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Stormtroopers Edition

>Codex: Imperial Agents Incoming

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Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

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>Thread Question:
Why do you like your faction? It's not a fetish thing, right?

Previous Thread
Hope the jannies delete this thread as well.
second for IMPERIAL GUARD holding the line
I dont really like csm, but I like traitor guard, and cultists, and everything chaos thats not in power armor.
finally an imperial guard thread
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For retaliation cadre, is two crisis suit squads + broadside kenough? Or do I want 3?
I currently have the battlebox, a coldstar, and a pathfinder box, I'm looking at buying another commander (going enforcer), a crisis suit, and a broadside, but I dunno if it's better to just stack 3 crisis suits and forget the broadside or what. 2 broadsides + a commander would a little more expensive and I'm trying to optimize how much I spend with how much I already have.
>Why do you like your faction? It's not a fetish thing, right?
Space wizard ninja elves with psychic armor. It is a little bit of a fetish thing
>Word Bearers
Unabashed and unashamed bad guys who serve Chaos and revel in it.
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>spoilered text
erm ackshually there's an episode of dildos and fuckshots on WH+ that says this photo isn't canon
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>Why do you like your faction? It's not a fetish thing, right?
no of course not
How far into the hobby were you when you realized using paint right out of the pot was a noob move?
I never buy citadel so day 1
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I really enjoy building and ramshackle stuff is fun and flavorful
did you fuck up on its claws, also I cant imagine building that can be fun.
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I like them because they're evil, and all their lore is just super intense by because of their nature
New Space marine lore just dropped
Broadsides don't really benefit from cadre, they're not going to be making use of the army rule nor any of the strats. It's more or less Crisis o'clock, that's the reason to even run the detachment
Idk if I'd go so far as calling ultramarines evil, but I see where you are coming from
Because I love heavily armored infantry and power armor.
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recast so it was broke when I got it. It is actually very few pieces. I'm happy with the final results
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Alright, is it better to have one of each crisis suit or should I be doubling up?
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I also hated the side platforms so I built new ones
Sunforge with the Coldstar to get into Melta, Fireknife is better after that unless you're running Farsight who can make Starscythe quite dangerous
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Awoo with me sisters!
NTA, but it's easy as hell to assemble. The body is one solid part, with the head+tusks+tail being the only separate bits. The howdah is a few more pieces. I'd say painting it is more of a pain in the ass than assembling it simply due to the weight of the fucker. Not pictured: the gargantuan squiggoth that I've owned for 5 years that still needs to have it's paint job finished.
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Could it be done?
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I like the Eldar for how fleshed out they are.They can be written as basically human or completly alien. I feel GW drops the ball when trying to write them as a tragic story tho. Also I don't like non-space eleves.
I don't think a Space Marine would become a tranny no, they're like castrated and don't seek sexual gratification, so there's no AGP within their ranks.
Of course it COULD. All it would take is ADB to shit out some abortion of a story approved by some suits to have it done. The real question is SHOULD is be done, and the answer is obviously no.
Female space marines should have gigantism and hard features like males but of course they will be cute and fappable instead
Do you believe the rumor that Dark Angels, Blood Angels, and Space Wolves will all get their big update this edition? It seems a bit unlikely to me, what will they do in 11th Edition?
Best way is a classic codex snippet that doesn't answer anything. Like a post battle scene where a guardsmen gets beat to death by his squad while swearing one of the blood angels was a fem marine. Grogs have plausible deniability and femoids get a continuous shitwar.
>stormtrooper thread
>posts scions
Lmoa, the copeium is strong with guard players.
second most masculine ultramarine right there (titus and malcum caedo tied for first place)
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Didn't the DA just get a rules update or am I misremembering?
>but of course they will be cute and fappable instead

Are we talking about GW sculpts here? The Sisters all look like trannies, what would possibly make you believe this?
Dark Angels got their update last year. Valrak is saying Blood Angels later this year, maybe as early as September, and Space Wolves before the end of this Edition. He called the Scions vs Vespid box like a year ago, so his rumors aren't total bullshit

Imperial Fists after that right? Right?
black templars already got theirs, so no
>codex compliant
Lol no
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I like GSC cuz they are underdogs throwing bodies at the enemy to stall enough so that they can secure an objective.

I like space marine cuz they are hyper elite one-man-armies that can be any flavor of reverent and noble warrior to blood-crazed savage.
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Space Dwarfs are just neat I guess.

Just finished a batch of hearthguard and pretty happy with how they came out.
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a new upgrade kit on par with what BT and DA got would be pretty sweet, and I don't think that's out of the question. But if you're expecting unique IF units, haha
Nice off-white, man. Bet those look cool on the tabletop
just admit it, you'd have sex with a tyranid too
they're the only completely unobjectionable faction that never did anything wrong. And they're friends with giant robots.
I feel like they would look less shit if they were painted traditional dwarf colors, like Steel, Silver and Gold. Not your models really, just the squat models in general
Can I get away with proxying the Blackstone Fortress named Kroot character ad a generic Kroot Trail Shaper?
i want to repeatedly thrust my bayonet into its vital parts if that counts
For me it was always the Ultramarines, Blood Angels and Imperial Fists as the face of the Space Marines since I started off with the Space Crusade tabletop.

Always makes me sad that Blood Angels and Ultramarines developed nicely since them with their own designs and iconography and fluff and Imperial Fists were left in the dust.

There's something nice about the simplicity of primary colors and grit of WH40k
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Ages ago I heard a rumor that Centurions were originally designed as a unique Imperial Fists unit. Which makes perfect sense, they're literally walls.
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TQ - I like how the models look and they aren't very hard to paint.
>get away with
god some people are so pussy whipped, it's literally the same guy, you don't need daddy's permission.
Is this a joke? Obviously not
The BF Kroot has Legends rules, won't that cause confusion?
not if it's the only model you're running
just go "oh I'm proxying him for X model" when discussing lists
Nobody is going to even notice in the first place to get confused
I was thinking of fancying up the free Kroot Carnivore GW stores gave out this month as a Trail Shaper too, putting one of the fancy Fastalker heads on him and loading him down with extra gear from the Carnivore kit. That way I'd have three Trail Shapers, (BF Kroot, gussied up Carnivore, and the actual Trail Shaper kit) but they'd all look unique. The wargear is the same across them, so they would be WYSIWYG.
looks cool anon, very nice
the emperor's children became fucked up because they had no dicks?
no one will notice, but if they do, call them a faggot
I don't use that word. Except in bed, where it's kinda hot.
as much as you don't want to, it is an essential part of the hobby anon.
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I've always liked dwarves and science fiction. When I first started playing the squats were long gone and Votann brought back Space Dwarves with strong norse mythology references.
I know there's people here who hate them, but I thoroughly enjoy Votann's aesthetics and think they fit into the setting better than Tau or Tyranids.
I play with people who proxy whole armies.
Cool sculpts.
Are Tau fun right now? I'm interested in a combined arms style of army and Tau look lioe the ones for that
Yeah my usual opponent is tau and he has a great variety of units to play with including his colonial kroot troops
IF generally get ignored because their successor chapter is cooler.
Man, that kit needs to come out as a separate box already. Been dying to add them to my diggers but I can't be fucked buying them for ebay highway robbery prices.
So sunforge with coldstar, 2 fireknifes? Is farsight better than getting an enforcer? So I could go farsight + starscythe, coldstar + sunforge, then fire knife on it's own?
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WIP for tonight, calling it a night. Got some more ultras in the works and I just finished building a warboss and a trukk I printed off. Gonna paint those after this batch of Boyz.
Not sure if I want to run that warboss as a regular warboss or a warboss in mega-armor. He's got the size to be either so I might just run him as both when I see fit.
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The truck looks awesome
Here's my WIP on the avatar.
Blue looks a little weird but I'm going to use some transfers and freehand some white patterns so hopefully it's good on the end.
I think the blue just needs a highlight alongside a wash if you haven't washed it already. Looking good though, anon.
What kind of base do you plan to give him?
Is an Eldar melee army viable? One that uses Scorpions and Banshees? Or would I be stuck using Wraithblades yet again?
Do a full shining spears army. Not technically melee tho
Yeah avatar of khaine is really good.
Scorpions are cheap so you can bring 3 units, but they are mostly just screen unless you include their Phoenix lord.
Banshees can do work, they are counter charge units.
Don't count on stormguardians to be melee, they are for sticky objectives and invuln chaff with special guns.
You will probably want axe wraiths they are probably the best melee after Khaine.
Wraithlord is kind of meh hitting on 4s, but can be a good thematic option still with his sword and flamers
They're slow with everything right now, but yeah, they need to release them individually. They make me want to try Kill Team as I have the Hearthkyn team built/painted too.
Banshees are a literal waste of points and a failure of a unit.
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For me, dwarves were always a favorite race in various settings, when the Votann initially were previewed I had my reservations but grew to like them for their overall aesthetic reflecting older space exploration themes I saw in a lot of media growing up (bubble domes/wheels for vehicles, curved helmets etc). To me it fits the lore approach that the Votann have, being a bygone industrial relic of humanity in the form of an entire vat grown labor race, now entirely focused on expanding their own material wealth. They also were the faction that I decided to use to push my painting further (more difficult color choice in the yellow, painting faces, using more complicated bases etc) because I felt I was getting a bit sloppy/lazy
I'm trying to do a jungle with ruins vibe, the elf ruins will be sand coloured, dark earth with moss and grass tufts and some leaf litter on the ground.
I'm sort of thinking Yavin 4 if possible
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Why is he undivided and not Slaaneshi?

