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Cursed book edition

>2024 PHB spoilers

>2024 UA



The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous Thread >>93419297

TQ: What would your character do if they encountered an obviously cursed book? (or, just generally, share stories involving cursed books in your games)
Probably not read it, but then he deosn't do much reading anyway.
reading is for losers
me and my friends are on the verge of making it all the way to the end of a campaign for the first time. Played for years but campaigns have always tended to fizzle out and end early. Party is level 13 and DM says the campaign should end around says it should end around level 15
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Eldritch knights and arcane tricksters should need spellbooks.
Even bards should need spellbooks. The lore behind their spellcasting is fucking stupid and it makes them "better" than both sorcerers and wizards flavor-wise, since they can understand magic without having studied it directly for years, and are instinctively attuned to it despite it not being in their blood.
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have you guys tried using any of these types of DM aid decks?
the random generator ones feel more practical to have at the moment than having to browse tables, and the sidequest ones seems like it could be helpful for whenever anything planned just can't happen anymore.
>>93439223 I use the core set for the one on the right, I dont use it every session but it is always handy to grab for an NPC name or a descriptor when a space feels empty.
I don't need any aids to run a games because I'm not a retarded nogames tranny.
I've used Oracles in Ironsworn before, and the random tabled in the DMg for prep, those are kind of similar.

>Eldritch knights and arcane tricksters should need spellbooks.
Nah, if they had spellbooks, there'd also be the implication they could learn more. "I memorize exactly what i need to supplement my martial skills, nothing more" is more on brand.
>Even bards should need spellbooks.
They used to have one.
already back picking nonsensical fights by post 7, eh? you sure are an eager one.
Says the retard who needs their hands held to run fucking 5e. Too hard for ya, champ?
>there'd also be the implication
nah, it could just be flavored as notes for the spells that they do know, and for what they learn at level up.
it's just weird how inconsistent all the spellcasting is between different classes, with wizards using a system that sounds like it should be how magic works for everyone who tries learning it, but in reality it's only for wizards
I lost my passion for the current plot in my game and it feels like a slog trying to push my players through it so we can get to something else.
how long has is been?

different anons, I'm the one who asked about the cards
I haven't ever DMd, I'm new and in my group everyone wants to DM.
>such a poor learner of magic they have to keep checking their notes
lmao. okay yeah i can dig it.

>it's just weird how inconsistent all the spellcasting is between different classes, with wizards using a system that sounds like it should be how magic works for everyone who tries learning it, but in reality it's only for wizards
You have WotC to blame for that. Spontaneous Casting is their invention. Everything caster that wasn't a flavor of cleric (including druid) used to be a flavor of wizard, complete with spellbook.
at least he's playing, chump.
it's not that impactful, or at least, it SHOULDN'T be. stop standing in melee.
>>such a poor learner of magic they have to keep checking their notes
Having only wizards need to keep notes means wizards have some sort of weird alzheimers
>b-b-ut Vancian magic!
d&d never had fully vancian magic anyway, and the bits of it that remain in 5e are just silly and inconsistent
wizards are swapping out the entire spells known daily. They basically bootlegged their spellbook into acting like a cleric's God, where it downloads the spells into their mind every morning.

EK and Arcane Trickster, and for that matter Bard, have completely set spell lists. They can at most swap a single spell at level up.
>wizards are swapping out the entire spells known daily.
they CAN do that, but in reality who even does it? And even in-universe, why would they do it?
maybe change one or two spells, but when I played wizard I went several levels without ever changing my prepared spell list.
>have completely set spell lists. They can at most swap a single spell at level up.
yeah, I know the mechanics, but it's silly that the wizard, whose -only- deal is knowing spells, needs to keep notes to not forget them forever, while the other guys just learn their spells and that's it.
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>What would your character do if they encountered an obviously cursed book?
"Hey guys check this out, free magic book!"
if a wizard is unable to access his spellbook in the morning, for example he is imprisoned, what sort of magic can he still cast?
>they CAN do that, but in reality who even does it? And even in-universe, why would they do it?
>maybe change one or two spells, but when I played wizard I went several levels without ever changing my prepared spell list.
why do you keep all your dungeon crawling spell equipped when doing in-town nonsense?

anything he still has currently prepared, assuming he can supply the components.
>it's silly that the wizard, whose -only- deal is knowing spells, needs to keep notes to not forget them forever, while the other guys just learn their spells and that's it.

a wizard doesn't lose the spells he has prepared, i.e. the ones he actually knows in that moment, if he loses his spellbook.

the spellbook just lets him change out which ones he knows, the same way a god supplying knowledge to a cleric does.
And /pol/ was telling me they never steal books.
would he regain any spell slots to cast the spells he prepared previously
What are you asking? He just finished a long rest, so he has all his spell slots back.
yes, spell slots come back on a long rest.
the book literally only lets him swap spells, ritual cast spells he doesn't have prepped, and use Arcane Recovery.
Arcane Recovery should be a bard feature.
so then a wizard doesn't have Alzheimer's at all.
it's more like he's supplementing his brain's innate capacity with additional storage in the form of a book, but he can still only have so much loaded at one time.
literally why?
they already get to learn from all lists. why give them additional spell slots too?
huh... corpses count as objects right? even if they're not humanoids, you can still hit them with tiny servant and animate objects, right?

I have the best idea for a necromancer.
there's nothing eldritch about the eldritch knight
hex blade lock is what ek should've been
Gnomes in Paracelsus
>earth elementals
>2 hand-spans tall
>have dominion over stone, metal, plants, and bones
>can phase into non-solid matter, turning it solid
>construct homes from liquid alabaster
>their clothing is part of their body, and is made from the substances from their dominion
>broken bones require gnomes in order to heal

gnomes in dnd
>same size as danny devito
>openly fey
>have advantage on mental saving throws

who is responsible for this crap, and why is it gygax
>oh look an interesting campaign
>chat the dm, ask who else is signed up
>my son, he's 15
>and my girlfriend
>and a couple from hong kong
I'm looking for some homebrew magical club and greatclubs. Any suggestions or creations of your own? I've already reflavored the vorpal trait for a boss' weapon.
>17 year old laser science ph.d students at the table
there was a teen in our phd program (mathematics). he was retarded but 90% of the guys in the program were retarded. just treat him like you would anyone else
Int draining club to beat your foe stupid, a club that bonks a spirit animal out of someone's head to make them easier to target with certain spells (for good or ill), a club that greatly boosts your jumping ability to add some extra momentum to your bonk, a club that when one end is lit in flames can allow you to cast a divination spell without a spell slot once a day, an antimagic club that shatters walls of force and disrupts any other enchanted weapons it hits.

...I just like clubs bonking things.

>Int draining club to beat your foe stupid.
That could be expanded to give the Mind Sliver fail effect (subtract 1d4 from the next saving throw)

>bonks a spirit animal out of someone's head to make them easier to target with certain spells.
I like that, great for an EK

>greatly boosts your jumping ability to add some extra momentum to your bonk.
I'm not big on jumps, but I can see an effect that takes an action and in your next turn you fall into the battlefield and make a small quake.

>one end is lit in flames can allow you to cast a divination spell without a spell slot once a day.
I can see that giving you more spells the higher the rarity tier.
>an antimagic club that shatters walls of force and disrupts any other enchanted weapons it hits.
Based, ideal to replicate the magic breaker barbarian fantasy.
club that lets the boss cast mirror image as an action on himself
club that casts thunderwave by smashing it into the ground
oh that's interesting
>have a lot of character concepts
>narrow them down
>always minotaur
>always melee combatant
>always lawful
whats your favourite character you just cant get enough of?
>this mandatory hunter's mark with concentration 2024 ranger
Of all the millions of subclasses they've done and they haven't made a scout-like spell-less fighter ranger? Can they just make it so the ranger can be ignored until next edition when maybe they'll bother with an exploration pillar or actually make it worthy of being its own class please.
>>always minotaur
why is hunter's mark a spell anyway
>play fantasy game
>mad people pick fantasy race
stay nogames
>Winged Tiefling + Evocation Wizard
I just love flying around and blasting shit with magic.
good choice, a flying magical death machine is always a fun one
whats your favourite element?
>inb4 fire
>its always fire
>nooo you have to allow my obscure sourcebook race, it's who I really am inside!
>hey dm can i play X
>ok i pick Y
>nogames edgelord who doesn't pick fire
How does jumping work in 2024 PHB?
>everyone in the party hates elves and (deservedly) blames them for the magic apocalypse
>that one ranger whose backstory is "i grew up with elves" and whose interactions amount to calling other people racist
i always pick poison
It's fire, plus a bit of lightning, and some acid reskinned as magical napalm.

However I will however say that Ice spells proved extremely useful when I got the Staff of Ice for this character during my Curse of Strahd game.

