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Magical Music edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits
>One Piece
>The other DBZ game
>Magi Nation
>Lord of the Rings

Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!

Pastebin/Rules for some games
>Dragonball GT SD
>Gate Ruler
>Build Divide
>Ashes Reborn
>Fusion World
>Various Japanese CCGs without western translation (page is in moonrunes)

voice chat for playing /acg/

>Last Thread
>Failed last thread

>Thread Question:
Are you someone who enjoys card games from a design perspective; learning about/how to play them even if you don't intend to play them?
First time making an OP sorry if I fucked something up or made the thread at a bad time
Here's your finals battlehardened San Diego. Whoever wins, we win. (LL both these assholes)
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Worst boy won, I fucking hate Majin. His rants are always peak cringe. We have more LL points going towards the OG Wizard.

Good job to Brodie for presenting lethal to Kano. That's kinda why instant speed is bullshit. Takes the fun out of gunning your opponent down only to find out you played exactly into their hand by exhausting yours. The ultimate NO U.
>Are you someone who enjoys card games from a design perspective; learning about/how to play them even if you don't intend to play them?
Yes. Although I try to play them, and this is why I really like precon decks. I think they're the best intro a TCG can have.
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is THIS anime enough for ya
Needs a bit more むちむち
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I get so annoying when I see wasted space on tcgs. Especially on special arts. You know that card has two lines of text on it. You could easily shrink the text box to showcase the art better. Even weirder when it’s a literal vanilla with no flavor text.
They started doing the super prerelease events for Union Arena, but all the stores I asked about it in my area said they never got the product in.
I tried making a thread too but it wasn't letting me link threads so I deleted it. I appreciate you stepping up.
Id play FaB if every card was a boob armored anime girl instead of asking chatGPT to make mtg art.
>The creators have even put out a weekly forecast on their website, basically an overworld weather event that affects anyone playing the game that week.
That's really cool of them. It reminds me a little bit of the different field effects from the Duelist Kingdom arc in Yugioh.
>bruh instant speed WTF
That's only valid on the first Kano game you ever play unless you're being willfully ignorant. Falling into the 20s is getting well into lethal range and you should play accordingly. I haven't watched the game yet but I'm sure Brodie new exactly what was going on.

The hysterical seething around Kano has always been wildly out of proportion.
You guys seem really interested in this upcoming Union Arena game...
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This game gets it right thankfully
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is this anime enough for ya
>posting a censored card
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Yeah that’s good. Ironically Union Arena does it right on its full arts since the game is basically for collectors who don’t give a fuck what the card does.
That’s just 2010s comic book style, which is informed by 2000s anime style for sure, but the Americans missed everything that was good about it so we get that instead.
What's up /acg/! I just got back from volunteering at my church's summer camp. I taught some of my fellow volunteers how to play Duel Masters and even gave out a bunch of my proxy decks. We had a lot of fun staying up till midnight and having card battles once all our work was done. Unlike last year I brought a whole boatload of decks so we were able to do a bunch of tag team and free for all battles.

Here's a pic from a battle where I destroyed some kid with a Fortress Shell deck. I was having a bit too much fun trash-talking like Seto Kaiba during that duel. I'm honestly not a big fan of Fortress Burn but I can see why it's such a popular deck. It gets things done. I much rather prefer to play my own custom strategies than to just copy somebody else's list.

Apart from the Mykee's Pliers and Ailzonius decks from last year, my Wave Strikers and Armorloid decks were very popular as well. I already got some requests for those so I will need to buy more from Master of Duel and give them out later. If you want to see any of my deck lists go right ahead.
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First of all Brodie played Zen, a character with high saturation of blue cards in his deck, but he ended up drawing single blue hands almost back to back. So for all that it's worth he couldn't pitch them away to arcane barrier because then he would have no push back against kano's life points giving him full hands, so that's why he leaked damage. He did the best he could but he got majorly unlucky, not a fault of the character being unable to beat another, but an actual feel bad I guess I die then moment. Stuff like this doesn't make for exciting games where the best deck won.

Secondly, Majin Bae is a fucking huckster cheater. He broke the rules conveniently to favor himself just before the cut to top 8 and played it off like he's always played this way before. He earned an IP loss since it was caught late by chat. At that point it was too far along in the game, hence the IP2 loss penalty, but he technically did everything he needed to win by cheating and deleting a weaponized spectral ward with a zero arcane damage card getting buffed by a "increase damage by 1" effect from the wizard hand piece. He's a specialist for kano, because he's a scummy person, and he can run circles around people that don't know better how the wizard cards actually work. He knows though, he's played that Glass Cannon as long as he's been pitch stacking. His elimination of that player made him get into top 8 and scoop up the BH win. LSS should've been less forgiving of his obvious attempts to cheat, and players from earlier matches should come forth about his underhanded tactics. They have a name for that, it's called angle-shooting. Majin Bae angle-shoots with the most complex character as a form of camouflage to sneak into the top tables of the game.

This is the offending card. He targeted a card that deals X arcane damage. X always equals 0 until its condition is met to give it plus 1 at minimum to make it a real target for the Node gear. You can't target 0 damage.
>tfw the meandering and irrelevant rebuttal proves your point
lmao even
>You can't target 0 damage.
But you can? what card did he pump arcane damage of?
Arcane damage equaling zero is not a damage event, therefore it isn't targetable. LSS judges called that up and confirmed. He let the card play out as X = 0 and then broke nodes.
>Signed up for 2 op-08 pre-releases
>Thinking about playing an online treasure cup next week
I don't know if I want to play in the pre-banlist format tbqh but the last webcam tournament I played was really fun. I used to hate webcam play with a passion but it's kinda comfy to be able to stay home and still play with physical cards.
Now if only they didn't make so many ugly as sin cards. They lost me with Uzuri and the fat one. FaB is just too western styled.
They're a NEW ZEALAND based company. Calling that western is kinda ignorant.
Is the actual art even original? Or was this drawing just magic tool'd from a managa cover
I wasn't talking about the companys location when I said "western styled". What I meant is that they make characters ugly as fuck for no reason. It's the current standard for western companies.
It says target something that deals damage at the top of the text. Can you not read the card? Zero is not dealing damage, therefore not a valid target.

This ambiguity is why they printed amp, so old wizard cards are janky without the streamlined verbiage. No doubt Majin Bae knows this and will continue to angle shoot with those old cards.
The governing rule appears to be 1.9.1b. This talk about "unable to target" is sloppy and misleading. There is not any "targeting" going on.
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>cheating is irrelevant
One Piece is so dreadfully boring to this day it still blows my fucking mind how popular it is.
The IP has a pokemon-tier level of popularity with zoomers, that's the whole thing.

