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Banehammer Edition

>Codex: Imperial Agents Incoming

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:
>>93441591 (got deleted)

>Thread Question:
Besides Warhammer 40k, what other games do you play or want to play?
Isn't that a Doomhammer?
What did you faggots do to piss off the jannies to get them to nuke everything warhammer?
I think the OP of the previous thread did something egregious and a janny had to ban said OP and said ban took down the thread with him.
We'll probably never know the truth.
I said I actually liked WH40k and that caused a big shit slinging fest. :(
No, Doomhammer has the snubnose version of the Shadowsword cannon.
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>Bringers of Flame by far the best Sisters detachment
>Just know GW is going to nerf it by jacking up the cost of Seraphim, Immolators, Castigators, Triumph etc
>Just hurts the other detachments too but fuck 'em right
So without Elysiafags getting huffy and proffering their wannabe unit reskins, I think Scions getting jump infantry is nice, but I'd like them to get something like a heavier but mobile IFV or air-dropped tankettes.
I hope they end up being Harakoni Warhawks.
They're pretty much *THE* Jump Pack Scions canon-wise (Elysians cope and seethe)
They also have a regiment called Helldivers, which could be fun cross-promotion
You have become the same as the Elysianfag and Cadiafag, Harakonifag
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trips checked, I want a drop Sentinel with drop strike rules. Seems exactly the type of special forces scout vehicle they would use. Of course, 40k will never just give us a regular jeep so this is the best we can hope for. The Taurox is an option but doesn't seem like something you would air drop behind enemy lines.

Unrelated, I contacted a 3D printing service to commission a new hatch for my canis rex I'm working on in red transparent resin, so you can actually see inside and I'm going to go all out on the cockpit. I think it will really make my Knight stand out along the competition.
>previous thread on page 4

Fuck off Throoder.
>Elysiafags getting huffy and proffering their wannabe unit reskins
All previous threads deleted
its...its fucking dead jim

jannie melties nuked it
>scionfag’s only personality trait is pissing his pants about cooler Imperial drop regiments
I ONLY play 40k and DND. Other tabletops DO NOT. FUCKING. EXIST.
Honestly, sisters are pretty fucking balanced right now. Maybe castigators go up to 160 pts, which is totally reasonable, but I wouldn't be surprised if we actually got buffs.
>Scions getting jump infantry is nice
I've been living under a rock 10,000 years ago. What's this about Jump Storm troopers? :O
Huh? this is literally the first time i'm bringing them up
Don't know what dream land you're living in fella
Its the next kill team kit, the next season of kill team is going to introduce rules for flying and its going to be jump scions versus vespids. They confirmed it with two short stories on warhammer community. The location will be warzone Chalnath centered around an "alpha asset" that Commander Shadowsum and Imperial Command believe is a super weapon that is the key to the imperials defense of the entire sector.
Why the fuck did the other thread get nuked?
It's appears the Jump Scion vs. Tau Aux [Vespid] KT rumor is coming true based on a couple of community articles.
I'd link to last thread, but alas.
I don't have problems with people that like these regiments. I think that the people that want stormtroopers to become the stand-in for their dead subfactions are fags.
I like stormtroopers, not reskins of Elysians nor co-opting stormtroopers for Harakonis
Actually playing the game? Castigators and Immolators only need slight points increases, a lot of other things in the codex are over costed which is why they are over represented. Our army rule is the strong thing, not the battle tank.
Would people get annoyed if I brought some of my hive fleet kraken units from my killteam into my hive fleet leviathan army? I dont wan't to buy extra gaunts, warriors and genestealers.
I have a butane torch on me at all times so I can melt any models of people who try to pull this
>I like stormtroopers, not reskins of Elysians nor co-opting stormtroopers for Harakonis
Honestly, that's very fair.
Just having new scions/stormtroopers would be baller enough as is, whether they have jump packs or not.
I just hope they keep all their weapon options (and maybe the cool coat Tempestor prime has)
Joke's on you, my models are resin and you would just inhale toxic chemicals.
BoF is what's making it strong, not miracle dice though it is a strong mechanic. Slinging your vehicles 21"+ with assault is retarded.

Repentia going down a bit is likely and that will be cool, but the equally likely nerfs to supporting elements will make it a wash.
Here I am. Here I remain
>Playing 40k on Saturday after a few weeks of painting and no games
>2 spergs are arguing at the table across the store
>Holy fuck one of them brings out a blow torch
>Flames the other spergs models
>Entire store gets super mega ass cancer
>Spergs aren't kicked out of store because they generate 90% of the owner's income
Is it not heretical to criticize the religious conservative direction the imperium took? I notice guilliman still does it?

"This bloated, rotting carcass of an empire is driven not by reason and hope but by fear, hate and ignorance. Better that we had all burned in the fires of Horus' ambition than live to see this."
All the weapons options and more, I hope. Give us a long-las. Maybe a hot-shot long-las. Shotguns. Let us have a Medic, a demo man, a vox caster with a comms-jammer. A dagger for every trooper.
The Regimental Great-coat probably wouldn't work for a jump pack unit.
The Scion kit is one of the better sellers based on kitbash greebles alone. I hop this follows suit with a great bit selection
people are heretical, not opinions
Who cares, lore is the gayest part of the hobby
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Share models.
I need to do shading and glazing but I'm pretty close to being done with basecoats. Not sure if I should keep the classic white tabard or swap to blue to match my army better
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I don't share models
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Slowly chipping away at a leviathan dread and a contemptor. It's a slow process but I'm not in a race to finish
>Is it not heretical to criticize the religious conservative direction the imperium took?
Depends on how you do it. If it's through the ecclesiarchy or any other official body dedicated to debate, no. If it's inciting discontent among the general population, yes.
>normgroid tv
You must return whence you came
Was never an option for you. You need to own models to share them
Avatar is looking absolutely rad, Eldanon. I built some termies for my Flesh Tearers last night, but I’ve decided to not post any more pics until I get paint on them.
Opinions that don't align with the official Truth™ are by definition heretical.
>Better that we had all burned in the fires of Horus' ambition than live to see this.
He doesnt just say it out loud, you know
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I gave up halfway through
Why? Your dudes are awesome.
Not if you have enough power to tell the inquisition to fuck off.
I like the orange you picked instead of the classic red or yellow
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Looks great. I think a blue tabard would look good to tie him in and create a nice contrast to the rest of the colour palette.

As for models, im currently working on a Castellan atm to go alongside these guys.
Really like the weathering on this one, especially the shoulder. Good job, anon.
Skitari banner is very cute
Thanks fren, he's one of my faves in my army for sure
I love the glowing eye on the shield especially although desu, everything about these is insanely cool.
Wait, this isn't catgirls...this is...catboys!
Did you freehand that skitari banner? It's awesome
An untouchable heretic is still a heretic and virtually all factions of the Inquisition consider each other heretics and even individual Inquisitors consider other Inquisitors within their own faction heretics.
The glasses on the dread are a very funny detail
Why is there a physically visitable realm of chaos in the "immaterium"? Its like writers had competing visions of what they wanted the setting to be and someone put stuff in a realm where matter wasn't supposed to survive?
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How do I paint rust? I dont want to use technical paints. I was thinking gal vorbak red, drybrush wild rider red, drybrush trollslayer orange, and then drybrush leadbelcher.