Poison would be more fun if you could use it against more than just a handful of creatures, and the save DCs were more difficult to pass. Unfortunately 5e decided that it'd be a brilliant idea to make over half the enemies you could encounter just outright immune to poison and the poisoned condition, and if you're just trying to use poisoned weapons then good luck trying to beat a creatures CON save.
>it's fire
he was inb4 so you can't
fire never goes out of style, there is no better power trip than setting shit aflame
although useful, ice does not give the same kick, the only other based choice is thunder imo

5e poison would be fine if poisoner downgraded immunities to resistances and gave disadvantage to CON rolls
i dont really care though, i will keep on using poison and if that doesn't work just reflavour acid to poison
nothing beats the
do you allow AI art for player characters?
Looking for a fantasy term for gunpowder that has religious vibes. Definitely want to do something with “Black”. Was first thinking of jus “Blackpowder” but that doesn’t really have religious connotations.
Worth noting that God granted humanity said gunpowder
[diety name]'s gift e.g. helmgift
divine powder
Fire is can't be stopped by words anon.

That's fair. And I 100% agree about the Poisoner feat.

Character portraits never really matter in the campaign anyway, so I'm fine with players doing whatever they want so long as they don't bring explicit porn to represent their PCs.
these are all great, thanks!
At bare minimum you should be able to add your proficiency to poison DCs
how would you even argue that?
it's not like the poison is more potent if someone else applies it
>poisoner puts in his secret sauce
>poisoner enchants the poison
that's retarded. just use fire
Yes and I also use it for NPCs
Ok but we're using a static DC of 10 to reduce the fire damage

Lol what?
>you hit, go ahead an decribe the attack
every time bro? really?
Why did 5e make gnolls mindless demon dudes instead of lazy mercenaries
how do you respond without sounding mad
Do you just not like describing your own attacks? Personally I love that shit.
I gravitate heavily towards noble, stoic, and/or heroic knight-archetype melee combatants, preferably in plate or at least with some metal on their body, and occasionally with a religious fervor sprinkled on top.

Naturally, fighter, paladin, and even cleric are my favorites, though I occasionally dabble in the likes of valor bard and such, and I don't ALWAYS play such a character, just suspiciously often.
there's only so many ways i can say "i hit him with my mace" with a level 1 cleric
I flourish my razor sharp blade and slice the goblins face off, severing his ears and nose and doing 2 damage
Our DM only asks that when it's a killing blow or a crit.
The players do describe their own attacks sometimes anyways, but not every time.
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I want to make an undersized martial arts master Monk character inspired by Master Roshi. Any advice for stats?
FireKINGS would never allow it
that treatment's for poisoncels

>Using Old Backgrounds at Character Creation

>When using an older background, simply select the ability scores you want to add your 3 total points to, so adjusting one score by 2 and another by 1, or three scores by 1.
>If the background you select does not already provide a feat, you gain the Origin feat of your choice.

Then what's the fucking point of connecting new backgrounds to specific ability scores and feats?
what's the point of the backgrounds in the first place. everyone ignores them
backgrounds are supposed to tell information about the character's flavor. Instead of going all "my character used to help at his dad's workshop but he was also a very social guy and liked nature, so I have to make him an artificer/bard/ranger multiclass"
do you use them as a dm? in my experience, it's used during character introduction, and maybe 1x/campaign for a gimmick if that.

nobody is going to pass up +2 to their favorite stat when all it changes is a few lines on their sheet that never come up. tying ability scores to backgrounds is a decision even worse than human variant
>as a dm
no, but as a player, in my last campaign I pretty much ignored my class for roleplaying purposes and only roleplayed my background (acolyte), treating the class (wizard) as "skills picked up to be better at serving my god".
The party's fighter did use his Noble background several times too, and roleplayed it in a cool way.
that's pretty interesting. hearing you describe that, i'm a lot less skeptical about the whole aspect now.
Not him but yeah, Wizards never had alzheimers and that was never a thing. They still prepare spells like a cleric and shit, the only difference is they don't have a God or Nature Itself granting them their shit so they can also just learn. That's the power of a wizard, it costs him a fucking fortune but he will literally be able to store basically any spell and learn it if needs be.

Everyone else just knows their things, wizards can know everything at a cost. Only so much storage, bt they can.
>heaven attuned
>absoutely fucking sick of this shit but stable

I'm going to branch into max intimidation barbarian rogue for a spell because I'm starting to get very sick and tired of always keeping shit in line.
Anyone that says "I'm a <class> main" should be hanged.
my character would try and remove the curse to gain the knowledge of the book
which class was it
fighter is kind of frontloaded. your first 3 levels are the most important benefits if you're taking a separate class that's also got extra attack, because the next three (4,5,6) are ASI, Extra attack (doesn't stack) and then ASI again.

if you don't need the archetype, then you can get away with just 2 for fighting style, second wind, and most of all action surge.

paladin meanwhile if nothing else gets more slots for smiting with each level up. 4 and 5 are identical, but 6 nets you Aura of Protection, which is a huge party-wide buff to basically everybody but a sniper or a gaspedalling monk.
spellcaster that uses booming blade in melee to gish it up
i have a clockwork soul sorc/order cleric that uses aoa in melee with bless as his concentration spell, using his bonus action to cast healing word or reaction on silvery barbs for voice of authority on his rogue friend or in last session on a roc to deal 30+ damage on a dragon that was attacking it
ended a campaign and will be playing an arcana cleric with magic initiate druid so i always attack using wisdom and at level 8 since booming blade is a cleric cantrip it gets to add wisdom to both instances of damage so it is 2d8+3+2d8 (if they move) at level 7 but becomes 2d8+4+4+2d8+4(if they move) so my damage is going to be real nice including upcast spirit guardians
>12 levels
>first level barbarian, then the rest a mix of fighter/barb
how would you do it
ntayrt, but i've met "monk main", and i have to agree with him.
barb 1
giant barb 6
battle master fighter 4
giant barb 8
you want to rush for extra attack, then getting the extra dice and the elemental damage imo is better than going for thrown weapon fighting
BM gives you more potential damage than the other ones but rune knight would be cool flavorwise
Humans were considered uniquely demented for being the only race that cuckolded their own dead
>+1 in Con. and for each Hit Dice you regain a minimum of hit points equals to 2 x your Constitution modifier.
>Periapt of Wound Closure (uncommon)
>...In addition, whenever you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, double the number of hit points it restores.

18 con = min 16 healed per hit die
potion of healing restores 32+2 hp

is this correct?
potion of healing does not use your hit die so both of those features wouldnt help
you could make use of those with the dwarven fortitude feat or the wither and bloom spell though
realistically what is the market value exchange rate between temp hp and real hp
like if i give someone a potion of temp hp instead of a real healing potion, how many points should i make it worth
Lets actually type this out. For durable
>When you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, the minimum number of hit points you regain from the roll equals twice your Constitution modifier (minimum of 2).

A hit die is not just some random dice, its your hit dice from your class, and spending one is only for very specific fucking circumstances. Now as for the text of periapt.

>While you wear this pendant, you stabilize whenever you are dying at the start of your turn. In addition, whenever you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, double the number of hit points it restores.

This is auto stabilization and as for the relevance, when you roll a hit die, you double the hit die. Not the fucking modifiers, the hit dice.

So Durable with 18 con means that the minimum you roll is 4*2, so 8. But this is the minimum, not an additive. Periapt states you roll the double hitpoints, so if you have a d8, your minimum is 8 from Durable and your maximum is 16, because rolling a d8 and doubling it with periapt would mean if you rolled a 2, you'd get 4, but durable would make it 8 as that's the minimum.

Potions don't fucking use your hit die dipshit. You don't know the game.
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>only on very specific types of dice rolls
wait, so they're both useless then? when do you even roll HD for this, just rest?
is there any kind of consumable or spell it *would* work with?
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Short rests, certain abilities which spend your hit die and niche situations like I think dwarven endurance, yeah that's what they're usually for. There's to my knowledge just no fucking spell or consumable for which it'd work as stated because the one example I know, Abberant Dragonmark, would use temp hp not even actual hp.

This is for specific uses, you're not getting a two thing combo which somehow turns a fucking 2d4+2 item into 34 guaranteed health retard. This is peak neverplayer behaviour like holy shit.
because they insist on rangers being spellcasters, so gotta give them something useful. (even though I think the vast majority would like them to just be martials and then maybe a subclass with magic)
I see. Then, in that case it is probably a design decision to have such healing-boosting items and feats apply more or less only to short rests.

Tanks get no love yet again.
I think it could be more about trying to not be 4e by not adding much stuff that's spell-like but not spells.
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Man you really don't play at all.

