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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


Mistakes into miracles, edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
Endless Spells are free, will you use any?
>Endless Spells are free, will you use any?
I hage already incorporated the Burning Head into the fluff of my army.
Idoneth Endless Spells when?
>Endless Spells are free, will you use any?
I have a printer and I'm not retarded, so yes I will take free units.
4e is so cringe I'm going back to 3e


Of course, and I always offer to bring more if my opponents don't have the endless spells.
But how do you decide which of you gets to use Malign Manifestations, roll-off?
>give Deceiver and Deathmaster actually good warscrolls
>Give 0 Eshin support
I swear to God if we don't get new Runners in the upcoming previews
Haven't been here since fucking Kragnos kill all my interest in AoS. How's 4th? Are Nu!Chorfs or Nu!Delves anywhere near?
>The Pale Moon
Creates a 6" aura of High Tide and deepstrike aethersea units can arrive with 6" of it
>Aethersea Roil
Enemies treat as difficult terrain within 6", allies can reroll charges against units within 6"
>Frenzied Shoal
Mobile schools of fish that deal mortal wounds and improve rend of allies within combat range
Chodes soon Dælves never

Well no, I'm not quite that nice ;)
NuPosting is so cringe talk like a human being also within 5 years

4ths core rules are great but there are issues, endless spells being free points wise means they are mandatory, and one set of them reigns supreme so everyone brings that.
Not! Gravetide and it has to go in one direction
not! Nashing Jaws 2+ d6 MD and more CC attacks. Slower.
> the CONCH
Reduce enemy control score. Pick a unit in any combat phase roll a d3 2+ Strike Last, -1 to hit, -1 to save debuff stack the later the BR.
Fuck this gay ass game I need my RAPE ELVES. The COOL RAPE ELVES, not whatever shit Morathi has going. She gets bonus points for Monstergirls but there is a serious lack of heavy armour and big fucking swords I find unacceptable. Also I hate red and blue doesn't much with the faction them fo blood blood and more blood.
Fine, I'll call them Umbraneth Edge-lords.
>Umbraneth Edge-lords.
Based and Ulgupilled
I have had it up to here with literal dark elves and would like there to be something more than
>good elf
>bad elf
I unironically hope Malerion is just genuinely a good guy. Just a little guy
Honestly no idea why they are sitting on Delves for so long, elf armies print them money
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I bet you’re really fun at parties.
Umbranaeth Shaede leurkers
They have like triple the materials of other Skaven units my guy, it's not hard to see what goes where, there's just a lot of shit to do.
deceiver maybe, deathmaster is a stretch.
It's the Umbraneth Shade Kings actually.
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I'd not know but I could totally believe they manage to make it sound even worse than literal online shitposting. I'd like to say GW is retarded but at this point, it's like saying the grass is green.
Just a little cute rape shadow moster god
Umbranaethi shaedou kiengs
I play Lumineth, they're a magic based army. Should I use the endless spells?
>magic based army
>should I use ---- spells?
I assume this is a rhetorical question
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Chorfs are so close we can almost taste them. Absolutely coming this edition.
I wouldn’t use spells with a magic based army. Just sit there with your thumb up your ass instead
>I unironically hope Malerion is just genuinely a good guy. Just a little guy
We can have it both ways. A genuine ally of Order, but ruthless towards the other GAs, with his Umbraneth treating followers of chaos and death with all of the expected cruelty of dark elves.
I mean given who Malekith was I expect him to be completely brutal and ruthless but fair, but I'm also one of the dudes that doesn't believe the "Ushoran is totally sane and super evil" hypothesis so do with that what you will.
If he’s exactly the same as his was in WFB I sincerely hope they retcon him being the Phoenix King.
Him being too spiteful, selfish, and self absorbed to burn for his race and be reborn as king is Kino. Him finally realizing it was Kino. Please for the love of God GW don’t fuck this up please
I disagree, him being the rightful king in the Dawi's eyes in spite of fuck elves and fuck dark elves in particular was kino.
Do we have any info on the Stormcunt riding the big fucking bird? It's basically the only thing that made me check this edition.
>A genuine ally of Sigmar*
Ate Teclis
Ate Tyrion
Ate Mi Bitch Mother, not a misogynist I just don’t like snakes
That would suck though. My only thing I want from WFB characters and factions is some kind of development. That’s just that nigga doing the same thing.
I think he might have meant "Should I use the Lumineth Endless Spells instead of a generic set?". That's the only reasonable interpretation I can make of it.
You're just asking for DoK dude
We've got rules and fluff for all the new units.
>Genuine ally
Shut the fuck up Morathi, you parasite
Nagash should’ve killed you desu
I agree that they should be changed somehow with time, like my headcanon for Ushoran is tha this noble soul was so incompatable with the changes Nagash made when reconstituting his initial batch of Mortarchs that he rebelled resulting in the eventual gay baby jail and madness to fuse the two opposing directives. Malerion should probably be a bit different having achieved some of the power and recognition he felt is his birthright but his spite towards the Lumineth should still be present since he doesn't have dominion over all he considers kin.
I love it when my genuine allies raze my city to the ground and kill me for literally no reason
NTA. I remember when I first found out about Mourkain I was mad as fuck. Fuck Neferata. I imagine he was doing that shit over again and Neffy fucked him again either fabricating a rebellion he had no choice but to participate in or lying to Nagash.
Well the answer to that is maybe. Lumineth seems to be able to land near the top with either its own or Malign given a single week's tourney results to practicing with the Lumineth ones might be best since MAlign is likely on the short list to be nerfed.
Any pdfs/links? Doubt I'll find anything in the wikies.
There's a free pdf on WarCom titled Assault on Hel Claw or something like that. It includes one or two paragraphs of fluff about all the units in the launch box. I think it's all the same text you can also find in the official AoS app.

Just play Deepkin and pretend they're Deldar bruh. Or just play Slaanesh.
Whats good in IJ right now? points look pretty tight Im thinking ardboys are the best pick. Cabbages probably not worth?
Ended up heading to the shop anyway just to see what was going on. Turns out someone earlier in the day traded some in. Built and primed with a little basecoat thrown on in some spots. Melee configuration with the bases magnetized. $40.
I couldn't not.
That's correct, IJ works the opposite of how an Orc army should work. Big pigs and chantas/weirboyz are also good, Brutes are ok if you can protect them but everything else is ass, easily a bottom 3 army. Please don't look at what Kruleboyz get for the same points.
Deathmaster is cool, but he's super over priced. Also it's bullshit he can't be an underclaw for a Deceiver.
Best-case scenario your Master Splinter-ass subfaction gets shunted to OW, worst case it gets to gimp on for another edition with a pity unit forever overshadowed by the real subfactions like Spiderfang.
Happy you got a good deal bro. Fiends and acolytes are the only two Skaven units I don’t have. (Honestly just don’t like em)
Fair enough. Personally I love fiends a ton. Only think I'm not super fond of is the brain rats really. Acolytes I can't blame you on especially when it takes almost $100 to field a single squad that dies to a mild breeze, though there's a very good chance that they'll be refreshed here in a few months.
...so about that roadmap
ironjawz did way better than KB at the GTs last weekend.
The generic endless spells are probably better.
people are still at the mental point where they imagine KB are doing all their tricks twice a round.
TBF IJ is a much lower skill floor than KB. KB cheats almost as much as Nighthaunt but is both random and requires knowledge of when to lean on and when to abandon which cheats.
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Who saved Har Kuron, Azyr and Excelsis?
He spies on sigmar but other than that he's been more loyal than the rest of GA order outside of Grungni and Grimnir. And Grimnir doesn't really count for much since he immediately went and died and his followers basically do whatever they feel like at that moment
What colors go with dark purple and silver
Yellow, gold, wine colored red.
pale green.
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Hey gamers. Are we allowed to talk list-building here? My local is starting an AoS league soon and I wanna play Hedonites with Slaanesh Daemons. For models, I have the blade carnival box, the "Start Collecting" Slaanesh Daemons, 10 seekers I got from a friend, a Demon Prince, and some loose toys to try and scratch build a Glutos model. Is this enough to make a fun and playable list?
>Are we allowed to talk list-building here?
No... I will chop off your tongue if you talk about list building...
Jokes aside, please note that you can't take a Daemon Prince in Hedonites.
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Can you take them in in Daemons, then? Have Hedonites and allied Daemons with the Prince leading that side?
Magenta, or orange.
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what each faction doing with the Vermindoom

