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Hope-filled Heart of Light edition

Previous >>93782712

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>EX06 Infernal Ascension questionnaire

>BT17 Secret Crisis questionnaire

Banlist, Errata:

New and Upcoming Releases:

Digimon Liberator:
Latest web comic chapter is Episode 5 Part 2! Next chapter scheduled for September 12th
Latest web novel chapter is Debug 4-2! Next set of chapters sometime in November

BT17 Secret Crisis is out now everywhere!

ST18 Guardian Vortex & ST19 Fable Waltz are out now in JP, EN release scheduled for September 13th

EX07 Digimon Liberator is out now in JP, EN release scheduled for September 13th

BT18 Element Successor is out now in JP. Part of SB 2.0 in EN

BT19 Xros Evolution is scheduled to be released September 27th in JP. Split across SB 2.0 and SB 2.5 in EN

Special Booster 2.0 is scheduled to be released November 1st in EN, compiles BT18 and BT19

EX08 Chains of Liberation is scheduled to be released in November in JP, EN release scheduled for January 10th

Special Limited Set is scheduled to be released December 13th in EN, compiles LM02 through LM04

Special Booster 2.5 is scheduled to be released February 2025 in EN, compiles BT19 and BT20

What do you think of the first secret rare of BT19?
New card might actually get me to play a xros heart deck. I've mostly avoided them for now.

Right now I really just want BT18 for purple hybrid. That deck looks really fun and Koichi is mah boy.
I love being looped by Ruin Mode so much!

Fucking faggot-ass card played by miserable faggots. Getting to not play the game sure is healthy!
honestly, if shine RM is killing you, you were already about to lose, RM just lets the player that uses it stall for a turn, whether they had the advantage or not was already decided by then
It's a fucking level 7. All the good ones are meant to buy turns or end the game. It's either the board state you were already in or the matchup that killed you by the time something Digivolved into Ruin Mode. Getting more than 2 instances of its effect resolved sounds like a matchup issue because you couldn't kill fast enough.
[Delay Notice]

To our players and stores in North America,

Unfortunately, there are also delays with shipments bound for North America so there will be release date changes for EXTRA BOOSTER DIGIMON LIBERATOR [EX07], STARTER DECK GUARDIAN VORTEX [ST18] and STARTER DECK FABLE WALTZ [ST19].

New Release date: September 20


We deeply apologize for the trouble.
prease understandu
>1 week delay
I aint in no rush.
What everyone said, stop being bad.
EU and NA got delayed. 1 week isn't that big of a deal, but do we know what's causing it?
Probably like the issue during the first year of the game, an issue with importing their batch from their printer.
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Really interesting card. Can potentially do some funny interaction like pulling on deletion or protection inherits out from under a digimon before deleting it.
I am kind of frustrated with the inconsistent traits on the Twilight stuff that just causes speedbumps that don't need to be there.
>new DKM's inherit can only play out a knightmon in text so he can't play out Shade or even the new Deadlyaxe.
>Luminamon can search all 3 Xros archetypes but it's only Xros Hearts so none of the searchers can grab it. Even Shademon(the thing it evos from).
>LuminaNene isn't Twilight OR treated as the name Nene Amano so all your searchers besides Shade and Lumina will whiff.
Annoyed that they put the trait ruling bandaid on stuff like Imperial and angels but leave twilight with it's identity crisis problem.
Light Fang & Night Crow Quartz turbo TO THE MOON
What decks are you playing?
Is Gallant playable.
It's not meta right now and the newest support probably won't do enough to make it meta when it comes out.
Global release is surely gonna go off without a hitch………
It's alright, you'd do well enough with it at locals.
Yeah Nene's stuff isn't very cohesive with itself. Raptor/Sparrowmon and Luminamon are pretty much exclusively for Xros Heart, Nene herself fits in Knightmon tribal/Twilight and Millie, Shademon is basically exclusive for Millie and MAYBE Twilight-exclusive DarkKnightmon builds, and Luminamon: Nene ver kind of works in both Xros Heart and Millie.
Thats another week I gotta wait for LilithmommyX. Fuccck
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I'm still coping for a Twilight/composite lvl6 in the last black slot after justimon but my hopes aren't that high. I'd at least take a new Bagramon.
To me, it sounds like they've gone "oh fuck, we got a print issue, let's put in a more permanent fix so we don't have the same issue in the future"

That said, their last fix caused some proper problems with the cardstock and peeling and such, so I'm not gonna hold my breath for AAA+ quality, but we'll see what we see.
>Yellow Vaxx player goes first
>opens Patamon, T.K., rapid (BT14)
>go into Tyrant, bottom the rapid, delete the T.K.
>You Win! Opponent disconnected.
BT14 T.K.*
It's a blessing in disguise; it gives you more time to come to terms with the fact that the deck is sub-locals tier.
Ideally because they would be printing 1 set globally, delays would also be global. The biggest issue would be around their other card games and lack of card printers. With Union Arena coming out and the sets not matching up with JP, and One Piece not being matched to a global release. There will most likely not be improvements.
Fine enough for me. I play jank tier like Ulforce and go 2-2 anyways.
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>Zeed needs 2 secs

God fucking damn it.

ADR-01 Jeri BT19-078 C <04>
D-Reaper | Espionage Agent

[On Play] For each digivolution card of 1 of your [Mother D-Reaper], 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -1000 for the turn.
[Main] Place this Digimon as the bottom digivolution card of 1 of your [Mother D-Reaper] without [ADR-01 Jeri] in its digivolution cards.
Inherited: [Opponent's Turn] When any of your opponent's Digimon attack, you may play 1 [ADR-01 Jeri] from this Digimon's digivolution cards without paying the cost. If you played, you may change the attack target to the Digimon played by this effect.
Yeah there was no way 078 was going to be Zeed. Calumon is Lv.- and Lv.- comes after Lv.7
Bright side is in the western side, we only get the nene one, probably, in 19.5.
Wait what the fuck am i saying, zeed not nene. Zeed is on the box so nene will probably be in 20 unless they wanna false advertise again.
nah its 100% a supply chain getting t every store issue, the cards were printed ages ago and the distributors already have the cards well in advance of release dates.
the store I have started going to recently is apart of a bigger chain and the owner of it has a few stores, digimon and our playgroup is newer to it migrating from another store, last week he was telling us about how they just got in the new sets for digimon and he was opening the cases for singles and taking pictures for product images alongside others.

then he shows us a picture of not just EX7, but BT18-19/special booster 2.0 boxes that he had just opened the day before.
You most definitely do not need Nene.
You won't NEED it like you'll need Zeed but it will definitely be nice to have. The first effect is honestly secondary to the On Deletion effect and the fact that she's a level 5 Composite.
Unless Zeed is somehow specifically designed to work with her, she does nothing for the deck.
She's sac fodder for Kimera/Machinedra/Moon that replaces itself with another Digimon that in turn replaces itself with a Tamer that can be digivolved into another copy of Nenemon.
Don't tell me what I don't need!
In what way does that help you get to Millenniummon?
That doesn't, but the fact that she can evolve from Nene and into Machinedramon does. You still need to get both Machinedramon and Kimeramon on the field together, however briefly, to DNA into Millie. Unless you're paying 10 to Digixros it like a moron, or just regular evolving it.

