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Previous: >>93740273

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

>Thread Question/Prompt:
What card has your favorite flavor text?
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A classic.
Is Otharri better as the commander in a rebel tribal deck or as part of the 99 in a token deck?
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this piece of shit
Goddamn I hate this question. It's a supremely powerful card but because it has the word "rebel" on it people's brains turn to mush. To answer, it's much better in a token deck.
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>What card has your favorite flavor text?
Don't build it like a Rebel deck. Build it like an Otharri deck, filled to the brim with protection, extra combats, and Purphoros Effects and watch people get fucked.
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Shakespeare UB when?
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probably not big brain enough for blue
burn and blood moon I guess
Gay Bolas
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Straight Bolas
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Lambholt Pacifist advocating for total genocide by werewolves ;v)
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Bisexual Ugin
what the FUCK is he reading??
How is anyone going to get fucked by it, it's very bad
Burn is bad in cedh by design, but bloodmoon is incredibly good. Try windgrace land hate if you want to shake things up a bit. Blue requires some thought but it's honestly pretty easy if you get enough reps in.
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>how is a commander that dodges commander tax (on single target removal) and scales even if it gets removed good?
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Same energy
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This, the /lit/ classic.
He only dodges the tax if you build as a rebels deck which is what you recommended not to do
Anon, he makes rebels. You only need to swing with him twice to get around the tax if you so choose.
? he makes at least 1 rebel each attack, cast him and swing and you have a rebel (presumably it doesn't die)
*removes u're rebels*
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Oops, ruined that strategy
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>comp fags when someone suggests running a commander that synergies with rebels at the helm of a rebel tribal deck
You know, I really like mono white, but I was kinda torn with what to do with this card. The design is vague. There’s not enough support for mono white convoke, either. I also have a Kasla deck for convoke. Any other ideas for her? Voltron might be cool with tap effects for protection and buffs
>all the multiplayer lands creeping up
really fucked up that they dont print these into the ground like sol ring
I suppose it's not exactly "Flavor Text", but this line of text from Boldwyr Intimidator is my favorite flavor of all time. I have wanted Coward inducement to be a theme of Warrior tribal cards, but the only other card that does anything like that is Kargan Intimidator.
>Creeping up
Do you not remember when they were all valued at 20+? That's their true value
Oh my bad, I thought he needed two rebels for some reason.

He has haste anon. Or you just stick him in the command zone and do the same thing over again.
It's an interesting design space that they have yet to meaningful explore.
might be decent in the 99 of my abdel/far traveler deck. a whole part of the deck is reliably getting abdel tapped without attacking so having her in the 99 would give me a hexproof protection spell.
Creature types doing more than just being Ability Group A, Ability Group B, etc is interesting, but I think it's something they want to move away from in favor of just sharing keywords and abilities between creature types. Especially with removing "Can't attack" from the wall creature type to the keyword Defender.
Thought of something, maybe effects that boost cards that attack aline for the wanderer and a bunch of other cards that can tap to support or do other shit so they can tap themselves whenever they may be targeted. Could be fun
thanks, sounds interesting enough, will look at some lists
Yeah, that’s sorta what I was goldfishing. Just took a look at her showcase art. Shame it looks like muddy turbo shit.
Nonbasic hate is only okay if everyone in the group is running a full set of fetches.
>Fetches are what pushes multicolor decks above the consistency threshold where they're actually good
>Fetches provide 2/3 color decks counterplay to nonbasic hate by letting them search their basics, of which they SHOULD have a lot
If you're running nonbasic hate at a table with no fetches, you're really just dropping a hydrogen bomb on a coughing baby punishing them for running the bad manafix lands instead of better ones.
The showcases so far all look bad
Is there a way to build blink that isn't ten minute turn, do nothing cancer? Also, same question for spellslinger.
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Oh no, multicoloured decks have a draw back. Whatever will we do?
What's /edh/'s most expensive deck? I finally finished a deck I really want but it's sitting at about $650 and scared of buyer's remorse. I only have one upgraded precon at the moment.
$650 is too much for a new deck. I either aim for superbudget or around $100 on new brews, if I like the deck i might buy some upgrades later.
I never play it
Eh, my most expensive deck is probably 4kish, but a lot of that is in unnecessary foils and mox diamond and whatnot. Dont feel too bad, $650 is on the high end of average.
I think the most I spent on a single deck was $67 in MTGO
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Idk I think it looks alright I guess. Would I prefer more full on alt arts instead of this profile/kind of profile view they've been doing? 100% if course. But in terms of those versions this isn't a bad one of those
5-10k probably. Cedh gitrog and a pimped out sharuum deck I've had for a decade now.
Based, 100 is what I am for too. Building on a budget has honestly made me a better deck builder, I have a more consistent mana base than all of my friends and I use mostly basics
It's pretty bad anon. The fuck is going on here.
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like 850 due to SLD cards and such
180 buckaroos...but that is 52 relentless rats
Play fast and loose. It's on you to know what you're going to do.
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Opened a spicy pack and added another deck to my to build list. Any good arguments for not going monoblue? I'm thinking Jace and labman since I have the former sitting around and have been looking for a deck to put it in.
You didn't finish the deck. I only build with what I have and just buy cool cards now and then, draft and get shit for free from my bros. Obsessing over budget is for faggots and that goes for holier-than-thou " I only build on 100 dollar budgets" and investor whales. This discussion should only lead you toward proxying or cancerous xmage/cockatrice land.
>Any good arguments for not going monoblue?
Why not run green with her since her identity is simic
>calling others holier than though while being holier than though because people dare to talk about something as basic as a budget
>Nonbasic hate is always okay
fixed that for you anon, you're welcome
>retard forgets the name again
It's not that difficult lmao
About $3k with some variance due to Tappedout using incorrect editions. It's been my main deck since the 2013 box set and I paid/traded away maybe 1/3 - 1/2 of the present value to get it, the rest is old/RL card hyperinflation that happened while they were already in the deck.
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>fretting about money
>too cowardly to even reply

