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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official updates:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

>Corvus Belli AI:

>Model identifiers (what each faction can take):

>Semi-unofficial catalogue of fluff, dossiers, and unit models:

>Unit Dossiers archive:

>Infinity Army (official list-builder app) and hacking helper:


Previous thread:
Stop trying to turn Sybilla into a slut. AI engines are supposed to "learn" from questions they receive, you know.
>system can only give textual responses
>ask it to draw you a picture
What were you expecting?
It also reads them with sexy uninterestedwomanvoice
>system can only give textual responses
Wrong, it can provide photos of minis too.
>sexy uninterestedwomanvoice
Which is surprisingly good intonation wise, last I checked it was the weak point of TTS. And I'm horrified to admit that I've heard actual organic humans* IRL who talked much more like bots than this one.

* (I didn't cut them apart to check if they aren't Speculos or shit)
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Is it just me, or are the tiger soldiers not really worth it? Pretty costly without much to make it shine over similarly priced options.
It's probably amazing in the hands of a good player, but I cannot see myself relying on their combat jump/parachutist (looks too high risk with the random roll for me). I'd rather get a Ye Mao with MSV and super jump, especially because they get the AP spitfire and MULTI rifles over regular combis.
>can only post images from the image bank in Human sphere
>one of the images is a photo from a dossier I myself probably took in Interplanetario over a decade ago(recognize the tilt)
Holy kek
It's one of the best jump unit in the game. Just walk it in if you're scared with the roll.
AD troop, specialist, mimetic, elite troop, with BS 13 and WIP 14??? Is god tier.
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Actually laughed out loud
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>Neon Nut Delight
>Nomad Nut Butter
CB's HQ is so tiny and cute :3
That's a fucking palace compared to the hole in the wall they started in.
the previous one was like Moria, they started in a garage and expanded downwards
Thanks for explaining me how retarded I am. Bless you. Where are you seeing specialist though? Am I missing something?
>praxis spread
yeah I am gonna spread those Praxis cheeks alright
>In a dance-off between a group of Myrmidons and a squad of Reverend Moiras, the Reverend Moiras would likely win. While the Myrmidons possess incredible agility and combat skills, the Reverend Moiras, with their grace, finesse, and deep connection to their Nomad culture, would bring a captivating and highly expressive performance. Their disciplined yet fluid movements would likely give them the edge in such a creative and energetic competition.
It's over.
I can't stand ChatGPT spinoff shit but the questions you fuckers are asking is legitimately making me laugh.
Hacker and Paramedic profiles
specialist: all troops with Doctor, paramedic, Engineer, Chain of command, hacker (of all types), Forward observer and "Specialist troop" skills
then, for some secondary objectives from the deck, you need to be MI, or Elite troop, or have D-Charges, or touch the enemy HVT with certain specialist... Tiger Soldier paramedic/hacker can complete several of them
Quality post, Bellibot.
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Were reaching levels of brainrot previously thought impossible
Holy skibid
Isn't it like scenario dictate who counts as specialist, aside from troops simply named as such? I remember how various missions descriptions, there are phrases like "for the purpose of scenario these troops are considered specialists" or something like that.
Right, I thought you meant the "special operative" special skill
I really like how you can ask for colour scheme ideas and it will provide, when asked, numbers of corresponding Vallejo paints.
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What have you done. Truly AI was a mistake
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You can't put genie back into the bottle, grampa
For the love of all that is holy, please stop.
I would be a simp
I finally have the tool to produce all the Infinity-related smut my heart desires and you ask me to stop?
The guy who came up with this bot thing needs a raise.
Next update I wish it could go multimodal and start generating pictures as well.
>Joan gets comrade-in-arms-zoned
CB employees helplessly reading the logs, watching the AI output infinity smut
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Part Deux
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>this thread
heya whoa what wo huh?
Bostria said it was getting 200 requests a second when it launched lol.
Yeah we have no clue why they’re still doing that. It’s a holdover from way back when, when things were less regular and who did and did not count actually varied with scenario. But nowadays any trooper with any skill that Anon listed counts as a specialist 100% of the time.
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I just realised that launching Paradise Lost now goes well in timing with the current release schedule. Blackwind will remain in stock for a good while now as C1 is finished and Warcrow will be the starter box launch for the year. So if people like Haqqislam due to the show they'll find their faction in the available starter.
It'a good shit and a terrifyingly good idea that completely mogs all the other companies.
And yet, Pandora's box has just been unleashed. Think of all the people asking the AI to generate a tsundere oznat bullying a twink fusilier
>a terrifyingly good idea that completely mogs all the other companies.
I give them another few months and they'll all launch their AI bots.
With open-source AI models getting cheaper and cheaper it's trivial to launch one. I'd love to know what CB is using (my bet is on Mistral but could be a closed-source model too).
It fits the setting very well though lol, cyberpunk irl.
>another few months and they'll all launch their AI bots.
Duh, obviously. Still, CB beat them all which is an accomplishment. Including getting a movie made about it, while 40k's is dead in the water
Yeah, CB has really been going crazy in the last 18 months or so.
I wonder where the money is coming from, either the game is selling better than I thought or all the KS projects were very very profitable.
Allege the movie was proposed by someone from the studio, so they likely made a deal based on CB's funds (probably CB gave the license to the studio instead). The AI doesn't require special funding, just assigning even just one guy to building up the database, single you can just get a model, which I doubt is that expensive.
The plot thickens
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The possibilities of this technology are truly limitless.
Achilles truly is such a lecher...
The consequences of forbidden love start to appear. How Will Joan and Ajax walk away from this one?
Sure, here's a straightforward and effective 300 points, 6 SWC PanOceania list for a beginner:

Combat Group 1:

Aquila Guard (HMG)
Points: 62, SWC: 2

Nisse (Multi Sniper Rifle)
Points: 34, SWC: 1.5

Fusilier (Lieutenant)
Points: 10, SWC: 0

Fusilier (Combi Rifle)
Points: 10, SWC: 0

Fusilier (Combi Rifle)
Points: 10, SWC: 0

Fusilier (HMG)
Points: 18, SWC: 1

Fusilier (Paramedic)
Points: 12, SWC: 0

Bulleteer (Spitfire)
Points: 23, SWC: 1

Combat Group 2:

Swiss Guard (Hacker, Assault Hacking Device)
Points: 70, SWC: 0.5

Hexa (Killer Hacking Device)
Points: 27, SWC: 0

Mulebot (Repeater)
Points: 8, SWC: 0

Mulebot (Repeater)
Points: 8, SWC: 0

Pathfinder Dronbot
Points: 16, SWC: 0

Totals: Points: 300, SWC: 6

This list provides a mix of heavy hitters, specialists, and support units, making it versatile and adaptable for various missions and scenarios.
With this PanOceania list, you can employ a variety of tactics to maximize its strengths:
>Leveraging Heavy Hitters: Use the Aquila Guard with HMG and the Nisse with Multi Sniper Rifle to dominate long-range firefights. Their high Ballistic Skill and powerful weapons can be used to control key areas of the board and eliminate high-value enemy targets.
>Objective Control: The Fusiliers are your backbone for objective control. The Lieutenant and basic Fusiliers should be positioned to support and hold key objectives. Use the Fusilier Paramedic to revive downed troops and keep your forces in the fight.
>Mobility and Support: The Bulleteer with Spitfire provides excellent mobile firepower. Use it to flank enemy positions and provide suppression fire. The Pathfinder Dronbot can be used for quick objective grabbing and as a Forward Observer to call in support.
>Hacker Presence: The Swiss Guard and Hexa provide hacking capabilities. Use the Swiss Guard's Assault Hacking Device to target enemy heavy infantry and TAGs, while the Hexa's Killer Hacking Device can protect your forces from enemy hackers and eliminate enemy specialists.
>Support and Defense: The Mulebots can act as repeaters to extend your hacking range and provide additional support where needed. Keep them protected but within range to assist your hackers.
>Balance aggressive moves with careful positioning to protect your specialists and ensure you can complete mission objectives effectively.