Or you can play a Gazimon/Gizamon/Shademon out of another Digimon's sources to dig for your pieces if you're desperate.
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D-Reaper Zone. Artwork is a recycling of the Hyper Colosseum card.
Ooo more face-up Security shenanigans.
>spend 6 memory evolving into Machinedramon, hoping that you can later get a Kimeramon out and kill it
Look, if you give me a pile of 50 random cards of the same color, I'll be able to figure out some kind of play that could help in some scenario, but why dedicate so much deck space to a separate combo that isn't part of your main game plan (that's already extremely piece reliant)?
>>spend 6 memory evolving into Machinedramon, hoping that you can later get a Kimeramon out and kill it
Compared to 5 memory and an egg, and then hard play Machinedramon for 7 as long as your opponent doesn't have the right floodgate that people will probably be running anyway because it's a Digixros format, and if they do it's 11.
>Compared to 5 memory and an egg
In BREEDING. That's the big difference.
And again, you still need to get to a Kimeramon after in your scenario, so it's still "5 memory" in addition to what you are saying. Millie also has multiple ways of killing floodgates before playing Machinedramon already.

There is just no benefit to running these cards. The best one is Shademon, but Nene is virtually useless, so freeplaying it on deletion is no consolation.
I legitimately cannot tell if this is good or not. What a weird card.
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It reminds me of Gatekeeper. Gatekeeper was good at making your opponent's attacks useless, whereas this plus the new ADR-1 are good at eating your opponent's attackers.
The more I think about it, the more awkward it seems to use. It could really punish things that have sec+, but even combined with Jeri this isn't going to be killing the main attacking digimon until you already have enough sources for Reaper.
In the first place, you're looking at how fast you can turbo into Millenniummon when that's not how the deck is supposed to work. You could theoretically turbo him out on turn 2 but that's fucking worthless because your opponent hasn't put out enough Digimon to delete and De-Digivolve, which in turn means Millie's memory refund isn't online.

It's not a combo deck, it's a control deck. I would have thought the Blocker/Retaliation inheritables would have made that obvious.
>retal blocker
>on a level 5+ stack that doesn't float unless you have 2 stacks out and has no protection
No man.
>>retal blocker
>>on a level 5+ stack that
That has deleted up to two other Digimon between BT19 Deltamon and BT18 Kimeramon's effects.

And Machinedramon De-Digivolves everything, and his inherit is Blocker but better.

And Millenniummon deletes something when it's DNA digivolved, and again later when it revives itself.

And Nenemon can delete your opponent's Digimon instead of yours.

And Moon shreds your opponent's hand and then kills a bunch of their Tamers, and then passively hits their Security on top of that.

And then that Nenemon/Shademon/Nene resource loop lets you keep hitting their Security passively every turn as long as Moon stays on the field.

It's a fucking control deck.
Alright bro, you go ahead and play it like a "control deck" with a billion useless Nene cards, and I will instead make a Millenniummon deck that actually makes Millenniummon.
We will both lose, because the deck is bad, but at least I will have made a Millenniummon.
Fuck yeah, D-Reaper time baybeeeee
So the <sec> opponents turn is just the effect it has while face up in security right?
Yeah, exactly like Royal Base.
They probably could have formatted it as (Security) because we use < > for keywords and [ ] for timings
Thanks. The formatting is what had me a little confused.
Post deck.
NIGGER last thread an anon broke down gallantmon into 8 different posts with deck list and explanation of all the cards.

Restocking One Piece and Union Arena probably. My store has gotten multiple cases of the recent One Piece sets to sell but has only been getting one case of the last few digimon sets on release with no restocks after release week. Bandai wont even send more of the newest tournament kit despite the big turn out the store gets.
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>doesn’t evolve from frimon for 0
What were they thiiiinkiiin
i hate his small mouth
game still fun?
More than it was a month or so ago.
Yeah, of course.
I don't care for this meta right now, but it's still fun.
How do I build Ragna?
>Hybrid rookie that’s not Flamemon or Strabimon
The game was rigged from the start.
Yes. Outside of 2 decks, not including mirage, it's still fun.
They seriously need to give us a canon line for the rest of hybrids.
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All the Tier 2s and below have been quite varied. Playing at locals has been fun as its a mix of T1s/T2s and people like me playing jank in picrel and doing ok.
Do people bring vpets to matches
Yes. If you want to mix it up, some people are playing with alt-formats that can be interesting and require more deckbuilding and game knowledge
I've seen a few on backpacks and bags, but not many. Really something you're going to have to find out on your own at locals
Id like to decide who goes first by battling with Vpets, I know its autistic.
I have a DM20 I bring. Whole reason I got my deckboxes shaped like one as seen here >>93831064
Sounds like some stupid fun if it's casual. Otherwise, probably takes longer than a dice roll so not a good idea for locals unless a lot of other people are up for it.That's not what autisitic means. I am autistic and the new meme-meaning is killing me
Nice, where did you get the boxes?
Yeah just casually not every time or anything and battles are 10 seconds long
Also about spoilers I understand, autistic can just also mean cringe these days.
LA3DPrintshop. Etsy. The V2 Deckboxes have a small hole in the back. I just put masking tape on the hole to cover it and triple sleeved my Egg Deck and put it the back. No damage so far.
The display panel is just a simple toploader with a slide rack.
It fits my double sleeved main deck and the 5 triple sleeved Eggs. But you cant fit anything much after that. I put long decissicant packs front + back for cushion and anti-moisture messure.
I have dicewinder style deckboxes if I need dice/counters etc for my more important decks.
Now I wonder, will you be able to use jap cards in "big" events after the unification?
People on the internet have been intentionally using autistic incorrectly since forever, it's not a new thing
yeah its going to be a whole thing and they will need to make a decision.
even if its just whatever cards from whatever region you are from or what.
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I will spitefully buy from JP vendors if that's the case because english tcg investors should consider killing themselves.
Yellow really is getting Decoy now.
<Decoy ([Xros Heart] traits)>
It's specifically just xros.
Yeah that's how Decoy works. What I meant is that this is now the second Yellow digimon that has decoy, after one of the rookies in the Yellow Liberator starter deck.
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Slowpoke moment here, but the Gallant discussion last thread made me realize the obvious use this has with CM Ace
Starmons BT19-031 C <04>
Rookie | Data | Major/Xros Heart
[[Digivolve] Lv.2 w/[Xros Heart] trait: Cost 0]
<Decoy ([Xros Heart] traits)>
[On Deletion] You may play 1 [ShootingStarmon] from under any of your Tamers without paying the cost. Then, place 1 [Starmons] and 1 [Pickmons] from your trash as that Digimon's bottom digivolution cards.
Inherited: [When Attacking] (Once Per Turn) If this Digimon has the [Xros Heart] trait, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -2000 DP for the turn.
It recycles your EGG? Interesting...
This one has a flavor reason
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ShootingStarmon BT19-035 R <04>
Champion | Data | Super Major/Xros Heart
[[Digivolve] Lv.3 w/[Xros Heart] trait: Cost 2]
This card is also treated as [Starmons] for a DigiXros.
[All Turns] (Once Per Turn) When any of your [Xros Heart] trait Digimon are played, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gains <Security A. -1> and gets -3000 DP until the end of their turn.
[On Deletion] You may place 1 Digimon card with the [Xros Heart] or [Blue Flare] trait from your hand or trash under any of your Tamers.
Inherited: [When Attacking] (Once Per Turn) If this Digimon has the [Xros Heart] trait, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -2000 DP for the turn.
>Can't be used as a source for X3
into the trash he goes.