Nobody cares how much or little you spend, or how much or little the cardboard you already have is worth to investorfags in the deck you just built.
>Yeah I'll just sac games on turn 1 exploiting how my table isn't running an answer that is also a straight upgrade to their deck
Just play Go Fish if you want to win every time you draw Ruination/Blood Moon in MonoR.
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pyfw your Ryhstic study triggers
>nooo don't do the thing that folds my deck in half! that's unfair!
Bring removal if you don't like nonbasic hate.
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>Any good arguments for not going monoblue?
Are you fucking kidding me
Green is the best color and will give you ramp and removal even if you do literally nothing else with it
bro we're not at a table playing, gaslighting here does not improve your odds of your greedy ass manabase getting blown the fuck out by harbinger of the seas or blood moon
Her main plan is going to be flipping and ulting as quickly as possible to draw the deck, so it needs to focus on draw, protection, and maybe proliferation. Blue has the better options for all of this, and although green has some cards that would work well in the deck I can't think of that many and am worried that such a strong color imbalance would lead to being unable to execute her plan due to either an increased number of irrelevant/unoptimal cards that could be in hand or plain old color screw. I could be wrong and under valuing or ignoring certain green cards, which is why I want people to argue for them.
>ramp for a one mana commander that wants to spend the first 3-4 turns drawing cards or holding protection
>removal barely better than counters or bouncing for the purpose of the deck
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
I think the other alt art is better, but both are unironically worse than the basic.
I will not be extorted, I aint paying
>want to pimp out a deck
>most of the cards in it don't have cool alternate versions so to get it consistent I'd have to get like 60+ full art alts commissioned
it's a painful feeling
Most expensive deck is about 1.4k, but that’s also me putting most of my expensive shit I’ve pulled into one deck- shit would be way more expensive if I went out of my way for the best lands and some more fast mana, could also be cheaper if I used different prints of some cards
I assume anyone saying 1k+ is an oldfag who has been playing since the 90's. Or absurdly rich.
I think you're under valuing green a lot and you're overestimating your ability to flip her and get her ult off
Retards like you are the reason why we keep seeing shit like Toxrill slug tribal
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Based not payer
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You want to know a painful feeling? Imagine having an 80% pimped deck, then look up how much a foil grim monolith is.

Are you really complaining about not having fetchlands when they're the cheapest and most accessible they've ever been? I didnt force you to play some ungodly multicolour abomination. I myself play exclusively monocolour decks. Do you want to see real genuine suffering? I run this in my "75%" yawgmoth deck I play with strangers along with tanglewire, pox, and smokestack.
which is based
50 Shades of Gay, probably.
>white borders
>futureshifted frames
>shitty question mark set symbol

you ever been jacked off by a monkey paw?
>turning off your brain and ignoring every part of the card but the type line is based
Absolutely not. Lil B would slap you in the mouth for that shit. Tribal is the second lowest form of deck building, above only an unsorted pile of whatever is lying around.
That may be true. I've only ever seen her played in brawl, so that's probably coloring my perception of her quite a bit. It was reinforced by edhrec having a minimal amount of green cards listed, which is exactly which I asked here for evidence to the contrary.
If you must run protection for her, you at least should pack several fog effects. Besides, you're gonna end up with a super boring deck, since you want to have a ton of 1cmc cantrips if you want to optimize the flipping. All that for a relatively mediocre ult.
I've got white borders, future sight, alpha/beta, promo cards, UB, all in my deck
>>turning off your brain and ignoring every part of the card but the type line is based
Correct. No different than building a deck based off creature/instant/sorcery/enchantment/artifact/planeswalker. It's a theme.
white border sucks
Theme decks are only interesting when they're good, or innovative. No one is impressed with the vast majority of theme decks.
I have it on good authority that lil b will retweet basically anything with the word "based" in it
so can you tell me what type of decks are fine, since all archetypes are apparently bad?
>Noooo I should be able to windmill slam my instant win stax piece against anyone running a deck with more than one color!!!
>t. zoomer

I don't care about your deck anon, I care about JotC ruining good reprints with an awful set symbol and letting interns offset it on the futureshifted cards.
Grug retards are based, but they have power behind their shit at least. Tunnel vision is only based when you refer to the card, not tribalmind.
They literally made white border because it was less appealing
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Yes, you should. Dont like it? Play fewer colours. Multicolour decks are awful from a design perspective. They have next to no flavour, barely any identity they need to build around or weaknesses they need to overcome, and the most pushed commanders ever printed. Monocolour is the true way to play edh; accept no substitutes.
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And ended up with kino instead. Funny how that works.
Contamination doesnt care, either you use black mana or you suffer.
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Hope you don't mind my 45-minute turn then. Just play a better deck if you don't like it.
>play mono black
>rely heavily on artifacts
>opponent plays stony silence
>scoop because black has one answer to this and I already used feed the swarm on another no-artifact card
Not much to overcome, really. I guess you could punch the other player in the face
if you run zero basics of a given color in any multicolored deck you deserve to fold to blood moon lmao
>multicolor decks have next to no flavor
>omg you dint heckin like white boarders?!?! Z-zoomer!
>stop talking about budgets!
The IQ of this general is 0. This is the kind of shit that makes people realize you're all retarded and not to give a shit about. You kind of people are the ones who other players don't want at their table
I didn't know Blood Moon tutored basics into my hand when it resolves.
Mono B is the real struggle. G and W can remove anything, U can counter anything and has good removal staples, R is close but while they need damage to kill creatures and also can't remove enchantments, they shit on artifacts.
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>G can remove anything
Shit only this general can invent.
How is that wrong though
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MonoG can't even answer this card.
I play monoblack, you're right that a resolved artifact or enchantment will fuck up your day unless you reanimate meteor golem or some dumb shit. But this is why you go FAST and fuck up their day first; you have all the best tutors ever printed.

