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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93425854
What are the upcoming CYOAs to be released or being worked on? We don't have an official listing so I have to ask.
Aromage's Demigod remake
Tankista's Magocratic Convention remake
Italics's stuff (I forget the list)
Husanon's something something?
Stellinearized was supposedly working on some interactive thing that should revolutionize the CYOA industry, but he hasn't been heard of for months afaik
Some mcyoag anon was making a Fire Emblem COYA, I check there only rarely though
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Boosts: https://pastebin.com/GkqPm9BA

Curses: https://pastebin.com/rnciDBx2
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>Italics's stuff (I forget the list)
Tell me sweet little lies
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Any mr. beast cyoa?
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Yes please for more cyoas like The Tutorial.
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Italic's stuff as found in the archive:

Echoes PSY
Star Runners
Apocrypha Advent
The Magi Case: Fragmented Bloodlines Redux
Kins Wolfe: Saga of the Ages
Lamentation R

Eating good
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You are indeed eating good, piggy
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Wait isn't Luminary husanon's CYOA?
He posted the WIP yesterday.
It is. IDK what that other anon is talking about.
I hate myself for not finishing my build of this after so much time. I love this cyoa.
What happened to my overlord cyoa? Is that guy still working on it? I want to fuck up Ainz.

Stop openly shitposting.
That's not the mcyoag one if that's what you mean, iirc it was supposed to be something new and long.
He is, but why do you even care about that retarded list. It is obviously made by someone that does not spends time in here.
What are you talking about, schizo?
I dont, it was just relevant to my question.
Stop shitposting.
Absolute shizo and troll spammer.
Nah, you need to kill yourself by pretending to be retarded and deliberately shitposting/ claiming Italics was never working on a CYOA called Luminary.
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And where is this cyoa you are talking about? All I have ever seen is that WIP up there. Even I can say I am working on a cyoa called Luminary. If you have nothing to show for it, then it may as well not exist. Now begone, shitposter.
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Not my fault you are a lazy bitch with poor search skills and terrible eye sight. All it takes is one word search
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Now begone shitposter.
What is this abandonware?
Is chariotanon still around?
I don't know if i'm going to be able to finish it anon but i'll try
Italics is actively working on it. Hid most voted for CYOA after Magi dropped. Even Echoniggers kneel to it.
Don't forget Ordion's galactic overlord CYOA and my lewd 1 pager which will get released soonish
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>Mixed art
>Imageless options
No one cares but you
Please do, i am starved for an overlord not requiring a degree in mathematics.

I believe in you anon!
I forgot to write that it also has unexplained stats

Apparently you do since you replied
Nah, just pointing out what a retard you are. Seething at cyoas.
was galactic overlord going to have minions and stuff? I dont remember much about it aside from him asking if some powers were ok
How can I post here without spending time in here, anon-kun
Time doesn't flow in your realm.
I'm not seething, I'm just pointing out flaws

Don't remember, but I do remember that it would have different factions and a lot of personal powers which sounded fun to me
Lost to troyx
Ordion is too damn busy doing normalfag stuff, he doesn't have time for us anymore :(
DLC for entropiss is dead. Its over for us. Lordfags...
same, but I want cool minions not dumb looking girls.
I want both sides of the conflict to look badass so I can have fun watching them have epic battles against each other.
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What cyoa has dumb looking girls as minions?
I already played it and have several builds for it, but its pretty shit
Holy fucking paint slop
Then there's nothing else. I'd make my own, but I don't have the motivation to do it.
dead lmao
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italics shill spotted
the generic monster girl is a dumb looking girl anon.
Im sorry you were born with no ability to taste
Imagine an enormous snake tail under a woman, in urban context. All the filth that sticks to it as the monstergirl traverses the streets... absolutely disgusting
The bottom is disgusting. Literally just slapping tits on the original creature.

Either have monster girls like the top or go full monster.
the last time he posted was on may 2022, you never know, there might still be hope
Bottom just looks like furryshit to me.
lmao no, he's active on the discord, but he hasn't made shit in years so effectively dead
>go full monster.
I'd much rather have full monster, but the bottom pic is still vastly preferable to the top pic imo.
So you are a furry?
you and me both brother
why you acting like this is some sorta gotcha?
I think its enormously hot. Also what you said is something that is often talked about in monstergirl doujins/series that have lamias like picrel from sparrowl
>the solution for my retarded fetish is for the girl to be just like me fr fr
Whoever said coomers were innovative was high off his own farts
Trash scales. She should just pray for better luck next life and reincarnate.
I am just asking a question. Why are you acting so defensive? Do you feel guilty about something?
i know its an un popular opinion but i think both look stupid, monster girl should still look like monsters or at the least somewhat inhuman, while at the same time not looking like a furry oc.
of course this depends heavily on the setting of the cyoa.
i'm nta lo. gotcha, shit stirrer.
there's good anthro and bad anthro and brother this is bad anthro
That is the problem. Top one is weebshit while bottom one is furryshit. This one anon just seems to be a furry while most anons are weebs.
Not a furry.
I'm an xeno enjoyer.
Just because xenos have animal traits doesn't make it furry.
Can you write a coherent reply?
There is somewhat of an overlap. Not helped by many artists being fan of both, but understandable.
I'm the anon that posted it and I agree that they both look stupid.
I just make do with what poor monster content is available.
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Wasn't there talk about this being updated again? What happened to that?
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Other CYOAs where the afterlife is secure and merciful?
wtf is DoDL
real life
It's a Google analogue, for Department of Defense use only
people actually post comments on imagechest?
Dawn of a Cringe Lord. Think of it as the less cool, more jobber Entropist.
Dragon on Dragon Lewds
What if the real afterlife was retirement home all along?
The thing is, being attracted to something that isn't human automatically puts you in one of those shit for ethics groups. You either want animals, cosplayers, or get off to being so speshul by enjoying sound waves or something.
Fuck these things. Imagine being thrown into of these to die by your own ungrateful children. After everything you did for them. Just to die at the hands of some of the absolute psychopaths that work there. Constantly beating you, insulting you, and cutting you everyday until they finally kill you.
That's some rough neighborhood you have there.
Death is the best home for old people that can't live on their own or with family.
Retirement homes are never ending humiliation rituals for the elderly.
My go-to build is lich king with undead/demons. Lichwife Emilia and Demonwife Lucifer are all I need
Raped goods...
Practicality is my #1 concern with Monstergirls, or any race design for that matter.
Is there a *reason* for her tail to be almost bigger than her entire body?
Does she *need* ten horns jutting out of her skull from multiple angles?
What is the *purpose* for her to have large protruding fangs, or tusks?
Is there a *backstory* for her being a cyclops?

