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Sexy Spider Girl edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits
>One Piece
>The other DBZ game
>Magi Nation
>Lord of the Rings

Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!

Pastebin/Rules for some games
>Dragonball GT SD
>Gate Ruler
>Build Divide
>Ashes Reborn
>Fusion World
>Various Japanese CCGs without western translation (page is in moonrunes)

voice chat for playing /acg/

>Last Threads
>>93371123 (the tard one)

>Thread Question:
How is/was the competitive side of your game?
how the fuck were their two threads and both pretty much at limit? how can mods ban half a thread for memes but not remove a duplicate thread?
The "tard one" was a thread that a schizo or a troll made for some reason (maybe because people were talking about "games that are mtg clones" or some other bullshit)(or maybe it was about the FaB talk, I really don't know).

The /acg/ thread without the subject (thread title) was created later (following acg conventions) and reached bump limit before the "tard one" that keeps from dying because some anon really don't want it to die by lack of replies.
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they were kinda both troll threads, hard to say really. one was clearly a smarmy reference with the /alter/ thing and the other was made by an anon so new he doesn't know how thread subject lines work.
amusingly both threads were probably some of the least cancerous discussion acg has seen in years. take that to mean whatever you like.
Do you guys like my playmat?
Is that the Dos Equis guy? Only one I recognize. Thought the middle guy was Vinny, but it's not him on further inspection.
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What's this guy's problem
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I know you edited over a catgirl playmat.
Also, Kevin should have a fruity candle/red bull in front of him.
I can fix her
he's too fucking hard to open (they all are)
Thanks for reminding me this exists anon I found it at a nearby store for 15$
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Bluebros we're so fucking BACK
cool draft mode bandai. dumb niggers can pick topku and draft as many kefla as they want. dogshit rewards, dogshit game mode.
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1 cost draw three(3)
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This could be the Sakazuki of Fusion World depending on how hard blue continues to lean into cost reduction.
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whys he so fucking stupid looking
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Because Daima is fuckin stupid looking
acgs need way more commitment to start playing so I don't feel as strong an urge to buy stuff. I feel like I could bury my room in board games just impulse buying the fairly cheap ones
Universus making any waves? It completely fizzled around here when the fourth MHA set dropped, so I've been out of the loop.
nice find
Why aren't there more card games that use face down cards? It's such a fundamental basic part of playing cards but the only games to use them that I can think of are yugioh and netrunner.
Every time someone brings it up, some other autist insists it's no different to having cards in hand.
The discussion then devolves into shitposting and autism beams.
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Its Green the worst-treated color in WIXOSS?
>always jobbers in the animes
> always jobbers in the manga
> always jobbers in the promotional material
>never the protagonist
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This is why I really like Smuggle in SWU.
Lorcana uses facedown cards
>Shit Archive
Cry more
Grand Archive is not fun though, the gameplay is just weird you fucking neg you hand just to play fucking allies
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Fuck FAB turned into Fuck Grand Archive?
I like the idea more than Fuck FAB at least
>How is/was the competitive side of your game?
Does anybody actually play any of the games listed? I haven't seen them for sale other than online or my local game store in years.
It just varies by location. One Piece, Lorcana, and Flesh and Blood are all popular at the moment.
>monster hands
>Vegeta (Mini): DA
Oh no...
You get those cards back though, it forces you to choose between playing powerful cards early at the expense of having fewer options.
Oh look a retard who only knows the word shit. Expand your vocabulary, you suck at trolling.

Don't think you're getting out of this either >>93440217, learn some standard grammar.

It's almost like the subpar level of IQ these people exhibit is a walking promotion for the game they can't seem to understand.
The structure deck did get some people in, but we have no events in a while.
Star Wars and Lorcana uses facedown card as respurces, while star wars are now introducing mechanic with these cards.
Grand Archive has facedown cards as a resource system.
L5r has facedown as a refresh mechanic.
Flesh and Blood has facedown as an additional hand, and now 3 pieces of gear.
Universus has specific characters who uses facedown cards as a mechanic.

