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>Previous thread: >>93766389

TQ: Share your horror stories, what's the most degenerate a player has ever been at your table?
>Ghosts of Saltmarsh
>"what if we devoted an entire chapter to a big ass dungeoncrawl through a lizardfolk tribe's caves..."
>"...but then highly encourage the players to skip the whole thing and make peace with the queen lol"
Real funny Wizards I love having my time wasted as a DM.
>>Your last four unused character ideas are now a party. How does it turn out?

Cryomancer - Dwarf Silver Draconic sorcerer with tough origin feat. Party face, ice spells, a lot of HP.
Drakewarden Witch - Earth genasi(dwarf) shillelagh using ranger that focuses more on spell casting than attacking.
Fey Necromancer - abyssal tiefling(gnoll) Archfey warlock using skeleton familiar, flock of familiar, summon undead etc.
Spell thief - human rogue with healer and magic initiate wizard origin feats. I'd try to grab Artificer Initiate, Divinely Favored, or Gift of the Metallic Dragon for cure wounds, so I can scribe and cast as a bonus action cure wounds and sleep. And true strike, INT, would be my main source of damage, so I can dump my expertise in INT skills.
>Share your horror stories, what's the most degenerate a player has ever been at your table?
Not a horror story but definitely a weird one:
>be me
>be at uni in uni town (Europe)
>summer, ghost town, everyone went home
>meet with friend, who is local:
"Hey anon, you like role-playing game, wanna join me and my friends? We are going to play campaign over summer."
"Yeah, why not? Sounds like fun."
>got GM's skype and joined the shared convo
>DnD 3.5 with lots of homebrew rules, shifting it into gothic horror, dark fantasy
>sanity rules, soul corruption, mind control, possesion
>GM was really nice, helped me with proper archetype and spent one evening on call with me to flesh out back story, plot hooks
>between character discussion, got few weird questions, like how good I am with various phobias, where I consider to have my comfort limits, etc.
>session one at GM's house
>find out that players know each other from uni and their avid LARP hobby
>GM lives in basement of his parents house, refurbished as apartment
>looks like gothic dungeon
>LARP props all over the place
>we finally got to play
>one hour in, two players (both females) are roleplaying sex scene (male/female characters)
>three hours in, GM describes in great detail mind breaking curse turning one of the characters into sex starved slave of BBEG
>session ends with psychosexual dungeon experience, where we travel into mind of the character to save him from curse
>save him by killing BBEG manifestation corrupting his mind in form of characters dead sister that he had incestuous relationship
>at the end everyone was satisfied with good session
>turns out, that on top of being at uni and larpers, they were also part of local BDSM, and vampire roleplaying scene
>they also ran WoD games and invited me to play WoD with them, since I was "Good player, even if I was normie"
All in all, if you disregard the weird mind stuff, good experience, nice GM, pleasant players.
For some groups I guess this is a perfectly reasonable play experience. It's all about managing expectations and being on the same page with everyone present.
yeah i've never been asked those comfort limits, x card, lines and veils questions, unless it's because the DM really want it to be an ERP game.

Every time. If you get asked that stuff, it's not a green flag because they're asking consent before dragging you into it, it's a red flag that it's on the table at all and you should leave the group unless you're interested in RPing sexytimes with the other members in some degree or another. Oldschool play didn't invent it because oldschool play didn't need it, people were here kick down doors and slay goblins. It's not like sex was completely gon efrom the game but it was just "grogag goes off and fucks a whore at the party." You don't even need a "fade to black" because the camera never left the primary action, the plot shit, to begin with, it's handled with even less relevance than a gag like "grogag eats the entire cheese charcuterie, plate and all." It wasn't the focus, the focus was being big damn heroes. It's the recent crop of theater kids, storygamers, and online chatroom roleplayers that want to make the game ABOUT relationships and horny.
>Real funny Wizards I love having my time wasted as a DM

as if being a DM isnt a huge waste of time already.
communicating about stuff that makes you uncomfortable has nothing to do with sex erp or other weird stuff
if you are scared of spiders and dont want spiders in the game it's perfectly normal to tell the dm
You do it as a labor of love. You learn to accept that half of all your prep work will be wasted and you just learn to recycle it later or start to tailor your prep to your group's inclinations as you get to know them better.
For context, White Wolf games like Vampire actually are focused more on personal relationships and self identity and the exploration of that and used to be extremely popular and those kind of players drifting into D&D on occasion is in no way a new phenomenon.
I mean, can't you just change things up? Even when using a module, it's a rare DM who runs things precisely according to the book - they may include, alter, or remove things to better suit the sort of game they're running or the sort of table they're running it for. If you want to make sure that the party fights their way through the lizardmen instead of taking a peaceful approach, simply make violence necessary.
oh no the pretend fucking spiders are going to crawl out of the DM's imagination and bite you, fuck off snowflake. If the mere concept of something hypothetically existing reduces you to a quivering pile, you either need some xanax, some haldol, or a 12-gauge taken orally. Are you scared of the little scotty dog in a monopoly set because you got bit once? You need to be in a padded cell.

And if you're merely slightly spooked, yeah, it's scary shit, it's supposed to do that, that's why the DM added it, he wanted it to be slightly scary for your characters. That's literally a main part of the game, if everything was sunshine and rainbows there'd be no action, go play Golden Sky Stories or something because even Tails of Equestria is going to be too exciting for you.

yeah, and people go into VtM KNOWING that it's horny as fuck. some people literally real-life fuck in character.

D&D should not need that, and we're in a D&D thread.
>It's all about managing expectations and being on the same page with everyone present.
Absolutely, but my uni friend confessed, that he played a joke at my expense, since he vouched that "I am cool" and somewhat obfuscated what kind of group/game I will be joining. Keep in mind, that while there was ERP, lot of degenerate stuff, it was still your standard ttrpg at core with bunch of players around table screaming at bad dice rolls, GM going "Just According to Keikaku" behind GM screen, laughing and having good time (some maybe had too good time, but that is story for another time).

This was way before x-cards and the social aspect of making everyone comfortable being standard for ttrpgs, while some questions and plot hooks felt weird, it did not register as red flag for me, since all my games before that one were as you described: Epic LoTR style fantasy, pulpy shadowrun stories or cheesy "Were the drow women at?"
oh no, someone else's imagination ruins your imagination. Get the fuck over yourself faggot, its a made up game.
>oh no the pretend fucking spiders are going to crawl out of the DM's imagination and bite you, fuck off snowflake. If the mere concept of something hypothetically existing reduces you to a quivering pile, you either need some xanax, some haldol, or a 12-gauge taken orally. Are you scared of the little scotty dog in a monopoly set because you got bit once? You need to be in a padded cell.
bro i dont know who you are trying to impress by being such a tough guy on the internet. Nobody cares
>you either need some xanax, some haldol, or a 12-gauge taken orally.
Edgy zoomer fags like you is why all my games are 35+
The rest of the module assumes you side with the lizardfolk and make peace.
It's enough to change but it's annoying.
>some maybe had too good time, but that is story for another time
Oh jeez, I hope the female players weren't fingering each other under the table while roleplaying their sex scene or anything, that'd have been awful.
>never been asked those comfort limits, x card, lines and veils questions, unless it's because the DM really want it to be an ERP game
Meanwhile I've had plenty of session 0s or pre-game surveys like that and have never had a session with anything remotely ERP-adjacent.
I have actually done one. I asked my players if there was anything they didn't want. One of them said 'direct depictions of suicide'. I said 'ok'. Presumably they know someone who offed themself.
As if this entire hobby wasn't made specifically to be a huge waste of time. Because that's what hobbies are for.
nta but why do people here always randomly decide the issue is age, race, gender or whatever when the clear issue is that the person is just an asshole?

like, I still have a "no zoomers" rule, but that's because the age gap just feels weird. my no-assholes rule is completely separate
They don't actually have that rule. They just think that anon's a fuckwit and feels like characterising them as a zoomer probably to insult or upset them.
Of course anon is a fuckwit. Giant spiders are a staple of trash RPG enemies. Don't like them? Don't play an RPG.
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Would a Duergar with the 2024 Dex focused Eldritch Knight Fighter/Draconic Lineage Sorcerer work well? Just a highly tanky dwarf with spellcasting and them getting +1 hp from Dwarf and Draconic Sorcerer and their Origin feat being Tough for +2.
okay but you're supposed to ENJOY the wasted time.
yeah, i've ran two people through that chapter and it ended up being rather short for how much text there is.

Both parties just went for the diplomacy option
no no, they were saying the guy saying spiders are normal for D&D and someone is a little pissbaby if their spider phobia gets triggered too much to play by spiders being mentioned, not even seen, mentioned, i.e. me, was the zoomer.

Well, EK and Draconic is pretty MAD, unless you go full int-less EK meme, so you're only using its spellcasting for defense.
cause telling someone to kill themselves over communicating preferences in a game between adults is something an edgy zoomer would say
Yeah, that was the plan. Mainly for extra ASI/Feats, dual wielding fighting style and the 7th level cantrip replacing an attack for something like booming blade using my CHA. Draconic Sorcerer is also for unarmored defense from 13+Dex and I can get defensive spells like Absorb Elements and Shield from EK for non-melee attacks and Defensive Duelist for melee. By the way, can you quicken spell another booming blade/Green Flame Blade for another attack as a bonus action if you used it already during your Action as a replacement for one of your attacks? Just curious if you can BB two different people that way in a single round.
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For your adventurers, do you use the sword as a primary weapon or carry it as a secondary?
A sword is a perfectly fine weapon for an adventurer. Think about what an adventurer is typically doing. They're in claustrophobic dungeons where it's difficult to move a halberd or spear around, or they're in cities where a polearm is damn inconvenient. They're not typically fighting in tight formation where longer weapons shine. In fact, with magical enchantments and the commonality of spells like fireball, I doubt formation fighting would really be all that common, and thus polearms wouldn't be anywhere near as popular.
My sorcerer carries 3 daggers. 2 of them have come in handy. The third one is an untrustworthy piece of shit.
>getting +1 hp from Dwarf and Draconic Sorcerer

duergar don't get +1 to HP, and you only get a +1 to HP from sorcerer if you take sorcerer levels.
I mean my DM greenlit it for Duergar to take the 2024 baseline dwarf racials (they got the 120 foot darkvision anyway) but keep their innate spellcasting. Mainly because all elf and tiefling subspecies get a free cantrip and 2 leveled spells at 3 and 5 anyway. But you are right about the Sorcerer hp gain, though it is a bonus for the levels I do take Sorcerer.
you can. but EK already gets a bonus action attack anyways.

also, what's your main attacking strategy here?

you don't get the bonus health from draconic unless you take mostly sorcerer, but EK is already a 3 level dip, and you don't get any of the extra attacks without quite a bit in fighter.
what do duergar trade out as a subrace then, just the stonecunning?
sword & board is iconic and swords are the most likely magic weapons to be found in most cases so it's pretty common for at least half of a group to use a sword (long,short,great,rapier,scimitar, etc) as their primary weapon. Polearm people will generally carry a side sword as a backup weapon.