So many visual elements strike me as just for getting attention, rather than being something carefully thought about. In-setting, They may as well be the mere illusions of a magician, designed to scam (you) out of your sperm, in the case of waifus
Both are explicitly virgins. What are you talking about
Cyrus-sama will make a new improved version that makes them deeper, more interesting female characters.
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What is the practical problem with choosing option number 2: "limit bureaucracy"? Is there none and this is just pre-remake Purists being heels again?
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Anon, what the fuck are you talking about
The problem, is that you are playing a tankshitsta cyoa.
Purists have the best military, so it's you gotta find some way to suck up to them.
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Sasuga Italics!
With the faggots in this thread? Dick on Dick Love of course.
I am not a furry! I just like xenogirls...
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By Saint George we have slain the enemy general, without him the enemy will lose the will to fight.
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The enemy is badly bloodied, they have lost half their men.
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The enemy flees the field, peruse and run them down!
fug I meant to type pursue
This is what autism looks like.
Why not both?
Also add kemonos?
Also add full monsters.
>Who Are You?: Skysweeper, Survivor
>Your Plane: Interceptor (XTOI-01 Guardstar)
>Weapons: Pulse Laser, UCAVs (Steel Phantom Wingman Drones)
>Support: Afterburners (free), Spaceplane, Targeting Pod
>Associates: Mechanic, Badass, Mentor
>Rivals: Gemini, Chatterbox
>Contract: Prototype, Forlorn Hope

Nobody knows how the pilot called Skyfall managed to get his hands on a Guardstar transorbital interceptor prototype, but he pilots it with deadly efficiency. The Polaris' intended prey is MIRV warheads travelling at re-entry speeds, and as such it comes with ultra high energy pulse lasers, Steel Phantom drones and a targeting suite that allows it to engage targets streaking through the atmosphere at dozens of times the speed of sound. Naturally, mere air-breathing craft are easy prey for it, but the sheer complexity of the Guardstar's systems requires incredible reflexes, instincts and luck to properly operate.

Known associates of Skyfall include Ramona Lee, the Guardstar's dedicated mechanic who seems to be sexually attracted to the plane, John "Havoc", a freelance commando who's best friends with Skyfall, and Lyudmila Zaitsev, a former ace pilot who lost both her legs in a bad ejection.

Castor and Pollux are the infamous Dioscuri twins, and Skyfall has collectively shot them down about half a dozen times, though never both at once. As they are fiercely protective of each other, they naturally have a grudge against Skyfall and will abandon all other tasks to engage him if he shows up. In fact, their contracts even have a clause to that effect.

The streamer/pilot/mercenary Gryphine has promised her fanbase to send Skyfall down in flames. With her four heavenly kings backing her up, she has almost made good on the promise too, but somehow Skyfall has managed to survive multiple 5-on-1 engagements and even come close to shooting the 5th Angel down too.
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why is the skinned multi-limed monster with eyes all over it circled? how is that furry?
The correct answer
Absolutely BASED
>Actual photographs have different art styles
If you think REALITY has different art styles you are way more brain dead than the avrage Tok hater

>why is the skinned multi-limed monster with eyes all over it circled? how is that furry?
It has a snout
Divine Calling
>What Makes You Special
Tactician, Inhuman(Gnome), Anachronism
500 Orcs
2000 Goblins
1000 Gnomes
>What Makes Your Troops Special
Finest Steel (Anachronistic Gun based on my personal weapon)
Mutation (Goblin/Gnomes for craftsmen not scared to work with dangerous and explosive material likely to get them killed before they figure it all out fully)
Either Regalia or Unexpected Encounter

Closest I could get to a Skaven Horde, I'll have to make do with them being Goblins instead.
>It has a snout
so do dragons, yet you are totally fine with being one
its over for toksissy
>Reason: No Reason
>Commander Special: Tactician, Greater Magic (earth), Charisma, Daring
>Troops: Humans x5
>Army Special: Finest Steel, Loyalty, Blood Bond
>Enemy: Unexpected Encounter

So we're a tactical genius fearless hivemind with the best weaponry and able to break up the opposition with earth magic.pxdtx
he made half-dragons the uncontested best species and over costed everything real dragons would actually want so I don't know if that's really the case
Blood bond let's you communicate with your soldiers but they aren't geniuses or fearless like you are and only you can cast magic.
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That's it for the first page.
But I think I'll move Isi and her power section to page 2 so I guess this is also a preview of the second page.
If aanyone has an observation about it tell me because I'm going to move foward with this style.
I know, I can do the thinking for them. And Daring spreads to people near me, you can make a case that it spreads through a blood bond too since I know where they are and can communicate with them telepathically.
>Dragon cyoa
>Actually being a dragon for real is suboptimal
i am suprised how much of a fake ass he is with everything.
They are so cuteeeeee
You can be a full on scalie half-dragon too.
Tok is a massive hypocrite. If /cyoag/ all got isekai'd together I would forcibly mount Tok's slutty looking female self as a giant anthro wolf, and she would like it.
If something happened to Isi i would kill everyone on this room and then myself.
>>Actual photographs have different art styles
>If you think REALITY has different art styles you are way more brain dead than the avrage Tok hater
Photography and costumes have different art styles. One of them is not a photo.
Art Style 1 is heavily airbrushed.
Art Style 2 is a CGI model.
Art Style 3 is a drawing over a photo.
Art Style 4 is a photo without airbrushing.
Art Style 5 is made of fursuits that were not airbrushed or filtered.
Art Style 6 are photos of animals that were collaged over women.
All of these are very obvious.
im not really a werewolf person but ruby makes my cock hard
Italicsisters!! our god is getting his cyoa title stolen, meanwhile, everyone is catching up to us being the real shitposters! How do we reply without sounding mad? Should we do our classic and call everyone a shitposter? I already got my phone ready to samefag just as we talked about.
Bottom is based, move centaur and slims to the bottom too though.
This image is based only because it is outing all the furries in this general.
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Never forget that Italics unironically supported making a CYOA full of furries and Human on Furry marriage.

