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Soul Crystal edition

Previous >>93704426

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>EX06 Infernal Ascension questionnaire

>BT17 Secret Crisis questionnaire

Banlist, Errata:

New and Upcoming Releases:

Digimon Liberator:
Latest web comic chapter is Episode 5 Part 1! Next chapter scheduled for August 29th
Latest web novel chapter is Debug 4-2! Next set of chapters sometime in November

BT17 Secret Crisis is out now everywhere!

ST18 Guardian Vortex & ST19 Fable Waltz are out now in JP, EN release scheduled for September 13th

EX07 Digimon Liberator is out now in JP, EN release scheduled for September 13th

BT18 Element Successor is out now in JP. Part of SB 2.0 in EN

BT19 Xros Evolution is scheduled to be released September 27th in JP. Split across SB 2.0 and SB 2.5 in EN

Special Booster 2.0 is scheduled to be released November 1st in EN, compiles BT18 and BT19

EX08 Chains of Liberation is scheduled to be released in November in JP, EN release scheduled for January 10th

Special Limited Set is scheduled to be released December 13th in EN, compiles LM02 through LM04

Special Booster 2.5 is scheduled to be released February 2025 in EN, compiles BT19 and BT20

Predictions on ZeedMillenniumon's effects?
Building Milleniumon seems tempting, but I've already got too many decks that I don't use
Based on last thread, how many anons play Imperial? I know it's a common deck, but it's interesting to see so many people chime in when it comes up
I play a mostly max rarity imperial list IRL, because I’m a basic 02 bitch and I think DNA is cool. I was playing before the recent support and the deck was total ass.

I also have a somewhat max-ish imperial deck, but I'm looking to play shine after this banlist drops idk.
I have an imperial deck but i dont play it often
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>somebody said " Sorry " after beating me with Loogamon OTK

Alright, I'm gotta go full metafag now. Can you guys give me a good Imperialdramon deck to build to compete with these tryhards?
I don't know about the effects but I hope they give it 18000 DP so we can call it the strongest Digimon again.
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1st place from some recent tournament.

Personally, I'm not a fan of ST dragon mode but w/e, to each their own.
Primo means you're only paying two to setup another paildramon when you go into it.
Sometimes 0 if you're able to keep turn and dna into the bt12 pieces.
Well yeah. It's a ridiculously good consistency and tempo piece. If you;re going to pass turn you can play a blue and green rookie out instead to keep partition live. Then when the Dragon Mode would be deleted you partition and then use the delay of primo to go into Fighter or Paladin. There's so much value there I don't think you can not have at least 1 ST Dragon Mode in there.
Thanks anon.
Imperial Players, what are your favorite non-imperial decks?

Big fan of red birds and leomon personally.
Machine and BWG. Although both are pretty mediocre right now, especially post banlist machine
>Predictions on ZeedMillenniumon's effects?
The only thing I can zero in on is that it'll let you play Moon and/or Millie because so far there's no reason for Moon's effect to be On Play. Also it will obviously have a protection or resurrection effect, because Millie.
alliance bunny
BT14 Fenril or Takemika?
I've been thinking of dropping giga death. I like it, but it constantly sits in my hand doing nothing. Would probably do something similar where I throw in a hammer spark and bring primogenitor up to 3
i’m the other Max rarity imperial guy. what are you missing and what do you have?
Man, I have not been OTK'd once by Takemikazuchi. Are Loogamon players retarded?
I usually don't have any problems with Loogamon but this bitch just kept getting so lucky with it and kept putting Takemika into the trash as early as turn 2 or 1. Also her deck was really consistent. Maybe she was cheating I dunno she dipped as soon as I switched to red vaccine birds because she knew I was gotta crimson blaze her to death.
Love my Blue Melga X, first deck i ever made. Really hope some support arrives soon

Other than the lottery rares, 2 promo veemons and 1 bt12 wormmon


Imo, it's more high roll. If you can get kazuchi and TMK in trash, you probably have game.

I've gone from 5 security to 0 and lost simply because I took too long to win.
I legit don’t understand this deck
I’ve tried it on sim the last week and just cannot make it work reliably
How the fuck are you meant to run it? By the time I’m set up for anything I’m at 0 security
Skill issue. Just kidding. It depends a bit on your list, but really it's a mixture of luck for what you mill and making sure you send cards to the trash every turn you can. Being more aggressive with your BT15 looga and loogar helps get the ball rolling. Hard playing hellooga is sometimes critical and cycles through a lot of cards.
im from /dng/
what deck do i play
i like coombo, extending, and recursion
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It's not just that, but you don't have a searcher package so the way you sequence your early searchers matters a lot.
There's also a lot of triggers that you need to know how to abuse, mem gain can basically give you an extra turn, and something like:
>Hard-dropping Helloga
>3 mem with a training and 2 analog, bt14 looga, mind link of looga and go to 4, pop training for loogar, hard drop a tyranno staying at 1 from bt14 looga, digivolve tyranno into hellooga at -2, end turn pop hellooga, drawing 2 extra cards, go back to 0 from analogs, pop a level 6.

