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>>93728857 (OP)

How you beating RDW now?
>Real TQ
Do you think they playtested a single card in DuskMourn?
Like i beat it right now: With Removal.
Unless it says "Exile/Destroy Target Creature" that plan doesn't work. Btws, you're still taking 10+ damage on T2 if you're on the draw.
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No, clearly not, but i'm fine with that because they playtested BLB too much. I want bullshit now.
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>Imagine hitting this guy with removal
lol, lmao even
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Yes, you just need the good kind of removal
>just play cards that rotated already
I play mostly Pioneer, where the good cards are, so i'm not afraid of RDW boogyeman.
it just keeps getting worse, please stop
If Red Deck Wins is a top deck in a format, that means it's a healthy format.
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It will have to wait for Pioneer Horizons
This card isn't even playable in Modern lmao
I shouldn't have gotten into prowess 3 weeks before mh3 dropped.
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>47% meta share
Ah, but you see, there's no SINGLE The One Ring deck dominating the meta so it's fine.
I'm getting Memedern butthurted kiddo vibes from this one. How is going with that Ring, bro?
How much do you wanna bet that "Dont ban any of the cards in our set" was part of the deal with LOTR?
I feel post bannings for modern, that G Tron will be a big contender as they utilize The One Ring better than most and even more so Karn, the Great Creator which I feel like the deck hinges on now more than ever.

I don't think anyone is thinking about him atm, but I can forsee a future where Karn eats it especially if the Ring stays in the format. I played him back in the old Eldrazi Tron, Mystic Forge, Karn, Mycosynth days and they let him live back then, but now they are just playing 1 ofs in the side and just fishing them out.

Ive already seen this a lot more online, which is why I mention it. The deck is very easy to pilot and outscales almost everything super well and consistently. That might still be a Ring issue but we will see
Splinter Twin was killed for less
So was Mental Misstep and Gitaxian Probe for that matter
Yes but MULTIPLE decks are playing The One Ring, and since no single deck is dominating the meta then it is fine.
i just noticed bolt isn't even played in legacy either wtf
i guess frog is on a rampage
Frog should have been a 1/4 anyway.
I don't think any decks were skipping on Misstep and Probe.
Yes but you see, logic is different now in the FIRE era.
Greenbros *cough* i dont feel so good *wheeze*
>uncommon and common
Do I need to remind you that TOR is a mythic?
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>This card is an omnipresent force in the metagame, leading to unhealthy deck homogeneity. It is banned.
>The card can be played in many different decks, which means that there is no individual deck that is the problem. The card is not banned.
green can afford to take a break...
INB4 "We designed this for commander, we didn't think it would see competitive play in standard/pioneer' we should all drop our pre orders. (I dropped mine already, this game is going to shit and we have to communicate our discontentment with our money or lack of it)
>Look goyim, Nadu is banned, Modern is good again!

You only just now stopped spending? Retard-kun the writing was on the wall with WAR
At this point with the majority of people acknowledging that WotC are incapable of handling Legacy and Modern, why has (almost) noone hosted preFIRE or pure-format events?
this is gonna be the new normal isn't it
they're going to release a gigapushed card to tank all of the community's ire so they can sneak the slightly less gigapushed cards through
Are you new? They've been doing it since Hogaak in MH1.
Given how volatile Modern card prices are due to reprints and bannings, Standard is probably an overall better format to play.
Debatable. A single set can be an outlier. It was only when MH1 came out that we had two points on the chart to draw a line through.
>Anything can be better than play Poodern
Genius anon.
Also since they changed Standard to rotate every 3 years, it now rotates less frequently than Modern.
there just isn't enough interest to grow a scene out of the local level, just because a lot of people agree that current modern is shit, it doesn't mean they all agree on what the ideal custom format would be
Old School and Pre-modern already exists.

Play them. If you're in TN, you can play Middle School as well.
The Nadu being designed for commander part of the B&R has left me emotionally drained.
I "knew" it before but now it seems inevitable that commander is going to ruin every single 60 card format.
>we playtested nadu zero times

You tell me
>The Nadu being designed for commander part of the B&R has left me emotionally drained.
Don't forget the part where they didn't test it!
That part was very important, too!
magic the gathering is like south africa's energy grid but run by gays
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first time?
For me its the article about the BW turtle and how it only had B in its cost despite doing nothing related to black was so the guy who made it could run it as a commander for a tokens zombie deck
This card is also why Doomsday wasn't in the set,
which turtle?
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When it isn't malice it's straight up retardation, I'd like to remember everyone that ikoria was the companions set.
wa la
>meathook massacre II
>Hey you know that card that dominated standard? What if we made another one
What the fuck is this guy's problem?
There is no white turtle in the game?
back when standard was good...
Invoke Despair did nothing wrong
Justice for my nigga Invoke Despair
I was misremembering.
The distinction I'm assuming is that if all the decks are built around beating that one deck in the meta game, it's bad
Lightning bolt is in every red deck, and it's not like people give a shit about that, do people actually think ring is broken or something
I didn't think of black as not being part of it.

Black use to tap shit down all the time. It did for a long time.

I guess that is something it really doesn't do anymore does it?
God please make this the convoke/token destroyer im tired of this utter bullshit and is spreading to Pioneer
I dont have the article cap but iirc it was WUG which got changed to UBG purely because the guy making it thought it would be cool to have zombie tokens enter untapped
I kinda wish it was GWB. That's still a real shitty reason though.

if you have played or looked at a standard decklist your opinions don't matter
>standard cards should be made for edh actually
Your kind isn't welcome here.

bruh I play retarded jank combo in historic, arena cube, and legacy TES
>R&D doesn't playtest its own cards
>meanwhile Travis Woo is reinventing stairs


>Travis Woo
Thanks god he is doing ok, honestly he won big when wizards went retard against him.
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I just wanted to say how much i love her after the nerfs and how much fun is cannibal cats deck.

