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Flashy Showman Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits
>One Piece
>The other DBZ game
>Magi Nation
>Lord of the Rings
>The Condemned CCG

Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!

Pastebin/Rules for some games
>Dragonball GT SD
>Gate Ruler
>Build Divide
>Ashes Reborn
>Fusion World
>Various Japanese CCGs without western translation (page is in moonrunes)
>The Condemned CCG

voice chat for playing /acg/

>Last Thread

>Thread Question:
What is the flashiest card you own?
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I know it's big 3, but this probably takes the cake. It's the DVD/VHS pack in promo card from Pokemon the First Movie, signed by the voice of Mewtwo from Pokemon the First Movie. He had signed a couple of Mewtwo cards that day, but I think I was the coolest one he signed based on how he started geeking out about it. Speaking of, Jay Goede is a really cool guy. If you get the chance to chat with him at a con, you should. He's real chill, loves his fans.
This just in:

Saint "pink snatch is the best snatch" Hung (lol), the man behind Fabledhunters and the largest single investor in Alpha era Flesh and Blood, is caught on camera at 4am opening alpha chase cards and commenting on how he has to "work" on a bad edge of a card to score a desirable grade. This guy doesn't care about preserving flesh and blood history, he wants to scam the graders into siding with him for more profit. Never buy graded cards; it's a huge grift.

Also these doods are rich as fuck and they can't even take the time out of their busy day of reducing the world's stock of rare sealed product to show their eczema cracked fingers a dermatologist? Mo money, mo problems.
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Picrel, playset of ~$300/ea set championship Rock Star Stitch cards.
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>grading cards is a scam
Paying a 3rd party $10+ dollars per card - and removing playability - to assign an arbitrary 1-10 grade to it, in the hopes of increasing its resell value, is a model designed to take money from rubes?
Grading is the biggest fucking scam there is. Pay some random bucks to give a number to a card so you can then sell it for more? It's a classic you agree som3thing retarded is real we agree something retarded is real and we both make money. Except only 1 party is guaranteed to make money. No surprise it comes from the absolute scam that is sports cards. Fucking atrocious that shit is
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Exciting news entering the realm of the contested, otherwise known as Sorcery, an "old school" fantasy card game for players with a rich imagination, tactical nerve and an appreciation for hand-painted art. It is my absolute pleasure to announce that Quinton Hoover shall be immortalized in this gem of a classic throwback game for all to enjoy. This is an artist that the world over has cherished for offering a unique blend of styles fused into bold new illustrations of both comics and tradition. This unforgettable blend of style and substance makes for a perfect partner for Erik's Curiosa Game.

Won't you please honor Quinton Hoover by collecting one of his (our) many pieces of artwork so that you may play with them in a thrilling duel of sorcerers locked in a pitched battle of a far away fantasyland? Thank you.
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Wow. This video is a treasure trove of cringe. Actual screen cap from the vid. He admits to ogling a Victoria's Secret model, creeping on her for the past 15 years, before lamenting that the cold foil he opened is going to get a low grade due to surface damage "just like she has after having 2 kids."

He makes me physically ill. This dude is such a LOLCOW, albeit a disgustingly wealthy one.
Grading is basically destroying a card. Although I play with players sometimes who play with graded cards for functions where you don't have to shuffle them into the deck. That's kind of fine, I guess.
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Sure, I can see that. He is on record as saying that he defaces cards intentionally to slip it into a higher grade.
I just don't get grading cards, it's fucking retarded imo
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What the fuck that even mean? Grading depends on the condition of all of the existing cards and he basically keeps track of all of them, or something?
He opens a super rare in the video, comments that it is a beautiful card for grading, except when he turns it over he gasps and says that now he has to 'work' on fixing that edge before sending it in to grade. He has tools and methods for "cleaning up" damaged edges, most likely suspect an Xacto blade slicing off the frayed edging to make it appear flush.
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Today's Build Divide reveal is an Ultra Rare from set 15.

Conspirator of Wicked Love, Ishtarte
<Title: Seven Deadly Sins - Lust>
[Evol - (3B, 1R, 1C, Put 1 of your Energy into the Cemetery)]
[AUTO] When this unit is placed by Evol, target up to 1 unit card from your D Deck and put it into your Energy Zone rested.
<Seven Deadly Sins - Lust> [AUTO] When this unit attacks, flip 1 Ace card from your Energy Zone face-down. If you did, then, place up to 2 unit cards from your D Deck into the Cemetery.
black sharpie lmao
What are some military themed tcgs? Realistic or fantasy, alive or dead, I just want to see what's been done before.
All the blue cards from Build Divide.
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You may not like it... but this is what pique performance looks like.
You tell them sister.
as if hung is in any position to criticize attractiveness...
I was overthinking it. I thought that due to the limited nature of that print run maybe he wanted to maintain a monopoly of all of the highly graded cards and downgrade all of the other existing ones that he can get his hands on by damaging them slightly. But if he's just cheating to get a higher grade, that's not nearly as evil as what I thought of. And ultimately he's trying to make the cards look better, not worse.
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>honor Quinton Hoover by collecting one of his (our) many pieces of artwork
You're mistaken. He does that overtly too. He has the largest hoard of alpha wtr in the world, and he is hell bent on getting a master set of quad 10 slabbed cards to lord over everyone else.
Sure, that's pretty bad too but I can't let go of that vision of evil that I came up with. Compared to that this is nothing. I should probably stop giving people dangerous ideas like this.
I remember feeling the same way about the Frank Frazetta corpo post from the first set.
I'm going to be honest I never hear anyone say anything about Sorcery THE GAME. It's always the art and presentation. I mean that's great and all but isn't all the art just existing art they're in an agreement to use? That's cool but designing a set around someone's art instead of getting art designed around the set sounds like it could lead to not a very fleshed out universe to be honest. It just feels that people look at the early mtg style art and that's all they care about. Is the actual game fun to play? Don't they also not release much product at all as well because of the fact the art comes from these agreements?
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>it could lead to not a very fleshed out universe to be honest
it's not a very fleshed out game system either, they literally started with the priority of having hand painted art first before ever creating a single play mechanic for it. They keep card frame, text and even rarity and typing all to a bare minimum to allow for maximum art real-estate. Then they made every foil card a full art on the back, because all those pesky words and stats were keeping people from enjoying what matters most... milktoast fantasy art.
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I know a guy who is going to be very very happy about this collab.
I'll say this for it: it's a lot higher class of collector-first nostalgia pandering than metazoo ever was.
Is Build Divide games supposed to end lightning fast due to the buster trigger bullshit?
Only the first set is out and the set is reasonably cohesive. The art is a mixture of existing art (about 5-10% of the pieces) and art commissioned by artists specifically for the game, so it's not exactly "designing around someone's art" so much as just fitting a few existing pieces into a game that is mostly original art. The gimmick is that all the art is commissioned as hand-painted pieces rather than having any digital art, which is why the art process takes so long. AFAICT artists are contracted to do somewhere between 3 and 20 pieces based on their availability and need. The second set is pretty cohesive on the big picture scale (all pieces about Arthurian legend) even if the art incorporates a variety of different styles and some existing art is used.

