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Sweets & Treats edition

Previous >>93745852

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>EX06 Infernal Ascension questionnaire

>BT17 Secret Crisis questionnaire

Banlist, Errata:

New and Upcoming Releases:

Digimon Liberator:
Latest web comic chapter is Episode 5 Part 2! Next chapter scheduled for September 12th
Latest web novel chapter is Debug 4-2! Next set of chapters sometime in November

BT17 Secret Crisis is out now everywhere!

ST18 Guardian Vortex & ST19 Fable Waltz are out now in JP, EN release scheduled for September 13th

EX07 Digimon Liberator is out now in JP, EN release scheduled for September 13th

BT18 Element Successor is out now in JP. Part of SB 2.0 in EN

BT19 Xros Evolution is scheduled to be released September 27th in JP. Split across SB 2.0 and SB 2.5 in EN

Special Booster 2.0 is scheduled to be released November 1st in EN, compiles BT18 and BT19

EX08 Chains of Liberation is scheduled to be released in November in JP, EN release scheduled for January 10th

Special Limited Set is scheduled to be released December 13th in EN, compiles LM02 through LM04

Special Booster 2.5 is scheduled to be released February 2025 in EN, compiles BT19 and BT20

What cards are you looking to pick up with the EN release of EX7 and the Liberator starter decks?
This art still goes hard btw. I can’t even imagine making a decision as soulless as having your game contain screenshot art only
I want to THROW Culumon!
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Both mommy and HeavyMetal
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Assuming it isn't bought out immediately, I'm gonna pick up the yellow starter deck and its EX7 upgrades
Im in same camp as anon >>93782827. Have mat and deckbox ready to go, just waiting on EX07 for X-Antibody Lilithmommy. Not playing the deck until then.
Im ready!
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>all these coomers thinking with their dicks instead of having fun.

dragonlinkz all the way
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>Throw Culumon
Hey! Culumon is for hugs, not hate! Dont throw him!
What if I like Lilithmon because she was always a busted unit with fat melons in the JRPG Digimon vidya games HMMMM??? Also your deck has a waifu from a gatcha. Shaddup.
They do different things.
Regular enables you to go from lv3 all the way to lv6 in a single swing.
Im going to get the aas for those linkz. Best aarts in the game.
i just finished watching tamers for the first time. i honestly thought culumon was gonna die or get sacrificed. but lol you're a digimon now and can have fun and roam.

it surprised me

i grabbed a couple of the old SR's alt arts. i was hoping people would forget and hina altwould go back down to under 10 so i can get those too.
Kick the Culumon!
I ordered 2 copies of each starter deck (mainly because of the Trainings but also to make proper decks out of Zephagamon and Cendrillmon) and 1 box of EX07. Other than Zephaga and Cendrill, I'm hoping to get the cards needed for the 3 Musketeers deck and Lilithmon X, specifically the AA.
Whats the Best deck against imperial right now?
Magnamon X, Numemon, and anything that ruins sources to make it hard for them to recover, I guess
If blue hybrid is still using red eggs, floodgate gotsumon, and crimson blaze, that's a hard matchup for Imperial
>hit two Davis & Ken in security
guess I'll lose
Why’d you let them have another turn? If you can check two sec you can check five and then swing for the win
Dexdorugoramon Black base (Kosuke, Dorumon), or Dexdorugoramon Purple base (Eiji, Looga)?
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I wonder wich deck is behind this post...
My dear
My beloved
Shoe stuff for Numemon featuring puppets. Might put Pteromon together but otherwise EX7 is kind of a snooze for me honestly. Just grabbing bits and pieces for existing decks I have.

Black has felt better to play to me, frustratingly. I was hoping I'd like Purple base but I haven't played it as much so I am still on the fence with it.
Holy bishop booba
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What's an affordably fun blue deck?
Mirage :)
Any of them? This game is dirt cheap
Im on the opposite where i have to try black base. From my experience with purple you have to set the fuck up before you start oppressing them.
Not UlForce. 40 USD x4 for the Rina SEX Rare tamer alone. Pay2lose deck. Thats why he kneels to Betamon in picrel. Seafood Platter deck isnt fully realized (yet).
Mirage is one of the better Blue decks. The groans and bitching from the opponent as they get punished from tutoring anything. You can even use Betamon unironically in the deck as well! The one with Jamming Inheritable. If that meets your taste for fun, then its a safe and strong choice. Helps it skated any hits on the most recent list.
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Thanks! Mirag is cool I liked his robo laugh in Next Order :)
me but imperialdramon
Play Bugs. Unless they run a lot of removal options you put one Tyrant with a redirect down and it stops them in their tracks. Even if they run bt17 Beowulfmon to prevent it from suspending you just need to keep a lower level body out to keep ancient from bouncing it(god promo megakabuteri is so damn good).
Alliance is much better than piercing, even if piercing is very useful with collision.
Alliance just has so much kill power and the purple version has a lower requirement of your opponent playing on board to get value and start your gameplan vs black
black has better protection effects and to stay on board, but purple has better searching and draw option and is more consistent
like being able to tuck eiji from trash and having 2 different eiji with the same inheritables so you can run 5-6 of them vs kosuke is from hand only and you have less flexibility on him tamer wise, hitting eiji off analog youth feels great, or pitching him when want to proc one of your draw effects is great, but you can't do that for kosuke and you have less interaction with trash in general.
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>learn today that we've been playing wrong this entire time
>earlier learn that we've been playing every monster as if it has a permanent Blitz.
>now learn that you aren't supposed to allow mons to use their own inheritable effects.
You know, maybe its time I just play the tutorial app myself.
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if the insect player who just decided to hard play paladin mode because you got owned is here, kill yourself!
probably for the best
sounds like your play group aren't exactly the most observant when it comes to rules.

sounds like you got btfo by paladin mode
No he had lost the game and decided to waste time filling my deck back up rather than just pass the turn.
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Ladydevimon X having just flat out the most gigantic set of cans I've seen on any official Digimon art left its mark on me. Shit's legitimately ridiculous, even after years of stuff like Mervamon and Beel Starmon. Even this card kinda feels like they drew them smaller than the original reference book art. Actually, Sakuyamon X might rival her, but she's not gotten actual card art, or any other official art really, yet.
My play group is my and two people who don't play TCGs. And our only frame of reference was one guy who watched a video of the the Zephagamon vs the Cendrillmon deck.
Shoutout to the based dyke at anon's locals when that card was spoiled.
It's not just her cans, her thighs are as thick as her waist.
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Can't believe I'm saying this but the Chinese are lucky
I use her in pure Angewomon and it’s pretty fun there.
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Mega | Virus | Holy Warrior / Royal Knights [When Digivolving] Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 8000 DP or less. If this effect didn't delete, this Digimon gains <Piercing> and +3000 DP until the end of your opponent's turn.
[Your Turn] (Once Per Turn) When an opponent's Digimon is deleted, gain 2 memory.
Dukemon? More like Doodymon
The memory gain is really good.
the 8k/piercing/+3k DP is ass
but the +2 memory is quite good

don't think its enough and you are right its probably shit, but damn why they gotta make it close to good to just tease?
Because it's a R.
8k hits most level 5s, which means the stack your opponent probably wants to Ace you with.
yeah and if it has inheritables it can go higher, its 4 cost but if it pops on entry its only 2 cost

I understand that, its also nice for popping lvl 5 aces
but thats not that great?
compare it to existing gallants, they are just better, the only interesting thing is the memory and well thats just not enough
BT17 already hits 8k and then again when attacking. It needs an inheritable.
I like Piercing more than Blocker when considering that the new Takato gives Raid, but BT17 being able to trigger twice to hit over something really big is also a good thing. But actually keeping your turn is also a really good thing, especially if it means you can digivolve into Crimson Mode and swing with him instead.

