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Previous: >>93734768

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

>Thread Question/Prompt:
What is the best card that only you seem to play?
Cant say I've ever seen anyone play this bad boy.
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My LGS group did not recognize this card but it entirely shut down over several games, several commanders and players strategies.
This shuts down experience counters, nice
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I seem to be the only one who plays this
you're joking right
Your first idea rips off full metal alchemist
Your second idea rips off the Mr bones meme from v
Your third idea is bad
Leave it in the last thread if you really want to discuss it.
How many Proxies is too many
like I played with a guy that said "hey some of my cards are proxied is that OK" and like a sane man I was like "yeah sure"
His commander and pretty much every non land, non common card were proxied. And his deck was Socrates commander with combo based around giving me rad counters and milling me out. So I felt a bit salty at the end there
You're an idiot.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
You're a retard
Shut the fuck up.
>How many Proxies is too many
You can't have too many proxies.
>his deck was Socrates commander with combo based around giving me rad counters and milling me out. So I felt a bit salty at the end there
That's either a power level discrepancy on his part or a skill discrepancy on yours. This is what the rule 0 talk is for.
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Straight Bolas
Lol u mad? Maybe come up with better ideas you retard
like I was only internally a bit miffed, was just a casual game before the draft started, but that's just it, casual, not the sweatiest deck time. I had only met the dude 5 mins before
>How many Proxies is too many
Same energy.
>a guy named mr bones
>who goes on a wild ride
>that never ends
Jesus christ anon. Anyways, compared to the high pitched voice elephant that shitpost is masterful. At least those characters are interesting.
The question to ask yourself is if you'd feel any different if all his cards were expensive jews of the coast approved cardboard and the game had gone exactly the same way.
I repeat: This is what the rule 0 talk is for.
Did you and the rest of the table say what kind of power level you're playing at and would prefer to play against? If you have issues with infinite combos, did you mention that before the game?
So if it he combod your ass by paying money you would be okay with it? Kinda cucked behavior no cap
fair enough I suppose
it means he earned it
Bolas tea edit when
Gay Bolas
>first idea rips off FMA
Pretty sure that the guy in that show isnt on a quest to be the most chivalrous knight? Animated suits of armor are a common fantasy trope.
>rips off a /v/ meme
Since when was he a skeleton botanist? I think he was a rollercoaster.
>is just bad
4 arm eye patch gangster punch wizard seems fine, maybe it's you who has bad taste. What do you like?
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Bisexual Ugin
Most of the time I see people complain about proxies, the actual issue is a lack of rule 0 discussion. It's usually "this guy proxied everything to make a tier 0 cedh deck" which inherently is a power level problem that should be solved by discussing the power of your decks before hand. Because the core issue isn't the proxies but the fact the deck is too strong/unfun.
>uhh you're idea is like another thing that already exists so it's automatically bad!
Will always be the most retarded way of thinking. News flash retard most things are like other things, humans have been creating stories and characters for thousands of years
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>t. guy who probably looked like this when bloomburrow was announced because he read redwall as a kid
>LGS didn't recognize the 2nd most-played card in Modern after TOR, specifically because it is the ONLY answer to a certain type of deck, and answers it comically well to the point of being a silver bullet that may as well force them to instantly shuffle up.
What a grim message for this game.
You forgot to reply to my post you fucking idiot. It amazes me that you can seethe this much just because not everyone wants 100 jaces
well to be honest the only people in the LGS that night were 12 commander players and the 3 dudes doing the standard tournament
Not everyone is the same person anon. And while not everyone wants 100 jaces, you're the only person who read this and thought "hell ya":
>Quint is a positive, upbeat, nerdy guy who is easily excitable and much more likely to talk your ears off than use a sword. He has a big, imposing body, but also a high-pitched voice and a dweeby, boyish charm. Quint can be quite nervous and sometimes be kind of a mess
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I have always started my green decks with

(oracle:Artifact oracle:enchantment) type:instant commander:G (game:paper) cmc<=2 legal:commander

and it baffles me that I don't see people do the same. Cheap instant speed artifact and enchantment removal is often even more valuable than cheap instant speed creature removal. I run all of those except Molder and Tribute to the Wild, but I replace them with Krosan Grip, Beast Within, and Sundering Vitae to bring the total up to 12.
I feel like this is the type of card that should be more well-known specifically because it's a terribly-designed answer to an awful type of deck, and is seeing a colossal amount of play in (what used to be) a premier format.
>Uh we made a new mechanic that's fucking impossible to interact with because we're retarded and now it has too much support (again) so it's actually good and now players are frustrated
>Print a silver bullet that completely blows it out lol
It reduces the game to a binary state of "do they have it" which is probably the second-worst state a game could be in after "did I go first" (which Legacy and Modern ALSO got to deal with while Grief was legal)
I'm not even that same person you fucking retard
Good taste. I'm proud anon.
No I don't care for bloomburrow really because the little forest critters esque things don't really interest me too much especially compared to typical settings. Only thing that I really like about it is more creature type variety but I prefer those not in the little boots and hats. Set wasn't for me but I know a lot of people fucking nutted over it
Wasn't me retard. I don't really care about jace one way or the other. I do prefer when a set is focused on the world but I don't really hate some recurring characters either. I think wotc just sucking at storytelling is the main issue.
I think some of you really overestimate how many people play modern
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Seems someone didn't get their >(you) and had a little sulk :^)
This is Quintorius, say something nice about him
He earned you being his clown, literally. Paid an entry fee to have fun ridiculing you. If you're into that it's okay but don't expect other not point and laugh at the clown
gaytime tea
How much appeal would EDH but no cards with the updated black frame (m15 and beyond) Aka 2014 era EDH have?
>RTR legends
>Theros Gods
>original commander and C13 cards
>OG legendary creatures like alara legends
Would people play this?