Bandai monetizes popular anime with shitty games. That's their business model.
By that logic you can't play raydn and then pump it's attack with an attack reaction, what the fuck is this ruling
I like Bandai's other games though. It's One Piece specifically that I think is a sterile piece of shit with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
You just have unbelievable shit taste.
One Piece of shit is not comparable to Pokemon. Fucking Naruto ended in 2014 and is still more globally popular.
you have to be living under a rock to not see how insanely popular One Piece has gotten as an IP in the last few years
I don't care for OP, and I don't think it has the same draw to millenials or gen X or will have the same draw to gen alpha as it did to zoomers, but it's unquestionably one of the most popular anime IPs on the strength of zoomer support. I'd guess more young men ages 12-25 right now have engaged with One Piece than DragonBall.
>the manga that was created in 1997 and got insanely popular immediately
>and I don't think it has the same draw to millenials or gen X o
You might be retarded.
It's not a ruling it's a rule. That rule is about "events" as defined in 1.9.1 which are different to an attack (which is an "object" on the combat chain; created by a previous "event")

You can attack with and buff Raydn just fine, but I can't sit here and spoon feed you the comp rules.
I do not like One Piece simply because I do not like its art style, shrimple as.
There are 30 year old millenials who have watched every episode of one piece that has come out, and they have watched it since they were 5. The extended popularity of something like Dragon Ball has to do with its troubled english dubbing, which took nearly 10 years to finish after restarting twice?
This is what the face of a cheater looks like. He's uncomfortable and embarrassed that he had multiple judgement calls made on him. He's a predatory player, he self admits this in his 'story times.' He like playing heroes that severely punish opponent's misplays, and ones that can gun down more than half health in one barrage; Kano and him are a perfect match.
>Last few years
Wtf? I was reading One Piece when I was in fucking elementary school decades ago. One Piece was popular almost right out the gate. How new are you people?
Naruto was only really compared with One Piece at the absolute high of its popularity, but it became very clear very soon that those two IPs are not even in the same universe.
What'd he do here if you don't mind explaining? I can't read the board state terribly well
My friend, you might be gay.
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Tyler had attacked with a spectra shield for a lot of damage, so the wizard guns it down with arcane damage in response, spends his whole hand to do so. Tyler makes a new spectral shield as a surprise and swings back at him for another meaty wack. In response, "Bae" shoots an X arcane damage source at Tyler and then announces metacarpus node breaking to buff zero to 1, thus popping the spectral shield's Ward 1 before it can deal damage to him yet again. This was allowed to persist for a turn of theirs each before chat was able to flag down a judge and argue that Metacarpus was used illegally. They ruled it couldn't happen, because it's an actual rule seen here >>93716564
In response to this infraction they give him a slap on the wrist, otherwise known as an IP2, meaning he can only draw 3 card hands for 2 turns instead of his normal 4. This occurred a full turn after he cheated, so it was able to set Majin up for board control while Tyler tried desperately to establish his board back up. He leans into him with a game winning Command & Conquer, but Majin fires back a bullshit turn that scoops victory out from under Tyler. The image you see here is a few turns after he cheated, but the judge was flagged again because he's going so fast paying for things, it looks like he's once again attempting to angle shoot to pay for a ridiculous amount of cards spent.

In a nut shell, if Tyler dealt damage to Bae and maintained a boardstate, Majin wouldn't have won. The judge call was to give him an IP2 without realizing that he straight up cheated to win the game. If they were able to catch it, like the judges are suppose to do at a finals match, then the results would've varied dramatically. If Bae lost, he wouldn't be in the top 8. If he wasn't in the top 8 he wouldn't have won the tournament, which he did. He was ultimately very handsomely rewarded for cheating. Plain and simple.
Why are judges not watching these games like hawks, why the fuck do they need to be flagged down? It's their god damn job to judge a game start to finish.
>brings out 1 of 2 fapbait characters the series is known for
Cheers to your coming out.
aren't all one piece females fapbait?
They don't appeal to me because I am a flatchad, but it's pretty moronic to say OP doesn't have fapbait.
>scratching back of the head implies the person is feeling embarassed and is in disbelief of what's happening
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>The hysterical seething around Kano has always been wildly out of proportion.

Honestly I don't think a hero should be able to snipe above half your health total at instant speed with no recourse to stop them if they time it perfectly (IE after a game winning attack is declared against them). It's fucking stupid; no one wants to play a game against wizard because you can't do anything without hamstringing your deck with massive blue spikes and taking garbage equipment like Brodie took, a headpiece with spellfray 1 that does literally nothing else but a free arcane damage reduction.
Bullshit, if you're casting a spell you should be able to amplify it's damage even if it's original damage is 0
I just can't get into One Piece and I don't get it because I love Fusion World and they're mechanically pretty similar. Went to a shop nearby earlier today since they're trying to start a One Piece scene and I was bored out of my fucking mind trying to play that shit.
I find One Piece alright, but I despised the gameplay of Fusion World. They're not as similar as the mechanical bones imply.
Have you tried digimon? What about a game that's not made by a company that makes shit card games?
What do you consider a "good" card game?
Because I'm not playing the big 3, Star Wars is for fags, and I'm not going to associate with the """"people"""" that play Lorcana(also boring as shit). So as far as games that people actually play all that leaves is Bandai games.
I'll be be back next thread with my gay little blog post if nobody wants to reply and give me a pat on the back.
Netrunner (FFG) is actually good. Ashes is good too. Go pick up Smashup for god's sake, it's better than anything bandai can muster.

You like tactics games? Play Embryo Machine, it's a mecha based card and grid game that plays very fast and is quite fun.
you can look at bushiroad card games, or the new bandai one union arena. The issue with bandai is that product never seems to come to stores in the quantity they expected, or stores will be listed on the app that don't support bandai games outside of one piece. I heard good things about grand archive, but that is from one person.
>games that people actually play
Can you read?
Do you lack a friend? You don't even have one friend to say "hey I bought this, let's try" to?
>no one plays smash up, or ashes, or netrunner
Get out of your house more, god damn.
Honestly, non Big 3 card games seem like they're in the healthiest state they've been in years
You skipped Flesh & Blood - it's the only one with a decent population of players that you didn't list. It's a lot more complex than any of the big 3, bandaislop, or yidsneyslop games, to boot. Give it a try - talishar is a free online platform for it to see if you like it, and felttable has a pretty good tutorial to walk you through the basics.
Always love to hear that players still run Duel Masters. Such a fun fast paced tcg.

Damn shame it didnt work out in the west.

yea always these assholes which enjoy their hobby, really should'nt have those around
Simple. "Flesh" and/or "Blood" has been thoroughly demonstrated to be a coin toss simulator and not a game.
It is beneath listing.
Massive post-covid spending boom in the tcg space combined with Magic becoming massively less profitable for stores (not Hasbro - for retailers) lead to a Cambrian explosion
It's sad times when people are suggesting braindead games from Bushiroad/Bandai here.
did you guys talk about rudy dropping metazoos dirty laundry in his latest youtube video?
You like card games? Name every card game currently releasing content
And YGO and MtG being pretty expensive to get into beyond the precon level.
ygo, mtg, and pkmn are the only real tcgs. woulda swapped mtg for one piece but after investors left one piece everyone realized no one likes the game or cards
Pretty bad bait - even its detractors admit F&B has a very high skill ceiling and lower rng impact than any other popular tcg.

