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Alternative Ruleset Edition

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Warhammer Wikis:

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread:
>>93436860 #

>Thread Question: What are your favorite alternatives rulesets for playing games of WHFB? OPR, Oathmark, etc.
WHFB in 30 minutes or less.
really? games are that quick? I should probably give it a shot then.
>What are your favorite alternatives rulesets for playing games of WHFB? OPR, Oathmark, etc.
Probably wet ass pussy, I like the expanded rosters, allows for a variety of fluffy armies and segments

The blackpill is unfortunately despite WFB being stone age clunky bullshit just about all fantasy rules writers suck, farting around with trendy mechanics or fixing problems with WFB without thinking how they can serve the theme. WFB despite its faults does a good job at representing doctrinal differences between armies (at least in 6th, I didn't like how in 7th somebody in the studio got night terrors about skirmish troops). Midgard looks like it's actually going to be thematic, but little good for Warhammer, mind neither is Oathmark, dunno why OP listed it.
What is Midgard? That name is so generic it's impossible to know what you're talking about
Dragon rampant any good?
Just average, but better than TOW
>it's impossible to type "midgard wargame" into a search engine
There's no way you're so retarded that you can't drive a search engine but still type coherently, you're wilfully helpless and intellectually lazy
If you actually tried that instead of typing a smug reply straight out your ass, you'd see that 50 different games and RPGs come up and there is no way of knowing which one you're talking about. Like I said, too generic of a name
I did type it into google and every single result on the first page besides the final one was about the game I was talking about or its author
Any problems you have in learning about it are entirely your own fault
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Elisse done. Don‘t mind her face, she is drying.
Ok which one is it, retard
It's not amazing but it's fast AF.
>a play by mail rpg
>a videogame
>a shop in oslo
>another videogame
>an independently published pathfinder splatbook
it's clearly a dogshit search engine
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You might want to give the full title so people can actually find it.
It's Google
Virgin beating around the bush vs
Chad straight forward answer giver
That's very strange, I checked Duck Duck Go and it's similar results to when I search google in incognito mode, almost nothing but results for the game, no idea why your results are so full of unrelated shit

I didn't retain the byline
>another game where my opponent references the to hit / to wound table every combat
To hit is slightly weird but to wound is literally +/- 0/1/2+ unless you're literally a skink bashing a steam tank. I can't say I really can even blame 40k or AoS for just going off static values, it turns what might be a two hour game into three or more hour games where I spend a large portion of it watching my opponent trace their finger along the rows and columns of the tables.
you can write a little chart on your army list that lists what you need to roll to hit or wound with each of your characters and regiments
that really speeds the game up
unless your guys can change their stats, like how the warriors of chaos can, that'll get you by
just memorize the results for important values too
it also shouldn't take more than three seconds to look at the chart if you printed out a reference sheet
Maybe that's why he was confused you pretentious twat
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Here is my idea for a Bretonnia paint scheme. Not going to go with the generic French knight gimmick. Going for something different, Welsh knights.
It comes up a "Midgard Heroic Battles" for me.

What do you like about it? I know absolutely nothing about it, except for something about a cup.
This has to be the worst /wfg/ in history, not s single post about WHFB or TOW
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Did you not see the post where i was showing what I was going to paint my Brets?
>Medieval nationalism
Bizarre, but a very nice scheme
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time to get started on the banner
>Covered in blood and gore
Someone had a fun night.
I really did. I want to test out different kinds of blood paint next time. The one citadel makes is nice, but it's expensive, and using it the way I do for my khorne models isn't very economical.
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Jesus fuck.
The way you're using it, just grab a can of pic related for like 5 bucks and dunk the cunts.
Did you use contrast?
No, I painted them normally and then used blood for the blood god liberally. The highlights still come through the red tint and I really like how it looks. Nice and bloody.
I'll give that a try if I ever get my hands on an old-school bloodthirster, but I'd brush it on to be safe.
So I'm making a Halloween army

I've got Witches for flying cavalry, big pumpkins for monsters, small mouth pumpkins for lesser warbeasts, some mounted scarecrows and regular scarecrows for infantry and cavalry, a pumpkin catapult.