I've tuned up my MG deck, thoughts? I only have 15 rat colonies in it, but I think that makes it more fun by freeing up space for other rat cards.
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Green is my leaat favorite color, only have 2 decks with green, but this fucker is in both of them because nothing is more satisfying than the dockside faggot giving me 12 cards and yet I've never seen anyone play it
my brother from another mother, I approve
Maybe it's because green has so many good ways of drawing cards that people don't need to rely on their opponents to draw cards.
fangren marauder goes crazy too
if I wanted to drop $2000 on cards I'd head to Vegas not play Modern. Ironically, if I wanted to play MTG competitively I'd play Modern and not cEDH
I love this lil nigga like you would not believe
Do you guys go to prereleases? How much do you think is a reasonable amount for an lgs to charge for it?
Eriette brothers
>If I wanted to drop $2000, I would throw it away instead of buying cards
You DO know that this is a Magic general, right?
I feel that something like this will eventually happen. maybe like how how there used to be a type 1, type 1.5, and type 2, in constructed formats. The EDH card pool is just becoming too large, and there are too many auto includes for every color/archetype.
the thread's entitled /edhg/, so fuck off with the hand-wringing about not knowing other format's important cards
I was making fun of him for wanting to go to Vegas instead of buying cards
Eternity Vessel. It seems to really help out with a few decks that just don't have a good source of "healing" outside of Shadowspear.
>Maybe it's because blue has so many good ways of drawing cards that people don't need to rely on their opponents not paying 1 to draw cards.
Hi I'm curious to know how many mass removal, targeted creature or permanent removal, enchantement and artefact removal do you have. I'm buying a commander with a lot of creatures hoping putting pressure with to play less removal and add more synergie. I still don't know which removal I should play
Most of my decks have at least 1 boardwipe (Damnation, Farewell, Supreme Verdict, Blasphemous Act), 3 removals (Swords to Plowshares, Generous Gift, Beast Within, Chaos Warp, Path to Exile, Pongify, Assassin's Trophy, Feed the Swarm), 1 commander enchantment "curse" (Darksteel Mutation, Kenrith's Transformation, Imprisoned on the Moon).
TL;DR: 5
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The amount I'm told is 5 boardwipes and 5 spot removal.
The amount I would recommend to others is more like 7 spot removal 3 boardwipes.
The amount I actually end up playing is about 17 spot removal 3 boardwipes.

Seriously. Play more removal, especially spot removal.
Triple this guy's number and you'll be in a good spot.
20 board wipes going by retards here
these days like 20-30 bucks depending on the pre-release package
Companion bros... How will we retort?
I figured. The lgs nearest to me seems like there's is $37 and it seemed high
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if Puresteel Paladin is on the field and I resolve Arterial Alchemy (assuming I have 3 opponents) I'd draw three cards and could equip the blood tokes for zero right?
This thing came out in 2019 it looks like an Ixalan card
This shit is the bomb
Imagine being so gay that losing to real cards is different to fakes ines
it depends on the deck
every decks needs a few instant speed creature and nonland permanent removal to stop most combos
depending on your colors, how many and what type of creatures you run you may want anywhere from 1 or 2 to a dozen board wipes
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I'm the only one I've seen run this, love to place it on high priority enemies in multiplayer games
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The core sets used to be setting agnostic and show things from multiple planes, whether from reprints without new art or callbacks to old storylines.
Unfortunately it doesn't work on commanders, as the owner can put it into the command zone as a state-based action when it dies before the aura triggers.
What are your experiences with this card? I kind of want to buy one because it's a unique effect.
it's definitely one I don't always put in my deck, but some decks like to have some big dangerous creatures, commander aside
I've been thinking of replacing my Sensei Golden-Tail deck with an equipment deck, any suggestions on colors? I figure White is a given, but I don't know if I should do two colors or three, especially because of landbases. Arterial Alchemy looks like fun to use as well.
>inverse rhystic study
It's really oppressive
>inverse rhystic study
Sold. Fuck Rhystic Study abusers and brainlets who throw the game by not paying for it.
Rhystic Study didn't kill your dog faggots cry more
Really wish I had one, honestly. Great for graveyard synergies since you can discard/mill yourself easily with any draw spell, and really fucks with people who can't remove it or don't benefit from it.
I've only seen it once and it was a proxy, so I felt a little let down but all the same everyone at the table groaned and someone googled the flow chart lmao
based rich anon
>shop with the worst reputation in the county is also the only one that loudly announces proxies are banned from their store
monocolor is the way, go for one of the leonin; Brimaz, Kemba or Balan.
I want to open a collector booster box, what set should I choose between Bloomburrow or Commander Masters?
Not that anon, but playing devil's advocate here, in rhystic's case you HAVE to play spells to play Magic.
A player doesn't have to send artifacts to the grave to play magic.
I am not a fan of cards that could do absolutely nothing if I am playing with the wrong people.
If your playgroup has a lot of treasures then I retract what I said since it will likely pull it's weight. But I would never put this in a deck knowing what I am up against could or could not have treasures/foods/clues.
Good. Rhystic Study needs to be fucking banned already.

I was thinking more about using it to shut down all the busted value engines like Simic "breathe to draw a card" commanders. They can't actually get value in hand size and have an answer for everything if their max hand size is still limited because of this thing. Was thinking about running it in a dedicated discard deck like Rankle.

Not rich, just temporarily lucky. I just got a huge bonus for singlehandedly saving a project that was on track for catastrophic failure. I saved my company probably over a quarter million dollars, and they gave me five thousand as compensation. I paid off the rest of my car and have about one thousand left over for bullshit.
>Good. Rhystic Study needs to be fucking banned already.
this but farewell
this but still rhystic study
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Does Rhystic Study deserve to be banned? Commander is intended to be a casual format, but Rhystic Study places the burden of skill on the other three players simultaneously and specifically not on the person who plays it. If the expectation is that I should be able to sit down at a table of unskilled players, but there's a three mana card that will automatically unbalance the game if even a single person doesn't understand it, how can I expect to have a fair game of Magic? But on the other side of the coin, skill expression is being removed from deck building because so many commanders are autopilot value engines anyway that I would be sad to see one of the few meaningful measuring sticks of player skill be removed. Knowing when you're safe to stop paying Rhystic Study is a legitimate skill you need to hone and even in cEDH tournaments people will occasionally throw the game for the other two players by feeding Rhystic Study.
cool card but i had to proxy one with oracle rules text because no one understands the text on the old one. the effect is really neat but you wont be shutting down simicniggers often unless you tutor it out with other cards. also simic has a better chance of blowing you out instead anyway because theyre in the pefect colors to remove the thing lmao
Funny blue card draws cards for me, no ban
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There's so many, especially old cards like primal order, reap, delirium, glacial chasm
but this card always turns heads when it ends games out of nowhere
I find that people just need to have it pointed out to them. I used to resolve rhystic study and it would sit there racking up cards all game. In order to teach my friends that they should NOT let me do that, I started piling dice on it to count the cards it drew. Once they realized that I was getting 20+ cards for 3 mana, they wizened up and now it instantly eats removal.
Nice, bro.
Commander Masters is dogshit. Bloomburrow I guess. Either way cracking packs is basically lightning money on fire. You can buy all commons and uncommons from Bloomburrow for like 30 bucks, and then buy the rates and mythics you want as singles.
>The EDH card pool is just becoming too large, and there are too many auto includes for every color/archetype.
The difference is that you can just not play those.
>play more removal
This man speaks truth. You don't have to be fun police, but a lot of players don't run interaction and just focus on their gameplan, which means you never effect the board state. It's less efficient to trade one for one in EDH, but it also garners you less heat from the table.
calm down, jesse
17 spot is a crazy high amount anon
>t. Dumbass anon who plays 15 dinos over 5cmc
That's a fifth of your deck, it's too much
I bet you use less than 10 board wipes too
No, most of these anons hate magic, hate playing it, hate New cards, hate the art, hate the Lore, hate the character, hate nearly everything having to do with the game but are still compelled to play for whatever reason, so the idea that a permanent they don't like fills them with rage, so they pack as much removal as they can, and win using uninteractive Combos that use as few cards and permanents as possible, to play less cards and suffer less.