It has a lot of hidden depth in the way you sequence cards. DId you know that bt16 soloogar can evolve for free into a Fenril from trash if something else dies? Like for example, a Hellogar? What a card advantage! So, let's say, if you can stay in turn by undoing a mind link and gaining 1-2 mem, popping a level 6 and going for free into your own level 6, wich represents Aliance 23k 2 checks. So if you can anticipate that, and have a Takemi in hand, you could win in one turn!
I don't play looga a lot, but yah it has a ton of depth that other decks really don't have so you need a lot more time learning it to play it well.
Imperialdramon is a top tier Digimon design so I'm not surprised so many people play it.
My Max brothers, I think I'm just missing dragon mode because I really didn't like the dragon mode alt art so I'm waiting for the alt alt art of dragon mode. Oh I guess I'm missing Wormmon also.
Play Imperialdramon, it extends by playing 2 Digimon and combos by having the 2 Digimon fusion together and when your boss monster dies you get to summon the 2 smaller guys back to do it all over again so the deck has recursion.
What do we think about WaruSeadramon loop?
Purple decks and Bloomlord feel the most YGO like.
Try the learner app to get a feel for how the game works first. Do you have a favorite digimon? If yes, then just build that for when you are learning to maximize on fun while you're still learning the game. Overall, it's pretty different from yu-gi-oh. A lot of purple decks have some form of recursion. Play extension is a pretty general feature as a lot of decks have little combos to keep turn or extend their plays as the turn ends. Combo is different in this game due to how memory works as it tends to include the other 2 things. Looga is a deck that does all 3, but as >>93747363 points out, it's a deck that has a lot of plays that you need to learn to do well with it. Imperialdramon is also a deck that does all 3 due to how DNA-digivolving and some of it's cards work.
Thanks for the advice fellas. I like to think I’m an okay player but this deck just doesn’t click with me. Which is wild cause OG Looga won me locals back to back for a couple months.
I am currently playing Omni and trains, which has proven hilarious
It would be bad even if ACEs didn't exist
thanks for the suggestions
ill look up some matches to see if i like them
ive played with friends a few times and attended locals last week with a starter deck
im not a big digimon fan. im just getting into the series. i dont have a favorite digimon
i saw some interesting interactions when playing at locals so i want a deck that does more.
thanks for the tips.
Based, the lottery cards are a bit much for my wallet. Personally try not to go over $50 when maxing out. Going for the lottery cards in a deck like Imperial is how you get your shit stolen in my area.

how do you feel about the gen con wormmon not being textured like last year’s Veemon? Purposely I love the art but them not being matching with textures mildly triggers my autism
Alright, who has a good alliance decklist I can steal?
You must have missed last thread

We were talking about it
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>opponent combos off and attacks with Takemikazuchi
>DNA into Omni
>bottom deck it
>connection with opponent was lost
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She's in.
>opponent combos off and evos into Takemikazuchi
>play a Diaboromon token, de digivolve Takemikazuchi , turn ends
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well apparently just because she's in the new chapter of liberator because today's reveals are more xroshit
Monitamon BT19-055 C <04>
Rookie | Data | CRT/Twilight/Xros Heart

[On Deletion] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Among them, add 1 card with [Knightmon] in its text or the [Twilight] trait to the hand and place 1 such card under any of your Tamers. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck.
Inherited: <Reboot>
on delete searcher is different.
>probably Red
close enough welcome Tyrannomon rookie
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>A Reptile Digimon whose characteristic lapels are as delicate as fabric. Thanks to its exceptionally sensitive, ribbon-like ears, Elizamon can detect and react to even the most minor sounds in its surroundings. Usually preferring to dwell in quiet areas, it folds its ears to shut out noise when sleeping. An elegant Digimon, Elizamon's ears and collar lend it a cutesy appearance. There is another side to it, however, as Elizamon will expand its collar and pounce on foes when threatened.
>For its Frilled Cutter move, Elizamon rotates its collar at an intense speed to slice up the enemy. It can also use its spinning collar to glide at low altitudes, before harnessing its own momentum to attack foes with its tail for its Helicop-Tail attack.

Not really much there to predict where the rest of her line goes.
>how do you feel about the gen con wormmon not being textured
Fuck I wasn't aware of this, I definitely don't feel like spending 40x4 on them now. Maybe if they drop below 20 but for now I'll probably just skip them.
they’re getting a reprint at Cardfest next month from what Ive been told by Bandai staff from gen con. Apparently Gen con had supply issues which is why the wormmon are going for so much
Not bad at all. Makes the old bt7 skullknight into Cavalier useful again since you can the just evo into bt19 DK and now have reboot.
Hopefully those are done correctly with texture but I doubt it.
Tyrannomon is for a different guy. It is red though since its tamer is memory setter with a delete effect.
I know, which is why I said "close enough".
Current Tyrannomon has essentially no rookies and Ryutaro's Agumon could be mono-red so if we have to use red base for it Elizamon will probably be better than the alternatives: it will have the Liberator trait for the options and searchers that care about that, and it is a Reptile so EX8 Tyrannomon can evolve from it for 2.
>Tie first at locals
>Pull a SEC alt art and SR in my packs

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Mega / Virus / Holy Warrior / Royal Knights
[On Play] [On Evo] You may play 1 Lv.4 or lower Digimon card from your Trash at no cost.
[Opponent's Turn] (1/Turn) When an opposing Digimon attacks, you may change the attack target to 1 of your 'Royal Knights' Digimon.

Aren't knights anti-trashing their cards?
DarkKnightmon support doesn't universally have Save like some of the other Digixros archetypes do, and the more generic Knightmon-in-text stuff they started with in BT18 has a bit of trashing going on.

He also lets you recycle your Sistermons and Omekamon in Yggy.
>On Play and On Evo
>no color restriction
Holy shit that's good.
Ehh as a royal knight player I'm not sure how I feel, if it was part yellow I would be liking it alot more.
>>no color restriction
This too is Lucemon support.
Yeah, great for Royal Knights too, which desperately needed another proactive card.
Another Locomon enjoyer! Didn't know they existed. Deck's so much better than I expected! Feel like sharing your list? Any spicy techs? For me it's EX6 Duramon.
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>Why yes, of course I can have a table in turn 2 that gets through:
>3k delete
>6k delete
>10k delete
>-16k dp
>-8k dp
Lame! The card reveal of today's episode of Digica was MoonMillenniummon again.
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More Lordknightmon