For the people in the room, "Tanks" don't exist, same with the "DPS" or even "Healer". There is no draw aggro class entirely made to "tank" damage, there's "tank" options but everyone is meant to be able to deal damage and be resilient to a point. There is no "DPS" because you can still be a like 18 ac dude doing all the damn damage from your team at no real risk to yourself at all. Theres no real "Healer" because healing fucking sucks in 5e, even on the subclass meant for it. Everyone is their own capable unit which might be more or less fragile, more or less damage focused and with more or less healing abilities, but there is no such thing as an MMO archetype.

Don't be brainrotted like this guy, your weekly session isn't some endgame raid.
>all this MMO notation
>y-you're the one who plays MMOs
you also said some other quite retarded things so i'm pretty sure you can just stay quiet from now on, ideally use a trip so that i can ignore you more effectively
Can someone explain the 5eg schizo to me? I feel like he's a very recent addition to the threads. What's his endgame?
I can see how that could be an issue, but I can already tell I would prefer that type of ability/spell distinction but things that you can pick from. Sounds like it would make putting together martial characters a lot more fun and varied. Because no matter how hard I try, trying to reflavor spells into abilities in my head just doesn't work, it always feels like I'm casting a spell, it's like I need that "ability" tag,
>Because no matter how hard I try, trying to reflavor spells into abilities in my head just doesn't work, it always feels like I'm casting a spell, it's like I need that "ability" tag,
exactly the same for me
It’s pretty easily kept separate if you make things work mechanically in different ways. Having played with the Anon’s Bullshit material, the way he implemented maneuvers keeps them feeling distinct from spells because they don’t come in levels or use discrete slots.
I'm not that anon, but nobody here inherently hates MMO players for playing MMOs. We hate when people try to shoehorn PnP games into fitting the standard MMO archetypes, something WotC has tried to do unsuccessfully in the past, and it looks like they are trying again with how some of the class previews are written.
PnP games have a different core gameplay loop from MMOs and so the classes necessitate having different battlefield roles. We don't have aggro or taunts, we have a human who decides where and how the NPCs will attack; we don't have DPS checks to clear mechanics, we have MacGuffins and situations that require clever use of skill checks while in combat; we don't have a designated zones to corral the NPCs into so they can get tank and spanked, we have battlefield with terrain hazards that all party members are expected to avoid or make use of.
PnP roles are typically more like Combat, Control, Skill Monkey, Face, and Heal Bot, but will vary from specific game to specific game. Combat characters focus on killing NPCs, control characters focus on manipulating the positions of allies and/or enemies on the battlefield, skill monkeys focus on being able to competently do any tasks associated with a set of related skills (knowledge, stealth, athletics, etc.), faces talk to NPCs and help to make sure that the party gets it way, socially, and heal bots make sure that nobody dies. Characters only rarely focus on one and only one of these roles: combat characters will also often be used as strength-based skill monkeys, and it's not uncommon to see someone play as both control and face, or combat and face; it's all about what attributes and skills you assigned the character on creation.
I love MMOs, but they are not PnP games and PnP games are not MMOs. Playing one does not scratch the itch of wanting to play the other.
So choosing species is just a skin now?
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I'm the same way. I don't have any hatred for MMO players the way that other anon does. In fact, I don't really know how MMOs play at all (your explanation did help). One of my friends plays FFXIV but I only know what aggro is from anime.
Since the word tank seems to be something with heavy mmo connotations for some people, I'll be careful not to use it here. fwiw, the word predates the mmo genre.

To use more precise words. as the barbarian of the party, i'm being targeted by at least 3/4 of all attacks. I'm neck deep in kobolds, goblins, deep gnomes. A lot of the time, I get hit for the kind of damage that would 1hko another party member. So I'm always looking for a way to be tougher, to have more hp, to stay in the fight, to be a bigger target and keep everyone alive. I found the periapt while playing today. I was pretty excited. And we leveled up, so I was looking at feats. And instead of saying "Tanks get no love", I should have said something like "nothing we find makes my life easier." But you can see how writing all this takes quite a lot of time on my part. So I wrote tank. But the brevity ill served me there.
i don't know about potions, but you can give them a wand of false life
it does help you by doubling your hit die which is a resource you should be using before healing spells, it doesnt help you in the moment unless you can use dwarven fortitude or wither and bloom to expend your hit die in the middle of combat but it does help you
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>plays 5e
>im not a tranny
yeah you're right. my censure was too harsh: it's not useless. for example, if we have a nasty encounter and then short rest i'll be back to full or close to it. it's not like i'm running out of attunement slots. And if we can get Wither and Bloom that could be a great combo.
Well, they don't stack, and they don't raise a guy from dying. But otherwise, they're basically identical to HP regain, except that you can and should pretty much always do it preemptively.
>Potions don't fucking use your hit die dipshit. You don't know the game.
He's probably just used to 4e where they did.
Well, in FFXIV, all 4/8/24 players in a fight's primary job is making the enemy target's health go down. The Tank maintaining aggro is generally a passive thing unless it's in high level raids where they need to switch tanks during a fight, but even that's mostly just changing from tank to damage stance and back. Aggro is just a mechanic of how much attention the enemy has on any particular player, and in their tank stance they're basically radiating "look at me you little fucking bitch" energy. The other aspect of it is that they have special abilities that mitigate big damage attacks that are usually referred to as "tankbusters" that just automatically kill any other type hit by them. But they also get clear telegraphs on when something like that is coming down.

I think the big thing of it though is that since healing is a constantly available resource instead of a limited (spell slots, potions, wand charges...) one, it means that they can build fights around things like telegraphed damage zones, full-arena blast challenges for the healers to cast through, shared damage mechanics, and other things that run on a constant cycle, especially since it's real-time and not turn-based.

While in pen and paper you're very much working on fighting blind against an enemy with unknown abilities and depending hard on your passive defenses (AC, saves).
Remarkable Recovery kind of does what you want.

It also combos with the periapt to make you literally unkillable short of a coup de grace.
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AC just doesn't seem very good in this game.
The next time you play, peek at what are the +tohit modifiers of the guys you're fighting and then use this graph to see their probability to hit. To give an example, a kobold has a 55% chance to hit 18AC (+4 with advantage).

That looks pretty good, thanks
>Source: Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn
is that... going to be fine?
>We don't have aggro or taunts,
Not technically true.

4e and to a lesser extent 5e both have soft taunting, where you punish a character for targeting anyone other than you, typically either with retributive additional damage, or an increased chance of attack failure. Though arguably Reckless Attack draws aggro with rewarding rather than punishment.
Depends, how likely is your dick to suck a cock?

Alternately, how likely are you to suck his?

If either is "very yes" then you can probably swing it.

This is a pretty thorough breakdown of why 5E's "bounded accuracy" is a lie.
Downvoted, if you need an hour to prove a point then you don't have one, you're just bumbling about.
anon, just say what you want to say instead of posting a youtube video
if it has a breakdown, write a sentence about what it is. if it explains a concept, summarize it. it takes one sentence. don't you want people to treat you with at least that much respect?
This. You're on the fucking social platform and all you fucking do is just tell people "go watch this video retard I'm not going to tell you the answer and speak to you like a person", you're basically shitposting at that point. 1 hour video dismissals, jesus christ.
>how likely is your dick to suck a cock?
ask it yourself
>I hate thorough analysis
It's a complicated subject deep diving the math, monster, and encounter design. It's not a simple subject.
The entire video is him just upset that a Barbarian might fail to open a door and the wizard might succeed, and that low level characters might succeed on a hard check and that breaks his immersion. So his solution is to just make the numbers go up, the task difficulty increase, and have it so you become invincible to a knife because the knife holder is too low of a level to you
I'm going to do this dipshits job for him since he can't condense info.