>big 3
Nuff said
>flesh & blood
Not everyone's cup of tea, but regular updates and deep card pool at this point
Release new set every couple months with broken cards, ban them halfway to next set, repeat until paypigs have all fucked off, launch new IP (Gundam is probably next, and Digimon is gonna die soon)
Babby's first mtg, getting slightly more complex each set, more expensive than pokemon and cheaper than ygo/mtg, larger playerbase than any but big 3
FFG and nuSW is a match made in hell. Fugly cards, pretty good gameplay, supply issues. Losing players pretty quickly, I wouldn't expect it to make it past the next license renewal.
NFT-lite, has some hype but is gay as hell, not out yet so tbd if it has any legs
>Alpha Clash
Fixed mtg set in generic super hero setting. Putting our sets, unclear if there will ever be any player base outside of a few enclaves
>grand archive
Generic anime game, has recent hype and putting out sets
One set a year lol, takes up way too much table space, zero LGS support
Um acshually you forgot Force of Will, Final Fantasy TCG, and [insert kickstarter tcg and some other random niche game]
Thanks though. I actually want to go through and learn a bit about a good few of the tcgs and write up my thoughts
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How will you atone for your sins?
By commit sudoku on livestream.

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One Piece insists upon itself.
Oh wixoss
You also forgot wixoss
>weebshit for pedos
Always happy to see your posts, bro. Crazy that DM is still getting new players to this day.
>Magi Nation
Apparently there is are a few people trying to fuck with the Mage Nation KS relaunch. They said that someone went to a factory that was producing things for the KS and placed a gps tracker on one of the boxes, and some other stuff…
This is crazy, robbers are really targeting tcgs, keep your cards locked!
wait so they gps'd the outgoing boxes to rob their homes?
This is why I never buy things online, especially from random people.
This censored one is ironically better than the original.
The other ones, no.
Uh, in English, Doc?
“Hello friends in the community,

We’ve had a wild few weeks with some disturbing news to bring to everyone’s attention.

In an effort to keep the information as digestible as possible, we want to share with you a list of recent events, concerns, and plans as a means to inform you. We do not yet know how this information affects the kickstarter plans, but we will defer to Sharik of Arcanists’ Armory for updates on those details. We will be open to any questions, and will do our best to answer them within our capabilities (details for why we can’t in some cases, see below).

> The Bugs

- Last month, a member of the community approached Arcanist’s Armory under false pretenses, and used that access to plant Apple Airtag and concealed GPS tracking devices within inventory belonging to 2i, prior to moving the contents to a new and secure location.
- Attached are images taken from the incident.
- A concerned member of the community provided us with an anonymous tip to verify the veracity of these claims, and to get the police involved.
- There are additional details we cannot disclose due to an ongoing police investigation.

> Nefarious Accusations

- Last week, we learned through another anonymous tip that a third party has gained unauthorized access to private conversations in the Duelworks Slack server, using means presently unknown. We do know it was witnessed first-hand and immediately reported to us with extreme concern.

- Yesterday, another helpful anonymous tip described a looming threat from some community members, accusing members of the Duelworks Slack server of participating in horrendous, racist tirades against people of Asian descent, and possibly more, with a hoard of information stored in a private Discord server and Google drive.

> Scope

- We presently believe all of these incidents are orchestrated by a coordinated group from within the community. The motive is unclear.”

(you owe a thanks to doc)
>inb4: the anonymous tipper is also the perpetrator and the "unclear motive" is his unmedicated schizophrenia
Danke, Herr Doktor
Why Magi-Nation though? There's not that much money in it, right?
Are Magi-Nation fans unusually melanated?
Thanks for he juicy story. I didn't realize magi nation was that big of a deal.
>racist tirades against bugmen
I will now buy your game
>aren't all one piece females fapbait?
They absolutely are not. Also one of the very first female pirates the series introduces is an obese joke of a woman
what the fuck
>Crazy that DM is still getting new players to this day.
Lol no.
>Losing players pretty quickly,
SWU isn't losing players quickly though
Set 2 was mediocre and thematically uninspiring to the casual playerbase that boosted set 1. It's not like in a death spiral or anything but it is true that SWU dropped off very aggressively. A lot of people played tons of set 1 and none of set 2.
Tournament attendances down as well?
Large events, such as they are with OP being rolled out so slowly (another unforced error), are selling out. Local events, well, obviously just varies. The competitive crowd is ravenous for events but the casual crowd is much smaller than it was three/four months ago. But I don't see it as still dropping even now, if anything I think it's currently albeit slowly growing, or at least that's the case locally.
>Also one of the very first female pirates the series introduces is an obese joke of a woman
No it wasn't Nami.
I was trying to put together a card game as an alternative to poker for players to play in a fantasy world. I had the working title "Dragon Tails". Here's what I have so far.

>standard Deck
52 cards total (+2 goblin jokers which aren't used in standard Dragon Tails play)
10 tails
16 claws
12 heads
14 eyes
>bust- (your hand becomes worthless)
2 heads +1
4 claws +1
eyes and tails you can have as many as you want.
non combo card value
eyes worth 1 point
claws worth 3 points
heads worth 5 points
tails worth 7 points
>Combos that instantly trump non combo hands a from best to worst
>full dragon
4 claws 2 eyes 1 head 1 tail
>Dragon Tails
4 tails + any combo of 1~4 other cards
>Double Dragon
4 claws 2 head 2 tail
6 eyes 1~2 other cards
>Greedy dragon
4 claws + 2~4 combo other cards.

You get 2 cards at the start and everyone takes turns drawing one card. Your hand can max out at 8 cards. When you have 8 cards you have to play whatever you have, you can pass on drawing another card if you think your hand is good enough to beat someone else's.

I haven't playtested it yet so I have no clue how fun it would be. I wasn't sure about he bust limit but I figured having it closer to the edge of combos would make a nice risk/reward balance.
what game should I pickup? Surprised there's a FAB scene starting in London UK, it's been dead for a while.
is FAB best of 1 or best of 3?
says "The format for Skirmish will be Blitz"
no idea what this is.
fab is BO1
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FaB if you're autistic and like grindy games of microadvantage. Except we're in a degenerate aggro meta rn, but that will pass.

SWU if you like the crowds that come with brand power and/or are a Star Wars grog. Game does seem solid too.

Shadowverse if you're into anime I guess. Although I personally think it's the least appealing anime game currently alive.

Best of 1. In Classic you reveal your hero to the opponent, then you both "sideboard" before the game starts. Not sure what the current state of Blitz is.

Skirmish is a low-level competitive event. Regular weeklies are "Armory".
Blitz is the small-deck half-life format originally conceived to be an onboarding tool. It's a little shitty imo. I get that games are faster and that's good for new players, but with competitive decks it loses too much of what I like about FaB.
>Not sure what the current state of Blitz is.
More fun than it has been in a long time, actually. The cancer characters are prevalent though as a small hp pool and earlier combo draw with smaller deck sizes allows them to be extra efficient in the reduced format. But all in all I'm enjoying playing it again.
And how expensive are beginner decks? Or decks to start with in locals?
That's cool but I meant "current state with respect to sideboarding". I avoid Blitz but at varying stages it has either had nor not had sideboards and I don't know what it ultimately resolved into.
Sideboards are actually a small fix to the format, a needed pressure release valve to requiring a one size fits all comers deck. Honestly more space could become a popular request as there will be answers to hyper metas printed to keep up with power creep, but you'll struggle to field them all. Should I be allowed to carry every answer in a deck? Because you still have to draw and execute those plans, one with a short time clock, I argue you should be allowed to pack more problem solvers into the format, or you know... cut the fucking shit with power creep? (Won't happen, it's how card games evolve)
Requires further demonstration but seems cute enough.