As for the game itself, it's alright. I've said before that the game is very kitchen-table-y in that it's a lot of thematic pieces doing straightforward things to (hopefully) add up to something much greater, so casual decks are the best way to enjoy it in the way you'd have a flood/water themed deck, a human kingdom themed deck, etc. etc. Competitive feels degenerate and honestly shouldn't be the main focus but it's their only real avenue to advertise to players outside of conventions and word of mouth, to show that they are still around. I am skeptical about their business strategy and the gameplay is a bit too cluttered for anything involving in-store play at a large scale IMO.
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Finally, japanese players can experience how ass it is to play a game where each set's meta was already solved overseas months ago.

>The First Chapter will similarly have 204 card types in Japanese, but each booster pack will only contain 6 cards! Each pack will be priced at 330 yen (Approximately $2.25 USD at time of post).
They also get scammed, incredible.
>each booster pack will only contain 6 cards!
Nip boosters already normally have half the cards western boosters do. In games like OP, western boosters are basically two nip boosters packaged together.
Yeah its westerners who get scammed. You basically pay double to get more bulk.
Isn't it the same amount of rares? I guess it depends from game to game, but in OP you get 2 rares per pack in the west and 1 rare in nip. in Lorcana you also get 2 rares per pack if I remember.
It's buying nip packs in the west that's the biggest scam as you basically pay the same price for half the value.
Japan basically operates on the presumption that a box is the smallest unit of purchase, not a pack. So packs are tiny and boxes are like $30.
>boxes are like $30
send me to nipland already
I'm honestly not surprised by this partnership. Takara Tomy is fucking massive.
comes at the same time fab is getting their 6 card pack japanese boxes

LSS is keen to establish a marketplace in Japan, and it has successfully kicked it off with special event treatments, region locked promos and exclusive product only printed in japanese. Ravensburger is late to the party, and they have absolute terrible pro scene management at this stage. I don't think Disney will capture a large market there, but it would be interesting to see in a year where either of those games stack up in the land of the rising sun.
They're targeting completely different demographics. Lorcana wants to peel off some of the huge pokemon market, while FAB is looking to take some of the "yugioh and the rest" market. The overlap in for the two will be near zero, I don't think either's success or failure will in any way be related to the other's.
I wonder how much Japanese players care about the meta outside of Japan
Posts like this and the reaction to it speak volumes about how much sorcery got wrong. They cared too deeply about appearance while not at all caring about substance. You can really tell this was made for folks that would never frequent a thread like this or hell the entire board for that matter.
So it's been about a full year since I even remotely cared about Flesh & Blood, just looked at some of the card prices today out of curiosity and holy shit what happened? Did the walls finally come crashing down? Legendaries worth hundreds now cheaper than Big Macs and still no fucking PvE for that matter.
Meta changed + reprints
everyone finally realized there's not a single shred of fun in that so-called "game"

no pyramid scheme can last forever
Where's Wotc's involvement in cock blocking this?
I'm just glad bushiroad didn't get it ngl. Weiss Pixar/disney sets always sold gangbusters in nipland so I assume this is gonna be huge as well.
Games are pretty short, but usually both players get a good few turns in. Remember, you're just as likely to pull a Shot (Shield Triggers from Duel Masters) as you are a Buster.
I think the game needs summoning sickness
Gate Ruler was probably the last interesting tcg coming out from Japan if were being honest here.
Game design there is just following Duel Master's template at this point.
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Think I'm going to cry.
Because it's the worst leader in the game?
Because the Diversity and Representation is just too beautiful, I imagine.
Diverse folx finally have a home in the Star Wars(tm) canon after nearly 50 years of huwite supremisty.
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Still worth a solid 200 smackaroos.
I never understood why in scifi setting women are still physically inferior to men, you would think they would have gene edit women to basically be men muscle fiber and bone density wise.
It needs summoning vigor - on summon every unit deals 1 damage.
Most women still like being cute
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why would you expect that? at least in SW which is a fairly primitive scifi setting in tech level. the point of gender dimorphism isn't inferior/superior types, it's making the species stronger through specialization. if people are still relying on reproducing sexually, you're not going to get rid of the gender that physically does the reproduction. it's sort of important.

now if you're talking something like the future of an altered carbon or netrunner type setting, with mind uploading and brain swapping and unlimited genetic and physical modification, where people outgrowing biology entirely is a thing, that becomes more of a question. but you follow that road far enough that sexual reproduction ceases to be a factor and there's not really any point in society even retaining gender as a concept.
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>Japanese market to Wotc
More like new product came and people moved on. But yeah sure, blame the Meta and not the torrent of sets and decks pouring into shelves.
>multiple viable decks, each cheaper than old top decks
>bad because... It just is, ok?
Can't please you people
Who said I am not still enjoying the game? Lss products are getting left in the dust because of short attention spans and new skus, not because they're bad quality or undesirable. You can buy cold foil fables for the cost of a fancy precon deck now. That's upsetting for someone that chased after that fabled and landed a cold foil.

Not just lss are responsible for flooding market shelves; almost everyone is, and James jumped on he bandwagon to keep up.
>That's upsetting for someone that chased after that fabled and landed a cold foil.
hard to feel bad for the guy if he didn't flip it while it was hot.
and if he's a "just like to collect, don't care about value" type, then value dropping doesn't matter.
Fab question, if a card gains a name (e.g. be like water) does it lose that name when it's discarded?
>armory deck: $40
>cheapest cold foil fabled: $100+
It should retain the name until the combat chain closes and it goes to the graveyard.
FAB + Lorcana going to fuck MTG in ass in Japan

Does anyone remember that card game themed around 4chan threads, where you made posts to win the threads? Not the ancient drinking game one.
i remember it, never played it

based, real magic ended long ago
fuck magic the transitioning, the more they plummet, the better
>real magic ended long ago
true but irrelevant. at this point there are more past and current magic players who started after it went to shit than before. 90% of the people who bitch about magic "going bad" are larping; they literally weren't there when it was good. a lot of them weren't even *born* when it was good.
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All the art reveals from the set 3 art stream
Surprisingly true, nearly everyone I've talked to in other acg groups has a history with magic, and 90% of them started when Arena launched or later. I started with Tarkir - washed out around when secret lair started - and feel like an old fag compared to most.