If you roll a 10, with expected stats and shit, you hit. Its really just that simple and didn't take 1 hour or whatever. Going to +29 doesn't change that if you got like a +2 weapon a 20 in your main stat and proficiency you have a 60%+ chance to hit almost every single time anyways since the math adds to basically that
>it's a complicated
if you can't coherently explain it, then you haven't understood it.
something like dnd probability is not sufficiently removed from common knowledge that you wouldn't be able to explain it using ordinary words. you're not explaining the riemann hypothesis, you're talking about dice rolls.
>deep diving the math
the entirety of 5e can be understood by anyone who completed a freshman probability course. if you know bayes' theorem then you can do any "deep dive".
if this is too much, you can numerically compute it, cf. https://statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu/2014/07/12/dnd-5e-advantage-disadvantage-probability/

you don't understand it, because you cannot coherently explain it. but there's no shame in that. a lot of people on here like this stuff, so if you want us to watch part of it and explain it to you, why not point out which parts are confusing?
just make sure that it's a brief part because i am in the middle of shitposting
>Didn't watch it
No, it's about how the design doesn't properly scale encounter difficulty and offloads it onto the DM to try to figure out how enemy abilities will affect encounter difficulty, while mainly treating HP pool sizes as the main factor of how long encounters take.
>bullshitting because he knows he doesn't want to learn
It's not just that "durr yu can't coherently explain it." It's that there's a lot of nuance and complexity in why "bounded accuracy" works as poorly as it does. It's not my fault you don't make any effort to overcome your ADHD need for instant gratification and perfect 2-sentence summaries.
>it's about how the design doesn't properly scale encounter difficulty

that's what i said dipshit
that agrees with my experience
instead of melting down like this you could have just written ten words.
but you can't.
/5eg/, what do you think about classifying weapons and armor by type (e.g. sword/axe and leather/chain) instead of simple/martial and medium/heavy
>Thinks calmly explaining why you need to be open to actual in-depth learning is "melting down."
>a youtube video
>"in-depth learning"
>durr yu....not my fault....your adhd...instant gratification
retarded and retarded. you know what, you were a lost cause from the start
I remember this video! It convinced me that bounded accuracy, at the very least, met developer’s goals. And those who dislike it either didn’t understand it or had mistaken personal opinion for hard criticism. So what if a Fighter with a Blessing and a Bardic dice gets a better chance at hitting a higher AC? So what if a party has to combine multiple class features and items to break down a door with a DC 30? So what if the Creating Quick Monster Stats section of the DMG won’t result in something similar to MM?
*DM, sorry.
is that even a freudian slip a that point? I was already talking about sex.
I'm already doing that in my M&M3E rebuild of D&D, for all the people that want to play RP focused MCU but medieval fantasy instead of a heavily-bastardized dungeon crawler.
>Creating Quick Monster Stats section of the DMG won’t result in something similar to MM
I've actually found I can semi-reliably start from a MM statblock and work backwards.

It actually helped me figure out some things for reverse engineering purposes, for instance, that the Medusa's gaze ability is basically treated like it having +5 AC, since you're assumed to be always attacking with disadvantage unless you have blindsight.
Because i hate wizards.
I recently made rules for it, but I feel that it might have been unnecessary
what happened to club and greatclub and quarterstaff?

I was looking to steal whatever name you gave that category just because I've still got a placeholder name of "whackin' sticks" but they're not even on your chart.
best to just remove the Wizards class entirely and have a "scholarly" option for bards and for sorcerers.
Wizard class is a retarded mess.
sapping. I called it that because I didnt know where else to cram slings. I maybe should have just added slingshots alongside them, but I cant think of any different properties they'd have
>Wizards never had alzheimers and that was never a thing
that's why I said "a weird form of alzheimers"
it's not just "they have bad memory" but rather, despite being an INT class in a game where INT mostly translate to having good memory, they have a mechanic that makes them choose to forget stuff (in order to learn something else), at every long rest and now also at short rest with the "memorize spell" feature.
Other prepared casters aren't selectively forgetting stuff when they prepare different spells, they're just praying for different stuff (clerics, paladins and druids) or improvising different gizmos (artificers).
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>it's not that impactful, or at least, it SHOULDN'T be. stop standing in melee.
this isn't an mmo, a monster with an 80 foot fly speed isn't going to be polite and only attack people who want to get hit. "Geek the Mage" is universal advice, being a druid or cleric and being able to shield attacks trying to break your concentration or just meant to fucking kill you is great and you've got absorb elements for when aoe and breath weapons come out instead.

also true strike is the best way to attack with your spellcasting modifier unless you get Extra Attack which neither cleric nor druid get, it's way better than fucking awful produce flame (druids don't even get firebolt. not even wildfire druid gets firebolt. it's fucking annoying)
>Gain proficiency with three different sets of Artisan’s Tools. Gain a 20 percent discount on nonmagical items. Can craft an item from a Fast Crafting table, which lasts until you finish another Long Rest.

Unironically very excited over this.
What is the fast crating table? sounds right up my ally.
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dhampir being spiderman 24/7 and getting a con-scaling melee attack with bonus accuracy and healing is both too useful and too fun to justify giving up on pretty much every caster. permanent spiderclimb is way more fun to describe than being a fucking birdman and is less disruptive to the table at low levels while still being incredibly useful, plus Spiderman and Venom are simply cooler than Angel, the lamest X-Man. 35 base movespeed is also nice. Vuman with a build-relevant feat is stronger but dhampir is way more fun in my experience and I wish more races had features that actually impacted your gameplay as much instead of being boring PB per Long Rest spells or boring damage boosts
I'm not, sure it's handy but why would you ever pick this over alert, lucky, or even tough?
we still dont know the crafting system, and this is untested wotc slop. there's a high chance it will still require downtime and dm fiat
It still amazes me that they released an entire video about crafting, and told us absolutely fucking nothing about the crafting rules.
geek the wizard or gank the wizard
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>I'm not, sure it's handy but why would you ever pick this over alert, lucky, or even tough?
new lucky is pretty trash. it's gain advantage PB per long rest. you can't use it to reroll shit and it doesn't stack with regular advantage or cancel disadvantage. with how ubiquitous sources of advantage are especially in 2024 with weapon masteries like vex and topple that's not really worth an entire feat. Much rather have Magic Initiate.

hell, Musician is pretty much better Lucky. You grant Inspiration to PB allies every single short rest, which also gives them Advantage charges. Even with no short rests you're giving as many bonus rolls as Lucky does. With a single short rest you're giving 2x as many. And Heroic Inspiration CAN be used to re-roll failed rolls unlike Lucky which is done pre-emptively.
no idea, that's part of why I'm excited

>we still dont know the crafting system
yeah, but the fact that it's mentioned in the feat gives me some hope it's more than a reprint of Xanathar's stuff

>why would you ever pick this over alert, lucky, or even tough?
alert and tough are boring as fuck
lucky might have been nerfed, since the old version said you could choose to use the luck point after the roll, while the new one doesn't say that.
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Anon a spell as simple as Magic Missile takes an entire page of a wizards mad unique ass cyphered ramblings to comprehend. And the truth is that you have a preparation style that's about the same as everyone else. Like really a druid with 20 wisdom can remember Wisdom modifier + druid level, a cleric can remember Wisdom modifier + cleric level and Wizards can, unsurprisingly, remember Intelligence modifier + your wizard level.

This is all the exact same shit. The only difference is that the Cleric prayed for it and got it from a god and still also knows but can forget and remember something else, that the druid is attuned to nature and got it from Nature and still knows but can forget and remember something else, and that the wizard is recalling it from his tome of important knowledge and got it by scribing but can forget and remember something else within his book as its spells and he can't memorize absolutely fucking everything.

Its not a form of instant dementia or amnesia or alzheimers, you don't forget magic missile exists. What happens is that you focus on remembering the 6+ pages worth of spells so damn well that yeah you push the others to the side so you can do these sometimes 3 dense fucking page spells with specific intonations and more within 6 seconds and real fucking fast. Its like practicing your specific party tricks, some stuff you can do with some practice but if you need to know how to juggle a knife real quick you practiced it way way the fuck earlier in my dude so you won't fuck up now. Doesn't mean you can't juggle flaming torches anymore, just that you need to practice and set yourself to it later.
well, i don't plan on using that either, but that reminder gave me a good term to look up synonyms for, and I don't hate "batons"

did you mean slungshot, the monkeyfist holding a lead ball or a rock? Because i'd probably throw it in with wherever you have flail and nunchaku, tbqh.

if you legit meant slingshot, then i have no idea what your thought process is there.
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Giant ape the wizard.
does sling&shield actually work in 5.0 or 5.5 or do the item interaction rules mean you can't do it
same for handcrossbow&shield
I do like that feat a lot myself, but now Humans get Heroic Inspiration after every long rest, and Fighters get it at the start of all their turns. Plus, the Musician can't give the inspiration to themselves.
So, I guess in a party with many humans it could feel like a bit of a waste.
things with 80ft fly speed also have breath weapons, which Shield will do nothing for.

Shield is a single turn of being slightly harder to hit, exclusively to attack rolls.
I'm not saying it's useless, but for an entire feat slot, I'd rather have something that ends the fight 1 turn earlier than delay the inevitable 1 turn.
I meant rename it and add another type of sling so I can have a slinging group. monkeys fist wouldnt work as its closer to a flail, which is its own thing
Are you not your own ally? Usually if you can't target yourself with an ability, it specifically says so.

I wouldn't call it trash, unlike musician you can hoard them all for yourself so it still has a niche. But yeah in general musician just seems better.
>cleric can remember
no, clerics don't need to "remember" their spells, they're siphoning their deity's powers. Nothing about their spells relies on memorization.