>Ruination chamber is send out on mass to fight the vermintide.
>Hammer of sigmar and Hallowed Knight is the largest Stormhost participating but the Astral Templar and Sons of Mallus are achieve the most success from their Vanguard chamber assassination and sabotage

>Suffering massive hysteria and upheaval as settlements are isolated and/or pick off & realmgates are flicking
>Crusades are still launched as no amount of bloodshed is too high

>Slann predicted the vermindoom and various starhost has landed on free cities and directed their aquilths to become moats of cleansing borders against the skaven corruption

>Lumienth becoming more common around free cities causing racial tension among the free civilians
>Not helping is their nuking multiple warding runes on top of settlements without warning

>Fighting skaven on the coastline has gain morathi slowly gaining popularity in Har Kuron and the surrounding strongpoints

>The best prepare as souls where stockpiled in advance and various raiding parties launch into the gnaw
>High King Volturnos leveraging his aid to his political allies for more resources while Fuethan is saying every man for themselves

>Vermindoom blighting the realmroots as Sylvaneth are isolated, Skryre been deforesting & poisoning swaves of grooves & even some connected to the pathways have straight up withering up to point of death

>Mobilizing on mass to reclaim various magmahold across the Adamantine mountains to act a defensive wall against the Gnaw horde
>Soul Wars caused a massive casualty rate to the heir of Grimnir that females are now drafted into battle
Lol, lmao even. The only allies are regiments of renown and none of them include a Prince so the best you can do is StD with a Prince because there's only Tzeench, Nurgle, and Undivided RoRs.
>Vermindoom is deem bad for business as skyports are attack by skaven blimps & warmpstorm thunderclouds
>Dawnbringer crusades does provide succours and the rate of Aether-gold is burning alarmly high
>Barak Thryng has send armadas to aqshy to aid fyreslayer cousins

>Gunnar Brand uniting all the Darkoath across the Adamantine mountains against the slaven

>Doing alright however the bones from the skaven turn out to be rotten and souls inside some mortek have cause some level of rebellious outburst resulting in their eradication
>Kratakos still on that shit with the slayer of kings and is overlooking these cracks as it helping his siege against archaon

>Various rat like mutation across the vampire bloodlines, growing tails and becoming social pariahs like Kritza or just outright killed out
>Some curb this corruption through full body blood transplant which was so painful that only the desperate are doing so

>the fear of the Hour of Ruin has feed the nighthaunt however the gnaw is too corrupt for the nighthaunt to enter and the demon of chaos has spearheaded invasion into nighthaunt territories

>Kruleboyz are perfecting their craft against the Skaven (that pretty much all we know what the orks are doing)

>Maneater stock high as mercenaries are in high demand by Free cities but the taste of skaven has grown tiresome to eat
>Famine ravage the land resulting in ogres dying from starvation as the ogres come to the conclusion that the skaven must be dealt with

>Skaven spilling into the grot lurklairs despite their attempt to make it inhospitable resulting in full blown war underground

>Various Crusades have been taking gargant with them for extra protection
>Skaven have built giant warptsone caltrops against them
Well... There's no "daemons" army in AoS, and allying is no longer a thing as of 4th edition...
But you could probably easily get away with running the DP as Sigvald, though.
You look short of 2k points I would recommend more slickblade seekers and blissbarb archers, and for list building you'll need a demon hero that can take seekers and demonettes, the exalted chariot cannot. The Masque would work well.
we don't have allies like that anymore.
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>Slann predicted the vermindoom
sigvald or syll'esske.
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Got my endless spells in just finished gravetide and am working on purple sun!
You might not like it, but this is peak male physique.
Is this is a summary of some lore thing or just a creative writing exercise
The vampire bit is interesting
I'm not sure if it's your poor grammar or what but I'm confused as to what's happening on the NH front. Shit is too demonic for NH to invade skavenblight but ???
Most of it's legit from what I can tell
Is Torgillius an auto take for sbgl that run deathrattle/deadwalkers? Was thinking of either taking him or Cado with the bonuses to cast/unbind/banish
depends, you got a peak at the list you're running so I can get an idea?
basically taken from the free "Battle of Hell Claw" PDF & the Core rule book faction sections

the reason why didn't put BK, DT, MN or HS is because that there like nothing about them what their doing during the Hour of Ruin other then like not unique shit like "Bloodthrister leading the legion of blood in the hour of doom" like shit like that

The Gnaw is too warpstone irritated to invade so their just picking off Order settlement due to existential dread of death that the mass hysteria has caused. However the demon of chaos has been embolden and been invading further into their territories

also like Nagash is almost back
SBGL Deathrattle (1960 points)


Grand Alliance Death
Soulblight Gravelords
2000 Points Limit
Drops: 3

Spell Lore - Lore of Undeath
Manifestation Lore - Morbid Conjuration

General's Regiment
Mannfred von Carstein, Mortarch of Night (410)
• General
Black Knights (320)
• Reinforced
Grave Guard (300)
• Reinforced
Regiment 1
Necromancer (140)
• Amulet of Screams
• Lash of the Sire
Deathrattle Skeletons (100)
Deathrattle Skeletons (100)
Fell Bats (90)
Regiment 2
Cado Ezechiar, The Hollow King (180)
Black Knights (160)
Black Knights (160)

Cado costs the same as ol' torgillius and i feel he has more utility but torgillius is better in the disease matchup
You fool I've tricked you into looking at a normal list Ahahahahahahah.

But honestly Torg might be a bit better.
Can’t believe Archaon shattered the Elden Ring
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anyone else find it weird that the ruination chamber is supposed to be the most grizzled veterans you only pull out as a last resort, but in the rules reclusians whole draw is "annihilators but cheaper" ?
Why is it that the 40k and Heresy threads are full of models crafted by users but this thread is just autism posting
They're "Annihilators but have a bunch of offensive buff infrastructure and a 5+ ward/3+ resist roll"
>5+ ward/3+ resist roll

eh, do they really though? ONE unit has those per turn, and the ward only if you are running their specific subfaction. i guess if a single unit of reclusians is your only ruination unit thats true
>someone painting their endless spells different
Thank fuck finally it looks good anon
You didn't post anything
You only need one reinforced unit of them and just bounce it between them and prosecutors as needed.
I mean, how good of a fighter can they be if they died so often?
there are a couple anons myself included that try to get modelposting rolling but it never gets more than 5 replies. I don't know if people here don't paint or afraid some schizo will shit on thier minis
I like how it holds the weapon like a dick.
Honestly I agree with you.
I already disliked that they made him phoenix king in end times which makes no sense why would Asuryan make him his chosen when he killed and tortured countless elves.
>but he's the descendant of Aenarion
doesn't matter when other of his blood exist it's literally fanfiction tier writing and malekith works best as someone who had the potential to be great but his resolve was too weak making him eternally bitter.
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sry Im slow painter and dont have much to post.
My latest. I have 6blightlords and 6 horrors in wip.
I got called names because I also post my stuff elsewhere and schizos can't handle not being married to 4chan so I don't bother
shizos dont just shit on their minis (though they do do that), they will use the pictures to try to track down your various other media platforms, starting with reddit but people have even had their instagrams or facebooks doxxed before.