The main complaint I hear from these folks is the community was "toxic" and full of angle shooters and try hards, rather than wotc being money grubbing Jews unapologeticly power creeping for cash, which was my reason
Almost all of those are pretty good or better. FFG may have listened to feedback on "dogshit" being a poor art direction.
It's hard to quantify, especially from a cherry picked pool, but the biggest shift I notice is better integration of character with background.
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Also she is literally one of the worst leader stat wise.

How can someone be sexist about a well established if obscure for newbies character and complain about power in a setting where people use guns and shit?
Would you like some more text with your text
Games with more stats for combat than just attack and HP? Specifically stats that all get used in the same resolution (like if "attack" has to go through "armor" to get to "HP"), not like Altered or Neopets where there's just multiple kinds of "attack" stats that just all work the same.
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>ability text includes the in-universe justification for the mechanical effect
Why does the longer a card game run for the more card text they put on their cards?
Simple ideas have already been done and insufficiently specific effects risk creating an unintended combo with the high number of cards.
Doomtown and legend of the five rings use alternate stats for fighting duels, and doomtown also uses poker hands to decide fights. Every card has a suite and number assigned, so deckbuilding can take into consideration poker hand building for combat or having weak combat hands in exchange for certain synergies.
That only happens if the devs don't have hard limits on text length.
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It is cool but it becomes old fast.
Depends on how complex the base of the ccg is. L5R went for 15 years and there are less than 50 cards with 10+ lines of text and lots of cards with sub 4 in newer sets (if anything the game went from wall of texts to 3-4 lines of text cards)( pic is one of the fex exceptions from later sets)
wrong picture, wanted one with flavor text in the text of the ability /:p
don't hate me for asking this, but will Sorcery Beta boxes or precons ever come back in stock? I missed the boat on them I think.
The next set is so shit the game can't survive without beta. Not even meeming you, bro.
>absolutely zero creature art confirming creature archetype still gets the shaft for a whole other set
>no gungans or pod racing referenced
You had one job, Yidsknee. Both epic race scenes; memory holed. Fucking hacks.

Creatures are what got me into the star wars IP, you know. It's an integral part. No creatures in star wars equals boring ass sci fi.
Not him and don't play the game
What's so shit about it
Listen, Gunguns are stupid and primative, and for California Liberals that means they are black coded, so they can't be included. Don't want to be racist, right?
now that fab is anime, when do we get the femboy hero?
>niggers and liberals out of nowhere in response to anon getting upset at a card game
You should take a shower
Just getting in to the One Piece TCG. Am I going to look like an asshole for netdecking to learn the game with a halfway decent deck? The way the game is set up it doesn’t feel like there’s a ton of room for player expression but maybe that’s just my newbie perspective.
What game has the most unique aesthetic/setting?
I feel like I see a lot of games that are just generic fantasy and they all blend together in my mind
They've only revealed like 5% of the set, so who knows what he's shitposting about.
>prints overcosted and keyword bloated Gor creature card
There's your support. You are now able to play a full creature deck with zero low costed units, no way to cheat them out sooner, no way to protect them specifically or strengthen them; enjoy!
Yuri military desert shithole (the Blue Divide in Build Divide)
as an aesthetic that I can recognize instantly, from what I've played, One Piece, Sorcery, Star Wars, Ashes Reborn(more so due to the card frame then the car art. Maybe YuGiOh is here as well). These aren't necessarily aesthetics I like the most, but they are easiest to recognize for me.
A lot of anime TCGs have a lack of aesthetics problem, where it's just generic cute anime girls in random poses in random dresses, and a lot of western ones have a lack consistency problem where every card can look overwhelmingly different in style and direction (mtg is probably the worst offender with this).
What about space creatures? It's all so boring having nothing but ships... and more ships making up the only space options. What about fortifications, celestial bodies, organisms, solar weather and the like? Inb4 they never do any of this.
>Arisanna given an actually good new card
Guess i'll go back to playing GA
SWU has been surprisingly light on tribal archetypes to begin with. Imperial and Rebel were only just loosely supported, and most of the tribal design that there is, was designed for draft rather than constructed, and fluctuates set to set accordingly.

Everybody imagines a gungan deck, an ewok deck, maybe even a hoth deck. But so far that's not how they've designed the cardpool. I wonder if it's coming eventually or just not at all.
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Rare from set 15.

Trick or Treat
Target 1 unit card being put into play, and if your opponent's Territory is open, when that unit is placed, it loses all its abilities until the end of the turn. (Only the abilities written on the card are lost).
It's disappointing this requires filling the deck with Astra cards. Arisanna's problem was getting to lvl 3, this just dilutes her lvl 1 and 2 draws.
>this requires filling the deck with Astra cards
Does it? It scales based on sacrificing herbs.
>shuffling token cards into the deck
What sort of heresy is this?
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Basically trying to copy what digital cardgames have done in recent years. Its really not too out there
I still dislike the principle in those too, but there's certainly a lot less that can go wrong in that case.
>token cards
Technically they're not tokens. They're a normal card that you can put in your deck.
My concern with stuff like this is that people have the chance to forget to take them out of the deck after that game is over and make that deck illegal for the next game. It doesn't matter what kind of card that is. It's just asking for trouble.
True. Gonna have to have a judge check every Arisanna to make sure they only have 4 bolts in deck max at the start after using that. Poor judges...
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>They've only revealed like 5% of the set, so who knows what he's shitposting about.
This comment describes a lot of acg posts
Is it actually expensive there?
Owari da...
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I'll agree with where >>93786254 was going that the biggest factor in a game having a unique aesthetic isn't art or setting, it's the frames and layout. you can spot a game like ashes or yugioh from 10 tables away and know exactly what's being played because they don't look like anything else.

if you're talking art and setting strictly, at least among the commonly played acgs, probably android netrunner. in a hobby where 95% of games are standard fantasy, kitchen sink steampunk fantasy, or nonspecific anime fantasy, a scifi setting stands out from the crowd anyway (especially a relatively hard scifi). but even among scifi game settings, android was notable and instantly recognizable for its distinctive feel. the fact that it was attached to arguably the most unique game in the hobby didn't hurt either.
Bros it isn't even a full year yet, don't work yourselves up too much over this news. Did fab catch on in the north American market right away? Nah. Set 3 is when it took off.

The reality is that LSS pandered really hard to that region by showering them in special product and attention, which will be a shame if it fails to court them effectively. They are even having a very special anniversary event in Osaka where they claim to be exclusively offering 5th year packs that will feature ungodly amounts of card value. Inside they will be offering the most cherished cards in the game as reprints all in unique foiling/ treatments and with unkown secrets lurking within. Probably has something to do with these Japanese hero reveals, unless they're inseminating them into those exclusive half sized Japanese booster boxes.

