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Factory edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits
>One Piece
>The other DBZ game
>Magi Nation
>Lord of the Rings

Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!

Pastebin/Rules for some games
>Dragonball GT SD
>Gate Ruler
>Build Divide
>Ashes Reborn
>Fusion World
>Various Japanese CCGs without western translation (page is in moonrunes)

voice chat for playing /acg/

>Last Thread

>Thread Question:
What is a current problem in your game?
Tick-tock, Zen mains. Your free ride ends soon.
Oh good, so one or more of the new heroes will completely overshadow the meta instead.

Elementalists were a mistake.
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It's very ambiguous what Brian could be talking about. Maybe there's a generic card printed in the set that's a hate card for him? Maybe there will be counters printed in the form of a gear piece? Expansion slots can bring stuff to other classes but that hardly will have as big of an impact as generics will.

But who am I kidding, these next heroes will be busted. It's in Aria's DNA at this point to not front loser chumps.
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>What is a current problem in your game?
I have a lot of thoughts on set 2, but one of the big issues is that the set 2 meta is basically the same archetypes as the set 1 meta but with a few new cards. Boba's running mono yellow instead of ECL, Sabine's picked up Poe, blue/green villain is running Qira instead of Iden. Set 2 was probably an underpowered set, but plenty of its cards were good enough to make decks, and some of its leaders show up in cut; cards and tech have been and still are shifting constantly. But we've been in the same approximate overall meta since like late May - you can't *feel* that the cardpool has literally doubled.

Set 3 is still a long ways off, so short of a huge undiscovered meta shift, or a ban or restricted list - which seems unlikely, since there *are* multiple decks competing at the top - we're just gonna be here until November.
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For starters they could've done something to cap handsizes, but it is already too late to write that in as a rule and it restricts future development. This mother fucker had access to a 15 card hand in this game, AFTER being shot by a buffed dominated sleep dart and fullblocking with their very ninja themed fridge. How this got past playtesting is fucking beyond me.

So what card can they target for ban? Whatever it is, it won't be enough. The hero is raw efficiency personified. Printing a set were "blues matter" was a grand idea, but they took it a little too far.
It's clear they need more lead time for development.
They may also need to find someone better at aggro decks. It seems like most of the devs prefer combo or control playstyles (case in point: Illusionist favoritism). If they think of aggro as a noob archetype destined to be brewed out of existance as a meta develops, then that might partially explain the regular oversights.
Agreed. The set 2 did not feel like a set 2, it felt like a supplemental set at best and the bulk of the cards and leaders are just not good enough to see play.
It does feel meaningfully distinct in draft, at least, but there it has a different set of problems (there's very little removal and leaders need more support to be useful) so it's nevertheless less fun than set 1 draft. But it's at least a different flavor, even if it's worse.
Last time they developed into a truly degenerate aggro meta (Briar), they came up with Starvo. He was, by the way, considered a mid-tier hero in that internal meta.
Rosetta heroes were (probably)developed in an environment with full power Zen.

I warned you bro. I told you about stairs.
How much they paying you to shill Build Divide cards in OP?
Games not in English, doing shit in Japan and still gets attention here. The anime finished years ago, Aniplex gave up and that model going around LGS pretending to give a fuck probably has left.
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They printed a generic hate card for zen. It just isn't that good.

On an unrelated note, I've tried out dbzsfw (or w/e, new Bandai dragonball) with the free packs online. It's very bland, and seems to come down to either >draw more cards than opponent or >ramp and nuke with broly. I like the IP but don't think I'm going to play it much more. Even when I win it's just not much fun.
I think he just likes sharing his excitement.
I know I like seeing different games posted, and also shitposting about Bloom's FAT FUTA COCK
Maybe this is why my local scene has dried up. Big city in the US, had a ton of interest when set 1 dropped, and has been downward trend since with set 2 not slowing it at all. I think two or two of the 30+ LGSs within 30 miles of city center are running SWU every week, which puts it well below FAB or Digimon, to say nothing of Lorcana or One Piece (both worse games).

FFG and shitting the bed - name a more iconic pair.
thanks, I hate it

I pulled a gauntlet at the prerelease and I said "oh great, I can use this against zen." LOL nope. No more legendaries in sealed pools allowed, right when it actually mattered because this is designed to help stop the tiger madness.
>name a more iconic pair
fabgots and getting dunked on lmao
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>never fatigues in your path

Wizards have it all, don't they?
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They do now.

Looking like earth wizard may end up ahead of earth runeblade. But once they're both out of the picture, it'll be my boys time to shine no, it won't
I'm pulling for my purple nigga, I really am. He deserves to be the menace LSS always intended him to be. There's lots of vanilla RB cards and gear he has to look forward to still.
Surge is kind of weird, though. It's harder to trigger on reds than blues. Aesthetically speaking I don't know if I like that as part of the Wizard space, but it's not anywhere near as spooky as gaining resources on surge.
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>europoor meta
>people play blue to shit on black
>jiren sucks vs blue
>jiren wins and top 16's
and the vegeta player was using videl vanilla beaters. ive tested this pre set 3 and it was not great, total fluke imo. it was only 62 players after all.
Can we talk about lorcana here or are they still trying to force the general that only pops up once a week for 4 hours when the moon is red?
Disregard schizos, post games not named Pokemon, Magic, or YuGiOh.
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It's time for something to be done about this card.
>we are all aligned
Does that mean they're custom tuning elementalists to be the marshals of Rathe? Perhaps more specifically, to have them bully upity mystics and take away their bento boxes?
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yeah us blueCHADs could use a cool alt art pilaf
By the way Florian dunked on Verdie because she never saw her decompose before the 10 overpowered 7 runechants breaking turns. We might just make it, Runebros.
For the latest deck duel tonight. I say it's worth a peak. I still think Verdance will be equally tricky to beat if she does high roll though.
Game isnt fun 20 lore is too easy to achieve
Any recommendations for mobile card games? I play MTG and Yugioh. I liked Runeterra but it stopped getting support. Or is there another thread for phone stuff?
I played a few games of that 40k Warpforge game it seemed alright for a Hearthstone clone I guess.
Try stormbound
He got lucky that game, but it was great to see the runes flowing nicely after decomposing a few times.
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I showed off The Condemned at 2D Con last weekend. Played a shitton of games with patrons, sold a few booster boxes, and it's looking like I've got enough interested parties intent on showing up at a local game shop on Thursday night for a draft to fire off. People liked the precons I'm testing for Chaotic Assault. They seem to be pretty close to well balanced, though I need to get some more games in with them before I really feel comfortable with them.

Also, I was able to run a test game of multiplayer. Took a few tweaks to the rules that I'll update on the online rulebook, but it really doesn't need much tweaking to get it to work. It was super chaotic, cards that worked in 1v1 didn't have as much utility, and The Best Laid Plans was a removal workhorse. I'm looking forward to seeing the results of more multiplayer matches!

Art for Chaotic Assault is underway. As soon as I have all the art done, I'll be able to get an order placed with my manufacturer. Picrel, I just spoiled this card on the website last week. 2nd Expansion needs another half dozen cards, and then I can start playtesting it. But the decks I've seen out of people feel strong, without being massively OP. I haven't had to hit anything with the nerf bat too hard yet.
>verdance decklist up
>the future of wizard design is actually off-brand runeblade
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TQ: Lots of them.
>Lack of awareness
You can make the best game in the world, but if people don't know it exists, it's a lost cause. Getting into the public zeitgeist is hard without massive marketing bucks, but I'm still trying.
This little fucker is now under my microscope. I think I have enough ways to keep him in check that I don't need to ban/errata, but I'm having to keep a close eye on him. I don't think he's too overpowered yet, but I really need to keep a close eye on how constructed games fare against him.
>Too small of a card pool
This was an early lesson learned. Another 20 or so cards in the base set would have definitely helped things. I'm building expansions to have no less than 120 cards, if not more. I just need to get to the point where I can get those cards out to market...
Neat. Is this going to be the set with the new wizards or an upcoming one?
holy shit fyendal fighting spirit is now a common
>set 2 was about characters nobody cares about
>product shortage at release caused whales to hoover up set 2 while they could, so they all had full collections within days while casuals had nothing
>most meta decks got more expensive
>it's summertime and people went outside, on vacation, or watched their kids
>set 2's flagship mechanics (bounty, capture, smuggle) are all weak
>organized play is rolling out so slowly it may as well not exist
>previously mentioned meta staleness
>a huge portion of the set 1 normies were never going to convert into permanent players in any timeline

There's a lot of headwinds blowing against set two. They dropped the ball pretty hard, but aside from choosing a boring theme - which is understandable, because it would've been chosen 2-3 years ago, and they couldn't have known Mando hype would dry up so fast - it's mostly normal, ordinary mistakes, not the FFG special of inexplicable self-defeating decisions.
>mechanics are weak
Sounds like you've never been got by DJ/Tech.
But that's one/two cards. Smuggle as a whole has hardly shaken up the meta. Most games you don't notice its presence.
Anyone play shsowverse? I tried it a couple years back but it felt very greedy with its free to play
I only play the physical version. For digital, you may as well wait for shadowverse 2, though it got delayed recently.
>but it felt very greedy with its free to play
It was/is the most free to play friendly game ever.
I built like 9 top tier runeterra decks in 2 months for nothing. It's why the game died
runeterra just wasn't fun enough

the slay the spire singleplayer was better than the actual PVP gameplay. ironically since everyone compares it to magic or hearthstone, SWU is honestly just an improved runeterra
My interest immediately died when I saw it was star wars
Awesome. Glad to hear an indie dev’s progress.
Nah, Runeterra was plenty fun. It just needed packs. The dopamine hit you get from opening a pack is what keeps TCG games alive.