I too dabbled in card game design by working off of standard playing card decks for a science fiction western setting. I wanted to make a game the characters would play that isn't just poker with extra steps but more of a battle game where you bring custom setups. Yours appears to play off of one communal deck. I say go for it, keep working on it.
It's a sweaty game, so most people do end up buying all the power cards for their decks, meta or not, over time. Just so you're warned up front. The people themselves are very chill, but they won't hesitate to body you.

For singles, if you follow the priority order:
>class cards, basic equipment, deck-critical legendary equipment, generic staples, generic legendary equipment
then you can get quite far into a deck with a functional game plan on almost any budget.
That being said, if you look up Pro-Tour winning decks expect pain. The tippy-toppest of meta chasing seems to wobble in the $600-$1k range.

Decent preconstructed decks for the primary format (Classic Constructed) "Armory Decks" have only just started to be released. MSRP is about $40 USD.
Blitz preconstructed decks are something like $12, but are mostly commons and uncommons. They're fine for learning but simply won't cut it at locals.
>ignores the substance of a post to launch his own blog
You're impossible to talk to. Have you been diagnosed?
>mostly commons and uncommons
Sorry, entirely commons and uncommons.
Everyone here knows you can't rock up to locals with a cheap deck. Every sweaty mf is running competitive expensive decks xD
Yes, you can as long as you know what to expect. Nobody is going to call you "broke-ass bitch made frfr ong" because blacks and zoomies don't play FaB. Most of your opponents are going to want to help you.
FaB is strictly for twinks and 35yo dads.
What's wrong with Shadowverse? I like that is doesnt have an rng trigger system like all the other anime games.
We've been through this before. That website is dogshit and wrong, shitposter-kun.
Are you going to post the $1000 alt-art copy of C&C next?
You're the one who can't properly communicate what you want to discuss. Maybe use your words more?

Do you want me to feed you meta data of who's top cock in the hen house? I don't know, it's hard to know definitive answers like that when you barely engage with that format because it use to be terrible before Sideboards.
Purely personal taste, anon. It all felt a bit forgettable, and I don't care enough about triggers for that to be a selling point. Nothing hooked me.
My bad, deleted. Sorry
>> Managed by Bushiroad
>> Game going into the route where Collab sets are broken

I would never touch the game.
*commons and Rares
Rares are the uncommons of FAB but not using the right terms is confusing to folx.

Fabrary is neither dogshit nor entirely wrong. It has cheapest and most expensive versions listed, and the cheapest is usually within 10% of the tcg low at any given time.

Look hard at the Armory decks, at $40 they are actually playable at locals without expecting to go 0-X (being new will all but guarantee that, game is heavy on skill/experience). Otherwise, even ignoring C&C and E-Strike, you're looking at $400+ for a "competitive" deck, or $250+ if you "cheap out" on equipment.

Expensive cards up through Outsiders can easily be had for about $4/ea as high quality counterfeits, nonfoils will pass any inspection while sleeved
>That being said, if you look up Pro-Tour winning decks expect pain. The tippy-toppest of meta chasing seems to wobble in the $600-$1k range.
you can just say that. when people ask about cost to play a game, these are the numbers that matter. all this fucking around with how much it costs to get a half-assed deck that will only serve to disadvantage you when you're trying to learn the game is beside the point.
it's a nice game but lacks traction do good luck finding people to play with, but also I hate collabs.
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Posting new revealed cards from set 15.

Power of Bonds, Leda and Badratos
<Title: Dragonewt King/Dragon Maiden>
[AUTO] When this unit attacks you may open your territory with the (Dragonewt King) or (Dragon Maiden) title.
<Dragonewt King/Dragon Maiden> [AUTO] When this unit attacks and wins a battle, if your life is in the Red Zone, stand this unit and 1 of your units with (Assault Territory). You may only use this ability up to once per turn.
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Green Spear Dragon, Emeraldus
<Title: Dragon Maiden>
[Assault Territory] [Berserk]
[CONT] During your turn, all your Red Aces with the (Dragon) attribute are unaffected by your opponent's effects and all your units get Power +3000.
[CONT] This unit gets the (Dragon) attribute as long as it is a unit.
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Missile Hedgehog
[AUTO] When your opponent's unit is placed during their turn, that unit and this unit deal damage equal to each other's power.
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Remaining Hope "Reginleiv", Lyra
<Title: Silver Wolf>
When you would play this card, if you played a Command with (Legacy) this turn, you may play it for 2B, 1B.
<Silver Wolf> [AUTO] When this unit attacks, if you played a unit and Command this turn, target up to 1 of your opponent's units and it gets Power -6000 until the end of the turn.
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Divine Armor, Belgrizal
<Title: Silver Wolf>
[ACT] (Quick timing/Attach 1 Ace and 2 unit cards from your hand to this card as +1000 Aura): If you played a unit and Command this turn, draw 3 cards and make this non-unit Territory into an (Assault Territory). (Permanently becomes a Territory)
[CONT] When this Territory is closed, place up to 3 Ace cards with different titles and the (Ecole) attribute at rest from among this Territory's Aura.
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Message From Beyond
Target 1 of your Black or Blue units or Territories. Look at the top 3 cards of your deck, place any number of cards in your Cemetery and put the rest on the top of your deck in any order. Attach up to 1 Blue, Black or Black-Blue unit card from your Cemetery as +1000 Aura each to the target.
I know there are a shit ton of games based on mtg and duel masters, but are there any that play like yugioh?
No Shitgioh is a horribly designed TCG
One anon here was working on something inspired by Forbidden Memories' fusion system a while ago. That's not really the same as paper YGO though.
Basing it on old yugioh and its games is unironically the way to go tho. Their rules are solid but the tcg's card balance is bullshit
I always thought Keyforge had kind of a similar feel. the actual battlefield mechanics and wincon are different, but the way you approach a turn of "I am just going to keep playing this hand until I can't anymore" and sometimes it ends up being half your deck is definitely yugioh energy.
Figuring out the best way to allocate your cores for the turn in Battle Spirits tickles the same area of your brain as when you try to look for a path towards your wincon in Yugioh
Oy retard yugiohs rules never changed
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The old yugioh games don't use the TCG rules. Also there's the jump from the original OCG rules to the Expert rules to Master Rules, the latter of which is in its 5th iteration.
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Some time ago an anon asked about a cardgame were you build a dungeon for the other player to defeat or something like that. Well there was an italian(?) boardgame (living card game) with that theme.
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Chaotic hell yea.
I used to really like the TV show when I was younger. Had a good amount of cards don't know of I still do but never actually got to play with anyone. I thought the art and the concept of mugic were pretty cool though. Shame it'll probably never come back
Has anyone tried Universus? How is it mechanically?
Let's say you spend this money on the deck. What's the longevity before it's on the ban list? (Yugioh as an example)
Most of the most expensive cards haven't ever been banned or limited. It's not running on the Konami cycle.