Clear example right there.
Yeah of course I do, ten board wipes is insanity. Do you even stop to think there aren't even ten viable board wipes in each color combination? Ten wipes and 17 spot removal is 30% of your deck, what the fuck do you even have left? That sounds unfun as fuck.

Yeah sounds about right. Another reason to hate combofags
You simultaneously showed me the best arguments I've seen for both sides. I say ban it because it's annoying though.
You realize Suncleanser was essentially a pack filler bulk rare up until maybe a month ago when MH3 hit and Energy emerged as a Modern archetype, right?
Doesnt surprise me at all people hadn't heard of it unless youre a serious Modern player.
Maybe if the energy players packed 17 pieces of spot removal and 10 board wipes, sunclenser wouldn't be a problem
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how do i guarantee mana for gypsy shenanigans with picrel?
treasure tokens?
Mana rocks.
The suggested price is <B> doe
This will fuck over non rhystic players far quicker than a rhystic one. All it does is force the rhystic player to select cards
Agreed. Card draw also rocks.
>without paying it's mana cost
Did you even read your card?
What card draw rocks do you like to include
To all the cedh players who post here, why did you choose to play it instead of the other competitive formats?
Fun. I play normal and cedh

What are your thoughts on your "favorite creators" and their "favorite decks"
My favorite creators are as follows:
My friend
My other friend
My third friend
And my favorite decks are as follows.
My decks
My friend’s decks
My other friend’s decks
My third friend’s decks
>no posty
Eh, I can probably scrounge up like 20~25 good wipes if I run penta-color, it'd be funny for like one game.
Never seen it in the wild. Don't proxy on principle so I'm hoping it gets a magus of chains functional reprint eventually
Third friend in the mud
>The second easiest permanent to remove
>Still lets them Draw an additional card a turn
>Not just removing Study
You really thought you were cooking with that post, didn't ya?
Kek. Seems like you hate board wipes. It's part of magic, just like permanents.
Guess I wasn't.
>mass removal
Two or three. Honestly would prefer more, but options are limited since I don't play white.
>targeted removal
Ten to twelve. Not having a kill spell in hand is like being naked in a crowd.
Probably about four or five each, including overlap with other removal that can hit them.
Running creatures shouldn't stop you from playing removal. You want to remove blockers. You want to neuter the crackback. Depending on the deck you may be the fastest to rebuild after you wipe the board.
Love this card in xyris.
Both a wincon for the tokens/building up handsize and an aristocrats punisher I can dig for
No, I hate when people drag a game out for hours, removing everything but otherwise not contributing to the game in any other way, and either winning with a combo that requires 3-5 pieces of interaction to stop or losing when either they finally run out of removal or a threat finally sticks. And speaking from personal experience, it's usually the latter because my group dog piles faggots.
Honest of you to admit, I respect you now Anon. At least you tried Unlike some of these other whiners.
>Does Rhystic Study deserve to be banned?
You don't get better at magic by getting caught up on one card.
Honest of you to admit, I respect you now Anon. At least you tried Unlike some of these other whiners.
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Unless that card is
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Post IRL decks
Worse than ghost fire slash
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Ok edhg am I crazy on this or not
Im really getting sick of this philosophy of
"the best removal is player removal"
Because I see people cutting actual interaction like removal, counterspells, or hate pieces for instead more 'go brr' cards like ramp, draw, and combo pieces

I really like my Sephara deck. Hitting someone 3 times in the air is how the deck wins. But the flyers i use to get her out early are stuff like strict procter
And since they don't run removal anymore i somehow become archenemy. Which normally im fine with in games, but it feels like an overreaction to a few anti combo pieces
>Because I see people cutting actual interaction like removal, counterspells, or hate pieces for instead more 'go brr' cards like ramp, draw, and combo pieces
People just like to have fun
>cancer kinnan pile
>still runs the shittiest duals possible
This reeks of edhrec for sure
>still let's them draw an additional card
I generally will scoop after the 3rd board wipe. I came to play magic not stare at an empty table
How can one type so much and say literally nothing?
>worse than this higher costed card
Yes. I would expect a card with a higher cmc to do more damage. Good stuff anon
Imagine this mindset in any other sport it's fucking ridiculous
>blocking? Nah just let them run the ball and when it's my turn I'll run the ball! I just want some fun
Mature individuals know that part of a game, with a competitive aspect, is impeding your opponents as much as you try to progress your gameplan. It's why defense exists in all competitive sports. You're fucking retarded and haven't practiced critical thought your entire life likely
The games take hours after a board wipe because your turns take for fucking ever. The sulking and whining after a board wipe takes up more time than rebuilding. It’s good to know 3 board wipes take most bitches out of the game though .
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Well sure but don't you plan for contingencies like if some blood moon / rest in peace / back to basics messes up your decks strategy?
You plan for this by not playing with "people" that play stax
Imagine seeing all the powerful cards, combos, and Infinites in this format and probably being a nigger who runs some of them then absolutely seething and crying about fucking rhystic study because you refuse to run enchantment removal, just pay the one, or just let them draw cards. If you're not playing with try hard faggots and you're playing casual games as was intended then you wouldn't have to worry about them drawing cards. Not like you can't literally draw INFINITE cards in this game.
No the games take hours because the boardwipe resets the tempo of the game. Post an actual paper list with your massive amounts of board wipes in them cause I'm fairly certain you are larping
You can't even formulate a fucking argument without ad hom it's pathetic
>blocking? Nah just let them run the ball and when it's my turn I'll run the ball! I just want some fun
You're confirmed No sports, otherwise you would know that there are several different strategies depending on the strengths of your team and players and also how well you're doing in the game. Sorry that not everyone you play with packs 20 pieces of removal like recommended on game knights.tm
Shut the fuck up you absolute retard
No, there’s no more skill required in playing against a Rhystic than there is for any other major play.