I think we are entering a new era of tabletop gaming.
Obligatory airport scene
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It's funny you don't need to be specific, just the vaguest hint and off to the races we go
Yeah it's a fairly intelligent model
Not like this...
>Valerya Gromoz, a skilled hacker and tech-savvy individual from the Human Sphere, would likely be the biggest fan of Batman. Her affinity for technology, intelligence, and operating from the shadows aligns closely with the characteristics and methods of Batman. Valerya's appreciation for a vigilante who uses wit, gadgets, and strategy to combat crime would make her an enthusiastic admirer of the Dark Knight.
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The AI just displayed this
>Vacation costs on Varuna can vary greatly depending on the season. During storm seasons, prices can be quite low due to the harsh weather conditions and lower tourist demand. However, during the optimal seasons with its superb climate, costs can be higher due to the planet's popularity as a prime vacation destination in the Human Sphere.
>Given Achilles' extraordinary combat abilities, strength, and resilience as a Recreation created by ALEPH, it would take an impractically large number of hamsters to overpower him in close combat. The sheer physical difference and Achilles' tactical prowess make it unlikely that hamsters, regardless of their number, could pose any real threat to him.
>While 70 million hamsters is an overwhelming number, it’s important to consider the nature of the opponents. Achilles, as a Recreation by ALEPH, has superior combat abilities, strength, and tactical prowess. Despite the massive number of hamsters, their size and lack of combat capability make them ineffective against someone like Achilles. Therefore, Achilles would likely still come out victorious due to his exceptional abilities and the hamsters' inability to pose a significant threat.
>Considering Angus the Fusilier's notorious reputation for bad luck and clumsiness, it would take far fewer hamsters to potentially overwhelm him compared to Achilles. While exact numbers are speculative, a few hundred hamsters might create enough chaos and distraction to pose a significant challenge to Angus, especially given his tendency to get into mishaps.
We got one.
Nah, all of them are specialist, but in some scenarios certain specialists have bonuses, like WIP+3 or double roll for activating things
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My only issue atm with the AI is that I asked it to give me lists based on points (a standard 300 list and in another request a 150pt one for a starter game) and it didn't do anywhere near the right points or allowed SWC.
It seems to go for lore and what are decent pics, though doesn't factor in points. It also suggested weapon load-outs that don't exist currently.
Otherwise it's decent when it comes to lore, so I'll likely poke at it with requests for the stuff I'm playing.

I know one of the dudes who funded the animation project is Bay Area Filipino real estate royalty, and plays Infinity, and to my understanding the project is funded by the studio's money, not CB's.
Very anime
That's kinda problem with LLM's they're not good with numbers. Also the fluff needs to be taken with a grain of salt, it said to me that Yevgeni Voronin is the most notorious Space Pirate around and that Senior Massacre is the fanciest TAG-pilot.
>Stop trying to turn Sybilla into a slut.
No. Everyone and everything female coded must be sluttified if possible. If they weren't supposed to be slutty, they wouldn't be female.
Tiger is good, I have all 8 models just in case.
It's also good for painting/modeling ideas.

Hey this is a pretty good promo vid actually
>8 models
there are only 6 that I know of was there something from a Kickstarter or something?
I guess CB is moving away from Tom?
wasnt doing this when i was asking for tankhunter schemes or other TAK stuff when it first dropped, cool that its learning
It actually doesn't give numbers anymore when you just ask for scheme. But if you specify for "detailed" answer with color numbers, it will.
I still remember what people did to AI Dungeon, at some point algorithm was so full of smuts that it would inject sex scenes on seemingly normal stories as well.
>CB releases AI assistant
>general turns from game discussion to smut and memes uploading
>I was a teenage gooner
>With no worries on my mind
>And now I'm getting older
>My heart is growing colder, oh, that's fine
I think that GW is paying some Indian to slide the board, so I'll bump the Infinity thread. Better bump any other threads that you care about.
>opens catalogue
Dios mio...
It's all basedjaks and sneed...

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