Or should I start with leadbelcher first?
The Imperium of Man is a glass house and everyone is throwing rocks.
4channel.org.gov is no longer your secret club

Wrong idiot, I could share rented ones
>come to /40kg/
>say you like 40k
>on purpose
You know what you did.
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>tfw already posted all my 40k stuff in these threads and don't want to repost
>Wrong idiot, I could share rented ones
You'd have to talk to another human being for that, and we both know that's not realistic
Because you feel it with your human perceptions and it conforms to your human concepts.
A cat would be like "Skulls for the Brass Box"
No. No one should ever be annoyed by this. If someone is annoyed by this they're someone who's feelings you dont need to care about.
Admitting you're not a human being bro..? rough..
>marine is beat to shit
>banner looks clean AF
Top man, sergeant.
why does everyone forget the full quote?
>Even as he said it, Guilliman heard the lie in his words. Amongst his brothers, none had been more idealistic than Roboute Guilliman. None had envisioned a brighter future, not just for Mankind but also for the warriors of the Legiones Astartes. That flame of hope had been a part of him for as long as he had lived. Even now, as it was smothered by darkness and woe, Guilliman realized that his flame endured.
>‘There’s hope still,’ he told himself, turning back to the window and placing one armoured palm against it. He stared out at the work gangs, labouring to repair the damage of war, and the Ultramarines stood proud and determined upon the ramparts. They had been born into this dark millennium, and had known nothing but the hardship, suffering and despair of unending conflict. Yet still they struggled on unbowed, despite the countless enemies ranged against them. Guilliman had seen a better age, one of hope and triumph. What right had he, a superhuman son of the Emperor himself, to show any less strength and courage than his followers born in darkness?
>Guilliman had seen what Humanity could achieve. Moreover, he knew what fruits Cawl’s labours had borne beneath the surface of Mars. He believed that a better future for the Imperium was still possible. But only if those who tormented Mankind were first defeated.
>‘All of this misery,’ said Guilliman. ‘All of this suffering and pain. It is not the doing of Humanity, but of those who have betrayed us. Too long have the pawns of Chaos dictated our species’ fate. That must end.’
>Guilliman felt new strength fill him. Inspired by it, the Primarch took his pain, and his desolation, and locked them away deep within his mind. But his rage he kept. That, he would have use for. Later there would be time to mourn, to reason, to plan anew. Now was the time to fight, and to make his father’s enemies pay for every horror they had inflicted upon the Imperium.
The flesh is weak anon.
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Thanks. The banners are my first attempt at actual freehand. I set a goal to have each big knight with a freehanded banner as they're a good opportunity for practice. Pretty happy with them considering.

Here's the Armigers that go alongside them.
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I like using super thinned down orange paints over a dark brown basecoat and then drybrushed with a bright metallic. This is rhinos hide washed with 1:10 fanatics rust:contrast medium and then drybrushed fanatic plate mail
This is what motivates me to paint more.
Just so I can post more stuff on 4chan.
I need the (You)s.
I need them.
>Regimental Great-coat probably wouldn't work for a jump pack unit
If they can put capes right under the jump jet thrusters, they can give me a greatcoat!
A good soldier keeps his gun and his flag spotless
Unironically post them somewhere else. You'll still get the dopamine but without the schizos
That looks dope anon. Thanks I'll give it a shot and post results.
The schizos make it fun though. Nothing funnier than watching nomodels seething at other people having fun painting
>"I have heard you say that phrase on several occasions since our first encounter. I am not sure that you really understand what it means."
>"You may have spoken with the Gorgon but do not think to school me in the teachings [of] my own primarch!"
>"Perhaps I must if the lesson was not learned properly," Ari'i snapped back.
>"What you say, the flesh is weak, is only part of the saying. In forgetting the end you have lost the meaning.
>Vulkan said it in praise of Ferrus Manus, after the One Hundred and Eighty-Fourth Expedition when our Legions jointly liberated the ork-dominated worlds of the Shoxua Cluster.
>The fighting had been fiercer than anything we had expected. Your primarch said in jest that his arm was tired from killing so many orks, and Vulkan retorted with "the flesh is weak, but deeds endure".
>It was a celebration of what they had achieved, and a remark that even primarchs can die but what they do will last beyond their lifespan.
>It was a message of humility, not condemnation.
Flesh is weak because it knows it must come to an end, and so we must rise [above] the concerns of flesh and leave a legacy that others will be proud to inherit.
>Ferrus Manus understood that.
With steel we are strong, anon. But without spirit, we are nothing. t. Kardan Stronos
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No. Compliments or criticism only matter if we are both anonymous. I must consume only the (You)s. The (You)s are pure.
Those spore mines are very tidy. I really don't enjoy the crushed glass or aquarium gems you dropped on the base tho
And the greatest of them all are the ____________
Crimson Fists. Who exactly would qualify if not the very first?
Chaos space marines
ehhh, I don't know anon I'm not very keen on them derailing threads because they're envious of other peoples paintjobs
i can see your point, that's the whole reason this place is so appealing after all. Also I don't know what are these things but they look p cool
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Duncan uses Bugman's Glow base, Druchii Violet for shade, Cadian Fleshtone for layering and Kislev Flesh for highlighting to paint Neophyte faces and skin. Thing is none of the Citadel Paints are available here (unless I ask people to bring from abroad, which isn't available right now) so I need to use Vallejo substitutes.
I'm not exactly looking for color match, got VGC Tan for Bugman's Glow & Vallejo's Washes but I don't know what's akin to Cadian Fleshtone. There's heavy skintone but it's from the Extra Opaque series so not exactly behaves like a citadel layer paint I assume.
Ultramarines, unironically
Alpha Legion
You've only gotten 3 (You)s. All others are sameposters
There's something to be said about receiving praise in a place that harbors mostly criticism. It's all the more sweeter when the people who call each other faggots and niggers on the regular stop their mindless arguing to say that your paintjob looks pretty good.
Hey look it's an Ork model slip-and-slide!
That's a very good point, unfortunately it's completely undermined by the fact that you're a niggerfaggot
Thanks anon. Yeah I stopped putting those gems on the bases of my other models
As are you, faggotnigger.
They only derail the thread if you keep feeding them (you)s. If you don't give them any replies eventually you'll get to see them start samefagging out of frustration due to lack of attention, which is the funniest thing ever
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Wash goblin goteem
Blood Angels. They're the strongest.
Nobody's envious of your orange and teal sloppa
Lamenters obviously
Fucking around with eldar schemes on impcat, I think this is the one.
>le orange and Teal bugmen
Crazy how some random anons models managed to score a penthouse apartment in your head without paying any rent
Iron hands
>Stop being a faggot and replace your arm with a powerfist. *Swats scout with a powermaul for speaking out of turn.*
>t. Iron father Kristos
rent free
Is the orange and teal sloppa in the room with us, anon?
Residential occupation without fiscal compensation.
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Flesh Eaters. Pray for death.
>What did you faggots do to piss off the jannies to get them to nuke everything warhammer?
Kek. Should happen more often, tbQPH,F.
M8, that's just Alaitoc.
Good choice.
black templars
They are quite close, and I don’t know how that didn’t occur to me until you said it.
I wouldn't call blue and purple the same color
None. For the galaxy is a big place, and you will not be missed.
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Finished just in time for new scions to come out and render them redundant
why did the last thread get deleted
Paintfags really are just avatarfags with extra steps aren't they?
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I'm picking up some Eldar too, since they're the last classic 40k race I don't have an army for.
But I'm stuck dithering on the colour scheme.
Which do you all prefer?
Hence why I said “close” and not “same.”
I wish more people used multiple steel colours on their minis. It's such an effective way to add contrast to metal details with little effort
I'm gonna say left because that's a classic Eldar scheme of a minor craftworld. Right just reminds me of emperor's children which is just poor taste for an eldar player.
>self reporting that you're a grey tide faggot
Fucking lol
Lmao even
>Returning users that keep threads alive? What a bunch of fags!
Anon, you need to actually correct your life. You're currently on the path to drowning in an inch of water, see a physician that can help treat your retardation.
yeah, imagine being a loser who posts pictures of your hand-painted models in an internet thread about posting pictures of your hand-painted models. Cringe.