There’s nothing here that couldn’t be considered standard threat assessment. Just like knowing what happens when someone has two blue mana left open, or that value engines should be taken care of before they spiral out of control.
It's not higher costed though...
Blood Moon is necessary in all decks with Red.
You make a lot of retarded assumptions, but that’s ok someone has to be in the first part of the bell curve.
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>play my temple of the false god and tap my 5 lands to play staff of Nin
>"Umm...what the fuck is THAT anon?" a girl next to me asks
>I tell her its Staff of Nin and can draw me extra cards as well and remove some creatures!
>"But it's six mana anon, you dont even have enough mana to cast it!" She starts laughing
>Whole table starts to laugh at me
>People at the next table start whispering "that guy plays staff of nin? what year is this?" and start to laugh too.
>start to tremble, accidently drop my hand revealing a Steel Hellkite
>they laugh harder, even the store own is pointing and laughing
>I fucking break down and cry and run out of the store
>I get beat up in the parking lot
I hate this format
You still get to draw 1(one) card a turn because of Study triggers. Plz read the card, it doesn't stop all card draw, it only limits them to one. But for some decks, one is enough.
What's wrong with steel hell kite
The reason I play magic is because there's no women. Basically the last place in America that is all men. The only woman I want to interact with is my wife.
If you genuinely think this you have no friends.
Staff of Nin is great though.
Do you not have a less onions deck to share?
You might as well just fucking goldfish four different decks at the same time then, you'd get the same experience.
Both ghostfire and ghostfire slice cost more than lightning bolt
>can't draw more than one card each turn
>upkeep untap DRAW
most people just want to masterbate with their decks
>"I do this and flicker my dockside, then sac 5 treasures to do this, and when I sac tokens this happens, then once that triggers I play this that allows me to do this, then flicker dockside again... etc etc"
This isn't a paper list anon?
So many issues anons have here could easily be fixed with a simple chat about said issues, I highly encourage you fags to speak up, dont be a pussy
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Its best case scenario is that it automatically wins you the game because one other person misplayed. This is extremely bad design because the other two people that lost had no agency on it.
Its worst-case scenario is that you now have a one-sided Sphere of Resistance in a permanent type that's very hard for 3/5 colors to remove.
There almost no skill expression in this card and it is game-warping. It's probably the best card in the entire game to see in your opening hand specifically because it presents the lose-lose of either directly drawing you into your wincon, or slowing down the table enough for you to independently draw into your wincon.
If the RC wasn't stupid this card would have been banned within months of first being printed, but because Sheldon didn't care it's an uglier grandfather in the format than Sol Ring.
Rhystic study was 50 cents before commander players found it because it's a bad card. And it's still a bad card, there is a reason tax cards hardly see play anywhere. In a casual format paying the one should not be an issue ever.
This is what people genuinely want
man as someone who doesn’t play much green enchantments are the scum of the earth. if you don’t have a chaos warp or feed the swarm or whatever it’s just over when a few good ones hit.
>drawing a few cards can immediately win you the game
>said cards aren't even guaranteed to be drawn because your opponent can pay for them
>Noooo I need my greedy manabase for the versatility of my spells
>no I can’t handle removing 1 (one) enchantment that’s not the spirit of the circlejer I mean format
I have friends and thankfully they don’t have the little bitch syndrome you do. Only when I run Destructive Flow do I hear any groans.
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Trying to match your energy babe
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Phyrexia is a nice place to settle down and start a family.
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Ah fuck sorry anon my bad. I forgot Rhystic Study is dogshit, and its price/usage rate is just collective mass delusion. There's no situation a casual player is ever hampered by paying the 1 because they're never trying to play efficient interaction, ramp, or draw. It's just all 8-mana bombs all the time being cast off-curve because their turn 7 was always Temple of the False God.
A format where you choose a God Instead of a Elder Dragon as a commander seems pretty natural, and I was enjoying Commander quite a bit pre 2015 so id be on board
Average goin rate is $30
I kneel, no-games-sama
Here you you go anon, now with even more board wipes so I should update my list. Enjoy the photo I took with my potato
Legit dont care. Basically this>>93742821
Opponents turn anon, when it triggers the most. Keep up
>no wrath of god or day of judgement or vanquish the hordes for cheaper unconditional wraths
>no wildfire or destructive force to tell them fuck their mana on top of their crreatures
>no austere command or catastrophe for alternate use board wipes
Its like you dont want to play good board wipes
Where's your Blood Moon? You should run that in every red deck!
Ever have any success with The Book Of Exalted Deeds? Thought about running it before but it always gets the cut
I'm very particular when it comes to printing, I was only able to scoop up one textless Wrath and it's in another deck and have never found a textless Day, Vanquish is getting slotted in thanks for the sick Midnight Hunt rec.
>wildfire or destructive
HIlarious, but if I am pivoting to Land Destruction, I want to make sure I get them all and no Griggers are ahead of anyone.
Too highly costed, I try to break parity by at least having Anya out and indestructible or having Avacyn mana ready.
Any ramses players here? How often have you been able to pull a win out with him
I've bought all the white border ones from FLGSs, but don't worry I'm on the lookout!
A couple of times, but never with Faceless Haven and only with Anya when it gets down to 1v1
It would be nice to have a discussion about actual staples instead of meme reddit YouTube staples

