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Classy Edition

>2024 PHB spoilers

>2024 PHB Scan

>2024 UA



The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous thread: >>93729165

What's your favorite class, /5eg/? What do you like about it?
>What's your favorite class, /5eg/? What do you like about it?
Fighter, because the best quality test for a high fantasy game is how it handles a character without magic. D&D has struggled with this in the past but 5e's Fighter is in a good place now.
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lightly armored should've been an origin feat, FACT.
You're factually wrong.
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This chick was my old bg protrait crush ngl
The Binder from the 3.5 Tome of Magic. Just has the coolest lore and the most flavorful mechanics. Pact magic is what I wish the 5e warlock could actually do using the power of bargains with supernatural entities.
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TQ: Oath of Devotion Paladin
Reason: I like this song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9BupglHdtM
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>What's your favorite class, /5eg/?
>What do you like about it?
High quality of life. You get all the divine caster caster perks for QoL but don't have to be a bitchboi to some god, and it's the absolute peak choice for degeneracy.
Druid is strong and straightforward and much of it's strength comes down to how you play it so you can build a druid and bring them to a lowOP or midOP group without really knowing how competent other players/the DM will be before you get there and then scale your contribution by what you do ingame (a perk of divine caster spell-lists, also).
I've been a transmog fag since the days when the big two first really got established in 2e and druid is very much a transmog specialist also.

So I like the class (conceptually, for self inserts) but I also like how it plays (mechanically), so it's a sort of go-to default for me.
>Fighter is in a good place now
PLEASE get better bait.
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For me it was both that and this one together.
NTA but what's wrong with it? It's probably the best non-fullcaster. With rogue getting completely fucking gutted in 5.5 you're not even really forced to multiclass or anything anymore either.
Reason: I like this song.
Sorcerer. I know Sorcerer sucks and is a worse Wizard, but the caster fantasy that appeals to me most is that of the "blaster caster", and Sorcerer does it well without needing to wait too long to come online. I don't need a bunch of fancy utility spells and fancy control stuff. Just give me Shield, Absorb Elements (optional), and a bunch of straight damage magic that I can buff with Sorcery Points.

Warlocks are a close second-place, if only because Eldritch Blast can be buffed to a similar extent to be a competent form of magical blasting.

Both classes being Charisma-based doesn't hurt either. Charisma is by far the best roleplaying stat.
I don't think sorcerer sucks, I think it just does one thing.

It's like comparing a swiss army to a combat knife, yes, the swiss army knief has WAY more uses than the combat knife, but the combat knife will kill you dead a lot better.
Martials in 5e still suffer from a severe lack of non-combat versatility, because 5e's skill system sucks shit even at the best of times, especially compared to utility spells which often do the thing they're supposed to do 100% of the time with no failure chance and far less build-investment. It's the same song and dance of high level casters literally warping reality (even at mid and low levels too) and martials just... swinging their sword better.
I see someone who hasn't seen the new PHB, with all the new uses for Second Wind, weapon mastery, improved Indomitable (add your class level to your rerolled save), if you attack and miss your next attack on that target gets Advantage (with no usage limit), more Weapon Masteries than other classes and the ability to adjust the bonuses, plus all the subclasses are better.
Shield proficiency is quite strong, I could imagine Rogues, Wizards, Sorcerers, Bards, and Warlocks would get this feat at level 1 more often than not just for the +2 to AC and the Studded Leather saves up a prepared slot and spell slot for the Wizard and Sorcerer for Mage Armor. It might be too good for an Origin Feat...maybe.

If you want to talk about a feat that could/should have been an Origin Feat, I'd have to say Martial Weapon Training. Armor >> Weapons. This gives some select classes access to more weapon options but nothing too potent. The strongest thing I could think of with this is Bards, Sorcerers, and Wizards upgrading their Light Crossbows to Heavy Crossbows for True Strike. I would say Muskets but starting gold doesn't give you enough to pay for a Musket or a Pistol for that matter.
Anon, if you're playing a Fighter, you already don't give a shit about out of combat. Plus samurai makes you a face equal to any Bard that's not bypassing skill checks with magic. Plus more ASI than any other class means you can get Skilled more often without worrying about your abilities being low.
I honestly think weapon mastery is really uninteresting
But the emperor was an aasimar (or maybe a Deva more accurately with the reincarnation thing).
>Plus samurai makes you a face equal to any Bard that's not bypassing skill checks with magic.
>Starting at 7th level, your discipline and attention to detail allow you to excel in social situations. Whenever you make a Charisma (Persuasion) check, you gain a bonus to the check equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Not at all no. You might be able to get a +2 mod to Wisdom but your Charisma is likely -1 in that instance. You are getting a +1 bonus to these checks- that's laughable.
If you're using 2024 5E Battle Masters can make for good faces. Not only can they add a d10 to any failed check but they can burn a sup dice to add a d8/d10/d12 to any Charisma (Intimidation, Performance, or Persuasion) check. When they hit level 15 they can add a d8 to each of those checks at will. That's gonna help a lot more for social character.
>if you're playing a Fighter, you already don't give a shit about out of combat
Imma throw this out there- everyone should care about every pillar of the game. You should not have a PC who has nothing they can do out of combat or when exploring.
>Favorite Class
>What do you like about it?
Bardic Inspiration, I tend to play support in group games and it's fun to keep my friends topped off while we make beautiful music. The music of whooping butt that is
I've been hearing a lot of positives about it, but I don't tend to play martials at tables. What don't you like about them?
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That's fair, but Fighter makes them better.
>Not at all no
Yes, because again, ASI. Fighters don't have to worry about MAD nearly as much as other classes.
>everyone should care about every pillar of the game
OK. Samurai Dex Fighter, take Skilled to get stealth proficiency and use light armor, don't short yourself on Wis and Cha, done and done.
I mean, yeah. But that's not ever going to change. The only time it did was 4e. Ultimately, out-of-combat is an afterthought at best, and your options are either to eliminate everyone's out of combat options (oD&D, 4e) or have a system where open ended out of combat options usurp the need for combat (every other edition). Martials will never get out of combat options and nothing about that is unique to fighters, who have underleveled access to the best utility spell list anyway.

I love how almost everything you listed was actually just 5.0
>Topic Question
Any class that is Charisma-based. I like to roleplay. Being locked out of the social pillar of the game because you have low Charisma suuuuucks. The social pillar is where the most roleplaying happens.

I know there are some exceptions like Rogue with Skill Expertise, but Rogue usually needs that for directly combat-applicable skills like Stealth or Athletics. I also know people are going to say Insight is useful in social situations, but standing there as a lie-detector in every conversation us boring, pluses Zone of Truth literally does it better in situations where it really matters. So yeah, only Charisma characters for me. If I had to pick a favorite from all of them, Paladin, just because Charisma to Saves and being able to no-sell caster bullshit us extremely fun, especially at higher levels when the whole game becomes caster bullshit.
If you make it an origin feat, most people would still just dip 1 level for profs, that's how not strong this feat would be as an origin feat, just remove the ASI.
I don't think they're necessarily bad but I find that you only having ONE of them on any given weapon is a bit... well, it feels like it'd be very samey. Like if I have a good weapon I want to use, or I just like using a battleaxe, every time I hit someone they fall over. Every time. That's all. I don't sometimes get to push, sometimes get to vex, you know.

That and some of them are vastly less interesting than others, like Nick is really good, Vex is really good, Cleave is really good, Push is just dog water.
Everything I listed was a change from 5.0 and I had both books open to make sure before I posted.
Not that Anon, but they slow the fucking game down and DnD's combat is already horrendously slow and tedious at the best of times. People wonder why most DMs don't ever throw more than 2 combat encounters at players in a day. It's because that shit eats up half a session and nothing relevant happens in the meantime.
I am that anon, this is a good addition to my reply >>93752580, I especially hate how topple makes you cause a save EVERY TIME you attack.
>Push is just dog water
Absolutely not.
It's situational, but as someone with a person who has shield master in my party, knocking them prone is better 95% of the time.
This. So much this. It's bad enough when the casterfags' turns are slowly the game down with superfluous bullshit to keep track of, but who the fuck thought making martials do this too was a good idea?!?
The classes that don't have to look up spells in other chapters of the book...are the SLOW classes at your table? That sounds like a skill issue.
how do they even slow the game down? topple aside. beyond just an extra few seconds of course
pretty sure she's from icewind dale
>have to look up spells
>someone else is the one with the skill issues
>What's your favorite class, /5eg/?
>What do you like about it?
I LOVE classes that have built-in conflict and history within them. Warlocks and Paladins also fall into this category for me. Sorcerers are my favorite because their powers can come from anything you could imagine and because of that their possibility for built-in class conflict is limitless! You could have a Sorcerer whose bloodline or soul was blessed or cursed by a creature and now you've got an enemy or ally to work with, you could have interacted with some magic item and got superpowers for it, you could be getting hunted because you have these innate powers and people want to harness it. You could even have things like X family members are trying to kill you because you inherited the family's shame and they don't want that getting out in the world or they're jealous and want you dead. You can also do superhero stuff like getting bit by something for superpowers. Whatever floats your boat, the only limit I can think of is that Sorcery isn't learned, you have to be given it or come in contact with it.

In terms of mechanics, I like them too, augmenting magic is cool and the 2024 version straight up just gets to go Super Saiyan via Innate Sorcery which is cool. Magic in general is a lot of fun to play with. The only very specific issues I've had with their Mechanics is at end game you don't get access to Shapechange or True Polymorph. Too many subclasses exist for the Sorcerer where this spell would make perfect sense to have for them to not have it. And the fact that they can't use their bodies as a focus/cannot ignore non-consumed or costly Material Components for their Sorcerer spells. It would be a good way to visually see the differences between a Sorcerer, Wizard, and Warlock spell casting when you can show a Sorcerer casting fireball with no staff, wand, crystal, or bat guano they just do it while the other two have to fiddle with external stuff to do it.
Anon you're not going to convince me that even 5% of caster players memorize the effects of the spells they pick. It's just not a thing that happens.
Warlock main here. I have memorized all the effects of [ELDRITCH BLAST] and it's related Invocations, thank you very much.
And EB is not all the spells Warlocks use. Thanks for agreeing with me.
Yes, she was originally from icewind dale, you're right, it was just my one big folder full of portrait art from both games mixed that got my old man brain confused. i'm trying to remember the name of the artist who did most of the art for that game, i really love his art.
Also because it's relevant to the topic question, I'll elaborate on >>93752687 and say that I'm a Warlock main much for the same reasons >>93752667 is a Sorcerer main. Playing a character who right off the bat has some kind of relationship with an extremely powerful supernatural entity has so much built-in roleplay flavor and hooks for your DM, whether your character is an unwilling slave to their patron, a savvy pragmatist treating their Pact like a business agreement, or best friend/favorite entertainment to their patron, there are a ton of possibilities, and Warlock patrons tend to be powerful enough to remain relevant NPC relationships for your character even into the high levels.
Can't comment on that, but my table isn't the one with the skill issues.
The joke went right over your head, huh?
>Yes, because again, ASI. Fighters don't have to worry about MAD nearly as much as other classes.
I'll say this you can build a Fighter to be skilled- the Skill Expert Feat is quite good for this and if you start off with decent WIS and CHA you could by level 7 have a +9 to Persuasion rolls as a Samurai and the backup option to add the d10 when needed. Bards would be at +10 but they don't get the fallback Tactical Mind option.
I'd still rather do the Battle Master option, I'd rather have the d8/d10/d12 to Charisma (Intimidation, Performance, or Persuasion) checks than +WIS Mod to only for Persuasion.

>OK. Samurai Dex Fighter, take Skilled to get stealth proficiency and use light armor, don't short yourself on Wis and Cha, done and done.
Guess so, I have never played a warlock or given them a second glance.
The joke is that Warlocks only have 2 spell slots until level 10, and most players hoarde them for "emergency" spells like Misty Step, so most of the time Eldritch Blast IS the only spell you're going to see from warlocks, at least in combat. Maybe the occasional opener with Hypnotic Pattern or Fireball, but mostly just Eldritch Blast.