Dorfs are least likely to use them as secondary weapons since handaxes are generally superior due to being able to toss them. The number of dwarves I've seen with dex > str over the years is miniscule.
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Sword forever.
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Dorfs who fight like Roman legionaries is underrepresented in fantasy. Romans are a good fit for dorfs. Their style of warfare was defensive and about out enduring the enemy, they valued heavy infantry above all other types, and they were as much an engineering core as they were a military.
They do get advantage on avoiding/ending the charmed and stunned condition due to being ex-mindflayer slaves, so trading that for tremorsense (which fits well, especially for deep dwarves who only live underground) is good and the 2024 dwarves have the Duergar 120 feet of Darkvision, so that's no longer unique to them and Drow. Giving up the spellcasting though for spells like Invisibility and Enlarge/Reduce would suck otherwise if you wanted your dwarf to be that subrace.
Sounds more like what the average internet user has said for the past 20+ years.
I'm playing a sorcerer, she carries a rapier and a couple daggers as backup just in case of antimagic or some other fuckery, but cantrips are always better than melee for her.
Ehh, the legions liked throwing pilums too much for me to ever really tend to use them as inspiration for dorfs.

Heavy Infantry with shields and shortswords does make sense for subterrean fighting since short swords are good for close quarter fighting though. Maybe throwing axes instead of pilum but that just risks the enemy picking up the axe and tossing it back at you.

Dorfs using mauls, battleaxes, mattocks, etc tend to be the line breaker style dorf champions so regular dorf soldiers probably do like shortswords especially if they are primarily crossbowmen.
Wasn't the main use of the pilum to disable the enemy's shield by lodging a javelin into it, making it too heavy and unwieldly to use in combat? Seems like a function that might easily be mimicked by a throwing axe.
the pilum's tip was flimsy so it would bend after impact making it basically impossible to retrieve and toss back at the legionaires.

Simulating something similar with an axe would be problematic since then it wouldn't be useful in melee.

I guess the key question would be who are their most common opponents? If Orcs then tossing some axes might not be a terrible idea since even if you get return fire you are generally talking AC 13 for the orcs vs AC 18 for the dorfs assuming chainmail is relatively common place. It's a worthwhile trade to thin the orc numbers before you get into close melee.
Amd? What dies that have yo do with the fact you are wasting you're wadting tin playing D&D and even more so by posting on 4chan? Don't enjoy it? So something else. And by replying to me you admit that you enjoy wasting your time and thus destroy any argument that you have against what I just posted.
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>the pilum's tip was flimsy so it would bend after impact making it basically impossible to retrieve and toss back at the legionaires.

What about a mechanical axe flail? Meant to be used as a dwarven axe, but if the grip is not held for 5 seconds, the shaft comes loose to reveal a chain connected to the axe head

The dangling chain and shaft makes the shield heavy and unwieldy, and attempting to user an axe flail is plum heh stupid.
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My Sorcerer, my Bard, my Rogue, all carry swords be it a Longsword, Saber, or Rapier. For some of my other characters, their secondary melee weapon is a sword while their primary is a Bow or Gun or Heavy Polearm... and some just use Greatswords.
Had a DM once who had an important NPC being a horny lich who loved to mindfuck people into literally fucking, was very "fade to black" about it at least but several party members ended up being part of an orgy due to the lich. Later saw the results of the lich mindfucking a bunch of mind flayers into a murder orgy as well.

Also had a one-shot where one of the players decided to make a character that was creepily stalking another player's character. IC went about as well as expected but out of character he didn't seem to care all that much.
Why shouldn't I hack 5e for my homebrew post-apocalyptic system?
I don't care whether or not they have that rule. I just can't understand what sort of shared cognitive defect leaves everyone on this site unable to correctly identify simple negative qualities about people unless it's attached to a minority or buzzword that has no relation to the conversation

the lack of self-awareness here never ceases to amaze me.
5e doesn't really support survival
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Thoughts on the Jaeger class from Steinhardts Guide To The Eldritch Hunt?
It seems like a very fiddly class with the use of focus points in focus arts to gain momentum dice to use finishers, which does activate my autism in a good way, but at the same time beyond one or two options that seem objectively the best by a large margin (vicious finisher) it feels really underpowered.
The default brutal finisher is basically just a rogues sneak attack but it takes like 2 turns of setup

I guess thats just part of homebrew, to avoid being called OP you have to be a bit shit.
I think that's one subsystem I'd have to tear out, and replace for sure.
how do I stop being burned out on homebrewing?
>tear out and replace

brother, it's barely a skeleton. There is hardly anything to remove, just add to it it's worse than you think. All the exploration rules are in different areas of the book, so looking them all up is annoying as hell. a good place to start is looking at phb 2014 ranger's natural explorer for different exploration facets

stop making it.
for how long?
till you get the itch
42 days
Because class based systems require almost complete reworks to be genre-shifted in most cases, it's making more work for yourself for no reason. I would recommend Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition
It's genre agnostic, easy to brew for, and it's simple, which I assume you want because you're looking at 5e in the first place.
why doesn't wotc give items an explicit size?
because most gear is one-size-fits all
what do you mean?
>You can also blast from 15 feet, not hard to do.
That's 585ft closer than you were in 5.0, so I feel like it's at least a little harder to do.
>I think generically- a pure Wizard, Bard, or Druid with this isn't doing anything too crazy since you gotta burn slots on Scorching Ray to upkeep any damage each round which is expensive and set up first. Still, theoretical damage is quite high.
It's a nice feather in the hat of fullcasters yeah. Teleport isn't without error, but parties with multiple fullcasters can drop CME rays on top of people from 13th and it gives you nice list flexibility to have this combo be with lower level spells.
The game is still fundamentally broken at those levels if you've got a party with multiple fullcasters in the first place, so this is really more of a flex than anything practical albeit (it's even leaves multiple characters wanting to fullrest).

I don't think you can get CME online at a level where it lets you oneround CR20+s before casters fully take over the game.
>On your turn, you can take one additional action, except the Magic action.
Maybe bard8/fighter3 can use the gimmick for 11-12 but it still seems too volatile for real games.

Because the caster levels won't stack with your pact magic

I mean why don't they say for example that pikes are large or vials are tiny
Weapon parry confuses me a little on the intent. You make an attack roll, but it mentions you get to block "unless your attack roll is a one", so are you just rolling the "attack roll" to see if it is a one or twenty and the effect will always go off unless you roll a 1? My initial thought was you had to actually hit the target's AC but perhaps I am mistaken.
Does seem like a nasty ability though, no save stun. maybe the sort of creatures you need that for are very likely to be hitting you harder then you are capable of hitting them so it is "balanced" in that way, but could be worth some testing.

As a whole feels very awkward and frontloaded though. You want to spend your focus often to power your momentum, but while you can recover some focus it isn't that much or consistent so your damage is going to fluctuate and usually be on the low end. This is from a glance without actually playing it though, so possible it works better in action.
And does it really get no extra abilities at later levels apart from extra focus arts and finishers? Would be nice to even get a few extra ribbons honestly.
>a pike occupies a 10-foot square area on the battlefield
Its just assumed. They do mention in the wizard chapter that their spell book is a tiny object
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Because tracking how much space each individual item takes is considered "tedious bookkeeping", many groups don't even bother tracking carry weight.
or whatever size it is. I just said large because it has a reach of 10 feet and can't easily be compressed into a smaller area

it shouldn't be assumed

you don't need to track space, but the size matters for a number of game effects
Size of an item is equivalent to how much space the item takes. You can track both or neither. And if do decide to track it, just taking 10ft pole through sharp corner in 5ftx5ft tunnel becomes fun mathematical exercise. That is, if you like math.
>Size of an item is equivalent to how much space the item takes

not necessarily. some objects don't occupy their space.
Am I crazy for missing the Appraise and Streetwise/Knowledge (Local) skills?
mind supporting that assertion with an example?
NTA anon but a gelatinous cube is well known for being the rare creature that occupies its space.
a lot of spells and class features that create objects or effects with an explicit size category will say if they occupy their space, such as battle smith's cannons or guardian of faith's guardian, implying that Small or larger objects and spell effects occupying their space is not the default.
Question: for the Berserker's Axe, if it's a halberd with reach, and there's a creature at 10 feet, 5 feet, and in your square, do you attack the creature in your square, or do you randomly pick from those?
yes, of course, gelatinous cube or battle smith's cannons do occupy their space, but we are looking for an example of the contrary as suggested by
>some objects don't occupy their space.
>Undead are supposed to always be evil due to negative energy
>yet we have the Evening Glory, whose a True Neutral goddess of death with lich heralds and paladins

Isn't that inconsistent?
I have a few horror stories, but I think this was the worst one I witnessed at a physical table.

>Prepping game for some friends
>one friend invited his female friend that all of us except THAT GUY have met
>we all shoot the shit before playing, at which point that guy starts openly flirting with her
>by flirting he at one point said "you know we can have sex right after this game" in front of everyone when she asked if we were going to play anything else afterward.
>she's polite and brushes him off telling him she's not interested, while the rest of us give him the look telling him to cut that shit out.
>game starts
>everyone begins to sit down and the female was about to sit next to the friend that invited her over until that guy grabs his seat from him and takes his spot next to her, responding with a "too slow bro"
>everyone including the female choose to ignore it for the time being
>female decides to play a bard, at which point that guy immediately tries to seduce her, claiming that it's fair game since she's a bard
>she rejects him and blasts him with tasha's as a warning
>fast forward to first combat and she gets knocked out alongside another party member
>that guy proceeds to ignore unconscious party member at his feet and runs to the other side of the field to heal her
>upon rolling for healing hp he fucking tosses his dice at the female's shirt to make them bounce off her tits
>female gives him benefit of the doubt and makes a joke saying his target was supposed to be his dice tower
>stinky fucking gamer fucking says "nah I know what I'm aiming for" and throws another set of dice at her tits
>at this point the whole table is openly telling him to cut that shit out
>that guy claims he's acting in character, in the sense that his actions are a perfectly normal response when interacting with bards in general
>we eventually convince him to stop doing that shit and all agreed to continue with the game
>1 hour later
>Undead are supposed to always be evil due to negative energy
Neither the MM nor the DMG make any mention of why undead are often evil aligned, even contradicting itself:
>Many creatures of low intelligence have no comprehension of law or chaos, good or evil. They don't make moral or ethical choices, but rather act on instinct. These creatures are unaligned, which means they don't have an alignment.
One would think mindless undead fall into this category. And while the negative energy explanation can be found in earlier editions (if I recall), 5e fails to make any mention of it anywhere.
>MM p.6: Undead are once-living creatures brought to a horrifying state of undeath through the practice of necromantic magic or some unholy curse. Undead include walking corpses, such as vampires and zombies, as well as bodiless spirits, such as ghosts and specters.
>DMG p.275: If your monster has no concept of morals, it is unaligned. Otherwise, it has an alignment appropriate to its nature and moral outlook, as discussed in the Player's Handbook.
So, after all that rambling and quoting, to answer your question: Yes.

