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Funny Dance Edition

>2024 PHB spoilers

>2024 PHB Scan

>2024 UA



The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous thread: >>93751989

How do you feel about Bards, /5eg/? Do you think they're a fun class, or do you find them too silly?
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Came across an interesting system in a series I recently read, which split magic into 3 categories:
>Studied Magic: literally what it sounds like, and could be compared to magic programming
>Divine Magic: shit granted by powerful beings and fueled by belief, easily the strongest and most restricted in what it can do (cuz u gotta beliv)
>Intuitive Magic: ppl who practice this is are often called Bards, but it's basically based on your emotions. It's the weakest, but also the most flexible, because you can literally just make shit up and "feel" your way through the spell

Anyways, after that series I've started thinking of Bards and Sorcs as sitting in the last category, which has made them seem less retarded.
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Who the fuck plays a bard.


If your group is 4 + GM, you're now basically 3 people fighting and one Julliard performer singing and dancing at the sidelines. While your party might not hate you, they don't feel any less functional or competent when you're away or dead.

You and your lute are dead weight and the first to be thrown in the metaphorical fire for warmth when shit hits the fan. You'd do everyone a favor in combat by closing your mouth shut and drawing a fucking sword instead of being an attention-whoring cheerleader.
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I've been having a lot of fun with my Kenku Glamour Bard in Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Incapacitating folks with hypnotic pattern, Seeming for sneaking around, +15 Persuasion/Intimidation/Deception and being the team helicopter papa by using a bonus action to give all my allies around 11 temp hp and able to move up to their movement without opportunity attacks as their reaction, which has gotten them out of several bad situations or moved our martials closer to the enemies to beat the ever loving god out of them. Also magical secrets to summon in a slaad (we jokingly just called them Battle Toads) from Summon Aberration is pretty good at 6th level since they negate healing, regenerate (back to full after combat) and can also get temp hp/move up as well.
What's the big enjoyment from posting this only to go "haha lol you don't recognize it's a pasta" to those who reply?
If anything, recognising pasta is worse than not recognising it since it means you spend too much time here.
Your last four unused character ideas are now a party. How does it turn out?
Pasta aside, I do have some beef with the modern idea of bards. Battle drummers or war-singers are cool, and they have a place in an advancing army; so does the man whose job is to beef up the troops' morale and help them de-stress. (Although you could argue that in a smaller group of adventurers, the man who holds the banner, blows in a war horn or sings in praise of his friend's well-aimed arrow shot is slightly less useful, his presence can be criticized, wouldn't it be better if he took up the sword?)
Even then, the archetype remains fun. So does the idea of the pied piper, strange and slightly terrifying as all magic users should be, or someone who has mastered songs of power in the vein of the Silmarillion's. Skalds and those who compose songs and poems about the great deeds of heroes also have a fairly nice flavor, even if they run into the "dear god, just grab something sharp and kill the orcs, the slightly magical song and prose you just wrote about us is NOT HELPING" issue.
But the kind of bard that's always played at the table, the bard the rules support, is none of these things. He's a wizard with a harp who can dance and perform like some kind of medieval-fantasy rockstar and insult his enemies to death. That just sucks.
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>blind monk
>fundamentalist Christian warlock
>pacifist gnome artificer
>literally Mike Tyson

Honestly, I wish it were a real group.
literally never had anyone play a bard in 30 years. Waste of paper.
Skalds being magic has way more of an establishment in history and myth (and tolkein) than wizards lmao
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If its with the new 2024 rules then it'd be this:
>Human Swords Bard: Can be support melee that's incredibly difficult to hit and can mess around with Conjure Minor Elementals, Musician/Tough Feat for free inspiration/survivability.
>Oathbreaker Paladin/Celestial Warlock: Attacks with Charisma and Aura of Hate/Divine Favor add to that, gives everyone +5 to saves, can give Aid that recharges on short rest, good healing from Lay on Hands/Healing Light, Inspiring Leader to give party temp hp during a short rest and synergizes well with bard's Musician
>Rock Gnome Rune Knight: Has profiency in Str/Con while advantage on Int/Wis/Cha saves, Giant Foundling background (Stone Giant)+ Crusher can push people 15 feet away while Large sized and Keenness of the Stone Giant can let her bonus action throw a rock at someone to knock them prone from 60 feet away. Can send crits onto someone else with Cloud Rune while Hill Rune is Rage lite.
>Ice Genasi Custom Lineage Abjuration Wizard: Arcane ward for days, bypasses cold resistances with Elemental Adept, can keep spamming counterspell/dispel magic without expending spell slots until it works, advantage on spell saves.

Pretty solid group lineup overall I'd say.
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>Hobgoblin Cleric/Fighter trying to build an army to slay the Dragon that took over his city.
>Human Sorcerer trying to build an army to slay a series of powerful & weird outer realm monsters that are causing mass havoc and stole some magical weapons that he wants to get back.
>Hobgoblin Rogue/Fighter swashbuckling heroic type with her human sidekick just out to help people!
>Reborn Wizard who's on a quest to find all the spells, friends, and some lore on their past lives.
This is the build the army campaign. We're getting a bastion and we are going to start getting troops by making allies and friends around the world to take out these big baddies.
Paladin is Human as well I forgot to mention.
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Will you allow old conjure spells in you 2024 table?
You're replying to pasta. Or are you pasta too?
Am I pasta?
Mamma mia
No, it is with the 5e rules.
The easyupload link seems to be dead. Anyone got a mirror?
>he doesn't know
as in the encoded one in OP?

yes, but if you summon anything more than 1 creature they exclusively flee and dodge during combat.
I mean most of my posts are probably replies to bots so what difference does it make?
god, the guy in the goat costume looks so dead inside. its painful look at him. those are they eyes of someone craving death
Tiefling is my least favorite race.
I've never been in a game with a player playing a tiefling that made me sympathetic for them being persecuted. They've all walked the line of griefing and claimed to be "Chaotic Good" while robbing good people or acting like a terrorist against mostly innocents or uninvolved people.

The only time I've seen a good tiefling there was no "Oppression" angle, it was just a charlatan that fluffed himself and could have been any race.
Everyone who wants to do a misunderstood good guy being oppressed for their appearance plays a half-elf or half-orc. Or, I guess going forward, will be playing an orc.

Tieflings are entirely asshole characters or entitled princesses.
That seems to be true, every orc I've played with has been a cool dude that's got a big heart even if there's a lot of rage and ferocity wrapped around it. They've always played it like trying to overcome their nature and wrestle with their impulsive side to be a part of something greater, while focusing that ferociousness.
to be fair, you are on 4chan. Not exactly like you're coming to the table with an uncolored perspective
We had a zariel tiefling who was great and picked the race just to get smites on their list, but I also usually think they were an aasimar when I remember that party lol.
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What are some plausible (humorous) ways for a character to awaken psionic powers for Soulknife that isn't just "they always had it but it took some event to awaken it"?

My idea is for a locally famous chef accidentally getting psionic powers. It's not a problem to start but as time goes on, he is increasingly unable to hold his kitchen knives without also conjuring his psionic blades when he gets into the cooking groove. This ruins the food and eventually the kitchen and ends with him getting fired. He needs to turn to roguishness because he can't hold a job doing the only thing he knows and loves
Stole something that accidentally gave them powers. Maybe putting them in trouble with a former client that wanted the powers for themself.

A otherworldly being (or another soul knife) marks them in a way that makes their soul able to be drawn forth as a blade or tries to extract their soul and is interrupted leaving their soul fractured into shards they can learn to manipulate.

A family familiar comes in the night and tells them their previous master has passed and named them as the inheritor. The familiar is now blind to their soul and takes the form of the tool of their station. For the previous masters it was a staff or a quill or a scale. For this one one however, it becomes a knife...
>The only time I've seen a good tiefling there was no "Oppression" angle, it was just a charlatan that fluffed himself and could have been any race.
How would you feel about a neutral evil Winged Tiefling Wizard who just wants to fly around, blast shit with magic, and become rich & powerful?
>As a Soulknife, your psionic abilities might have haunted you since childhood, revealing their full potential only as you experienced the stress of adventure. Or you might have sought out an order of psychic adepts and spent years learning how to manifest your power.
It's...a little tough as for Rogue levels 1 and 2 you have no psychic powers at all. Not even a little one. The closest you could work with is getting either the Telekinetic or Telepathic feats (assuming 2014 PHB) if you're using 2024, that's a bit harder as those aren't Origin Feats but maybe Magic Initiate Wizard (Mind Sliver, Blade Ward, and Shield or Jump) could work as some psionic themed options to start off.

In terms of origin for the psychic powers...how do you feel about playing a character who got these powers from injections? Could be a government/war thing or could have been a mad scientist trying to make super ninjas or something more tragic like addiction turned into this.
sounds ugly
getting to the point in the campaign where the dm clearly wants to wrap things up so everything's getting handwaved and railroady
feels badman
Bards in 5e have plenty of martial options.
A mix of that first and second prompt gives me the idea that the character gets hired for a special occasion to cook recipes from a very old, seemingly mundane, cookbook (maybe belonging to a long-dead but storied cook of the past)
and that making the recipes triggers some magic or being in the book to awaken the psionic powers
>a little tough as for Rogue levels 1 and 2 you have no psychic powers at all
My DM likes to start our party at level 3 so I can skip the pesky inconvenience of a psionic-less rogue.
Is it worth trying to cull some of the faggier elements of 5e for a game with friends (too many races, too many classes, too much multiclassing, too many energy blasts at low levels) or should I just look for a different system?
Thanks for reminding me this Mana game came out
Just look for a different system, bruv.
any recs? I don't play tabletop games besides a few boardgames.
What kind of game do you want to play? DnD games are pretty combat-heavy, tactical games in magic fantasy worlds.
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So looking for some input. I like doing voices and an upcoming game I am going to play a fairy flavor as a small humanoid insect. Using various other insects as my spells. Including my voice. Trying to nail what kind of inflect or throat tech I should try to sound insectoid. Who is having their thoughts translated into common by a voice bug. Semi-serious campaign so not going for wacky. Going for what the fuck would he/it sounds like?