Blood moon is a consideration for every mono red deck maybe but once you add another color you shouldn't have it
>Too highly costed
Youre already playing bad 5-7 mana board wipes. Catastrophe is a 6 mana boardwipe when you are losing, when you are winning it ends the game on the spot. Austere would fill a pretty clear weakness in your list dealing with artifacts and enchantments. Wear and tear is alright but I see one singular enchantment removal, one modular artifact removal and that dredge artifact removal that Im assuming is a local meta decision
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i run the shittiest duals possible to bring down the power level bro, kinnan was my first edh deck, i didn't even knew edhrec shitpiles existed back then
i do, look at pic related
cool, i would play with you (if you are not trolling and that deck is indeed yours)
Star is probably one of the "bad" cards you're talking about, but I am unsure about what others ones you have assessed as so. Enchantress decks crumple pretty hard to this aggro pile, sure anytime an Overwhelming Splendor resolves it's a tight topdecking scenario, but I haven't run into too much trouble with enchantments. Shenanigans is just a great card and I stand by it.
Reminder: if you're going to post your deck at minimum organize it by cmc, ideally by both type and cmc.
People actually like those furry snake lizards? Weird I thought it was just some gay comic.
>furry snake lizards
They're imps. From the YouTube series Helluva Boss. I'm not even that anon and I don't know where you possibly got furry snake lizards from...
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How will we ever get over this
by ignoring fox news.
>it's a bad card.
A lot of cards are bad in 1v1 but good in 4+ player pods anon.
>Instantly wins the game against any greedy manabase
No you should run it in any deck with red access. Crack your fetches for basics then play Blood Moon and watch everyone else seethe because their greedy manabase of taplands got punished.
Get over it? Let's add to the list
6. Magic the Gathering
7. Drinking
8. Thrifting
I took it apart forever ago after i made a grown man cry giving him pic related on turn 3
There was nothing to top it and it stopped being fun for me
Mfw tabletop gaming is all 5 of these things
it's bad in 1v1 since A: You have 20 life and your opponent dropping down a bunch of damage on turn 3 will always beat a 3 mana do nothing tax, and B: you have one opponent, who will only pay the tax until they have the win then it doesn't matter. With 3+ opponents and 40 life it's very different. you have the time to play a 3 mana do nothing and more opponents who might get greedy and try to ramp out without paying.
>"If it wasn't so hot and I'd been able to think clearly this game would be going differently."
What's some of the worst cope you're heard around the table?
Dumb idea desu, you really can't run this in three color or more. Even two is pushing it.
Just find a nerdy chick, ezpz
>You didn't mention you were running Blood Moon in your deck that's not a precon card.
>Why yes I specifically make decks that stop the other players from playing the game in a casual multiplayer format
>wtf why does no one want to play with me????
There is a weird comic posted all the time on other boards about weird furry snake lizards. I dont really want to summon the beast by asking for it.



What's a budget dimir alternative to rhystic?
Expedition map? Yes or no in dimir
That just doesn't even seem fun
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>What's a budget dimir alternative to rhystic?
The list meant magic tricks -_-

It would be funny seeing Hasbro react if mtg was called out on nat. news like that
>this argument again
No, rhystic is not a one sided sphere of resistance. It's a choice; you always pick the option that is most adventageous. I frequently cast 7+ spells without paying when a rhystic player is tapped out and I think I can win or I'm going to wheel. Is it good? Yes, but no more so than any other stax piece. Should it be banned? No. It's strongest against decks that play lots of spells, which are usually high power decks that can deal with it. The traditional rhystic experience is casting it, and either baiting out a counter, or maybe drawing a card or two before it eats removal. If you're struggling against someone who plays it, run more removal. I'm happy to suggest some options for you, unless your in rakdos then you get fucked.
Rhystic is good in CEDH because speed is the name of the game and slowing yourself down is not much of an option. Completely different mindsets from casual play where slowing down should not be a problem whatsoever
At work sorry!
Is that why tax effects really see next to no play? One sided taxes already exists, and are in almost 0 decks, because it's not actually that good of an effect
>100 cards
>~65 non land cards
>hard to fit in removal
Sure thing chief
show me 12 1 cost removal cards for enchantments
You're so very lucky I couldn't remember the name of the damn things, because I was sure enough about to start posting.
It was really funny once, thats why its not together anymore. Its more of a shop/con deck than a friends deck anyways
>only 8 are actually one cost and exclusively in W/G
great, now that you've gone all in on cheap enchantment removal you lose to timmy's artifact deck, ggs. in commander, since there's no sideboarding, you have to hedge your removals so you're going to be much less likely to draw your specific cheap removal
The “mature individuals” you describe here would mock you for playing a children’s card game.
So use your 3-6 slots on high value shit like Rhystic or high synergy piece when they become a threat.
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@ our lgs today
>he guys build a new badger deck
>cool what does it do
>make badgers through landfall with Greensleeves, Maro-Sorcerer and flood you
>cool what power level
>I play hoof and tooth. if I draw and play either I win

no shit sherlock. also you left your soul outside in the car.
Worked for me.
I just taught my gf how to play MtG and she’s having a blast. She even bought her own deck.

It took her longer to pick out a sleeve color for her deck than the deck itself. That being said, the list of new precons has a pretty obvious winner, so it wasn’t a hard choice.
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I dont have a dog in this race, but a lot of those were slow creatures, cost additional mana, or were generally shitty. That being said there are some premium options that are free like this bad boy or force of vigor so they're really complaining about nothing.
Okay so I'm guessing this is more expensive than Azorius Renegade because it fits into more decks, but Lavinia Azorius Renegade is still the better commander choice?
This is not a good commander choice, if it's pricy at all it's simple because very few people bought the clue edition which is the only way to pull it
It's more expensive because it was only printed in the Clue edition. Renegade is far more powerful and versatile.
TQ: Reins of Power. Love to use it as a fog or as a mini Insurrection

How do I get clones/copy/theft to work well? Specifically thinking of OG Sakashima as a commander
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>Slowing your opponents down is somehow something only good in cEDH
"Why would I ever run Reprieve or Lapse of Certainty? They'll just cast it again next turn!"
If everyone is playing a deck that wins on turn 8 and you have a card you can mindlessly windmill slam to delay that to turn 9 for everyone but yourself, big shocker that card is still good because now you are the only person that can win on turn 8.
How do you think the issue compounds when there's multiple copies of it present? They don't even have to be your own. If two people have the card out now it's twice as effective at slowing the table down. Three people and now that 4th guy may as well just scoop. I swear to god this general is absolutely retarded there is not a single card in the game that does more for less work. I'd assume this is shitposting but given how I've met people that unironically think stax is a skilled archetype it's impossible to tell.
Here is the core issue with a clone/copy/theft deck. Let us presume you, Player A, are playing a game against players of equal skill, Players B-D. Each of them has brought a deck A-D that is reasonably tuned and has a functional gameplan. Every card you play that steals/clones a card from another deck represents resources you are spending to poorly emulate someone else's gameplan. While there are frequently generically useful cards like removal or ramp that you don't mind stealing, most modern decks are low on big dumb beaters that do nothing but deal damage. Stealing the zombie deck's graveborn muse or the +1/+1 counter deck's Cryptic Trilobite isn't going to help you.