>a spell as simple as Magic Missile takes an entire page of a wizards mad unique ass cyphered ramblings to comprehend.
Anon, a bard can figure out and reverse engineer any wizard spell without having to worry about any nerd shit, and bards don't even need to be born magical or siphon powers from deities in the way other classes do.
>monkeys fist wouldnt work as its closer to a flail, which is its own thing
i literally just said to add slungshot to the flail category, yes.
true. but a bard can't use a magically enhanced book of spells to swap out the spells he knows.
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Anon, its preparation casting. You literally need to prepare your daily spells you wanna cast. They know their spells each time they prepare them and remember them, Clerics don't have auto casting and they still know how to cast spells and what words to use and more. You meditate and pray for the preparation but you're not subtlecasting shit, you know what to say because if you don't say the spell right and do the right gestures, you don't cast the spell. You can't cast a spell with verbal if you don't do the verbal right, you can't cast the somatic if you don't do it right.

Like I don't know what the fuck to tell you but this is how it is. Its flexible mnemonic manipulation to always have an edge but these dudes forget the finer ways of spells and just select others to keep on a hotline with a limited capacity. Bards and Warlocks are actually better memory holders at the cost of flexibility, yes, they just know all their spells. And before you say it, yes, Warlocks do know their spells too, this isn't some sugar mommy memorizing your entire spell list and EB.
I'm thinking of making myself something like these specifically as an exercise on coming up with ideas and reinforcing a setting's uniqueness and themes.
Keeping them in a small card format would force me to get to the point, and I'd be able to check the ideas weeks later to reread them and judge whether they were shit or not.

But I don't think I'll ever actually DM any game.
Anon, the stat that represents memory is INT. A cleric can have int 4 and it won't affect their spellcasting -> their spell preparation has nothing to do with memorization.
>Bards and Warlocks are actually better memory holders
no they're not. Warlock only has 15 spells known at 20. A Wizard with +5 int has 25 known from any given preparation, nearly double.

The only way you'd have even half a point is if wizards somehow lost their prepared spells after a long rest, and so HAD to re-prepare every morning. But they don't. The spells they prepare are known until they unprepare them to prepare something else in that spot.
I was talking about making a slings category
so when a wizard forgets a spell, he's actively and intentionally deleting space in order to download new spells using the special fancy runic notation in his book that's unique to his brain?
is there anything that can be done to make defenses and healing good in 5.x
and that's fine, but you should put slingshots in it, not slungshots.
Except no, that doesn't matter by their magical powers and they still remember anyways because that's how it works. Blame mechanics being simple and not accounting inteligence on the majority of casters, but what works works, not how you think it should because it doesn't.
I wonder how will the Ritual Caster feat end up.
If it stays like in 2014, a bard with ritual caster: wizard would be better than a wizard in every way.
But in the playtest where they had that feat, it was nerfed enough to keep wizards' place as the party's main ritual caster (unless there's a tomelock with the ritual invocation, but that requires quite a bit of investment).

>Ritual Spells. Choose two 1st-level Spells that have the Ritual tag from the Arcane, Divine, and Primal Spell Lists. You always have those two Spells prepared, and you can cast them with any Spell Slots you have. The Spells’ Spellcasting Ability is the ability increased by this Feat.
>Quick Ritual. With this benefit, you can cast a Ritual Spell that you have prepared using its regular casting time, rather than the extended time for a Ritual. Doing so doesn’t require a Spell Slot Once you cast the Spell in this way, you can’t use this benefit again until you finish a Long Rest.
What's the narrative difference between Cleric, Paladin, Warlock, and Sorcerer?
it's very fucking weird.
I mean, you could argue that replacing spells at (level up as some classes can do) is similar, but leveling up always felt more like something that happens over a longer time rather than few minutes after waking up every day.
>Except no
>literally agree with the post you're replying to
Some god channels through me, giving me magical powers.
I believe so hard in something I get magical powers.
I made a deal with something supernatural in exchange for magical powers.
Mom fucked something supernatural, now my bloodline has magical powers.
Desperate to be noticed by senpai, senpai gives them crumbles of attention from time to time

Their determination made senpai notice them even if the pally doesn't necessarily give a damn about senpai

got noticed by a sukebe and offered a dirty deal, accepted it not out of interest in sukebe but out of their own benefit

anime protagonist who was born special just because, has their own harem, still acts like a victim
Every prepared caster prepares casting and memorizes their spells. They will remember, because int doesn't matter until its stated it does. Cleric and Druid have a selection from Divine/Primal spells but they all remember a certain ammount, irrelevant of memory stats like Int, because its memorization but instead of int, its just wisdom instead. They still know these spells, how to cast them and are able to do so because they memorize and know these spells and how to cast them. Its alt stat memorization, which he is saying is not true.
unironically, play a monk.
the downside is, to get monk to have astonishingly good defenses, you have to give up most of your damage. But not all of your damage, so if you'd rather be very annoying to kill, but a constant damage tick chipping away, and occasionally flaring up to knock a guy out of concentration, it works.
I guess it's almost fitting that a class with such heavy connections to things like shaolin monks would operate best when played patiently and focused more on self-defense than inflicting injury.

let me save you both the trouble, neither of you have any idea what you're talking about.

well, ritual casting is built into all casters now, with wizards still maintaining their original book casty version, and tomelock nerfed, but at the same time able to swap them out on a short rest, meaning they effectively have all of the 1st level ones always, because if you can stop for 10 minutes you can probably stop for an hour and 10 minutes tbqh, or delay it until you can, and will probably have any you'd expect to need in a rush already chosen as your two.

i'm almost certain this is bait.
there is no mention of memory in the druid or cleric descriptions of preparation.

they both say "prayer and meditation" instead.
Preparing a new list of cleric spells requires time spent in prayer and meditation: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

Preparing a new list of wizard spells requires time spent studying your spellbook and memorizing the incantations and gestures you must make to cast the spell: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

Preparing a new list of druid spells requires time spent in prayer and meditation: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

Preparing a new list of paladin spells requires time spent in prayer and meditation: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

Preparing a new list of artificer spells requires time spent tinkering with your spellcasting focuses: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

The only one memorizing stuff is the wizard
Yeah, and they memorize their spells anyways. What, you fucking think you literally have your God speak your spells for you like you're 3 months old and its your mother putting peas in your mouth? Or that Nature just casts shit for you like you're some quadraplegic wheelchair user? You aren't speaking tongues on instinct, spellcasting takes actual effort and includes knowing your spells, if you can't speak the words or do the gestures you're not going to cast a spell.

You pray and meditate to attune to the spells and learn them, but that's no different from just reading shit in a book you wrote. You still know them.
you're just treating your headcanon as fact
someone else's headcanon might just be that the cleric already knows the incantations and gestures for all their spells, but they only work properly if they prayed for that spell on that morning.
Sorcerers are classic Capefic superheroes, but its always just casting magic.

Fell in a pit of abyssal ichor?
Born under the right stars?
Born under the very wrong stars?
Exposed to cosmic rays?
Parent was a dragon, or a wizard who liked to experiment on himself, or on you?
Bit by a radioactive sea slug?
Powered up by a blue sea because you hail from the planet Argon?
Magically created clone of somebody else important, that ended up getting a life of your own, and abilities the original didn't have because of the process?
Severe trauma active a long dormant gene?
Family curse?
Family blessing?
Mutant freak?
Mutated freak?

All Sorcerer
>Sorcerers are classic Capefic superheroes,
Sorcerers are also what wizards are like in many media, even Harry Potter and old Forgotten Realms lore had kids being born innately magical, with the schooling being about learning to control their powers.
>Yeah, and they memorize their spells anyways.
you don't have even a single place in the game to cite for that headcanon.

>What, you fucking think you literally have your God speak your spells for you like you're 3 months old and its your mother putting peas in your mouth? Or that Nature just casts shit for you like you're some quadraplegic wheelchair user?
No, I think the gods put that information in their head. A cleric cut off from his god wouldn't still be able to cast. If he was memorizing the incantations manually, he'd still be able to, the weave is still there, it still reacts to the same verbal, somatic, and material commands, regardless of who is performing them.
>You aren't speaking tongues on instinct,
Why not? The apostles did. That's the point of having the Holy Spirit.
>The only one memorizing stuff is the wizard
memorizing -and forgetting-, with forgetting being the weirdest part (flavor wise, obviously it makes sense mechanically for balance).
Except that makes no sense because a long rest does not equal sleep at all and you can long rest at any time of the day, 8 am 3 pm or even 12:20 so mornings mean nothing at all and would be at best a complete nonsense rule.