LordKnightmon X
Mega / Virus / Holy Warrior / X-Antibody / Royal Knights
[Evolution: 1 from 'LordKnightmon']
<Collision> <Piercing>
[On Evolve] <De-Digivolve 1> 1 opposing Digimon for each of your Digimon in play. Then, until your opponent's turn ends, 1 opposing Digimon cannot evolve.
[All Turns] While this Digimon has
'LordKnightmon' / 'X-Antibody' in its evolution cards, all of your Digimon with 'Knightmon' in their text gain <Alliance> and +3000 DP.
Damn I think this is the first time we've gotten a Digimon and its X-Anti form in the same set.
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too little, too late: RB monzaemon is getting a reprint
BT5 Omnimon and EX7 Beelstar come to mind but there's probably others
>Evolution Cup
Pricey reprint
This is great.
how it makes sense they limited X instead of plat since they had the reprint in the works
Wish it had blocker built in but still pretty rad.
Assuming Lumina Nene and the other black lvl6 also support twilight there’s a lot of ways to build the deck now.
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this dude got takemikazuchi out twice and still only managed to get my security down to 5
We do not need the play by play on every game of your funne monke deck.
Post list of funne monke deck
yes you do cunt

Ok, Grover.
Dcgo has been a disaster for this general.
I love evo cup. Do we know what the other prizes will be?
Eh, it’s not like it’s overrunning anything else. If you want to see other posts, then someone should explain to me the story of the xros wars manga, and why we haven’t had any bagra army support, were they defeated already?
I love playing in evo cups, its so much fun
I am 2 for 2 in my tops 4's right now and I want go hit up 2 more for a full playset for top 4's

when they have good art as well its even better.
>God forbid people ACTUALLY play the game, I just like complaining about it
DCGO is barely playing the game since half the cards are bugged, either on accident or on purpose
only digivolves from black
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Numebros, how're we faring?

Losing Nume X hurts but I get why it had to go. I just wish they killed both Ukkos instead or something.
Machine can still deal with it, but losing Ukko sucks. It's just a bad format for machine with all the source strip running around.
I still don't understand how Jesmon GX worked, and is now broken
Nice but where's Dynasmon X? I still think we might get it in this set.

Why is one Shoto worth 13 and the other one 5 dollars. Its the same card.

The $5 one is from nationals back in January. The other is from some pack that some stores might have gotten in may.

Idk, visually they're the same.
I have one from nationals, its the same visually. I don't get it
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Damn these are really cool. I love Gundramon
how do you win them?
Seriously help
No one knows. It's some stupid scalper shit to get more money out of the card for different releases when it's not really even worth $5 and the only difference is they come out of a differently labeled pack. The evo tourney version is the superior one anyways
I'm more than likely wrong, but I'm sure I read it had something to do with the foiling.
Is there a fucking way to tell the difference, none of the cards have foiling.
Look again.
truely is lucemon support
lucemonbros eating well
>Be in the DCGO discord server
>People ranting on and on and on abour Hybrids, how broken they're, and how seemingly invincible the mechanic is
>They're all playing off-meta pet decks against players testing out the cool new shit
>It's just whining and whining and asking for more banlist or stronger floodgates

>Go to the whatsapp group of my LGS here in mexico
>Ask around people for ideas how to deal with hybrids
>They all brainstorm ideas such as cranking up Digimon Emperor because Lobomon is forced to evolve off a rookie in order to warp and keeping multiple bodies on the field, Teching cards such as GranKuwaga ace to break and suspend tamers, keeping a low level rookie at all times to avoid losing your key digimon

It's very different when you surround yourself with players who actually play the game and actually try to play in the meta rather than bit and moan about the meta.

Very true. It's similar at my LGS with how the more competitive people will sit down and start to think and talk about it while the shitters just moan
I still think the best deck is just a line deck over just warping to ancient.
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This is just silly. It's probably going to go up even more once the ban list is in effect
It depends because line decks struggle a bit more with needing time to setup and finding correct pieces. There's also since the playstyle is just build stacc and otk with it, there's only one line deck in the meta at a time and in our case Mirage has been the most optimal one for about a year.
>It's very different when you surround yourself with players who actually play the game and actually try to play in the meta rather than bit and moan about the meta.
Yeah, which is why the addition of dcgo players really just caused me to filter a ton of posts/blogs.
My friends and I discuss how to counter the meta all the time but what you described is pretty accurate.
It is hilarious that Elizamon is the Owen character's partner digimon. He's just off being an asshole with a cutesy digimon in tow.
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I know this is a Reddit tier meme but I still found it funny
>how do we reign in koki?
>have them draw a digi without a crotch or feet
fuck i turned into an esl nooooooooooooo
At least you knew it wasn't "rain".
Been enjoying playing the mirage loop in DCGO, pretty much only lose to hybrids, then anything that can otk before my setup. The amount of people in that discord that seethe over it is funny.
What deck should I bring to my Evo cup Monday? I have pretty much every meta deck but none of them really speak to me. Restriction really has me fucked up because I was going to play Red Base AnGar but with the Ukko and Lui restricted I don't think it's worth it anymore.
Blue base AncientGarurumon.
Is that the version that uses Gabumon as the bottom end and the Matts? Or the one that uses Strabimon?
I'd probably go with Strabimon and Bokomon but you do whatever you want.
the gabumon version will be dead tomorrow
Thinking about breaking down my vaccine armor deck. Is it clearly dead and most sincerely dead? Or is there hope for it after the ban hits?
its 100% dead
anyone who is trying to cope about it never played it nor understood what made it strong.