The problem is that the overall design is very un-wh40k. It doesn't have that "extreme" edge to it. It just looks benign and oval. Everything is rounded, everything like a child's toy.

The way I'd deal with the Votann is keep the lore the same (I like their faction conceptually) but the visuals need to be more exaggerated. The armor pieces and designs more angular, more "anvil" like. Sharp edges, square and polygonal surfaces. Oversized mismatched pieces. Something that maybe conveys they are both tinkerers (a lot of mismatched parts) and also oversized parts as well.

And maybe they should've went all in with the AI thing and have more robots. Have some gimmick where they need to feed orders back to their ship AI and then the AI runs the robots for them so they're all strong, but have a communications handicap or something... some specific gimmick.

Also they should be technologically ahead of every other faction and that should be their gimmick as well. basically an intermediary step between the Imperium and the Necron.
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Im pretty sure this isn't bait, which makes me sad for the future.
aww, he tried.
Advice for the blue fabric: use a more de-saturated color. Take whatever blue you used, and mix it with a bit of grey or beige. That'll make it look more like cloth, rather than vinyl/plastic.
Thanks, I'll do this tomorrow
>take waacfag list
>swap in one pet suboptimal unit
it's gaming time
Looks fucking great
I did the same thing with Sisters as far as pushing myself to paint faces
If I still played with randos I would love to throw dice against your space dwarves
Which unit?
Is that 20 Hearthguard? Absolute madman.
only squats player in existence
There's plenty of Squat players out there. None of them would ever use Votanus minis though, if that's what you're implying. That guy is the only Votanus player I'm aware of.
Vertus Praetors
I just like the models
so black and yellow are the hardest colors to paint supposedly?
>The problem is that the overall design is very un-wh40k. It doesn't have that "extreme" edge to it. It just looks benign and oval. Everything is rounded, everything like a child's toy.
tau have been a part of 40k for longer than they haven't, this isn't remotely applicable :^)
yellow, orange, white and red are the trickiest paints for a beginner
black is easy to make look decently acceptable but it takes skill to make it look really good and an understanding that you almost never paint pure black as a basecoat, same with white
>The problem is that the overall design is very un-wh40k. It doesn't have that "extreme" edge to it. It just looks benign and oval. Everything is rounded, everything like a child's toy.
But you see anon, Tau are old now, so they're good. Votann are new, so they're bad. Get it right - if it didn't exist when anons got into the hobby, it's bad.

No. Being converted into a space marine would make a born female into a transsexual male because it is basically a male to gigachad transition.
Not him but that's probably not the best example considering how much people also bitch about 40k admech designs being shit compared to their 30k counterparts.
>The problem is that the overall design is very un-wh40k. It doesn't have that "extreme" edge to it. It just looks benign and oval. Everything is rounded, everything like a child's toy.
I wouldn't say either of them are particularly difficult if you have the right workflow. I think it'd be more correct to say black and yellow require a unique set of steps that aren't just basecoat, shade, highlight
space marines just shouldn't have means of mobility at all.
Look what you did
now the votannfag's gonna spam pictures of primaris for the entire thread like last time
No I'm not. Just until anon admits he's wrong.
Yes, that is 7th Edition trash that was mocked when it was released too for the same reasons.

yeah and all those sucks too

Why couldn't they have just done a rescaling of space marines like they did with chaos? If you want to play your old tacticals, just put them on bigger bases.
No problem. Also, if you're looking at the new color after mixing and thinking "this is far enough," it probably isn't. You can mix in quite a bit of grey or beige*, and still have a blue fabric "look blue." The Avatar already has lots of vivid color, so it'll look better being offset by something a bit more subdued.

*your choice, though I'd recommend something on the lighter side
Because MKVI and MKVII look like shit.

>The problem is that the overall design is very un-wh40k. It doesn't have that "extreme" edge to it. It just looks benign and oval. Everything is rounded, everything like a child's toy.

Last example I swear.
> hating beakies

Shit taste.
Didn't ask, redditor
we don't sign our posts here
>n-no u
Firstbornfags aren't sending their brightest tonight.
Tactical are retarded looking squatting trash, you just have rose tinted glasses for the stuff that was around when you got into the game
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An Iron Hand with hair; can it work /tg/?
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Look at these pieces of shit. It's worse than giant pauldrons. A tactical marine with an ammo belt going into his backpack with a hand-held heavy weapon looks way better. All they had to do was rescale the MKVII to more correct proportions.
Still looks better than MKVII, had they kept the shit firstborn limitations you'd be getting more and more slop like centurions instead :^)
Not very loreful imo. Iron hands are al about practicality to extremity. They wouldn't care about hair.
Top knots look ass so your answer is no
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Oh well, I saw it on my night lords sprue and thought hey this would be fuckin funny
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>moldlines fucking everywhere
Jesus christ anon what are you doing
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Not my problem, I just paint over them

You don't have reading comprehension. They just rescale MKVI and VII to primaris proportions like they did with chaos and don't say anything. Or even release a new MK of power armor along with it. There was no reason to make a whole new line of space marines, lore wise. Just have Belisarius Cawl make better armor and guns and have Guilliman say he's revising the codex astartes.
I never liked Tau and I still don't. All these years and they still don't feel properly integrated and they're entirely directionless.
It's always "OH and also Tau did this as well and fought off the badguys on their own and they're okay, thank you for asking ... so .. h-how are you?"
It's like they exist in some side pocket non-canon universe just so they can play pretend with their toys and the writers allow them to win whatever they need to win unimpeded
Tau are widely-disliked for being out of place in 40k because they're sci-fi. I see them as ok as they're the exception, even if I don't personally care for them.

These are robutts from the Dark Age of Technology, and as such should look out-of-place in the 41st Millennium.

These are pure shit, along with all Primaris. You're not making any point with this one.

Also pure shit.
>Not my problem, I just paint over them
That's a lot of words to type when yoh could've just said "All my models are ass"
I don't read pointless seething of those with bad taste. Also the lore is gay and the worst part of the whole hobby, if you care that much about anything in the lore it's a sign of being on the spectrum
>another nomodels larper
Need to remember never to try and have genuine discussions on anything aesthetic on /40kg/ anymore, so many tourists who have nothing else going for them but pretending to be contrarian to whatever's being currently discussed
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What's the joke, I don't get why it's funny
>Tau are widely-disliked for being out of place in 40k because they're sci-fi.
Tau are MECH sci-fi though. Mechs are basically magic anyways so they still fit.
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you wouldnt get it anon
>haha the funny man has a hair
I have a feeling I wouldn't get it because it isn't a joke, it's just you being retarded
Dios mio mucho seetho
giant ass fucking spider crawled on my foot while i was gluing an arm on and i sent my knee into the table at mach 12
You're going to make me hate the tau even more than the blood angels man.
>noooooo how could you not like le heckin beakarinooos
calm down exoditefag
If you're scared of bugs as an adult you should just get it over with and start painting your nails and wearing skirts lmaoo
Noone wants to listen to you get pegged by your local crossing guard. I ain't clicking that shit
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They should've leaned more on tribal aspects with various septs being like their own clans and there's internal competition, a form of forced evolution, all manipulated by the Ethereals. Have them present themselves as the altruistic do-gooders to everyone, but have it just be a manifest destiny for them to carry the savages into civilization. Their civilization. When some non-Tau species start to get too much power, oops, it appears you had space cp on your cogitator unit and you commited suicide by putting five pulse rounds to the back of your own head. Or a space freighter carrying spent reactor fuel happened to crash into your planet and now you need some foreign assistance. Let us send this other ally species that hates your guts, I'm sure it'll be fine and whatever happens, we did everything we could.