>female excuses herself and says she has to use the restroom
>she's been in there for a while and texts us saying her stomach is acting up
>we all hear her throwing up in the restroom
>we decide to just leave the game as it was and catch up some other time
>we later learned that the dude was constantly touching her under the table and that his body odor was so bad that she couldn't properly breathe and it made her sick
>that guy was never invited to any games or any events in which females were present again after that shit
Negative energy isn't always evil and positive energy isn't always good
Xag-ya/Xeg-yi are Always neutral.

It's just that Good is associated with positive energy, so Evil appeared in the mirror of that, and negative energy is harmful so it's a common association outside of fiends anyway.
Would the old 5E races and supplemental book races be compatible or used with 5.5E? The new book doesn’t list any racial bonuses for stats.
Try reading the new book more closely, particularly the part where it talks about using races from previous D&D 5e books with the new 2024 rules.
In 5.24, attribute bonuses are paired with backgrounds, rather than races.
Attribute bonuses were decoupled from races during 5.0 anyway
I have GM'd various systems in the past, but don't currently play TTRPGs. I have a friend who GMs DND and uses me to bounce ideas off of. He's run at least a few campaigns, so he isn't new to all this. The more I talk with him, the more I think he's kind of a terrible GM.
>Makes actually complex puzzles that only have one solution, can't be gotten around, and are required to advance. Grinds sessions to a halt.
>He always writes character epilogues that are out of PC control where the character gets fucked over in some way.
>Railroady to the max, including just disabling certain character abilities or magic on the fly to conform to his track

I've tried to sheer him to a more open approach where he creates a detailed interactive setting, and then puts in the framework of a quest on it, rather than his almost cinematically sculpted quest lines, but I think he's set in his ways. I don't know, maybe players out there like being railroaded?
There are some players who really struggle with what to do without the GM providing a very obvious sense of direction, but I get the sense your friend is just bad.
>have minmax player at table
>chooses barbarian
>never roleplays and always gets mad talking to npcs and killing them
>try to force him to not be a retard and avoid combat
>gets upset he would take damage running straight down the line of a wall of fire into a room
>has a literal 4y/o temper tantrum and almost storms out
>relent and say fine nothing happens and you run in
>kills npc in one turn
>wow so much fun for the table
>a week goes by
>"okay guys I've made a combat focused one shot who's in?"

Why are minmaxers the worst type of player you can encounter at your table and why are they always so argumentative on every ruling that makes them not a literal god?
>Maybe bard8/fighter3 can use the gimmick for 11-12 but it still seems too volatile for real games.
CME doesn't happen until level 10 Bard, also you use Action Surge to take the attack action NOT the Magic Action. You use your normal Action for the Magic Action.
He's said to me that his goal is to make players feel bad. So he always creates tricks or setups where -technically- it's the players fault something terrible happens to them, but really it's just rigged. Except for the epilogues, where he is fully in control and always writes some kind of monkeys paw ending. This isn't even for horror settings either, just every campaign.
Maybe I'm just too stuck in my ways, but I would always make a number of locations that were detailed in ways relevant to players (shops, important npcs, places of local interest, plot relevant places/people) and then I'd build a campaign progression that was more like a tree that only really tightened up at the very end, but you could get to it many ways. It was built to be flexible and tended to be resistant to player shenanigans
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PSA: Cleric magic comes directly from the Outer Planes, not the gods themselves. It is only "unlocked" by a god, pantheon or immortal entity. This means they cannot fall.
One cool thing I just noticed about Valor Bard is I think they're the first full caster with the ability to use any Ranged Weapon as a Focus. And at level 10 can start swapping magic on their spell list to Wizard/Druid/Cleric spells. So Valor Bards works really well for a Spell Slinging Archer or Gunslinger.
>CME doesn't happen until level 10 Bard
You're right.
I'm not seeing CME being a thing at a relevant level, unless you allow metamagic adept. Maybe there's a new fleshraker equivalent for Cot Moon Druids.
>also you use Action Surge to take the attack action NOT the Magic Action.
You're mixing two different concepts. I'm just talking about the AS change impacting general case of people, not bards.
>You use your normal Action for the Magic Action.
Wrong. You use your normal Action to Attack and convert one of the attacks into a cantrip via bard Extra Attack to get two cantrips + 2 attacks + bonus actions/once per turns/etc.

Yeah, going back to complete divine clerics was a big win for .5

>what are warlocks
>what are warlocks
Pact Magic Casters- while Bards have loads of slots and options eventually!
Are there any explicit rules for picking up and throwing other characters in a combat situation?
It definitely feels like something that should be possible to do, at least after succeeding a grappling roll. A strong human would probably be able to throw a halfling or a gnome, and a druid wildshaped into a gorilla could probably be able to throw a human.
My GM has allowed it a few times but it's always been very haphazard in-the-moment rule of cool rulings.
It's basically a strength check and how much the person they want to throw weighs vs how much weight they are already carrying.
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>Poisonous Snake is no longer a Find Familiar option
Do we have a CR 0 snake option?
its an option for warlocks.

but in a word, no. they're all cr 1/8 or above.

what can be unlocked can be locked again.

that said
>harnessing divine mafic doesn't rely on specific training
"Clerics memorize"-fag BTFO
Subtly start recommending him game design channels.
ah yes, the failed novelist.
i had one of these exactly as you describe, but also he had a million DMPCs, who spent a lot of the time just talking to each other in front of us rather than the party.

can't be that much of a minmaxer if he's playing barb.
but I'mma let you in on a secret, you don't want one of those that roleplays, because they're just as narcissistic and pushy about narrative as they are about mechanics.

>Attribute bonuses were decoupled from races during 5.0 anyway
not quite. Humans and Custom lineage never got +2 +1 or +1 +1 +1, and Mountain Dwarf still had +2 +2. Only their assignments got decoupled.

see, the issue is you're calling them MINDLESS undead, when they aren't.
They have Int 6. They're not sentient, but they aren't mindless, any more than say a Quaggoth.
>forgotten realms
well there's your issue.
it's self-evident.
>can't be that much of a minmaxer if he's playing barb.
nta, but minmaxers can just have a prefered favorite class, but go out of their way to mixmax said class.
do you think proposed flavors describe all possible applications of a concept?
do you think all monks PCs must have come from a monastery?
I'm telling them to kill themself because they're so addled by trauma and mental instability that being reminded that spiders exist is apparently a mortal terror to them, and that's no way to live and certainly not a productive member of society in any way.
If you're only a drain on others, and your own life is full of unavoidable suffering, utilitarianly, you should go ahead and kill yourself for the betterment of all involved.
>monastery: a place where monks live
>ergo, every monk lives in a monastery, even if it is a tent
>horny lich
he got no dick, he got no balls, he got no blood with no hormones.
what makes him horny?
aren't those both part of investigation?
pure force of will
>do you think all monks PCs must have come from a monastery?
please point me to where the 2024 rulebook says all monks come from monasteries.
His love of boning, anon.
Of course clerics can fall. Here's how: the player does something against his deity, and the dm removes some or all his powers until he atones.
>but that's not in the book!!!!
read any official module. They change the rules every page, for example curses that require higher level remove curse, monsters with different stats, etc. Changing the rules is the very first rule.
Now that you understand the most basic concept of dnd please never post your rawtism in these threads again.
I really hate how these nufaggots have take this idea and claimed credit for it- while using it the wrong way. I've always used a note card system, it was something I learned long ago. It's not new, it's nothing like these faggots now use it. It's very simple.
>Every player gets a note card
>During the game you can use it to make a note for the DM discretely
>It can be a question that applies specifically towards you/your character
>It can also be a cool idea you want to do in secret without the other players knowing
>It could be a cool suggestion to make something more interesting
>I suppose you could use it if you took issue with something
>The point is to not interrupt the game
>At the next break, the DM picks up the note cards and reads them and gets back to everyone
>Everyone gets a fresh note card
It really does prevent the game from being bogged down by that one guy who wants to do something very specific that only applies to him.
I can't tell you how many times in a group we didn't use this system, and two assholes tie up the entire game session.
So, I'm gonna tell you a thing- I'm not going to bother making stupid examples. But there's a huge difference between asking someone to avoid some actual grotesque and disgusting shit...
And then there's asking people to avoid doing all of these 'fairly normal things' in a fantasy setting because of your personal phobias. You know the difference and I don't have to explain it to you.
The point I'm trying to make is if you have those kind of hang-ups that are going to be an issue, you can't expect a group of people to act as your personal therapists or psychologically bubble-wrap everything for you. No one at the table is qualified to do that, and none of them signed up to be your support group. They're there to play a game, and if you can't function like that- you need to find another group, but more importantly find a professional to help you with your phobias.
>describes ENTIRELY different concept
>only thing it has in common is the figurative idea of a "card"
>mad that people are "doing it wrong"
is this autism?
Imagine a person playing who they are in real life, the trope of tropes.
imagine being so terminally online that someone uses an example "dont like spiders" and you conjure up a whole scenario of psychological distress and therapy and whatever the fuck other crazy shit nobody mentioned

all this to avoid accepting that adults communicating about their preferences in a game between adults is a positive thing - no, you're right, we should all be in permanently hostile adversarial games with strangers with no communication about what the game should contain or be about, just so we can act tough on the anonymous message boards about how OG and hardcore our game of pretending to be warriors is
that doesn't prevent things like Adam Koebel having a doctor rape your 4 year old character live on a stream while cackling manically.
By the time you hit a break, it's too late. He can't get unraped.

This is not a hypothetical by the way.
>you conjure up a whole scenario of psychological distress and therapy and whatever the fuck other crazy shit nobody mentioned

If it's so triggering that it can't be at the table, then it's exactly what i'm describing.

if it's not so triggering it can't be at the table, then there's no reason to use the "nuh-uh" system
This isn't the /calvinball/ thread, retard
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Talk to me about clerics and divine soul sorcerers. I'll be playing for the first time in a couple of weeks and I think i'll go support
No, that's... pretty much exactly what the concept was, long before it turned into an X-card so people could cry about words like 'Crusade' or not having enough faggots in the tavern.
No, you dumb faggot. We're not being adversarial. We're telling you flat out- "If you can't handle the kind of normal things you'd encounter in a game like this, you need to sort that out because only an entitled little shit would expect people to start changing everything just because you can't handle the word 'spider' without freaking out.
For fuck's sake, you little faggot: I actually have PTSD, because I was actually in a fucking war. Most of you weirdos don't have actual phobias, fears, or any real psychological trauma- you have a desperate need for attention and validation.
If you were actually serious about wanting to function in society and do things with social groups, you'd know damned well the world doesn't adapt to your trauma, you have to adapt to the world. YOU have to be the one to seek professional help.
Fuck's sake, you people are the kind of fuckwits have a sense of entitlement that beggars belief.
You know we didn't have to screen potential players as hard until you pearl-clutching attention whore faggots started coming around.
>as a referee, the DM interprets the rules and decides when to abide by them and when to change them
i feel like this is just more proof positive.
you don't need a "consensual" X card system unless you're a pervert.