You have the most fun gameplay in the world, but without that RNG element interest will dry up. Pack RNG forces players to play with your less powerful cards and also get excited to pull your more powerful cards. They have you packs in the form of the weekly chests but no one wants to wait a week. They should have let players throw some dollars at them to crack packs.

Also, the skins these chose were cringe. They spent so much time making skins have animations and sound effects for a small subsection of champs, when just .jpgs would have sufficed. They could have gotten a larger spread and appealed to more people.

Lastly, it was a mistake to get rid of Expeditions entirely. It should have been reworked a bit. Expeditions were a low stakes way to enjoy the gameplay in the same vein as Path. The incentive structure just wasn’t there since you got basically nothing for playing from what I remember.
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Is this it? Is this the year that kills FaB?
Majinbae did nothing wrong

You should be able to deal 0+1 arcane damage
He is an angleshooter, Anon. He pulls shit like this to get even close to top 8, then he boldly cheats on stream where everyone could see it. They man exclusively plays wizard. He knows he can run circles around non pro players exclaiming he's doing everything right when he knows he isn't. The problem is when he faces an opponent he can't cheat he usually folds (many second place finalist rankings, one actual championship winning (after he cheated on stream).

Not bloodly likely. This wizard crap will have to run train on the whole game for at least a year for that to happen. Next year things will reflect how badly they designed Aria 2.0.
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Sure, I was one of the OPs of that gen and stopped trying to force it since there were roughly 3 regulars, but I'm sure you'll get some responses here.

Lorcana is proof positive that /tg/ popularity=/=Real Life popularity. Most of the Lorcana player base is on Facebook as their main social media. Honest to God, Facebook. Even discord (picrel)has trouble getting traction with them.

t. Grog pushing local events - discord posting only gets 3-4 players, add in Facebook and you'll pull 16+
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One thing I don't see mentioned a lot is that FaB seems to be undergoing a radical shift in design philosophy.
Look at Rosetta. I know we haven't seen it all yet, but there are almost no [CLASS TALENT] cards. There are Earth cards, Lightning cards, Wizard cards, and Runeblade cards, but Elemental and twice-specific cards are notably absent.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand it's more interoperable across more heroes (and probably better for draft), but on the other there's something I don't know how to name that feels lost. That is, my Verdance deck won't have (even the suboptimal option of) many distinctly earthy looking/feeling wizard spells in it. She can't throw rocks the way Iyslander could throw icicles.
Runeterra went to shit when they started the keywordsoup design policy
Zoey Pantheon Kai'sa so many champions basically played the same and then they wouldnt stop with the ridiculous variations of:
>If you play X put a +1/+1 permanent buff on Y
The first one was already absurd
>Put X everytime you play a card that was created
Then they made that Impact bullshit and Fated and Spirit
The devs dont know how to make a card game
Lorcana players are fucking karens when I went to their facebook group.
Yeah a lot of them are. But their entry fees pay for your prize packs, so whatcha gonna do.
Play for free and smash deranged millennial kussy on the side.
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Rare from set 15.

Guzzle Gulp
[AUTO] When this unit is placed, attach all Auras your Black units have to this unit.
<Territory> [AUTO] When this unit with an Aura is destroyed, your opponent discards 1 card from their hand.
i agree, but you can still play stuff like rejuvenate and fuse stuff
>But their entry fees pay for your prize packs, so whatcha gonna do
??? I don't fucking play the game lmfao
They probably are saved for the majestics which we haven't seen that many yet
Auras outside of Blue and Red suck
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the last of the general pool player cards for the new ashes set. guess we'll get new signature cards next week, and then the rest of the new chimera.

>Gates Defender
solidly more useful than the other hidden ally shadow guard. alert and 2/3 is bad motherfucker stats.

twist on standstill, seems decent for decks that actually care about bypassing

>From Darkness
badass card art, situational removal. whats not to love.
The same is true for fab players but at least they are deranged and sexual frustrated instead.

>new signature cards
>new signature cards
no spoilers on those yet, but we do know the PBs are victoria, hope, sembali and rimea (and rimea got a full rework on her card).
Yeah one of the lorcana discords wants a phone number and I'm just like naaaah
Fucking facebook? Is it 2007?
Baseless accusations are so heckin' cool, bro!

Now cold read other game's fanbases you hate.
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If only it were.

Pic how it feels to play lorcana locals
Yeah honestly I don't even know why I still use Facebook. Was the only place I could keep up with news when I was playing Dragon Ball super card game before
Are board games more fun than tcgs?
Irrefutably true. I'm sorry, but card games are boardgames lite.
Board games rely a lot more on the players.
Like, if you're playing a TCG, you're most likely playing someone interested in TCGs and its only 2 players (most of the time)
But with board games, especially once the number of players is 3 or more, its a lot more opinionated and playing a board game with someone who doesn't the particular type of board game you're playing is just awful. There's also a lot more "dragged along" situations and playing with a dragged along person is awful too
Then you've been blessed with a good group.
Individual rounds, yes, overall culture, maybe? Very few board games are playable hundreds of times without getting bored of it, to say nothing of where you find players to play hundreds of times. But they are almost universally more complex and better balanced between players than any tcg.
>Very few board games are playable hundreds of times without getting bored of it, to say nothing of where you find players to play hundreds of times.
"board games" is almost too general a term for what is being discussed here. you're not getting lots of plays of things like Root or Spirit Island like you will with a TCG, but what about chess or go? people absolutely play those thousands of times and it's trivially easy to find opponents for thousands of games if you want to.
There's more investments required for tcgs which plays into the fun factor.
I prefer this to the alternative philosophy of "here's the exact best decklist to play a given hero." But I'm not sure it's a shift so much as inconsistent - Mistveil was almost exclusively Mystic cards, for instance, and most of them very clearly designed for one of the three heros in particular.

I much prefer having lots of generics and letting players figure out the best cards for their hero, rather than playing 3-of each of 20 TALENT HERO cards out of 23 printed. Looking at you, Fai, Boltyn, Dromai, etc...
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I think I mostly agree.
Heroes as a connective between different card pools, where each card pool has a clear mechanical identity, is more aesthetically pleasing from a mechanical perspective than "Here is a deck-module, add salt to taste".
Maybe if there were just a few more Elemental [Class] cards I'd be happier. Like, swap two of those Zap variants for an Elemental Wizard 0 for 3 with conditional upside based on Earth/Lightning hoop-jumping. I'm here for the vibes as well as the game.

Looking back I think Mistveil *is* a transition in this direction. Mystic Assassin has 3 Majestics, (1x3) Rare, and (3x3) Commons compared to Earth Runeblade at 2 Majestic, (1x3) Rare, 0 Common. (But no Elemental Runeblade cards seem to be in Rosetta proper)
Draconic Ninja has a disgusting 3M, (3x3)R, (8x3)C - as you alluded to.
>makes an ARCANE MATTERS draft set
>zero Arcane Barrier cards held within
>set is full of high powered physical attacks available to every class in the set

I'll never understand those design decisions. Making AB 1, 2 and especially 3 readily available to the game should be a priority for the goal of normalizing wizards in the meta environment. You still have to load up your deck with enough resources to pay for barrier, and you still have to draw those resources with a restriction on handsize; so what's the big deal with not adding more interaction into the arcane affairs for the game? It's ridiculous there isn't much wizard interacting in the game that is half a bloody decade old.
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You vill buy zee Everest.