Youtube examples would be good. Once I find the right voice I am pretty good at emulating it.
Your picture reminds me of District 9 prawns
Though I imagine it'll hard to imitate anything besides the cadence
tell them they can only play human fighters, simple
Oooooh good reference. Yeah tempo and speech pattern maybe. Something not entire human. Also thinking of adding pregnant pauses as he tries to think of a common equivalent to his Hive's inner language. Like he will have to stop and think for a bit when they ask his name. Since names do not exist in the hive. Instead he will give them the closest thing a human can produce or hear to his purpose in the Hive.
I didn't allow them at my 2014 table after the Tasha's summons came out, so take a guess.

The one in op that's coded or the older one that's way past 7 days by this point?

Because on God, if the fucking coded one died immediately after the moment a chucklefuck leaked how to decipher it because that let a Hasbro Suit find it and report it for DMCA takedown, I am cursing your dice. I have a haunted didgeridoo, and I am not afraid to use it.
accidentally touched a weird arrow and his hand exploded, now he can summon psychic blades that have some random connection to evaporation. It also caused him to look like the world's most flamboyant homosexual stereotype
Check out the AD&D Dark Sun book about thri-kreen. It has a lot on their speech.
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Oh no! Not the super duper secret of 64 being spelled out after a retard couldn't figure it out! Whatever will 5eggs do?!?!?
>You gain the service of a familiar, a spirit that takes an animal form you choose: Bat, Cat, Frog, Hawk, Lizard, Octopus, Owl, Rat, Raven, Spider, Weasel, or another Beast that has a Challenge Rating of 0.
So if I want a flying cat or dog or weasel or rat I suppose I'd have to pick a Flying Monkey or Owl but make it the animal visually...
Practice vocal fry. That'll give a sense of stridulation as a means of vocalizing.
>How do you feel about Bards
Bards are great, so long as you don't play them like a faggot. Female bards are turbosluts, male bards should play metal.
Well, if it was the case, stop using it as our link encryption, I guess.
I'd honestly have preferred if the link itself leaked than the concealment method. We could always just reupload it again, but without that layer of protection it will have to be reuploaded frequently over and over, leading to a lot of downtime and a constantly changing url.

Not really sure what to use in its place that's pretty easily recognizable to all but the most absolutely retarded channer, but not to whatever unpaid intern WotC has on seek&destroy duty.
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>implying I was the one to encrypt it
No, I'm just an anon who was laughing at the meltdown the retard had last night. Whoever was the one to put it into a code and expected people to not get is greatly underestimating WotC's pettiness and vastly overestimating how smart the average person who posts here is.
Tressym and flying monkey is allowed I think, because the rules text that allows it is in its statblock not the spell.
It's such a shame. It really was a perfect method.
It worked for like 6 days straight. That's proof positive of effectiveness.

I guess we're using this guy's car box upload now. Let's see if it really is as perfect and impenetrable upload host as he jacked it off to be.
Er, fuck, wrong reply number, this guy
I mean, I'm fine with that. But I kind of hate the powercreep beyond level 3. I like the low level feeling of being perpetually outclassed, but not having to pit a leveled party against literal gods just to keep up with them.

I also don't like how granular classes and subclasses in 5e have gotten. It's mostly a problem with the supplementary books but it's very tiring how they are all taken for granted. Like "Sure you can play a half-warforged, half-tiefling with two levels in Hexblade and five levels in twilight cleric! Looks good to me!"
lmao just reupload it if you actually give a shit, you kvetching faggot
I love bards! They were my favorite class when I first started playing 5e, the idea of a person who just wills magic into the world through words or music or their passions or emotions is really cool to me! Its people who in universe pulling magic from the fabric of Creation itself- that's just awesome. They're also really skilled, like not only is this a class that can do all of the crazy stuff Wizards (Throw out fireballs, charm en mass, divination, reshape reality, summon stuff, etc) and Clerics (Heal the sick, revive the dead, call down divine fire, etc) can do but they're also just talented/knowledgeable at just normal people things like a Rogue can be. That makes these guys feel really well rounded and versatile. I do not find Bards to be silly unless you choose to play them that way.

I've played a Swords Bard who was heavily Red Mage inspired and had a ton of fun with it.
I DM for a party that's currently level 15. You only have to throw literal gods against a party to keep them challenged if you're exclusively doing single boss monsters in featureless arenas.
need another faction/tribe/group for an archipelago of islands
>sahuagin under the water raid and pillage everyone
>nomadic inuit-like dwarves on a ice&snow island
>goblins on tropical lagoon stilt village in a war against
>...yuan ti in jungle deeper inland
>magmins and fire giant smith in volcano island
what else would be cool
maybe an arid island
A reclusive dragon that rules over an island and mostly keeps to himself, but can begrudgingly be befriended for fast travel between previously-visited islands.
So you don't like things that have been part of DnD since before 3E.

Perhaps consider Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay?
>But I kind of hate the powercreep beyond level 3
Have you though about nit being a ShitDM?
1. it's redundant until the catbox one dies.
2. it won't change anything if I did.
have you considered playing Dungeon Crawl Classics instead?
I think it would be a perfect match for you.
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Maybe an island corrupted by an open gateway to the Abyss that is swarming with demons with some sort of commander? Possibly from an Alkilith growing around a big doorway or something.
I only played 2e growing up.
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...and now I have completely slipped into 1st form Cell from TFS and honestly its.....perfect.
Then yeah, DCC, Old School Essentials, Castles and Crusades, Basic Fantasy or LotFP, or if you'd like something classless and especially rules-lite, Into the Odd, Cairn, Mork Borg, or Knave.
Bold of you to assume my table is using the 2024 garbage. I guess I may allow some bits on case-by-case basis, like I already do with 3rd party stuff and anything released after 2020, if I'm running another 5e campaign after the current ones finish instead of switching to a different system.
this sounds almost identical to starwar's geonosians i think.
rip monks
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As long as you don't eat your siblings, drink people in the pursuit of perfection and make a habit of antagonizing random teenagers good for you.
Summoning is one of the biggest problems D&D has with the caster/martial disparity, a single spell replaces entire classes. I don't allow summons already, they're terrible for the game.
4e had it right about summons. they just need to cost the casters action each turn to pilot.

no more action economy boost.
Given how upset some "people" are about the 2024 summons being nerfed, they'd probably pop a several blood vessels if you tried to sell them on that.
none of the 2024 summons are actually nerfed.
the single monster option is markedly stronger than conjure single option.
and the 8 monster options SEEM strong in a white room, but you always lose like 5 of them the moment you summon them, and the rest the next. The ZOMG BEST DPR forgets the fact that they have hitpoints that need to remain in order to do any DPR. The main reason to go wide not tall is the enemy has no AoE passives and few attacks but strong enough they'd oneshot even the single CR2.
and NONE of your options from Conjure generally deal magical damage, where as everything but Summon Beast and Construct do.
Yo where can I find the 2024 phb? Any good scans out yet?
read the thread, you retarded nigger
Awooga booga, sorry fagget im not a tg regular but thanks for pointing it out
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Thanks, I was looking for this!
Where do you buy minis for your characters? Do you 3D print your own?
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>how do you make a mythical creature?
>just pic something that doesn't have antlers and put antlers on it.
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So, before I flat out answer your question- I gotta give you a warning about Hero Forge.
You can make some pretty cool stuff on there and design your own characters. If you tinker with it long enough, you can actually get some pretty impressive results.
>Their printing service was Shapeways, which abruptly filed for bankruptcy. They have found some smaller printing services- but there's people who've been waiting for like 2 months for their miniatures because they're backlogged.
>The color prints look like shit. Lots of layering lines to the point you've got a miniature with corduroy texture. These will cost you like $50 USD when you factor in shipping, more depending on how insane your creation is.
>The 'high quality' prints are slightly better, but will still run you like $40.
>The 'basic quality' looks like shit.
>All three of them are extremely fragile. I don't mean 'drop it and it breaks', I mean 'will probably arrive broken' and 'snagged on the foam in miniature case and broke'.
So therefore:
>Make your character on Heroforge
>Buy the STL for like $8
>Go to Etsy
>Find services that 3D print Heroforge miniatures, for like $10
>Get your miniature in ~2 weeks tops, for like $20, with a better quality print than anything HeroForge will sell you, short of their $100 brass prints
But I do that for some of my RPG characters, otherwise I'll buy monsters and stuff from Etsy 3D printer shops or use stuff from my shitload of board games.
I knew elk were a crock of shit. thanks for confirming my suspicions
uhhh my character's a dude from Backwater in Noweria and the BBEG came through and blew up his hometown so now he's an adventurer
he's got a strong sense of justice and a weakness for treasure, drink, and women, and he hopes adventure is fun. he likes swords and animals and piles of gold. he hates... orcs and enchantment magic
can we play the game now
Not until you give me the race and class of your PC
backstory is useless
what is absolutely required is motivation: why is the character adventuring instead of opening up a shoe store
human fighter
This is pretty much the correct way. When people show up with 3 pages of 'back story' for their level 1 D&D character, my default response is to roll my eyes. There's nothing that significant that your level 1 character could have possibly accomplished in life that warrants more than a paragraph or two, so I know you're just wanking over your self-insert before I even look at it.
You're not there to play your character and create their story, you've already done that. Go back home and write fanfiction alone.
One exception:
Your 'background' has something that can be used as a part of the world-building, and you hash that out with the DM. Example:
>My character is a new inductee into a martial order of knights, he's now on his own personal errant quest to go do knightly deeds for a few years. He's from Puddlewater, his dad was a knight, his older brother as well, but my character was the first to be invited to join this martial order. He wants to prove to both the order and his family that he's a good knight.
>Here is some background on the martial order for the DM, as an option to weave into the story as he sees fit
>DM gets the detailed stuff for his purposes, everyone else gets the brief rundown "this is what you know about the order" (and it could be inaccurate or whatever, maybe even have history checks or something to see what people know, etc.)
Simple as that.
>"Human fighter? How boring and unoriginal"
>Plays a Tiefling warlock
>Tries to be quirky and snarky
>Indistinguishable from the other 2 Tiefling Warlocks in the group
swords, fat stacks of gp, and fame to bed women with are things you can't get from selling shoes
any other motivations are things I'll find out when we're playing
my problem is I don't want the most interesting thing that has happened to my character to happen before the game is started. I also am on the other side of the dm screen more often than not and don't like adding more piles of work to an already overworked role
as long as at least one of em's a female tiefling I am doing just fine
>as long as at least one of em's a female tiefling I am doing just fine
Fun wholesome anecdote:
Played in a group that had a chick who rolled up a Tiefling Warlock. She looked exactly like you think a tourist would look. She wasn't attractive. She originally had all those 'cool background story' ideas we're talking shit about, but only like a page.
Our characters actually worked quite well together, to the point where they were basically synergizing and we were both talking about how we'd build them out, etc.
She and I shouldn't have been able to get along, she was absolutely a zoomer that probably had pronouns in her Twitter bio, etc. But we wound up getting along well, despite being two completely different people- so the joke we had was that our characters originally hated each other, but worked well together so they become close friends.
Our campaign got cut short, but someone else later on invited us to a campaign in progress- so we just 'migrated' our characters over and the official story was that the characters trash-talked each other non-stop, but they were actually married and we were waiting to see how long we could go before the other party members found out, just to see their shock.
She and I are still in touch, and hoping to get back into a game together soon.
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How large are Dragonborn?
Built for BDC
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what are you guys planning on playing in 1dnd? I'm thinking either