Everything else can just be talked out during breaks like adults, or never needs talking out to begin with.
When did you notice you were a problem player?

For me, it was after the 20th session of challenging bad DM decisions. I realized I was putting so much effort into countering bullshit that I was bringing needless aggro to the sessions when everyone else was fine with getting fucked with surprise rounds from obviously aggressive enemies that were running straight at us from 30 feet away while in eyeshot the whole time, or enemies going 'nope it was an illusion' when attacked. If everyone else can have fun, why can't I?
Very nice
>post: if you dont like something you should communicate with the dm, there's nothing wrong with that
>(You): autistic rant about snowflake liberals or whatever
>I actually have PTSD, because I was actually in a fucking war
KEK sure you are
>Someone hypothetically roleplaying a doctor raping your four-year-old
You don't need an X-card for this.
You immediately stop playing with people like this.
You don't respond to it, you just get up and leave.
On a stream, you just disconnect. That's it. That's all.
Why do I have to tell people how to function like adults?
I mean, I'm like 90% sure they got the survey thing from like... BDSM and orgy circles.
"I'm predominantly straight, I am okay with diddling guy's butts, but nobody is allowed to diddle mine." that type shit.
It's not hard to see where their mind is at.

It also explains why they make really really weird statements like "a good DM is a service top and a power bottom"
no no, didn't you read? I said it's NOT hypothetical, this actually happened. Far Verona, Season 2, Episode 18.
I don't actually care what a dishonest faggot believes.
No, this isn't about ''you not liking something". This is you pretending to have phobias and serious issues when you're just an attention-seeking faggot looking to disrupt a game and have it specifically curated to meet your fabricated sensibilities.
You're a pussy.
You're an attention whore.
You don't get to enjoy fun games with good people.
The good news is you can change all of this by being an actual fucking adult and getting professional help.
You are doing the equivalent of going to a cigar bar to bitch about the people smoking because it bothers your allergies, you absolute fuckwit.
>passing notes to the GM with information that the rest of the party shouldn't or wouldn't know
>having a quick and formalized way to tell the GM that something is getting uncomfortable for you
These have literally nothing in common other than the use of a card. Your version doesn't actually stop an uncomfortable scene because the GM only reads the notes at a break. The X card doesn't let you pass secret information because you're not writing anything.
>It also explains why they make really really weird statements like "a good DM is a service top and a power bottom"
link as proof
Did the person immediately stop and leave?
Because that's the appropriate response, otherwise it's theatrics.
>"I would prefer it if you would stop roleplaying the rape of a child so we can continue on with good quality wholesome gaming as a group"- shit no serious adult ever says
>Your version doesn't actually stop an uncomfortable scene
It shouldn't be necessary, stop graphically raping your players characters, we're here to play a game about kicking down doors and slaying goblins.
>still autistically screeching about imaginary scenario
you stopped pretending to be a navy seal at least
>The X-card doesn't let you pass secret information
It doesn't convey any information, faggot. It's a silent whine.
Imagine being such a pussy that you can't say "Whoah, dude- I'm not cool with us roleplaying a kiddie rape scene, what the fuck is wrong with you?"
Anyone who lacks the fortitude to do that, or at least get up and leave? Yeah, they're not worthy of consideration.
Simple as.
I suppose being a pussy comes with all sorts of challenges.
>Muh Navy Seal
I never said I was one of those. I wasn't even infantry. But I realize it's hard for you to wrap your mind around, I doubt any men of decent caliber have ever lowered themselves to being in your presence, so it's understandable that you're in disbelief after I've given you far more than you deserve, catamite.
they ended the episode, but then promptly ended the series, banned him from future productions, and then got a twitter cancel mob to chase him out of the industry entirely.

So I'm pretty sure their upsetness, which was plastered all over their faces the whole time, was genuine.
*finished the episode
I had no idea who the fuck you were talking about, then I looked up this person- all I needed was the image.
>Looks like a child molester
>Roleplays out actually molesting a kid
>Shocked Pikachu face
Seriously, I don't know how these creepy faggots surprise anyone. You could show a picture of this dude to any reasonable person and ask if they'd let him DM for them-
>"No, he looks like a child molester."
>It doesn't convey any information, faggot
EXACTLY retard
I'm not actually arguing for the use of an x-card, I'm saying you're a retarded sperg for thinking the thing that's wrong with an x-card is that people are using it wrong because they're not doing the same as a completely different concept that also includes cards.
It's an emergency stop button for people who can't use their mouth for some reason. It's not a note-passing scheme.
So this was some 'Let's Play' or something, then?
Gotcha. I don't watch those. As I said, I took a look at him and it didn't shock me at all. I'd have been shocked if he didn't roleplay fucking children.
>The only time I've ever had to intervene for a woman was because of a male feminist that insisted a woman needed him at the table
>The only time I've had to kick someone for being racist was because they were an 'anti-racist', and called a black dude "A houseboy"
Which page?
What I mean is can I still use races from other books instead of just the ones in the new PHB?
What does it say about all the previous modules and such with backwards compatibility?
I mean, we'll pretend they were well-written by people who played their own game.
If I'm understanding and you just don't like the Backgrounds, you can pretty much pick the two attributes to raise, pick your three skills, an origin feat, and take 50GP.
I mean it seems like that's the case so why not just tell players to do that instead of wasting the ink with these trivial background options at all
How do you balance casters and non-casters at your table?
>they were able to use every resource at their disposal
>except x-cards
All this goes to show is that if somebody doesn't have the guts to confront somebody, a magic card isn't going to change that, and if they do, a magic card isn't necessary.
This one is on you guys for not kicking him out around the time he started trying to throw shit down her bra and instead continuing for another hour. Just a classic case of conflict aversion.
Well, ""child"
it's like the opposite of that 1000 year old loli situation.

Physically technically the character was an android shaped like an adult human, specifically because he was designed to tend bars. But agewise he was 4, and mentally certainly quite innocent and childlike.

Kobel's justification was that he was teaching him how to masturbate, because "robots need love too" or something like that. I don't know about you, but my pediatrician never badtouched me to teach me how to tickle my pickle.
No need, most caster players are brainlets
>Physically technically the character was an android shaped like an adult human
If I ask my wife to put on a fake mustache, wear a man's sweaty t-shirt, and talk with a deep voice while I fuck her in the ass and/or have her peg me with a strap-on... she would be absolutely correct if she called me a faggot and left me.
r8 my exhaustion houserule
>1 level: -1 to d20 rolls, -5ft. movespeeds
>2 levels: -2 to d20 rolls, -10ft. movespeeds
>3 levels: -4 to d20 rolls, -20ft. movespeeds
>4 levels: -8 to d20 rolls, -40ft. movespeeds
>5 levels: -16 to d20 rolls, -80ft. movespeeds
>6 levels: Death
>what can be unlocked can be locked again
Ever heard the one about the cat being let out of the bag?
How about the one about putting the genie back in the bottle?
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>guy admits to unironic sexual assault after being given the benefit of the doubt
>guy is able to walk away on his own terms
If this actually happened, do you just drink fluoride by the bottle or something? Do you need a written invitation to protect somebody?
Wasn't the story that the robot was getting firmware upgrades, which were designed to feel... blissful, to incentivize the robots to get upgraded regularly?
Or was that different case of shotabot molestation?
Looking back at this situation, we should have absolutely done so. I think the main thing that held us back was simply the amount of shock we were in when it came to witnessing that dudes behavior since he was our friend for over 10 years at that point.
>Your friend for over 10 years
>You don't realize he stinks
>You aren't good enough people to grab him up, take him outside, and ask him what the fuck his malfunction is when he starts chucking his dice at a woman's tits
>She is there with another man (friends or otherwise) and he has the audacity to be that disrespectful for well over an hour
I'm not going to say you're shitty people and lack spine, I'm going to say that I hope you learned a valuable lesson and have stopped being so flexible with terms like 'friend'.
It's a placebo. If someone's the 'roleplay some rape' kind of guy, he probably didn't suddenly have a shift in personality. He's been that way for a long time, and probably got plenty of other social cues or even interventions. A piece of flimsy cardboard with an X on it isn't going to cut it.
>I don't know about you, but my pediatrician never badtouched me to teach me how to tickle my pickle.
Don't worry bro I got you
>Ever heard the one about the cat being let out of the bag?
You can absolutely stuff a cat back in a bag. I'd just recommend doing it with falconry gloves, or drugging it first.

>How about the one about putting the genie back in the bottle?
Yeah, it happens after he grants your three wishes.

the Spartans used to do that, you know.
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I've told this one here before so I'll keep it brief.

>west marches server cause covid
>decide to make an evil character for the first time
>18 Con dhampir oathbreaker paladin, not relevant to story just really liked my character
>small farm in danger from nearby Orc encampment
>beat up orcs holding family hostage, head to Orc camp
>weird vibes off the bat, ugly-ass orc women want to fuck my character
>he's loyal to his vampire waifu so it's an easy no
>Orc boss offers to negotiate with family, okay.jpg, we all troop back
>his offer is he gets to marry their underage daughter and she has to bear his child to consumate the marriage
>daughter agrees, because it's literally that or her family dies/loses their farm
>nobody but me seems to see a problem with this, and idk why my evil character would stop this, so in character I stay silent
>out of character I argue that this is clearly rape as the girl is being coerced
>dm says I'm being silly, nobody else speaks up
>dm describes the next 5 hours, in 30 minutes increments in which we all have to sit and wait while the young girl is raped by a 10ft Orc chieftain

I was actually physically sickened by the end, which was a new experience as I had never been disgusted to the point of physical manifestation before.
That DM was kicked from the server about 2 years later for a later incident and several unrelated complaints.
>the Spartans used to do that
Tell me next how Alexander the Great was gay and everyone in Rome was just blasting each other in the asshole in the middle of the street.
Gonna spoil it for you:
Most warriors from a variety of cultures did something 'similar', but it wasn't what you're thinking. At a wedding ceremony, the bride would put on something that was her husband's- a helmet, his breastplate, etc. Usually it would be his cloak. It was symbolic of her being a part of him, and becoming a part of the family, so to speak.
This tradition continues in the modern times with athletes- or at least it was a thing when I was in high school. Girls would wear their boyfriend's letterman jackets or jerseys during football season.
So your revisionist faggot dreams aren't indicative of real history.
Nta but the final days of Rome were actually degenerate af
You see the same thing today where the insanely wealthy rape children on private islands. Roman's didn't do it first or best, but they definitely did it
>Archeologists find a series of island buildings with white and blue stripes, topped with golden domes
>"Galfridus non occidit seipsum" scratched onto the wall in Rome
>"Waitagoddamnminnit"- archeologists
That's very distasteful and I'd certainly not want to rub shoulders with that kind of cretin but physically sickened? Chotto cringe desu
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You can also be support by going Light Domain and instead of healing, you blast the absolute fuck out of everyone and everything that isn't your allies with Radiance of the Dawn and Fireball.
Sure, if the DM allows it. Only real difference would be if you're using an older version of something that got updated.
Just me having issues accessing the PDF?
It's just you, yes
Try again, catbox was down but it literally came back while I was writing this post
Still not working for me but if catbox is dropping I'll just be patient and give it some time. Thanks for the heads up.
Are there HQ images of anything in the new phb yet?
no. the only reason we have anything at all is because they decided to sell some con copies early for some reason.
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Does anyone think we'll see new Sorcerer subclasses in future books with features that activate off of Innate Sorcerery?
Because what would be the point?
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Do you gives have an idea for a good alighted fighter that's also a lich.