Pic-related sums it up pretty well.
>Warlocks only have 2 spell slots until level 10,
They get Magical Cunning now which lets them recover 1 spell slot after a minute once a day between levels 2-10 then at 11+ they get 2 slots back from this. Its still a small number so you'll still see people trying to save them for emergencies.
But I've learned that you shouldn't save stuff- because nothing hurts more than being a Warlock who didn't use all their slots before a Short Rest.
You whiff all the spells you didn't cast.
Sorcerer, mostly becuase I tend to like their class/subclass gimmicks and their corresponding flavor.
>than being a Warlock who didn't use all their slots before a Short Rest.
>5e campaigns
>using short rests
Come on, nigga. At least make it believable
Every table I've been in uses a Short Rest once or twice a Long Rest. People want to heal up sometimes and those hit dice are just sitting there.
What do we think of 10 minute short rests?
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I'll make a Hell Knight starting as Fighter 1/WL X and there is NOTHING you can do about it.
Same as 1 hour except I can eat a lunch in an hour and actually relax but I can’t eat lunch in 10.
I like them combined with 24-hour long rests

Wow, you're actually playing 5e with something approximating the intended pacing.
Well the idea is for the group to quickly rest up and apply salves/bandaging and such.
>Fighter 1/caster X
2nd edition says hi
Why does it matter if it takes ten minutes or an hour?
It's great, isn't it.
Because you can not have a meaningful campaign without strict time records.
No shit, but you can’t actually rest in ten minutes but you can in an hour.

It’s been ten minutes since you first asked, do you feel rested from your ten minute break?
An hour feels like an absurd amount of time to just hunker down in the midst of a dungeon or somewhere dangerous. Ten minutes is still risky, but that's not a bad thing... it's just believable that way.
That wasn't me, this was >>93753037, but if I had been wounded in combat and I took ten minutes to patch up my wounds and apply salves and shit, I probably would? I haven't experienced such a thing.
Have you ever done anything strenuous? 10 minutes is a long time.

Most hit points aren't meat points.
I think if you had these you'd probably be taking like three or four short rest a day. This would mean that everyone is burning through hit dice really slowly each rest rather than burning half. Classes and Subclasses that get Short Rest stuff back would get stuff back insanely quick and frequently. 10 Minutes isn't that long in context, you could basically do this I'd say about 80% of the time after each combat or exploration encounter you have. There will be some cases where you don't have 10 minutes but honestly, this is the same amount of time it takes a Caster to cast a Ritual spell as a ritual. With a rule like this every time someone casts a Ritual as a Ritual everyone should take a Short Rest.

I think 10 minutes is too short for my group. A lot can happen in 1 Hour but 10 minutes is very short by comparison.
>Wow, you're actually playing 5e with something approximating the intended pacing.
How do you play without taking Short Rest? What happens when half of the party is low on HP or one or two people are low and the others are low/out of SR resources? Are players not asking to take Short Rests? How tight are the time windows in your campaign that you don't have 1 hour to breathe?
>How do you play without taking Short Rest? What happens when half of the party is low on HP or one or two people are low and the others are low/out of SR resources? Are players not asking to take Short Rests? How tight are the time windows in your campaign that you don't have 1 hour to breathe?
They get through 1-3 combat encounters, the 3-4 hour session ends, and "Hey DM, can we long rest?"

For whatever reason, players really like finishing a session on a long rest.
I think an hour is a bit too long though, it's honestly a bit of a hole in the story for me when we take one somewhere dangerous because I can't fathom an hour just passing safely, but I could 10-20 minutes.

I could just throw enemies at my party each time they take a short rest somewhere dangerous but that'd just get tedious and be shit for the players.
The catch is that if you’re wearing armor at all you’d have to use at least 15 minutes just to get the damned thing off and on so you can actually bandage yourself up.
I think it is important to remember you can only take a Long Rest once every 24 (or 16 Hours for 2024). Rarely do I see this enforced, I do it and it makes it so groups need to take a Short Rest because they've got the time for it.
>For whatever reason, players really like finishing a session on a long rest.
I get this feeling. Starting up a session fully healed feels good. But I also think starting a session post a short rest is just as good.
I guess it table based. For me in a lot of dangerous locations, my parties like to set up watches or barricades or use spells like Tiny Hut or Rope Trick to get a safe 1 hour while in dangerous places like dungeons or lairs.
If 10 minutes works for you- go for it! For me, it doesn't work at my table because, in a lot of cases, 10 minutes is too short for anything to really happen even in some dangerous locations meaning this is basically free short rest after every encounter.
This isn't that crazy honestly, cause they still have to burn hit dice which will run out it's a huge buff to anyone who gets stuff back on a short rest however.
That's a good point, but I'm sure you can decide to only take off the individual pieces around where you got damaged, right?

That, and I'm sure the party is all helping one another out.
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Oh idea, you could do what BG3 did and have a maximum limit of 2 Short Rest a Long Rest. I might be down for that with the 10-minute rule. You could make exceptions for this rule for a spell like Prayer of Healing and Catnap (which would need a change too) basically making these spells give you an extra short rest.
Honestly that change to PoH is so fucking great.
>What's your favorite class, /5eg/?
My first exposure to D&D was Neverwinter Nights 2 I think and I was in love with the class.
I'm currently playing a 3.5e game as a Cleric and it's so much fun.

>What do you like about it?
It's just so flexible. And I really, really enjoy the crusader-van helsing vibe of the class. It's really not just a priest in robes, and I like that a lot.
In 5e specifically, I like the domains, the spell list, and the way it plays generally.
I just wish War Domain was more of a melee fighter, but alas.
Is this 2024 Prayer of Healing or something? I don't recall it ever giving a short rest.
Oh yeah, its really solid now. It's especially powerful with the new Divine Intervention making it so once per day a 10th Level Cleric can cast it as an action in the middle of a battle. Mid battle heal 2d8 + instant Short Rest is crraaazzy.
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I'm still of the opinion that they should have split the battlemaster and champion harder into two: make the BM the corporal of the section who gets everyone to fight better and smarter and the champion into the "while you were nerding over De Re Militari, I was studying the blade" style weaponmaster. I mean things like give both types manoeuvres but put stuff like Ambush, Commander Strike, Commanding Presence and Rally to the battlemaster and Parry, Riposte, Sweep, Evasive Attack and Feint to the champion.
>I think it is important to remember you can only take a Long Rest once every 24 (or 16 Hours for 2024). Rarely do I see this enforced, I do it and it makes it so groups need to take a Short Rest because they've got the time for it.
This is true. However, in my experience, you have to really fight players to end sessions on a short rest, even if that's correct the thing to do and what the monster math was balanced against.

It's why I like the shorter short rests, which are kept in check by hit dice. And if monks and warlocks are a bit overtuned, whatever.

It's an artifact of the 10-min exploration turn that was used at one point in the playtest.
Cringe and bluepilled take. The based and redpilled take would be to remove BM and make it baseline.
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>Tell player he needs to know his fucking spells
>He casts flaming sphere and tells me the sphere just dealt damage to an enemy at the start of the enemy turn
>are you sure?
never trust players
Sure, but unless you’re increasing the frequency of checking for random encounters the dmg recommends the fastest check be every hour, plenty of time for an hour short rest
I'm thinking of legitimately starting ttrpg with new release of PHB 2024 and new books

There are no one around me who plays it, so i'm gonna start as DM

Any suggestions, tips?
Are you talking about Martial Weapon Training or Lightly Armored? In both cases, I was assuming you're removing the ASI.
Sure they can quickly become an Eldritch blast turret, but I really appreciate their unique spells & patrons flavors. Kinda like playing them as leaning more on the occultist researcher side though that's not 100% supported by all patrons flavors/how they are usually view+the fact that they are based on CHA.
My first character for a long lasting campaign, through which i truly managed to understand 5e was a Fiend Warlock, and it didn't too overwhelming as far as spellcasters seemed to be at the time
>most people would still just dip 1 level for profs
Yes, most people would dip a level into Fighter for armor, shields, weapons, and weapon masteries but not everyone wants to. Some people want to stay mono-classed. These sorta feats exist for that style of play. I think you can get away with martial weapon profs as an Origin feat for sure.
I prefer fifteen minutes with a few additional caveats:
>You can’t benefit from a short rest more than once per hour
>Casting a spell of any kind, including as a ritual, is strenuous activity that disrupts a rest of any length
>You can’t benefit from a rest while maintaining concentration on a spell or other effect
That gets it closer to the amount of time you need to catch your breath after a period of heavy exertion, while also addressing a few other issues.
The default math works. You're just fighting player psychology every step of the way to do it, because they don't like taking short rests, and they especially dislike ending sessions on a short rest.

An extra wandering monster is a thoroughly reasonable tradeoff
15 minutes is good, may I ask the reasoning behind no spells? No concentration I understand perfectly, but why no spells?
Would 5e be a good base system to hack for something based on Blame! for techno-barbarians wandering a vast megastructure.
That sounds way too complicated for the designated retardproof subclass.
the discussion is clearly about lightly armored >>93752059
High capacity in some skills that can potentially solve many problems without the use of spellcasting.
Lack of being a face of the party.
Can be descriptive of the acrobatic/physical attack that I'm doing
Always mechanically strong. Organized religion ties you into the social fabric of the campaign setting. Genuine belief is interesting to roleplay.
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>high level casters literally warping reality
Shut the fuck up you faux masculine tryhard bitch. Take your martialcuck persecution fetish and shove it up your ass. You'll probably have a prostate orgasm from it you fucking faggot. "bRo Le cAsTeRs aRe wArPiNg rEaLiTy" you're so fucking annoying, I'm actually gonna use the cringy zoomer mockery of alternating caps I first saw with the parkland kids (they deserved it btw). Shut the FUCK up. Its the same meme phrase over and over. Casting an acid dart isn't "warping reality" you retard. That's what magic is. You could have the entire extent of the magic system be a level 1 magic missile and magic could be totally useless, and you could still say they are "warping reality" and you'd technically be right, except youd be a gigantic ass hole retard for saying that, because that's not what you're actually complaining about. Stop overdramatizing shit. Yeah, spellcasters "warp reality.". You know what else warps reality? Being able to fall 40 feet and survive and keep fighting. Being able to be hit by a flying giant boulder and keep fighting. Being able to swim across the ocean in full plate. Et cetera. Yeah spellcasters are overpowered but you don't need to phrase in such a gay way that betrays your victim complex that is on par with that of American blacks. It makes it obvious to everyone that you're a beard-oil-buying söykike who backs the Conan TTRPG kickstarters cause you're obsessed with being a "manly man" as cope for raising another mans children.
I don't even care if this guy is right or wrong, I want to support his side because holy shit rofl
They were cooler in 3.5 when all their powers were at-will and the class actually felt special instead of a gay alternative sorcerer. Yeah they also sucked power level wise but that's not the point.
To be fair T3 is the comfiest power level of 3.5
Okay, my vote is still on 'maybe' even with the knowledge of multiclassing. I could hazard a guess as to why both feats aren't Origin Feats- it is because they aren't universally useable. Look at the 10 Origin Feats in the 2024 PHB, any class can pick them and use them- these however wouldn't work for every class because some classes have proficiency in light armor & shields or Martial Weapons. What they'd have to do is buff the feat to give a general thing on top of that to make it broadly worth picking for the classes that already have it.
Two questions;

1. Does anyone have the Way of the 4 Elements changes/page handy or ported to something more readable.

2. I noticed the string for the 2024 book changed. Is it still the crusty one thats been passed around, or is this a new cleaner one?
It's a newer "book" from someone who took photos of their PHB. Much cleaner outside the occasional hand shots.
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How's this sound?

>[Homebrew] Martial Training
>Origin Feat
>You gain the following benefits.
>Martial Weapon Training. You gain proficiency with Martial weapons.
>Savage Strike. Once per turn when you hit a target with a weapon, you can roll the weapon's damage dice twice and use either roll against the target.

>[Homebrew] Armored
>Origin Feat
>You gain the following benefits.
>Armor Training. You gain training with Light armor and Shields.
>Quick Change. The time it takes to don or doff your armor is halved.