Only true chads like us hang out in these threads and ridicule people that enjoy the hobby. We're not pathetic cowards at all.
Needs to be more mint green used by warhammer players. Underrated colour imo
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I'm selling my Eldar, there's too damn many of you now.
Guess I'll play Votann or GSC or something.
Damn, dude doesnt even need to pay rent to live in your headspace
>>Returning users that keep threads alive? What a bunch of fags!
This but unironically. How are we to kill 40k with people like this?
This anon is joking. My sentiments are actually this but unironically.
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at this point I really can't tell if you're trolling or are you actually this fucking stupid
This might shock you but not everyone feels the need to whore out their models constantly.
I think all the water is in your big head, anon. Keeping the thread alive? Damn.
Redditspacer mad. Enough said.
I'll stop posting my models then. I apologize for the inconvenience and hope that makes you feel better.
Thank you.
You have reddit derangement syndrome
>not everyone feels the need to whore out their models constantly
yeah if my models were terrible I wouldn't want to share them either, that's assuming you actually even own any
You have no models and you seethe over people who do. Enough said.
Yeah it's good. AK does a good mint green that I'm fond of.
>This might shock you but not everyone feels the need to whore out their models constantly.
Based tabletop muslim making the whore model posters put burkas on their miniatures.
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is there porn of her?
She looks plastic
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>w-what? I d-definitely have painted models
>i d-dont need to share my models because uhhh
>it's reddit shit! Yeah posting models is reddit shit haha goteem
of course, asias are getting plastic surgeries like americans are getting driver licenses
Fuck this modelposting argument. I don't give a shit.
Do you guys have any games lined up this weekend? What do you plan to bring?
I rest my case.
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Agreed. Let the Sharia posting commence
What the fuck am I looking at
>Exposing your tactical rock.
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>I got a tactical rock.
>Do you guys have any games lined up this weekend?
Ye I got one tmo
>What do you plan to bring?
A fully painted army because I'm not a secondary
Samefag defending yourself doesn't make you likeable, avatarfag
sure thing, secondary
please remove sanguinius' dick from your mouth
I meant something more along the lines of what army, units, tactics, etc. you were bringing.
But good, anon. Be sure to post pictures of said game, I love seeing them.
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This is exactly the kind of shit I was talking about here lmao >>93444228. Legit so fucking funny watching them run circles
uh oh exoditefag melty
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Fucking lmao
I would do the opposite if I could but he's dead. God I wish I was a Dark Angel...
All me.
Its hilarious how exoditefag self reports every time
Yeah I wanna bring my new avatar to a game. I'm playing against my kroot enjoying friend.
Going to try out Warp Spiders for the first time I hear they are all the rage.
Also going to try out some shining spears
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Trying to get one, but I've kind of exhausted the local player pool, I think. Having trouble finding an opponent I haven't played twice already.
Yeah I've ran into this problem, too. With regular games you will eventually exhaust the pool of people to play against and will start needing to come up with new ways to approach it. I find that asking them to play another army if they've got one (nicely, of course. Something like "hey what if you brought out your old x models? I haven't seen them in a while!") or simply becoming the change and bringing a different playstyle yourself can help mitigate this feeling for a while.
>"This bloated, rotting carcass of an empire is driven not by reason and hope but by fear, hate and ignorance. Better that we had all burned in the fires of Horus' ambition than live to see this."
Well how else do you expect him to react?
If I was basically in a coma for like 10 000 years and then get revived, only to then see that the Empire I helped build is a shell of its former self, no scratch that, it's less than that.
Yeah, at that point I'd also just say "I would've preferably rather had killed myself than live to see this shit."
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Which Inquisition Ordo is the coolest? I want to start an inquisition force as a hobby project (haven't played 10th, don't intend to) and can't decide between the three
Xenos get Deathwatch, Hereticus get Sisters, and Malleus get Exorcists, all of which are cool in their own way.
Doesn't help that I'm 7-1, either. I don't throw games, but also don't want to stomp some genuinely good guy too many times. And the 1 loss was against graytide competitive thousand sons was one of the least fun games I've ever played, so not a ton of enthusiasm on my end to play that one again.
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>opponents don't want to play against you more than once
tell them to consoom more armies like a proper GW player
Any idea when Eldar are getting their Codex?
I'm sure they would, I'm just hesitating to ask. I guess I could put a meme list together.
I think I'm 12-1, I've been getting more games in the last couple months and beginning of the edition was very sparse.
The loss I had was against the most fucking aids netlist thousand sons army I ever seen, filled with a bunch of proxy and counts as so he could run the hottest new shit despite not having the models.
I always do try to win, but I never build a stacked list or anything, I like to go wysiwyg and only field my painted models, and avoid cheese. If the opportunity presents it's self to do something funny/fun I go for it though, which definitely happens sometimes if I'm using fate dice. (Disclaimer I only started Eldar recently and played orks at the beginning of the edition)
I like the mix it up, the player pool of good sports is pretty small for me, so I think it's fun for both parties to bring new stuff of you have the collection for it.
You could also try crusade? I haven't myself but I think I want to, it gives some progression and reason to play more games even against the same armies
what does mutant cum taste like BAfag?
>I'm just hesitating to ask
Okay but why though
>I guess I could put a meme list together.
You don't need to come to a game with a new list every time. This is a game based on dice rolls, it's very rare for teo games to go exactly the same even if both players brought the same armies every time and tried to make the same plays
Rich coming from the guy who was bragging about guzzling dinosaur cum a few threads ago
I vote left.
>Impotent exodite rage
I know it is hard to know that you will never get your army but this isn't the way to cope with the fact.
Maybe you should go paint some models, it's pretty relaxing, start BA army while you're at it.
I'm sorry noone cares about gay dinosaur twinks
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The game in question. Honestly decent guy, I just struggled to have fun in this one. Not only really 1-sided, but ugly af.

Given that I didn't enjoy that game, I don't want to seal club and do the same thing to someone else, either.
Thanks doc.
1 Techmarine and 10 Heavy Intercessors. What else should I get for starting Iron Hands? Which vehicle for example?
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No games in the near future, just a GT and a Teams GT over the next couple months. Don't know what I'm bringing though, the decision itself is a bit of a thinker given the terrain on offer.
Why are all the buildings on clear acrylic sheets? Seems kinda restrictive not being able to adjust the walls how you'd like
A predator to start, and then a Land raider once that's done
Any reply that isn't more dreadnoughts is typed by weak fleshed hands
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why are thousand sons players so gay and cringe
Do people use stuff from a regular filament 3d printer or that's a bit too cringe
They're not necessarily glued down to the sheets, the acrylic is just there to show the footprint of a terrain feature
A leviathan with drill hands to run as a brutalis
dude thats going to fucking die in 11e, and frankly I embrace it.
Predator, land raider and dreadnoughts. Got it.