Were getting a monster champion, and I need to be the party mortalcompess, or we go full murdernobo.
Could be a Deathless folk hero I guess, "so long as the people need me, I shall continue to protect them" or some shit. Could literally need to perform a heroic deed every month or so to continue living as some parallel to a standard lich.
Looking for lair actions for Archmages/mind flayers/elder brains. Please
Well, Liches have to be wizards RAW in order to cast the spell that creates and maintains their phylactery (Imprisonment) by feeding it souls.
But there are other immortal sentient undead that can serve a similar purpose: Revenants and Death Knights sound close to what you have in mind.
Cool idea just to get Lathander to be a lifeknight.
Wouldn't surprise me. At least with the level 7 ability to spend sorcery points to reuse it, it won't feel like playing the UA phoenix sorcerer.
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i made a chart with how i think attributes should be characterized
the skills for INT's history, nature and religion would be switched with WIS' medicines and survival, while PER becomes its own thing, being classified as informational intake and discernment as well as one's ability to efficiently and accurately observe the world around them
Agility is a stat under which the skills of athletics and acrobatics would fall, being a measure of the speed at which one is able to move their body, in contrast to DEX governing the precision and delicacy of one's actions

D&D stopped being simulationist in the sense of trying to poorly describe irl with overengineered systems some time during AD&D.
Give up. Stop. You're not trying to make the game better.
>You're not trying to make the game better.
course i'm not, i don't even play
this is just a thing i made for fun
/5eg/, do these additions sound sufficiently unique for a ttrpg book?

>weird fantasy setting
>cooking system
>origin feats that grant scaling familiars
>subclasses that can be used with any class
>new skills that can be used for rules-lite magic
>stats for items that never had rules attached to them
Kinda curious what you mean by that last addition. Is this tied to your second addition and you're planning to stat pots and pans for their cooking effectiveness?
Dunno what the baseline for being "sufficiently unique" is though.
I guess safety tools really are an effective means of filtering out fragile pussies
If we're being honest, I've been tempted to lay down X-cards as an option to see what happens with a new group.
First time I see one go up, I'm probably going to ask to speak to the person, ask them what bothered them, and when it's something trivial I'm going to recommend they find another group.
Sounds like a functional screening mechanism.
inb4 it backfires and your players instead screen you out based on having x-cards
Be a sentient weapon in the hands of a possessed warrior
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What are some sublasses / third party books with subclasses that you actually like? It's kinda hard finding ones that aren't overpowered, or based on some anime dweebshit, or are based on the creator's homebrewed to hell and back class system. I want to give my player's more choice without having to vet everything, and also to steal ideas for my own homebrew garbage.
The only reasonable thing you wrote was Perception being its own thing instead of being shoved into Wis.
I compiled all the rules for wilderness survival and travel some time back. They're OK
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Yo, early access Digital PHB 2024 releases this day. So, can we expect it to drop here any time soon?
As soon as dndbeyond is done with maintenance.
How would I go about gaining access to Lightning Bolt as a Warlock without taking the Fathomless Subclass? I just want to throw lighting around.
is it possible to improvise an action to grapple with a whip?
Maybe it was to test how fast the pipeline from print release to pirated PDF.

The fact we had it within 2 weeks is hard proof they should go ahead like every other TTRPG company and just sell PDFs. They're not preventing anything by being user unfriendly.
That wouldn't explain the head shaving or the taking her back to the barracks.

>According to contemporary sources, the Spartan marriage ceremony was as follows: the bride shaved her hair like a boy (of the agoge), donned men's clothing (presumably the chiton of the agoge), and waited alone in the dark. The bridegroom came alone and surreptitiously after curfew, "took her" (but not necessarily home!) and then stole back to barracks.

This is very clearly, especially with the relocation to the barracks, to simulate the sex he was already having with his rookie underlings, ease him back into heterosexuality for the purposes of procreation.
How long until DNDBeyond is back?
Who knows at this point.
They are 13 minutes late. Maybe they'll be 50 minutes late to stay on theme
Writing a campaign out, about 12 weeks. The players are going to get drawn in to stopping a powerful cult, who is working behind the scenes to prepare for a ritual for an apocalyptic event.

The cult has everything they need to conduct the ritual, but they're short three things: weapons, manpower, and powerful leaders. The framing of the campaign is that the players will have the chance to try and stop them from collecting these various items, but only some of them: they can't be everywhere at once, and the various plots are in cities that are weeks apart. The idea is that the group can either chase up one specific plot and totally disable that element, or they can try and do a bit of damage to multiple, but eventually they'll be out of time and need to try and stop the big ritual.

Any recommendations for getting specific with this? How to frame each plot, etc?
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Unfortunately, it's either that, multiclass or a magic item, and good luck getting a Staff of Power.
"Stole back to the barracks" refers to the groom. With "The bridegroom came alone and surreptitiously after curfew", it means he had to sneak away from the barracks to fuck his wife, and then sneak back in.
I don't know, it seems weird they have to go to different cities to recruit rank and file, leaders and get weapons; people are usually found together, and weapons would be produced wherever people are... and and everyone has a dgger, and it's not like you can't get away with swinging a stick in a pinch.

Why do they need the manpower, anyway? Can't they just conduct the ritual with what they have?
You'd expect they would start with their leaders. Unless their leader is magically sealed away or in a jail cell.
That means 5etools will get updated too right? I'm pretty sure Beyond was the hangup on that right?
>The custom was to capture women for marriage... The so-called 'bridesmaid' took charge of the captured girl. She first shaved her head to the scalp, then dressed her in a man's cloak and sandals, and laid her down alone on a mattress in the dark. The bridegroom – who was not drunk and thus not impotent, but was sober as always – first had dinner in the messes, then would slip in, undo her belt, lift her and carry her to the bed.

Faux kidnapping of the bride was a mainstay of all ancient Greek weddings, Spartans included.
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>Can summon up to eight weak unimpressive fiends
>Can't control them, can't tell them what to do so they're liable to try and kill you and your Party
>This is a concentration spell
>For Summon Greater Demon all you have to do is beat their charisma rolls to maintain control

Not a fan of summoning something I have no control over
They're more of a fuck around and cause chaos sorta option, much like Gate.
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DnD Beyons is back.
Come on lads, do the necessary
I get it but if I'm not able to command them then it shouldn't be a concentration spell
I'm concentrating on maintaining a spell that's a potential liability and the things I summoned are already rather weak, it'd be easier to just summon them and let them run wild while I concentrate on something else
Because it's conc without the greater demon additional line, it's actually not a bad thing
Once combat's over or positioning is fucked, you can just drop conc to send them all home, they don't stick around for X rounds.
You can always just stop concentrating and send them back if they're a nuisance
Nah, The problem stems from concentrating on a fiend you don't have control over
Just summon it when it can't be a problem to your and your players and then de-summon them when it's over
I have the 2024 PHB but I can't choose any character builder options from the book besides the ones in "Free Rules".
I'm going to do a run in bg3 as a death cleric cause alchemist is so shit also when I get the new rules I'll probably try to find an actual game to play as a cleric
Is there anything I need to know other than the channel divinity charges for death cleric work with inflict wounds and vampiric touch and highest spell slot is for casting AIDS second highest spell slot is for spirit guardians?
Yeah, that this is /5eg/ not /BG3g/
I didn't ask that, fagola

They've updated the changelog - you don't get the full shebang until the 17th with the rest of the masses.

>> Introducing the D&D Free Rules (2024)
>> The 2024 Core Rulebooks introduce new
>> and exciting updates to the fifth edition ruleset,
>> and we want to give players a free and accessible
>> way to experience them.

>>To celebrate early access to the digital
>> 2024 Player’s Handbook for Master Tier
>> subscribers, we’re also giving registered users
>> a sneak peek into the D&D Free Rules (2024)
>> by granting access to four base classes (Cleric,
>> Fighter, Rogue, and Wizard), spells, and one
>> subclass for each of these classes. These free
>> materials are available under the Sources tab
>> on D&D Beyond. The D&D Free Rules (2024)
>> will be further expanded on September 17 to
>> include the remaining core classes.

Nevermind, I'm an idiot who can't read, apparently.
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>tfw the party has to explain to the Paladin that the Princess-Knight he’s been exceptionally nice towards actually LIKES him

He’s got zero awareness when it comes to women, dude has failed every roll to notice details or implications that have been made to him from both the Princess and the other Noble girl crushing on him
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Hey, at least its a funny character flaw that he's denser than a neutron star when it comes to social ques from women or just has no interest in sex whatsoever if by a miracle he finally does.
fuck off bg3 zoomer
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so apparently this game is not so much about healing than preventing damage in the first place. does one even play support then? if so how? or does one just run around and try to kill everything as fast as possible on your own like >>93790968
dnd isnt an mmo
support or tank isnt a concept that applies
Consider a Pygmelion-like wizard having a relationship with a fire elemental. He implants the elemental into a Galatea-like statue, animating it. Would he have to cast stone to flesh to impregnate it, and would the offspring be a fire genasi or an earth genasi?
That sounds like shit.
Pretty much for the most part. The best healing is usually preventing damage before it even happens. I tried solely support once, but if your party is unable to properly defend you or defend yourself, you're kinda screwed and so are they if they have something like Haste on them or other concentration spell you're going to lose. Plus you do have some additional utility with Light Domain with warding flare giving enemies disadvantage against your allies as a reaction provided you are able to blind them.
get raped

No Thumbs version from Reddit, OCRed, Anon's Bookmarks transferred over.

I did it bros I DM'd for the first time for a group of friends who have never played dnd before and they all loved it
I'm so glad it went well
clerics have aid and bless as support spells. Aid gives you extra hp, bless makes you more likely to hit and less likely to get a spell to hit you.
the only healing people do is clerics will usually carry healing word and revivify to pick up downed allies. clerics also have good damage and cc spells like inflict wounds, spirit guardians and command so its not like you are a heal bot
what phb 2024 cleric subclass and deity makes the most sense for a Coprnicus/Mendel/Lemaîtrev/Bayma style catholic monk scientist focusing on chemistry/Alchemy?
I figure I am going to be a
>skilled as origin feat so I can get alchemy supplies
>acid splash and poison spray
I'd rather do necrotic damage than radiant if that changes anything
>2014 free basic rules is just 1 subclass per class, 1 background, 1 feat

>2024 free rules is only 4 classes
Wtf, how did things get WORSE
Why do you think?
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what other concepts are there in place? if any?
hm i see. so what does divine soul do? i thought double healing would be it but that does not seem to be the case

They do say free rules will get the rest of the classes on the 17th. But I'm definitely concerned about how many subclasses and backgrounds and stuff will be included in the free stuff. Right now Acolyte, Criminal, Sage, and Soldier are the only backgrounds. Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, and Human are the only species, etc.
Healing is for between combats or for keeping a guy from bleeding out and dying. Pretty much period.