Fans that have been playing all these five years are upset that James decided to do this, effectively region locking exclusive product, promos and events. That's really not going to land so well if the Japanese reject the game. I'm thinking the excitement brought on by the Osaka event might be a tipping point, for better or worse. If it does faceplant there and players are aware of it, Lss with 100% take those unsold 5th anniversary packs to some other place and invite folks to the next event with great fanfare. If it is hugely popular and sells out instantly we'll see some resentment generated between the fans that couldn't go halfway across the world to celebrate in Osaka, possibly putting pressure on them to bring it to another event anyways. A high gamble either way for Flesh and Blood.
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Forgot image.
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Blue needs to be hit in some way. The obvious answer is Pilaf but I don't even think that is that big of an issue, yet. It's their ability to remove EVERYTHING you play while also putting a body on board that is bullshit. They should have to pick to do one or the other, not both. Cards like 3c Vegito, SCR Vegito, and the new SR Gohan are just bullshit. Of course you could say Pilaf is the issue for these cards since 7 or less cards in hand is not a real penalty when the color has infinite recursion. I don't know something needs to be done because there's no reason not to play blue at the moment, it's the only color in the game that has no auto lose matchups.
And beyond that they need to stop with the badly designed cards. SR Jiren is such a garbage ass card. The only purpose it serves is to lock yellow out of the meta completely they have to stop designing cards that some colors can get rid of but others can't. SCR SSJ4 Goku is also a god awful card design because black is way too reliant on it. You literally have to play at least 2 of them in a game or you cannot win.
once again blue is cried about because bandai's shit card design has locked blue's bad matchups out of the meta. it got two good SRs in the new set but is pretty much the same as it always was.
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It's not even blues fault you're right it's the shit card design that leads to some colors having no way to deal with certain things and thus have unwinnable match ups and are unplayable because of it. Like yellow cannot beat Jiren at all and black's reliance on the SCR makes blue unwinnable.
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Super Rare from set 15.

Blazing Soul, Haruto
<Title: Andersen>
[CONT] This unit cannot block.
<Andersen> [AUTO] When this unit attacks, you may attach the top 4 cards of your deck to this unit as +1000 Aura. If you attached, return up to 1 unit card with a total cost of 5 or less and the (Shot) icon from among this unit's Aura to your hand, deal 1 damage to yourself.
>Scalpers already buying out the Arisanna precons because it has 4x Cosmic Bolts
>Precons go from $20 to $30 since last night
That was fast.
Precons having good cards is good but scalpers completely ruin the idea, not surprising they ruin everything for everyone else once again
I hope GA throw playsets of everything in their precons
They actually do that for precons, but only for Recollection precons, not starter precons. Recollection precons have automatic 4 of copies of every main deck card inserted even if the actual decklist doesnt have 4 copies. They'll probably reprint Cosmic Bolt in the October expansion though.
Can you draft with a six card booster? Pods would have to be six people or less
Do people even play Lorcana draft? I found it dumb the first time I read about it, because you end up having smth like 42 cards and making a 40 card deck, so you could only remove 2 or smth cards from the pool.
Weiss players shaking in their boots by the arrival of Union Arena tcg.
And to be fair Bandai do a better job than Shittyroad
48 cards for a 40 card deck but yeah, you play most of what you draft. No color restrictions in draft, though.

A couple of the LGS near me run draft weekly, it's fun but definitely a more casual/swingy format than constructed.
Union Arena is for collectors sir.
Some of the other conversations around this thread seem to suggest other games like FAB are making six-card boosters too
Only for Japan
>No color restrictions in draft, though.
This is the thing that kills it for me. Why would you ever do anything but try to draft good stuff?
There are some archetypes with support/payoff in each set - Support, discard, items, Madrigals, Dorfs, Bodyguard, etc. Goodstuff usually loses to those combos.

Otherwise, yeah, BREAD rules supreme.
Yeah, you really have to make the game with booster draft in mind. It's really hard to make it after the fact. Not to mention >>93791496. This isn't the way for a draft to succeed.

I would strongly recommend any indie dev build booster draft into their TCG/CCG from the start.
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Not sure about the price on the two FAB cards, but I was told when I pulled them they were valuable. I think they look cool. I know the one is a Pokemon card, but it is my favorite card. I got it signed by the US voice actor for Professor Oak.
I'm of the opinion Ravensburger made Lorcana to be a western Pokémon, and likely threw draft in at last minute when they realized it can push additional sales.
About $60 and $30, left/right, for the FAB cards. Both have rotated and aren't constructed legal anymore.
>I would strongly recommend any indie dev build booster draft into their TCG/CCG from the start.
What do anons think a game needs to have in order for draft to work.

The two main criteria in my opinion are:
1. Some sort of soft deck building restriction.
2. A limit to "combo only cards" (i.e. cards that are only playable within their specific archetype)

If a game has those two things it should be draftable.
Why is arcanite skullcap rising in price? I stopped playing FaB a while ago and have no clue whats happening in the game.
the most important thing is the cards all play nice together. like you can have different colors or factions or whatever, but if you can't easily do 50/50 between two factions or splash a color for 1 or 2 cards you happened to draft, it's going to be clunky as fuck.
Drafting something like Netrunner seems rough, since you can't just paste a deck together and have it work.
yep. netrunner had a draft format, but it had to jump through a ton of hoops to work. it had custom draft-only IDs with unlimited influence and some of them gave faction loyalty, stuff like that.
Its a generic ab3 piece and there are about to be two more wizards

That said we know almost nothing about the new set so it's purely speculative, if it doesn't turn out to be useful it'll go back down
Ah okay, I have been sitting on it since forever. I'm just going to sell it then.
Turns out, arcane barrier 3 is the only thing that will stop these new characters from being horrendous.
I would also add a few more things:
>Easily mixable cards
If your game is restricted to factions/colors without a means of cross pollination, you will make draft significantly more difficult. >>93793453 and >>93793481 are Exhibits A and B for why this is important.
>Simple/easy to intuit synergies
There needs to be some cross play or else you run into 100% goodstuff decks being the only viable strategy.
>Easy to implement deck building rules
If you have too many rules that are specific to Draft, it's going to be hard for people to keep track of them. Don't be afraid to dumb things down for Draft if it helps the game along.

I concur. I don't think Draft was intended.
>Easily mixable cards
I think this is whay I was trying to get at with limiting "combo only" cards in the card pool. Take Yugioh for example where most archetypes don't mix with each other, so you need to draft hard into that archetype to use it. Another example is some DBS:M sets where there are very few cards with 15k in common, so the bulk of your deck has a hard time dealing damage because most cards are built to enable combos/archetype rather than be useful.