Martial Training would replace Savage Attacker (so this would be on the Soldier background), I wouldn't know where to put the Armored feat unless you allow the Soldier background to get a choice of two feats which none of the backgrounds do..for some reason.
>the ritual will take place during the stellar alignment in 8 hours, no time to waste!
>lucky we got out of there, now we need to pout as much distance between us and the vampire's castle before he wakes at nightfall and comes after us
>we fended off those pirates, but there's a second ship in pursuit, they'll catch up to us soon
Because how long something takes is important.
>Most hit points aren't meat points.
All hit points are meat points, because adventurers have superhumanly resilient meat that heals quickly.
I think people would think twice with 1 level dips if lightly armored was like this but, from a DM already 5 sessions in using 2024 rules, i can tell you, martial weapon proficiencies don't mean shit without masteries. don't even try melee if you don't have masteries in 2024.
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Hard to pick one. Ranger I like for the flavor of being the guy surviving in the wilderness and sniping people with a bow from long distances. Fighter I find myself playing a lot of since usually they're fairly reliable and I've been having a lot of fun with shield master cavalier lately, though may respec into Oath of Watchers Paladin via rp reasons and the fact we're in the latter half of Phandelvar and Below. Warlock is a close second since they have a lot of rp potential with their ties to their patron, their invocations, familiars, etc and are useful in a lot of builds like the aforementioned fighter.
Literally how? It only got buffs other than Thief's Use Magic Device.
I don't know if it would be a good idea to merge the Martial Training feat and the Weapon Master feat into one Origin Feat. That might be a bit too good for an Origin feat.
The only case of getting bonuses for netting Martial Weapons is casters getting a better option for True Strike and Rogues and Monks getting Longbows and Muskets. If we're trying to make the feat stronger, I'd start by making the Savage Strike bit a once-per-turn reroll if you roll a one on the die if I REALLY wanted to buff it I'd just make it a re-roll on a one like Tavern Brawler.
It was the weakest martial, and it remains the weakest martial on account of basically not getting any buffs.
It's markedly stronger than you think it is. Though it does require weapon juggling in many cases to max out.
Yeah, weapon juggling just does not sound fun or cool at all.
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Rogue Buffs
-NEW FEATURE: Weapon Mastery (Level 1) - You get two Weapon Mastery Properties and can change them each Long Rest
-Thieves' Cant now also grants an extra language prof.
-NEW FEATURE: Cunning Strike (Level 5)- Lets you trade Sneak Attack damage for one of three effects: Poison, Trip, Withdraw.
-Reliable Talent is now level 7 instead of 11
-NEW FEATURE: Improved Cunning Strike (11th Level)- You can now use two Cunning Strike options at once.
-NEW FEATURE: Devious Strikes (14th Level): You gain new Cunning Strike options: Daze, Knock Out, Obscure.
-Slippery Mind now gives you proficiency in both Wisdom AND Charisma saves.
-Epic Boon at level 19
-Stroke of Luck (Level 20) When used on an attack roll that misses is now an auto-critical hit.
-Arcane Trickster no longer has a spell school restriction for magic and has a slightly better Versatile Trickster feature and can cast Mage Hand as a Bonus Action now.
-Assassin's Assassinate (3rd Level) is better and Death Strike (17th Level) is easier to trigger. Infiltration Expertise (Level 9) also makes Steady Aim stronger. 13th Level Envenom Weapons (13th Level) makes the Poison Cunning Acton is stronger on this subclass.
-Thief's Fast Hands lets them use Magic Items as a Bonus Action. They get a new Cunning Strike option called "Stealth Attack" (Level 9) that lets them stay hidden after attacking. Use Magic Device (Level 13) Grants them a fourth attunement slot, they have a chance of making it so whenever you use a magic item with charges there's a chance you won't use any charges, and they can use all spell scrolls no matter the class.
-Soulknife- Psychic Blade range increased to 60/120 and have the Vex Mastery Property

Rogue Nerfs
-Level 14 Blindsense is gone

This is mostly buffs.
1. Swapping the mastery on a weapon is a world tree barb and fighter thing if you really want to.

2. Switch weapons. The alternate effect is way stronger than like the +1 or whatever. Mastery juggling is part of why they removed the need for magical BSP (the other being newbie clarity.)
Push is incredibly strong with the new way most damaging persistent AoE's work. Not just spike growth but spirit guardians, flaming sphere, conjure animals, etc.
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Not them, but they could have at least scaled the sneak attack dice up a bit more and I get the versatility thing with doing more stuff with Cunning Strike, but it being at the expense of not using your sneak attack damage (you know, your main source of damage usually) feels kinda mid, especially since half your CS options generally won't be seen in most campaigns.
>Enemy tries to hit your bro next to you
>sentinel OA with your warhammer
>Enemy is pushed 10ft away and has zero speed
Push can be great
>NEW FEATURE: Cunning Strike
Not a buff since the feature is trash. Even the most generous way of looking at it makes it a sidegrade at BEST.
>NEW FEATURE: Improved Cunning Strike (11th Level)- You can now use two Cunning Strike options at once.
>NEW FEATURE: Devious Strikes (14th Level): You gain new Cunning Strike options: Daze, Knock Out, Obscure.
See above.

>-NEW FEATURE: Weapon Mastery (Level 1) - You get two Weapon Mastery Properties and can change them each Long Rest
>-Epic Boon at level 19
Not rogue specific.

Meanwhile, similarly weak Barbarian got a massive overhaul of basically everything they have AND are on par as skill monkeys with Rogues AND they got a big chunk of extra DPR which the Rogue didn't. The rogue remains a squishy pile of shit that's useful only in the first Tier of play and then never again.
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>Pick up a greataxe from one of DM's deceased NPCs who was fighting our party
>Bind to it as a Pact Weapon
>Being a specific NPCs personal weapon it was a special tier of loot
>Initially +3 to both to hit and damage rolls
>+1 additional to Hit rolls from Improved Pact Weapon
>Rolls on this thing is +10 to Hit and 1D12 + 7 with extra attack
Pretty sure our DM is throwing us at death with these drops or he thinks we need them
Unironically a nothingburger. NTA btw.
Remove the Sneak Attack cost or saves from the Cunning Strike options and Rogue could be decent.
Oh btw, sentinel stacks now, i mean your entire party can get the feat, there's no more "(and that target doesn't have this feat)" line.
What if I have a pact weapon or weapon bond with a specific weapon? Or what if my PC has an emotional attachment to a specific weapon? Or what if I just don't want to juggle weapons because that looks and sounds stupid?
>>Initially +3 to both to hit and damage rolls
>>+1 additional to Hit rolls from Improved Pact Weapon
Why is it that "people" who play caster are always the ones who can't read?
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Because I'm playing Paladin/Warlock.
Specifically the most retarded classes with no brain to pilot. But yeah the axe had some stupid changes to the rolls of both attacks and to hit
>entire party picks the sentinel feat
>Enemy attacks one player
>The entire party has OAs against it
>weapon juggling
You only get one free object interaction per turn, don’t you? So dropping your weapon doesn’t then let you pick another one up.
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I agree Rogue's damage is terrible and the combat buffs they gave them come at a cost of their already low damage getting lower for the possibility of something else happening. It's not good. I would have been happy to see a spike at some point for their Sneak Attack dice to go up a bit or if they wanted to do something a little more interesting give them a reaction attack that triggers Sneak Attack so they could double up on Sneak Attacks at the cost of their reaction/Uncanny Dodge. Either option would make Cunning Strike's cost less painful.
Its not a terrible feature some options are worth using at certain points. If you're fighting Large or smaller Flying creatures, Trip is worth using since if they fail the falling damage makes up for the 1d6 loss die. Withdraw is useful as its a combination of half a Dash + Disengage without using your Bonus Action so you can move around really easily which in some cases is worth the 1d6 loss and unlike all other Cunning Strikes- this one always works. Poison is the only one atm that seems not all that good but its only because we don't know how prevalent Poisoned Immunity is.
Daze is pretty okay, its 2d6 but the effect can be solid if done at a distance and if it works, but you can't control that. Knock Out is horribly expensive at 6d6 but if it works great your foe's using an LR to not fall unconscious (Still Sleep is a 1st level spell so this ain't all that good). Obscure blinds but its 3d6 and again is a save...great in some cases against casters or something but that's about it.

It's not unusable.
>they literally rewrote the rules to make the weapon juggling meme function
That’s retarded on a level that I can’t articulate.
That's what notecards are for.
At least thrown weapons have been fixed.
This should have had a weaker version of the Fighting Initiate (only 1 maneuver) and/or a fighting style attached to it. No one is ever going to take this unless they're crazy desperate and CANNOT afford the 1 level dip
Darts are back
You know what? Sure, that was an issue. Probably one that should have been incorporated in the Thrown property, but at least they fixed SOMETHING.
They got rid of Superior Technique interestingly enough.
>Approx 6-9 slots a day assuming 2 shorts and a long, always max level
>Aprox 6-8 encounters a day
of course you save it for openers and emergencies
>do you feel rested from your ten minute break?
According to US federal labor laws, I am obliged to answer yes.
If you are playing 5e martial and having trouble finding way to contribute and shine out of combat, it's a >you problem. You are the same as castercucks who cast Charm Person and then go "what do you mean I have to roleplay the conversation? But I did the spell!"
But who is even dipping for martial weapons alone?
The only classes with no innate access to martial weapons are:
Can't use them anyway because you need to hold a Monk weapon or else.
It already has all the finesse melee weapons. I can see a minor benefit in gaining some of the martial ranged options for a slightly higher damage, but Rogues are less reliant on base weapon damage compared to others so who cares.
>sorcerer, wizard
Light Crossbow and Quarterstaff are just as good as most other weapons if you need a True Strike option.

That's it, that's all the classes without access to Martial Weapons. None actually benefits from that feat.
>6-8 encounters a day
Reminder that these should be combat, exploration and social encounters, these all count as "encounters".
Roll20 added somebody's Tactician class and it's the most horrendous dogshit I have ever read.

>Darts are back
Ranged weapons are shit, you want thrown melee weapons. Barb is going to be a better ranged combatant with thrown weapons than any other class can be with a bow.
Bards and technically Warlocks too. This is also why I think it could be an Origin Feat- martial weapon training alone doesn't do enough to warrant being a 4th level/general feat. In fact its still not good enough nor universal enough to be an Origin Feat so it would need a buff anyway.
>it's the most horrendous dogshit I have ever read
I’m not saying that this is good, but I am saying that you’ve clearly never read Somot’s garbage.
I don't like 10m short rests because it makes a warlock go from casting 16*slots spells on their days off to 160*slots spells on their days off.

>"But warlocks don't get any spells with lasting effects, in order to prevent that kind of abuse"

What I will accept is 10m duration, but no more than once per hour.
You mean weapon masteries?
Examples of the multiclassing and what spells? Genuinely curious
He probably forgot any spell that takes more than a round to cast, including rituals, needs concentration too.
The only bard who cares is a Valor Bard, and that's already covered.
Blade pact. You can't even use your Warlock special "extra attack" with a weapon other than your pact weapon, so it's irrelevant to get martial weapon proficiency alone.