They're too clean and the writers can't stop fellating how awesome they are, having surpasses every race on every field in a few thousand years. Even their failures are just steps on a path to greater goodness.
>picked tau because they're manga styled
and faggots will still try to say they're not the japanese faction
But anon. You love gay porn!
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The Tau are in the same position the Emperor was when he was in the midst of the Great Crusade, it wouldn't make sense for them to be all dark and gritty, they're supposed to be the shining better alternative so that they can fall apart later. If everything is shit all the time, how is anything supposed to be a dark age?
>projecting this hard
Lmao even
>that kabuki facepaint in the blanche pic
fuck I'm tempted to do that for some HQs now
They aren't though, they're indian

They just need some sort of "grimdark" streak to them to effectively make them more interesting.
Votann have the same problem. The lore is too sanitized and "friendly".

imho it just doesn't fit the theme of the setting at all
just kill yourself my man
they have glowies and a mind controlled populace that'll collapse in on itself if their ruling class were to go away, that's grimdark enough
They're about as japanese as the deatguard are.
cope harder

My point being that that kind of stuff should be further emphasized as the MAIN trait of their faction. That would properly fit.
Instead they're kind of tap-dancing around the fact they're all similar to GSCs

wh40k is not about subtlety. Just have them OVERTLY be scummy in how their ruling caste works. it's just presented in such a milquetoast way
You're the one who seems to have made an uninformed investment lmao.
>The Tau are in the same position the Emperor was when he was in the midst of the Great Crusade
The fuck they are. The Great Crusade was a clusterfuck, because the primarchs got gotten, and a lot of shit was just cobbled together as they went. Planets were bombed into submission, provinsial government was formed and the fleets moved on. That's why the Horus Heresy was so massive, because as order collapsed, local governments took it upon themselves to carve a piece of the pie for themselves. Tau spent thousands of years carving a just a tiny empire for themselves with established societies and unified goals.
>all dark and gritty
I didn't say all dark and gritty, now did I? Just not this "better than everyone at everything, but don't you worry, they're totally gonna fall hard real soon, but not really, they're actually showing everyone how logic and reason will conquer all, because they're the only people in the universe who tried that." Their AI doesn't go mad, their technology keeps improving, they're immune to Chaos, they can take out hive fleets without losses, they've mastered FTL without any inherent dangers, they get along with other races... Am I forgetting something?
>they're supposed to be the shining better alternative
Why? Who decided this? Who needed this?
>how is anything supposed to be a dark age?
I dunno, because that's literally the tagline of the fucking setting? Are CWE all dark and gritty, living their comfy lives in their artificial worlds and sometimes going to war?
You're the only pathetically disingenuous faggot here
They were literally conceived as the Japanese mecha faction, they carry around diamond pattern wrapped blades, their main HQ has cherry blossoms on his model and uses a vampire katana and they speak with stereotypical Japanese accents in every game they're portrayed in
In short kill yourself * 2
Pakistan is japanese because they cherry blossoms now. Oh, and curved blades. Curved. Blades.
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>Why? Who decided this? Who needed this?
The setting? If everything is shit, nothing is. You never go full grimdark. You go full grimdark that's how you get the Xeelee and nobody wants that.
Don't disagree with any of that. Like I said, Tau aren't to my liking, but I can acknowledge they do fill a narrative role in the setting. They'd be better if they moved in a direction similar to what you laid out, while still retaining a "protagonist status."

>Are CWE all dark and gritty, living their comfy lives in their artificial worlds and sometimes going to war?
Craftworlders are the grimdarkest™ faction in the setting (but GW just has shit writers).
That's not what he's saying.
Elder are grimderp. It's hard to take em seriously at all, the implication of their gods absence should have more consequence and yet its executed in hilliariously awful manners.
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I like Night Lords because like they're schizo. I'm also schizo as well.
writing xenos is extremely hard
howcome the gay marines are the only ones that got new assault termies
How was RT and 2e full grimdark, exactly? Why do you need to add a whole new faction to take all the noblebright, rather than adding it evenly across the setting?
Blood angels haven't got anything yet
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wolf looks like a 'jak though
Reposted because of a missing quote, but... You're missing the point. No matter how beautiful the Craftworlds are, they're in an unwinnable situation. Treading water in a sea full of monsters.
What do you mean, Dark Angels have always been terminator heavy.
man what? blood angels? dark angels are LITERALLY the homosexual legion
So, how are Tau any different if, "they're supposed to be the shining better alternative so that they can fall apart later." By your own logic, Tau are full on grimdark, because it doesn't matter how great they're doing now, they'll end up in the same, unwinnable situation as everyone else.
True. One way to deal with this is to have Eldar never be written about from an Eldar perspective.
i liked the relationship that ravenor had with eldar in one of the bequin books
It is pretty evenly distributed already between the Imperium, the Eldar, the Necrons, the Votann, and the Tau.
Is your brain working alright?
I'm not the anon who said that (I'm the one who was talking to that anon), but... the Tau (and humanity) are in a very different situation from the Eldar. The Tau have a future of possibilities before them. For the Eldar, it doesn't matter if they win every single battle; they still lose the long war.
taurox is so fucking dumb and dumb looking holy shit
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>Most of the Eldar just want to be left alone and aside from the occasional scheme to keep their race alive won't engage in needless cruelty or imperialism
>The Votann likewise mostly keep to themselves and aside from the occasional world harvested for resources (sometimes even evacuated first) don't really bother others
>The Imperium has two primarchs back already and more ready to be awakened and they're mostly the good primarchs who acknowldge daddy's faults and try to make the Imperium a better place to live
>The Necrons turn out to be pretty chill dudes who want to stop Chaos and can be worked with and even fought alongside
The only way the Tau are less Grimdark than the Imperium is they don't kill all other species on sight, and even then there's this American-style imperialism to their actions where they use them as cannon fodder instead.
Based on?
All of this tells me that Orks are still the best, Tyranids are cool and chaos is lame
>they use them as cannon fodder instead.
Except they don't, they actually give leadership roles to their allies and actually value them. The worst they've done to the Kroot is hope they'd stop eating other creatures, but haven't actually placed any restrictions on it or their mercenary activities.
I have four full platoons of scions. I'm so ready for this book.
I'll Start respecting tau when they give us the pancake bears and their giant kaiju titanic unit
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Every faction is removed except Chaos Warbands and Traitor Legions. No cringe Primaris shit, no dumb xenos, no retarded chromatic demons or T10 towering spam. How absolutely kino would the game get?
Lamehammer 2 1/2
>The Tempestus Scions line is sadly being retired, please submit all your models at your local GW store to be melted down!
>Don't worry, the new line of Tempestus Blions is here! Preorder your box for $65!
The only people who make the distinction are the people who already like the Tau in the first place.
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>No cringe Primaris shit
There's no escape.
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>this is the future Tau lovers want
Hey Dark eldar players: What's a dark muse?
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>people who don't like the Tau make up shit about them
Eh, it's be like the 5th army of mine to be squatted at this point.
You mean the one-who's-about-to-get-got once the last Eldar dies and Ynnead is born? And Yvraine's seeking a way to awaken him without needing to sacrifice all the Eldar. Besides, even if they all died, it'd just be their bodies, their souls would live forever as part of Ynnead. And for the Eldar the souls is the important part.
I've always appreciated how satisfying it is to paint green overtop of yellow
Replacement gods for the ones that got eaten.
any hip-hop artist