It has the substitute line but X3 doesn't use starmons anyways.
What alt-formats you talking about? I'd really like to get my locals to play something other than the official meta just to break up those longer formats and get people to play something different from their usual decks.
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How (in)complete will this deck be with only the Ex7 cards?
Need a final bit of convincing to buy some boxes with the main intention of lilithX and HeavyMetal
X3 is shout+ballista+dorulu
Digipapus this also affects latam?
well you won't have any Hina
I have it on good authority (my uncle works at Nintendo) that set rotation is coming soon.
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That would be a problem, yes
Figuring out the ratios will be weird. I feel like you would still run 2 or 3 x antibody options, then maybe 4 of the new adr-01s while dropping palates. Maybe it is worth playing optimizer at 1 copy, since the jeri tamer can reduce cost? I think the reaper zone would be a 4 of also, since it can put a new copy of it back into sec, or a gatekeeper potentially.
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Meteor Rock Soul BT19-090 C <04>
Xros Heart
[Main] Activate 1 of the effects below.
- You may play 1 [Xros Heart] trait Digimon card with 4000 DP or less from under any of your Tamers without paying the cost.
- By unsuspending 1 of your [Shoutmon EX6] and 1 of your [ShootingStarmon], 1 of your Digimon may attack the player.
[Security] You may play 1 [Xros Heart] trait Digimon card with 4000 DP or less from under any of your Tamers without paying the cost.
Set rotation basically already exists since you're basically forced to play one of the latest blue and/or yellow decks if you want to seriously compete
predicted remaining cards courtesy of leddit mod

004 ?? Green lv.2

006 Pagumon

016 Gaossmon

024 Sangomon lv.5

026 ZeigGreymon

027 Sangomon lv.6

032 ?? Yellow lv.3 or 4

043 ?? Yellow lv.6 or 7 or green lv.3

046 ?? Green lv.3 or 4

056 Monodramon

060 Strikedramon

062 Cyberdramon

065 Machinedramon or Composite DarkKnightmon

070 Kimeramon or Violet's trump card

092 Sango Option

094 yellow or green Option

099 purple or white option (likely Zeed's)

101 ZeedMilleniummon
might be a long shot because she's not getting a tamer but it would be nice if we got Jeri's Leomon in Yellow or Green so the deck has another way to use Leomon X
Yeah and that's the point. I don't want 8 of my deck slots eaten up by Starmons just because the new EX6 can free play him and would rather just spam X3's.
Pauper(C,UC, and R) is what some friends and I are setting up. We've also talked about doing stuff where you pick a digivice and can only use the digimon in it in your deck, that one doesn't really change things up a lot except for purple decks. Thought about highlander but dropped it, since having everything be limit 1 ended up not being that entertaining.
Always has been.
Speaking of fun, what are the most fun decks to play, whether or not they're able to keep up with higher tiers?
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If the world were fair
Lopmon X ruins Lopmon's design IMO, so I'm fine with it. Instead of that, I hope they just make another Lopmon with the EX4 inherit that has a better main effect than TerriermonAssistant.
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>spent 4 hours testing against my friend's ragnaloardmon last night
>he's always 1 step from winning till he hits the single eiji at security check 4/5 and then i snowball him after 4 turns of setup
I genuinely felt bad because almost every game was like this.
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Why is this card bugged in DCGO? It doesn't let you play anything if you don't take something from graveyard. I keep forgetting in the middle of a game and throwing because of it.
Why does Cherubi alliance deck suck so much? None of the searchers, Terriermon/Lopmon let you take a pure green so I have a shit ton of Champions and Ultimates but no fucking Rookies.
>065 Machinedramon or Composite DarkKnightmon
Machine seems more like but fuck I want a good a good lvl6 for DKM that’s actually Twilight.
He never managed to get Durandamon under Ragnaloardmon?
He did. Infact he fucking trashed 3 and pierced 1 at one time. One of the trashed cards was eiji which lead to his fucking death since I was sitting on a looga in raising for 4 straight turns.
double typhoon, training and tamer grabs rookies
entire purple line can recycle them from trash too
and are you using the draw 1 on suspend egg? it helps a ton

it can feel bricky sometimes with all the level 6's but its not that bad
To add to this, EX4 Turuiemon is a fairly cheap substitute in a pinch.
>Why is this card bugged in DCGO?
Because Hoang is a hack
EX6 Lopmon is dual colour :^)
Otherwise you just run a good amount of Double Typhoon and Trainings (Shu-Chong is okay, but costs too much memory) and wait until you get enough pieces.