the secret santa even had an incident a few years back with threatening hatemail. so for a lot of people its just not worth exposing yourself to anonymous psychos unless this is the only place you post
I mean if yo post something here that you also posted on anything linked to your irl social media accounts then you're completely retarded and deserve to be doxed. I wouldn't worry about some schizo calling you out on posting minis on reddit though as long as you don't have anything connected to your account there
One of the best versions I've seen. You should dot some blood drops on the ground though, under his belly and chin. That'd really sell it.
>then you're completely retarded and deserve to be doxed.

proving my point right here
I mean you're in a place with literal autistic schizos, not being at least somewhat cautious is asking for trouble
to the bullies who found my reddit from pics here: stop being so hecking mean and downvoting my posts! I'm about to cry
this shit thread is literally worse than 40kg because of retards like you and that is really quite a feat
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I'm so fucking greatful GW remembered Slann are supposed to be frogs and didn't even attempt to take from this absolutly awful toad design
Thats great idea, thx. I made second varghulf conversion from body of that mutant vampire lord but I have it only primed.
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Quick pic related.
Of all vengorian conversions I've seen this is by far the most hideous
And not in a good way
yes, they did, they hoarded aqualiths in preparation

they're gonna make it rain and cleanse the lands anathema
The piercing and pull fur sculpting never looks good, just take the time to roll sausages, sculpt them a bit and layer
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Been working on the house so I’ve really not had time to get around to these guys. Here’s a WIP
Wait, that's the obvious Seraphon rumour engine isn't it?
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Today i learned Ossuary is a real word that exists and is where the term Ossiarch comes from
And knowing is half the battle!
>>Doing alright however the bones from the skaven turn out to be rotten and souls inside some mortek have cause some level of rebellious outburst resulting in their eradication
I'm honestly surprised they tried at all.

Also, why's the Darkoath allowed to fight the Skaven while the beasts were slaughtered for the potential of doing so?
How tall is that dude?
Because BoC was discontinued as a playable army.
I'm honestly not sure what I expected. Fair enough.
You don't even play them outside the subfaction, its the only way they're worth it. They might just be too slow regardless. Annis can afford to get charged first, that's their entire thing, they have a clear role. Questors get the same bodies and attacks for far cheaper, make their own ward, and teleport themselves, have a clear role. Vanqs also cheaper and better at the "get these clanrats/direwolves off this secondary obj" role also. Praetors same bodies, same attacks, get the same ward and share it with a hero, again easy identifiable role. All the alternatives are also getting +1 hit all the time off the warrior subfaction. If Recs were 10 guys with 3d6 charge like chosen and didn't have to take a 210 point tax hero for their fight twice like chosen I'd all over them but they aren't.
Why would that come from such a specific word?
Could it be that there is a MUCH more obvious common root word that you are not looking at?
An Ossurary is literally where bones are kept retard
No way, I thought they were all nonsnse names with no thought behind them like Aelves
Seen that technique and decided it dosnt look like bat fur to me. Also my first time doing it so I dont expect perfection.
Blow me scrub.
He is 4-5 ish cm. Smaller in hight than Archregent model. I wish they give you at least some head option with it but I like how he looks, I was sceptical then they announced it.
NTA, the latin word for bone is "ossis"
>unit is not worth playing outside their subfaction
>subfaction only benefits up to 300/2000pts of your army per turn.

it shit all around. ruinations rules execution is total garbage. remove the once per (army) clauses, adjust the points if you have to, and then we'll talk
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Finished unit of Skellies, just gotta finish the bases.
Far left one included so I can see my improvements, it was painted 2 years ago for cursed city.
Bleak Citadel is better than a lot of subfactions. I suppose that's relative. I mainly look at as a way to save points by primarily allowing you to play prosecutors.

The only genuinely good Stormcast subfaction is ironically the soon to be squatted one.

Bringing back a 5 wound dracocator every battleround is great.
For me it's kind of the inverse: I'm embarrassed to still use this shithole, and don't want anyone outside of it to know that I do.
Its ok, dracolines aren't exactly great. The best subfaction is easily warrior chamber. Maybe they release some kind of stormcast chaos knights or varanguard and then its a completely different story.
I made the mistake to post some of my converted fyreslayers with pink mohawk and two guys started to rant about trans people and woke and half of the thread degenerated into a fistfight with no one commenting on my models so I won't bother anymore.
>which makes no sense why would Asuryan make him his chosen when he killed and tortured countless elves.
He didn’t start off torturing people Malekith was a perfectly fine elf until all that stupid shit happened. The problem was by the time he stepped into the flame he was jaded as fuck and didn’t care about anyone so when it burned him he had no reason to stay in it. IIRC he felt completely entitled to it despite his only claim being blood relation and nothing of morality or deeds

I mean we’re talking about Warhammer. Also what’s wrong with it? It’s a god fire named after a Phoenix. It was stupid of Malekith to think he wouldn’t burn. What greater show of willingness to rule than burning in fire for your people?
Ah, that makes sense
They do that everyday regardless. Seems to have ramped up 10 fold since ukraine.
A hobby imageboard with extremely unpleasant connotations and associations. Not interested in explaining constantly to everyone that I'm not a deranged political freak despite posting on the deranged political freak website.
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Reclusians look cool so I'm going to use them.
Need to get mine finished, hopefully tonight.
You might be debilitatingly autistic and/or have zero friends if you don't understand why someone wouldn't want their IRL acquaintances to know that they browse 4chan
>The problem was by the time he stepped into the flame he was jaded as fuck and didn’t care about anyone so when it burned him he had no reason to stay in it.
>IIRC he felt completely entitled to it despite his only claim being blood relation and nothing of morality or deeds
That's exactly my point he had the right to become the phoenix king but lacked the qualities of being a king.
>Also what’s wrong with it? It’s a god fire named after a Phoenix.
>It was stupid of Malekith to think he wouldn’t burn. What greater show of willingness to rule than burning in fire for your people?
That's why him being the true phoenix king is stupid and comes across as fanfiction
lmao poor schizo felt called out. People like you are the reason we get no modelposting here. Please do us all a favor and end yourself
Because most of the posters here just kinda suck and I don't really care about their opinions or see how posting models here would benefit me in any way
>still thinking you're not allowed to go anywhere else on the internet if you use your secret club full of literal schizos
it's not 2010 anymore grandpa, just kys
What is the current strongest noob faction in AoS 4e?
>That's why him being the true phoenix king is stupid and comes across as fanfiction
I don’t see why. What better time for him to step up and take the mantle when the race is dying and the world is ending? And from what I remember reading the Malekith that stepped into the fire wasn’t the same spiteful cunt that ran from it. That’s why I walked into it again other than wanting to laugh at the asur for “denying” him
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>Not interested in explaining constantly to everyone that I'm not a deranged political freak despite posting on the deranged political freak website.
>deranged political freak website
You're talking about the entire modern internet retard.
Social media websites like Twitter has even more deranged people that makes 4chan look like a fucking kindergarten hell even reddit is more political than 4chan.
Like I said if you're so worried what other people think about you, you don't belong here and should leave failed normalfag.
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New WWorld diorama

The one you like the look of.
Me when I spend 98% of my life on the internet
how fucking big is that.
>I care so little I had to reply
Considering how tiny Ionus looks I'd say it's roughly xbawkshueg.
Most people don't even know what 4chan is.
>makes a connection between things that have no correlation to each other
The irony of calling me a schizo
That wasn't the point retard if you're embarrassed to use this website then maybe you should stop using it
You have models for scale
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That's a lot of SCE. Like, a lot. They're gonna need more rats.
Pure total kino