>error: you are banned
lmao no
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I prefer to not acknowledge any 40k fiction written in the last, let's say... two decades.
Well that's retarded I thought chaos would stay old marines to keep variety between the codexs
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I'd be okay with ogryn space marine units as long as they're sufficiently stupid looking
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What about 40k fiction written 36 years ago?
There's a difference between a vague far-off possibility, and something happening in the present (with literal avatars of Ynnead walking around, confirming the possibility).
>"dude, it's grimdark because they're totes all gonna die to death!"
>what about [thing]
>"that's just, like, rhetorical and/or nulore, unlike their confirmed, 100% canon, not subject to change, deaths!"
I give up.
Aggressors are cool.
Centurions are trash and gravis is unironically the same concept but executed better.
>reddit spacing
Go back.
Beakies are trash and always will be.
>GW finally caves to the horde and releases female space marines.
>They are not officially called "female space marines" though. GW has learned it's lesson from primaris and knows that they need to be bigger and better than space marines for them to sell.
>instead they are officially called "Primammaries space marines"
> The product of Fabius Bile ejaculating into one of his primaris space marine batches, the Primammaries space marine is taller, wider hipped (to accommodate the plus sized audience) has and a pair of massive Juggs filled with a high protein supermilk that has healing properties.
>Their main function in the battlefield is to follow the apothecaries and save the injured that aren't unsavable by forcefully breastfeeding them and stoking their heads.
>Equipped with a hypnotic voices similar to emperor's children screamers that lull the space marine into a state of relaxation so they can pull themselves together or alternatively yell at them so that they fight harder.

Appeals to women and SJW types
Appeals to manchildren
Appeals to coomers

Hire me GW I know what the people want.
Is it worth it to buy and play Blackstone Fortress in 2024?
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>but of course they will be cute and fappable instead
That'd be preferable.
Former is pure faggot shit.
>Appeals to women and SJW types
If you made the models appeal to coomers they would not appeal to "women" and sjw stereotypes.
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bit late to the party but
>135 points
I don't understand. At 120 points they still weren't worth taking.
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Xeno hands typed this post.
Therefore meaning his post is immedeatly invalid and retarded and I don't care because I'm a marineCHAD.
Marine releases are the only good and exciting releases.
Overdesigned trash and superflous details everywhere
Underdesigned power rangers shit that hasn't been changed for the past 30 years making them look like shit.
Retarded mech garbage or more second rate xenotards that don't sell
Terminator rip offs with terrible egyptian theming.
Worse looking CWE which in on themselves look terrible
Look kinda cool, but are retarded hivemind zerg dogshit
Only good ones alongside marines.

Looking forward to that Blood Angels and Space Wolves primaris range refreshes that'll be happening soon.
>If you made the models appeal to coomers they would not appeal to "women" and sjw stereotypes.
All trannies are coomers.
It's the reason why they became trannies in the first place, they all just fried their brains with porn.
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Imperial Guard? That is a NOTGOOD word citizen. Please use the copyrighted term in the future, or you will be visited by a squadron of GW Attack Lawyers.
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knocking up that magussy to sire purestrain children
If there are Imperial Fists and Death Guard, theoretically, there is a successor space marine chapter called the Imperial Guard
it is very good and fun. if you can find a copy of it, it's worth trying at least. my group is about 35 hours into our playthrough. I will say that it's much simpler than WH40K but i found the game to be pretty damn hard.
>The fuck they are. The Great Crusade was a clusterfuck, because the primarchs got gotten,
This is why anons cannot be taken seriously.
We have authors making commentary on hhow the T'au thematically going on a Great Crusade and how ancient characters like Abaddon would recognise the sense of hope and drive as the self-same that they felt in the Great Crusade

And we have anon here being a complete lorelet. Fuck sake the discussions here has been dumped down by the influx of tourists.
Wouldn't it better to call them Death Fists?

I'm more interested in Death Fists
The Shadowsun novel has Shadowsun leading a diverse alien kill team of T'au ally races. It has one of those bears. The She-Bear absolutely manhandled the Death Guards.
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What army looks the best when they are unpainted? While I like the models shown on the GW website, I have no painting skills (almost failed the classes during high school) so mine would look completely different and I am afraid they would stay in their gray state, maybe primed with one of the Citadel spray can colours. Is there any army for paint loser like me?
nigger just base coat and dip wash

The problem with the Tau is that they don't have flaws and their flaws are so underplayed and irrelevant that they are boring. They're boring to think about, boring to interact with, boring to read about... just boring. They don't have any sort of dynamic imbalance that makes factions in 40k interesting. Some fatal flaw that brings tragedy to the entire effort. No, they're just okay, trudging along getting stuff done with no problem.

And the issue with comparing them to the Great Crusade is that humans at that point ALREADY colonized vast reaches of the galaxy and were reconquering systems that were out of communication for a long time and thus there's a lot of drama there. Some were nice and compliant but still got conquered, some were nice and everything was fine, some were hellholes and some were just assholes. There's a whole range of interesting stuff there and a lot one can play off of the characters involved in the great crusade.
But Tau just like ... go "okay we're friends now or idk I'm going to shoot a bit, okay we're friends thanks" and that's it. Bland to the core.
I'm just an eternal tourist and I'm never going to play, but from the outside it kind of looks like he destroyed your central point and you're mad, what am I missing here?
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Marines should have something like this.
Get some cheap reaper minis or nolzur minis and paint those as practice.
>the Great Crusade was so hopeful and great that half of your force rebelled against you because you were such a fucking piece of shit tyrant that they saw no other choice
>spending thousands of years colonizing new worlds, establishing stable societies and trade routes is the same as zipping across the galaxy in 200 years to unites lost colonies and beat back hostile races coming to get you
That's what you get for listening to some "author's" commentary.
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I just got in the thread. He destroyed none of my points. I am calling him out on being a tourist who missed the point of the T'au.
Now get the fuck out.
I mean look what I am dealing with by replying to him >>93449490
Who says shit like this
>The problem with the Tau is that they don't have flaws
With a serious face?
A non-tourist wouldn't need anyone to spoonfeed him the weakpoints of the T'au Empire.
This simplest discourse belongs to /v/ or any secondary forum.
>Be 200 year old space marine. The greatest of them all. An ultramarine.
>Get hit with gauss flayer.
>Even for a superhuman of the emperor it hurts like hell and I'm in incredible pain.
>Crying through my helmet.
>Giant armored amazon rushes over to me. >"Oh no what happened? did that xenos shoot you?"
>"sniffle Y-y-yeah"
>"Aww poor baby! Let mommy take care of you"

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>"Aww poor baby! Let mommy take care of you"
Painting miniatures isn't like actual painting in terms of needed skill until you get to a very high level. 95% of army painters are doing stuff that is on the same skill level as coloring books. If you just pick out all your materials with basecoats and hit everything with a wash you'll have stuff that looks just as good as the majority of armies out there
You are ignoring that the T'au are far ahead of the human race and are entering their Great Crusade phase much earlier than humanity did.
You also ignored Phil Kelly likening the Ethereals to the Emperor and his explanation how the Chaos Gods planned to turn Farsight into a T'au version of Horus.
>their Great Crusade phase
You keep using this term but it does not apply at all. For humanity the Great Crusade happened as they were REconquering their lost colonies (and expanding) what was previously colonized.

It's more apt to compare it to the first wave of human colonization of the galaxy and NOT the great crusade.
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These threads are dogshit.
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>The problem with the Tau is that they don't have flaws
If they didn't have flaws you wouldn't have most of the fanbase thinking they're weaklings who are about to die at any second.
These threads are what you make of them anon.
Today I learned what a dark muse was AND I learned of a great new model idea for space marines. Couldn't have done that without the faggots on /40kg/. Meanwhile you sit in negativity complaining.
lost to tzeentch demons as world eaters
So you know more than ADB and Phil Kelly?
>aside from dumbowski and nulore

Reevaluate your life.
Okay but he explains well how what the T'au are doing is identical to the Great Crusade so much that it would catch the attention of the few characters that could recognize the irony of it.
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is fine bro, Tzeentch is best god anyway
reminder that ADB was a fa/tg/uy, he made it, you can do it too, never give up
I just finished Morvenn Vahl novel. Do you want spoilers?
I trust a random anon more than ADB desu
He made what exactly? Being hated on /tg/?
Yeah, i think i can do that too
Please contain your fetish posting to your fucking discord or whatever you faggots use nowadays
>Check it out guys I call them wytches! They're strong beautiful elf women who dance while they kill people and dress scantily!