Skullcap available now from China for $3.99
This card is too good. On the play, it's all but a guaranteed win if you drop it turn 1. Particularly in Steelsong which can sing away the bonus cards as early as turn 3 even with 1 (or 2) of these played, and there's no counterplay.
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Fuck forgot the Pic because I'm mad. About a children's card game.

I should probably just kms
this combo seems intentional from the art
2 damage isnt the best, but hitting a unit on the way in is stupid good
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forgot pic

we are the same flavor of stupid tonight anon
>grown men play this
>uhm sorry but my mickey mouse clubhouse stadium effect card cancels your goofy goof troop action
LOL what kind of fucking manchild must you be to enjoy this
nta, but all tcgs are for grown men, children don't have the money for them. Also, for me at least, mechanics are more important then art as long as there is an aesthetic consistency (fuck crossovers), so I can get people might enjoy Lorcana if they like the gameplay without caring so much about goofy mouse and frost princess.
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What if my entire class depends on having the headslot available for their legendaries?
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>the game actually has nice art for a game of already existing IPs instead of screenshots or reused art like so many do
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The scenario you described is no more or less silly than any mtg scenario - "my magic spell blocks your summoning a bunch of rats, then I follow up by throwing a fireball at your wizard" is also silly fantasy bullshit. I have fond memories of Lilo and Stitch, Cinderella, etc, and I don't have any connection to "fireball" or "wizard" so I'd rather have the licensed shit.

Also a lot of the art is pretty good.
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cope. see you all when the cocomelon and my little pony TCGs drop
>my little pony TCGs drop
the MLP TCG already exists. Tried it, didn't like it.
>if you play the game you have to be a child that watches cocomelon
If you were an 8 year old that watched lilo and stitch the year it came out you'd be 30 rn. Kids who watched my little pony are now adults
>people get old
does that make it not targeted to children? what are you trying to say? is barney more your taste?
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I've decided I'll be winning one of the digital tournaments this weekend with Cell.
No need to wait, come play the neopets tcg with us grarrls are best bois
who in this thread really has any business throwing stones though?
sure it's easy to poke fun at the kind of mentally stunted adult that would still be going in for disney or star wars shit, but look around you. who exactly has the high ground? there isn't a game here that would appeal to a mind that had matured past middle school. have a little self-awareness.
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using ginger town meme or regular green stuff? good luck bro. i didnt get picked for the first digital tournament
Ginger Town but I assure you it's no meme.
That's a bit reductive, I think. There's no law that says you shouldn't be enjoying things past a certain age.

>that list of the top 5 least attractive things for females comes to mind
It calls us out pretty good. However I still think there isn't any shame for what a person chooses to engage with, especially after reaching adulthood.
sure. that's your right. just.. stop complaining about it.
gw purged all their creative minds a generation ago, and replaced them with marketing interns. everything to come out of there since has been cynical, copypasted slop sent to print with the singular purpose of pushing plastic. of course it sucks. complaining that it's derivative, that it goes for cheap diversity points, that the fluff is incoherent, or the balance is shit or the rules are an unplaytested trashfire is like picking up a marketing pamphlet for ass cream at the doctor's office and being shocked the contents are not high literature. you knew going in it was going to suck. that was the only possible outcome.
Literally better goblin guide.

I could even give a real chance to lorcana if the designers weren't such hacks.
I honestly prefer the franchise card game than the try hard to be everything ones (like flesh and blood), also the gameplay looks better than my exemple.
Happy to see that you're still working on the game.
You ain't winning shit. You'll come back to this thread complaining about random shit like you fusion world players always do. You bitches
What do you imagine an adult TCG is supposed to look like? Managing spreadsheet competition? Spread gossip simulation? Or do you believe adults shouldn't be having fun playing games?
Adults should be playing fucking Warlords CCGs.
That's a real game folks
i'm deep into fab, why should i try warlord?
>deck A is overturned, it's gatekeeping whole archetypes out of the meta
>but deck B can keep up with it, so if you just nerf A, B will dominate
>but deck C is good enough to top excelt it struggles with deck B, so if you nerf A & B then...

Balancing a tcg seems hard
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Having a few decks dominate the top spots is inevitable, the key is to have the rest of them still be appealing to play with or fall not too far behind them
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Thanks, anons. It's been a lot of hard work. I just got the card database updated with all the cards from Chaotic Assault last night, and I've got another half dozen or so posts to make spoiling more new cards. Just spoiled this one earlier this week, and I now I just need to write posts for the others!

Can confirm. That's been one of the hardest parts for me. I'm lucky that I have a couple of standout archetypes, with enough wiggle room and variety between them. My biggest concern right now is power creep. I really don't want to end up like other TCGs, even though I know that that's all but an inevitability.
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Sorcery is fun
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They mostly have done a good job with it, but a few cards have been simply too good. Namely Bucky (who got a heavy handed "errata" that was a soft ban - picrel now costs 1 more, lost ward, and only works when you play Floodborn for a shift cost and Daisy.

I'd argue that Daisy is even more egregious than Bucky, because she doesn't need any other cards to be good.

For comparison, the closest aggro choices for Daisy are a pair of uninkable 1-drops that are 1/1 w/ 2 lore (vs Daisy's 1/4). She needed to either be 2 cost with same stats (or hell, even 1/4/3) or have the same cost and 2 - or at most 3 - life. 4 means she can't be killed in one turn before she quests at least twice if played turn 1 on the play, and even then only for a card that costs 3+.
literally couldn't give a fuck. just don't call out people for being manbabies when you're one yourself. it's hypocritical.
>just don't call out people for being manbabies when you're one yourself
right back at you. What do you think
>there isn't a game here that would appeal to a mind that had matured past middle school
was supposed to mean?
>all that wasted space
>just able to show you a tiny fraction of the blade itself
I think the hand painted meme has its limits
>wasted space
>sure. that's your right. just.. stop complaining about it.
Complain about what exactly? Grown ass people should be free to do as they please given that it hurts no one; that's not complaint that's a reminder for how things actually are.
Bro is blind
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pictures don't have to look like you're having a stroke
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Come on, let's not play stupid here.
i'm serious, it looks fine to me, it's in the lake, and you can see the water and lily pads around it. By the surrounding having less bells and whistles it emphasizes the centerpiece more.
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Another one with such riveting illustration. I wonder which mall department store he got his photo taken in? My money is on JcPenny.
I agree lancelot looks bland. Still a fun card with how lance works, but there are better examples of the mechanic being fun
>Has only one lance
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Right, cards are cards, hope they are fun to play with. I'm saying the hand painted portraits are a nice gimmick, but these people have to stop pretending to be Frank Frazeta and actually put the effort into understanding what compositions make great paintings. Right now they're in the 'fake it till you make it' phase.
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>paint cool fight scene
>force it into the bottom right corner
yo bro wtf is this hack doing???
The empty surrounding with bright colours emphasizes the dark battle
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>lowkey the high contrasting background actually works
I'm impressed

That handle is so tiny, holy shit. You can tell they scrunched it down to fit the details in under the nameplate. Almost like they drew the bottom portion before realizing they ran out of room up top.

The mistake they made with that negative space on the sword is having the outer area be equally bright along with the sword. That's not what it looks like underwater. Light penetrates only so deep and it becomes scattered. Shadows would be cast by those Lilly pads.

I somehow knew you would do this. There's a castle on fire in the background, it's actually properly lit and there's atmospheric volumes there to catch and scatter the colors of the battle and the night intermingling. He used that negative space properly by making it interesting.

Some pathetic rendered lilies and piss poor underwater lighting are not interesting nor a good use of the space. See my above details for further problems with the piece. The sword is competing with the negative space rather than being complimented by it, like Frank has done with his piece.
Even a wikipedia illustration mogs their composition.
just so you are aware anon, I (>>93752845) am not >>93753803
I understand. I just knew someone would try to reverse logic here.

I submit to you, a lake scene from under the water done on canvas with oil paints. Imagine instead of a fish a sword being lifted up by the lady of the lake and boom, you have yourself a chase card that actually looks desirable.
I agree, that would look much better, my opinion was just that what we got isn't that bad.
Hell, in your example because the lily pads are so uniform, they would emphasize the sword even more.
>the goal of normalizing wizards in the meta environment
They're normalizing wizards just fine... as a runeblade subclass! Kano will be powercrept into LL and new wizards will play like variants of Bullander - efficient attacks with a couple of spells thrown in.