What other classic Halloween monsters should I include? Maybe a regiment of Wolfmen or ghosts?
read the reply chain
I couldn't get results that bad with google nor later on with duck duck go
it's entirely reasonable to have assumed that anon could do better

the "cup" is the morale pool, which is really dynamic and gets boosted with character heroics such as issuing and accepting challenges or reduced with character cowardice, as well as the usual factors
seems really good for saga heroics
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>What other classic Halloween monsters should I include?
Spiders, be sure to give them cobwebs on their bases. Besides that id maybe make a couple of character models for stuff that dosnt really fit as a whole unit, like a horror clown, grim reaper, hand that grabs you when you reach for a bowl of candy, etc
you need some classic mummies, and a frankenstein (frankenstein giant?)
QQ faglord.
I'm looking forward to the bloody banner.
I'm wondering how you're going to make it without making it look like a used tampon.
What is a morale pool and how does it work?
I get that it's like an army-wide morale or something, but how does that affect gameplay.
What old models can I still buy? I’m finding it confusing on how to start an army. I was thinking either Lizard men or the empire but am struggling and possibly retarded. The setting is really interesting to me despite where it ends up
Did skeletons never spring to mind?
All the models you could ever need are still sold here
loss condition
force morale drops to nothing and your army bottles out
should say also often there's negative effects for low force morale too
I highly recommend getting your models from second-hand websites, such as troll trader. Especially if you want lizardmen models. GW still sells them, but they've almost all been replaced with newer and larger models that you'll have a difficult time ranking up.
As for the empire, I also recommend troll trader for now, but if you must buy from GW, the models will start being sold again soon. We don't know when, but soon.
t. roll trader
Anything gw still sells will be on their site, but out of production and second hand stuff can be obtained on ebay (don't pay scalper prices, hold out for a deal), local buy and selll/trade groups on facebook, or sites like "the troll trader". You can also obtain 3rd party alternative models from a wide variety of sources, and 3d printed version of all armies are out there too, some original sculpts for printing and some as scans of GW's models.
for lizardmen, don't expect GW to make what you might want as they're not an age of sigmar faction and will be larger, poorly posed for ranking up, and missing a lot of the options you might want. Empire is coming Soon™ but at the rate GW is releasing things probably not for at least 6 months or a year.
Ok troll trader
>Empire is coming soon
Woohoo! Can't wait for them to rerelease models that were on the webstore only a year ago, but now 3x the price!!!!!
The most zoomer take I've ever seen
>"is good because it's really quick"
ADHD brainrot
Some of us have wives to pork anon
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hey I never said they'd be cheap, and I don't actually think you should buy direct from gw.
I personallly advocate going 3rd party for empire, lots of great stuff out there for them these days.
here's my WIP Marienburg 6th ed army, 1250-ish points, all metal 3rd party, mostly from foundry (the wizard's ex-gw and I gave him a hat)
Kings of War is quite similar to 6th edition, I love it but I would note a couple of things...

>it's an element based game, not a rank and flank game. It deals with units with a fixed footprint, line of sight is determined from the front and centre, figures aren't removed.
>the fucking element bases are a pain in the arse, single bases or DBX sized bases are more sensible
>despite being probably better value than TOW. You're not going to convince guys who play TOW to play something else. Like Horus Heresy it's very specific what people want. It can't be filleed by another game because they want that classic Warhammer feel.
>Also, I love Mantic but let's not pretend that it's really only in the last couple of ediitions that the minis started to get good. Some armies still need a refresh
I love Oathmark and don't play the Old World but I don't proselytize it because I figure the Old World deals with that setting and those characters and that's what people are wanting to engage with.

Like, woo Oathmark and everything and not at all interested in Warhammer but why even tell a guy playing thise game, oh, you should be playing this. They want Warhammer, as much as I want something a bit more open ended to make up my own guys.
Based Slaanon at it again.
Some people like diet coke.
>a couple of things...
>>it's an element based game, not a rank and flank game. It deals with units with a fixed footprint, line of sight is determined from the front and centre, figures aren't removed
I find think this makes it not a rank and flank.
Lots of games, especially at 15mm and lower don't do individual model removal.
That wizard is sick af. Good work.
If it doesn't lose any meaningful strategic or tactical nuance as a tradeoff then yes, generally, being able to play it fast is a virtue. Instead of only getting in one game in an afternoon, you could get two, or even three!
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>Kings of War is quite similar to 6th edition
Same guy worked on it, Alessio Cavatore.