Only point of critic that I have is that there are not enough rats, there should be no room to navigate
Kino except the stormies ruin it
Would be nice if I could actually see it. When is warcom gonna use non ant pictures?
I'm not that anon and I'm not embarassed, I really don't care. I'm just not utterly autistic and understand why any semi-functional adult human being would not want to be associated with this place. People like you are one of the main reasons. Even considering the state of this board, no respectable painter is posting here because they have to use other platforms and some retard with too much free time will inevitably try to harass them
They publish magazines about their dioramas.
>You can read all about the making of this in issue 503 of White Dwarf, available to pre-order on Saturday.
Did they mean to say Saturday next week? They didn't announce a new WD issue last Sunday.
GSG Troggoths is pretty retard-proof. Nighthaunt are currently busted and one of the easiest armies to paint so that's also an option but they're a slightly more complicated to play than "trundle forward & smash" and they ignore a ton of rules so they're not great for learning the game.
That's a lot of popsicle sticks
>I'm not that anon and I'm not embarassed, I really don't care. I'm just not utterly autistic and understand why any semi-functional adult human being would not want to be associated with this place.
The you should also avoid to be associated with sites like Twitter that are objectively worse than 4chan
>People like you are one of the main reasons.
What are you talking about? you're accusing me of something unspecified I haven't done.
>Even considering the state of this board, no respectable painter is posting here because they have to use other platforms and some retard with too much free time will inevitably try to harass them
It seems like you don't like using this site and that's why I'm asking why you continue to do so when you say that other sites are better.
Just eyeballing it, at least 4' tall.
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>the Clawlord screams in his raspy voice
>never heard those sounds before, sounds like gibberish
>takes a few seconds to process the syllables
>another few to mentally set them all in order and decode their meaning
>have to reprocess because never heard the phrase before
>he's screaming "WE ARE OUTNUMBERED"
Cool calcium people.
But why pink mohawks? Are they girls(male) or mad max dwarfs?
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Because anon decided that pink is a cool color, retard
please let sigmar not be embarrassed GW he’s been taking L’s consistently since early 2E. The only thing he hasn’t fucked up is Archaon’s varanite scheme
nighthaunt can be ass for 7 years and then they're good for one week and people treat their existence with disdain like lumineth. They're aren't busted the only thing going on is the ruleset wants you to run giant blocks of 100 dudes instead of 3 400 point monsters and they've always played that way because its all they've ever had.
Thanks anon, I saw a similar idea online and had to steal it!

Only other "unique" version of doing shit I have plans for is painting the pendulum more shadowy like the Ulgu spell from fantasy. The rest I got no clue for!
>Stormcast flaw is obvious
>Can't even hide his fuck ups now they're needed to combat little ratmen lmao
>Kowtowing to Morathi and Malerion at the expense of his loyal followers
>Crusades of human initiative not his own or backed by SCE on his orders
>New gods popping up every week worshipped by humans but actually helping them, on top of a bunch choosing kurnoth
I'll never not be bothered by how lazy endless spells are like duplicating one skull for every instance of one on that model
Actual cadslop unlike fyreslayers
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>implying reinforced groups of Bladegheists/Harridans/Reapers is what's putting NH at the top of tourneys
They're good units, but it's Hexwraiths and Harrows that are a problem. Hexwraiths are immune to the usual counters for cav, are decently tough, and put out solid damage with their essentially always-on charge bonuses and debuff. Harrows pull nasty screening tricks and auto complete battle tactics. It's like the whole 10e Tyranid Biovore thing all over again if Tyranids weren't pillow-fisted and also undercosted.
>the ruleset wants you to run giant blocks of 100 dudes instead of 3 400 point monsters and they've always played that way because its all they've ever had.

This, basically. Rules heavily favor troops atm, and Nighthaunt just runs a good horde because...all they got is a horde lol.

I see some stuff changing (Endless Spells gonna get nerfed or cost points again before the Ed is over), but I dunno if they'll make sweeping changes big enough to alter the balance that has shifted towards troops over heroes and monsters.
The Scuttletide is probably the worst and ugliest model in all of AoS
Im kinda curious to see what kind of endless spells soulblight and nurgle gets.
Tbh the main two I was excited for was purple sun and gravetide, gravetide since I had a fun idea and purple sun since that spell was my favorite back in ye olden days.
Only works if you play one army anon but I when people match it with them. For example my kruleboyz it’ll be a lot of fog, rusty covered shit and waagh energy
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Lol, lmao even
This one always felt absurdly comical to me
It's like something you would see pop up in a Mario Party game or something
It's to make up for the cauldron and shroom nuke being the absolute coolest shit.

Fair point, but yeah that'd be only if I had plans to just stick to my only army (rats)
There are no usual counters for cav, cav spam is beating every faction and list that doesn't have it. 30-40 Black Knights, 20 dawnriders, 30 exalted seekers, 30 deathriders, 30 cavaliers, aggradons, or just big blocks of dudes that move as fast as cav anyway 36 gluttons, bladegheist, bloodsisters. There isn't isn't some huge power gap between nighthaunt any one else exploiting these things.
It's gotta be a joke, the skulls look like shit, the spectral smoke is nonsensical and goopy, and the chest is boring at best.
Jack in the box looking ass, I want kruleboyz spells but worry I’d get shit like this
I feel like there's something here, just have the chest not be floating, change the smokey effect on the skulls to be not shit and I think this could look pretty cool
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We will also be drawing five entries at random, and these will win every Stormcast or Skaven release (your choice!) up until the end of July 2025. Terms and conditions apply.

Terms and conditions:

excluding: resin or metal kits, products which are limited edition, collectors edition, special edition, numbered or finite stock edition, made to order, Forge World, merchandise, Licensed products (e.g. McFarlane Toys, Marvel Comics), promotional incentives or products exclusive to a separate promotion, magazines, paints, tools or hobby supplies. Digital products are excluded and all prizes will be physical format. Mixed faction boxed sets featuring the chosen faction and models from another faction are not included.
Most cav depend on charge bonuses to do their job and can be countercharged, screened or otherwise bogged down and worn down with high rend attacks, NH are unrendable, fly, have free retreat run and charge, and can charge in combat without a point/CP premium for any of those things.
frogs and toads are the same thing
The game has always had a problem with units that do every role at once with one thing, damage, speed, control, durability. A lot of monsters were capable of that last edition with the save stacking from finest hour, mystic shield, and aod so they could ignore their usual counter of poor wound efficiency. Right now some infantry spam and most heavy cavalry do damage, speed, control, durability in one unit. Only a few monsters still have it, leviadon, karazai, vhrodrai, belthanos.
Thats racist
pill me on the lizardmen
If their counters were good you wouldn't see them dominating. They're often the toughest hardest hitting fastest things in the game all the same time. They themselves are the best counter-chargers. Many of them even have recursion or retreat and charge. Power-through exist for basically no reason just to help them "get out of jail" for free. NH's version is just the "best" because they have everything, retreat, flying, wards, control 2, rend 2, but they pay for it with 4s and 4s.
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Here's my Cursed city army for a 1000pt tourney at LGS tomorrow.

I have no idea if it's strong but should be fun and flavorful.
That one has a campy charm.

Either oppressive magic from frogs plus lots of screens to keep said frogs alive, or dinosaurs riding dinosaurs melee focus.
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Chosen best lube up them bussies.

Hmm perhaps someone can help me, would it be better to run Chadukar as a generic vampire lord to get a trait and artifact?
I didn't say the counters for cav trivialize them, I said NH ignore even what little you can do to other cav.
What's the point of non-schizo mode radakur? He looks teeny tiny
oh shit the reclusian full kit literally everyone knows exist.
The amount of anti-cav in the indexes in general is really lacking. There's a shit load of anti inf and anti monster.