You're welcome :^)
But what do you do if one of the top decks disproportionately filters out the less powerful decks? Like, say an aggro deck is top dog so a couple midrange decks are viable but all control is just dead on arrival. Or even something more specific, like if a recursion deck is on top so any archetype without access to gravehate is DoA.
Print more graveyard hate at the highest possible rarity.
Then you ban the offending deck after you've made enough money

It's easy.
t. Bandai
>design game
>gameplay gets mogged by pro players
>design around pro players play style

is this what's happening here?
They're not testing enough. They think they have control of things, but they absolutely don't. Now they're in too deep and need to maneuver around the situation, which to the layman player appears to be DOING NOTHING and promising something will happen. In effect they're trying to close up gaps in the game but they are already on a trajectory of adding new content at such a rate that they can't keep up and make matters worse by not understanding what the issue was in the first place.
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Not a fan of coordinate, it's going to be easy to counter.
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Today's Build Divide reveals are a Super and Normal rare from set 15.

Special Bullet, Griselda
<Title: Steel Musketeer>
[AUTO] When you would play a Command from your D Deck, draw 1 card. You may only use this ability up to once per turn.
<Steel Musketeer> [ACT] (Normal timing/Rest this unit, flip 2 of your Energy face-down): You may play up to 1 Blue Command with the (Shot) icon and a total cost of 3 or less from your D Deck.
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Large Electromagnetic Projectile Cannon, Plasma End
[AUTO] When you would play a Command from your D Deck, deal 1 damage to your opponent. You may only use this ability up to once per turn.
SWU needs an event lightning rod mechanic, like Sentinel is for attacking. Call it Decoy, make it so the opponent's first event played that targets something it must target the decoy even if it isn't a valid target.
I'm getting roped into playing dbs fusion world.
What are the best decks for actual smooth brained retards like me to play?
Top 5 TCGs with the most skill needed?
L5R, ONR, MECCG, Jyhad, Doomtown
yes, they're all dead
no, we cannot have nice things
Should've said mainstream tcgs but welp
Warlords ccg by ICE or Warlord saga of the Storm ccg by AEG?
>Warlord saga of the Storm ccg by AEG
Warlord saga of the Storm ccg by AEG
That's Relentless, basically. Also Cloaked Phantom for opponent-chooses effects like PotDS.

Unless you believe you could win Pokemon worlds with a few months of preparation (in which case, go do that, you'll make a lot of money), all tcgs have a functionally overlapping amount of skill required. The differences lie in the learning curve (a steeper curve != higher skill at the top), the type of decision space each that game taps into, and the share of games decided by RNG. (And if your follow-up is "I want the game that most eliminates the last thing" you're asking for which tcg has the most tutors and hand fixing, which is probably just Pokemon anyways.)
that's more of a "smartest kid in the special needs class" thing.
the answer could be just about any TCG for an arbitrary value of what counts as mainstream.
you want popularity, you've got to cast a wide net, and that means being dumbass-inclusive with your design.
I'm saying keyword and downtune relentless' effect, yes
>Unless you believe you could win Pokemon worlds with a few months of preparation (in which case, go do that, you'll make a lot of money), all tcgs have a functionally overlapping amount of skill required. The differences lie in the learning curve (a steeper curve != higher skill at the top), the type of decision space each that game taps into, and the share of games decided by RNG. (And if your follow-up is "I want the game that most eliminates the last thing" you're asking for which tcg has the most tutors and hand fixing, which is probably just Pokemon anyways.)
Are you going to list them or not?
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Fair enough. Game is solid, I've been playing with pic since the kickstarter came out and the game is really good (despite using a dice)
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probably any green deck. you have a very simple strategy to win; ramp energy and drop big boys. it's the drooling retard timmy deck
TCGs are largely about the collection autism and the sunk cost fallacy. Boardgames liberate the players from both of those.
I don't know what that painting is but the nature of the commission could be the reason for that particular framing. That makes perfect sense for a book cover for example.
NGL, I like those sleeves...
fuck off commie.
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A local store just posted "due to increased allocation" they will be spinning up a weekly SWU night (they've never done anything but prereleases before now). I guess set 3 supply is finally fixed?
Sounds perfect for me then, thanks man.
>the entire card has to be filled with shit
>you can't have a central focus with a sparse background to put more focus on the subject
>the clean look of the more empty and simple cards can not complement the more packed action oriented cards
This place does not know design
booty arise
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And neither does Sorcery.

Here's your beloved King.
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So Oscillio seems to be centered around an unexpected theme, Sigils. Here's a huge sigil payoff card, included in the surge is life gain and card recycling back into his deck. Honestly he's the most interesting wizard they have put out yet, it's just a shame his character design is... so messed up.
it looks fine
Man, lorcana players are retards
>Daisy is too good, and warping the meta
>Nuh uh, this 5 mana 2 card combo answers her! >she's not warping the meta, you just need to build your deck around answering her or you'll lose!
Idk why I even bother to engage with them. I should just sleeve up steelsong and be done with it.
Which Renaissance festival is that and advert for? Looks like a very fine time, indeed. Would larp & attend/10
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boardgame cardgames are what then?
for the one you can have with your friends where ever you are.
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Hi! I'm your Battlehardened San Diego Champion! Say something nice about me?

Set 2 is stable and readily available. Set 1 still hasn't gotten its big reprint they claimed is coming. Any events firing are gonna almost certainly use Shadows for limited formats and prize packs.
Why isn't there more outrage over this? He fucking admits it. He's a Kano specialist; his chat even called him out saying he should've known. He did know, he just has to cover his ass to not burn the wings of Icarus.
He goes on to say that he does this exact same maneuver at tournaments a lot, like a lot a lot. Judges never said anything before, so it's on them.

LSS, pull it together and get your judges to pay attention. This is a disgrace to the game if you allow angle shooting scum bags run train on your top level events because "no one knew this rule, how could I be accountable for?"

Judge was 30/70 considering just giving him the match loss, and Majin states he would've fought tooth and nail to have that Judge's ass roasting on a spit if they dared to correct his constant and habitual cheating. Absolute disgrace.
Isn't it just common knowledge at this point that all top TCG players are cheaters?
They are openly communicating to people that angle shooting is okay. That spending years playing incorrectly is okay as long as you're never caught. He said they changed how the gloves worked 'recently' when in reality they have always worked this way, they just manipulated the wording on a reprint. Same outcome, rules have not been warped to accommodate it like he insinuates. Not to mention, they are always up front about any changes they make, they broadcast it well in advance of pro seasons, but nah... How could he know? He only mains one character that can prey on stupid non wizard players.
You're right. The sky is falling and LSS should emergency ban Kano over this.
No. They need to man the fuck up and take away his championship win. He didn't deserve it. He insults judges, threatens to overturn them and then says it's such an obscure rule that was oddly specific to targeting him. They need to down this cheater before he goes on to get any more clout and rock star status.
I'm thinking about making a DIY TCG.

What are the ramifications of having an initial hand of 12-13, and you can't draw except for card effects or tutors, in combination with a Digimon-esque shared resource system? I was thinking about traditional card games like Spades, Hearts, or Bridge that have large opening hands.
He sure scratches the back of his head a lot. Sweet boxspring & matress on the floor.

There I said something nice.
I'm so sorry. I hope you have a local scene or a play group to use your cards
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alright Cell actually sucks I need to figure out another deck to win the digital tournament with this weekend
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A man once tried to sell me on the idea of a Megaman cardgame. Do you think that would work?
androids, blue, or jiren. maybe SS4 goku
I like Jiren and SS4 Goku but I think they both just lose hard into blue.
Uh, it exists...


Published by Decipher, no less!
yeah they do. if you got blue cards, it's the best bet.
Yes, very cool. Love netnavi mega man. I think this fella's concept was more... classic. Jump and shoot man.
Unless every card has a draw or tutor effect then people will whine at the mere possibility of bricking your hand with 0 draw/tutor cards, same way people whine about Build Divide's buster triggers
It's worth mentioning that this still has an active discord community that plays the megaman tcg all these years later. Tourneys are still hosted and games can be found both in paper and over tabletop simulator.
Just don't let them convince you to collect the dead game in paper. Use proxies for the physical decks if you want. The pull rates for the game are a big part of why it died back in the day. An entire box could have only four or five base rares if you're unlucky, with no high rarity cards.
>you control
>their owner's deck
Does FAB have a gameplay mechanic for stealing permanents on the board yet, or are they just laying the bed for a future concept with this?
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>any more clout and rock star status
Have you emailed LSS? They might take action if enough people give them shit. But with the way these cliques work, chances are he's friends with a lot of judges and there's already an agreement between them that he can do what he wants.
I made one. I really like it.
I'm trying to get into Netrunner. Can anyone point me to a list of staples? I can't find any current resources so the best I can think of is to pull up decks on netrunnerdb, guess if they're good or not, and look at the lists to see what cards are common.
My immediate thought is the game devolving into decks of 12-13 real cards and a bunch of draw.
I know it's called Flesh and Blood because the creator specifically wants it to be played in person, but is there a way to play online?
The tournaments tab in the decklist section has good decks. If you have the time, I suggest you print out all the Null Signal Games sets, they have print & play files available on their site. Then only cut out the cards you need, and only print out FFG cards your deck needs. If you don't want to print everything, definitely print Sure Gamble, Hedge Fund, Rashida Jaheem and Spin Doctor.