>This is also why I think it could be an Origin Feat
>nor universal enough to be an Origin Feat so it would need a buff anyway.
I agree.
But the real problem in the case of making it into an origin feat is that martial oriented backgrounds that do absolutely nothing for martial classes are fucking stupid.
>But the real problem in the case of making it into an origin feat is that martial oriented backgrounds that do absolutely nothing for martial classes are fucking stupid.
Which is why you buff it to give martial characters something if they pick it. This could be Savage Attacker or an additional Fightning Style or something. It can't just be Martial Weapon prof.
I can't wait any longer!
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Does BM stand for Weapon Masteries? I think not boyo.
Having a shield is fucking +5 AC, and +2 at character creation. It's not even in the same realm as any existing origin feat.
Only if they deplete party resources in some way.
>it is because they aren't universally useable. Look at the 10 Origin Feats in the 2024 PHB, any class can pick them and use them-
A wizard or sorcerer cannot and should not ever use Tavern Brawler or Savage Attacker. A barbarian or monk cannot gain maximum benefit from Healer (no healing spells) or Magic Initiate (no slots) or Crafter (no components).
Reminder that these should be fewer, harder encounters if you want anybody to ever die
Yeah if you're not doing Sneak Attack damage might aswell spend your action to Dodge and Bonus action to hide/dash away all the time
>A wizard or sorcerer cannot and should not ever use Tavern Brawler or Savage Attacker.
Yes, they can. It's not *good* but they can objectively use both of these. Savage Attacker at least works with True Strike or a dagger.
>A barbarian or monk cannot gain maximum benefit from Healer (no healing spells) or Magic Initiate (no slots) or Crafter (no components).
Sure they don't get the maximum benefit but they DO get some benefit. That's the point of the universal aspect. It doesn't matter if its not a good or great benefit for the class it just has to give them something they could use.
If you made the Martial Adept feat an Origin Feat and only removed the ASI- this objectively does NOTHING for Fighters, Barbarians, Paladins or Rangers which again none of the other Origin feats do for any class.
Magic Items do make that a pretty potent buff in theory with +3 Studded Leather & a +3 Shield this would be a +8-10 bonus which is massive.
>Martial Adept feat
Sorry *Martial Weapon Training Feat
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The art in the new PHB hits different.
I am repulsed at how soulless this shit is.
Wuzards are already getting +5/(+8 nodex) armor from the armor slot, what this really save is the atunement slot. Robes are probably still BiS if you can get them anyway.
But shields are a big deal.
In the DMG, these are explicitly combat encounters. Maybe traps which can attrite resources similarly, but that's not the context of the chart.
>What's your favorite class, /5eg/? What do you like about it?
Sorcerer for the theme of having innate magic and not having to prepare spells. It can lend itself to a lot of character concepts while wizards despite being very versatile all have to have studying magic in a somewhat professional manner in their background.

That being said you can still do fun stuff with wizard backgrounds. I remember that idea someone had here on /tg/ years ago where the reason why female spell casters are so slutty is because male spell casters would trawl villages for poor good looking girls with the slightest hint of magical talent then once they've been brought back to his tower make them compete against each other for his limited teaching time. The girls would usually reluctantly go with the idea of trading sexual favors because being able to cast spells is better than being some random farmers wife.
I think the nice part of Light Armor on the Sorcerer and Wizard is that they're bypassing needing to get Mage Armor which frees up another spell for them - couple that with Shields it'd be a real strong pick at level 1 for them. It would still need a buff however to make it so if a character at level 1 already has those profs. they would get something as a part of it.
Mostly because of shit like casting Mage Armor right before the end of a long rest so that you immediately get the slot back. That’s always been dumb, so I figured better to get all those cases taken care of at once.

I specifically mentioned rituals because at least one person always thinks they’re being clever, but the real reason was more to avoid general duration chicanery.
Literally just shield proficiency and nothing else would already be better than any two other origin feats already in the game lol
>Coming back home after an average adventure day.
>You know, just going into a dungeon, popping some punk ass orcs.
>Its already dark.
>I'm trying to find my keys to open the door.
>There is a carriage turning down the street. Ridding slow.
>Something is odd. I see the shine of the crossbow bolts.
>I duck the the ground
>They start firing.
>Bolt after bolt after bolt
>Driver slaps the reins. Horse gallop away. Carriage turn around the corner.
>I start to get up.
>There are screams and crying coming from inside the house...
>I open the door.
>Mom is standing besides Jerome's body
>"Nah, Jerome, mah baby..! He just got accepted into college!!!"
Hmm...Idk Musician is really strong. Mass Heroic Inspiration is potent. Alert is great, being able to swap initiative is always useful and a big team buff.
Shield prof really only helps you. I'd say the others are still stronger.
I actually do like this. But it still makes soldier a horrible background for martial characters, since it's redundant.

Though you could have it give a benefit if you are. I wish expertise in a weapon wasn't so dang impactful, it would be perfect otherwise.
t. A man who's never seen an anime or john wick movie in his life
>Pact weapon
Warlocks don't get mastery. If you take the feat, you only get 1.

>Or what if my PC has an emotional attachment to a specific weapon?
Then you always include it as one of your attacks in a turn. Or several. Adding a single glaive attack for Cleave or sneaking in an extra twf dagger attack for Nick doesn't ban you from using all other weapons.
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>But it still makes soldier a horrible background for martial characters, since it's redundant.
I mean I did give it Savage Attacker for martial characters- it's not very good but it is something to avoid redundancy. Tavern Brawler feels so much better than this and I feel we could push it up a bit...

>[Homebrew] Martial Training
>Origin Feat
>You gain the following benefits.
>Martial Weapon Training. You gain proficiency with Martial weapons.
>Damage Advantage. Once per turn when you hit a target with a weapon, you can roll the weapon's damage dice twice and use either roll against the target.
>Savage Attacks. When you score a Critical Hit with a weapon, you can roll one of the weapon's damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.

How' bout that? If you wanted to, you could just make the damage advantage effect damage reroll and just take the Tavern Brawler's Damage Reroll effect and make it for weapons which I think is nice for martials.
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So basically taking the phased out Half-orc's Savage Attacks, damage rerolls and martial weapon training? Seems good, though I'd probably trade the reroll in for at least some medium armor proficiency since I doubt they'd send you out on the frontlines without any sort of armor or armor training.
Swapping weapons when your previous one is out of ammunition or has broken is cool. Swapping weapons back and forth constantly is not.
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I fear that giving armor training runs a similar issue you'd run into by giving Shields while also making the feat less good for Martials. You don't have to be in the front lines to make this work as a Soldier- who said your soldier couldn't be a sniper with a Longbow or Heavy Crossbow sniping from a distance (and if they're a mage) with True Strike and a Familiar or something?
I suppose. I just figured a nice mix of offense and defense for those like the aforementioned battle mage not having to rely solely on mage armor if they have the background so you don't have to dip into fighter for everything anyway.
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The flavor btw doesn't have to be locked into explicit military training- you could flavor the feat as if you were trained by a master of weapons instead. Or something to that effect.
It really bothers me that the example Backgrounds don't give multiple feat options- why do all Soldiers have to get Savage Attacker? Why not the Tough feat? If my Soldier was trained to take a blow that feat would make more sense. Or if my Soldier was trained with the backline mages in the army Magic Initiate would fit better. It's oddly restrictive...which is why everyone should use Custom Backgrounds, that can take account of these nuances.
I get it, its just safer to not give more armor.
They got rid of EVERYTHING that lets you steal a class specific mechanic or spell, other than shadow and fey touched.

As long as it costs HP or slots, sure.

Animate Dead immediately springs to mind.
Animal Friendship too.
But basically anything that's a duration of 8hr or longer that's nonconcentration.

But even just enabling them to create the magic mouth computer literally overnight is damaging to setting stability.
You can use Twinned Spell metamagic on Dragon’s Breath and anyone who disagrees is the kind of person who would fail the breakfast question.
Multiclassing into a Warlock/Sorcerer with Extended Spell breaks it as well
Because they were committed to keeping backgrounds in the game as defined things, rather than axing them and just saying that everyone gets one feat at 1st level.
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>They got rid of EVERYTHING that lets you steal a class-specific mechanic or spell, other than shadow and fey touched.
I low key wish Martial Adept and Superior Technique were still a thing- Level 14 BM would look at Martial Adept and be like
>"This feat gives me Bonus Action Dash and Disengage plus one extra sup dice...and next level I could do it at will."
It would be an auto-pick for all Batte Masters at a point.
It literally couldn't be clearer that you can't do this in .5
>You know what else warps reality? Being able to fall 40 feet and survive and keep fighting. Being able to be hit by a flying giant boulder and keep fighting. Being able to swim across the ocean in full plate. Et cetera.
the problem is that there's several full casters who can do all of that AND get 9th level spells on top. There's even casters who get fighting styles and Extra Attack. The problem is not that everyone is superheroic, the problem is that some people get to be superheroic AND have a list of 300 doohickeys they can do on top of being a superhero, while some people are stuck just being a basic superhero with nothing else.

There's games where this isn't an issue, and being a magic using superhero is bitch made compared to being a gigachad martial superhero (like Exalted, or most capeshit systems, or FATE, or World of Darkness shit)

It's the same issue as 3.5, when a Cleric and Druid get a D8 hit die, Good fortitude and Will saves, plus the ability to wear armor and fight with weapons well, AND they get to be full-casters on top.....why the fuck would you play a Monk or Rogue who are also 3/4 BAB classes but don't get any spells (and whose class features they DO get are still weaker than even the non-spellcasting class features of cleric and druid, a druid can just use wildshape and their animal companion in 3.5 and be better than them at fighting even without spells)

It's really an incredibly simple proposition that tons of other games have managed to do just fine. Just give the people who don't have magic class features that are just as good, or even better, than the ability to cast spells. if X has magic and Y doesn't, Y's class features should be just as compelling and useful.
Who here played Rime of the Frostmaiden?

What were your experiences with it?
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>Trickery Clerics lost Polymorph and Mirror Image
Sad Wukong Days...
>But the emperor was an aasimar
The aasimar are only humans with divine blood.
>It would be an auto-pick
That’s a reason not to have something in the game. If it would be an auto-pick at any point, it should either be incorporated into the class or left out entirely.
I don't disagree, it would have been nice to get even more maneuvers as a BM or the ability to change them on an LR.
Wtf does that have to do with anon's point at all, retard? Did you even read the post you're replying to?
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>Class: Trickery Cleric
>Background Feat: Magic Initiate (Wizard) [True Strike, Minor Illusion, Find Familiar (Flying Monkey) or Jump]
>Weapon: Quarterstaff/Bo Staff
>Multiclass 1 Level into Monk if you want to be able to use Unarmed Strikes, Bonus Action attacks, and Unarmored Defense
I really wish we had prestige classes or something to really tie together multiclass concepts.
>Wtf does that have to do with anon's point at all, retard
him saying "UHHHH DUDE MARTIALS CAN WARP REALITY TOO, THEY CAN FALL REAL HIGH!" is not an actual argument when that's a shared baseline for EVERY PC of a given level, and doesn't address the point in contention which is that (besides Paladin) there's not actual class features significant enough to make up for not being a 9th level caster. Ideally, EVERY non full caster would be as strong and fun and good as Paladin is. Hell, since Paladins are still half-casters, ideally Fighter/Barbarian/Rogue/Monk class features should be EVEN BETTER than Paladin's Auras and Lay on Hands and such, since Paladin gets those AND some spellcasting.
Anon, did you know there's this game called "Dungeons and Dragons" that has prestige classes, and dozens of classes, and feats every three levels that you don't lose out on from multiclassing, and

You can just say that yes, you didn't read his post, lol
Given 2024's grand design changes being just reintroducing feat chains/feats being baseline and not optional/basic crafting and skill uses from 3.5, expect Prestige Classes to return in 2034 with WotC pretending they're all-new never before seen design
The Fighter art is exponentially better.
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Also, this Glamour Bard looks great!
nah nu-magic initiate is pretty stupidly good on most non-wizards. True Strike as a melee attack AND ranged cantrip, that also changes your damage type to Radiant, that also adds modifier to damage makes it the best option for clerics and Druids since you can now pick your spellcasting attribute. Same with being able to grab Shield even as a Druid or Cleric.

Musician is just better Lucky meanwhile Lucky got nerfed pretty hard. Inspiration does allow re-rolling failurs, while new lucky just gives advantage and needs to be done in advance
I started with 3.5, you maroon. That’s how I know what they are. There are several other aspects of 5e that I prefer to the trainwreck that is 3.5, I just wish I could have prestige classes as well.
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Honestly the only ones I found good was the Fighter and the Archfey Warlock gal.
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>shopkeeper/innkeeper/service provider is a dragon or other unreasonably powerful entity
Have you ever done this?
For reference, this is the new Fighter art, it's surprisingly good.
>What's your favorite class, /5eg/? What do you like about it?
Warlock. I really like (the non-awful) invocations, and "shooting energy from your hands" is my favourite character image. I prefer it in the "lots of small attack blasts" sense rather than the slinging fireball sense so EB is perfect for me. Only Soul Knife rogues provide the same fantasy for me. Sun Soul and Ascendant Dragon monk would if they weren't lame.