I also want to just float the idea of running Calumon because he can be sacrificed to EX3 Growlmon's inherit after using his effect.
that is a good point
using this gallant as a bridge to crimson mode and blitzing with that for game instead of taking another turn to set it up by using the memory gain from this one
This is pretty nice with that second effect. Killing something to Evo for 2 is pretty feasible between the 15k raid-blitz or just nuking a 12k stack via effect.

But is it better than BT12?
The new Calumon feels kind of expensive, 3 memory then you need to still be at 0 or more to use it's effect the turn it comes down.
Getting the recover and security effect is really good though, we'll have to see.
>Battle Spirit 1 had Tamers cast
>Battle Spirit 2 had Frontiers cast
>Milleniummon, the boss of the first game appears in both sets with those two casts
Kinda neat, honestly.
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Mimi has a lot negro costumes for some reason. Was that all they could think of when thinking about America?
She is a fashonista
I don't know why I get my hopes up.
Ex3 growl is pretty bad.

I was thinking on tinkering with a sec+ list, the tools are certainly there, with some set up you can go 4 checks in one turn. I still think BT12 gallant is just more safe
Go two checks with a random gallant plus unsuspend bt 17 wargrowl. Gallant X trash a sec unsuspend, go old crimson and win? Thats 5 checks plus win in a relatively fast clock.

I need to brew.
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>Build board
>gets wiped by Heaven's Judgement
>Build board again
>Wiped by Heaven's Judgement
>hard slam CM Ace to kill Magna X
>Purges down and goes into Magna X next turn, kills me with Zuba punch
I'm tired man. I hate this deck so fucking much
>We at Bandai have noticed that blue is everyone's favorite color, so we decided not to hit any important blue cards for the remainder of the game's lifespan. If you find that a blue card is too opressive in the current game environment, do not worry; in a few sets another blue deck will powercreep it out of the meta.
>Additionally, we realized that starter deck Gabumon, despite being a purple card, can be used in a blue Garurumon deck. For this reason, we have decided to take it off the banlist.
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I am going to explode
>play Hina on digivolve
If I get any one thing out of EX7, it's this. Dragon Linkz is so fun when it can actually get started.
SakuyaX is thick thighs with nice cans. Mostly the thighs though. Wikimon has art of her but its 800 Pixels tall ie compressed as hwll.
I remember that post.
Why do they get the KINO Phantom Pain art? Its not fair! I want it!
That card WILL have its day anon. Borrowed time. Every dualcolor/tri-color thats good is Yellow or Green.
Card when, Bandai, you fucking thieves?
There's nothing quite as satisfying as going up to a 6 and firing off a bunch of Hina's to wipe the opponents board. So satisfying.
EX8. It was already known through sale descriptions.
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God I wish Imperial didn’t have so much cracked support because I really want to run the new Davis and Ken tamer but the card is so mid and there just isn’t room for it. I played tested it with some friends and It was such a do nothing card. Having more than one copy basically does nothing, at least setter davis searches on play
We had the store retard making a lot of noise about that tamer at prerelease. It was kind of funny because he didn't actually know half of what the card did or that it costs 5 memory
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>mat i ordered half a fucking year ago in feb finally came in
>dorugora testing is going well
Im glad the deck got a second wind, the bt9 ver was decent but obviously otk alphamon is much better at the time but i love this new control heavy zombie play style.
Ah okay, ill take one out if anything.
There's a reason I've been long a fan of LadyDevimon X. I don't go coomer for Digimon aside from that line, and X's sheer voluptuousness appeals in...many ways. I crave more
Anyways how about that Imperial?
I fucking knew the moment bans went up it would be completely unleashed, and yet everyone said "oh no it bricks all the time, it's nothing"
Yeah you're better off just playing RttP. I think the only situation this would be better is against MegaGargomon and even then you could be RttP'ing into BT16 Dragon Mode to prevent that from being an issue
or when your paladin mode gets deleted in battle I guess
I know its early but EX8 has a few X antibodies think we'll get any new ones ?
Megagargomon X to go along with Sakuya and Gallant ?

Surely they won't print another rapidmon X

Or a new Cherubimon X ?
Of all the stuff we've seen in BT19 I think Justimon might be the one most likely to get X-Antibody support first, considering it just got a massive design shift. Basically, just like what happened with Lilithmon in EX6 and 7.
>Justimon might be the one most likely to get X-Antibody support first
It's confirmed already for ex8 unless I misread your sentence as it meaning something else.
Yeah Justi is confirmed with Sakuya Gallant and Barbamon but it says " and more "
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I'd like a Virtue X if only so Cherubimon has four layers of level 6.
I guess I just don't pay enough attention to those first announcements when they're that far out.
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I goddamn dislike bt16 doru in purple base since it has done nothing for me at all outside that 1k which hasnt mattered. Would bt7 dory be a bad thing? I know I cant proc certain effects (tyranno, bt14 loogas inherent, training/wolf castle) or digivolve on bow but goddamn this purple doru hasnt done be ANY favors.
And I refuse to run ukko which is why im in this conundrum..
God I hate these designs but Cherubimon X is a fantastic card
Be a lot more interesting if those nubs were eyes
Nah eyes are Ophanim's thing. Cherubs have four heads.
I don't blame you it's honestly hard to keep up sometimes. They're also revealing two sets at once.

Dude that cool. I've never seen this Cherubi before.