Thanks for read.
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This is what I could find on it.
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Quick question: If I use Mirror Image to copy a creature, will that proc Kiora Sovereign of the Deep's effect? If so, does it copy the mana cost of the copied creature as well?
No, because Mirror Image isn't a spell of those types. It only becomes one as it's resolving. You're just casting a Shapeshifter creature spell.

*oh wait no, probably not
what nerf?
>do people actually think ring is broken or something

Do you not?
>another living end 5-0
holy shit the deck might survive after all
they keep banning shit from it but it keeps getting back up
ring polarizes player draw steps in a way that breaks the card economy, drawing a land vs drawing a ring is too severe of a difference.
>3 damage one off spell that can be only be played with red
>4 mana indestructible protection from everything that gives you incredibly strong card draw in any colour and can be activated on the same turn you cast it
Thanks! So what if I use Moritte of the Frost, who is a changeling. Would I use the copied mana value or his own?
Until Moritte resolves and enters the battlefield, he's not a copy of another card, like every other shapeshifter/clone effect. While he's on the stack, attributes such as his mana value remain as printed on the card.
i am going to build BG Turbo-Fog
>all the fogs
>maindeck veils
could splash either blue or white maybe
the plan is to shit out a bunch of Fog effects until i set up shelly+ring and then protect shelly until i win the game. also recycle my graveyard with endurance or elixir of immortality so i can just keep on truckin' and not run out of cards. probably put a thoracle in the sideboard against leyline/RIP decks.
What >>93739813 is correct, but Changeling cards are all creature types at all times, so he would proc her effect while he's on the stack, and you can have him enter as a copy of whatever you cast with Kiora.
Thanks, so it might not be worth it to use him except on certain ETB effects, or I can use him to copy a land/artifact and it will proc her effect still. Ill think on it more.
That's interesting, so I cast him -> proc Kioras effect -> cast a creature that is 4 or less and copy that creature possibly since it will be on the field at that point.
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it's pure jank, but pic related is my favourite card to copy with Moritte
Correct. He will still be on the stack when her ability resolves, so you can pick that Creature once he resolves. It's kind of like how you give the creature you get from Violent Outburst haste, because it will be in play once the spell resolves.
I'm gonna make ninjas work in pioneer I don't give a FUCK

I'm so mad.
banned for being a cauc
classic california
Playing Amalia in Pioneer was the only fun I still had with this dogshit game. Modern is ruined, every single deck I had was killed. Now this. Fuck WotC. Fuck Magic. I am truly done.
I was thinking about this today and realized I hadn't actually looked at Cat Oven lists since she came out. How's the Greasefang matchup now? The rat will be back.
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>Lightning bolt is in every red deck, and it's not like people give a shit about that, do people actually think ring is broken or something
There is such a stark difference between Lightning Bolt and TOR that I feel like you are stupid. Lightning Bolt is strong, or rather WAS strong (not even in top 10 spells kek) but it was just a limited tool that happened to be strong. Not many people were walking away from a game where Lightning Bolt was played and thinking "geez that was insane!". Lightning Bolt did:
>popped small creatures for cheap (many other cards could do this)
>go face
>finish off a planewalker that already got value
And that's about it. There's some more niche scenarios where it could do something different, but that's about it.
TOR gives you ultra turbo fog for a turn, which is something not a lot of cards can do. Then it draws A LOT of cards, which is also not something a lot of cards can do for that value. Coincidentally, most decks in magic want to draw cards.
It's way too overcentralizing. If you are making a modern deck and your strategy expects to go to turn 4, your deck would almost certainly be improved by adding 4 TOR.
WOTC's turbo retard argument of "well a lot of decks use it" is a joke. You could print Ancestral Recall in Modern Goyrisons 4 and defend it with the same logic. Well gee Maro, aggro, control and combo strategies are all playing 4 copies of Ancestral, guess it must be good for the game and not broken!
Tip: just make blue/black control and add 6-8 ninjas. It works for Faeries.
It makes sense once you realize that the headspace Wizards was in for the banning's was "what cards in the current best decks have the most potential of breaking the game again if we printed something new that interacts with it?"
In that regard Wildgrowth is less of a future risk.
>yeah man playing this game-ruining combo was the only way I could have fun yeah man
You will not be missed
Is the joke here that for all their talk about dirge bat it wasn't even played in standard?
You would have never survived the 90's man.
I keep getting recommended ThrabenU on YT and I genuinely have no idea how people watch him. He has zero positive qualities whatsoever.

Ugly, bad at the game, total charisma void.
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Darksteel Citadel, Memnite, Mox Opal, Springleaf Drum, Signal Pest, Pay 2 and tap my memnite with the drum, Vault Skirge,.
Your go.
>pumps Amalia
Nice try
Where did we go so wrong
>dumps Amalia
she's washed up now, anon
i really miss my old tempered steel deck now, the feeling of copying my opponent's wurmcoil engine with a phyrexian metamorph was indescribable
Sac 5 spawn for Emrakul
>wurmcoil engine
That's a weird way to spell Blightsteel Colossus
Tron/Karn decks have always been the best one ring decks and best anti one ring decks.
Reminder: The best standard deck is RDW mice and the only thing stopping it from breaking the format is Golgari Midrange
Nah, the best standard deck is Temur Energy and Golgari Constrictor.
>when the chatbot wasn't updated for rotation
everyone point and laugh
I just miss that time anon...
Carmen: “In MH3 we added a life to all the MDFC lands [last second]”
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>because they playtested BLB too much.
What do you mean?
Nerfing things last minute is a good call.
Usually by wiping their board at instant speed with pic rel after they've cast their Bushwhacker and then burying them in card advantage with Ninja of the Deep Hours. Pauper RDW is good but entirely beatable if you're prepared for it.
>what if we made a set entirely based around turning cute creatures sideways
>we will need to playtest this for 1000s of hours
mindrot from commander never stops
Does mice even show up anywhere outside of Arena BO1?
RDW mice are placing in the T8 of every major tournament right now
I'm going to test 2(two) mice tomorrow.
...commander's hand is seen again...
This is probably the best version for BO3 while straight RDW mice is better for BO1
But I don't want to run someone elses deck, I want to run mine, even if it's weaker.
...at least I tested in on arena Bo3 before buying missing physical cards, so I'm a bit optimistic about it's performance...
now that we have ripped the bandaid off with errataing creature types every now and then, when are we going to see other aspects changed too? say all these one-off counters cards are making like the rev counter. wouldn't it be neat if the old ones weren't so parasitic and got changed to something more common so they will work with each other? you know, for supporting them!
>now that we have ripped the bandaid off with errataing creature types every now and then,
What are you talking about? They've been doing that for decades. Remember the grand creature type update?