>an illusion-focused warlock who uses a crossbow reflavored as a shotgun
>a practical joker shadow monk
I have two questions:
>Question 1: Have you presented these ideas to a gaming group, to hear their thoughts on it
>Question 2: Did they respect you enough to tell you why you need to find a different group?
Because everything about what you just said is the exact kind of shit that screams "I'm here to be silly and quirky, and I'll disrupt the fuck out the game sessions until everyone quits"
I'm planning on playing a different system if I can get my way.
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But I'm an abyssal tiefling (gnoll) necromancer, archfey patron (Banshee) and my go-to option is to shout at everyone around me with agonizing blast+thunderclap and then fuck off with misty step

my skeleton familiar plinks people constantly with necrotic bolts, and at higher level I have summon undead (an array of undead gnolls) + ray of sickness thanks to my abyssal heritage
It's not so much what you said, that is legitimately obnoxious.
It's the fact that in my head I could imagine the voice saying it.
And it made me realize that this hobby is absolutely a case example of why gatekeeping is important, as well as bullying.
Did you actually play this? Because this sounds a lot more like an idea you had that you tell people about because it sounds cool when you're fifteen years old and don't have any actual experience playing the game with other people.
Oh, I'm not that anon. It's just an idea I had for a necromancer when the 2024 rules were announced

>skeleton as a familiar
>summon undead + buffed ray of sickness
>thunderclap + agonzing blast as a psuedo greatsword on multiple targets

And its grown over time. the tielfing (gnoll) idea was stolen from some homebrew tiefling race I saw on pintrest, and the banshee really fit both undeath and fey ideas. The thunderclap part came after deciding on the banshee patron. I was originally gonna use toll the dead + agonizing blast, using the skeleton to injure people first and I still might also do that but I saw thunderclap made it into the 2024 book and it fit.

now I just need to convince my DM to let me use flock of familiars to summon stage hazards skeletons

Not yet. Our group is on break because of summer travel
Okay, I feel a bit better now.
Don't get me wrong, it's not an entirely stupid idea. But I'll admit my bias- I just don't like these ideas that seem to be some 'radically wild different things that totally works' because they just feel like it's one or two steps away from:
>"I'm playing a gnome bard that uses a tuba!"
And that's usually when I realize that I need to leave the group, because it's going to end up being a massive waste of time and effort- and I don't know how much Excedrin I'm going to need for a campaign with that.
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Yea, found it. Neat concept, bad execution.

>2nd level hunters mark (lmao)
>rampage ripped straight from the giant hyena stat block

>Okay, I feel a bit better now.
Whatever helps.
What are some cool monsters to put on a bounty board?
So are these 'monsters' or outlaws?
Because if they're actually monsters, and they're legitimately dangerous- you'd think going out to slay a dangerous legitimate monster threat is someone's actual job they get paid to do.
But World of Warcraft logic poisoned tabletop RPG's.
City of adventurers, freelancers aren't hard to come by.
Also dude we're in a fucking 5E thread. If you wanna bitch about corposlop high power fantasy by all means, I even agree with you. But do it in /osrg/ or /todd/, y'know, threads about real editions of the game, not WotCslop editions.
gaints, dragons, vampires, a "unicorn" that has been killing people
Ooh, the unicorn is a fun one. I do have a dragon on there but it's more of a temptation for a tpk than something I think the party will bite on. Vampire might be neat, I have a werewolf on there. The city is in a plain so a giant is good too.
>This is a thread for discussing 5e
>But you can't say bad things about it
>Trust me bro, I'm totally one of you guys and not a 5e tourist that gets assmad when people trash-talk the only game I've ever played a couple of times
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Do you really want to be mad so badly that you'll keep arguing with someone who agrees with you?
There are professions dedicated to dealing with criminals and law-breakers. Doesn't mean bounties don't exist. I don't see why the same logic wouldn't apply to monster extermination.
It's kinda weird how some of you fuckwits assume that "not liking something" means anger.
I don't like mayo, you don't see me screaming at the grocery aisle at the Helmann's jar or slapping sandwiches out of peoples' hands.
I can absolutely not like a thing, have complaints about the thing, and because I'm a mature, well-adjusted adult- not be angry.
I mean, have you ever had to make a professional complaint before? You... do realize that this works best 'not angry', right? This is kind of an essential skill to function.
But, I guess you'll figure it out when you're older.
Monsters just struck me as a greater threat, that's all. I guess it'd be like the difference between putting up a reward for someone with warrants out vs. an actual manhunt for a known terrorist.
The latter isn't going to wait for someone to try and cash in, they're going to actively have people going to deal with the problem- and a local Lord's got a responsibility, and in a village with a few dozen able-bodied men- they're more equipped to deal with the problem than some random wandering putz trying to be an adventurer.
>Be adventurer hero and a few friends
>Go to a town
>They have a bounty on a big scary boogiemonster
>Reward payout is massive
>Go and fight boogiemonster
>Get the shit kicked out of the party, but survive
>Return to town with monster's head
>Need medical attention, exhausted, out of spells, etc.
>Ask for reward
>The villagers laugh and kill us to avoid payout
>Realize the monster warned you that you shouldn't do this before you killed him
It's strange to keep an argument going when someone's on your side though. That sort of self defeating behavior only occurs when someone isn't thinking clearly, probably from emotional distress. I'm not saying you're frothing at the mouth, but if someone says "I don't like thing", and someone else replies "I also don't like thing", it's silly to then go "You actually DO like thing, you're just faking not liking it because I said something about it!"
No, I don't think you understand. You see, complaints and negative opinions are very much a part of discussing a thing.
It's not a completely absurd thought:
>We discuss things openly and candidly
>You whine like a bitch when we don't say exclusively nice things
>You claim to agree, but want people to stop saying bad things about it
Your response betrays your claim. Keep in mind, when people are discussing something on the internet- it's not entirely for your benefit, they're under no obligation to tailor their responses to what you 'want to read'.
You can just, not read those complaints and look at something else.
This is not hard, child.
Jesus fucking Christ, you really just want to argue for the sake of arguing, huh?
Nigger, I don't want to be running 5E. But it's the group I have. So instead of shitting up the board with another garbage thread about inane bullshit, I came to the thread about the system I'm running. But no, you're so fucking determined to piss someone else off (it worked) that you're gonna come bitch at me about shit I'm not happy about asking.
Sounds like you are mad and suffering from emotional distress.
Let me ask you a simple question:
You're running 5e.
You don't want to? Relatable.
What has happened when you told the other players you don't like it?
Did you suggest something else?
I'm not being facetious, I actually want to know.
"Well everyone plays D&D, you know"- is the response I've gotten. Except... there's like seven of us, it's not a MMO server.
Hell I think if you brought in 5e but disgusted it as some other name, and showed them that it was identical- they'd probably still freak out like you were laying a Hitler dick out in front of them.
Of course I'm pissed off, you came in here trying to rile me up. If you wanted to just discuss the problems with gamifying roleplay you wouldn't have replied to me telling me to go fuck myself.
I prefer a lower power game where shit like disease, darkness, and running out of arrows are problems you have to face. But I don't know a lot of TTRPG players since my FLGS is more Warhammer focused. Bunch of guys who play Warhammer invited me to a group to play, 5e is what they play, I was a 3.5/pf1e player mostly but never got far in the games I ran so I stayed mostly at the hobo stage which I liked.
I guess my point is sometimes in life you have to eat a shit sandwich, and it's better to have some fun with people you like than no fun by yourself. I play Commander even if I think Magic is a poorly designed game just because I enjoy the company, I play Counter Strike 2 even though I'd rather play 1.6 or Source because I have a group of guys I like playing it with. And I play 5e because I'd be the one guy putting the effort in to learn something new. If it were up to me and I lived in a perfect world I'd be playing fucking Hackmaster or something, but I don't live in a perfect world, so I settle.
So you like the survival elements. Okay, fair. Some players can see that as kind of a pain in the ass, because it feels like something brutally difficult and lethal for the sake of being difficult and lethal- almost like it's a system deliberately designed to kill characters, because... somehow some weirdos think that's "fun".
Well, if they're running it- it's gonna be what you're stuck with.
However, if you can convince them to let you run something-
>Start with what you can be and do, on the positive side
>Let them know there's environmental risks
>Also remind them that it's not something that becomes a problem unless you make some really stupid decisions
>"I'm not going to let you make a decision that's gonna get you all killed because you weren't aware of the dangers and how to mitigate them, that's the kind of think that happens when you take risks without precautions"
I assure you at least one of those guys at the table has met 'that asshole DM' that thought his job was to basically fuck the players and kill characters.
That's still a thing and I encounter it every time some hipster with a shit-eating grin asks me to try Mork Borg, like I don't know what that shit iss.
>You... do realize
very cope phrasing
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I can see things are heated today, but check out the first half of my D&D lego mini figurines collection :D
>has darkvision
>has a torch