Nah. I just put down a timer on my phone when people start that shit. Cant win in ten minutes? Whoops, guess you can try again next turn.
"Sorry sweaty, still my turn. You'll have to wait or I'm calling a judge over."
Nice try
You dont have to post here, salt-kun. Post one flavourful deck with more than 3 colours.
Okay I pull out my gun and shoot you because a judge can't DQ me.
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Look man you can either run some rocks, lean green, or throw a few more basics in such that you can expect to have one color pip. If all three of these options are so unthinkable for you I guess just quit? Can I rule 0 my enemies to never play edicts because I never want to play anything but my voltron?
5 color doctor who theme deck with the fourteenth doctor. Having your deck be entirely based off a TV show and themeing it after that show is indeed flavor.
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You're a real buffoon. Non flying creature based board wipes is literally the only answer mono G can't pack, and even then they don't even need to get that creative with answers.
You do realize real games have match timers and slow play warnings, right? If you're being disrespectful with people's time playing a nondeterministic combo deck you havent practiced enough to play efficently, you get the timer.
Perilous vault/oblivion stone
So it doesn't tutor basics like you were implying and your solution is "just have basics in your hand".
Fetches alleviate this by giving you 7-10 lands that serve as manafix and transition into copies of your basics after that.
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Shit is still a flavour; doesnt mean anyone but faggots finds it palatable.
Sorry chud, this is the real world. The bird gets the 45-minute turn.
>not playing arena where this is impossible because the timer doesn't care if you do actions fast.
>modern showdown
You will sit through my 45-minute turn and you will like it.
I cant help they're too stupid to take out their phone and set a reasonable time limit then call a judge. You cant play 4 horsemen in legacy for the same reason.
Except unlike 4 horsemen Nadu meets the clause of advancing the board state.
Try again chuddie! I'll need all 45 minutes to slowly reach my win.
Honestly I don't think it's fair that green and white get answers to everything and red and black don't
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NTA but green's mass creature removal is just jank and expensive. They've really only got Monstrous Onslaught, Spinning Wheel Kick, and Ezuri's Predation and maybe a handful of others I'm forgetting all of which cost an assload of mana and don't get you out of every situation the way even a simple Day of Judgement does at half the cost.
and their downside is that they don't do that if blood moon or harbinger of the seas is out
>[citation needed]
Slow play is still a thing, and the reason the bird will be banned. But we both know you're just shitposting because you're mad about nonbasic land hate.
ezuri's predation really fucks, tho
Most non-retarded players will hold the fetch open until they actually need to do something with it or their turn is coming up. They're not going to instantly crack for a dual and pass.
>just hold your fetches up forever in case of hate
This silly argument will never not make me laugh. People fetch when they need the fixing or need a shuffle. No one holds fetches to play around hate, they just fetch basics.
Ok, yeah. But most non-retarded players also wouldn't be mad at blood moon turning their fetch into a mountain, since they knew what they were signing up for when they put fetches into their deck. I guess that makes the anon mad about nonbasic hate a retarded player.
im a noob to magic but is there any other game where people so proactively try to downplay their skill? like "oh this deck is jank" and it's just a pile of staples that pubstomps the 7 lobby.
It still isn't wrong, the only thing green struggles with is aggressively costed mass creature removal. As good or better than white at removing enchantments and artifacts and it's creature removal is underrated in fighting, deathtouch combat tricks and Beast Within, Kenrith's Transformation and Song of the Dryads.
>Turn 1/2
>Crack fetches for fix on end step
>Turn 2/3+
>Crack fetches for basics because they're not susceptible to hate and you know someone is playing enormous amounts of nonbasic hate because he's autistic and thinks decks need to be monocolor in a format that started with 3c decks
I know playing around Wasteland is a foreign concept to EDH players but Legacy players had this one figured out a while ago.
The Great Aurora deals with everything
The problem is there is a MASSIVE gap in the skill of players, particularly a new player's ability to evaluate the power of a strategy. In general, the rule is:
>precon is about a 5
>a "7" has just about everything but fast mana or an optimal commander. This includes combos as a wincon.
>8-9 are strong decks that might be missing some uber expensive cards, but generally has fast mana and a strong gameplan that can win through interaction.
>10 is the cream of the crop; everyone has fast mana and a great strategy. No expense is spared, they're using the best commanders in the format and can play through multiple players of free interaction.
Fetches are exactly the situation where it's okay to run nonbasic hate because decks with few colors can still consistently fix and retrieve basics after.
>Kinnan with no Mox/Rituals is a 7
>Precons are a 5
This would mean every single deck I've made is a 6.
This genuinely happened to me several times apparently. I built a Bonny Pall deck with Keruga as companion and I used only shit I had already aside from Bonny and Keruga, which I bought specifically for the deck. It was intended to be a casual deck but it ended up stomping. Same thing happened with my Shelob deck, but I have no actual frame of reference for that, just one of my friends said that it's too powerful.
I tend to build grindier decks and I rarely have mana problems because I run a lot of ramp, so I get to cast big spells more consistently and faster.
That's what I said?

