being spoiled.
EVERY set with mass token spam leads to stalemates and game stalls. Tokens leverage combat in favor of the defender, as they can always piecemeal block to be optimal and decide how to crack back. It's a variant of the Craw Wurm problem: Craw Wurm vs Craw Wurm means nobody attacks, because the blocker always decides whether trading or cracking back is optimal.

We've been shitting on the overcomplicated garbage for years. WotC won't stop, just be glad you weren't around for MKM.

Fucking hell the Offspring tokens were a tracking apocalypse though. Trying to remember which token was an offspring of what creature was some of the worst, most loathsome shit I've ever experienced in Magic.

If you wanted to win, you should have cracked more busted bats or frogs. The other trib-TYPES are trash.
>Well there's no way to tell, not like they wore their fursuits.
there's tells. sometimes they are obvious, like ear headbands, graphic tee, sleeves, or a raccoon tail hanging from the waist. sometimes they are less obvious, like their mannerisms, how discussions flows, and maybe "why they got excited for the set." i saw at least a handful of ears.
I have to agree. The general theme is nice and the art is all around pretty good, especially after turbo crap like TJ and MKM. But it's just too samey with the exact same otters, rats and squirrels copypasted nonstop on an entire set. Genuinely I don't think I've seen a set with less variety. The whole thing feels like a less inspired Eldraine.
The worst thing about playing paper Magic again is the card-flickers. Re-arranging your hand ten times a second isn't going to make it any better. Put the cards down and take some deep calming breaths.
im not trying to "make things better". i card flick regardless of if i am winning or losing. i just like to feel the cards and fiddle. if you tell me to put the cards down i will tap the tap incessantly or keep clicking my pen i use for my lifepad. you aren't getting away from the noises my autistic ass will make as i get my stimmies.
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Lotus Field is a cool deck and a tough puzzle to solve for control.
Happy it's in the format and if you play it, you're a cool person.
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I had a very fun time at prerelease. Hadn't played in almost a decade and I got matched against someone else with the same story.
Ended up drawing at turns (despite going for the kill if it would have gone on) but gave him the win so we could split the packs.
Bats feel really busted in sealed though. If I had pulled one or two more I probably would've stomped instead of going 2*-1.
Token tracking was kind of a nightmare and there should probably be some more mass removal. Looking around boards were so wide that even with shop tokens people were using dice and sleeves.
Pic related was my mvp though.
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Hence why this card is in all of my cubes, regardless of its border
>Ended up drawing at turns
lmao, story of the damn format. You're lucky if you get even a single game that doesn't end in a board stall stalemate.

>Bats feel really busted in sealed though.
Bats and Frogs nuke the other tribes. Terribly balanced format on top of being a gunky nightmare.
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Turning my flying shitters into beatsticks was so fun I splashed for this guy.
I can see that. I would've thought that rabbits and mice were going to be the bigger problem. Didn't run into any frogs, just some otter-fuckery that would've gotten scary.
Honestly I really don't like Bloomburrow's format.
Maybe it's better in draft I don't know, but prerelease fucking sucked. Almost every game was a confusing, bloated stalemate.
Some of LSV's rankings are so off I can't help but wonder if he's just doing like CFB did back in the Theros days and giving bad advice on purpose to make other players make incorrect decisions.
suck it, tard
>Trying to remember which token was an offspring of what creature was some of the worst
skill diff, just put the token (even if it's just represented by a facedown card) under the original card.
RDW is the lowest common denominator and a deck that shouldnt exist. There i said it.

Fuck you if you play it.

Captcha: 2SAYN
Look up some frank karsten articles, he did a bunch of the math and autistic research already and has a bunch of tables non-autistic people can just look up since we don't really think about that shit
Agate blade was my MVP too. Lizards can snowball really hard with a good start and this guy is pretty key for it
>skill diff, just put the token (even if it's just represented by a facedown card) under the original card.
>original card gets removed
damn, good solution
Planeswalkers are shit design and should be removed.
This guy and the bat that makes your Op lose life when you gain life together were sick
This, except that they should have never done planeswalkers as creatures, planeswalkers are decks. You depict planeswalkers by printing their signature spells and putting them in the art. A planeswalker is never going to BE a card, a planeswalker is a player with a deck like you.
LSV praises the worst draft formats and ignores the best. He is a HACK.
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retarded loot plushie or retarded fox jace plushie?
I hadn't even looked at what these were going for and Christ they're too high. Hopefully the set gets opened more than expected and the prices crater at some point cause I would kinda like this batfu but I'm not paying more than I spent on The One Ring for it.
>I hadn't even looked at what these were going for and Christ they're too high.
Prices are at their peak 1-3 weeks after set release, and stabilize after ~3 months. This is a consistent trend.
This would support the theory that he's a bad actor, which is worse than being a hack. The worst draft formats are the ones that are easiest to win and also the ones where it's easiest to tip your competition by giving them bad advice (which on the face always sounded retarded to me, but I guess it makes sense when you're getting more views for having a hot take, especially if you can get away with it and do it again).
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Kek, imagine losing a round with two starfall invocations....
Did you ever get to pull this line?
yes, in almost every game, it was obscene
one of my opponents called it a hellish control deck, and i think he was probably right
It entirely depends on the cmc and the kind of cards you run.
If you run cards that have you draw you can have a lower number of lands, if your high cmc cards are tutored you can have a lower number of lands, if your lands double as spells then you can have a higher number of lands but also lower in certain kinds of decks, if your lands are part of your strategy then you want to make sure to have enough at any given time to forward your gameplay etc.
Lots of things to take into consideration. First you decide what strategy your deck is gonna have, then you figure out the manabase.
There's a new set?
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If this is okay in standard why do people demand nadu gets banned in modern?
What's the matter, Chud? Don't like overpowered artist self inserts?
>8 years ago
>get into game for a while
>friend and I buy a bunch of cheap boosters
>Liliana of the Veil
>friend begs me to trade it to him for a PS3
>never touch mtg again after that
>enjoyed my PS3
Unfortunately I have a thousand cards of a game I hate taking up space in my storage.
To this day I still don't know what battles do.
And I don't want to know.
When a battle gets played I simply pretend it's not there.
If the cunt starts pestering me about that... "card" I tell him to take that card off the table.
If he doesn't do it I simply politely tell him goodbye and leave.
Just fucking throw them out lmao. Take them to an LGS and trade them for a few cans of Monster. Don't hoard shit, it's unhealthy.
Battles are good, they just need more support.
battles are cool
sieges are not
Battles are bad, so are planeswalkers.
Teferi at War {2UW}
Legendary Battle Planeswalker - War Teferi
{Any player can attack this war. When its defeated, exile it, then the player who defeated it casts it transformed}
+2: Tap up to one target creature and put a stun counter on it.
-1: Create a 2/2 white knight creature token with first strike, then scry 2.
-7: Exile three target permanents. Their owners may play cards exiled this way for as long as they remain exiled.
{4 Loyalty}
Teferi's Memorial
Legendary Enchantment (Blue)
When Teferi's Memorial enters the battlefield, draw two cards, then untap all lands you control.
You may cast spells as though they had flash.
My LGS doesn't do trades and the owner spergs out if you try to in store. Yes he's a faggot
You know what m14 zombie should be raping pioneer but doesn't? Lifebane zombie. It was format warping grief at home back in the day.
I am a simple man, I play goblins, I draw more goblins, I tap them sideways.
Yeah, hate on those G/W cards that are played in UR Phoenix and BR Vampires.
Battles are not real cards.
battles are the only nonland permanent type you can stick to the battlefield against white

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