You can throw out your searcher rookies to get the rest of your cards because Antylamon will play them from trash anyway.
>Magnamon player activates Blue Memory Boost delay with memory blocker on the field
>immediately follows it up with Blinding Ray
not beating the stupidest player allegations
was the Blinding Ray just to unsuspend MagnaX?
Helmet was strapped on too tight.
No, it was to get enough memory to evolve to Magnamon into it.
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>mirage player takes first swing
>heaven's judgement
all skill bb

Hated when that happened to me. It's the reason I removed gomamons and put in the +1k DP inherit gao
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Airdramon BT19-032 C <04>
Champion | Vaccine | Mythical Beast
[On Deletion] 1 of your opponent's Digimon gains <Security A. -1> until the end of their turn. Then, if you have 2 or fewer security cards, <Recovery +1 (Deck)>.
Inherited: <Barrier>

Pack filler desu. Barrier would be a usable inherit in Dynasmon but it's Vaccine and not Witchelny.
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Best card of the set.
Pshhhh nothing personel...jesmon....
Lucemon (X Antibody) BT19-043 SR <04>
Mega | Virus | Demon Lord/X Antibody/Seven Great Demon Lords
[[Digivolve] Lv.5 or higher w/[Lucemon] in name: Cost 3]

[All Turns] (Once Per Turn) When this Digimon would leave the battle area, if a card with [Lucemon] in its name is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, by trashing both players' top security cards, it doesn't leave.
[End of Your Turn] (Once Per Turn) Your opponent may trash their top security card. If this effect didn't trash, <Recovery +1 (Deck)>, and delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon or Tamers.
Then don't run 8?
You still used them for x4,x5 and x7
You're mocking it but that's actually really sick art.

The fact that he can digivolve from himself or from Lucemon Larva is pretty interesting, considering Gospel of the Fallen Angel and how the other X-Anti 7GDL Option cards work.
Yoooo! That's unexpected but really nice. Great artwork.
Why the fuck are japanese promos so much cheaper than western ones?
Now I can't get Chaos modes for 7gdl, price is fucked.
It's 1/box thats why. Ours would be a similar rate if they continued doing 2 a box like they used to but they went full fucking retard since it makes no sense to do half their rate.
Nice art though
>lucemon ex6 doubled in price to 50

think im gonna kill my 7gdl deck
Nobody is gonna buy them at that price.
How so, 5 memory do nothing.
Its actually 5 to -2 mem to take back turn and play a guil and takato. Then you can rush tuck blitz digi leaving you opponent at 0 sec. You just need to know how to play Gallant/Chaos sadly the Gallant poster last thread had some good points but could not see the whole picture of a Gallant deck potential.
2 sold for 45 so far

they're near buyout so we'll see if it holds.
Insanely strong.
And that choice is going to be REALLY hard after already making a choice from Chaos Mode.
the more 7gdl shit I see the more I want to play tyrant and just build the perfect stack, push out before they ogudo, then let their ogudo rip, kill it when it tries to swing, then slowly kill them as they have no cost reduction and have to hard play shit for full price every turn
its very fun and very boring at the same time, but fuck do I hate that deck

I hope this goes into the lucemon deck not the 7gdl deck
I don't know what to tell you, but 7gdl has ways of removing tyrant outside of digimon effects, with biting crush, seventh lightning, rivals barrage, etc. They don't need ogudo to win, but it makes it so if you don't have a counter to it, then it just sweeps over you. Cards like Lilithmon X and Lucemon X, will just cause you to bleed security every turn they exist. When you factor in Shoto giving blocker also, it will be an overall gross experience.
Tyrant has a difficult time with Demonlords. It's a slow, low damage deck that is very vulnerable to Biting Crush. You have to stay above 16k when attacking security to be safe, which can be tricky sometimes, you don't have a lot of fodder for Chaos Mode, and Izzy does next to nothing.

That said, promo MegaKabuterimon helps immensely for that matchup. You can even just hard play him for 8 and watch them squirm because they have no way to remove him.
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The main effect is mediocre, but the other two effects are breddy gud.
The main effect is breddy good, but the other two effects are mediocre
>haha, you only have 5 digimon, now what will you do?
I don't think it's very good in 7GDL. Their main Chaos Mode is EX6, which probably is better off kept as-is for its pseudo On Deletion effect rather than evolved and kept around. You could also evolve it from itself, but then you need to run more copies of it. And just in general, you don't need to trash that much of your opponent's Security before going in for the kill with Ogudomon, and the deck has plenty of other ways to do a little chip already.
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The new Xiquemon is really cute, and I also like blue labramon. I'm trying to figure out how best to build around them, but I'm kinda stumped. These are the only cards I can currently think of with good synergy, and I like the idea of getting big effects off with Huankunmon and Xiangpengmon, but I'm not entirely sure what sort of gameplan to actually achieve with them. Going wide and then condensing into a single card sounds like fun, though. I'd like a tamer petdeck to play with my friends who don't find any of the meta decks appealing, though, so I'm not worried about maximizing effectiveness; just something cohesive. Could I get any thoughts from you guys while I search around for decks using them and seeing what I can throw together?
I have played it a lot, tyrant dicks them super hard and its difficult for them to kill you even if everything goes right
just hard play every single one of your tentomons to get a billion unsuspends until you can get a hercules and tyrant on board to perma kill by battle anything they play and build your second stack in the back
they don't run enough options to deal with you and spending the time to deal with your tyrants put them incredibly far behind
not to mention that even ogudo wont necessarily close out the game for them.

don't get me wrong, tyrant can just draw badly and get forced into situations, but its incredibly good at stopping 7gdl gameplan

honestly the more the meta shifts the more tyrant looks like a better and better deck
its an okay matchup against imperial, like 40/60, in favor of imperial
good against most of the blue decks which run minimal options for removal as they need to find their shit
and gate keeps a lot of weaker decks that can't get big enough to deal with tyrant especially with DP fading out of the meta with magna being less popular.

it just needs 1 more good thing and it would be a really strong deck, but its just lacking slightly
maybe thats shivamon ace and lacking it feels bad
maybe its something else that doesn't exist and we might never get

7gdl is definitely a winning matchup for tyrant in my experience though.
If you're using Labramon and Seasarmon you should be using Minami to play them from sources and giving them rush.
Unfortunately most of the Play from Sources stuff is trait specific (Aquatic/Sea Animal) for level 4 and up so it would generally be better to forgo Seasarmon and lean into that side.

You could use Kuzuhamon if you wanted to run a lot of options.
whats the current best go wide deck?
My heart says "Bloomlord, it's just too difficult to pilot", but practically speaking I think it's D-Brigade.
I haven't really tried Numemon post-ban, but my instinct is that it got hit too hard.
That's a single stack OTK deck.
It can be
I don't like Shivamon ACE, personally. I don't see how he could replace GranKuwagamon or HerculesKabuterimon, both of them are invaluable control and aggression tools.
Maybe he's better to Blast Evo than Gran, but I don't really want to Blast Evo in this deck.
First of all this card isn't very good in demon lords, second of all demons lords run like 8 options to kill your stack.
>this card isn't very good in demon lords
You are out of your mind.
Do you even play the deck lmao.

You can't evolve from rookie luce, nobody is gonna ever not trash since being low on sec against demon lords doesn't matter, you need a luce under it to trigger the good effect.Its a different name and thats it, might be good in the mirror. To play this I need to play CM without passing turn which might not even happen with full reduction and then evolve.