Tok is better than him just for this fact alone.
>Tok is better than him just for this fact alone
I dont see tok making a cyoa full of HMoFA so looks like tok loses this fight actually
Toks most popular choose your own adventure game "Dragonfall" is also full of furry on human sex, though. It's even worse because in "Dragonfall" you play as the furry.
The worst thing about kemonos is, of course, no kissing! I know some furries like to headcanon the kissing, but there is just no way to do it with the stupid snouts.
I remember really liking this one but I somehow forgot the actual powers you can get. I was sure you could turn into a nargauga and fly on silver wings, I don't remember where those powers are from tho. The waifus are really good.
>but there is just no way to do it with the stupid snouts.
Bro? Just tilt your head to the side a little bit if you want to mouth kiss. Or just kiss them on the booper if you want a regular kiss. What is this autism?
>Who Are You:
Eagle Eye

>Your Plane: Stealth

Pulse Laser

Stealth Tech
Ejector Seat



Sabre Rattler

I'm not dying for corpos
Kemono's can totally kiss what the fuck are you on about anon, its not even a question of headcanon
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>I know some furries like to headcanon the kissing, but there is just no way to do it with the stupid snouts.
Skill issue
This is the headcanon, that would actually not work and it would suck. Just look at the human, he is drawn in a way that his face is similar to the kemono for the kiss. The delusion is real.
Yeah, sure. You can also kiss a tree but it would not be a real comfortable kiss and neither is anything you mentioned.
local anon has no idea how mouths work
Rikose She's pretty based.
Poorly disguised coomer bait
The only person with a headcanon is you. Kemono is not realistic or real life, you have the same cartoon physics as the kemono character.
>Goalposted from kissing is impossible to it wouldn't be real comfortable
Oh shit, what in the fuck are you doing?
yea but where do you even find the doujins, since nhentai purged I lost a lot of good monster girl ones. I guess trash would be better to ask in
That is the point, in real life, it would suck. It only works because it is drawn that way. Changing how the human looks and works.
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Running Wolf with Superior Stamina
Damn good RV

Superior Strength
Superior Resolve
Silver Resistance
Iron Will
Predatory Aura
Dominant Aura
Big Dick Energy
True Silver
Spirit Magic
Blood Henna
Protective Aura

Lone Wolf, Vortex, Mark of the Beast, Leech Town, Sons of Odin, The Unquiet Dead, The Last Crusade +10

Sister Helene (BREAK HER RESISTANCE, get her, her fellow nuns, and students)
Jessica Chang
Lucita Esacrra
Cara Shanahan (Taking her and forcing her daddy to help protect my land)
There is no goalposting. Kissing them on the booper as you mentioned, is not a real kiss. It is like kissing a table, the table can not kiss you back. As for tilting your head, it would just be more of the same, they are simply unable to kiss back due to their facial structure and sometimes even lack of lips.
now make a vampire version of this
Another Vampoof?
Calm down, troyx
Bro, your Panda?
Other recommendations: Sindoll, Amakuchi, Nenemaru, Nakagami Takashi, Mizone, Sanjiro, Kame 3, Tamanosuke, Tsukudani
Your image looks like the dude simply lifted his head and opened his mouth.
>Bro, your Panda?
I still do not know what this means
I hope this is what you wanted
I looked at my cat, and he meowed at me.
Anon... sad panda has been around for decades at this point.
I'm sure it has but not everyone knows esoteric porn lore, I'll look at it when I get the chance
Lamentations is receiving an expansion titled R~ to expand further on its content. Meaning more Kemono.
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Aside from impatience and suicidal impulse, is there any reason not to be a (probably fire) witch, go to Trollheim, take 2 giants as companions (probably Tamok and Hazel), and grow slowly but safely without corruption?
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Keep up the fantastic work.
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And take wealth or fame as power source.
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>fame as a power source
>Your public image takes over your identity.
sounds like MEMORY DEATH to me
Less kemono actually.
He is gonna cut some races.
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You can make your public image the same as your real identity. Easy to control public opinion of yourself when you have 2 of the rulers of the world backing you.
>He is gonna cut some races.
Okay and? Some races just need to be gotten rid of if it betters the content of the others.
She is part of you so unless someone rips open your chest, she should be fine.
Thank you.
I think I'll post the second page too so that you can see how each power section will be like.
noun: luminary; plural noun: luminaries
a person who inspires or influences others, especially one prominent in a particular sphere.
a natural light-giving body, especially the sun or moon.
an artificial light.

Which definition is it for the cyoa?
It is metaphorical.
Your soul is the light that wakes up the artifatcs and you are the key figure that will move foward the stagnating plan to prepare all the diiferent wolrds for the coming battle.
Type: Maneater
Domain: Night
Power Source: Malice
Effects: Leathery Skin, Bat Wings, Bright Eyes, Tail, Extra Limnbs, Monster Tail, Beast Eyes, Beast Ears
World: Earth
Companions: Dany Surt, Mr. Jones

I hide in the dark and rape/kill/eat my prey, moving from city to city and never spending more than a few days in one place. I'll probably end up as Mr. Jones the second. I'll take money to eat people and break into death row and the like to eat convicts.
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Troyx-sama... please come back and deliver more overpowered kino.
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Remember to eat before killing for maximum malice.
Entropiss was gonna make one
>but he's dead
Never stop believing in attention whoring authors
What makes a good companion? How much information is too much information for a single character?
Honestly why is it so hard to feel actually powerful in dragonfall? If you want to specialize in something you basically have to give up everything else which includes basic things like strength and scales. I feel like the reason literally everyone who makes a build for it goes the hive-mind path is because basically no other archetype actually feels powerful
>Honestly why is it so hard to feel actually powerful in dragonfall?
I'll answer with what I felt when I first read it.
You qre like the 10th guy to be isekaied like a dragon and the others got BTFO'd if I remember correctly.
So you are not special and are given the expectation that you are going to be a jobber.
Compared with for example pokemon personafied you qre the second isekaied guy and your predesesor practically molded the setting so you are given the impression you are going to be incredibly powerful and you can be better than his lame ass.
Instead of being a retarded powerfag reaching for something you'll never be happy with, make a FUN build knowing that it's YOUR adventure and it will be fun and fulfilling regardless.
You're the 6th and only two others are dead, we know literally nothing about the other 3
NTA but he is asking why it is hard to feel powerful not why it's hard to game the CYOA to be invincible.
There is a difference.
Dragon fall was supposed to make you feel like a badass dragon but it fails at that.
I'm my opinion because it's mechanics are too gamey if it instead were more narrative then the player could fill in gaps to his liking.
Giving them a greater feeling of power.
>5 before you
>2 dead
>3 irrelevant
what a track record
which is weird because the cyoa gases you up as though you can equal godly avatars. Seems like all the rest were just retards who took no good or notable powers
That's still too much it takes away from your own sense of importance.
Dragon fall was supposed to be a power fantasy CYOA so it fails in that regard.
I don't think having others like you adds nothing to the setting unlike with PPP.
That uses the previous guy as a way for you to see the kind of impact you can have and gives you room to be better and fix his fuck ups.
While in dragon fall the most of the previous dragons aren't even worth mentioning or and death so you are given the expectation of being the next jobber in line and that your kind will just keep coming.
"'Good' is a point of view..."