What does taking the initiative mean in SWU?
You go first next round, but can't take any more actions this round.
I think there's a mecha card that steals items.
But Nuu playing your sigil probably counts here.
Bro I'm so shit at this game.
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Rare from set 15.

Sniper x Sniper
This card can only be played on a turn when other cards have been played
Choose 1 of the following
-Target 1 unit, deal 5000 damage to it. During this turn, it gets Hit -1.
-Target 1 of your units, during this turn your opponent cannot target it except by Commands played as Triggers.
He just honestly feels scummy right now. He has played Kano so fucking much that he should've known how the interaction worked. It's not some random interaction that never comes up and I bet you could even find something in his discord history where he talks about the interaction.
In my opinion, he saw an opportunity to gain an advantage by pretending to not know how the thing worked, which is at the end of the day cheating
Oh yeah, Nuu for sure does that. We'll see if we'll get more stuff like this later. I like this game mechanic a lot in other games.
FaB might have to release a new hero like that later, if permanents will become too popular.
Yeah no way he didn't know. I got into fab a couple months ago, and when I learnt about kano and amp, it's one of the first things I came across in the rulebook. No way a veteran with heavy focus on wizard doesn't know that 0 is a non-event.
Nah Runeterra was legit fun. They had problems with card designs down the road but it was a really good game regardless.
Also, when you say it wasn't fun 'enough' you are implying it's competitions are.
Problem was. In the digital card game space, shit floats to the top for some reason. Blows mind Marvel Snap is as popular as it is/was.
Different anon, I enjoyed Runeterra up till I realised all the new mechanics they were introducing were just +stats and stacking keywords, and that every champ was just gonna have their little bunch of followers and preassigned champ pairs. It got very dull for me because of that. The basic turn design and champion format is great, but wasted on them.
That's riot game design for you: here's the exact "right" way to play, deviate at your peril.
Funky pairings and unexpected synergies are half the reason I like card games... I wish they hadn't squandered it all. Runeterra had so much promise.
Not the other guy, but removing player agency and choice is how riot sets their game design. You sign up to experience a ride so take a seat shut off your brain and try to enjoy their mindless rides.
If you try to do anything unintended they'll take a shiv to it and gut it until you have no alternatives remaining.
So can you play this after your opponent uses a removal command like Ballistic Missile to make the target no longer targetable forcing the opponent to target something new?
can confirm, i used to play league
I think it's fine to print cards that are intended to be played together. That's just archetype support. But I definitely agree that Runeterra went way too far for many Champs and it got worse as it went along. Soraka was pretty much only played with KT. And the whole deep archetype played both played itself AND built itself.
But I have never been much of a deck brewer so it didn't bother me as much as others.
Not disagreeing but I have always been skepitcal as to how true statements like these are when applied to mega game Devs like blizzard and riot. They have hundreds of developers, a multitude of games and different game leads. How can you say with any certainty riot balances games a certain way.
if anything the big guys are probably more likely to have a uniform approach because they've probably got policies and test matrices up the ass.
yeah, there was a homebrew megaman game on here. solid work. it's a while back though, last year at least.
>I think it's fine to print cards that are intended to be played together. That's just archetype support
Yes, of course. You print a mechanic, you print cards that support the mechanic. That's reasonable. But as you say, Runeterra went full retard with it. Tahm Soraka is egregious as fuck.
I think the saddest one for me was Origins. When they first announced it, I was skeptical. Then the first batch seemed reasonably interesting, Jhinn was paired with Annie but he had plenty of conceivable partners. That was cool. Then everything else after that was just, this is my mini faction lmao.
Deep was the start of the end, but Lurk is THE worst. Fuck Lurk man.
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I've been posting about it on here for years. I've mostly stopped posting here though, partly because I'm putting less time into it, partly because of the shitposters.
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I feel you anon. modern /tg/ isn't as friendly to homebrew and OC as it once was.
do you still post this stuff elsewhere? are you still working on it?
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>do you still post this stuff elsewhere?
Nah, I don't really post anything much elsewhere.
>are you still working on it?
Not since set 8. Been busy with campaign board games. I should make the MMX 2 set though.
Do you hear that? Negativity claims another creative mind from wanting to post here. How many paddocks would've been sent out to us by now if your bullshit posting was kept to a minimum? Enough to make a difference, enough to have my charming adventures across time and space happen in this lifetime.

This place is killing the original spirit of teegee, and for what? "Lel so funny I dunked on a creative visionary and now they left! FTW!!" *goes back to hate baiting*
well, we went three whole posts without being trolled. must be a slow day.
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>negative shitpost about negative shitposts
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You know it. I know it. They're not coming back.
Yes. Although I’m not sure if you need to let the opponent card resolve first to play this card. Or any other card for that matter.
I like homebrew but I do want every would-be homebrewer to understand that nobody cares about ideas posting, because ideas are cheap and mostly bad, and everybody has them.

The thing that makes a homebrew worth engaging with is either an amount of effort invested into presentation, or better yet, an amount of effort invested into playtesting. Even if it's just a few sessions with friends, a playtested homebrew is worth a thousand brainstorming posts.
How do you expect them to go from concept to prototype if we drive them off?
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Spoiled this guy this morning on The Condemned website. I had a lot of fun writing posts like this after the Kickstarter wrapped, but man is it tough when you hit writer's block...

I haven't really had much in the way of shitposters, but I did definitely overstay my welcome for a bit there. You in any of the indie game dev discords?
Its as stupid as any other game interaction. Like any interaction in any game.
Got curious and picked up a pack of universus attack on titan, the art stunk.
If they can't get to prototype on their own, they never will get there at all.

It's fine to bounce specific scenarios or mechanics off of the general. But posting "hey I had an idea for a game that's a dungeon crawler, you play as heroes and fight monsters" is about as useful as "FUCKFAB"
i heard you talking shit like i wouldn't find out
What if they would like to include a community that they used to love and cherished to be a part of the journey? Then that community spat in their faces and discouraged them from trying. That's what happens when you kick the chair legs out from under someone as they're just starting off. You act so high and mighty like "they SHOULD have already made a kickstarter before coming to us" but that's not realistic.
forgot name sry
It's like telling art from porn. If someone has clearly put in some work and is sharing their progress, that's great, and usually immediately apparent from the content itself. If they're just spitballing half-formed ideas or asking the community to do the work for them, that's pretty useless, and also usually obvious from the post.

For the record, the good content is porn and the bad content is art, in the original metaphor.
Who gets to decide that? You? There were plenty of people that wanted DINO ANON to continue but they were drowned out by someone who couldn't allow them to pass through the thread without ripping them a new one. Just the proposal of such a project activated the shitposts like a call to arms to force them away. Why is that? What was so threatening about an anon coming here to include other anons on their game making journey?
Danke schön.
Thanks, I figured it was trivially broken, or would massively reduce deckbuilding diversity.
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just broke my record for buying most expensive card, this one costed me 555 $
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Delete that.....
Dino anon was welcomed at first and run off when it became clear he wasn't actually making anything, just engaging in mental masturbation. He was called out for not making any progress, and subsequently left.

A journey needs to be more walking in a small circle for hours.
>discussing game concepts and gathering information on independent development -- "NOT ON MY WATCH. IT'S SHIT POSTING TIME!!"
>hard casting hentai (on a blue board) -- "I'LL ALLOW IT."
cool thread, guys

lmao, no. It was immediate witch-hunt to prove that person wasn't sincere. Spoiler alert, they were. History revision is this thread's favorite passtime it seems.
If you look on the left corner of the frame a milk carton is bursting open. There is plausible deniability that she's not covered in cum.
>they were sincere
Any evidence of this? Can you post any sort of proof that it made it past "I like dinos" phase? Basic gameplay loops, alpha test rules, pictures of a prototype test, anything? Asking sincerely, because my recollection was that it was a bunch of nothing posted, with a few naysayers and a lot of support at first and the ratio shifting hard over time.