I'm still fucking FUMING at how they neutered AD Monk
>2 ki to use your breath for a whopping 2d6 damage (granted the free uses are nice)
>Fly conditions: Until the end of your turn, costs ki, costs a bonus action, can only be used prof bonus times
>Fly conditions for Twilight Cleric and Genie Monk: teehee go crazy for several minutes and no further resource cost!!!!
Why does Crawford hate monk subclasses? Why does the melee martial have less flight budget than ranged casters, who get far more power from it?
The funky contrast of the phone cam PHB has me convinced that half of the art would actually be decent with a different color palette.
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In my continuing trend of asking you guys for advice, help me out here fellas. My group is attending a Royal Ball in our next session, to wrap up a Tournament that brought contestants from multiple nations together.

My character won the Joust despite being a titleless hedge-knight bastard son who basically has nothing to his name. This is huge as he defeated several nobles and royals to do so because the dice loved him. The Princess of a country in particular seems to have taken a great interest in him, and the DM is hinting to me that she's gonna ask my character to dance.

He, in character, has no idea how to dance because he wasn't trained for it. I don't have proficency in Performance checks, but I have decent Cha at 16.

Any advice on what to do at the Ball to not make an ass of myself/dishonor the Princess if asked to dance?
I’ve done it once, but on a grander scale than just “innkeeper”. He’s the caretaker of the meeting place where a bunch of ranching groups come together once a year for a big winter festival. Most of the year, it’s a fairly quiet village, though they’re hospitable enough to any travelers coming through in the off season.

He originally set up shop there with the idea of using the festival as a cover for the wealth that he’d be hoarding in the area, and took on a mortal guise so that he’d be able to have his claws in everything going on, but he found himself getting attached to the people attending, coming to view them as his pets. He’s changed guise a few times now, usually posing as his own descendant, and grumbles a bit about how much it all distracts him from what he really needs to be doing, but those close enough to him to know the truth about him—the ones he takes on as his “family”—know that it’s all just talk. Everyone else just marvels at how consistent the hot springs are in that region.
>"shooting energy from your hands" is my favourite character image
Unless there's a way to make it lightning I'm not interested.
>that filename
>Reasonable advice
Ask her to take the lead. Normally this is unmanly, but you're already of a much lower class so it can't hurt your standing too much.
>Wacky hijinks advice
Get someone in the party (or a trusted NPC) to disguise themselves as you and tag them in when it's dance time.
Is he wrong?
Like armorer or dragon monk? Once again, dragon monk swoops in with having by far the coolest level 3 ability but being undertuned
Play up his naiveté, be humble, go for maximum golly I'm just glad to be here vibes. It'll grate on the nerves of the knights he defeated without giving them an excuse to actually do anything, and might get him laid.
I am a newbie DM. My players is about to stumble into a "most dangerous game" scenario. Any tips or advice on how to run this? One map or a few? Should it involve them running, hiding, finding weapons? Just overall ideas on how to run this
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Yeah, I had an Adult Copper Dragon disguised as a Jester play a prank/fetch quest on the party by having them look for his lost cat Felix. What he neglected to mention is that Felix was a displacer beast that they had to spend several hours hunting down, incapacitate and bring back for their reward. He also had the party do a funny dance Mother 3 style at the door to his lair in order to be let in for shits and giggles and later on served as a form of fast travel for the party and helped them in the fight against a demon lord that broke its way into the Material Plane. https://youtu.be/pUJ7K6ePYx0

On an unrelated note, is Valor Bard any good in the new edition? I keep seeing people mention using it with Conjure Minor Elementals, but couldn't Swords Bard fill a similar niche since they can use their weapons as spellcasting focus?
I mean if you're going to shoot energy at someone, the best options will always be lasers (that ACT like lasers), and lightning.
Yo turn the exposure up I can't see shit, it's like a DC movie
Watch a movie called Deadly Prey and just do that. If you're hardcore, watch The Naked Prey instead.
Thanks! I''ll check those out for plot points.
Any ideas for running the game mechanics?
Monsters will simply stop coming within 5 feet of PCs. Or the encounters will be calculated by reducing the CR of the retard ones.
Metagame strategies always flop in real TTRPG playtime. Need play the game to know it, sadly.
Be prepared with tables for random gear they find, you don't want them to feel like you're dictating what they get and when, but at the same time don't let them find something like a backpack, make them choose what to take and what to leave behind.
>Monsters will simply stop coming within 5 feet of PCs
Only if enemies have some way of communicating to each other about how the PCs fight. If not, they'd have to start every combat falling for it. Unless the DM is a retard.
>Monsters will simply stop coming within 5 feet of PCs.
Most monsters are primarily or entirely melee based though
That's just Piercer with the ASI replaced with Martial Weapon proficiency.
I really desperately pine for an extension that auto-converts webps to PNG.

Or else for 4chan to start allowing webps if it really is going to start replacing jpg or whatever, in the same way /gif/ finally allowed webm.
how much times does he have before the ball?
Does anyone else in the party has Performance? Could have a funny party moment where your character gets to learn some basics quickly before the ball.
otherwise, if the princess has interest in your character already, despite his status, she probably expects him to not be a fine courtly dancer, so i'd say have him be himself & earnest, some eyebrows might be raised but it should be just fine
Or maybe the princess wants to humiliate him, but with what you told about the recent event, i doubt that would happen, but there are probably people in court who wants to humiliate him
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>decide to play a bard
>game starts
>be useless
>Have wanted Wot4E to be redone for years, its notoriously shit
>Its getting revamped in 2024
>Get my hands on the book
>They took away all the flavor versatility like Shape the Flowing River
>It all just gets replaced with generic Now You Can Flavor Your Punches at Level 3 and an AoE at 6
Yes, but you're a Monk player, so you just kinda signed up to get shit on.
yeah, I hate what they did too. it was battle master for monk but for some reason everyone hated it
Your not wrong but I couldn't think of anything else really.
People hated it because by the time it got to do anything cool, you were well behind the bellcurve of what other half-casters could do.
The whole fucking flavor of the class is obviously intune with Avatar and Eastern elemental philosophies and they pigeonhole it into "Punch Good."
Im sure its strong mechanically but wow did they get rid of any and all abilities for that class to have any outside the box thinking or creativity.
Just Hit the Thing.
Fuck WotC.
They couldnt even let Elementalism freeze water.
? Swords bard is one of the strongest subclasses in the game bwo
We were level 2 and it was purely roleplay.
>For whatever reason, players really like finishing a session on a long rest.
Never experienced this d.e.s.u. My parties take a long rest at the end of the adventuring day (or if not doing so risks death). No group I've played in or DMed for has factored in the beginning or end of a session.
>>It all just gets replaced with generic Now You Can Flavor Your Punches at Level 3 and an AoE at 6
>Flavoured punches
Dragon Monk bros... Did they just stealth rework our lacklustre subclass? We're so back. 4Eejits stay losing.
I looked at Way of the Elements and Dragon, not sure why you think Dragon is that much better.
Ok fair
They know their demographics. Casters are sovl-less, but Fighter players care a lot more about being soulful.

If your dm trims out all the goofy and the handholding it can be a decent survival horror module like it's supposed to be.

If the players murder hobo swat team too hard, they can also sequence-break and fuck up the time pressure. The writers heavily expected a more pacifist or at the very least cowardly or unprepared style of play.
Easiest fixes:
1. just let Auril cheat a bit in fight 1 if they get her too low she just nopes the fuck out. Or maybe just phases out into the winter wind every time she'd be dropped to 0 then comes back the next turn, so you HAVE to escape with the Codicil and use it to reach the Mythilar to tone down with the weather first THEN go fight her. If they win fight 1, they will literally skip some of the coolest stuff in the module. The authors wrote it like a scripted loss and retreat, but forgot to write a tangible plot reason, they just assume players will suck too much
Fix 2, if your party kills all the Arcane Brotherhood members before they reach Ythrn, add one more so they're still in a race to the finish.
Close. dragon was a rework of the original 4elem (fire version), as was sun soul.
Decent with a DM who changes stuff especially once you hit a certain chapter since by offical DnD rules what you're supposed to do is basically impossible to achieve without heavy DM fiat.
>Inb4 proof

>Fangs of the Fire Snake
>Burning Hands
>Fly (self only)
It really just needed to be made into a 1/3 caster and I don’t understand why they were so allergic to the idea.
This shit does not gel with my autism. Can't you just toss it on catbox?
just people being silly bud.

because they refuse to have a class have two complex resources at the same time. same reason they''ll never give maneuvers to all fighters, because they'd either have to make all subclass abilities run on superiority die, like run knight and psi warrior, or else make them resourceless.

So you can have slots, or you can have ki points, you can't have both.

like, to the point I am legitimately surprised that Lay on Hands wasn't rolled into Channel the way Divine Sense was, i guess they figure it's easy enough since it can only be used for one thing, healing.

It's also why I'm surprised they didn't make any of the subclasses of ranger spend uses of Favored Enemy to do things other than Hunter's Mark. Personally, I'd have let it resurrect beast companion and refill uses of Nature's Veil, Tireless, Misty Wanderer, Dreadful Strike, etc. Basically anything that says "spend a spell slot of 1st or higher" or "wisdom uses per day"
I honestly still expect them to still do that at some point, it's very fertile design space, helps fix the seeming hunter's mark focus and wisdom tertiary issue, and they've literally already done it with druid, cleric, and paladin.
catbox is dead.

also, everyone else has figured it out fine. just read the hints.
>image from great game
>”classy edition”

you and every other faggot in this thread should be executed
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>it's too hard, the DM has to go kids gloves or it's impossible
>it's too easy, the DM has to constantly remove the modules kids gloves
>catbox is dead.
No it isn't.
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>What's your favorite class, /5eg/?
>What do you like about it?
It's like a fighter, but has all the tools to be self-sufficient through spell casting

>can be melee or ranged
>martial weapons and a fat hit die to take and give hits
>can heal and cure conditions
>can summon creatures to fight for them
>can disable multiple enemies with control spells
>pet subclasses with beast master and drake warden

With more time to cook, they could have made ranger the premier pet class, rather than the boring no flavor that is hunter's mark. If you abandon hunter's mark, summon beast is a fantastic summon for every ranger subclass.
wait nevermind i'm thinking of why we couldn't reuse anonfiles, which is where we were posting the PHB back in 2014 after we fixed the 7-tan scans.

As for catbox, the original fuzzy as fuck scan was 225mb, 25mb too big for catbox.
That said, we haven't changed services at all since the dndshorts one. we're just making the exact link and password hard to obtain for people that are going to report it for like the 8th fucking time. Literally only one upload of 2024phb has lasted the full week duration so far. If you're a channer for more than a couple months, you should more or less know how to break that code, and if you need a memory jog there's the hints.

also on the off chance it's not taken down for copyright and the uploader banned, catbox urls last forever, while these PDFs are still being improved upon.
admittedly the current version is finally pretty well complete, the rest being added is just ease of use features. But still, it would be confusing to have multiple links to different updates.
Are there any species in the old 2014 phb and supplements that are wonky with the new 2024 rules?
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Well this is retarded.
you're more than a month late
They all are, because 5.5 removes racial ability score adjustments and makes them part of your background instead.
I was hoping it wouldn't make it into the finished product.
I mean I'm not a fan of the demonsterfying of races like the kenku or lizardfolk or even the aasimar(god volos really was the best book huh?) but that was a MMoM and Tasha issue more then anything. All the new PHB does is cement that all races will be uninspired shit.
>because they refuse to have a class have two complex resources at the same time
*Sorcerers in your path*
Doesn't really help if you don't know what the first is, it's been over two decades since you've seen the second, and you know the fourth only by reference.
sorcery points only modify what slots can do or turn into slots. it's not actually two separate mechanics.

plasmoid is wonky because grappling is no longer a skill check.
Unironically moving the goalposts. The original claim was about two complex resources, which sorcery points absolutely qualify as.
except it's literally the same resource.
So you can spend additional spell slots as spell slots to apply metamagic?
yes, sorcerers are able to convert and use their spell slots in a secondary resource system called 'sorcery points' to modify spells in interesting ways.

we can determine if this is a different mechanic if other classes can do the same and modify their spells using meta magic - can wizards? no. it must be different.