I never notice these little design choices >>93793623
I always forget the differences since it rarely comes up. Thanks for the correction.
Bt7 doru can't digi on top of an egg. BT16 doru can. That's most of it.
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They should make a black Pagumon that is exactly this except Virus
Guess im replacing some bt16 dorus than. By getting rid of the dorus, I can also rid of the 2 kosukes.
Pick 1
>Sakuyamon X has amazing art with big ass tittys but the card is trash
>Sakuyamon X art is trash and the big ass tittys are covered but the card is really good
A, because I really don't think the top end is what needs focus if Sakuyamon is to ever be a good deck, and titties are great.
We're going to get the first one at best. Second is unlikely.
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Tapirmon BT19-029 C <04>
Rookie | Vaccine | Holy Beast
[On Play] By trashing your top security card, gain 1 memory.
Inherited: [All Turns] (Once Per Turn) When this yellow Digimon with the [Data] or [Witchelny] trait would leave the battle area by an opponent's effect, by trashing your top security card, it doesn't leave.
I thought that the Wizardmon X and SkullBaluchimon we saw a while back would have foreshadowed that well enough for everyone.
hey I am feeling pretty blue about the game and the playerbase in my city and country over all... I am seriously thinking on selling my deck. do you know much I could ask for? what should I do? a friend is telling me to think about it because we do play and have fun but we are like a group of 3 to 4 people..
This is my deck, just missing a red memory boost but any ideas on how to improve it I welcome them.
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Like I said maybe this is goodbye to all my digimon cards.
Sorry your scene is pretty dead anon. You forgot your image, just what country do you live in for things to be that small?
>but we are like a group of 3 to 4 people..
Nothing wrong with that. It was like that too for the first few sets of the game for me since product was hard to come by.
Hell, some of my bros dont go to LGS so we just hit each other up from across the country to have webcam games for years now.
if you don't urgently need the money, i don't see a reason. you can always just collect. i mostly collect but still ended up making a lot of decks even though i rarely play.

If money isn't needed, just hold onto the deck. AAs, for the most of the time, will retain value. Especially if it's a protagonist -mon.
I told you last thread, remove calumons, max takato blitz, decide on an egg and trainings are worse than red memory in gallant.
Fortunately I do not need the money urgently, I just tought about selling it all and get something else you know. Different hobby. Maybe I would have kept a couple of cards because I liked tamers a lot as a kid. Do you think I could top with this deck on a regional for example?
RenamonX does exist as well. A card of that would be really helpful.
gallant isn't meta maybe if it gets some good pieces with GallantmonX in ex8 it might get better but thats not until January
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>max takato blitz, decide on an egg and trainings are worse than red memory in gallant.
alrigth, I do have another blitz takato "not aa lol" here are the currents eggs that I currently have.

Trainings are worse than red memory?! for real?
It feels like you really care about your Gallantmon deck and your takatos. Are you doing okay financially, is that the real reason you wanna sell?
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Financially I am okay, thanks for asking. But I havent been feeling really well emotionally and I kind of got sick of it you know. I started collecting digimon cards on June and the community over here has been pretty up the arse, they try to take advante "some"which I think its retarded because its not like there are tons of players like for MTG, pokemon or yugioh... even one piece had an explosion of players.
The real reason its because I feel like I spent a lot of money on something that I probably wont enjoy and if I dont have a chance at winning a tournament either then I suppose its worse altought I dont care that much about the last part. I liked tamers so a dukemon deck that looks super its good but still...

Maybe I just keep this one and the terriermon deck to play with my friends and guests you know, like a board game.But suffice it to say I feel kind of dissapointed.

>trainings are worse than red memory in gallant.
so should I get rid of trainings and mass memory boost red? I want to get the one with tyrannomon and guilmon competing. Where did that promo camefrom anyways?
>dump -16k DP on Fighter Mode Ace
>Imperial player activates Primogenitor anyway

paladin could be 17k if he was a good player
if he was a good player he wouldn't be playing imperial
Are these people actually your friends? Or do you mean like "hey it's some guys at the card shop I play with so their my friends". If their actually your friends then you should keep a deck so when you hang out with them and they want to play you're not just sitting on the side being left out. But if these "friends" are just randoms from a local card shop then I guess ditch the game and never look back.
finish lilithmon
maybe build hexeblaumon or commit to seadramon
Having all of these alts and specifically going for them due to your love of tamers makes it sound like it matters to you. Just for that alone you should probably keep it since it sounds like the deck itself makes you happy.

Don't feel too bad about the idea of winning tournies or not with your deck. Sometimes it's nice to have a deck you care about even if you won't come first with it, I ran diaboro for my first deck and kept it even before the ace came out.

The last part of your post really makes it sound like you still care about your deck, specifically about getting the memory boost with Guilmon.
TQ Just getting one copy of each starter deck for a playset of trainings, then maybe picking up a few Arisa and Wonder Stomp.
I like NSp but unless they do a fields booster down the line it seems like those decks are just going to appear in one EX set, get one promo or random card like BT18 MetalEtemon and then never get support again.
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Dynasmon BT19-041 R <04>
Mega | Data | Holy Warrior/Royal Knight

[On Play] [When Digivolving] By trashing your top security card, 1 of your Digimon gains <Blocker> and gets +6000 DP until the end of your opponent's turn.
[All Turns] (Once Per Turn) When this Digimon would leave the battle area, if you have 2 or fewer security cards, <Recovery +1 (Deck)>.
Absolutely insane for Royal Knights, like damn.
It's good, but you do already play a full 4 Dynasmon, so it doesn't help with names.
LordKnightmon is a lot better.
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Dynasmon (X Antibody) BT19-042 SR <04>
Mega | Data | Holy Warrior/X Antibody/Royal Knight
[[Digivolve] [Dynasmon]: Cost 1]

<Raid> <Blocker>
[When Digivolving] [When Attacking] (Once Per Turn) If [Dynasmon] or [X Antibody] is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, by trashing your top security card, trash your opponent's top security card, and this Digimon gets +6000 DP until the end of your opponent's turn.
[End of Your Turn] If you have 2 or fewer security cards, <Recovery +1 (Deck)>.
Why does DynasmonX look like an anorexic UlForceVeedramonX?
all the dragon knight men look the same when you start adding (more) spikes
I tried to order that mat but my paypal was just refusing to go through. RIP me.
Seems good. I like the art but I hope Tonamikanji does the AA.
Seems interesting for Royal Knights as a recovery option.
Because it's basically a skeleton, there's no meat on this boy anymore.
Because Gallant cant use the agility sometimes due to effects. The raw memory is better to hard play Guilmons or Takatos.

Imagine you went second and your opp left you at 2. Hatch, evolve to Guilmon, Growlmon, hard play red memory boost, then if your opp then pass you at 1, you can push, use red memory go to 3, hard play Takato evolve wargrowlmon bt12 evolve into Gallant bt12 clear board swing at sec and leave them at 3 memory.