>no darkvision
>no torch

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there u go
That's a dwarf?
yeah, they just made them black tho
Are these good minifiggers?
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im enjoying them plenty while i save for the big set
Did you buy the minifiggers separately or in a large box?
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I got the 6-pack. Price is the same as if I had purchased 6x separate ones, but it ensures you won't get the same figger twice.
Can you do that?
yes, it's an option in the store and online
>the slightly magical song and prose you just wrote about us is NOT HELPING" issue.
But it does help. In fact bards are the most powerful class in the game.
If I buy two of these, will I get all 12, or six pairs of half of them?
you'll get 2 random sets of 6, some maybe the same one, some wont

your best option is to buy a 6-pack and get half of the collection, then use http://falconbricks.com to find the individual 6 you're missing through the packaging QR
Is it possible to buy a full set?
What is 1dnd?
>campaign doesn't have an identified BBEG
>setting doesn't have orcs
Anon, there are some issues here.
You do know how darkvision works, right?
Why was True Polymorph nerfed?
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I love making my Player Characters get sick.
The thrill I get when one of those fools fails a Con throw is unmatched even by the carnal pleasures of the finest whores.
Do you guys make your PC's get sick and if so what are your favorite diseases to spread across the realm?
The new updated books and the entire ecosystem around it. There was a point last year where WOTC was trying to market it not as a new edition but as an entire product called "OneD&D" that you needed to pay a monthly subscription to access. This was very poorly received and they dropped the whole thing and now they just call it "2024 5th edition"
In what quality is the 2024 PHB scan? I thought the book wasn't even out yet?
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How the fuck do you roleplay a fighter but not just become a murder hobo. I made a chaotic neutral fighter and all I really feel like I am is a callous murder hobo? Group of kids being attacked by kobolds? Fuck them kids if they can't pay for some protection. NPC owes the PC's money for a job but can't pay? Shake him down and take everything he has. However, none of that seems interesting and sometimes it feels borderline murder hobo which I have always tried to avoid. I want my characters to have reason for doing what they do I guess. This character is seeking to make a name for himself whether it be via infamy or fame but he wants to be well known. Just having trouble roleplaying that.
Have you tried not being a sociopath.
We're playing different characters but my Paladin (Oath of Conquest) is Neutral Evil and our party decided to kill a Dwarf tavern owner and pin the blame on him, so I smashed his walls in, murdered 3 dwarfs, saved some NPCs, got arrested, broke out of prison, beat up the warden, and still managed to do an objectively good job at saving the city from a cartel under the city but slaughtering their leader and becoming a hero of that city.
Just direct your autistic rage at the biggest enemy of the session and get the fame
>"I legitimately cannot wrap my mind around a character that is capable of extreme violence without resorting to using that violence to victimize others and serve my own immediate interests"
Ask me how I know you're a shit person based on nothing but your RPG character.
By slaughtering their leader**
Yeah that's just for one city, we became Lords in another because again, we directed our autistic rage at an Orc War Chief that was threatening peace, so we killed his son, killed his army and he fucked off and we saved the city.
We started our journey into this city with murdering a Dwarf who was trying to extort money out of a widower who he killed and left her children orphans.
>only real desire is to be famous
>doesn't care how he achieves that
>doesn't care about others in any regards besides how they can benefit him
Your character isn't neutral, anon
a CN character should be doing unbidden acts of good as well as unbidden acts of evil, just because he wants to. You seem autistic in any case
>Group of kids being attacked by kobolds? Fuck them kids if they can't pay for some protection.
How exactly does saving the kids from kobolds not help you become more famous?
I am actually not a shit person but I am shit on playing more "callous" characters. This character is my attempt to be more active in roleplaying. I always feel I am the quiet guy in the roleplaying group and I typically play fighters or other martials and I end up just standing around until a fight happens. But I guess fighting is in the name obviously. Also, how do you roleplay anything chaotic and not come off as a violent sociopath? To me, thats all chaotic anything seemed to be.
what are the best support classes in the game and how do you play them?
Glamour Bard with Bless, Healing Word, Cure Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Raise Dead, and Greater Restoration. Never doubt the power of Temp HP + Movement + Bless + Bardic Inspiration. 2024 PHB also introduced this feat called Musician which gives allies Heroic Inspiration which is fantastic!
A knight is a fighter. Be a knight along with the honor and duty that’s associated with it.
So, you do realize that something like a fighter is fully capable of being a soldier/former soldier/warrior of some sort with an altruistic mindset, right?
Like someone who takes up the profession of arms or learns combat skills in order to protect their people?
This is like assuming that someone would join the military, get training, get out, go buy a gun, and start shooting innocent people for shits and giggles and/or the items in their pockets.
Exactly nothing about being a 'fighter' requires you to be 'chaotic'. And 'Chaotic' doesn't mean "Unrepentant asshole". It means you're following your conscience- and if your conscience is fucked up, you're chaotic evil. If you're just kinda "I do what I want" but it's generally not homicidal and destructive you're chaotic neutral. If you're following your conscience and doing what you feel is right, you're chaotic good.
Jesus Christ I hope your parents don't ever give you a stick, because you'll be out beating the other 'tards at your facility with it because having the tools/capacity for violence apparently means that it's gotta be unrestrained and indiscriminate.
Fuck's sake. Is this a character you actually play, or just an idea? Because I'm trying to wrap my mind around the kind of glue-sniffers that would find this 'fun' and not a waste of time.
I'm not playing until the DMG comes out and it's actually good.
I might hold off until the MM too, so I can get all the latest stat blocks and not just do quick fixes on surprise features.
An oddball option: I refer to a Fighter Battlemaster as a 'combat support class'. Because yeah, you're laying down some actual violence- but it's quite clear you're a martial class and not a magic user, so naturally WotC has ensured that you're not a combat killing machine.
Instead you have maneuvers which seem pretty decent, until you realize how useful they are- especially if you run a fighter with a crossbow... because the majority of those maneuvers state *weapon* attack, not 'melee' attack. Here's some examples:
>Disarming attack: You shoot the scary weapon or crucial item out of the bad guy's hand
>Distracting Strike: You shoot the monster in the ass and call him a faggot, the next time one of your buddies hits he has advantage
>Goading Attack: You shoot the monster in the ass and call him a faggot, now he has disadvantage on anyone he attacks except you and you're well out of range
>Maneuvering Attack: You shoot the monster in the ass and call him a faggot so that one of your friends can move away from him or get into a position for a sneak attack
>Menacing Attack: You shoot the monster in the ass and call him a faggot, and your homophobic slur has him literally shaking right now
>Pushing Attack: You shoot the monster in the ass and call him a faggot, he gets knocked back 15 feet and everyone laughs
>Trip Attack: You shoot the monster in the ass and call him a faggot and he falls down. Note: If the monster is flying, it comes down.
As a Battlemaster, you usually won't be the badass with the biggest body count- but after a few games, everyone in your party is going to consider you the MVP.
Bards were the most powerful and versatile class in 5e and even though PHB2024 has somewhat neutered their flavor and slightly nerfed them they'll likely still hold that spot for a while unless errata fucks them over.

Speaking of ...Anyone else feel like PHB 2024 is mostly a bag of shit with very few redeeming changes? Nerfing Druids, Paladins, Rogues and for some reason, Rangers too while removing flavor from practically every class but getting a much-needed buff for Monk and weapons in general. Feels very meh.
Peace Domain Cleric. Take Bless to really make your DM hate you.
>Anyone else feel like PHB 2024 is mostly a bag of shit with very few redeeming changes?
I feel like some of the better changes were mostly those things that DM's were house-ruling from the very start, and WotC just shoved them in to take credit for something other than 'removing things from the game'.
Otherwise, a lot of it looks like they got tired of players "playing the game wrong"- so now they have to make sure you have fun the correct way by railroading you into playing the class you want to play, but the way they want you to play it.
How often have you encountered the horny bard cliche in actual games?
I feel like every table I’ve been in, be it one shot pickups or longer campaigns, is more likely to have a flirty/horny rogue or warlock than the bard lately. Shit, I’m playing a rogue who flirts with most evil npcs right now while the bard is our party’s voice of reason. But I still see memes about horny bards every day
I think you nailed it exactly. It feels like they streamlined and homogenized and already streamlined game.
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My players had a Deck of Many Things for a short while in our campaign. I had made some rough outlines for a Fighter for each of the characters in case they drew Knight, and for the Halfling Rogue, I had a Battle Master in mind. Rapier and shield, Protection style, maneuvers like Commander's Strike and Maneuvering Attack to further enable the Rogue shenanigans. Unfortunately, only the Half-Orc Berserker/Champion drew the card before they no longer had the deck.
I feel like the meme version of the horny bard is actually pretty rare but the flirty/extrovert bard is pretty common if that makes sense. The extreme "roll to seduce" everything and making people feel weird at the table, in my experience, is way overblown. I think Bard players just tend to be more extroverted mores o than horny at least until the table is comfortable or they get the okay.
>How often have you encountered the horny bard cliche in actual games?
Once. Basically a cringe-inducing character made by a player that was desperate to impress a fat chick in the group. He wasn't even the 'funny comic relief flirty horny', he was genuinely the artsy romantic faggot and was completely useless to the group.
I wish I could take credit for killing him, or scheming on him in some way- but it was more like we all just kinda let him die and that was the end of it. He rolled another character, played him for like half an hour, and that was the last time he played with us.
I can tolerate a horny bard exponentially more than the more common 'Tard Bard
>My bard is a gnome that plays the tuba!
This is absolutely justifiable cause for one player to tell another "roll for initiative you stupid faggot". It is the casus belli for a character to kill a party member.
Is this guy + a Steam and Smoke mephit too much for a level 1 party of 5? The mephits will likely have reduced health because they've been playing tricks on the party throughout the dungeon and attempting to flee when spotted.