Explain that one please.
its firstborn garbage.
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Imagine being an exodite fan
>like the gayest possible faction
>probably only like said faction because your are a coomer who is loved by no one
>dishonour yourself further by wanting to play an subdivision of said faction that doesn’t even exist
>have to make ai art of your sub faction because artists immediately recognize the sheer lameness of said sub faction
Only vehicles generally, at my LGS we don't actually care and so long as your printer's good 0.4 layer height slowest speed can get you passable results for chunkier models anyways.
Using filament for terrain might be alright if their settings are dialed in, otherwise filament miniatures always look like shit and noone whose said otherwise has been able to provide an example to convince me im wrong
Ah. What would be the primaris equivalents then?
I don't know what that link is but it's probably gay secondary shit so I'm not gonna bother clicking
Repulsor and gladiator are the new version.
Nothing. Primaris fucking sucks, get a manly rhino instead.
Gravtanks are for faggots and elves, which is redundant.
>like the gayest possible faction
But enough about space marines
You could always go play HH if you wanted to get put into an ugly models dementia village away from good looking models
Anon, I never really got into firstborn even when I started the hobby over 15 years ago. And while I´m gonna miss them when they´re being slowly put out of production, we all have to prepare to let go sooner or later. It´s time to make your peace while you still can.
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Exoditefags really live rent free in the heads of these people
The biel tan one
proxying land raiders and rhinos as repulsors and gladiators because the new ones look like shit
I can tell from this post alone you started 7 years ago.
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Absolutely abysmal taste
cope, I vastly prefer tacticus primaris to MKVI and VII but the vehicles are fucking TRASH
cluttered and overdesigned and lacking the chunkiness and brutality that marine vehicles need
>Exoditefags really live rent free
They don't live rentfree in my head, they violently break down the door and barge in and then shit all over the place.
That's what exoditefag posts are, and they are incredibly easy to spot.
>cluttered and overdesigned
You do realize you can just... not glue all the grenade shit and whatever onto the tank, right?
Instead of all these retarded codex it should have been something like "renegades and outcasts" for old marines as an army seperate from Primaris
> I can tell from this post alone you started 7 years ago
bassd newfag instantly recognizing the pvre sovl of the rhino
that doesn't fix the problem
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Are they in the room with you right now?
Yeah, it's (you) constantly shitting and pissing over blood angels even when they're not being discussed because you think that blood angels getting releases is the only reason your faggotry elves aren't getting an actual army lmao
why are blood angel glue sniffers so defensive?
>Uh oh people are still onto me better try deflecting again
Lmao, pathetic
Is Sternguard with combi weapons and a Librarian in an impulsor a good combo?
You don't think some people might find it funny to take jabs at Blood Angels because it makes you sperg like this?
>Ah. What would be the primaris equivalents then?
Gladiator is the Predator equivalent, the kit also builds the Impulsor which is the Rhino equivalent.
Repulsor is the primaris version of the Land Raider.
uh oh exoditesisters the Chud Angels are making fun of us again
>chunkiness and brutality that marine vehicles need
Anon the primaris tanks are like 20% larger eith objectively chunkier turrets and weapons and "brutality" just sounds like sperg phrasing because you have no tangible point
>uhm actually i'm the one trolling you hrumphf
Maybe if we all drink enough dinosaur cum straight from the tap we'll eventually give birth to another generation of Dino chads
>primaris tanks are larger
I have an impulsor and LR on my desk and they aren't bigger than land raiders at all lmao
the weapons are sleeker and have retarded non-marine shit like stubbers slapped all over and the overall silhouette is softened with additional angles and the lack of treads
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I just dont like the stormcast marines.
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Exodites soon. Keep the faith
>exodites enslaved and converted an innocent argentinosaurus into a violent weapon of war
what horrible monsters hopefully the ultrachads annihilated those eldar savages.
You're mixing up impulsor with the repulsor. Impulsor is the rhino equivalent, where the repulsor is the land raider equivalent
>Flesh Tearers recruit from Cretacia, a world full of monsters and dinosaurs
>early initiation rites include hunting down and killing dinos solo
>even neophyte marines are styling on dinosaurs
The sons of Sanguinius just keep winning
no I'm not, I know the rhino is smaller
the land raider is absolutely bigger than the repulsor and impulsor
I think predator and gladiator are similar in size but the latter still loses out because floaty garbage instead of treads
Actually 2 years ago.
Rhinos are the coolest.
>I have an impulsor and LR on my desk and they aren't bigger than land raiders at all lmao
Impulsor is the Rhino equivalent, of couse it'd be smaller than the Land Raider.
Also if you hate the stubbers so much you can just cut the barrels shorter and just say it is a storm bolter or whatever.
Are you lazy or stupid, or both?
>they softened them by adding more angles
They didn't, I got both the Repulsor and Land Raider pages opened on my browser and the Repulsor is just a Land Raider but with a turret on top and with no treads.
It's probably a bit different when the dinosaur has a gun.
>yeah the weapons suck but just kitbash and convert them to make them better
no shit that's always an option but that just highlights that the primaris vehicles are a fucking downgrade
>land raider with no treads
so dogshit
not applicable retard, the repulsor is literally the same sprues as the impulsor, it's still smaller than the land raider
So you’re saying Flesh Tearers v. Exodites would essentially be Turok 2, but better?
Imagine being a fake grog and larping "old good new bad" rhetoric that you weren't even there for lmaoo
Stormtroopers are in star wars they are scions now.
They fly now?!
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Maybe. But as an Eldar player I don't want to ever see exodites.
GW has muddied the waters of the range enough.
>repulsor is literally the same sprues as the impulsor
Fucking lol no it isn't not. Way to self report as a nomodels tourist
>edgecoc meltie
99% of people who join the hobby were secondaries long before that and would be able to judge the aesthetics shift.
Noone knows any super secret hidden knowledge that you don't also know. Quit being retarded and just wait
I'm not claiming to be a grog, i just think old marine models have a lot more charm than the fucking copy-paste identical primaris models that all look the fucking same.
Also, every single primaris vehicle is complete trash. Gravtanks, fucking go-karts, the awful bikes and those flying brick landspeeders.
>fake grog cope detected
>dispensing (you)
Got paint for salamanders, got shoulderpads too in the mail. I don't even really like salamanders, I just thought an infernus squad being salamanders would be cool.
>>yeah the weapons suck but just kitbash and convert them to make them better
It's not even a kitbash or a conversion.
Literally just take your hobby pliers and snip some plastic.
You really are just lazy and retarded.
>not applicable retard, the repulsor is literally the same sprues as the impulsor
This just outs you as a secondary.
Impulsor and Repulsor don't share sprues at all.
Why would you buy them if you hate them so much retard. Are you really that mentally weak
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>it's the same picture
Salamanders ARE COOL. Probably up in the top 24 marines.
Fair enough. I’m kicking around getting some Eldar myself, the only thing I’d really want (aside from updated Fire Dragons) is a new Vyper/Vyper variants.
>Why would you buy them
i'm NOT buying them, i'm buying firstborn stuff.
Hopefully i can collect enough of them before GW stops selling them.
oh right I forgot the repulsor's actually a different kit it just looks nearly identical but scaled up sorry
I don't own that dogshit model so I couldn't compare it to the secondhand impulsor I have
>You really are just lazy and retarded.
Why would I bother buying a worse looking model and adding work for myself when I could just buy a model I like and proxy it, are YOU retarded?
I really hope you aren't suggesting that your building a multicolor power rangers army instead of settling on one chapter
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armies for this feel
>GW has muddied the waters of the range enough.
they could easily approach it like imperial agents
one book for craftworlds
one book for commorragh
one book for everyone else (harlequins, corsairs, ynnari, exodites) that's either meant to be used as a supplement for the other two or to build very specialised small forces
Tortuga is a good source for bodies, just stack vehicles and infantry kits for helmets and weapons.
i keep forgetting the impulsor is a glorified pick-up truck, it's so fucking stupid
>I'm not claiming to be a grog, i just think old marine models have a lot more charm than the fucking copy-paste identical primaris models that all look the fucking same.
Then you're blind and retarded.
But it isn't surprising since you're probably a child still seeing you only started 2 years ago.
>Also, every single primaris vehicle is complete trash. Gravtanks, fucking go-karts, the awful bikes and those flying brick landspeeders.
Grav-tanks are cool, same with the bikes and the landspeeder.
Only dogshit design is the ATV.

Now, go back into /hhg/ since you like the old shit so much.
Please stop posting this creepy child predator
slaanesh, night lords, dark eldar
Ad Mech
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GW had literally one job and they fucked it.
>grav-tanks are cool
not for marines they aren't, no
I've been mostly using Horus Heresy bodies and mixing them with the 40k Tactical Squad bits
>uhm actually
Backpedaling tourist.
Just means everything in the agents style book needs to be relatively shit for me to run my army how I like and still have it perform without taking them. Can't invalidate any of the units in either of the other two armies.
Can't express how irritating Ynnari shit is for this reason alone.
>oh oopsie I forgot these two models I've never seen are different
Tourist located. Dispensing (you)
kill yourself you selfsucking faggot, I'm not buying floating garbage to kitbash and convert when I can just buy an actually decent sculpt, simple as
That’s also a good option. Tanks without treads are fucking gay, how do you crush a screaming alien to pulp with a floating shitbox?
>Eldar are already colossal losers who have never won anything that mattered
>There are people out there who want the LITERAL NPC FODDER Eldar to become playable
Is it masochism?
They are cool, you just have shit taste.
But you'll grow up one day.
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I've been goth noise marines pilled and I won't go back.
War is a team effort.
Bland Marvel slop for the unwashed masses.
If you say so, just seems like massive cope to me from someone who is way too deeply emotionally invested in his tall-marines
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Imperial Army grav-attacks when, GW, you fucks?!
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Yes, we need space wood elves.
>how do you crush a screaming alien to pulp with a floating shitbox?
Said floating shitbox is floating by shitting out enough force to crush everything it hovers over.
These are not elegant eldar skimmers.
Buff corsairs through the roof so corsair horde armies are spammed.
Apparently you already did buy it though giving your mention of your second-hand impulsor. You wouldn't be lying would you anon?
Deodorant Grav-tank is the only grav-tank i will accept
ALLEGED child predator
>That’s also a good option. Tanks without treads are fucking gay, how do you crush a screaming alien to pulp with a floating shitbox?
The grav tanks crush them.
The grav tanks don't "float" they use the grav plates to push aka repel the ground constantly, meaning if you get pushed under one you'll be turned into tomato paste instantly.