Defensive buffs, CC that prevents enemies from attacking them, killing them off so they don't get to attack.

What kind of elemental?
It's actually neat if he's some paladin order recruit from the monastery that's never known anything except the barracks. "While you were banging girls in the haystack after the harvest festival, I was studying the blade" and all that.
>one of the players is playing as a racist halfing
>all the other plays are getting uncomfortable because he keeps calling everyone >fucking biggers
Hell yeah.

How is it 1/3rd the size??

Wait a minute this is the same damn scan with the thumbs photoshopped out isn't it!
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Rerolling healing dice from healing spells using sorcery points, can add 2d4 to an attack roll or saving throw per short/long rest, additional spells based on alignment and 30ft flying at 14th level. If you want to be the turbo healer, Life or Grave Domain cleric with the latter maximizing healing spells when an ally goes unconscious and having a bonus action 30 foot range spare the dying cantrip. They can also prevent crits.
i'd rather be turbo useful
normally if you do any heals they are out of combat. in combat heals are like an ifak irl. basically only exists to stop someone from bleeding out
>All the backgrounds are shoehorned with no real choices in them.
Fuck that shit.
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He’s a fresh knight that traveled around with an old man Knight that served as his mentor and basically has had zero female connections in his life besides his Mother and his Big Sister in his backstory so the lad just genuinely doesn’t pick up on social cues from women.

He’s also, in character, not very interested in an “easy lay” as being a bastard himself he would be terrified of getting a woman pregnant out of wedlock.

Also yeah just dense as a Fucking brick but he’s like a golden retriever puppy good boy

>pic related the princess that asked him to dance at the Ball
The most egregious is if you go bard with the entertainer background (obvious choice right?)
You end up getting SEVEN (7) musical instrument proficiencies
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Yeah, only ones really worth getting is the ones with Tough, Alert, Magic Initiate (Wizard), and Musician. Anything else I'd just go with custom background or old backgrounds for if you want some actual choice. Also sucks you gotta be the music monkey no matter what with the Entertainer background, especially if you imagined your character as type of circus performer with no music training whatsoever.
I miss Gladiator variant. That was fun.
Fire. A fire elemental used to animate a statue.

Each class has like 5 they'd ever possibly want to take, 1-2 that are actually ideal.
Okay and what KIND? Salamander? Tlexolotls? Firenewt? Efreeti? Azer? Cinder hulk? Chwinga? Myrmidon? Magmin? Phoenix? Murder comet?
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Is this an Elder Scrolls flame atronach reference?
Good god this makes me upset.
Is there a reason for Monk to ever want Lucky, Skilled, or Magic Initiate Druid over Tavern Brawler? Or are all monks Sailors now?

Also, weird that Hermit is no longer good for Monk when it was the 2014 suggested default.
They should have never touched races or backgrounds. Fuck this shit.
Which has nothing to do with the addressed point. "Stole back" in this case means the man sneaking away, no kidnapping.
Pure elementals are more-or-less animals mentally, despite the greater intelligence. It has no concepts of personal relationships, the wizard is just moving, wet fuel. There's no stone to flesh spell, and there would be no offspring anyway, because it would create just innert lump of meat.
Does anyone know the title of the video where Matt Colville talks about 10 foot poles, how old school D&D was survival horror, and modern D&D doesn't know what it's about?
can't you just like, not use the proficiencies?
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>Gandalf, the wizard whom all fantasy mages trace their descent
>great swordfighter who only looks worse because his fighter/ranger companions are legends

>mages in D&D movies, books, shows, and certain vidya
>bunch of staff twirling kungfu shit
>will still likely lose to a specialized fighter or rogue in sustained melee, but will put up a good fight nonetheless

>mages in tabletop
>some 4STR/4DEX nerdy loser who gets beat up by a teenage peasant in a melee

I've always found the disconnect to be kind of funny
The thing I can't get over his how quick they cast. My guy would take several rounds to get a spell shield or spell turning up that quickly.

6 Evocation

Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Self
Target: Self
Components: V S M (A statuette of yourself carved from ivory and decorated with gems worth at least 1,500 gp)
Duration: 10 days
Classes: Wizard

Choose a spell of 5th level or lower that you can cast, that has a casting time of 1 action, and that can target you. You cast that spell—called the contingent spell—as part of casting contingency, expending spell slots for both, but the contingent spell doesn’t come into effect. Instead, it takes effect when a certain circumstance occurs. You describe that circumstance when you cast the two spells. For example, a contingency cast with water breathing might stipulate that water breathing comes into effect when you are engulfed in water or a similar liquid.

The contingent spell takes effect immediately after the circumstance is met for the first time, whether or not you want it to, and then contingency ends.

The contingent spell takes effect only on you, even if it can normally target others. You can use only one contingency spell at a time. If you cast this spell again, the effect of another contingency spell on you ends. Also, contingency ends on you if its material component is ever not on your person.
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How would you design an encounter against bard opponents? Have them be standing in the back buffing a bruiser and casting silvery barbs and vicious mockery? Mind controlling a mob to fight for them? AoEs like Thunderclap and psychic scream?
humans get an extra origin feat
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Have them casting stuff like bless/hypnotic pattern and steal the Glamour Bard's bonus action move allies up to their speed without opportunity attacks and temp hp on a recharge.
I'd rather have all the cool stuff from aasimar or goliath
I think the main problem with this video is that genres are supposed to be descriptive, not prescriptive. If a game doesn't sound like a certain genre, that's a problem with the genre categories we've created, not a problem with the game.
Ranger is based on Aragorn and in the books he is only ever mentioned to be wearing heavy armor and wielding Andúril or a torch. The bow and knife were added by Viggo (who though Aragorn should have a bow if he is a ranger and is hunting) and I assume the knife was jackson. Granted the way LotR is written it really doesn't describe armor or nonmagical weapons often so I think Aragorn's heavy armor is only mentioned during one or 2 of the major battles
>If a game doesn't sound like a certain genre, that's a problem with the genre categories we've created
Unless the game was supposed to be designed to fit the conventions of a certain genre. Just because something's descriptive doesn't mean that it can't be a target.
>noooo I sneed to minmax and play a tranny race
does tavern brawler even work with monk?
Origin Feat
You gain the following benefits. Enhanced Unarmed Strike. When you hit with
your Unarmed Strike and deal damage, you can
deal Bludgeoning damage equal to ld4 plus your
Strength modifier instead of the normal damage of
an Unarmed Strike. Damage Rero/ls. Whenever you roll a damage die
for your Unarmed Strike, you can reroll the die if it
rolls a 1, and you must use the new roll.
Improvised Weaponry. You have proficiency with
improvised weapons.
Push. When you hit a creature with an Unarmed
Strike as part of the Attack action on your turn, you
can deal damage to the target and also push it 5 feet
away from you. You can use this benefit only once
per turn.
>Martial Arts Die. You can roll ld6 in place of the
normal damage of your Unarmed Strike or Monk
weapons. This die changes as you gain Monk levels.
as shown in the Martial Arts column of the Monk
Features table.
Dexterous Attacks. You can use your Dexterity
modifier instead of your Strength modifier for the
attack and damage rolls of your Unarmed Strikes
and Monk weapons. In addition, when you use the
Grapple or Shove option of your Unarmed Strike.
you can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your
Strength modifier to determine the save DC.
General Feat (Prerequisite: Level 4+)
You gain the following benefits.
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Strength or
Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Push. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with
an attack that deals Bludgeoning damage, you can
move it 5 feet to an unoccupied space if the target is
no more than one size larger than you.
Enhanced Critical. When you score a Critical Hit
that deals Bludgeoning damage to a creature, attack
rolls against that creature have Advantage until the
start of your next turn.
Re-rolls on 1 damage are nice and push is situationally good if you don't want to provoke opportunity attacks but you don't want to Disengage
As an elements Monk, taking Grappler lets you grapple with Reach on your unarmed strikes.
I'm a completely brand new gm, and I bought stuff on DnD beyond, assuming that buying it there was at all useful.

When I found out that it's literally just a character creator and less convenient way to read the books, I tried downloading the maps and putting them in roll20, and it worked so badly it turned me into the joker.

What VTT software will not make me want to throw my computer off of a tall building? I was looking at FoundryVTT, but I don't want to buy a bunch of crap again before I'm sure it is gonna work.
They always want to make mages cooler than they are.
use roll20 and get betterR20 and just import the campaign data into your adventure. if you're looking to do a lot of homebrew and dont follow a pre-written, i cannot assist as I do not know

>How is it 1/3rd the size??

I don't know, the post I found on Reddit didn't have any explanation, just said it was the best they had so far. I didn't check it out till I saw someone say there weren't any thumbs in the comments.

>Wait a minute this is the same damn scan with the thumbs photoshopped out isn't it!

LOL, maybe? If so, they also did other cleanup on it - pages are all the same width, some things that were slanted aren't now.

Just wish internal doc links could be transferred in a PDF - I know the bookmarking Anon was working on making keyword links and that sort of thing, but he had the thumbs one.
isn't rerolling a 1 only like 0.6 expected damage per round or something shitty? great weapon fighter was always shit on because it was just 1.2 damage per attack with a great ax
For your monk
1d6 is 3.5 damage
1d6 reroll 1 is 3.9 damage
1d8 is 4.5
1d8 reroll 1 is 4.9
1d10 is 5.5
1d10 reroll 1 is 6
1d12 is 6.5
1d12 reroll 1 is 7
you are literally bitching about half a point of damage per attack
roll20 is unbelievably bad, owlbear rodeo is not as bad

getting books on dndbeyond is kind of a trap but has some benefits like being able to use all the digital art. if you do the subscription thing you can also share content when people make their characters, like races and subclasses

im trying to move away from it personally since theyre just double dipping my wallet
>try to get into the hobby
>can't find a group irl
>look online
>get kicked out when you mention you're new
damn I didn't expect such newfag gatekeeping
Sorry, anon, if you want to get an online D&D group, you need to play Killing Floor.
I think they said you can just, you know, make your own background and follow this formula of 50G, add to the attributes, pick the skills, choose origin feat, etc.
So why bother including backgrounds at all? Why not, you know, just... use that formula.
>So why bother including backgrounds at all? Why not, you know, just... use that formula.
Generally you inspire more invention by providing examples than doing fuck all
please describe how the rest of it is unreasonable
Yeah there's no maybe here, it's the same source as before. What the guy "in between" did is crop (to get the thumbs and anything beyond the pages out), stretch, rotate and fill out as well as compress.