>bloated toad became a frog
oh baby lets goooo
In hindsight, why did they get rid of Dinosaur? They obviously changed their minds later, but why get rid of it in the first place?
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They also got rid of Noble and Ranger, other types they'd eventually bring back. Ranger I get it (they shouldn't have brought it back imo), but Noble was clearly a useful type to have, hence why they brought it back.
Dog was also removed because they wanted to use Hound, but eventually they relented and errata'd all Hounds to be Dogs.
The only other elimated type to come back was Inquisitor, which so far has only been used in UB.
"Spy" is another eliminated type I suspect they'll eventually bring back in UB for characters like Nick Fury or Black Widow.
Balustrade Spy and Undercity Informer are rogues and I will not stand for their types to be changed.
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No testing?
They presumably felt that dinosaurs didn't fit the traditional fantasy aesthetic MtG used to strive for. Once they changed their philosophy "to fuck it, anything from pop culture can be Magic" that went out the window.
They intentionally refused to change Dogged Detective to be a Detective, so they're probably safe even if Spy comes back.
imagine not understanding looking at good decks to see what is possible and then adjusting for your local meta
But it has a different idea from my deck. Aggro is a backup plan in mine, not main.
My solution to the RDW question. And push for the bird.
>"race class"
>master creature type
uhh highly problematic!
Then you're going to lose, a lot. RDW is always aggro game 1, with a possible midrange/control setup game 2/3. You'll catch a lot of sideboard removal hate in the later games which is things like sideboard forges are a 4x in every RDW.
it was to update legeds to have types and it was one time only not "for decades" you disingenuous bastard
Nope, it's happened several times.
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Cool card, but it loses to picrel in mouse deck and uh most removal red runs
I scoop, gg.
I think Orzhov Token control is the best Caretaker's Talent deck in Standard and yet nobody is running it. It's been absolutely bodying at my LGS, just in time for the Standard Championship on Friday.

Any of you played in any Standard Championships so far or has WOTC still not done enough to tempt you back to the format?
I still have no idea how they went for Hound over Dog for so long. I also don't get why it's Ox over Cow to be honest.
>But I don't want to run someone elses deck, I want to run mine, even if it's weaker.
Unironically play EDH. In 60 card formats, if you don't optomize you don't get to play.
Because cows are female, that's pretty much it.
>amalia banned for doing too much
>meanwhile on turn 3 monoG with the leyline has 80 mana and played storm the festival 5 times
>amalia banned for doing too much
amalia got banned because the best way to deal with the combo is forcing a draw
Play removal
you don't get it, forcing a draw is better than removing a combo piece because it forces the amalia player to assemble the entire thing again
i told you dogge
i told you about the forest menace
i told you amalia was the good girl in the end
and lets not forget about phoenix, with the cruise of hell.
How is this different from literally every other deck just playing another wincon? MonoG can just Storm again.
>How is this different from literally every other deck just playing another wincon?
you only play at most 3 games against other decks
against amalia it was common to play like 5 or more games if the opponent was running something to make the loop infinite
it was a logistical nightmare
Another proof they clearly dont playtest their fucking cards.
Amalia was the only deck I still enjoyed playing.
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There's always good art.
i'm very glad amalia died because my girl gresefang is playable again.
>Nivvy Miz is not in a top level meta deck
Standard is the healthiest format in the game right now.
If you enjoy unendless tokens and shitty sunfalls maybe anon...
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Atraxa is the sort of card that needs a universal ban.
If this can perform well maybe Rona combo can comeback too?
Agree, i'm so fucking tired of Atraxa in every format...
Richard Garfield never intended for decks to effortlessly run more than three colors.
Richard Garfield is dead.
Cattle feels like a better catch-all term, at least. Boar instead of Pig feels... At least 'okay', though that they use Boar for Pigs feels wrong.
probably? maybe the BUG version, which runs a ton of interaction can achieve similar results
If a 5c pile ever reaches meta status, there should be emergency bans that absolutely gut it out of existence. Prove me wrong.
It's hard to disprove an opinion.
Actually my opinion is fact, which ironically is also impossible to disprove, because facts are inherently true.
Choose words better next time.
Boy howdy those stairs are also a worm, huh?
Domain and other 5c piles are fun. You are a faggot. There checkmate.
So will this be Maland that becomes a Wurm, or just a Wurm creature?
Dumbest part is that it isn't even any less retarded in commander
There is nothing wrong with the use of the word "should". Are you retarded?