But seriously, it comes down to cost/benefit analysis, and personal needs/tastes.
What are you paying, and what are you getting for the expense?
What qualities in a person matter most to you? What are you willing to give, in order to have a companion with those qualities?
Some people want a physically strong companion. Others want charisma, or intelligence, or magic abilities, or money, or connections, or sex.

So a good companion satisfies any of (your) needs/wants in context of the setting and your personal objectives, with at least manageable drawbacks.
In my opinion, the best companions would offer (you) a net gain between cost/benefit, while being interesting and relatable
>it comes down to cost/benefit analysis, and personal needs/tastes
Agreed, but the former includes the latter fyi.
>all the rest were just retards who took no good or notable powers
This is clearly the case since none of them took hivemind or even broodlord to conquer the world and the dead ones didn't take infinitybreath nor phylactery or else they wouldn't have died.
when looking at waifu's I'm first looking to see if they're attractive to me, and second to see if their personality is something I don't like. Powers are a distinct third because often powers follow the first 3 and will be 'on theme' and will match with whatever waifu i'm after, even if they don't its not really a big deal.

for friends or otherwise, i'm looking at personality, then ability, then looks. I don't really care if my buddy is fat and ugly as long as I vibe with him and like his character.
Appearance is usually irrelevant since there are often ways to change it like with magic or surgery.
I forgot to expand upon it, but i'm not going to wife a character that is really not to my tastes but has a good personality unless there's no other option and I have too. Likewise, i'm not going to wife a character that is really attractive but is horrible to be around.
infinitybreath doesnt work
Does anyone know why you can choose three classes in Ordion's Emperor Quest when the classes section instructs you to choose three?
By RAW, you can use infinite power breath.
I can't decide between an action-adventure CYOA where you build yourself up as a weapon and go around hunting down boss characters that threaten the world.
A life-simulator CYOA where you take up a profession in a local community and manage it with other invited people and make use of different gadget, tools, and home upgrades.

Both are pure sci-if.
first one. second one sounds boring.
By raw you just die if you try
We don't have enough content like the second.
just revive or have true immortality
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>profession in a local community
>Both are pure sci-if
if im in a sci-fi setting I'm being an exobiologist or something and probably not staying in one 'community' unless that community is coming with me or I have some really big reason to stay
Pretty much what this guy said. A waifu needs to be cute, likable and loyal, a bro needs the same thing, but complement you instead of just being cute.

As for how much is too much, I consider a single quote to set the tone, a brief outline of the background, personality and powers to be enough.
congrats you still exploded trying to do infinitebreath, now you try again and explode again before you do anything
if you cant read dont argue
keep going, this is funny
>cant post an actual argument because he knows he's wrong
you are funny yea
go on, more
this isn't even bait anon, why are you purposefully trying to make your own posts look retarded
I have one small question.
Each artifact as mentioned will ask you to pay aprice to attune them and access their powers.
Basically this means taking a drawback.
Now the question is should taking this drawback also grant you extra points to expend on the artifact itself or should it be that only by also taking the second optional pact do you get extra points?
>he gave more
Whatever that fetish is where you get off to being berated, probably that. He lost so now he just wants to cum
oooohhh yeeeaaa, keep going
Please do not goon to other anons when they call you out on saying something retarded
Is it gonna be like Evoker's Oath?
Please don't make it like evokers oath
I assume the base drawback allows access to the artifact and gives some points to customize its interactions with you (for example the magic sniper rifle might gain better zoom, multispectral vision, ability to ignore wind shear, or fire explosive bullets). Then a further oath gives you more points to represent your dedication to it.

tf is Evoker's Oath?
Similar but not nearly as punishing.
You choose between 2 drawbacks to attune the relic but can take both for extra points to invest in the artifact itself.
You also have a pool of free points to spend as you please.
I'm having a lot of compression issues (thanks to my phone), but I'm liking the aesthetic, Husanon. Goof luck!
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Melianon here. I am working on Picrel. Titled: Cup Of Coffee. Its a 3 page GIF CYOA that is meant to be sung to the tune of "Coffee" by Beabadoobee

I have been working on this cyoa for like 2 years on and off. I estimate one month till I am able to post it safely.
I am also working on a christmas themed cyoa and another Regretful Reveries type of CYOA.
Why 2 years you may ask? Because finding good gif images is hard and most of the gifs here are made by me. Also I had work and school to hinder me too but I lost my job during the coof.

Also, should I use an alternate google account to store my stuff or should I use my main google account?
also should my author name be Melianon? its what /cyoag/ gave me but I have my own pen name
That is the idea.
For example Isi has many powers of a meta nature that allow you to employ the other artifacts more efficiently and some technomantic magic.

It's been a while since I've seen someone make a gif CYOA.
Good luck!
Depends on whether you want people to know that they're both the same person. Some of our authors, for example, use a different pen name for their NSFW cyoas. And at least least one of our authors (Lone Observer) is a published novelist under his real name, but stocks to his pen name here.
The rest?
Looking good man. The more content the better. I think this one is gonna be really popular.
>Help me fight monsters
>ok now that you're indentured to me
naw stopped reading right there
Thank you. I wish you good luck in your cyoa making too.