But facedown as a set trap mechanic is rather rare (which is probably what you were asking for.
It does count as somethign else if it has a trap mechanic.
If the facedown card can only be triggered from a specific events, it is more definite then a card from hand, and is more interactable.
It would make sense for a mechanic if you have army movement and troops in the game (does sorcery have facedown cards)
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>Sexy Spider Girl
best I can do is creepy spooder in lingerie
it's not that uncommon. GOT and alpha clash both have trap cards too.
I don't think any other games make it as fundamental as netrunner, but that's just netrunner for ya.
In spycraft every card can be played facedown. You either can bluff card you can't play in the game (if your opponent has anyway to reveal them and it is "ilegal" then you have to discard it) or play cards that you can play but don't want to reveal them right away (when you put the cards into missions/etc they get revealed and you pay their price)

Like I have said: It is a great 3+ player ccg (as a 1x1 it is not that good imo, but in a multiplayer game it becomes really good)
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Legions! has some effects that turn cards face down.
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There's only a couple effects which do something nonstandard with smuggle (an alternative cost, eg First Light, or an additional effect, eg Hotshot Blaster) but it has a lot of room to expand over future sets.

That said, I find it slows gameplay down (because you have to check your resources to scan all your available actions) and also competitively it adds a lot of (entirely opt-in) variance by way of locking you out of your top card, so I think they need a strong push to be competitive viable.
oh true, spycraft is a bit like netrunner with making the facedowns a core part of the game.

unfortunately good 1x1 and good multiplayer rarely go together. one is always half-assed for the sake of the other. game of thrones probably got the closest I can think of. that one was multiplayer first with all the VTES-style political elements, but scaled back to a duel it still functioned decently well.
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I hate Grand Archive
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Sorry, anon. Sexy spider girl is in the other WoD game.
now post the other side
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Tried out Alpha Clash, and it's really fun. Mtg with Battleground and trap effects plus a commander, where everything is lands (i.e. The main thing every mtg-similar game changes). The game has a growing community and very engaged designers, and it's neither kitchen sink fantasy nor anime themed.

Someone near me is trying to push phygital cancer via Altered, but I think is going to be my "not dead yet" /acg/ for the foreseeable future.
And ruin the illusion? Why would I do that?
I think someone asked about acgs at gencon the other day
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>Sexy Spider Girl edition
New events don't even have any prizes bros. It's so over...
Gotta say even tho some people does not enjoy Rivals, they using it as a cardgame for all splats in WoD is an excellent idea.
Too bad WoD5 TTRPG is an afterthought for Paradox and I doubt we gonna have all splats in Rivals.
I'm real surprised to see they soon releasing a Werewolf themed deck. But W5 was a massive L for them and it would be a miracle to see the remaining splats.
Wow they basically have everything
Also, wow, this looks like barely readable trash. Did you crop the days of the week on top? Or what? This table is confusing af
Sound more like a you problem, than a game problem.
A better complaint would be the existence of dungeon guides and grand crusader's ring, cards that fit basically all decks, and make other cards obsolete and inferior by merely existing. (grand crusader's ring does that to elemetnal baubles)
Yeah the rings and the virtually similar cards like backup charger really fuck things up in terms of deckbuilding. Looking at all these top decks, its just all 4x Dungeon Guides, 1x Backup charger and either a Grand Crusader Ring or Quicksilver Grail. They should really do something about this by the next expac. So far only Lorraine can get away with no Dungeon Guides because level 2 is already pretty dumb as far as champions go
I've heard about F&B and it seems kind of neat but I've also heard it's pretty expensive
There is a decent scene in my area, and I wouldn't mind give it a try but I'm trying to figure out my startup cost
It's very expensive, but you can get older staples from counterfeiters (that will pass inspection) for about $3/card, so if you're playing an older hero you can get into CC for about $2-300. Otherwise you're looking at $500ish for a competitive deck and $800+ for whatever the current hotness is.
How much did they pay you to shill here?
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>posts about a new game I like
>accused of paid shilling
Sorry I'll go back to shit posting and trolling.
>not a kitchen sink
Buddy Marvel has degraded your brain if you think Superheroes vs Little Girls vs US military vs Greek gods isnt kitchen sink slop
probably a frozen yogurt coupon or something.
alpha clash is pretty smalltime.
Those arent greek gods thats an alien and theres barely any little girls either
It's all pretty blatant marvel expies. standard comic book superhero team shit. I wouldn't call it kitchen sinky (or at least no more than its inspiration). that's a term I'd apply more to games with a lot of crossover or things like MTG and FAB that start with a fantasy setting and then just randomly start throwing in steampunk and time travelers because that's what is popular that month.
Fantasy kitchen sink means anything goes in the card game I mean magic and yugioh have every imaginable concept as a monster or creature at this point.
right, I get it. but anon was saying that adding a Thor character to your game makes it kitchen sink just because you already have a Flash character and an Ironman character, and I don't agree with that. if your premise is Comic Book Superhero Game you almost have to hit those touchstones.
Moxie isnt Ironman though and alot of the Alphas have unexplained freakish physical abilities so going muh superman is cope. That cutie Haven having the ability to create shit from nothing and create pocket dimensions is very interesting though.
If it's something that is normally all in one setting then it's not kitchen sink. It's like saying if you have Humans vs Goblins vs Dwarfs vs Golems vs Slimes vs etc. then it's kitchen sink when this is just expected for the fantasy genre nowadays
You guys got ur LGS timetable on a website or something?
Let's see your TCG schedules.
It cost around 100-200 for a normal deck.
A true competitve deck will have around 3 expensive equiptment, (cost around 30-50) and around 12 card of higher cost.
The best deck on the market cost 400.
Most other top deck cost around 400 too
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LOL what are you smoking that the best deck costs only $400?