If you read any of the fluff you'd know this, but you don't because you're a retarded newfag.
This, because old good new bad
Still sounds like cope
Well I didn't write it.
>I will only accept kitbashes made of literal garbage and dollar store toys
What a strange way to admit you're retarded
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you're right, I've never seen an impulsor in my life
post models
I bought it on impulse a while back because I couldn't find a rhino and the listing was cheap
If i were to use a new deodorant stick to make one, would it be considered old or new?
>eldar massive losers
>When was the last big Eldar win??
Are these just secondaries outting themselves? Who gives a shit about Eldar victories in black library.
Craft World Nyandrasar (my guys) have a couple major victories in their fluff, and win skirmishes all the time.
I really don't care about black library shit determining who is a "winner"
lamenters, blood angels, ravenlords or whatever curze leads.
>I can only play the most optimal and effective armylist
or you could play what you want and ignore those extra options
Ah that reminds me of when primaris just launched and the dark imperium novel was 100% primaris wank full of bolter porn where they crush chaos marines with their repulsors
What a strange way to admit you're a hobbylet that can only do pushfit primaris models
who asked?
Been collecting & playing since 1998, niggo. And I will never read your gay ass lore for faggoty grav tanks.
Why would you buy something you hate so much, you really are retarded huh
Anon, if you hate the model so much why did you even buy it second hand at all?

Why are you lying?
That would be fakegrog
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>GW releases an official deodorant tank for 30k
>it's an actual stick deodorant with an accessory sprue to turn it into a tank once used
I literally told you why, are you illiterate?
cope, faggot >>93445358
>black library.
Or in their codices.
Or in anything.
>b-buh my dudes
Damn anon sorry, my dudes are the Elf Smasher chapter and they went and destroyed your dudes' craftworld when you weren't look, too bad.
You’re no true Firstborn fan. What an embarrassment.
Why the fuck isn't the inquisitors retinue a proper kit?
Anyone running it? I thinking of picking up Eisenhorn with a the deamonhost for a utility unit
>self reporting that you haven't bought a model in ten years
Yeesh. Secondaries have the strangest arguments
I could. But I also think it's shit design by principle.
I play an army without the marine bloat because I like it when the tools I choose are the best at the roles I've chosen them for from those I can pick from.
It's why I love the aspects.
>I bought one secondhand anyway
Are you retarded?
Nevermind that is the Land Raider Spartan and you're comparing it to the Rhino equivalent for the primaris.
Meaning you're doubly retarded.
I'm not, I said at the start I prefer MKX armor, I just hate the shitty vehicles :^)
Pakfag is in full swing today isn't he?
Hi, this is a message from the Lizardmen from Warhammer Fantasy Battle:

Lol, lmao.
Elves look like THAT?!
that's the proteus
who's the retard secondary now
Haven't bought any primaris models that is.
GW still sells firstborn, genius.
>uhm i've been here for 26 years ackchually
If you're still a lorelet by this, then you really are stupid and there is no helping you.
>Lizardmen from Warhammer Fantasy Battle:
You mean the ones who aren't getting a TOW Refresh and are officially an AOS Faction now?
There's never been a point in history that someone can't find a rhino online. You're obviously lying, but to what ends I can't possibly begin to guess
I'm not a socially inept faggot, I buy from my LGS exclusively
Anon, only one coping here is you.
still waiting to see those grav-tanks you totally own
You specifically mentioned buying the inpulsor from a listing now you're just running in circles. I accept your concession greytide retard
>you’re dumb if you don’t read my boring lore :(
Ok, faggot. Still not reading it, still not buying primaris.
I never played Warhammer or any wargame
I got into painting minis and wanna get into Death Guard, but I still don't know the rules.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on if I'm retarded for being interested in this?
listing from the secondhand market at the LGS
have you never been in a physical shop before?
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>KISS of Slaanesh
Oh right, I forgot the proteus's actually a different kit it just looks nearly identical but scaled down, sorry.
I don't own that dogshit model so I couldn't compare it to the secondhand Repulsor I have.
uh oh tourist melty
post models
Old marine lore is boring.
I've read it, it reads like shlock.
Even primaris lore reads like shlock.
I don't know how you expect anyone to answer that my man. Obviously its fun or nobody would be here and it wouldn't be by far the most popular TT wargame
sure, making the options unbalanced is always shit design, but just because an option is for something you don't like it doesn't mean making them underpowered is suddenly good design

get over the autism
Sounds like you just want deathwatch
>PAKfag upsetti
Sorry, let me clarify
Am I retarded for wanting to pick up Death Guard at this point in time. If no, what kit should I start with to build an army, and can someone give me a quick QRD on how the game is actually played
whats wrong with a multi colored company
Do the old terminator heads/pauldrons fit on the new true-scale kits? I have a bunch of old Deaths ng kits unbuilt and the new termies might look good kitbashed.
I'm insulting the one fellating primaris vehicles
you can't even keep track of what low effort bait you're supposed to be posting lmao
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That's a stereotype and it's offensive!
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How does deathwatch hypno-indoctrination work? The marines sent to them already hate xenos on subconscious level thanks to their parent chapter's hypno-indoctrination
at a certain point it becomes less believable that you've forgotten something and start to become obvious that you never knew what you're talking about which is about par for a fake grog
You are the one that owns primaris shit here, not me, PAKfag.
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Nothing as long as they all belong to the same chapter.
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>so blind with impotent rage he can't see that's just a tongue in cheek recycling of the other anon's excuse because he made the same mistake with the other vehicle line
0/10 apply yourself
I'm wasting your time and intentionally making you angry.
you have to go back
>>so blind with impotent rage
Only one that can be called angry here is you based on how you write your posts.
Pretty cringe post
>no u
embarrassing, try again
>Craft World Nyandrasar (my guys) have a couple major victories in their fluff, and win skirmishes all the time
>But MY Eldar win and are cool!
Grow up.
but thats boring.
It's not about hate, it's about training. They basically upload extra into on all the xenos the DW know about into their brains to make them more effective fighters.
Reposting a miniature I finished a few months ago for a friend.
play deathwatch if you want mixed and matched marines
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Honestly I think Tau are cool
nta but kill yourself, bitterposter.
>you're a secondary if you don't just make up headcanon wins
bizarre cope but I suppose that's all an eldarfag has
>complete with vintage Finecast™ pockmarks
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You are not immune to (((Ethereal))) propoganda
They're not varied enough or alien enough I say.
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I am, but not for the reason you think.
DG are more than fine, I play them and they're solid. Start small, get some Plague Marines or something. They're going to be your bread and butter regardless