I guess I will just use Melianon since its what /cyoag/ gave me and it already has a history here. It is what anons know me as. Thanks anon
I fucking HATE women and feminists
I am just going to go half-dragon and then take Obranask and fulfill his wish by making him a new form using the cyoa and giving him the enslaved drawback so I have a cool greater dragon servant
theoretically, if I made obranask into a woman, wiped their memories, and then made them my wife, is that gay
>under his real name
What's he written?
Sorry you can't bend the wish all you get is a companion :)
>Saves your life after you get fucked up
>Replaces your damaged organs with a bunch of artificial organs AND the qt that is Isi giving you immortality and fixing your body's flaws
>In exchange they ask you to help them deal with a terrible disaster that you probably should be interested in helping considering that not doing it is likely to doom you and the rest of the world as you are likely to not have a fighting chance without some more relics
>Even then you can just say no
What's the most point-starved cyoa?
>living an eternal life of servitude
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based, snake wife time
Why are you using jobber for this? it doesn't make sense.
Also eternal life of servitude? Really?
Are you just making shitposting noises?
Anon she literally says you owe your loyalty to her, at least read the cyoa you're defending. Immortality isn't worth being an immortal bootlicker.
>Do not betray us please = Bootlicker
He's just the guy who screams about being a slave if he's not the ultra death chad who rapes everyone
>you're now indebted to me = bootlicker
if you want to be a simping jobber go ahead
>he's spamming it again
Considering the reception it got, I doubt neither the author nor the general want to revisit it
i thought it was alright
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Posting the dlc before the perk page for ease of reading
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"Human" faces all the way!
Got to be the Gazer, although I'm pretty sure the MGE had them as being high level mages.
The only right answer is Shirohebi
Its amazing how little anons actually read cyoas before posting
It's only like two paragraphs at the header as well
I only care about Gazer. But after reading through the rest I'll take Shoggoth as a maid, Akaname as my toilet and Cursed Sword as a battle partner.

Also, what stats do you start with?
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>Also, what stats do you start with?
Retard-kun, wrangle your fucking zoomer attention span for a minute and read the textboxes at the top of the cyoa
Hm, so if I have Cursed Sword and take 4 ranks of physical training, I'll have S in Physical Attack and Defence. Nice, but I'll probably be weak to magic attacks.
>but I'll probably be weak to magic attacks.
Laughably so
For mind control at least, I'll have wifey use a charm on me so everyone trying to mind control me has to get through her control first. And i figure Cursed Sword's ability to drain mana will let me parry magic attacks. Not immunity by any means, but a fighting chance, at least.
>Picks cursed sword without living armor to complete the set
bad taste desu
I don't think you can boost up to S, I think it's limited to the monsters that naturally have them.
is it?
Yeah, I checked again and A is the max. Maybe the other way round would be better then, Physical Attack/Defence D and Magic Attack/Defence A, though I'd probably make poor wifey insecure. Then again, if the monstergirls feed off mana, it's the best choice. Plus I guess i can use magic to buff myself.
>No Suppression
>Resilient Soul, Power Thief, Magical Training x4
I immediately start with Magical Attack and Defense at A Tier. Continued SEX with my Automaton wife can bring my Physical Attack to A and Physical Defense to B (maybe? I think that's how it works?). After that me and my robowife will kill every monster girl we come across, so I can steal their stats and abilities. Gremlins, Cyclopses, and Dwarves are priority targets so I can gain the abilities to upgrade and repair my wife.
Ryo is crazy. SAAS stats, a veritable god, and she's kind.
Hm, my selections actually qualify me for collector, so I guess the final selection is

Gazer (head wife)
Shoggoth (maid/armor)
Akaname (toilet)
Cursed Sword (weapon)

Magical Training x3

Physical Attack D
Physical Defense D
Magical Attack A
Magical Defense A

Though if I can trade girls for perks I'll drop everyone except Gazer and get Power Thief, Stealth and Resilient Soul. Then do pretty much what >>93441483 does except less violent.
>Though if I can trade girls for perks
WoG says you can, at a rate of "unused companion slots - 1"

Monster girl island, monogamous, monogamy, one, boons, perks, Wyrm (keywords for future archive searching)
>no Power Thief
Instant jobber tier. Literally a mandatory boon to take.
Honestly if you start with a Ryu, Magical Training x2 and Power Thief you could probably yoink her SAAS stats.
Best type/family for Type-Master and Family Man ?
Can't go wrong with succubi and dragons, they tend to be the most powerful kinds and having them like you isn't a bad thing.
That's my build base. Everything else after that is the actual choosing. Training into Power Thief a Ryu is 5 out of 8 choices, the last 3 up to you, but getting Power Thief and Ryu are mandatory for any build.
The real mandatory boon is Resilient Soul. Knowers know that Demonic Energy is Memory Death Energy and should be avoided at all costs.
Do you guys take the suppression?
No. MGQ is better than MGE.
I'll settle for finding a wild ryu because I like Gazers that much.
>S rank Magical Defense
I tanked that don't need it
> Violence
> Companions
Lilim x2
> Perks
Type Master (Demon/+Magical Attack)
Be the girl (Gremlin)
Resilient Soul
I'm a genius inventor with 2 of the strongest and most influential monsters as allies. Plan is to try to upgrade humanity with technology, genetic engineering and the like to even the playing field.
Lol, you're not even their consort since you became a Gremlin and are thus worthless to them. You're lucky if they don't just throw you out on the streets.
>to even the playing field
They have end of 20th century technology bro, a human with a machine gun could smoke any monster with Physical Defense below A. Bigger guns for things above that
They're my companions.
That doesn't help with the magic.
Is genetic engineering or cybernetics supposed to make humans more magical then? Worked for Promstein I guess
It should be able to, magitech is a thing I can do.
If we are talking MGE, we have confirmation that all monsters are naturally tough enough that firearms from modern day Earth would be completely incapable of harming them, with modern weapons being equivalent to "pea shooters" to them.

Though if we are talking MGE, some canon stuff we got has shown that mamono are basically strong reality warpers who generally hold back so this is probably not supposed to use their canon power level anyway.
>What makes you special 5
En Garde(Sword)
Whispering Blade(Sword)
2x Orcs
Dark Elf
>What makes your army special
Finest steel
Why did you turn yourself dumber?
Is this as fucked up as MGQ or MGE? Because if the suppressor is the difference between the tow then it's a must take unless you want to go through inevitable eternal suffering
Yeah I'm not sure if the MGE power rankings apply here. Humans have Physical Defense D and Alraunes have Physical Defense D. Guns are, presumably, quite effective against humans. Therefore they'd be quite effective against Alraunes as well.

And increases to a stat ranks give substantial gains but they aren't so substantial that someone of a single rank lower can't overcome it with "planning and a little luck". So Physical Defense C definitely makes you hardier than D but not massively so, so a gun should still be effective.