Then you should probably run fetches in a multicolour deck. Who'd have thought?
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Yes it's also the only format where people massively downplay problem cards that actively damage every game they touch, which is why the RC is able to just not ban shit anymore.
>Not an optimal commander
This whole argument started because someone said you should run Blood Moon at every possible opportunity to punish 5c value piles, even if you're playing against a 2c precon with a dogshit manabase.
Yup, sounds about right.
He's not even the best simic commander anymore, so technically yes.
Yes, you should. Where is the problem here? If you have a shit mana base, run more basics. Use green to grab basics. Play some rocks. It's not hard to play around, especially in 2c, dont be greedy then whine when you get punished.
Kinnan without fast mana is nowhere near the same thing as kinnan with fast mana.
A problem card is not as clear cut in some cases and is dependant on meta and it's players. Many people for example would say that Rhystic Study is a problem card, but much like Tempt cards, they're problems only when you play with retards, which makes the players the problem, not the cards themselves. Way back Mogis was deemed a problem card in one of my playgroups, because it's (or was) hard to interact with and when the games drag on, the 2 damage a turn accumulates quickly.
I kinda wish that I wouldn't have seen Kinnan anymore after Nadu became a card, because Kinnan's ugly mug really bothers me, but I forgot that people also play it in the 99 of several UGx decks too.
Fetches definitely reward you for playing nonbasic hate, but it's permissible at any time to fuck with someone's nonbasic land. Those cards exist in the player's deck for a reason, and that reason is to try and win the game
>ohhhh but the manabase in my precon is very bad it's very mean to shut off my pips!
precon manabases have lots of basics in every pip
Rhystic is probably the worst example you can give of this.
>Low power players are idiots and don't pay the 1, wins the game
>Mid power it's a one-sided Sphere of Resistance for half the table, then one idiot doesn't pay the 1, wins the game
>High power it's a one-sided Sphere of Resistance when every point of mana matters. It's a devastating one-sided stax piece that requires no deckbuilding investment. It also wins you the game if anyone's win attempt ever fizzles because people tend to not pay the 1 if they think they're going to win/lose that turn.
"It's okay because my opponents are trying to win the game" is not acceptable reasoning in a format where autistically lowering your deck power for no real reason is the only reason every game isn't a cEDH slog.
Find an example of a Nadu player being disqualified for slow play because his combo doesn't advance the board state.
the only autistic person here is you anon, you've missed social cues. the game is meant to be played, and blood moon is not by any means powerful enough that it will turn your deck into a cedh slog. you've failed the most basic problem of mtg in that someone has interacted with you and you have no response but to whine about it
Just run Chains of Mephistopheles if you don't like Rhystic
this just feels like 8-10 are reserved for what could be covered in a single cdh tier list with 10 being reserved for the single or two top decks.
We already had this argument about rhystic. The answer is run removal. Or warset. Figure it out, you know the solution.

No. A venser deck with a crypt isnt the same as an urza deck with every fast mana, which isnt the same as a polykraken urza deck. There's a lot of nuance and thousands of dollars between them.
That's why most cEDH decks run Chains, right?
>The game is meant to be played
Okay and I am going to play it during my 45-minute Nadu turn. Sorry you're not enjoying it but that's just how it is when I'm better than you. You were trying to win so I put cards in my deck that don't let you win.
>Just run removal
Any creature that dies to Doom Blade can therefore be unbanned in every format.
sorry, you scooped when blood moon resolved like an hour ago.
Enjoy your slow play warnings.
In edh? Yup, pretty much. I cant think of one banned creature that deserves it and if banned as a commander came back wouldnt be fine in the 99.
yeah and a koma deck sans mana crypt isn't the same as a Deadly Disguise precon with the taplands swapped out for basics. lot of spergs out there calling things jank when the only actual glue to their decks are smothering tithes and docksides
Chud... Chud? Are you there? Do you have a response to my 52nd Nadu trigger this turn? You were daydreaming again about how this game would have gone if your Chud Moon resolved.
Advancing the board state. Not slow play. Keep sitting there chuddie. Tournament rule 4.4
who's daydreaming? this whole argument started when you said running blood moon was wrong against lower power decks, if you were playing nadu I'd be fully justified in running blood moon
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Is running OG Rocco as secret tamanoa an acceptable use of tutor in the command zone?
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Recommend some spicy tech for Naya Norin
Been thinking about my idea for a format more since last thread. General idea is 2014 era Commander (EDH but no cards from m15 and onwards) the more i consider the funner this sounds. Would other anons like this? What decks would you play?
have 9 decks, all in the ball park of 100-200
I don't win very often
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Don't care, didnt read. Play more basics.
incorrect. typeline matter has way more limited cardpools, making tribal decks homo(geneous)
Depends on the tribe. Humans have massive variety, as do dragons.
so there is a difference
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Two decks both around low $1400, Monoblue Urza and Esper Knights with Sidar Jababy. If you're making a new brew, I don't think you should make $650 your starting point, get upgrades later if you like the way the deck plays. I made that mistake with 300+ spent on an Orzhov deck I promptly disassembled when I realized the fun was just not there for me.
pic related
Wait, people unironically liked white border? They don't bother me anymore but as a kid I straight up kept them in separate boxes from my other cards and they're still there. Kind of funny actually, I had a Mana Vault, Blood Moon, and Grave Pact in there and found it recently. If X Edition foils which gave them black border weren't so expensive, I'd pick up stuff like the Terese Static Orb or other cards like that.
based and OG blood moon-pilled. Whenever I build Red I try to find the lowest amount of colors (1-2) so I can play Blood Moon reliably and either not hurt myself or count my nonbasics against my mountains so it doesn't matter. Ruination, Shivan Harvest, and Demolition Field seem to always catch salt.
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Came up with an idea called called Elder Dragon Highlander Plus.
In a throwback to classic EDH, your commander has to be an 8 cmc legendary creature that was first printed before Alara (when mythics were first printed) (though Alara itself isn't the issue, but rather really nasty cards that came soon after like Vorinclex, Avacyn, and Griselbrand)
This adds a lot of cool cards like Akroma, Baron Sengir, Bosh, and some Ravnican and Kamigawan legends. It also works out that if you want to play three color, you still have to use an Elder Dragon.
Nobody will probably ever try it but it sounds fun
I'd play it, a great excuse to use my Akroma as commander.
It sounds soulful, but you probably ought to restrict the cards in the deck to be Pre-Alara as well, otherwise it will be the same piles with a different face. You might also consider pre-Scars of Mirrodin, since that's when WotC started printing commander cards, or pre-original mirrodin, which is the Premodern cutoff.
Fuck yeah
It turns out, PreDH is a format which is basically what I described. Everything up until New Phyrexia is allowed, but nothing after that because the next product was the first commander deck set. It seems like fun.
And this is why I can get a continuous source of screencaps without saying a word. This is a hell of your own making and I'm laughing all the time.
extremely retarded cut off point
all this hate for blood moon and it doesnt even bother my Omo deck with zero basics
based omo chad
The cut off point is exactly when they started printing commander decks. Predh has no command tower or cards that reference the command zone or colour identity.
Just ban those commander decks then instead of cutting out two of the most popular and beloved sets of all time. I'll play your shit format when it has RTR and Innistrad.
Neither of those blocks is worth keeping.
Not if you want players I suppose.
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What's the best waifu/coomer deck? I'm guessing some vampire or angel deck?
Don't worry about the price I'm using all proxies and for fun with friends
Are you the same guy who pitched a fit over Premodern not including Ravnica? The entire point is that it's EDH from before Commander took over the game and had a bunch of retarded shit printed specifically for EDH.
We don't want you and your ilk.
my Hazezon desert deck is packed to the gills with flavor and is probably the most synergistic deck I've ever made. Maybe you just suck at deckbuilding
angel since all angels are female.
list? ive had dessert on my mind
It can be whatever you want it to be.
need this but for goblins
I REALLY want to make a proxy Goblin waifu deck helmed either by Muxus or second Krenko, just FILLED with bratty green shortstacks, but I know my playgroup would hate me doing so...
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Fuck em
Put it in another deck that cares about experience counters.
How do I do this and not have my group look at me funny?
>Fuck em
Well, one of them IS my girlfriend... Honestly, the hardest part will not proxying softcore porn on cards, because the artists I like that draw goblins seem to have a hard time drawing them with enough clothes or non-lewd situations.
It's because 100 card singleton introduces a lot of randomness. Even a jack deck can fuck if you get t1 land - sol ring -signet and everyone else is on a basic
If your girlfriend isn't down with you liking gobbos then it is never ever gonna work in the long term.
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i know this feel
She's down with the gobbos, just less with softcover porn. it the other players I worry most about, especially my best friend. He is, under no uncertain terms, is a prude and can be REALLY cringe about it.