This is the deck that won BH Bali
fab anons always lie about how much their game costs. It's the same story every time the subject comes up. they'll either play down singles prices as anomalies, cherry pick decks that have an artificially low number of rare cards, or if all else fails panic and start drawing comparisons to Big 3 deck prices.
>It's like saying if you have Humans vs Goblins vs Dwarfs vs Golems vs Slimes vs etc. then it's kitchen sink
It is.
>It cost around 100-200 for a normal deck.
Its more like 400-500 for a normal deck. Then there are a couple more expensive ones and usually the two worst decks still go for about 300.
The other guy is full of shit but these websites are never right about card prices.
Damn all the more reason to play BLITZ my favorite format FUCKCC
Not really, I'm a fab anon but am honest about prices and the fact that legendary and mythic drop rates are predatory, leading to ridiculous prices. I've still got two CC decks (Viserai and Victor), but I haven't bought any of the expensive cards I can't get fakes of.

Love my $12 playset of c&c, tho.
Wow that sucks. Maybe they'll actually do some advertising and get retailers on board between now and then. Of the six LGS owners I've talked to, not a single one knew it was rereleasing, and only two of them were aware of it from the original run.
I'm explain to me how this changes the saga of the Storm launch? That's what they were selling in the Kickstarter, not the pve product. Did this delay fuck up the pvp product as well?
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Planetary Qualifier locations (in the US) for SWU set 2. This'll be the highest level of competitive event for this set; but the lowest level of the competitive tier once larger events start in sets 3/4. First place earns sufficient, uh... tournament points...? to earn an invite to worlds.
>least retarded Kickstarter user
Saga of the Storm is the name of the whole game. Into the Accordlands is the name of the new set. This means the game isn't coming out until Q1 next year at the earliest rather than Q4 this year.

I dunno WTF you're talking about m8
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>not my lgs
Woah still nice though Arizona bros rise up
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How do you feel about handing out free cards to new players?
A sad tale. To answer your question, another player is priceless compared to cards keeping dust, if it helps onboard people into the scene then it is a simple no brainer
How will warlord ever recover from this? They rugpulled at the drop of a hat
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Ruuko chan...
Wrong game. Sorry guys.
No clue, avoid that side of the hobby like the fucking plague.

He's Boba Fett. Despite doing nothing in the films every piece of ancillary Star wars content must make him as awesome and bad-ass as possible. Thus he ends up being wank in games.

That's a great find for $15! I don't get to play Ashes as often as I'd like, but I do love it.

Godzilla decks just came out in June. Tempted to buy them just because.

I think Universus needs to get an IP they can really milk and draw people in who maybe aren't into MHA.

Keyforge also has facedown with archiving cards.

You're not allowed to genuinely be excited about things around here. That's the rules.

But it looks like a superhero TCG? Could be interesting.

It got the reputation of being super expensive when 1st edition and Unlimited were things, a d people would have decks made entirely of the more expensive 1st edition cards.

Now it's more affordable, and getting a whole booster box for $100 or less isn't uncommon.

That sucks. I'll patiently wait, ultimately, but that sucks.

Blitz is love. But I just like being able to get in 3-4 games in a night.

Nice to see one of the local shops here in Utah on that list. Maybe that'll mean they'll actually have some fucking product.