Training dream scenario is going first, guilmon training, then if next turn opp leaves you at 1 evolve into growlmon for free, play takato for free, wargrowlmon into gallant but thats so specific in a deck that wants to push second.
>its another "evo into Durandamon and lose my stack thanks to bounce" episode

One day I'll learn. I had fucking Brywe in my hand and everything lol.
Kudamon support
It's Data.
Deck feels like you're going to run out of security too fast but I do like these.
Spareribs would be a good fit too.
Maybe they expect you to play the original Dynasmon.
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Give me one good reason I shouldn't buy a box of EX7
I wont because if people dont fucking buy boxes than singles wont be circulated into the market.
I am grateful to people who buy boxes on release.
Speaking of, I got an EX6 Mirei the other day. Never going to use her. Best way to sell it, just try FB Market or something?
i wrote a big list of reasons but then realized its all speculation and probably have no idea what i was talking about
the only thing i can say for sure is

Box toppers suck
half the SRs will be worthless a week in.

the rest honestly depends how hyped people are for the new starter decks and the SEC option and how many boxes get opened.

i'll probably buy 2 boxes like i do every set.
FB market place since you can actually check if the buyer is legit. Wish you pulled it earlier because I bought all my mireis a month ago.
I buy boxes that have cards that I like regardless of if they are actually good or not. EX7 has Gundramon and Beelstar so I will be buying one.
It's honestly all waifu decks that won't be meta relevant but expensive nevertheless because pussy tax.

If you like it buy it, but power level wise everything sucks, except for hexblau.

Waifu AAs will be expensive for no reason other than the tax.
Vortex and Puppets had better showings in JP than Hexe, but Hexe (or more accurately Ice-Snow) is confirmed to have more support in EX7 and the others aren't.
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i was checkin out the Hina Alts and some guy snagged em for .50 each.

buyouts happening any day now.. get urs before ex7 release.
He probably posted the R ver in the wrong section.
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3 friends are friends friends. one has the most gimmick obscure decks "he plays dreaper!"and the other guy plays sakuyamon. sometimes I lend my terriermon deck to one of them.

hey this is actually a really nice post anon, thank you. You really digged how I feel mostly, I think I will keep it for colleciton reasons since selling the whole collection over here may be a bit hard. Its roughly 500 usd? or at least thats more or less what I have calculated.

Thank you for being so kind. I wish the people that play digimon over here had been like you rather than poor money hungry bastards that dont relize they are blowing away a possible costumer/player.
Alright I'll put it in the deck. should I run 3 or 2?
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Okay retards, this info comes for free because I feel nice. This was my Gallantmon list for bt12 to 14 which did extremely well mostly due to the meta being so board focused with hunters and other random stuff.

First we need to understand what Gallantmon deck is actually about since 90% of the people get it wrong. Yes it a control board deck, but people focus too much on the deletion stuff, especially with the new dp boost from the new lines, they are just useless bloat. What makes Gallantmon tick is two cards, Crimson Mode and Blitz, the combination of both is the "unfair" part of the deck, it what allows you to cheat the memory system and win the game.

The deletion part is just there and frankly Gallant doesnt need it, people are all like "Bro Gallant can delete like 22k easy" Who the fuck gives a shit. This game is not MTG or OP, boards 90% of the time are not that cluttered, its at most 1 big dude plus 1 or 2 other small dudes, the old line from BT12 already deals with that too easy, Wargrolmon bt12 pops, Gallant bt12 pops, then you raid with some dp boost line to the big threat and that it is, if the target is too big you just crimson mode or X antibody, no need to go fancy with some useless dp delete inheritance stuff.

Digimon is on its core an uninteractive game, the more you try to interact the more likely you are gonna lose to OTK decks (Paildra, Mirage, etc etc). That is why BT12 finally made the deck playable, it gave it a proactive plan, before if your opp decided to sit on their breeding area you could do fuck all, swing 1 (maybe twice with Gallant starter), then your opp would just promote kill your stuff and then you are sitting ducks dying before you can promote again. BT12 Gallant is either two checks or one plus clearing board while ignoring security bombs, if your opp decided to hide you could Gallant bt12 check twice and past at 3 memory from a level 4 at 1 memory with a Takato blitz in game. You could do this as early as T2

>70 dollars now
Not as much as the OP mat but even 40 with the shipping was asking for too much. I only bit because theres no other merch ever for one of my favorites.
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Today I went to locals with Takemi.
Small 5 guy tourney, in a warmup game before starting, I won a game against imperial, then against the same opponent, I went 1-2, winning the first, but losing the other 2. Then I ate a bye and there was no third round since one guy was undefeated 2-0 (Terriermon)
However, I'm not tilted, I feel like I severely misplayed and did some rookie mistakes that If I had sequenced well, I would probably could have won. I also pushed too early in both loses while missing a piece, and that resulted in me losing too much tempo. All in all, I had a blast testing my deck against what I consider to be the best deck in the format.

Did any anons go to locals recently?
That mean your opponents next to do something, because if they just sit they face two more swings next turn, unsuspend with x antibody and swing for game with Crimson Mode. If they delete your board somehow you can just rebuild instantly with a rush Guilmon and some memory gain. Hell with gravity crush you can end games out of nowhere with a warp plus rush. This is the main reason I am not advocate for BT13 Gallant, he just doesnt play very well with the line and can be awkward while also not pushing for game, the more passive you are in this game thee more likely you are to lose since this deck has 0 protection.

With a setter, with only two gravity crush you can go from rush Guilmon to CM and end game, its fucking crazy and that people dont exploit it more drives me insane, we are playing OTK the game, fucking OTK and abusive shit.

Now onto the new BT17 stuff, it opens more possibilities, mostly due to new BT17 Wargrowlmon that allows you to unsuspend and gain a check. With that card you can push 2 swings (3 with BT12 Gallant), then you can use X antibody to BOTH kill something and unsuspend AND trash a security (Means your opp is now at 1 or 2 security), This means Old CM only needs 10 cards (ten, diez) to end game, 20 with the new one. Its insane how the new card basically allows the OTK to be way more consistent. This is the main reason I think the dp boost deletion is just bait, your other shit will clear most of the board and X antibody or CM can deal with whatever is left, then blitz and ignore the memory mechanic entirely. Next post I will brew what I think its the new version of the deck (Not optimized, still testing stuff) with some minor explanations with what works, key cards and other info.
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Before I go into detail, I think its worth mentioning Gallantmon just like Mirage can work with random generic cards, since the Blitz that Takato gives only cares you evolved something from the line this turn, meaning if there is a better level 6 to abuse the unsuspend, a better level 4 for the inheritance. That is why some mill decks play one Growlmon and Takato and then evolve into other random stuff to swing, imagine a Ruin mode with blitz.

Someone smarter than me can probably look at the digimon library and find something better to evolve to, there must be some random niche card thats probably sweet in Gallantmon, or maybe something that can abuse CM better? I dont know.
hey should I run 2 or 3 red memory boost?
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Okay this is my first iteration, it probably sucks but its a good base to build something from.