Tell me about it.
>The entire point is that it's EDH from before Commander took over the game and had a bunch of retarded shit printed specifically for EDH.
What? Innistrad was absolutely not designed with commander in mind, if it were they would have printed a werewolf legend to tie all of those creatures together. RTR's guild leaders and maze runners are basically an even 50/50 split of playable and just jank, nothing outpacing other already strong commanders in there. More or less on par with the first set of Ravnica guild leaders and their lieutenants. PreDH can legalize whatever they want but saying RTR and Innistrad were designed for commander is pants on head retarded.
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hurricane was such a good fit into my already pretty juicy multani grouphug suprise win deck. i won both games i've played since adding it by using it for lethal off a big ramp line like pic rel.

so far i have the hardest time against mill decks but as long as i dont mill praetor's counsel i can maybe still pull out ahead.

this is the most underrated mono green commander
Pls sauce artists
Wtf wizards?
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Can any anons give me some pointers to make this deck work? It's too slow and gets stomped into dust before it can get up and running. Besides some better mana, what are some good defensive creatures to keep the heat off me during the course of a game?
Well just saying I would buy prints of these
Why is this in the top 100
They're kind of hot.

>draw-go with upside in the two most removal heavy colours

I wonder
It's a precon commander, innit? Also a cute girl.
They cute.
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The all time classic
For me ots always been this. Rough that the Terese version changed the flavor text
The pdf is right there, just print them yourself and stick 'em in a sleeve. I made them in like thirty minutes with some AI-genning and mtg set editor.
What did you use to Gen?
NovelAI, artist tag is vanripper.
did you make them just to post on here or do you actually use these?
either way, based
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I use 'em, I made a Sidisi deck that creates a good amount of zombies. I like genning images and using them for tokens, and I'm degenerate enough that I don't give a shit what people think. And frankly, anime monster girls are hardly that weird. Here's the tokens I made for my elf deck, some AI pics and some other stuff. They're fun to do.
Got any female goblins?
Sorry, no. I haven't built a deck that uses goblin tokens so far, so never made any.
Would love to see a updated version of this, thing would be bigger then the Codex Gigas
Beast within?
Aside from Nadu, whos better?
Absolutely, power creep is a bitch
Literally cancer
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>Fastbond buyout
I fucking love insider trading
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Are you implying it's getting unbanned? Bold of you to assume the RC will do anything besides "No changes" and talk about DEI initiatives.
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I cast pic rel on a player, they draw cards and lose life at the same time, which would put orcish bowmaster triggers on the stack. A player scoops as soon as I cast pact on them, then the players at the table argue that the spell fizzles and I don't gain life, nor do I get any orcish bowmaster triggers, and I am not allowed to reselect targets either.

I told them that if they were going to be sorelosers, they could continue to blow each other.
The people that started tracking cEDH are basically splitting off and doing their own banlist
Source? I could actually be convinced to play cEDH if the banlist wasn't so retarded.
Any measure of QA would see that the restriction should be cast from hand
The edhtop16 people? Will primetime return?
Rhystic banned but not Dockside kek
these fucks dont understand that they'll just join the pile of dead bodies called commander variants.
This. No one will play their retarded format because no one knows who these people are. All custom banlists are dumb; half the fun of edhnis using cards I cant use anywhere else.
cEDH isn't exactly alive. Decks even in cEDH are less optimized than the average 60-card format and part of that comes from the format just being extremely sacky so it's harder to tell when underperforming is due to a card rather than clown format.
They're 99% on banning Dockside, but haven't publicly announced it yet
It's mostly commander only players having no idea how to play the game, sp their deck design choices are utterly fucked. And add to the fact that you have no sideboards, so a deck that's prepared for the local meta will have a main deck advantage over decks that dont.
I hate cedh but this ban list is genuinely better than anything we would get from the fucking DEI RC
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cEDH is a power level. you dont create a new format called precon commander because you dont like universes beyond decks playing against your shitty deck.
My Nazahn deck is 3 grand and people have seethed at me because "Why would you spend that much money on a dogshit commander just build cEDH bro."
>Leovold unbanned
Its time.
>Rofellos unbanned
>Jeweled Lotus
>Memory Jar
>Wheel of Fortune
>Time Spiral
>pack foil Rhystic Study
>Chrome Mox
>Mana Vault
>Mana Crypt
It's not complete until I get my Timetwister and Volcanic Island
You know, the regular rc could just unban these cards and no one would complain.