ironically this is why wizard is labelled as 'average' complexity whereas classes that have a secondary mechanic - like bards druids and sorcs - are labelled as high complexity.
>secondary resource system
So it IS a second resource. Got it.
Hello I'm looking to run a game with online strangers and expecting a high attrition rate. My goal is to eventually try to take the survivors and move onto either a different system or homemade campaign instead of premade.
Can anyone suggest a module, or tell me a bit about Lost Laboratory of Kwalish and Dragons of Stormwrek Isle?
Ideally being able to deal with a large influx of initial players and high drop off rate is reasonable.
I'm a fairly experienced DM but prefer other systems and it's been years since I played D&D, just looking to get people in easily.
>If you're a channer for more than a couple months, you should more or less know how to break that code, and if you need a memory jog there's the hints.
Genuinely, I've been here for 18 years, and I have no idea how I'm supposed to parse an arbitrary selection code like that. It looks vaguely like a mega link, except it lacks the hashtag for the decryption key. You really have to stop pretending like there is some universal experience at hand here. Being on 4chan doesn't inherently lead to anywhere else. Most people share files of live content through easy access drops without the rigamarole. The PDF Share thread and its obfuscation exist for long term storage, not content that's less than a week old.
And the hints are bullshit. There is no association in any universe between Chess and Goldeneye. Even if there was, what is black and white or checkmate or zugzwang even supposed to indicate? Is it implicating a site? Is it implicating a cipher?
Just use Litterbox for god's sake. It solves literally each one of your problems. Uploads up to 1GB, deletes itself for being a temporary version, you don't even get an account so you can't get banned. (You can even use a VPN if you think litterbox does IP bans, but I don't believe it's even managed enough to do that with anything short of CP.)
I didn't say the module in general is too hard, just that there is a specific point in the campaign where you are expected to do a thing you are literally not capable of doing if you play by the rules laid out by the very book you're playing.
fuck off.

multiple other people in the last 4 threads have gotten the clues. you're just stupid or a corpo.
not Goldeneye. Goldeneye 007.
Why don't you download it and upload it to litterbox then?
Motherfucker I am literally telling you a better method of filesharing. There is nothing a "corpo" could gain by enticing you to use Litterbox. It would just result in the file being spread faster and further and MORE anonymously. Don't be a retard.
I am well aware of to what Goldeneye means, anon. I am telling you that there is no concept in it that relates to Chess in any world. I know everything there is to know about both the movie and the N64 game, I have played them to death, and there is nothing. At all. To do with Chess. There is not a single concept within chess that will lead to a well known sharing site to begin with. Whatever you think might be being referred to is not, in fact, anything close to common knowledge.

As I said to begin with, this shit does not gel with my autism.
Anon. There is a first fucking step in that. Which I am clearly unable to do. I would gleefully do so.
The answer is staring you in the face. You have already posted something that implies you have the requisite knowledge.
>I am well aware of to what Goldeneye means, anon. I am telling you that there is no concept in it that relates to Chess in any world. I know everything there is to know about both the movie and the N64 game, I have played them to death, and there is nothing. At all. To do with Chess. There is not a single concept within chess that will lead to a well known sharing site to begin with. Whatever you think might be being referred to is not, in fact, anything close to common knowledge.
Anon... ignore the chess and focus on what you know
>Which I am clearly unable to do
Skill issue.
use the other two clues if you have no idea what a chess board is.

all of this is very. very easily googlable.
not the game of chess. a chess BOARD.
I think he's confusing the banter between the redhead and the hacker in Goldeneye with the redhead in Virus who exchanged chess moves with someone on Mir
by this point, I'm gatekeeping you specifically on principle.
I sure as hell wouldn't want to play with you.
now now, don't tease him. the little hamster wheel in his head has to start turning eventually.
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You people are insufferable.
A chessboard has even less to do with an FPS game. The concepts relating to a chessboard are even more finite. Black and white. Grid. Eight by eight. These are still. Not. Leading to anything.
I like this a lot more than it being tied to species personally.
Okay yeah you DEFINITELY have all of the requisite information then. you're just stupid.
>On an unrelated note, is Valor Bard any good in the new edition? I keep seeing people mention using it with Conjure Minor Elementals, but couldn't Swords Bard fill a similar niche since they can use their weapons as spellcasting focus?
Swords Bards can do alright damage with CME, but not quite as much as a Valor Bard can this is because Valor Bard's extra attack lets them replace one of their attacks with any cantrip (not just a Bard cantrip) so if you dipped 1 level into Warlock, suddenly you're able to attack 2 times with your weapons (assuming your Dual Wielding + Nick) and Eldritch Blast for 3 Beams. Each successful hit deals an extra 6d8 damage from a 6th Level Conjure Minor Elementals. Fantastic single-target damage.
Eugh, okay. I got it, but I'm not happy that I got it. Why even encode like that? There is no way that I should be expected to know that THAT is how it looks. Hexadecimal I could forgive but not that.
I think a lot of the people who hate it are more annoyed that it is tied to anything rather then being tied to species.
Could be wrong I guess.
you've been here
and you've never encountered it once?

Do you only browse /po/ or something?
My bad I mentioned Nick, Valor Bards don't have weapon mastery so you'd have to use your Bonus Action for the second weapon attack. It doesn't change the number of attacks here, but it does cost your BA. I personally think the best way to go about using CME on a Valor Bard/Warlock is to take the 2 level dip into Fighter for Action Surge (So you can set up CME at the start of combat and not lose the first round of damage) and the Weapon Mastery for Nick, this would also allow you to get the Dual Wielder feat so you could get one more attack in the end.
I, too, am tired of these retarded newfags who can't figure out how to use a torrent and spend all day being fags in discord
/jp/ and /f/, if you must know. I only show up here when new material for D&D or Exalted comes out.
I'll stand by that it's not a common sight at all.
How could you possibly like it? Do you know why nonhumans have ability score adjustments?
in his defense, the L5R general had only the barest attempt to hide material and the uploads were all in google docs, nothing fancy, nothing to decode, and it worked for years without issue. The PDF thread likes to act like what they do is necessary, but it's really not.
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What if drake warden companion?
>How could you possibly like it?
I like the idea of PCs Ability Scores being based on their experiences and training in life rather than it being based on what species they are. It makes more sense to say it's not what you are but what you've done.
So yeah I like that way more. Besides they've been moving away from species having specific ability score increases for a few years now so its really nothing major.
Ah, two boards that literally never deal in concealing links, and one that specifically only deals in directly uploaded media, so the only reason to post a link at all is to music sauce.
Fair enough I guess.
Consider this your crash course in basic piracy on 4chan.

an abandoned IP? of course it was fine, you can link directly to atari roms on /vr/ too I bet.
Some companies are a lot more anal about that sort of thing then others, and/or have more resources to expend in fucking with it. I know there's been a few horror stories around WotC, but I'll admit I don't know much about L5R.
do you know why humans have ability score adjustments?
NTA but the reason nonhumans and humans have ability score adjustments is because they do. That's it.
>how could you possibly like it
Because it's good. There is no drawback to doing this and it frees up fluff that didn't need to be connected to mechanics.
>an abandoned IP?
It was getting regular releases at the time, the first time I saw a new book there was Shadowlands in 2019, and it had the yearly releases until FFG stopped publishing.
>It makes more sense
No it doesn't.
The reason is different species (we use the term races but it's wrong) are better or worse at different things, humans might run the gamut but there aren't human are they?
>There is no drawback to doing this
The drawback is it removes distinction from your species choice and is one more step to just making them window dressing, just a skin you slap on a human with no greater meaning behind it. Don't bother saying I'm wrong, there is no possible valid refutation.
>Divine Smite
Use it only when you crit or are fighting Undead or Fiends.

>Searing Smite
This is the most damaging smite spell (assuming the target isn't resistant or immune to fire). It doesn't deal as much damage as Divine Smite on a critical hit nor when damaging Undead or Fiends, however, if the target fails one CON save it out damages all other smites of equal level including a critical hit Divine Smite (but not against undead or fiends). (You can make this considerably stronger with Celestial Warlock's Radiant Soul feature)

>Thunderous Smite
Solid for knocking targets prone and pushing back 10 feet. Combos well with the Slow Mastery or Push Mastery.

>Wrathful Smite
Solid for frightening targets, works well with Reach Weapons and Push Mastery. Also obtainable from Shadow Touched.

>Shining Smite
A great option for concentration as it gives the party Advantage on attacks against the target and has no save!

>Blinding Smite
Fantastic effect, 3d8 Radiant's not bad for a 3rd level slot and it Blinds automatically on hit and at the minimum lasts until the END of the target's next turn. It generates Advantage for allies during that time and stops the target from using features or spells that require them to see someone or a point.

>Staggering Smite
I'm not a big fan of this one, the damage is real low for a 4th level slot at 4d6- the effect doesn't auto Stun, it is a WIS save, if they fail it they are stunned until the end of your next turn which is longer than Stunning Strike. Meh, at least its not concentration.

>Banishing Smite
On average this deals more damage on a critical hit than Divine Smite does against non-Fiends or Undead. I don't care for the effect, gambling on a target having 50 HP or fewer is tough, and then they still get a CHA save to avoid the banishment. It's nice if it works but I'd probably only use this for the critical hit when Searing Smite or Divine Smite wouldn't work and I'm not concentrating on something else.
Why do they call an arming sword a longsword? IRL, longswords were typically longer than bastard swords.
You do realize that species have their own traits right? That's the stuff that actually separates them from one another.
Same reason the devs act like "studded leather" is a thing, rather than brigandine - classification error that no one bothered to correct for decades.
It's cause Gygax and Greenwood didn't have the internet to check terminology back when they were coming up with shit. It's the same reason why they thought medieval people put studs in their leather armor for protection, when in actuality, the protection wasn't from those studs but from the the strips of plate held in place by them.
The great sword deity Walter Arthur Stabbington decreed it thus, there are countless rumours as to why this name change occured, or if it even happened at all and is simply heresy spread from the poisonous followers of Pikes Prickler.
Because when this shit was written in the 70's no one had the internet to check these things and now it's just momentum and a lack of autistic need to change it for the sake of pointless accuracy.
You do realize fantasy races have had distinct physical and mental differences from humanity for as long as the concept of fantasy races has existed on this fucking planet, right? And there's no reason to ever change that.
I hate wannabe snobs like you. The classification of swords has never been precise. There's no grand arbiter of blade weapons who comes out and measures your shit every time you forge. A blacksmith would call their sword a longsword if it was fucking long and a shortsword if it was god damned short. The distinction of "arming sword" only came about in the very late medieval eras when swords had been in use for millennia.
prove it
you look at these orcs and tell me they have +2 str, +1 con
Jabba the hut in the back with the bird probably has plenty of con. You'd have to stab pretty deep to actually reach vital organs under all that morbid obesity.
So, what, it's something to do with the number 64? That means nothing.
I'm running Descent into Avernus and since my characters are already involved with the Hells in various ways as part of my customisations I put a mysterious goods store in Baldur's Gate run by Mahadi in disguise for fun and to keep abreast of developments in the material plane. He dispensed some lore, bought some of their harder-to-sell treasure and answered some questions about their backstory mysteries while withholding other info he knew.
They don't have much money yet, but the artificer was able to buy a broken gun he can repair with tinker's tools.
Doesn't matter, you get stat bonuses from Background, not race.
Sounds like you're not based then
That's what traits are for? Give the species a skill or feature that fits those physical or mental changes. Your Goliath's are strong so they give them Powerful Build, Elves have strong senses so they give them Insight, Perception, or Survival, and due to having fey origins they have advantage to avoid charms.
You don't need ability score bonuses to make those differences known.
I think the two on the right look pretty fucking jacked, and anyone who thinks that shouldn't be an inherited trait in all orcs, is wrong.
>You don't need ability score bonuses to make those differences known.
Ability modifiers should be part of every nonhuman species, and there's no reason at all to change that.
well like >>93759332 said, it's decidedly not in hexidecimal.
Just say Orc's should have kept Powerful Build. I don't know why they only gave it to Goliath. Maybe Orcs are less brawny now and they want to focus more on tanking?
Man I have been coming here at least as long as that guy and I have no god damn clue how that shit works, I had to google hexidecimal just now because I though the secret was hidden in Reboot somehow.
No, orcs should have kept a racial strength bonus. There is no reason to ever change that. Goliath powerful build isn't just strength, it's size, longer limbs and a wider frame for better leverage. At least it was in 3.5, God knows what kind of gobbledygook version 5e has.
>Ability modifiers should be part of every nonhuman species because...THEY JUST SHOULD OK?!?!
Scroll up farther retard, I already said why. What you faggots have been unable to do is give an actual reason to change racial ability modifiers. But you can't, because there isn't a reason and never will be.
>Powerful Build. You have Advantage on any saving throw you make to end the Grappled condition. You also count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity.
Humans as well. +2 Charisma +1 Constitution, no bonus feat.
Course the human thinks humans are "charismatic", nobody else likes you damn warmongerers, everyone knows the true race everyone loves is the Plasmoids! And I don't just say that because I too am an amorphous blob.
Humans having ability modifiers is as stupid as other races not having the, because the point is to show how they differ from humanity, humans are the default, the baseline, other species are defines by how they're different from us. And the reason for that is, because humanity is what players can relate to and understand the most, it's a universal starting point, in order to get an understanding for how a nonhuman sapience thinks we have to know in what respects it differs from us, and to what degree. And there is no, nor can there ever be, reason to change that practice.
go play FATAL, i'm sure you'd get a better representation of your idealized world with it
Then answer me this, why change it? Why change something that the vast majority of games have always had? Why?
because it was seen as racist to imply that some races ALWAYS were a certain way. therefore, they put the ASI bonuses into their background, because lived experiences have a great impact on life as well.
Because it's more interesting to unbind racial characteristics from obligatory stat choices
Gives more player options
>because it was seen as racist
Uh huh, there you go, it's "racist." Too bad that's a load of crap.
Bullshit, it takes meaning away from choices because you don't have to pick one thing and accept, like an adult, that you have to DO WITHOUT something else, the more you get to have it your way, the less your choices matter because you don't have to deal with not having it all.
the choices still matter idiot, they're just decoupled from the species and now part of their background.
is this the first time you've gone on the internet in 5 years?
>they're just decoupled
They shouldn't be.
>is this the first time
Oh it's far from my first rodeo dealing with this brand of bullshit. Calling it racist is wrong, because these are not human beings. The variety that exists in humanity, does not apply to NON humans, retard.
>because it was seen as racist to imply that some races ALWAYS were a certain way.
Is pretty funny where the line is drawn.
Like, take a Hill Dwarf. +1hp a level? Dats fine. Bonuses against the usually CON-based Poison? No worries there.
To be fair maybe they went whole hog with changing the 2024 dwarves, and this is cherry-picking since there are certainly more interesting racial traits, but funny nonetheless.
Giving humans ability modifiers does show how other races differ from us--by changing the stat baseline such that you can achieve ability score penalties without people whining about races being nonviable for certain classes.
Personally, I wish it was a mix