Heroes(and their designated weapon) do rotate out if they win enough, though. Timeframe for that is anywhere between 6 months and 5 years.
The last format's bogeyman, Kayo, made an initial sprint to like 500/1000 points toward rotation, and then the meta shifted and he stopped topping pro events. The current closest hero to rotation is Dash, who has been competitive on-and-off since 2020.
>Netrunner (FFG)
What's wrong with Netrunner (NISEI)?
Uhh, cool it with the problematic language bigot.
Most cards in the deck will be usable in another deck. Generic cards that are usually the most expensive ones are often used in most decks so if your hero living legends, you likely have most of the expensive shit already to hop onto another hero. If you hop to another hero of the same class, you can also use your class cards too that are not locked to that one specific hero (known as specializations).
Sure some cards aren't as good in another deck of the same class, but usually those are cheap cards anyway. In FaB, usually 10% of your deck makes up 90% of the price of the deck while the rest is really cheap. Your first deck typically is pretty expensive and then making a 2nd deck is relatively cheap when you can use your generic expensive cards (like CnC, estrike or generic equipment) in your next deck.
If you look at the ban list for Classic Constructed which is the most popular format, barely any cards in the ban list have ever been expensive and most are commons/rares (rares are dirt cheap in FaB).
You also honestly don't need the most expensive shit when starting out. While they are just generally good cards that you need to get if you want to grind competitive tournaments, playing local armories doesn't require your deck to be topped out.
can you do me a favour and quote your posts so i don't have to hide each individual post
How are you liking the new Roseta spoilers? Are you ready to take your elemental medicines yet? They're just marijuana products and legal speed.
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Briar is coming.
Come to think of it this thread could probably use an anchor for people posting card spoilers to reply to
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>Briar is a secret legendary
>her sword is an elemental runeblade legendary

I for one think I'm ready to start seeing legendaries show up in the weapon slot. Offhands don't count. I know saint would be all over that chase shit.
The blitz decks for Florian and Aurora were shown off just a few minutes ago. Florian is going to be the strongest runeblade this set, I can already see the wiring on the walls. He's just too efficient at blocking on top of extra access to life gain packages; playing against him will be a grindy lategame mess. Aurora could snipe an early game win if she gets extremely high rolled and the opponent just keeps leaking damage. She seems very "if you deal damage pop off extra effects" coded, but that doesn't hold a candle to what Florian brings.
really just waiting for any kind of options for equipment. by this point in the game's life each class should have 1,423,230 viable equipment builds, and instead most of them have about... 2 and a half.
I'm going to be honest I just think FaB looks kinda boring. I dont mean rules wise, even if the kind of game where you put armor and shit on your leader type character isn't really my thing, I just mean the aesthethic. Basically all the art I've seen makes me feel a range from apathetic to slight dislike
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>fabulous art
>its mediocre art
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That's okay, bro. You can just sit this one out until player verses environment is announced. The game's true form has yet to be revealed and it is the most anticipated thing up coming for flesh and blood. Prefect time to jump in then.
For me, the mechanics drew me in
Possibly the first game I got interested in within caring about the lore and setting
*without caring
>player verses environment is announced.
What is it about?

Those look pretty good.
He's shitposting.
It's a stupid meme that got out of control. There is no such thing as co-op FaB, just devs that made the mistake of saying "wow interesting we'll look into it". 4 years ago by the way.

FaB's my main game at the moment and I agree with you on the art. They're slowly getting better, but it's still mostly sludge.
I'm convinced the people who praise the art (and praised the art from the beginning) don't have souls.
>5 cards
>special treatment
just say wizards isn't forcing DM do secret lairs
>It's a stupid meme that got out of control. There is no such thing as co-op FaB, just devs that made the mistake of saying "wow interesting we'll look into it". 4 years ago by the way.
I mean it even got told to alpha investments as a thing to hype product. I bet jw wanted to do it but then saw how messy it would be (and walked away from it)
>secret (gold pack) legendary
Wouldn't it be funny if it was a CC legal Ice hero?
is it?
>Gentildonna in Shadowverse
I will now play your game.
Uma was busted when it first came out so expect it to be busted again.
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Today's Build Divide reveals are a Super and Normal rare from set 15.

Envious Twins, Aristella and Dextra
<Title: Seven Deadly Sins - Envy>
[AUTO] When this unit is placed, you may put the top 2 cards of your deck into the Cemetery. If you put, for each Black card with the (Buster) icon in your Cemetery, this unit gets Power +1000 until the end of the turn.
<Seven Deadly Sins - Envy> [AUTO] When this unit is placed from your Cemetery or when it attacks, target up to 1 of your opponent's units and for each Black card with the (Buster) icon in your Cemetery it gets Power -1000 until the end of the turn.
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Fanatic Factory
<Title: Seven Deadly Sins - Envy>
[AUTO] At the beginning of your End Phase, target up to 1 of your Black units with a total cost of 5 or less, destroy it. If you destroyed, place that unit from your Cemetery onto the field rested.
[AUTO] When your unit is placed from the Cemetery, you may pay 1B. If you paid, attach 1 card from the top of your deck to that unit as +1000 Aura until a card with the (Buster) icon appears.
>There is no such thing as co-op FaB
Go look at the comment section of any official lss fan content, PVE is all people talk about. "Boy I can't wait, it's something that I'm so excited to get my hands on! I wonder what the monsters will be like?" There's no way they aren't doing it now, the people made up their minds that it's what they want. Further more and now for actual proof, LSS designed an entire play room to specifically test alternative game modes with staff and anyone they invite to the studio. They called it the pvp room in an interview with Saint, to which his fat pampered lips watered at the mention of it. It's happening, they already have teases for it after all these years hidden all over the game. If they don't make pve, the game dies and the fans feel betrayed.

It will feature a solo slash co-op mode where no one GMs and then it will have a robust role playing game where a GM invites their players to play an emerging campaign experience. There will be events held exclusively at many of their gatherings world wide to join epic quests for loot that can only be gotten there. Expect a rewards system similar to that WOW raid deck game, where players share in loot packs like opening up treasure chests, taking their cut of the winnings for a monster well bested. Games going to be pure tits. Look forward to it.
Pve room* slipped since i just awoke, they do have a pvp room & a pve one made separately just for those two test groups.
Funny how the PVE shitposter writes so similarly to the Earthborne shitposter
Of course you're going to say what ever it takes to shitbash stuff you don't like. Anyone else you want to lump in there? Maybe they're the shill for another game you hate? Why not. Burn them at the stake, they talked about cards games in a card board thread
Exact same reaction too lmao, here's to your dedication to larping
Please shill me a card game to play on my phone. I need to escape magic and yugioh
So the same person that designed and shilled his own game so we'll all buy it here is also the one who is hyping up the other missing half of Flesh and Blood that's been talked about for 3 years because they're...a troll. How does that flawed logic work, oh wise one?
To anyone making their own game, or involved in any public facing role in and around creative industries, behold the consequences of speaking too casually >>93733689

Fans are not your friends, and are utterly incapable of empathizing with you. No exploratory design or early thoughts can ever be shared because they mutate into "promises". Even knowledge of your fucking office layout will cause them to generate "guarantees" in their head, and hold you too them later. It was a separate room for "casual product" design work, actually. Not any particular project. The way you twist and embellish everything is disgusting.