Put another way, Player B's deck is designed to help Player B win, with each card relying other cards in that same deck. By trying to cobble something together from what you can steal, you are far more likely to hamstring yourself through inconsistency and lack of cohesion than you are to steal a vital piece from their plan. Your deck's ideal state is the baseline of operation for a normal deck, and has no higher ceiling. You are still spending resources to acquire equivalent resources, but have no control over what they are because they're the opponent's cards.

It can be fun if you just want to fuck about, but asking why a clone deck isn't consistent is like asking how to improve the traction and top speed on your bumper car.
Kind of fucking yourself with mono blue. Probably want Dimir or Simic commander
I give up on modern boys. I just want to Jund. Overdrive looks kind of bad though? Or is it worth upgrading? What’s a decent commander to play my bloodbraid, tarm, lilly, value pile jund shit?
I run OG Sakashima. What you do is abuse the ability to steal bits from everyone's decks and combine them in ways that THEY can't do because you have access to colors they don't through cloning. For Sakshima flicker effects like Conjurer's closet are really useful, as are exotic orchard or felwar stone and other mana of any color artifacts (to use abilities and the like). Sakashima and cards like clone have only gotten better as creatures become more and more efficient and useful.
But it requires Big Brain plays which is hard for a lot of players.
You want to clone things that will be symmetric or an advantage for you, and remove(or counter) things that will win your opponent's the game or let them outpace you.
>How do I get clones/copy/theft to work well?
1. Understand this is a gimmick deck thats not going to be all that good
2. Dont wait for your opponents to play their good cards to clone them, force it to the field yourself and then clone it
>I give up on modern boys
Bro is looking for an old fashioned man
if you want the easy version of clone value then you should pack your own high value creatures and clone them. also unironically you should use orvar instead of sakashima as your commander and make copies of landbase
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If I'm in rakdos what do I do?
REB, Pyroblast, Feed the Swarm, reanimate a Meteor Golem, Liquimetal Torque+artifact removal, Chaos Warp, or just plain kill the person who played Rhystic
The fact you unironically had to say "Meteor Golem" as an answer to a 3cmc card proves it's a problem.
Reanimate is a 1 mana card bwo
woah thanks. i’ve literally never thought to add liquid metal torque to my red decks. no joke. that kinda blew my mind
Why would you make this post
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Check out this combo I came up with
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>keks at your combo
Yes so instead of reanimating a good card you were forced to reanimate a horrible one.
"I couldn't see your card across the table because it was double sleeved and there was glare from the ceiling lights"
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Yeah. Basically if this is the way to get rid of rustic study it's just as easy to reanimate something to close the game.
Kek forgot it shuffles
Can’t remember if it works with The Ancient One or not
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Are expeditions the best shocks and fetches there are?
A friend gave me his copy of that Polluted Delta as a gift and I assure you there is no better version out there.
I've been on the fence between borderless fetches and the clue shocks or just getting an expedition or two every month until I get em all. I have the znr expeditions but they only really did the fetches in the style.
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So my major recommendation is that if you need the shocks, it might be worth it just to get a copy of them and the cheaper fetches so you can have those decks up and running. If you aren't in desperate need of them, I'd say save up and get the based fetches when you can. Snapped a pic of the stuff I use in one of my decks, there's a Vault of Champions etched foil in there somewhere but I remembered it only after I took the photo.
>This 3-mana card is okay because if you do a 3-card setup that wins the game it's better than a single 3-mana card you can windmill slam
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I have a copy of all the unf shocks in foil and a dozen or so more from various sets , just looking to pimp pit an ezio assassin's deck.
Oh fuck, yeah then save up and get those fancy ass lands for him. The Unf foils are based anyway so you can't really do better than that, but the fancy fetches really style on people. I often crack that Delta to grab Tundra even if I could use Raffine's Tower just because it makes people double take on how much money just crossed the board in a (probably) middling quality deck. Granted, I was given both cards, but if I could afford them I probably would've for the bling factor.
Yeah ezio is super mid power level but he's super fun and fits my playgroup well without being oppressive.
But it doesnt win the game?

Shallow grave my guy.
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Based + deserved
Leave Quint alone man
I have no organizational skills, and I live like a hoarder. Earlier this year, I lost my 'set of 4 LOTR precons', I had them all together in one box. I was pretty bummed out about it, but I moved on. Just a moment ago, I had finally got around to cleaning my apartment, and I found my LOTR precons! I am pretty stocked. I almost wish I still actively played Commander, and I almost wish I didn't burn-bridges with the 2 playgroups I used to attend. Thanks for reading my shitpost.
That's perfect then, bling it out to your hearts' content. Right now I'm using all of those lands in Sidar Jabari, but I probably need to improve the deck on several fronts in terms of speed and tutors.
Is it ok to treat Yurlok as just jund ramp and then shitbrew gimmicks in his colours to throw mana at?
>wasting those lands on a mid deck
post list