Players are fairly experienced.
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I'm retarded.
Not that poster but I finally figured it out (still not sure what the Naruto character had to do with it, I dropped that manga during the Chunin exams.) I already had the PDF from earlier but I was mostly curios about what kind of encoding it was.

I haven't lurked, let alone posted, here in years and only jumped in because I knew one of y'all would have had a leak of 5.5e - but I guess I'm no longer *based* enough. But once I slept on it and had my 64 cups of coffee I was able to figure it out. Hopefully other anons can decode that too.
Thoughts on multiclassing into Rogue as a martial or half-caster immediately after you get Extra Attack?
Fighter, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk, Paladin, perhaps even some of the casters that get Extra Attack like Bladesinger, Hexblade with Thirsting Blade, and certain Bard variants?
Being generous, if every player deals 10 damage a turn, they'll kill him in 6 rounds. He'll down 1 player in two rounds.

>round 3
>he has 170hp
>1 player is down
>time to kill is again 5 more rounds (40 damage per round
>round 5
>he has 90 HP
>2 players are down
>time to kill is now 3 more rounds
>round 7
>3 players are down
>he has 30HP
>time to kill is 2 rounds

If players never miss, and deal 10 damage per round, and never deviate from attacking the boss, and every player beats the boss initiative, and you ignore the mephits, and the boss never crits, or really never rolls max damage and one-shots someone, and you ignore the backdraft (cool name and idea)

The players will survive with 1 conscious and 4 unconscious characters and the combat will be 9 rounds long.

of course, if a cleric succeeds on 1 or 2 command spells and disables him for a round, or a druid lands an entangle the game changes drastically.
you can see fingers in tons of pages lmao
>4 edgelord rogues
not good
He has 27 health, not 270. The () bracket is just for adding hit dice.
>With Magic Initiate (Wizard) you can get True Strike and Find Familiar
This seems like a flavorful option for a lot of Clerics no? Don't a lot of Gods have favored weapons and animals? With this you could flavor your true strikes as your deity/faith guiding your strike (and it even does Radiant Damage!) and you can even summon a familiar of your God's sacred animal.
>Last 4 unused character ideas are now in a part
This is a fucking Crusade, there's going to be war crimes, and the senior citizen with a samurai sword is probably going to die first.
Quick, what's the least dangerous/lowest CR gargantuan creature you know?
Gargantuan Rug of Smothering or Brontosaurus.
If you're playing 5.0 it's super common. Assassin is really strong (arguably even better than action surge), cunning action is in many senses the defining ability of the game for noncasters, etc.
>perhaps even some of the casters that get Extra Attack like Bladesinger, Hexblade with Thirsting Blade, and certain Bard variants?
>multiclassing fullcaster
>multiclassing fullcaster when you're approaching "I win" spells
It's especially retarded because half the reason so many martials dipped warlock was specifically to get an extra attack equivalent that scaled on raw HD in EB.
Oh thank god. Seems pretty lethal tho. Bad positioning/dice rolls might cause a TPK due to 4 sources of AOE damage. Do a trial run on your own with 4 fighters and a wizard (fire bolt).
Bro True Strike is unusable garbage, better take something useful.
Guess that's the problem with this game sometimes, "flavoured" skills are sometimes so dogshit you will NEVER use them.
Why so you say that?
Reminder that NOBODY is talking about the 5.0 version of that spell.
Apologies, how did they buff it? where can i find all the spells of 5.5?
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works with ranged or melee weapons
One thing about True Seeing/True Sight: If you don't know when to activate it and where to look, you'll pretty much just end up using it 'reactively'- which usually means 'too late'.
Also the moment you take something like that, the DM makes a note of it and you'll probably get to use it maybe once when it actually matters.
FFS most DM's don't even use 'darkness' rules in campaigns because pretty much every D&D game is just 'fighting near the woods on the road to another town'
Nevermind I'm actually retarded, and read the wrong thing not paying attention.

'Radiant Damage' is something that's really only useful when you're going up against enemies that are vulnerable to it.
>level 1 party
>boss has 270 HP
Lmao, feed this into a CR calculator and see what you get. Burning hands alone will obliterate them when they have 10 hp each.
My bad anon, I should have specified 5.24 that's not on you. Also they changed how Magic Initiate works- you can now cast the spells with your choice of INT, WIS, or CHA so this new True Strike can use Wisdom for your Cleric.
The new true strike seems to me tailor made for Protector Clerics, so I find it slightly odd they didn't make it available for cleric or protectors at least.
Oh so its just a worse shillelagh now, pretty cool. Although I hate the idea of wizards having it.
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It's also an Origin Feat so it can be obtained at level 1 for everyone.
There are a few other spells that fall into that 'Its odd this class doesn't get this spell' thing. At least here its on an Origin Feat and is attached with Find Familiar so its not hard to get for anyone who wants it.
It's 27 health, the 0 is a set of parenthesis for adding hit die on roll20.

Burning Hands was my big concern for this, but I might just adjust the damage down a dice
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For cleric, melee war cleric specifically, magic initiate druid for shillelagh is better. The new war priest is pretty cool for just being able to slap people.

Not worse, different. It works with any weapon, like heavy or ranged weapons, and opens up a lot of weapon mastery use with it.

A dwarven Light cleric with a heavy crossbow blasting bolts of the sun sounds rad as fuck. Coupled with weapon mastery for heavy crossbows push might be cool too.
Cut a Mephit and reduce the damage of Burning Hands to 3d4 so it doesn't instantly kill the entire party on a maxed out roll and the fight is fine.
Worse only for classes that have Extra Attack. It's equal when using a d8 weapon until 5, and then strictly superior.

Truth be told, with how many different ways to occupy your BA exist as cleric, and especially as war cleric, I'd still use TS over Shillelagh and leave the BA extra attack as last resort for when you got literally nothing else left.
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>magic initiate druid for Shillelagh is better.
If you want to use a Staff or Club and don't want Find Familiar or Shield or Jump. Shillelagh is quite good.
They didn't nerf shield yet?
no, they just buffed all the other defensive reaction options (and that's a good thing)
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Nope, they buffed other defensive options tho! They did buff Jump though. Also forgot you could get Jump via Magic Initiate (Druid).
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That new jump with Swarmkeeper's hover sounds like a lot of fun. The fact that warlocks get unlimited jump (and it's fucking locked behind two warlock levels) is bullshit.
>The fact that warlocks get unlimited jump (and it's fucking locked behind two warlock levels) is bullshit.
Jump is a good spell so I can live with it being locked behind a level 2 dip to make it at-will yeah that feels fair.
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>1st Level Bonus Action spell
>Effectively gives you +20 feet of movement for 1 minute
>You can make a 30 foot high jump with this
>Upcast to target more allies
>No concentration
Ah, yes the stealth nerf to Expeditious Retreat. Time to taunt my opponents by jumping over them every turn.
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Yea, now warlock is the defacto Dragoon class.

>take the athlete feat to stand with only 5ft
>leap onto people
>they need to have a DC 15 dex save or you split the fall damage with them and they fall prone

Doing that at a range to avoid attacks of opportunity with result in you falling on you taking 1d6 damage and falling prone at the end of the jump
>Doing that at a range to avoid attacks of opportunity with result in you falling on you taking 1d6 damage and falling prone at the end of the jump
Don't do that, just jump over them to get behind them for style points.
Jesus Christ they are making it more and more marvel tier. I hate these ultra high impact spells etc
>jump spell
>it lets people jump

You're a joke.
It's a cool spell- Helm Splitter thy foes.
I wonder if that falling onto a creature thing will make it in the DMG.
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It didn't make it into the PHB, although the water part (both from tasha's) did make it in.
The damage is atrocious compared to booming blade and green-flame blade tho, specially now that is so easy to push enemies making it easier to settle green-flame blade and cleave and off course, pushing forces enemies to move and trigger booming blae more often. At least it's one more weapon cantrip and we need more.
>+20ft movement for a bonus action for a fucking minute, no concentration
>how does this have any impact on a game about walking backwards at the edge of your range
You are a parody of yourself
Yeah make EVERYTHING martials can do with rolls be available to casters for tiny spell slots, bonus action and no rolls required.
I spit on you
Those are melee, this can be done with a Crossbow and it uses INT/WIS/CHA unlike Booming Blade/Green-Flame Blade that use your STR/DEX. Plus not all characters get Masteries...also BB/GFB aren't in the 2024 PHB.
The damage is fine because of the trade-off of