Get cancer. You deserve it.
I can understand them missing the Shuko and Outrider interactions, but how the fuck did they miss Lightning Greaves, aka the 5th most played commander card?
It would be like them printing a commander that had, "(1): untap target artifact that's 1 CMC" while forgetting that sol ring exists.
Nadu is just more FIRE design with little play testing, them just throwing shit at the wall, then saying "nah needs to be better for commander" then throwing a more broken version then just shipping it.
Not long ago the deck did well
So i think we can see a comeback now that you have to side against less bullshit
Ring won't get banned until the new lotr bundles come out
They will never ban The One Ring from the Lord of the Rings set.
We will never ban TOR
>For some more context, Modern Horizons testing works differently than typical Standard FFL (Future Future League). For both Modern Horizons 2 and Modern Horizons 3, we brought in a small group of contractors and worked on the set in a dedicated sprint as a collaboration between that group and a small number of play designers. The playtesting time is more dense, as the group is singularly focused on the set without other responsibilities, but shorter in terms of weeks.
>After the playtesting, there were a series of last-minute checks of the sets by various groups. This is the normal operating procedure for every release. It is a series of opportunities for folks from various departments and disciplines to weigh in on every component of the project and give final feedback.
>In one of these meetings, there was a great deal of concern raised by Nadu's flash-granting ability for Commander play. After removing the ability, it wasn't clear that the card would have an audience or a home, something that is important for every card we make. Ultimately, my intention was to create a build-around aimed at Commander play, which resulted in the final text.
>I missed the interaction with zero-mana abilities that are so problematic. The last round of folks who were shown the card in the building missed it too. We didn't playtest with Nadu's final iteration, as we were too far along in the process, and it shipped as-is.
Thanks, Magali. Time to get to work.
Nadu is even more retarded in commander because spending a turn or 2 just drawing and ramping is way more viable
1 mana equips still go hard with Nadu, and in commander if you just spend a turn sinking your mana into bouncing equipment between Nadu and some other creatures you will easily double your lands in play
Why do they refuse to ban Nykthos?
They want to ban cards that will fuck up design but won't ban the card that is allowing people to play their entire deck on turn 3?
>The playtesting time is more dense, as the group is singularly focused on the set without other responsibilities, but shorter in terms of weeks.

So what you're saying is there's less time for people to mull over the possibilities. They just rapidly play test the most obvious scenarios they can think of. And then they bring in people to do a final cursory inspection AFTER playtesting and if they say anything, the designers will then make radical changes which go untested because testing is already over.
Great system, WotC.
Recap because:
>Tyvar and Zimone are wandering through the House, as you do, while Tyvar is mildly unnerved at the realisation that the 'wallpaper' is still functionally flesh because it's the same stuff as the creature that attacked them earlier
>Tyvar's also just camouflaging with said wallpaper flesh as they walk through to avoid too many encounters
>Zimone asks him how he seems to be doing so well at keeping himself in balance with the transmutations and he trauma dumps about the Phyrexian invasion and how it taking even Koma, who he revered, really fucked him up in a way
>And then he immediately bounces back to being cheery because you can't keep a himbo down
>They eventually arrive at a room that feels 'impossible', in that unlike every other room, it's perfectly pleasant and comfortable-looking, there's even sunlight
>In said room is a teenage girl, writing in a diary
>Zimone recognises said girl from the picture they all saw way back when the group was still together, and wonders how she's still so young-looking, and alive
>Tyvar suggests she's a ghost, and notes that, even as attractive as he is, the girl isn't looking at them
>The girl leaves, and soon as she does, the House takes on its usual look and feel, so they elect to follow her to a conservatory
>Zimone comes to realise the girl literally can't see the House as-is, and them currently being transmuted means she can't perceive them, so they drop the camouflage and suddenly she sees them fine
>She, very reasonably, screams and runs, asking what they're doing in her house
>The girl introduces herself as Marina Vendrell, and threatens to call the watch on them, which is probably a good sign for her state of mind
>They ask what happened to the House, and she seems completely confused, because it's like it's always been to her
>When they ask her about the monsters, she vehemently denies those being normal
>The conversation turns to the book Zimone learned from
>The book's a record the previous homeowners had, and when Marina's family bought it, the realtor apparently demanded they keep a record as well, hence Marina's own entries
>They ask her about the dangerous magic mentioned in the margins, and when they press her on that magic being maybe why the House is this way, she simply shuts her eyes and chants to herself that they're not real and not here
>The House, seemingly in response, warps and twists the room around them, keeping Marina perfectly safe while many nightmares crawl out of the walls
>Tyvar, wisely, grabs Zimone and runs, and they talk about how the House is clearly protecting her, and Zimone holds up her diary which she snatched at some point during that kerfuffle to understand more
>Diary is mostly complaining about people and having to move, she's an antisocial goth teen, what do you expect
>They get to an entry about her meeting the thing in the basement, which introduced himself to her as Valgavoth (she calls him Val), who was basically a far-too-powerful demon summoned and bound to the house that they never banished
>Marina, for some reason, wanted to free him because... Antisocial goth teen with her 'only friend' being a house demon I guess, and so delved into research about various bits of magic
>Later entry has Marina deciding she maybe doesn't want to release Valgavoth, not because it'd be a bad thing, but because she'd lose her only friend, though she DOES worry he'd hurt people as a secondary concern
>Then there's a mostly scribbled and torn-out entry about her getting bullied at school, then an entry about Val saying he could help her get revenge, if she invited them over
>She invited them over, and things went predictably wrong, leading to those bullies getting pulled into the walls and never returning, and Marina had a guilt-induced mental breakdown
>wanted to free him because... Antisocial goth teen with her 'only friend' being a house demon I guess, and so delved into research about various bits of magic