>If you have too many rules that are specific to Draft,
I think if you need any special rules beyond "This is the new deck size" and "You have access to this basic resource outside the draft." that's a sign that draft won't work.
I'd add this is specifically for sealed and similar formats.
A lot of these games do just fine with cubes and other custom drafts because you can tailor what and how things are drafted to the game.
I mean the context was about "Booster draft" specifically, so yes.
I think if you need any special rules beyond "This is the new deck size" and "You have access to this basic resource outside the draft." that's a sign that draft won't work.
Hard agree. You shouldn't need tons of tweaks.

>Easily mixable cards comment
Ah, I see what you're getting at. I would also include Pokemon's reliance on Basic Pokemon to be able to get Evolutions on the board. It's too constricting for limited play.
>I would also include Pokemon's reliance on Basic Pokemon to be able to get Evolutions on the board. It's too constricting for limited play.
That too, though pokemon's issues go beyond that. The game's very reliant on Trainers to play smoothly, but they're pretty much all uncommon, so you'll only get a few of them and some will be unusable.
Yeah, that's a good point, too. Mechanically speaking, Pokemon simply isn't suited for draft.
Pokemon has pre-releases that is pretty much limited play. The trick is: They give you a mix of 2 card pools that is playable from the get go and you just open boosters to add maybe 8 cards to the deck (if you are lucky).
This. Unless people open more than 8 boosters, and even then it would be kinda shit (unless there was a pre-set card pool that every player could use)
I'm familiar with the Pokemon pre-release structure. It's not a true sealed/limited format, despite what the pokemon company may say.
>Unless people open more than 8 boosters, and even then it would be kinda shit
The formula I've found success with in pokemon is the mutant variant, i.e. every Pokemon can also evolve from any pokemon of the same type that is one level lower. It works, but even then it warps the format as fully evolved Basics and stage 1s are now just flat better than their NFE counterparts.

>(unless there was a pre-set card pool that every player could use)
I also give every player a 3-draw supporter, Pokeball and Potion just to fill out the card pool as well.
>mutant variant
You had my curiosity, now you have my attention. This sounds interesting! I might have to sucker-I mean, invite...some friends to try that with me...
Lets start a list of LSS screw ups. They've got a great game but no common sense. They repeat the mistakes of every other company well after people know those were mistakes.

1. White border cards. Even if they had to change the colour they could have been grey so something less obnoxiously stand out from the default black.
2. Releasing unique and tournament viable heroes only to people who win tournaments or go to conventions.
3. Pandering to investors to the point of making a hero card based on Rudy.
4. The LL system is a failure. Fun heroes often LL before a year is out taking their whole card pool with them for another 2 years. The problem card is often not even the hero card, but the problem stays unbanned and the hero suffers for it.
5. Announced what seems to be region locked cards to Japan.
6. Made adult heroes majestic which serves as a soft barrier to new players entering their primary format CC and instead pushing them towards the less played and more oppressive Blitz format.

Help me out here. LSS needs to be told their business sense sucks.
7. No lolis. What's the point of playing a card game if it doesn't even have cute lolis in it?
You guys can't be serious
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I am very serious.
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Don't make me tap the sign.
Is banning theft?
>1. They did one whole set with white borders
>2. It's for the meme format blitz and it's like 1 or 2 heroes
>3. It's just a gay promo for Rudy, it's not tournament legal
>4. The LL system is completely fine and they are doing way better bans than wotc (which given is not a good metric in by itsel)
>5. The region locked cards are just special versions of existing heroes and it's not even confirmed that they are region locked.
>6. This is kinda dumb, but really the majestic heroes cost $0.5 so you can just buy one for pocket change or just ask someone to give you one.
You should make some actually valid complaints instead of trying to nitpick complete nonissues. And like >>93795715 said, the biggest crime is not having cute lolis
1&2 You're just hand waving a very bad precedent.
3 Rudy might as well be the anti-christ of tcgs.
4. Zen and all Mystic Ninja cards have basically disappeared after being playable for a couple of months. Stop lying.
5. We'll see.
6. Blaze $45, Emperor $13, Enigma New Moon $13, Prism AoS and Dash 10 are $4, Arakni Hunts $16, Prism AoT $33. This is just from scrolling 2 pages of heroes on tcgplayer. They aren't all 50 cents.
>Blaze $45, Emperor $13, Enigma New Moon $13, Prism AoS and Dash 10 are $4, Arakni Hunts $16, Prism AoT $33. This is just from scrolling 2 pages of heroes on tcgplayer. They aren't all 50 cents.
Bro the three first are the meme blitz heroes and the rest you are just looking at the expensive versions of said cards. Arakni, dash, prism(s) are 50 cent cards.
Lmao you just exposed yourself there, fuckfab-kun
No, the game is too young for creative deckbuilding from scratch like maybe MTG has. Everyone netdecks and then tries to change 4-12 cards to optimize the deck.
It kind of is, when it's a new card and the ban happens after a few months of its release. Because the market probably highly valued that card, if it had to be banned.
I've seen people quitting TCGs over this shit. Having spent a ton of money on the best cards of a game is a lot of emotional investment too.
I literally just put hero in Tcgplayer filter and went down the first 2 pages out of 20. Do it yourself and see how blinded you are. Anyway, I literally mentioned Blaze in my first post, read harder, so I should quote her price.

Not that guy. I prefer to actually criticize not just say one sentence slogans.
>I literally just put hero in Tcgplayer filter and went down the first 2 pages out of 20. Do it yourself and see how blinded you are. Anyway, I literally mentioned Blaze in my first post, read harder, so I should quote her price.
I mean I can look for a specific hero on cardmarket and tell you that you are just wrong. And you were specifically talking about the adult majestic heroes that I was replying to:
>Made adult heroes majestic which serves as a soft barrier to new players entering their primary format CC and instead pushing them towards the less played and more oppressive Blitz format.

If you want to insist on looking at the prices for the more expensive versions on tcgplayer or some other site, I don't know what that has to do with the price of the normal versions. So either you are just dumb, a shitstirrer or really stubborn.
The pricey heroes you're looking at are promos and marvels dude, if you're getting the bog standard cards, it's cheap.
I think in that case I'd refer to it more as a filter. same with reprints as in >>93796374. you're pissing off and potentially driving away some people, but those people - the pay2win meta chasers - happen to be some of the most cancerous individuals in any TCG community. the practical result is a better game experience for everyone.
Between dash io and azalea, who has the better matchup into nuu?
probably Azalea but you have to know when to and when not to dominate arrows. Sometimes you just don't have any disruption like an inertia or a seek and destroy so you just throw a large scary number at them and get them to block with multiple cards.
I think both are fine into Nuu
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Rare from set 15.