I don't have the other one, but basic radukar seems ok, he buffs the other cursed city stuff, kosargi give him a 5+ ward and get one themselves.
He also has a reroll charges aura spell, which seems fine.
Anit-charge is effectively anti-cav, but yeah it's usually just +1 rend. I get it, cav tends to have good saves, but it's not enough. Also if you want to see an anti-cav joke look at gore gruntas, holy shit what were they thinking.
Welp guess I'll pick up 10 skeletons and get myself a 2nd army.
It almost feels like gruntas and maw-krusha got punished for people playing them or something.
He's less than half the price while still being a vampire and buffing chaff. An entirely acceptable pick, especially at 1k.
Maw-Crusha can probably be made decent with a point cut, there's no saving gore-gruntas without a rewrite though. Even if they were 100 points it'd still feel bad to take them.
Ohp they just leaked the multipart Reclusian

So right now the stormacst list is
>Lord Relictor (WD spoils this + battle force)
>Lord Celestant (battleforce)
>Knight Azyros/ Tornus Redeemed (reveal)
>Multipart Reclusian

4 out the 8-9 kits post Launch box
i think darkoath look cool
Hell ye
>Lord Relictor (WD spoils this + battle force)
>Lord Celestant (battleforce)
what are you referencing for this?
>hurr durr manifestations need points
it's all so tiring,

Seriously, it hasn't been two weeks people need to chill out.
I feel like the tie in novel focusing on a Lord Ordinator suggests they'll get a new model, especially considering Reclusian forts and crusade settlements. Maybe a Knight Ordinator or a Reclusian version
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I like the pincer horns.

As if I wouldn't know you mongoloid uuuuhhh what could this word that includes the entirety of the word bone in it mean????

What I was trying to tell you is >>93441312

Next you're gonna tell me that the word dentist comes from dentures? I even put "much" in all caps to make it clear jesus goddamn fucking christ crying on the cross
Your perception is clearly flawed.
Bacchanal of Blood
Lore of Undeath
Morbid Conjuration

Radukar the Beast (general) 350
Ivya Volga 190
Dire Wolves* 280
Dire Wolves* 280

Belladamma Volga 230
Lady Annika 150
Fell Bats 90
Fell Bats 90

Lauka Vai 320

Total 1980

>want a Vargskyr because it's cool but bad
>want Torgillius because he's good but not cool
>both are 20 points too expensive to swap in without sacrificing something I really want or making the list play worse
nyehhhh I should probably drop Ivya since monster hunters aren't that valuable but I like her moxie, also reinforcing dire wolves is probably overkill especially if I take Torg.
SBGL models are ugly. The only cool ones are the skeletons, bats, wolves. The vamps are ugly af and not in a fun way.
your list has like zero damage dude.

>>93442048 here

Seems fun, I'll probably end somewhere similar when I expand my army because I like all the Vyrkos vampires and I can use them in the cursed city expansions.
I wonder if they'll be releasing a new season of Warcry soon, and if it will take place in Aqshy. That would be a bit harder to theme warbands around well than Ghur was.
>Ivya Volga
jersus who is pointing crap this ed.
With the new points, what is everyone's largest army now? Mine is a solid 8k
Post about it after, I'm sitting on lots of CC stuff and curious
Don't care, I wanna play herohammer while scoring and tarpitting with chaff.
4.5k~ really confused GW didn't push 3k as the new "tournament" suggested matched play standard. Seeing some spearheads be 900pts is a bit of a joke for a wargame imo but maybe I'm just spoilt on already having armies
I went from having 2.3k to 2.7k, but ironically I can't field a legal list with the models I currently own.
removing allies and coalition is good for balance haha so glad GW ruined my army and abandoned the fluff of the game since launch haha wonderful I'm sure tournaments will love it
It has a Halloween decoration vibe, but doens't realy have anythign offensive about its design
All heroes? No heroes? No units valid under the heroes you have? All Legends? Not entirely sure how that can happen.
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>take existing chest asset
>make one goofy skull
>duplicate skulls with mist
It's just classic GW logic
>Oh no! New player rates are plunging what do we do?
>Well obviously we can't reduce our 80% profit margins or stop making deliberately shitty vanguard boxes so I dunno, just make the rules as retarded as possible, really just jerk off tournament players with every line of rules writing. New players love that shit.
>Also like, massively reduce the quality of our painting tutorials, make this shit look like something any mouthbreather can do. Post pictures of badly painted models on social media to drive that message home
>Oh and raise prices another 10%, daddy needs a new Lambo.
About 7k lizards, might be more but I didn't include my second Kroak/Slann with the old bases, and a couple other units that don't exist anymore like razordons and knights
I'd call Scuttletide merely boring and Vault offensively ugly in an otherwise dope-looking army but there's no accounting for taste.
NTA, but
Tempests Eye army, so that's 400 points down after the launch of 4e. As well my Kharybdiss got slowly windowed down in points, but now I can't take my Assassin without sacrificing my Great Cannon or Cavaliers.
to be fair she is REALLY fucking good at her niche, and she can join the gilf, so the two can be a scary combo.
Tbh I just want the rat vampire as an extra. The rest don't really excite me unfortunately.

12800 points Stormcast, about 8k or so painted I think.
Tbf I would have appreciated shitty painting tutorials a few years back when I started. All these tutorials for getting started and this mother fucker is doing perfect work with techniques I've mever heard of blasted my balls.

Mind you I'm still not anywhere near big dick best painter but 3 years on I'm better.
Scuttletide is offensively ugly if you look at it from the front and notice that the legs aren't actually modeled
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i did a little counting
doesnt seem like you have a hammer perhaps you could run the skeletons as grave guard

That is a whole lot of Khorne, you could run an 8 person all Khorne torunament.
lauka vai is best with vhordrai so that she can add some attacks to his jaws
B-but the vampires are the hammer... r-right anon?
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I remain unbothered. It's lazy for sure but I get why they did it and paint makes it look good enough for tabletop.
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i could. i am currently feeling more warcry, because the smaller scale makes it all more personal.

I was hoping the tag team of vargskyr and blood borne could fill that role, but I suppose I could drop the kosargi and turn my skellies into grave guard, since grave guard give heroes a 5+ ward as well.
I threw her in because I have her and I wanted to finish the list with a big monster. The concept of fitting in a 480 point model when I'm trying to work in a 180 point one is at best a joke.
I thought she cant affect hero's.
You're thinking of the generic one
I just feel cheated because the Skaven one isn't as lazily made
>one-piece injection moulded spiders and base
Disgusting, there's no reason they couldn't have copy pasted the arachnarok bits
I dunno about that, they're pretty blobby. And hey, 3/4 of your endless spells look good, that's better than most.
even the non-Chinese produced cursed city rats look like that, it's just a scale issue
I also would consider counting Torgillius as a Necromancer or something to get that sweet fight twice and as a generic hero to take the artefact and heroic traits with
Designing a 320 point hero to need to combo with another 480 point hero offends me.
The rats that come with Thanquol or the Gnawholes look pretty good, sculpted fur, collars, and tiny helmets are still distinguishable at that scale.
You don't *need* to, other monsters with good companion attacks exist. Like the Terrorgheist's maw for example. Or hell just throw it on Radukar in that list, it's not amazing but it's not a waste of a cast either.
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I meant to say the Battle profiles where both he Relictor and Celestant are listed and not said to go into legends despite the old model being discontinue

also White Dwarf #502 talk about the Lord Relictors being assign as the head watchers of the Belak towers by Ionus and other new lore pointing toward them getting a new model

Interesting suggestion, is Torg's second deathly invocation per turn not pretty strong?

The normal skellies regenerate d3 models at the end of every turn, then both radukar and torgilius deathly invocation them. So if even 1 skeleton per unit survives a turn both units would be at 8-10 models at the start of the next.
there're not enough rats on that base, that's why the spider spell is superior
thing with 10 model chaff units like skellies are that they either get wiped immediately or take 2-3 incidental damage a turn. Rarely do they survive with 1 model left unless your opponent is extremely unlucky. I suppose if you're taking grave guard in a blob of 20 you could restore 6 a turn with torgy, I suppose 41 1-damage attacks is good enough to wipe a unit in a 1000 points game.
could just be an intern mistake
bro I ain't playing radukar or a terrorgheist or lauka.
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Absolutely, that's why mine is a kitbash with 39 rats (that's as many as 3 13s! And that's terrible)
Ok? Nobody's telling you to.
lord relictor's model isn't squatted technically on their list despite it being an obvious inevitability.
>is Torg's second deathly invocation per turn not pretty strong?
is insanely strong, and it hits way more things than skeletons who are probably not worth taking.
So I don't have to play her the only way she's even decent because I could just do whatever. You can do whatever regardless. Her scroll is still designed fundamentally in a hyper specific way, on a unit that they've been pushing everywhere to new people picking up the army. Vengos should then be designed to be conducive to being played as the only big hero in a list.