Except this guy, but he'd complain about anything.
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>You know, the regular rc could just unban these cards and no one would complain.
I know but they won't. The RC is no longer active. They meet like once before any set and look if any new mechanic breaks stuff so bad i.e. Companion so they need to make a rule.

If you want to make changes you need to grab the entire format and attack RC directly. not go for the power level you prefer to play.
wotc refuses to work on a commander ban list due to no data available.
Lol even saffron olive knows the rc doesn't do shit
The RC is just a scheme to enable its members to be content creators in youtube and shill for money. It has nothing to do with monitoring the EDH format. It is just a front for useless leftoids and trannies.
I dont know a single member of the RC by name or their advisory group except Sheldon.
They are right. Scooping doesn't use the stack and when person scoops, all the shit they said DOES happen. Sorry you were to shit to be prepared for someone jumping on the grenade to save the table.
You probably know the crazy milf Olivia Gobert Hicks.
"Crazy" and "milf" together is an oxymoron
>how can I make this about minorities
I'm pretty sure if a group like Reid Duke, Kai Budde and Gabriel Nassif stepped up and decided to force their way into the RC they would replace the entire group and be acknowledged by the community. All you need is fame to make a change.
I dont know her but googled her.
Isn't she the chick banging Brian Kibler?
Just say nigger, chud
there's "people" already trying to push DEI
*fingers asshole*
Uhh I cast Channel outplayed loser
Reminder that members on the RC let Dockside and Jewish Lotus slide but want to ban Commander Damage because "its unfun and too complicated"
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remember that Kristen Gregory, member of the RC Advisory Group and former Pokemon pro player, has this opinion.
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>It's not okay for YOU to run commander staples or popular commanders because they're boring and you're boring, but it is okay for ME to run dockside and smothering tithe and demonic tutor for my s e c r e t c o m m a n d e r because MY decks are fun and interesting and I need them in order to compete at casual tables
Literally who?
Does she have breast implants? It's weird to think that some bimbo is playing this autistic format.
What does this mean? Does this person mean gaining life can buy you another turn vs combat based decks and thus it is an extra turn card?
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yes. may I present to you the 1 mana time walk? its still commander legal btw.
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What are some good looking bascis for an Orzhov deck?
literally me
How do you sacrifice power for knowledge when knowledge is power?
She's a former pro pokemon player?
This is why leovold is banned
That's kind of funny, I like that approach to thinking about the game even though it's basically just wrong. At least this person is thinking about what the card could potentially do in a very narrow situation.
Dies to doom blade
This is the most pussy take I’ve ever seen. How petty and spiteful do you have to be to abuse forfeiting to stop spells and abilities from resolving. I’ve let plenty of people get what they want when someone scoops, such as a sword combat trigger. Passive aggressive max
This guy has some really bad takes
>I had a bad experience on Spelltable
>I entered a room that said "no infinites" then performed an infinite and got called out
I honestly don't know how he's this autistic
I don't put trash like blood moon and ruinition in my decks because it can't kill basics. I just use boom // bust and epicenter. Don't like it? Get good and play artifact mana. Those cards exist in my deck for a reason nub
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Has anyone played any of the offensive cards after they were banned? Did anybody react in any way?
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>Advisory committee makes a tongue in cheek twitter post
>Autists: "but it's not LITERALLY an extra turn spell!"
I think the implication of her(?) post is actually correct, pic related and Whip of Erebos are amazing cards in the average EDH meta.
I cast Stony Silence nice artifact mana loser
Most people only recognize Invoke Prejudice. They're all kinda terrible and not very notable.
In pokemon, gaining life is like drawing extra prizes!
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>"anon you cant play an infinite combo deck"
Well you see, when you demonstrate a loop you need to specify the number of iterations, which is explicitly finite. 100ish is nowhere close to infinity.
Is this why WotC is printing Screaming Nemesis in Duskmourn? Because apparently lifegain is so strong it's unanswerable?
my question is why not make a non racist version of them? except maybe gypsies
You cast it on your own artifact mana?
Because the cards are all kinda terrible gameplay-wise so there's not any real demand for them beyond the novelty of being "racist" cards according to WotC.
Dont make up excuses for these faglords and their bad takes. It's not "tounge in cheek", it's just dumb. Like the guys who equate mana with turns. Or the guy who thinks rhystic is a one sided sphere of resistance.
Yeah because I cast Heroic Intervention in response to your MLD attempt. Enjoy your enchantment removal in red while you struggle to rebuild.
>tongue in cheek
There's a thread where she defended it, it was absolutely not tongue in cheek. Don't white knight for these people
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>killing a Sultai creature with something that literally says "Destroy target nonblack creature" in its text
Its called flash, also I cast marauding raptor and polyraptor, with infinite mana and counters in hand. Additionally, Ive hired kyle, a thug from craigslist to break the hypothetical knees of anyone who wins This imaginary game of magic
If you put cleanse and invoke prejudice in your deck and start loudly talking about the 2nd amendment and woke you're just another flavor of assburgerz
then why do they keep printing terrible cards today then anyway
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>He says this when the color with the most land destruction is also the one with Vandalblast
Not falling for that one. If you want to play a faggy control deck be upfront about it. Don't pretend you're balancing the format somehow by making your wincon blowing up everyone's mana and taking 8 turns to actually win.
So you're saying MLD has counterplay?
>Just draw basics
noooo what if I don't :(
>Just draw your 1 copy of teferi's protection
haha ownd fgt
The claim: Improving the draft experience
The real reason: Pack filler so people need to pull more to get rares and mythics they want
Thesis proven: Its impossible to say something so stupid that people were realize it was a joke.