EX02: just a generic searcher, looks 4, a mon and a tamer, excellent. Inheritable is also really good at dealing with pests. We play 4.
BT12: Mediocre, the dp boost is decent on the raid versions but less good if we are trying to OTK. I play 4 but you can try other options. I wouldnt go below 2.
EX4: Insane card and what allows us to do our broken shit, like I mentioned with a single setter and 4 random memory from other sources you can go to CM and end the game, you can also do some blackgrowlmon loops and chip at security.
BT17: Meh, it can be cute I guess and a pseudo Guilmon x antibody, its just that the other options arent very good. The dp boost can help you trigger your other effects at lvl 5 or 6 but not very worth

Honorable mentions:
Starter: Its just passable, we are already good at finding our pieces and the warping almost never comes out
X antibody: Doesnt do much, cute for the cycling but thats it, if the meta devolves into plants or nume play more

EX04: Broken, best searcher of the game period, insane inheritable that allows us to loop and also cute 1 ofs since it give us crazy consistency. It also fuels gameplan of CM end game and might even mill some mill based decks. You are a retard if you dont play 4. Only con is that you cant warp with it.
BT12: Meh, dp boost is nice but the evolve effect never triggers since your best play first turn is always drop a Takato, and since you either evolve or play a Takato the ability is mut. Only red memory or training allows you to get full value (Or play a searcher). I play 4 but you can go to 2.
Starter: Its okay, just generic good. 2 or 3 is fine

Honorable mentions
X antibody: Awful, we used to play this before for the cycling
BT 17: Awful, doesnt do anything.
EX3: Interesting but not good, there are probably some builds that can abuse the OTK factor with bt17 so worth exploring
Shoto deck is confirmed to be getting a new MedivalGallantmon at the least(hope it’s better than the last one).
>Shoto deck is confirmed to be getting a new MedivalGallantmon at the least
It is?
Now this is tricky and I dont know the correct ratio, they are all good so you cant go wrong with experimenting.

BT12: Allows us to skip a line or just generic clearing, with your Takatos in play you will keep turn so you can always evolve into Gallant and blitz and recover 2 back, very good. From 1 memory a lvl 4 can go to Gallant and put your opp at 3 at either 1 or 2. Some games after your opponent pushes recklessly you can just lock the game after clearing board and win next turn. I am playing 2 at the moment just because I wanna try the other stuff more.
EX3: Very very good at consistency and fueling our trash plan, getting a free Takato put us stupidly ahead so always prefer it over a Guilmon unless its a rush one that allows you to go for game. This is the one you usually wanna evolve on the first pile, gets less good as the game goes on.
BT17: Like I said several times the check plus the unsuspend can just end games out of nowhere, I wanna see how to finetune this version better.

Honorable mention
X antibody: Excellent card, we just dont have the space or timing to play it, very good in nume, plant or hunters meta. I didnt use it in bt12 since BT12 Wargrowlmon skips it so I could never play it, EX04 growlmon allow us to play 1 ofs so go nuts really, nutty card.

Oh boy, some controversial opinions here.

BT13: I just dont like this card but everyone else does so maybe I am on the wrong, I treat it as an option like gaia force more than something I want to evolve into, it doesnt help our milling, clock, otk plan so it feels awkward. 1 off is fine, we will find it with blackgrowlmon and we will recur it if necessary. Maybe it can go to two.
X Antibody: Its alright, the unsuspends is what excites me the most, with new Wargrowlmon we can do 4 to 5 checks in a single turn if not outright win, worst case scenario it both unsuspends and trashes a security lmao. 2 is fine.

Jesus christ I keep running out of words.
Way back when they dropped EX8 news they mentioned it. I hope it's enough to give Vortex the push it needs(Vortex+Raid would be nutty for example).
I hope it's a full line for Muchomon. That'd be funny.
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BT12: What made the deck playable on the first place, its just generic stupid good, clears board, raids and fucking clears security while avoiding it in the first place. Sec players hate this card, its a tad less good in this version of the deck due to raid not triggering the unsuspend but its such a swiss knife I wanna keep playing it and probably bump it. The attacking effect is not once per turn so keep that in mind.

BT17: Idk I dont like this card, the conditions are awkward and hard to meet sometimes, maybe its good and I am wrong, its just not as good as clearing board as BT12, the block is good and finally give us some defense capability in the deck. Maybe its better than I give it credit for. Thing is with Gallant its so meta dependent maybe its good just for the factor we can always find our pieces and we need the blocker in certain metas. I will try it.

Honorable mentions:
EX02: Lmao
BT2: Lmao
Starter: Now this is fucking interesting, 3 memory and an extra check with the new wargrowlmon is 3 checks at a very high dp, with one unsuspend from the lvl 5 its 5 checks, with x antibody or a guilmon rush thats game from 5 security. I really wanna play this card and you should too probably.

Its probably incorrect but the old one is still good, unconditional removal plus one more check is really good, the new one is a tad slower at killing you out of nowhere. The main benefit of the new one is that we finally got some pseudo protection, the opponent cant just ignore what we doing now and swing recklessly, Mirage might deal with your stack easy before swinging but imperialdra cant and while they have partition they cant just swing like retards. New one also can punish dumb attacks into game next turn. 2 or 3 of the new one is probably correct, Ace means they dont get stuck in our hand unlike the old one.

Almost done
so why st7? to gain more memory?
EX02: Mandatory, what makes the deck playable and if you dont see it you just lose. Dont play less than 4 for crying out loud, the card is never dead thanks to the memory gain.
BT12: Hate this card, so awkward and does nothing in multiples. The warp is nice but you only need it once, the setter is nice but Gallant can play with low memory. Countless times turn 1 I had the choice to either choke my opponent at one with the setter or just play the blitz one and every time I regretted playing the setter, the blitz is just that important.
BT17: I dont know how good this card is, we will see. The warp is conditional but also allow us to abuse the memory system more, the generic memory gain is also good and help us set up better when none want to push first.

Idk, this is just filler play whatever, some people swear by crimson but I dont think we need it, I dont like trainings since they dont let us hard play takatos and thats what makes the deck tick, I dont play gravity crush in this version since we can aggro better and we gain more memory with the new takatos. Red Memory is alright, this could be more BT13 Gallants or 1 ofs since EX04 Growlmon is just that insane.

Random Info:
We are not a greymon deck, dont look for the perfect stack or be afraid to push early if you can find your opponent on a awkward timing for him, we can rebuild our stack insanely fast, skip levels, blitz, etc, etc. Even an early CM that you know its getting answered is good since it forces the opponent to play or die.

Megidramons are cute, they are also Gallants so they work with all our effects, I havent looked at the new stuff but there are probably some versions which make the deck more loopy/protective. Like just get a random megidra and push for a random 1 or 2 damage and basically be resilient to removal. In this versions we are probably more controlly and less aggro but these versions are probably harder to play.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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Had Evolution Cup this past weekend. 3rd place/top 4 with UlForce/Rina. I fucked up my 1st match and didnt release I had Ranamon for game because of 15 cards in my hand and the fishbitch was hiding in my hand. Evo'ed for a Veedra in raising then realized after the fact she was there.
Yeah, its just generic, you can replace it wit whatever. Like I said the deck might allow some generic cards so explore some random levels 4s.
Any is fine, you are almost never playing them after the first turn or two.
Last words.