Its key power was that you could skip levels and basically get to magna x for effectively 1 cost in your ideal hand on turn 2, or 2 cost in an "okay" hand on turn 2
Couple that with the flexibility to move into different top ends and even if you don't go right into your top end have strong board fighting tools in your rapidmons and aces (magnaange and some angewoman) so that your opponent needs to spend time setting up while you find your top end btfo them

it was a deck that really lived on being able to fairly consistently get a fairly good roll and just win the game off that really feeding on the bo3 format to not care if you drop a game

TK getting hit means you can't setup your security, that means most of the time you will need to pay for your rapdimons at full price, which is a huge problem, its okay if its in SOME games, but their 4 cost for a reason and having patamon get them for free was one of the key parts of the deck and also why you would run 3 emissary, not being able to consistently setup security is a huge problem as also can't cycle in more with patamon if you whiff the first instance which TK would almost guarantee
then with awakening hit you can't use them to skip into magna x, being able to skip to magna x or rapid x was the core of the deck

so basically its two biggest strengths got absolutely dumpstered
if you wanted to you could play like 1-2 magna x and 4 rapid x and play "armor vaccine" as a rapidmon based deck, but you could just play rapidmon tribal and do much better imo
But it came in second in a recent tournament that used the restriction list going 4-1. https://egmanevents.com/digi-bt17-format/eagle-nests-august-26th
He's literally me frfr.
You can easily tell that this anon is not very good at this game.
Vaccine Armor is dead. 3GA can sort of work if you're heavy on ArkhaiAngemon. Blue Armor Rush is virtually untouched.
Red Base AncientGaru is still strong. You lose 3 of your 8 Ukkos, but there are plenty of other rookies that are good.
Are there that many Digimon ignoring Digivolution requirements that you'd run 3 Kokuwamon and no Chuumon? Isn't it just the hybrids and Omnimon (lol)?
>ignoring Digivolution requirements that you'd run 3 Kokuwamon

Literally the ancient hybrids right now, and awakening of the golden knight
i don't know if it's dead, I've been playing with it and even with the Lui at one it's still very playable. >>93758223
Ha, if I do whatever I want I'll lose. I'm a slave to the meta.
Is it normal for the Renamon deck to brick like crazy or am I being lucky with my opponents in DCGO?
some decks brick
others are so shit that it seems like they are bricking
which do you think renamon is
Is the Renamon deck really that bad?
The deck requires multiple pieces that do nothing on their own. Yes it's normal.
It’s worse
What rookies would you say fill the spot? Flamon?
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>Went to locals, did poorly, 1-X
>Got fucked one game badly with being one Tamer short with UlForce bounce + poor sequencing vs Imperial
>Another Match vs AncientGaruru, Rookies despite digging near 20 deep
> Store owner either felt generous/needed inventory space, had leftover promos/packs from previous events
>Everyone who attended locals got these, top cut got more
Never been awarded for scrubbing out at in ANY card game ever. Thanks digipapus.
Yay it didnt 180 my picture for once! Praise Yggy!
Any hentai translator can tell me what he does?
Nice. Could be to unload a backlog of old promos since stores aren't supposed to sell them or the store might be getting out of digimon. But it's all older stuff so it's probably just them being nice
Dorulumon BT19-033 C <04>
Champion | Virus | Beast/Xros Heart

[On Play] This Digimon may digivolve into [JaegerDorulumon] under any of your Tamers without paying the cost.
[On Deletion] <Save>
Inherited: [Your Turn] This Digimon with the [Xros Heart] trait gains <Piercing>.
Evo into a Jaeger under a tamer
Saves on deletion
Piercing if Xros in traits
>have to rely on Liberator randomly using your deck as a character of the week opponent in order for it to have any chance at support
this sucks
Store always has 6 people minimum from what I have seen. 7 today counting me.
Typical is 10-12 players at peak playercount in current format.
Multiple staff members at the locals pointed out sealed product always sells fast and there has never been a locals that has failed to fire off. Resurgence Booster is the exception to the sealed product. Heavily marked down in price with no plans to restock it and half a box left.
We play when other games play as well. One Piece had some event today and it was 20+ players. Digimon doesnt seem to be a flagship game at all there but has enough people to warrant running it there. The few people who are there do travel and have placed at events before.
Im just glad to have a new locals with great people to play with.
Nice. My locals is dying because the store changed the prize support and is a drive for a lot of people. Then they decided to match TCGplayer prices for boxes on prerelease and release and pissed everyone off by having the boxes cost more than MSRP
>your deck is a movie antagonist
>it's not Diaboromon
I can only hope that someone has a Morphomon partner and uses an Eosmon deck.
I'm enjoying Imperial currently. Not really looking forward to possibly teching hexablue. But, I'll probably stick with Imperial until the English release catches up with Japan. Unless BWG somehow gets support in bt19/20
I somehow completely missed that Dorulumon is Virus-attribute until now.
Correction: Lack of Rookies despite digging 20 deep*
Anything I can do to make this list better?
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You just got support you ungrateful slut.
maybe Jesmon will get that kid from the thinly veiled bara webcomic about Gankoomon
Reminder that Greymon.dek has gotten no support since November last year (Omegamon Turbo does not count) and will not get any new cards until at least after we catch up with Japan
That means 2024 will be a year without Greymon support at all
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That doesn't stop Diaboromon and Machinedramon. I want more motto motto...
Ah yes the constant Machinedramon support.
>You Lose!
Excuse me?
Does the white greymon not count?

Actually that would be kind of cute if the did an EX or LM set around the manga contest winners
Its probably worth running in Greymon decks as a 2-of, but you can't grab it with boost or training.
Also not all metalgreys can evo on it.
The new Willis is actually pretty based I think
It's like a more restrictive Shu-Chong that doesn't search.
If it were a 3 cost tamer I would consider it, but as is it's a big nah.
Helps swing over a lot like magna, or surprise them with a 17k dp gargo ace. Best thing about it is you don't have to evo the lop or terrier you play so you can use it on a terrier x you already on board when you use double typhoon's delay for a total of -3 to digivolve costs. It can also make st17 gold rapid an effective 13k blocker. Not to mention you can play it for 2 memory with st17 terrier. Been playing it as a 2 of and it's working out well for me
If we had Bond of Bravery I'm convinced something vaguely similar to this would be rogue playable.
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Fuck I forgot the actual decklist.
>hentai translator
Fucks Cutemon in the ass
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I thought so too but I've been toying with this and it has been the most effective I've felt Alliance ever be.
Panjyamon isn't a perfect fit for the deck - monocolour Beastkin means it can only be evolved into by Shu-Chong's effect - but if you've already got Shu-Chong on the field and you're using it to play Willis or Mimi you can just use the EX4 inherit to evo into Cherubimon (and whatever gets played by that will get Rush)