>melee or ranged
>can use spel casting modifier
There's a reason only t words and women play this system, while actual gamers play low/no-magic ones.
A spell slot spent on jump is a spell slot not spent on shield
>it's ok this OP spell exists because this more OP spell does too
Yeah, getting +5 AC once is totally better than never being the target of an attack roll for 10 rounds
You do know ranged attacks exist? Spells exists? Monsters with ridiculous movement speeds and free dash like abilities are extremely numerous right? Not even the guy you were talking to but your statement is just stupid.
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>never being the target of an attack roll for 10 rounds
>Being fast isn't strong because you can be even faster!
>You do know ranged attacks exist? Spells exists?
Only if you choose to be in their range.
With the metamagic and ES nerfs it's borderline not even true that (offensive) spells exist, anyway
>Spells exists?
>casts a saving throw spell on your ass
What now?
Not that Shield isn't useful but it's not a objective clear cut superior choice over Jump
Breaking bound accuracy calculations for an entire round right when you need it is indeed better than 20 feet of extra movement for the whole fight which is borderline useless when it matters.
our group is going virtual soon and im thinking about trying out voicemod for some extra range on my npcs and whatnot. my only issue is that a lot of what ive seen online seems to suggest that its a somewhat sketchy program. has anyone here ever used it before?
They are both insanely OP and should be REMOVED, not even nerfed. Fuck mages being tanks.
Since we're on the subject of Jump and loosely Warlock invocations, how often do you find yourself in need of Water Breathing that you'd pick Gift of the Depths over Otherwordly Leap?
Okay so you're trolling, got it.
I don't think either is really all that big a deal personally. Upcasted CME could be a problem though.
Nah, it's fine sorta. If those classes want to get within 10ft of an enemy while concentrating on that spell, let them.
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Imainge high level valor and sword bards combining steel wind strike with conjure minor elementals and weapon masteries like topple or push.
>what are bladesinging/Abjuration wizards
>what are moon druids
If you think those classes can't survive in melee while keep concentration up then you're extremely naive
Dual-wielding Valor or Swords Bards and Bladesingers could push out quite a bit with this relatively easy making three or four (via Nick + Dual Wielder) attacks (or even more with a Warlock dip). Wildfire Druids get shields, armor, and Scorching Ray.
I can't say its absolutely OP since it only really gets crazy when you do specific multiclassing then it can out-damage a lot of stuff. But single class-wise- it might be okay in practice.
My plan for a Valor Bard is exactly Dual Wield Nick + Warlock dip for EB + CME
That's 5 attacks that get at least +2d8 at level 11
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You can't trigger Topple or Push with Steel Wind Strike since its not a weapon attack, but eh CME's power spikes with more and more attacks. The theoretical max number of attacks I know of with a Valor Bard/Fighter/Warlock is 7 attacks a turn- adding 4/6/8/10/12d8 to each of those attacks adds up quick.
It's a nonissue.
CME damage is way lower than surprise round burst damage was in 5.0 and it's way way harder to get going.

Convincing a player to go within 10ft of something under their own volition is already a massive win over the status quo

You have never played 5e
Nice projection though
I've never needed to use any niche skills or spells because shitty DMs always have a way to avoid certain death scenarios.

Used feather fall only once because I didnt want to feel like i used it for no reason
>CME damage is way lower than surprise round burst damage was in 5.0
I'm sure it is- but you can't always get surprise since that can be very DM facing. This however isn't that hard to get going if you want it enough. This spell lasts for 10 minutes so while rare its not impossible to have this cast before a fight- if you want to set up on round 1, you can make that happen with either 2 levels into Fighter for Action Surge or 3 into Sorcerer for Quicken Spell. I like Fighter more for the Nick Mastery. You can also blast from 15 feet, not hard to do.
I think generically- a pure Wizard, Bard, or Druid with this isn't doing anything too crazy since you gotta burn slots on Scorching Ray to upkeep any damage each round which is expensive and set up first. Still, theoretical damage is quite high.
Why shouldn’t a martial take a one level dip in a caster for Shield?
Because you can just take defensive duelist
Because that's at best two slots per long rest for Shield. Is that really worth the dip? You could have gotten Shield from your Background Feat (Magic Initiate) for 1/Day casting and not sacrifice a level. Or if you're specifically worried about melee attacks and are using Finesse Weapons Defensive Duelist.
Sounds fun and fine, I don't mind evil assholes, I just mind when it's a "Woe is me and YOU THE PLAYER are a bad person when you don't consider my griefing to be whimsical quirks because of my backstory"
Cause Barbs can't cast spells while raging and Fighters already go EK for Shield.
>players are being pursued by an army for crimes they may or may not have committed
>they're coming home from a big hunt and their assistant is there waiting with another important NPC
>they're exhausted, hurt, got a couple of cool items in the hunt though
>assistant was about to reveal a lot of important information regarding the items, which might be crucial in setting up a lot of future plot points
>I was just gonna have that play out and they'd get a couple days' rest before the army caught up to them
>suddenly thought "what if the army was there waiting for them"
>don't know how to organically reveal the crucial info if this moment passes or something happens to the assistant
>on the other hand, they can't just flee because the assistant and the important NPC are there, so this is my best bet in having them engage the army, which they have been running from for a while now
>can't get this idea out of my head now
>don't know what would happen, honestly

what do I do? my carefully-planned reveal, crafted over a couple months, which sets up at least 3 future possible plot points, OR my spur-of-the-moment you-thought-you'd-get-to-rest-but-things-don't-wait-for-you-like-that confrontation, which could potentially resolve a long-running plot thread (and start another)?
Why did they originally have time for a few days rest if you can suddenly spring the army on them as they return home?
Why not do both? Reveal the info when they come home and then in the morning after one night's rest, the army is waiting for them to step outside?
Obviously have the plot reveals then dump the army on them so they have to flee but are better informed
>Wizard reaches 5 and gets Fireball
>Cleric reaches 5 and gets Spirit Guardians
>Why did they originally have time for a few days rest if you can suddenly spring the army on them as they return home?
The hunt was supposed to be time-sensitive and done all within a day, but they're overly cautious so they took 2 short rests and a long rest in a short mission I expected not to require any rest at all, which sent them over to the next day instead. The army's tracking speed is not strictly controlled so showing up a day early or a day late wouldn't be unreasonable.

>Why not do both? Reveal the info when they come home and then in the morning after one night's rest, the army is waiting for them to step outside?
The party's strong, but they're the kind that will only go out to do stuff when fully prepared. They really take their time with stuff that is either really simple or supposed to be time-sensitive, and so far that has worked ok, but I really want to push them to the limit and force them to try a different approach with the army. I worry if they get a full night's rest, the army won't pose a threat to them and they can just steamroll their way through this.

I don't really want them to flee if they come in contact with the army, I want them to defend themselves (verbally). And even if they do decide to flee, having to enact an impromptu extraction mission would be novel for this team, and I wonder how they'd act in such a situation.
>I worry if they get a full night's rest, the army won't pose a threat to them and they can just steamroll their way through this.
Give them a short rest recovery because the army interrupted them at night?
Now the party needs to fight in dim light or complete darkness but some resources are replenished
that's not bad at all
What level are they.
Party of four lv8 characters. They know the composition of the army so I can't buff them too much without it being weird.
>party of eleven 5th level characters vs one adult red dragon

How much is action economy worth?

You keep saying army. How big is this army?
I call them army but they're more a taskforce.
It's 25 people total, being 15 soldiers, 6 archers, 3 elite soldiers and 1 commander. The commander is roughly as strong as them and the biggest threat.
As long as they don't cluster in breath ranges they'll win.
Depends entirely on what party and what conditions. Like, a group of 11 variant human dex fighters in a wide open field properly spread out would give the dragon a pretty good fight, but in a cave with not much room any party would be toast to one breath attack.
Too many unknown factors here- not only do we not know that group's makeup, but we also don't know the Dragon's abilities, the terrain, the context in which the party is facing the dragon, or how much knowledge the party has on that Dragon and what possible things the party could do in advance to weaken or impact the dragon or the fight itself.
One of every core class except monk. Competently yet not necessarily overly optimized characters. The adventure might as well have a red dragon on the cover, so they have a feeling they may be going up against one in or near the end. The location is a small tower or keep with a relatively modest dungeon level underneath it. It provides some cover, but will not hold the dragon out indefinitely.
They're toast, next question.
the moon druid has earned it. Same reason I'm not worried about EK getting it either.

abjuration wizard still has like 16 AC max, because the need to max int and con first.

>valor bard
This is the only legitimate concern. 3 attacks a round, not locked out of other casting, medium armor and shield access.

why shouldn't a caster take a one level dip in a martial for medium armor and shield proficiency, or an alternate AC calc?
>why shouldn't a caster...
Unless you planning on playing up to level 20, there is no reason to not
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Oh, this is a dungeon then, they'd be fighting stuff between that time so they're losing resources and they'd be fighting the dragon in an enclosed space at the end. Unless this group was told ahead of time that there was an Adult Red Dragon in this dungeon, given tools (strong magic items or potent poisons) to help in slaying it, or had methods to get the dragon to leave the dungeon without them going in and enter open air- they likely are getting cooked. This is a case where killing the dragon is probably unlikely but the party could accomplish something else like a grab-and-go sorta deal- steal something from the horde or rescue someone.
You clearly meant to ask "why shouldn't a caster start as Fighter 1 and then go caster", and the answer is obviously there isn't a reason not to, unless you're a sorcerer and know your game will go to 20 since the sorc capstone is actually meaningful, unlike Wizard and Warlock.
It's not like the base64 dork thing is well known by WOTC. They even used it repeatedly. 4chan is so much outdated. No men of culture anymore here.
why the fuck did they make it upcast by 2d8 rather than 1d8?

the spell its based on is spirit shroud, no? Spirit Shroud starts at 1d8 and adds 1d8.
meaning 4th level spirit shroud is just 2d8, same as CME.
But a 5th level Spirit Shroud is 3d8, and a 5th level CME is 4d8, and it only gets worse from there, 4d8 vs 6d8, 5d8 vs 8d8.