We are a meta dependent deck, dont be afraid to switch it up against whatever is at your locals. If its full of 7GDL try to mill them or just spam merciful mode or abuse CM. Against Magna X try to abuse raid, maybe Ruin mode with some megidra versions, the sky is the limit.

Also this deck is kinda hard to play and even then it might just plain suck, like you are putting triple the effort than some random mirage player that just swings 6 times for free with complete disregard to anything in there. We are playing a shitty unbalanced card game at the end of the day.

Sidedeck when
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Theoretically my Paladin mode deck (right) should do better then my regular Imperial deck (left) but it consistently seems to play worse and I can't figure out why
>might just plain suck, like you are putting triple the effort than some random mirage player that just swings 6 times for free with complete disregard to anything in there. We are playing a shitty unbalanced card game at the end of the day.
>Sidedeck when
Nah man BT12 is fun shinanigans with the ability to tuck inheritables with out paying a cost if you dont digivolve. With two on the feild you can do it twice and on the second digivolve to gallant. With ex2 swing
BT 17 is amazing with Megidra/ chaos gallant. and with ex2 Calu you can do some dirty things.
Yeah and then you die when your opp is still at 4 security because you swing once per turn.
Congrats. Ulforce seems outdated but it can show it's teeth. Any hits in the packs?
Those misplays will haunt you forever and make you a better player for it.
Its better than mirage against 7gdl. They cant really kill the stack.
you can get 3 sec attack maybe 4
Last Saturday we had Evo Cup. Due to delays I couldn't get Red Hybrid on time so I played Dominimon.

Won first match decisive 2-0 against blue Hybrid due to big dick Final Excalibur. My dude admitted he just build the deck thay day and hadn't figured out how to play, and checked out since he kept hard crossing into Ancientgaruru

Second game 2-1 won against Beelzemon first game I did the usual Attrition game, Lost to a pretty sick OTK in turn 3, and won 3rd game despite being bricked as fuck because my man couldn't close before decking out as he had both EX2 Beelze stuck in security and I never attacked.

Third game I got pit against Armor Vaccine. Lost game 1, won game 2, lost game 3 because he high rolled all his patamon and mine whiffed all the time. Won the one game to another big dick Final Excalibur play, tho

Fouth game I got hit against Imperialdramon, my worst matchup, and tied 1-1 and I couldn't do shit because everything in my board was fucking stunned and Finals Excalibur refused to show up. Seriously thinking about teching fucking Pollowmon just for this match.

Fifth game I got pit to an alliance terriermon/lopmon deck and I lost 2-0 because I don't know how in the blazes he did it but turn 3 he had a full field of digimon, BT4 Lucemon it all happened so fast and I bricked pretty hard.
i assume you play the old gigimon egg right?, trying to test the list out with some of my own changes
Huuuh I was thinking about it. Drawing is always good and this even draws with a guilmon in case of mega bricks, but you draw a lot with this deck and mirage is a thing right now.

The new one is a 2k dp boost to delete. I said several times I dont like this route but it isnt bad per se, the egg means bt17 gallant deletes a 10k, with the new guilmon is 12k which is worth considering since most decks stop there. Going to 14k is probably not worth it. I think its worth test it and might be good with new Gallant but X antibody is always your escape button to kill whatever is left.
Neither of those lists are very optimal imo. Left is definitely better though.
Not at all, I was laughing at it. Classic plays like Ukko in breeding into can't play a training cause I got not source. I'm missing experiene, and I wish I could go to more tourneys.
This look like a good format for floodgates, unfortunately most good decks have easy ways to deal with them, specifically blue and returning to hand/deck.
Bt17 growlmon is pretty hmm well helps you delete stuff I guess. Do you think the generic is better in this case? To farm memory when deleting?
Can I see your list?
The evolve effect might as well not exist. The inheritable here might allow you to reach some thresholds, if you are playing more BT17 Gallant then you wanna reach 12k consistently as you dont get raid naturally. The memory gain from starter isnt excellent but still consider it, even 1 off might allow you to keep your turn while warping.
As a Gallantmon player I say thanks, it's hard to find good discussion on the deck.
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That middle response made me smile anon, glad to have made you feel a bit better with the deck. Again, I'm sorry about your local scene; it's important to keep things alive with friendliness, my scene went from 8 people to 16 in the last year with most of it being because of everyone helping each other. Maybe you and your real friends can expand someday from curious people who match your style.
>BT12: Mediocre, the dp boost is decent on the raid versions but less good if we are trying to OTK. I play 4 but you can try other options. I wouldnt go below 2.
I would say that the BT12 Guilmon is the worst choice, just because it's on play can really fuck you over. So many times I played it just to send all my top end to the bottom of the deck.
>just because it's on play can really fuck you over. So many times I played it just to send all my top end to the bottom of the deck.
Irrelevant statistics wise. You are as likely as to bottom deck pieces as to make your next draw the thing that matters.
2 WereGaruruX, 2 Gamma, 1 Seraphi in my packs. Im aware my deck is super outdated. Would NEVER take it to any majors.
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What the hell is this.

Trinity Burst!!
While you have a Lv.5 'WarGrowlmon' / 'Taomon' / 'Rapidmon' in play, this card can ignore colour requirements.
[Main] Play 1 'WarGrowlmon' (Digimon / Red / 6000 DP), 'Taomon' (Digimon / Yellow / 6000 DP) and 'Rapidmon' (Digimon / Green / 6000 DP) token. This effect cannot play tokens with the same name as your Digimon in play. Then, 1 of your Lv.5 Digimon gains 2 <Alliance> until the end of the turn, and you attack with it. <Security> You may play 1 Lv.5 'WarGrowlmon' / 'Taomon' / 'Rapidmon' from your hand at no cost.
Oh yah a Red+Blue PlugIn enabled Tao stack will LOVE this.
clown card
Holy fucking shit this is actually really good
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This is a really funny card to use on antylamon since its already green/yellow and has alliance built in already.

just need a red source
Can you use this with ST19 Arisa to give a token rush?
Yeah. it is "When an effect plays one of your Tokens or one of your Digimon with the Puppet trait, by suspending this Tamer, 1 of those Digimon gains Rush". The card will be abused by Sec Con before it is good in a rena, rapid, growlmon deck.

It giving any level 5 pseudo blitz is pretty wild.