Rookie lineup outside of the EX4's is pretty flexible - I originally had ST Lopmon instead of EX6 but wasn't using double alliance much. EX6 helps you get around blockers and can self-suspend to trigger Shu-Chong.
No sir, I don't like it.
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And the card itself.
I love Cherubimon, but your list is awful.
>only two draw eggs
>no Lopmon X
>only six Lv.5s
>TEN Lv.6s
>fucking Willis

I've tried working the Terrier support into the Lopmon deck before, it works against it's strategy. Alliance wants to swing early and often, Rapid/Megagargo wants to be reactive and control the board.
Don't know what rapid list your playing but it's anything but reactive, it's one of the most aggressive decks I own just behind ancientgaruru. The combination of turn 2 rapid x, mimi's and dropping rookies for free means most games don't get past turn 5 or 6
I think Rapidmon is valid as long as there aren't other level 4's with Alliance. Wendigomon is probably the best choice but with its low DP it gets clipped by all the same effects that the rookies and EX4 champions do, Rapidmon gets played for free and is a great blocker on its own.
>>TEN Lv.6s
to be fair even a none shitty list is not far off that many
you can stack ACE on top of vice and X on top of either so it all just werks
Please give us DynasX
Yeah the level 6s aren't a problem. The 3 different 4 cost tamers are though, not to mention how few cards he has for assuring alliance.
Brah you need to learn how to count or get your eyes checked, there's 8 lvl 5s and 8 lvl 6s
List is still clunky as shit desu
I mean yea probably I don't play Cherubimon apart from in 3GA and I've played against it once at locals, baby ching chong seemed good though
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As the only shine fucking player in this general, this art looks eh. The agumon is cool though. Does the rookies for ult cup usually go for a lot?
>Does the rookies for ult cup usually go for a lot?

usually yes, if there's no alt arts for them.
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Fuck alright. Guess i have to pay for it than.

its not too bad if you play in ulti cup yourself or have friends who will sell their prizing to you.
Im busy irl due to some genuine political bs and the friends that i can kinda rely on are casual who doesnt have the time to commit to tournies so i have to rely on the after market for it sadly.
Hey, Im an Imperial player, and I have a friend who is trying to build around Imperial. Ive given him suggestions for what beats Imperial but he didn’t really like those choices. Can you niggers give me some good Imperial counters?
As you said no one plays shinegreymon right now so as long as new support doesn't get announced then you should be able to pick up the rookies for pretty cheap.
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Hey does anyone have meta lists of Dukemon deck? I have finally finished mine but I want to recfine it and I need some references.
I'm not an expert, but isn't Imperial weak to floodgates and bounces?
What deck are they playing right now, or want to play? Partition loses to source strip, collision, raid, de-digivolve, and deletion by attacking. Play by effect flood gates hamper it, along with memory blocking flood gates.

Personally, I like DexDoru.

Mirage, Diaboro and eosmon do pretty well.
same here, could someone give me a good Dukemon deck build to crush these meta fag try hard cucks?
Wich decks get chocked out by mother blocker and wich decks thrive in that slower meta?
We already know Imperial/AncientG and MirageHex do well against it?
Speaking of Dukemon decks, is EX2 Takato bugged on DCGO? Sometimes the Blitz works and sometimes it doesn't.
>Sometimes the Blitz works and sometimes it doesn't.

1) is your stack legally allowed to make an attack?
2) did memory pass to your opponents side when you digivolved?
>memory at 2
>have EX2 Takato
>have Wargrowlmon from last turn
>evolve into BT12 Gallantmon giving my opponent 2 memory
>EX2 Takato triggers, which is supposed to give Gallantmon blitz
>Gallantmon deletes one of my opponent's digimon with effect
>suspend Takato to gain 1 memory, leaving my opponent with 1 memory
>the option to attack the opponent never pops up and the turn passes to my opponent

Most recent example. This never happened when I was testing with bots so it might be an online thing, and sometimes the Blitz works fine. I might try recording it.
Yeah it’s fucked
Lost me a game last night after I did an evo into crimson ace because the card clearly isn’t tagged for blitz
nah not really
rookies are usually participation
so they aren't expensive, but they are still a few dollars, its really the stuff that needs top 8, top 2, or even champion only to get thats really pricey, as in hundreds of dollars
Good to know it's not just me. I also had the exact problem you had with Crimson Mode Ace not getting Blitz, but I also had times where it managed to Blitz properly as well. And since this happens with other cards I don't think it's just a tagging issue.
Speaking of glitches, pretty sure the SoC Dorugreymon's "on attack redirection, evolve" effect doesn't work either in DCGO
Calumon BT19-077 R <04>
Unknown | Unknown | Unknown

[Security] You may play 1 Digimon card with 2000 DP or less from your hand without paying the cost.

[Main] By suspending this Digimon, 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card from your hand with the digivolution cost reduced by 2.

[All Turns] This Digimon can't attack or block.

[On Deletion] Place this card as your top security card.
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You forgot something.

I want to like the old one more just for the draw 1 on its effect, but the fact that this one actually digivolves by its own effect just feels more usable. Even ignoring the fact that this one is more generic.
Do you guys really think Takemi is a "top tier meta deck"?
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>As you said no one plays shinegreymon right now
It hurts when I saw it but when someone else types it, it hurts so much more for better or worse.
Oh okay. I thought the baby were participation.Good to know.
Dat fucking art.
This one is really good, dont know if I have room though.
Any advice on making Blue Base AncientGarurumon? All the decklists I've seen win have been redbase.
Probably not, but it’s close. Time will tell since we’re gonna have a different meta now, but imperial is amazing and red base ancient is doing decently so far. Magna x is likely to stay relevant in the top tier space, even without the ridiculous ceiling yellow vax had. Mirage is mirage. At the very least it’s the best deck after the top tier contenders.

going from wargrowl to gallant, takato would give gallant blitz, but that "when digivolving, blitz" wasn't active at the time of evo so it whiffs.