>+1 because race
Dwarves always +1 Con or Str, wood elves always have +1 Dex or Wis etc.
>+1 because background
Artisan always gives +1 Str, Dex, or Int, Charlatan is Dex, Con, or Cha etc.
>+1 player choice
They can put it anywhere they like.
>You can't pick the same stat with all three options
So you can't start with a +3 to one stat
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>Maybe Orcs are less brawny now
given that this lowland gorilla with mange is what an Orc used to look like, I'd say objectively yes, much less brawny.
yeah, but every other race having a negative modifier to being awesome and kicking ass just feels wrong.
>ability score penalties

personally, if they aren't gonna include penalties tied to the race, they may as well not attach bonuses to the race at all and just leave them on the backgrounds

>dwarves have a -1 top DEX
>evles a -1 to CON
>halflings a -2 to STR
If humans have ability score modifiers then there is no baseline.
Yea, orcs are no longer strong, they are tough.
Why do you oppose the idea of a nonhuman species being objectively worse at something than a human? You might be misanthropic, anon. "Humans are the worst" is a very modern (aka retarded) idea.
To be fair from a game sense you want each option to have some merit.
Orcs/half-orcs are my favourite fantasy race. I am miserable.
Correct, but that doesn't mean tradeoffs are a bad thing. If you want the good traits that an orc might have. physical power, resilience, whatever else, you should also have to accept the drawbacks. That is what makes the choice matter, because it's DIFFICULT to make up your mind. In addition to making species more meaningfully different from one another, it increases replay value, because with your next character you get to try out options you could not take before.

Removing meaningful differences between races (doesn't matter if it's not every difference, "but what about traits" can kiss the back of my ass) is like how Fallout 4 was watered down compared to New Vegas, yes it creates more mass appeal, yes it doesn't force you into a mold, but when you spread something out for broader appeal, you stretch it thin, and it has less to offer.
the baseline is what it looks like before bonuses
no no, you don't understand. there are literally no races as good as humans at being awesome and kicking ass.

so every other race would have a negative to that if you use humans as your baseline.
And that should be humans, no bonus, no penalty. And no, that doesn't mean all 10's it means no race-based modifiers.
Geeze, what calamity happened to their race that they went from this to what they are now.
There's no reason not to establish humans' baseline with regards to the other races by giving humans ability score modifiers. You can give human and other socialization-heavy races +2 Charisma, which then immediately tells you which races socialize like humans and which ones don't.
Reading shit like this makes me wonder how anyone can run or enjoy scripted modules, but different strokes I suppose.
I learned my lesson with Curse of Strahd personally. That shitheap made me swear off ever trusting premade modules, and I hear Mad Mage is even worse
I don't mind a lot of the mechanical changes in 6E, but given that a lot of mechanics surrounding races is based on their flavor (which has been absolutely raped by ESG), I find all of the new races to suck ass. I don't understand why Goliath now have a bunch of ancestries when they were never CONFIRMED to be distant ancestors of giants (it was debated, but not confirmed) and now they just ARE and have multiple giant ancestries but they're all the same race??? And why can they just grow now, what the fuck kind of inborn ability is that, the flavor is really fucky. Dragonborn being able to magically grow spectral wings, what's that? Where are the duergar at all? Why can humans be small and 2 ft. tall??? I can't stand 90% of this drivel.
>There's no reason not to establish humans' baseline with regards to the other races by giving humans ability score modifiers.
Yes there is, because a baseline is like a control group, it's the one you DO NOT tamper with. Have you seriously never heard the phrase "basis for comparison" before?
There are a lot of abilities humans have that are very unlikely to reappear in other sentient species.

We're excellent throwers. We're sweat-cooled. We have large and weirdly muscled chins. We blush. We're insanely good at detecting petrichor.

And to bring up something from a few threads ago, we have hobbies that have nothing to do with our chosen occupation, simply because we can't do nothing. (hence the second origin feat)
gross. not my humans. bunch of losers. nu-mans more like.
>Why can humans be small and 2 ft. tall???
Don't tell anyone, but those are actually the half-halflings. They removed half races specifically so they wouldn't have to give them that stupid name.
And yes, quarterlings is just as stupid.
you new to this? go look up old vs new tiefling and dragonborn lore.
Ah true things have changed so in the past so I should be fine with them becoming retarded flavorwise and mechanically today.
humans are such weirdoes even on our own planet that using us as a baseline is incredibly ill-advised.
Ever played a PC that's old for their species?
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Sort of, I had a dwarf who fought a monster that caused people to wither to dust. When he fought with some human allies, they all withered while he became like, mega old, revealing what it was actually doing, just aging them a few hundred years, and then he fled.

He had to find a way to fix the curse before dying of old age, and swore to never return home unless he undid the curse and defeated the monster he shamefully ran from.
god I love using Heroforge as a character creator and instead of to print minis
Considering the mostly human audience, I'd say it is probably a wise choice personally. I'd probably struggle a little harder grasping everything if ants (even some fantasy sapient variant) were the baseline for races.
Y'know, considering the majority of races have Darkvision, should Darkvision be assumed and races that don't be specified as having "poor night vision" or something instead as a demerit?
Eh, bit disappointed.

Wanted to figure out this: >>93722994

So far, eyes, sight, vision, and perception don't work.
>dwarves: moles
>orcs: pigs/boars
>halflings: rabbits
>kobolds: dragons/lizards/dogs

do gnomes have an animal they're associated with?
Never mind. The password was right in front of me the whole time.

Still anti-climatic
You're probably talking about the dragon, and I agree. But it's easy to slip the flight plan into one of the raider camps.
>>You can't pick the same stat with all three options
>So you can't start with a +3 to one stat
just roll for stats bud, you can easily get an 18 then
Auril has a vulnerability in all three forms which is a problem for a god with a max of 135hp per form and no non-magical resistance/immunity. One round of smiting can defeat the first form.
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Does a 5.5e Warlock cast Fiendish Vigor / False Life at the Warlock's Pact Magic slot level?
If so, this seems like a decent amount of temp HP for free at nearly any time
whenever you cast a spell withouth a slot, you automatically cast it at its lowest level, so there is no upscaling. however, casting false life at will works well with the new AoA ruling, even with low number
>AoA ruling
Armor of Agathys? What's this new ruling?
the aoa damage on hit effect works with all temporary hit points now, as long as you never run out
you can cast aoa and keep refreshing it with false life once its running low
Underrated post.
lmao you're so mad
in medieval times a longsword was a sword that is long, it's only in modern times that people started attributing specific classifications of swords beyond "small sword" and "big sword" and "really big sword"
It's extremely good at level 2.

But I only know about original 5e, not this dnd one or 5.5 bullshit.
>it's another "player constantly brags about how they don't care about optimizing and only build for flavor and then throw a tantrum during session because their character is performing poorly" episode
>2014 rules
So we are in a campaign and I am a druid as sole caster and support for the team (2 fighters, paladin and bow rogue). My character can't hold a shield for story reasons.
I am considering taking Bless or Shield spell. Bless seems more tempting, but I don't know if I have better things to concentrate on.
race* faggot
5E's issue is that they can't do much more than shuffle around where a couple boosts are as long as they keep the rolled/PB/Array stat system. PF2E fixed that by having Ancestry, Background, and Class all build the Ability scores.
What level? Bless is insane and you can hardly get a better concentration spell until way higher levels and even then you could argue bless is better anyway.
I ran it. I really liked the setup/concept of the adventure, but the execution per the book left me wanting, especially since the entire point of the adventure ("End Auril's everlasting winter") can be done halfway through the module, leaving no real reason to continue. And the Duergar fortress felt kinda tacked on.
What I did was:
A) trim down the goofy stuff, focus on the horror/survival aspects. Made blizzards so cold that regular winter gear couldn't protect PCs from it. Food was basically non-existent. Everywhere the PCs went, people were starving, paranoid, and desperate. Removed 95% of the goofy talking animals (of which there are WAY more than I expected going in).
B) Tied some of the 'extra' locations into PC backstories. The Duergar? The king's sons murdered the Paladin's parents.
C)Rewrote a couple of the Ten Towns quests to be more interesting. For example, I gave Dougan's Hole an Innsmouth-style plot of a submerged lake god turning the villagers into fishmen/thralls.
D) Adapted the "Legacy of the Crystal Shard" adventure for the game. Had the villain, Hedrun, a Reghed outcast whose husband was killed in one of the TenTowns lake brawls. She snapped and went White Witch on they asses. Had her story parallel my biggest change...
E) Gave Auril a different motivation. Instead of Being Evil because Evil, I had her be a neutral god of the seasons, with a winter/spring/summer/autumn form. She's reborn each year and 'ages' through the seasons, with a new personality/memories. Every year she 'meets' her lover, a Star god of poetry, whose star appeared in the sky in late summer. This year, though, the star died along with the god's last worshipper, and Auril (in a fit of divine grief), refused to reincarnate because she'd lose the memory of her lover.
The "Rhyme of the Frostmaiden" became a love poem.
Grief ended up being the main theme of the campaign, driven home when my Dad (who was playing in the game) passed away halfway through.
Should I reduce the AC bonus on monkey stance by half?
Yea I know just one quick question and I'll go away
Do whatever you want, this particular subclass is so complex only you will ever play it
Somebody out there is using nearly all my homebrew.
I get regular views on them every day, without reposting them anywhere.
So, related to E and D: I swapped the Duergar plot to create a mechanical dragon with Hedrun's plot to resurrect Icingdeath, gave Hedrun the fight at the Skull tower (after she failed to ressurect the ice dragon), moved Auril to the tower in Ythrynn where she sequestered herself in her grief, and converted the Caves of Hunger into Auril's "Garden," a collection of things she had preserved.
F) The Arcane Brotherhood plot, I kept, with Avarice becoming the main antagonist after Hedrun was defeated. Her plot was to steal Auril's powers (which she did, allowing the PCs to fight a slightly beefed up Frost Maiden while actually saving Auril- who was convinced to let go and reincarnate, ending the winter).
All in all it worked out pretty well.
Also, it offers complexity, but isn't actually complex.
>you can spend ki to get a buff
>you get some pseudo-cantrips that replace your attacks
Both of those spells are great and neither of them stop being good at any level of play. I've seen 20th-level PCs still use Bless and Shield and both have been impactful- so they are both worth casting. I'd say that Shield is broadly more useful- only because its not concentration and if you don't have consistent reaction options this becomes that for you and is great to have. Attack Rolls are incredibly common and this can protect you from some heavy hits mid-late game- like look at dis- you wanna get hit by this:
>Temporal Strike (Recharge 6). Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 52 (8d12) psychic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or move 1 round forward in time. A target moved forward in time vanishes for the duration. When the effect ends, the target reappears in the space it left or in an unoccupied space nearest to that space if it's occupied.
I wouldn't want hit by that shit- that's fucked up.
Shield helps you with that.