This shit literally outdamages meteor swarm upcast to 9th, right? 40d6 vs 4*(2*(1+5)) = 48d8?
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I thought up one thing I don't like about the Wizard art- all of them are carrying standard spellbooks. I think it would have been nice to show different styles of Spellbooks that aren't just books to show players that they can get creative with their flavor.
Like the easiest one; The Illusionist Wizard should have had her 'Spellbook' be a deck of cards. It fits perfectly with her showmanship-looking theme and antics.
Well if every character is optimally dipping either martial or caster respectively, whichever one they aren't, why do we even have straight classes? why isn't everybody a gish and be done with it.
isnt that a hearthstone rune on the abjurer's book?
my problem with the wizard art is that the divination tiefling is too heavily dressed and also is not having her horns used as blowjob handlebars.
Rate my character concept, /5eg/.
>Archmage from a Netherese enclave
>Thrilled by their society's rate of progress in magical research, decides to cast sequester on himself in order to observe what they'll be able to achieve in the far-flung future
>Missed Karsus's folly
>Missed Mystryl's death and re-incarnation as Mystra
>Missed The Sundering
>Missed Mystra's death and re-incarnation
>Drow/Dungeon-delvers eventually find their way into the remains of his wizard tower and they inadvertently awaken him whilst plundering his artefacts
>Tries to fend them off but his spells disastrously fail due to how fundamentally the weave has become
>Gets unceremoniously teleported to the middle of wherever the GM has the party situated
>Is forced to re-learn spellcraft all over again, constantly bitter about how magic was better back in his day and how contemporary wizards are undeserving of the title
sounds like a shitty isekai story I read
helmet found in ancient commander's sarcophagus

>immunity to frightened condition
>can use an action to make your voice loud enough to be heard clearly by anyone within 300 feet of you until the end of your next turn
>3/day can use a bonus action to remove frighten from a friendly creature that can hear you

should I make it advantage/reroll frighten save on ally instead?
this is for 5-10 levels

any better flavor ideas?
no +1 ac etc, Iooking for purely "horizontal" item
Another anon plugged it into chatgpt or whatever last thread, and translated it for him. Only an absolute braindead, mouthbreathing retard thinks that a series of obvious hints, especially when they are spelled out for him like the dumbass did last last "oh, you're almost there, just think of the board not the game!", thinks that encoding the password using 64bit encryption will stop a WotC employee. It's pure idiocy to encrypt it, just reupload it if it gets taken down. And like I've been saying; if you haven't downloaded it yet, that's a (You) problem.
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How do I make a clickable hyperlink for dice rolls in 5etools blank text tab?
How are you getting Steel Wind Strike on a bard?
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This is also how they get Conjure Minor Elementals.
Meteor Swarm is probably going to do more damage to big groups- CME is for single targets/bosses. I wouldn't cast CME at 9th level as that just seems wasteful vs stuff like Wish or Foresight or Shapechange but if I didn't factor in accuracy or saves

Meteor Swarm on average is dealing 140 Damage from the 40d6 to all targets in the area...While CME at 9th level is dealing an extra 12d8 per hit if you built hard into making as many attacks as you can each turn (Valor Bard/Warlock) I'd say you could reasonably attack 7 Times a turn meaning that's 3d6+15+4d10+84d8 = 425.5 damage not factoring in crits btw.
Valor Bard/Warlock/Fighter. Fighter level(s) are important for Nick Mastery and if you choose to take two Action Surge for first turn set up into the 7 attacks. If by some horrible miracle, you start the fight already with CME you can Action Surge to get an extra 5 Attacks (12 attacks total). I'm pretty sure that kills anything that's not immune to CME's damage type.
throw it into the gauntlet and see if it works
There's a 20th-level Gauntlet?
there's a lv18 one
2 Fighter/17 Valor Bard/1 Warlock is the 20th level version. Losing the 2 Bard levels or the 1 Bard & 1 Fighter level would mean giving up Action Surge and 9th-level spells. So you'd lose out on something here.
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Do you guys think 6 scarecrows, 4 gargoyles, 1 cambion and 1 decently buffed hag would be a challenge for a level 10 party of 5 players?

I’m not the type of DM to play my enemies like a video game. The hag has a goal, once she achieves it she’s the fuck out. The battle is taking place on top of a tower and the gargoyles will absolutely be attempting to toss the PCs out and kill them; however, this will likely only be a threat to 3/5 of the party, the other two have massive STR. The hag and cambion will be slinging fire spells from out of range, and the scarecrows will just be there to bog them down. Thoughts?
One fireball deletes all the scarecrows, so they're probably not an issue. Gargoyes don't have proficiency in athletics so grapples are basically a coin flip.

What kind of hag?
Yeah, and notably Ranger isn't one of the listed classes.
>Sandersonfag talks like a fag
Not surprising.
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Hey faggots, someone reupload the scan
Yeah, but Wizard is, and Wizard gets Steel Wind Strike. Thus bard also gets it.
Steel wind strike is a wizard spell, you ignorant baboon.
Why the fuck does wizard get it?
Bladesinger, you silly willy
They sold like 1000 advance copies at gencon for some reason.

As for quality
Download it yourself. It's certainly readable.
Hey faggot, How about you read the damn thread

Why should I when I can complain and someone will do the work for me?
Am I retarded or do the treasure tables suck? Do you roll all of the parts of the table?
Okay great it's now you're responsibility specifically to reupload every 36 hours as it gets repeatedly taken down.
Enjoy getting bitched at every time it's down.
You vastly overestimate the intelligence of monkey-suited corpos. If they had critical thinking they wouldn't be a desk jockey paid peanuts.
Great question here's your answer:
One of these.
>where can i find all the spells of 5.5?
in the motherfucking PDF we post every thread.
which one you then anon, a woman or a woman (male)?
>fighter reaches level 5 and gets... a second attack
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I'm upset that they didn't change this to a weapon attack that can use your Spellcasting Ability and that they didn't clarify that you do teleport for the attacks. It also doesn't tell us how close you have to teleport to the target(s) to make these melee spell attacks.
This might not seem important, but for characters who have AOE effects like Spirit Guardians or Regal Presence it matters where you're standing since the AOE can affect foes as you're teleporting around, it also matters when attacking Prone, Unconscious, or Paralyzed targets.
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Well then, all the scarescrows and gargoyles should have seeming precast on them, to all look like cambions. You can play up to make them act totally unlike the actual cambion since neither can speak common/infernal

but I still feel like they'd steam roll
To me it seems like it's specifically worded to prevent spirit guardians from triggering. You don't actually move until after all the attacks are made, so unless they're within range of your guardians already you don't get any bonus.
Hmmmm, AI art exists now. Does anybody know if there's a good way to make that happen?

LORA for tieflings, then use Roop for the face transplant.... but I feel like an even better way has been invented since then.
just use an online treasure gen, it'll do all the rolling for you.
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That's what's RAW but seemingly not what's RAI. RAI you're "Vanishing from your starting location and teleporting around the battlefield to make each attack and then teleport to your final location."
RAW you're basically firing off melee spell attack magical wind waves from your starting spot then you teleport at the end. Apparently not intended though.
Alright, I’ll add in the Hell Hound I was planning, and if they look like they’re gonna whip it too easy, a second round of gargoyles should even it out. I think that’s plenty.

I forgot to mention, this is the second encounter of the day. They’ll already have spent some abilities and taken some damage for sure by the time this fight comes up.
>RAI you're "Vanishing from your starting location and teleporting around the battlefield to make each attack and then teleport

No, anon, that's your (and my) personal bias.

>you disappear from the battllefeild
>each creature takes damage
>you reappear near a creature at the end

That's all it does. What is more likely is that energy blades are conjured, and each enemy is hit by one, then you appear.
The caster not teleporting to each creature also prevents attacks of opportunity, or stepping into hazards like an open flame or ball bearings
not making weapon attacks also prevents the caster from adding weapon riders like flame tongue or smites like a paladin, or power attack from great weapon master and also prevents emanation effects from being spread too easily.