tl;dr you evo to gain blitz, you have to evo again to use blitz
I don't think that's right
Adorable art. Glad he's not a SEC or completely busted. Calumon a fatty
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No, I tested it out against the bot. Same scenario, at 2 memory with Wargrowlmon. Wargrowlmon doesn't have Blitz from a previous evo. I was able to evolve into BT12 Gallantmon and blitz.
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And here's Gallantmon with Blitz. No issues against the Bot, just against online players.

welp idk then
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Rookie / Virus / Evil
[On Play] If you have 1 or less Tamer in play, you may play 1 Purple Tamer card with a Play Cost of 4 or less from your Trash at no cost.
Inheritable: <Retaliation>
new impmon crazy
Fuck thats good. Im putting that into mastemon.
it works, I have used it plenty
you need a soc tamer underneath it for it to trigger, you did read the card, right anon?
That's really good in a lot of decks, not just Beelzemon
I was wondering how they were going to handle new Impmons with the line being split between Beelzemon and HeavyMetaldramon. I guess the answer is to make them good generic support.
We already have that one Impmon from a while back that says "'Seven Great Demon Lords' or 'Three Musketeers'" so it wouldn't have been too hard.
What? Yeah it is, lets you play ai and mako for free after playing this for free off of ex2 beelz. This definitely does really well in heavy and purple decks with generic revive
Bro can't understand the difference between "not just" and "just not", everybody laugh at him.
Im tired, boss. My bad. Any purple decks that usually don’t play tamers that will just because of this card by the way? Being able to play a tamer as well as a lvl3 body is pretty good
People who play tcgs cant read so it is excusable.

>blanket -5k to opponents board
>they can just loop 2 calumons for infinite security

Who thought this was ok? this has potential to be ukkomon good.
Card has to be from hand.
Where the neg 5 coming from hon?
Something yellow fosho
Mediocre, could be good with scrambles or something that can cheat him like Nume.
Scrambles can only play Digimon of their color and I don't think Numemon has any way to cheat out a Digimon that doesn't have a level.
The security effect doesn't add itself to hand and it doesn't play from trash. How does it infinitely loop?

nvm, I cant read
You might be retarded
go easy on the ESL anons
It's really not. This kind of idiocy is beyond stupid and shouldn't be written off as a dumb joke. Tolerating that kind of idiocy just causes more people to think they're right when they can't understand the cards in game
They won't learn if you don't correct them.
built for gankoo x
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Beelzemon BT19-071 R <04>
Mega | Virus | Demon Lord/Seven Great Demon Lords

[On Play] [When Digivolving] Trash the top 2 cards of your deck. Then, this Digimon gains <Blocker> until the end of your opponent's turn.
[All Turns] (Once Per Turn) When a card is trashed from your deck, delete 1 of your opponent's level 5 or lower Digimon.
Wew lad
That's pretty good
I'm not sure it's better than EX6 Beelzemon, in either a Beelz deck or 7GDL.
Yeah probably a one of in 7gdl, definitely not run in beelz, your deck space is already too tight
Nah this fits in Beelze.
What are you cutting
ST Beelze IMO
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If he is added to the TCG, what will his name be?
They will surely emergency ban Mirage/Gabu/Ancient right?
What has emerged?
They have known for a long time that those decks are strong. They didn't put them on the banlist deliberately.
Literally no other deck can compete besides maybe bugs.
look buddy they limited hammer spark so blue is fixed already!
What would you hit?
Really? It’s the best beelz for ending the game though. Warp, 2 punches, gain 2-3+ memory is kinda hard to dump, no?
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>deck runs 3 bt12 shine now
>guess ill buy the kanji aa to have every art
I genuinly feel retarded since this means i willingly bought 9 copies of sr shine.

nume ban should have slowed the game down enough for ragnaloard to compete.

Hard for them to play around an immune body that can hit 20k DP, raid, 3 checks.

Similar fashion, 7GDL can sit on Lucemon CM with Levia/Beelz in trash.
>Hard for them to play around an immune body that can hit 20k DP, raid, 3 checks.
Does any deck have that easy?
I actually much prefer the first group in every game, I don't like the real cold Meta. Yugioh is the same, some of us trying to have fun playing the characters we like from the past and WHAM the Meta fags swoop in with impossible decks.
TCGs at the non Meta level can be the most fun, using all the cards which wouldn't normally see play
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>Dat art
More, please
Is there space in this game for loop decks? There are a couple that are still playable but bad, but if they were good do you guys think they would get banned?
Anything like the Mirage loop would get hit, because it stops all interaction with the game. Arukenimon & Mummymon loop should get hit for the same reason, but arguably a worse deck. The biggest key difference is that it trashes security, which could potentially interact with Yellow.

The werewolf loop and lilith loop, I think is fine because they do not really have a way to get jamming easily and have to interact with security. Then I do not see a way to trigger EX6 lilithmons all turns effect, while not giving the opponent a turn to play, which would then make it an issue.

Mill loop and Merva loop are perfectly fine.
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So is alter-s capable of being rogueish with the new matt tai tamer?
I have no illusions of it being able to stand toe to toe with the big decks im just asking if it can sometimes pull a win if it pops off against the tier 2 or 1.5 at best if you actually manage to get your shit out.
delusion* not illusion
Then make your own off-meta community, discord servers, etc. Like don't throw yourselves to the wolves and then get surprised you got bit in the dick by the big bad blue wolf
That depends on what you mean by "Alter-S." You can try to fit a few of the EX4 cards into the new Omni Ace build, which IS a viable rogue deck, but outside of Alter-B the reasons to run any of the other ones are pretty weak. Trying to run the black Greymon/Garurumon lines as the backbone of your deck is pretty hard to justify when you have warping options in red and blue.
Thanks, thats what i figured. I like the black base since ramping left and right is fun.
The BT17 wargrey and metalgaruru can evo over the black agu and gabu by effect. If you are in the scenario where you have the EX4 Tai Matt out. You evo into either or, then can play the rookie out from trash or hand
Free the Argo/Gargo interactions
Argomon is so shit that even with the Gargos it would still be a weak deck.
Add to that that you can only run 5 lvl5s you might as well not play any cards until it gets ANOTHER wave of support.
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Henry Wong BT19-085 R <04>