Or at least, that's the logic I was following when I made that post. Humans and therefore monsters could be a lot burlier in this setting like you say, making conventional firearms completely ineffective.
>plenty of monsters can be beaten by a regular ass guy with a sword
>but guns are magically ineffective because... they just are, okay?
KC will really pull anything out of his ass to make his monsters the biggest mary sue bitches youve ever seen
Orctards think strength is the only thing that matters, just ignore them.
Is Living Armor or Karakasa-Obake better for protecting myself?
I personally assume that humans are way stronger here specially heroes so they can hit you harder with your sword
I liek the slimes personally. Literal liquid armor. But I'd go with Living Armor simply because it's designed to be worn and seem tougher than the karakasa-obake
>Anon is afraid of basically making a pinky promise not to betray his benefactor in exchange for power.
What a pussy.
Italics here. I have Colossian with a very decent mecha/bio-droid customization section for the player and features android/bio-droid companions to join you on your adventure after you get dug out of the ground and restored to working order.
Yeah, part of the explanation is that there's no regular people by our standards. The world is full of superhumans and the magic and meele attacks they use are itself much stronger than modern weapons. Not that this helps against mamono because they are insanely powerful/bullshit, but the scale of the world itself is running on JRPG/Shounen power levels so even regular people are superhuman by our standards.
>file too large
What are the dimension limits here?
Cool but the anon meant robo waifus for (you) not the character you wrote as protagonist for your cyoa sorry.
but that's (you) anon.
What do you mean? You wake up and get robowaifus falling for you the protagonist after showing them an old roid can show off new tricks.
8000x10000, 8mb
Weird, I have a 7300x4500 7.43mb file that can't be posted.
So you then?
Cope. The last time Italics wrote a self-insert cyoa was a decade ago. Sorry I'm not gonna play pick a waifu for someone else.
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Living Armor, Ryo

Collector (Magic Attack++), Power Thief

Tame/seduce monstergirls for a big harem and intimate draining. No killing unless I have to. With the suppression, Living Armor and Ryo protecting me, and my peaceful ways that minimize antagonizing anyone, I should be absolutely safe.
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Who wins in a 3 way?
Can't tell if retarded or shitposting
Ahhhh noooooo the cyoa doesn't have isekai its not my adventure for some reason aaaaaaaaaa
Ahhh noooooo someone has a different opinion than me for some reason aaaaaaa
I've made a cyoa so I've paid my due to the thread
I'll just consume from now on
Italicsisters, you should have told me we were going to pull our "calling everyone a shitposter" tactic! I was already going with the "calling everyone obsessed" tactic, now I look like a fool for doing it alone...
post it
Add a flow kelp too for extra back armor
“You want my CYOA? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one thread. Now you just have to find it! ”
Dont be like that anon
>wear Living Armor
>wear Flow Kelp
>be covered in Slime
>carry Karakasa-Obake
The ultimate defense.
Yo! Ya-yo, ya-yo

Dreaming. Don't give it up, Tankista!
Dreaming. Don't give it up, Italics!
Dreaming. Don't give it up, Entropist!
Dreaming. Don't give it give it up give it up give it up give it up
All of these authors owe me a sloppy toppy, by the way.
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They don't owe men anything, but I'm still going to turn them into females so I can breed them.
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The fuck is a sloppy toppy?
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Whenever someone on 4chan imitates some song's lyrics I never ever know the original song, it leaves me feeling left out and sad
Entropist lost. Tankista and Italics are currently working on very popular cyoas while Entropist ran away with his tail tucked between his legs never to be seen again. What matters is staying power and Italics has that in spades.
i dunno man, entropistanon was a bitch but his cyoa gets periodically reposted and doesn't have as many options that can solve the cyoa. you can count golden truth but you don't need it to become an overpowered necromancer god
italic's cyoas barely feel like cyoas sometimes, it's waifu pickers or extremely rudimentary like magi case where most items are useless and the only thing that matter is skillmaxxing
Name of the author?
>Entropist lost
>What matters is staying power and Italics has that in spades.
The strongest author in history, Italicskuna could not be stopped. He killed the strongest author of today and then waffled Tok afterwards.
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how should I know
I don't keep track of every little person that I'm gonna end up breeding
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Give thanks to the retard anons that made italics gut the spell system.
Well the spellcrafting got gutted way before that so it was gonna be worthless regardless.
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I'm glad mystery boxes died out.
They sucked.
No you didn't, fuck off
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>italic's cyoas barely feel like cyoas sometimes, i
This is a dumb take.

>like Magi Case
Magi Case was an alright CYOA and best part is that we didn't have the dogshit I cast fireballz XD like we have in a million other CYOAs like >>93442593 the dumb ninny wanted.

Magic is always better when you can make it yourself.
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Enchanting is singlehandedly the most powerful magic in this CYOA btw
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>Magi Case
Trust the plan.
Just a cope to be lazy and not make anything yourself as an author
I liked making my own spells especially as a LionheartCHAD.
I forgive you, but only for not being one of the 3 slop clans everyone here picked.
And those clans are? Because I know you're not calling FordGODS a slop clan. Only a seething assmad inferior clan would do something like that, and you can't be one of them?
Fordfags, Dracfags, and Evocofags. These are the slop clans. Picked by everyone, as they appeal to the lowest, and the lowest are many in number.
NTA. But slop are Ford, Evoco and Ager
Yes, we can include Ager there too. I just picked the top 3 but Ager is number 4.
Drac did nothing wrong, wtf
>weak clan seethe
I guess the old saying is true, superiority beckons envy.
>t. slop generic reddit clan
Actually almost nobody picked Drac as main clan iirc. Surprisingly.
They played character creator instead of self inserting.
Not really, the magic just doesn't really seem that powerful or interesting compared to 'control time' or 'summon arbitrary monsters'.
So they played a CYOA and choose their own adventure, surprising
Drac can create suns and black holes using Elemental Magic. Get the fuck out of here.
That's still honestly not that good in the grand scheme of things.
>you can't react in time to create a black hole due to my time magic
>my summons can also create suns and black holes
It's not that impressive.
>Time magic gets distorted due to black hole
Becoming an incubus isn't memory death
Whatever you like best, im torn between undead or going type collector and using family man to get a second lamia
Definitive slop clan, too many anons picked it to be edgy
Pretty sure there was only like two anons who never said anything
Again, pretty sure there was only like two anons that actually took this clan, just one of them was very vocal and made memes
You don't get it anon, I defeat you before you're ever able to cast your black hole spell.
Why pick ford to be edgy when there is a literal clan called DEVIL. More like they picked it to be "le special"
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Whether we wanted it or not, we have stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars.
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So let's get to taking out their command structure one by one.
>Why pick ford to be edgy when there is a literal clan called DEVIL
Devil has no good waifus, the auctor is simultaneously a jobber and someone italics makes out that you can't beat, and it outright says undead suck against magic. Italics went out of his way to make being apart of the necromancer clan as unappealing as possible.