Somebody Scream
Choose 1 of the following
-Target 1 of your opponent's units, deal 6000 damage to it.
-If your life is in the Red Zone, deal 6000 damage to all your opponent's units.
It hadn't even occurred to me that Blue-White didn't have any horror game representation before this.
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Really? Damn, I permanently feel hobbled as Azalea against Nuu. Bitch takes cards from my hand every single turn.
That's just Nuu. She'll be #1 hero after Zen leaves because she takes 1-2 extra cards from your hand most turns. She also completely shits on guardians, because her special is really, really good when it's playing Macho Grande for free.
>She'll be #1 hero after Zen leaves
Nah, if Zen gets proper nerfs in CC, Nuu will be taking Enigma's phantasmal dick in her ass so hard that she will drop a tier. Enigma is being held back by Zen and if the nerfs hit Zen bad enough, Enigma will be the top dog
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Regret spending money on a card game. Either the local scene dies or interest moves on.
Shits so pointless man
Now apply that line of thought to every hobby
Transience doesn't mean something is meaningless
New post added on The Condemned Website! Meet GRip: https://juelgames.com/meet-the-condemned-grip/

I'm trying to write more lore about the different characters, give them personality and create a story that gives the game some cohesion. I've done a couple of these so far, and I think I really need to make more...
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How long before someone makes a website where you can use AI to generate card templates, effects etc? (I know it's already creating art)
There's already one for Magic. Do you mean a general one for any card game?
it's already making entire games
you're years behind
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Full on voltron hero - ahem, "contender" - in next set. Idk how fun it'll be but it's different than what they've printed so far, I'll give 'em that.

Try and keep up, yeah?
The following cards arebannedinClassic ConstructedandBlitzeffectiveSeptember 9,2024:

Art of War

Bonds of Ancestry

Cash In

Orihon of Mystic Tenets

Tome of Aetherwind

Tome of Divinity

Tome of Fyendal

Tome of Firebrand

>bans your $75 cards
>bans your $75 cards
Welp I'm quitting FAB now.
I don't even know these cards
>Bans pot of greeds
Thank fucking god.
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I just bought half of that list, thinking that they'll finally be usable soon. I'm not mad by the way.
That's honestly a lot more bans than I thought they had the balls to do. Papa White has a vision for this season, and it won't be ruined by over-drawing a quarter of your deck a turn.
Literally Fahrenheit 451
Codexsisters we live another day
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Today's set 3 previews: Obi-wan leader, two cards to go with him, and the first new rare base since set 1.
Odd number for the base health. I get the impression they feel 25 isn't enough, but they're unwilling to bump it up any more to risk no one taking a blank base again.
this post is in bad taste.
Wish I managed to sell my playset of art of war before it got banned. Playing constructed format in TCGs and FaB was a mistake.
>Banning tome of aetherwind
Bad call imho, unless there's something breaking kano in the upcoming set

Even then I'd much rather he just hit LL
i hope these bans mean they're siloing shit properly
The article is very good, they claim these bans are to percent overwhelming offensive advantage from running train on the game any longer. In the future when they print draw effects that are strong like this there will be a greater requirement to meet or strategy to build up to over time, not instant advantage by casting as many back to back card draw as you can. Look at three of a kind for examples they're happy with; conditional card draw.

In addition to that they're dedicated to preserving class and talent silos to be unique from one another and offer specific kinds of advantages that are thematic. So hopefully no making uber classes that can do it all. They said more but that's a highlight of he article. They're dedicated to reigning in power creep and maintaining a strong identity with incremental advantage not intant high rolls winning games. They want games to end by knock out more than decking out.
This card is really strong if you dump stat focus. There's a whole deck you can build where you're basically too smart for nature to best you.

>Fantasy Flight Games is to announce a strategic partnership with Keyrune Incorporated, owner and operator of Melee.gg, a premier event and tournament platform renowned for its expertise in trading card games.
>Effective immediately, Melee.gg will be available for players and retailers to organize their events ahead of Planetary Qualifiers in October.
>Over the coming weeks, organizers can expect additional information about how to set up events and use the Melee tools for their events. In the meantime, organizers are not yet required to use Melee.gg for their events to further qualify for Organized Play support.
What game is this?
It's called Earthborne Rangers. Science fiction camping and exploration game. You close an id card and a stat card and build a deck to combat hostile wilds of a post apocalyptic planet that nature reclaimed from man. Each action you take requires spending energy from your stat pool, one that refreshes at the end of every round before drawing up. Interacting with the world, equipping gear and enacting training all take energy, so you have a fun management mini game to contend with from round to round.
In before someone hasn't had their Wheaties today and melts down at the mention of this game.
Earthborne Rangers does not look interesting. I shan't be playing.
Damn, artwork looks clean asf
Anywhere I can play online?
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new signature cards got spoiled for the ashes illusion set.

>Soul Delver
frostback bear with shadow spirit glued to its ass. seems ok. not as big a deal as rimea's new phoenixborn card.

>Summon Scrawler
this card is evil in the right matchups. it also clutters up your battlefield with a lot of trash though. might fuck, might get fucked with, idk. maybe you make it your defensive line in a burn or mill deck.

tossing a bone to the shittiest phoenixborn I get but this thing looks busted. kills an awful lot of shit that costs a lot more and rerolls dice to kill counterspells at the front end. nasty nasty nasty.

>Dark Reflection
I dont get it, seems bad. sembali sucks.
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Today's Build Divide reveal is an Ultra Rare from set 15.

Blue Sea Dragon King, Gokou
<Territory> [Evol - (4B, 1R, 1C)]
<Territory> [AUTO] When this unit is placed by Evol, you may put the top 2 cards of your Life into the Cemetery. Then, for each unit card put, draw 1 card.
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Buncha reveals today, focused mainly on Republic.
>3 good, 3 bad, 6 OK art
Kudos to FFG for the slow improvement. Might surpass generic bandaislop art in a few more sets, at this rate.
Bros, this IP is really limited huh? It really is just jedis, sith, lightsabers and storm-troopers.
That's right, why can't it be like based Flesh and Blood and feature ninja, mecha, warlocks, orcs, androids, knights, and pirates??
Star Wars is such a boring scifi setting holy shit
Bro most animals are literally the same design only one has a dick and the other a pussy. Humans are really weird as our sexes look like two different primate species
FaB is fantasy you can handwave strong girls as its magic I aint gotta explain shit
In the grand scheme of things humans have a low level of gender dimorphism. Even if you're just comparing it to other mammals it's still mid.
The very brains of the sexes are very different too
the fuck are you smoking? humans are on the low end of the spectrum for sexual dimorphism. there are animals where the male and female weren't even identified as the same species until the advent of genetic sequencing.