Bless is very good as a support spell- if you've got party members who are making attacks and especially Sharpshooter/Great Weapon Master folks this is almost always worth concentrating on and it becomes even more worth it when you're facing stuff that uses saves- but there will be cases where you may want to concentrate on something even more fitting in the moment. Throughout many campaigns, I've seen players try their hardest to get Bless on Familiars or someone so they don't feel pressured to keep the spell going so they use other stuff.

So pick the one that you like the most or think you'll use the most.
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I always associated halflings with mice more than rabbits, and dwarves with badgers or hedgehogs, so I'd say gnomes are more mole-ish.
Elves are squirrels.
yeah. no other scans have occurred.
there's the DnDShorts screesnshots and then there's Logan's.

if you want something even better then go buy a book from a genconner, destitch it, and scan it into a pdf. I'll do all the OCR and bookmark nonsense for you from there.
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Gnomes huh...something fey adjacent maybe?
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So, my 2024 rule for my players who want to "chant" their 1 minute duration cantrips (like blade ward or shillelagh) pre-encounter,:

The player has disadvantage in perception checks
and rolls a D10 when the encounter starts. Rolling 1 means you cast the cantrip during the first combat round, 2 and more means you cast it before the first round, and the number you rolled is the current round the cantrip is already up.
it's only extraplanar, subterranean, and nocturnal/deep-sea predator races that get darkvision.

Tiefling, Genasi, Assimar, Elf, Goblinoids, Hexblood
Dwarf, Gnome, Orc, Kobold & Dragonborn (dragons), Plasmoid (ooze)
Tabaxi, Leonin, Owlin, Dhampir, Shifter, Simic Hybrid, Triton, Thri-Kreen, Yuan-ti

It's just that those 3 categories happen to describe a disproportionate amount of the total races for 5e.

>flight plan
>Map 4.1 shows the dragon's flight path, which should not be shared with your players unless the characters studied Xardorok's attack plan in the previous chapter.
>studied Xartok's Attack Plan
It's literally in the War Room, area X4. It's not even a check to decipher it, you just have to enter the room and look at it.
Mind you that is an optional room. But it's an optional room that leads to the vast majority of the treasure, either in his personal room or using the code from the chest in his room for the treasure vault.
these gnomes look very goblin.
Here's a fucking idea to every dumb artist out there, elven ears are for elves only, make something different for everyother fantasy race, or else every nigga i see is just an elf.
>elven ears are for elves only,
You ever see a pixie, a sprite, or a blink dog?

They're for anything fey. And the more fey, the longer the ears.
>It's literally in the War Room, area X4. It's not even a check to decipher it, you just have to enter the room and look at it.
>Mind you that is an optional room. But it's an optional room that leads to the vast majority of the treasure, either in his personal room or using the code from the chest in his room for the treasure vault.

You don't seem to understand the issue still. You're tasked with stopping a mechanical creature which flies and doesn't need to rest, which has a head start on you and ignores all travelling rules (because it's an inexhaustible flier). It is quite literally impossible to achieve this even under optimal circumstances, and 9 of the 10 towns WILL be destroyed, with nothing you can do about it. IF you play by the rules laid out by the book concerning travel pace and its complications in the Dale.
Is that the best response you can muster? Ok.
Easy, you don't chase it from town to town, you sacrifice the first several towns and head it off at the pass.
Welcome to survival horror, you have to make guilt-ridden choices, if you try to save everybody you save nobody.
hey guys, I'm feeling depressed :c
The reason people thought orcs were caricatures of black people was because they shared the same stat bonuses and penalties.
how so? niggers are weaker than whites
Then why are they the ones playing sportsball?
Checkmate atheists.

Your image raises a good point. All the Tasha's/2024 summons are of sentient intelligence and capable of speech. They're people, some of whom happen to be shaped like animals. Or well, magical spirits, that are mentally people and physically animals.

Like pokemon, basically.
Depends on the sport. But for the ones, such as running, that they do dominate... It's many reasons, such as having greater wingspans, more athletic bodies, greater endurance, etc.

But you'll notice there's one sport that throughout the decades, despite black culture being HEAVILY focused on masculinity (or their perception of masculinity, which typically revolves around aggression and strength)... they have never won a World's Strongest Man competition. Neither has anyone that wasn't white.
It takes 56 hours for the dragon to make the loop and fully wreck Bryn Shander, but I wouldn't expect players to anticipate it taking 8 hours at the towns that offer greater resistance. The dragon is twice as fast as the party with mounts and 4 times as fast on foot.

The problem is that you start around the back of the mountain, so you're using the overland travel table instead of the fast travel on the roads, making your maximum speed 1mph.

The game doesn't say how far sunblight is from dougans hole but it makes the trip 4x slower than between dougans hole and goodmead, which is 6 miles. So sunblight is 24 miles from dougans hole which gives the dragon a full days head start which means it's already halfway through termalaine before you get onto the road.

The earliest target you're likely to intercept it by is target 8 and that's only if you don't rest.
“Looking at” is not the same as “using”. I have over a thousand views on my stuff, and I suffer no illusions as to whether it actually sees play.
I wouldn't anticipate sacrificing 8/10 towns to be the intended goal
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So, since in 2024 the new spirit guardians deals damage when your emanation enters a creature space and war clerics get steel wind strike this is finally a legal combo to deal both SWS and SG damage to every target which is neat.
It surprises me they didn't fix the wording on Steel Wind Strike. RAW you still don't teleport to the targets when you make your melee spell attacks, you do them from your space then after that you teleport to one of your targets. But RAI you are supposed to be teleporting around the battlefield so yeah this should work.
That's literally on-theme for the module, if you try to fight Auril and fail she demands you Sophie's choice a party member, and she regularly demands human sacrifices from the villages.
Holy shit how many subjects of artwork in this fucking book are women? It has to be at least 65%. Higher if you include effeminate men. To say nothing of non-whites. The percentage is so high it's comical. They've taken representation to such an extreme that this is like parody.
Also, we don't know how close you have to teleport to the target to make these attacks so, in theory, you may just be able to choose wherever you want? That's really useful tech for this combo.
Just realized they buffed long rests to recover all Hit Die instead of just half your level. I'm never going to be able to kill my players.

Also am I retarded or just old? I can't find anything these things have in common. At first I thought it was combat or war, but I don't know any file sharing sites based on that.
But you also have to clear the dungeon within 6 hours or correctly guess left instead of right at the fork to even save 2/10.
So what are some good Warlock/Paladin multiclasses for the 2024 rules?
There's already been plenty of discussion in this very thread that should help you get there.

Please note, as >>93759201 says it's Goldeneye 007, not Goldeneye and as >>93759277 says the chess BOARD not the game of chess.

I'm also really surprised at the number of people unfamiliar with the other two. I honestly figured the album was almost TOO obvious if you knew any of the other ones.

Also, even once you figure out the commonality, like >>93760068 says you can't be cringe, you've gotta be based. It's very important that you're based about it.
Played a Dhampir (human) who became a Dhampir in his 90s. His Dhampir shenanigans mean he's able bodied, but he very recently wasn't. It was fun to play up my oldmanness against NPCs
I've seen it in most boards that engage in piracy (here, /tv/ and /co/, I'm assuming it's common /v/ but I don't go there, and /a/ doesn't really need it)
I think Fey Warlock could be pretty fun with someone who wants to do melee attack, though I reckon it's bonus action heavy so no teleport>smite
The only thing I know of right now is Searing Smite combos really well with Celestial Warlock's Radiant Soul feature.
>plenty of discussion
You mean a couple of retards who don't know what a 64-grid game board and a Nintendo 64 game have in common. You don't even need the other hints.
Pact of the Blade is level 1 now, so its pretty easy to get CHA Weapons still. Unlike 2014 Hexblade you can actually use Heavy Weapons out the gate instead of having to go for 3 levels- there's a 13 STR requirement but to multiclass as a Paladin you already have to meet that requirement.
Good day, can I please get some help regarding character creation.

We're playing a oneshot at lvl 15.
And I'm between two ideas.
1- play a wizard, diviner (the archetype would be a guy that has as ambition becoming inmortal)
2 - a monster hunter/battle master (the archetype would be something similar for a Witcher)

I'm not sure on which feats would be good for these choices, and I'm having issues with the martial one, since I really want the flavour of a monster hunter but don't know how to mesh it with the classes.

Any helps or tips would be greatly appreciated
1-warcaster, resilient con, fey touched
2- CBE, SS, fey touched
I'm thinking of going Oathbreaker for the Aura of Hate Charisma melee damage bonus which stacks with Charisma weapons and agonizing blast so you'd be hitting someone for at least a +15 from your Charisma alone if its 20, 16-19 if you have the now concentrationless Divine Favor before hand. As for the Warlock subclass, Fiend or GOOlock seem interesting. I'm personally going Celestial for backstory reasons, extra healing, radiant resistance and adding Charisma modifier again to creatures I deal radiant/fire damage rolls to from spells, which I believe applies to Divine Favor, so that would boost that 16-19 to a 20-24 if I'm correct.
And now that you've spelled it out loud it's less secure. thanks bud.

luckily this thread is about to archive anyways, so hopefully there's no malefactors currently scoping the thread.
another day of thanking Gygax that Crawford has not outlawed echo knight even though it spits in the face of every design decision fighter stands for. I am also thankful for every fighter rework that is forced to include echo knight in their subclass list and i get to look and fantasize about the idea of an echo knight-battlemaster hybrid of such 4e-like proportions it would make Jeremy Crawford explode
Don't care, I downloaded it the day it popped up. If anybody still hasn't by this point, that's on them, they gotta wait till October or November for when a real scan gets uploaded.
IWD2 such an amazing game, disappointed to here about the dogshit changes to the enhanced edition
it's from a 3rd party setting book that just happened to be published through wotc.
Why would it need outlawing?
Do you need to specifically outlaw Humblewood or Drakkeneim stuff?
I don’t include it in the subclass list of my fighter rework.
For warlock/paladin? the same warlock1(pact of the blade)/paladin xx. for paladin warlock, paladin2/celestial warlock aasimar. you need masteries to be effective in melee in 2024, and aasimar celestial warlock has the:

weapon damage + charisma pact of the blade + booming blade + proficiency damage from aasimar light bearer + charisma from radiant soul celestial warlock + charisma from agonizing blast + 1d6 radiant from lifedrinker + 10ft push from repelling blast + weapon mastery like topple or more push + Eldritch smite
kind of thing
the animal i most frequently associated with gnomes is the toad, but gnomes aren't anything like toads, and toads being aquatic clashes with the idea that gnomes are earth elementals.

maybe squirrels?
>speccing into fire damage
You deserve to be killed by fiends.
New thread:

You'd still have Divine Smite for those.
Easyupload link seems to be dead.
what page is this rule on in the book?
It's not really a response as such. I was reading the thread, saw you impotently bitching, thought it was funny.

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