I mean, your gif has the caster disappear, so their emanation would disappear too.
Wasted digits
true words, true words
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In my games, I do the RAI thing, but since there's a lack of clarification as to how close you have to be I just let the caster choose for each attack. It makes it easier- but it does make it arguably a little stronger.
Also while on the subject of Steel Wind Strike- 2024 Spell Sniper gives it a 60 ft range boost so 90 feet Steel Wind Strike (or 180 ft with Distant Spell Metamagic lol) look at all that warping range!
>No, anon, that's your (and my) personal bias.
No, that's literally what the designer of the game said. That's RAI- I didn't make that up. You wouldn't provoke opportunity attacks since you're teleporting and due to the lack of clarification in how close or far you need to be you could technically just appear above them away from hazards or just look at pic rel 90 feet on the other side of the range lol.
> Not making weapon attacks also prevents the caster from adding weapon riders like flame tongue or smites like a paladin, or power attack from great weapon master and also prevents emanation effects from being spread too easily.
So with the 2024 Rules..
>Flame Tongue
Who cares? 2d6 Extra Fire damage on up to 5 targets- that's fine. It's a 5th level spell.
> Smites like a paladin
Can't do that anymore, unless you've got a Scroll of Steel Wind Strike then you could do it to one person. It would work with Eldritch Smite though, but no Warlocks get this.
> Power attack from great weapon master
This now only works on attack actions which this is not.
>also prevents emanation effects from being spread too easily.
This is the thing that does work, because of the whole teleporting around part. Again the lead designer of the game said you're supposed to be warping around on each attack >>93777456 that's your proof.
The gif is just a gif. Also wasted numerals...
How does this item sound?
>Ring of the Jackalope
>Wondrous Item, Uncommon, Cursed (Requires Attunement)
>Once a day, as a bonus action, a creature equipped and attuned with this ring can cast the jump spell on itself.
>Cursed: This item is cursed. In combat, the bearer must jump as part of their movement, or make a DC 12 Dexterity save against falling prone. Outside of combat, the bearer can only move by means of jumping or skipping.
No, it's not. Did (You) not read the last sentence of my post? I don't give a fuck if any of you retards haven't downloaded it yet. Kiss my ass.
I know this hard to to conceptualize for for moronic, cousin fucking retards like yourself, but not everyone has an IQ of 65. Go fuck yourself and google chatgpt, you illiterate mongoloid. And then realize everyone else on the planet who had the ability count on more than one hand has already figured out what you have.
You're both the stupidest people that your social circle knows. If you haven't downloaded it yet, that's a (You) problem, and if you have and it's been taken down, just upload it again like the bitchcuck (You) are. You tourists have no idea how the internet works.
Should be Ring of the Krazy Kangaroo
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O I am laffin
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Also, while it's not RAI for it to be a weapon attack- I personally wanted that. It bothers me that Wizards, Bards, and War Clerics are generally better casters of this obviously martially inclined spell because they are more likely to have a 20 in their casting stat than the Ranger who might be lucky enough to get to18 but is likely at 14 or 16 making this worse on them despite them waiting for 17 levels while the other guys got it at like level 9 or 10 and were masters at it. By making it so it's a weapon attack that can (not must) use their spellcasting ability mod it would make it universally good on anyone. Also by making it a weapon attack, you make the weapon component matter more than just being set dressing for the spell. It bothers me that you can pick up a rinky-dink club off the ground and cast this spell with the exact same effect and outcome as you would if you had a Legendary Artifact Weapon in your hands. That just seems odd to me.
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Chinese themed jiangshi reanimated and sealed with a paper talisman over their face to keep them under control. Spellbook is the various scrolls their master materializes during a long rest.
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That's cool. I assume a Reborn Necromancer Wizard?
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Just made it up off the cuff due to your post mentioning alternative spellbooks. Backstory? Can't fucking remember everything before reanimation is patches and pieces. Motivation? Kill that son of a bitch who brought me back against my will, yet is still helping restore my spells after expending them (Talismans burn away to reflect remaining spell slots?), so I can finally rest in piece. Being undead and unable to pass on is a major drag.
>they even mention cards with spells on them and STILL didn't use it.
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Where in the PHB is that table?

Your spell book is a tiny object that weighs three pounds and has 100 pages, you can determine what the book looks like, but It's still a fucking book in the 2024 PHB.
Anon, that's a homebrew table. Even WotC isn't as bad at grammar as the cards entry.
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The Book of Many Things even has this in one of the flavor tables for character creation:
>Your spellbook manifests as a deck of cards.
I just don't understand it was right there and they squandered it! You could even have her deck/card box adorned with rabbits and bright colors! IT WAS RIGHT THERE MAN!

Hmm yeah I like it! Could also work for a Warlock with a Book of Shadows but the undead Wizard on the hunt to kill their 'master' sounds pretty cool. You could have a necromancy off with this one.
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>can be metal etched with acid
>must be at least 100 pages long
>100 sheets of 1x1ft iron 1 inch thick is roughly 40.84 pounds
>a war forged wizard could potentially be carrying around a 8.3 foot tall metal bible of death weighing over 2 tons
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>I didn't know my daddy, but I'm sure I shot outta his dick ready.
Fireballs would merrily embraced if flavored this way. No matter how often that absolutely the party over.
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>Your Wizard carries the 8-foot-tall metal bible for their spellbook
>My Wizard carries a massive bag of rocks/stones for their spellbook
Both are lethal weapons in the right hands.
>We have counter-spell!
>Oh so you want this to be slow and painful. Would not be my first choice but more then happy to oblique.
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Now I need to make a muscle wizard. Goliath's do get Powerful Build...
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Meant to type oblige but it autocorrected to oblique which in this case. Is a weapons grade muscle wizard word pun.
>Sword bard is a thing
>Getting Magic secrets and buttfucking the dms plans while filling in the weakspots of the party is Kino
I been practicing the ukulele for over 4 years and play actual inspirations and songs and background music. I tend to work myself out of situations other then direct fighting. Not everything is about combat.
what about a just normal type of whoring cheerleader?

I'd find that pretty inspiring.
your table must desperately wish to kick you

why are you actually responding to ancient copypasta?
Yeah must be why they keep inviting me to their side campaigns and we spend half the night laughing. Not because of me but my groups do this to have fun. Read the table match the energy. Your debilitating social sensory makes this difficult but I assure you anyone over 25+ is just there for a good time, not a min/maxing combat grind. They can get that for far less money and effort and frequently from a video game. Table top is about human to human interaction you silly billy.
I am new
ha. you got called a silly billy.
What do I do with this?

put it into chat GPT and ask it
Thanks. Knew it was encoded, had no idea with what
Shit is removed though
How many magic items from a single horde should be cursed? I rolled max items on this one and 1/4 of them are cursed but I feel like I should curse one more.
What are the magic items, and which one is cursed already? Also, it's probably hoard, unless the magic items actually belong to a loosely organized army of orcs or similar creatures.
If you feel like you should curse one more then curse one more. Rules are only for players, everything regarding DMing is a suggestion.
Modified a sword of vengeance into a halberd of vengeance for my polearm loving martials. Yeah you're right it is hoard. The other ones were pipes of haunting, bag of tricks, and ring of jumping. I'm thinking of cursing the bag of tricks because I already described the fuzzy balls as being gray, not the bag itself; it being backwards could be a clue.
Consider this as inspiration for the Ring of Jumping:

So Eldritch Knights still can't use their weapon as a focus. Are they supposed to just not use shields? Even dual wielding can be awkward to un- and re-equip during your attack action when replacing attacks with VSM spells. Seems like a two-hander with component pouch is the only elegant way to set it up.

Also not sure why valor bard gets it but EK doesn't, bladelock at least is a magical personal weapon.
I feel like if paladins can use their shields as a focus Eldritch Knights should be able to
I think it's fine for completely hands-free focuses to be a holy warrior thing. It's just weird to accommodate components for the warlock and bard gishes, but not the martial csndwlass gishes.
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As someone DMing 2024, 5 sessions in, i really think martial weapons should have more than one mastery.
It makes sense that martial weapons have more than one mastery, even three masteries for a two-handed martial weapon like the halberd would be plausible. It reduces the current weapon juggling drastically, that just feels dumb. my players are lv5 and they all have magical weapons, but they still juggle weapons everytime because masteries are more important than the magical properties themselves.
Did anyone in the playtest asked for this change or i'm the only one who feels like this?
Forgot to mention, off course if a weapon has more than one mastery, the player has to pick one for the attack, for example if a battle axe has both topple and sap, the player chooses one of it's masteries before each attack.
>Did anyone in the playtest asked for this change
>implying playtest feedback on anything other than wizard was listened to
Ruby of the War Mage is a common wondrous item.
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Yellow hazard stripes for difficult terrain in VTT
Yeah, no clue why Weapon Bond didn't get that relatively small upgrade.
Okay teehee macaroni.
Yeah, that's what happens when people leak how to decode it, Hasbro submits a DMCA.

Use the new link
They came to play a game not hear your shitty singing and ukulele noodling for four hours a week Mr Wonderwall.

I think they downed it

How's the weather over there in Wales?
>yuan-ti shadow sorcerer gathering intel for yuan-ti domination
>goblin cavalier fighter with an itch to show his dominance
>dhampir human monk afraid of death but does not want to become a monster
>high elf wild magic sorcerer 4th in line for his family's estate and needs to find a way to upkeep his lifestyle

This party self destructs almost immediately. No way in hell they stick together and almost assuredly the goblin picks a fight with either of the sorcerers and someone gets killed. If they can get along the dhampir becomes just the worst fucking person unalive. The yuan-ti back stabs the group and tries to become an abomination. The elf gets rich off of the groups evil acts and attempts to retire but shit catches up with him. The goblin gets incinerated by a dragon while attempting to make it his steed.
Buddy, I struggle with even coming up with a character when it's time to play.

Why would I have unused ideas?
>>fundamentalist Christian warlock
Joan of Arc?

>>pacifist gnome artificer
just don't. no group ever appreciates it, even if you're phenomenally helpful.
Unironically, what's the issue? You have difficulty deciding on a personality, you feel like they need more backstory than is forthcoming, you have choice paralysis regarding classes, what?
Arguably all of these are a problem, but I think that's more just symptoms and the issue is actually something fundamentally deeper. It doesn't seem like anybody else is struggling with this sort of thing.
Joan of Arc?

joan of arc is the archetypal paladin anon. moses is a celestial warlock
Jean is the archetypal cleric, actually. A paladin actively works for his power through an oath, the cleric has his power thrust upon him by god.
Erm actually Joan of Arc would be an oracle.
Are you trying to tackle all aspects of a character at once?
Break down into steps, don't do it all in one sitting, avoid attempting to revise a previous decision until you've made choices further down the line to constrain what revisions you can do while still making sense of the class/backstory
Ask /5eg/ for help
>Ask /5eg/ for help
Worst advice.
Since that's just the learned spells version of a cleric, I still win.
>Ask /5eg/ for help
Isn't that where he is?
she was following a angel, not a god.

>learned spells
so yeah, a celestial warlock then.
new tred por favor
Just remember, you asked for it.


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