As for how its played, thats a pretty broad question
what a poorly written storyline
It belongs to the Emperor!
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posting better Tau
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Filament terrain is cool.
Can I see a picture of your dudes? I need some corpses for the bases of my red scorpion assault company and eldar would be perfect
Because they're faggier than Dark angels, and almost as gay as Spacewolves.
How long do models stay useable? Could I still use a 20 year old metal marine model in a current edition game? Or is there planned obsolescence built into the game
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Betterer tau
>if it's not an exoditefag melting over blood angels it's a dangelfag
as reliable as the changing of the seasons lmao
Feels like I´ve seen those before. Care to give me a hint?
Reading comprehension really isn't your strong suit is it?
forever, proxying is a central aspect of any tabletop game
yes you can use an old ass model now
no there isn't any obsolescence
You really need a story telling you why your toy soldiers are powerful in the setting?
Genuinely baffled why you give a shit at all about a faction winning in fluff, you lorefags are probably the most obnoxious and secondary ridden parts of the hobby. At least waacfags play the game, I begin to doubt you even have a painted army
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>do we look like the ordo malleus? I came here to kill xenos, not chaos gods
- Watch-Captain Artemis, the Duke Nukem of 40k
>a hint?
Reverse image search.
>I'll try to downplay my gay poem legion's faggotry by melting over the superior angel legion
you aren't as clever as you think you are lmao
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Not sexy enough.
>jannies deleted the thread where people were actually posting models and discussing their upcoming games
>So we could have two schizos arguing with each other and flipflopping on their points constantly for the entire thread
You know, that seems to never work 99% of the time. But hey, the fuck is a glukkon? Time to find out
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And all that for $0 to boot!
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They're from Oddworld, sleazy giga-capitalist industrialists that press other races into working in their factories. Now that I think about it they are as much Chorf as they are Tau
OP probably had all his posts deleted when he got banned but we know he just ban evades anyway.
haven't you heard that posting your models is avatarfagging now? maybe that's why it got deleted
Finally some justice on this board.
>I just don't get it sir. I keep calling them faggots, but they still post that they want exodite eldar!
>Did you tell them about the new space marine releases and call them irrelevant?
>Did you gaslight them into thinking they don't buy models?
>That was the first thing I did!
>ok ok let me think here....eldar porn?
>Did that. They actually liked it.
>Mother fucker they just don't quit! *sigh* just release more blood angels. Maybe we can tire them out.
Makes me question why the wip thread still exists with such a stupid as fuck policy
They’ve earned their salary!
Wip should get banned for other reasons.
>Being against posting half done minis in WORK IN PROGRESS
Hope that fuck got triggered. People should still have the brainpower to realize what a thread is for
Do you think hotgluing your minis will mess up the paint when you try to clean it up?
wip is one of the only good threads on this board and I will defend that with my life
you mean cum?
If orks can have space wild orks then elves can have space wood elves.
what else would hotgluing refer to?
>How to punish creativity 101 by jannies
Don't worry about paying it's a free pamphlet.
>Killing all the humans on a planet and distorting the astronomicon
>Lmao just trust me it's gonna be good
>Started playing pure Khorne Daemons because I eventually want to branch out into AoS
>At 500pt ended up tabling 2 opponents despite trying to win points and stuff
>Tomorrow 1000 points
In general with Khorne should I just ignored points and go for tabling (except for stuff like knights?) Or are they just OP at low points?
>Also, when do I roll the attack roll for random attacks? During the apply wounds? Can't seem to find this info (2D6)
>*Shoots everything*
>noooo our heckin knife ear soulerinos you have to just let all of humanity get stranded for centuries!!!!
My Dark Angels hate has paid dividends. I was having a bad day at work today and I genuinely motivated myself by getting pissed off about dark angels. I was getting so mad that it filled me with energy through pure spite despite being tired. Thank you Lion, you’re a piece of shit
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This is the way.
How does TG feel about neoprene mat terrain bases for pur occasional competitive matches?
I started thinking how fucked it is that they get better ranged terminators, better melee terminators, better melee infantry, better bikes, better bike HQs, better speeders and aircraft, oh and also a bunch of their shit has plasma and 5+ invuln like what is their weakness? There’s a reason that most SM tourney lists are dark angels.
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Remember that time the Eldar won a major battle?
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I’ve never seen anyone actually play a game of wh40k without some level of bitching either about the state of the game balance or how xyz unit / character got squatted. Didn’t really have this experience with Horus Heresy (the ONE player I could find kek) or TOW or even AoS (which I gather is marketed as a rather competitive game). So why do you fags still come back and play slophammer 40,000?
It’s almost like they’re trying to sell a new codex and box set anon…..
My eldar made my votan opponent concede turn 2, 2 weeks ago.
Good enough for me
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They won against the tyranids at the battle of Valedor. Eliminating all of Hivefleet Kraken before it could merge with Hivefleet Leviathan and share all of its accumulated knowledge, the results of which would have been disastrous for everyone.
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>don't listen to the Eldar
>"Foolish human, you have doomed us all!"
>listen to the Eldar
>warp rift swallows the world, dooming billions, but their sacrifice makes it so that a millennium from now Farseer Xyzzy doesn't stub their toe, ruining their morning
Fuck elves in all their forms.
>Deathwatch. I can't let the eldar create a new eldar plotline. It's MY grimdark universe to sit around and do nothing with! We must find them.....and destroy them....
Don't work and I don't know why you'd want it anyway
It’s bullshit. I want my white scars to be viable. I don’t want some edgy knights stealing my Raven guard’s thunder. I fucking hate dark angels. They can run a more viable Stormlance list than the fucking white scars. It’s insane
>My eldar
Aren't canon.
Except the Dark Eldar kept pets from both specifically to take them back to Commoragh and merge them fo create better arena beasts?
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Why would they even fight a major battle? Don't they just kill off a dude years before they become relevant? Like in the Jain Zar book where they just off both ork warlords before they can threaten Ulthwe. If anything, Eldar are the guys keeping the status quo of the galaxy.
>An Alliance Fades (777.M34) - Craftworld Biel-Tan begins a bloody war to reclaim the Maiden World of Rasilena from the encroaching humans. Iyanden, judging that reclaiming Rasilena brings no benefit in the ongoing war against Chaos, refuses to send aid, even when two whole sector fleets and ten Space Marine Chapters join the fight. Biel-Tan eventually emerges bloodied, but victorious. Thereafter, the two craftworlds soon lose their unity of purpose, each assuming the other to be uncommitted to their alliance.
Ten marine chapters got bodied by Biel-Tan alone lmao
What marine chapters, because literally who chapters are xenos tier for all intents and purposes.
Hey as long as they're not nommed by the hivemind or however it works.
But yes around dark eldar never relax
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>Ten marine chapters got bodied by Biel-Tan alone lmao
But they weren't named chapters so it doesn't really count.
Fuck off Randy Bobandy
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Frig off Randy
How often are you participating in tournaments and the like? Are your friends really going to be averse to you using a DA detachment for your white scars army so that your white scars army actually performs like a white scars army? If so then I’m sorry anon.
The war in heaven.
literally who
>why Eldar no win?
>here’s a time they beat the shit out of 10,000 marines
>d-doesn’t count…
Pitiful marine cope.
NPC marine chapters might as well be imperial guard. And wiping out a chapter to single digits doesn't count, ask the bangles.
The Necrons survived, therefore the Eldar lost.
Randy why don’t you go on and eat a cheeseburger you basketball eating walrus assed motherfucker
Necrons won war in heaven. We had them in the first half, they took spaceroids. Went crazy from spaceroids and killed everyone. Then killed the people that gave them spaceroids.

Then they took a big long nap and we did heroin.
all necrontyr died
Sorry I don’t keep up much with the meta and whatnot of 40k, I know a couple codices have dropped since but it did come out like a month or two ago right? Is the churn so insane that a month is not considered “new” anymore?
Eldar survived.
sorry sorry feel free to point to any relevant wins for the eldar
>but it did come out like a month or two ago right?
Beginning of March..
Lol cope. The eldar victory lap lasted longer than the necrontyr civilization.
>the chudsuckers successors chapter got beaten by THE posterchild eldar
>t-this surely is a win for the eldar b-bros!!!
No, I’m talking about units. I want white scars to actually have good mounted units. I’m tired of being shown up by these edgy fucks and having to resort to brutalis dreadnoughts to actually have a chance.
>Old Ones vs. Necrons
>Old Ones are dead, Necrons are alive
>Eldar: "We did it, we won the War in Heaven!"
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>Relying on off-meta units to win
eldar didn't win, necrons got bored of killing them and decided to just go to sleep until they all died
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Can you name one of these alleged chapters they beat?
>Eldar survived
Eldar are all terminally cursed to die and eternally be torturefucked now.
That’s the release outside of the fomo box set? Iirc the paypiggies got the codex a bit early and then it was available on its own later date, like a month after?
>Old Ones are dead
Technically they left, not died out completely
No that happens later.
They got better
>Just another 2 weeks bro. They'll definitely be extinct this time!
>meta faggotry is needed to actually play a game that isn’t turn 2 board wipe
I remember why I stopped playing (the Current Edition) kek
Oh that came out in Feb. Even less "new"
>they left
This mortal coil.
ODing on PCP and punching yourself in the face until passing out in a ditch for 60 million years isn’t what I’d call winning.
that's just open-ended, as far as anybody knows they were wiped out
Gotcha. Well then rage on master anon, I can only hope your cries make it to the highest towers of gw. The game is really bad this edition.
Simply a weird thing to say, like an Ork player going "I wish I didn't need to bring 3 Tankbusta units to win"
holy mother of cope
>I ran away in fear so I won!
I wish I could bring what I want in MY army without having to consider the overall state of the game like some League of Legends tranny
Yeah sure bro, enjoy getting fucking wiped by some shitlord with Angron.
Well to be fair we do exactly that just later on.