Its like one of the most common horror movie tropes, esp for young fiction. Young, naïve, bullied, loner seeks companionship, and gets abused by dark forces, Hell, the new ghostbusters movie played the trope straight.
>Eating those bullies seemed to give Valgavoth strength to make the House start to grow and consume, and that meant it got more strength to grow and consume, etc.
>Marina's last entry that Zimone can read is about her resolving to try and do SOMETHING to fix things
>Zimone shuts the diary and comes to the conclusion that Valgavoth IS the entire plane at this point
>Anyway, back to Wanderer, Niko, Winter and Nashi (and some unnamed rats)
>Nashi leads them on somewhere, which Winter informs them is the Valley of Serenity, where the Cult of Valgavoth lives and whatnot
>Nashi insists Tamiyo's voice is coming from that direction though, and ignores his warnings
>Wanderer (and Niko I guess) decide to stick with Nashi regardless, and Winter sort of just begrudgingly goes with
>Winter explains a bit more of the Cult, basic shit, they gather survivors to either convert or to feed to Valgavoth
>Winter also notes that he considers the Cult the worst of the bunch in the House
>Next room they end up in after this forest-room is a cave-looking place
>Very clearly a cult hideout, altars and whatnot
>The six robed cultists there also are a good clue as to it being a cult place
>There's chrysalises hanging around the room that apparently hurt to look at
>There's three survivors that're dressed somewhat like Winter who're captured too
>Niko intervenes as they're about to stuff one of the captives into a chrysalis, and the cultists do some sort of sleep magic on the Wanderer and Nashi, leading to them being captured
>Also, Winter betrays them to the Cult, closing the cavern entrance on them
>It SHOULD have been an easy fight, but the cult leader uses some sort of sedative powder to subdue them all pretty easily
>They all wake up tied to posts in another, larger cavern
>One of the cavern walls is a sort of pulsating cocoon
>There's an altar in the centre, and on said altar is a device of some sort, from which the living memory of Tamiyo is being projected
>After some barbs spat, cultist guy explains they're using Tamiyo's stories to understand the wider Multiverse, giving Valgavoth even better avenues of where to kidnap people
>Then he leaves after saying some ominous shit
>Back to Kaito, now on Ravnica
>Kaito, immediately, tries to planeswalk BACK to Duskmourn but finds he can't, then goes to report to Niv and Aminatou
>Aminatou basically explains the House knows who he is now, and so it's decided it doesn't want him there
>Also Niv seems upset that Jace is alive
>Proft saunters on up, and he has some idea to help, and the tiny piece of Duskmourn that Kaito managed to planeswalk away with might be part of it
>Kaito follows, for lack of anything else to do to help
What's wrong with half the decks playing a card? That's what a diverse and healthy meta looks like, chud.
Oh, sure I get it, it's just always a funny trope to me because "yeah, sure, I can trust this demon in the basement" seems so reasonable to them I guess?
I get it. K-6 as a child my parents moved every year. Not like move across town, but across state/new states. Wasn't till middleschool did they settle down.

I was a very lonely kid.
The trope is less "I can trust this demon" and moreso "this is the only being that has ever paid me any attention and it feels good to be wanted". It's grooming, effectively. Humans crave that feeling of being of value to someone, anyone.
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I still can't understand why The One Ring didn't have a "You can only have one The One Ring in your deck" clause. It just makes sense thematically and in terms of its power.
the best part is that you could play the one ring in all of those non-ring decks and it would be just fine, in fact, it would improve them a little bit against certain matchups
We'll that downside wouldn't have any effect in commander so what's even the point right
I hate that you're right that there's a very solid chance they just never even considered the clause because everyone at WOTC is just a commanderbabby.
>50 cards where the set is “ltr” and the text includes “tempts”
Banning the ring would neuter the whole mechanic of the set.
JotC obviously doesn't give a shit about flavor given that 'The Ring Tempts You' is 100% upside so why would they do something that they believe hurts the game 'just' for flavor if they also do not care about flavor? Having a card restricted in a non-Vintage format is more trouble than it is worth. I think I remember reading somewhere that the idea of legendary sorceries were originally supposed to be 'you may only play one of these in your deck' and playtesting found it really lame. I am sure that having to actually print the text 'a deck can only contain 1 copy of ~' would be viewed as a downside and JotC thinks that players hate downsides which is why we can't have fun black cards anymore. Finally, if The One Ring was restricted, it would mean players would only need a single copy for their decks. That means 1/4 of the sales. I think there are lots of reasons that are far more likely than 'commander focused game pls understand' that The One Ring is not restricted.
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>I still can't understand why The One Ring didn't have a "You can only have one The One Ring in your deck" clause
noob retard here. It's a Legendary Artifact, so the second Ring goes straight to the graveyard after casting. But you're saying the ETB trigger still resolves before the second Ring is trashed? I thought the Legendary rule was a state-based action and happens 'instantly' before anything else.
In the Land of Modern where the Tron lie.
One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them
One ring to bring them all, and in the meta bind them
The One Ring has literally nothing to so with the tempt mechanic you fucking unplayer scrub faggot.
The point is that burden counters go on that particular instance of the ring. So if you play another one, it resets.
It happens as a state-based action, but it still enters the battlefield and triggers its corresponding effects. It will be in the graveyard before that trigger RESOLVES, but putting that trigger onto the stack happens at the same 'speed' if that makes sense.
I miss when cards had downsides. All of my favourite black cards were "if you can play around this absolute anus-wrecking downside, you get to wreck anus instead".

You get to pick which legendary you keep. So you can play a second ring, get another round of protection from everything and start the drawing process from scratch with less damage than the first copy was dishing out.
Just play white.

its still the color that gets the most downsides, or just worst versions of other cards.
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Thanks anons. Wow, holy shit, if you had the life to spare you could even remove the newer ring and draw more cards with the burden counters on the old ring. WTF
>Just play white.
No. I want to play meme-y black cards that have me constantly teetering on the edge of a loss with the potential to fuck your ass if you don't push me off the edge first.
Don't respond to white schizo
You got me, I don't play UB formats. I thought it somehow related to the one ring card.
Why are you running defense for wizards when you don't even know what the mechanics are?
came here because I heard about the nadu ban (or more accurately the excuses rather than reasons they gave for his design being what it was) and somehow despite bowing out of the game well before MH3 dropped I still feel like I got slapped in the face
Being contrarian is my hobby.
>trolling 4chan

It's like pissing in an ocean of piss anon
Yeah but I think my piss just so happens to be an interesting color
Drink more water.
Not my fault wotc cant manage a color. Look at the council of colors, in the 10 years it has existed, white has had 6 separate people managing it.