Its the same in every card game in every set, you faggots read a flashy effect and think its good without thinking at all
Lucemon X is a lv 6 with the 7GDL trait so CM can play it. It's evo requirements are a lv 5+ Lucemon, so it can evolve into itself and fulfil the effect requirements.
You need to play a CM, not pass turn and then evolve for then a mediocre effect that every deck can just bypass. Even if the old CM plays it, you only trash a sec ln a deck that basically doesn't fucking care if your opp is at 5,4,3,2.
>You need to play a CM, not pass turn
If you have a lv3 Lucemon and X in the trash, you can pass turn. If CM survives to your next turn, then its effect triggers and you get to play X from your trash. Then evolve X into another copy of itself. Now it has protection from your own gate and trashes 1-2 sec every turn.
There's also Rise of the 7GDL for playing CM or X from your gate.
lol retard
Someone save this post for a few months from now.
Diaboro technically
>Lucemon X is a lv 6 with the 7GDL trait so CM can play it.
He also doesn't do anything on play unlike most of the other cards you can play off of CM.

>It's evo requirements are a lv 5+ Lucemon, so it can evolve into itself and fulfil the effect requirements.
In which case you would need one copy in your trash to revive with CM and another copy in your hand, because 7GDL can't use Gospel of the Fallen Angel since Gate can't Digivolve into rookie Lucemon. Belphemon can get away with being a 2-card requirement in 7GDL because they have two different names, Rage Mode always comes from the trash, and Sleep Mode helps you not die while also filling your trash.

Now in Lucemon, where you fundamentally aren't looking to nuke 3-4 of your opponent's Security at once, where you can actually use Gospel of the Fallen Angel, and where you're running not only more copies of Chaos Mode but also Larva (still a level 5 or higher Lucemon), Lucemon X is going to be a lot better.
It's baffling that you still don't think you can play CM for 1 then evo into him, or even just hard play him for the EOT effect. And you scoff at security trashing as if you always have the means to use Ogudomon to win. Many games are won off the backs of Lilithmon/Beelzemon/Beelze X.
>Many games are won off the backs of Lilithmon/Beelzemon/Beelze X.
It's BECAUSE you already have all of those that I'm not particularly thrilled about Lucemon X. Though I suppose I've overlooked the fact that it's harder for your opponent to set up a favorable state to avoid the damage from Lucemon X than it is against Beelzemon (just block lmao) or Lilithmon (set up some kind of deletion protection).

But I still don't think the deck is so lacking in incidental damage already that this is going to catapult it into a new level of success like it could for Lucemon, the deck that's supposedly all about inflicting incidental damage over and over again but whose only repeatable sources of it are BT18 rookie Lucemon and Satan Mode.
>store already got EX07/ST18 19
>still no BT17 available to purchase
It's going to be a weird format
>st18, 19
thought they were delayed until the 20th wtf
also how many copies of the trainings are present in these decks? x1 of each?
They were probably delayed because SOME stores couldn't get them on time. Anon's was one of the lucky ones that could.
Yeah 1 of each. Annoyingly(?) the art is split 3:3 between the two decks so if you want a set of matching arts you need to get both.
I mean if you need to buy 4 copies of the starters anyway to get a playset of them you might as well buy them 2/2 so you only end up with 8 copies at most of any given starter deck card instead of 16.
anyone have the jp site that aggregates decks from tournaments based on sets.
this one?

what you are describing sounds more useful, but this is the only site I know for JP stuff.
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Gaossmon BT19-016 C <04>
Rookie | Virus | Reptile/Blue Flare
[On Play] [On Deletion] By placing 1 [Blue Flare] trait Digimon card from your hand under any of your Tamers, <Draw 1>.
>paildramon makess it's first attack
>ST magnamon
move over faggot the superior veemon deck is coming through
>you can play CM for 1 then evo into him
Because I would rather do anything fucking else with my memory.
I hate playing Imperialdramon. When I do bad it makes me know that it's all on me even more so when I play with a tier 2 deck, at least then I can blame it on the deck.
this is why a lot of imperial players cope with "the decks inconsistent, its a dna deck"
no, you are not the same as a dna deck that needs to find a way to get to lvl 5 twice, you only need 2 rookies and 2 lvl 4's, which you run a high ratio of and have a billion searchers, even ones you get to play for free, you are not inconsistent, you just wasted pieces and piloted badly.

you are absolutely right, most of the time you play imperial it will be a pilot issue
but just cope by saying its a jogress deck so its not your fault
>this is why a lot of imperial players cope with "the decks inconsistent, its a dna deck"
It is inconsistent. You need a lot of set up for it to work in this current meta where just digivolving to champion will kill your rookie. If you don't have your tamers you're not going to get the two bodies on the field to DNA. If you don't have the right rookies it doesn't matter because you won't be able to DNA at end of turn. If you don't have the right champions you can't DNA. You can generalize the deck as being easy to pilot, but it takes more luck than anything.
I ended up finding it after searching in japanese.
no, it really isn't
your main goal is to get to your level 5, in which you need to find, two rookies, 1 green, 1 blue, with 1 of them having DNA, so you have 8 hits of DNA, and generally 14ish hits of rookies in general
then you need to find 2 of your lvl 4's
of which you have 12ish generally
and then 1 lvl 5 of which you have 8

tell me how this is more luck reliant than any standard deck that needs to find a lvl 3, lvl 4, lvl 5, and lvl 6?
because as far as the odds go, its more likely for imperial to have these than another deck find its direct line, let alone with how many searchers it has
statistically, its more likely for imperial to find its perfect stack than for a standard ratio build to lvl 6 to find its perfect stack
and this is before you account for all the extra draw power and search imperial has

So no, imperial is not inconsistent and its not like other dna decks
this isn't like ragna or mastemon
there is a HUGE difference between dna at lvl 5 and dna at lvl 6
fuck I even made a mistake here
you don't actually need a green and blue rookie
just TWO rookies
and 1 green 1 blue lvl 4 and 1 lvl is all thats required

this is 5 cards vs 4 cards of standard stack decks
then you look at the ratios ran and you realize its FAR more likely to find what you need than a stack deck finds its direct line
explain to me how something like dorugoramon for example, a deck that directly goes up to lvl 6 in this meta is more consistent than imperial?