They will blast this shit on all channels, which will cause newcomers to have warped expectations, which they will stir up into outrage if what they've autistically dreamed up doesn't come true.
Saint asked if this is where pve testing takes place and White said yes. That's not twisting anything, Anon.
Why are you demonizing fans? Do you hate fab?
fab lied
fab fucked my dog
Wow, I love these kneejerk reactions to fans following up on actual developer talks about an upcoming feature. Totally organic hate bashing for a nonproblem.

You can't win for losing as a fan of something you enjoy and support, am I right?
schizophrenic samefag

pve is not coming, just accept it
i used to think maybe fab was okay but now i know they lied and betrayed for over 3 years

bros... i think i'm starting to fuckfab
About that... You're wrong, again.
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foiled yet again
Took your sweet time, princess
I realised I fucked up and should have a dotted red line on the other dumb cunts post.
FAB is okay, but I don't like how expensive meta decks are, or the fact that gameplay for most classes sees you getting weaker rather than stronger over a match. And I find the art pretty bland but that's a distant concern. Gameplay wise, it's ok.
>It's happening
nah, I'm with the other anon. like sure, maybe they'll do it *eventually*, but if it had entered development at any of the points discussed it would be out by now. certainly we'd have seen spoilers and have a date. since that point, where LSS was talking about possibly doing PVE and everybody got hyped and they supposedly got the ball rolling, other entire TCGs have been developed from scratch, gone to print, added PVE modes, and also got those in to print. you can go play the lorcana PVE right now if you want. lorcana wasn't even a twinkle in a disney exec's eyeball when FAB was doing their "pve soon" dance. hell, ashes announced their PVE was starting development after FAB did, and they're going to be wrapping up a years long 7-expansion PVE cycle this winter.

does that mean they'll never do it? of course not. but if they were actively working on it, if it was anywhere on the horizon, there'd be some word. believing otherwise is just fully committing to huffing the James farts. same sort of gullible mentality that makes people say shit like fab will never have rotation.
Now THIS is anime
>I agree with you on the art.
The Japanese art looks pretty good from that one card anon posted. If they keep that style then it'll get better
Why is there demand for pve anyway? I feel like it can't be as exciting as pvp
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Should TCGs do more video game collabs?
you dont like OP because the game is boring bandai slop.
I dont like OP because I cant stand all the spics.

we are not the same.
As stated, James White isn't releasing just a pve module, but an entire alternative game using largely the same pieces. It's been toyed around with as an idea, casually approached in development in the beginning, and then they realized something... They don't want to release a half baked and storyless parlor trick, they want to treat this like a roleplaying game in card form. Because of that design choice, they have pivoted from "it's coming soon" to "it will arrive once we're satisfied with the quality of the game. However long it takes."

Ashes PVE isn't very comparable because it's just a boss/moba rush alt mode, devoid of story or character immersion. You just attack an enemy lane and occasionally they swing back by unleashing nasty surprises if you don't wack-a-mole hard enough. You don't play a campaign where you grow and acquire loot, you just sit down to trash an auto-piloted deck.

Ashes is really cool because they're also using these expansions to extend existing hero and magic archetypes; they're like mini themed card expansions that give players of a certain playstyle that the monster is themed on extra deckbuilding options. These upgrades are just granted to you for owning the set. You can fight in a gauntlet style challenge mode where you have to play against increasingly difficult versions of the boss while switching off entire decks, but nothing that you accomplish grants you anything new you can bring into the next fight. That's what's different about the pve for fab and ashes, but seeing as fab hasn't tipped their hand yet as to what their Card RPG looks like we'll have to wait and see.
Because I miss the WoW TCG raid decks. All the demand for PVE slop has been all done by me.
wider appeal I suppose? different people like different things

>an entire alternative game
is this based on anything? feels like you're several parsecs out in to speculation territory.

>Ashes PVE isn't very comparable because it's just a boss/moba rush alt mode
I think that's what most people expect the FAB one will be too. the game mechanics are not well suited to a more scenario/RPG type thing. the existing heroes and cards don't have any stats or mechanics that aren't directly applicable to combat. it's not like a FFG game where they have a whole other side of the card and selection of actions that are "soft" skills.
i will now play your game
>wider appeal I suppose? different people like different things
Sure, I guess it's just weird to me because the game design is so specifically built for the 1v1 back and forth that pve feels like it would have to be an entirely different card game.

Understandable, have a nice day
>Sure, I guess it's just weird to me because the game design is so specifically built for the 1v1 back and forth that pve feels like it would have to be an entirely different card game.
you could say the same thing about ashes I suppose.

but that kind of supports the point above, the only reason the ashes one works at all is because they made a PVE enemy that behaves more or less like an opposing player. it tries to kill you like a player would, it fucks with your pieces like a player would, and you kill it by putting damage through just like you would a player. so all the existing 1v1 game skeletal tissue just hangs in there and behaves as designed. you can build decks generally the same way and fight it generally the same way and nothing breaks. you can *cheese* it in ways that would not work on an intelligent opponent, and its stats are cranked to compensate for that, but otherwise all the basic mechanisms are intact.
if you tried to do some really out there RPG shit like an anon was saying, or a scenario-driven engine like Arkham Horror, that wouldn't work. you'd have to rebuild existing systems, and with them inevitably a lot of cards.
Solo games are on the rise as loneliness and self-isolation are as well. That's the elephant in the room, I guess? However on the opposite end of that argument, having a social game where you can invite multiple friends over to your personalized dungeon crawl so you can enjoy hours of beer, pretzels and co-op is where the true demand lies. A tailor made play experience that doesn't force anyone into adversarial roles, unless you desire to be the gamemaster and put your friends through the wringer.

People like immersion, they like to be included in something bigger than just a one on one sparring match. Adding weight to your triumphs and failures makes the game more engaging and stimulates a different group than one that is highly competitive. Honestly it's why roleplaying games in general are continuing to gain popularity as people become more and more jaded over the electronics industry.
There isn't real demand. PvE hasn't been a driver of sales or community growth for any tcg, and is thus a waste of design time. LSS have clearly realized that, despite what the terminally online crowd, most of whom haven't spent a dime on the game or played a second of it at a game store, loudly proclaim they want.

On top of that, 90% of the skill and challenge of FAB is in predicting what your opponent is going to do and outmaneuvering them, which is impossible with a PvE setup - you're basically guessing dice rolls, at best. Do you like playing rock-paper-scissors against a random number generator?
Looks like I'll be playing Final Fantasy TCG
Saturday as well so have the time.
Need to fucking sell my One Piece shit as well
Fucking waste of money for a shit game.
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Here's your (you), shitposter-kun
Anyone remember the spoils? How its talked about and its comp + ex-mtg player focus reminds me of FaB.
While it's true that the Ashes PvE experience works because it closely mirrors the behavior of a human opponent, this doesn't mean that other, more narrative-driven or RPG-like mechanics would necessarily require a complete overhaul of the game systems. In fact, many card games have successfully introduced scenario-driven gameplay or RPG elements without breaking the fundamental mechanics or requiring a complete redesign.