[Start of Your Main Phase] If you have a Digimon with [Terriermon], [Gargomon] or [Rapidmon] in its name, gain 1 memory.
[All Turns] When any of your Digimon digivolves into a green Digimon, by suspending this Tamer, suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
[Security] Play this card without paying the cost.
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Gargomon BT19-049 C <04>
Champion | Vaccine | Beastkin

[When Digivolving] If you have 1 or fewer Tamers, you may play 1 [Henry Wong] from your hand without paying the cost.
Inherited: [When Attacking] (Once Per Turn) Suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
Finally a good Gargomon
Unfortunately most Henrys are pretty mid the new one is decent but it's gonna be hard to find the room for him
Rapid Armor and Suspend Gargo are notionally different decks
True one of them is good, but I could see running the new Wong in rapid.
You pretty much always have a board to gain the memory at start of main and the ability to suspend your opponents mons in the turns after you've digivolved into rapid to proc the dp neg and gain 2 memory is also nice, he can even set up bt8 gold rapid which is another bonus.
Greymon that does this when?
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I maybe banned from the group but yes.
why would you get banned for reporting who won?
why would a Greymon want to play a Henry
The 1 or fewer tamer bit. Bt12 greymon is great, this is just an improvement
I forgot a comma and typing the whole thing out, i meant that i am banned from the group but I can still see the page.
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I have one extra card, what should I take out?

>14 rookies

thats a lot of level 3s
I am scared of getting bricked "not drawing a rookie"
should I take out one for the unlucky number xiii?

Most stack decks will run 4 trainings and possibly 1 memory boost in order to find all the pieces they need.
Get rid of 2calu and a guil than for training. Trust me in that you want the training if bricking is an issue.
t. bricking with shine for a whole year straight.
you only need 1 rush guilmon, then you could also consider dropping Calu to 1 or 0. Then crimson savior should be cut, the card is pretty shit, and the delay is too hard to trigger. On another note, you should strongly consider adding BT12 Gallantmon, the ability to raid and trash security is strong.
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well I only have 2 trainings so I am just playin with 2. I am interested in memory boost. Kalumon has been quite effective and under rated, at least the times that I have been palying with it. I am interested on the Dukemon bt12. Seems interesting.

I mostly copied this list from a japanese player but changed the stuff that has not come out yet for different one. They seem to like the rush guilmon a lot.
I think I will take out one kalumon, and one guilmon, either the st7 or one rush one. or a bt17 one.

I want this artwork for memory boost lol.
Never. Greymon is old and busted and will never see another card. Better get used to playing hybrid
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Rapidmon ACE BT19-050 SR <04>
Ultimate | Vaccine | Cyborg

(Hand) [Counter] <Blast Digivolve>
[On Play] [When Digivolving] Suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon or Tamers. Then, 1 of their Digimon or Tamers can't unsuspend until the end of their turn.
ACE: <Overflow (-3)>
Inherited: [Your Turn] This Digimon gets +4000 DP.
4k DP inherit is a LOT.
DCGO seems to be gearing up for text chat? Censored "Classic" in my deck name to "Cl***ic" and then when I relaunched it was just called "Clic"
Unless they're doing it for names, which lol
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Bouncing around some ideas for a tribal Sakuya deck, I ended up not liking bt17 as much as I thought but I’m playing the deck casually so maybe you guys see better things to use or adjust.
the effect is kind of meh
definitely not bad, it at least potentially can save you if you are dying from someone attacking with multiple targets or doing unsuspend stuff, but is otherwise not that strong of an ace effect
if it also prevented digivolution it would be a lot better, always so mixed on the aces that have effects that are better if played on your turn, megagargo being the prime example

but +4k DP is fucking insane, thats absolutely huge, and as an ace to boot.
the low DP numbers from the deck and getting walled by mother is completely over because you can't lower its DP when you can just gain 4k DP
that rapidx or mega gargo? now they are 15 or 16k, and you very well may have another inherit or some more DP from willis (if you run that willis)

not to mention an actually decent henry tamer, and an actually good gargomon so that older henry tamer with the warp doesn't require you to play a brick to get the effect because every gargomon sucked shit, more terriermon tribal stuff is always cool to get, I think its a fun and interesting deck thats close to meta and has been a few times but just never quite made it and I think having a fairly consistently solid t2 deck that keeps getting support is cool
Preventing Digivolution is a black effect and they've decided that Gargomon is no longer a dog with guns
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>security deck is filled with champions
>all the other champions are in the bottom of the deck
No matter the shuffle, there is no winning this, is there?
>your security is filled with levels 3 and 4s
>your opponent's security is filled with tamers and options
Every time

skill issue, idk
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>First movie 5 Takato
>Now Jenrya
Summer Ruki soo-
>Didn't had a different design
That's because Ruki is a stuck up bitch
Fusion World online tournaments are pretty fucking good, everything is automatized. Wish digimon could be like this too.
Sir, I'll let you know Ruki had multiple outfits! Like four or five max, unlike Mimi who need extra pages in artbooks
Im still jealous of anon nonetheless. I still wanna make rapid x but i aint paying that absurd price.
What are good deck boxes for decks with bandai sleeves and character guard outers?
I know the more premium XL Gamegenic deck boxes are the right size, but what about the cheaper plastic options like BCW prism, Bastion XL (50) and so on?
I have a bunch of loose decks I need to contain.
The only reason this franchise is still alive is because someone at Bandai loves Mimi.
>"huh I can't find my tamers, guess il keep searching"
>opponent starts their OTK
>lvl 3
>lvl 3
>you'r dead
It's not always good to see a tamer in security.
I bought 4 alt arts, had 1 regular art I pulled from my box
then I bought an adventure box for the promo... and I got a 5th alt art and a regular art....
then I got another rapid x from packs at locals...
then I got another alt art from locals....