>Ugh pleeease contain your disgusting hornieness. Nobody wants to hear about your fetish.

-A 14-year-old boy named Kol Rakhul lives in an orphanage with his twin sister where they are abused as typical of the Imperium. Kol keeps dark urges in check thanks to the words and presence of his sister.
-One day the world comes under attack by heretics. The twins fleet o sancaturay and wait there for some time with the other kids. Sisters of the Argent Shroud eventual arrive but they are willing only to take the girls.
-Kol's sister refuses to go without him. When the sister pulls her away, Kol lashes out and cuts the Battle Sister's face. The Battle Sister knocks him out and the last thing he sees is the expression of his sister that hertakes for hatred for what he did
-When he wakes up, he finds a Night Lord standing over him. Kol attempts to fight the traitor marines wanting to die rather than live on without his beloved sister. Impressed by his furiousness, the Night Lord gives him the choice between death or joining the Night Lords.
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Oh boy the sister upgrades to battle-sister and the boy becomes a night lord. Very dramatic.
Is this list ok for a chill 1k game, last time it felt that I drowned the other guys in chaff so I kinda went with something smaller

Sons of sanguinius

>Apothecary biologis
>Captain with artisan of war equipped with neovolkite and power fist
>Librarian in Terminator armor with archangel shard
>Librarian with visage of death

>5 Assault intercessors with thunder hammer

The rest

>Company Heroes
>6 Fragstorm aggressors
>5 Terminators, power sword and powerfists
>An impulsor with grenades and missiles

Initially I was running a repulsor and 10 assault intercessors but I think a repulsor may be pushing it too much for a friendly game
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>Slaanesh Grey for skin
>Naggaroth Knight for carapace
>Vallejo violet wash
>Warlord Purple for carapace highlight
>Vallejo Black for nails
>Barak Nar Burgundy for nail highlights
I'll stay home and finish painting my aberrants today. Combat Patrol buddies are out of town for the weekend
-Kol would become a mighty warlord of the Night Lords called the Slayer of Saints. He becomes the nemesis of the Argent Shroud for stealing his sister from him. For a thousand years, he menaces the Order and slaughters their saints. His Sister who has become a Living Saint confronts seeking to end both of their torments.
-Turns out that she never hated him. However, both are too far removed from each other for any reconciliation.
-Kol kills his sister but her body is taken by the Argent Shroud
-He comes to Ophelia VII to be reunited with his sister and invades the world.
-Morvenn Vahl struggles against the High Lords of Terra (who hate her for some reason) who all except for the Custodes guy attempt to stonewall her from going to defend Ophelia VII. The Custodes dude is very supportive of her.
-She abandons her seat and goes to Ophelia VII
>Those guys on the right without the grey shade.
-Kol finds his sister's bones and reunites with her by placing her skull on his chest armor.
-Morvenn Vahl arrives and shenanigans happen. Battle battle. Black Templars are there. Death Death Death. One final battle as Kol attempts to blow up the main Imperial Church temple to finish his revenge. Morvenn Vahl fatally wounds him and his pet cultist refuses to trigger the bombs because she realized that he is not a true servant of Chaos but a degenerate sister-con
-The pet cultist fades into the background with the implication she is going start a new cult that will summon the Tyrant of the Blueflame back to the world at some point in the future.
-Morvenn Vahl returns to Terra and throws the head of Kol on the High Lords' table and rubs it in their face that her action did more than their words
-Roboute steps out of the shadows (very sneaky for someone of his size) and expresses his approval of Morvenn Vahl. He restores his seat and they both discuss a new holy war
restores her seat*
>because she realized that he is not a true servant of Chaos but a degenerate sister-con
Night lords aren't chaotic tho. They're just eastern european assholes
These guys were chaotic.
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TQ Death guard because I like zombies and horror and they were "cheap" second hand when I rejoined the hobby in 8th

GSC cause I like the models.

Here's some Gellerpox dudes in hope they move from legends to Codex in 10th
The novel special release comes with a booklet called the Book of Saints with some neat artwork.

It has some lore about a number of Imperial Saints. Turns out that Calgar was named an Imperial Saint since he rose from death not once but twice. When he crossed the Rubicon and when Abaddon struck him down.
The first Living Saint Marine!
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Spiritual Liege's most worthy son... I kneel
Is Calgar still depressed or Is that Guilliman job now?
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Going for Green & Purple color scheme on clothing, and tones of purple for the skin.
why not keep coteaz as is if your aim is to use his bits and still have him in the same identical pose

is it just an issue of height?
Heightism is the most common affliction in this hobby by far.
NL are like the alpha legion and IW(kinda).
Chaos shit is not universally accepted or abhorred, it's more like a warband to warband thing and some only accept it as a tool at most, while others fully embraces and the rest just fucking hate it and see chaos as another force wanting to enslave them
That's not the upcoming Coteaz model, that's a regular Arbites with some greenstuff.
i hate warhammer
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To anyone who plays at their local GW store and not strictly with friends, what's it like? I have a good job with disposable income for an army and haven't played since 6th. My friends unfortunately have all spread out and so the ones remaining don't play, so I'd have to do it with strangers.
We have that and it's Tyberos
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It's about as hit and miss as you'd expect from the general public. Some are cool, some are autists
Find a FLGS with a community, not a GW store. They don't have the table space for people to actually play games there anymore.
My experiences have been largely positive but it varies from city to city and how insular the group you join is.
It absolutely is a fetish thing
>GW store
not even once

Isn't there any LGS around?
Here, the local store has a whatsapp group and a discord, in which you can just announce when and what you want to play.
There is also a (not really strict) schedule, Tuesday is for Magic, Wednesday is for Yugioh Thursday is the "40k night" and the store has "open" until midnight. So obviously i might rather post i want to play my 40k army on Thursday and not Wednesday, but it would not be impossible.
the eagle is from coteaz, so the dude got coteaz in order to convert... an inferior coteaz?
It's very clearly a wraithknight.
>Do not fist android girls
Might've scored the eagle from a bits box or ebay sale, not the whole mini? Or just wanted to make a taller Coteaz.
I assume it's from before the dumpsterfire new one and he just thought it'd be a fun little project
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Poor Coteaz
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Does she need a spiritseer to hold her hand during the process to stay focused?
Oh, to be a snooty french waiter with a thin 20s moustache
can't be, there's not enough space in there for the living pilot
It´s more like the polite and badass Alfred.
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>These are robutts from the Dark Age of Technology, and as such should look out-of-place in the 41st Millennium.
So, just like Votann then?
Wraithbone is flexible and manipulable. It can bend and flex into any shape that needed. It obeys the right commands.
FW can't keep getting away with these brutal moggings!
Why, it could even be made to be semi-solid, offering it a marshmallow-like softness. If desired.
Just imagine.
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Eldar fertility goddess
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when im done with all my painting maybe next spring i will finally play again possibly
it has been 8 years since my last game so im pretty excited
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Things have changed in your absence
Isha is still alive though.
Good morning lady (singular) and gentlemen, today is a good day to hate on dark angels
No, to hate on blood angels! AAAAAARGH how I hate those fuckers!
Do blood angels make 3 other chapters completely redundant while also having exclusive units that are straight upgrades?
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yeah ive noticed
we have this shit planned out, it will be 5th edition 40k and warhammer armies project faba side
With how GW and BL are these days I'm surprised they haven't done a story revealing how she actually has Nurgle wrapped around her girlboss finger.
Is the whole Nurgle tests shit on Isha thing even canon anymore? I just read about that shit on 1d4chan like 15 years ago
Was it ever?
i hate all the divergent chapters.
Are you the "Fold them all back into legions" guy?
>t. Brainlet
The Blood Angels bait is pretty bad.
It's too obvious.
This, but space wolves
Isha isn't the goddess of wraith construct ass and breeding though. She only cares about living Eldar.
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Name a more contemptible faction
The Houthis
Votann in general. GSC based off their poor performance.
Damn those Votann are looking rad.
I mean, I don’t hate it. I hate the lore of blood angels but I think their play style is cool. Blood angels have to charge from cover to cover before slamming into the enemy which is fun and very wargame-y due to the positioning battle.

My problem comes when your lore and gameplay are actively hostile to everyone.