Thanks for the advice anon.

I think I will kick out the kosargi, keep Torgilius, level up my skellies into one blob of 20 grave guard and end up at 980 points.

This has the added benefit of making my list a 1 drop.

With the buff from radukar this means grave guard will be doing 41 attacks, 3+, 2+, -1, 1 damage with crit mortals, and I'll definitely save a command point for AoD to keep them around.

It does sting a bit that this takes my deathly invocation targets from 3 to 1, which seems inefficient, but should be pretty killy.
Looks like a kitbash
Bro what are you even yapping about, you just said you're not playing Lauka and now you're complaining about playing Lauka? And that she's designed to work with monsters, not even necessarily heroes, just monsters, as the leader of the monster mash subfaction? Generic Vengos don't work with heroes at all if you want something that explicitly doesn't care about them.
>you just said you're not playing Lauka
yeah because she sucks, they nerfed the shit out of her and she needs to be in a 800 point combo I explained this.
>now you're complaining about playing Lauka?
right because she sucks.
>And that she's designed to work with monsters, not even necessarily heroes, just monsters, as the leader of the monster mash subfaction?
yeah and those models also suck, thus me not playing her.
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>A Kavalos Centari leads each Teratic Cohort, their keen military mind coordinating the defence. For their failures as a Liege-Kavalos, they have been punished with a centauroid form, their construct body combined with a Deathrider mount. Cognisant of their past failures, they pursue orders with desperate vigour.
Reminder that the only mobility in the OBR hierarchy is the downwards kind.
>Teratic Prowlers are crafted from Mortek soldiers deemed somehow defective, reforged into pseudo-canine hunters who relentlessly track their foes.
On all levels except the physical, I am a mortek.
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There are probably Ossiarchs who are secretly furries/otherkin and fuck up on purpose
ossiarchs are selected for their competency

furries just rot in the hell nagash has designed for them
Oh, so you're mad butthurt a model you like isn't good in the meta anymore. Aight, enjoy your seething I guess, it's got nothing to do with me.
>ossiarchs are selected for their competency
Furfags dominate the STEM fields though
>i dOnT CarE AbUt rUlEs HURR WAC
yeah fuck off retard
I'm not posting my models because I don't want to get doxxed. But I tend to post something encouraging on damn near any model I see posted that looks the least bit not-shit. The model would have to be truly awful for me to make fun of it
6.08k fully painted.
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im getting really burnt out on gloomspite gitz.

i picked up the army when they released what, 8 years ago? something like that. i've tried to stick with it, held on through all of 2nd when they were trash. early 3rd when they were trash. we finally got a good book for once in late 3rd edition, so i got like 6 months of fun out of them at least, but now we're back to most of my shit being trash again, if anything even worse than it was in 2nd.

i love the models. but at a certain point its hard to just keep on trucking when the teams writing the rules keep repeatedly beating you over the head with a hardened dogshit turd of army rules.

im tired. im tired of chasing this moon. im tired of looking at new rules only to find they pulled out the teeth on my 3 manglers. that my 5 wizard squad cant figure out how to cast more than a single spell a turn. that our faction leader famed wizard skragrott is a worse caster than generic 100pt kruleboyz or bonereaper wizards. i dont even play spiders but im tired of spiders being shit because for as much crap as i've had to put up with, the spiderbros have had it twice as bad. im tired of seeing all the cool shit armies like slaves to darkness and lumineth get while we're actively beaten with a nerf bat into irrelevance. im tired of being told "just play all trolls" in the goblin army.

im tired.

end rant
If you don't have at least 160 fully painted goblins shut the fuck up.
> Skargrott worse than the (nonexistent) 100 pt OBR wizards
Is this a joke? Skaggrot still controls the moon, is a two cast with a 4++, and has an endless spell to make him self a 3 cast.
Why are gitz players such fucking whiners
>Skaggrot still controls the moon

ah, you mean the mandatory tax ability to actually get to benefit from our army traits when we need them? that isnt even compelling anymore because squigs lost run and charge on the moon and the moonclan moon bonus is the equivalent of 3 extra grots on a squad?

he is objectively a worse caster than just 2 fungoid cave shaman who also come out to be 20 points cheaper than him put together and once per game get twice as many casts
pink mohawk coolness is questionable
I swear to god if we only get a fucking SNARLFANG PITY HERO when the book rolls around...
well if we do get a snarlfang hero at least i've already got 3 of em
I demand pusgoyle blightlords to me more than 4 dudes unit so I can abuse that system too.
checked by nurgle digits, your eyes might be rotten
>Why are gitz players such fucking whiners
Because they use the crutch of playing the "wacky, cool faction, that everyone laughs at" to cover for their misanthropy.

They don't have to play into the stereotype when anon posting, so they let their doomer attitude show through freely.
> mandatory
He isn't mandatory but he is good. Your loon shrine and your endless spell also project your aura.
> wahh wahhh our faction ability!!!
If you snipe the OBR heros they don't get a faction ability. If you kill the wyldwoods Sylvaneth don't get a faction ability. Snipe FEC heroes they don't get a faction ability. Slaanesh faction ability actively hurts them. Kill KO ships and they don't have a faction ability. Plenty of factions have meh faction abilities. They don't all cry about them
> nooo my heckin squigarinos!!!
Were so fucking broken you get zero pity. I'm sorry they aren't busted as fuck and might require a brain to use
> tldr
Whiny fagGIT
for sure they fucked up internal balance for many armies or I think they don't bother play testing. People will always tell you your army is fine if there's some specific bullshit meta build or loadout that does well.

I wish I could be more excited for this release; the centaur literally looks like left over sprues melted together, same with the *not* immortis guard.

The dogs & birbs are cool.

I don't even feel the least bit motivated to buy into it with our army literally being carried on one warscroll's back right now.
Tbh the new skeletons feel more like Graveguard than the actual fucking Graveguard.
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you cant think your way out of these new profiles. no amount of "git gud" makes the new mangler usable.
Other OBR player here.
What's your gripe with the army?
I'm enjoying ponies
I have never hated one of GW’s Skeltons
I hate OBR's designs but I quite like the sylvaneth half of the warcry box. Think I could flip the OBR half with a decent paintjob for most of the box's value?
I'm so sick of this meaningless comparison
Ponies are carrying the army right now.

The army is pretty boring in gameplay, there's not many options in list building, like chosing an aura is pretty straightforward.

The healing for a GT style list is not really there, boneshaper is too unreliable and the impact is tiny. Rolling a 3 up once per battle round to heal 3 or restore 3 models is insignificant. Harvester is super niche in where his healing shines (getting only 1 tithe point for each model you kill no matter what wounds they are, and the rampage not being supper effective on anything but 1w infantry) as well as much easier to target in combat or shot off in this edition really sucks.

Crawler is awesome but it lives in an army that is super expensive and it's super easy to shut down. Morghasts are good but mega expensive.

The core of the army, mortek guard, don't really make much sense either. Without good recursion you're kinda just wasting points bringing them. The new warcry band is pretty much better in everyway, tarpitting isn't really a strategy obr cares about if it's not sustainable and you're not out trading. The army wins on straight up board control, it doesn't have other tools.