I managed to sell 1 alt art, so I still have a spare....
Genuinely hope they go up in price so I can offload these, the alt is great and I love it and I will keep a playset, but fuck do I just want to get rid of these, no one ever wants them.
>One ending of Colon was just a slideshow
>Except for Mimi, who gets two shots of her dancing
>Mimi's Adventure and 02 outfits appear in a store in Ghost Game
I see... Meanwhile, Sora just sorta exists kek
Calumon is trash, take it out, decide in one egg too.

BT13 Gallant is a panic button that you should not normally evolve and I really not beenl iking it lately. 3 crimson mode is too much and you need to max black growlmon. 4 Takatos that give blitz is mandatory, without it you are not playing the game, trainings are not good in Gallant since you have blitz and some of your effects evolve, red memory is better.
I can cobberate the feeling.
"Where is my Rina(s)!?"
*3rd check and 4th check are Rina*
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I use gamegenics xl 100+, they have a little bit more room than I would like, I tried out some of the boulders but if you triple sleeve or oversleeve they might not fit in, my VVV oversleeves don't fit inside them, heard good stuff about BCW prisms but I haven't been able to find one
bastion XL won't fit it, if you just single sleeve then MAYBE you can squeeze in the 54/55 cards, but if you double sleeve you can barely get the 50 in let alone triple sleeve or if you use oversleeves, no room for eggs at all

I use my boulders for packs and promos I get at locals so I can just store a bunch in there, and my bastion 50 are for "spare" cards I want to keep with me, such as when I run a card as a 3 of I might keep the 4th in there so I can change it out when I am testing with others and such, since I do that a decent amount, and just keeping some tech stuff in there, this is only for my more serious decks and the more casual decks I just keep the "spare" cards inside the deckbox since the XL100 has a lot of space.

gamegenics feel much nicer than boulders and I really like them, never had them open up accidentally, easy to open, stay shut easily, very clear what side is up and down, sturdy, excellent all around imo
my only issue is they are a little large for digimon and I dislike that cards will bounce around if you don't fill them up.
I would love a gamegenic 80 or something, think it would be perfect for me.
The more the merrier for Mimi.

She truly is the franchise's best girl.
I see. Do you have any idea whether the BCW is even wide enough to contain oversleeved cards?
Thanks for the input, I was wondering abouth the bastion 50, seems its about what I expected
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>2 of in my dex deck
>only use it like once ever
Man im thinking about removing it since this barely comes up, i rather just shove shit like metal impulse if that's the case
What are the chances of getting a couple of these on a ex5 box? will need some for Lilith and getting them on my shithole country is basically impossible but there are some decently priced boxes around.
it's an SR in one of the bloated EX sets so like 60% chance to get one
I've had decent success using BT13 Gallantmon with BT17 Takato, getting Rush without EX4 Guilmon is pretty nice.
Also agree on Blitz Takato, at least until BT19 Takato comes out.
What the other guy said. Thought you have a slightly better chance of getting it simply due to how you get 1 extra alt in ex sets.
Though* not thought. Also im running the old x anti in lilith simply in the occurrence that I cant digivolve into an X digimon so I can atleast stick a source underneath incase some asshole does source bs.
Imperialdramon anons, do you still use giga death? I'm thinking of dropping it since it just sits in my hand most games.
>Also agree on Blitz Takato, at least until BT19 Takato comes out.
Then we play 6/7 blitz Takato lmao.
Fuck no, all your mons are giga death now.
no clue
I haven't seen anywhere that shows the internal size of boxes, the information put out is always external size
and since I haven't owned one I
really? I quite like it in dex, I only have it as a 1 of, but I am happy every time I see it
without scrambles its really nice to get a piece back and since it activates when you proc your evolve from trash by deletion you can have a piece back and get the recovery and get another stack down easier.
maybe as a 2 of I would see it too much and not like it

its pretty rare, seems like it got some weird ratios and its expensive, but its getting a reprint in the upcoming event pack, so if you are going to regionals and the such you can get one from there
otherwise hope for an AA
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Newfren, I don't get Vortex. Can't you already attack at the end of your turn.
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You can only attack at the end of your turn if you have Blitz, Vortex, or some other effect that allows you to.
Hard play the level 5 and pray they can't remove it
yes and no.
You can't attack if you run out of memory, but with vortex, like blitz, if you spend your last memory, you can still attack, so you can digivolve and immediately get the attack

Vortex does 2 things
It lets you attack via vortex the turn its played, so its rush
and it lets you attack at the end of your turn but only digimon

so its worse blitz but also has rush

so you could hard play that zephagamon and immediately pop someones stack with it by attacking over
imagine they have some dual ace stack thats like 7 overflow, so you hard play zephaga and just fucking kill it, clearing there stack, setting up your digimon, and you only paid 4 for it
thats the power of vortex
Wait you have normally attack before you play your mons?
what are you saying diva
play the tutorial app if you're that lost
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Why is there no decklist for the Omnimon deck? In the last tournament he was in there was also no list. Feels suspicious.
Oh, whoops. Only one of us played the tutorial and never told us. So we've all been playing after we ran out of memory. Thanks for the clarification
because its a "win a box discord tournament" so the guy might have won and just... never submitted a deck list, when asked, said he forgot what he was using as he pulled it apart, they aren't that deep or serious
I never trust them for legitimate standings, only take real events seriously, case tournaments are generally fine too, but box tournaments where there might only be 20 people are about as serious as evo cups.
Yeah it did feel VERY good when i got it off. Other times, I just wish it was something else when I had it in my hand. Im so 50/50 about it that i'll just compromise like you and replace one.
Which base? Regular X anti is really good in the deck.
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I also considered putting in the normal x because well, theyre both good.
5 round tournaments are a joke anyways.
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It was a case tournament which is why I thought it weird that they didn't get a decklist. The first time this guy won it was a box tournament with no list, this is the second time in a row that they've won with no list being posted.
It's great in black base. Not so much in Purple

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