Another example of welcoming actual effort the guy who was trying to put together a hero-in-a-dungeon tcg. He seems to have wandered off, but anons were providing feedback and direction to other similar games, not just telling him to pound sand. Condemned-anon is usually met with general positive vibes, though he's gotten to the point there's an actual product that he could be shilling.

It looks like shit
based yellow semen enjoyer
I'm not saying they should be actively chased off. Just that you can't expect people to care, if you haven't put in the actual legwork.

TCGs are a lot of work to prototype so it's less prevalent here but you see it a lot in RPGs and minis especially. Posting your special ideas for a campaign or scenario is cool but actually playing even one session of it yourself will go a long ways to getting people curious.

I'm not that intermediate poster, but it's pretty simple - you can post, but probably nobody will bite. There's a world of difference between "I want free playtesters for my cool idea" and "I've been testing this myself, but I want wider feedback".
>Blows mind Marvel Snap is as popular as it is/was
most ccgs have terrible presentation/visual design. snap had that in spades compared to your average card game coming out today, not to mention they're attached to one of the most popular IPs currentlly. Lastly, and this one is honestly pretty big too, they're not just another MTG clone. the fact that game functions sort of like playing a hand of poker with a precon deck is an interesting enough concept.
You have that reversed, I'm afraid... there was a lot more negativity than there was people supportive of the concept; the argument between DAnon and SPoster spun wildly for multiple threads. Unfortunately when they tried to revisit the idea in subsequent threads the shitposters took it and ran with it and there was constant static barriers being placed that stifled any substantive discussion.

The concept was solid. The passion demonstrated for the subject matter and for making a unique card game, with multiple gameplay devices explored out in the open, showed me they weren't fucking around. I believe all they needed was a few good testers to start hammering things down and the paddocks would've been brought to life in good time. The ambition came through in their energy with vibrant dinosaur displays. It fit into its time and place perfectly when it was proposed; by now I imagine they could've actually had enough steam built up to produce a workable prototype.

But alright, I'll let those old bones rest for now. I see no sign of their return, so it's feeling like this has become a moot point. However, another creator visited us just this thread to express their apprehension to approach /acg/ about creative projects, and I took this opportunity to hammer the point home that it wasn't just an isolated case with DANon. We should treat creators a little more kindly is my proposal. I fear it won't be heeded.
The hard part for me is knowing how much shilling is too much shilling. Like, I don't want to step on others' toes, but I definitely need to get the word out that the game exists.
If the words of naked fat men on anonymous balut brewing boards scare you off from turning your ideas into reality then you're not fit to be a creator in the first place and will likely just turn into another Ikeda or whichever fag it was that turned meta zoo from a passion project to a money laundering scam
Are you guys ready for the world premier? It's a week away and I am so ready to get my hands on Verdance.
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If this is condemned anon, you're definitely falling under the "too much shilling" barrier. Name drop it, give the occasional description of a "cool" run of play that you've seen or designed in playtesting it, post cards, all good. It's the very direct "I wish more people would play X, here's why" that gets shat on here - even if it's just passionate fans doing it.

I'd say you should definitely throw your hat into the ring into any appropriate "hey I want a new /acg/" posts that occasionally pop up. It's not like all but a half dozen or so of the games posted about here have healthy playerbases outside of a few cities, if even that.

Here, have a Google top result for your game in support. Good luck out there.
>If this is condemned anon
It is! I still lurk around here periodically. I never really had much in the way of content to post because I didn't really have much new to share. I'll have plenty of content to post now that the first expansion is underway. I'm spoiling all the cards as they come out. But I will share more as I have new stuff to talk about.

Also, picrel is from last weekend. This gal has a GNARLY Poke-Poke deck. She was swinging at me for 11 damage in this shot.
Who dis
Any there any blockers in this game?
in that game? Doesn't appear to be. There's sentinel cards that are able to taunt any incoming attack from that arena onto them first before any other attacks can be made.
>gives the succ so hard that when she gains life she drains yours

It's someone larping as she.
You now remember that Dice Masters was a thing, and it was quite decent on top of that.
Also, that pic takes me back a ways. I remember setting up that kickstarter to help cover the cost of the artwork. LFMF, people! Don't start your kickstarter until you have a product ready to manufacture. The KS was a flop and I sorely regret doing it the way I did.
>how to win any cosplay contest
>step 1: be female
>step 2: cultivate beauty
>step 3: ???
>step 4: PROFIT
>obligatory "her"
It is a shame, /bgg/ has none of it, /acg/ is the occasional with requisite shill/anti-shill fluff, and /agd/ - the only space designated for it -is 99% rpgs
shame I had the trooncords or the ones built around patreon, I know the kohdok ones has a fair amount of playtesting
Back in the 70's Clive Cussler (the guy behind The Hunt for Red October, amongst other novels) created an oceanic research org based around the fictional one in his novels. They did cartography stuff, shipwreck mapping, etc. They had a job up in the north atlantic off the coast of Norway, and they hired a local crew that knew the waters. The crew of this ship were not the friendliest to Cussler. Didn't really like him. So Cussler goes into the mess hall during lunch and announces, "attention everyone! From here on out, you will protect this hand," as he held up his right hand.

This big, burly sailor stands up and says, "and WHY should we do that?"

"Because this is the hand that writes the checks."

Everyone else on the ship was much nicer to him from then on. My point in sharing this story is that when you're making money, it's important to keep the people paying you happy.

She's chill, she likes the game, and she supports me and what I'm doing. That's enough for me to protect the hand the writes the checks.

I'm in a handful of indie game dev discord servers nowadays. The quality varies wildly from people like dino-anon to 14 year old squeakers who insert FNAF fanart into yu-gi-oh card frames to people with full fledged card games in varying states of production like The Condemned, Warcaste, or Mutology. I'm more likely to find people interested in playtesting and helping shore up concepts in servers like those than I would here.
I dont get why games make specific blockers rather than any card blocking like Magic or Ashes, its just archaic dumb game design
The first set 3 legendary spoiled is Gor. No, I don't know who this is either.

Yes, Sentinel is a major mechanic. It's not as common as you'd expect if you're coming from One Piece or something, though.>>93764438
>rather than any card blocking like Magic
Only tried Ashes like one time, but Magic gets away with anything blocks only because the defender assigns blockers. When you change it to attacker picking the targets that falls apart.
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100% this. everybody was welcoming of the dude at first. there was only pushback after dino anon had spent 3 threads talking about hypotheticals and marketing and packaging and still hadn't shown any actual work or really even anything concrete enough to be analyzed (nevermind tested). he was the classic "idea guy".

and actually, some people forget, he got very little shit before he flipped. he just had incredibly thin skin. 99% of the negativity was *after* he lost his shit about the general not taking his "brilliant" seriously and started raging about how we would never get the deluxe paddocks. and then all the subsequent joking about him long after he stopped posting, because he was ridiculous.
>Only tried Ashes like one time, but Magic gets away with anything blocks only because the defender assigns blockers. When you change it to attacker picking the targets that falls apart.
>in ashes the attacker picks targets
>it does not fall apart
I'm confused what your actual point is.
Yugioh has been a thing for 25 years and say what you will about a lot of aspects of the game but attackers choosing which card blocks I don't think has ever been anyone's issue with the game.
Are you maybe thinking of blocking just in terms of blocking attacks on life, rather than on other units? If every unit has taunt but the attacker picks targets, then... no unit has taunt? But if you're thinking of blocking just as blocking hits to face then it makes more sense.
>Clive (they/them)

Lots of games let you attack tapped characters, some even let you attack any characters the opponent has. It generally works fine, with or without being able to "intercept" the attacks with other characters. I'd say how and who you can attack is one of the design choices with lots of workable options that all have impact on gameplay.
>keyword soup high cost beater
What boring card design and art. What the fuck is FFG even doing.
Maybe because it'll make the game longer?
But that's a good point you've made

Well at least SWU has it where you draw twice per turn.
>keyword soup high cost beater
>for a monster from some comic that nobody has heard of
Idk, seems appropriate to me.

>I'd say how and who you can attack is one of the design choices with lots of workable options that all have impact on gameplay.
Yeah, SWU specifically has the low emphasis on blockers because alternating activations occupies a lot of the same strategic space instead. Cards absorb actions rather than absorbing attacks, so to speak.