I support them. I'd rather wait a couple more months, have time to set aside a little more for more product, and not have them risk shit getting lost and damaged by overworked delivery people who are so fried they give zero fucks.
>trying to sell bulk to new player at 10/€
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>Keyforge also has facedown with archiving cards.
Hell yeah
It's just me, or are we having another card game craze revival? Just found out, Neopets is also releasing a new card game.
I've always wondered, is the art in Grand Archive all made with the help of AI? I don't recognize a single piece of art as done by something or someone else
Well so far all the revivals have been things people actually cared for:
-VTeS (the black chantri release from 6 years ago and still going)
-DBZ (the panini release from 7 years ago and now dead because Bandai revoked the license)
-VS system ( I think from 7 years ago, not sure)
-Doomtown (Kickstarter 7 years ago and now being produced as a lcg)
-Magi Nation (Kickstarter for last set and now will return, this year project)
-Warlord (a 20th anniversary mini set in 2020 and now Kickstarter for first set of a relunch, this year)
-Neopets (revival in a promotional set, this year)

(and yeah, companies have been reviving things for a long time)

There are a few more games that I think deserve to be revived and probably have chances to:

-Wars (a more flexible StarWars tcg by the same company : Decypher)
-Star Wars Destiny
-Transformers Tcg
The artist is listed on the card. Ask them.
I'm going to cut to the chase here, this project was designed to make money not memorable and lasting games. If you think this shit will last, you're majorly going yourself.

Do you want to be rugpulled hard? Get into neo zoo. Be my guest.
Going = fooling. My swipe texting accuracy is getting worse.
This but for SWU
ah yes the very not-fake Red Seal Gaming in scenic city of New Jersey, NJ, a place that definitely exists.
Absolutely. They're moving at breakneckspeed and cutting major corners. They don't care if this game lasts, they just want it to be on top of everyone's wishlist while their contract is in effect and they can make money off of it.
>There are a few more games that I think deserve to be revived and probably have chances to:
>-Wars (a more flexible StarWars tcg by the same company : Decypher)
>-Star Wars Destiny
>-Transformers Tcg
Man you fucking love Star Wars huh
If I get a session or two of casual fun with the starter decks I will get my money's worth. No illusions about neo-fucking-pets having a huge competitive scene
Play the hot dog card and fuck the soup faerie every card game you buy doesn't have to be your life
"I fucking love star wars!" - reddit letter media
Unironically yes, but FFG is so bad at things they can't even do that right - super underprinted, pulling it from Asia, etc.

the art sucks too
-Wars TCG
Star Wars TCG by decypher was for a long time one of the "big 2" in US (until like 1999) It only ended because WotC bought the license for Star Wars as a way to direct remove a competitor from the market...
Wars tcg has almost the same rules but is more open for deck building (in SWTCG you either play empire or rebels, while in Wars you get "aspects" by what planets you control and play things by meeting aspect "threshold")(Other than that the game is the same, you get a number of cards from top of your deck as resource based on locations in play, any unused one goes to your hand at the end of turn, there is lifedecking)

It is a unique game engine that was popular, Wars was the attempt at doing an updated game (after losing the license) but failed probably because Decypher got robbed and went bankrupt.

-Star Wars Destiny
It was a successful game that got canned because it "was too hard to put dice and matching cards together", It was being sold in more than 30 countries and had more than 6 oficial translations, it almost became part of the "big 4"

It was a popular game from around 2003-2006, lots of translations in multiple languages and was sold in lots of countries.

-Transformers TCG
I did not play it until recently, It is simple and uses a popular franchise, maybe it got canned for low sales or some bullshit by Hasbro.

There are other games I would like to see back: Middle Earth (impossible because the company died and the license is expensive) ; Lord of the Rings TCG (same thing) ; Legend of the five rings tcg (FFG will never admit failure and will never leave it go)
forgot to add a pic from Wars.

(also the stories/fiction for the game are cool)
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Why even get the artist for a lot of Gwent cards if you don't want them to copy that in house style
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I guess they were trying to target a younger demographic? Shit looks cartoony
Star Wars isn't really something a 15 year old would be into imo.
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4c Droids doesn't need to be banned btw
Niggas still playing Broly.
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>Brody on Zen
Azalea bros, we're not gonna make it this misty season, are we?

When are they going to acknowledge they fucked up with tiger boy? Yet another last minute addition to a set that ends up tilting the scales too much towards it.

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