that's completely beside the point though. the anon was asking why in scifi women are "still physically inferior", but the premise is false. it's not inferiority, it's just a question of what attributes are being prioritized. they're physically superior at growing and nurturing new humans. men are physically superior at hunting and fighting for resources. dimorphism exists because it confers evolutionary advantages. if the scifi setting hasn't advanced enough to make sexual reproduction irrelevant, you still need both of those things.
i want to fuck a human female
SWU artwork doesn't really feel that exciting :/
That's because it sucks... the art is the glaring weak point of the game. It's an unbelievable unforced error. Fortunately the actual gameplay is good, better that than the reverse.
like 6 different times since this game has come out, I've come back around to it like "maybe the art isn't THAT bad. my memory must have been affected by general feelings toward the IP."
and then I see it again, and it really is that bad.
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And dragons, demons, mutants, dinosaurs....
if it's in the Derivative Fantasy Slop stewpot, you bet your ass FAB is going to get in on that.
Western artwork is garbage anyway.
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Rev up your illustration kit and crack open a Christopher Hart book; let's see what you got.
If they allowed Star Wars legends stuff it would have cooler shit but disney starwars is mostly that, yes, there are some big animals too but thats about it.
Yugi with a hot bikini chick.
Based for posting this.
That would also inevitably lead to decks composed of 1 Darth Vader and 49 cards based on characters the average player has never heard of before (which is a problem already with just 2 sets of canon material as is)
>dude literally everything I do has to be an investment. Fun isn't making me a $2 profit, wtf is fun?
I genuinely despise card investors, just like crypto investors
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In the earlier 2000s wotc made a miniatures game with legends content (books, comics, etc) and it was a success. People have wikis to search shit up.
Do you think people read the comic books that feature Dr Aphra? or the other new characters? Do you think people remember the name or knows the backstory of some characters that have less than 4 minutes in the new movies?
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I'm getting excited for Aria II. By the end of the weekend I will have played a minimum of 5 sealed events and potentially a couple drafts with a very special solo box sealed event thrown into the mix. It's limited players' paradise this weekend out in Tampa. Hope to see you there.
>both modern and standard are good
both are dead, mtg only has edh.
Yeah it's all over, you can hush now
>hates FaB so much he posts about it here and browses a subreddit for the game
what do you call this strain of mental illness?
fuckfab back on reddit
People really posting reddit slop on here?
baka lol
Why are you surprised? We have another fag who regularly updates us on what some literal who youtuber's doing. It's probably the same underage homosexual.
>fag who regularly updates us on what some literal who youtuber's doin
wait who? The Kozmic guy?
Derangement syndrome in general is unironically a real mental illness. It's when you obsessively seek out information and consume content about the thing that you hate. It goes from healthy and reasonable hate to unhealthy obsession when you lose grip of reality and make shit up. Even most of the genocide supporting conspiratards don't act like this.
>bro i'm challenging my own product haha look how transgressive i am (sunglasses smiley)
>fab shits bed
That's not what that article was indicating; inffact it did the most good of any single ban in history of the game. Almost everyone is on-board with these changes. In the past they have danced around the problem cards while allowing heroes to skyrocket to LL status.
>tier zero meta
That's been addressed already.
>banning cheap tech instead of whole decks
If you actually played the game you would understand the massive meta shakeup that just occurred because of these changes. Tier lists rank Zen as B tier now.
>about to revisit the most broken and worst set
I would grant you this one if it was accurate. We're not going back to that set, we're in a set that's related to it but shares none of it's broken qualities (Ice, double elementalists, pulses and fusing)
>shills seethe/cope
Now you just look like an ass. No one's freaking out in the thread about this with one exception, (You)
>threatens to go play mtg
Don't let the big 3 doors smash you on the way out.

I knew the thread was acting too peaceful to be true. You anti-fabbers sure are a predictable lot. Thanks for dragging your ass on our nice rugs once more.
Dude you wasted your time to write that crap
i liked ice, it gave you that "something else" to do other than doing damage
I feel bad for katsu players
I feel bad for one piece payers (they don't seem to enjoy their own game despite playing it)
I feel good
You are right, I'm even selling my shit.
Personally don't find the game interesting enough or having a high amount of depth
Have you tried playing it? It's pretty bad.
I don't why you guys always have to be so negative. It's really tiresome.
It's just a singlular magic-fag out of this world fucking furious at the idea that other people can have fun with games that aren't his chosen game. People like him want all other TCGs to be destroyed.
I think even the One Piece tcg hype is going down looking at the market prices and Bandai overprinting the current sets.

Safe to say Lorcana will overtake it (probably already did)
If card prices dictated popularity FaB would be the most popular game on the planet. From what I hear it's just that Bandai has been reprinting the last couple sets and that lowers the price.
In US, lorcana will definitely overtake it. Doesn't help that Fusion World and Digimon are so close in gameplay and take some of the same customers.

In Japan, I don't think western tcgs will ever do very well. There's such a stronger tcg culture, and so many more, frequent releases. Waiting 3 months for a set for a major game in Japan is all but unheard of.
SWU Spoilers up?
Please forgive me senpai <3
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Rare from set 15.

Target Gazer, Rosita
<Territory> [AUTO] When this unit is placed, if your life is in the Red Zone, choose up to 1 Blue Command with the (Shot) icon and a cost of 3 or less from your D Deck, and play it without paying the cost.
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I prefer to combine all the spoilers into one image instead of posting a bunch of individual cards, and I can't do that while I'm at work. Anyways, seems like recursion from discard is a major set 3 theme?
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Villainy's version.

SWU bros
I don't get it
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Fuck off, stop pretending you have consumed or played anything star wars related in the last 10 years.
>Waiting 3 months for a set for a major game in Japan is all but unheard of.
Japs are truly the worst
Card draw is much less important in SWU because draw 2 resource 1 provides the deck filtering that magic decks otherwise need via card draw or tutors.
I bought and played Star Wars Destiny (the first 4 sets tho), and almost bought the star wars board game by ffg (star wars imperial assault)(I think). And I watched once Episode 7 and episode 8.
What's bigger Star Wars or Lord of the Rings?
Although fixed metas can save you money.
Me personally, would do it like Yugioh where you have Tcg exclusives or shit to spice up the meta.
Star wars because it has a bigger casual onions appeal.
I'm going to stop going to my locals because I have hit a hard wall where I can beat most of my community but it is literally imposible for me to win against the top 4 players around, so I never manage to get any of the good prizes, and it is very frustating.