U/R/B all had 3 people in that same time frame.
G had 4
Colorless was the only one with more then White, and that is explicitly because they used it as the training position.

When was the last time a mono-white card received a ban in standard/modern/vintage/legacy? Compare it to the other 4 colors.
>did you playtest MH3 yet?
>I'm finna do it
>it ships tomorrow, we have to tes--
>Narrator: He didn't
Intangible Virtue comes to mind
As does the various bannings of StoneForge Mystic
Caretaker's talent will be banned soon, so you can do that one too
Didn't they say there isn't going to be another standard ban for like a year? Caretaker's Talent isn't going anywhere.
I'm so torn on Caretaker's Talent. It's value as a card draw engine is absolutely mental and for that reason, it should probably go. But it's created so many new and interesting decks that I don't really want it to be banned.
more bans in december
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who are the most insufferable people in mtg and why is it judges?
>does it for free
>ackchyually when not judging
>Feels entitled to respect when he would rather judge than play
>worst players
>always fat
>always smelly
>intangible virture
Am I being memed on? Its banned in block constructed. Nowhere else. Stoneforge was released 14 years ago, and was also unbanned 5 years ago.

Which is the point I was making anon, the other 4 colors have all received bans in both rotating and non-rotating formats.
>does it for free
Worse, they pay money to judge.
If my on the draw winrate is lower than my on the play, does that mean I'm likely struggling post-sideboard or does it just mean my deck's a bit slower in the early turns?

I really should've kept better notes.
The most insufferable people are the ones who show up high
>Constant slow play
>Erratic mood swings
>Smells bad
>Will start taking his turn in the middle of your turn
If you're on draw winrate is lower it means you are playing MTG.
It's you. You. You are the most insufferable one. Nobody likes you, see. We would happily not see you in the LGS ever again.
But 20% lower? That feels like I have an oversight somewhere.
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now that the dust has settled
you did buy her secret lair, right?
Why would I?
Yeah. I feel unclean.
Caretakers talent will be banned in December, so will Innkeepers talent. They are both absurdly degenerate cards that destroy the standard design space for both tokens and planeswalkers for the next three years unless banned.
I only buy cards if I find the woman in the artwork sexy and she reads more as cute to me
I don't wanna fuck this woman I wanna play cards with her and talk about the frogs she saw on the walk she had that morning
Nobody asked about this.
the worst players are the rule lawyers who try to pull bullshit after it is apparent they lost the match, often using phrases like priority or missed triggers on things like prowess at regular REL
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you hopefully didnt buy this mans latest secret lair scam.
One of the dumbest things about Nadu's last minute change, where the EDH crowd thought that
>You may cast permanent spells as though they had flash.
Was too powerful, was they were literally comparing it to one of the boogiemen of Competitive EDH: Yeva, Nature's Herald.

No really. Yeva is actually surprisingly powerful even with the restriction of only being able to flash in green creature spells. As she does what is known as "sandbagging", essentially waiting until people are tapped out and/or have exhausted their removal and counterspell cards for her to drop threats and also mana dorks.

God I wish I was making up how dumb the whole situation was.
Some people were making the argument that Vein should be banned rather than Sorin. Banning vein ripper is a band-aid that gets ripped off when they print another vampire beatstick. Shame that vamps now do not have an enabler like before for tribal decks other than humans have always been niche decks.
this is supposed to be strong?
Flash + mana untappers means every turn is the green players turn.
>“Stop designing for Commander” - The nature of competitive formats is that only so many cards can be relevant. As you start making more competitive relevant cards, they displace the weakest of the existing relevant cards. That’s how a trading card game works. That means that not every card in a set (or even just the rares and mythic rares as the commons and uncommons have a big role making the limited environment work) has a competitive role. As such, we examine how they will play in more casual settings. There’s no reason not to do that. And when you think of casual settings, you are remiss if you don’t consider Commander. It’s the 800-pound gorilla of tabletop play (aka the most played, heavily dominant format). Us considering the casual ramifications of a card that we didn’t feel was competitively viable is not what broke the card. Us missing the interaction with a component of the game we consider broken and have stopped doing (0 cost activations), but still lives on in older formats is the cause.
>“Everything needs to get playtested” - My, and my team’s, job is to take a blank piece of paper and make something that doesn’t exist exist. That’s not an easy thing to do. I believe play design’s job is even harder. They’re trying to make a balanced environment with thousands of moving pieces a year in the future. And if we’re able to solve it on our end, that means the playerbase will crack it in minute one of playing with it. One minute, by the way, is the time it takes the Magic playerbase to play with a set as much as we can. There are tens of millions of you and a handful of us. There simply isn’t time in the day to test everything, so the play design team tests what they think has the highest chance of mattering.
So these retards didn't even see how Nadu could be broken at a glance
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The real kicker
I agree, anon. Karlach a qt.
> Us missing the interaction with a component of the game we consider broken and have stopped doing (0 cost activations), but still lives on in older formats is the cause.
Remember, these are the same people who thought Oko would only be used to target your own foods.
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>yfw game designers are dumber than the players
Uhhh bro we thought you players were gonna use your 5 mana instant speed combat tricks and enchantments on Nadu
I really wish there were more cards that beat Urabrasks' Forge that don't require you to basically gut an entire synergy from your deck.
What color are you running?
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Give it time
Reminder that Rosewater is not a fan of commander, doesn't get why people play it, and he doesn't even play it. Even though it is the most financially successful and popular thing to come out of this card game.