For example, the Arkham Horror LCG has demonstrated that it's possible to integrate rich, narrative-driven scenarios into a card game while maintaining the core mechanics that players are familiar with. The key is not to mimic a player directly but to create a system that challenges the player in different ways—through environmental effects, narrative choices, and varying win conditions. These elements don't necessarily break existing systems but rather expand them.

Furthermore, the flexibility of card game mechanics often allows for new layers of gameplay to be added without disrupting the core. Modular design, where new rules or mechanics can be layered on top of existing ones, is a common approach in game design. This allows for innovative gameplay experiences without the need for significant rewrites of the game's rules or existing cards.

Lastly, the idea that "cheesing" an AI opponent is a flaw could be reconsidered. Many games embrace this as part of their challenge—finding the optimal strategies against an AI, which often involves exploiting predictable patterns, is a different but equally valid form of gameplay compared to PvP. Balancing the AI's stats to account for this is a design choice, not a limitation.

In conclusion, while different gameplay experiences require thoughtful design, it's incorrect to assume that incorporating more complex or narrative-driven elements would necessarily break existing systems. Instead, these systems can be expanded and adapted to create new, enriching gameplay experiences.
I understand the appeal of the genre. To clarify, what strikes me as weird is that people would want to insert that desire into a game that is competitive at heart. I'd go get my coop pve jollies elsewhere, why would I ask for that in my adversarial pvp competitive game?
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>chatgpt response
>Do you like playing rock-paper-scissors against a random number generator?
So reductive; that's not what flesh and blood is at all.

I invite you to go play more games with solo/co-operative features and you might understand how they can make a compelling boss battle with set behavior patterns to capitalize on. I suggest you check out Kingdom Death Monster, it has sparked numerous copy cat games because of its huge success. Here's some example AI cards for their beginner monster, a lion with human hands and shark teeth.
Bro wtf
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official sfw card btw, she is in a bikini. the over sleeve is also official.
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Wixoss is a Gentleman's game with love for LRIGs of any size, from small to titcow!
LOL you remebered the comment..
>reading is hard, therefore it's gotta be a robutt
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no but you can learn in 5 minutes and the games cheap as fuck to play ($60-100 for a tier 1 list).
Also we have scented towel promos where the towel is textured.
>sexual deviant prefers to play mobileshit
'Know your audience', I guess.
I'm sure someone's boss will understand... "They're official sleeves; your brain is being tricked into thinking this depiction of a minor is sexually exploited. It's a beach episode so chill, lmao."
Vanguard and ZX have the most penis destroying female units
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works for my LGS. And every site not gay (ie here)
vanguards arts for ants and too many dragons but the plant girl is sex. z/x is true, but the gameplay is warped.
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since spamming cards in /acg/ isnt against the rules (as FaB and BD guy have shown for multiple threads) this should be fine to keep posting.
I live in the middle of nowhere and our last lgs shut down when the guy who ran FNM out of his TV shop got cancer...
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im sorry for you loss, I hope the dude got isekaid to a sick loli harem.
you could always try webcam play. its ok.
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I miss freeze being a real thing. Its a mechanic that doesnt really go anywhere in the future but had a ton of cool support + bdsm icequeen make pp go biggly
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interrupting my own posts to go on about freeze, I miss this gal like you wouldnt believe.
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I always liked the big meaty LORE in this card, where the boobs bounce to get off one guy from the field. Very on the nose.
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Anyone here like history? wixoss is full of teaching material about history! did you know newton ate a apple once? true story!
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The set's world debut is very soon, fellow fabulous Warriors. Here's some of the latest spoilers to help you prepare for your Calling Tampa.

I really like this card. More overpower needs to start showing up as it is a downshifted dominate. Conditional overpower is every better because it can be played around and prevented with disruptive decks (as it should be).
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So here's one of those cards that teases multi player games or even PVE. The game is gearing up towards that direction, has been for some time now.

This will be offered in all colors and I believe it will be a staple card in mirror matchups and dunking on illusionists.
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purples a cool color, would be better with butt-window instead of ugly-face-window though! Good idea to post spoilers, Ill start that as well! I love sharing spoilers with others and wixoss new set is dropping some!
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Got to say I'm enjoying the new runeblade archetype of self destruction to cause explosive growth. I have a feeling that's going to go over very well in this set's limited experience, which makes targeted aura destruction important to preventing a small problem you opponent has set up from becoming a huge one.
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going into WIXOSS spoilers, we have the not(!)//memoria but fessona line. Its a set specific thing around spells lrigs make at lv3 or something.

starting with a S Lancer wolf with a sexy ass. S lancer is good, is this? im not sure
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Going wide is another anti illusionist tactic, so glad to see that becoming a staple of some of the new runeblade heroes. This card was used to great effect last night from Florian against Aurora, so even the flowerfucker can go wide if he chooses.
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oh hey I was just posting about freeze. maybe its going to be a subtheme this set? might just be a call to remember center.

reminder new set drops in sept with prerelease being sept 7-8.
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One for six in red just for playing your hero the way they're mean to be played? Uh yes please. Here's your new runeblade staple.
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15k with blanket removal seems strong, but cards in hand might be the issue. Red has so many removal anyway?
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>discards on attack
>reduces spell costs
this will 4 sure fit in somewhere (id like to fit in somewhere too if you catch my drift)
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Speaking of staple, the destruction of your own auras netting you big payoffs is going to require cards like this to function.
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and its common enabler.
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this one sucks because way too many variables. bottom decking is strong as fuck so makes sense!

If you havnt been able to tell by now, its a summer set.
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>potential crush a cloth on any turn
>vanish a dork on attack
Might go somewhere weird as a 1-2 of. Flathro had a steep cost but was used.
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This feels like an Aurora card to me. You'll be getting insane value out of a blue even if you can give it go again. No one wants to block 1 if it has no on-hit effect. Death by a thousand cuts it is.
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I cant see this as anything worse then every other white level 3. Poor Lion. Her memoria cards always lack luster.
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shadow is under appreciated but I dont think this is the piece denobu decks will run.
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I guess in Candlehold there is an awful lot of singing, because this is a very heavyhanded theme of a large portion of these runeblade cards. The others are "death and rebirth."

This is a great target for your dirge. >>93735507
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>everything gets S Lancer
>in a pinch stop a damage from deck out and ener a shit ton
this seems stupidly good for 2 ener
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3 cost pieces just seem outclassed after the past 2 sets, could be wrong
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I for one look forward to seeing this in the included sealed promo packs. It's a nasty little bit of advantage you get for playing into the death and rebirth strategy.
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>ener burn
ok maybe 3 ener is fine on a piece what the fuck
Wixoss sucks
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>1 ener
>trashes something
>dream team
the 1 ener makes me think maybe and options are great.
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wouldnt it be nice if it could. nice troll post tho.
>pic related
new center LRIG art
That blonde bitch in wixoss is a straight smash.