I don't care if I'm a crybaby.
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SWM is the best tabletop game I've ever played. I miss that game so much.
SW, and it's not close, though it was much closer back when the LoTR movies were airing and the answer might vary outside the US.

>loses in the game
>decides to lose outside the game too
You've merely decided to lose twice.
Whatever, it is better than to make the effort of going to locals and getting gatekept hard out of any decent prizing by the same people constantly
If you're playing a game for the prizing you've already lost.
I'm not playing for the prizing, but there is a difference between playing and going to locals.

I have friends I can play more casually with, in a more relaxed environment, I'm not going to quit playing the game, but making the effort of going to an store and trying to seriously improve at the game is not it worth for me at this point.

I will go back to playing kitchen table with friends rather than taking it seriously at all. All the time I tried to level up my game was honestly just a waste of time.
Pursuing strength is its own reward. And the only way to get smarter is by facing smarter opponents.
TCGs are a scam.
Like what is the point of going to a LGS anyway

You're meeting a bunch of awkward introverted fucks
Whatever dude, but I quit organized play.
The same as going to a tennis club or whatever, to practice your hobby.
Do you even like the game you play
Man you reminded me of sfuff.
Destiny was 6 years ago and was great fun.
Sad that it died.

Imperial Assault was too much board game though, Legion and shatterpoint are better
>Imperial Assault was too much board game though
??? It's a dungeon crawler though?
Went to Union Arena super pre-release and the dudes there were saying I should get into One Piece. I heard Animal Kingdom is getting some good cards in the next set but everyone is saying that Uta is the best starter deck.

Which deck do I pick?
check the mate game and choose from what's being played. I don't recommend experimenting without knowing the game, but it's not that complicated that some dark horse could be playable.
If you've already got a group to play with, more power to you. Sorry to hear the sweats ran you off, but I'm jealous you actually can take your ball and go home without quitting entirely.

I'll keep dropping my $5-$10/week to play, because I'm a loser. So it goes.
>fab janny deletes truthposters
as expected
the shills have to keep control of their narrative by any means
WTF is >she even doing?

The deleted post wasn't openly trolling or off topic, even if it wasn't all that accurate. It didn't even shit on Juan Piss.
Bros... what the FUCK???
I'm the 5th best player at my locals and it's pissing me the FUCK off. I'm sick of losing to the same shithead sweatlords week after week.

FUCK locals. FUCK OP. I'm going back to stomping my friend group. I'll be number 1 there. That will show those anti-fun sweats!

This post isn't me btw. Get a life.
>buy one of the new lorcana structure decks
>the free pack it included had both daisy, donald's date and prince naveen
damn, that's pretty lucky.
Anecdotally, the packs in structure decks have way better pull rates for enchanteds than boxes. Ymmv.
Yeah, I love it when I can play more relaxed games with more off-meta/thematic decks.

Playing "competitively" against the sweats at my LGS was completely killing my enjoyment of it though, so I'm out.
I don't stomp my friend group at all, because I mostly just enjoy playing meme/theme decks, honestly havign to play some boring optimized meta deck was a big part of the reason I was falling out of love with the game at this point.
They make fun of you when you're not around, anon.
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Getting all packed up for my big Fish and Bait weekend. The world premier will be a first for me and I am very excited. Hotel check in is at 4 so I'll have plenty of time to get a game of sealed in before I kick back and enjoy my stay in down town Tampa.
Good luck, anon.
I am fucking jonesing for the missing majestic spoilers. Please post your pulls if you can.
Destiny really was pretty special. what're you gonna do though? only shitty games live forever.
Destiny's also more annoying than average to print-n-play because making the custom dice, while do-able, borders on actual work.

I have a good feeling about this set. I like every card I've seen.
The incredible part about this is that there is a significant portion we don't yet know going into the event. That wasnt the case the last two set world premieres, where they had multiple box rippings from the big content creators to help chip away at the remaining spoilers. I hope there's some real gas in the legendary and expansion slot.
Is Ashes more complex than Netrunner?
The dice elements seem daunting
I don't play Ashes but iirc the dice are just "quality" results 0-1-2 where higher levels can pay for lower if you want; the only twist is each type of die has its own thematic symbols for each level. So, it looks much worse than it is.
They’re changing how combat works? I remember there only being one symbol for combat.
Yes, but it's *really* changed. All the single symbol cards have identical attack/defense. These new cards can have differing attack/defense.
>not *really* changed
missing word
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as >>93825304 said. And it's only a few uniques that have it (for now). Every other card still has one symbol and that's both the attack and defense. I guess there's also this token that only increases attack, but that nuane is irrelevant given that it's a first strike effect.
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They can choose to go harder whenever they want. FaB's art has been deliberately directed into the boring slop we usually get.
God damn it, James.
Damn motherfuckers really went hard with the artwork
Compared to most miniature game it is a weird system.
Near all miniature game is a somewhat symetrical fight over objectives.
Imperial Assault was not and wpuld be hard pressed therefore to be considered a miniature game.
X-Wing, Legion or Shatterpoint do more accuratly resemble a miniature game
>Imperial Assault was not and wpuld be hard pressed therefore to be considered a miniature game
That's because it wasn't really a miniatures game. It was a dungeon crawl with a tacked on skirmish mode. The core of the game was basically Descent 2.5 with a Star Wars skin.
Its a game where you have max mana every single turn but are limited to one action per turn otherwise one could do yugioh level shit on Turn 1
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less complex in terms of rules and tracking. you don't have all the timing windows and sequencing complexity you get with ANR. turn structure is comparatively rigid. it IS complex like netrunner though in terms of how many decisions you have each turn and how quickly you can fuck yourself over and just die if you make mistakes.

the dice are just your mana pool. different way of doing the separate lands deck thing. you build a dice pool as part of deckbuilding, there are 7 colors that go with the different magic types, and dice symbols correspond to cost symbols on cards. they're rolled so you get a randomized suite of resources to spend, but there's a standard action to trade cards for dice faces. so you never get locked out of playing something by the roll, it just makes you sometimes need to buy time to get more expensive spells online.
>you have max mana every single turn but are limited to one action per turn
well, kinda. you fully refill your mana pool (and hand) every round, and untap at the top of round. a round consists of many short one-action turns and only ends when both players pass. usually that happens because both players have spent everything and are tapped out.
so in theory you can nova and burn through all ten mana in the first two turns of the game. put out the biggest creature and buff it to the moon, throw a bunch of fireballs, whatever. but that's usually a bad idea. because if your opponent is still alive then he's got his whole hand and mana pool and as many turns as he wants to punish you for it. in reality it usually comes out as a progression of cautious sequencing and trades, at least until one player sees a line to win and goes all in. it makes it more of a tactical patient game than a big numbers accelerate bigger game.

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