>Oh you see dark angels are the first legion and the best legion so they get the best melee terminators with better anti-vehicle options oh and their terminators can use plasma cannons so they have better ranged options. Oh they also have better bikes than everyone, making your entire white scars list even more non-viable. Even if Stormlance was viable, then Dark Angels could run it better than you could so why bother?

>Oh, Also they have a better bike HQ, their own Ravenwing detachment, and a named bike character. They also have better melee infantry, unique to their faction, that blow blade guard vets away. Oh and they don’t have any roster restrictions. Sure, tanks don’t get deathwing/ravenwing bonuses, but there’s nothing stopping you from taking a gladiator lancer

Like, it sucks. It just fucking sucks. Yeah, I’m biased because it makes my chapter useless and redundant but I think you can see they’re just terrible.

No, I just think they should have more list restrictions.

Eh, space wolves are unbearable in lore, but their tabletop playstyle isn’t too shit. I kinda like playing against space wolves because they have nicely-painted terminators.

Dark angels
So what's the next major story beat? When are we getting a horus heresy 2.0?
At least yiffs just kinda do their own thing and don't invalidate other chapters like DA do White Scars for example or blood angels raven guard(before vanguard became a thing they were both the jump pack faction with lightning claws)
>So what's the next major story beat?
Nth war for asmrageddon
The Storm of Emperor's Pride is going to turn half the Space Marines into women and then they'll destroy half the Eye of Terror with the power of Girlboss. Ghazghkull will look at the camera and say trains roights. Eldar will get their new codex 10 years after this.
I agree that wolfs do their own thing, yes. My main gripe with them is lore. However I don’t think the blood angels thing is bad. My two main armies are white scars and Raven guard, lol. I actually like the new direction of being stealthy. The problem is that Phobos suits are kinda shit and Reivers suck. I still keep some deep strike and/or jump pack units and some tanks in my Raven guard armies, but I wish there was better stealth options. That said, I still like their jump packs. Especially when it’s Kayvaan-type up/down shenanigans
>not a gw store
ironically my gw store is packed and virtually every meaningful flgs within 25 miles is laser focused on mtg and barely deals in aos/40k.

it isnt really that popular out here and GW sales requirements for local stores are fucking stupid. e.g. one shop had to sell a certain number of recruit, elite, and command versions of the 9th edition starter set every month or they wouldn't get any new kits
>but I think you can see they’re just terrible.
I don't, really, I don't let crunch unbalancing tip my opinion on aesthetics or fluff.

Especially when you sound like the kind of person who would flip around completely on whether it's a bad thing the moment it's your chapter having the edge in those ways.
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Space wolves still have the right to be called the Emperor's executioners, because they carried out top-secret missions to destroy such terrible enemies that they could not be told about them.
>because she realized that he is not a true servant of Chaos but a degenerate sister-con
There's nothing worse than finding out your boss is the wrong kind of degenerate
Okay, but why does an Enslaver outbreak need to be a state secret? They're not a cognito hazard like Chaos in general is. Knowledge of them doesn't provide any extra vulnerability.
Dude, I would think it’s insane if any faction made *3* others redundant. It’s not just a me thing. I was comparing when imperial agents souped death watch and I’ll complain when they soup grey knights in as well.
guard should be able to be souped in any <imperial>, <chaos>, or <tau> faction desu
>there should be 15 different marine codexes
>also they shouldn't be redundant or repetitive at all
No, they shouldn’t be souped in, they should retain their identity, that’s what I’m arguing for. If you let them be souped, they’ll have to be balanced around that, and it’s going to lead to a 40% WR guard codex getting nerfs to their best units

You need to make them not step on each others’ toes. And also there didn’t need to be 15. We never needed black Templars.
What's your reasoning for not needing black templars but needing deathwatch?
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do you use battlescribe or armybuilder and do you print out your lists or use a tablet
He's a smelly guard player, that's all he has
I marsturbate on a piece of paper with a bunch of units written on it then tailor my list to where my cum lands
>they should retain their identity
But you're arguing against the dark angels retaining their identity
Is that why your list is understrength?
It's why my list is all terminators
Because Black Templars bloat the roster and deathwatch didn’t step on anyone’s toes. We didn’t need another knightly/crusade faction.

No one in tournaments plays them with bikes. They are a knight faction, not an everything faction. They at least need unit restrictions besides “uhhh… they don’t get death wing buffs”
Do you seriously cannot understand that a faction's identity doesn't end at one descriptive noun like "knight"?
Yes, that’s exactly my problem. Black templars existing gives dark angels players the excuse to take literally everything interesting from other chapters because “they’re also knights” If you deleted dark angels from existence, it wouldn’t instantly inject a ton of life into the space marine roster
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If there are entire chapters that are cut off from the rest of the imperium due to warp fuckery, what are the chances that some chapters actually exist twice? Like some of them got trapped somewhere and now they're split in two, regaining their forces on both sides of the divide?
It's not a secret. Remembrancers simply did not record the well-known stories of Space Wolves, considering them savages and barbarians.
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Am I being a 4chan stereotype be choosing eldar as a trans woman?

I'm getting my first 2 models at the start of august and gonna try assembling and painting em at our citys bigass game store.

I'm only picking tanky themed eldars though cause I wanna be a snowflake and "human/fleshy" eldar models look ugly af outside yvarin.

Wraithlords(my fav model), wraithguards and seer and war walkers really appeal to me and I am definitely getting an avatar of khaine when I learn to paint properly.
Nah, i'm more of a 'everyone should obey the codex astartes' kind of retard
There's a Lamenters dreadnought in the deathwatch that thinks he's the only Lamenter left cause he's been in the watch since the last time they were essentially annihilated
ah yes, the knights of quantum founded after the slaughter on shrodinger VII
Do you think you could subdivide the existing marine codex units into 9 distinct chapters with their own unique units without ruining any of their identities? Really it's only like 6 since BA, DA, and SW already have their own unique units.
I think you could get away with:
Stern Guard, Tyranid War Veterans, Company Heroes
>Imperial Fists
Centurions, Heavy intercessors, Hammerfall Bunker
Infernus Squad, Eradicator Squad, Promethean Priest
>Iron Hands
Desolators, Predator Annihilator, Gladiator Reaper
>Raven Guard
Eliminators, Phobos Librarian, Reivers
>White Scars
Invictor Tactical Warsuit, Whirlwind, Speeders
Are you only interested in painting or playing the tabletop game?

Also yes this is going into my xenos players are troons folder
The chance that both exist is low but the chances that a chapter that is cut off from the imperium does anything other then slowly die is quite absurd. they not only need to be able to replenisch units but also supplyes and equipment what seems basically impossible for spacemarines.
Impossible. Astartes are programmed with a preset kill count and can only replenish to specific thresholds without supervisor authorization.
I'm just gonna greytide. Painting is too demoralizing.
Bro go make a coffee, sit down, and paint your shit. Right now
I'd rather give tyrannic war veterans to everyone
Fair. I originally put blade guard there but I think they are cool enough to justify everyone having them.
Choose a simple colour scheme if you're going to give up on painting

what army are you playing?
Nah. Building is fun. Painting isn't.
i never understood this mentality but then again i lean more to the hobby side not the tournament change armies like socks style
other thing i never got was why do people buy and buy and buy more and more models when they have no use for them in the first place, let alone never paint any of them
I just want to collect a few minis and just have an excuse to dress up n go outside and hang out somewhere.