imperial being a jogress deck and thus inconsistent is bullshit when you jogress into a lvl 5 vs a lvl 6 because of the ratios you can run.
What is Royal Base looking like? Meta, off-meta, rogue, or packfiller trash?
bt19 isn't out yet
Keeping the second rookie alive is not an easy task nowadays when even eggs can kill a rookie for one memory cost. The reason that standard decks have an easier time going up is you can use both Training and Memory cards, option cards that don't currently work well in dual color decks. Both Mastemon and Ragnalordmon have DNA Ace cards, so you really only need to get to your level six in raising before moving it out, and both decks have protection be it from immunity to effects or things like barrier. I'm also not saying that Imperialdramon is not easier to pilot than those decks, I believe it is, but I also believe that it's very easy to brick in Imperialdrmon. Imperialdrmon has seen so much action that so many people know how to play around it, keeping you at low memory cost so that playing the second rookie ends your turn and then the rookie gets deleted. Without the tamer on the field you'll have no chance of getting a second stack out unless your opponent seriously bricks. And yes, most builds have at least 8 searchers that will search three deep, but keep in mind that it doesn't matter how well you search when your 3k rookie dies, heaven forbid you managed to get it into a 4k champion. And then, even if you have a tamer that will play a rookie out so you can DNA, the most popular floodgate is to stop Play By Effects, so it doesn't even help you there. Those are the main reasons why I think Imperialdrmon has an easy time getting disrupted. Your rookies and champions are so low DP that a stiff breeze deletes them. Also, sidenote, standard ultimates tend to be in the 3 digivolve cost range at which point a memory setter will get you there if you spent two turns setting up, but Paildramon is a 4 cost whose main effect only comes into play when you've DNA'd, so heaven forbid you had to stay in raising and just go up to ultimate.
how does any of this make it WORSE than a standard deck?
you act as if they can't be interrupted either or their effects fucked over

yes, imperial can brick, yes you can choke imperial
but you can do the same to other decks as well
daiken means you can't stop imperial, but even if they don't get daiken they can STILL do their shit, its not a requirement, it just makes things WAY easier

but compare this to many other more standard decks
they have no such luxury of a tamer who just makes it ez mode to get a free stack
they can't ever just play on board and go from nothing to ready to go in a single turn because they had 1 or 2 daiken, if there is nothing in raising they are basically fucked, imperial can take the gamble

the things you mention apply to EVERY deck and imperial has them easier than others.
it totally bricks dude it plays a searcher for free every turn and has multiple draw inherits but it bricks dude it bricks
>daiken means you can't stop imperial, but even if they don't get daiken they can STILL do their shit, its not a requirement, it just makes things WAY easier
You can absolutely ruin Daiken by just having a Pomumon on the field. Which also ruins Partition. Also you need to find the fucker, good luck when two of them are in security but you don't get them because AnGAR returned your champion to hand and and added it to your hand.
>they have no such luxury of a tamer who just makes it ez mode to get a free stack
Because they don't need the free stack. They can stay in raising. You can not do that with Imperial. Paildrmon's effects only matter when DNA'd.
And yet it happens.
I don't know what to tell you, if it was that strong of a deck you'd never see them anyplace but top spot.
>deck suspends and often pierces through everything
>dude if there's a pomumon you're screwed!
shut the hell up
so you think its easier to get a pomu on board, have it stick and not die, while also doing other things to stop imperial
than it is to find and play a tamer that you run 4 of and is searchable by all of your searches and in a deck that has insane draw power?

what if I am playing a color that doesn't have a play by effect floodgate?
what if I am playing a deck that has no access to tamer removal?

you argue things that are weaknesses for EVERY deck as if they are SPECIFICALLY imperial problems

do the math, imperial sees its stack with more likelihood than other decks
thats the "weakness" of dna decks, which it doesn't have
so what exactly makes it any more bricky than other decks?

its funny you mention imperials performance
but imperial had tops in every single event since bt16 despite what should be very difficult match ups for it, but its raw power level was so high
and now that the only thing others deck that could beat it on (speed) has been reduced, is it any surprise that that 60% of the decks that have topped the last 2 official tournaments have been imperial?
imperial has been t1 since bt16, no one has argued any different and its only gotten stronger and more support, what exactly are you trying to prove by mentioning its performance when its BEEN performing.

you seem to think I don't play imperial, its the best deck in the format, super consistent, and very easy to pilot
ofc i'm playing it if I am competitive
but I know exactly how bullshit my deck is, I have no emotional attachment to it, but it seems you can't handle imperial being anything but some inconsistent weak ass bullshit and hate the reality that its by far the strongest deck right now and its very consistent and the math proves this.
this is the guy who said >>93849048 and bitched how hard it is to keep a rookie alive on board
then says >>93849118 pomumon just counters his entire deck and he can't play

he can't make up his mind if its easy or hard for a rookie to stay alive
don't mention that his deck can freely suspend stuff and then attack over it

hes obviously just butt blasted and doesn't want to admit imperial is by far the strongest deck right now and is super easy and consistent because he wants to feel like hes a good player
>so you think its easier to get a pomu on board, have it stick and not die, while also doing other things to stop imperial
I do yeah, because how is Imperial going to kill Pomumon if it can't get a second rookie out and get it to champion in the same turn before it gets killed? Your best bet is Lightdramon, but even that's messy. I also think you have the wrong opinion of me, I'm not ride or die Imperial. I've just noticed that if you don't get the daiken on board you not likely to get that Paildrmon out aside from raising and then you spend a lot of time trying to catch up while they're putting pressure on you that you can't really answer.
>but imperial had tops in every single event since bt16 despite what should be very difficult match ups for it, but its raw power level was so high
I'll have to look at the data for it, but I don't feel like that's true? Some yes, but not every event at least. If you have data for it I'd love to see it though.
>he can't make up his mind if its easy or hard for a rookie to stay alive
>don't mention that his deck can freely suspend stuff and then attack over it
Shut up and go stand in the corner. You don't have reading comprehension to even be involved in this discussion. I'm saying other decks can kill rookies and even champions but Imperial doesn't really have those same tools. I've already explained the Lightdramon above, your only other option is getting into Paildramon to bottom deck it/Swing into it, which the Pomumon will slow down enough to cause problems. Oh, actually forgot one, you can Fighter Mode Ace it to bottom deck it.
>other decks
>other decks
>other decks
you seem to think that you need to consider what ever other deck can do combined vs what imperial can do and seem to think that because imperial is worse than literally every other deck combined its worse
if you need to compare the combination of everything vs imperial its broken

give specific examples and specific ways decks deal with these things
how did numemon not just lose to pomumon? it had to commit even harder to remove a floodgate, it had to go into monzae x and have something else to play out, are u saying thats a lower commitment than paildramon?
most decks do not have free easy ways to pop flood gates and its considered a strength when a deck does, its not a base line
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Mega / Virus / Cyborg / Blue Flare
[On Play] [On Evolve] <De-Digivolve 2> 1 opposing Digimon. Then, if your opponent has 2 or more Digimon in play, return 1 opposing Lv.4 or lower Digimon to the hand.
[On Delete] You may play 1 'Blue Flare' / 'Xros Heart' Digimon card with a Play Cost of 5 or less from under your Tamers at no cost. Then, <Save>. Inheritable: [All Turns] This Digimon gains +2000 DP