But I think there was just a miscommunication over blocking as referring to something like taunt/sentinel/one piece's blocker versus referring to simply "cards on field mean can't hit face".
>marketer-kun is rewriting dino-history again
Hey, if you keep doing this maybe someone will finally believe you. It's not like anyone actually checks the archives.
Tbh, having all cards on the field being able to block is better than having specific cards with a "blocker" keyword.
So what you're saying is: you only support Trans Lives when there's financial incentive for you. That is, you're PRETENDING to support the cause! You're an APOSTATE IN YOUR OWN HEART!

Trans Rights are human rights, BIGOT! I'm going to expose you on twitter dot com!
I think you might played the wrong approach here.
Tarkin is a value card but not really good in such a aggro game.

Did you run your cards into the enemy cards? If yes, you might have misplayed with that approach
This card kinda seem like shit.
6 and 7 statline with overwhelm is 6 for an at-st.
Hell, maul is a 7/6 for 7 and has ambush and overwhelm (+ an ability).

Here you have the ability to turn it into a 7 7 for 6 by killing 3 of your units.
For that steep cost you basically gain sentinel and ambush for that.
The cosplay contest is so fucking annoying every time. For some reason they decide to hold it DURING the rounds in the main tournament, so you can't hear shit or focus for like 15 minutes because there is a show going on and the round timer ticks away as you try to shout to your opponent "NO REACTIONS!".
Will rape
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Two arenas was a stupid idea
I still have no idea
1. How this game works
2. If the game is going to get actual continued support
Who is even putting it out? Doesn't bushiroad sponsor a ton of hololive shit so I wouldn't be surprised if it was them
Oh also
3. If it'll be in English
Oh great, I have that to look forward next weekend. The only callings I've been to was before they had all that side show stuff. No artists, no vendors (save for prize wall) and no contests or announcements.
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nah, almost no one cares either way. Especially not now. People cared a little about The Condemned, but that may as well be any other /acg/ since it's actually available for purchase. I've posted a rules doc and cards and gotten no response at one point.

1. They can do that on their own.
2. I wasn't "driven off" by the response to my game. I was driven off by the fact this general is now a shithole in general.

>You in any of the indie game dev discords?
Nope. It's just a personal project I've been working on.
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Fun fact: I was one of the "shitposters" who "drove off "dino anon". I did this by asking him for more information and enquriring about how his mechancis would work. This is exactly the kind of engagement that should encourage a homebrew, but it drove him off.
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>another creator visited us just this thread to express their apprehension to approach /acg/ about creative projects
No, I just don't post at all because the thread has been relocated to a septic tank by people like you.
>Blockers is archaic design, unlike MAGIC.
Dumb phrasing aside, the reason to keyword blocker rather than making it universal is to make the game more aggressive.
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Didn't they have discussions about those things? They talked about a map being generated, weather, resources and denizens populating it, how you would make life harder for your opponent by putting more obstacles into their path. This allowed location based events to trigger and shift the outcome of the games based on who participated in its resolution or capitalized on its outcome. I don't know what people were expecting from them, to be honest.

Separate point but equally valid, it's likely this person didn't have copyright for anything yet, so laying out their design doc is putting themselves out to dry where anyone could pick it apart. Imagine working for months on a system to have it scooped out from under you by a faster, better staffed team. I think they were selective about details largely due to this reason. My assumption based on their desire to connect with fellow posters was that they wanted to recruit some folks from the thread, let them in on the project and grow it from there. Being laughed off the stage gave them cold feet, so they took their toys elsewhere. Anyone could understand that.

Pic semi related. I'm reeling from the latest news that there will never be a new Dino Crisis. This is a holdover from that thread.
Yes, being positive and supporting creativity made this place the shitpost central that it is now. Respectfully, you don't know what you're talking about.
Good to see them finally getting some non-shit art.

>1. How this game works
Here's a video with english subs. They seem to be focusing on JP for launch, so nothing in english yet.

>2. If the game is going to get actual continued support
It depends what you mean by "actual continued support" I doubt they're releasing it to die considering they have plans for an english version and that seems like a lot of effort for a game they expect to die in a year.
>Didn't they have discussions about those things?
No. They didn't. This is why everyone says you're full of shit.
>Yes, being positive and supporting creativity made this place the shitpost central that it is now.
rewriting history and admonishing people for things they didn't do is not being positive or supporting creativity.

>Respectfully, you don't know what you're talking about.

The fact that you don't know who I am shows you don't know what you're talking about. I was actively posting about my game before and after Dino-anon. The fact you don't know about my project shows you weren't even a regular in the threads and that time, and the fact that you imply I was treated the same as him shows that as well.

This is why I say you are ruining the thread. You and the rest of the people who shit up the thread with nonsense rather than posting about games they like or interesting design discussion.
>relocated to a septic tank by people like you.
Walk me through this logic. People who vehemently gate keep, take potshots at cards on the firing range, personally dedicate cyber bullying tactics to the thread for years and dump metric tons of garbage into the thread daily are not the problem, but anons who bring these shenanigans to light are responsible for the poor state of the thread?

What would you rather see happen? There still remains unchecked agression if the whistle blowing creases.

I look forward to your explanation.
I actually do know you. We've talked before, years ago now. So your theory that I wasn't around is actually false. Now who's making shit up?
They're not interested in logic here, dude. Why even try?
>Negativity claims another creative mind from wanting to post here
>I actually do know you
Uhuh, sure.

>What would you rather see happen?
I'd rather see people talk about fucking card games in the card games thread.
Hawthorne in open is a machine gun and loads of fun. one of the few that can reasonably run icetalon
Cool, what about all that stuff listed? Just going to pretend like that isn't cancer?
You can't copyright game mechanics, and this whole discussion hinges on the idea that an idea isn't worth stealing if there's nothing built from it. Once you have something built, if you have a Google drive file or word doc with older Metadata and archive posts on 4chan about it, any theft that's identical enough to be provable can be sued for. And any theft that isn't identical is about as litigatable as fixed magic games are for wotc.

Basically, the idea of "I can't post game design or it'll get stolen" is cope by people who have nothing to share or are expect - perhaps rightly - their work is shit and will be laughed at. Or the paranoid & ignorant, but they universally fall into one of the other two categories.
Thanks anon, not sure if you meant to link a video or not but we'll see how it goes I guess. Seems like they're doing actual art and not just screenshot esque things which is nice. That being said I just don't have much faith in cover to be competent. Just feels like they've always done things so slowly from where they could be.
Posting "FUCK FAB" is not gatekeeping.

>pot shots
A literal meme, you retard.

This point proves that not only do you not beling in this thread, you don't belong on 4chan.

If you are who I think you are, then you're talking about people posting cards in a card thead. If not I have no idea what you mean by this.
He's also vastly overstating what anons were asking for there.

We wanted a brief overview of how the disparate things he was talking about come together or a single detail on any of the mechanics.
oops, didn't post the link:

>That being said I just don't have much faith in cover to be competent. Just feels like they've always done things so slowly from where they could be.
I don't have a ton of faith in them either, but if the game ends up draftable, I'll play it.
Nah, that either wasn't me or you're massively misremembering something I said.
>>pot shots
>A literal meme, you retard.
firearms being used to scare fans is anything but a meme
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Ah thanks anon appreciate it. Honestly I also wouldn't be surprised if even when they come to English they're just going to be impossible to get because of people who just want to collect and treat it like a collectible and others who just buy up a shit ton looking for the expensive cards
>flesh and blood
more like suck and fuck
>Luke and Vader starter leaders
>their pet legendaries are incredibly pushed
>Moff Gideon, Mando, Grievous starter leaders
>their pet legendaries are incredibly ass

our man is on the inside
>Honestly I also wouldn't be surprised if even when they come to English they're just going to be impossible to get because of people who just want to collect and treat it like a collectible and others who just buy up a shit ton looking for the expensive cards
That's a possibility, though if there are hyper rare chase cards at least all the playable rarities will be cheap.
>but if the game ends up draftable, I'll play it.
Ooh, that's such an important thing in this scene. I would admonish any prospective indie TCG dev to make their game draftable, especially if they can do it at a low price point. I got The Condemned to be draftable for only $10 per person, which definitely turned heads at 2D Con last weekend. People really liked that.
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Draft is great, that's why I I built my game around it. Though it did open up a lot of challenges for revenue.
It's a bit of a double edged sword. I talked with the buyer for a local chain of game stores in my area, and he point blank asked me why I went the TCG route instead of the LCG/ECG route. When I told him the reason was because I like drafting and I wanted The Condemned to be draftable, his response was "that's the only good reason you go this route." It's actually a lot easier for their stores to move LCG/ECG product than TCG.