I would rather play 500-1000 point games ideally, 2000 seems like a pain.
Russ will free her and she will suck his dick, cucking the Eldar out of one of their last living gods because nothing good can ever happen to the Eldar.
Anyone's a weirdo that has both some new Cadians (or Kriegers) and some WHFB Beastmen for a size comparison?
I want to make imperial guard beastmen but not sure how well they scale together
Battlescribe, but once newrecruit actually has an app and preferably someone who understands how to design a mobile UI that isn't dogshit terrible I'll be moving to that
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I need to stop playing Darktide and start painting. Painting the Magus scares me.
Beastmen are notably bigger, and they come on 32s. I'm using mine as proxies for the smaller accursed cultists and they're barely fitting on 25s
Here's how they stack up on minicompare
Why do that when we could instead squat most chapters and keep only the ones with a specific theme that doesn't infringe on the others?
space marines have only 5 themes anyway
>mechanical transhuman
That the Roman Ultramarines and Spartan Minotaurs?
>1000 years of misunderstanding
Just like in my japanese animes.
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i have been using armybuilder for some 24 odd years and still loving it
they apparently had some licensing issues in the past and there were many years without any official warhammer datafiles but now they have startet popping out again
back in the day armybuilder 2.2c was among the most pirated software on torrent sites for a prief period, that was kinda funny
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Weapon placement is silly, but it's your typical IRL MRAP shapewise. People that do wheel conversions miss out. The fluff reason that Tauroxes have treads is that the Taurox Prime's treads literally magnetize like magboots.
Why be a faggot?
This is a bad idea
Oh god, it's the hovercraft from 2042
This isn't accurate. That website is dog
>People that do wheel conversions miss out. The fluff reason that Tauroxes have treads is that the Taurox Prime's treads literally magnetize like magboots.
I agree and don't really get the hate. Imperium tech should look weird and somewhat unconventional as well
It doesn't matter if your regular guard guy is doing it to a regular Taurox, but taking the treads off the Prime is where you gimp yourself.
Like a lot of Scions stuff, it's an obscure piece of lore from the Scion's 6th Edition codex, which most people don't have.
I personally wrote an email to the Wrath & Glory RPG team with all the capabilities of Scion's gear, the monoscope being an armor piece and not an actual weapon scope, how the their carapace armor is a voidsuit with magboots, etc and cited that codex, and in the next update they added all of that info.
Damn man, you really like Scions
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>I personally wrote an email to the Wrath & Glory RPG team with all the capabilities of Scion's gear, the monoscope being an armor piece and not an actual weapon scope, how the their carapace armor is a voidsuit with magboots, etc and cited that codex, and in the next update they added all of that info.
Honestly pretty cool of you
What's an instant secondary red flag for you?
>corpse starch
I do. I got the 8th Ed. IG codex in the past and then saw these guys that looked cool and that's where it started.
I was happily surprised that they cared. Even if it's not a great game, that still wins me over a bit
Marines as unkillable demigods
Don't even hate marines, mind you
Also ork waaagh powers & how extensively exterminatus is used
Starting with 8th or later.
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Anon 8e was 7 years ago already
Warhammer is satire.
Please tell me you’re fucking joking

We should just squat primaris and restore the 4th edition space marine roster + drop pod.
Anywhere I can see or find this roster?
NTA, but the scions are my favorite for a lot of reasons, but chiefly it's their fluff. Every bit of lore about them is "and so every man in the regiment died horribly, but bought just enough time for (insert other imperial here) to win the day."

Also, they're the humanity fuck yeah faction, so that's dope.
Can you post pictures of interesting bits?
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>codexes are imperial propaganda
>femstodes have always existed
>tau are the good guys
>the imperium is satire
>everything is political
What's wrong with corpse starch?
The 4th edition space marine codex.
They're convinced it's all the imperium eats and it's absolutely ubiquitous.
Go ahead and name me one instance of it even being mentioned semi recently.
le hecking kreig shovel
>femstodes have always existed

There is meta and in-universe answers to this

>the imperium is satire

Well, post-Rogue Trader 40k isn't straight up satire, but satirical elements are still present to some extent
>Guys, check out my ork conversion.
>Orks are never beaten
>Did you know ork stuff works because they believe it does?!?

Basically if they're an ork fan, it's a red flag. Ork fans are almost as bad as skaven fans.
>firstborn being over 7' tall
>primaris being over 8' tall
This isn't specific to secondaries, this is just things you don't like
And meta wise, femstodes weren't exactly a retcon, sinse otherwise was never stated, so GW has benefit of the doubt, but I think that most people realize that's it's an addition to existing lore, not lore that has always been a thing

Honestly, I don't give a shit that golden boys has females now, my only problem with it is that Custodes are not as homoerotic now, and thus less based
>Honestly, I don't give a shit that golden boys has females now, my only problem with it is that Custodes are not as homoerotic now, and thus less based
Nah, they're a bit less like marines now, which is a plus.
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What I hate about the femstodes retcon as a Custodes player is that I'm going to have to learn how to paint feminine faces.
Checking the folder right no- Catachan´s had their own fucking codex? I would like to know when that codex was made. Started in the middle of 7th.
just don't use femstodes minis
I don't like that they've ruined the duality of custodes and sisters of silence

at this point I'm arguing in favour of severing the sos and custdoes connection and linking sos with grey knights

to keep things balanced custodes can have indentured thunder warriors and those thunder warriors can have women with power armoured thunder thighs
3rd edition and 4th, don't think there were any newer ones made
Anyone got a link for the 9th edition Black Templar Codex?
Pretty sure they had one in either 2nd or 3rd edition and some supplemen and/or white dwarf list afterwards.
SoS were always forced in there purely for female representation despite absolutely no one caring about them. The power discrepancy between them and custards is insane but we were forced to go along with it.
There is a type of eldar fans that are annoying and generally not a fun person. They're hard to distinguish from normal (and optionally well-adjusted) eldar fan. Those people whine more than eldar fun generally should (mind that there are reasons eldar fans can be rightfully upset), they fail to see ANYTHING good with how eldar are treated and they sometimws convinced that everyone else hates eldar. They always find things to be upset about. Like, I know a guy who whined about other factions having powerful psykers rivaling farseers. He was also convinced that eldar aren't special anymore as a faction
>Like, I know a guy who whined about other factions having powerful psykers rivaling farseers
He's right. Everything eldar do other factions do better.
>The power discrepancy
I don't care about marinewank, let alone custdoeswank, sisters of silence must be their equals in fighting terms regardless of the nature or absence of their own augmentations, training and powers
I have to agree, it is disappointing seeing Farseers being far less capable psykers than something like Thousand Sons Sorcerers. I wouldn't mind paying extra for a Farseer or Eldrad if they got some decent shooting.
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>I know a guy who whined about other factions having powerful psykers rivaling farseers.
It was me.
The removal of psychic tables was also a mistake.
>Retcons your minotaurs
>Refuses to elaborate
>Gets fired from GW
>>93451084 (me)
There he is

"And it's just the Eldar don't have a unique identity anymore. Their advanced tech angle has been taken by Necrons and DAOT humanity, Psykers by Chaos and every other named human Psyker. Future telling, useless to actively harmful. Magic weapons and tech, it's a neat idea but it's barely used, really the only unique thing is wraith bone, but even then Nexrodermis is just a far more superior material. Beyond that psyker based tech is not used at all, not in a unique way, ghost swords are just nemesis weapons. Eldar don't have a unique identity 40k and I fail to see the point in them existing in the setting besides just helping the Imperium be much cooler." (C)
>being the only best at something is the only thing contributing to having unique identity

Also, ghost weapons are not in fact nemesis weapons, ghost weapons have spirits of eldar living inside them and guinding them in combat
I actually think Gravis armor is fine. Hardly the dumbest thing GW has conceived.
>other named human Psyker

>Mephiston, Magnus and Emperor are the only existing named human psykers
>ghost weapons have spirits of eldar living inside them and guinding them in combat
Then why do they only hit on a 4+?
Because if they died they probably weren't very good at combat
There's a couple. A few blood raven librarians come to mind
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Fair enough.
Because this is the edition where they brought back character attachment so they can heavily push the overpriced character kits and therefore GW wants to sell spiritseers.
That's the point. Mephiston, Magnus and Emperor are not the only ones, there is a plenty of weaker human psykers
I have no idea how to play against vehicle skew
>just outscore them
I try but they just table me by round 3 and then max out primary and secondary on rounds 4 and 5
>just run more antitank
I've seen tournament lists that run barely any antitank so I know that's not the issue
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Imagine showering a tau to death.
You have to put firecrackers in their vehicles. James specifically encourages this, as is evident with the Dorne having no bottom, making it easier to place firecrackers within.
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The flamer will do.
Crying over primaris 7 years later.
Especially unprompted.
>you should just lower your standards and conform as time passes
Weak willed subhuman.
Firstborn models suck lmao
Oh hi PAKfag
>I don't like that they've ruined the duality of custodes and sisters of silence
The duality you talk of never existed.
SoS and Custodes used to be in their own separate codexes.
And SoS sold so badly that GW then just decided to axe them completely and then shove them into the Custodes codex in an attempt to get custodes fans to buy them, it didn't work.
Even in the lore they barely work with one another, custodes are the Emperor's bodyguards, not SoS who do their own thing by manning the Blackships that hunt for psykers that are then sacrificed for the Emperor.
Is it worthwhile putting a Warlock with Windriders? I put the Shuriken Cannons on them.
what do tau ears look like? is there a single model showing them?
>inb4 art
Why are you scared of Ork conversions?