wincon: punching people in the face until they die (either to normal damage or commander damage)
>is it ok to [do a based thing]
Believe it or not this wins the game most of the time.
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>Foil is over $1000 USD
How rare was this as a lottery card god damn? Absolutely ludicrous levels of whaling
I don't know what I'm doing
you will never get advice this good in your whole life again but cut moonshaker cavalry it isnt for tribal and 3 monopips in 3 color is bad
>cut a wincon
Levitation is better and cheaper
>cut the white version of craterhoof
Crazy how if it was regular craterhoof no one would bat an eye but if it's white? OH NO NOT IN MY DECK, DEAD CARD
Cut the mid massacre girl for Raffine, Raffine does absolutely everything esper knights want to be doing.
Moonshaker Cavalry has a positive interaction with Sidar where the first strike connects and he resurrects the moonshaker cavalry buffing every other creature. You very rarely need to cast it to get it to work, you just need to dump it into the GY.
Green can cheat it out, white can't
this if you want flying
Maybe in legacy or duel commander. But in regular edh winning the game is often winning the game, and you need to win a lot harder than reanimating a guy and drawing some cards.
I find myself often using it from the Graveyard, honestly. Hitting it with Entomb before combat damage with Sidar usually leads to a big buff for the rest of my boys (especially if Double Strike is involved so Sidar gets it too)
Levitation could be a good card for this deck, since my goal is just to hit people as hard as I can and be as evasive as I can
Scheming Seer? Conniving does make sense for filling my graveyard and buffing my boys. I also have a Ledger Shredder from the bonus sheet in Bloomburrow I could slot in just to start really filling my graveyard. Lively Dirge is probably another good idea too. I'll miss Massacre Girl, but her absence makes enough sense, I just love the flavor of Wither lmao
>no protection for your commander
>not even swiftfoot boots or lightning greaves
I had to doubletake and realized how stupid I was being not having those. I could swear I did, but I think I ended up cutting them for silly gimmick knights like Headless Horseman and Stromgald Cabal.
>obese rat man is into MtG
>buys UB slop and doesn't even use it
Every stereotype
Shredder is ok, I don't know if it's quite the right fit for the deck. Raffine just pops off with Vodalian Wave-Knight and Elenda and Azor because of the volume of cards it draws you and is the best way to load Haakon and Moonshaker into the GY. Like I said any moderately sized attack with Sidar while Moonshaker is sitting in the GY is potentially lethal and your opponents may not even realize you have it on deck. I will confess moonshaker and raffine do get a lot better with wide knight boards using Hero of Bladehold, Worthy Knight, and Adeline though which I realize you aren't running, so take what I say with a grain of salt. Just my two cents having run the deck with Raffine at the helm for awhile.
I feel you, and I appreciate the advice a lot. The only reason I'm not using those is because they don't produce knight tokens and I'm severely 'tism about trying to limit the variables. I may pick up Chivalric Alliance for a bit more draw and another method of making knights as well.
I love that art of Raffine, I'll have to try to get that one.
Breathless Knight might be another decent idea. I'll cut out Shredder for now unless I really need more methods of looting, and even then there's probably better options. As for Moonshaker, I agree completely, if you slap it onto board after the first strike damage step it can very suddenly turn a regular turn into lethal.
Any other cuts you'd recommend? since I've got a bunch of new cards to consider. Maybe I should sort these by what they do a little. Patchwork Banner could work as a mana fixer + anthem as well now that I think of it.
and how did he get it there? it's a dead card in hand until he can attack so he's down a card from the start then he has to hit with his commander and people will just block that nontrample 4/3 easy
>eminence commander
why even play
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Dug this out of my LGS's box of shit. Made me smile. Should I build skeletons or is there a funnier strategy than tribal meme?
Before you declare attackers, I concede
Give me your most coomer deck idea you ever had.
Build it
Much as I like them I've never gotten Call the Bloodline or Ethersworn Adjudicator to do anything useful. Dauthi mercenary looks like a pet card with cool art so I won't tell you to chop it unless you want to. Blacklance Paragon is cute but I'll ask has it ever really made the difference for you over something like a Westfold Rider or Werefox Bodyguard? Midnight Reaper's pretty good pick-up to reload if you eat a board wipe or lose some stuff in combat.
>and how did he get it there?
Eminence attack trigger any time during the game? Try to keep up greenfag, you don't need to hard cast everything out of hand.
you should absolutely build this for the memes
>I didn't know you played Triumph of the hordes, I would have focused you. Now I will always focused that deck, if I knew beforehand, you wouldn't have won. Did I ever tell you about my legendary bad draws luck? I always draw badly, it's the talk among my friends
At the beginning of combat, destroy a player? Seems pretty great for a 5 mana card
>eminence commander
In 1v1 I still win. In multi player everyone chuckles at your antics and the game goes on.
I've had Call the Bloodline help out when it's better not to swing in, and the 1/1s are cute. As for Adjudicator, I think I'm clinging to the nostalgia of how it felt in my Esper Urza back when I had one of those. And yeah Blacklance has never once made a difference outside of just being cool, so I'll throw him into the upcoming cuts.
Midnight Reaper is pretty solid, gives people pause when blocking something weak or casting a boardwipe. I could even use my own Wrath of God to get draw if I need it.
>Dauthi Mercenary looks like a pet card with cool art
You caught me! Shadow gives it a unique form of evasion that means I can abuse my Eminence proc pretty reliably and a little mana sink if I wanna push back on someone.
Nearly spit out my drink
skeleton control lets goooo
why is Smothering Tithe in your removing?
Anyone here built Zinnia? I'd love to see some lists for inspiration
>taught my gf how to play
This, magic is actually fun but women are turned off by how poor people are at teaching it to women.
SO many dudes I meet who just make their GF have a miserable time by building hte deck for her, then essentially never letting her learn or figure shit out.
I've actually never gotten it early enough to justify keeping it over maybe another one of the cards listed. It also paints a very big target on my back.
Speaking from experience, the worst thing to encounter when getting into magic is a speak-fast autist.


Even if you can follow what any of it means, it's just no fun to play against. It feels so transactional like you just want this to be over as fast as possible. I prefer opponents who will explain what they're doing and comment about the game
This year is going to be my last going after new sets brothers. Got a kid and have to cut down financial and time expenses and all. How fucked am I for keeping up with EDH? Fuck FOMO.
You're fine. Only half a dozen cards a year impact EDH at all. That will happen in a format where over 30 years of cards are legal
>SO many dudes I meet who just make their GF have a miserable time by building hte deck for her, then essentially never letting her learn or figure shit out.
To be fair most of them have no real interest in the game they just want to spend time with their bfs.
There's some idle power creep in EDH but decks I haven't touched in five years are still eminently playable. There's so many cards and so many eras of card design that it takes very little time before you're just tinkering with decks for personal taste rather than trying to keep up with power levels. You'll be more than fine.
I guess you are right and some occasional singles will keep me through. My playgroup is super casual and doesn't really give a damn, so it looks like it will be sort of pre-2025 legacy EDH at this point. However being institutionalised into this hobby will take me some time to really shake off the fomo.
How long have you had the Tundra?
>burden of skill
>paying 1

