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Previous thread: >>93357759

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

TQ: What is your favourite Ancestry, official or homebrew?
>What is your favourite Ancestry, official or homebrew?
Ancestry? What do you mean? Race? Species?
I shoulf have used Racial Template, yeah.
Ancestry is woke nu-trannyspeak for race
In that case, I like this psycho killer/slasher villain template from Horror
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>psycho killer
Qu'est-ce que c'est?

On topic, I like the Neanderthal from Infinite Worlds, but mostly because of the picture
>three of out five character sheets done for my one-shot
We're making progress people!
Also while helping the most recent player make theirs I've realized there's somewhat of a lack of "mundane" advantages for characters who don't have a focus for combat. At least in the basic set that is. We still found a bunch of decent ones that fit, but it's still surprising to notice.
Silly question but my players are using NATO ammo for their pistols (which is effectively +P), and I was wondering how exactly I multiply 2d6+2 by 1.1

I know that each +4 is a d6 so do I just reduce it down to 10 and then multiply it or is there another way I should be doing this?
I'm pretty sure you only multiply the amount of damage that gets through DR. Take a 10th of the damage that gets through DR and add it to get the total.
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Yeah, I get that it's a nasty problem to work out; which is why I'm asking about it in the first place; because if it was easy, I'd just work something out myself, without needing to ask.

Suppose we've got some ninjas sitting on the sidelines, stealthily observing a combat between other parties. Let's assume we've got a barely fieldable ninja that is good enough at Stealth, but is of merely normal Intelligence, and has no skill at observing combat or analyzing anatomy. We've got another one, that is very Intelligent, which raises the default for rolls for combat and anatomy analysis, but is still unskilled at them. We've got one each of normally Intelligent people that are each well trained in either combat or anatomy analysis, and one that is very Intelligent and skilled at both combat and anatomy analysis. Then consider how much more difficult all this enemy analysis would be if they were mid-combat instead of on the sidelines.

What I'm ultimately looking for is how much progress each makes with their Equivalent Skill Levels as the seconds tick off, and how that progress would translate to a Player's understanding of the capabilities of the opponent, via the standard Attributes, Advantages, and Skills.

Yeah, I get that it's a big problem. But it's also something we aught to be able to do. And, while it's not typically something GMs and Players bother to pay attention to, it is something that certain character types, like Rangers, Scouts, Ninjas, Forward Observers, and so on, are still expected to be able to do.
>end result for 2d6+2 is 2d6+2

I don't know what I expected, but thanks. What page is that on for future reference?
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>2d+2 = 2*3.5+2 = 9
>9.9/3.5 = 2.828
>2.828 = 2d+0.828 = 2d+(1d-1) = 3d-1
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I am deeply retarded.
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What is the advantage for having a lady whispering you facts and tips? studmuffing calling optional but recommended
Ally. Providing advice and encouragement is a totally valid function for an ally.
You could make some retarded build with a load of advantages like Common Sense and Intuition stacked with modifiers and shit, but in the end if you want to model another character, it's usually best to do them as a character using Ally, Contact, Patron, etc.
Playing VtM by Post, I had a Malkavian who heard voices in his head (he thought they were the souls of the people he'd eaten throug his vampiric life), AND a spiritual Ally.
DM got a great time providing all kind of strange advise, including -by the RAW- some actually helpful reccomendations.
It was a fun game, it was an interesting character concept and instantiation of the rules. I still remember playing Hindley, and that was a long decade ago :-P
Seconding using an Ally for this. If it's along the lines of Navi then it'd likely be on the cheaper side too.
iirc the minimum an Ally can cost is 25% of your point total. Being small and having little to no strength, I imagine that Navi would have more disadvantages than advantages. Flight (Winged) advantage would be 30 points, and that's probably all she has besides her IQ.
Since she can't be attacked, I guess that she's probably insubstantial or has amazing dodge. The faerie template in fantasy is 140 points, so even with ST 1 [-90] you're still looking at a 50 point character before skills and so on.
Supers (p. 68) has rules for allies below 25% of your points total and zombies (p. 107) has rules for negative point total allies.
It's not even an improvement because the term conflates all kinds of radically different levels of detail and subsystems in GURPS.
Ancestry includes species, so innate biological traits, but also cultural origin and personal familial background - for which there are entire subsystems of various traits to depict. Two people of the same species can have wildly different ancestries. It makes absolutely no sense.
Right. I don't really see how it's any different at all to calling it race. Not for woke reasons, but I always called them species anyway. No way are elves and dwarves races of the same species
There are a few times she gets bonked lightly in cutscenes, and I remember her crashing into a fence during her initial flight to link’s house, so she’s not insubstantial.