If you don't know how to cast a spell, with verbal or somatic or both components, you can't cast a spell. This is how this works, if you are a wizard and you don't know magic missile, you are not casting magic missile, same if you as a cleric try casting Aid without preparing or Aura of Vitality for a druid.
Yeah a cleric without a god doesn't work because all of his power is on loan, including the preparation and casting ability, if you can't cast a spell you can't cast spells, if your memorization method relies on wisdom and cleric level, then having your memorization method removed by not being a cleric means you can't memorize. You don't really understand what you're saying.
Harry Potter wizards still have to learn their spells.
You're right in those worlds that only those with innate ability to manipulate magic can learn to cast codified magic, but they do still have to learn how to cast that codified magic, they don't know how innately.

except that clerics and druids don't memorize at all. it's given to them by their gods.
Except you do memorize your spells. If you don't know your spells you can't cast them because you don't understand how to cast them. You get given a list from the Gods but its entirely up to you as a Cleric to chose which to memorize.
I'm a fan of also remembering that Sorcerers also can get their powers via bestowment- you could've been blessed or some powerful magical creature just said
>"Yeah you cool dawg- have some superpowers"
And now you have superpowers. Sometimes becoming a Sorcerer can be some hard work that you've gotta earn.
>Harry Potter wizards still have to learn their spells.
and sorcerers still have to use verbal and somatic components. Plus they learn spells at level up, with -how- they learn them being left vague.
>but its entirely up to you as a Cleric to chose which to memorize.
Not memorize. Prepare. Clerics don't memorize.
>Except that makes no sense because a long rest does not equal sleep at all and you can long rest at any time of the day, 8 am 3 pm or even 12:20 so mornings mean nothing at all and would be at best a complete nonsense rule.
who said anything about sleep? is this just you sperging over the word "morning"?
Just reinterpret that part as:
>but they only work properly if they prayed for that spell earlier that day
Having components doesn't imply study in any form. It implies knowledge. There are many ways to know things, Ed-boy.
Interesting. Wizards are also explicitly told to prepare but we all understand it as Memorized. Why do clerics get a difference?
How many years did Moses spend reading the Torah before he went to Pharaoh and started throwing around snakes and casting down plagues?
It literally says wizards memorize IN YOUR SCREENSHOT that you apparently are incapable of reading
It is me sperging about morning yes. I am following logic and game rules as written, morning is breaking everything when its utterly irrelevant, dawn isn't mentioned anywhere and clearly has no meaning as its post a long rest regardless, which also makes your earlier that day stupid as you could prepare your spell list post a long rest at approximately something like 23:00 and since its past midnight in your adventure you lose your spells as its another day.

You're wrong.
I know. Its all preparation, this is effectively the basis for it, and its the same thing for the other two classes. Preparing is effective Memorizing, and we all know this but for some reason people deny it for the others.
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you might be brain damaged, sorry
why are you even screenshotting when it's all in this post?
I find Sorcerers as the "Catch-All Magic Caster" narratively with the only exception being it cannot be learned. Learned as in- no amount of research or practice can be done to grant you Sorcerery- it is something that is either granted or passively obtained:
>Drank a weird potion? You're a Sorcerer now!
>Made friends with a Dragon/Elemental/Fey/Fiend/Shadowfell Thing/Angel/etc and they blessed your soul or bloodline? You're a Sorcerer now!
>Born in a lab made by a mad mage trying to make a magical super soldier? You're a Sorcerer now!
>Got nuked by a magical nuke and survived? You're a Sorcerer now!
>Born under some cosmic event- like the moons aligning or stars aligning or a portal to some other plane opened up around your birth area? You're a Sorcerer now!
>Some ancient ancestor was a creature like a Fey or Dragon and you got the lucky powers? You're a Sorcerer now!
>Interacted with a magical item that was imbued with some strange power? You're a Sorcerer now!

The list goes on and on and on.
Why else would I be a RAW poster in 5e Anonymous.
Why should I refer to a post in an image board? If you wished for a (You) and I didn't give you attention you just needed to ask Anonymous but you don't have to act coy to get your attention.
monk is good but i meant more like changes to the design space and resolution of the game itself to make defenses and healing good *in general*
a big one would probably be changes to how death saves work, or changes to how being at low hp works, so people aren't just saving all their healing spells to only ever +1hp someone when they go down
I didn't say study, I said learn. For something to be taught in a school, someone else would have needed to figure it out on their own at some point before.
but yeah, Harry potter wizards fit more as a sorcerer/wizard multiclass in d&d terms
>Why should I refer to a post in an image board?
why would you put effort into taking a screenshot and so on only to repeat what's already there?
anyway you've already proven that you're brain damaged
somewhere along the way people forgot that the only reason d&d's magic system is the way that it is is because gary gygax really really really liked jack vance's dying earth
Quoting text limits characters available, is less clear than an image, is more cumbersome, more effort than checking another tab with the windows snip tool and then hitting post. Really the one with brain damage here is you for trying to make an argument for not using an image inside an image board.
should just do what pathfinder did: get rid of sorcerer and let you just pick if you're an int caster, wis caster, or cha caster
there's a case to be made for a blood magic feat/class/subclass/prestige/etc. that lets you sub in con, but 5e players aren't ready for that yet
>should just do what pathfinder did: get rid of sorcerer and let you just pick if you're an int caster, wis caster, or cha caster
nah, get rid of wizard and rename sorcerer into wizard. Also let you pick if you're an int, wis or cha caster.
>I know. Its all preparation
No, dumbass. No it's not.

Go screenshot the cleric one then circle where it says memorize and post it.
>prep time discourse
>For something to be taught in a school, someone else would have needed to figure it out on their own at some point before.
Right, but it's not like Shadowcat had to learn how to cast Etherealness, or Invisible Woman how to cast Greater Invis and Force Wall.

Sorcerer's just know how to cast their spells, innately, and they can't learn anything more than what they know innately, unless they pick up wizard levels.
More like the School of Hard Cocks
We went from arguing about DM prep to arguing about spell prep.

This thread is clearly about flaming about prep in its many forms.
Pathfinder 1e and 2eboth have sorcerer what the fuck are you talking about?

alma mater of the tielfing sorcerer
Paladins get spells at level 1 now, and smite is a lvl 1 spell, correct?
Requirements aside, that's looking like a pretty decent first level dip for a War Domain Cleric.
You can even get the first level Cleric option that gives you the extra cantrip and that makes you better at Religion checks, since you already get the proficiencies you'd get with the other option, right? And I'm pretty sure Paladins also get weapon mastery at level 1.
Sick, that might be my first 5.5e character.
A shame about smites not working with Warpriest, since that's actually kind of good now.
you can only do it with an artificer in the party that uses the repeating shot infusion on the ranged weapon you want to use
No, but I think Sorcerer should lean into the "you're something that isn't fully human" angle more.

Draconic sorcerer shouldn't be "you're a dragon themed wizard except you didn't have to study and you can mod your spells"
It should be "you're a goddamn half dragon" the class.

Every time I look at a sorcerer I should think "that's a monster, but on our side" or "that's a force of nature incarnate."
They still work on ranged attacks though right? I can still be a sheriff bringing the law?
That's a good question.
I have no idea.
>Anon’s Bullshit material,
sounds cool, where can I find it?
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Why are the revised Conjuration/Summoning spells so fucking ass now?
that is so dumb
If I play a character too similar to my last one, I fear my group will figure out my fetishes.
But I just don't want to play a different type of character.
They knew the playstyle was problematic and rather than fix it all Tasha's Summon style they decided to just delete it and the subclasses that supported it and just make some summon "flavored" spells instead.
>But I just don't want to play a different type of character.
that means you are a faggot
and your group has every right to look down on you
not in the playtest version, dont think they've specified for the final release one way or the other
>that means you are a faggot
how so?
and by the way, I only mean a different personality/archetype.
The "build" (class, skills and so on) would be entirely different
Is there any good reason why Feral senses should be a level 18 feature? It feels like something that would be useful at level 7-10. Imagine how cool it would be if you're the guy who senses the invisible creature nearby and don't sufffer attacks against you to have advantage, what a memorable moment for a campaign that it won't be at all when people have endless detection spells and dispels to deal with it. Do they just not want rangers to shine or something? If the paladin gets to nuke undead with smite when they appear, this is just kind of a shrug at best.
the 3.x lore about dragons needing to turn into a human to fuck was bullshit and i'm glad that 5e got rid of it
like, do they not have their own dick to fuck with? is that what wotc wanted us to believe?
I don't know how revising summoning spells to be "If you enter my personal space you might get hit and that's YOUR FAULT" was a good idea
Just let people summon their wolves, elementals and dragon spirits, I don't know how you're suppose to get the same feeling when summoning a Fire Elemental to run rampant with the new revised version. The penalty being "It's going to try and kill you" if you lose concentration should already be good enough. The penalty being "You're going to lose your minions and become vulnerable" is also already good enough
Actually, no. It would still need to be a 2 levels dip for smite, assuming that the spell is not on the Paladin's list and is only granted by the class feature.
Anyhow, two levels of Paladin is looking pretty nice.
Weapon mastery, smite, a fighting style, and all the usual proficiencies isn't too shabby.
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about to run a vtt game with dynamic light for first time
any pitfalls I should be aware of?
ive run vtt combat with map before but not this
Where's the rest of the new background feats?
What races would you focus on in a setting where humans, elves, and dwarves are not playable due to an extinction event (or something similar)?