Or as a TL;DR:
>The devs don't play their own game.
Orzhov. I know I have some options like Sunder the Gateway and Requisiton Raid, but both don't feel fantastic for it because you often need to use them on Caretaker's Talent before a Forge is ever seen and then you're caught. I guess my complaint is actually "Caretaker's Talent is too much of a must-answer", when I think about it.
Hitachi fucking hates that people use their personal massager to masturbate, and yet here we are
Exactly. As that is what a lot of commander decks are, degenerate.
>There simply isn’t time in the day to test everything,
Fuck off Mark, every time one of these broken cards come out, within minutes of being spoiled, people realize its broken as fuck or combos with X.
>You aquire insane brand name recognition and your design is very popular
>But it's because people use it to masturbate
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Whose pet character is Jace? There was the whole Guildpact shit, he was a major feature of the Invasion arc, he's the one planeswalker who got compleated and neither died nor desparked, he was in WOE, he was in OTJ, he was in Bloomburrow, he's in Duskmourn. Is Rosewater forcing the writers to inflict this personality vacuum on us again and again?
>Whose pet character is Jace

The average mtg player. Decisions from a company are generally made with economics in mind.
Jace is a fine, do you remember when they forced Kaya on us for like 4 sets in a row.
Don't forget, the font they use for magic cards is literally called Beleren.
Jace was the face of the series because he appealed massively to teenagers and your average mtg playing denizen until baby jace and emphasis on the gatewatch pissed too many people off. So after war of the spark he was by and large shelved and the replacements are bad enough that people want Jace back again.
In some fairness, the sheer mass of the playerbase (even nowadays) means there will invariably be more perspectives in the wild compared to even the largest playtest team. If Modern Horizons spoiler seasons consistently demonstrate anything, it's that you can't 100% call where the meta will settle until the cards are out in the wild in the hands of players. Some things will just fall through the cracks until some random player has a thought and starts posting about it.
Now that's not to say WotC isn't incompetent on top of that. Nadu is an egregious example of missing (or ignoring) the obvious and just shoving something through the door. And those cunts had the gall to say "The format has the tools to deal with it" during the previous B&R.
I would take Kaya over Jace any day of the week. "You're so naive Bolas simply stood back and let you did as you pleased as a form of sabotage, and now you have to vindicate the people you despised" is a better narrative arc than "you're the single most important person on Ravnica and having to be in one place most of the time is a terrible burden"
You forgot she's black
well jace fucked a gorgon soooo
I'd just think, if they were so focused on designing cards, they should have a fairly extensive memory of the ways a card could be played and what kind of interactions can happen. I don't think its unreasonable, as they already have to keep track of things like layers.
Whose pet character is Kaya?
Its ok guys, michael simply did an oopsie
The Living Guildpact is honestly not THAT important a role. It's basically just a magical lynchpin. It gave him some ability to enforce Ravnican laws and that's about it, he mostly just arbitrated guild disputes. I do agree it's weird to make him the Guildpact in the first place, especially given they did very little WITH that except for imprisoning Azor, but hey. Also, Kaya got that same deal, accidentally becoming Orzhov guildmaster.
The diversity consultant lady who designed her and hilariously created a sassy black stereotype with an afro.
Michael Majors is such a saltlord I wouldn't be surprised if he knew about shuko and shipped it anyways to stir the pot.
expecting anything to arise from the mulatto studfarm called america other than pornography and war crimes is a mistake

forget card games, i wouldn't trust this country to make dog food
>WotC: it appears the Modern format has proven it has tools to fight Nadu
>WotC: w-w-well the last announcement was just too early and we couldn't do anything about it.
Jace, like Kellan, is in the middle of a redemption arc (with /tg/) due to their choices.
>twitter link to a tumblr link

Should've just posted a tumblr link. Anyway, here's a picture of it to spare everyone else.
Why are they like this
>accidentally becoming Orzhov guildmaster
She's guildmaster by title, she has to sit and watch Teysa Karlov make all the actual decisions because she has to admit she has no idea how to be a leader. And as much as she hates the Church desecrating the dead, she's learned that if it implodes a lot of living people will be in danger
for reference my winrate is 62%. las vegas has a 51% edge. fuck wizards
Lol, I completely forgot about ruby storm, that deck felt off in days
>many more cards just wouldn't be playable
99% of cards already aren't playable because you keep printing idiotic over-rate shit, what's one more
>why are they like this
Ivory Tower Syndrome. When you're higher up than the rest, you see the world and think the world is what you see. Yet they fail to actually know the world for what it really is.

In this case: they havent played in a normal setting enough to figure out how abusable something is doing basic thinking and shit.
He deftly sidesteps literally every complaint lol. People saying "Stop making cards for commander" don't mean "Stop making cards for commander". They mean "Stop making cards for commander and then putting them into a non-commander set." He knows this, but addressing that would invite an uncomfortable discussion about making shareholders profit.

People saying "Stop making late changes" aren't saying "stop making late changes", they're saying "Don't make a last minute change and then ship the item without testing. If the card is failing during the playtest process, don't fucking print it at all."