Ya ok nigger
I think it's been a couple of years at this point, my friend Ruth gifted it to me for Christmas one year. It's been a mainstay in any Esper deck I carry since.
I'm thinking about a flicker/blink deck. Maybe mono-white. Should I go with Elesh Norn, Preston, or maybe even Delany?
Or should I expand into more colors? I don't want to do something like Brago that's too oppressive.
>dude post your deck so everyone can insult you
Are you dumb?
By not posting fake screenshots from the worst "news" channel out there
I experienced this at the end of 2022. My playgroups decided to take a break for the holidays, and I ended up not playing EDH again until last month.
The relief I felt when I realized that I didn't need to keep up with all of the new releases was unparalleled.
I wish you luck with your EDH cleanse, anon
Probably like less than 100 exist.
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I use their online handle and not their real name but that still gave me one hell of a chuckle
What do you have to fear, Anon? Are you not confident in your deck?
I had an Elesh Norn deck for a little while, and it's pretty fun barring the effort it takes sometimes to resolve a fuckton of doubled and tripled triggers while people groan at how many cards you're drawing.
>What do you have to fear, Anon? Are you not confident in your deck?
I'm confident the general would focus on something that has nothing to do with the deck power. Like a single UB card in the list. Which I think actually happened to you lmao
>Nadu causes a mess in modern
>WOTC tries to shift blame to commander players instead of themselves
lol pricks
Yeah this is what usually happens. You get a bunch of tryhards who will tell you to run more removal and then a bunch of people who will tell you to fuck off if there's anything UB.
It did, it's very funny. I have Cyberman Squadron in my Urza deck and it was "called out" lmao
I think I'll probably stack up one of my decks and post it in a little bit
You should probably run more removal then, smart guy.

I usually look and see if there is anything neat in terms of cardboard. I always like seeing decks.
>Any other cuts you'd recommend?
not him but coat of arms, too many scrubs run tribal or tokens and you can just as easily win with it as let someone else win with it
Normally I'd hate to remove it, but at my LGS I know there's a decent amount of tribal decks so maybe it's for the best. Hugely ubiquitous types getting a sudden boost like Humans may also cause some big problems for me.
You know, it's sorta funny, two of my friends who I no longer speak to and found out they transitioned later both ended up named Autumn.
Even further, now I'm debating with Coiling Rebirth or Patchwork Banner as the new "last" card so I can start swapping stuff out or place my order for the new list. Coiling might be a bit pricy, but the ability to double the creature means if I hit something like Moonshaker, or Knight Exemplar, I can hit a lot harder or keep my board even safer. Patchwork just gives me a little color fixing/slow-ramp with the +1/+1 anthem attached.
Idk man I might just be a gigantic retard but that shitpost has been an incredible source of entertainment for me today.
Sad to see it jannied not once but twice today.
think bigger
imagine hitting Consecrated Sphinx or Esper Sentinel with it, or your Wave-Knight.
Wave Knight would practically demand an answer or it ends up ruling the game in combat. Sold.
>maddening cacophony
>guilt feeder w/ lightning greaves, kill one
>guilt feeder kills a 2nd
>eldritch pact the 3rd
>”your deck is too strong”

Damn, just built it
Where can I read that?
Hate people who play blue, i see blue opponent insta resign.
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run blue hate brother
This means you statistically don't even play 70% of games.
I think you really want U as well if you want access to as many cheap flicker spells as possible. Ephara is less oppressive than Brago and Genzu could be fun and easily allow you to build a board. Minthara is neat if you don't want U and toss in some proliferate effects to get a little bit more out of her experience counters.
*unzips untyped land*
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You're missing out on the joy of flipping the script on them
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oh noooooooo
Would if it fits the format and deck.
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>Run this in every red deck
>It has yet to be a dead draw
>Reactions to it are always hilarious
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die blue scum
the price of progress/ruination/blood moon is coming next bro
You should try monoblue, yoy might like it. Monoblue ramp is one of the most soulful decks in the format.
post deck
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'scuse me while I draw 20 cards for 5 mana
I have evolved beyond such decks, but one of my favorite decks ever had like the eldrazi titans and blightsteel with venser as the commander for removal and mana doublers and high tide and kuldotha forgemaster. At the time it was tip top, but that was like 6 years ago. Insanely fun, moderately fast, and moderately powerful.
But then you need to discard 13 cards, is that what you want?
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in response i flash in alms collector
Im stumped on what to build for these colors. I boiled it down to:
>Tymna+Kydele Hatebears
>Sidar Kondo+Silas Renn Unblockables
>Kydele+Ravos Cycling
>literally pic rel
If you have any deck in this color combo, shill it to me
gdi, forgot pic
4c doesn't have a ton of options. I think you should just not build a deck if you don't have a cool idea for it. Just checking off a color combination box for the sake of it is only going to get you a deck you probably don't like.
atraxa infect of course
Thinking about changing things ip from Volrath for mono B. Phage or do I finally build Spirit of the Night?
give me a cute girl commander I can build in a unique fashion. preferably something not popular either.
Yeah, that's how hobbies with your partner that you've never done work anon. Even if that were true, teaching them the rules and not overwhelming them makes it so they can actually learn and have fun.
This doesn't even just apply to GFs and wives. I've seen little kids get turned away because their older magic-playing sperg family members will just dump a 100-card singleton combo deck in their lap, and not even go through how turns work.
NTA but in starscream it doesn't matter because I just took the Monarch back and killed you.
Laquisha of Rizz and Menthols.
I like her a lot, but my friend already has her build (as ken). He plays it often enough for it to be awkward if I play it regularly too.
Mirri the Cursed
nigga, that is a cat
Build Non Cedh K'rrik along with me so we can compare. Im goin reanimator with a touch of lifegain to off-set his hungry ability
There's weirder girls in this game you can stick your dick in like a Vampire or Elf, stop being a prude
any fun cEDH decks or is it all the same 10 guys for meta
Duel decks were great from this. Knights vs Dragons were peak. 2 play styles, learn 1, switch, repeat
try "the same one color" aka blue
Depends. What do you find fun?
Sorry no
This one is gonna drop in Duskmourne.
How do you like mono-white?
Not true, I can name a couple that dont use blue.
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It can be literally anything if you buy an alter
BL proxies of these are $1.31 each. Is that ever worth versus just buying one legit one for the price?
I have some friends that play magic and they mostly play Commander. Honestly, I don't really play TCGs, but I want to hang out, and watching some magic games on Youtube, it does look like fun.

As a rule of thumb, what colors are efficient on a modest $ budget? Is mono-color cheaper than 2-3 colors, or does the flexibility of staples from other colors make 2-colors cheaper even with the manabase? Should I just order this shit online, or go to LGSs?

So far, it seems like Green's mana ramp is beneficial to most decks and cheaper than some of the lands. Thematically, I really like the Theros gods, because I'm a sucker for Greek mythology.
For getting into the format, the preconstructed decks are inexpensive and will serve as a very solid base for having a functional deck to build off of. Building a deck from scratch is much harder. Most players also have a ton of decks so you could ask to borrow one to see if you enjoy playing at all first.
>good card
>cute anime girl
this was WOTC testing the waters, and they are rich with potential

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