The war in heaven really doesn't have a "victor". It's just retards....retards everywhere...just like the HH
>Is wrong
>Someone corrects him
>Accuses other player of being mad

You could never bring whatever units you like and do well. That has literally never been true.
It’s 40k’s Korean war.
>in fear
the necrons stomped the shit out of the old ones, the eldar are objectively inferior to the old ones and were just tools to be used by them in the first place, all """eldar""" tech is old ones tech they were allowed to use
the necrons won, plain and simple
>Necrons smash the Old Ones, the Krorks, and the C'tan
>Get fatigued from fighting enough that wiping out the Eldar would be costly
>Call a time-out
>Eldar so fucking stupid they buy it, and proceed to twiddle their thumbs for 60 million years until Slaanesh grabs them from behind and violates their asses
>Necrons call time-in immediately after and go back to their regularly scheduled genocide campaigns
Lmao Eldar sure 'won', didn't they?
The Necrons went to bed knowing that the eldar can’t help but be colossal fuckups and would destroy themselves, and guess what happened?
The Necrons couldn't beat the Eldar Empire and knew it. So they ran away to hide for 60 million years. Total defeat.
Yeah, but the Eldar came out of it ruling the galaxy for like 55 billion +30k years afterwards.
What’s 40k’s Vietnam? Damocles?
But that’s not what happened. The Necrons were “fatigued” from fighting the C’Tan after they realized they got raw dogged.
They didn’t nearly beat anyone.
Then the old ones said “this place is a fucking mess” and dipped out, leaving their toys (biological weapons in the form of full species) to their own devices.
Only because one side was slightly more retarded! And then we reach that level of retardation over said 55billion years and do the same thing.


The cycle is real.
Being mad at gw is what I meant. Sorry that didn’t translate well. And idk man force org chart and actually having wargear gave some illusion of choice / palatable army comp at the very least. Also
>doing well
>Oh man yeah dude I just love lists and running units in my list bro. Army? Dude it’s a list. My dudes? No man I’m just running the units in my list :)
Truly pathetic.
Until the retcons it was the Black Crusades.
13 Vietnams.
"Immortal" robots
>call a time out
Pweeze stop bullying me Eldar, reee!!!
>the necrons will rise again, 2 more weeks trust the plan!
Funny robot husks existing in a souless living hell are funny
>the insane cope of elffag-kun
It’d be funny if it didn’t come across as actual mental derangement.
>>Oh man yeah dude I just love lists and running units in my list bro. Army? Dude it’s a list. My dudes? No man I’m just running the units in my list :)
What in the actual fuck are you talking about
The Eldar surpassed their creators when the Old Ones gave them the keys to the Webway and their blessings to live on as their successors. The moment the resurgent Eldar Empire showed up, the Necrons panicked and ran away to hide.
friendly reminder that the Eye of Terror was created by the Necrons, not the Eldar, and the Necrons objectively ruined everything
>The Eldar surpassed their creators
lol no
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>friendly reminder that the Eye of Terror was created by the Necrons, not the Eldar, and the Necrons objectively ruined everything
>Elf murder fuck a god into existance with a gash in reality as a bonus
>Necrons keep the rift at s manageable size thanks to their planning and hate for the warp
>It's somehow their fault
Gtfo of here you tard
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how do you find stores to play at? there's one warhammer store by me and they close at 7 so I'm only gonna get to get any games in on the weekend and im always fuckin busy bros
>The Eldar surpassed their creators
show me all those eldar-tier races the eldar created
The type of faggot that has to “do good” in a game of warhammer. This is the terminology they tend to use since it’s less about the war part and more about the game part.
lol yes. The resurgent Eldar Empire at the end of the War in Heaven was unstoppable and could even summon avatars of their pantheon's gods to smash the C'tan with. Even the Necrons pre-senility knew there was literally no way to win against them and had to run away and hide like bitches.
>he doesn't know
The Eye of Terror was created after the Necrons shattered a C'tan in the region, destroying reality itself in the area. That's why they built the pylons to cover up their mess as a bandaid fix, seemingly returning the quadrant to normal. All the Eldar did was rip the bandaid off. Oh and by the way, the Necrons are ALSO to blame for the Great Rift, which already existed as a gigantic fault line in reality itself stretching across the galaxy for the exact same reasons.
ohhhh you're just coping and writing delusional fanfics, got it!
The Eldar didn't need to create anything but servitor races like the Warp Spiders, because they were already perfect during the Empire's supremacy. But post Fall, they are heavily hinted to be the ones who created the Ethereal Caste and sent them to unify the Tau.
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Yuri-chan ni Haetara.
>pure schizo headcanon
He's talking about the fact that a relatively recent retcon made it so that the birth of slaanesh didn't create the warp rift called the eye of terror but merely reopened it.
It was allegedly originally opened alongside a number of other rifts by the devastations of the wars in heaven.
This retcon would serve to explain how the necrons had a cordon of pylons around the eye of terror and a number of other rifts when they planted those pylons during the war in heaven, when those rifts wouldn't have existed yet.

Of course one could have always hand waved the thing differently
>the necrons predicted it all and put the pylons in advance
>the necrons woke up for a brief time during their great sleep to plant the pylons after the deed
>the necrons placed pylons all over the fucking place, so of course they would also be around rifts too
Storm Guardians or Defenders?
>delusional fanfics
The Bleeding Stars. Read it.
You're babbling incoherently
The necrons had an issue with the eldar not because they were superior to the old ones but because the necrons shot themselves in the foot by shattering the c'tan so they were now unprepared for them.
Eldar didn't create the warp spiders.
Sorry for talking above your head. I’ll try and make an auspex tactics PowerPoint so you can digest the point better.
I don't know what drugs you would need to take to think pushing your basic eldar into melee is a good Idea
No nigger, you're just retarded
>Oh you use the word unit or list? Clearly you're a waacfag
The Necrons being weakened after shattering the C'tan is the consequences of their own stupidity in selling themselves into slavery to star-eating demons. The Eldar had already been nearly destroyed prior to that point and their homeworld was even obliterated from existence, but they still bounced back hard enough to completely dominate a pre-senility, pre-rust, pre-scattering, unified Necron Empire and force them to abandon any hope of victory.
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>Of course one could have always hand waved the thing differently
Or, you know, they're just the remnants of the whole plan the C'tan had for isolating the galaxy from the Warp, creating their own personal safe space from the one thing they didn't like and just farm life. The thing mentioned in the very first Necron codex.
>The Eldar didn't need to create anything but servitor races like the Warp Spiders

Warp spiders are eldar. They are a aspect warrior. Stop marinefagchan and take thy meds
Yes they did. They're an artificial species engineered by the Craftworlds to tend the Infinity Circuits.
>I need to do good
Textbook compfagging. Then again there’s no other way to play 40k these days so I can hardly fault you.
anon, what do you think the Warp Spiders Aspect Shrine is named for?
that fell under option n3
The little spiders that live in the infinity circuits. There's no evidence that those were eldar creation though. It's just a natural phenomenon.
Yeah you're just looping, ESL. These are standard phrases used by everyone, from crusade to GTs. Get a grip.
No, they weren't engineered by the eldar and they don't exist exclusively for the infinity circuits, they're also in the webway, which the eldar did not engineer themselves either.
That's some pretty weird headcanon you got there, where do you think you have read about the eldar 'dominating' the necrons before they shattered the ctan?
Because it's cool?
The old ones made the eye of terror, not necrons
Except it's not handwavium, it was the lore. And they weren't all over the place, since the project didn't get very far/other places with pylons got destroyed.
What's the rest of your list like? Both are equally good other anon I just retarded don't mind him
>natural phenomenon
Read Path of the Seer my man. They were created to maintain and protect the Infinity Circuits.
Same answer as above. Read Path of the Seer. Oh and by the way, the Eldar did in fact master the Webway, even the ability to build more of it. Trazyn the Infinite keeps one of the Eldar's master webway constructor artifacts in his museum and uses it to bait Eldar into trying to steal it to make them his next exhibits. Source: Hammer and Bolter episode 7
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are you going to play the new sloppa codex thats coming out with these
>Hammer and Bolter episode 7
that's not what happens in that, so why should I believe Path of the Seer says what you want it to say about the spiders?
It's amazing you managed to navigate to this thread with your reading comprehension
Nope. Read the Bleeding Stars. It's all the Necrons' fault. The 9e codex also is very clear about the shattering of the C'tan shattering reality in the process, causing the Warp to leak through the cracks.
What, specifically, makes it sloppa?
Episode 9, numbnuts. But clearly you haven't watched it, or read anything about the setting, not even the codexes, so why should I bother to engage with your headcanon any longer?
Yep it’s standard now just like using tournament mission packs for every pickup game. Seem to be missing my point, it’s okay though. Also English is my third language.
>Seem to be missing my point
I understand perfectly what your point is - you are a moron who thinks using the words "list" or "unit" is somehow beyond or out of character for someone that plays nothing but fluffy crusade games.
I kneel
>haven’t read or watched anything regarding the setting and have your own headcanon
Unfathomably based if true. Autistic faggots cannot comprehend doing their own thing.
Is Cawl op enough to restart the great work?
you sourced episode 7 :)
People actually play crusade? The lack of crusade games sure has me fooled. I saw one crusade event in 9th that was it. Shitty wannabe Dawn of War system anyways kek.