Blue Flare sissies, how would you rate it?
Not the salty imperial player but nume outed flood gates super easy, just hard play/evo into monzae and hit it with the -3k
Yeah, I know
but not every deck has great ways to pop flood gates
yellow usually does because it has access to -DP and smaller -DP is great at that
but apart from that? usually most effects are going to be hitting way lower if you pop a flood gate with it now
black gets destroyed by floodgates, so does green

its not even true that imperial can't deal with floodgates, a lot of people playing the st17 magna in imperial can just go into him and bounce it, there are a bunch of magna imperial decks and other random shit (good or not) as well like people ancientgaruru inside imperial, push out rookie, go into promo lobo, go into ancientgaruru for 1, bounce a sec, bounce their shit, oh it dies at end of turn and you get a daiken
basically get board control, chip, and you get a daiken

man genuinely trying to downplay imperial has real problems if everything any other deck can do means imperial is weak because its lacking it
I guess why use it when you can just use your level 5's and Vikemon.
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>Buy someone a single pack 3 months ago for their birthday
>It had an alt art
>Someone elses birthday happened this week, get them a pack too
>Another alt art

Either birthday magic is real or the store manager is weighing packs specifically for this.

Better than vike only because it can be searched. On deletion is pretty good too.
we got the fusion spirits for the main cast, but they never gave us rookies, megas, or any of the evil ones. Gay.
7DL has a good MU Into Tyrant. if they weren't so heavy with removal options it might be ddifferent but Tyrant folds to that kind of stuff.

Tyrant could really use Scrambles desu
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>buy grocery store single from the new retro pack for yugioh for nostalgia
>my brother tells me "that pack has terrible value" like 3 times, despite me telling him idgaf
>pull pic related
singles are so fun guys
Speaking of Vike, it's going to be really funny when the D-Reaper support comes out and someone goes for their Reaper turn only to get turned into a harmless searcher on the first swing.
>are u saying thats a lower commitment than paildramon?
Yes, easily. You drop a numemon, digivolve to Numemon X, then digivolve into Monzaemon. Even hard dropping Monzaemon killed it. Yellow has minus DP effects like crazy, Pomumon is only 2k. Once again Paildramon only gets his good effects if DNA'd which is the issue.
>its not even true that imperial can't deal with floodgates, a lot of people playing the st17 magna in imperial can just go into him and bounce it,
This just shows you don't know what you're talking about about. Your going to rely on magnamon, what cards are you going to cut to make sure you have access to it? Sure you can use it with for the blue digivolution source for DNA, but then you lose jamming and swinging with the paildramon becomes a problem.
>as well like people ancientgaruru inside imperial, push out rookie, go into promo lobo, go into ancientgaruru for 1, bounce a sec, bounce their shit, oh it dies at end of turn and you get a daiken
No one does this. Because if you did once again you have to mess with your ratios and fuck yourself. What cards are you cutting for that lobomon, how many you going to run? How many of the AncientGarurumon? Oh you only have a green rookie in raising? Get fucked idiot. This will cut away from being able to go into imperialdramon. Also none of these cards are searchable, so you're going to bottom deck them all. Also you gotta hope you even have a Daiken when you do that, of which you only have four copies of. I hate phone posting but what you said is so stupid I had to make an exception.
Anyone got any advice on building blue base AnGar? I've been running A red base, but it sucks getting cucked by Digimon Emperor, and being able to go into champion in raising would fix that.
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I suppose, so yes.
There is really not that big of a difference. You are still running 5 ukkos and 1 lui. Your blue level 3s will be draw 1 rookies, you replace crimson blaze with blue options like full moon or something else. Then decide if you want to run the promo lobo at 2-4 copies.
>no one does this
you know magna imperial has topped a bunch of official tournaments right?
At the Niagara Regionals, 9 of the top 16 were imperial post banlist. 2 of them playing with MagnaX in it. Outside of every deck opening into a brick hand or mulligan. Imperial being inconsistent is a legitimate player issue.
In Blue Flare? I don't love it. You lose your Greymon and your MailBirdramon when it dies.
Yes, but I said that about the AncientGarurumon, not the Magnamon. You're not beating the lack of reading comprehension allegations anytime soon.
What blue rookies draw you one? I thought you ran the Strabimon and the Bokomons for the blue version.
gabumons, jellymon, there are on play draw 1's. I have seen list with 0-2 bokomon, that is up to preference. 4 BT7 strabimon seemed pretty consistent, unless they were playing a full gabumon rookie line while using the BT6 matt. There is also an opportunity with EX7, that you just run the triple blue floodgate for cost block, mem block, and reduce cost block.

Pretty much your main focus will always be your 4s, digixrosing angar, hybrid'ing into angar, and using the 2 cost hybrid option. Your 3's you basically want the ability to trigger an AnGar that is on field while you are at 8 or more cards in hand, while having the convenience of dodging DigiEmp.
>This just shows you don't know what you're talking about about. Your going to rely on magnamon, what cards are you going to cut to make sure you have access to it?
>Because if you did once again you have to mess with your ratios and fuck yourself.
No, I think you just don't understand what you are writing, when you use words like "again" you are referring to both clauses not a singular statement, if you wanted to be specific you would have said "No one runs the ancientgaruru package" or something like that, but you left it up to interpretation and then continue to refer to both examples and how there is no room for anything to be added to the deck.