I like the idea of goblinoids, tieflings, orcs, lizardfolk, dark elves, etc, but not sure if I'm missing any major ones.
what do you mean?
they might only be the ones in that article
having lightly armoured as background feat was ridiculous
>lizard folk draconic sorcerer (white)
>use transmuted meta magic to turn all spells into cold damage

I am the refrigegator.
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>Pile of rats in a trenchcoat
>what do you mean?
You know, the fucking rest? 10 is fucking NOTHING. Doubly so since there is SIXTEEN fucking backgrounds. The least to expect would be a different feat for each different background instead of this lazy shit.
they've always been lazy, but anyway magic initiate counts as three (surely acolyte gives mi: cleric, sage gives mi: wizard, guide gives mi: druid, or something like that).
I won't be surprised if they recommend the same feats for different backgrounds too
how should the new phb shit be displayed on 5etools?
>any pitfalls I should be aware of?
Probably not.
Anyone here have a 5e modern supplement you can recommend? I'm looking for any unique or fun mechanics with guns and other modern equipment.
Probably by default with all old options being listed the same as UA stuff is listed currently.
new website called 5point1etools
fuck no
for me it's goats, sheep, pigs, squid, and parrots
the most intelligent animals
Piratefag here, I’ve been away for a while, but the campaign is going to pick back up.
Recently, the arcane trickster of the party looted some magical daggers, but hasn’t identified them yet, so what they do is still up in the air.
Any suggestions for what the magic pair of daggers could do? Party is level 3 currently btw.
>So what if it didn't meet its goals! It met its goals!
Give them the nick weapon mastery + two weapon fighting and recall

Unless he is a booming blade user. Then I don't think he'd use the daggers.
yes, of course wizards are autistic
Sorry grandpa, your boomer shit is legacy material now.
I had a fellow player make his character a tiefling, the character was cool.
another character was a dragonborn, player was a wallflower so I didn't really have an opinion on the character one way or the other.
but thanks to the internet (it that dude obsessed with his gay dragonborn oc, and that one bitch who draws comics about a whore tiefling who fucks dragons, comics that get shared fucking everywhere), I can't tolerate dragonborns or tieflings anymore.
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>Letting weird shit on the internet influence you more than your own experiences
Sounds lame, anon.
>Sounds lame, anon.
I know.
but it's probably a brain thing. Like, if you were to see a girl sitting on a sofa with a bunch of black dudes behind the sofa, you'd likely think about that one meme regardless of whether you wanted to think about it or not.
you sound racist
>joined a roll20 campaign with 11 players
surprisingly fun. dm uses an hourglass to keep people in line. i also like that he does voices
>still uses the term "race"
species is better
although tieflings are more of a lineage
The One Piece!
ah yes it is 4e which is responsible for abilities that are spell-like, which are things that are spell-like that are your abilities

even the weeb ninja book beat 4e to the punch with a whole pile of maneuvers leveled 1-9 that weren't spells
>Any suggestions for what the magic pair of daggers could do?

if you're not stuck on them being a pair:
>dagger that lets you cast 1 ritual per day with without the +10 min by drawing blood from a tiny creature or yourself
>dagger that is half ethereal, ignores cover when thrown
>dagger that lets you teleport when thrown (the ole classic)

>one dagger that does no damage dice, another that does 3d4 if it hits after the first one
>one dagger that emits light and does radiant dmg, one that does necrotic and maybe darkness or darkvision. Can switch for fire/cold (sun-moon), thunder lightning, etc
>5e is responsible for abilities that are spell-like
shit's been there since AD&D
daggers that have spell-like abilities
is a halfling battlemaster a good combination?
I only ever played a wizard. I guess I'd know how to play another full caster, but I'm clueless when it comes to martials
Create/modify spell should have stayed
But not as something to do whenever, but rather restricted to only when leveling up, and maybe only to specific levels such as 6, 11 and 18.
The idea of experimenting with spells is too cool and very flavorful for the wizard fantasy. While being forced to keep a book to not suck, and having expertises that the bard and the rogue can get are just weak in the way of flavor.
The closest thing to experimenting with spells is a fucking sorcerer feature.
>versatile weapons don't get great weapon master
first time seeing something from bg3 that didn't work in 5e. anons made it out like 5e was nothing alike but the differences are exceedingly minor
/5eg/, I want to give my players a strict, clear condition for when they can gain inspiration. It should be roleplay-related
yeah. dex is king when it comes to optimizing.
>dagger that makes you racist
>dagger that also makes you racist just in a different way
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Depends on the book. If its a benign kind of curse like a short or long term madness such as not wanting to give up the book under any circumstances that can be unattuned with remove curse or something, then sure since it adds flavor to the game. If its something pure fucking evil like the Book of Vile Darkness that will irreversibly change your character and damn their soul for eternity with its contents, then I ain't touching that shit and doing everything in my power to dispose of it before an antagonist or any of my equally impulsive party members gets their hands on it.

My DM actually made a house rule for wizards making their own spells a few weeks back. Basically they outlined the process/requirements like this:
>A wizard that reaches 13th, 15th, & 17th level is able to experiment with the rules of the Weave to create their own custom spell, following the previous naming convention.
>The level of the created spell can be of 1st to 5th-level. It can be cast only once per short rest, if it is a spell of 3rd-level or higher.
>Such a spell is always prepared for the wizard who created it

They also ruled it that such spells can't be scrolled or put into a wand since it would take the wizard years to perfect the spell enough to where such items or other wizards can handle them. The 5th level cap is to avoid also creating anything too ridiculous and is workshopped with the player.
>anons made it out like 5e was nothing alike
that's largely cope from fags bending over backwards to defend Hasbro's laziness. the old Infinity Engine games and NWN1+2 were a lot more divorced from AD&D and 3rd/3.5 gameplay than BG3 is from actual 5e, which really is "Okay I take the Attack action, then I Extra Attack, then I bonus action attack, okay I end my turn" for half the classes with no additional complexity. The parts of BG3 that are just recycled from divinity original sin 2 are also often improvements on the actual tabletop gameplay. Only 3d movement and verticality is a bitch to implement in an isometrric rpg but that's nothing new, you got to fucking level 40 in NWN1 and killed Mephistopheles in a 1v1 fistfight and still walked because flight was too much of a pain to code
This rogue revision is 41 pages long and I'm getting tired of working on it. I just need to spell-check it be done with it
>This rogue revision is 41 pages long
TQ: Probably read it, if there's a chance it'll enable him to out the reigns on his Patron.
On another note, my Character was hit with Feeblemind last session - which will probably keep him out of danger more than anything
maybe something like a listed flaw and virtue, condensed down to a sentence or so, for each character, and give them inspiration when they act in a way that plays into either of those?
My players are level 19 and in the final couple sessions of the campaign. They're about to enter a tower that is a giant drill and have two fights - in the Engine Room at the bottom, and then the final fight with the BBEG on the top.

Given they have the ability to fly and run through walls at this stage without any drawbacks, what kind of stuff can I put in the middle to just divide up the fights so it's not just one then the other?
new dual wielder feat is soft confirmed to let you bonus action attack even if you've benefitted from Nick. it's either this or some other brand new phb feat giving a resourceless bonus action attack every round the way old PAM and CBE did
>This rogue revision is 41 pages long
It's shit
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How would you guys go about playing a Wood Woad PC? I've had the idea on the shelf about playing a Custom Lineage Oath of Ancients Paladin Wood Woad who outlived their usefulness when their grove was scorched to the ground and either driven by vengeance on who caused it or simply trying to find somewhere else to belong. Would also make a conscious effort to only knock living creatures unconscious like animals or humanoids rather than outright killing them. Multiclassing into druid with Spores/Wildfire would be neat unless its too MAD. Would quarterstaff and shield also be the way to go for gear?
Paladin ancients, autognome race. Don't bother with multiclassing for shit like Spores/Wildfire, its suboptimal and the flavour is worse than you think. If anything, do a dip of barbarian anyways and make yourself a big tanky and strong tree with an ironwood warhammer or greatmaul or whatever equivalent to beat the shit out of people with melee, or honestly even just go Mercy Monk to deal necrotic and healing as an attuned wise spirit on a wooden body, healing and harming to restore a balance long disturbed.
>This rogue revision is 41 pages long
anon pls
I have an autistic 5e revision that is just shy of 600 pages long, and 15 is enough for rogue with eight subclasses. Even the entire maneuver system, which rogue shares with the other martial classes, is only another 20 pages.
How the fuck did you get rogue alone to be 41 pages?
Just give rogues 2 attacks like every other fucking martial in the game and like a retaliate attack. There, they're way better now.
They did fix it Tasha's summon style. By literally including the Tasha's summons. They're intended as a replacement.