With that said, I remember it having 5 or 6 builds
>>you can't react in time to create a black hole due to my time magic
He doesn't know
>Devil has no waifus
What are you talking about? Devil has SenseiGODS for a wife option.

>undead suck against magic
Everything sucks against magic even Time Magic because all magic is magic. If Gods can be killed by Healing Magic why can't undead be killed by magic too?
>Everything sucks against magic
Except so specifically for undead it calls them out as jobbers
You don't know that you're the jobber clan, Dracuck
Bro stop making shit up or post the passage.
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You can just say you're a newfag and/or readlet without the hostility next time
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>Drac can create suns
Nuclear fusion technology can do that too.
>and black holes
Super hyper advanced gravitational manipulation technology can do that too.
The conclusion? Yet another Clan superseded by FordGODS
>This is a dumb take.
explain how it's inadequate in comparison to other cyoas that use more sophisticated point systems to create a character you truly want without having to spam the same options to get the most skill points
>best part is that we didn't have the dogshit I cast fireballz XD like we have in a million other
what is this complaint even, most good magic cyoas have a balanced spread of spells, and they don't need a massive lore doc to explain things essential to the setting or your character creation
entropist doesn't count because it explains the world at large, CYOA gives you all the necessary information. and it's simply more fun because "le freeform spells" just encourages munchkins and other gay shit
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>Aspect of Conflict (Minor) + Aspect of Mind (Major)
Always go for the adventuring spellblade build. Always.

>The Wastelands
>Aspect Mind -> Magical field of construction
By far the most versatile magic discipline of all, if my understanding of it is right. If you read Worm, you know that Tinkers are broken as fuck.
>Perks: Smith
Litterally the best perk for my magic specialization. Give me a few days and I'll have a full gear of armor that look like normal clothes, heal my wounds passively when I wear it, weighs nothing, absorbs hostile magic and starts vibrating when danger is coming.
Actually a perks disguised as a flaw. Being underestimated and taken for a fool is a major advantage when you're smart enough to leverage it properly.
>Item: Euclid's Saddlebags
Litterally the best item to combine with my magic. I'll always have on me a fuckton of hundreds of magical artefacts I've created to deal with basically every situation + it's just a matter of time before I craft a glove or something that can teleport that saddlebag back to my hand if it's ever stolen.
>Allies / Pacts:
>Caravan Society
Absolutely necessary for providing me shelter for the first weeks during which I'll be creating and enchanting my gear and turning myself into a versatile powerhouse + access to traders to deal with and acquire items.
>Wandering Nomad
A good companion and starting bodyguard. Of course, I'm going to enchant his own gear to turn him into even more of a murdermachine.
>Hunters of Champions
Meh, I can take them. Plus, I'm not going to remain in the Wastelands long. Once I have prepared my magic stuff, I'm heading to the Free Cities to become the captain of my own ship. Will be much harder to follow on the sea and by the time they find me, I'll have a full crew of magically enhanced pirates at my side.
>mgecuck kc dick rider truly honestly believes this
holy KEK go back to /jp/, you arent worthy of posting here
Pretty sure overpower them with ease means magic can destroy them easier versus any other method. Retard. You have the fucking Archmagus that survived being killed by magic multiple times as an undead.

You have a lich confirmed raid the Atman Clan and ALL OF THEIR ELITE FORCES and LIVED.

>No Greater Perks / Flaws
Greater Flaws are just too costly, unfortunately.

>Path of Victory
The Path of Enlightenment
As a mage, I was definitely going to explore all of these places of hidden knowledge already, so if I take this as a goal, it's two birds with one stone.

Conjunction. I'm going to turn our Earth into a new realm of magic. Litterally best reward.
There is no useless magic, just useless mages.
>Honestly, though, it is possible to break time stop as its using Mana to mess with the measurement of time. But the Magi has to put in a lot of mana to overcome it (Which is RNG guessing, which majority will fail at) (casting a spell and then activating it against the AOE to break its hold over the measurement) before or (having the spell activated by escaping the frozen measurement before it transpires and then activating it after everything else is stopped) after it transpires.
- Italics on Time Stop

Drac can beat time stop.
You either don't know what memory death means your you're just shitposting
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Was this a good thread or a bad thread or a mid thread?
Only you can decide.
Readlet this is for undead not lichdom, undead are jobbers as per the text
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God tells me you're unreliable and lying. Go back >>>/jp/
Liches are undead. What in the fuck are you talking about.
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Devil has the best archmagus bar none though.
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Um who is Mircea? Elspeth? The Galileo mommy Archmagus?
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>Grab a bunch of undead
>Give them fordtech
There. Now they are the strongest.
Glad to see its both making shit up and being a shitposter
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Okay fine Mircea is tied.
Lichdom is not included in the section about undead, if you read the cyoa you would know this
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Why would you (a jobber) have more mana than me (the main character who has accumulated billions of years of mana in seconds due to my time magic)?
You misspelled Evoco
Because i'd win.
They literally tell you in the profiles that Lichdom is undeath.
>the main character who has accumulated billions of years of mana in seconds due to my time magic
That's not how gathering mana works in the CYOA. You would also be burning more mana than you would have recieved amd most likely killing yourself.
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>Was this a good thread or a bad thread or a mid thread?
I posted a gato, now it's slightly better, though italicsposting really does drag it down.
If you want to cope liches to also be jobbers thats your own prerogative but lichdom is a seperate section than the undead section that specifically calls out undead as jobbers
Can the top mages even run out of mana? You can endlessly stack mana generating shit and incantations are literally free.
*Erects a barrier that filters time*
*Stabs You*

Lionheart Clan and Aozdou Clan are broken because they can block and seal concepts.
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Is Life Chronicles the most ambitious CYOA ever made?
No cyoa comes close to this feeling of adventure and choosing YOUR OWN ADVENTURE

The only one that can't is Faber, otherwise yea even Drac and Ostane can
Nah, I'm done with you and your headcanon.