So if there is no room for anything to be added to the deck
how exactly is it that HALF of the imperial lists that top run magna x and multiple armor cards?
Imperial only bricks if you get a bad opening hand or can’t get started. Like no rookies, can’t keep anything on the board, or your searchers aren’t getting you what you need at that moment. I’ve had plenty of times where I’m one care away from full combo but despite multiple searchers in one turn I can’t get it. But those cases are few and far between in my list. Like maybe 1 out of 20 games I get an unplayable opening hand. But once you get going, even a subpar hand can get rolling quickly
What tournaments exactly? I keep my eye on results quite closely through Digital Gate Open, Egman, and DigimonMeta, yet I've only seen 1 Magna Imperial list in a major tournament. Are you referring to JP results, Twitter lists, or just any Imperial list that plays Magna (as opposed to Imperial that's actually playing Magna X)? Without those possibilities, I'm not seeing it
>playing digimon at locals
>pull $40 card from prizing and sell it to someone
>buy some One Piece packs for fun
>pull $1000 lottery card
>sell it the next day
>use the money to start maxing out Imperial
There is no interpretation with the "no one does this" because it's stated after the AncientGarurumon quote, and as a rebuttal to it directly. You just read it wrong once again going to your poor reading comprehension. Also in Carta Magica's last regional, the one with top majority U/G Imperial only one deck out of mine used the St-17 Magnamon. I know you're going to fall back on "Well, I was just talking about armors in general" or some shit probably but you brought up the magnamon as a form of removal specifically. In the end my final point is that if you don't see Daiken early in the match, you are fucked.
Is there any indication they'll print more boxes of Infernal Ascension? I don't really know how digimon handles printing boosters, or if they even go back that far
>open egman
>look at last official bandai event in english
>60% imperial in top 16
>open each list
>4/9 run magna x
I mean its not hard anon
I forget if I asked this in the last thread: how the fuck do you go about playing Takemikazuchi with any amount of consistency? I'm not sure if the list I stole was just bad, but I've never run into bricks so often or painful to play out, not even in Alter S. Ukko kind of sucks in raising because Bowmon can't let it Digivolve, there's only one good level 5 to go into, you need two specific high-level cards in trash and a specific level 6, as well as a Tamer under your stack specifically before you go into the level 6 (unless you can hard play Kazuchi). Maybe it's because this list is on the old Bowmon, so I can't use the egg to go into things already in trash? Am I just bad at playing it? Digipapus, I've never run into this before. I'm just gonna play Dorugora instead at this rate
Unless they say otherwise, assume it is one and done. Theyre juggling between 5 fucking tcgs right now so dont be optimistic and assume the worst.
You should treat every set as a one and done. As far as I know, One Piece is the only game they have ran reprints for.
Am I blind? I see one list playing 3 and one list playing 1 copy. The former of the two is what I was talking about because 3 copies makes it a consistent plan B, rather than just a card teched in there just in case. I'm going to look again, but I genuinely do not see these other two lists.
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All of them! I try to build each archetypes that releases (got a zillion halfway built decks), just all fun and games since I exclusively play kitchen table top.
its just very inconsistent, thats the deck
you need to find A LOT of specific pieces and get things setup in certain ways

a good idea to think of how consistent a deck is to consider how many pieces you need to do what you are trying to do
then consider how many of them are replaceable with something else at that level even if its not "ideal" and you will understand the issue
takemikizuchi basically requires a near perfect stack so its fucking awful and needs a lot of pieces

the most consistent decks are ones where u can basically run any card of that level in your deck and it will do the job or maybe half do 1 job and half do another so worst case you might have a suboptimal stack depending on the game but it still works
decks that can tech in a single thing at 1 or 2 copies of a certain level to change a match up in their favor but not have it make their other match ups worse and not be required for the match up are the most flexible and consistent decks
ah ok, thanks anon
What kind of bags are you using to keep your decks together like that? Also do you just keep them unseleeved till you decide to play them? I'm very interested in your setup.
That one is stupidly overpriced by lgs's, also not been able to get my hands on an Observer box because Im not about servicing scalpers. I did get my secret crisis at MSRP though so I was happy then.
Mostly meant for >>93853541
How is royal knights looking with future sets? Is it worth picking up the bt12 omnimon and gallantmon?
90% of those baggies are your typical empty penny sleeve sealable-bags, 10% are lil' plastic-ey bags received from random eBay orders. Cards do mostly remain unsleeved until ready to play but I do penny sleeve SRs/Alts/Secs while they sit in the bags just in case of damage. A few of these are fully pre sleeved with perfect fit, usually because I'm excited to get those decks done (5-10 cards missing).
It gets more tools and it still tops as a rogue.
I love redundancy in decks, hence I really like DexDorugora and Imperial. I was just shocked at how fucking inconsistent Takemikazuchi is. I knew it was inconsistent, but never thought about what a pain in the ass it could be until I actually piloted the thing. I thought maybe the payoff would be worth it, but it's so frustrating that it can't be. How the "community" (for lack of a better term) is convinced that this piece of shit is a major threat is beyond me
Because it can win on turn 2-3 and barrel through basically anything your opponen has put on the board.
It's a deck that's hard to interact with when it gets going, and can cheat 10 memory to get where it wants and even do aditional searches while trying to combo.
Technically, it's the fastest deck in the fornat. Realistically, it's tier 2 because it lacks the suppor (read dicksucking) some other decks get.
Does anyone else just feel apathetic to bt18 as a set? The majority of the new hybrids are meh at best and the majority of the ancient cards are just outright bad.

The switch up between beetlemon/kazemon kind of ruined all former green/yellow hybrid decks, and I still haven't seen many decklists using the new kaisergreymon and magnagaruru.
>and the majority of the ancient cards are just outright bad.
They were all Rs and Us compared to the SR Ancients in BT17 so it shouldn't have come as too much of a surprise.

But yeah, Black and Purple were the surprise Hybrid winners of the set and the non-Hybrid half of the cards are mostly waiting for their next wave of support (Knightmons, Royal Base, Lucemon, Vemmon, Yellow Data/Witchelny, and Millie).
I dunno man, this format is so perplexing to evaluate. People say Red Hybrid sucks, yet it makes your security evaporate almost as easily as Takemikazuchi with fewer downsides and its huge issue into the coming meta is Shoto. Fenri also has this problem of the types of searches it gets because Analog Youth is pretty much Mist Memory Boost and Ukko can't evolve. The rest of your shit is just digging 1 to 2 cards deeper as you Digivolve and you have to actually be on board for those. Maybe I'm trying to play it too much like some other deck instead of waiting super patiently to pop off. It just feels to me like its one and only defining trait is that it has the closest thing in the game to Exodia, yet there's tension between its actual cards and that gameplan. The best decks don't even really give you time to dig beyond your top 15 cards for what's basically a 5 card combo. Maybe I'm just running super cold? When I play I deck like this in any other game that needs a super specific set of cards very quickly without a means to directly tutor, I would call this shiny jank rather than a legitimate tier 2 deck. I guess it could also be stronger into EX7 if Shoto slows everyone down
It really depends what cards from BT19 will be mixed into it. I don't really care for the set outside of Inboots. BT19 has the new reaper stuff and Lucemon X, which is what I want more.

The format has ~10 playable decks that can trade wins and loses with each other, based on luck and player skill. EX7 will probably add 3 or 5 more decks to it. Just going off the Niagara regional, it seems like Imperial is favored heavily.
Speaking of waiting for the second set of support, it feels like those are the only cards winning in bt19 as well. The new Blue flare and xros cards seem very medicore as well as the majority of the tamer cards.
I think the Gallantmon and Beelzemon stuff looks alright. The Sakuyamon stuff looks like a huge improvement but it's still a fundamentally flawed deck.

I would not be surprised if Xros Heart and Blue Flare found success with their old top ends. Level 6s were already pretty optional in Blue Flare so who really cares if the new Zeke sucks. Xros Heart just has a lot of shit going on so I don't doubt there's something still decent in there somewhere. It's not a deck I was really that into though so I don't know what to look for.

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