The only reason they even kept the other names around at all is they promised no spells would be removed from the phb. Same reason they made true strike a spell attack SCAG cantrip.
They just don't want anyone to have to go hunting through the MM during play (same reason they tried to make Druids work like Tasha's spells and Tasha's beast master) and also make it so players can't flood the board with a million creatures that all need to take their own turns. If you'd ever dealt with a casual player summoning 8 pixies, you'd get it.
I highly doubt they deleted more than half the ones in the playtest
I vote for this.
It is what it is man
Since officially you can still play with old material but you're not supposed to mix them on a character, I'd say probably a toggle at the top of the page.
It just means your players aren't a representative sample of the kind of people that typically play dragonborn (gay furries) and Tieflings (also gay, horny theater kids).
If a rogue wants two attacks, they can just TWF. Or even Steady Aim or Hiding basically accomplishes the same thing, since the lions share of their damage comes from reliably landing snack attack.

As for reaction attacks, those let them get off sneak attack a second time during a round. So obtaining one should be one of a rogue's highest priorities in building. But since they're also nearly always melee, it's also quite risky, since it means you left your rogue in melee, which is an even worse decision than leaving your monk in melee. Still, doubled DPS is very tempting if you can swing it.

Is he right? Is D&D joever?
what are some spells that would make sense for a wizard spy? ive got the obvious ones like scrying, sending, that sort of thing plus a few mandatory kill spells, but i always feel like theres something im missing
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If someone says its over, makes a script about how its over, sets up a camera to take a picture of themselves as looking defeated/exasperated, puts it on a thumbnail and does shit like a nuclear blast overlay and big letters in green while also doing the whole script and shit, do you seriously think their opinion is sincere? I hope the answer is "Obviously not" because these kinds of videos are the least sincere ones in existence.

DnD ain't over because it never even began so to speak. There is no "start" or "end" because people have played the same ass edition for like 10+ years, and it doesn't matter if they don't even make 5.5 or 6e or whatever because Hasbro and WOTC isn't DnD, they just make shit for it. DnD always will exist and to a certain point be played, a corpo sucking ass is irrelevant for it and people will do whatever. Game ain't alive and the game never started, so how can it die or be over anyways.
>verification not required
Alter Self, Message, Find Familiar?
i completely forgot about alter self, thanks. i knew there was something obvious i missed lol
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Fog Cloud, Invisibility, Arcane Eye, Detect Thoughts, Dimension Door, Teleport, Sleep, Hypnotic Pattern...
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he means death of the brand, from a forcible move to a digital playspace, no more physical books, subscription with expansions, like an MMO.

modify memory. nothing quite as useful as un-blowing your cover.
>forcible move to a digital playspace, no more physical books, subscription with expansions, like an MMO.
that would be incredibly stupid, they'd lose the ability to sell minis, dice, map tiles, and other officially licensed peripherals.
those products are showing up on the shelves of Ollies. nobody is buying them, it doesn't make sense to keep trying to sell them.

Especially when they can just sell digital versions for their digital MMO for the same prices and save millions on shipping and production costs, including any risks of a flopped product.
this makes me wish shadow monk could summon bonebois.

because holy shit shadow monk with hexblade or necromancer would be horrible multiclasses.
Yeah, so like I said, corpos fucking up doesn't matter and WOTC aren't DnD. The "brand" doesn't exist in reality and is utterly irrelevant, and all it takes is effectively one single dude who subscribed for that shit to keep it all going for everywhere that matters since places like Foundry exist. Why would anyone care about the death of a brand and why would anyone fake caring about it so much to make hat kind of thumbnail either, its so fake.
good luck finding players for a game that's been corporately dead for 10 years.
Rogue (Arcane Trickster)/Wizard (Necromancer)? Or just mono class Necromancer Wizard with a ninja theme.
People still run shadowrun, cyberpunk, 3.5, pathfinder 1e and so forth. If those can flourish and be fine, so can everyone else really.
>why would anyone fake caring about it so much to make hat kind of thumbnail either
because the dude is a grog. so everything wotc does that moves the game away from grogdom is the end of the world to him.
The most I've ever summoned were 4 Satyrs but then again my Class isn't specific to being a Petmaster

8 pixies should be a higher level option, 8 allies all with polymorph as an option is too good
not just polymorph, dispel magic. 8 chances at dispel magic practically GUARANTEES that even 9th level spells are getting killed.

and confusion and entangle. even if they pass the first save, can they pass 7 more?

and fly. give the whole party flight for an hour with a 4th level slot.

Even just 8 phantasmal force is an exceptionally strong wall spell for 3rd level. You want to walk through here? Too bad, you see 8 ogres blocking the path, and somehow all of your attacks against them keep missing.

>my Class isn't specific to being a Petmaster
it doesn't need to be? the spell has an 8 option by default. upcasting DOUBLES the amount, so you'd actually get 16 pixies with a 6th level slot, or 24 with an 8th.

And adding 24 creatures to the battlefield is going to cause mass slog even if the player commanding them is johnny on the spot with their movements and actions each turn.

Hence why they basically removed the Conjure spells altogether, and made Summon, a single creature chosen from one of three pre-approved statblocks that scales with slot level, the replacement.
strong wall for *4th level
>treantmonk has started calling it 5.24 too
Well, I guess that's hard proof he really has been cribbing my mechanical analysis posts from /5eg/.

But for once I don't actually mind, it's the objectively easiest shorthand, plus I'm making Fetch happen.
Anon, Treantmonk is an idiot who thinks white-room analysis constitutes actual system knowledge. Him parroting your talking points isn't something to be proud of.
Given I never presented my findings as anything other than whiteroom analysis, specifically of discovering what things are technically possible when maximized or of trying to back-engineer what sorts of things were going through wotc's head when designing and playtesting, I don't think that's an issue.
Honest to Dog question, would you rather suck dick, or have your butt fucked?
Is heroism a good spell? Is gaining 5 temp HP at the start of each of your turns worth concentration at say level 6 or higher?
Which UA had sample of 2024 origin feats? Which has the rules for jumping?
At lower levels yeah it can be pretty alright to cast on a barbarian and shit. At higher levels yeah it can be pretty alright to cast at like fourth level so your entire party laughs at dragon fear and shit. You've already got this spell if you've survived since low level to high anyways and its a fucking level 1 spell, you might as well use it. Although really, Divine Favor is massively fucking slept on instead if you're a paladin, but people don't know whats good for them
The rules for jumping got reverted to 2014 because people felt the changes were stupid.

as for the feats, I never got all the class changes updated, but they stopped releasing new feat information months ago, so this should have literally all of them.

Origin is the level1 ones.
Lots of Redditors call it 5.24 too
Probably because they're copying Treant, or they're the redditors we can't get to leave from here and so copying me directly.

Either way, I made Fetch happen, I'll take it.
gaining 5 temphp a turn is the only thing keeping battlerager from being worse than useless, and 1d6+level is enough to make twilight cleric a massive nuicance even at level 2 when it first gets it.
yes. It's not the perfect choice for every fight, but no spell should be, when they are it's evidence of bad design
It's a solid spell, more so for paladin since its effects extend to your find steed mount.
Treantmonk already made a video for when the NDA is over.

0:00 Intro
6:31 Rules condensed
7:10 Rules removed
10:27 Actions
11:46 Hiding
14:03 Surprise
16:40 Saving throws
17:27 Initiative
18:37 Movement
19:18 Terminology
19:53 Mounted combat
20:44 Underwater combat
21:06 Bloodied
21:39 Magic Missile Trick
22:57 Resistance, Vulnerability
24:11 Knocking out a creature
24:39 Shields
27:20 Equipment
29:09 Crafting
33:49 Heroic Inspiration
35:04 Exhaustion
36:57 Spellcasting
42:02 Wrap up
>29:09 Crafting
>33:49 Heroic Inspiration

>less than 5 minutes of crafting talk

the future is dim
What are some things you can do with Encode Thoughts? It seems like a really strange spell to me
That feels decently long compared to other timestamps.
Rules condensed to Rules removed is the one that feels too weirdly short.
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It's a Harry Potter reference. Basically lets you create a recording of a memory or message that's indecipherable to non-mages.

its a playtest for a system revision, so it has
>a full class
>four subclasses
>~90 maneuvers up to 5th level
>a revised weapon and armor system
>skill trick and fighting style feats (which the rogue can get as invocation-like features)
>revised adventuring gear, poisons, and traps (for fast hands and a few maneuvers)
>a massive rules glossary

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