>Can the top mages even run out of mana?
Yes. It's heavily implied that they can run out of Mana. The Ford Auctor himself is heavily reliant on artificial leylines put into his metal skin suit to cast spells next to whatever other spellcasting method he might have.

The only people with unlimited mana seems to be anomalies or relics.
Why don't Ford or anyone else make their bodies super big to accommodate more artificial leylines?
What is the tier list of magic disciplines in Magi Case?
Ostane can just make an infinite mana generation device, and Drac can copy Faber.
But they don't because they're stupid.
I wish it explained more on what magic is in the universe, though. Although it’s not all that necessary, either. Fluff, then.
Or really I suppose Ostane could just create the mana directly.
Auctors owe me a sloppy BJ.
Does Helios even use Mana at this point?
>All the mana manipulation devices are either ford or ostane
>Not a single bit of faber on it despite it being their thing
it drives me nuts
Ushi Oni
Family Man (Lamia, +MATK)
Collector (+Gazer, +MATK)
Power Thief

There's so many more monsters (Cait Sith, Scylla, Thunderbird, Kobold, Medusa, Slime, Oomukade, etc) that I want to add to my harem I just can't take them right now
That's Faber not Ostane
I'm talking about Ostane's relic here, the one that creates anything.
its a One piece opening created by 4kids randomly and its a rap. It became a meme
Hyenanon here, I am making a sci-fi cyoa where (You) are an outlaw and have to fight groups of bounty hunters. I am thinking of naming it Apocrypha Advent, thoughts?
Faber are not good at machinery or invention. They can make leylines though.
I'd only care about snek
I always get fucked in Realistic mode when I roll to quit a career path.
2/4 chance to get btfo is way too damn high.
You probably shouldn't do that, Italics also has a cyoa with that name and they'd get mixed up.
Hyenanon is my little qt3.14 brown wife that makes cyoas for me :)
Reminder: Italics confirmed Evoco as a man.
Remainder: Anons are obsessed with cock and will lie if it means Evoco is a man
? But Italics came out and confirmed Evoco and Orochi are men.
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The need to fuck monster girls versus the total aversion to having kids...
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>the cock obsessed jealous author is back again trying to make Evoco a tranny
You know you've achieved total victory when they've tried to impersonate an author just to shill their homosex

I bet its tok mad that Evocogods made content for magi case and nobodies ever done so for any of his cyoas
Why not? Husanon is already making Luminary. Maybe the time has come for everyone to show a certain failed novelist what happens when you take 10 years to make a single cyoa.
Meds now
See: >>89197533
> Evoco was going to be a man, technically he still is despite occupying a girl's body.
You are so deluded, even italics himself can not show you the truth.
>is actually a woman
>actually its a man
Moon logic doesn't count
Yes, it is time for italics to take his meds and stop working on 20 projects at the same time.
He says was going to be a man, its a woman in final product
Galileo sweep
No it's a man inside the body of a woman. But really and not like the tranny expressions.
having kids means more monster girls to fuck
why that name
Keep fighting, my children
You exist to serve ME
You’re my meat
You’re my puppet
You exist for my entertainment
Dance, DANCE
God, I’m handsome
You missed the
> technically he still is
part. All that Italics changed was his current body, he was always mentally male.
I only have a singular option for snussy in the cyoa so as long as it walks, talks, and gets filled like a woman its a woman to me
Anyone who denies Evoco is a man is a faggot who doesn't deserve to fuck the snake. To be Evocos husband like me, you have to fully embrace the degeneracy. Have monster snake sex. Have loli cunny sex. Have every kind of sex in between. Rape and kill virgins together.

No one gets it but me.
Based. Imagine being in denial like the other retard. These two are the REAL evoco husbands.
>shapeshifter so enamored by you that they become a woman permanently for you
Kind of based
You niggahs gay.
Anons this cant be... I can't like Evoco anymore now...
I may be gay, but I'm not a faggot. Big difference.
Seeing Wolf (+Spirit Magic, +1R)

Recreational Vehicle

Derek Mason
Johnathan Woodrow
Brendan Hargrave
Total: -2

Superior Strength
Superior Speed
Superior Stamina
Superior Regeneration
Superior Agility
Superior Senses
Superior Resolve
Danger Sense
Silver Resistance
Iron Will
Maddening Howl
Predatory Aura
Dominant Aura
Big Dick Energy (+1R)
Spirit Magic
Blood Henna
Protective Aura
Majestic x2 -2 (+3R)
Total: -18

Leech Town (change location)
Enemy (With max power and reputation there isn't much he can do)
The sons of Odin (change location)
Eldritch Convocation (change location)
The unquiet dead (change location)
Hellmouth (change location)
Vortex +2 (change location)
Blood War +2 (change location)
Ragangeddon +8 (assuming something I'll explain later)
Total: +16

The Dark Sisters (information and also guards for Lady Dynuviel)
Lady Dynuviel (I'm going to assume that picking her either gives me special powers or means that I have powers beyond that of a werewolf because I did not take every single empowering perk that isn't either an inferior version of a different thing or an uglifier just to be told that some people are stronger than me and there's nothing I can do about it)
Total: -1

Reputation: 10+

Imma make the great beast my final bitch and chill in the new age (also do good stuff because that's what power fantasies are for)
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Blaise and Lucii always have been the superior choices, snussy isn't worth being gay
And I never take it slow, oh no

checking something
>What's he written?
"The Accursed" - or at least that's what I was told.
What an absolutely generic name. If I saw a book with a name like that and knew nothing else about it, I'd be very unlikely to give it a try.
Dorf (fire bombs, against the odds)
Werebear (bear cub, moonshade elixir)
Paladin (Return Stolen Item -> Divine Favor)
Egyptian Elf (Aura Reading, Radial Magic)
Femonk (Acrobatics)
flip around smiting the wicked with fire bombs, clearing the trash-mobs while my buffed bear 1v1s tougher enemies
conqueror of the siren island, Dark Shadows -> Blessed Hoe, Royal Switcheroo -> Marriage, The Littlest Lich,
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Conduit (by Thrallherd)
The Prison
The Void of Colors
The Bleak Fields
Sunless Sea
The Crystal Spire
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The Rim
The Glass Desert
And that's image limit. If you haven't seen Conduit before, there are a lot, lot more worlds to choose from.

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