I think her survivability is a combo of incredibly low SM, high dodge, and the Hero of Time drawing all the aggro. Maybe also some increased HP/Ablative DR so she can survive 1-damage impacts, or something like DR 5 (Forcefield).
>No way are elves and dwarves races of the same species
Strictly speaking, if they can create fertile offspring, they can be (but aren't always) considered the same species.
In some fantasy races this forms a rassenkreis (race circle), ring species, or species complex, where there is a group of different races who can all breed with some other race in the complex, but some specific combinations don't work. For example, in Banestorm, there seems to be a species complex of ogre-orc-human-elf where any two 'adjacent' races can produce fertile hybrids, but more distantly separated ones can't.
Oddly, dwarves and halflings don't usually seem to cross-breed with humans (or each other) despite being basically similar. So they would definitely be separate species.
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I guess I can accept that. They're all races of men. But for the record, in my current setting the species can't interbreed
cute bunny
The basic concept of fantasy races is (more-or-less) derived from the exotic (or monstrous) races of men supposed to live in remote parts of the world in ancient and medieval times. These weren't spirits or demons, or unique freaks of nature, but merely men with strange forms. They are sometimes called the 'Plinian races' after Pliny the Elder, who catalogued a bunch of them. Examples include the dog-headed cynocephali, headless blemmyae, owl-eyed albanians, man-eating donestre, horse-hoofed hippopodes, horned gegetones, one-legged sciopods, and noseless sciritae. They were believed to be essentially human (i.e. they were rational, material beings, and many Christian writers said they must be descendants of Adam, sometimes via Cain, and therefore capable of breeding with other men). They were often described alongside (and not distinguished from) more anatomically human ethnic groups, such as black-skinned aethiopians, troglodytes who built homes below the ground, fish-eating icthiophagi, and wife-givers, who had a custom of granting a wife to any visitor.
In short, there is a great deal of precedent for calling such beings 'races of men'.
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>dog-headed cynocephali
>headless blemmyae
>owl-eyed albanians
>man-eating donestre
>horse-hoofed hippopodes
>horned gegetones
>one-legged sciopods
>noseless sciritae
I'd love to see a GURPSfag with my experience than I make some racial templates for these
Are you saying you don't need condoms when making love to those sweet bunnies?
Elevator pitch for alternate main faction for Infinite Worlds
>traveller's tale (pic) and Godzilla SP (netflix) ripoff
>both the organization and its hq is named Terminal, Bastion, Watch Tower and other similar colorful names
>it's located just before the singularity, a catastrophic reality quake that converges every quantum into a single reality before cutting off (maybe name it something more interesting like Shiva)
>the singularity is, to all effects, the end of the world
>even TL 12^ parachonics and cliodynamics can't do anything about it
>however, countless reality shards created by it can be found all across time and dimension
>it is believed that collecting these shards might unlock the secrets of the singularity, and possibly a way to avoid the end of the workd
>the Terminal is a society of not so like minded individuals working together to collect these shards
Isn't that pretty much Chaldea from Fate Grand/Order?
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ty :)
Yeah, I love these. I thought about including some of them as playable species but I don't think my players would have taken them very seriously. May appear as NPCs or monsters if they ever travel off of the main continent. Might be a fun exercise to stat these. How would you two model a person with their head on their stomach?
yeah, I guess that's true
Most of them are very simple, being basically humans with one extra feature.
Blemmyae / akephaloi:
Cynocephali: see Canid in GURPS Furries, but probably remove Fur and Temperature Tolerance, switch Humble for Proud and add Penetrating Voice.
Albanian: Night Vision, possibly as a feature (day blind).
Donestre: Sharp Teeth, Born Biter 1, Odious Racial Habit (Eats People), either Mimicry (Aspected, Speech) advantage or Mimicry (Speech) skill, Language Talent, possibly a Talent for Mimicry, Acting, Fast-Talk, etc.
Hippopodes: Claws (Hooves).
Gegetones: Striker (Crushing).
Sciritae: Dull Smell quirk (presumably they can still taste the air like a snake or something). Possibly unattractive appearance.
Sciopod: Zero-point feature (one leg, takes 2/3 HP to cripple leg, 1/2 HP to cripple foot).