How much did you have to modify your game (deck size, removing card zones, etc) to make draft work for your game? How many cards are in each of your sets? And you said you had 8 of them? How long have you been working on this game?
>and he point blank asked me why I went the TCG route instead of the LCG/ECG route
Mine actually isn't a TCG, it's what I'm calling for now a DCG (Draftable Card Game). It's more like a series of Stand Alone Expansions for a board game rather than a TCG or LCG.

>How much did you have to modify your game (deck size, removing card zones, etc) to make draft work for your game?
I built it specifically to draft from the ground up.

>How many cards are in each of your sets?
Each Set contains 10 or 11 "pods". Each "pod" has 11 unique cards. Though there's some reprints, usually cross colour. The basic met has 5 or 6 cards by now.

>And you said you had 8 of them?
Yes, MM 1-6, MMX and MMV.

>How long have you been working on this game?
Probably close to 5 years, though I've not done much on it in the past year or so.
When is the Japanese release date, and when does it get localized into English?
Also just out of curiosity, are they planning on a Bahasa Indonesia release?
>When is the Japanese release date
September 20.

>and when does it get localized into English?
No idea, but there's an engish website that says the english version is "under development and still links to the japanese quick play guide.

>Also just out of curiosity, are they planning on a Bahasa Indonesia release?
Not that I'm aware of. I would doubt it though, although they are popular there it's probably too small a market.
>no, you see, engaging the trolls is what stops them
Oh yes, you're right, you're not part of the problem.

I say that with a full sense of the hypocrisy, but I never claimed to want to clean up the thread. I'm on 4chan for the vitriol and name calling, everywhere else is a hug box.

Also that guy (re-)posting the garbage FAB commons he used at a firing range really got your goat, huh?
Interesting your LGS moves more LCG/ECG - every owner I've talked to, and anecdotally watching the shelves week to week supports their claim, has had the opposite experience. Bandai's most popular game, magic (less these days) and pokemon fly off the shelves, board games and their card based children will often collect dust.
That's legit, though! I like the idea of different packs having some semblance of regularity to them and you don't know which one you're going to get...

Does the game support constructed play?

This store is also not a "true" FLGS. If you're in the same area that I am, you probably know Games By James. They tried running events out of their stores, but they simply couldn't afford the event space costs. So they mainly focus on selling games that can be played at home.

The Big 3 are the obvious exceptions to the rule, of course. They don't get a whole lot of interest in other TCGs beyond them. The majority of their stores are board games, some jigsaw puzzles, and some have a spot for indie games that are made locally. None of those have been TCGs. The guy is the buyer for all...8 stores, I think they have? Something like that...anyway, he has a pretty decent bead on the company's inventory. I have no reason to doubt what he told me.
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>! I like the idea of different packs having some semblance of regularity to them and you don't know which one you're going to get...
Yeah, this is more like a modular cube draft where players decide what's in the card pool and can draft accordingly. No one picked a removal pod? Draft Guts Man to beat down your opponents. Lot of Control pods? Pick two that synergize well to build your deck around.

>Does the game support constructed play?
I've never tested it, but maybe? The game would certainly still function, but it would probably be a very different experience. Generally in draft you tend to gravitate to 8 colors (or 7 colors + neutral), so cards that are in different pods but the same color tend not to see play together. But when you're constructing I can see mono decks like Bomb/Napalm/Dive helmed by a Crash man boss being a real issue.
That context makes sense for what you said - and I wasn't trying to doubt you more musing on the differences between different stores. It's nice they give some shelf space to local indies. Do you see any sell-through to randos, or is it all at community building events you're running or to preexisting Condemned customers?
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Thread will probably end before I get an answer so I'll have to ask again but may as well ask anyway.
I heard the Shadowverse Evolve starter decks were pretty good, saw on the website that they were suggested $20 thought that was cool. The one I was thinking of was basically double that though and was the most expensive of the 6. Is it because abysscraft is just better or do people just like the cute girl leader?
Besides that anyone have a good vid to learn how to play beyond the very basics or am I just gonna have to reference a wiki a bunch for the keywords?
Also just really realizing this now why would you make leader cards have literally no effect. Isn't the main appeal of games with leader type mechanics that you can build your deck around them? I mean i guess it's a cool way to represent a player or leader who just takes the damage and it's cooler I guess then just attacking the player but if you're gonna have leaders be cards most people are going to expect them to fucking do something
Name of the game?
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Good Stats + shit ability >>>>>>>>>>>> Good ability
No I mean leaders in shadowverse evolve from what I've seen have no ability or stats, they're basically just like an avatar in a videogame you use as your pfp. I mean I like having the leader but I feel like anyone coming from similar type of games/formats is going to expect them to do something
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>Do you see any sell-through to randos, or is it all at community building events you're running or to preexisting Condemned customers?
I've had a little bit of sell through to randos. Catfag here being one of them. My best odds for conversion are when I sit down with someone and show them. I'm not some faceless, monolithic corporation. I'm literally one guy, selling this shit out of his garage, with a wife and kids. That David & Goliath angle works!

I did get a decent amount of repeat business. There's this one dad and two sons that I see at cons in the area fairly regularly. They also play One Piece and Pokemon, and they've all dived in on The Condemned. Which is nice, they're cool people and they're super pumped about the game. If they can tell their friends about The Condemned and get the "tell your friends, who tell their friends" hype train going, that'd be worth more than any money I could throw at a marketing campaign.

The best place for selling The Condemned, however, has been conventions. I've got a standing arrangement with Highlander Games out here. They buy me a badge for any con they vend at, and I'll work their table, sell their games as well as mine, and run Condemned events for them. Picrel is a draft from last April at VGMCon. People are more willing to spend at cons.

>and I wasn't trying to doubt you more musing on the differences between different stores.
Wasn't taken that way. No harm, no foul.

>It's nice they give some shelf space to local indies.
That's become a lot more common. I'm seeing an influx in game stores that don't cater to the big 3. And if they do, It's usually Pokemon over the others. ACGs are starting to gain more ground, especially the ones that are accessible. Ironically enough, I was recognized at one of the stores that used to sell The Condemned from /acg/. One of the fabgots (hi Tim!) recognized the game logo and artwork. That made for a fun convo...
>Yeah, this is more like a modular cube draft where players decide what's in the card pool and can draft accordingly
That's legit. I can respect that! It'd be interesting to see how that works with larger pods.

>But when you're constructing I can see mono decks like Bomb/Napalm/Dive helmed by a Crash man boss being a real issue.
Oh man, I feel this. Draft and Constructed are completely different animals, and it's such a tough balance...
They have a tutorial video on the SVE channel. Just Google search it
You got a local scene for the game?
They are all similarly powered so i don't know why your shop is hiking up the price on that - maybe since it's the last of their stock idk. Find a different place to buy your product
to learn
for sve its just a money grab for cygames/bushi to print chase cards in their booster boxes. At the very least, they are thick cardboard and have a chip inside that interacts with the life tracker app. They serve no purpose other than to indicate the craft type of your deck
I live in a pretty populated area. If there's no scene for the game here then there isn't one. Either way honestly I'm just trying to take a look into a bunch if card games maybe pick some up, overall just trying to see what I enjoy. Think it'd be a cool idea to eventually have a deck even if it's not ultra competitive or expensive or anything just in case I meet someone at an lgs who wants to play some of it. And again where I am if I really wanted to look for a place i could probably find one
If your looking to get into the game I'd just wait for the im@s set. It will have 3 new starter decks that should be cheaper and more competitive.
>If your looking to get into the game I'd just wait for the im@s set
They're not that competitive
I think they're better than the base starter decks at least. The cool one in particular has a decent amount of cards that are used in the Coolmas deck which is tier 1.
>on hit effect
>3 power
>2 defense
>Oh man, I feel this. Draft and Constructed are completely different animals, and it's such a tough balance...
Hence why I just wanted to focus on one of them. Especially since personally I don't think I'd ever want to play it constructed anyway.
Divine Cross: Lost Origin 2
>oh, a new fusion world leader
>draw a card on attack? riveting
>conditional attack boost on awakened side? how novel
shut up karen
SWU probably the best new game. Not gonna shill even though the artwork isn't great but it's an interesting game.
No idea how long the game will last though
Every FW leader is infinitely more mechanically interesting than any One Piece leader.
My predictions are a solid first year followed by a rocky second and unknown third year potential. Chance of survival beyond that point is 15%.
New Thread!


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