And again on the "we can't test everything due to time", he's again sidestepping the actual conversation which is "we can't test everything because we need to make profit for the shareholders." The entire blog is a cover-up for Hasbro's milking of WOTC by squeezing every drop of juice out of every thing they do, regardless of the damage it does to the brand or the game's meta.
>The Living Guildpact is honestly not THAT important a role. It's basically just a magical lynchpin. It gave him some ability to enforce Ravnican laws and that's about it
Isn't the word of the guildpact itself law? Like if the guildpact orders you to bring him a pizza, its a binding and compulsionary thing the person must do?
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>well we have to set a date for final changes at some point!
>actually most last minute changes are a good thing!
>it's not commander's fault, it's just because we do 0 cost activations anymore so we didn't of it!
>actually most last minute changes are a good thing! (again)
>we don't have enough time to playtest everything!
>making magic is hard, please be nicer to us!

just shut the fuck up, maro
It's still fairly big in the meta. It's just that it's very easy to hate out, which is how Storm has always been.
>it's just because we do 0 cost activations anymore so we didn't of it!

it's just because we don't do 0 cost activations anymore so we didn't think of it!*

fucking mangled that sentence
In reality designers have to make sellable cards, not balanced ones. They have to make cards that people want to buy, this also means commander card, and they can't directly say that, that's why we always get the hilarious strawman arguments every time they have to defend their bowl movements.
>we had to change it last minute
>the data suggest there is no issue here
>the tools exist to deal with the card, plays just have to find them.
It's actual textbook strawmanning.
it fell of from "this is most broken thing to be doing in the format" but it's still very much competitive, it top8ed two modern challenges literally yesterday
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Monowhite or Azorius exile has a very good time against RDW.
>turn 3 RDW pumps the shit out of something
>drop an Aven Interrupter and plot it making them waste their pump spells
>If they are plotting SSS Aven Interrupter and Anointed Peacekeeper make it cost more to get them out
>when they finally get a plotted creature out just exile it again with Werefox or Invasion of Gobakhan
>with Azorius you just use Mockingbird to get 4 extra exiles or copy a big threat of theirs.
Niv seems to have more authority than Jace, in part because Jace was just imbued with the role, Niv-Mizzet was reborn AS the Living Guildpact incarnate. Even then, people clearly disobey Niv if they wish. He has authority, but the Guildpact is by no means absolute. At most the Guildpact can enforce rulings with regards to guild disputes and the like.
dammit that johannes voss karlach card is pretty.
Too bad the rigged matchmaker will instantly never put you against red once you queue with a deck like this.
Oh okay. So it can't be as used for much as dictator purposes.
Yeah, the original Guildpact that was broken when Agrus Kos arrested Szadek and thus exposed the Dimir's existence was, effectively, a magically binding peace treaty of sorts. The Living Guildpact is a failsafe role where a person takes up the role of arbitrator and peacemaker between the guilds. Even just the existence of the Living Guildpact does a lot to keep things stable, though Jace didn't actually DO the job that much because he didn't want it in the first place, so.
Sasuga Voss-sama
>his aggro deck isn't running Dreadmaw's Ire mainboard
sucks to suck my guy
I'm not a homosexual
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I want to slap MaRo's face with all my might guyss...
Why are you assuming the RDW player is a retard who will pump with nothing on the stack?
Why are you assuming your bird isn't going to get shocked if they are playing SSS?
I wrecked so many white/azorius decks at store championships in the past week who thought exactly the same thing as you.
You're not beating RDW, you're beating tarded pilots who think aggro means empty your hand on T3 into open opponent mana.
wait a minute why do they playtest commander anyway? it's a fucking casual format with no tournaments and a self-determined banlist. how would it affect anyone if they broke it?
stop asking questions and preorder duskmorn
look jace has a ghost gun
I'm not sure they playtested it specifically commander. It sounded more like some commander guys saw the card and said "ooh, I dunno about that flash ability for Commander games", so they overhauled the card at the last possible minute in response.
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I agree with every point beside the commander issue, and still think that Maro is a retard.
Most of the really stupid complaints come from people who don't know how playtesting works, so the "no late changes" and "everything needs to be tested" flat out did not need to be adressed. Idiots do not learn and cannot be reasoned with, so attempting to do so is pointless.

It was clear from the article on Nadu that the design mistake was a result of three elements; the focus on commander pushing for cards like Nadu to be designed in the first place, the unnamed people who brought up the flash concern in a meeting, and Michael Majors for not immediately seeing the issue with the effect he designed.
It was clear to everyone with a brain that at no point were the design process or the wider playtesting group responsible for the creation of Nadu. Majors saying that "This is both a design and logistical failure" is just a poor attempt to deflect criticism from himself by throwing as many things and people as he could under the bus.

Both the focus on commander and the flash concerns were ultimately of little importance. This leaves the design fault, and Majors is 100% guilty here, so nail him for that, keep his name in mind and move on.
Kaya was good when she killed Brago
Kaya was "good" when she fought the eternals
Kaya was really bad when she killed the obzedat and was good when she "fucked" the orzhov (that were totally fine the very next visit)
Kaya was ok when she went to kaldhelm and got beaten by Vorinclex and was bad when she fought tibalt
Kaya was bad when she fought the phyrexians and has been shit even since.

In comparison jace hadn't that much of a story exposure and people just "hate" him because of character fatigue. For kaya is both character fatigue and shit writing combined, that is why people hate her, and they have that right.
Why do people try to discern "why doesn't WOTC ban this?!"
Because it's a licensed card that is based off the most recognizable feature of one of the most iconic franchises in history. I wouldn't be surprised if contracts flat out prohibited them from doing it.
If this was called Teferi's cockring and not "The One Ring" it would have been banned.
Say what you will but wotc is pretty smart

>make a retard mistake
>retards gobble it up and go to harass commander and not the retards who decided to release an untested card
They 100% mentioned commander to deflect some of the hate toward players of a specific format instead of having it fully at WOTCs feet
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How do I start enjoying this format? I've built a couple of casual (shit) decks but every game feels like playing MtG while concussed.
I'd find it refreshing if later in the story we find out Val really does see her as a friend and is protecting her because of that instead of any magical obligation.
Holy shit you people actually care about the lore still?
>X has always been Y

>Well X did Y
>many years ago
>while it was still finding its identity
>then never did it again until now
>But that makes it OK for X to do Y all the time now.

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