My local WHFB scene moved to KoW when GW axed classic WHFB. I loved it, janky old-GW looking models and all. It feels like 1-page WHFB, and it pretty much filters out anyone who isn't looking for a chill time. It feels like a better designed game as a game to be played.
>I find think this makes it not a rank and flank.
It's rank and flank. Side flank and rear flank attacks multiply dice and tend to be the big breakthrough in a formation. I enjoyed playing Undead because casters can surge shambling units to shove triple-dice flanking skeletons up your ass. The list building is really tight, but on-board tactics and movement are king. It's less reliant on list building meta than I remember WHFB being, and a lot less grindy. The tournament feedback is pretty solid, 3rd Edition is well honed new editions weren't made to sell new models.
>Lots of games, especially at 15mm and lower don't do individual model removal.
KoW does feel more like an epic scale despite being 28mm. There's a rules variant floating around somewhere with dimensions and scaled distances for 15mm IIRC.

>being able to play it fast is a virtue
KoW has a heavy tournament focus in design, IIRC chess clock and all. They did a pretty good job of distilling the essence of rank and flank tactics for the crunch to fun ratio.
>They did a pretty good job of distilling the essence of rank and flank tactics for the crunch to fun ratio.
Exactly. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I would definitely recommend that every WHFB player read the KOW rules. It's a good exercise In game design if nothing else. Looking at a system you like and trying to figure out how many of the rules are actually good/useful and how many are just in there because that's the way it's always been done.

GW ended up stealing a bunch of the design ideas for AOS and 40K.
they look like they will be pretty good, what you've done so far is great
I was going to paint mine in many colours so they could do double duty for italian wars but they look very nice with a standardised scheme
Warmaster. WHFB at the proper fucking scale.
I guess this is just /awg2/ now
Some anon thinks it's funny to create threads about proxies and alternative rules when the old thread is on page 9 so nobody's baking yet. Surprises me the other anons are going along with it.
Not like the jannies will do anything about it.
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always has been
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cheers lads
I think a more mixed classic landsknecht scheme would look fantastic for an empire army over the usual uniforms, gonna be doing mine all in different combos of the red/yellow/blue for the most part though.
the ones I've painted so far are the characters for a little mordheim warband that I ended up wanting to also turn into this army, the mordheim guys will be mostly heroes and unit champs.

I haven't tried it yet but Hobgoblin looks like an interesting ruleset and I might give it a go soon
That's the good stuff, starting with a small skirmish band and expanding it. I dig the wizard's model looking a little like the dude from Fantasia. How'd you do both bases there, the models and the scenery? Looks like a type of flock for the models and trimmed static grass for the display?
yeah you're spot on, the model bases are woodland scenics blended turf with some added flower tufts, the photo backdrop in that is a small square of static grass I got some of in a craft shop around easter time, and the sky is just a bit of foamboard airbrushed blue.
>foamboard airbrushed blue
Different anon here, it's very nicely done! I'm going to try a similar gradient with watercolours once my current army is finished, I've never used them before and think it'll be a nice project.
Is the blended turf just 1 layer, or did you build it up over a few layers? I have a tub downstairs waiting to go on some tree bases.