It's a hack job that, due to the stretching and compression looks worse than what we had before, unless you're deathly allergic to thumbs, in which case have fun reading lower res text I guess.
How did you start the campaign?
stop buying shit
use roll20 if you want something free
copy shit from 5etools
and dont fucking use virtual maps and shit until you know exactly what you're doing, that is just a nice to have, not the core of being a dm
wait, why the fuck was inflict wounds mega nerfed?
I dont care if you're new, all that matters is that you're older than 25 and have a job
It's basically the minimum for me to trust you to not be a waste of my prep time.
I'm 30 and I do have a job, why?
>I'm 30 and I do have a job, why?
good, mention it when you're looking for games
because nobody wants to spend prep on some zoomer college kid smoking weed and missing the game time
warcaster i think.
>Stealth: Passive stealth, calculated the same as passive percpetion, 10 + your stealth skill.
>Passive stealth is applied when moving in heavy obscuremnt or while under the invisible condition
>If you passive stealth score is higher than a creatures passive percpetion score, you are considered hidden

>Percpetion: Passive perception, calculated as normal, 10 + your perception skill.
>Passive perception range: all creatures have a passive perception range of 30ft, this range can be extended by certain feats, features, or racial traits, each feature that does so increases the range of your passive perception by 10ft
>The elven racial trait Keen Senses, Harengon racial trait Leporine Senses, and Tabaxi's Cat Talents are traits that would increase your passive perception range by 10ft, but traits like the Human's Skillful, Dhampir's Ancestral Legacy and lizardfolk's Nature's Intuition would not since they give options to choose from rather than just granting the skill.

>If a creature has a lower passive stealth score than your passive perception score, you always know where exactly it is in your passive perception range.

>I̶n̶v̶e̶s̶t̶i̶g̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ Replaced with Folklore - An inteligence skill based on legends, personalities, inhabitants, laws, customs, traditions native to cities, towns, and villages yes, its just the Knowledge (Local) Skill

Skills used in place of Investigation: Insight, Medicine, Perception, or Survival.
i don't think elements monk can fully grapple with ranged attacks can they? their range is only increased during their attack after all.
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Potentially ambiguous?
>The condition also ends ... if the distance between the Grappled target and the grappler exceeds the grapple's range.
>grapple's range
The grapple's range in this case is the range of the extended reach of the elemental Unarmed Strike, wouldn't it?
but you only have that range while you're making the attack, i think. "When you make an unarmed attack, your reach is 10 feet greater than normal", so the grapple would end as soon as your attack does.
I'd like to ask for help with a hypothetical character-
I want to play a Crossbow Expert character that uses a Heavy Crossbow. That's the condition, other than I'd like it to actually work well enough to be fun.
What class/subclass would be best for this?
The DM is actually having the party start at level 3, but having a plan for a few levels afterward would be great.
But yeah, that's all I'm asking for: I wanna be a dude with a heavy crossbow. That's it.
Any suggestions? Preferably with the 2024 PHB, because I believe we'll be using that since the game doesn't start for another couple of weeks.
I mean...what kind of dude? Do you want to be a basic Fighter dude? A fighery dude with some druid magic and outdoor wilderness experience?

...those are probably the best two options, actually, since Rogue probably doesn't care about CBE that much.
I'm open to both options. I've played a Gloom Stalker Ranger before and quite enjoyed it. Same goes for a Fighter Battlemaster.
Both are equally fun in my book. However, I'm just asking to see what others think and see if there's maybe some interesting options to consider.
I would argue it's about the grapple's range. The grapple was made at >5ft. Does that mean the grapple's range is >5ft? It's pedantic and arguing the minutia of wording (like all RAW rulings) but I consider it ambiguous.

Escaping a grapple doesn't say the grappler's reach/range nor the reach/range of the Unarmed Strike/attack that caused the grapple. So is a grapple's range a separate entity from the character's reach / range or the reach of an attack?

Not that it means anything to RAW, but I could imagine a ranged elemental grapple in the theatre of the mind (tm) being something like encasing the target's legs in ice/earth or maintaining a fire/air vortex and the monk needs to stay in range to maintain the elmental energy
>imagine a ranged grapple in theater of mind
yeah, i can too kinda, but i think it's probably better this way so the monk can't just grapple someone from 10 feet away and then beat the shit out of them while the enemy can't fight back.

maybe it doesn't matter that much, honestly, but for game balance i think it's better if the monk has to sacrifice some safety to grapple.
Paladin is no longer obligatory melee now iirc.
So you could be a sheriff with a Big Iron™ so to speak. Er, well, it's a bow, so Big Wood? Wait, thats something else entirely.
A bigass crossbow with 'REPENT' engraved over the front sounds fun. Please, continue.
For that matter, neither is monk, though it doesn't get HEAVY crossbow, it would have to be hand.
monk still kinda obligated to go melee to capitalize on martial arts and flurry of blows, desu.
Of what hasn't been mentioned yet, Cleric. It can also opt for true strike while using the HCB. Rogue would be an excellent user if you could get HCB proficiency without paying out the nose for it.
>maybe it doesn't matter that much, honestly, but for game balance i think it's better if the monk has to sacrifice some safety to grapple.
And that's a fine, even good, opinion.
But regardless of whether or not it's good for the game's balance, I want to know if it's legal to do RAW
Ultimately, I'll defer to my DM but I personally think there is ambiguity in the way it's worded in the 2024 PHB
All smite spells are still melee only tho. You can make use of divien favor tho.
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>when you make an unarmed strike

You only have the extended range [when] you are making an unarmed strike, not after.

Plain and simple.
And double back to >>93804123 where ending one of the ways to end a grapple, the way being discussed, is if the distance between the Grappled target and the grappler exceeds the grapple's range.
Not the grappler's reach, not the attack's range, but the grapple's range. Which is why I ask, is "the grapple's range" a different entity than a grappler's reach.
Does a grapple performed at 10ft mean a grapple's range is 10ft for the duration of the Grappled condition?
Since we use natural language, reach and range are synonyms and since your unarmed strike has ended, your range is reduced to 5ft again.

It seems rather intentional, given that elemental attunement lasts 10 minutes, but the extended range only lasts for the attack.
Why does the DND adventurer's league ban evil aligned characters? do they just assume everyone is going to be an asshole?
Aren't you just like dungeon crawling in that? I want to be like an evil cleric who just wants the loot thing at the end. not some chaotically stupid fag who kills everyone for no reason
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Since a Grapple is now one of three outcomes of an Unarmed Strike rather than an option for an Attack action, does that mean I can Grapple via Unarmed Strike against a creature that provokes an opportunity attack and if successful, forcibly dropping the provoking creature's Speed to 0 thereby not allowing the creature to run away?
removing evil alignment greatly reduce the chance of chaotic stupid
Crossbow Expert is redundant with Martial Arts.

As for Flurry, eh, you're at range, that's a decent tradeoff.

>All smite spells are still melee only tho.
Really? They just said weapon attack in one of the playtests. I figured that was part of why they made it once a turn. Oh well, guess it has to be on thrown weapons like handaxes and javalins instead. Though it's not like the smites are your best choice of spellcasting most of the time anyways, so you're still not losing too too much.

you're ignoring the pull, which fixes this.
they don't want to give the ones who will be an excuse.
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>you're ignoring the pull, which fixes this.

You need to deal damage in order to pull

Yes. Which is a huge buff to grappling.
Grappler feat then.
Level 3 Evocation (Paladin)
Casting Time: Bonus Action, which you take immediately after hitting a creature with a Melee weapon or
an Unarmed Strike
Level J Evocation (Paladin)
Casting Time: Bonus Action, which you take immediately after hitting a target with a Melee weapon or
an Unarmed Strike
Level 1 Evocation (Paladin)
Casting Time: Bonus Action, which you take immediately after hitting a target with a Melee weapon or
an Unarmed Strike
Level 2 Transmutation (Paladin)
Casting Time: Bonus Action, which you take immediately after hitting a creature with a Melee weapon or
an Unarmed Strike
Level 4 Enchantment (Paladin)
Casting Time: Bonus Action, which you take immediately after hitting a creature with a Melee weapon or
an Unarmed Strike
Level 1 Evocation (Paladin)
Casting Time: Bonus Action, which you take immediately after hitting a target with a Melee weapon or
an Unarmed Strike
Level 1 Necromancy (Paladin)
Casting Time: Bonus Action, which you take immediately after hitting a creature with a Melee weapon or
an Unarmed Strike
I'mma be real with you chief, my laptop's battery completely fucked, I can only use it when plugged up, which basically makes it a very light weight desktop, and that has no been conducive to making internal link progress, since I've mostly been doing this kind of stuff while watching brainrot anime with my roommate. So I can only move it between rooms when I don't mind losing all of my in-private internet tabs and I don't have anything unsaved, generating, or rendering.
Yep, that works. But only on your turn. So you can't punch and run as an attack of opportunity
What's the order of operations here with all the mechanics?
>have Grappler feat
>Attack action on your turn with an Unarmed Strike at range
>use Damage option of the Unarmed Strike
>immediately resolve the elemental pull (?)
>target now in range of grapple
>use Grapple option of the Unarmed Strike because Grappler feat lets you use it too
Or must I resolve the Grapple option immediately after the Damage option and not allow the pull in between?
what is that from
They are your features, so you can choose their order of activation. But remember that they need to fail a STR save.

Thankfully, grappler's punch and grab says "on hit" so you don't have to decided to use punch and grab only for the pull STR save to fail and this not be in reach of the grapple.
Dammit, now I gotta be chaotic neutral instead, I hope you're happy!
just remember, burning down an orphanage is not a neutral act.
but what if I'm REAAAAAaaaLLLY wacky about it? Like I make silly deadpool quips as I dunk each kid in the gasoline?
Yea, that's evil.
But wackiness makes me chaotic neutral!
No it doesn't.

Chaotic neutral is for causeless rebels and NAP anarchists.
But I built another orphanage just the other day, Surely this balances the karma scales!
No it doesn't.
To feed your incendiary urchin addiction?

Nice try.
Well, yeah. If a game says it's one thing and it's not, then that's at the very least false advertising.
>never teach new players about help action
>they come up with a bunch of creative uses of useless shit during combat
>i say "sure, that gives advantage on the next attack, but it takes your action"
>they feel like they just hacked the game and Im an awesome dm
>play with idiots
>makes me feel smart

Very cool.
like I don't even want to do that. I just want to play as an evil cleric cultist who wants the McGuffin and is pragmatic about getting it and I do not want to do any radiant damage
>help gives truestrike
help action is banned
If mages were to be adapted with great accuracy then people would figure out they aren't really all that cool

>"I wanna conjure a Fire Elemental to my side and fight for me"
>"Erm that's gonna take a minute and hope no one dispels it or clocks you so hard you lose concentration and the Elemental tries to kill you :^)"

>"I wanna cast fireball on the enemy"
>"Erm whoopsies, that enemy has fire resistance and or immunity ahkctually :^)"

>"Can I use Mage hand to lift up my Halfling character and have him ride on it?"
>"Are you stupid?"