>le purple invisible Ork

I've noticed some pushback from the usual secondary sloptube suspects on meme Ork lore like "We'z a Tank", but bizarrely this one hasn't been caught yet, the one person I saw trying to debunk it for some reason adopted a stance of "Orks don't think everything purple is invisible, just that purple is hard to see because nobody has seen a purple Ork", instead of acknowledging that it's not official lore and is just an internet joke (originating here, no less) that has been repeated into becoming meme canon.
>SoS and Custodes used to be in their own separate codexes.
So did skitarii and cult mechanicus around the time, so go spit to yourself in a mirror
>sisters of silence must be their equals in fighting terms regardless of the nature
No, they are not. Never will be and never were.
You're a secondary retard and lorelet if you believe this.
Tell me how tall a custodes is
>Like, I know a guy who whined about other factions having powerful psykers rivaling farseers.
It's not really "rivaling farseers" anymore.
There are just plain better psykers everywhere that then proceed to shit all over the eldar at every opportunity.
Like that one time where an ork weirdboy just teleported behind one farseer and then popped their head like a grape with the ork psychic powers.
After which the fucking autarch in the very same book started to bawl their eyes out in middle of a fire fight after seeing it.
projecting + hypocrisy
Thank you for making primaris more disliked by the day.
it is true
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Chaos Space Marines transitioned from old ones to new ones without ever requiring primarisation. And they look awesome
>and then popped their head like a grape with the ork psychic powers.
'Eadbanger used to do d6 MW. That's an entirely accurate portrayal of it. It's a power designed to snipe leaders.
Get over yourself, eldarfag.
You should.
Either adapt to the environment or get left behind to rot.
Your choice.
Firstborn models suck, especially the old ones.
I don't care how varied or ornamented they are, they are shit on a fundamental level, putting any detail on top is the same as putting sprinkles on shit.
And no, I don't care about mk6 or mk7 either both are terrible but for different reasons.
Nu-mk6 because it is bland trash with less details than mk10 and its proportions are terrible.
Mk7 is terrible because the helmet is just a bad rip off of Darth Vader with also terrible proportions.
they can get a pass because it's a very different kind of psychic powers, much less restrained, so much so that it also harms the weirdboy and other orks at times.

The problem is with humans.
>The removal of psychic tables was also a mistake.
Don't worry, it'll be selling point of 11e to have it return as a brand new feature
>uhm but this other thing
Cool shit, it's irrelevant.
Doesn't change the fact that SoS and Custodes are completely different and Custodes players never wanted SoS in their book or army at all.

No asked for SoS, no wanted to buy them, and no one will continue to buy them.
Taller than space marines.
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Remember when they tried to force in not one but two SoS kits in the custard box because they sell that badly?
>Nooooo I should have an entire mechanic that forces other armies to accomodate me by wasting points on shitty psyker characters!
>It doesn't matter if several factions don't have a way to counter it I want it back NOW!
Tempestus Scions are cool but I need to stop buying more stuff thinking "I can paint this in a few months" and throwing it on the pile.
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>he won't do whatever it takes to include the best looking kit in the csm range in his games
get out of the eye of terror and don't come back
Gav Thorpe did nothing wrong.
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Still working on the firstborn techmarine kitbash, slowly coming together
That one was Mike Brooks actually, it was the Warboss novel.
I'll take em off your hands. I could probably use another platoon.
Primaris are bad because they simultaneously bloated the space marine range with useless starter boxes that are limited in terms of options and customization, while enabling GW to both squat classic and iconic stuff like boxnaughts and predators, while having the third malus of pushing out codex-unique stuff like the Khan on Bike for the less fleshed out chapters- making the range far more samefaggy than before.
>Cool shit, it's irrelevant.
It's perfectly relevant, assassins were their own codex then, harlequins were, scions were.
it was all microfactions because GW wanted to maximise the amount of codexes they could sell to retards and because the ally system in place meant you were expected to field everything together anyway.

custodes and sisters were released together, they got models together, their designs got developed together, they've been described and illustrated as the two talons of the emperor, they got a duo of characters together, they are objectively meant to be together and the one and only reason why "custodesfags" don't want sisters is because they don't actually care about custodes, they latched onto them because they're marinefags seeking the most special snowflake of them all and because sisters aren't op in games, that's it

90% of custodefags would abandon the faction and latch onto grey knights the moment they get taller models and stronger rules
>don't have a way to counter it
Don't have a way to counter what?
I just want to choose what power my units have like other units can swap their weapons to change their roles.
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The interweb seems to have settled on Sanguinius’ (S) death being for nothing. Fair shout. That’s wasn’t how I interpreted the SOT novels. Horus, in Solar War, gave Perturabo (P) full command because H was going into hiding and P was the logical choice for a endurance war. H for the entire book series was acting like Joe Biden, he was in a pre-Molech entering mind space. He thought he was H before Molech the entire time to hide his power levels to E. E knew he was corrupted. Knew H had power levels, “he just didn’t know” that H had entered Molech too. Remember H has had the power to alter time and space at this point and it isn’t until to E lands on the flagship that E realised H’s levels. ‘Yeah but big E is a weapon according to the Tan’. Let’s ignore that whole thing and get to Mannis (G). G is telling S to hurry the fuck up, like “go.. go, go, go.. go!” E knowing he was tricked is turning into the Dark King (DK), absorbing all the warps energy. G tells S that it’s now, fucking go! H even after the DK is still mind fucked. If he believes S has killed him he will believe it and die. But S is such a useless dick i’m glad he died for nothing according to the interweb. Gorgeous as he is.
Are SoS even under the custodes umbrella on the lore? I know that when together they are the Talons of the Emperor but no one would ever mistake a sister of silence for a custodian
>Don't brinf psykers to Deny The Witch
>Eldar now hand out full rerolls for Hits and Wounds, increase their weapon strengths and movement, debuff anything on your units, and shit out tons of mortal wounds
Tournament armies should have a proper damage output to deal with vehicke skew. It may not be specific anti tank guns but massed high str or lethal hits. Otherwise you autolose just as you said.
I mean, what do you wanna do, go back to tactical squads? Build all your marines out of one box?
Predators still exist, go look in the store
I don't care. Those look terrible alongside the invictor.
Only the contemptor, leviathan and redemptor variants look good.
>while having the third malus of pushing out codex-unique stuff like the Khan on Bike for the less fleshed out chapters- making the range far more samefaggy than before.
Less fleshed out chapters were always complete shite that barely existed even before primaris. And at best were terrible quality, overpriced FW resin, or Finecast.
Shit like that deserves to be removed.
dunno, go ask /hhg/
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>Don't bring psykers to Deny The Witch
Literally no one can do anything to stop it now anyway.
Stop being angry about elves.
It's not relevant.
And labeling all custodes players as WAACfags just shows you're just asshurt over SoS getting "sidelined or put into a corner" when in reality they already existed there and absolutely no one wanted to play with them anyway.
In these threads I think I've only ever seen SoS models one(1) singular time.
And I say "I think" because I can't be sure if they were SoS models at all, or if they were SoB models but painted bronze/gold.
That should already tell you how much people "care" about SoS, ie. which is none.
I like that since the Siege of Terra novels are what "really" happened it confirms that all the old HH art are artistic depictions of the events of the Siege and larger Heresy made millenia after the fact by people who only know about it through half-truths and thoroughly ingrained propoganda
Anyone who thinks the Invictor looks good cannot be trusted to have an opinion worth listening to.
The passing of time doesn't make them any better. If anything it makes them worse because now lots of the old units are forever gone.
>The problem is with humans.
As all problems in the setting ultimately are
>nu uh!
>it's not true!
facts speak against you
Hating boxnoughts is like hating oxygen
Not him, but you have bad reading comprehension. He is saying the Invictor looks bad, and that old boxnaughts look as bad as the Invictor.

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