You can give the tokens rush, but wont be able to attack with it.

the effect to declare an attack is attached to trinity burst, which must fully resolve before you can activate arisa.
>just need a red source
>"Xros Wars Manga" set
>It's actually mostly Tamers with some Xros Wars sprinkled on
You have been BT5ed/Cyber Sleuth'ed. My regards.
When are we getting the good tamers cards.
haha :)
Is DCGO dead or what? Can't find a game.
Are you on the latest update? What server?
But yes it seems more dead than it had been pre banlist
US server
Yeah that's current. I usually play on Netherlands around this time but switch servers whenever I get the same person twice in a row.
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I'm pretty new to the game and wanted to build a deck around my favorite digimon; dorumon. Is there any ways I can add protection to my stack so that it doesn't get deleted by any effect? I'm okay with playing non-meta; I just want it to be a little less fragile.
play the new dorumon stuff not the old dorumon stuff
and you have protection from deletion, if you have the dex version in trash when the regular one would get deleted you can digivolve into the dex version to prevent deletion
so if your dorugoramon would get deleted you can go into dexdorugoramon for example, same as dorumon and dorugreymon, you are running some of the dex ones anyway
also dorugoramon is quite literally meta right now and will be next set as well and from when it looks like might possibly be meta for a few months
How's this game? Been curious about it for awhile and finally have some time to try some new hobbies. Is the digital sim decently populated?
its difficult to tell population, but you can near immediately find a game at any time of day
in fact, you often need to keep requeuing up to actually get a game because the server is at capacity and doesn't accept your connection and you need to wait to connect
Dorugamon's deal is that it actually wants to be deleted so that you can digivolve into the Death versions in the trash at no cost. BT16 Dorumon gives you temporary protection from return to hand/deck to help with that.
Very few cards are safe from all or even any effects and most decks would kill for protection as good as Death-X-Evolution and When Digivolving effects like those.

Try netdecking a BT17 Dorugoramon deck rather than building it from scratch, the old cards are better suited to Alphamon decks.
By the look of the colours a card for Rastas
Wait wait, I've got it:
Play it in Xros Heart
So I still don't think this is great, but it took me a moment to realize that the tokens don't go away after the attack or anything. They're all vulnerable to getting attacked, but they're still around.

Between this and Calumon, could Alice be worth considering?
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Red Card
While your opponent has a White Digimon / Tamer in play, this card can ignore colour requirements. [Main] Until your opponent's turn ends, 1 of your Digimon is unaffected by opposing Option effects and cannot have its DP reduced. <Security> Add this card to your hand.

Mildly annoying to yellow/10
D-reaper option incoming?
oh this see-
>while your OPPONENT
wait what
The ignoring color requirement condition is retarded, but this is okay for red OTK decks, if you can afford to pay 2 memory anyway.
I mean you might as well just play ADP if you want to avoid security bombs
I don't think the option part or dp red is relevant for otk decks beyond security bombs, and as I said just above, would be nice for a lot of other decks but that condition is wack
Let me clarify: OTK decks meaning red decks that can clear all security in one turn but not necessarily get the final swing, and therefore might want lingering protection.
fair enough my mistake
omni for game is always an option for red, but maybe they already are at a lvl 7 or something.
definitely can see that point.

no protection from digimon is reasonably scary still, but definitely a lot of protection with no options and no -dp
It is more dead because little bitch niggas can’t play their broken ass decks now and stroke it while only doing one action per minute and still winning
We’re getting more reapers
no there's plenty of ancientgarurumon players
>little bitch niggas

So do you play D-brigade or diaboromon?
diaboromon was fine with magna
This makes me want a 8lue Card card
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I want a "8lue Card". In reference to Digimon World 3
I thought you had typoed "Blue", my mistake.
>tech in red and green tamers
>have EX7 Chapermon on the field
>Pop that shit
>Chapermon double alliance with two tokens for 3 checks
>Overclock breaking one token and alliance again with the remaining token
>All 5 checks in one play, and game if the opponent had 3 securities.
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Understandable king, have a nice day.
haha who'd ever make that mistake .... right ?
Ex3 growlmon, bt17 wargrowl, starter gallant and then x antibody is 5 checks plus swing for game. Thats gotta be worth. You can even use that one greymon that gives a check
This is deceptively strong, playable on devas and xcross.
fuck it, we need a "Digi-Eff of Miracles" card from Story DS
I like the way you think. Might be clunky, but that could work
Playing the new Omni stuff for a while and I must say im not sure how to feel with it. feels very much like a hit or miss deck.
Tried the normal red n blue stuff and last locals tried black base and my god did I hated it. Not sure if I did anythign wrong but the black rookie searchers always showed me shit i cant take that i then have to put back on top and ultimate connection almost always showed me tamers and options which also went back on top of the deck again which i then i also wasnt able to get with the rookies so lmao nut sure if i did anything wrong or if its just how it is with black base but ill definetly go back to red n blue and just add some bt15 gabus for more draw in.
The JP people are posting the wildest shit for the card. It seems like because you can use the card to attack with a lv5 after passing turn, while getting a way for 5 checks. You can use an [End of Your Turn] effect that causes a digimon to attack after for game.
I still the best new omni stuff is just play a regular greymon/garurumon deck with two of the new lvl 6 you don't have so you just hard drop it, jogress and basically lock the game.
You put 3 bodies and basic swing infinite for 8 memory. I wouldn't be surprised if this eventually warps the game.
I actually do play D Brigadr and really enjoy it
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oh hey, I play both of those.
what's the context of the conversation again?
Arresterdramon Superior Mode has busted potential cuz it can attack suspended at end of turn, and hunters already has all the colors on tamers via Red Taiki, Green Ren and Yellow Airu
Is Retalation like Iceclad where I'm technically dying to battle or is it just a normal card effect that you can tank with shit like Greymon X
The latter.

It is a game rule like blocking or collision. It changes the way the outcome of a battle is determined, affecting the battle and not the digimon.
Did you read that post backward or something? He's asking about retaliation, not ice clad.
Retaliation is effect deletion.
Shut the fuck up.

15-12. <Retaliation>
15-12-1. <Retaliation> is a keyword effect where a battled
opponent's Digimon is deleted when a Digimon with this
effect is deleted in battle.
15-12-2. <Retaliation> is a trigger-type effect that triggers when
a Digimon with this effect performs a deletion in battle.
(For details, refer to 14-8-3 "Trigger-Type Effects")14-8-
15-12-3. The processing from <Retaliation> is mandatory.
15-12-4. If 1 Digimon card has multiple instances of
<Retaliation>, they overlap when they trigger. The
triggered instances will activate as long as the battled
opponent's Digimon is in the battle area.