My point is that the culture surrounding the game has changed considerably and much of the dialogue is reminiscent of MtG faggots (I have no contention with “unit” it’s actually “running” a unit that vexes me) And this is also what gw wants since the endless meta and rules churn means whales buy more and more models at a more frequent rate.
what is this a reference to
and are these your personally painted minis?
One of each.
it includes units that are going to either be phased out or refreshed within the coming years.
yes. ive been posting this project a lot
Dark Angels, any other reply is heresy.
I'm new and have looked everywhere and get conflicting answers, including at my local GW. You guys are my only hope.
>Is pile in mandatory, or can you just choose not to?
>Is consolidation mandatory, or can you choose not to?
>For random attacks characteristics (2D6, etc.) when do you make the actual role for determining the number of attacks
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>I do not know who I am
>I don't know why I'm here
>All I know is that I must kill
Look everywhere except the rule book, many such cases.
1. Optional
2. Optional
3. When you select that weapon to attack
So you're just completely misusing the word sloppa then
These are literally questions all answered by the basic core rulebook
That entire page is false, the Astronomicon isn't some 'pallid beacon', it's one of the brightest objects in the Warp and is capable of fending off all four Chaos Gods at once. A Harlequin saw it up close once and instantly realized how insignificant the Eldar are next to the Emperor, and by extent the Imperium.
Eldar doomsaying is always wrong, because they're a bunch of defeatist retards. Ulthwe seems to be the worst among them in that.
>I'm new and have looked everywhere
Looking’s no good, I’m afraid. You’ll have to try reading.
montka or retaliation bros
Tau has the best internal balance other than Kroot so it really depends what models you have and what you want to play.
>Read Path of the Seer my man.
Not canon.
I only have a few models and I'm trying to figure out what I want to get next. I have the combat patrol, coldstar, and a crisis suit box. I think I'd prefer big robots, but that shit is insanely expensive, and I'm trying to make a small army to at least PLAY at my store first before I commit hundreds of more dollars.
Eradicators or Sternguard with combi for mobile squad in an impulsor?
And is a Librarian a good choice for the invul?
I appreciate it.
I did look in the rulebook. The pile in one is fairly clear but I started to doubt myself.
The consolidation rule is not.
>After a unit has finished making all of its melee attacks, it Consolidates. Each time a unit Consolidates, you can move each
model in that unit that is not already in base-to-base contact with an enemy model up to 3" – this is a Consolidation move.
It doesn't say "Can consolidate" or "has the option to;" it simply says "it Consolidates." After it says "you CAN move each model," which would imply that you do not have to, but it's still confusing.
The third one I cannot find anywhere in the rules. I guess I missed it or am not ctrlzing the right words
>distant future where real space is cut off from the warp
>"What do you mean the psychic beacon created by mortal psykers is not a bright, whining lighthouse?!"
Reading comprehension: 0

But, yes, because it's one vision of a possible future, that completely negates the purpose of the pylons. Clearly they were built completely by accident for some completely unknown reasons. Not like later we have Eldar come across a control station for a pylon network at the edge of the galaxy that, when turned on, just kills the Eldar completely because they lost their connection to the Warp.
The Dark Angels are the superior Angels Legion, the gay vampire mutants can go cry in a corner over their dead space daddy while LION EL'JONSON goes and single handedly saves Imperium Nihilus
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>that, when turned on, just kills the Eldar completely because they lost their connection to the Warp.
Lmao, weak, should have had Faith. Get bent knife-ears, this is Humanity's galaxy.
>edumacate urself, shitlord
How about you quote the bits that support your claims?
Retal pretty much requires lots of Crisis. Montka you can't really go that wrong with, so that.
i know its from a reference picture, what is it again, got any close ups of any of your best models ???
Why can Dark Eldar fight in the Pariah Nexus without getting psycho bombed? Is it because they're already mostly soulless anyway?
I only paint models and havent played a game yet
what is this new pariah nexus thing? it's mission cards and new set up rules? does it completely invalidate the missions and set up rules that were first released with 10th? do you choose one or the other? can you play with both at the same time?
>You can move each model up to 3''
I'm not a linguist or even a native English speaker, but couldn't that "can" not be implying that it's optional but instead that you have to consolidate "up to" 3 inches if you are able?
Seems unnecessarily confusing when you could just write "after a unit has finished making all it's melee attacks, the controlling player has the option to consolidate."
Where in the rules does it tell you when you roll for random attacks characteristics
You choose one or the other.
If you're new I'd recommend sticking to Only War (pg. 59) in the rule book, then you can move on to Leviathan or Pariah Nexus, which are "alternate" game modes.
Just make a new thread already christ.
>Horus starts to bludgeon him, beating him repeatedly like a disobedient dog. There is no art in this any more. No martial skill. No patience. Worldbreaker shreds armour and flesh. It pulverises both collarbones. It ruptures a lung. A fine drizzle of blood fumes the air around the two figures, the brutal, beating giant and his prey. >The sixth hammering impact twists Sanguinius’ head around, shattering his jaw, and transmitting such force that the skin on the left half of his face, from brow to chin, is flayed loose. It flutters, then drapes back like a slack mask.
>As he falls forward, the Talon vices him again. It lifts the ruined, tattered Angel into the air, until he is face to face with the first-found instrument of Chaos. Horus squeezes slowly. He is expecting some last word, some immortal and heroic declaration to mark the end of a majestic, noble life. It ought to be something good, something appropriate.
>But Sanguinius is no longer capable of speech. He is drowning in his own blood. The claws close. There is a double crack of spine and neck. Horus waits. Blood drips. It’s done. The Talon opens with a mechanical clack. His brother’s corpse, so loose and mangled it seems almost boneless, drops to the deck. An ugly sound of impact to mark an ugly ending. Horus sighs and walks away. Things scurry forward from the shadows to nail the body up.
oh nononono, beaten to death like a dog!
rent free
Dios mios, mucho fanfic texto autismo
basado. Next thread should be focused on Horus.
>in abnett's new and canon telling there is no chink in the armour and sanguinius just dies a brutal pointless death while the Custodes, Ollanius, and Loken are the actual valiant heroes that save the Emperor's life
based abnett shitting all over the BAfags
>I'm not a linguist or even a native English speaker
Then noone needs to hear your opinions on rules clarifications
My recast model is laughably bad with flash and it's really coming to light after being painted. But I can't be bothered to put hours into sanding and perfecting a 2 dollar chinesium infantry model.
id rather pay full price than recast
i hate resin
>beginning of Siege of terra has angron jobbing to sanguinious.
>Now it's hawk boy's turn to job.

If you're insulting me on being ESL, my English is almost certainly better than yours.
If me not being a linguist, I doubt most people would feel we should have to consult someone with a Masters to interpret 40K rules.
Put yourself in the position of two friends with no war gaming experience reading these rules in an effort to play their first game. Do you honestly feel that it is optimally worded for understanding?
Next bread
I only do it for stuff that is only in resin anyways
>Links a random post from 6 years ago
What did he mean by this?
He just woke from a coma. Please understand.
>2018 was 6 years ago
what the fuck
Accidentally crossposted
Next bread
Alex, go back.
Here, dammit
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You literally proved yourself wrong
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fucking incredible

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