FBI better not be here **runs away**
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Save your channel cards before they get in too deep or return a slow payoff aura to your hand for reaping the benefits all over again. I like effects like this, it's just a shame it's one time use.
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cool floating art, not much to say about a lv1
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>if you've damaged already this turn, do a thing
Something predicted as lightining's gag, and now we see it strewn across several commons.

Kinda like the character in this image, but no we got Oscilio....
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lv2 art is sex
if you mean Akino, I have her spoilers next! And dont worry, anime is legal on freedomland!
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unfortunately her lv3 seems severely outclassed by other lv3 minus lrig, -5k also seems mid and self mill is a rough start after nanashi and CCC printing soon. The fessona spell shit might make up for it but probably not.
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Decompose is going to be the miracle grow of the earthen hero's garden. I'm looking forward to seeing how hard it is to keep Florian or Verdance from decomposing, but seeing as banishing your opponent's cards helps advance their goals I fear there's not enough targeted hate to stop them.
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-8k in MP and then maybe a -5k from her lv3...its zero cost at least
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now onto the next spoiler, Akino, aka "that blonde bitch" >>93735581
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posted her lv1 here >>93735085
and this is her new line, compare to >>93735375
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I'll see your 6 damage for 1 resource and raise you 8 for 3 and helping to build a compost heap at the same time. Just solid cards, nothing really awe inspiring.
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draw is OK, but we have a white center that does that and more in remember already. Not sure how denobu will be as I watch spoilers as they come out. Im assuming the craft spells are what make these centers as both this and urith feel weak
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Instant speed prevent 2 damage after composting... Yeah that can't fuck up everyone else's day in the current meta. Playable gear commons are always nice to see.
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getting a guard back for 1 seems good. guess between >>93735628 and this one each color gets one and you can call whatever you need for the situation so more of a toolbox.
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He cute. Oscillio staple.
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next we have the token green lrig thats probably ass because lancer isnt printed on it
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funny how her art line will take off clothing then gain it again. should have stayed as a one-piece.
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or not, im ok with this.
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Florian's favorite split card that isn't a majestic. Cost zero, gain + 3 advantage? That's fucking nuts. (or seeds rather)
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>ener manipulation
seems boring
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Great for sealed, probably not going to hack it in constructed like the boots will.
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for 0 this seems great and im starting to really see the tool box. exceed 4 is easy enough but only getting a choice of 2 craft is a smol sad
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gee timmy why does piruluk get TWO versions?
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I like big swing setup cards. This feels nice, and extra cherry on top it has built in go-again.
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for those new to wixoss, for some reason blue gets guns for their bottom bitches more then red. school shooter color.
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sporty piruluk < nerdy piruluk in >>93735494
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Hello replacement for metacarpus node!! So good to see you. Amp is properly worded so this one shan't cause nearly as much angle-shooting (I'm looking at YOU, Majin Baetor) to occur.
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her lv3 art is sex and blue has a ton of weird discard - do something effects. seems build around me and potentially good. Built in removal even at a cost is good when its ener-free.
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this seems great for 0, filters, gets you what you need, and with >>93735754
draws you 2.
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Anti Aura generation is clutch in this set's limited experience. Going to see these as a highly drafted target, to be sure.
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we are onto the final line reveal, red. this time featuring the famous wincest sister from the anime who got cucked by herself in a literal way(spoiler alert).
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>pov : you want to see the balloon water splash down on her booba
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just now realizing anne and urith dont have water guns but the rest do. not fair!
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Very cool imagery for this set. I don't care about Aria, but it is a beautiful place to explore.

>uh, ackshually, fab art is bad
That's what the trolls sound like in the face of such illustrations.
battle of the shills
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>crushes a cloth
>if your low gives assasin
>also has access to the craft spells to get what you need
im thinking this is pretty good. better then the other red centers out? maybe since it can toolbox on lv3 and has more it can do then just 1-turn kill like most red centers.
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>life gain might induce cancer in this set
Weird flex, but OK, James.
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looks like something bing ai would have pooped out a year ago.
spoiler season dumps have always been a thing and allowed on /acg/ and never been removed. This is my last post anyway (unless anyone has any discussion, which they wont, because these threads are ghost towns now)
onto her craft spell, a 1-ener vanish 12k. This is straight and to the point, like she was when she wanted to fuck her twin brother. it will suck when your playing against a mostly blue deck or something similar and they just lolvanish12k on you.

And thats it until more spoilers are released, enjoy wixsissiepedos!
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Lifegain AND instant speed shenanigans in one set. The salt cultivation will be strong.

This is to help anyone who's going to the world premiere event in Tampa by studying up on the revealed spoilers for the new set. I don't want to battle the other person, I just want to get the information out there to those that can use it.
Wixoss and FAB spoilers?

Weird how they are at the same time.
>spoiler season dumps have always been a thing and allowed on /acg/
>This is my last post anyway
Oddly enough, same. I had a huge backlog of cards to post spoilers for, but until they release more today or in the coming week I'm all caught up.

Wasn't a race, but we sure did sprint towards a new thread just with our helpful info posts alone. T'was fun.
>Your Snoke theory sucks dot jaypegme

I assure you it was two different people
wrong, im bisexual. I play FaB to look at hot men and wixoss to look at hot girls.
Np i just found it funny that you posting cards at the same time looked like you were fighting
Healthy competition to breath life back into the thread. I encourage it, really.
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it's all one guy as it turns out
the schizo-conspiracy anon was right all along
This Z/X mogs every Wixoss image posted
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wixoss spoiler anon here, Ive been banned from /acg/ for posting wixoss cards three times now. jani haets it.
no one actually cares, and schizo anon is a shitposter who hates the reportfag and jani not fab. its just the easiest to troll as reportfag is a fab poster. fabs cool that it isnt a mtg clone in play and no other game right now plays like it does.
>Ive been banned from /acg/ for posting wixoss cards three times now
Lies, if that was the case Build Divide anon would've been banned as well...
He's clearly being banned for something else, not the cards. He doesn't have the self-awareness to figure that out, though.
What's a lesson about their own game that the developers of your favorite tcg didn't learn until several sets after release?
It's OK to print tutors, just not for every color/class/faction
That Bandai are fucking retarded when it comes to managing game design
hear hear

they don't know how to do anything other than fleece their (card) customers
reminder to check archives for deleted posts
check for posts referencing deleted posts but generally /acg/ gets 5-10 curated posts a thread. anyway maybe someone will post wixoss in 3-29 days.
there was a image showing the report, but that was immediately removed too. oh well. I love card games!
everything getting deleted
that was me evading detection
Build Divide biggest issue gameplay wise are Buster Triggers. Your cloth in BD is 10 on paper but for each buster in it -2 its amount.
So one means 8
Two means 6
Three means 4
Two busters makes your cloth so fragile that you can die before your territory turn. So the effectiveness of a deck doesnt matter since Busters rape any cloth to oblivion

C-Normal Card

One hit
Two hits

Ridiculous isnt it? Three fucking attacks destroys a cloth this fast due to buster triggers
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Zen fags, your days are numbered. LSS woke up to the fact you're a busted piece of shit.
Discard as a core archetype of one of your colors leads to bad feeling games.
no one knows what youre talking about
It's not even an onhit, you get the runechant on attack

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