Some of this stuff is fixable with points (morghast & crawler, you could probably reduce mortek and use them to screen the crawler), other stuff I don't think I would ever take (harvester/boneshaper), or they're not going to change (add more complexity to the army or tools they can use).
cool now do spiderfang
I agree with you on the healing getting shit canned. It's not a feels good.
Same with mortek still being trash. They haven't been good for years and they continue being trash.
I think morghasts are appropriately costed. They are murder machines.
People shit on stalkers but I want enjoyed using them. With the 5++ bubble and -1 to hit they are tanky as fuck, anti charge also makes them Rend three.
I think the concept of the global order is cool, I don't think the bubble aura around heroes is fun, our shit is supposed to be independent yet we are more hero dependant than almost any other Death army.
I think the crawler is too damn expensive. I'm not sure about the damage either. And the hero tax to even use the fucking things (so a Liege to even GET them, then you need another hero... why aren't the little wizards hero+ options?).
I'm actually excited for the warcry dudes. I have been wanting a 'skirmish' component for the army forever (along with archers, chariots) so I'm going to get a couple. They will get us two to three battle tactics for 280 points.

Thanks for giving your opinion anon.
Does Kainan count as a hero still or is he squatted alongside the other underworlds stuff?
Oh noes they only have one of the biggest existing ranges
He is a hero but he is a legends scroll
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For Stormcast, would Indomitus + Skaventide be a good start?
Spiderfang are just overcosted and some of the diversification of arachnarok types is stupid: give them all a 3+ strike last or the -1 attack when charged because they're all arachnaroks
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Yeah, the eradicators seem strong in 4e
100% I think I'm just crushed because I loved mortek and harvester back in the 2e book, like they were amazing infantry that just did not die and traded well. Of course these lists weren't unbeatable but it took game knowledge to deconstruct them, it added a unique challenge to the game. They were kinda like that as well until the harvester nerfed in the 3e book, but this incarnation of them just feels intentionally gutted and I'm not sure why, other than GW just wants to make the game more killy or they thought lists like that were just too much for casual players to handle (which was a huge complaint always for OBR). Then again there's stuff like graveguard that are doing this right now, and recursion is up for many armies in this game so I have no idea what the fuck they're doing.

So the army feels like it needs a new identity if it's not going to go back to that style of play, all I know is not much is likely to change until the next tome.
They should make new spider riders instead of adding more unwanted wolves
Well that's just your opinion and thankfully it's not what GW intend to do
>Spiderfang are just overcosted

spider riders are like the cheapest cavalry unit in the game

I agree with that anon, gobbos on wolves is lame.
>Well that's just your opinion
It's a lot of peoples' opinions. I've seen basically no love for Snarlfangs in this general since the full kit first released, and the few people who did express a like for them also want them out of Gitz and in some other army (kruleboyz, chorfs, gitmob as its own thing).
No I understand anon.
I got into OBR for the mortek and the Deahriders. For the longest time both were shit (deathriders were shit forever for anything that wasn't a battletactic engine). I would like to use my 80 fucking mortek and not my main interaction with them on the table being removing them FROM the table. And OBR needs an actual monster fuck damn it.
>why aren't the little wizards hero+ options?
That doesn't seem to be a thing GW wants to do, off the top of my head the Skink Starpriest is the only one I know of, you could also count Gobbapalooza which has the extremely odd distinction of being a non-hero Wizard.
>in this general
Irrelevant, enjoy the upcoming kit and perhaps kits cunt
Well it's a shit design decision. The boneshaper, soulreaper, and ossifactor do so little there are almost never worth a drop to include them. The same goes for 50% of the foot hero type guys in almost every army.
Basically, FEC got it right. Every army should have the + little hero option like they do.
110 for 5 models
170 for 10 Hoppers, both have 2 health each
You're right, spider riders should be MSU 10 as well. That's a big oversight
You would call literally any example I provide "irrelevant", wouldn't you?
I like them, GW sees enough demand to justify and expansion. Your little "well I read a post on 4chan" comments are irrelevant. New Snarlfang soon faggot
>I like them,
Oh, and THAT'S relevant?
I think their line of thinking is they pointed and statted everything comparatively between armies, and then built battle traits and enhancements etc from there, but what they didn't account for was different unit archetypes have different values for armies depending on how large their range is...

OBR has *4* foot wizards that are 1 cast, there's so much redundancy in the line they should have taken the chance to just make boneshapers be a sub commander like the knight vexilor and drop the wizard portion.

They really didn't play with the regiment system as much as I thought they would, some of it is nonsensical, like an ossifector can't even bring a crawler, only named characters can?

4e feels like it has a really strong core ruleset but they rushed indexes and it's super disjointed. I hope they have some sort of post launch plan where they re-examine each one to smooth this out, but knowing GW that's not what's going to happen.
The index 100% were rushed, they spent far more time on Spearhead
I've heard competitive players *talk* about them positively but I've never seen them on the table or any lists with them, it's always spider riders instead. I assume the extra 20ppu and awkwardness of needing Trugg or Skragrott because of their nonsense keyword is what's holding them back.
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I'd be stoked for a snarlfang hero. If I'm stuck getting one pity hero I'd rather that over some version of a grot on foot, grot with a squig, or grot on a squig. Spider hero would be alright too, I'm really just hoping for anything that isn't a night goblin. I'd even take another Trogg hero
are we whining about obr again, jesus christ. Shove a mortek up your ass.
Who is whining here?
I asked another Anons opinion he gave it. I'm not whining about them.
Are Kruleboyz any good in Spearhead or has GW managed to make them shit in every edition AND every format possible?
skragrott legit isn't even worth taking unless you play trolls.
>I hate when the OBR bitching interrupts the GSG bitching
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>discussion about armys bad
Begone nomodels
They're mostly still ok except manglers and stabbas don't do much now. Having things with high damage and some speed fundamentally makes up for a lot.
>talking about systemic issues with 4e design is now the equivalent of being on a soapbox for your army

go back to /pol/ you dumb mother fucker
yeah waah I have to play two of best centerpieces in the game waah I can't spam 100 broken unkillable mortek anymore like 2e. Tired of hearing it fag.
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4E is unironically fun so far but fuck me if free Endless spells don't make the game much worse by default. Not axing them was already a bad decision but making them pretty much a must-have is atrocious.

They seem fine in spearhead and genuinely good in AoS4.

Thing is most armies price increases end up being roughly the price of 3 endless spells in 3rd, so we kind of are already paying for them in points really.

they made everything more expensive so there would be room for endless spells flying everywhere.
just play kharadron. they even killed spell in a bottle so absolutely no way to interact with the endless spells whatsoever unless you take a regiment of renown
What a retarded take. 3E is dead and trying to compare point values to justify free unbalanced shit in 4E is simply ridiculous.
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Completed my musician for my second squad of Morbhegs. Tied the horn into her belt. Just need to base the last Morb and they'll be ready for hopefully my first game of 4th this weekend.

Love the model but man they're a chore to paint.
Truly awful
Noone cares what you're tired of hearing, this isn't your personal blog
What army do you dislike most anons?
and why
Something everyone has is inherently balanced. You may as well say command points and imbalanced.
Despite having all the endless spells painted, I rarely took them in 3ed cause I'd rather run more of the dudes I liked. At least now you can run all your units you enjoy and running endless spells doesn't force you to choose between running your fave stuff and running the meta spells
>What army do you dislike most anons
An unpainted one
Because I've seen thousands of them
>Just buy more plastic shit, dummy - it's free now
Yeah nah James.
i wouldnt mind them being free (aka mandatory) if most didnt look so bad
Have considered getting a job so you can afford models without being a little bitch about it lmaoo
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Looks good anon. And really? I had an absolute blast painting them. Did you glue them all in place before hand?
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you say that, but this unit took probably the biggest hit to damage out of any unit in the edition change that i've seen and stayed about the same points.
Skeletons are either off on the side or they're with other things in the middle. They either die because something expensive wiped them out and that's a win for you or they survive and they regen back and out control the obj. They should come in 20s base like clanrats but it is what it is for now.
and here it is vs the 4e skitterstrand, for a more apples to apples comparison within the same edition and index
In this thread we simp for Marshal Thorian.

Solution: divided the current endless spells among the factions that have none.

>Aetherwrought Machineries?

>Primal Energies?
>Orruk Warclans

>Twilit Sorceries?

>Morbid Conjuration?

>Reserved for inevitable Beasts of Destruction rerelease

>Forbidden power?