Believe it or not, I was only pretending :^)
so they could have done it then instead
Yeah? Well I'm not a virgin and all my cards are proxies
I'm balancing the format by blowing you the fuck out with my mono red deck. Why don't u go back to super mario?
which video was that i dont feel like skipping through all his garbage
They could but they won't because that kind of decision would be messy in the rules where you're only allowed to use specific printings of black-border cards. I imagine it would be a mess for WotC PR department too since it could easily be spun as "WotC legalizes racist cards" even though they're really not a problem.
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>anon can only claim to he a non-virgin in a an imaginary hypothetical of a trading card game on peruvian llama ranching forum
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C... Chu... CHUD! WAKE UP! It's your turn!
Conversion didn't beat my mono red deck because I flashed in taniwha to phase out all my lands. I untap and cast rite of replication kicked, targetting inferno titan. Take 16?why are you calling me chud? My name is Ian
Ur mom's not a virgin either faggit
Chud! Blue is not in your red commander's color identity and you can't cast blue spells with white mana. We've talked with you about this before! Now we're going to have to rape and kill you.
Every deck is red white and blue because this is america
Then that means your monored deck is communist, making you a traitor.
>the average EDH meta
what fucking meta? even my biggest casual jank deck tries to fling 80+ damage at you on t6 without any infinite combos. not to mention the hundreds of alternative wincons and combos that everyone like making you draw your entire deck, unblockable commander damage, infinite turn/burn/token loops. where the fuck is lifelink in this supposed meta?
>I thought this was amurrica
I support this.
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There are two types of edh players: those who play the binding of isaac and those who do not.
Post your list.
I recently also built Arjun with a ton of draw triggers and cantrips
Is voltron a viable archetype for mid-power level pods, or just super casual? I'm thinking of playing a skullbriar deck.
>Cringe game made by a fat atheist and is full of piss and shit
Top 5 most overrated games
in actual jank meta. where you don't do that
believe it or not but they exist
What are the other 4?
What decks do you guys play? I have a guess.
post list
I bet it's not casul
Roguelites are shit and the dissonant cutsey and edgy style is atrocious. Deal with it. Right now I only have Volrath, Radiant, Umbris and Yedora built.
>how dare timmy try and play dinosaur tribal
>he should fucking know better in building a deck
>better ruin his evening by running lockdown pieces that might just fuck random people over, it's about sending a message!!

Why not just go back and play modern/legacy? You guys miss the whole point of the format.
What's your guess
Yup as expected.

Decks that prioritize things that arent mechanics at a lower power level.
in this hypothetical that totally didn't happen to you. how else I, the gigastax am supposed to win?
Lifegain is a shit mechanic in the first place, at least put a cap on it. Not everyone is playing a combo deck and when your opponent has 100+ life in a casual pod (where EDH is supposed to be you retarded twats), it means most of the time that player has the highest chance to win. So I hate to say it but that tranny has a point, although it sounds retarded in the bigger picture.
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Brother! You and I share the warrior's spirit.
shut the fuck up. stop tipping people off this commander exists, he MUST be gatekept
>t. retard
If you cant win with 40 life, 60 more life wont help you at all.
Hard to say for sure from this pic, but she looks like she has a lift up.
No list but can type the gist of it.
Its actually artifact/Cheerios based. Using things like Hurkyl's Recall and Retract will increase your hand count while you plop out eggs. The wincons are about what you'd expect, just I chose the cheerios route since you have some leeway with things like Welder to turn off Alhameret's Archive or retrieve your Psychosis Crawler.
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okay kids, listen up
>Nadu was supposed to enable flash
>deemed problematic
>changed last second
>RC claims to advise wotc directly on cards being okay for commander
>prophet of kruphix is banned because it enables players to play on opponent turn
>og Nadu was deemed problematic for the same reason
>RC advised wotc to change og Nadu
>RC is responsible for destroying Modern and Commander
That doesn't change the fact that the game is only getting sloggy and artificially long, which in fact means that there were more turns due to it.
I may be (more than a little) drunk but sounds to me like your issue is that you dont play things that win the game.
Yes, it means exactly that because in casual pods combat matters a lot and the more you can take, the higher chance you have to eventually grow your board and win, or at least win through attrition.
Old Nadu was a shit idea to begin with.
Amonkhet had a colorless subtheme for Simic. Why not just do that?
Just copy the text of Bounty of the Luxa River, word for word, onto his text box and keep the art, P/T, name. Boom. Theres your Simic Commander.
What decks do you play faggot
it's the seedborn muse effect not the flash part that got prophet banned
Guess. Betcha cant. I'll accept either specific commanders or general strategy.
you post it like the other anon did and they they say if their guess was right just like you did
No. It was both put together and the card being like $3 at the same time they printed kruphix and the eldrazi retrains.
>t. Guy who ran it.
why is flasher teferi not banned
Your commander has 0 power and you have no buffs? Beacon of Immortality was banned before P9 until commander damage rule was implemented.
Sure. Ordered from weakest to strongest:
>Mimeoplasm. Doesnt run a single nonbasic, in general it's just stuff I had lying around to play with new players. Mostly I want to fallen shinobi or grist some fools.
>Slobad. I've had this deck for over a decade. Used to be darietti, then bosh.
>Yawgmoth, I built this deck to play with "75%" players. Lots of scary cards but folds to pressure, enchantments, or artifacts.
>Urza. I've played monoblue for over a decade as well, and upgraded it slowly over time with a bunch of fancy foils. I frequently use it in tournaments.
That shit has 3 pips of devotion and doesnt untap everything.
in mono deck that's no problem altho it is more expensive to cast than what nadu would have been but I don't think it would've eaten a ban just because of flash
Yup as expected.
What's your guess
What did you expect?
I expected you would be a nogames faggot
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But I do play games? Why else would I have built two decks for other players and one deck for tournaments?
There are many occasions when commander damage will not save you like if it is not the central combat piece or it gets locked out of the game after several removals.
people always brag about all the nonbasic hate they run but my 5c eldrazi deck had maybe 10 basics and the few times I actually encountered a player with nonbasic hate they got smashed out by the entire table.
Idk what universe you guys are playing in where you're owning people with blood moon but it certainly isn't this one
mld players are lepers of the community, all the posts you see about running back to basics are just larpers seething and making up fantasies because they got booted out of yet another store
If a deck is doing nothing but lifegain, commander damage is an inbuilt out if they lose board control. That's why Beacon got unbanned the moment the rule was implemented even though creatures were comically dogshit back then.
In higher power groups it frequently wins games or forces opponents to completely change their game plans.
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This is the ideal form of nonbasic hate. I wish there were more cards like this.
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>In higher power games it
*sharts out dockside or swan song*
I played my auntie blyte deck and an ur dragon, two other basic bitch decks had nothing but non-basics, so I turn 2’d bloodmoon and then killed them with ojer axonil, mana barbs, magebane lizard, ankh of mishra, and ancient runes
I dont play these gay hypothetical games. I'm just explaining why it's good; take it or leave it.
These aren't dumb hypotheticals these are two of the most-played cards in the game for high-power. It doesn't change shit, otherwise Magda decks would have a higher winrate.
My pod aren’t bitches, and it’s fun on spelltable.
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New fren joined our session today with his first deck he bought himself.
He did nothing but play like 4 removals followed by 3 board wipes, one every turn yet complained about my elesh norn making his commander a little smaller.
This was dreadful. All 3 of us just sat around the entire match while he kept wiping.
Sounds like you need to git gud.