15-34. <Iceclad>
15-34-1. <Iceclad> is a keyword effect where a Digimon with this
effect has the number of digivolution cards compared
instead of DP in battles against Digimon other than
Security Digimon.
15-34-2. <Iceclad> is a persistent effect. (For details, refer to 14-
8-2 "Persistent Effects")
15-34-3. <Iceclad> effects change the battle’s rules.
15-34-4. When the number of digivolution cards of the two
battling cards is compared with <Iceclad>, the winner
and loser of the battle is determined as follows.
15-34-4-1. The card with more digivolution cards is the
15-34-4-2. The card with fewer digivolution cards is the loser.
15-34-4-3. If both cards have the same number of digivolution
cards, both lose the battle
Yeah. I wouldn't be playing TCGs if I could read or was straight.
What about YGO players anon? Well known for not reading
>Implying you gay if you touch DigiTCG
Damn anon, you didnt need to kill the guy that hard.
He had to AUDACITY to call me wrong.
3rd party here, the education is justified
So how many anons here are not native English speakers? Not trying to be an asshole but it feels like a lot of the rule questions in thread lately have a lot to do with the limited number of languages the Digimon TCG is in.
Hexeblau is probably the strongest archetype in the new set right?

Yes and no.
Hexblau in his own deck? Not really. Hexblau as a top end in galaxy over Diana? Lol yea it's stupid good.
ESL here, although i have a decent level of english comprehention, having to explain rullings such as the new murmukusmon cuz it's worded diferently is pretty annoying
I am bad at deck building. Can you fucks please post 3GA lists?
>DCGO doesn't have the updated Leviamon ruling
What updated leviamon ruling?
The ruling pertaining to single stack protection effects.
Old ruling: Machinedramon cannot use his protection effect twice during Leviamon's effect even if he has enough sources.
New ruling: He can. Applies to all other effects like that too.
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Hexe is an amazing generic blue lvl6 but currently Ice-Snow tribal isn't that good but it could be legit come ex8. It and fish are the only blue decks I've been interested in(want to build fish irl but those Seadramon's are just stupid overpriced).
The rule is JP only, not NA
No, it's NA now too.
I see... I am inbetween playing bt17 growlmon and st one. I am running 3 bt17 atm until I get a second bt12.
Where? The rules page still has the old rule for it.
Are you looking on the NA version or the English version of the JP site?

The official judge discord says we're using the JP rules now, despite what the site says.
I see, it was part of a rules manual update.
>Partition is STILL broken in DCGO
>Machinedramon/Chaosdramon inexplicably don't let you choose which sources you trash for their protection effects
Clown code.
I still can't believe anyone was clown enough (or desperate enough) to trust it to be decent in the first place.
It was obvious from day 1. They refuse to open source the code, they're embarrassed by the codebase.
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Can you guess what's coming?
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Well? Can you?
Luminamon BT19-076 U <04>
Ultimate | Vaccine | Fairy/Xros Heart
[[Digivolve] [Shademon]: Cost 2]

[On Play] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with the [Xros Heart], [Blue Flare] or [Twilight] trait among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck. Then, you may play 1 Tamer card with a play cost of 4 or less from your hand without paying the cost.
[On Deletion] <Save>
So the fact that she digivolves from Shademon is basically just flavor text. Shame.
It's gonna be lumina nene only instead of both.
Damn it. Luminamon Nene Version is most likely one of the SECs.
Shademon saves itself and does not have an inherit, so there has to be a reason.
Some card will DigiXros using Shademon.
>Luminamon Nene Version is SECs
Disappointing but not unexpected.
Disregard, I misread the weekee. We still have a spot for an LLV5 purple. I was hoping for it to be a composite card that wasn't nene.
>We still have a spot for an LLV5 purple
God I hope it's a Kimeramon, that deck desperately needs help, and the Nene stuff does not appear to support it.
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The one from last set is alright. It lets you delete a digimon on evo/attack. You can then delete itself to DNA digivolve into a millennium on with a machinedramon in trash.
>and the Nene stuff does not appear to support it.
Nene does at least let you Digixros Millenniummon when he plays himself back by his On Deletion effect, if you have extras of his materials in your trash.
It's great, but if you don't see it, you don't do anything.
Yeah, but that is really fucking weak for a memory setter.
Interesting card. Kinda wish it and Shademon had inherits since I’m sure LuminaNene will gain effects based on having them in the sources.
Also Twilight needs a lvl6 that’s actually in archetype for fucks sake.
Bandai wants to memoryhole Shademon Nene because of the pedophile allegations. She's not coming
I thought the last Purple slot was gonna be Zeed Millenniumon. And why would ShadeNene be level 5? LuminaNene is level 5 because Luminamon is, so it stands to reason that ShadeNene would be level 4
>Searches all 3 Xros archetypes but is only treated as Xros Heart
Why do they keep making the traits such a mess for twilight? Can not just slap the (treated as twilight trait) bandaid they put on angel and imperial stuff? It’s frustrating Darkknight still has a clashing trait problem from fucking bt10.
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What does this accomplish?
You can delete your opponent's Digimon by playing something from its sources, or trigger your own Digimon's On Deletion effects which a lot of Kimera and DarkKnight have
Nenebros, I want to build a deck with her. Which would be the most viable build using her stuff?
They actually fucking did it, the mad men! Well I guess they didn't FULLY actually do it yet, but still. If they made that hilarious "Darcmon gets corrupted" card, they'll probably make Shade eventually.
Another question, is the crusty old BT5 Shademon that got reprinted in RB01 gonna have any use?
>Sneedmilleniummon deck will need two sec

God damn it.
God no.
Thanks anon. Is the projected bottom end just going to be all BT18/BT19 stuff or people dont know yet?
For now. Deltamon promo is also something you want, its getting an LM reprint in december. The main concern at the moment is eggs (unsure if purple egg pagu will be announced for bt19), third rookie and ultimates.
Pretty interesting card. I guess you can build twilight or Xros Heart around it to get a lot of mileage out of the on deletion.
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Japan is cooking something fierce.

The new nene looks really abuseable too
We aren't getting the coloured border reprints in the December box. That's just the new cards and the alt arts.
Who knows if/when/how they'll distribute those.
god so much cancer can be attributed to these tamers not being fucking trait locked
>a lot of Kimera
Only one does, and he can trigger it himself.
honestly, based, i like light crow and night fang being used in diferent decks just cause lol, reminds me of the branching evos on the Dawn & Dusk games
>The one time a human gets non-stock art is when is a digimon
Yeah, it makes sense... well, there's Hina too
Also Mameo
With Kimeramon already on field, you could swing Kimeramon to pop itself for 0 memory, or pay 3 (evolving off of a Nene) to pop Kimeramon and "play" 2 Digimon.

Nenemon can also digivolve into Machinedramon and is extremely efficient sac fodder, especially for Moon's protection effect that isn't OPT.

It's probably also correct to use this to pop your own Millenniummon sometimes to get like 3 deletion effects and maybe still get another Millie if you already have a Machinedramon up, but that part seems unlikely.
sorry I wasn't clear, I meant a lot of each of those decks, not just the specific Digimon

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