Mages aren't all just casting Eldritch blast and Magic missile, sometimes it's trying to understand which concentration spell is worth your time and then wondering why it's even concentration in the first place

Don't buy stuff frmo DnDBeyond, they made it so you have to buy the entire book if you want just one thing from it
I know true horror doesn’t work in 5th edition
But I’m running a setting that is dishonoured/bloodborn inspired for spooky monsters that will freak out players

is it too much for a shoggoth type creature to impose a dc21 wis save onto characters that look at it on a failed save taking 2d10 psychic damage and being blinded until the end of their next turn
The first one they meet will not actively be trying to kill the party and they should be fourth level around then
Does everyone have access to the new PHB book yet? If not I have an early physical copy in my hands right now. Pick a class or info and I’ll post a potato image of it.
spear and board/Ax and board farmer makes more sense as a fighter than as a barbarian since I can take dueling and take advantage of the shield since no reckless attack, right?
Pretty much, usually only good for familiars that can't attack anyway to bother with.
We've had access to the book for weeks.

Appreciate u tho
I mean, what IS it trying to do? They're all pretty damn likely to fails the saves and unless this thing is made of glass they're probably going to lose the fight. What happens in the likely case of them going down from this creature? Will they have an opportunity to retreat? Is this meant to teach them that if something looks like more then they can handle, it probably is and they should get the fuck away?
Okay cool. I’m still leaning Warlock because I like the new class feats. Is Hexblade still the strongest subclass?
my reading of it
>strongest buffs:
monk, fighter, bard, sorcerer
>biggest nerfs
barbarian, wizard, ranger

rogues get some good stuff with CA but it's mostly con/dex saves
>barb nerfed
brother barbarians are eating so good
how so?
>barb nerf

Hello? What game are you playing?
what's an additional property to give a +1 spear of wounding found in the tomb of a ancient hero / beastslayer?
something that happens on crit or a 1/day spell
which one?

>gnomes are earth elementals
>gnomes are windup toys
>gnomes are mushroom people
>gnomes are borrowers
>gnomes are halflings with symbiotic fungi
>gnomes are to wizards what hags are to witches
Gnomes depend on what other races are doing

>what are dwarves doing?
>what are halflings doing
>what are goblins doing?

If any of these races are occupying the same space that are gnome niches, then gnomes lore keeper fey. The average gnome lives five times as long as the longest lived elf, they live solitary lives or in communities of other fey creatures (not other gnomes) and they live to gather information and archive it.
how do you figure barbarian is better now?
sure you gain weapon mastery but bear totem now takes full damage from necrotic, and berserker loses its BA attack
I guess most beasts have bad INT, on a critical hit they make an int save or their brain gets fried, taking some psychic damage and giving them disadvantage on attacks next turn alongside halving their movement as they twitch and spasm.
I dunno, any more deets or feats on this beastslayer that could suggest the sort of ability his weapon bestowed upon him?
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>weapon masteries
>STR for barb skills while raging
>rage is maintained by
-attacking (not hitting) an enemy
-forcing them to make a saving throw (not making them fail)
-using a bonus action to extend it.
-rage lasts for 10 minutes

for those in the back, RAGE LASTS 10 MINUTES

brutal strike also combines with your weapon mastery, so you can knock back a chud 25ft with one attack. This, along with buffs to grappling >>93804695, >>93804713 Gives Barbs huge battlefield control which is what they need to perform as a "tank"
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I want to play an Eladrin, any class recs?
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>bear nerfed
not a huge loss with how much utility they got
>and berserker loses its BA attack
No one played berserker

look me in the eye and tell me this isn't powerful.
Earth Elementals that looks like mushroom people, it helps make them look different and be unique
Got to admit the nerf to bear totem is interesting. Yeah in theory there aren't too many fights that foes will be throwing more then two non physical damage types at you, but with how newbie friendly barbarian usually is as a class (well, assuming frenzy barbarian was a mistake...), I wonder how many people will fuck up when picking the damage types to resist when they rage. Or pick the wrong damage types because "my character wouldn't know these things do X damage".
Although they weren't "just" nerfed to be fair, the Ram totem ability that is basically just the wolf one on level 14 no longer needs your bonus action to knock the foe prone, which is nice.
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It's all damage types except for force, radiant necrotic, and psychic (still).
im going more for the ancient warrior vibe and flavor, something that deals psychic damage would not really fit

im gonna go with "on crits, deals 1 additional die to large creatures, 2 to huge, 3 to garg"
it's mostly useless but very flavorful and simple
It really isn't that bad of a nerf either. The whole point was to make it so that Bear totem wasn't the only choice.
>Tfw you made duncan the tall in your D&D game
What are some good "Urban" monsters.
I'm planning to have the players venture through the condemned part of an OLD city, but all I've got is the standard ideas of cranium rats, undead and hobos.
End yourself slopposter.
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Yea, eagle is looking mighty fine (wolf is worse with vex existing). Falcon is huge with the "short burst falls" removed from it.

Straight up, 10 minutes of flying. Take grappler and charizard style seismic toss people. If you took eagle, you can bonus action dash to move 80ft total straight up into the air.
Is being hit by antimatter comparable to Force damage? Radiant damage?
force or untyped
disintegrate does force
>day time
phase spiders
mephits (steam, fire, smoke)
rot grubs

>night time
elder darklings
vampire spawns
oozes (your run of the mill oozes or something like slithering tracker)
shadows and reflections
What was their gimmick again
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ok, good night.
man who cares about level 14
90% of the time you're playing levels 1-8, and even if you arent then by the time you're level 14 you're doing so much crazy shit that "causes prone" is an absolute joke.
>so you can knock back a chud 25ft with one attack.
> "cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers"
why are you being antisemitic? why don't you use a better word for evil nonhumans like communist?
For me, it's Archfey bladelock
I'm supposed to be co-running a 5e Campaign later this year.
I think Forgotten Realms, and pretty much all of the D&D "Official" settings are dogshit. My players have no interest in those settings, either. They've been done to death, and we generally detest the general 'vibe' of most official D&D lore.
Can anyone suggest some third party alternative settings?
They still wanna do 5e D&D, so the very least I can do is present something that isn't the same old shit over and over again.
Yes, I'm aware I could make my own and handwave/modify existing shit, but I'm just exploring options so I don't have to resort to that.
can a human barbarian choose to take his aoo with an unarmed strike in 5.5e? and therefore initiate a grapple contest on hit
could you always aoo with an unarmed strike? or is that new
Pretty sure you could always do unarmed strikes for your AoO in 5e
What's new in 5.5e is grappling is no longer a special Attack action but an outcome under the umbrella that is an Unarmed Strike which makes it eligible for an AoO
>you can get pact of blade with a level 1 dip and it works fine with paladin smites
mega gay
>mega gay
its minmaxer fagshit, fagola
>I'm a paladin, but I'm gunna sell my soul to satan so I can just max out cha instead of str
my only guess is it might be worse in dnd than bg3 since heavy armor requires a min strength
>I'm a paladin, but I'm gunna sell my soul to satan so I can just max out cha instead of str
that sounds exactly like something a player that does minmax'ing would do
They have a built in Misty step and the Igloo ones can make you a little scared when they use it front of you
>mages are just people who fight with laser machine guns and bazookas
I hate anime slop so much bros.
if that's anime then anime is better than what you like
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>two different types of hit resolution and three types of damage roll in one single attack action.
Not saying this is unbalanced or too complicated, but holy shit this some sloppy game design.
>cleave attack
>"i want to use my sweeping attack too"
seems pretty clean to me. why are you struggling with it?
All of theese are good suggestions.
This + anything "vermin" and I have enough to fill up any encounter. Thanks man.
>why are you struggling with it?
I don't like sloppy game design.
Dark Sun is an official D&D setting that you should look into.
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Who the fuck tested this, lol.
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is this as strong as it seems
so just decide to like it instead? what's your problem
>just like shit
KEK, made me reply!
>"maybe try not hating things?"
>anon is mindbroken
what did he mean by this
Did they rush this development? the weapon masteries look really clunky and out of place.
maybe grim hollow, if they're into that kinda style
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>gnomes are to wizards what hags are to witches
I like this one
is it even possible to play a circle of spores druid without being a massive stoner?
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It makes me feel bad for Rogues, Cunning Strike is 5th level and costs them 1d6 Sneak Attack damage to POSSIBLY trip a Large or smaller target. In contrast, Hill Giant's Hill Tumble works PB times a LR on hit.
Its probably not broken, but its good to be able to instantly without a save trigger a condition. Its why I think new Branding Smite, Summon Undead, and Ray of Sickness have some solid use now.
I mean Fey do worse things on a regular basis and they're the poster child for CN.
Barb got one of the biggest buffs of all classes, Wizard got tiny adjustments to ultra late game features and Ranger just didn't get any buffs.
For me it's Fiend Bladelock with level 1 as Fighter.
>selling soul
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I got some players!
I've decided to run a one-shot since most of us are meeting for the first time, just to make sure everyone gets along and wants what I'm selling. Thinking maybe 8th level, not sure if I will tie it to the real campaign.

Any advice?
Thank goodness these are so shit, I can keep on using my own rules and just ignore this garbage.
Certainly set it in your campaign world, to introduce the setting, but I would only loosely tie it in to the actual campaign.

How experienced are the players? If there are people new to 5e, then 8th level is going to be ambitious. Even if the players have experience, I'd keep it to 3rd or 5th level.

Good luck, hope it works out for you.
>set it in your campaign world, to introduce the setting
>If there are people new to 5e, then 8th level is going to be ambitious
Didn't think of that. I'll make it a bit lower-key, thanks

In the character builder with free material at least, the custom background function only provides what the old backgrounds did - no origin feat, no ability score increases. I haven't tried homebrewing one from scratch though.
Never seen this before, but the the staff twirling and casting style is making me think Dragon Age.

Ah, gotcha. Been there, sucks. If I've got downtime, I might try playing with links some then. I'd go back to the thumbs version unless something else good comes out in the next few days... This is all theory for me anyway, my two campaigns are at levels 4 & 5 of 12-15 level adventures, and I know we definitely won't switch till after those are done - may not switch even then.
>Gnomes aren't real
that's what the gnomes would prefer that you believe
If MotM is anything to go by for the new MM, monsters will do random damage type whether it makes sense or not, so I expect all the damage types barbarians aren't resistant to show up more than before.
Antimatter rifle in the DMG does necrotic.
That depends on why you find all of them dogshit.
The most effective lies are those you wish to be true.
did the DMG get leaked? I want to see the gods list and if death clerics are still a thing
Can't buy what's not on offer lmao.
>no I signed a deal with the guy the horned guy the jewish people worship
>my soul is 100% not on the line
Since it's not part of the contract, correct. Why do you keep stating the obvious?
its part of the contract. read the fine print when dealing with the red, horned jewish god
Reminder that the Jews don't believe Satan or hell exist at all. And that hell isn't in the Christian bible either, it was added in fanfic about 1000 years after the Catholic Church assembled the final set of books into the bible.
the jewish people literally worship a red guy with horns who gives them their warlock powers over the banking system
Where do you hear this nonsense? Or is it just your schizophrenia talking?
where do you think they get their devilish powers to manipulate gold to attack someone's credit score directly or to poison the well?

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