I'm sure that there's a bit in one of the Banestorm books which casually mentions risk-free raw-dogging as a side-benefit of interracial prostitution.
A few extra:
The hairy, semi-aquatic Men of Dendros: Amphibious, Breath-Holding 2, Fur, Waterproofing (a perk from Furries).
Troglodytes or Speechless Men of Ethiopia: Cannot Speak, Enhanced Move (Ground).
Abarimon, Antipodes(backwards feet), or himantopodes (strap-feet): Enhanced Move (Ground).
Amazon: simply don't use the normal rules for realistic female ST.
Amyctyrae: have giant lips. Unattractive or worse appearance.
Androgyni: feature (functional hermaphrodite).
Anthropophagi: use the legendary cannibals from Horror.
Gorillae, gorgades, assorted hairy people: Fur. Sometimes also Cannot Speak, Low TL, possibly reduced IQ (and probably Per and Will raised to compensate).
Artibatirae: Horizontal.
Astomi: mouthless, don't eat, but live on the smell of fruits and flowers. Fur, Mute, Doesn't Eat or Drink, Dependency (smell of fruit) Weakness (foul smells), No Bite (Weak Bite plus an additional quirk).
Beardless men and bearded ladies: no specific name as far as I can tell, but various stories feature tribes where only women have beards. Simply a feature.
Bragmanni: mystics from India who can stand in fire. DR 5 (Limited, Burning), Temperature Tolerance 10 (Heat), Filter Lungs.
Rapid aging: no name, but Pliny mentions a race where the women mature rapidly, becoming fertile at the age of 5 and dying by 8. Short Lifespan 2 or 3.
Cyclopes or monoculi: ST +10, SM +2, One Eye. Sometimes man-eaters.
Maritimi, or maritime Ethiopians: Acute Vision 2.
Panotti: have huge floppy ears. Acute Hearing 2?
Pygmies: basically just halflings.
Giants: pretty much as seen in Banestorm, etc. One group living near the Nile are 24' tall, and have white arms, black ears, and red feet.
Straw Drinkers: have only one small orifice for nose and mouth, live on a liquid diet. Restricted Diet (Fluid), Mute, No Bite.
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1. **Slamovich**: Able to grow and shrink his muscles at will.
2. **Steppe**: A man and horse telepathically linked, with the man being a perfect bowman and the horse being faster than a car.
3. **The Iron Claw**: A mutant with a morphing metal right hand, able to shape it into various useful forms.
4. **The Great Russian Bear**: A cyborg/mutant hybrid, made from the corpse of a former strongman, standing over 7 feet tall.
5. **St. Peter**: Able to summon electricity from his fingers, using a sword and conductive armor.

My team of Russian mutants for my upcoming supers game. Basically its DC vs Marvel, both invading our mundane world; nations have to come up with their own metahumans to combat them and protect their interests. the PCs will be playing the team out of the USA, protecting the mcguffin of our universe and trying out maneuver the rival metahuman teams from russia, china, and anywhere else.
sounds like a bunch of fun, I should do a supers game sometime
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Slamovich stated up. hows this?
Does he not have any skills, interests or hobbies outside of punching people? No disadvantages or quirks at all?
Also instead of "Fist", I think what you want is "Brawling"
I was going for the wildcard skill called Fist!... is that appropriate here?
I suppose so, but if you made it yourself instead of finding it in the source it's from and dragging it in, it won't apply the bonuses correctly to your sheet.
Also, in your description you said that he could grow and shrink his limbs at will, so I'd suggest you get the Growth and Shrinking advantages from GURPS Supers to represent this.