>Booted out of the store
In reality everyone is finally waking up to you fags playing your ultra pushed greedy 2 billion dollar land bases and wondering why we allowed you to gas light everyone into never targeting the most fragile part of your decks
If I see a gaea's cradle, urborg, cabal coffers or anything else like that I'm nuking the non basics. Always run wave of vitriol, ruination, price of progress in every deck I can
What is there to git gud about endless board wipes?
I won with keldon firebombers ONCE and I've been chasing that high ever since
Can someone post the salt calculator link?
You're in white wheres your second sunrise and faiths reward?
Don't reply.
This post is proof that the average EDH player is retarded and would rather create non-games than run spot removal.
sounds like he is too based 4u
second sunrise, sure, I could.. but faiths reward? Nah, that's just stacking power. What's next, adding 5 tutors to my deck and all the sac lands?
Hardly, he agreed to in the end that the match was horrendous, even for him. He is planning on taking a few board wipes out.
oh, yeah. removing them would make him hardly based you right
Well he just didn't get to play the game. His turn, he plays a board wipe, ends his turn. He didn't have much fun either
playing spells is playing the game. sounds like someone is trying to lie to someone to gain an advantage
What's there to play when your own board gets annihilated each turn?
>Non games
Lmao I've never made a deck that didn't have at least half the mana base as basics and if it's a mono color deck almost all the lands are basics. Sorry nobody is letting you have 30 mana on turn 2 and running away with the game
Crawlspace and Silent Arbiter can shit up people's attempts to attack you, and you can work in those annoying enchantments like Propaganda
desu I still need to find a slot in my Urza deck for Back to Basics now that you mention it
i'll see how it plays today and if I feel like I need it in addition to Static Orb and Winter Orb I'll throw it in
the next wipe. he doesn't need to take them out, just make them one sided with either indestructible permanents or whatever else. that's what this game is these days anyways
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>Opposed to to numagics current authors, which aren't?
Card game is pretty kino, something there for everyone and will feel very familiar with some of its mechanics.
If youre not willing to punish his plays don't come here bitching that he spams the winning move. Second sunrise will unfuck the board but faiths reward sets you up to face fuck him
My carefully crafted deck that I haven't had the opportunity to upgrade for a couple months has been consistently crumpling to recent precons, and it makes me feel pretty bad.
played it once and went infinite on a drop of a hat. I bet mcmuffin is a pubstomper who goes around combo winning with casual randoms
well you said it yourself. you need to upgrade monthly
30 mana on turn 2 is coming from cards that aren't lands.
>face fuck him
But then that's not commander. That's just meta gaming. We are playing commander
How about Tectonic Reformation with Astral Slide/Drift for a boros deck? Is that anything?
TLOU (1 and 2)
BioShock Infinite
God of War (reboot and Ragnarok)
I bundled sequels together but I think it still counts.
So I'm brewing Odric, Blood-Cursed and I was wondering how I'd go about maximizing the chance that when I play him I get every possible blood token off of his trigger. Basically how many of each keyword should my deck run to insure that I can have as many of them on the board at any given time after turn 3?
It could be cool, but I don't know if I would want to do an Astral Slide deck without Life From the Loam. Are you just adding the Slide/Rift/Reformation package to an existing Boros deck, or are you really leaning into a Cycling engine?
Apparently a $900 Sliver deck based off of Moxfield's pricing calculator (I know it's based off Card Kingdom's inflated as fuck prices)
I don't even have the $40 to buy that "The First Sliver" in my deck, it's just a proxy for now (I cannot stop building other decks)
I had a $600 deck, edited the landbase down and made it $300 to make the deck more casual friendly, then cut some of the pricier cards in it and now it's around $150

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