>>93444303 this

but also I kind of hate playing against sylvaneth and KO, and I don't like the models for Tzeench, Giants, and FEC.
in their head it was going to charge in jump over 66% of the time, and have like a 33% chance eat a foot hero and not whiff, which sounds good on paper maybe I guess.

Forbidden power (sans horror ghast) should go to Soulblight, morbid conjurations (sans purple sun) should be repainted and themed and go to idk.

The sun and ghost should then be given to Nagash as spells specific to him.
Krondspire should really just be given to Nighthaunt so they can finally have a proper monster.
>Verification not required
Heck if GW actually releases good chorf models I'll give this game a try.
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What would that achieve that isn't already achieved via everyone having access to free spells
How do you feel about bearded women dwarfs?
>remove summoning
>make endless spells free
The only way this is justified is by being a blatant cashgrab.
I quite don't care. It's a fantasy race.
Wow what a unique and interesting opinion that I've definitely never seen before.
1) not everyone does, that's precisely why I do was first
2) give the spells a place and identity to draw people to them. Half the reason people don't care is precisely because they are for everyone. People don't want generic, they want their army.
>that's precisely why I do was first
You should consider spending another month of duolingo for English before trying to argue your point here

Why do you poorfags always think your lack of funds should be GW’s problem? Why can’t you just move on to something else that you can afford
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It is kinda shitty but I do genuinly enjoy the idea of spells having table prescense.

The balancing and making them all free just seems like whatever the opposite of throwing the baby out with the bathwater is.
I have all the spells.
I don't like how much the game now revolves around them. For startes any hero that doesn't banish/summon now is massively underpowered compared to those that do.
Lmao at the no-model not understanding that money is not the problem when it comes to GW forcing people fielding even more shit.
It's actually me being a phone posting faggot. Here's what I was trying to say:

>That's precisely why I did kdo first
>New gods popping up every week worshipped by humans but actually helping them, on top of a bunch choosing kurnoth
Sigmar doesn’t care about monotheistic worship or even primacy in the pantheon. He puts cooperation above religion it’s why Nagash backstabbed him in 1E when he sent Stormcast to find him and try to reestablish an alliance. Also Nagash worshippers are a thing in Lethis IIRC and plenty of SCE of the first striking worship other gods alongside sigmar. GW is just gay as fuck and won’t release any good SCE bits that show it
Great Skaven fags are going to win this and infest the great patch for 3 editions this fucking blows
Ahhh it's fine Sigmar's got like a bajillion cities.
The poors in this hobby love to pretend it's james' fault that they have no job or work for almost slave wages or spend all their money on other shit.
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We need more kung fu models who don't use weapons
Okay but why do you care tho. It's not like your grandma lives in the mortal realms and is gonna get displaced from this
Cities of Sigmar Pugilists with gunpowder punch blunderbusses.

(And those old timey strongman mustaches)
NTA but Aqshy is the Capital outside of Azyr
I hope the GHR gets some demons
Yeah but it's really fucking hot there, this is a good chance to move to like... I dunno, the realm of metal.
Good news he did, they're called Skaven
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He has some my man
Why does He need them? He's already got Princes and an entire species of virtually infinite servants doing their best to express every facet of Him.
We don't need powerfists ported from 40k
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Wrong type of fist and setting
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I know why GW doesn't want to introduce volumes but TLOS is such an outdated and clunky concept it's not even funny.
seems like something KO would have
There are rat-fleas and rat-ticks in the fluff at least
This guy gets it! I have yet to find a punching weapon with that level of good feel to it.

Plus this is right up overlords or cities alley!
BASED and KING pilled
Dwarves don't punch things they use big axes and hammers
A drunken kharadron with like kinetic magic knuckles punching an idoneth through a wall doesn't sound sick to you?
That's not a dwarf that's a disappointment
There was a dorf in NWN2 that became a monk just for getting mopped up by one in a bar brawl.
No their arms are too short to stand a chance in hand to hand. That's why they use big axes or hammers
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>d&d shit
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Maggotkin of Nurgle Vanguard box $95 on Amazon... Hmmm......
I saw this guy post about "sissy hypno mithridatism" once and it had me gasping for air from laughter
This is why China regulates its internet.
Suffocating gravetide is getting swamped up for my Kruleboyz path to glory
It's been a while since this website has given me something that so profoundly made me stare in disbelief at what I just saw.
Is it good with KB?
Yeah but that’s like GD’s he doesn’t have any blood letters or shit
its good with everything. probably the best endless spell in the game at the moment
cringe sf shit
If he’s a stepping up to play the great game the warp would reflect that
Hard to think of what jobber daemons would fit for skaven considering they already have a catch all for monsters, infantry, etc.

I'd say shackles is best, but they are in the same lore so you get both!
Idoneth Deepkin Spearhead calls for eels built as Morrsarr Guard. Isn't that the trap option or am I misremembering that one or it's no longer true in 4e?
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Fyreslayers Spearhead is missing from the store
Really? I'll have to recheck the rules on it (then curse it's stupid weirdo base).

Build them as whatever you want to play them as in AoS, then just have them count as the other when playing spearhead.
the base is half the strength of it. its a massive piece on the board. the sheer real estate it takes up is incredibly useful
morsarr are fine.
It doesn't matter how you build them for Spearhead since there is only one eels unit - there are simply no other units to confuse them with.
Anyone who actually knows IDK enough to know there are two different eel units would completely understand why you’d proxy them too, especially in spearhead.
squatted back to ToW
Too tall to be a dwarf.
October tome confirmed.
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>Take 120x92mm base
>apply earth texture
>put random bits of rubble and grass
>add rats from Doomwheel, plague priest and Thanquol kits
Congrats, you got an endless spells that looks better than pic related
I have no problem with the size, I have a problem that it is not a regular shape I can find easily to kitbash my own.

Also I can't find its rules. What it do?
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Maybe they realized that 26 infantry that look 90% the same was a bad idea to have in a box aimed at newcomers?
Perhaps they realized taking the only unique model they have, the Magmadroth, out of the start collecting equivalent box was a bad idea and will reinstate it?
Perhaps we will finally get MagmaHound Chariots which will be in the new box?
Who the fuck am I supposed to take as heroes in human CoS

Okay so I can make my marshal a priest, so I can then take a fusil major, but then I desperately need a wizard so that’s a second regiment.
So that’s two drops as is, is that it? Should I be considering 3 drops?
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>Perhaps we will finally get MagmaHound Chariots which will be in the new box?
Back in my day we treated the spawn of Vulcatrix with respect, not like some... some elgi pet!
cos doesn't have the luxury of caring about drops.
>elgi pets
Something the Hedonites should probably have, in gimp suits and lead on chain leashes.
Oh no you just put the thought in my head of a Magmahound chariot where the DaiperbabySlayers are pulling the chariot with a Magmahound shooting mortar shots from the back of the chariot.
The scary part is there is a nonzero chance GW would do this
that's basically gluttos chariot.
You gotta get over this weird diaper kink of yours, it's not healthy.
i really dont think winning the roll off is anywhere near as big of a deal as it used to be
Glutos needs more servants holding babies dipped in BBQ sauce by their ankles
I'll get over it when GW gives me something that isn't babies in diapers for the Fyreslayers.
Dwarf Constructs? Magma elementals? Chariots? Mortars that shoot Fyreslayer heros into battle for a deep strike? There's a lot of options but GW is insistent on only releasing the occasional DaiperHero.
annoying how a tiny company like parabellum can put out a huge range of better fire dwarves in half the time aos has been out.
What are their armaments made of? How are they made?
The paintjob on those blades is fucking sublime.
New Thread:
What are they gonna do besides say "haha you on 4chinz"? If my post is just a model who cares?
They couldn't have made a worse box, so good.
honestly, I kind of like this design better. it looks more... cosmic
Especially since I thought going first is the competitive play so BTs are basically guaranteed?
> Here are some existing models but with STDs
What the fuck were they thinking.

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