Also, if I'm being honest, I wouldn't accept this at my table. He needs disadvantages. Maybe he has a Short Temper or some kind of Vulnerability or Phobia. Maybe he goes Bezerk when he gets mad.
>Does he not have any skills, interests or hobbies outside of punching people?
I literally had a patient like that last week.
>What do you do when you get angry?
Punch people
>What do you like doing?
Punching people
>How do you manage your emotions?
Punch people
>What kind of things are you good at?
Punching people

Might have had a career as a boxer if he wasn't retarded, I guess. As it is, he's just going to spend most of his life in prison or secure mental facilities.
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Well now since youre asking. all off the Russian Mutant team are Lab Grown and Rapid Aged within a week or so. so he really shouldnt have any skills outside of punching people.
But you are right. I tossed in some solider disadvantages and i gave him some hobby skills.
starting the next one...
Being retarded is kinda of a prerequisite/consequence for being a boxer though.
someone has alleged that in GURPS you cannot "create skeleton minions"
this seems obviously false but i'm not sure how to price it
wouldn't you just buy them as Allies?
Summon Skeleton spell? Ally also works. Just use a skeleton template, there's tons out there
How should I stat an artificial sun with heat and light that varies in intensity based on distance from it? I want it to be lethal to approach it without protection, but its purpose is to allow agriculture in the surrounding region, so it needs a Goldilocks zone
if i recall right, energy received from a star goes up with the square of the star's radius and the fourth power of the star's blackbody temperature, and down with the square of the distance, so start with that
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So it's going to have to be ridiculously bright and hot to do what I want it to do
Or ridiculously big
>Ally (Summonable; Minion; Trigger, Humanoid Corpse)
>Affliction (Extra Life + Undead Template)
>Zombie and Mass Zombie from Magic
>Create Undead from RPM, or Create Necromancy from Incantation Magic
>Command the Bodies of the Dead from Path/Book Magic

People often lie about GURPS online, but this is a particularly blatant and lazy example. Who was he trying to convince with that?
If you want it to be lethal without it also just blasting all the crops its supposed to be nurturing, you may want to put it behind magical/sci-fi glass barrier that diffuses the heat and energy the mini-star is putting out rather than subjecting the entire area to the full force. Going past the barrier would be the equivalent to walking into an active nuclear reactor.
Just use the formulas from Generating Star Systems (GURPS Space p. 100) to figure everything out.
The exact dimensions of a star's "Goldilocks zone" can be obtained by back-calculating the radii that result in blackbody temperatures of 241–320 K, which are amenable to a Garden world.
>Formula in step 25: Blackbody temperature = 278 * luminosity ^ 0.25 / radius ^ 0.5
>Rearranged: Luminosity = (blackbody temperature * radius ^ 0.5 / 278) ^ 4
And then you can figure out temperature and luminosity from the formulas in step 18.
>from Generating Star Systems (GURPS Space p. 11)
*from Advanced Worldbuilding (GURPS Space chapter 5)
>How should I stat an artificial sun with heat and light that varies in intensity based on distance from it?
That is how all suns work, anon.
Does Hobby Skill(Gunpla building) even come up in a capeshit game? Probably not, which warrants treating it as a 0 point feature.
You could build an artificial sun with just Temperature Control and Create (Visible Light). I am specifically interested in simulating a variation in intensity. It doesn't have to be scientific (it won't be at the scale I intend)
Why don't you use Dissipation?
Is the traveller game in publication by mongoose any good by gurpser metrics?
>Rice is powertripping again and giving out timeouts for criticizing meta-tech on trannycord
what a bitch
That's perfect, thank you. I don't know why I didn't spot that earlier
I would still have you buy it. Just because it's not immediately relevant to the campaign as written doesn't mean that it won't ever come up

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