If I may add an alternative for the other anon >>93449599 woodland scenics do a flocked vinyl mat called readygrass, it's actually pretty cheap and comes in various sizes. It's flock, not static grass, so has a different look to anons photo, but for me it has that old school whfb look and feel and it's nice and durable. Like £5 for a slightly larger than A4 sized square that you can use for photos, or you can buy a big enough roll to cover a table.
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Are Vampire Counts good for a Legacy Faction?
Yeah for sure. Lots of flexibility in how you build them, lots of their model range is available from GW and fits on the old bases, the vast majority can be obtained via 3rd party physical or STLs too, super easy to paint, and vampires and necromancers (and zombies and skeletons and ghosts and ghouls and wights) are just cool.
I just glue one layer down, then seal with watered down glue when that's dry, any height variation is mostly down to lumps of milliput I put on to smooth out the integrated puddle bases a lot of these models have or sometimes intentionally to get an uneven surface.
I actually have some readygrass I cut into a 6x4 and a couple of 2x2 skirmish mats, but it's brighter than the flock I'm using on these bases so I'm thinking about also getting whichever one matches better for home games! I think it'd be extremely cool to have the mat and the bases be exactly the same. What I might maybe do instead is just add sprinkles and patches of this flock all over the mat I already have, and scrape off some of the readygrass stuff for some areas to make into bare dirt with some texture paste.
Well I have a Tomb Kings Army and I tend to beat my opponent into the ground. So I am looking at the other Undead army.
>I just glue one layer down, then seal with watered down glue when that's dry
>I'm thinking about also getting whichever one matches better for home games!
Definitely! I've also bought a couple of colours, a lighter green and a darker green - I'm going to experiment with having the lighter green as the table colour, and cut out random shapes of the darker green to denote forest boundaries. The idea being I can put a patch of darker green down to show where the forest is, and then just place trees within the boundary but move them around freely to accommodate units in the forest. Might look gross when I try it but the stuff is cheap enough to give it a go.
Do you like tomb kings and would rather keep playing them? If so, is there potential for you to soften or at least change your list up a bit? Or is your list pretty courteous already and your opponent is just bad at the game? I'd consider those before moving to a whole new army (but you may already have done of course).
Its not i have to collect a whole army, I have a fully painted and flocked Vampire Count army i bough in 2012 that I put away when the game went tits up.
Rather I bough the models in 2012. They have been painted and flocked since then.
meta-wise they are great and better than even the core factions. just bring a dragon.
>I keep beating my opponent into the ground with army A
>how easily can I do the same with army B?
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Got this promotional miniature at a shop. Think that could make a warrior-priest with the non-stormcast head?
it's too large and obviously a stormcast no matter what headswap you give it
A Stormcast won't read as a Warrior Priest with just a headswap. They are extremely different designs with very different aesthetics.
I want only to collect 3 armies, which ones?

One has to be undead.
Is the sprue like that just so it's easier to clip for newbs? Why not just use it in general instead of the thicc blocky shit they use now
Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos, Empire.
>Is the sprue like that just so it's easier to clip for newbs?
Yes. It's so that people can assemble without needing glue or clippers. The entry-level starter pack is like that too.
Kangz because their models are easily available now and they have lots of amazing models. For VC you'd have to go third party, ebay or settle for shitty AoS redesigns.
The new grombrindal model was like that too

Vampire counts, orcs and goblins, empire
chaos warriors
chaos beastmen
chaos skeletons
It's a type of sprue they use for a number of limited edition models, it's not for normal ETB kits

I'd guess it's because the moulds for these kinds of models have a shorter lifespan so they're made differently
I'd rather suggest you turn that into a statue acting as unit filler instead
Sure but I think figure removal means that the size of a unit changes, opening up gaps that can be exploited. Maybe I'm just being silly/precious.

ANYWAY i love KOW and I keep an eey on Warhammer things for nostalgia but they are kind of thankfully their own things these days. Love my Halfling army.

Wood Elves
Chaos Warriors w/Minotaurs

My audience is usually people passing by not other Grogs so fast is good.

I think it plays better using WRG basing butI'm weird and locked myself out of tourney play forever doing this lol. 2 HOTT bases - 1 troop.
>Sure but I think figure removal means that the size of a unit changes, opening up gaps that can be exploited
NTA but I value this mechanic too. Even though static unit sizes gives more opportunity for dioramas, I like seeing the silhouette of the battlefield change as the unit sizes get chipped away.
VC, O and G, Empire

VC, Beastmen, Bretts.
I love Orcs and Goblins (classic Warhammer Fantasy) but I hate games workshop and black people, where can I buy some 3rd party Orcs that generally fit the classic wh fantasy aesthetic without costing an army and a leg??
Buy prints from monstrous encounters, they've got the old school look. Really fun to paint too. Black orcs from fabelzel are as close to the old sculpts as you can get, although there's not many of them.

Warrior priests are about the same size as the guy on the very left. Your model there is probably the same size as the guy on the very right, accounting for the moulded base. I'd sell it or trade it personally and put my time into a more fitting model.
Elves are the best bros

I love elves

Tell me about your elves

Show me your elves

Just post elf related stuff

Elves are great
this but dwarfs
This, but Chaos!
I hæte Ælves
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Does anyone ever play narrative map based campaigns anymore?

I feel like modern wargaming and Warhammer has lost this thematic and fun way of playing, instead everyone is so focused on one off competitive mirror matches (boring, uninspiring, gay)
I'm all for this and have collected a bunch of mighty empires style STLs like picrel for future, but I've been stumped at how would it work in practice with only 2 players with 1 army each? Or is that impossible and it would need more armies/players?
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Based anon.

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